Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Mary Kay Gonzalez
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000040
00:23 Hi folks, and welcome to another edition of newstart now.
00:28 We have a guest with us today, 00:30 Mary Kay Gonzales from Santa Fe, New Mexico 00:33 Mary Kay came to us a couple of weeks ago 00:36 very sick, and we'd like to see 00:38 that interview right now if we can. 00:42 Well I believe what happened is, 00:45 just the everyday work of stress, 00:49 and not taking time for exercise 00:52 and eating right. 00:54 And I remember about Weimar, 00:57 and how it has a lifestyle change program. 01:02 And also to take control of my diabetes, 01:07 which I was diagnosed in 1999. 01:11 Being here, I know that I want to be able to 01:16 to continue the work that I do, 01:20 without worrying about feeling sick, 01:24 or not being able to do, or be able to 01:27 travel anywhere with restrictions of health 01:30 So reversing the diabetes, 01:33 and just doing a whole new way of eating 01:38 would give me a fresh start 01:41 to really be able to accomplish what I 01:43 need to do in just an everyday situation. 01:47 Well folks in our studio I have Mary Kay Gonzales. 01:51 Mary Kay, how are you? - I'm doing great. 01:53 You look like. . . 01:56 you look different! 01:57 Thank you, yes. 01:59 Tell us what has happened, 02:00 I know you have some exciting news to tell. 02:02 Yes, I feel great since I've been here, 02:05 I'm off of all my high blood pressure medicine. 02:08 And you say all, now when I was on 02:10 those I had two, were you taking two? 02:12 Yes, two of them. 02:14 Ok, and you're off those. 02:15 Off of them, and my blood pressure is normal 02:19 which makes me happy because I've 02:21 been on high blood pressure for 15 years. 02:23 15 years! And in 17 days now you're off them, 02:28 and your blood pressure is normal. 02:30 What is normal? Tell us what your reading was. 02:33 110 over 69. 02:35 110 over 69! and what was it with the medication? 02:38 It was much higher, I think like 120 over. . . 02:42 I think 110, I mean the second number was much higher. 02:46 And that was with meds! 02:47 That was with meds! Isn't that wonderful? 02:51 Oh. . . I just can't believe it, 02:53 it's just been. . . a real blessing. 02:57 I didn't even expect that, 02:58 I thought well maybe it will just get better 03:00 but to be off of that is just like, 03:03 complete freedom. 03:05 Now I know you have some other good news, tell us more. 03:08 Yes, on my diabetes my sugars were 03:11 way out of control, they were over 200 even at fasting, 03:16 for over a year and a half. 03:17 And just in three days, 03:19 they started coming down, and now my 03:22 sugars at fasting are 89, they stay at a hundred, 03:25 you know they don't go over, and I'm off of 03:28 all the medicines except one, so I'm just down to one now. 03:31 Congratulations. 03:33 I know, I can't believe it's so exciting. 03:35 Yes, you look so different, you look so much more alive! 03:40 I feel much more alive, I think 03:42 the walking, I mean before I only 03:44 used to walk maybe a mile or two miles 03:47 I've done eight miles. 03:49 In one day. At one time? 03:52 No no no, just different parts of the day, 03:54 but going through the trails 03:56 you know, and I love it, 03:58 it's just like I have more energy, 04:01 it's just been really great, and the food has been wonderful, 04:06 And everything I have learned here 04:09 has just opened up my eyes to how I can feel great now, 04:14 you know. . . I can be a new me. 04:18 Now what about the weight? 04:20 and I know that is not as exciting 04:23 as dropping the blood pressure medications, and the diabetes, 04:28 but what about the weight? 04:29 Well the weight is coming of slowly, 04:31 and in fact today I'll be measured to see how well I've 04:34 done on inches and stuff like that, 04:36 but it's been pretty good. 04:39 And you said a moment ago, before we started the interview 04:44 that you are have a treatment in the hydrotherapy? 04:47 Yes, it's a fever bath, 04:50 because I had endometrial cancer 04:53 a couple of years ago, 04:54 and they did a full hysterectomy, 04:57 and this is to build up my immune system so that 05:00 you know, I can be cancer free. 05:03 And that's gone? - Yes. 05:05 Praise God. 05:07 It's amazing just in a few days, 05:10 I mean that all this could happen. 05:13 I'm just so thankful . . . for NEWSTART here. 05:19 Yes, you got a new start. - Yes, I got a new start. 05:24 How were you treated here? 05:26 Oh everybody here is very loving, 05:29 professional, the teachers, 05:31 the doctors, were just wonderful. 05:35 And who was your doctor? Dr. Ing. 05:38 And they've just been, so much information, 05:42 that I can take back and actually use. 05:44 And the cooking school, I learned so many new things 05:48 on how to be a vegan. I'm pretty excited about that! 05:52 So they make it easy so you can actually take this and 05:57 implement it right away. 05:59 Now were you a cook before you came here? 06:01 Did you cook at home? 06:02 Yes, I did, but I think I tended 06:05 to eat out more, to make it easier. 06:09 I'm excited to be able to do a 06:11 lot of the recipes that we learned, 06:14 because it really tastes good, now that I was surprised about. 06:17 So was I when I went. 06:19 Now Sally was the cooking school instructor, right? 06:22 Yes. - Sally Christensen 06:24 She's been at our NEWSTART 06:26 program about 20 years did you know? 06:28 Yes. 06:29 And she's an excellent teacher 06:32 and I know that you've learned quite a bit. 06:35 Yes, it's a. . . she. . . 06:37 her cooking school, it makes it so easy, 06:40 and it's not hard at all, 06:42 and there's recipes that you can do 06:44 really fast, you know less than 30 minutes, 06:47 real fast ones, and then you know, 06:50 you can make lasagna and pizza, I mean things that. . . 06:53 Like the lasagna! 06:55 Yes, like the lasagna, it's one of my favorites. 06:58 Now, what part of the 07:01 program had the most effect on you? 07:06 Any particular part? or was it a culmination of everything, 07:09 what did you like to do the most? 07:12 Well, I think the walking was 07:17 I really enjoyed, because the grounds here are so beautiful, 07:20 but the classes with the doctors, 07:24 all the information we learned, 07:26 I mean, it was just an eye opener. 07:30 Now the doctors have two or three lectures per day, 07:34 and then you have cooking school lectures, 07:37 then you have lectures perhaps from Rhonda Smith 07:42 who is running the NEWSTART program, 07:46 and then the hydro-therapies and the walking. 07:49 When you were walking did you get up to the water tower? 07:53 Yes, I did. 07:54 Did you get to see the sun rise? 07:56 Oh, yes it was so beautiful. 07:59 I think anywhere you go on campus 08:02 there's something beautiful, 08:04 the Manzanita Trail, it's just gorgeous. 08:07 Now what really affected me about 08:09 the walking was I never walked anywhere 08:12 In San Francisco where I was raised, 08:15 you either took a trolly car, bus, or a car. 08:19 So walking was new to me, 08:21 and I really enjoyed that while I was here, 08:24 So I'm glad that you brought that up. 08:25 Now I understand you did a treadmill 08:29 your second day you were here, where they wire you up 08:32 and you'd walk up on this 08:34 treadmill rather fast and faster. 08:37 How did you do the first time. 08:39 Well the first time I did ok, 08:42 you know, but it was pretty tough. 08:45 What I was surprised is, 08:47 I was kind of dreading the 08:48 second test towards the end, you know. 08:50 So was I by the way! 08:51 But I did really good! - Did you? 08:53 Yes, I improved immensely. 08:55 Yes so you got. . . 08:57 They cleared you of any conditions? 09:00 Yes, and my blood pressures came down, 09:02 I mean everything went very well. 09:04 So I was really excited about that. 09:06 Now what are you going to do when you get home? 09:10 What's going to change when you walk in the house? 09:12 Everything is going to change! 09:15 Everything, from the way I eat 09:19 from the way I exercise, 09:23 and even the spiritual part. 09:25 So every aspect of my life is going to be different. 09:30 Now what part of the spiritual part had an impact? 09:34 Well, you know we had a fresh start 09:36 every morning which was really nice, 09:38 and the chaplain, Viola, 09:41 was especially inspirational to me. 09:45 and it gave me some special insights, and I needed 09:50 that special time with the Lord, and it was definitely met here. 09:56 Yes, I hear this from everyone who comes through the program, 10:00 it's just part of the whole package, 10:03 Yes, it actually is, you can't separate any of it, 10:06 all of it makes you a whole person. 10:09 Mary Kay, I just want to thank 10:11 you for joining us in the studio. 10:12 Thank you so much. 10:14 I wish you all the luck 10:15 in the world. - Thank you 10:17 Folks, thank you for joining us, 10:18 but don't go away I got a message for you. 10:21 Well, you've done very well. 10:29 Do you have diabetes, 10:30 heart disease, high blood pressure, 10:33 or do you weigh too much? 10:35 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 10:38 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program. 10:41 It includes a comprehensive medical 10:43 evaluation with laboratory studies and an 10:46 exercise stress test, 10:48 physician consultations, 10:50 culinary school, 10:52 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful 10:55 trails in the foothills of the Sierras. 10:59 Your health is one of the most 11:01 important things that you have. Don't wait. 11:03 Give us a call. 11:08 Or visit our website. 11:27 Welcome back friends, and in our 11:29 studio today is Dr. Clarence Ing. 11:32 How are you Doctor? 11:33 It's great to be here with you Ron. 11:35 Dr. Ing is our medical 11:36 director for the NEWSTART program. 11:40 Dr. Ing I'd like to talk with you 11:43 about Mary Kay Gonzales, 11:45 and the progress that she's made, 11:48 what a delightful lady, 11:51 she just seems to be bubbling with 11:54 excitement and enthusiasm about the program. 11:57 But tell us from a doctor's 11:59 point of view what's transpired here. 12:01 Well Mary Kay came with some significant health challenges. 12:07 A couple years ago, she learned that she had cancer, 12:11 cancer of the uterus and the metrocarcinoma 12:15 and the hysterectomy. . . she had hysterectomy 12:17 which was. . . there's a usual treatment for that 12:21 and she also has diabetes, and she also has 12:24 high blood pressure, and she's also too short. 12:27 Meaning! You mean she's a little overweight. 12:31 Yes, she's a little overweight. 12:32 Some of our viewers don't know what that comment means. 12:34 People don't like to be told their overweight, so I say 12:37 Well, you know, you're not overweight, 12:39 you're just undertall, or you're too short! 12:42 You need to grow taller! 12:46 But we haven't figured out a way to help 12:48 people grow taller when their 40 and 50 years old, 12:50 So then we have to work with the other parameter, 12:53 and we usually then help them lose weight. 12:56 And we help them do that very successfully with the 12:59 program that is here, and the Lord's blessing. 13:03 The Lord's blessing is really important, 13:05 because we've had people lose 140 pounds, 13:09 150 pounds, 200 pounds. 13:11 Not in 18 days? 13:12 No, no not in 18 days, 13:13 and they keep it off. 13:15 We have had patients lose like 20 pounds 13:20 or 25 pounds in the 18 days, 13:22 but a significant part of that was water. 13:27 But, you know, it has happened. 13:29 But the program does work, 13:31 and we're really happy to help the people out. 13:35 Now Mary Kay, I understand is 13:38 taken off a couple of her medications 13:42 since she arrived here, 13:43 can you tell us a little bit about that? 13:45 Well Mary Kay comes in with the diabetes, 13:47 and the high blood pressure, 13:48 the weight, and the history of cancer. 13:50 So the areas she wanted to work with, 13:52 she wanted to lose some weight, 13:54 she wanted to see if she could get off 13:56 some of her medications, and she. . . 13:57 One was for triglycerides? 13:59 She was on one for her triglycerides, 14:01 and her triglycerides were really quite high, they were 14:05 300 or more. . . around . . . you know. . . 14:08 up in the high 200s or almost 300, 14:11 and so one of the medicines for that was removed 14:16 and her triglycerides came down, 14:19 and they came down quite dramatically, 14:21 you know like over 120 points, 14:23 and that was with the lifestyle changes that 14:25 she made without having to use the medication, 14:27 and she was happy about that. 14:29 And as we would monitor her when she came in, 14:31 her blood pressure was really. . . 14:33 it was normal with her medication. 14:35 So we started to withdraw the medication 14:38 and monitor her blood pressure, 14:40 and her blood pressure stayed down, 14:42 so as the blood pressure continued to stay down 14:46 we slowly removed more medicine, 14:47 and the blood pressure stayed down, 14:49 till finally she got to the place where she wasn't on any 14:53 medicine for her blood pressure, 14:54 and her blood pressure was normal. 14:57 She said, Oh good, I don't have to use any more medicine, 15:00 and her blood pressures were normal. 15:02 As she continues to. . . 15:04 follow the principles that she's learned, 15:07 they should stay down, 15:09 and she was very happy about that. 15:11 Oh she's excited, so am I, and I can tell you are as well. 15:16 When she first arrived here, 15:18 and she had her initial interview 15:21 she seemed to be a little bit down, 15:24 somewhat depressed 15:26 and she shared a little bit about that. 15:29 Did she talk to you about her depression? 15:32 She really didn't mention that too much, but I know that 15:35 as we continued to work with her, 15:39 her mood brightened, 15:41 and she was much more optimistic, 15:45 and she was much more outgoing, 15:47 and much more cheerful and a lot happier. 15:50 Well I think. . . 15:53 from what she's been through 15:54 that would be depressing in itself. 15:57 And I know, and maybe you can remember, 15:59 when I came through the program, I was depressed. 16:03 I thought I was going to die any day, 16:05 and you know, all these things that had happened to me. 16:08 And I was quite scared, and I could 16:10 see that in the eyes of a lot of people 16:13 who come through the program. 16:15 Some of them are not so willing to share that with a stranger. 16:20 However I know that after being 16:22 with you doctors for a couple of weeks, 16:25 we. . . at least I opened up and I see she did as well. 16:29 Now she's also lost weight, and I know 16:32 that she wants to continue to lose weight, 16:34 do you have a program in place where you follow up with guests, 16:40 and assist them after they leave the NEWSTART program? 16:43 Well, the patients that I follow, 16:46 every single one of them that I work with, 16:49 when they go home, I ask them, Do you have email? 16:53 And if they do, I give them my email, 16:57 I also give them my card, 17:00 but I also give them my home telephone number. 17:03 And I say, Look, if you have any questions that you want to ask, 17:07 or any problems after the program and you need an answer, 17:12 or if you get sorely tempted to do something that 17:17 is less than healthful, 17:19 and you say, Should I or shouldn't I? 17:22 Please give us a call, anytime, day or night 17:25 as long as I'm present here in the US 17:29 I'll be happy to talk to you, 17:30 and we'll see if we can talk you through that. 17:33 I can vouch for you because 17:35 I remember talking to you on 17:37 the phone about 5 or 6 years ago, 17:40 before I ever came to the NEWSTART program, 17:43 and it was like 10:30 at night! 17:46 And I understand from working with you now, 17:49 in the evenings you often spend the entire 17:52 evening talking to people all over the world. 17:54 Well, yes sometimes that's right 17:58 I can't really do it during the daytime in the 18:00 office in between patients, it's not long enough, 18:03 so sometimes when I go home, 18:05 then I'll start to make my phone calls. 18:08 And if they are on the east coast, it's a little 18:10 challenging because I don't want to call them too late at night. 18:13 But if they're on the west coast, 18:16 I'll usually call up to nine or ten in the evening. 18:19 and most of the time people are very happy to hear it, 18:22 occasionally they say, Well can you call another time? 18:24 I say Certainly. 18:26 So it's up to them. 18:27 Well I mention these things because the viewers are saying, 18:30 well I know some might be saying, 18:32 at least I've been asked, 18:34 Well what about when we leave? And I say after you leave, 18:37 all you have to do is give us a call. 18:39 There's a number of us, 18:41 especially I know with you doctors, 18:43 who are so willing to assist our guests 18:47 once they've left the program. 18:49 Don't we have a young lady on 18:51 staff now that does the followup? 18:53 That's right, and you know another thing I do when I 18:57 give them their final instructions, 18:59 I write my email address 19:03 I say, I want you to give me a report, 19:05 if you have email, once a month 19:07 give me your progress, tell me what your weight is, 19:10 what your blood pressure is, 19:12 if you have diabetes what your 19:13 blood sugars are, and how you're doing. 19:15 And if you have diabetes, and you go get a hemoglobin A1C, 19:20 which gives a number for what their 19:22 blood sugars have been like for three months, 19:25 I want to know what those values are. 19:28 And we often encourage them to 19:30 repeat lab work in three to six months 19:33 depending on how important it is. 19:37 So we want to know how their doing. 19:39 Yes, good. Now I know that she's going home, 19:43 and I believe she lives in Santa Rosa, California, 19:48 a couple hours away from us. 19:50 She is going to continue on this program, 19:55 what assistance does she have with regards to how to prepare 20:01 once she gets home and starts 20:02 cleaning out the pantry and the freezer 20:05 Well this is something we talk 20:07 to them about even before they go, 20:09 What are your plans when you go home? 20:11 Where are you going to put in your exercise? 20:13 What are you planning to do about food? 20:16 And they start to think about these things before they go, 20:19 and also for menu planning they talk with my wife May, 20:23 who is a dietitian, a registered dietitian. 20:25 So they plan out the foods they're going to eat, 20:27 and the menus they're going to follow, 20:29 so they have a good idea of what they're going to do. 20:32 If they need to purchase some of those things here, they do that. 20:35 And by the way, Mary Kay 20:36 even though she lives in Santa Rosa, 20:38 she's going to come back for the reunion 20:40 the first Wednesday of the month, 20:43 where we have anyone who's been a NEWSTART alumni, 20:45 they come back and we have lunch together. 20:47 Yes, the first Wednesday of each month, 20:51 and I think that's just a wonderful plan, 20:53 and I notice the group is getting larger and larger! 20:56 That's awesome. 20:58 Any other thing you can add for Mary Kay? 21:02 Well, she lost five pounds, 21:04 she's off her blood pressure medicines, 21:06 and her blood sugars are under much better control. 21:09 And she's off the triglyceride medicine. 21:11 Yes, and she's very pleased and happy about that. 21:14 Dr. Ing, our time is running short, 21:16 I want to thank you again for joining us. 21:19 God Bless you in your work. 21:21 Thank you very much Ron. 21:22 And thank you folks for joining us, 21:24 but don't go away, we have an important message for you. 21:41 Hello, and welcome to NEWSTART NOW, 21:42 I'm your host Don Mackintosh, 21:44 and today we're glad that Dr. Michael Orlich is with us today. 21:47 Welcome Dr. Orlich. 21:48 Good to be with you Don. 21:50 Now you're a specialist in family practice, 21:52 but also you're doing a board in preventative medicine, 21:55 you worked here for a time at the NEWSTART program as well. 21:59 That's right, four years here at NEWSTART lifestyle program. 22:02 And we have an acronym here, NEWSTART, 22:04 which a guest came up with I guess, 22:07 and one of those parts of the acronym is W, water. 22:11 We want to talk about water today, 22:14 do we get enough water? 22:16 Well, some people do and some people don't, 22:19 but there are a lot of 22:20 people who don't get enough water. 22:23 Water is one of those simple things 22:25 that we take for granted, like air, 22:27 but it's very important for our health. 22:29 Does our body tell us when we need water? 22:31 or do we have to tell our body that we need water? 22:33 Well it's very fortunate that our 22:35 body does have a lot of mechanisms 22:37 for keeping us from getting dehydrated. 22:40 We hang onto more water through our 22:42 kidneys when we're not getting enough, 22:46 and we also have the thirst mechanism, 22:49 that keep us from getting too dehydrated, 22:51 but remember these are alarms 22:53 of your body saying it's getting a bit dehydrated, 22:56 so it's better to stay ahead of 22:58 the game and get plenty of water. 23:00 Remember that probably 70% of your body is made up of water, 23:05 all of the various chemical reactions that 23:07 take place in your body that allow you to be alive 23:10 are water based reactions. 23:12 And so having enough water, staying well hydrated 23:16 is a very important principle for health. 23:18 And you were telling me before we 23:20 did this segment that there's some 23:21 new research that's also showing 23:23 some benefits for being well hydrated. 23:25 Well that's true, there are a number 23:27 of benefits of getting enough water. 23:29 Some of the most obvious ones actually have 23:32 to do with the urinary system, and the bladder. 23:35 For example if you want to avoid urinary tract infections, 23:38 it's good to drink plenty of water. 23:41 If you want to avoid kidney stones, 23:43 it's important to drink a lot of water. 23:45 If you keep the urine dilute, 23:47 the stones don't have as much of an ability to form. 23:51 And bladder cancer is clearly 23:53 reduced with increased water intake. 23:56 But what I was telling you about is findings 23:58 from the Adventist Health Study, which is a major 24:02 epidemiological cohorts study funded by the 24:05 National Institutes of Health, 24:07 and done out of Loma Linda University. 24:09 And they published interesting results that 24:12 had to do with people on their questionnaire 24:15 checking whether they drink more than five 24:19 glasses of water a day between two and five, 24:23 or less than two glasses of water a day, 24:25 and a very very interesting finding 24:28 is that those people who drank 24:29 more than five glasses of water a day 24:32 had a significant reduction 24:35 in their risk of coronary heart disease, 24:37 compared to those people who drank 24:39 less than two glasses of water a day. 24:41 So it seems that something as simple as drinking enough water 24:45 may lead to a reduced risk of one 24:47 of the biggest killers in America. 24:49 Wow, I'm feeling thirsty already! 24:51 But is all water equal? I mean you know, 24:54 bottled water, tap water, where should I get my water? 24:58 Well, some people ask about other beverages, 25:02 you know, like say pop, and Kool-Aid, 25:04 and coffee, and that sort of thing, 25:06 And fortunately all of these things can help 25:09 you keep from becoming completely dehydrated, 25:11 because they are all mostly made out of water, 25:14 but it's far better to drink pure water. 25:17 One of the biggest and simplest reasons is 25:20 you don't need a lot of the other things that are added, 25:23 and one of the biggest things is calories. 25:25 You don't want to drink your calories, because this can 25:28 bring on so many extra 25:29 calories and lead to weight gain. 25:31 But water itself, course we can get it in many forms, 25:35 and around the world many 25:37 people die from contaminated water. 25:39 Fortunately here in the United States, 25:42 most city water, municipal water is safe, 25:46 and free of major pollutants. 25:48 And so most people can do well with just 25:51 drinking tap water and drinking enough of it. 25:54 Bottled waters have been looked at and in general 25:59 they're about the same as your average 26:01 tap water so there's no real advantage to 26:04 bottled water, distilled water, that type of thing. 26:08 Six to eight glasses a day? 26:10 Six to eight glasses is certainly a good rule of thumb, 26:13 it varies if you're in a hot environment, 26:16 if you're exercising a lot you will need more, 26:19 but six to eight glasses a day is 26:20 good for most people in most times. 26:23 Well I think we're going to have a drink 26:24 right after this segment, of water that is. 26:26 And we're glad your joined us, 26:28 Dr. Mike we're glad you're here with us, 26:30 and we're glad you joined us as well. 26:31 We hope that you can visit our website, 26:34 to get more information about this or other subjects, 26:37 and that as a result of todays program, 26:39 you have a newstart that begins. . . 26:40 right now. 26:49 Modern views of evolution stem all the way 26:52 back to theories developed in the mid 1800s. 26:55 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape 26:58 our educational system today. 27:01 The common school movement for example, 27:03 saw schools more like a factory, 27:05 with students blindly memorizing 27:07 instruction rather than thinking for themselves. 27:11 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical, 27:14 instead of being flexible and practical, 27:16 It was designed to conform the individual 27:19 into a specific ideological mold, 27:22 that fit the needs of a old industrial era, long since past. 27:27 Just like our view of creation in six literal days, 27:30 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint 27:34 radically different from the one we see now. 27:50 Well friends thank you for joining us, 27:53 in the meantime, pick up the phone, and call - 28:04 May God bless you. |
Revised 2013-06-17