Program transcript

Programs by Request



Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000028

00:23 Hi friends, and welcome to
00:25 another edition of NEWSTART Now.
00:27 I want to say a special hello to my
00:30 friends at the Grass Valley SDA Church.
00:33 Hi there!
00:34 Today, we have David Sands with us.
00:37 David is from San Francisco, CA
00:40 which happens to be my home town as well.
00:43 David came to us approximately 8 or 9 days ago
00:47 with many problems and I'd like to look at
00:51 when he first arrived here.
00:53 Can we see that now?
00:55 Well, before I heard about the NEWSTART
00:59 I seemed to be focusing a lot
01:01 on my life as I was growing older
01:03 and my kids are grown up.
01:06 the things that happened
01:09 in my lifetime
01:11 some were good, some were not so good.
01:15 I found myself focusing as my wife
01:17 would tell you on the not so good things.
01:21 well, I got pretty unhappy and a little depressed about that.
01:26 and then I went for a check up for my gout
01:29 and found out that my kidney function was not up to date,
01:33 even though it is improving a little bit
01:36 and I want to lose more weight even though I feel comfortable
01:41 fairly comfortable with the way I am
01:43 because it doesn't stop any of my activities
01:46 but my wife and I talked about it
01:48 quite a bit for the last month or so
01:51 and we decided that we are going to come up here
01:53 and try and get the whole thing pulled together
01:57 and see what the future will bring and change our diet and
02:02 our lifestyle.
02:04 I want to learn what I can do to
02:07 improve my medical condition and help me prolong my life
02:11 not only prolong it, but live it better
02:15 and easier health wise,
02:18 and take care of my family.
02:22 Welcome back friends, and in our studio we have David.
02:25 How are you David?
02:26 How are you? It's nice to see you again.
02:28 Well, I think we have to tell our friends, our viewers here
02:31 the truth about this story of
02:33 you coming to the NEWSTART Program.
02:36 It's my understanding that you didn't even want to come here.
02:39 Is that right?
02:40 Ah. My wife started nagging on me a year ago
02:45 Nagging on...?
02:46 Nagging, yeah. After we first learned about NEWSTART
02:50 she kept a brochure tacked on the kitchen room wall
02:54 so I saw it every time I ate my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
02:57 And why did your wife want to
02:59 you come to the NEWSTART Program?
03:00 Well, she felt I was doing the things that I
03:04 said I was doing, like going to the
03:05 gym and exercising, but I wasn't really
03:08 improving my health weight wise, and food wise.
03:14 Can we say that you weren't firing on all eight cylinders?
03:18 No, I was on like three cylinders, probably.
03:21 Three cylinders!
03:22 Okay, so you arrived here on a Sunday
03:26 just about ten days ago
03:28 and tell us what happened.
03:30 We know you had some resistance to being here.
03:34 But you got here... tell us what happened the first day.
03:37 We decided to come up very early.
03:42 We had been here before for a couple days just to check it out
03:46 but we came very early so that we could really
03:48 see what was going on ahead of the people that
03:51 came in the afternoon.
03:53 So we had lunch already here and walked around
03:56 and went to all the different places.
03:58 Did you have any problem
03:59 walking the first day you were here?
04:01 No, I don't have any problems walking.
04:03 You had none at all?
04:04 Well, this morning I happened to
04:06 meet you on the trail about six o'clock
04:09 and we walked together
04:10 and you said, "Yeah, I can walk better..."
04:12 What do you mean by that?
04:14 Well, I walk longer than I used to.
04:16 - Oh, you do?
04:17 I've always been able to walk,
04:19 but I walk munch longer since I have been here
04:23 Now, we also saw in your initial interview
04:27 that you have had in the past, some depression
04:31 have you had any change?
04:34 That's been much, much better
04:36 thanks to Viola and all the people here
04:40 have really helped a lot. It's been wonderful
04:42 It has?
04:43 In which way has this depression changed?
04:47 Not to focus on the past, but
04:50 focus on the present and the future
04:53 and put the past behind you as best you can, and move forward.
04:58 So, also in the interview, I noticed that you said
05:02 some things in the past that
05:04 you've dont that your not so proud of
05:06 and was this causing some depression?
05:09 Absolutely. Yes.
05:11 So is it fair to say that
05:13 many depressed people could come to our NEWSTART Program?
05:16 I think it would be a great place for them to come.
05:19 Not only the exercise and the food
05:22 and the consultation they get from the wonderful staff
05:27 It would all help instead of trying to stay
05:29 home and do it yourself, that doesn't work.
05:31 So, you've been here only... I hate to use the word only, but
05:35 you've been here ten days.
05:37 Right.
05:38 And there is an 18 day program, however your program
05:42 - is 11 days is that correct? - 11 days, right.
05:45 And you feel that 11 days is enough time to
05:49 deal with the issues you've had and get better?
05:53 Right. When I first signed up for the
05:56 11 days I analyzed what my doctor had
05:59 checked me out back in San Francisco
06:02 and felt I really didn't need the 18 days
06:05 at this time.
06:07 and it's worked out very well so far and I
06:10 do plan to come back for a restart program.
06:13 Good, and the restart program . . .
06:15 I'm sorry I interrupted you.
06:17 The restart program is a kind of finish up to the 11 days.
06:22 Yes.
06:23 And we have those anytime for
06:25 people who have been through the program
06:28 that can attend the last four
06:31 days of any session they like, right?
06:34 And so I think when I get some things
06:37 done in San Francisco, I need to come back.
06:40 Good.
06:41 Now so, we've talked about Viola,
06:45 and who is Viola?
06:47 Viola is the chaplain here.
06:49 And she gives counsel?
06:50 She gives lectures and counsel,
06:53 I seen her three times actually,
06:55 in person, not just listened to her lectures.
06:58 She's helped you a lot.
06:59 Oh they've all been, yea, everybody,
07:02 from Kathy, the staff, to yourself,
07:05 just talking to you and walking around,
07:09 it's endless how many names I can think of, you know,
07:12 everybody in the lodge, the kitchen and the whole works.
07:16 Yes. - Yes, I think,
07:18 it's something I didn't expect.
07:19 I expected, you know, just to come up
07:21 here and eat some food and do some exercises,
07:23 and go home, but. . .
07:24 You came up here, correct me if I'm wrong,
07:27 I think you came with the attitude,
07:29 "Look, my wife's been grinden me for a year,
07:33 I'm going to go do this
07:34 get it done with and get back home,
07:36 was that kind of like what you were thinking?
07:37 Uh, sort of halfway, half and half I said.
07:42 I knew I needed to do something besides sit around in the house,
07:45 and grumble about what was good and what was
07:48 bad in the past, and get it out of my system.
07:52 So what are you taking home with
07:55 you that you know your going to use,
07:57 that is going to help your depression,
07:59 help your cardiovascular situation,
08:03 meaning your high blood pressure or potential diabetics,
08:06 or whatever, what are you taking home with you?
08:09 I'm taking home a better attitude,
08:11 I'm taking home a better health feeling.
08:15 I've already cut my
08:16 medicine down on my blood pressure.
08:18 Really! Tell me about that just briefly,
08:21 what do you mean by that?
08:23 Well I met with Dr. Ing several times and
08:26 I'm going to have one last visit with him today.
08:28 You have been here ten days you
08:30 have meet with him several times,
08:32 and you are going to meet with him
08:33 again today? - Yes my last one.
08:35 And has he suggested that
08:37 you cut your blood pressure meds?
08:38 Yeah we talked about it, and I said,
08:40 How can I cut it? and he said, Try it.
08:42 He said cut it in half,
08:43 and see how your blood pressure is.
08:45 And how is it?
08:46 - It's fine right now, it's right on.
08:48 The same thing happened to me by the way,
08:51 I got off two high blood pressure medications in 6 days!
08:56 And I know the same thing can happen to you, so uh . . .
09:00 Well it makes me thing that maybe my doctor in San Francisco
09:03 could have gotten me off it a long time
09:05 ago if he tried. - Maybe, I don't know.
09:09 Coming here, and . . .
09:12 it's been great, if I can get off my medicine
09:13 I'm home, man, I'm home. No medication then.
09:18 You know it's really good to see you smile Dave,
09:22 you got a great smile.
09:24 I know why your wife has brought you here,
09:27 I know your wife is with you today.
09:28 She has been here as a companion,
09:30 she didn't go through the program,
09:32 but she's been very supportive, and . . .
09:36 I love her very much.
09:42 I know.
09:44 - and I thank her for bringing me here.
09:49 So I'm going to take her to play golf with me tomorrow!
09:54 David thank you so much for sharing with us
09:57 Thank you, it's been great experience,
09:58 thank you very much.
10:00 God bless you. - Thank you, you too.
10:03 Folks, you know it's interviews like this that touch my heart.
10:07 We've seen a man come here kind of hardened,
10:11 and saddened, and depressed,
10:13 and we see that he is making great strides to improve it.
10:17 Don't go away, we'll be right back.
10:21 Well you've done very well.
10:29 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:32 high blood pressure , or do you weigh too much?
10:35 Hi my name is Dr. Ing. I'd like to tell you
10:38 about our 18 day Newstart lifestyle program.
10:42 It includes a comprehensive medical
10:44 evaluation with laboratory studies
10:46 and a exercise stress test,
10:48 Physician consultations,
10:50 Culinary schools,
10:52 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful
10:55 trails in the foothills of the Sierras.
10:59 Your health is one of the most
11:01 important things that you have, don't wait.
11:03 Give us a call at:
11:08 Or visit our website:
11:27 Hi friends, in our studio I have Dr. Clarence Ing.
11:30 How are you Dr. Ing?
11:32 Good to see you Ron.
11:33 You know, we go on these programs every week,
11:36 and we talk about various guests,
11:38 and yet it still amazes me when I see the numbers coming down,
11:44 and perhaps you can tell us a little bit about
11:47 Mr. Sands, it's David right?
11:49 Right. David came here,
11:51 and when he came here he was concerned
11:54 about the way his kidneys were working.
11:57 He had been told by his previous physician
12:01 that he had some impairment of his kidneys
12:03 because of various things that had happened,
12:06 and also his blood pressure was high.
12:08 So we had the privilege of working with him,
12:12 examining him, monitoring him, and see what happened
12:14 and see what happened
12:16 during the time that he was here.
12:17 And it was really true,
12:20 he did have the impaired kidney function
12:23 as confirmed by some of the blood tests that we did,
12:27 his glomerular filtration rate was low,
12:31 his creatinine was high
12:33 his BUN was, you know, it was in the normal range.
12:38 And then when he left, or before he left,
12:41 we had the opportunity to repeat some of his tests
12:44 and see what had happened
12:45 during the time that he was here,
12:47 and it was definitely better.
12:48 Now Doctor, I know that we don't use any supplements,
12:52 but can you tell the viewers, we do this. . .
12:56 how does this happen?
12:58 Well . . . my favorite
13:01 supplement is called food, so. . .
13:04 if you want to call food a supplement,
13:05 then we say we use supplements.
13:07 And we like to say whole plant foods eaten whole.
13:12 And just in case the group that I'm talking to
13:15 aren't really familiar with what that is
13:17 because they'll often say, well that's fine Doc,
13:19 I don't eat meat I just use fish and chicken.
13:23 I said, Oh you like those swimming and flying vegetables!
13:27 Well they really aren't
13:29 vegetables as everyone knows, but . . .
13:31 in some cultures in some areas of the world they say
13:36 they don't consider fish and chicken meat,
13:38 but I said it very definitely is meat.
13:41 And if you have impaired kidney function,
13:45 one of the ways that they work with people with
13:47 impaired kidneys or kidneys that aren't working well
13:50 is put them on a low protein diet,
13:52 and what better way to on a low
13:53 protein diet than to go on a plant based diet
13:56 You have more than adequate protein,
13:58 but you don't have
14:00 the burden that you place upon the
14:01 kidneys if you're eating animal protein.
14:04 You know, the kidneys have to
14:05 work harder to process animal protein
14:08 than they do with the plant protein, so . . .
14:12 As we worked with David,
14:14 sure enough as I charted his
14:16 blood pressure when I first saw him
14:18 his blood pressures gradually came down
14:20 and when we repeated his blood
14:23 tests his kidney function had improved
14:25 because his creatinine was lower
14:27 and also his glomerular filtration rate
14:31 had improved and was higher than was on his initial exam.
14:35 Were those the two main
14:36 difficulties that David came here for?
14:39 Well yes, yes, he had some other problems, but . . .
14:42 the main thing that he was
14:43 concerned about was his kidney function.
14:48 And the blood pressure you said is normalized now?
14:51 Yes, his blood pressure came down as well.
14:53 Initially I think his blood pressure was in the 150s
14:56 and you know, by the time he left
15:00 it was down to 110-120 over 60 or 70
15:04 so his blood pressure was normal.
15:06 Now was that with medication, or without medication?
15:09 He was using some medication as I recall
15:12 we even decreased the amount of medication that he was using,
15:16 and his blood pressure was lower.
15:18 In fact, when he went home I said,
15:19 Continue to monitor your blood pressure,
15:21 check it every day,
15:23 and if your blood pressure stays below a certain level,
15:26 you know, below 130 over 90
15:28 you can cut your blood pressure down even further
15:31 after a few weeks if it stays down,
15:33 just cut it out.
15:34 And you don't need to take any unless your
15:37 blood pressure is consistently over 140 over 90,
15:40 so that is an easy way to follow that,
15:42 you know, they can buy a device where they can check
15:45 their blood pressures regularly, see how things are going.
15:48 And I will be very interested what he finds out the
15:51 next time he takes another blood panel or blood test
15:54 to check on his creatinine and his glomerular filtration rates,
15:59 if he does that anywhere from three to six months from now.
16:02 I would anticipate that with what he's learned
16:06 but more importantly with what he's doing,
16:08 if he continues to follow the principles that he's learned
16:11 that those should be where they
16:13 were when he left, or even better.
16:16 Now what about weight?
16:17 David shared with me, maybe in secret,
16:19 I thought it was during the interview
16:22 that he wanted to lose some weight.
16:24 He wanted to regain some youthful energies
16:28 so he can participate better in life,
16:31 do you see any changes there?
16:33 As I recall he did lose some weight,
16:35 I don't recall exactly how much,
16:37 but most of our guests do lose some weight,
16:40 some lose more than others
16:41 I really don't recall the exact
16:43 number but that can easily be checked.
16:46 Yes. Now the creatin,
16:47 is that what you were talking about?
16:49 Creatinine - Creatinine, how is this gaged?
16:54 Through blood work?
16:55 Through a blood test, you do a blood test,
16:57 and if the creatinine levels are within the normal range,
17:00 then everything is working fine,
17:02 when the kidneys are not working well,
17:04 there's impaired kidney function,
17:06 then the creatinine and often the blood urea nitrogen or BUN
17:11 will be elevated or increased.
17:14 So I thought that once you had a kidney problem,
17:17 and maybe some of our viewers think this way too,
17:20 that that's it, it's all over, it's just a question of time
17:24 before they shut down, is this not true?
17:26 Well, not really.
17:28 In other words, if you pick it up soon enough
17:30 and you are wanting to make
17:32 changes and modify your lifestyle.
17:34 Many times we have been able to help
17:37 people who have been told, you know,
17:40 the way your going now, you are
17:41 going to end up having to go on dialysis,
17:43 because you kidneys, you know,
17:45 they say have chronic, renal disease,
17:47 or chronic kidney disease.
17:49 And with their creatinine levels being high
17:53 that their two choices then are dialysis three times a week,
18:00 or if they are eligible and they are in good enough health
18:03 and they can find a match,
18:05 then the other thing is a kidney transplant.
18:07 But we have worked with
18:09 patients where they've been able to
18:10 change things and do things differently,
18:12 we've been able to stabilize them for several
18:15 years so they can delay having to go on dialysis
18:19 or delay having to have the kidney transplant.
18:21 And that's good, because having to go on dialysis
18:24 you got to make a commitment of going into the dialysis center
18:28 usually about 3 times a week
18:30 and that's going to take between four to six hours
18:34 where you're sitting there,
18:36 and you're connected up to the machine.
18:38 Or if you are eligible for kidney transplant,
18:41 then you can have the kidney transplant,
18:43 and you know they have to find the donor, number one,
18:46 and there has to be a match.
18:49 And then after that you've got to take the medications
18:53 you know, to avoid rejecting the kidney.
18:56 So, you know, if you can live on
18:59 whole plant foods, a healthy lifestyle,
19:02 it's certainly a lot simpler
19:03 than either one of those options,
19:05 but those options can be
19:06 lifesaving if that's all you have left.
19:09 Now I thought there was a direct correlation with diabetes
19:12 and the kidneys, or the lack of
19:15 them working properly, is this correct?
19:18 This is correct. . .
19:21 Did he have diabetes by the way?
19:24 I . . . don't think that he did,
19:26 I would have to review his chart,
19:29 but the thing is, with chronic . . . well no,
19:32 with diabetes, poorly controlled diabetes,
19:36 many of the patients that have diabetes,
19:39 if they don't control their diabetes well
19:41 can end up with chronic renal disease, or even worse,
19:45 end stage renal disease
19:47 they then need to go on dialysis or have a transplant.
19:51 The key is, if a person has diabetes,
19:53 he recognizes that he has diabetes
19:56 he takes responsibility
19:59 and he manages his
20:00 diabetes so that the numbers are not. . .
20:02 his blood sugars are not real high.
20:05 Because the other thing is,
20:06 as an ophthalmologist, I find that many times
20:09 if they have kidney problems,
20:10 they also have problems in the eyes,
20:12 they parallel the changes in the eye,
20:15 from diabetes with the high blood sugars
20:19 produce what we call diabetic retinopathy
20:21 and this is manifested or shown in
20:24 the eye with little small hemorrhages,
20:26 micro-aneurysms, which is distention of the blood vessels
20:30 and also bleeding inside the eye
20:32 and when this happens usually we see in the kidneys
20:36 that their function starts to go down
20:39 this is first manifested or shown in
20:42 tests by the presence of protein in the urine.
20:45 So the changes are parallel,
20:47 if the patient has diabetes,
20:49 they need to see an ophthalmologist,
20:52 and IMD, at least once a year,
20:54 and get a complete eye exam where the pupil is dilated
20:58 so the doctor can look at the back of
21:00 the retina and make sure everything is ok,
21:04 because if it advances to a certain stage
21:06 then the patient needs to have treatment
21:08 and this treatment is usually with
21:11 what we call laser photocoagulation.
21:13 and this can help a person save their
21:17 vision so that they do not go blind.
21:19 And if it's left untreated, diabetes is the
21:23 number one cause of
21:24 blindness here in the United States.
21:26 We just ran out of time, thank you
21:28 Dr. Ing for coming into our studio.
21:31 Folks, don't go away, we'll be right back.
21:48 Hi, and welcome. My name is Kathy,
21:49 and today we have with us Jerry Florez,
21:52 and Jerry is the massage therapist here
21:54 at Weimar Institute of Health and Education
21:57 Jerry, thank you for being with us today,
21:59 and who do you have with us
22:01 and what are you going to for us today?
22:02 Well, here we are with our daughter today,
22:05 Naomi, who is going to be our model today
22:09 and we are going to teach
22:10 people how to do a chair massage,
22:13 Ok - Here we have
22:15 a professional chair
22:16 that you might have seen at a airport or mall or other places,
22:20 and they charge about a dollar a minute,
22:23 and it's very comfortable
22:25 it decompresses the spine and you can get relief of tension
22:29 you know, and pain, by just a simple 5
22:32 or 10 or 15 minute head and neck massage
22:36 Wow, yes it must be quick because I've seen
22:37 them at airports I've seen them at shopping malls,
22:39 so it must be a quick way to just get tension relief.
22:42 Show us what you want to do, what are you going to do for us?
22:44 Well, this is what you would get done at mall,
22:48 Where you pay, you know, a dollar a minute,
22:51 they just massage your head a little bit,
22:55 your neck, your shoulders, your upper back,
23:00 and sometimes your middle and lower back too,
23:03 to get some blood circulating there,
23:05 take out some of those knots, and get the tension out.
23:09 We're going to show folks today,
23:12 how to get rid of that tension at home,
23:18 on just a simple chair.
23:19 Alright, so you can actually within just
23:21 a few minutes relieve tension fell better?
23:24 I mean does it help with headaches,
23:25 does it help when you have a stiff neck
23:26 it helps with all of that all within just a few short minutes?
23:29 Yes it can . . . - Wow
23:30 in as little as five minutes you can get
23:32 great relief from even sometimes a headache
23:34 Wow, and it's something simple, I mean what you are doing
23:36 here looks like something I could do
23:38 and I'm not a massage therapist.
23:40 So I could actually give my daughter
23:42 massage or my husband and it actually will work
23:44 I don't have to be really
23:46 strong or anything like that? -No.
23:47 - Actually most people could do it
23:49 if they just do it with tender loving care.
23:51 Oh, ok, so they can just do it at home just real simply.
23:53 Ok, so they don't have to have this nice fancy chair either?
23:57 They can just us a regular chair at home
23:59 that they might have? any kind of a chair?
24:01 Any kind of a chair, and we're
24:02 going to demonstrate that right now,
24:04 so we're going to go move over to this chair,
24:07 Ok. - and we are
24:08 going to demonstrate
24:10 a simple chair massage that you folks can do at home
24:14 Great. - and we start
24:16 at the base of the neck,
24:18 and something very important, when you touch someone
24:22 and give them a massage, you want
24:24 to do three types of pressure:
24:26 light, medium, and more pressure,
24:28 and I like to put them in these terms,
24:31 green which is light, yellow which is more pressure,
24:36 it's a little discomfortable
24:38 but it loosens up the muscles
24:40 and red which means stop!
24:43 That way you won't get in conflict
24:45 with anyone and them telling you, Ouch!
24:47 So, just remember to stay within the green and the yellow,
24:51 and sometimes a little more pressure.
24:53 And you just start at the base, do little circles
24:57 you make your hand into a C, just like that
24:59 and you put it right on the outside of
25:02 the muscles on the spine, and you go down
25:06 Ok. - all the way to the middle,
25:08 then you can use both hands,
25:10 do the same thing, and move it in.
25:12 So it's always circular motions, I notice you
25:14 are always going in circular motions with your hands.
25:15 - Yes, for this type of massage, yes.
25:17 Or you can just hold just the pressure right there,
25:20 for one to three seconds,
25:21 then you can squeeze, squeeze the neck and shoulders
25:25 - Ok, so it's basically loosening everything up.
25:27 - loosing up the tissues, nice circular motions.
25:30 And of course we are going to have a sheet
25:32 for them at the end of the program, I believe.
25:35 Ok, yeah we'll have something they can download,
25:37 and it will have different steps that they can use.
25:40 Now as opposed to a full body massage,
25:42 what I had said before
25:43 was that in just a few short
25:45 minutes you can do a chair massage,
25:46 and you can relieve some tension.
25:47 So for people who don't have time for a full body massage
25:50 this is just something that they could
25:52 just do in the comfort of their own home.
25:54 This is something great to relieve
25:56 that everyday stress that students,
25:58 parents, that everyone feels at the end of the day,
26:01 and it can be a very good de-stresser
26:03 Yes. And so breathing is important too
26:05 while you are doing this with someone?
26:07 Yes, you ask the person to take a deep breath through out,
26:10 about every 30 seconds to a minute.
26:12 For example, Naomi can you take a deep breath?
26:16 And let out slowly.
26:19 And then, you just manipulate the tissues
26:22 and get more oxygen to the head, neck,
26:25 shoulders, and that tension is released.
26:28 - Do you ever go down for the arms part too a little bit?
26:30 - You could also do the arms, but this is just a chair massage
26:34 for basic tension in the head.
26:37 Ok. Well for those of you who would like more information,
26:39 we have a 21 step sheet available to you
26:41 visit our website at:
26:46 Thank you and God bless.
26:55 Hi, I hope you have enjoyed as much
26:57 as I have this edition of NEWSTART NOW.
26:59 I'm Jim Brackett, the executive vice
27:01 president here at the Weimar Center,
27:04 I want to take just a moment to give you
27:05 an idea some of the wonderful resources
27:07 we have here at the bookstore, such as
27:09 Dr. Nedley's book Proof Positive
27:12 Now in addition to Dr. Nedley's book
27:14 he has a series on depression recovery,
27:16 we have the NEWSTART Lifestyle
27:18 series on DVD by our NEWSTART physicians
27:21 relating to topics in diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
27:25 we have a number of
27:26 authors who have cookbooks here,
27:28 including some in the raw field.
27:30 Now we'd love to have you stop by
27:32 and visit us to do your shopping,
27:33 but you can do it online at:
27:36 click the link that says bookstore,
27:39 or use our 800 number
27:44 and by the way, anytime
27:45 your order is 100 dollars
27:46 or more we'll see that you get free
27:49 the NEWSTART lifestyle cookbook.
27:55 Well friends, that's it for today,
27:57 thank you for joining us,
27:59 pick up that phone and call us at:
28:05 God bless you, have a wonderful week.


Revised 2013-06-17