New Hope After Poor Health And Depression

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Delray Acton


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000058

00:23 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:27 In our studio today we have a young man
00:29 that came to us quite ill,
00:32 and I'd like to show you a segment when he first arrived.
00:36 The reason I came to NEWSTART and Weimar is
00:40 a year and a half ago I had a detached retina,
00:43 and it left me with about two months
00:47 in bed face down, or in general face down.
00:50 Problems developed from then --
00:53 tightness, soreness, pain in the body.
00:56 Here recently it's gotten worse.
00:59 In the last three months or so,
01:03 it's gotten to the point where
01:09 I just have thoughts that
01:12 I don't really know if I'll be here in a year or two.
01:16 It's just...seems like there was no hope physically.
01:21 Things just are going downhill and not finding answers.
01:25 I would like to have a better outlook on life,
01:28 physically, spiritually, mentally,
01:33 and get back to normal life.
01:38 Hi friends, welcome back,
01:40 and in our studio, Del.
01:41 How are you, sir? - Fine.
01:43 Good to see you. - Good to be here.
01:44 You know, something is on my mind,
01:46 I just want to ask you, and perhaps the viewers
01:49 would like to know the answer.
01:51 You said there was a point where you didn't know
01:53 whether you were going to be here in a year.
01:55 What did that mean?
01:58 Well, that meant physically I was just in so much pain
02:02 I was to the point where I didn't feel a lot of the pain,
02:06 and it seemed as though my life was not going anywhere.
02:09 I was on disability,
02:10 couldn't do a job, had a family to take care of,
02:14 and I just felt that perhaps
02:19 not being here would be just as well as being here.
02:22 So I was just...not much hope.
02:25 - I didn't really see any hope
02:27 for things getting better physically.
02:30 And I saw that, and now I have to ask you,
02:35 Do you have hope?
02:36 Yeah. Yes, I do.
02:38 You have hope. - Mhmm.
02:39 - And why do you have hope now?
02:42 Well, being here at the NEWSTART,
02:47 I've gotten in touch with the circadian rhythms
02:50 and I'm getting up earlier, and going to bed earlier.
02:54 [laughter]
02:56 That helps a great deal.
02:57 - Isn't it amazing how that works?
02:59 You go to bed earlier, it makes you get up earlier.
03:00 - Mhmm, yeah.
03:02 But continue on with that, please.
03:03 Yeah. They keep us so busy here
03:06 walking around so much.
03:10 We have to do so much exercise
03:11 just to keep up with the program
03:14 that there's not really much time for rest in between.
03:19 [laughter]
03:20 But you do get to a point where you just...
03:23 sometimes I just skip my walks and
03:25 take a little...take a little
03:27 nap, a little relaxation.
03:29 So that helps. - Now you mentioned
03:30 exercise. What form of exercise?
03:34 Well, when I came here I was
03:37 only able to walk about a mile a day.
03:39 That's about all I could handle,
03:41 and that would wear me out.
03:43 And now with the nutrition and everything else
03:46 that's going on around here, I'm up to 5 miles a day
03:49 - Wow! - before I'm really
03:51 saying that's enough. - Congratulations!
03:54 And you had a treadmill yesterday,
03:57 did you not? - Yes, mhmm.
03:58 How did you fare on your treadmill test?
04:00 Tell us about that.
04:02 Well, I just came back from seeing Doctor DeRose,
04:06 and my treadmill has improved.
04:10 I have a little minor thing with my lower heart,
04:15 with the heartbeat,
04:16 but it's insignificant, so...
04:20 I'm good to exercise.
04:21 Get my heart rate up to the maximum, 180 beats per minute,
04:26 and just keep on going till I get tired.
04:29 180 beats per minute? You're going up that high?
04:32 Yeah, that was the maximum.
04:34 I used to be runner, so my heart's pretty strong.
04:37 - Oh that's right! Yeah...
04:39 So then, 5 miles is really not a big deal for you.
04:42 Well, it is, looking at the last year and a half.
04:46 It is to me, yeah. - Okay.
04:48 If I go back 20 years ago, yeah, 5 miles was...
04:51 Twenty years ago we could all go 5 miles easy!
04:54 Running, or whatever.
04:57 So what else has happened?
04:59 Your attitude seems to have changed here.
05:03 Tell me what is going on here.
05:06 Tell our audience, if you would - our viewers.
05:10 Well, we're just...
05:12 There's just so much of the presence of God here.
05:15 All the staff, everybody's just in tune
05:18 and walking with Jesus.
05:20 And it's just evident.
05:23 It just shows in everything they do--
05:24 their helpfulness, what they say...
05:27 And we have the.... In the morning we have
05:31 the chaplain speaking with us,
05:34 and three lectures a day on health,
05:37 and there's always Bible verses included in all that.
05:42 And it's just... it builds your faith.
05:45 So then that way, it builds the rest of you, too.
05:50 So what did you think when you first...
05:54 Let me just say, when I first visited my doctor
05:57 and they asked if they could pray with me,
05:59 it really shocked me.
06:01 A doctor that wants to pray with me?!
06:05 You know, at that time I was not a Christian.
06:08 Of course I am now, but
06:10 tell me what you thought when
06:13 the first staff member asked you to pray with them,
06:15 or did they mind.
06:17 Yeah, that was great.
06:20 I'm always looking for people that want to pray with you.
06:23 That's a nice thing. That's a great thing.
06:26 And when they started doing that here, I said,
06:28 "Wow. Maybe this is just this one person doing this,
06:31 you know, and they won't do it again."
06:33 But no - every time you meet with somebody
06:35 they want to pray with you.
06:37 So you found this to be true... How about hydro?
06:40 Did they pray with you at hydro? - Oh yeah.
06:42 The hydro and massage therapy, that was great.
06:46 That's really done a lot for me physically.
06:48 And Jerry, when he'd start to work on me he would
06:51 stop and place his hands on me and he'd have a word of prayer
06:54 that God would direct his hands to where they needed to go
06:58 and fix the problem.
06:59 And it works.
07:01 So what I'm hearing you say then,
07:04 that all these visits with various staff members
07:08 from the cooking school - Sally Christensen,
07:11 to Doctor DeRose, to Jerry Flores,
07:13 to the many people that you've met here,
07:16 that your hope has been built from there,
07:19 and now you have a trust in the Lord
07:21 that's going to take care of you.
07:23 - Yes. I wish I'd have said that.
07:25 [laughter] I did say that!
07:28 No, that's... You know, that is so
07:31 profound. I'm so... I feel so blessed
07:34 to hear you speak those words.
07:37 Because you know, whether you realize it or not,
07:40 there's people viewing this
07:42 that are going, "Oh, I just needed to hear
07:44 that God is alive and well."
07:46 You know, for those folks,
07:48 and our staff members who are going,
07:50 "Yes! What inspiration,"
07:52 because, that's the icing on the cake--
07:55 your testimony.
07:56 - Yeah. Good.
07:58 And I want to hear more of it,
07:59 So please, go on. What else now?
08:03 Well, I lay in bed for 12 hours plus a day,
08:09 and just didn't have the get-up-and-go.
08:14 And with the nutrition and the exercise,
08:18 I'm getting up at 5 am, going to bed at 10 pm.
08:24 And my energy is starting to come up,
08:27 and it's a long process,
08:30 but I think I'm good enough now to have cataract extraction
08:34 and get my vision hopefully, Lord willing,
08:37 back to where it... close to where it was before,
08:40 and continue on with life.
08:48 Well, there's much more I could say,
08:49 but I can't quite think of it right now.
08:51 [laughter] - Okay.
08:54 Any time you feel, just butt right in there.
08:57 Okay, so Doctor DeRose has given you the "go" sign
09:02 to get back home.
09:04 Are you going to be the cook there,
09:05 or what's going to happen when you get back home?
09:07 Well, that's a good point.
09:09 I brought my daughter with me,
09:11 and we have a 1-1/2 year old at home,
09:13 so my wife stayed home, my daughter came with me.
09:16 So when we get back home,
09:17 between my daughter and my wife and I,
09:19 we'll figure out what we're going to do.
09:22 And it's going to be as close to
09:24 what we have learned here as possible.
09:27 So, is your wife vegan at this point,
09:28 or vegetarian?
09:30 No, in the summertime we've raised turkeys and chickens,
09:34 for food, and eat that,
09:36 but I've been slowing down the past couple months anyway, so...
09:40 this was no big shock to my system coming here,
09:43 and I think when we get back home
09:45 we'll pretty much follow the diet that we've learned here,
09:49 because it's helping better than anything else so far.
09:53 - Wonderful.
09:54 Is there any last... We have a few seconds left.
09:56 Any last comment you want to make?
10:00 Well, the staff here is just great.
10:03 And I gotta say that
10:05 I think this is about as close to heaven
10:07 as you're going to get on earth.
10:09 without Jesus actually being here in person.
10:12 - Amen. - It's just great.
10:13 Del, thank you so much for coming in the studio here.
10:17 - And folks, don't go away,
10:18 because Doctor DeRose will be here in just a second.
10:22 Well, you've done very well.
10:30 Do you have diabetes,
10:32 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:34 or do you weigh too much?
10:36 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:39 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:43 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:46 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test,
10:49 physician consultations,
10:52 culinary school,
10:53 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
10:56 in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:00 Your health is one of the most
11:02 important things that you have. Don't wait.
11:04 Give us a call at:
11:09 Or visit our website:
11:28 Welcome back, friends,
11:30 and in our studio, Dr. David DeRose.
11:32 How are you, Doctor? - Very good, Ron.
11:34 Doctor, I just have to say this,
11:36 that we do serve a God of hope.
11:38 Oh, amazing. An amazing God of hope.
11:40 I mean, you hear a story like Del's, and
11:43 to be honest with you, even as his physician,
11:45 I didn't realize how bleak
11:47 things were when he first arrived.
11:49 I saw it... I've sensed it because
11:52 I was there at one time in my life.
11:55 And I saw...and particularly when he said,
11:58 "You know, I didn't know if I was going to be here,
11:59 whether I even wanted to be here."
12:01 I don't think those were his exact words,
12:04 but now we see a different guy.
12:06 Definitely. I mean, it's a common phenomenon for people.
12:09 If they have any kind of chronic condition,
12:11 chronic health problems,
12:12 you start to wonder, I mean,
12:14 "Am I ever going to feel well again?"
12:16 And you can understand why someone would say,
12:19 "Do I want to be around?" and
12:21 you know, "Or is this the end for me?"
12:22 - Yeah.
12:24 And so, that seems to be...
12:26 is it fair to say, then, that
12:29 people who are sick and tired
12:33 enter into a state of depression?
12:35 Is this common?
12:36 It's very common. We call it a reactive depression.
12:39 The garden variety depression, if you will,
12:42 is what we call an endogenous depression.
12:44 That means it just kind of comes up on its own,
12:47 but many people are depressed for reasons.
12:50 Technically we call that a reactive depression.
12:54 The body's reacting to something,
12:55 whether it's a loss of a spouse,
12:58 whether it's the loss of a job,
12:59 whether it's the loss of finances.
13:01 Usually some kind of a loss.
13:02 Whether it's the loss of health, our human response
13:06 is typically to be depressed,
13:08 to be down about it.
13:09 Unless, with the Lord's help, or for some other reason,
13:14 we focus our mind above the loss.
13:18 I have to ask this because
13:21 I remember a runner by the name of Fisk
13:24 who died of a heart attack.
13:26 Oh, Jim Fixx, yeah. - Oh, it's Fixx.
13:29 And, yes, that was the runner.
13:31 And I know that this gentleman used to be a runner.
13:34 Did that have anything to do with his
13:37 recuperating from this, or can anybody expect
13:41 to get well by being here?
13:43 Well, I mean, the Jim Fixx story is an interesting one.
13:47 I actually heard one of the doctors who knew Jim
13:51 speak at a conference.
13:53 He had encouraged Jim to get his heart checked.
13:56 Apparently he was having some heart symptoms.
13:58 But Fixx, who I believe was a physician himself,
14:03 felt that all his running was protecting his heart.
14:06 And he actually, you know, overdid it apparently one day,
14:10 and died.
14:11 So, exercise is something...
14:15 I share that illustration,
14:17 we're talking about someone, and
14:18 the first response that many people have,
14:20 "Well if you can die exercising, I'm not gonna die."
14:24 Or the other response, and I've heard this story too before,
14:27 where people...
14:28 I remember the story of one gentleman who
14:30 was so depressed he decided he was going to kill himself.
14:34 And he didn't want it to look like a suicide,
14:36 so he'd heard that people can die exercising,
14:39 so he started running as hard as he could.
14:41 And the interesting thing was,
14:44 he didn't drop dead with a heart attack,
14:46 but the exercise improved his mood!
14:49 - Isn't that interesting!
14:50 - And he overcame his depression.
14:52 So exercise is a powerful, mood-stabilizing activity.
14:57 If you're down, it tends to raise your mood,
15:00 If you're very anxious or hyper,
15:02 exercise tends to help tone you down.
15:04 So it's clearly a part of the equation.
15:05 But it's not the whole part of the equation because
15:08 if you do have a heart condition or something,
15:10 it can be problems.
15:11 And that's why when people come here
15:13 to the NEWSTART program,
15:14 the second day they're here
15:16 we have them on the treadmill
15:18 making sure that exercise is safe for them.
15:21 Or if it's dangerous, we restrict their exercise.
15:24 For example, if I have a patient
15:27 and we're exercising them and I start to see
15:29 changes on their EKG,
15:31 I will either stop the test or
15:33 after we finish the test instruct the person,
15:36 "Look at...." Show them their test, say,
15:38 "You started showing changes
15:40 when your heart rate got to be 120.
15:42 I want you to keep your heart rate below 120,
15:44 because it's potentially dangerous to go above that.
15:47 So we try to cover that.
15:49 when we have people come here to the NEWSTART program.
15:52 Now I know that the day before the treadmill test
15:55 you do a blood draw, as well.
15:57 Is that correct? - That's right, that's right.
15:59 And then you visit our guests
16:03 the first day they're here, is that correct?
16:05 That's right. The first full day they're here
16:06 --they arrive on a Sunday, that's a partial day.
16:09 They're getting in, they get some orientation.
16:11 First full day, Monday morning,
16:13 we do some baseline blood work,
16:15 just see where they stand.
16:17 We do a nice, fairly complete panel
16:19 that looks at everything from the thyroid
16:21 to the kidneys, to the liver,
16:22 cholesterol, blood sugar,
16:24 complete blood count, urine assessment.
16:27 And then, we actually that same day,
16:30 a little bit later, we see them in the medical clinic.
16:32 There's three of us physicians here.
16:34 Each one has their own personal physician.
16:37 We go over their medical history,
16:39 do an exam.
16:40 And then the next day we're doing the stress test
16:44 and working with them throughout the program.
16:47 Now of course if someone has recently had a stress test
16:50 or there's some reason not to do that,
16:51 it's all individualized. - Yes.
16:53 And so we're not just putting people onto some assembly line
16:57 and then they all have to have, you know, such and such done.
17:00 But we find that there's some things that can
17:03 really streamline the program,
17:04 give us a lot of information that
17:07 we give back then to the patient.
17:08 This is not kind of a black box program
17:11 where we get information, we don't tell the patient,
17:13 we just say, you know, "Take this pill,
17:14 do this, do that." It's an educational program.
17:17 - Right.
17:18 You know, I understand that there's approximately
17:22 five or six visits in those two weeks
17:25 that the guests are here. Is that correct?
17:27 Typically we're seeing them at least 6 times.
17:29 - Six times. Over the course of the 3 weeks.
17:30 Now I have to tell you this.
17:32 I thought it was just a great benefit
17:34 that I could eat breakfast with my doctor
17:37 and lunch,
17:38 and of course they talked me out of eating dinner,
17:40 because I could lose weight faster.
17:42 But that is so inspirational
17:44 to see the doctor right there
17:45 eating the same food,
17:47 and you could ask him questions.
17:49 I think that was exciting for me.
17:51 Yeah, there's a lot of social interaction with the staff here.
17:54 Different staff members are there for different meals.
17:58 Some of the doctors are frequent features there
18:02 at the mealtime.
18:03 And sometimes the patients joke,
18:06 "Well, you know, it's hard to not follow a good diet
18:09 when your doctor is watching you."
18:10 [laughter]
18:12 But really, it's more of a family atmosphere
18:16 where we're interacting with you
18:19 in a variety of settings as a team.
18:21 Now I want to get back to Delray who had this problem
18:26 with his eye, and I assume that's corrected
18:29 and now he's going to have cataract surgery.
18:33 What else, aside from the depression,
18:35 was he dealing with that you were able to help him with?
18:38 Well, I mean, I think you caught
18:40 from Del, you know, from his perspective,
18:42 the fact that he came here, like you said,
18:45 quite depressed,
18:47 he had a number of health concerns,
18:49 and you mentioned the vision-- that was a huge thing.
18:52 But just put yourself in the position of someone like Del
18:56 who had a detached retina.
18:57 What they do is they often put a bubble in the eye,
19:01 and that's why they have to lay on their stomachs
19:03 so that bubble rises with gravity
19:06 and keeps the retina pushed up against the back of the eye.
19:10 The retina is kind of the back membrane, if you will,
19:13 the visual membrane in the back of the eye.
19:16 He was laying face down for two months, he said!
19:19 Yeah, it's a very difficult thing,
19:21 and you can just imagine what that does
19:23 to your energy level, your strength.
19:26 One of the most efficient ways
19:27 to rob you of strength and mobility
19:30 is to put you at bed rest.
19:31 And so you can just imagine what anyone goes through
19:34 who deals with a detached retina.
19:36 So when Del shared with you
19:37 that he was only able to walk a mile
19:40 before getting very fatigued,
19:42 for someone who had been as he indicated,
19:45 highly fit before,
19:46 this was, you know, a dramatic decrease.
19:50 in his mobility, in his functioning,
19:52 in his energy level.
19:54 And when you have that kind of a change,
19:56 that really puts a toll on a person.
19:58 We see such a blessing in him now.
20:01 I was so inspired and so grateful I should say,
20:04 to see him feeling better
20:07 and knowing he had this hope
20:09 and he could move forward.
20:11 Will you be staying in touch with him
20:14 and your other patients that you're seeing?
20:16 One of the things we do is
20:18 it's basically kind of an open phone line, if you will.
20:20 All our patients leave with our contact information
20:23 And we don't force ourselves on anyone
20:26 who comes through the program.
20:27 If they had enough of me after three weeks,
20:29 you know, I'm not going to
20:31 harass them for the rest of their life.
20:32 But the point is,
20:34 I just had someone call me who
20:36 left the program a few weeks ago.
20:37 They had questions.
20:39 Someone the other day from a program several months ago...
20:42 So basically, whether we're calling,
20:45 checking up on someone,
20:46 whether they're taking the initiative,
20:48 some real close contact.
20:49 You're part of the Weimar family
20:51 when you go through the NEWSTART program.
20:52 If you don't want to hear from us,
20:54 we respect that,
20:55 but we want to be available
20:57 if you have needs when you're back home.
20:59 And I thought that was a tremendous benefit for me
21:01 that I could call Dr. Michael Orlich,
21:04 which was my doctor,
21:05 and I could call him any time of day or night.
21:08 And I want to thank you for that,
21:11 and thank you for being here,
21:13 and thank you for being on our show.
21:14 - Oh, it's a tremendous blessing and privilege.
21:16 It's always good to see you.
21:18 Thanks so much. - Yeah.
21:19 And folks, that's it for right now,
21:21 but don't go away.
21:23 We have an important message right after this.
21:40 Welcome to NEWSTART at Home.
21:41 I'm Dr. David DeRose, your host today,
21:44 and we're going to be looking at a fascinating topic.
21:46 To help us do that is Hildelisa Flickenger.
21:49 Hildelisa, it's wonderful to have you with us today.
21:52 Nice to be here.
21:53 For some of our viewers, they may not have met you.
21:56 You've got some very impressive credentials when it comes to
21:59 the subjects of nutrition.
22:01 You have a masters of science in nutrition,
22:02 is that correct? - I do.
22:04 - You're also a registered dietician,
22:06 you've worked with very difficult clinical patients,
22:10 some of the most difficult in the hospital,
22:12 dealing with things like what we call parenteral nutrition.
22:15 What is just parenteral nutrition,
22:17 for those who aren't in the know?
22:19 Parenteral nutrition is a specialty
22:21 within the field of dietetics or nutrition
22:24 that deals with the critically ill,
22:26 often patients that are in the ICU,
22:28 and basically gives them nutrition through an IV.
22:32 Okay, so you've dealt with this very high-tech science,
22:35 you've been in the intensive care units, the ICUs,
22:38 and yet you have a special interest in helping
22:41 people in every walk of life
22:43 really have better health. Isn't that right?
22:45 Definitely, and we do need that.
22:47 And Hildelisa, you have some
22:49 interesting roles here on the Weimar campus.
22:52 Tell our viewers a little bit about
22:53 what you're involved with currently.
22:55 I'm one of the instructors for
22:57 the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism.
23:00 I'm one of the health instructors there.
23:02 Tremendous. I know a lot of
23:04 exciting things are happening there.
23:05 Young people, people of all ages,
23:07 getting energized about how health
23:09 can make a difference in
23:10 ministering to their communities.
23:12 And today we want to look at a
23:13 very important health topic, don't we?
23:15 - Definitely.
23:16 We're going to look at
23:17 a little bit about the obesity crisis in America.
23:21 And we know that we also have
23:23 a crisis in the diet-related diseases,
23:27 such as diabetes, and hypertension, and cancer.
23:31 So Hildelisa, when we speak about overweight and obesity,
23:35 most people don't like the term "obesity," but
23:39 many people, whether they meet the medical definition of
23:42 being obese, or whether they just know
23:44 they've got to trim down,
23:46 the same issues are really relevant,
23:48 aren't they, as far as just losing some pounds?
23:51 Definitely.
23:52 Now, you know, I meet a lot of people that are ready
23:55 to make changes, especially in their diet habits.
23:58 And the federal government has issued different models
24:02 to guide the American public as to
24:04 what a healthy diet should be.
24:06 And we've all seen the food guide pyramids, of course.
24:11 And actually, the first food pyramid
24:14 was issued about two decades ago.
24:17 - But it's interesting to know that since then,
24:19 diabetes and obesity are commonplace.
24:23 And just a couple of impressive statistics,
24:26 27 percent of young adults
24:29 are too overweight to qualify for military service.
24:32 - Twenty-seven percent? Twenty-seven.
24:34 And 1 in 3 children born in 2000 will develop diabetes.
24:40 Wow. So we got a huge problem.
24:42 The food pyramid hasn't solved it.
24:44 Is there a better way of planning our nutrition
24:47 beside using the food pyramid?
24:49 Yes, there is a better way.
24:51 Now, the good thing about the food pyramid is that
24:54 it does tell people to eat more fruits and vegetables.
24:58 However, it does recommend that they eat
25:01 two to three servings each from the meat group
25:04 and the dairy products.
25:06 And that's in spite of studies that show that
25:09 these foods increase risk for chronic disease
25:12 and increase obesity.
25:13 So you're saying that the meat and the dairy products
25:16 are not good things if we're trying to lose weight?
25:19 Definitely not.
25:20 Now just some interesting facts.
25:22 Do you know that the average American eats
25:24 more than 215 pounds of meat a year?
25:29 And that's up from 144 pounds in 1950.
25:33 215 pounds, the average American.
25:36 Now Hildelisa, I'm going to be honest with you,
25:38 I'm a vegetarian.
25:40 - So there's going to be someone else
25:41 who's eating those 215 pounds that they attribute to me.
25:44 - That's right.
25:46 So something is maybe a bit confusing
25:49 about this food pyramid,
25:50 and it recommends foods that are unhealthful
25:53 and unnecessary.
25:55 But fortunately, like you said, there is an option out there,
25:59 and it's called the Power Plate.
26:02 And it basically... It's put out by the
26:04 Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine,
26:07 and it has recommendations based on research
26:12 that shows that plant-based foods
26:14 are the most nutritious, and protect against diseases.
26:18 - This is tremendous. So really, we want to be eating
26:20 more of those fruits, grains, legumes,
26:23 the bean family, and vegetables.
26:24 This is powerful stuff, Hildelisa.
26:26 I hope you've enjoyed this brief look at nutrition,
26:30 how you can, by choosing more plant foods,
26:32 make a difference in your weight.
26:34 If you want more information, you can go to our
26:37 NEWSTART Lifestyle Club.
26:39 Simply:
26:41 for that additional information.
26:52 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back
26:54 to theories developed in the mid-1800s.
26:57 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
27:01 our educational system today.
27:03 The Common School Movement, for example,
27:06 saw schools more like a factory,
27:08 with students blindly memorizing instruction
27:11 rather than thinking for themselves.
27:13 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical.
27:16 Instead of being flexible and practical,
27:19 it was designed to conform the individual
27:21 into a specific ideological mold
27:24 that fit the needs of an old industrial era
27:27 long since passed.
27:29 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:33 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:37 radically different from the one we see now.
27:52 Well friends, that's it for today.
27:54 Pick up that phone and give us a call at:
28:03 Have a great day. God bless.


Revised 2013-06-17