Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Lee Cachola
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000039
00:24 Hi folks, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:27 We have a guest with us today. 00:29 Her name is Lee. 00:30 I'll get her to pronounce her full name in just a moment, 00:33 but I'd like to take a look at the video 00:36 of when she first arrived here. 00:39 About a month ago or so, 00:42 I was going to South America for ten weeks 00:47 to specialize my Spanish. 00:52 And two weeks before that, 00:56 I saw some stuff that bothered me. 00:59 And I went to the doctor and went for tests, 01:03 and they told me within a week that I have cancer. 01:06 So I went through surgery, 01:09 and they said that they were able to take 01:13 everything that was cancerous. 01:15 But they also sent me to an oncologist. 01:19 And the routine is, in my case, 01:23 I would have to go through sixteen weeks of chemo, 01:27 and four weeks of radiation. 01:30 And I said, "Let me think about it, 01:34 because it's only three weeks, 01:36 not even quite, 01:38 out of surgery." 01:39 And I thought, 01:41 If they put me on chemo, 01:43 the way I feel now, 01:45 I doubt that I would make it. 01:50 Really, Weimar I think is my hope for now 01:55 to have a quality life. 02:00 Welcome back, folks. 02:02 In our studio we have Lee. 02:04 Lee, how are you? Very good, thank you. 02:06 And would you pronounce for me your entire name now? 02:09 Sure. It's Wilhelmina Lee Cachola. 02:14 Oh, Wilhelmina Lee Cachola. 02:16 Can I just call you Lee? 02:17 Of course. Great. 02:20 Well Lee, you've been with us now for about 17 days, 02:23 and I know you've gone through a lot of changes. 02:26 Tell us about what has happened 02:28 from our first interview till now. 02:31 A lot of things. 02:33 A lot of good things, positive. 02:36 And I'm very hopeful. 02:38 The class is well-catered, 02:44 and the people that work here, who help us, 02:49 make it easy for us to follow the rules. 02:54 And I certainly, certainly felt 02:57 that God's presence is here. 02:59 Yes. And I want to stop you just for a minute because 03:02 myself, when I hear the world "rules," 03:05 I kinda go, "Wait a minute, rules?" 03:07 I'm not good at doing rules! 03:09 What do you mean by "rules"? 03:12 Well...not rules, really. 03:18 Where, you know, the... 03:21 The theme of this is going back to 03:26 what God has laid down for us 03:31 in our eating, healthwise, 03:34 so that we don't go through the maladies of life. 03:40 And I felt that in my case, 03:44 I have not been following that. 03:47 So it's really good. It's not rules. 03:53 It's just getting us in that path, 03:57 and hopefully we will live a more good life. 04:05 So I believe that with the nutrition, 04:10 with the use of air 04:16 and exercise, 04:20 and balance it with trusting in God, 04:24 that makes it such a good program. 04:26 We all felt that way. 04:29 And I notice the difference 04:30 between the first interview and now. 04:33 You seem to be a little more... 04:35 You're glowing a little bit. 04:37 And, may I ask your age? 04:40 I'm sixty-three. 04:42 You're sixty-three? 04:43 I'm a grandmother of two, 04:45 and a mother of one. 04:47 I asked you that because I knew your age; 04:49 I just wanted the viewers to know that. 04:51 You don't look a day older than 39. 04:55 Thank you. I felt better since I came here. 04:59 And what has changed with regards to your 05:03 colon cancer? You had that, 05:05 and you had surgery. 05:07 Right now that's in remission? 05:10 There's no evidence of any cancers? 05:14 I do not know, to tell you the truth. 05:17 What they told me is 05:19 they took everything that they could see there. 05:22 But because cancer is a microscopic, 05:26 they want to do chemotherapy and radiation. 05:32 When I make that decision, probably next week, 05:36 but I don't know when, they are going to do it. 05:39 I don't believe I will do that. 05:41 I feel a lot better now. 05:43 I walk at least close to three miles. 05:48 I was not able to walk when I came to Weimar. 05:54 And I hit the treadmill, 05:58 good food, 06:00 good people to talk to, 06:02 supportive doctors, 06:04 everybody has just been wonderful. 06:07 I want to talk about... You mentioned depression. 06:12 Now, I know a lot of our viewers are extremely depressed 06:16 for a variety of reasons. 06:19 Usually when people find out, I'm told 06:22 that when they're sick 06:24 they're told by their doctor, 06:25 "Look, you have this or you have that." 06:28 That of itself is somewhat depressing. 06:31 But when did the depression begin with you, Lee? 06:35 Well, I probably had depression; 06:38 I just probably was in denial. 06:40 I had felt sick for a while. 06:44 I wasn't able to sleep. 06:45 I had all kinds of things, 06:47 stress occasions, 06:51 but it can be depressing when someone says, "You have cancer." 06:56 I just don't know how to process it. 06:59 But you know, I think we are in charge of our lives. 07:04 And you make that choice, 07:06 if it's going to take you down or 07:09 you can turn it around, 07:13 and pray that the Lord somehow is trying to give you a message. 07:19 And hopefully it can turn around into a positive note. 07:23 Okay, so now the depression has subsided, 07:26 you're able to sleep... 07:28 Is that right? 07:29 Are you resting now? 07:31 Do you have more confidence? 07:34 I do feel better. 07:36 I have no problem sleeping now, 07:39 and I just can't wait to hit the bed 07:42 after a day of lectures and lessons. 07:45 And so, the depression is going away. 07:48 We have wonderful lectures by Doctor Nedley. 07:54 And, it does go away. 07:58 You just have to have this tremendous trust 08:03 that God is going to help you. 08:06 You know, a lot of us who come to the NEWSTART program, 08:10 of which I was one, 08:12 I came through in August of '05. I was depressed. 08:15 But what we have found with this depression 08:19 is a lifestyle of what we eat and what we drink. 08:23 And as soon as I got off the meats, 08:27 and the dairies and the cheeses, 08:29 and all those "good" things, and the alcohol, 08:31 of course depression went away immediately, 08:34 almost overnight. I was just amazed by it. 08:38 But I see a change in you, 08:40 and I just want to wish you well. 08:43 I've got to ask this, though. 08:44 What are you going to do now when you get home? 08:47 Have you learned something since you've been here 08:50 that will change your life from this day forward? 08:54 Yes. 08:56 I would have to cook, 08:58 because I would have control over my diet. 09:02 I cannot rely on cooked food. 09:05 I have to do it myself. 09:08 And with God's help, I hope I can... 09:10 I will stay on that diet. 09:12 I already made that choice. 09:15 I was corrected that I should not promise. 09:19 I should make a choice. 09:20 And that's my choice. 09:21 Stay on the diet, clean air, walking, 09:26 trust in God, 09:31 and make sure that every day, I have to make that choice. 09:36 It should be alright. 09:37 Well, what about your family? 09:38 How's your family going to adjust to this lifestyle change? 09:42 Fortunately, I live on my own. 09:44 Oh, you do. Yes. 09:45 I just go visit my family every now and then. 09:48 No more lumpia, huh? 09:49 Absolutely not. çlaughterÑ 09:53 None of that. 09:54 Well good. No oil. 09:55 No oil. Good for you. 09:57 I'm glad you've learned that lesson. 09:59 And Lee, I want to thank you 10:01 for joining us here in our studio. 10:03 I'm thankful to our Lord that you've got a new start. 10:07 Thank you so much. Yes, thank you. 10:10 And folks, there you have another interview, 10:13 Lee, who has come to us with some colon cancer. 10:16 Hopefully she's on the road to recovery. 10:18 But don't go away! We'll be right back. 10:22 Well, you've done very well. 10:30 Do you have diabetes, 10:31 heart disease, high blood pressure, 10:34 or do you weigh too much? 10:36 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 10:39 about our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program. 10:42 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation 10:45 with laboratory studies 10:47 and an exercise stress test, 10:49 physician consultations, 10:51 culinary school, 10:53 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails 10:56 in the foothills of the Sierras. 11:00 Your health is one of the most 11:02 important things that you have. Don't wait. 11:04 Give us a call at: 11:09 Or visit our website: 11:28 Welcome back friends, and in our studio right now 11:31 I have a surprise for you-- Doctor Lukens. 11:33 How are you? 11:35 Very good, thank you. 11:36 I'm always happy to talk about 11:38 something that's really, really on my heart, 11:41 and that's the health of the people. 11:43 Yes, and we have so many people 11:46 that attend our program each month, 11:49 and I know that you and Doctor Ing 11:51 usually divide them up 50-50 pretty much, 11:55 and we're going to be talking about Lee Cachola. 11:59 Lee came to us a couple of weeks ago, 12:03 and I know she's visited with you several times. 12:06 Tell us a little bit about her progression. 12:08 She seems to have a good attitude right now. 12:11 Her energy is a little bit higher. 12:14 What's happened? 12:16 Well, this is the first time this has ever happened, 12:19 and I've been here 20 years. 12:21 We have two people that kind of got out of intensive care, 12:25 got off the operating table and came to us. 12:29 Actually it's been three weeks, 12:32 and it's for colo-rectal surgery, 12:37 this type of thing, colon and rectum. 12:40 And these type of cancers are almost solely 12:46 due to eating red meat, 12:49 and there's other factors. 12:51 Irritation from things like diverticuli, 12:56 Crohn's disease, 12:58 and colitis, and all these things 13:01 enter into it. 13:03 But you know, those diseases are not over in Africa. 13:07 I remember in the 15 years I was there 13:09 I only saw two cases of cancer. 13:13 But they eat meat in Africa, right? 13:15 Almost none, because that's their wealth, 13:18 their cattle and so-forth. 13:20 In fact, the thing that surprised 13:24 the people up in the United Kingdom, 13:28 because Dr. Dennis Burkett went down there to Africa. 13:32 He was an eminent surgeon, 13:34 and what he did was 13:36 went to help the Africans out with their surgical needs. 13:41 And he kept looking for the people that he was going to help 13:43 with their cancer and all this kind of stuff, 13:46 and he never found any. 13:47 And so he started talking about this. 13:51 It's a very interesting story. 13:52 We'll have to talk about it sometime. 13:54 But here she is, 13:55 just a couple weeks out of the hospital, 13:59 She's still having the cramping and the pain, 14:05 and all this stuff that goes along 14:07 when you have a resection of your bowel 14:09 and they're not working the way they should. 14:11 But it's got to be because of the flesh foods, 14:17 because there's dozens of studies that have shown this, 14:21 and primarily it's red meat. 14:24 What happens with a person who is on a high flesh diet, 14:28 and I'm not necessarily saying 14:30 that she was on a lot of red meat, 14:32 but through the years what's happening is that 14:36 the wall of the colon is developing polyps. 14:42 Diverticuli, hemorrhoids, 14:44 are almost unknown in the third world. 14:47 So little by little, as these irritative byproducts, 14:54 as this excrement is going through the colon, 14:58 it's in there a longer time 15:01 and it's irritating the bowel, 15:03 and these polyps are starting to get cells on them 15:10 that are starting to change, 15:14 and they're becoming precancerous, 15:15 and then they become cancerous, 15:17 and then by the time you've got them they're.... 15:19 That's why colonoscopy is so important, 15:22 especially if there's any history. 15:24 By the way, I had my first colonoscopy about a year ago. 15:28 How was it? It was fine! 15:30 You know, I wasn't looking forward to it. 15:34 They're getting really slick. 15:36 Yeah, no pun intended. But I was fine! 15:43 I went through it. 15:44 They said I was good, come back in five years. 15:47 I think it's essential at a certain age. 15:50 But I want to ask you a question. 15:52 With regards to her condition or people like her, 15:56 does it have any... fried foods-- 15:59 What about foods that are packed with grease? 16:03 You know, any of these things are factors, 16:08 but see, when you are on a vegan diet, 16:11 you get a different kind of bacteria, 16:14 and people that first start on it, 16:15 they just think that they've 16:17 become a gas balloon or something like that, 16:20 because it's know. 16:22 But as the bacteria change, 16:25 the ones that are going through there with the meat products, 16:32 you just say the rotten meat that's gone through there, 16:37 the meat that's being and been digested, 16:40 they have bacteria that are giving off things... 16:46 They grow better when there's not as much air around. 16:50 And they have substances that are called putrescine, 16:54 and cadaverine, 16:56 and these things are very, very irritating. 17:00 And these polyps are hanging down there 17:02 and all this stuff goes by, and it goes by slowly. 17:05 The average vegan, between 12 and 30 hours 17:10 what they've eaten has gone through. 17:12 A person that's on a high meat diet, 17:15 72 hours, 90 hours... 17:18 If they're in a convalescent hospital 17:20 and they're on some opiates, 17:22 two weeks later, you see? 17:24 And so it's just slowly moving through there. 17:26 It's very irritating. 17:28 It has a chance to work on these cells, 17:30 and they become cancerous. 17:32 And there's no indication that there's anything. 17:34 That can be there 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 17:37 slowly progressing. 17:39 And a lot of times, by the time it's... 17:41 That's why you have to do it prophylactically. 17:45 You have to do it ahead of time and see what's in there. 17:48 Now, the meat itself, that's one thing, 17:51 but let me ask you another thing that's on my mind. 17:54 What about all the different 17:57 products that they feed cattle these days, 18:01 and all these things? Do they create some... 18:03 Yeah, those are all factors. 18:04 But we're talking about cancer of the colon, 18:07 and it's the putrefactive byproducts. 18:13 This is when there's toxic waste. 18:16 People talk about all kinds of toxic waste, 18:18 and there's a lot of stuff out there-- 18:20 colon cleanse, and you get 18:22 these things that come out like a string of sausages. 18:27 That's a whole bunch of rubbish. 18:28 But this is really toxic waste, and it's irritating those cells, 18:32 and those cells are turning cancerous, 18:35 And they seldom give you a real big indication 18:40 until it's really pretty late. 18:42 That's why you've got to do it early. 18:44 You've got to check early. 18:45 With regards to Lee, 18:47 now she's learned a new lifestyle. 18:50 She's had the procedure done, she's come here, 18:52 she is sticking to this program. 18:54 She says she's feeling better. She looks better. 18:57 Yeah, well remember, she was just 2 or 3 weeks after surgery. 19:03 Even then, they did it with the scopes. 19:06 Oh really? Yeah, they didn't cut. 19:08 Both of them had it done with the scopes. Yeah, go ahead. 19:11 With regards to her situation, 19:13 if she were to stay on this vegan lifestyle-- 19:18 As. Not if, but as she stays on it. 19:22 --on this vegan lifestyle, 19:25 are you telling me, are you telling the viewing audience, 19:29 that pretty much her condition will just go away? 19:32 Her chances of getting recurrent cancer 19:36 are as low as they would be 19:38 for her getting the original cancer when she stays on that. 19:43 Not a hundred percent, but almost that low. 19:45 And the thing is that she had high cholesterol too. 19:49 So what we did was we got her off 19:52 the cholesterol- lowering medication. 19:54 She was on a pretty big dose of it. 19:56 And now she can follow her cholesterol. 19:59 And when she follows her cholesterol 20:01 and her cholesterol gets below 150, 20:04 then she's going to realize that she's on the program. 20:07 I had somebody that didn't have cancer that said, 20:11 "Since I went through the program, 20:14 I have never knowingly allowed one particle of animal product 20:19 to pass my lips since then." 20:21 And the guy looked ten years younger 20:23 than when he had first come into the program. 20:27 Aside now from the problems that we've already discussed, 20:32 was there anything else? 20:34 Medications she's no longer taking? 20:38 Yeah, there was some. 20:40 She had some reflux and all those kind of things. 20:43 All these kind of things. 20:44 But what I'd really like to concentrate on 20:46 is the fact that she has to be vegan, totally vegan, 20:51 no refined foods for the rest of her life, 20:54 and it probably will never come back. 20:58 Well, that's an amazing statement that you just made, 21:02 but I've experienced it in my own life, 21:05 being vegan now for four years, and the transformation. 21:09 Doctor Lukens, I want to thank you 21:10 for being in our studio. 21:12 It's my pleasure, as always, because 21:14 that is something they've got to know. 21:16 Folks, thanks for joining us, 21:18 but don't go away, because we have a tip for you right now. 21:36 Hi, welcome to NEWSTART Now. 21:38 I'm Don Mackintosh, and I'm glad to be talking today 21:40 with Dr. Brian Schwartz. 21:42 Welcome, Doctor. Well, thank you. 21:43 We're going to be talking about this today. 21:45 It's, well, something that's like this--a heart. 21:48 And you're a cardiologist, 21:50 which just means you study the heart. 21:51 What does that mean exactly? 21:52 You went to school for medical school, 21:54 then you went through a residency 21:55 that looked at the heart. 21:57 Well actually, residency is in internal medicine, 22:00 then there's an additional four years of training 22:01 after the medicine residency to specialize just in the heart. 22:05 So it's like 4 years, and 4 years, plus 4 years. 22:08 Yeah, when I turned 40 I told people I had played for 5 years, 22:12 worked for 5 years, and the rest of my time I had been training. 22:14 It's a very long time. 22:16 Okay, good. So there's probably 22:18 not a better person to talk about 22:19 what really happens when someone has a heart attack. 22:23 Some of the signs and symptoms maybe, 22:25 let's give a couple of those, 22:27 and then talk about what's really happening 22:28 when someone has a heart attack. 22:30 Yeah, actually, looking at the heart, 22:32 when someone has a heart attack, 22:34 they immediately may feel a heaviness 22:36 or a squeezing pressure in their heart. 22:38 And that's the way of the heart to tell them that 22:41 that part of the muscle to the heart 22:42 is not getting enough oxygen. 22:44 So what actually happens in the arteries, 22:46 and there's three main arteries that go to the heart, 22:48 Point on there so you can see on your camera. 22:50 What happens, which...? 22:51 Okay, so the heart pumps the blood to the whole body, 22:55 but it also has three arteries that 22:56 pump the blood back to its own muscle. 22:58 There's one artery on the right side of the heart 23:00 called the right coronary artery. 23:01 And then the left artery gives off two main branches. 23:04 One goes around the back of the heart called the circumflex, 23:06 and the biggest artery typically 23:08 goes down the front of the heart, 23:09 called the LAD--the left anterior descending artery. 23:14 And so what happens then? 23:15 They had that feeling maybe of crushing pain or whatnot 23:18 for three to five minutes, and then? 23:20 What's happening really? 23:21 So, looking at the artery, 23:23 the heart does an incredible amount of work. 23:27 This muscle has to get blood supplied to it, 23:30 oxygen supplied to it, 23:31 just like all the rest of the organs of the body. 23:32 If that were to stop because the artery just suddenly 23:35 constricts down or plugs off 23:37 because of a clot or a rupture of a plaque, 23:40 that would immediately cause necrosis, 23:43 or a lack of oxygen occurring to those 23:45 areas of the muscle, which start to die. 23:47 And as it starts to die, it causes pain or discomfort. 23:50 So that doesn't just happen all at once. 23:53 That's a process maybe that builds up. 23:56 Yeah, unfortunately in America, 23:58 little fatty streaks start occurring in the artery 24:01 even in newborn babies. 24:03 Newborn babies? 24:05 We now know that it can occur in newborn babies, 24:07 and even through teenage years 24:09 those little fatty areas start to thicken. 24:11 This is a process that occurs over 40, 50, 60 years 24:15 until it gets to a point where the buildup of plaque 24:17 narrows that artery. 24:20 And it may get to the point where due to 24:23 excessive emotional stress 24:25 or sudden exertion that you're not in shape for 24:28 can just cause that plaque to rupture. 24:31 When it ruptures it exposes lots of 24:36 agents to the bloodstream that can cause a blood clot to begin. 24:39 And as that blood clot begins it can 24:41 shut down the artery completely, 24:43 and that's what leads to a heart attack. 24:44 So it's really, the plaque rupturing is not the big thing. 24:49 It's the other things that it causes 24:51 to put into action that's the big thing. 24:54 That's exactly right. 24:57 There is a serious problem 24:59 with the artery closing down completely. 25:01 But what happens is the plaque ruptures. 25:03 As the plaque ruptures it exposes this lipid, 25:06 which is like cholesterol plaque inside the plaque. 25:09 And as that gets exposed to the bloodstream, 25:12 the little platelets and things that cause a blood clot 25:14 start sticking to that lipid core. 25:16 Other things are released, such as 25:19 catecholamines or epinephrine. 25:21 That causes spasm of the arteries. 25:23 And once you disrupt one plaque in the artery, 25:26 you can cause disruptions in other plaques, 25:28 and you even have a higher risk for a stroke 25:30 or a heart attack in a second area of the heart. 25:34 So, there's mediators that flow 25:35 throughout the whole body during a heart attack, 25:37 not just affecting that one area of the heart. 25:40 Well, let's say I just want to avoid this. 25:44 Let's say I have heart disease and I want to avoid it. 25:46 And we've got about 30 seconds for this, but... 25:49 I mean, because that can happen! 25:50 But what can I do? I've already got heart disease. 25:53 How can I make sure that I don't have one? 25:54 I mean, not make sure, but avoid it. 25:56 Once you already know you have heart disease, 25:58 then you need to treat the big bioverse factors-- 26:01 not smoke, exercise regularly, 26:05 know your cholesterol and make sure it's under control, 26:07 make sure your blood pressure is under control, 26:09 and control your diet, 26:11 and make sure you're not obese. 26:13 Say those one more time for us. 26:14 Okay, so, not smoking, 26:17 avoiding diabetes and hypertension, 26:20 knowing your cholesterol and having it under control, 26:24 getting plenty of exercise, 26:25 and in America right now, a big problem is obesity, 26:28 and controlling diet is important for that. 26:31 We've been talking with Dr. Brian Schwartz. 26:33 Go to for more information on this. 26:35 We're glad that you joined us, 26:37 and thank you for being with us too. 26:38 Well, you're welcome. 26:46 Modern views of evolution stem all the way back 26:49 to theories developed in the mid-1800s. 26:52 Out of the same time period came ideas that shape 26:55 our educational system today. 26:58 The Common School Movement, for example, 27:01 saw schools more like a factory, 27:03 with students blindly memorizing instruction 27:05 rather than thinking for themselves. 27:08 Their curriculum was rigid and theoretical. 27:10 Instead of being flexible and practical, 27:13 it was designed to conform the individual 27:16 into a specific idealogical mold 27:19 that fit the needs of an old industrial era 27:21 long since passed. 27:24 Just like our view of creation in six literal days, 27:27 we believe the Bible contains an educational blueprint 27:32 radically different from the one we see now. 27:47 Well friends, that's it for today. 27:49 Thank you for joining us. 27:51 I hope you enjoyed our show. 27:53 May God bless you abundantly. 27:56 In the meantime, pick up that phone 27:57 and give us a call at: 28:03 May the Lord bless you. |
Revised 2013-06-17