From Struggles With Addiction To Confidence And Courage

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Alice Jackson, Dr. Richard Lukens


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000004

00:23 Welcome to another edition of Newstart now.
00:27 A program that showcases guest
00:30 in our 18-day Newstart Lifestyle session here at
00:33 Weimar, California. My name is Ron Giannoni
00:35 and I'm your host today. With me to my left I've
00:39 Alice Jackson. Alice has an amazing
00:42 testimony to tell us about, but before we get
00:45 into that Alice I'd like to show the viewers
00:51 our interview when you first got here,
00:53 is that okay? Okay, go.
00:56 For the last couple of years I've had
00:58 difficulties with Iron Deficiency particularly
01:03 ferritin, which is the iron that stored a the
01:06 tissues and it's a prolonged program
01:11 to get it built back up again and during that
01:13 time a person is really low in energy and so
01:19 over the last couple of years I've been lying
01:22 around a lot, so in these last couple of years
01:25 while I was having difficulty with my
01:28 health, drinking caffeine and smoking
01:31 cigarettes and eating sugary snacks became
01:38 worse for me. I've got worse added
01:41 instead of better, and so all that time I was
01:45 thinking that if I had the opportunity to come up
01:47 here and reverse that and get some definite
01:51 instruction on how to eat better and how to,
01:55 how to take care of myself?
01:58 Well, that's an amazing testimony to start with,
02:01 but my question now is how you're feeling,
02:04 what's going on? Well, I feel, I feel a big
02:09 difference in my well being and my energy
02:12 level, my health, much better.
02:14 You look different. Do I? Yeah,
02:17 you look better more vibrant, but tell me how
02:19 is the sugar cravings and? Well, I think I'm an
02:24 expert withdrawals now because I had to
02:27 withdraw from just about everything I was
02:29 doing in my life, but sugar withdrawals was
02:34 probably last just a couple of days I would
02:37 say and they weren't that bad because we ate
02:40 as much food as we wanted at our meal
02:42 times, and so there was no hunger just the habit
02:47 of having sweets, had to deal with that.
02:51 The caffeine I notice right away, the first day
02:56 I noticed that I was reaching for my cup of
02:58 coffee and wasn't there, but
03:00 I got over that pretty quickly too.
03:02 And then cigarette smoking of course was
03:05 the hardest and I still wonder how,
03:09 what I will have to do at home to make sure I'm
03:12 not tempted, you know, what things I may have
03:14 to do differently, but being up here in
03:16 environment where there is no smoking,
03:19 I think I'm doing very well.
03:21 Let's go back to the caffeine.
03:23 Now before you got here you drank,
03:25 how much coffee did you drink a day?
03:30 If you can little cups I used big cups,
03:34 but I think the average cup size I probably
03:37 drink about five or six cups of coffee a day.
03:39 Okay very strong or. Yes. And you felt
03:42 withdrawal from that. Yes. And the cigarettes
03:45 you felt withdrawal, are you still withdrawing
03:47 or you feel it's physical? No, no I don't feel
03:51 physical any kind of distress.
03:54 I think that's a chemical withdrawing.
03:58 I think right now it's mostly how I lived my
04:03 life before, was I worked things around
04:06 my cigarette habit because it's not polite
04:09 to smoke anywhere now. Yeah.
04:11 And so I had to fit my life around
04:14 my cigarette habit. So now I have to
04:17 kind of rethink that when I get home.
04:19 Okay, good. Now tell us a little bit about the
04:22 program you've been through, did you have fun?
04:26 Yes, definitely. It's been a lot of fun even though
04:29 that I had my personal struggles to go through
04:33 in the early days, but everyone all the guests
04:37 were like a, I know it sounds cliché, but we're
04:40 like a family. We were very supportive
04:43 of each other and I would think most
04:46 groups are probably like this one.
04:50 We have a lot of fun. And getting out walking
04:55 and being in a beautiful place like this
04:58 is certainly fun and exhilarating, so yes it's
05:02 very enjoyable. Okay, all the things that
05:05 you've experienced here at Weimar, what is this
05:08 memorable moment that you'll take home
05:11 with you, any one particular thing that happened?
05:14 Well, I was sitting in our lectures.
05:17 We lectured frequently, daily and sometimes
05:20 more than once a day, and realized probably in
05:25 about the fifth or sixth lecture that the person
05:30 giving the lecture is a doctor, a medical
05:35 doctor, and it struck me. It took a couple of times
05:39 before I really realized that what a rare
05:41 opportunity this is to be, to be trained and taught
05:45 by these professionals who lived this lifestyle
05:50 themselves and have for many years and just to
05:54 have them up-close and available for
05:57 questioning day after day after day I realized
06:01 that was just very rare, rare opportunity.
06:03 Now you say there are available for
06:05 questioning, I mean you can just walk into their
06:08 office or where they on campus available to you
06:12 most of the time. The doctors are visible
06:17 on campus and at meal times and
06:20 just different times during the day.
06:22 You mean they eat with you?
06:24 They eat with us, okay, and they if nothing else
06:27 walk through, I mean say hello, they stop.
06:30 If anyone has something to say to
06:33 them they stop, they're never in a hurry.
06:36 Yes, they're completely accessible.
06:38 Well, surely you found that your doctors at
06:40 home were about the same, weren't they?
06:41 No, no, very hard to get a hold of and to get
06:45 their attention very lengthy time yeah at home.
06:48 Okay, and now I understand that you're
06:51 walking quite a bit how far you walking each day?
06:54 Well I've walked more than three miles a day
06:57 and this is from at home I wasn't walking at all,
07:00 so I had to start up gradually, but the most
07:03 I've gonna I think in a day where I counted
07:06 measured was probably a little under four miles.
07:08 Well, that's excellent, good.
07:11 What about the food now. I'm hearing that you
07:13 had a ordeal with the food or was it you that
07:16 I heard that about? I had no ordeal with the food.
07:18 Not at all. No. So you love the food?
07:20 I love the food, everything is fresh and
07:24 beautifully displayed, it all looks appetizing,
07:27 it smells good and after a couple of days your
07:32 appetite gets used to the routine of when the
07:34 meals are and it's much easier to switch over to
07:40 this diet than I thought it would be.
07:44 That was not difficult at all.
07:46 Now you're a married lady I know,
07:48 I met your husband, and when you go home
07:51 you're gonna be doing the cooking at home,
07:53 and as he is gonna address to you a new lifestyle.
07:56 Everybody at home is anxiously awaiting me
07:59 to get there and start cooking for them.
08:02 They come up to visit here and joined us for
08:05 different meals. My husband,
08:07 probably had about six meals here and my son
08:12 had one and they are trying to duplicate it at
08:18 home right now by themselves and they're
08:20 just they're gonna be happy for me to come
08:22 home and start cooking the real thing.
08:26 Now we have about 30 seconds left.
08:28 Is there anything you'd like to convey to the
08:31 viewing audience that might inspire them in anyway?
08:35 Well, I'm just happy that I did this because
08:39 there's so much conflicting information
08:41 out there about how we should eat or how we
08:44 should leave. If we find out that one thing
08:47 is not good for us, if we look hard enough we
08:49 can find someone saying that it might be
08:51 okay to have, you know, exercise this
08:55 much or exercise that much.
08:57 And I wanted to go somewhere where the
08:59 people could teach me without a doubt that
09:02 there is a system, a way of living that includes
09:05 all these elements that really works.
09:07 And here at Weimer, it's taught by people
09:11 who are actually living the lifestyle themselves
09:14 and like I said they've been doing it for a while.
09:17 So they are, it's not, it's much different from
09:20 reading a book, or trying to figure this
09:23 out on your own. And I'm glad that
09:26 I'll be able to go home and not second guess
09:29 my choices when I make a menu or a shop.
09:32 I know what to do now without a doubt.
09:36 Alright! Alice, thank you for joining us.
09:39 Folks don't go away we have an exciting
09:41 program for you ahead, we'll be back in
09:44 just a moment, God bless.
09:47 Well, you've done very well.
09:55 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
09:57 high blood pressure, or do you weight too much?
10:01 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing. I'd like to tell you about
10:04 our 18-day Newstart Lifestyle Program.
10:07 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluation for
10:10 laboratory studies and an exercise stress test,
10:14 physician consultations, culinary school and an
10:18 opportunity to walk on beautiful trails and the
10:21 Foothills of the Sierras. Your health is one of
10:26 the most important things that you have,
10:28 don't wait, give us call at 800-525-9192 or visit
10:34 our website newstart.com.
10:53 Welcome back folks. I've an exciting guest
10:57 here right now, Dr. Lukens to my left.
11:01 Welcome Dr. Lukens. It's good to see you again.
11:03 Thank you. So, tell me, we've just
11:06 seen this testimony. It can't be that easy.
11:10 What's going on here tell me in your own
11:12 doctor words, what's happening?
11:16 Well, you know, when Alice came I saw
11:19 someone there was very timid, very fearful and
11:24 frankly very defeated, and she had tried for 37
11:28 years, that's how long she had been smoking
11:31 since age 11. Wow! To give this habit up
11:36 and I said, well do you have children?
11:38 She said yes I have two. I said well did you
11:42 know during the time that you're having
11:44 children that tobacco smoking was harmful?
11:48 And she said, yes I did. I said, well then why
11:51 did you do? She said I tried my hardest
11:55 to give up cigarette smoking.
11:57 She said I just did the very, very best that
12:00 I could, and she said I'd kind of way, way down,
12:04 but I always had to know that that cigarette
12:06 was there. Well, had she ever?
12:08 Nothing happen. Had she ever tried
12:10 anything else like I know there are products
12:12 on the market, you take this pill you could quit
12:15 smoking in a couple of days.
12:17 She ever done anything like that or is it?
12:18 The thing is. Truly Weimar or the Newstart
12:21 Program that has helped her stop this addiction.
12:25 The thing is that all of those situations it still
12:28 takes that personal commitment what she
12:32 had, but she had to have the realization that she
12:38 could be strong enough to do it, and that's what
12:42 it had been lacking. She would get down
12:44 to where she might just smoke one or two or
12:46 three cigarettes during her old pregnancy,
12:49 I mean during per week during her pregnancy.
12:52 So she was trying a very hardest,
12:55 but she had to know that cigarette was still
12:58 there if she needed it. Well, let me ask you
12:59 this, let me ask you this. Okay and, and I agree,
13:04 but what is it about the Newstart Program
13:07 that assisted her in stopping those addiction?
13:13 Well, I think there are a lot of different things,
13:15 but one of the things is this huge as in we got
13:19 her exercising. She just come off of a prolonged
13:22 illness and she mentioned that.
13:25 Or she just didn't have any energy so she
13:28 hadn't done any physical exercise and
13:30 that can make the person feel defeating
13:32 right there. And so she started moving, started
13:36 exercising, and that was big.
13:39 Then we had food that wasn't stimulating and
13:42 it was wholesome and nutritious.
13:47 There was calming to her as well.
13:48 She also talked about the caffeine and that's
13:49 another thing. Those two seemed to go
13:52 together you know it's just a habit.
13:55 Caffeine and cigarettes? Yeah, you sit down and
13:57 you have your cup of coffee and you have
13:59 your cigarette and it just, it just like that,
14:02 but the main thing was is that she had to know
14:05 that she could do it. And on day three when
14:07 it was probably the hardest she almost quit.
14:12 They called me up in the morning and they
14:14 said, Alice's bags are packed and she is on
14:18 her way. Oh really! And this was day three?
14:21 This is day three, yeah. Oh! And so fortunately
14:25 we're able to get there and I said look,
14:28 let's kneel down and let's pray about this.
14:30 God has wonderful power and He can help you stop.
14:34 And I talked to her husband later and he
14:36 says I don't wanna be hardnosed doc,
14:38 but he said I was able to quit because at one
14:43 stage it just I saw somebody smoking,
14:47 it was so detestable to me I thought I don't
14:49 ever wanna do that again. But she had tried so
14:52 many times even through the pregnancies and stuff.
14:56 And so I said let's pray about it and a friend of
14:59 her's came and so she went off the campus for
15:02 a while and talked to her friend and then her
15:05 friend says, now what do you're gonna do?
15:07 And she says, I've got to go back.
15:09 Right, right, right. And then by day four and
15:13 five, the physical addictions were over
15:15 with, pretty much and we know that,
15:18 that's what the five day plan to stop smoking
15:21 day, but she still needed that extra length of time
15:25 to settle into it and realize that hey,
15:28 by God's help I can't do this.
15:31 By being on these, on these simple principles
15:36 of health, so, we're going to be able to
15:39 make this journey. So what I hear you saying,
15:41 correct me if I'm wrong, is first exercise and then
15:45 food and then third you mentioned obviously
15:50 trust in the Lord, is that way it works
15:53 or can anybody do this? Can anyone come here
15:55 to the Newstart Program and stop smoking?
15:59 Well, they're, they're all, they're altogether.
16:01 They all have to hit at the same time,
16:03 otherwise it won't work. But, you know, a very
16:07 famous American writer said, oh! It's
16:10 really easy to stop smoking.
16:11 I've done it a thousand times, and that's what
16:15 people you know, they think well I assure you
16:16 know, she is here 18-days and she is a
16:18 special situation. But I think that she
16:21 has a confidence now and as we follow her
16:24 and keep encouraging her she realizes it now
16:28 she can do it because she did it for longer
16:31 than she has ever done in the last 37 years.
16:34 Now aside from the smoking addiction,
16:39 were there any other elements that she was
16:42 dealing with or is that pretty much as I know
16:45 there is someone to lose some weight,
16:47 she mentioned? Yeah, you know and like
16:49 I say she had been defeated for a year-and-half.
16:52 She just had no hope that she was gonna be
16:55 able to get her energy back.
16:57 She was anemic. She had always other
16:59 problems and after a while you know day in
17:02 and day out, you just lose, you lose hope,
17:05 you lose confidence and you have to get that back.
17:08 She has a walk with the Lord, but it was
17:11 something that she needed extra to help
17:14 and that's what she got when she came.
17:16 Now, what about now that she is going leave
17:20 the Newstart Program, she is leaving Weimar
17:24 and she goes home, what about then,
17:26 what do we, what do we have in place to assist
17:29 her at that point or doing?
17:32 It'll be the, it'll be the follow-up, yeah.
17:34 She is supposed to fill out an eight week chart,
17:36 but of the things that I told her is as I said,
17:38 you know, your family is going to gain
17:43 victories in areas in their life when they see
17:47 you victorious and that will also make a
17:50 huge difference for her. Amen.
17:55 So, we appreciate the fact that people can
17:59 dump here and stop smoking, are there any
18:03 other addictions that perhaps we can help
18:06 people with it? You know smoking
18:08 maybe the hardest as twice as addictive,
18:10 of course when you're addicted,
18:12 you're addicted but somebody told me that
18:14 just very recently I said, it was easier for me to
18:17 give up heroin and it was to give
18:20 up tobacco smoking. Goodness.
18:22 And I was you know, I was surprised with that.
18:27 But it's so pervasive and it's acceptable,
18:30 you know, you can't be shooting up heroin and
18:33 stuff like that. There is a lot of things,
18:34 but society is getting down on it and now the
18:37 most recent thing I heard is there a third
18:40 hand smoke. So it's in the hair, it's in the
18:43 clothes and they can actually measure some
18:45 of these products in infants and children that
18:50 are held by these people who have a close
18:53 contact with smokers and now there is a new
18:55 term, they call it Third Hand Smoke.
18:59 This was just this month I heard that.
19:02 Now, since she has been here, has she
19:05 smoked at all? No. Not at all.
19:08 She stopped the very day she came through
19:11 and that was the problem, day three
19:13 every part of her body was just screaming out
19:16 for something and, so like I said she didn't
19:18 have the confidence that she could do it,
19:21 but she realized where to go, to get that confidence.
19:24 And what did her husband have to say
19:26 to you when he has found out that she quit?
19:28 Oh! What do you think? Because he has been
19:32 smoke free since about 1990.
19:36 Any final words to our viewing audience as to
19:40 what someone might do?
19:44 Well, people think that if they tried to quit
19:48 smoking and they don't, each time they try and
19:52 they fail that there is less of a chance that
19:56 they're gonna ever be able to stop, but it's just
19:59 the opposite. The more times you try,
20:02 the more likely it is that you will finally succeed.
20:05 So, don't ever give up. Alright, thank you
20:10 Dr. Lukens for joining us, God bless and we
20:13 appreciate your wisdom.
20:15 It's really, really my pleasure.
20:16 I'm happy to be here. Thank you, and folks
20:19 don't go away because in our final segment
20:22 we're gonna find out how you too can begin
20:24 your journey to wellness. Don't go away.
20:27 We'll be right back, God bless.
20:43 Hi, I'm Cathy. Welcome to Newstart@Home.
20:46 Today, I have with us Don Mackintosh.
20:48 And Don you're gonna share with us little bit
20:49 about trust. Yes, trust I mean, have you
20:52 ever heard the express 'trust me'?
20:53 Yeah. And what is trust? It's really putting your
20:56 confidence, your faith in someone.
20:58 I have a Bible here today and one of my
21:00 favorite texts is from Proverbs, it says:
21:02 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean
21:06 not unto thine own understanding, in all thy
21:08 ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct
21:11 thy paths. Did you know they did studies
21:13 of people that actually trusted in the Lord with
21:16 all their heart, did you know that?
21:18 No, I didn't know that. And they found amazing
21:21 outcomes with these people.
21:22 For instance, they had fewer symptoms of or
21:26 in better health outcomes concerning
21:28 cancer, high blood pressure, heart diseases
21:30 all of these different areas, and people that
21:34 that end up going to Church what do you
21:36 suppose happens to them? What do you think?
21:38 Gain more trust. They even have more
21:40 trust and it's not just because going to
21:43 Church is good, but because they really
21:45 believe in God. Those that have
21:46 called Intrinsic Religiosity, in other
21:49 words it really was from within, trust in the Lord
21:51 with all thy heart. They had lower death
21:54 rates from all diseases, no matter what else
21:57 they didn't like. And also, if you trust in
21:59 Lord you have an increase in your
22:02 immune system. It just seems to you know,
22:04 if you trust in Lord you trust in the take care of
22:06 things it seems like the immune system goes up.
22:09 Now get this, let me ask you this question.
22:11 Do you suppose that people have more trust
22:13 or less trust, if they attend weekly or
22:16 monthly a Church? Oh! I would think weekly,
22:19 I would hope weekly. Well, I supposed
22:20 depending on the pastor, right.
22:22 But I think any other people of the Church,
22:24 but it is true those that go weekly they have an
22:28 increase benefit across the board.
22:32 And get this, the best part is that people that
22:35 are suffering from various conditions like
22:38 for instance let's take depression.
22:40 All kinds of people struggling with
22:42 depression maybe even some today.
22:44 And those people, they have a hard time even
22:46 believing in God. But once they start
22:49 believing in God and once they start trusting
22:52 Him, did you know they recover from
22:55 depression, 70% sooner than other people.
22:59 So trust is really kind of important.
23:01 Wow! That's very exciting.
23:03 So depressed people, they recover 70%
23:06 sooner, and they have fewer complications
23:10 just about from everything.
23:11 So, bottom-line is I think that trust is
23:14 something that is very important and how do
23:18 you gain trust? You know that might
23:19 be someone to go, but how do you do this at home?
23:22 Can you be trusting at home?
23:24 Sure, yeah how can you
23:25 demonstrate your trust in God?
23:27 Maybe just by calling out to Him,
23:29 laying your cares upon Him, casting your
23:31 burdens upon Him, saying I trust you to
23:34 take care of it. I can't do anything more about it,
23:36 so just help me with it and take care of it for me
23:40 and when that happens then that burden is
23:43 rolled off your chest, rolled off your mind,
23:45 and you can start out. In other way, you
23:47 demonstrate trust is by being with people who
23:51 are trust in God and drawing strengths from
23:54 their faith and you know what do you do?
23:56 I noticed that was some of our guest they come
23:58 through here they are trying to quit smoking
23:59 that they say that they do gain their trust from
24:02 other people when the other people are here,
24:03 the workers that work here, and I've had
24:06 people say that to me that you know I don't
24:07 have enough faith, but put my trust and then
24:10 and they're praying for me and they are gaining
24:12 that trust almost secondhand.
24:14 I mean so they learned to make that habit
24:15 themselves. You know, that's the great thing
24:17 about our program like Newstart, but you can
24:19 do it at home as well Newstart@Home.
24:22 We do this here at the program over 19 days.
24:24 People come from all walks of life.
24:26 They come together. They start to gain trust
24:28 in the people that are giving,
24:29 putting the program on. They put their faith in
24:31 them, and then they see physical outcomes that
24:33 increase their trust more and more over that
24:36 19-day period. They see amazing things,
24:38 but it's not to be done here.
24:39 You can start it right at home, right?
24:42 Yes, you can. What's that text?
24:43 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean
24:46 not to thy own understanding in all thy
24:48 ways acknowledge Him, whether you're
24:49 eating, sleeping, drinking whatever it is,
24:52 and He will direct thy paths.
24:56 Don, is there more information about this
24:58 topic on trust? Of course! I mean
25:00 I think that's the reason that you folks started
25:02 that wonderful website,
25:03 what's the name of that website?
25:05 Newstart.com! Newstart.com,
25:07 and if you go to newstart.com
25:09 trust me there is all kinds of more tidbits on
25:12 this, on this issue of trust and we'll walk you
25:15 through different steps there you get all kinds
25:17 of more resources and your trust will increase
25:20 and of course you can avoid all those diseases
25:22 and the things that we talked about.
25:24 You'll see not only physical resources,
25:25 but emotional, social and spiritual resources
25:28 on the website as they're willing to trust.
25:30 Well, thank you Don for joining us today.
25:32 And for more information about trust
25:34 and about the 18-day Lifestyle Program,
25:36 please visit our website www.newstart.com.
25:49 Hi, I hope you've enjoy this much as I have this
25:51 edition of Newstart now. I'm Jim Brackett,
25:54 Executive Vice President here at the Weimar Center.
25:58 I'm gonna take just a moment to give you an
25:59 idea of some of the wonderful resources we
26:01 have here at the book store such as
26:03 Dr. Nedley's book called Proof Positive.
26:05 Now, in addition to Dr. Nedley's book he has
26:08 a series on Depression Recovery, we have the
26:11 Newstart Lifestyle series on DVD by our
26:14 Newstart physicians relating to topics in
26:17 diabetes, heart diseases, cancer.
26:19 We have a number of authors who have
26:21 cookbooks here including some in the raw field.
26:25 Now we'd loved to have you start buying visitors
26:26 for your shopping, but you can do it online
26:29 at newstart.com. Click the link that says book
26:32 store or use our (800) number 525-9192.
26:38 And by the way, anytime you order is a
26:40 $100 or more we'll see that you get free the
26:44 Newstart Lifestyle Cookbook.
26:49 Hi friends, we hope you enjoy this edition of
26:52 Newstart now. Well, let sit back and take a look
26:55 at what happened here. Alice came to us with a
26:58 lot of different problems; addictions if
27:01 you will coffee, cigarettes perhaps a
27:04 little bit depression or anxiety and I'm here to
27:07 tell you that we can overcome these things.
27:10 I too when I came to Weimar, I was
27:13 morbidly obese, depressed, I drank
27:16 coffee and alcohol and I smoked at one time in
27:19 my life, all these things are gone.
27:22 Why are they gone? Because I came here,
27:25 I came here I got well. Like Alice I was healed
27:29 and the reason is, as we have an environment
27:33 that supports well being. So, when you come
27:36 here you're interviewed with doctors and nurses
27:40 and you're looked after. So, don't be afraid to
27:44 pick up that phone and give us a call.
27:47 Call us now in fact, call us at 800-525-9192,
27:54 call us right now 800-525-9192.
28:00 And yes, even you, you're little afraid or
28:03 apprehensive, pick up that
28:04 phone and call us, God bless.


Revised 2013-06-17