Muscular Problems Solved

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Una Bourne


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000052

00:23 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART NOW.
00:27 In our studio today, we have Una Bourne.
00:31 Una came to us two weeks ago with some problems,
00:35 and I'd like to watch a clip of when she first arrived.
00:39 In November of last year,
00:41 I had an illness that prevented me from walking,
00:44 I couldn't walk at all,
00:46 and it affected my arms,
00:48 and most of the muscles, they were all weak.
00:51 And the Doctors were not sure what was wrong with me.
00:55 So while I was home recuperating,
00:58 I was watching television and I saw the NEWSTART program
01:03 on 3ABN, introducing Weimar.
01:06 So my husband suggested that I come here.
01:08 Well I've had a thyroid condition,
01:11 it was hyper,
01:13 and the doctor gave me a little bit too
01:15 much radioactive iodine and made it hypo,
01:18 so I have that condition.
01:20 Plus I am hyper-tensive, and I'm a little bit overweight.
01:24 I want to see my legs improve.
01:28 I want to be able to walk as I used to walk.
01:31 I want to regain the functions in my arms,
01:34 and I want my blood pressure to be in control,
01:38 and... lose some weight.
01:43 Welcome back friends, and in our studio is Una.
01:47 How are you Una? - I'm fine thank you.
01:49 You know when I watched that clip I saw when
01:51 you arrived here, you want a lot of things!
01:54 - Yes.
01:55 Tell me, what has happened to you since you've been here?
01:59 Well since I've been here, I have lost some weight,
02:03 not as much as I would like to, but I have lost some.
02:05 I have gained strength in my legs.
02:08 I'm now able to walk between five and six miles.
02:11 Oh! Now that's significant because
02:14 last year you couldn't walk at all.
02:16 No, I couldn't walk.
02:18 In November I couldn't walk at all.
02:19 In November you couldn't walk. - No.
02:22 And this is the first of March,
02:25 and so... what do you attribute this to?
02:30 I attribute it too...
02:32 good care,
02:33 and the program that is here, the NEWSTART program.
02:36 They emphasize exercise, good nutrition,
02:40 sunlight,
02:42 and I have been taking advantage of the program.
02:46 Now you're on medications?
02:48 Yes, I'm on medication.
02:50 Are you on the same amount of
02:51 medications as you were when you came?
02:53 No, I have not been taking some medication
02:56 because my condition has improved.
02:59 As a matter of fact my
03:01 cholesterol has gone down,
03:04 my blood pressure is really stable,
03:06 really really stable!
03:08 Are you taking blood pressure meds?
03:09 I was.
03:11 But no more. - No.
03:12 And your blood pressure is normal?
03:13 My blood pressure is good, yes.
03:15 Without medication? - Yes.
03:17 But it has to be monitored carefully.
03:19 Yes, or course. Yes.
03:21 And tell us more, have you
03:23 eliminated any other medications?
03:25 No I was not on a lot of medication,
03:28 because my condition, they did not know what was wrong with me,
03:31 so I was not receiving any medication for my illness.
03:36 And actually the doctor tells me that I need to, when I go home,
03:40 see my physician,
03:42 because I may not need to be taking my thyroid medication.
03:45 Oh really?
03:46 Yes, the thyroid levels,
03:48 the blood work that they did here,
03:50 it has shown great improvement.
03:52 Oh wonderful.
03:54 Now, I'd like you to tell our viewers
03:57 how it is that you arrived here,
03:59 I know at the first clip you mentioned
04:02 NEWSTART NOW, but tell us again.
04:05 Were you at home? Was it a Sunday afternoon?
04:08 When was it that you saw this program?
04:10 I had been home recuperating from my illness,
04:14 and I watch 3ABN all the time,
04:16 and this particular day,
04:17 I don't remember which day it was,
04:20 I was watching, and the NEWSTART program came on.
04:24 And I saw your program, so my husband suggested,
04:27 that I try to see, because I was just handicapped.
04:30 I wasn't able to do a lot of things,
04:33 but now...
04:35 praise be to God,
04:36 I am doing marvelous.
04:38 What made you think
04:40 coming to the NEWSTART program
04:42 that you would get better?
04:45 Because on their program I saw testimonials
04:48 of some of the NEWSTART guests,
04:50 and they were giving raving reviews
04:54 stating that they were sick,
04:57 their cholesterol was high,
04:58 they had high blood pressure, they had diabetes,
05:00 they had many things,
05:03 and when they came here,
05:05 the treatment helped them.
05:07 And some of them... one lady said she was in a wheelchair,
05:11 and didn't need the wheelchair anymore.
05:13 So I said, let me just go there,
05:15 because I just need to be able to walk!
05:19 Yes, praise God.
05:21 We have people that have come here in wheelchairs,
05:23 and they're walking circles around most the faculty now,
05:28 or the staff I should say.
05:30 So tell us, what part of the program did you like the most?
05:34 Well actually I liked the hydro, the hydro-therapy.
05:37 Everybody says they like the hydro-therapy!
05:39 - I liked the hydro-therapy.
05:40 - What about the hydro-therapy that was so good?
05:43 I thought I was going to be afraid of the hot and cold,
05:47 because someone had suggested it to me before,
05:50 but I was afraid of it.
05:52 But the way it was done here,
05:54 I was quite comfortable, and I liked it,
05:56 and I think it's very helpful.
05:59 So the hot and cold, is when they
06:01 do a contrasting shower,
06:03 and they put you in warm water, then they
06:06 reduce it and get it cold,
06:08 and you're trying to catch your breath!
06:10 and then they get it hot!
06:11 and you're too hot, and you start to sweat,
06:14 and then back and forth two or three times.
06:15 It's back and fourth, but it's not that drastic,
06:18 because they do it gradually.
06:19 I thought it was drastic,
06:21 because when I got it, it was drastic for me!
06:24 I didn't like the cold, I didn't like the hot!
06:26 I actually don't like the cold, I prefer the heat.
06:29 But it was not a drastic thing.
06:32 They did it gradually, and it was very helpful to me.
06:36 It was helpful to my aches and pains.
06:38 - Yes - Yes, and it
06:39 helped my knees greatly.
06:41 And now, what about the rest of your time here?
06:46 What else did you do that you enjoyed?
06:49 Or that you didn't enjoy?
06:51 Actually I enjoyed everything!
06:53 I enjoyed the food,
06:54 it's vegan style food.
06:57 I'm a vegetarian at home, but I was not a vegan.
07:01 And I find that I could live very nicely on a vegan recipe,
07:05 the food is good,
07:07 and it's attractive, well prepared,
07:11 and the cook seems to know what she's about.
07:14 And you learned to cook some of these vegan dishes...
07:16 - Yes, because we have cooking classes everyday.
07:20 Everyday, was Sally Christensen.
07:22 Yes.
07:23 Sally's been here like 20-25 years!
07:25 She's been here a long time but she's very valuable.
07:28 Very valuable, yes.
07:31 And what I'm really impressed about,
07:34 well I'm impressed about all our visits with guests
07:38 but particularly you're walking now.
07:40 You're walking how many miles a day?
07:42 Five to six.
07:43 Five to six miles a day,
07:45 and three months ago you couldn't even walk.
07:46 Right.
07:48 And it's so great that when it rains,
07:50 we go to the gym and use the treadmill.
07:53 We have a gym here that you can go
07:56 and use the treadmill and that suffices.
07:59 Ok, and your doctor again is?
08:02 Dr. DeRose.
08:04 - He's marvelous, he's a wonderful doctor.
08:07 You know he's new to our staff here,
08:10 by a couple of months now,
08:12 but Dr. DeRose is a wonderful man.
08:14 - Yes, I was very impressed when I went to see him,
08:19 my second visit,
08:21 he said to me, I though about you,
08:23 and I prayed for you.
08:25 And he gave me a Bible verse,
08:27 and I was so impressed, that I had to call my husband,
08:30 and tell him that
08:32 my doctor had thought about me prayed for me,
08:34 and brought me a Scripture verse.
08:35 I was very very impressed.
08:38 Isn't that amazing? - That is amazing.
08:40 That just... - And it's unusual.
08:42 You know when I went to visit my doctor,
08:44 when I went through here,
08:46 Michael Orlich was my doctor,
08:49 and I was so impressed by his wanting to pray,
08:53 and we knelt in his office, and we prayed. And I went, wow!
08:57 Something magical about this place.
08:59 -Yes.
09:00 Magic in that surely God's hand is upon Weimar.
09:06 And he prays for guidance to help me
09:09 with my diagnosis, and to help in treatment.
09:13 Yes, very good. - Good
09:16 Alright, what are we going to do now?
09:19 Your going to go home, here you are
09:21 you're back at your house
09:23 everybody there eats what?
09:27 It's just my husband and I, and he's already a vegetarian.
09:31 So I just... and he's very pliable,
09:32 I just have to introduce him to the vegan style!
09:36 You have to introduce him!
09:37 Yes.
09:39 I don't know how to take that, does that mean
09:40 that you're going to take the eggs and cheese away?
09:42 Actually he eats egg whites,
09:45 he doesn't eat egg yoke, and you can do without that.
09:48 Yes, you can do without the egg whites to?
09:50 Yes, you can do that.
09:51 and the cheese. - Yes.
09:54 Ok, and you're going to
09:57 stay on the program when you get home.
09:59 Yes, because I've shown so much improvement,
10:02 so I want to be back to my normal self.
10:06 Your on your way. - I'm on my way.
10:08 God Bless you.
10:10 Thank you very much.
10:11 And thank you so much for coming on our program.
10:13 - You're quite welcome.
10:14 And friends, we want to thank you also,
10:17 but don't go away, because
10:19 Dr. DeRose will be with us in a moment.
10:23 Well, you've done very well.
10:31 Do you have diabetes,
10:32 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:35 or do you weigh too much?
10:37 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:40 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:43 It includes a comprehensive medical
10:45 evaluation with laboratory studies and an
10:48 exercise stress test,
10:50 physician consultations,
10:52 culinary school,
10:54 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful
10:56 trails in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:01 Your health is one of the most
11:02 important things that you have. Don't wait.
11:05 Give us a call.
11:10 Or visit our website.
11:29 Welcome back friends, and as I promised,
11:31 Dr. DeRose in our studio, How are you Doctor?
11:34 Good. Good to be with you.
11:36 Doctor, I know you're new to Weimar,
11:39 for a couple of months now
11:41 but you're not new to the work, and you've been doing this work
11:45 is my understanding for 20 or 25 years,
11:48 can you tell our viewers,
11:50 those that don't know you that is,
11:52 and I'm sure you're well known out there,
11:54 where you come from and a
11:56 little bit about your background.
11:57 Well your exactly right, I've been
11:59 doing this work for about 20 or 25 years.
12:01 I graduated from medical school in the mid 80s,
12:04 84 to be precise,
12:06 I did a internal medicine residency,
12:08 and then went right into
12:09 lifestyle medicine, working with other
12:12 Christian practitioners first in Wildwood lifestyle center.
12:15 - And how long were you at Wildwood?
12:17 I was there a relatively short time, a year or two,
12:19 then went to the large Florida hospital,
12:22 was there leading out in some preventative medicine
12:25 activities at that large
12:26 Adventist medical center in Florida,
12:29 multicampus facilities.
12:32 And then was up in the New York city area for a
12:35 while at a small ministry called living springs.
12:38 Later I was one of the physicians who opened
12:40 the Lifestyle Center of America in Oklahoma.
12:43 From there I went on to consulting,
12:46 and health media
12:47 emphasis in a business that my wife and I started,
12:51 a few years ago was invited to cut
12:54 that work back to half time so I could pastor.
12:57 I was invited to pastor in
12:58 northern New England, so was doing
13:00 pastoral work, as well as
13:02 health, especially health education,
13:03 and health media.
13:05 So now the Lord has redirected me into clinical medicine,
13:10 so I feel like I'm reconnecting
13:11 many of those pieces that Jesus had,
13:13 even in the pastoral work I wasn't doing much in the lines
13:17 direct healing as far as patients,
13:19 I was doing a lot with health education.
13:21 So it's great to be back at Weimar,
13:23 I say back because
13:25 I've done things with Weimar over
13:26 the years although I've never been
13:28 a staff member here until just the last couple of months.
13:31 I first met you about a year and a half ago,
13:34 I guess you were here and you
13:36 lectured at the chapel,
13:39 I just learned a whole lot of
13:41 new information that was exciting.
13:45 I also see you at the college, you're teaching there?
13:48 I'm actually teaching at the Weimar College as well.
13:51 I had been teaching while pastoring,
13:54 I was pastoring half time, I was teaching in the
13:56 community college system there a little bit in Maine,
13:59 and have continued with the teaching here,
14:01 that was part of the invitation.
14:03 They wanted me to be active in patient care,
14:06 but also involved in teaching students.
14:08 A lot of what I did in ministry,
14:10 was health evangelism, interfacing health
14:13 and meeting community needs through health
14:15 just like Jesus did,
14:17 and then connecting that with spiritual ministry,
14:20 so we're training our
14:21 students in how they can get more
14:24 training in ministering to their communities.
14:26 We in fact just had a program last night,
14:28 where we saw many community members
14:30 come here to the Weimar campus,
14:32 and our students were involved giving massages,
14:35 and checking blood pressure
14:37 - Preparing foods, and all that.
14:39 Preparing foods, yes, it was incredible,
14:41 so really the whole
14:42 Weimar experience in a nutshell last night,
14:44 the whole NEWSTART program.
14:46 - In a couple hours that was pretty incredible!
14:49 Well I want to get to talking about Una.
14:54 Now three months ago, as you know Una couldn't walk.
14:57 Yes, amazing, amazing story.
14:58 What happened?
15:00 Let me just ask you a multiple of questions here,
15:03 What happened?
15:05 Why is this vegan diet so powerful?
15:09 What is it about this diet?
15:12 I know that it will cure most any ailment!
15:16 I mean I feel that in my heart,
15:17 and that's a pretty bold statement,
15:19 but I believe it.
15:21 Tell us something about that.
15:22 Well you know physicians like to feel that they know everything!
15:26 - Well of course!
15:28 - With the exception of the one sitting here!
15:31 Well you know, our team here,
15:33 we realize that God is the healer,
15:36 and I'm not trying to put down my fellow physicians,
15:39 but really we're trained
15:40 to try to master the art of diagnoses and treatment.
15:43 And it's very frustrating for the physicians
15:46 to have a problem that they can't really diagnose fully,
15:48 and that was the case with Una.
15:50 No one really convincingly diagnosed her at home,
15:54 they had a hypothesis that they were going with,
15:57 and to be honest we didn't do any better here,
15:59 we didn't send her off for a whole
16:01 battery of tests, and nail down exactly what was going on.
16:05 But what I've noticed over the years
16:07 in working with lifestyle medicine,
16:08 and using the Lord's simple programs,
16:10 is that when we apply God's principles,
16:13 diet, the exercise, the
16:15 hydrotherapy like you heard about, massage,
16:18 other natural remedies,
16:20 we're emphasising trust in God
16:22 and social support in the program
16:25 It's not just something that you
16:26 read a book about and do, you have
16:28 a whole group of people
16:29 that are sustaining one another as they go
16:31 through this lifestyle change experience.
16:33 I have just seen tremendous things happen,
16:36 and some of the most remarkable
16:37 experiences I've had with
16:38 patients in my life are the people
16:40 that I either can't diagnose,
16:42 or I diagnose them and I say,
16:44 Lord why did you send this person here?
16:46 I don't have anything to offer them.
16:48 There's no medical treatment
16:49 that we know of that can help them.
16:50 And that's why they're there,
16:52 because the doctors saw them
16:53 and they said, We can't help you.
16:55 And so they come to a place like Weimar,
16:57 and we don't really, intellectually
17:01 know any better than anyone else,
17:02 but we do know something that many doctors often forget,
17:06 and that is that the Lord is the healer.
17:08 And so our philosophy here,
17:11 is we look at a persons lifestyle,
17:13 we look at their life practices, then we look at the Bible.
17:17 We look at these simple concepts,
17:18 they're found in Genesis one and two.
17:20 What was God's original plan?
17:21 How did He want us to live?
17:23 And like you said it was a total vegetarian diet,
17:25 it's not a legalistic thing here,
17:26 where we say everyone has to be a total vegetarian.
17:29 But we say, why would in the beginning,
17:32 when God was creating people to live forever,
17:34 why would He give them a diet that
17:36 was totally based on plant products?
17:39 It just speaks to me as a physician
17:42 and pastor, as a student of the Bible,
17:44 saying there's something here.
17:45 But if I just kind of push that off to the side,
17:48 and say you know, we don't want to be too dogmatic here!
17:51 Ok, well we're not dogmatic, we're just saying
17:54 this causes you to say, Stop, wait a minute.
17:57 Why did God give us this program?
17:59 So that's what we try to do with our patients.
18:01 Try to get them on that program that reproduces
18:03 what God gave in the beginning, and by the way
18:05 what the Bible says is that He's
18:07 going to recreate in the earth made new.
18:09 Amen.
18:11 You know, I'm just amazed, but I know
18:15 in your 25 years experience that you've seen
18:19 over and over and over again.
18:22 Maybe there some one of our viewers right now that
18:26 that's misdiagnosed, or
18:28 doesn't know if they can be cured.
18:30 Can we give them some hope Doc?
18:32 Is there something that you could say
18:34 to our viewers just to implant that seed of hope?
18:39 Well Ron, you know our God is a God of hope.
18:42 and I love a little statement
18:46 that a Christian commentator wrote on the Scriptures,
18:49 and that is that man's extremity is God's opportunity.
18:54 You know, often when we seem to be at the end of our rope,
18:57 often when we don't see hope,
18:59 God is really trying to open
19:01 our mind to something much bigger.
19:03 Time after time, if you look at the Scriptures,
19:05 God allows people to get into situations,
19:08 where when it's all said and done,
19:10 no one can take the glory but God alone.
19:13 Whether it's the story of Joseph,
19:15 whether it's Gideon,
19:16 whether it's Jesus himself,
19:18 I mean God intervenes,
19:20 in these stories in the Bible,
19:22 and so when God is often wanting to
19:24 do something dramatic in our life,
19:25 it's not that we just read the latest self help book,
19:28 and we just put it all together.
19:30 But often we recognize our need,
19:33 and sometimes God has to take us
19:34 out of our normal everyday experience,
19:37 whether it's Daniel,
19:39 being brought forcibly to Babylon,
19:41 or someone feeling
19:43 that kind of against their will
19:45 they're having to go to a Weimar
19:47 because they have health problems,
19:48 they don't know where to turn.
19:49 Our God is a God of hope, and He
19:51 specializes in healing desperate cases.
19:55 -You know, you just gave pretty much an overview for me,
19:59 of what heals people when they come here.
20:02 And I know there are various different diseases, if you will,
20:07 but in Una's case,
20:11 is there anything specific
20:12 as a physician that you looked at?
20:16 Any direction?
20:18 Did God tell you anything you should be doing in here case?
20:22 -Well I mean we looked at many specific things,
20:24 and in working with team-- we
20:25 have a whole team here-- one of the
20:27 things that was important was the whole
20:28 hydrotherapy, massage, the physical modalities.
20:31 When anyone has any kind of
20:33 musculoskeletal concernes whether it's arthritis,
20:36 whether it's weakness,
20:37 we have someone who especially works in
20:39 the area of exercise with our patients,
20:41 we have people that work in the are of hands on treatments,
20:43 the massage and the hydro therapy.
20:45 So these were critical things in the program as well
20:48 as the diet and other elements of the lifestyle.
20:51 And we haven't mentioned the chaplain I
20:53 know that we have a chaplain here as well
20:56 where people-- our guests can go and speak with.
21:00 Any comments about that?
21:01 Oh yes, this is a huge part of the program.
21:03 Viola is a tremendous minister in her own right,
21:07 and she takes a personal interest
21:09 in each person, and works with them as much or as little
21:12 as they feel comfortable being
21:14 worked with in the spiritual realm.
21:16 Yes, what a blessing.
21:18 Doctor, I want to thank you for joining us on our set,
21:21 and look forward for another interview.
21:24 And thank you for joining us folks,
21:26 but don't go away
21:27 because we've got a tip for you in just a moment.
21:44 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART AT HOME,
21:45 I'm your host Don Mackintosh,
21:47 we're glad you're with us, and we're
21:48 glad today to have Dr. David DeRose
21:50 with us in the studio.
21:51 Dr. DeRose is a specialist in internal medicine,
21:54 and also I believe Doctor,
21:56 preventative medicine... - You're exactly right.
21:58 in other words, how to prevent problems,
21:59 and then if they have
22:00 problems how to help them if they do.
22:02 No you're right, preventative medicine
22:04 actually looks at the whole scope of prevention,
22:06 what we sometimes call primary prevention,
22:08 preventing diseases from ever occurring
22:09 and then there's other aspect of prevention that
22:12 try to prevent the ravages of various diseases.
22:15 And one of the things that can prevent
22:17 disease is a robust, or healthy immune system.
22:19 That's what we're going to talk about today.
22:22 Very important, the immune system is incredibly important
22:25 whether we're speaking about
22:26 cancer or the garden variety cold,
22:28 our immune system has a whole lot to say
22:31 about whether we're going to come
22:32 down with some of these illnesses.
22:34 So you I think have some new
22:35 research that you want to share with us, but
22:38 the immune system, what can we do to enhance it?
22:41 Well there's a lot of things we
22:43 can do to enhance the immune system,
22:45 and we really don't have time to give an exhaustive list,
22:48 but moderate exercise is very important,
22:50 healthy diet, stress management.
22:54 We want to focus today though on adequate rest.
22:57 Adequate rest as it relates to the immune system.
22:59 How much do we need? I'm in my 40s,
23:03 lets just say late 30s!
23:06 How much rest do I need?
23:08 Well I mean this was the real shocker, a study
23:10 fairly recently published in 2009
23:13 actually looked at this question
23:15 as it related to the common cold.
23:17 One of the viruses that causes a
23:19 common cold is called the Rino Virus.
23:21 - Rino Virus.
23:22 - Yes, no relation to the African wild animal!
23:25 Rino actually refers to the virus.
23:27 - Just a much smaller rhino!
23:29 - Yes, you got the general idea.
23:31 So the Rino Virus is one of these
23:33 viruses that cause the common cold.
23:35 And researchers in this particular study
23:38 gathered a group of some 150 individuals
23:42 and studied their sleeping habits for two weeks.
23:45 They actually took careful logs of their sleep habits,
23:48 they questioned them after sleeping,
23:50 and they were able to generate some charts for each individual
23:54 showing how many total hours they slept,
23:57 and the quality of their sleep.
23:58 In other words how much time specifically
24:00 they were sleeping while they were in bed.
24:03 What they then did, was they
24:05 inoculated each of these individuals
24:08 with the Rino Virus.
24:09 - So they gave them the cold.
24:11 Well they gave them the virus.
24:13 The interesting thing was,
24:15 not all of them developed an infection,
24:18 and even those that developed an infection,
24:20 not all of them came down with a cold.
24:22 Now some of our viewers may be a little perplexed
24:25 as to how you can get an infection
24:28 and not have a cold.
24:29 You fight it off.
24:31 Exactly.
24:32 We know as health professionals that it's
24:35 very common to have an inapparent infection.
24:38 So a person can have the disease,
24:41 you can check their blood,
24:42 the blood says yes the immune system has geared up,
24:45 you actually have influenza or Rino Virus or whatever,
24:48 but you look and feel healthy.
24:50 So some individuals in that senario.
24:53 But when you looked at the people with the clear cut colds,
24:57 triple the risk of having a cold,
25:00 if you were getting less than seven hours of sleep per night
25:04 compared to more than eight.
25:06 So between seven and eight was the magic number,
25:08 was that for every age?
25:10 No it was not the magic number actually,
25:11 between seven and eight was intermediate
25:13 eight hours or more were the best.
25:15 What do you mean more? 12 hours is that good? 15 hours?
25:19 Well there is a point of diminishing return.
25:21 In the particular study
25:23 they found that those that were getting
25:24 more sleep than eight hours actually had
25:26 better immune systems,
25:28 based on how they handled the Rin Virus,
25:31 than those who were even getting the typically
25:33 recommended seven or eight hours of sleep at night.
25:35 So if you are feeling sick, or maybe
25:37 are in a situation you should probably get
25:39 more sleep when that's happening.
25:40 Excellent, that's the bottom line message.
25:43 If you're feeling tired
25:44 that's a sign your body maybe trying to fight something off,
25:47 you may need that extra immune reserve,
25:49 and don't hesitate to try to
25:51 even if you got to get a nap in, or go to bed early,
25:53 or do what you need to do because sleep is
25:55 something very important for your immune system.
25:58 So the diminishing returns came when?
25:59 12 hours? 10 hours? 15 hours?
26:01 Well the researchers in this
26:03 particular study didn't look at it,
26:04 but we know from other research
26:06 that too much sleep is not desirable either.
26:10 What the question is when you look at population groups,
26:13 are people sleeping more
26:15 because their unhealthy to begin with.
26:16 that's the chicken or the egg question that
26:19 always comes when you look at sleep habits.
26:21 We've been talking to Dr. David DeRose.
26:23 We've been talking about
26:24 sleep and rest as it relates to the immune system.
26:28 And we learned today that the typical seven
26:29 or eight hours that we normally talk about
26:31 is really not enough when you're feeling tired or sick.
26:35 You need to bump it up over that eight,
26:37 maybe nine, or even ten,
26:39 and the body will kind of tell you.
26:41 If you want more information about this go to:
26:44 And we thank Dr. DeRose for being with us,
26:46 and we thank you for being with us today. Have a great day.
26:56 Modern views of evolution stem all the way
26:59 back to theories developed in the mid 1800s.
27:02 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
27:06 our educational system today.
27:09 The common school movement for example,
27:11 saw schools more like a factory,
27:13 with students blindly memorizing
27:15 instruction rather than thinking for themselves.
27:18 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical,
27:21 instead of being flexible and practical,
27:24 It was designed to conform the individual
27:26 into a specific ideological mold,
27:29 that fit the needs of a old industrial era, long since past.
27:34 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:38 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:42 radically different from the one we see now.
27:57 Well friends that's it for today.
27:59 Thank you for joining us.
28:01 Pick up that phone and call us at:
28:06 God Bless you.


Revised 2013-06-17