High Bp & Cholesterol, With Diabetes: Conquered!

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Bill Strutt


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000033

00:24 Hi folks, and welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:28 We have an unusual situation here today.
00:31 We're not going to begin as usual.
00:33 We have Bill Strutt in our studio.
00:36 Bill's been at our NEWSTART program now
00:40 for 17 days. Tomorrow's his last day.
00:44 And at the last minute,
00:46 Bill asked if he could be interviewed,
00:48 and what we'll do is interview him now.
00:52 Four months from now we'll interview him again.
00:55 So with no further ado,
00:59 Bill Strutt. How are you, Bill?
01:01 Pleased to meet you.
01:02 My pleasure. Doing great.
01:04 Alright, so why don't we just start from the beginning?
01:07 What events transpired to cause you
01:11 to want to come to NEWSTART program?
01:15 Well, I've been on a lot of medications.
01:19 I've been on 8 medications that I take 13 times a day,
01:24 for diabetes, and for high blood pressure
01:28 and cholesterol, and...
01:30 Eight different medications?
01:31 Yeah, including insulin.
01:33 How many times a day?
01:35 Well, up to 13 times I've taken
01:37 different medications during the day.
01:41 And I've had a hard life...
01:46 I've done a lot of things
01:47 that weren't too good for my body, so....
01:51 My sister-in-law came through
01:52 theprogram here a number of years ago,
01:55 and she suggested to me after I'd gone to a doctor visit
01:59 and found out that I was going to get
02:02 upped on some more of my diabetes medication,
02:06 to check into it.
02:08 And so that's how I ended up here.
02:11 Okay, so we've got diabetes,
02:14 we've got a little weight problem, okay...
02:16 How about depression?
02:20 Needless to say, that comes with the territory.
02:25 Like I said, I haven't taken very good care
02:27 of my body over the years.
02:29 I'm about 60 pounds overweight,
02:33 I've drank alcohol for many years,
02:38 I just quit smoking a week before
02:40 coming to the NEWSTART program.
02:42 Well, congratulations!
02:44 It's been hard, but I tell you,
02:48 I've quit before. It's been a lot easier here.
02:51 A lot easier.
02:53 Well, this time it's for good. Yes.
02:55 Alright. Okay, so...
02:57 Here we are, we're 17 days into the program.
03:00 This is an unusual interview
03:04 because we generally interview
03:05 our guests when they first arrive.
03:07 However, Bill has agreed to come back, like I said earlier,
03:12 in about 4 months.
03:14 So when you got here,
03:15 I talked to you then. You were pretty down.
03:18 You looked like, "Man, do I need some help."
03:23 Well...
03:25 Tell me now, in these 17 days,
03:28 how we've progressed.
03:29 How many times a day are you taking your medications now?
03:33 I am off all of them now.
03:36 Off all of them. çlaughterÑ You're kidding!
03:38 Every single one of them.
03:39 Including the insulin?
03:41 Yep. The insulin was one of the first to go,
03:44 and then the heart medication,
03:47 then the cholesterol medication.
03:50 Then the doctors, they're so knowledgeable,
03:55 and blessed.
03:57 They've weaned the rest of my diabetes medications down
04:03 to where the doctor took me off the last one three days ago.
04:07 Wow.
04:08 So I'm medication free.
04:10 Well that's it. I'm throwing in the towel.
04:12 Let's get ahold of the media director.
04:14 We don't need him to come back in four months!
04:16 He's already accomplished his goal.
04:18 But you know, that's wonderful.
04:20 I know there are viewers out there
04:23 that are listening to this,
04:24 and it's hard to believe.
04:26 I've seen this now for four years,
04:29 time and time and time again.
04:32 And it's still, even though it happened to me,
04:34 it's still almost unbelievable.
04:38 I'm so happy for you.
04:40 How much weight have you lost?
04:41 I've lost about 10 pounds.
04:43 The weight loss is going a little slower than I'd like,
04:47 but I have the tools
04:49 to be able to take it off.
04:52 It's just going to take time.
04:53 And it takes dedication.
04:55 It takes dedication,
04:56 and most of all it takes the hand of God.
04:59 The mighty hand of God and the guidance.
05:01 Amen.
05:03 So it sounds to me like you've learned our acronym,
05:07 the NEWSTART.
05:09 Let's go over it together,
05:10 because I know the viewers would like to hear this as well.
05:13 So the N is for...?
05:14 Nutrition.
05:16 E is for...
05:17 Exercise.
05:19 Exercise, the biggie!
05:20 And the W is for what?
05:22 Water.
05:24 And the S?
05:25 For sunshine.
05:26 Yes, and T?
05:28 It's for temperance.
05:31 Yeah, you and I know about that.
05:32 That's right, we've got to have temperance.
05:34 A is for?
05:36 Air.
05:37 How long could we live without good air?
05:40 We can't. Not too long.
05:42 And R...
05:43 ...is for rest.
05:45 Rest. Have you learned to rest here?
05:47 I have, I have.
05:49 You're in a situation here where
05:52 you don't have distractions.
05:53 You're in nature.
05:55 You don't have the television, the telephone,
05:59 everything that... All the toys?
06:01 ...to interrupt your life.
06:02 So you can focus on what's at hand.
06:06 And now, for me, the most powerful
06:09 letter of that NEWSTART.
06:11 Trust in God. The T.
06:13 Trust in the divine power.
06:15 You know, I've never shared
06:17 this with you. We haven't talked.
06:21 When I came through the NEWSTART program in '05,
06:26 after I came here I wanted to learn more about
06:29 what these people were doing.
06:30 These doctors that pray with you,
06:33 and the massage therapist, and all these people.
06:36 And I consequently ended up studying the Bible.
06:42 And in November of '05,
06:46 I was baptized,
06:48 which was absolutely wonderful.
06:51 And since then, my entire life has changed.
06:55 I see a similar pattern here.
06:57 Now, we talked before the program began,
07:01 and he's telling me that he was a
07:03 pretty bad guy.
07:06 He doesn't know about me yet.
07:07 I think we'll exchange stories so he won't feel so bad.
07:11 But you know, the Lord is forgiving.
07:15 Jesus said, "Come to me,
07:18 and repent." He is forgiving.
07:22 So you're not such a bad guy.
07:24 You've got a great smile.
07:26 çlaughterÑ Thank you, thank you.
07:28 So where do we go from here? What are you going to do
07:30 between now and 3 or 4 months from now
07:35 when you come back into the studio?
07:38 God willing - We have goals. God willing,
07:41 I'm going to hopefully be 40 pounds less of Bill
07:48 when he sees you again. Yes.
07:49 so we'll be seeing less of you.
07:51 Let's hope so. çlaughterÑ
07:53 But I'm confident
07:56 and assured that that will be the case
07:59 as long as I follow the prescription.
08:03 The prescription is, Follow the vegan diet,
08:07 and exercise.
08:08 Put your trust in God.
08:10 Amen. Get the rest.
08:11 Get the exercise, the nutrition, the water, the air.
08:14 The rest of it all comes together.
08:18 Now, did you even think
08:21 when you got here
08:23 seventeen days ago on Sunday,
08:26 did you think that this was all possible?
08:30 You know, I actually did.
08:33 Did you?
08:35 Because I saw the transformation
08:37 that happened to my sister-in-law
08:39 years ago when she was here.
08:41 She was afflicted with high cholesterol.
08:45 She got on the diet,
08:47 She lost about 35 pounds.
08:50 And your cholesterol is high, right?
08:51 Yes. How many points did it drop?
08:54 I'm within the norms now.
08:56 But the doctor told me if I don't start smoking again
09:01 and if I stay on the diet, I will never
09:02 have to worry about a heart attack.
09:04 So you had high cholesterol when you got here.
09:07 And now you're within normal range.
09:10 Praise God.
09:12 Wow, what a story.
09:14 What a magnificent story.
09:16 It's a miracle, but...
09:17 It is a miracle.
09:19 Miracles happened here every day.
09:21 I've seen a group of people around me
09:23 with many miracles happen.
09:26 So it's amazing.
09:28 Now you have like 20-22 others with you in your group?
09:31 Yes.
09:33 And folks, we generally have 20 to 25 people per session.
09:38 You have a little smaller session,
09:42 and either 20 or 25, it's all the same with us.
09:45 We just put out our hearts to everyone we can.
09:48 A lot of love here. A lot of love.
09:52 Well Bill, I'm just blown away.
09:55 Pardon my expression, but
09:57 I'm very pleased with the results,
10:01 and I just want to praise God for
10:03 the many blessings that He's given you.
10:05 He's given you your life back.
10:08 Thanks for joining us.
10:10 Thank you very much for having me.
10:12 Alright. Well friends, there you have it.
10:14 Don't go away, because in a moment
10:16 we'll be talking to Bill's physician, Doctor Lukens.
10:19 We'll be right back.
10:22 Well, you've done very well.
10:30 Do you have diabetes,
10:31 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:33 or do you weigh too much?
10:36 Hi, my name is Doctor Ing,
10:37 and I'd like to tell you about
10:39 our 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:42 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation
10:45 with laboratory studies and an exercise stress test,
10:49 physician consultations,
10:51 culinary school,
10:53 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trails
10:57 in the foothills of the Sierras.
11:00 Your health is one of the most important things that you have.
11:03 Don't wait.
11:04 Give us a call.
11:08 Or visit our website.
11:28 Welcome back friends, and as I promised,
11:30 Doctor Lukens is here with us today.
11:32 Doctor Lukens, how are you, sir?
11:34 Yeah, I'm really excited about talking about this case,
11:36 because it's an amazing...
11:38 Well, you can't be any more excited than I am.
11:40 I mean, this is over the hill, over the top as they say.
11:44 I've seen these for the last four years.
11:46 You've got to tell us, how is this humanly possible?
11:51 Didn't Bill have diabetes for some 10 or 12 years?
11:54 Actually it was 20.
11:56 Twenty years! Yeah.
11:57 And he's on insulin.
11:59 Well, what happened was that he
12:02 did the best he could with the pills.
12:05 He had those, and his last A1c was over 10.
12:10 What the audience knows I don't know, but
12:13 6.5 is where
12:17 diabetes is diagnosed, and we want it
12:19 between 7 and 8.
12:21 And that's not real good control,
12:23 but his was 10.
12:25 So that means that his body was...
12:27 his tissues were dying.
12:30 Now, he was 10 when he got here, right?
12:33 No, before he came. Before he came.
12:35 And then? So then they...
12:37 Because it's a 3-month test.
12:39 A1c is a 3-month test.
12:41 So then his doctors said, "You're just really...
12:44 You're out of control,
12:46 and you've got to add insulin."
12:47 Well nobody wants to add insulin, you know?
12:49 After they do it for a while they realize,
12:51 Well, this isn't the worst thing in the world.
12:53 But it's tough, because
12:56 then when you have the insulin,
12:57 some of the diabetes medications
12:59 don't give you those low blood sugars.
13:01 But you can range between 500 and 50.
13:04 And they just don't know what to do.
13:07 But what's so amazing, and we've seen this before,
13:11 his problem primarily
13:14 was that he was also an alcoholic.
13:16 And we've seen this before.
13:18 When an alcholic has diabetes, they just don't mix.
13:24 So he was on 65 units of the long-acting Lantus.
13:30 And then every meal he was supposed
13:33 to take 9 of the ultra short-acting
13:36 that goes with the meal.
13:37 This was a really good setup to do.
13:39 But he just wasn't able to control his sugars.
13:43 He would get really low ones and then
13:44 he'd get discouraged because they were so high,
13:46 and he'd feel lousy.
13:48 But the thing was is that,
13:50 he quit primarily tobacco and alcohol.
13:55 And you have to do those, and that's another story.
13:57 But you have to do those at the same time.
13:59 We may have talked about that before.
14:02 So he quits those,
14:04 and then his body starts doing the best that it can
14:08 on these whole plant foods,
14:09 the exercise that he's doing,
14:11 and the liver is amazing.
14:13 It just regenerates so fast
14:15 if you give it a chance.
14:17 We've seen this before.
14:18 So here he's on all this medication,
14:22 and about 24 hours later,
14:24 he was having low blood sugar.
14:26 So I said, Let's just stop the insulin for now.
14:30 He was also on the two, metformin and Actos.
14:35 And so, he was on all four
14:36 of those medications at the same time.
14:39 And his blood sugar had been better than
14:41 the 10.8 or whatever it was that he came in on.
14:44 But he just couldn't control the sugars.
14:47 They were just all over the place.
14:49 So we have seen this before.
14:52 And so when he stopped the alcohol
14:54 his liver started to be able to function again,
14:57 and it was amazing. Within just a few days,
14:59 he was off all of his insulin,
15:02 and then we started taking him off the orals.
15:04 His blood pressure was normal, so we
15:06 took him off two of the blood pressure medications he was on.
15:11 And I said, I really want to know what your actual true value
15:16 of your cholesterol is.
15:18 So let's take you off your statin.
15:21 And so we just went down through the list of things.
15:23 And finally he said, "Let's just stop everything."
15:26 And I said, "Let's do it."
15:28 And you can tell he's thrilled.
15:31 What's thrilling is that the numbers are normal now.
15:35 It's not thrilling just that you got rid of your medications
15:39 and you're all out of control and everything.
15:41 It's so good because God blesses when you do His way.
15:46 And when he saw that,
15:49 he's a believer now.
15:50 So here's the question.
15:52 And I want the viewers to hear this answer
15:55 and listen carefully.
15:57 We've got a good question coming up.
15:58 I know there are several people,
16:00 perhaps thousands, millions, watching
16:03 that have the same conditions as Bill.
16:07 Are you telling us that they too have hope?
16:11 Absolutely.
16:14 And a normal diabetic, without all the substance abuses
16:20 thrown in, can do well.
16:23 It takes a little longer, but when you
16:25 have the mix of the alcohol in there just
16:27 irritating the liver and keeping it from doing its work,
16:30 that's the kicker.
16:33 And we've seen that over and over again.
16:36 And perhaps that's why I changed so rapidly,
16:40 because I was alcoholic when I came here.
16:42 But I know there's people watching
16:44 that are drinking alcohol.
16:46 Perhaps you're tossing a beer right now,
16:48 smoking a cigarette,
16:50 and giving up because you have diabetes.
16:52 You think you're going to die soon.
16:54 Well here is a case
16:56 where there's hope. You don't have to give up.
16:59 We can help you here at our NEWSTART program.
17:02 Especially Doctor Lukens.
17:04 The kidneys are suffering from this
17:06 because of his lifestyle and everything.
17:10 I don't know what all.
17:12 He also had a couple of strokes.
17:15 He didn't mention those, but...
17:17 Well, he did have those,
17:18 and that could have been substance abuse.
17:21 He got them from that.
17:22 Fortunately, he didn't have residuas from that.
17:25 So here's somebody,
17:26 and he said that he had a tough life.
17:29 And we wouldn't go into all that stuff.
17:31 Maybe at another time we could.
17:33 He just came here discouraged,
17:36 but what gave him hope was that he saw his sister-in-law
17:40 do so well, and he thought,
17:42 "Maybe it would help me too."
17:45 And he was just...
17:48 There's one thing that I have to say, though.
17:50 Americans are too focused on weight loss.
17:54 He just kept coming to me,
17:55 "Doc, I'm not losing that weight."
17:58 He's not grossly obese,
18:00 but he has this idea.
18:02 But he was out there. He would do up to 10 miles,
18:05 walking. He hadn't done that.
18:08 A lot of walking, building up that muscle,
18:11 getting the sugars down into control.
18:15 What was so good is that now, when he leaves he has hope.
18:20 He's got determination, and he knows that
18:24 What his job was is crawling in and around
18:26 doing alarms, security systems.
18:31 And he said, "I got to the place where,
18:33 here my gut is. It's sticking out there.
18:36 And I haven't got the energy.
18:37 I've got to crawl through all these places."
18:40 "And one day," he said, "I just gave up."
18:43 He said, "I don't think
18:44 that I'm going to be able to do this."
18:46 Because sometimes he'd come to work and he was drunk.
18:50 He was losing it.
18:51 Now we follow him, and he knows that
18:53 we're going to ask him to come back.
18:55 And he's thrilled and we're thrilled.
18:58 We're happy to pass that news on.
19:00 I have to apologize to the viewers.
19:02 I did say before Doctor Lukens came on
19:07 that we were going to have our next meeting with Bill
19:10 four months down the road.
19:11 We may still have that,
19:13 but instead of that being a part of this program,
19:16 we decided to bring Doctor Lukens in, because
19:19 there's such a miracle that has taken place.
19:22 We wanted your opinion, if you will,
19:25 to tell us how these things happen.
19:28 and to once again give people hope
19:31 that they too can get well.
19:34 Yes, and you see, this substance abuse didn't start
19:38 when he was 30 years old or whatever.
19:42 It was through the years, and he did have a tough life.
19:46 And sometimes when you're out
19:47 with your buddies and stuff like that,
19:49 you try a few things.
19:51 And a lot of people in his age group
19:53 try different stuff. But then he got hooked on it.
19:56 And then leaving some of that off,
19:59 then you get the legal ones.
20:01 And he was knocking down a lot of alcohol.
20:04 It was amazing that his body could take as much as he did.
20:08 And then he was smoking.
20:10 Like we said, you have to stop both of those at the same time.
20:14 Now he has hope and he knows that this can happen.
20:19 He's shared with us that he's enjoyed the food,
20:22 he's enjoyed the stay,
20:23 but he put a lot of emphasis
20:25 on the doctors here at the NEWSTART program.
20:28 And I know you as a humble man,
20:30 and you don't want to take any credit,
20:33 but he did salute you on this occasion.
20:37 He's so happy to have met you
20:40 and the NEWSTART program,
20:43 and all assistants and the love that he received here.
20:46 We have those eight natural doctors,
20:48 and you know how powerful they are,
20:50 because they did it to you,
20:51 for you, and with you!
20:53 So there you go. It's tremendous.
20:56 Well, I couldn't agree more.
20:59 To me, the doctors here are wonderful.
21:04 And especially you.
21:06 You're not only my doctor now; you're my friend.
21:09 Well I'm excited for him.
21:10 Yeah, I'm excited for you and him!
21:13 And I'm excited for the viewers,
21:15 because I know some of you have just given up hope.
21:18 Don't give up.
21:20 Don't give up!
21:21 Give us a call.
21:23 And don't go away, by the way.
21:24 We'll be right back with a message.
21:40 Hello and welcome to NEWSTART at Home.
21:41 I'm your host, Don Mackintosh.
21:43 We're glad you're with us today.
21:44 and I'm glad that Rich Kollenberg is
21:46 in the studio with us. Welcome Rich.
21:47 Hi Don.
21:48 Now you're here... What are you here to talk about?
21:50 I'm here to talk about addictions.
21:52 And you have some experience.
21:54 I have a little experience.
21:56 I was an addict for about 25 years of my life.
21:59 I used and abused just about every kind of
22:02 drug or substance that there was.
22:03 Okay. Well, all things work together for good.
22:07 In other words, the Lord can use that.
22:08 I'm glad you're willing to come and talk about it.
22:10 And I'm glad you're still alive,
22:11 because a lot of people that get into addictions,
22:13 they don't make it.
22:15 So I'm glad you're here.
22:16 What is an addiction?
22:17 An addiction is a habit
22:21 that controls you.
22:22 That you don't control, but it controls you.
22:25 When we were talking, you said there's two types of addictions.
22:29 Yeah, there's two different types.
22:30 There's substance addiction, which would be
22:33 drugs, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes.
22:37 And then there's behavioral addictions.
22:38 And behavioral addictions would fall...
22:40 You would have jealousy,
22:42 anger, sexual addictions, gambling, and whatnot.
22:46 Critical type spirit, gossiping, and all those other things.
22:50 Yes, all those type of things are behavioral addictions.
22:52 So, behavioral addictions and substance addictions.
22:56 And you struggled with both of those.
22:58 Very much so.
22:59 They probably go together a little bit.
23:00 They go hand in hand.
23:02 And so, how does that happen?
23:03 A habit to me, as I would think, sounds like a good thing.
23:06 Yeah, habits are our friends,
23:08 but when they turn bad they become addictions.
23:11 What we end up doing is we end up
23:13 following and wanting pleasure
23:15 more than thinking long-term.
23:17 And when we desire that pleasure,
23:19 that can turn into an addiction,
23:22 and we don't think long-term anymore.
23:25 We end up giving ourselves over
23:27 to that pleasure, whatever it may be.
23:29 Whatever satisfaction we get out of gossip,
23:32 whatever satisfaction we get out of a drug,
23:34 or whatever, we give ourselves over to that.
23:36 In fact, the Bible speaks of that
23:38 exact same phrase when it talks about
23:40 the behavioral addictions of Sodom and Gomorrah.
23:43 In Jude 1:7 it says,
23:45 "Even as Sodom and Gomorrah,
23:46 and the cities about them in like manner,
23:49 giving themselves over
23:51 to fornication, and going after strange flesh,
23:54 are set forth as an example,
23:56 suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
23:58 So we can see the Bible actually talks about
24:00 how they in Sodom and Gomorrah
24:02 gave themselves over to this bad behavior.
24:05 Is it a one-way street?
24:06 So you give yourself over, that's it?
24:08 That's not it. Praise the Lord for that.
24:11 I can remember back...
24:13 I think I'd used about everybody up on the planet.
24:16 I was all alone.
24:17 It was back in 1986, and I was all done.
24:21 My girlfriend wouldn't even see me anymore.
24:24 And I can remember lying facedown
24:27 on my bed, crying out to God,
24:29 "God, help me."
24:30 And He said, "Fourty-one years, your way hasn't worked."
24:33 And so He said, "It's time to try it My way."
24:36 And so I cried out to Him, and He said that
24:42 this is going to work.
24:43 And I didn't know how it was going to work.
24:44 So it was like a 3-word prayer, huh?
24:46 Yeah. God helped me.
24:47 For three months I prayed that 3-word prayer.
24:50 God helped me, and He answered that prayer.
24:52 So that was really your way of giving yourself
24:55 over to something else?
24:56 Exactly. We can't muster up enough
24:58 ego motivation to make it work.
25:01 We have to give ourselves over to something or Someone else.
25:04 I like your little book that you've written here,
25:07 "Clean 7 Steps to Freedom: What Every Addict Needs."
25:11 It's got a picture there of the ladder going up.
25:15 Out of the way you are,
25:16 you gave yourself over to something,
25:18 kind of like the prodigal son.
25:19 "This is what I want,
25:21 I want my inheritance, I want this, I want that."
25:24 And then he changed.
25:26 He says, "Make me one of your servants."
25:27 You kind of had that moment.
25:29 That's right, that's right.
25:31 And it worked out. God put it in my heart
25:33 that I was going to turn 180 degrees.
25:36 And I didn't know. That was my nickname for a while.
25:38 My family called me 180 for a while,
25:40 because everything changes.
25:42 Everything I'd done in my life up to that point was wrong.
25:45 So that's the big first step.
25:47 If you were talking to someone about a first step,
25:49 it's coming to that point
25:51 of saying, "I gave myself over to this, but
25:54 I can give myself over to something else."
25:56 Yeah, acknowledging and admitting
25:58 that you've got a problem.
26:00 Well, I encourage you.
26:02 You've been watching today NEWSTART at Home.
26:06 Get this book. Go to our website,
26:11 and get a copy of this book by just following the links.
26:14 It's got some real practical help in here.
26:16 I want to thank you again for coming,
26:17 being vulnerable and opening up your life here to us.
26:20 My pleasure.
26:21 And you know, what doesn't beat us makes us stronger sometimes.
26:24 You're able to help people as a result.
26:27 And so will you.
26:28 We're glad you've joined us,
26:29 and we hope that as a result of watching today
26:31 NEWSTART at Home, you will have
26:33 a new start at home or wherever you are,
26:35 and your life will turn around.
26:37 You could be on this program someday,
26:39 or be used by God wherever you are.
26:41 Thank you for joining us.
26:50 Hi. I hope you've enjoyed as much as I have
26:53 this edition of NEWSTART Now.
26:55 I'm Jim Brackett, executive vice-president
26:57 here at the Weimar Center.
26:59 I want to take just a moment to give you an idea of some
27:01 of the wonderful resources we have here at the bookstore,
27:04 such as Doctor Nedley's book called Proof Positive.
27:07 Now, in addition to Doctor Nedley's book,
27:09 he has a series on depression recovery.
27:12 We have the NEWSTART lifestyle series on DVD
27:15 by our NEWSTART physicians,
27:17 relating to topics like diabetes,
27:19 heart disease, cancer.
27:20 We have a number of authors who have cookbooks here,
27:24 including some in the raw field.
27:26 Now we'd love to have you stop by
27:27 and visit us for your shopping,
27:29 but you can do it online.
27:32 Click the link that says Bookstore.
27:34 Or use our 800 number.
27:39 And by the way,
27:40 any time your order is $100 or more,
27:43 we'll see that you get free
27:45 the NEWSTART lifestyle cookbook.
27:50 Well friends, that's it for today.
27:52 Thank you for joining us.
27:54 Pick up that phone and call us.
28:00 We'll see you next week.
28:02 In the meantime, God bless you.


Revised 2013-06-17