Inoperable Hernia Relieved Through New Lifestyle

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Norman Kraft


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000050

00:23 Hi folks, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART NOW.
00:27 In our studio today we have Norman Kraft,
00:30 and Norman has suffered some terrible losses in the past,
00:35 and we'd like you to watch this clip, if you would.
00:39 My weight has been increasing,
00:43 and my ability to walk has been decreasing,
00:48 so those were primarily the reasons why I came.
00:54 My weight is a big deal,
00:58 I do have a hernia
01:02 that has impeded my progressing
01:07 and is really a great detriment.
01:13 It's not possible to correct it surgically,
01:18 so my only option is to lose weight.
01:22 I want a reduction in weight,
01:25 and improvement in my ability to walk.
01:31 Welcome back friends,
01:33 and in our studio, Norman, how are you sir?
01:36 - Very well.
01:38 Well Norman, I got to tell you
01:39 from my perspective, you look like a different man.
01:43 - Thank you, I appreciate that.
01:46 Your cheeks seem to be rosier, you just seem to be...
01:48 you have more life in you.
01:50 Tell me, what has happened?
01:52 What has changed in this last 17 days?
01:55 Well I have lost a few pounds-- about seven,
02:02 and my cholesterol has gone from 198 to 137
02:07 which is fantastic. - That's phenomenal.
02:10 Right.
02:11 I still have to work on my glucose,
02:15 but now that I got some further direction
02:18 from Dr. DeRose, I should be able to reduce that too,
02:24 since I have to correct some habits
02:27 that have developed over the years
02:31 Of course my walking has improved
02:35 from barely a quarter mile, to two and a half miles a day,
02:40 Oh my. - which isn't a lot
02:42 but it is certainly more than I came with.
02:44 Well from a quarter of a mile to two miles
02:48 is significant in my mind.
02:50 Yes it is, I agree.
02:52 Good job!
02:53 Right, and I plan to continue it
02:56 which is very important
02:58 that I stay with the program after I leave here,
03:01 both in the vegan diet, and in the exercise.
03:08 Now why do you feel you need to continue this?
03:12 Well I need to lose more weight,
03:15 plus, I will be more fit.
03:19 I will be, hopefully
03:24 in better shape.
03:26 I do have my two grandkids to look forward to,
03:32 I want to be alive for them,
03:34 and I want them to be alive for me,
03:36 so we can spend time together.
03:40 Norman, at the beginning of the program
03:43 I stated that you had suffered a great loss
03:48 and I know that not long ago, your wife passed,
03:52 after some 45 or 50 years?
03:54 Yes, 45 years of marriage.
03:58 And my prayer is that through
04:03 this program and the renewing of your strength,
04:07 and some hope, that you can get stronger,
04:11 and be able to be with your
04:13 grandchildren and play with them as we've shared.
04:18 Tell us about the program as you've been here,
04:22 I know you've been through hydro-therapy.
04:25 What was your favorite part of this program?
04:28 Well I liked the hydro-therapy,
04:31 I do like the vegan food,
04:35 and the improvement in walking
04:40 is really a big help to me,
04:43 I can breath easier.
04:48 I can enjoy life better.
04:50 So this is tremendous progress in the right direction.
04:56 Now before you came on set here,
05:00 you were visiting with Dr. DeRose, that's your doctor?
05:02 - That is correct.
05:04 Now you spent about an hour with him.
05:06 Yes I did.
05:07 Now do you find this unusual?
05:10 Absolutely, my family physician
05:14 I'm lucky to spend 15 minutes with him twice a year!
05:19 So this is tremendous personal attention,
05:25 and attention to every detail
05:28 of my... shall we say
05:32 lack of health,
05:34 so we can address it successfully
05:38 Now we do have a crew of wonderful doctors here,
05:41 we have Dr. Ing, who is the medical director,
05:45 Dr. DeRose just joined us recently,
05:47 in the last two months I believe,
05:51 and then Dr. Lukens.
05:53 And so you're following the advice of Dr. DeRose,
05:57 you're getting healthier,
05:58 your cholesterol levels have dropped.
06:00 - Right.
06:01 Your walking, again I think that's
06:03 phenomenal that you're able to walk that far.
06:06 Tell us about the episode you had,
06:11 where your intestines started to come through your stomach wall.
06:14 I had an operation 35 years ago
06:17 for gall bladder, and well they took my appendix out too.
06:23 Unfortunately the stitches
06:25 didn't hold and a hernia resulted
06:27 and then my stomach migrated into the area of the hernia.
06:35 And this past summer I talked to a surgeon,
06:39 and after running tests on me, he advised against an operation.
06:45 So...
06:46 - So my only choice is to lose weight and exercise.
06:50 How many pounds do you have to lose?
06:52 I lost seven pounds, but I think it's just the beginning,
06:56 This program here is a
06:58 prelude to many more pounds to lose.
07:02 Now you have family that have come through the program.
07:05 Right,
07:07 I had a niece and her husband,
07:10 who were extremely successful,
07:13 the husband lost about 20-some pounds,
07:17 and she has really come a long way
07:20 from where she was to today's situation.
07:25 I know and I remember Dian very well.
07:28 She's going to be here today I understand.
07:31 She will be here tonight at our banquet,
07:33 and they will pick me up
07:35 and take me to their home,
07:37 and I'll spend some time with them.
07:40 So tell us, tell the viewers now,
07:43 what are you going to do from this day forward?
07:45 Obviously you're leaving tonight or tomorrow morning...
07:48 Well I'm leaving tomorrow for San Jose,
07:53 where I'll spend the next four days with
07:56 my daughter and husband and grand-kids.
07:59 And I am leaving Tuesday to go back home.
08:04 Too? - Missouri.
08:07 And I will...
08:10 attempt to sell my house, and liquidate my belongings,
08:14 and move over to San Jose.
08:16 Ok, do you feel you have the tools
08:20 to continue on with this program?
08:22 Absolutely, I think that
08:25 what the program did for me was phenomenal,
08:29 and I now know which way to go to improve my health.
08:35 Amen.
08:37 What was your favorite part of the program?
08:42 I would say I liked the hydrotherapy,
08:46 it was excellent, something that...
08:48 - Everybody seems to like the hydro-therapy!
08:52 but very enjoyable, I hadn't had sauna before,
08:56 and now I enjoy it very much.
08:58 So for the viewers, the hydro-therapy
09:02 is along with the massage therapy,
09:05 where we'll take guests,
09:08 in this case Norman,
09:10 he experienced several new
09:13 visits to the massage and
09:17 the hydro being water therapy,
09:19 where we do contrasting showers,
09:21 and you even had the sauna this trip right?
09:24 Right.
09:25 He likes the sauna!
09:27 I love that sauna, it's so warm in there.
09:29 - So do I.
09:30 Incidentally, today it's snowing outside
09:33 so the sauna would be a nice treat!
09:35 - Yes, nice treat.
09:37 Well Norman,
09:40 I'm going to just pray that everything works out for you,
09:46 I want to keep in contact with you,
09:48 I know Dr. DeRose will.
09:50 - Right.
09:51 Any last comments for our viewers?
09:54 I enjoyed very much this experience,
09:57 and I could recommend it
09:58 to anyone who has any need to improve themselves.
10:03 Great.
10:05 Thank you so much for joining us.
10:07 Thank you for having me.
10:08 God Bless you. - Thank you.
10:10 And thank you folks, I hope you enjoyed this program,
10:14 and don't go away because we're going to have
10:17 Dr. DeRose with us in just a moment.
10:21 Well, you've done very well.
10:29 Do you have diabetes,
10:31 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:33 or do you weigh too much?
10:35 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:38 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:42 It includes a comprehensive medical
10:44 evaluation with laboratory studies and an
10:46 exercise stress test,
10:48 physician consultations,
10:51 culinary school,
10:52 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful
10:55 trails in the foothills of the Sierras.
10:59 Your health is one of the most
11:01 important things that you have. Don't wait.
11:03 Give us a call.
11:08 Or visit our website.
11:27 Welcome back friends, and as I promised--
11:30 Dr. David DeRose, how are you Doctor?
11:32 Hey, great, good to be with you Ron.
11:33 It's great to see you!
11:35 It's great to be here at Weimar,
11:36 and it's great to see what the Lord's been doing
11:38 just in the couple of months that I've been here.
11:40 Yes, and tell us, tell the
11:42 viewers Doctor where you're from.
11:43 I know a lot of people out there
11:46 know Dr. DeRose, but maybe you can tell
11:48 us a little bit about your background.
11:50 Well a lot of people know me because I've
11:52 traveled around a lot.
11:53 I've worked with a number of
11:55 lifestyle centers over the years,
11:57 I've done a number of programs with 3ABN.
12:00 And most recently I've been running a medical
12:05 health related consulting practice,
12:07 doing a lot of health media, health education.
12:10 But also pastoring half time in northern New England, and Maine,
12:14 and the Lord has redirected me back
12:16 to get involved in clinical medicine
12:18 as well as continuing my
12:20 teaching and media work here at Weimar.
12:22 Well we're going to have to find a church
12:24 nearby so you can pastor a little bit too!
12:27 We don't want you to get lonely!
12:28 Ok, well we'll see how the Lord orchestrates that.
12:30 Right now I've been having plenty of opportunities
12:33 to minister, whether it's in the NEWSTART program,
12:36 we have the privilege of working with our guests,
12:39 we don't push things on them,
12:40 but we try to be sensitive to their spiritual needs.
12:43 It's really much more of a pastoral work if you will,
12:46 than typical medical practice,
12:48 because we're interested in the whole person,
12:50 their spiritual needs,
12:52 We're, as physicians,
12:54 ministering on that level as well as working with our
12:57 chaplain and others who have a focus on that level of ministry.
13:01 Well we're so glad that you're here,
13:02 and that you've chosen to be here
13:04 at Weimar, especially our NEWSTART program,
13:07 I know the college students speak very highly of you.
13:11 Right now I want to talk about Norman,
13:13 Stormin Norman!
13:15 When I first met Norm,
13:18 as you probably are aware,
13:19 he seemed very down, and very depressed.
13:22 And he shared with me, off camera,
13:25 that his loss of his wife of 45 years
13:29 just hurt him very deeply.
13:31 But I see a change,
13:33 and I know a lot of that, thank God,
13:37 that spiritualness that comes from our doctors
13:42 and our chaplain, tell us a little from
13:44 your perspective Doctor, what you saw happen?
13:46 You know, we realize today when
13:48 it comes to mental health issues,
13:50 whether a person has a frank mental health disorder,
13:53 or whether their just going through some
13:54 of the normal struggles we have in life,
13:57 Norman didn't come... he didn't tell me
13:59 he came to deal specifically with any of
14:01 those issues although he shared with me
14:03 as he shared on camera in the last segment
14:05 about that significant loss that he had.
14:08 But what we know is, where in the past many
14:10 health professionals would say, Ok that's your mind,
14:13 we've got to deal with your mind,
14:15 You need counseling,
14:16 you need to go to a grief recovery class.
14:19 And I'm not minimizing
14:20 how God has used those things, even among people that
14:23 may not have acknowledged God's leadership in the process.
14:27 But at the same time, we're
14:28 realizing today Ron that we're whole people
14:31 and that when you start addressing your diet,
14:33 when you start addressing your exercise habits,
14:36 in addition to the spiritual and the mental things
14:39 you just have this powerful
14:41 combination that moves people in quantum leaps
14:44 really as far as improvement.
14:46 Dr. Nedley has shown this with his depression recovery program.
14:49 So it's this comprehensive approach,
14:51 and this is what we're trying to do at Weimar.
14:53 So everyone that comes through
14:55 many people say, Look I'm here to lose weight,
14:58 or, I'm here for my diabetes,
14:59 or I'm here for my heart disease,
15:02 but regardless of what they're dealing with,
15:04 all of us have mental, spiritual issues.
15:07 This is not something again that we push on people,
15:10 but when we deal with the whole
15:11 person often these things come out,
15:13 and even if the person doesn't ever volunteer anything,
15:16 we find as they get on that better lifestyle,
15:19 they get all these tremendous benefits on a mental
15:21 and spiritual level, as well as the physical level.
15:24 In other words,
15:26 What I just heard you say is that
15:28 sometimes people don't even know their depressed,
15:30 and they come to our program,
15:33 and before you know it, we see them
15:34 come out of this shell, if you will.
15:36 And I saw that in Norman, and I was so
15:40 moved by it, because I felt for him,
15:43 you know how we do.
15:45 So, tell us,
15:47 as a doctor,
15:49 what do you look for when you interview these guests,
15:53 or patients as you call them?
15:55 Well we do a very comprehensive interview process,
15:58 or history as we call it in the medical field.
16:02 We have people complete a very detailed database.
16:05 Is that part of the physical? What we know as the physical?
16:09 Well, normally if someone comes in for a physical to a doctor,
16:14 a doctor who is doing a really comprehensive
16:16 physical will also do a comprehensive history.
16:19 And when I was in medical
16:20 school they shared the dictum with us
16:22 that about 90 percent of diagnoses
16:24 are actually made in the history,
16:26 not in the physical.
16:28 So when you hear the patient's story,
16:29 when you hear about their background.
16:31 And when I speak about a comprehensive history,
16:35 here at Weimar we actually do a spiritual history as well.
16:38 And by the way, this is not something that's
16:40 happening in just Christian establishments.
16:42 In the medical field as a whole, we're realizing more and more
16:46 that we've been negligent in looking at
16:48 various components of someone's medical history.
16:51 Spiritual history is very important,
16:52 so we include a spiritual history,
16:54 a mental health history
16:55 so a person will complete all this before coming to Weimar.
16:59 The physicians will review that,
17:01 and then when we sit with the individual patient
17:03 we will discuss areas with them
17:05 based on the responses they gave us.
17:08 So we get a very complete idea of
17:09 what's happened throughout their life
17:11 as far as medical diagnoses as far as surgeries,
17:14 but also as far as significant life events,
17:17 losses, stresses, things of that nature.
17:20 Now I want to address the hour
17:24 that you spent with him prior to him coming on the program.
17:30 I find that that is unusual. Is it unusual here at
17:33 Weimar that doctors spend an hour...
17:35 I mean at one time?
17:37 Well the philosophy we have here is really
17:39 taking the time with our patients that they need.
17:42 And if we have a patient scheduled for an hour block,
17:45 we spend an hour with them.
17:47 We typically schedule our initial visits for an hour.
17:51 Subsequent visits we schedule for a half hour.
17:54 So if a person needs more than that half hour time,
17:57 if they have flexibility in their schedule,
17:59 and I in mine, we can just continue the visit right then.
18:02 If we're scheduled more tightly,
18:04 we'll ask the person to come back.
18:06 I'll say, I know we didn't finish this,
18:08 let me reconnect with you.
18:10 So the focus is really unlike
18:12 commercialized medicine, which today it's how many people
18:15 you can get through the door and out and generate that bill.
18:19 Here it's really Jesus' model of ministry,
18:22 where he takes the time that people need,
18:24 if a person needs more time they have that,
18:26 If a person doesn't need the time,
18:28 we don't seatbelt them into the chair
18:30 and say, You got to be here for an hour
18:32 because this is what we do here at Weimar!
18:34 If they've got a ten minute concern,
18:35 and their doing well
18:37 we might go for a walk with them during that time.
18:40 And by the way, I might add that we don't charge guests
18:44 if they stay an extra half hour or hour.
18:47 you don't have the nurse outside handing
18:50 them a bill as they walk back to their door!
18:53 It is, it's a wonderful system because of the package price,
18:56 so someone knows when they come what the expense is.
18:59 And all the medical visits are included in that,
19:01 whether I spend an hour everyday with a patient,
19:04 or whether it's ten minutes every other day.
19:06 - Yes.
19:08 Now in regards to any
19:09 medications that Norman was taking,
19:12 was he able to come off any of these?
19:14 Or had he reduced medication?
19:17 How do you go about that? That's another question
19:20 guests ask, actually I receive in phone calls.
19:24 How do we take people off of medication?
19:26 You don't say, Stop...
19:29 Well it's an interesting dynamic,
19:30 those of us who like
19:32 myself have worked in
19:33 lifestyle medicine for many years,
19:35 I mean although I'm new here to Weimar as I mentioned earlier,
19:38 I've worked in these kind of
19:39 programs off and on for some 25 years.
19:42 So what we know, is that lifestyle is so powerful
19:46 when it comes to blood pressure,
19:47 when it comes to blood sugar, when it comes to cholesterol,
19:50 that some of those drugs that a person is using,
19:53 if we don't stop them, if we're not very vigilant,
19:56 they'll get in trouble early on.
19:58 Now cholesterol medications
20:00 are not dangerous if we don't stop them quick enough.
20:02 I mean they'll just have a very low cholesterol.
20:05 But to have a very very low blood
20:07 pressure is something that can kill you!
20:10 So when someone is on blood pressure medicines we
20:12 have to monitor their blood pressure carefully...
20:15 - So you reduce the medication. -
20:16 Exactly, and we reduce the medications. Many people today
20:19 are on combination drugs for blood pressure.
20:22 They may think they're just taking a single
20:24 medication but it's actually one or it's actually
20:27 a combination of maybe two
20:29 sometimes three medications, often two,
20:31 that are together, so we have to split
20:33 those out sometimes, stop one of them,
20:36 and start them on another it's by
20:37 giving them another prescription.
20:39 It's the same with blood sugar.
20:41 Many of the blood sugar pills today,
20:42 although someone thinks they're just taking one drug
20:44 they may be taking a
20:46 combination pill that has two drugs.
20:47 And one of those drugs is very dangerous
20:50 as far as dangerously lowering blood sugar
20:52 if we don't make adjustments.
20:53 So we have to separate the drugs,
20:55 and then maybe stop one,
20:57 and then continue the other or gradually decrease it.
21:00 Well I find that very interesting.
21:02 In my case I was taking
21:04 two blood pressure medications,
21:06 one was to make sure that the
21:08 first one didn't ruin my kidneys.
21:11 So in closing do you have any last minute thoughts?
21:15 I guess what I would say is that the
21:16 Weimar program is designed for individuals.
21:19 We would love to help you and share this very
21:21 personalized approach modeled after Jesus' ministry.
21:25 Dr. DeRose, thank you for joining us on our set.
21:28 And thank you folks, don't go away
21:30 we got a tip for you in just a second.
21:46 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART at HOME,
21:48 I'm your host Don Mackintosh,
21:49 and today we're delighted to have you with us,
21:51 but we're also delighted to have Dr. David DeRose.
21:54 He's a specialist in internal medicine,
21:56 and, welcome to the program.
21:58 Great to be with you Don.
22:00 And today we're going to be talking about water.
22:03 Why is it that we should be interested in water?
22:05 Where should we get it? When should we get it?
22:07 And all those things.
22:09 I mean for a lot of people water
22:10 sounds like a very mundane subject.
22:12 I mean it's all around us, it comes out of the sky!
22:15 Really! I mean people say water!
22:19 But when I was a medical student,
22:21 nobody was really catching on to the values of water.
22:25 Many of my classmates kind of made fun of me
22:28 because I actually used to carry a water bottle with me.
22:31 I mean it was radical!
22:33 Now lots of people carry water bottles.
22:34 Sure, because we're starting to recognize that
22:36 this is something that's got profound health benefits.
22:39 Don, I don't need to review for today our viewers
22:43 some of the heart protective benefits of water.
22:46 I think many people have heard that
22:48 ground breaking research that
22:49 came out of Loma Linda University
22:51 oh probably about ten years ago now,
22:53 where they actually found that those who drank more water,
22:56 actually had substantially less heart disease.
22:59 Yes, right. So what are we going to talk
23:01 about since we're not going to cover that?
23:03 We're going to talk about water and weight reduction.
23:07 Weight reduction! I've always
23:08 heard that it increases your weight.
23:11 Well sure, water has weight,
23:13 water weighs about a pound for about a pint of water.
23:16 So if I'm standing on the scale,
23:18 I weight myself, then I
23:20 quickly chug down two pints of water,
23:21 I'll weigh about two pints more.
23:24 But your body doesn't just hold onto all that water.
23:27 No it gets rid of it.
23:28 It gets rid of it, and there's
23:29 some fascinating things that happen
23:31 when you drink more pure water.
23:33 First of all, pure water has no sodium in it.
23:36 So what do you mean pure water? Where would I get that?
23:39 You can get it from a spring,
23:40 especially if it has no sodium in it.
23:42 You can get it from your faucet,
23:45 especially if you use reverse osmosis,
23:48 if you have a water softener, because if you have a
23:51 water softener that's going to be putting salt into the water
23:54 Well salt follows water, or water follows salt,
23:56 and if you don't have that then you lose weight.
23:59 Actually that's part of it, you're exactly right.
24:01 When you drink more water what happens
24:03 is first of all you tank up your system,
24:05 so if you're dehydrated which many Americans are,
24:08 they're walking around not at optimal
24:10 brain functioning because they're dehydrated.
24:14 They may tend to get a little light headed when they stand up,
24:17 a number of problems can occur with lack of water intake.
24:20 Once you get hydrated though,
24:22 the excess water you take in actually is
24:24 processed through the kidneys, and comes out.
24:27 So then that causes you to lose weight?
24:29 Or what is it that causes you to lose weight.
24:31 What it does is, the way the Lord has designed our kidneys,
24:35 is every time we void water,
24:38 we actually lose some sodium with it.
24:40 - Ok.
24:41 And so it actually takes sodium out of the body,
24:44 pulls more water with it.
24:45 So for a person that has edema, swelling of the legs,
24:48 provided they don't have... - Heart disease.
24:50 right heart disease or kidney failure, stuff like that.
24:53 If they don't have those problems,
24:55 just garden variety edema,
24:56 drinking more water can actually decrease
24:59 the problems with fluid build-up because
25:01 it pulls excess water out of the system.
25:03 - Ok.
25:05 So this is one way that water drinking can help
25:06 someone lose some weight if they're retaining fluid.
25:10 Ok, so we know why, another
25:11 reason why-- to help us lose weight.
25:13 When should we be drinking water?
25:14 Well don't jump ahead on too much!
25:17 Because you've got something else about the water?
25:19 Yes, because drinking water, some of the latest research,
25:21 and I've got a study right here Don,
25:23 it's actually showing us that when
25:25 you drink more water, it stimulates
25:28 metabolic receptors in the body
25:31 that actually raises
25:34 body processes, raises metabolism.
25:36 So it thinks you're going to get more,
25:38 but you don't get it,
25:39 you just got the water and it starts burning more off.
25:41 You burn more calories.
25:42 So water drinking is very positive,
25:44 even room temperature water, doesn't have to be cold,
25:46 doesn't have to be warmed up.
25:48 So, it makes your metabolism go up,
25:50 what about a diabetic?
25:51 is that going to be a problem?
25:53 Actually typically not, this would be
25:55 beneficial for the diabetic as well.
25:56 So it tends to ensure that you don't over-eat when
25:58 you're well hydrated,
26:00 when you come to sit at the meal,
26:01 it also helps you trim down some pounds.
26:02 - We got about 40 seconds left. When should we drink this water?
26:06 Water is best drunk between meals,
26:08 not with meals,
26:09 that tends to interfere with the digestive process,
26:13 and especially if you have reflux you'll get into problems.
26:15 Amount of water to drink?
26:17 That was on your mind next wasn't it?
26:19 - Yes - Ok!
26:20 We recommend one ounce
26:23 for every two pounds of weight.
26:25 as a general rule of thumb.
26:27 You weight 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces a day.
26:30 We've been talking with Dr. David DeRose,
26:32 We've had some good news about water,
26:34 it can actually help you lose weight,
26:36 it does a lot of other great things as well.
26:38 We're glad you've joined us.
26:39 If you want more information, go to:
26:42 We're glad you joined us as well Dr. DeRose.
26:44 - Thank you.
26:45 Thanks and we'll see you again next time.
26:54 Modern views of evolution stem all the way
26:56 back to theories developed in the mid 1800s.
27:00 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape
27:03 our educational system today.
27:06 The common school movement for example,
27:08 saw schools more like a factory,
27:10 with students blindly memorizing
27:12 instruction rather than thinking for themselves.
27:15 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical,
27:18 instead of being flexible and practical,
27:21 It was designed to conform the individual
27:23 into a specific ideological mold,
27:26 that fit the needs of a old industrial era, long since past.
27:32 Just like our view of creation in six literal days,
27:35 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint
27:39 radically different from the one we see now.
27:55 Well friends, that's it for today.
27:57 Thank you for joining us.
27:58 Pick up the phone and give us a call at:
28:04 God Bless you.


Revised 2013-06-17