Consistency In Lifestyle Change

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Gianonni (Host), Paul Harp


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000032

00:23 Hi Folks, welcome to another edition of NEWSTART Now,
00:27 you know, we've been
00:29 televising this program for some time
00:32 and we always have a good story,
00:34 and today we have a good story, however
00:38 some of these stories don't turn out just as we would like.
00:43 In our studio today we have Paul Harp,
00:46 which we'll be chatting with in a little bit,
00:50 but I'd like you to see when Paul arrived.
00:54 Five or six years ago, I came down with cancer.
00:59 And my wife and I found out about this place,
01:03 and we came down to it.
01:06 And by the time I left here,
01:08 after experiencing their
01:09 lifestyle change and everything like that,
01:12 that my cancer was in remission.
01:15 So we were quite happy about that,
01:17 but unfortunately I got cancer back again,
01:20 in a different location,
01:22 and we are down here again to see if
01:24 we can get it back in remission again.
01:26 Well what I want to do this time is
01:28 make sure that I stay with the program.
01:31 Once you slide off, you never seem to get back,
01:35 and it's a healthy lifestyle, it's good for you.
01:41 If I could just. . .
01:43 well what I'm facing right now is my life,
01:46 and if I don't stick with the program,
01:49 I've probably got only about a
01:51 year and a half to two years left.
01:54 And I think this program will do it for me,
01:56 will give me an extension of life to some extent.
02:01 Welcome back folks, and in our studio we have Paul Harp
02:05 How are you Paul?
02:06 - Hi, thank you, good to see you again.
02:08 Good to see you, and,
02:10 you know as I said to our viewers a moment ago, sometimes
02:14 we have success stories,
02:16 which you had when you first arrived here,
02:19 at the NEWSTART program.
02:22 But I want people to really understand
02:25 what this program is all about.
02:27 When you first came here, you had great results,
02:31 cancer went into remission,
02:33 Is that correct? Correct.
02:34 And then you said in our first
02:36 interview that you slipped off the program,
02:40 and that happened gradually.
02:42 Would you tell us how that happened, how you
02:45 just all of a sudden decided that you weren't
02:47 going to stay on that program?
02:51 I guess it's like eating a candy bar and ice cream cone,
02:55 you just, well I'm going to have a nibble,
02:57 you know, a nibble is not going to hurt me.
02:59 And then pretty soon you know the whole thing is gone,
03:01 and then you go for another one, and another one
03:04 It's kind of like backsliding
03:06 and this is what happened to me.
03:10 I blame it on myself,
03:13 for not really staying with the program,
03:15 because I really believe in the program
03:17 you know, that it does good,
03:18 and it will help an awful lot of people,
03:20 has helped an awful lot of people.
03:22 Now, what I want you to walk
03:24 away with tomorrow when you leave,
03:27 is that there is still hope, there is that hope,
03:31 that this can go into remission,
03:34 your going to have to hit it maybe a little longer,
03:37 than you did the first time, but let's address this slippage.
03:42 What I know from my experience, as you know
03:45 I've been through the program myself 4 years ago
03:48 is that if you take a little bit of sugar,
03:51 those sugar cells open up
03:54 and they say I'm hungry
03:57 I want more sugar, I want a candy bar
03:59 or whatever it is, right? - Yes.
04:02 As well as fat.
04:04 You take that little fat, and say,
04:06 Well I think I'll slip a little bit
04:08 have a little. . . maybe on my salad I'll have a some dressing
04:12 and that fat gets in there,
04:13 and all of a sudden you have a little
04:15 garlic bread with butter, and the fat gets in your system
04:19 those fat cells now open up
04:22 and they want to be fed.
04:24 So my advice for everyone who's watching,
04:29 if you've changed your
04:32 diet, your living a new lifestyle,
04:34 if you've come through
04:36 NEWSTART, or many other programs throughout the country
04:40 perhaps in a different country,
04:41 stick to that program,
04:43 stick to that lifestyle, because if you slip
04:47 you will open up thos cells,
04:49 you will create a desire for more of the same.
04:54 So that being said,
04:56 you know, before the interview started, I recommended
05:00 some ideas that will increase that hope
05:05 because
05:07 perhaps you need a little guidance
05:09 at this point, and I know Dr Lukins
05:12 that's your doctor right? - Yes.
05:13 Dr. Lukens will be with us in a little while
05:16 but he's going to be doing some followup with you,
05:21 and giving some advice, etc.
05:23 But tell us, tell the viewers if you would,
05:25 what are you going to do now?
05:28 Well, Dr. Lukens has already
05:30 told me to go back and make contact
05:34 with my doctors back where I live back in Washington State,
05:38 and continue with the program that
05:40 they had me on before I came down here,
05:43 but Dr. Lukens is also
05:45 investigating other avenues of treatment
05:49 That one of his relatives
05:52 that is in the cancer field
05:54 and he will be working with the
05:56 doctors up there as well as myself.
06:00 I think that is great, you know,
06:02 we got new ideas coming in from other areas
06:06 other than that one town I come from in Washington.
06:10 Now we did talk about a book,
06:13 The China Study.
06:15 And I've advised you to go ahead
06:18 and purchase that book we have it at our store.
06:20 And as I recall the China Study gave me
06:24 a lot of hope about various things that I was dealing with
06:27 and they have
06:29 quite a bit of information,
06:31 the latest, the greatest research
06:34 than has been done in a long time.
06:37 And in there, as I recall, there's a bit of information
06:41 about cancers and how to stop that cancer growth.
06:46 So I hope that you get that.
06:48 I will, I definitely will.
06:51 You know, you think when you were
06:53 younger that 69 was old, when your 69
06:56 you think 79 is old!
06:58 And you know, you keep prolonging what you have.
07:04 Our children are grown, they have lives of their own.
07:07 Just me and my wife, and we're enjoying life,
07:09 you know, as a single couple again.
07:12 And your are building a home in Woodby Island. . .
07:14 Yes, it's in the process right now of being built,
07:18 And yes, we have a lot of things to look forward to
07:22 that I would like to yet see come to fruition.
07:24 My wife doesn't want me to go this soon I don't think,
07:29 But no, yes life still looks good, it does,
07:31 it really looks good.
07:33 Good you got a good attitude, I mean for an old man
07:36 your 69 right?
07:38 Yes, yes, if I was as old as you,
07:40 I don't know if I'd be that good or not.
07:41 I'm going to be 69 in five month, so. . .
07:44 Oh I thought you said you were 69 five months ago!
07:46 Next March.
07:47 Oh next March, you young whippersnapper!
07:52 We can joke about that.
07:54 Well you know my prayer is that
07:58 the Lord bless you with the wisdom
08:01 to make the choices that are going to be
08:03 necessary for you in the next few years.
08:06 I still see you know you're vibrant,
08:08 your energy is high
08:10 I see more energy in you than when we first met.
08:14 You know, I feel a lot better than when we first met.
08:16 You know, let's talk about that just briefly,
08:18 because we don't have a lot of time but,
08:20 I know you came here, and your
08:22 energy was a little bit down per say
08:25 maybe your attitude wasn't quite as good
08:28 suffering from some depression.
08:30 Do you have any other ailments that
08:34 you have been dealing with as well?
08:37 Ailments no, actually I've been
08:40 fairly healthy my whole life.
08:42 But I have,
08:44 I'm a sugar nut.
08:47 I love ice cream, I love ice cream.
08:50 And when I was starting to get sick this last time,
08:54 my lunch would be a half a gallon of ice cream,
08:56 my supper would be another half gallon of ice cream.
08:59 Food? I had no taste for food whatsoever,
09:01 you know, wholesome food.
09:03 It had to be cookies, sweets, ice cream,
09:06 and that's what I subsided on for about 4 months.
09:09 And do you think there is a direct correlation with the,
09:15 cancer that came back, and the sugar that you ate?
09:19 From what I learned here, yes, yes.
09:22 I knew the answer to that,
09:24 I wanted to see what you would say, because
09:27 you know, our viewers need to hear these things
09:29 every week we come on here, three times a week,
09:33 and we say, This is great,
09:34 That's great, and all these wonderful stories.
09:37 Once in a while we'll have a story,
09:39 and by the way, this is the first one I've heard in a while,
09:42 but that being said,
09:46 I'll keep in my prayers,
09:47 I know your going to do good.
09:49 We're going to try.
09:50 And thank you for joining us on the set.
09:53 I'm glad to be here.
09:54 God bless you.
09:56 Thank you.
09:57 Well folks, that's it for today
09:59 again, we don't always have a positive end result,
10:05 but in someway there's a message to
10:07 one of you that may learn something.
10:09 Don't go away, we'll be right back.
10:13 Well, you've done very well.
10:21 Do you have diabetes,
10:22 heart disease, high blood pressure,
10:25 or do you weigh too much?
10:27 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
10:30 about our 18 day NEWSTART lifestyle program.
10:33 It includes a comprehensive medical
10:35 evaluation with laboratories and a
10:38 exercise stress test,
10:40 physician consultations
10:42 culinary school
10:44 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful
10:46 foot trails in the foothills of the Sierras.
10:51 Your health is one of the most
10:52 important things that you have, don't wait
10:55 Give us a call at
11:00 Or visit our website at
11:19 Welcome back friends,
11:20 as I promised we're going to have
11:23 Dr. Lukens here in just one moment,
11:25 but I want to emphasize, you know sometimes
11:28 we have people through the program,
11:31 and this is one of those times where
11:33 maybe you can be inspired by his testimony,
11:37 perhaps that will help many of you.
11:40 So God bless you, and let's procede with meeting Dr. Lukens,
11:45 How are you Doc?
11:46 Thank you, thank you, very much.
11:48 As I always say, it's a pleasure to have you here.
11:50 You know Doctor, I have to say
11:55 during this interview I was humbled quite a bit because,
11:59 so many times we see people come here and they get well.
12:02 And again I'm one of those people.
12:06 But when I see someone who is struggling,
12:10 that is hurting deeply,
12:13 my heart goes out to them, and what do we do Doc?
12:17 Tell us what we do.
12:19 Well, as always, point them to the Great Physician.
12:24 because so often when we mess up, or when we
12:29 fall back, when we do something, slide back
12:33 as we say sometimes.
12:35 And that. . .
12:36 it just kind of takes the edge off of life.
12:41 And we think that we are going to be able to do it ourselves,
12:46 and we go through with great expectations, but
12:50 Christ the Divine Physician,
12:54 He knows that we are weak.
12:56 We just have to keep
12:58 reassuring them that He knew that,
13:01 He knew more about them than they knew about themselves,
13:04 and He's still there, and He's still
13:07 helping them with whatever is going on.
13:10 And this isn't an uncommon problem.
13:13 Yes, it's one that I've dealt with in the past,
13:16 but the first one that we are showing our viewers.
13:21 And you know, I never feel
13:23 good about these, but I do realize
13:26 that someone's being blessed by watching this,
13:32 the ones who have slid.
13:34 Now before the interview, we chatted, Paul and I,
13:38 And he said, for four months I lived on ice cream,
13:42 cookies, cake, and candies.
13:45 And I said, Is that what attributed
13:48 to the sliding, the recurrence of the cancer?
13:51 He believes so, could you elaborate a little on that?
13:56 Well you know,
13:58 I'm working with some people
14:00 that I'm playing basketball with,
14:03 and one guy has cancer.
14:07 And I talked. . . there's a physician there as well,
14:11 he does it all, a family practice primary care,
14:15 And I ask him, I said, you know,
14:19 Don't you think we should have
14:21 this person on a really good dietary?
14:24 And he looked at me and said,
14:26 Do you think that diet really makes a difference in cancer?
14:30 I'm thinking, Oh dear!
14:33 And his wife is into stuff like this too.
14:37 With Paul's situation,
14:39 and with so many people,
14:42 it's just like the smoker,
14:44 he takes a cigarette, and he takes another one,
14:47 and he's up to two or three packs a day,
14:49 and nothing seems to be happening.
14:52 It's the same way with cancer, you know.
14:55 You say, Well, I did that, and now
14:57 our mind kind of plays tricks on us, we rationalize,
15:01 because the appetite is really really strong.
15:03 Christ had to go the point of death
15:06 to give us that victory, we can't do it on our own.
15:10 So anyway it comes up, where
15:13 four months down, eight months down,
15:15 a year later and so forth, you just start thinking
15:20 I must be well,
15:23 I just don't think I'll do this anymore, or whatever,
15:25 and the adversary just keeps coming in there
15:28 and that's his deal you see.
15:31 So it's just, Oh it doesn't matter,
15:33 and then when you do
15:34 mess up, and he says, hahaha
15:37 see, and like one book says,
15:40 our promises that we make to ourselves
15:42 and to others are like ropes of sand.
15:46 You know,
15:49 I believe that everything you say is true,
15:51 but I also believe that
15:53 the Lord is watching those of us.
15:56 And when we slip, I know when I slip, and I have
16:00 I told you that today,
16:02 on some of these treats that I like to give myself
16:05 because I say, Well
16:07 yes, I know that I'm rid of the diabetes
16:10 I have no more high blood pressure,
16:12 and I'm off all these different medications,
16:14 maybe an apple fritter will be fine,
16:17 And you said to me today, you said
16:20 You mean the one that is deep fried in grease,
16:23 the one they roll in sugar?
16:25 And I said, yes that's the one!
16:28 And you know, it is so hard
16:32 for a lot of us to stay away from these things.
16:35 What can we do Doc to really watch it?
16:37 Well, one of the things is that it's found that
16:39 if a person does something like that every three months,
16:43 they look forward to it
16:44 and they do it, and then they just
16:46 get right back off of it,
16:48 and then go back on the program again.
16:50 That isn't the problem.
16:53 It's when the person,
16:54 their tempted and then they do it,
16:57 and like I said they're doing it on their own.
17:01 And they continue to do it over and over.
17:03 Well because it weakens their resolve,
17:06 it weakens their will
17:07 to continue on.
17:09 But I'd like to go back to the cancer thing,
17:12 When I see somebody
17:14 that's had surgery or radiation or whatever,
17:17 and maybe it's two years out, maybe it's five years out,
17:19 and they said now your a cure.
17:21 To me that's a death nail to a cancer patient.
17:25 You say, What? Isn't that wonderful news?
17:27 No it isn't,
17:29 because those cancer cells are still there,
17:32 and the fact that they were
17:33 able to get cancer to begin with,
17:36 shows that their body, they have the genetic makeup
17:39 so their body is susceptible to cancer.
17:42 And so I try to tell the patients,
17:44 You don't have a lot of different chances here.
17:48 Now if your cholesterol goes up and down,
17:50 your sugar goes up and down,
17:52 but when you make a commitment with cancer
17:54 you have to make a commitment
17:56 like on of my patients told me he did
17:59 I don't think that he was even religious, I think he
18:02 or he was even a believer,
18:05 but he said, I promised myself
18:08 that for the rest of my life, I would never
18:11 allow one particle of animal product
18:14 to pass my lips again.
18:16 My wife has done that, she's been vegan for 12 years
18:19 and her health, she had arthritic
18:21 things and she didn't even know it
18:23 and the inflammation in her lungs
18:24 that she would have to go on antibiotics
18:26 all the time when she got just a common cold.
18:29 She hasn't had to do that now, for all these years.
18:32 And so it's better, like the Lord says
18:35 What I'm doing for you is better
18:37 than you can possibly even imagine.
18:39 But coming back to this other,
18:41 I've had people that
18:44 10 years out, 12 years out, 25 years out,
18:48 they keep, you know it's just like
18:50 well it must be over this time,
18:52 and they go back to it,
18:54 and then the cancer comes back again.
18:57 But of course,
18:59 this is something that a person has to recommit to.
19:03 Well, what I hear you saying is that just as in diabetes
19:08 just because the cancer is in remission
19:12 perhaps your are more susceptible than others
19:15 for a recurrence if you slip back into those old habits.
19:19 Well, your cancer patients
19:21 are always susceptible to that,
19:24 so with the cancer patients, they don't have those time outs
19:28 And I think we talked about one
19:30 of my patients the other day in one of the interviews.
19:34 And his wife made him go back on the program,
19:38 he said because their youngest, when he came here
19:41 to the cancer program,
19:42 their youngest was two years old,
19:44 and now she's going on 14, you see,
19:47 And his cancer, little bits of it,
19:49 here and there, kept recurring
19:51 and he would just say, Well it didn't work.
19:54 But it was working.
19:55 Those areas of cancer were still,
19:57 they were just growing out and doing the thing
20:00 that they were doing on a
20:02 microscopic level that couldn't be seen.
20:03 And so now, here he is, he's 11 years out,
20:07 he's still alive, they found a spot on his lung
20:09 they took it out, and it wasn't cancer.
20:12 It's, you know, it's 35 cases of that,
20:16 and he's the only one that's still alive.
20:18 Doctor, would you think that when
20:20 people come to our NEWSTART program
20:22 is it best to have their spouse with them?
20:26 You know with the Pritikin program
20:28 the spouse comes for free, it's more expensive than ours so
20:31 the spouse is really covered.
20:33 You really can't do it without, I mean you can, but it's almost
20:36 it's almost too hard.
20:37 I can't even imagine coming here without my wife Cindy,
20:40 and then trying to go home and explain to her,
20:43 what I learned in 18 days!
20:46 Well, in any case, I know there are viewers
20:48 out there wondering if they should come with
20:52 their wife, or their husband or their significant other.
20:55 That's always, always best if you can.
20:57 Dr. Lukins, I want to thank you once
20:59 again for joining us on the set here,
21:01 The thing is the Lord is merciful, and Paul
21:04 can still have a decent rest of his life.
21:08 He was better when he left.
21:09 Yes, indeed,
21:11 And folks, don't go away, we're running out
21:13 of time, so I'm going to say goodbye
21:14 for now, but we'll be right back.
21:30 Hello, and welcome to Newstart at home,
21:32 I'm your host Don Macintosh,
21:33 we're glad that you've joined us today.
21:35 And today I'm happy that
21:36 Rich Kollenberg is here in the studio with us.
21:39 And Rich, welcome.
21:41 Well, thanks, it's great to be here.
21:43 And we are going to be talking about addictions today,
21:45 and I guess you have some experience being an addict.
21:48 I've been an addict for 25 years,
21:50 I was addicted to many substances and behaviours.
21:53 Well, I mean I think some people have said there are
21:55 addicts who admit it and there are
21:56 those that don't, would that be true?
21:58 almost every one has some kind of addiction?
21:59 Yes, and the addict that doesn't
22:01 admit it is probably still an addict.
22:04 So to not admit it, what would that be called?
22:07 That would be called a lie, and you know what?
22:10 Us addicts are trained professionals at lying.
22:13 What we tell ourselves is so important.
22:16 And we either tell ourselves lies or the truth.
22:19 And we're going to believe what we tell ourselves,
22:22 and you know, we get lies from all over the place,
22:26 and we don't even realize, like the
22:28 billboard that says, drink responsibly.
22:30 Drink responsibly. Yes,
22:31 unless it's water, it's not responsible.
22:33 Right, and have a safe holiday season,
22:36 don't drink and drive.
22:37 - So that's kind of half true.
22:39 Half true yes, you can have a safe holiday season,
22:41 if you drink but you don't drive.
22:44 So we are bombarded with lies, but the worst
22:46 thing that an addict does is he tells himself lies.
22:50 Like what kind of lies?
22:51 I'm not an addict.
22:53 That's a lie.
22:54 One of the worst lies is,
22:56 The good old days really weren't that bad.
22:59 That's a bad lie, because then you start
23:01 romancing the good old days when they were that bad.
23:04 Crawling out from underneath a car,
23:06 at two in the morning,
23:07 with vomit all over you, is not the good old days.
23:12 Those types of things but somehow,
23:14 we tell ourselves those lies,
23:17 or the fact that I'm not an addict,
23:19 or I'm not an abuser or I'm not a gossip
23:22 or I'm not a gambler,
23:23 and if an addict doesn't need help
23:27 you can't help him.
23:29 So do you ever find yourself having those
23:31 thoughts go through your mind still today even?
23:33 You know there's still a tug every once in a while,
23:35 with different behaviours and stuff, but
23:40 the Lord has lifted the obsessions for me to use drugs
23:44 and to do those types of behaviours, He's lifted it.
23:46 But a lot of the behavioural addictions that I had before
23:49 I'm finding are really rearing their ugly head,
23:53 after I've quit the substances.
23:55 Ok, so I mean, it's an ongoing dynamic process.
23:57 So what do you do to reverse the lies that are in your life?
24:00 You have to get some truth
24:02 from somewhere, and I can remember
24:04 When I first got clean and sober,
24:06 my wife and I Susan,
24:07 we said you know what,
24:09 this TV is not putting out much truth.
24:10 We were ready to turn it off,
24:12 and I was flipping through the
24:14 channels and I got an Amazing Facts
24:16 television with Pastor Doug Bachelor on there,
24:20 and it had a ring of truth, and that really helped me.
24:23 So you were ready to. . .
24:24 I mean you told me the story before,
24:26 you were sitting in the
24:27 middle of the woods somewhere in a house that had TV or something
24:29 Yes, we were in what they called the fort,
24:32 I mean we had snakes in the house and rats
24:34 and a little bitty black and white TV.
24:37 And the electricity still worked.
24:38 The electricity still worked
24:39 because her mom paid the power bill.
24:41 Ok, and your sitting there,
24:43 and for some reason you're looking at TV,
24:45 and it's got a lot of lies on it,
24:46 your saying we got to dump it.
24:47 We got to dump it, and. . .
24:50 and low and behold we cam across that television program
24:53 And my brain was pretty fried at the time,
24:55 so I couldn't read very well, so that was very helpful
24:58 for me to be able to hear the truth.
25:01 And there was something about Pastor Bachelor,
25:03 he was a caveman, he was an addict himself,
25:05 you could identify with him?
25:07 I could identify with him.
25:08 And you started surrounding your self with some truth.
25:11 So you tell yourself the truth,
25:12 you're surrounding yourself with
25:14 people that are telling you the truth,
25:15 was Susan telling you the truth? your wife.
25:16 You know what we finally came to
25:18 agreement that we had to search for God
25:20 as hard as we searched for drugs.
25:23 So you started to tell yourself the truth,
25:25 told each other the truth, and then you started to
25:27 watch Christian programing. . .
25:30 We bombarded ourselves with truth.
25:33 Well that's a huge principle, I think.
25:36 So admitting you wrong,
25:37 admitting you're telling yourself a lie,
25:38 but then filling it will truth, don't take
25:40 something away unless you replace it with something else,
25:42 so lies with truth.
25:45 Oh you have all this in your book, Clean,
25:47 Seven Steps to Freedom, what every addict needs,
25:49 That's a great little book, and it has all kinds
25:51 of steps in there, all kinds of practical wisdom
25:54 like what you shared today.
25:57 Thanks for being here, thanks for telling us
25:58 the truth about telling ourselves the truth.
26:01 Yes, my pleasure to be here,
26:02 And we're glad that you are here,
26:03 and that's the truth as well.
26:05 We want you to go to our website,
26:08 and you can follow the links and you can get a copy of this book.
26:11 It takes them right to the Amazing Facts website,
26:13 and then you can get a copy of this
26:14 or some other book that might help you.
26:16 We hope as a result of reading this book,
26:18 and as a result of saying hey, I'm not going to lie anymore,
26:20 I'm going to tell myself the truth,
26:22 surround myself with people that tell me the truth,
26:24 read things that are the truth,
26:26 We hope that as a result you'll have
26:28 a new start, that starts right now.
26:30 Thanks for joining us, and thank you for joining us.
26:40 Hi, I hope that you've enjoyed as much
26:42 as I have this edition of NEWSTART Now.
26:45 I'm Jim Brackett, executive vice
26:47 president here at the Weimar Center,
26:49 I want to take just a moment to give you an idea of some
26:51 of the wonderful resources we have here at the bookstore
26:54 such as Dr. Nedley's book Proof Positive
26:57 Now in addition to Dr. Nedley's book,
26:59 he has a series on depression recovery
27:02 we have the NEWSTART lifestyle
27:04 series on DVD by our NEWSTART physicians
27:07 relating to topics like diabetes,
27:09 heart disease, cancer.
27:10 We have a number of authors who have cookbooks here,
27:14 including some in the raw field.
27:16 Now we'd love to have you stop by and visit
27:18 us for your shopping, but you can do it online at:
27:22 Click the link that says bookstore.
27:24 Or use our 800 number,
27:29 And by the way, anytime your
27:30 order is a hundred dollars or more,
27:33 we'll see that you get free the NEWSTART lifestyle cookbook.
27:40 Well friends, thank you for joining us.
27:43 Join us again next week, in the meantime,
27:46 pick up the phone and give us a call at,
27:53 Or if you would like to talk with me,
27:55 you can call me at extension 7921
27:58 In the meantime, have a great week,
28:01 God bless you abundantly,
28:02 we look forward to seeing you next week.


Revised 2013-06-17