Triple Bypass Avoided By Lifestyle Change

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Myrl Dake


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000041

00:24 Hi folks, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:28 I'm so happy to be with you today,
00:30 because we have a really great story.
00:33 We have a gentleman in the studio with us right now.
00:36 Mr. Dake, how are you?
00:38 Fine, thank you.
00:39 It's Myrl, right?
00:41 That's right. Okay.
00:42 Myrl comes to us with
00:44 a problem that he's had for so many years.
00:48 We're going to be talking about this condition,
00:51 a cardiovascular condition
00:54 where he was advised some...
00:56 How many years ago does that go back,
00:58 when they suggested that you have open heart surgery?
01:01 1991.
01:02 1991.
01:04 So in 1991 the doctor says to you,
01:07 "Myrl, I've got some good news and some bad news.
01:10 I think we can save your life,
01:11 but you're going to have to go under the knife."
01:13 Is that right? That's right.
01:15 They did an angiogram on me and they said that
01:20 I had three arteries that were severely occluded,
01:24 and that I was literally a walking time bomb.
01:27 This was a Friday, and they said, "You are so bad
01:32 that we're not going to let you go home.
01:35 We're going to do surgery at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
01:39 We normally don't do Saturday surgeries,
01:41 but you are such a walking time bomb
01:43 that we're going to do triple bypass on you tomorrow morning."
01:47 Now, how much, how severely blocked were you?
01:52 What percentage? Did they give you a number?
01:54 They did.
01:56 One of the main left descending
01:59 arteries was 99 percent blocked,
02:02 one was 85 percent, and one was 75 percent.
02:06 Wow. Okay.
02:08 And what did you do? What did you say to the doctors?
02:12 Well, while I was lying on a gurney all day,
02:17 because I couldn't move until the
02:21 vein that they had gone into had healed over,
02:24 they all sidled up to my gurney and
02:27 told me all these terrible things,
02:29 and that they were going to do this.
02:32 Then they put me into a hospital room
02:36 preparatory for what sleep I could get
02:39 and then be ready for the next morning.
02:41 When everybody left, I got up and put on my clothes
02:44 and walked out of the hospital,
02:46 to the great consternation of all parties concerned.
02:50 But I told them, "Ultimately, I am responsible for me,
02:55 and I may or I may not do this.
02:58 But I am first going to do some serious research
03:03 to find out whether this is a patch only
03:08 or whether it really is a cure for the problem."
03:11 And I quickly found out that it really is a patch,
03:16 because I had a friend particularly that
03:20 has had this done three times.
03:22 And they clogged up again
03:24 because he didn't change his lifestyle.
03:27 So what I discovered was that a vegetarian lifestyle
03:33 was the only way to go
03:35 to reverse existing blockage of heart arteries.
03:38 Now you discovered this, I presume,
03:41 by investigating perhaps online or through books,
03:45 that a lifestyle change would clear out your arteries, right?
03:50 Yes.
03:51 And did you begin a lifestyle change immediately thereafter?
03:54 Yes, I did.
03:56 And have you been loyal to this change all these years?
04:00 No, I have not. Okay.
04:02 Tell us about that.
04:04 I stayed with it as best I could,
04:07 and I did reverse the blockage
04:10 to the point where I could carry on a normal life.
04:14 Now, how long did that take, Myrl?
04:17 A couple years. I worked on it a couple years.
04:21 I was not vegan, but I was lacto-ovo vegetarian.
04:25 There was still dairy products and there was still cheese
04:29 and things of that nature, and eggs.
04:35 Actually, when I came to the NEWSTART program at Weimar
04:38 and they did the blood test on me,
04:40 I was pretty sure that they would say that
04:43 my blood came out 50 percent pizza,
04:45 çlaughterÑ
04:48 because I love pizza.
04:49 I understand.
04:51 And pizza is always so loaded with cheese.
04:55 Well, let me stop you just for a moment now.
04:57 If you knew then...
05:00 We're going back to when you started finding out
05:03 that you could clear your arteries.
05:05 If you knew then what you know now,
05:08 would you have become totally vegan and...?
05:12 Tell me about that.
05:14 I absolutely would.
05:15 Alright, so you've discovered now...
05:18 Sounds like you're stair-stepping a little bit.
05:21 You went into being a vegetarian,
05:23 and now you're becoming vegan.
05:27 And with the understanding that with a vegan lifestyle,
05:31 staying with this...
05:33 these types of foods that we eat as a vegan,
05:38 that your arteries can completely clear themselves out.
05:42 Well, the amazing thing that I've learned
05:44 just in the 18 days that I've been here
05:48 is that my arteries have cleaned out more in 18 days
05:53 than they have in 18 years.
05:55 How do you know that?
05:56 Well, because they put me on a stress test
06:01 when I got here,
06:03 and they put me on a stress test again
06:05 at the end of this period,
06:08 and my tolerance for strenuous activity
06:13 has gone up by some 33 percent
06:16 just in that period of time.
06:19 And that's just in 17 days?
06:21 Yes! Yes, I'm so excited about it
06:23 I can't stand myself.
06:26 It kind of gives you a new lease on life, doesn't it?
06:29 Absolutely, and I want to kick myself
06:31 in the pants for not knowing
06:33 more about this and doing it then, 18 years ago.
06:38 But the combination of the
06:40 exercise program they have at Weimar,
06:44 the wonderful spiritual component
06:47 that all of the workers here have added to it,
06:51 together with much more walking
06:56 than I ever did before,
06:58 has, together with the vegan diet,
07:02 just all conspired to reverse lots of problems.
07:05 Amen.
07:07 I also lost my wife to terminal cancer last February.
07:12 And in my grieving and frustrations and so on,
07:16 I took it out on food, so I had gained 25 pounds
07:19 just since this last February.
07:21 So the Pizza Hut has been a familiar friend of yours, huh?
07:24 Well, as a widower living alone at home,
07:29 pizza is a very convenient way to feed your face.
07:33 And I did that all too often because I love it anyway.
07:37 But I have learned that I have to change my diet to vegan.
07:41 I did another thing.
07:44 I used to salt everything even before I tasted it,
07:47 because I knew that no one ever salted anything sufficient
07:52 to my taste.
07:55 Now that I've been here,
07:56 they don't add salt to anything,
07:58 and I discovered by the second day,
08:00 who needs salt?
08:01 Everything tastes wonderful here,
08:03 and they don't salt it.
08:06 So to tell you the truth,
08:08 I knew I was coming here to get problems solved,
08:12 but I had no idea I was coming to Shangri-La.
08:16 So this is an 18-year problem
08:19 that in 16, 17 days...
08:22 I understand when you first arrived you had angina,
08:25 or angina, as some people say.
08:27 Is that the case?
08:29 Yes. I went around...
08:31 We have a loop trail
08:34 that we go around,
08:35 and it has some ups and downs and some hills and so on.
08:38 And chugging back up the hill,
08:41 just doing a half mile, I ended up bringing on angina
08:44 because of the extra 25 pounds that I'd put on,
08:48 plus too much pizza and a few other things
08:50 that I was doing wrong.
08:53 Now I can walk several miles nonstop without...
08:58 With no pain?
08:59 With no chest pain at all.
09:01 What about medication? Are you taking medication?
09:03 I take a very minor medication
09:06 that I've been taking for 18 years.
09:09 But it started out I had to take it three times a day,
09:12 and now I'm down to once a day.
09:15 And I'm looking forward near-term
09:16 to when I don't have to take it at all.
09:19 Well I can relate, because a similar thing happened to me.
09:24 The difference was, I went under the knife and did that.
09:27 Five-way bypass,
09:29 which I wish I hadn't, but I did,
09:31 and that's water under the bridge.
09:33 But now we've chosen our lifestyles,
09:36 being vegans, fellow vegans,
09:39 to live a long and healthy life.
09:42 As Doctor Ing told me, and Doctor Lukens as well,
09:45 this may add another 20 years to your life.
09:49 And you look healthy.
09:51 I know you're eager and excited about what's going on now.
09:55 I assure you you're going to continue
09:58 to lose weight as I did,
10:00 and welcome to the club.
10:02 Welcome to a new start. Thank you.
10:04 And Myrl, I want to thank you for taking your time.
10:07 I know you're a busy man,
10:09 and I wish you all the luck in the world.
10:11 Thank you for joining us
10:12 in the studio. My pleasure.
10:14 And folks, there you have it!
10:16 Myrl, 18 years...
10:18 Don't go away!
10:20 We'll be right back with an important message.
10:24 Well, you've done very well.
10:32 Do you have diabetes,
10:33 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:36 or do you weigh too much?
10:38 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:41 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:44 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:47 with laboratory studies
10:49 and an exercise stress test,
10:51 physician consultations,
10:53 culinary school,
10:55 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
10:58 in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:02 Your health is one of the most
11:04 important things that you have. Don't wait.
11:06 Give us a call at:
11:11 Or visit our website:
11:30 Well friends, welcome back!
11:32 In our studio we have Doctor Lukens.
11:35 It's such a pleasure.
11:37 And this one is exciting, man!
11:39 This is really exciting.
11:40 This is real.
11:42 Doctor Lukens shared with me last night,
11:45 and he says, "We've got to get Myrtle in there..."
11:47 Myrl. Excuse me.
11:49 "...and do an interview, because
11:51 he's got a real exciting story,
11:53 one that needs to be heard."
11:55 Let's take it from there, if you would,
11:58 and tell us about what has happened in the last 18 years.
12:02 Okay, now this is a little bit of an aside,
12:06 but we have two people
12:08 primarily with the same problem this time.
12:11 And we have the other interview as well.
12:14 But there is a difference, and that's why I tell people,
12:17 two thirds of your health program is your exercise.
12:20 Now see, he told you that he's been being followed.
12:25 And he does cardio,
12:27 I think it's three times a week or whatever,
12:29 and they have him on a certain elevation,
12:32 at a certain speed, and he knows
12:34 that at the end of so many minutes,
12:39 he's going to start feeling that pain.
12:42 But what he has been doing
12:45 is even though he hasn't been opening all this up,
12:48 he's been developing colateral.
12:51 And so the other patient
12:54 looks at this and he says,
12:55 "Well I didn't get quite as good results."
12:57 And so I was able to tell him,
12:58 that's because he's got these little tiny feeders coming in.
13:02 That's point number one: he's got colateral.
13:04 So this is amazing.
13:06 Explain colateral to our viewers.
13:08 That means that there's...
13:09 One of his arteries is only 75 percent blocked.
13:12 So that one is putting little tiny...
13:15 Some of the little tiny arteries
13:16 from that are starting to develop
13:18 over the area where the
13:20 90-plus percent blockage is, you see?
13:22 And so that one that he's talking about,
13:26 the left anterior descending coronary artery,
13:29 is what they call the widow-maker.
13:31 And it's true. If that blocks off,
13:34 and he hasn't been exercising,
13:36 then he's toast, as they say.
13:39 So that's one thing. The other thing is
13:42 he didn't get the idea
13:44 that he needs to be on a whole-plant foods,
13:48 eaten whole, diet.
13:51 So even if he were to go back and eat totally vegan,
13:57 but he would be adding in the refined carbohydrates,
14:02 and the refined oils,
14:04 then he still wouldn't turn that mechanism off.
14:07 And then the third thing is what I just...
14:09 That's my song and dance.
14:11 I'm harping on this to everybody.
14:13 But I didn't know about it when I went through medical school.
14:15 And that is that when you eat
14:17 only plant-based fats,
14:19 you get those tiny little arteries
14:22 that dilate up just enough.
14:25 So those plugs in his arteries, they haven't changed.
14:29 But those tiny, tiny little arteries,
14:32 they're at the end point.
14:33 They've dilated up just enough
14:36 so that the oxygenated blood
14:38 is flowing in into all parts of his body.
14:40 So his heart...
14:42 It's very, very noticeable to him because he's had this,
14:46 and he knows what he can and can't do.
14:47 It goes to his brain,
14:49 it's going to his kidneys, it's going all over his body.
14:52 And that's why he looks better than when he first came, too.
14:55 And only 17 days.
14:57 And he's had this problem for 18 years,
15:01 where he was going to go under the knife
15:04 and decided not to, and he's gotten progressively better.
15:07 What the good news is,
15:09 that we can make a change.
15:12 But on this plant-based food program,
15:16 whole food program,
15:18 we can totally reverse this cardiovascular situation.
15:24 But see, the thing is, that's the thing.
15:26 It's not reversed.
15:29 But those little tiny arteries are dilated up.
15:33 So it's way out at the end, right where the cells are.
15:36 Now, when he does that, when Ornish
15:42 and especially Esselstyn did their work,
15:44 and they redid the angiograms,
15:48 they saw that some of them had 70 percent regression
15:51 of some of these plaques.
15:53 But see, the thing is,
15:55 we keep looking at the plaque,
15:57 and the plaque is not where the answer is.
15:59 And also, when you eat the green leafy vegetables
16:02 as Doctor Esselstyn, he points this out.
16:05 That's one of his biggest things that he wants people to do.
16:08 Because that's another thing that happens.
16:11 You get nitric oxide,
16:13 and that also helps
16:15 with the circulation, the micro-circulation.
16:17 So you get those two together.
16:18 The exercise is in there,
16:20 and so the heart is starting to pump stronger,
16:25 and that circulation is better.
16:28 The big vessels, the small vessels,
16:30 and the capillaries,
16:31 because there's no fat in there
16:33 to plug up those capillaries,
16:36 so that those red blood cells can't get through there.
16:39 All of it together.
16:40 And what was so neat about his
16:42 is that it was incremental.
16:45 You want to ask me about that?
16:48 Let me ask you about that!
16:50 No, you were on a roll there. I didn't want to stop you!
16:52 But I did want to interrupt you
16:54 and ask you about this elasticity
16:56 of the arteries, the veins, etc.
16:59 The arteries is what we're talking about.
17:01 Yeah, and what I heard you say was,
17:05 these become more flexible and...
17:08 No, what happens is that the tiny smooth muscle
17:11 in these little tiny arteries,
17:14 the prostaglandins-- and here goes that word again--
17:18 the prostaglandins allow those blood vessels
17:22 to dilate at just enough
17:24 so that the flow of blood goes right to the cells.
17:27 And that is it. It starts within three days.
17:33 So I'm glad you asked about the increments.
17:36 Let me ask you about the increments.
17:38 Okay, there we go.
17:40 So going around the half-mile loop,
17:42 the first day or two that he was here,
17:44 he got the anginal pain. He alluded to that.
17:47 But I was watching for....
17:49 When he told me that, I was watching for that.
17:51 Then the second, like six, seven, eight days,
17:55 he was able to walk around a mile,
17:57 and he didn't have to stop talking.
17:59 In other words, he could talk and walk, which is...
18:03 We don't want you to be so breathless
18:06 that you can't talk when you're walking.
18:08 And he didn't get the anginal pain.
18:10 And then he was able to do two laps around
18:16 without stopping, and he didn't get the anginal pain.
18:18 See, these are progressive, and each time that I saw him
18:21 he would just, "I've got news for you!
18:23 I've got a miracle!"
18:25 He was so excited about it.
18:27 And then when we put him on the treadmill,
18:29 we could see the difference there,
18:31 because we asked him,
18:33 "Alright, tell us as soon as you get the anginal pain."
18:35 And it was later.
18:36 It was a couple of minutes later.
18:38 And then, "How bad does it get?"
18:40 The first time he said, "It's a 7 or an 8."
18:43 And you could see the look on his face,
18:45 that he wanted to stop.
18:46 And so he did stop,
18:48 and into the recovery stage
18:52 I asked him. He said, "Well, now it's down to a 5.
18:54 Now it's down to a 3."
18:56 And then about 4 to 6 minutes later he says, "Now it's gone."
19:00 The most it got to when he had done
19:03 a couple minutes longer,
19:05 the most it got up to was 5 out of 10,
19:08 if 10 was worst and 0 or 1 was like....
19:13 So it only got up to a 5,
19:15 it was later than it had before,
19:18 and then when he said that it started easing off
19:22 was within two minutes.
19:24 And then before the four to six minutes
19:27 he said, "It's totally gone now."
19:30 And see, that's not those bigger vessels.
19:33 They haven't changed in 18 days.
19:36 But it's the tiny blood vessels starting within three days,
19:39 they start dilating up.
19:41 The nitric oxide helps too, and it's just...
19:44 So the blockage is not removed then, at this point.
19:47 Everything is expanding a little bit.
19:49 No, but see, it's not such a big deal,
19:51 because those really tight blockages
19:53 are in a certain area there,
19:55 and the blood goes around that,
19:58 unless there's a fatty meal or a clot
20:00 that's going to get stuck there.
20:03 It goes on through there,
20:05 but when it gets out to that area
20:07 where the tiny little blood vessels are,
20:09 if those aren't dilated up,
20:11 even taking the blockages out
20:12 isn't going to be that effective.
20:14 I see. Yep.
20:15 So... It's a whole different concept.
20:18 A whole different concept.
20:19 And I just read, I got it from one of my colleagues,
20:24 70 percent of heart attacks occur
20:29 in an artery that is only 50 percent blocked.
20:32 Seventy percent of heart attacks
20:36 occur in an artery that is only 50 percent blocked.
20:39 It's that inflammatory, hot plaque that breaks open.
20:44 Well, that's very interesting.
20:46 I could talk for hours with you about this,
20:49 but as you know, the clock is winding down.
20:51 Do you have any last minute statement
20:53 you'd like to share with the viewers?
20:55 Well, there's a lot of people that won't do this,
20:57 but I wish more people knew about it,
20:59 and we could coach them along.
21:02 And if they would try it they would realize that
21:05 it's everything that everything else isn't.
21:08 Amen.
21:09 Doctor Lukens, we want to thank you
21:11 for joining us here in the studio.
21:13 Anytime. Oh, what a grip!
21:15 Yes, anytime on this.
21:17 I really appreciate you being here.
21:20 And folks, thank you for joining us,
21:22 but don't go away, because we have a tip for you
21:25 right after this short break.
21:42 Welcome to NEWSTART at Home. I'm your host Don Mackintosh.
21:44 We're glad that you're with us today,
21:46 and in the studio today we have Rich Kollumberg.
21:49 And Rich, you've written a book,
21:50 "Clean Seven Steps to Freedom: What Every Addict Needs."
21:54 Your wife and yourself have written this book,
21:57 probably because you have a little experience.
21:58 A little bit of experience, about 25 years of experience
22:01 of becoming a drug addict.
22:04 Okay. Can't put it any other way.
22:07 And you know, you kind of laugh nervously,
22:10 but it was really not a good time.
22:12 Not a pleasant experience.
22:13 But praise God, even you go that way,
22:17 God can work things for good,
22:18 and now you're helping people get out of that.
22:20 That's true. Right now my wife and I are
22:23 helping people to get out of the bondage of addiction,
22:27 to realize that they don't have to live that way.
22:30 You and I talked, and you said there's two types of addiction,
22:33 substance and...
22:35 Behavioral. Behaviors.
22:37 And substances would be
22:40 alcohol, drugs, whatever-- your drug of choice.
22:42 And what are some of the behaviors?
22:44 Well, the behaviors are anger, jealousy,
22:48 pride, sexual addictions,
22:52 gambling, and one that you might not think too much about,
22:55 and that would be disobedience.
22:57 So you're kind of addicted to disobedience?
22:59 Have you ever run a red light?
23:02 And when you run the red light,
23:03 there's a little chill that goes down your spine
23:06 and you look in the mirror and you say,
23:08 "Whew. I didn't get caught."
23:10 And the first place you go,
23:11 you tell somebody else about that.
23:13 There's a little bit of a thrill that happens with disobedience.
23:17 Well, I've never really had that thrill,
23:18 I've got to face it, but I can see what you mean.
23:19 There's been some other areas where
23:21 I've been overly thrilled about things.
23:23 So there's like kind of a rush
23:24 that comes from doing what's wrong.
23:26 Yeah.
23:27 And this is what happened in your life?
23:29 This is what happened in my life.
23:31 And you know, disobedience is funny,
23:33 because you start stepping out on the edge,
23:35 and after you get so far out on the edge,
23:37 then that thrill is gone.
23:38 You've got to move out a little bit farther
23:40 and a little bit farther.
23:41 Disobedience is funny.
23:43 If you want a child not to do something,
23:46 you tell them to do it. -"Don't look at the red monkey."
23:48 Don't look at the red monkey,
23:49 or don't think about red monkeys.
23:51 And we're all thinking about them right now.
23:52 It's funny like that.
23:54 So that's kind of like part of the human nature,
23:57 the human condition, that you just kind of are drawn
24:01 to sometimes what's wrong.
24:03 The grass on the other side of the fence.
24:05 Exactly. You know, the first drug-pusher
24:07 that there ever was, was Satan
24:10 in the Garden of Eden, and the drug
24:11 he was pushing was disobedience.
24:13 In fact, if you read Story of Redemption page 36,
24:18 you will read, "She then
24:20 plucked for herself the fruit and ate,
24:23 and imagined she felt a quickening power
24:26 of a new and elevated existence
24:28 as a result of the exhilarating
24:32 influence of the forbidden fruit.
24:34 She was in a strange and unnatural excitement
24:37 as she sought her husband with her hands filled with the
24:40 forbidden fruit."
24:41 She actually got high on this disobedience.
24:47 So even though it's wrong,
24:48 you become obedient to the wrong
24:50 instead of obedient to the right.
24:52 So how can this change? How did it change for you?
24:54 Well, I had to first be honest with myself,
25:00 and realize and tell myself the truth that I was an addict.
25:03 It's interesting because God is real gentle with us,
25:07 but He's firm with us.
25:09 And after I cried out to God
25:11 and He helped me, He said that...
25:13 He told me, kind of in a sense of humor,
25:15 He said, "You think you're pretty smart, don't you?"
25:17 I said, "Yeah, I do."
25:19 And He says, "Well Rich,
25:20 this is what your best thinking got you,
25:22 was 25 years of drug abuse,
25:24 you've used everybody up in your life, and you're..."
25:27 So when this thought came to you,
25:28 where were you? Were you sitting alone?
25:30 Everybody's kind of alienated from you?
25:32 Yeah. I was all done.
25:34 I was all done. I was all by myself.
25:36 Even my girlfriend wouldn't see me anymore.
25:37 That's what my best thinking had gotten me,
25:40 was a life of disobedience.
25:41 And that thought came to you?
25:43 In other words, your best thinking led to nothing.
25:46 Yeah, it led to nothing.
25:47 Forty-one years trying it my way didn't work.
25:50 God said it's time to try it His way.
25:52 And that's what opened you up to obedience
25:55 to His truth instead of disobedience.
25:58 Right, the new way of thinking. The whole new way of thinking.
26:01 In our life we're walking around
26:02 dragging this bag, so to speak,
26:05 in our minds, and this bag is disobedience.
26:07 And we keep putting stuff into that bag,
26:09 and that bag gets really heavy.
26:11 But when you come to Christ and you obey,
26:13 you start pulling stuff out of that bag,
26:15 and He says, "My burden is light."
26:17 It's kind of deep if it does... obedience in other areas.
26:19 "Every thought," the Bible says, "brought into obedience."
26:22 Great thoughts here in this book that
26:24 you've written along with your wife,
26:25 "Clean Seven Steps to Freedom."
26:27 You can go on our website,
26:30 and there's a link there,
26:32 and it will take you right to the site
26:33 where you can get this book.
26:34 It's a great resource.
26:36 We're glad you've been here. Thanks for coming.
26:37 My pleasure.
26:39 And thank you for coming.
26:40 We hope that you have as a result


Revised 2013-06-17