Food Addiction Broken

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Milton Buehner


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000051

00:24 Hi friends, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:27 In our studio today we have Milton Buehner.
00:30 And before we interview him,
00:32 I'd like you to watch a clip when he first arrived.
00:37 Part of my life has been made up of
00:40 a series of compulsive behaviors
00:46 that I believe I gravitated to
00:51 because of the circumstances in my life.
00:54 I went through alcohol
00:57 and found some help through AA.
01:04 The thing that I consider most important right now is
01:07 working on the one remaining behavior,
01:11 and that is food and my addiction to food.
01:17 Well, I would like to walk away from this program with
01:23 a closer relationship with the Lord
01:26 and primarily with the understanding that
01:30 my body, according to Scripture,
01:34 is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
01:37 and I really would like to have it cleaned up to the extent
01:40 where I'd be proud to have Him inhabit
01:43 this carcass of mine.
01:46 Welcome back, friends, and in our studio is Milton.
01:50 How are you, sir? - Good, thank you.
01:52 Good to see you.
01:53 Now you look different to me,
01:55 and I'm sure you do to our viewers,
01:58 So tell us about what has happened.
02:01 Well, part of the difference you might see in me is that I'm
02:05 21 pounds lighter than I was.
02:07 Twenty-one pounds lighter!
02:09 It shows in your face, by the way.
02:10 I can see that. - Thank you.
02:12 And what else has transpired?
02:15 You've been here 16 or 17 days, right?
02:19 And you've lost 21 pounds? - Right.
02:22 That's incredible.
02:24 You're probably going to lose another pound or two
02:26 except for tonight's dinner.
02:28 But what else has happened? Please tell us.
02:31 Well, in the process of getting to the point
02:33 of losing that kind of weight,
02:35 the major shift that I was totally unaware of
02:40 was that I could end up with a very small
02:45 amount of food providing satisfaction
02:49 if I would eat the proper foods instead of
02:52 the stuff that I've grown up with
02:54 since the time I was a child.
02:56 So why do you think that is so?
02:59 What is your body getting from the proper food
03:02 as opposed to the foods that we probably both used to eat?
03:07 Well, what it's getting now obviously are the nutrients
03:12 that have an awful lot to do with the appetite.
03:16 I believe my body was crying out for more food
03:20 because it was lacking the nutrients that are then
03:23 embedded in this program,
03:25 in the food that we eat in this program.
03:28 So I think that's the...
03:30 And to my great satisfaction
03:34 is not to end up with this craving hunger
03:38 that I've had for all these years.
03:40 So I find myself...
03:43 really, almost forcing myself to eat.
03:47 And I'm eating now, and have been since I got here,
03:50 two meals a day instead of three.
03:52 So you're skipping the evening meal?
03:54 Is that correct? - Yes, that's right.
03:57 So I've learned, an awful lot of this has to do with education--
04:01 truly good education from people who specialize in that,
04:05 and that's the only thing they do.
04:08 And it's great to have that input as opposed to
04:12 what the world has been offering me, which is
04:15 junk food and fast food
04:18 and the wrong kinds of food.
04:21 It's a real eye-opening, wonderful experience.
04:24 Do you miss anything about the food
04:27 that you used to eat, compared to your new foods?
04:34 Well you know, I've thought about them from time to time,
04:38 but since I'm not suffering from hunger,
04:43 there's no real strong urge to imbibe
04:48 in other foods of any kind.
04:51 Now you said in your first interview,
04:54 "...a walk with the Lord," or something to the effect that
04:59 your body being a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell.
05:04 Well, and I do. I mean...
05:06 Going back to that first conversation that we had...
05:12 I have read over and over about
05:14 my body being the temple of the Holy Spirit,
05:16 and it's something that in my own strength
05:20 I don't believe I could get there.
05:22 I tried to do it with will power,
05:25 but that runs short for me.
05:28 The compulsion to eat was so strong
05:31 that I would continue to try to satisfy those
05:35 hungers with the food that I best know.
05:39 And it just does not and will not...
05:42 and I believe today that it cannot
05:44 satisfy, no matter what the volume is that I consumed.
05:48 Wonderful.
05:50 Now tell us what else you've gone though here.
05:53 What did you like about the program?
05:57 Tell us, tell the viewers about what you liked about it.
06:02 Well, I think the educational part is awesome,
06:06 but I also believe that the spiritual side of this,
06:12 that this program, in my way of saying it,
06:16 is a holistic program in that
06:18 it doesn't try to separate the body from the spirit
06:23 or the spirit from the body,
06:25 but that it ministers to both.
06:27 And I, as I think about that,
06:29 I believe that's what Jesus did. - Yes.
06:32 Everything I read about Him,
06:35 He ministered to the needs of people first,
06:38 and then He taught them. - Yes.
06:40 And I believe that happens here.
06:42 So it healed them first.
06:44 - Heals them first. Yes.
06:45 How have you been healed?
06:47 Tell us a little bit about
06:49 the program that you've gone through.
06:51 I know you've had some massage therapy
06:54 and hydrotherapy. I know that first-hand.
06:58 Well, that is quite an experience, the hydrotherapy.
07:02 I'd never experienced anything like that before.
07:05 My favorite masseuse
07:09 turned the temperature up to somewhere around 117 degrees,
07:14 and then he brought it down to 56 or 58 degrees.
07:19 And this was a unique experience, to say the least!
07:24 But understanding what it does in the blood system
07:28 is what's amazing --
07:29 that it expands them and allows the blood to flow,
07:33 and then they contract, and then again back and forth.
07:39 I don't know what you call that process,
07:41 but it's quite an experience.
07:43 Contrasting showers, yes.
07:45 Yes, but you come out -- I am out of there feeling
07:48 really great. It was a great experience,
07:51 from the tip of my toes to the top of my head.
07:54 çlaughterÑ
07:57 Now, what about the walking?
07:58 When you got here, were you about to walk
08:01 around the Half-Mile Loop?
08:03 I could walk around the Half-Mile Loop, but
08:07 the walking that I had done prior to coming here
08:11 was on a treadmill.
08:13 And it's not quite the same as walking at,
08:16 starting at 2,000-foot elevation and then
08:18 walking up and down hills,
08:20 and a half-mile trip, so...
08:23 Moved from walking 2 miles a day to,
08:27 I think the best I did was 8.
08:30 And I think I probably averaged 6 or better.
08:33 So you're walking 8 miles in one day?
08:35 Yes. - That's incredible.
08:37 That's incredible.
08:39 What about, you had cooking schools, I know that.
08:42 Did you enjoy the cooking schools?
08:44 I did. I did enjoy them.
08:47 A lot of the names of the products
08:50 I'd never heard before in my life,
08:53 so the transition from what I had been eating to
08:57 the new, were all new flavors to me.
09:00 So that was quite an experience in itself.
09:04 And your doctor -- Which doctor do you have?
09:06 Doctor Ing. - Doctor Ing.
09:08 And how did Doctor Ing see that you fared
09:12 through the program,
09:14 through the blood draws that-- You've had two now.
09:17 and I know your numbers have changed a little bit.
09:20 How is Doctor Ing seeing your results?
09:23 Well, I just finished with an appointment with him
09:26 before I leave Weimar,
09:29 and he was very encouraged about what's happened in me.
09:34 And in addition to other things, the counts,
09:38 he was encouraged by the weight loss.
09:42 - And of course I was, obviously.
09:44 Twenty-one pounds is a significant
09:46 amount of weight to lose in 18 days.
09:49 And by the way, that's the amount I lost
09:51 when I came through the program.
09:53 Twenty-one, twenty-two -- right in there.
09:56 So, you're on your way.
09:58 I know we're going to be in contact with one another,
10:01 as you promised.
10:02 And I want to thank you for joining us on our program.
10:06 - Been my pleasure.
10:08 - God bless you. Thank you.
10:10 Folks, there's an interview with Milton,
10:13 but don't go away,
10:15 because Doctor Ing's going to join us in a moment.
10:17 and he's going to be talking about some of his progress.
10:22 Well, you've done very well.
10:30 Do you have diabetes,
10:31 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:34 or do you weigh too much?
10:36 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:39 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:42 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:45 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test,
10:49 physician consultations,
10:51 culinary school,
10:53 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
10:56 in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:00 Your health is one of the most
11:02 important things that you have. Don't wait.
11:04 Give us a call at:
11:09 Or visit our website:
11:28 Welcome back friends, and as I promised,
11:30 the Doctor Ing in the studio.
11:32 How are you, Doctor Ing? - It's great to see you.
11:34 It's always good to see you. - Wonderful to be here.
11:36 You know Doctor Ing, I want to get right into this interview
11:40 talking about Milton.
11:41 And when I first met him,
11:45 although he seemed very jovial,
11:47 he was quite sick.
11:50 Tell us a little bit about his transition
11:52 in these last 17 days.
11:54 Well, he had diabetes,
11:56 he had high blood pressure,
11:59 he had high cholesterol,
12:02 and he was a little bit too short.
12:04 çlaughterÑ Too short!
12:06 For the weight that he had, he should have been taller.
12:10 But we weren't able to figure out a way
12:12 to help him grow taller, so I guess we
12:14 proceeded to help him lose weight.
12:16 And in that respect, he did very well.
12:18 So I'm going to assume that...
12:20 You said that he had these various things going on.
12:24 That implies he no longer has them.
12:27 Is that correct? - Well, yes and no.
12:30 His blood pressure by the time he left was
12:33 normal without having to use any blood pressure medicines.
12:37 His diabetes -- his blood sugars were normal.
12:42 without having to use any medication.
12:44 He came in using some.
12:46 And also he came in using some
12:50 cholesterol-lowering medication.
12:52 which was stopped,
12:54 because we wanted to see what his real numbers were.
12:56 And you know, his numbers to start with were less than 150.
13:01 Around 147, 148.
13:03 And even though we stopped his medicine,
13:06 his numbers stayed right around the same area.
13:09 So showing that a good, whole-plant-food,
13:13 plant-based diet
13:14 is really the way to go to get your cholesterol down.
13:17 It's not saying, "Doc! My cholesterol's high!
13:19 Give me a prescription for some medicine!"
13:23 It's saying, "Doc, my cholesterol's high!
13:25 Should I eat plant foods?"
13:27 That would be a much better response,
13:29 but you know, that isn't the usual response
13:31 of the average patient. - Now let me ask you this,
13:32 because I know it's a question
13:33 that people have asked me in the past.
13:35 With regards to medication,
13:37 Let's say I'm taking a medication, whatever that is.
13:41 Does any one medication take longer to
13:45 be eliminated from the system?
13:49 Some patients do take longer to be eliminated from the system.
13:53 They say they have "half life."
13:55 You think of medications in the "half life."
13:57 In other words, after a certain amount of time,
14:01 half of the effect of that medication
14:04 or half of that medication has been
14:06 removed from the body.
14:07 So it is true that some medicines
14:10 take longer than others.
14:11 How long would that period be?
14:13 Would it...1 day, 5 days, a week?
14:15 Well it really depends on the medications.
14:18 Most of the ones that he was on that we were using,
14:20 the effect of those medications
14:22 should be gone within a few days.
14:24 So then it's fair to say that if a guest comes here,
14:28 and he's stopping medications,
14:30 say, after 5 days,
14:31 then before he leaves here,
14:33 the numbers he gets from the blood draw
14:36 that we sent out to the labs,
14:38 those are the real, true numbers.
14:39 Yeah, that's a reflection of where he is
14:42 without the medications.
14:44 Now I want to talk about his weight loss,
14:47 because I know a lot of viewers
14:48 are quite interested in weight loss,
14:50 and I was one of them, of course.
14:52 Weight loss -- did he actually lose 21 pounds?
14:57 Was that fat? Was some of it food?
15:00 Was some of it water?
15:02 Tell us a little bit about that.
15:03 Well of course some of it was water,
15:05 but you know, his total weight loss
15:07 was 20.8 pounds.
15:09 And so he did really very well.
15:13 I've had an opportunity to visit with him since then,
15:17 and he has continued to lose even more weight.
15:20 In fact, when I talked to him he said, "You know,
15:23 I've lost a total of 31 pounds."
15:25 The other thing was his wife...
15:27 She was here and she was a little bit discouraged
15:30 because she hadn't lost quite so much weight.
15:32 But since, you know, in the total time now,
15:35 she's lost 11 and a half, 12 pounds,
15:37 and of course she's very pleased about that as well.
15:40 Well isn't it true that women have a tendency
15:43 to lose weight at a slower pace than men?
15:46 It seems to be that's what we find here.
15:49 They lose weight; it takes them a little bit longer,
15:53 but that's okay, and that's why we have to
15:55 work with them and encourage them.
15:56 You know, "Don't get discouraged, don't give up.
15:58 Just keep following the principles that you've learned
16:01 and you will continue to improve."
16:04 Doctor, is there something you can tell our viewers about--
16:09 Let's say that they want to come to our program,
16:12 but they're a little afraid of what's going to happen here.
16:16 Can you reassure them that this is a safe place to be?
16:22 So to speak, and I mean from a doctor's point of view.
16:26 Certainly. You're right, some patients are afraid.
16:29 They say, "I'm really sick and tired of being sick and tired,
16:34 but I'm afraid. I'm afraid if I go there,
16:38 I'm never going to have any more fun again."
16:41 They think that we're going to take away all their fun.
16:44 And that really isn't the case.
16:47 Preventive medicine, which is what we work with...
16:49 Preventive medicine will give the guest,
16:53 give our patients, more life to enjoy the fun!
16:56 - I remember that lecture.
16:59 Yeah. It's true, it really is!
17:00 And the other thing is,
17:02 We really don't take away anything that's bad for them.
17:05 What we really do is,
17:07 it's better to say we replace the things in their
17:10 life and their lifestyle that are not conducive to health
17:14 with things that are conducive to health.
17:16 So we don't take things away,
17:18 we, you know, say,
17:20 "Here, why don't you do this?" or "Why don't you try this?"
17:23 And when you do this you're going to feel better.
17:26 Your blood pressures will come down,
17:28 your cholesterols will come down and stay down,
17:31 and you'll have more energy.
17:34 And invariably, this is what we find.
17:35 Because one of the questions that I often ask the patients
17:39 after they've been here a while,
17:41 I say, "I want you to tell me
17:43 where your energy level was when you...
17:45 before you got to Weimar."
17:47 Zero is, "I'm so tired I can't get out of bed,"
17:52 and 10 is, "I can go forever!" so to speak.
17:57 And so you know, oftentimes when they get here,
17:59 well, before they get here it'll be 1 and 2.
18:04 And I do remember talking to a patient
18:06 within the last few days,
18:08 he says, "Yeah, most of my days I spent in bed.
18:11 I was just, hurt so much and I felt so bad,
18:14 I just couldn't get out of bed."
18:16 And when I talked to him just a few days ago he says,
18:20 "Well I'm getting out and I'm walking 3 and 4 miles every day.
18:26 I feel so much better."
18:28 And this individual had some gastro-intestinal problems.
18:31 He had almost chronic gastro-intestinal pain.
18:37 He says, "I don't have that anymore."
18:39 He says, "My pants are so loose I've had to get new pants,
18:43 because they're gonna, they'll fall off.
18:45 My legs are so much stronger.
18:47 I can walk 3 and 4 miles at a time,
18:49 and when I got to Weimar I couldn't do any of that!"
18:51 So God's blessing and good food
18:55 works wonders in people's life and health.
18:58 We're just so fortunate that we get to see this
19:01 month in and month out.
19:03 And though I see it every month, it's still hard to believe
19:07 that just a simple thing like changing my life
19:11 could change it in so many ways.
19:14 Spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally --
19:19 all these things have changed.
19:21 And I see this in just that short period of time.
19:24 Of course, now I've had almost 5 years to work on that,
19:27 and it is such a blessing.
19:30 Now Milton, I know, he's taking a trip with you.
19:35 Is that correct? - That's correct.
19:37 And you're taking a group of people to China.
19:40 Well, yes. He heard about that and says,
19:43 "Well, I'd really like to go!"
19:45 - And so he's going!
19:46 And what about when you're on the road like that?
19:49 Are you able to eat the proper foods,
19:53 even though you're in a foreign country?
19:55 Well, one of the nice things about
19:57 if you arrange for a group,
19:59 one of the specifications that we talked
20:01 to the people who helped organize it,
20:03 it must be a totally plant-based diet,
20:07 you know, whole plant foods.
20:09 So there will be no meat, no fish, no chicken,
20:11 no eggs, and no dairy products.
20:14 And so that was something that many people were interested in.
20:18 Because we've been on other tour groups where
20:21 you kind of had to struggle around and find things.
20:25 The safest way and the only way, according to
20:28 the person who helped us organize this, is
20:31 well, if you have your own group, you're in control.
20:33 You can decide what you want them to have and what you don't.
20:36 - Right. - And it makes a big difference.
20:38 I know you've had cruises with people,
20:40 where you've taken them out on a boat,
20:42 and had all this luxury and everything,
20:44 and still kept them on a plant-based diet.
20:47 That's right, because you have the opportunities to do that.
20:50 You can choose. - Yeah.
20:52 Well Doctor Ing, it's always a pleasure to see you.
20:55 I want to thank you for coming on the show.
20:58 God bless you and the work you do.
21:00 Thanks again, Ron.
21:02 And folks, thank you for joining us,
21:04 but don't go away, because
21:06 we have an important message right after this break.
21:24 Hi, and thank you for joining us.
21:26 Today we have with us Doctor DeRose.
21:28 It's a pleasure to have you here.
21:29 It's great to be with you, Cathy.
21:31 What do you have to share with us today?
21:32 Well Cathy, you know, one of the questions
21:34 that often comes up when we speak about health
21:36 is the subject of fasting.
21:39 And I like to think of fasting as being the ultimate
21:43 affordable remedy.
21:45 - You ever thought about that? No I haven't,
21:46 but that's a good point. - Yeah.
21:48 I mean, people are always trying to say, well,
21:49 "You know, all these natural things,
21:51 they cost so much. I gotta buy this supplement
21:53 or that one, or buy this special food."
21:56 Well fasting actually saves you money,
21:59 as well as potentially helping your health.
22:01 But a lot of people don't understand what that word means.
22:05 I mean, what kind of fasts are they?
22:07 A lot of times, when people hear the word "fast"
22:09 they think of the most extreme type of fasting.
22:13 And really, the most extreme type of fast
22:15 I've ever recommended as a physician
22:17 is a water-only fast.
22:18 - For how long a time?
22:20 Well, I'd rather probably not give a lot of details.
22:23 Why I'm saying that is
22:25 not that I haven't prescribed fasts
22:26 for several days that are water-only,
22:28 I would only prescribe them in a medically controlled setting.
22:34 At least I know the patient, I know
22:36 they don't have any electrolyte imbalances,
22:39 mineral problems, they don't have any
22:42 diuretics that they're taking, water pills.
22:45 Because there's a number of things that could
22:46 make that potentially very dangerous.
22:48 Sodium could get very low,
22:50 or potassium or magnesium.
22:52 So I don't as a general rule tell people,
22:55 "Just go on a water-only fast for many days."
22:57 But having said that, we know of biblical examples
23:00 of people that did that,
23:02 and I'm not saying that God sometimes
23:03 doesn't lead people to do that.
23:04 I'm just saying that is not the only kind of fast,
23:07 and if one of you as one of our viewers
23:11 is contemplating that type of fast,
23:12 just make sure you don't have medical problems,
23:14 there isn't a history in the family of mineral imbalances,
23:18 things like that. And if you've got any questions,
23:20 talk to your doctor before going on any kind of protracted
23:23 water-only fast.
23:25 But having said all that,
23:28 a fast is simply anything where you step away
23:31 from your customary intake of food.
23:34 So one very common fast that I'll recommend
23:38 is leaving off the evening meal.
23:40 Many people who have weight problems
23:43 sleeping difficulties,
23:45 digestive problems like reflux,
23:48 you know where they have the heartburn
23:49 when they lay down at night.
23:51 By leaving off the evening meal,
23:53 they can often get dramatic benefit.
23:55 Now having said that, Cathy,
23:57 some individuals, because they
23:58 have a lot of acid in their stomach,
24:00 just going with the total
24:02 avoidance of the meal is a problem.
24:04 So eating a lighter meal in the evening.
24:07 If they don't have diabetes, it might be eating some fruit.
24:10 Fruit is an excellent quickly-digested food.
24:14 You eat it several hours before you go to bed,
24:16 there's nothing in your stomach, so when you lay down,
24:18 there's less that can come back up that swallowing tube.
24:22 So it could be considered a fast,
24:23 even though you're just cutting back?
24:25 Yes, it's a type of fast.
24:26 So you may have heard of a fruit fast?
24:28 Well you could do a fruit fast every evening.
24:30 You see, that's the idea. - And even for a diabetic?
24:33 Now, well, that's the catch.
24:35 For a diabetic, the fruits often
24:37 raise their blood sugars significantly.
24:39 So those individuals,
24:40 if they are going to eat a lighter meal in the evening,
24:43 we typically say, "Stick with the vegetables."
24:45 Celery, lettuce, spinach...
24:50 A lot of the leaf vegetables are excellent,
24:52 stalk vegetables, stem vegetables,
24:57 flower vegetables -- your cauliflower, your broccoli.
24:59 Those things are very good. You can steam them
25:02 so they're more easily digested.
25:04 But those are excellent because
25:06 they keep the blood sugar very stable.
25:08 The root vegetables on the other hand
25:10 and the fruits, they tend to raise those blood sugar levels.
25:14 So the idea of a fast
25:15 is stepping away from your habitual consumption.
25:18 It can be on one extreme that total water-only fast,
25:21 but it can be a whole variety of things in between,
25:24 from leaving off an evening meal
25:26 to eating just a lighter meal.
25:28 So again, speak to your doctor about different fasts
25:30 and what you'd do and what your body's like
25:32 so he knows.
25:33 Especially if you're doing that extreme fasting.
25:35 Now, typically you don't need to talk with a doctor
25:37 if you're just going to eat less.
25:38 I mean, the average American,
25:40 it would benefit them to cut back.
25:42 But if they do have blood sugar problems, yes.
25:44 And if they're taking insulin and
25:46 they dramatically decrease their intake,
25:47 well they could get into problems
25:49 with too low blood sugar.
25:50 We often prescribe fasts
25:52 in specific situations
25:55 to help the body heal itself,
25:57 or to cooperate, if you will, with God
25:58 in His healing agencies
26:01 that He actually has at work in our bodies
26:03 in addition to His own power.
26:05 So letting your body rest, too, basically.
26:07 It does give the digestive organs a rest.
26:10 It also can be very powerful
26:12 if we're talking about an auto-immune disease.
26:15 A rheumatoid arthritis, a lupus,
26:18 an inflammatory bowel disease,
26:20 these things often can respond to different types of fasting.
26:23 Well I'm glad you cleared that up.
26:24 A lot of people have questions about fasting.
26:25 For more information about fasting and
26:27 what Doctor DeRose shared with us today,
26:29 visit our website at:
26:31 Thank you for joining us.
26:40 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back
26:42 to theories developed in the mid-1800s.
26:45 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
26:49 our educational system today.
26:51 The Common School Movement, for example,
26:54 saw schools more like a factory,
26:56 with students blindly memorizing instruction
26:59 rather than thinking for themselves.
27:01 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical.
27:04 Instead of being flexible and practical,
27:07 it was designed to conform the individual
27:09 into a specific ideological mold
27:12 that fit the needs of an old industrial era
27:15 long since passed.
27:17 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:21 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:25 radically different from the one we see now.
27:41 Well friends, that's it for today.
27:42 Thank you for joining us.
27:44 But I know you have a friend out there,
27:46 or a relative that's been sick,
27:48 and perhaps they're sick and tired of being sick and tired.
27:51 Give us a call here at:
27:57 Don't delay. Pick up the phone
27:59 and call us at:
28:04 And may God bless you.


Revised 2013-06-17