Less Medications = Clear Mind

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Martha Savage


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000034

00:23 Hi and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART NOW.
00:27 We have in our studio this morning a special lady,
00:31 special in that she's been here a
00:33 couple of times to our NEWSTART program.
00:36 Her name is Martha Savage.
00:39 Martha, how are you?
00:40 Thank you I'm very fine today.
00:42 Good.
00:44 I'm very grateful for being here,
00:46 and being very fine today
00:48 Good, and I want to ask you a few questions now, because
00:52 what's unusual about Martha's visit is
00:56 we didn't have a visit with you when you first arrived.
01:00 We met while we were doing blood draws if you recall.
01:05 Martha tell us, you were here in 05,
01:09 in November of 05
01:11 How much weight, lets just start there,
01:13 how much weight did you lose
01:15 from November 05 til today?
01:18 Well I'll tell you how much I weighed in 05, I was 335
01:23 and today I weigh 250.
01:29 I had lost more, but I gained,
01:32 recently I gained back 20 pounds.
01:35 I never gained back everything, but I put on 20 pounds of it.
01:41 And that was a red flag to me, and my health was really bad.
01:46 Ok, why did you come, of all the places,
01:49 why did you come to the NEWSTART program?
01:52 It was suggested to me by a nurse
01:55 that I had heart problems,
01:57 and she suggested that I come to Weimar,
02:00 and get on a healthy program
02:04 diet wise, mentally wise, spiritually wise.
02:11 Ok, but you left, and you were doing ok
02:15 you continued losing weight,
02:17 but here you are again, you've come back
02:20 for this session, and yet you are going to
02:22 another session at the end of this one, right?
02:25 Yes, I am.
02:26 Ok, what has happened?
02:28 I had terrible pain that didn't go away,
02:33 excruciating pain, and
02:38 I found out when I came back
02:41 this time, that I'm overmedicated.
02:45 And Dr. Lukens took away all my medication, I came on Sunday
02:50 and Monday he took my medicine away,
02:52 and I haven't been on it since.
02:55 I'm clearheaded, I'm not dizzy
02:57 when I try to stand up from a chair,
03:00 When I'm walking I'm not light headed
03:02 and feeling like I'm going to fall down,
03:06 or you know, fall backwards, or faint or something.
03:11 I don't have any of those symptoms,
03:14 and here it is Thursday.
03:16 Yes Thursday, it's been like three days right?
03:19 All I'm taking is my pain medication
03:22 because you can't just come off of it just
03:26 cold turkey you have to come down off of it slowly.
03:29 I'm a diabetic, so I take insulin.
03:33 The food program here is excellent for my diabetes
03:38 I've lost two pounds while I've been here,
03:41 I'm very grateful for that.
03:43 Let me stop you for a moment.
03:47 Since you've been here,
03:48 and I know it's only been like four days,
03:51 are you taking the same amount of insulin?
03:56 No, no I've cut back.
03:59 You have cut back, ok so the program
04:02 by being here, you're starting to
04:06 slow down the amount of insulin that you're taking.
04:09 Now how much less are you taking?
04:12 Well at home I used to take between
04:17 25 and 30, and here I'm taking 10 to 15.
04:26 And that's in the first four days.
04:29 Yes.
04:30 Tell me about the medications that
04:33 Dr. Lukens advised you to discontinue.
04:36 What kind of medications were they?
04:39 Blood. . . I mean. . .
04:42 blood pressure medication
04:45 I was taking a lot of psych medicines for mental depression
04:51 chronic depression, I'm not taking those, I'm not depressed.
04:56 Ok, let's talk about the blood pressure medications.
05:01 Is your blood pressure normal right now?
05:03 It's going down yes, and it's going down every day.
05:06 Good, what was it this morning?
05:10 Do you recall?
05:14 I'm sorry I don't recall, I had my
05:16 paper with me but I don't have it over here.
05:20 The good news is that your blood pressure is dropping,
05:24 you're thinking more clearly now than you were,
05:28 and so Dr. Lukens, as I understand it,
05:32 has advised you to stop these medications
05:36 because they made you foggy and not thinking correctly?
05:39 Well, he took them away because he wanted to see how I would do,
05:46 because I had so many symptoms, that
05:49 he said my medicine I'm taking is too strong for me.
05:54 And possibly I might be taking too much medication.
05:59 And I'm grateful for how I feel right now.
06:03 I wouldn't have attempted it on my own I would have been
06:06 afraid to stop my medication, but
06:09 being here I feel very safe with his direction.
06:15 Now I know, and I've got to
06:17 say to the viewing audience, that
06:21 you know there are many people out there taking medications,
06:25 and being sick because of them
06:27 I myself, as I recall, after I had a five way bypass
06:32 like you have,
06:35 I was getting dizzy and I was taking
06:37 these different kinds of medications
06:39 and they could never quite get it right,
06:41 and I kept telling my doctor,
06:43 you know, something isn't right, something isn't right.
06:46 Well when I came here, I stopped my
06:49 medication for high blood pressure
06:52 six days after I arrived.
06:54 So there is a chance that people who are sick,
06:58 on a lot of different medications.
07:01 You and I are fortunate, we've had
07:03 people here on 20 to 25 medications.
07:05 I was on 19.
07:07 You were on 19! Oh my goodness!
07:10 And your only, how many are you taking today?
07:12 Just my pain medication and my insulin.
07:15 Wow, you see there. . .
07:17 And I cut back my pain medication.
07:19 Oh, what a blessing, what a blessing.
07:24 I have degenerate arthritis in my spine, and in my neck.
07:28 And I was suffering, I hurt so bad the other day in my back
07:33 that I couldn't lean forward to
07:35 get the salad out of the salad bin
07:38 and I had to ask the person next to me if they could
07:40 serve me my salad because I couldn't lean any further.
07:45 I didn't have this problem at breakfast this morning.
07:49 Oh praise God.
07:52 So needless to say you are doing better.
07:54 Now let's talk about your walking,
07:57 I know you've had some problem with that.
07:59 How are you doing with your walking?
08:02 Well outside, I haven't walked outside.
08:05 I've been walking in the hall ways.
08:07 When I came here I was very very tired and exhausted
08:11 so I've taken the time to rest a few days instead of walking,
08:15 I mean I will walk to everything,
08:17 I walk to my meetings and everything.
08:19 But I haven't added walking to it,
08:21 but I do go to the stretching at six o-clock in the morning.
08:25 So you go to the stretching exercise in the morning.
08:28 I saw you there this morning by the way,
08:30 that's where I came and met you.
08:32 Ok, so that's helping you feel better,
08:35 and the pain is subsiding?
08:38 It's not only subsiding, I don't have any pain.
08:41 None at all? - None at all.
08:42 Well that's great.
08:44 Praise the Lord, yes, and the treatments here
08:49 the food program, the water, the hydro
08:54 I go to that, and I have also
08:57 when I was at home, my legs were purple,
09:00 and my feet were purple,
09:02 and now I have normal color in my legs,
09:05 from the. . . I'm taking the hot and cold
09:09 treatment where you just put
09:10 your legs and feet in little tubs
09:13 and I do that.
09:15 So in four days your legs are now
09:18 normal color, they're not purple.
09:22 Yes, they're not purple.
09:23 When I asked my doctor about my legs,
09:25 when they were purple and bloodshot and all that
09:28 she said Oh don't worry about that,
09:29 that's typical for diabetics.
09:31 Oh man.
09:33 Yes, and now my legs are normal also.
09:36 They told me that I had been tested for
09:41 my veins in my legs to see if they're clogged or anything,
09:46 and they said for well now they wouldn't do anything,
09:49 this one is worse than the left one,
09:53 But they wouldn't do anything right now, until
09:56 maybe I would have to have my foot amputated or something.
10:00 Ouch, don't want to do that.
10:02 No, don't want to do that.
10:03 Well Martha, I want to thank you
10:05 for joining us here in the studios,
10:07 God bless you dear.
10:09 Thank you.
10:10 I'll pray for you everyday.
10:11 Thank you, and I'll pray for you also,
10:15 and I appreciate being interviewed
10:16 because I want to help anybody
10:19 who has problems, I want them
10:21 to be able to come here to Weimar
10:24 and have a fresh start physically,
10:27 mentally, and spiritually.
10:29 Thank you, dear.
10:31 Folks, that it for today, but don't go away,
10:34 because we have a message for you,
10:36 don't go away we'll be right back
10:39 Well you've done very well.
10:48 Do you have heart disease, diabetes, heart disease,
10:52 or do you weigh too much?
10:54 Hi my name is Dr. Ing,
10:55 and I'd like to tell you about our
10:57 18 day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
11:00 It includes a comprehensive medical
11:02 evaluation with laboratory studies,
11:05 and a exercise stress test,
11:07 physician consultations,
11:09 culinary school,
11:11 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful
11:14 trails in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:18 Your health is one of the most
11:19 important things that you have, don't wait
11:22 Give us a call at:
11:27 Or visit our website at:
11:46 Welcome back folks, and in our studio I have Dr. Lukens
11:50 Dr. Lukens how are you?
11:51 Very good to be here.
11:53 It's always good to see you.
11:54 I wanted you to do this one.
11:55 I know you did, and this lady is pretty incredible,
11:58 because I talked to here the day she got here,
12:01 and she was not real stable as you know.
12:04 Now she's off these medications, she is thinking clearly
12:08 she's able to communicate.
12:10 I know this is a blessing,
12:13 How did you find that she was taking too many medications.
12:18 Well, one of the things that
12:20 they tell us every time I go for a
12:23 review and an update in family practice,
12:26 they say your the primary
12:28 and all the specialists have put their medications in.
12:31 Your job is to figure out which ones they can get off of.
12:36 And they say, Look sometimes all
12:38 you have to do is give the patient
12:41 a therapeutic holiday.
12:44 and they get well because this ones done that,
12:46 and that one's done the other thing.
12:48 And so I just decided,
12:50 one of the things is that she tried to do the treadmill
12:53 and she couldn't get her blood pressure over 110.
12:56 That gave me the idea that she was on
12:58 too much medication for her blood pressure.
13:01 But with her legs swelling, they had to give her the lasix
13:05 to get the excess water out.
13:08 So it was just a no brainer when she couldn't stand up,
13:12 and she said, I feel light headed.
13:14 She was also having a reaction to her insulin,
13:17 so she was sitting there, just kind of. . .
13:20 you know you can tell when
13:22 people are going south on you with their insulin.
13:25 And she said, I feel nauseated, I feel like I'm going to vomit.
13:29 And so I said, Well look
13:33 let's just stop all of your medication now
13:36 and then we'll add the ones back that you need.
13:39 So the very next day I weighed her,
13:41 to see what her weight was doing,
13:44 because we've had
13:45 people come off of five different
13:47 medications for their blood pressure by the Thursday.
13:50 So I weighed her the next day,
13:52 and she was still losing a little bit of weight,
13:54 so I knew that she didn't need to have the diuretic
13:58 And the next day she said
14:00 Doctor thank you so much for taking me off these medicines,
14:04 I just feel like I can do something now,
14:06 I can think I can walk, I don't have the pain,
14:10 and all these things, so I said,
14:11 Well that's wonderful now let's see how you do.
14:14 She's going to be here two sessions,
14:16 and that's going to be really wonderful.
14:18 Yes and perhaps we can get here
14:19 in the studio for the next session.
14:23 How about at the end of the two?
14:25 Yes, yes that's what I'm talking about.
14:28 I wanted to ask you this:
14:29 now she tells us she was on several medications,
14:35 isn't this kind of common
14:37 here's a lady who's had a five way bypass
14:40 she's all of a sudden come up with diabetes,
14:43 she's morbidly obese
14:46 and the list goes on and on and on with all
14:48 these different problems that she is having.
14:50 And each time she goes to a specialist,
14:52 as you've already suggested,
14:54 they want to give here something to help her.
14:57 Is this really typical?
14:59 Is this happening out there in the world,
15:01 are people watching us out there right now
15:03 saying, Yes, I'm just like this lady, help me.
15:06 What can they do?
15:07 Well you know there really is, but to be fair to everybody,
15:11 the idea that most people say is,
15:13 Look, just give me the pill Doc,
15:15 and we'll worry about the diet and exercise next time.
15:19 You see, so it's not entirely their fault.
15:22 I talked to a cardiologist one time
15:24 and he realized, he said, Wow, this is going to be great.
15:27 So he went out there in the real
15:29 world and started talking to his patients,
15:31 telling them to do this, telling them to do that,
15:33 their just kind of like. . .
15:35 You know, so he finally stopped talking to
15:37 them and just started writing them prescriptions.
15:39 It's kind of discouraging, I would imagine.
15:41 It is discouraging, but this lady
15:43 needed to know that she could do it,
15:45 And she was here in September of 05, you see.
15:48 Was it September?
15:49 It was September of 05, and she lost over 100 pounds!
15:54 On here diet and exercise, now that's true grit.
15:58 And she went in to see her doctor,
16:00 and I don't know anything about him,
16:02 but he's not real supportive,
16:03 and he was sitting there at his computer
16:05 saying, Now tell me what was the
16:07 date of your gastric bypass surgery?
16:09 She said, I didn't. . .
16:11 He said, I've got to enter this into your history, your record.
16:15 She said, No I did it with diet and exercise,
16:18 that lifestyle thing.
16:19 He just kind of looked at her,
16:21 didn't say anything, just went on.
16:22 And see, she said, I don't get encouragement.
16:25 But I mean, you know, there isn't time,
16:29 and that's what we're going to have to do is
16:30 we're going to have to take care of our own health.
16:32 So she loses all this weight, she's feeling better,
16:37 then there's a big stress that comes up in her life,
16:40 and she goes back to some of her old things.
16:42 We were talking about that yesterday you know.
16:44 And so she gains back 20 or 30 pounds.
16:48 She realizes what's happened in the past,
16:50 and she says, Now I'm going to go back,
16:52 I don't care what happens
16:54 let's spend the money,
16:55 and I'm going to go back where I know
16:57 that they can help me, because
16:59 I've done it before and it works.
17:01 And here she is.
17:03 It's absolutely a marvelous story,
17:05 I can really relate to her,
17:07 because it happened with me as you know.
17:10 And I know there are people watching right now,
17:12 that are saying, Can it help me?
17:15 I would like to think that, you know
17:18 this isn't snake oil, this isn't something
17:21 where you come here, and we give you another pill,
17:24 and you can get well.
17:25 You actually change your lifestyle
17:27 while you are here at our NEWSTART program.
17:30 And the doctors are with you everyday,
17:32 they eat breakfast with you
17:34 they eat lunch, and if some of you eat dinner,
17:36 they eat dinner with you,
17:38 they help you, they walk with you,
17:40 and you'll be encouraged.
17:41 So if you have any doubts, just pick up the phone,
17:45 Dr. Lukens would love to talk with you,
17:47 I'll talk with you,
17:48 Dr. Ing will talk with you,
17:50 we have a staff of people at guest
17:52 services that will chat with you,
17:54 but you got to pick up that phone,
17:56 call:
18:01 Enough pluggin now, let's get back to this
18:03 story because I'm really excited about it.
18:05 Ok, the other thing is, that her eyesight is going away, you see
18:10 and she has this terrible pain in her feet
18:13 we call that neuropathy, diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
18:17 And there's nothing out there that can give you the gabapentin
18:20 they can give you the various things
18:23 that they try to help you with the pain.
18:26 And I've had patients tell me,
18:28 they say there's nothing you can do,
18:29 what about if I keep my blood pressure,
18:31 what if I get my diabetes under control will that help it?
18:35 No we just really don't know of anything.
18:38 But we did some studies in the past and we find out that
18:41 the majority of the people
18:43 the pain gets a lot better or it may
18:46 be completely gone in four to six days
18:49 Now Doctor, when she was here at the last
18:52 session, I want to say in September of 05
18:56 was she walking then better than she is now?
19:00 We've got to get a picture of her,
19:01 because you wouldn't
19:03 recognize her as the same person.
19:04 Really, well she was 100 pounds heavier.
19:06 Yes more than a hundred pounds more,
19:08 I didn't recognize her when I saw her.
19:10 But see this is the thing, you keep coming back,
19:13 you keep fine tuning it until you are where you want to be.
19:17 So by the time this session,
19:20 say not this one but the next session
19:22 because she is staying for two right?
19:24 - Yes.
19:25 By the time that second session is over
19:28 will she be able to walk on her own and under her own power?
19:31 She's already pretty much doing it.
19:33 She came up from the clinic this morning,
19:35 and I was surprised, I expected her to be
19:37 kind of just pushing her walker along,
19:39 she walked right up to the top of that incline there,
19:42 and I said, Wow, don't you need to rest?
19:43 and she said, yes it's a little bit steep.
19:45 But she just kept right on going.
19:47 Wow, isn't that wonderful? - Yes, it's great.
19:49 That's just fantastic, and she loves the food.
19:52 Yes, and she's very appreciative,
19:54 she has a good attitude,
19:55 She knows she's been through it before,
19:57 she knows she can do it again, and go further this time
20:00 What about her depression?
20:02 are we able to help her with her depression?
20:04 You know, some of the best psychiatrists I know and also
20:07 my wife's newsletters say
20:10 with every single
20:13 medication that you give to the depressed person
20:17 you have to incorporate exercise.
20:20 Exercise has to be there,
20:22 otherwise the medications won't work.
20:25 And one of the psychiatrists that we're associated with
20:27 he said, I would do anything
20:30 if I could get my patients to exercise.
20:32 He says, I know that my pills
20:33 aren't going to do that much for them,
20:34 unless they will exercise as well.
20:37 Well we got an answer for that one
20:39 for some of you doctors out there,
20:42 all you need to do is take the
20:43 time and walk with your patients.
20:46 That's what we do here.
20:48 Dr. Lukens does it, Dr Ing does it,
20:51 and several other doctors who fill in from time to time.
20:55 They walk, you walk. . .
20:56 I see you walking all the time with guests.
20:59 So that's the way to encourage them,
21:02 you're leading by example wouldn't you say?
21:04 I'll tell you, you know in Corinthians it says
21:07 Now abides faith, hope, and love,
21:09 but the greatest of these is love.
21:11 We know that, but hope is huge.
21:14 If they are hopeless, and
21:15 discouraged nothing is going to happen.
21:18 When they get hope, then they go for it,
21:20 and they get well, the Lord heals them.
21:23 And I see that you give them hope,
21:26 I see that you add to that
21:28 and I want to thank you,
21:29 and thank you for joining us in the studio.
21:31 The Holy Spirit does it.
21:32 Thank you Dr. Lukens for joining us.
21:34 This is exciting and we want other
21:36 people to be encouraged and do it too.
21:38 And thank you for joining us folks,
21:40 and don't go away, we'll be right back.
21:57 Welcome to NEWSTART at home, I'm your host Don Mackintosh,
21:59 we're glad that you're with us today.
22:01 And today, I'm delighted that Dr. Neil Nedley
22:03 is with us in the studio, Welcome Dr. Nedley.
22:05 Thank you, good to be here.
22:08 We're going to talk today about something that usually an
22:11 internal medicine specialist isn't known
22:12 for but probably should be known for
22:14 and that is, how to deal with your emotions.
22:17 Absolutely, emotional intelligence, in fact
22:20 how successful people are at changing their lifestyle for
22:23 the better is intricately
22:25 related to emotional intelligence.
22:27 It has to do with motivation,
22:29 it has to do with relationships,
22:31 it has to do with accurate thinking,
22:33 understanding their emotions
22:35 and actually managing their emotions,
22:37 instead of their emotions managing them.
22:39 I'm sure that in the acute
22:41 care settings that you are in this is key,
22:42 for people to get better, because they are in
22:44 very emotionally draining, and unstable situations.
22:47 The mind and the body are connected.
22:50 Now you know you have these ten distortions
22:53 or you know, thought processes that can be confused
22:56 and one of the ones that you list here is mental filter.
23:00 What do you mean by that?
23:01 Well a mental filter, an example of this is
23:04 I finished the most grueling task I had ever taken
23:09 anatomy, histology, which is anatomy under the microscope,
23:13 neuroanatomy, embryology.
23:16 And it was a tough exam, and when I got out of it,
23:18 I was one of the last ones out of the exam,
23:20 there was a group of student
23:22 hovered by a girl that was very emotional
23:25 and I thought she had been hurt or something,
23:27 she was crying as well.
23:29 And so I went over there to see what was going on,
23:32 and she was talking about the test, she could think
23:35 of 17 questions already that she had gotten wrong,
23:38 and she hadn't even cracked her book open,
23:40 and so she knew that she had failed the test.
23:42 And she was going over these 17 questions over and over again.
23:47 With the people there.
23:49 And I realized I had missed some of those too,
23:51 so I was starting to wonder about my outcome.
23:53 She just told us that she
23:55 wasn't cut out to be a physician,
23:57 this proved it, she wasn't going to be able to do it.
24:00 She went home, she sobbed the whole two weeks,
24:03 never cracked her book open, because she
24:05 knew she would even be devastated further
24:07 but told her parents she couldn't be a doctor,
24:09 even though she wanted to be, and they wanted her to be.
24:12 And they had to really
24:13 coerce her back to medical school
24:15 because she was going to completely drop out.
24:17 And with trembling hands she took her test out of her mailbox
24:22 and there it was, minus 17, 83 percent,
24:25 this is by far the highest grade in the class.
24:29 And so all of the emotional problems she caused herself,
24:33 all the emotional problems she caused us
24:35 and her family, was all due to the mental filter of focusing
24:39 in on those 17 questions that she knew she had gotten wrong.
24:43 So the lesson here is be careful the filter you put on something.
24:47 That's right, and of course,
24:49 we can put an opposite filter on it.
24:51 Samson told his parents,
24:53 Get her for me, for she pleases me well.
24:57 And they tried to say, Well what about her religion?
25:00 Well what about this? What about that?
25:02 they tried to ask him some questions,
25:04 is this someone you really want to marry?
25:06 And he said, She's beautiful
25:08 and she's got a great personality,
25:10 and with those two things and further more, I love her.
25:13 And with all of that, you just knew that it was going to work,
25:17 all those other things his parents
25:18 were concerned about were not important.
25:21 He used a mental filter, and he unfortunately
25:23 never got rid of that filter when it came to women.
25:27 He went from one to another, divorce divorce divorce,
25:31 simply due to a mental filter.
25:34 Another one real quick is disqualifying the positive?
25:37 Yes, now this is even worse.
25:39 Instead of just focusing in on one aspect of things,
25:42 you know, almost to the exclusion
25:43 of other which is what a filter does,
25:45 this actually acknowledges the other side,
25:48 but then totally discounts it.
25:51 And of course that can be even more severe.
25:53 I know of someone that I was seeing in the psychiatric unit
25:57 that told me that no one cares a whipstitch about me.
25:59 And I told her, Well I do,
26:01 I wouldn't be here if I didn't care for you,
26:03 there's other things I could do,
26:04 furthermore I know the staff cares about you.
26:07 And she would say, Those
26:08 people don't count Dr. Nedley
26:10 they're not part of the real world,
26:11 and no one that's part of the real world likes me.
26:14 You know, I pointed out her family had visited her,
26:17 the other patients liked her.
26:19 She said those people don't count
26:20 Dr. Nedley, they don't know the real me.
26:22 But she would acknowledge it and then discount it,
26:25 and of course that can be a dangerous situation,
26:27 and she needed cognitive
26:28 behavioural therapy which is a way of
26:30 improving her emotional
26:31 intelligence before she was discharged.
26:33 We're glad you joined us today on
26:36 NEWSTART at home, go to our website at:
26:38 and get the help you or perhaps a friend needs today.
26:41 Thanks for joining us.
26:51 Hi I hope you have enjoyed as much as
26:53 I have this edition of NEWSTART NOW.
26:55 I'm Jim, Brackett, executive vice
26:57 president here at the Weimar Center,
26:59 I want to take just a minute to give you an idea of some
27:02 of the wonderful resources we have here at the bookstore,
27:05 such as Dr. Nedley's book called Proof Positive.
27:08 Now in addition to Dr. Nedley's book,
27:10 he has a series on depression recovery
27:12 we have the NEWSTART lifestyle
27:14 series on DVD by our NEWSTART physicians,
27:17 relating to topics like heart disease, diabetes, cancer.
27:21 we have a number of
27:22 authors who have cook books here,
27:24 including some in the raw field.
27:26 Now we'd love to have you stop by and visit
27:28 us for your shopping, but you can do it online at:
27:32 Click the link that says bookstore.
27:34 Or use our 800 number:
27:40 And by the way, any time your order is 100 dollars or more
27:43 we'll see that you get free the NEWSTART lifestyle cookbook.
27:51 Well friends, that's it for today,
27:53 thank you for joining us,
27:55 pick up the phone right now, and give us a call at:
28:02 In the meantime, God bless you, and have a great week.


Revised 2013-06-17