Boost Your Mood And Break Free From Depression

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Megan Danaio, Viola Kaiser


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000003

00:24 Welcome to another edition of Newstart Now.
00:27 I'll be your host my name is Ron Giannoni.
00:30 This is a program where we interview guests
00:35 at the beginning and during their stay
00:41 here at Newstart program at Weimar.
00:42 And so our guest today is Megan Danaio.
00:45 And we have a short clip we'd like to run by you.
00:49 Can we run that clip now?
00:52 Well, it has to start eight years ago
00:54 with the drowning death of my 16 year old son,
00:59 my oldest. And I continued
01:04 deep depression without medication,
01:07 sought counseling but it wasn't really helping
01:11 and reached for alcohol and immersed myself
01:17 in that distorted behavior of drinking,
01:22 binging and spiraling out of control.
01:27 It effected the relationship
01:29 with my two other children,
01:31 it's effecting my marriage. And it was probably
01:37 the last hope that I have to get well.
01:42 And figure out why I choose to reach
01:44 for the bottle instead of reaching out
01:48 to God or to my family.
01:51 I am on a mild antidepressant,
01:56 I am taking Antabus, so that I absolutely
02:03 do not pick up a drink, because the drug itself
02:06 is supposed to be a turbulent spanking
02:10 if you want to call it that.
02:13 And, and I am on also medicine
02:16 to help with the cravings, the alcohol withdrawals.
02:20 I'm starting to experience because it's just been
02:23 it's been less than a week
02:24 since I've had my last drink.
02:27 I know that if I put a 100 percent of myself
02:32 into this program I am going to come away
02:37 eighteen days from now with new attitude,
02:43 new wellness and hope that
02:47 there is a wonderful future out there for me,
02:50 that alcohol is no longer, in my, yes,
02:53 you know immediate, you know future,
02:55 I don't need it anymore.
02:58 Megan, that's a tragic story,
02:59 however here you are, maybe you can tell,
03:03 tell us a little bit more about what has happened
03:05 now that you're here, you're at Weimar,
03:08 you've made a commitment to make a change,
03:10 what changes have happened,
03:12 tell us about that? I hit a wall,
03:16 Ron at about day five because I was coming down
03:21 off of all the medications I was on.
03:24 My body wasn't filled with alcohol any longer,
03:28 so I had gone through the Detox,
03:31 it wasn't a pleasant time, sleepless nights,
03:36 adjusting to an environment where
03:38 you are around strangers
03:40 even though everyone here is helpful.
03:42 But day five I did hit the wall,
03:45 and realized okay, now my body is
03:48 on it's own to repair, to recover
03:52 and to begin that process of healing.
03:55 So, you look well by the way
03:57 I wanted to say that when I first saw you,
03:59 you look fantastic. Thank you, I feel great.
04:02 Are you through that process now of recuperating
04:07 or healing as you put?
04:09 I've been journaling Ron,
04:11 so I couldn't pretty much tell you
04:13 what day was the turning point.
04:15 For me it was day ten and I had done
04:18 quite a bit of walking during these ten days,
04:22 the first ten days.
04:24 Walking alone sometimes, walking with other guests.
04:30 But committing myself to adopting
04:34 all of the ingredients that this program offers.
04:39 Once that took hold, once I decided
04:42 to allow myself to take hold of
04:44 those special ingredients everything clicked.
04:48 And it was just a feeling of
04:51 I have so much more energy,
04:55 life is worth living,
04:56 I know that tomorrow is a new day,
04:59 I am going to get up and make it a good one
05:02 because I choose to.
05:04 So I've been equipped
05:06 with not only the healthy food
05:10 that is delicious to say the least
05:13 I mean it's just a wonderful food,
05:16 healthy wholesome,
05:18 it's the best thing that I could possibly
05:20 give my body for nutrition,
05:22 so that combined with all of the programs,
05:27 lectures, the cooking classes,
05:32 I'm not a cook
05:33 but I'm really excited about going home
05:35 and starting up my blender and food processor.
05:41 I'm really looking forward to it.
05:42 Great, great who do you feel here at Weimar
05:46 on the staff had an impact on your,
05:49 your that turning point?
05:53 I can't specifically say one individual
05:57 because everyone here has just seemed
06:01 to put themselves 100 percent in my corner.
06:06 And I know that there are other guests here.
06:08 But I feel that their attention to my needs,
06:13 my concerns,
06:14 my specific reasons for being here
06:17 have been met.
06:18 In fact Ron, on one occasion
06:22 Dr. Ing, my physician could not meet with me.
06:26 And at 7 PM I was just about ready to go
06:31 into lecture and my phone rang in my room.
06:34 And it was Dr. Ing calling from a location out of town
06:39 to check on me
06:41 and to see how are you doing today?
06:43 Were you able to walk today?
06:45 How's your mood? And I found that to be
06:48 just you know truly genuinely
06:52 concerned for my well being.
06:54 Yes. When was the last time
06:56 you had a doctor call you at home,
06:57 let alone at 7'o clock at night?
06:59 Has never happened, maybe a dentist
07:02 after I've had maybe a root canal
07:04 but no certainly not,
07:06 it's not, it's not a common thing.
07:09 Tell us a little bit more about,
07:11 now I know when you got here you,
07:13 I think you mentioned in our previous interview
07:16 that you hadn't walk very much
07:18 but how much you doing today,
07:20 I mean you look like such a picture of health
07:22 I can't believe that this is the lady that came here
07:25 two weeks ago with all these problems?
07:28 Well week one, I was able to walk 72 miles
07:34 on beautiful trails, in a whole week,
07:37 in the whole week, oh my goodness,
07:39 I bought that pedometer from the Weimar store
07:42 and kept track of each step.
07:45 And that translated into 72 miles.
07:48 Week two,
07:49 my energy level was really picking up
07:52 because of all the healthy foods
07:54 and I walked 92 miles. Oh my goodness.
07:58 So, probably by the conclusion of the program,
08:01 I will have walked a little short of 200 miles.
08:06 That's fantastic. So yeah.
08:08 What are your,
08:10 are you been in touch with your husband,
08:11 does he know about all the changes,
08:13 is he excited this at least?
08:15 One of the benefits of this program
08:18 has been the ability
08:19 for family to come and interact.
08:23 My husband has come on two occasions,
08:26 he, this last occasion he spent the night,
08:29 so he was able to go through
08:31 about twenty four hours of the program with me.
08:35 And upon his leaving we were standing,
08:40 I was outside of the car
08:42 and he was just looking at me
08:44 and I said well bye honey and I'll see you soon.
08:47 And he just continued to look at me,
08:50 and he said honey,
08:52 you look so happy and healthy and young.
08:57 I haven't heard him compliment me
09:00 like that Ron in a very long time.
09:03 I know I was a big disappointment to him,
09:06 yes, but this program
09:09 has really allowed me to think about
09:12 my relationships not only with my husband
09:16 but with my other two children
09:18 and my immediate family.
09:19 And how much they've missed me
09:22 because I have not been myself.
09:25 Wow, so well put, I know that
09:28 you are gonna be an asset to your family.
09:31 In fact I know that before you even got here,
09:33 but now you've got something that you know
09:36 that you can give back
09:38 and I know that you'll continue on the program.
09:40 And it's so wonderful to see you,
09:43 you're just glowing. Thank you.
09:45 And I am happy to be a part of that.
09:48 I have really never felt better, really.
09:51 Great, again Megan,
09:53 thank you so much for joining us.
09:55 Thank you for sharing your testimony
09:57 with our audience
09:59 and with us here in the studio.
10:02 And thank you folks, and we'll return
10:05 a little bit where we're gonna have
10:08 an exciting meeting with our Chaplin.
10:12 So don't go away, we'll be right back.
10:14 Well, you've done very well.
10:27 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
10:30 high blood pressure or do you weight too much?
10:34 Hi, my name is Dr. Ing,
10:35 and I'd like to tell you about
10:36 our 18-day Newstart Lifestyle program.
10:40 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluations,
10:43 laboratory studies and a exercise stress test,
10:46 physician consultations, culinary school
10:51 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trials
10:54 in the foot hills of the Sierras.
10:58 Your health is one of the most important things
11:00 that you have, don't wait.
11:02 Give us a call at 800-525-9192
11:06 or visit our website newstart.com.
11:26 Welcome back and as I promised
11:28 we have another guest.
11:30 Actually we have Viola with us.
11:34 Thank you for being here Viola
11:36 and perhaps you can just tell us
11:38 a little bit about you, where you became a Chaplin
11:41 and got your training and such
11:43 and how long have you been here at Weimar?
11:47 Well, I have been here
11:51 a little over two years now this past September.
11:56 I began my training at Loma Linda University
12:02 and the Chaplin's department there.
12:07 Unfortunately had an accident,
12:10 broke my foot, so had to cease
12:12 and recuperate for a while.
12:15 But continued my training with Chaplin Healy,
12:21 Sam Healy and received my certification through him.
12:28 It's been about a year and half now.
12:31 And that how long does it takes to be a Chaplin?
12:34 Can anybody be a Chaplin or is it kind of like
12:37 being a pastor or something like that?
12:39 Actually I'm asked that question a lot.
12:43 And I see a fundamental difference
12:46 in Chaplaincy and pastoral ministry.
12:52 I think that pastors maybe Chaplains,
12:56 however my understanding of Chaplaincy
13:01 is that we minister primarily
13:04 to the person's felt needs.
13:07 Whereas I see a pastor ministering
13:13 or should I say doing primarily evangelism.
13:18 Okay, good, so what are your
13:22 other than you Chaplain or whatever you call it,
13:26 what are your duties here at the Newstart Program.
13:30 Well, I spend a large portion of my time
13:34 counseling with Newstart guest.
13:38 And anything else that you are in charge of?
13:43 Well, from time to time I also counsel with staff
13:49 and some out patients. Okay, wonderful.
13:53 Can you give us some examples of
13:57 how people regain their new lifestyle
14:04 with your assistance?
14:06 Well, I have to give the large portion of
14:10 the credit to Jesus Christ. Amen.
14:15 I truly believe that without the guidance of
14:19 the Holy Spirit through the ministry of Christ
14:24 I wouldn't be able to do nothing.
14:27 So my first obligation is to ask God's direction
14:33 because He reads people's heart
14:36 so I ask Him to read and then instruct me.
14:42 And I must admit that I am amazed at myself
14:48 some of the words that come out of my mouth.
14:51 And the person responds by saying
14:55 that was just for me. And it's a reassurance
14:58 for me that it is from God. Amen.
15:03 Well, that's pretty amazing,
15:05 you'll get these inspirations
15:10 as I would view them,
15:12 can you give us any specific cases,
15:14 of course without mentioning
15:15 any names and such?
15:22 I think I can do that, many times
15:26 people come with an emptiness
15:34 and yet there is a desire
15:37 to want to reconnect with God.
15:40 And so I take that as a sign that
15:46 God is giving me to give them that guidance.
15:51 And so my first obligation then is to try myself
15:55 to be founded in the world of God.
15:59 And to share with Him God's word to assure
16:05 and reassure them that there is living vital power
16:10 in the word of God. And that in utilizing
16:16 that word they have a great defense.
16:22 I know that Megan openly said that some
16:26 very magnificent things took place in her life.
16:31 And in just 14 days so far that she's been here.
16:35 And how she's gotten off of alcohol
16:37 and she's looking to God through different eyes.
16:42 And how her whole her entire life
16:44 and actually she's gotten her life back.
16:47 And I know she attributed
16:49 a lot of that with your guidance.
16:53 And that to me is proof that it is God,
16:58 because I tell you when I was taking psychology,
17:04 I remember wondering
17:06 why they had such challenges themselves.
17:09 Now I understand that without the grace of God,
17:14 dealing with the human mind
17:16 which is the most magnificent creation
17:20 that you and I could ever come in contact
17:24 with without the guidance of God, we can't.
17:29 But with His help we can do magnificent things.
17:35 So I feel that each person that comes
17:37 and requests that reconnection with God
17:43 by God's grace and with His help
17:46 I'm excited about helping them along that journey.
17:51 Yes, so what I'm hearing you say
17:54 and correct me if I am wrong please
17:57 that Newstart that acronym, that trust in the Lord
18:01 is where you come in, exactly,
18:03 and actually share that with our guests.
18:06 And do you have meetings, prayer meetings
18:10 in the morning or
18:11 some sort of gathering every morning?
18:13 Yes, at 7:45 in the morning,
18:18 we have a fresh start
18:21 right after breakfast interesting time.
18:26 When sometimes they might,
18:28 especially if they haven't had their fresh walk,
18:34 be feeling like taking a fresh nap,
18:38 so by the grace of God it is my responsibility
18:41 to try and present encouraging words
18:47 from the throne of grace to let people feel
18:52 that connection sense that there is hope.
18:57 They don't have to live in negative despair-lent
19:03 that they can actually not just survive
19:08 but live a vibrant, happy, joyful life.
19:12 So there are two various topics
19:16 I tried to present that message of trusting God
19:21 and what it results in.
19:25 A life of joy and peace for you.
19:29 Well said, now I understand that
19:33 you also keep in contact with alumni
19:38 as they come through the program,
19:40 I heard that you actually write to folks
19:43 and you call them and keep in contact
19:45 after the program is over?
19:48 That is true, from time to time
19:51 they request continuing counseling
19:54 as well as continual Bible study,
20:00 if a relative dies, I also try to be there for them.
20:08 Call, express our sympathy, send a sympathy card,
20:15 just to let them know we are here.
20:17 And we are praying for you
20:20 before they leave in fact
20:22 I actually take their prayer requests.
20:27 And every day when I am having my morning devotions
20:32 I present their names before the throne of grace.
20:37 An accessory prayer. That's right.
20:40 Folks, we just have been speaking with Viola,
20:45 our Chaplin here at the Newstart Program,
20:48 we wanna thank you for joining us,
20:50 we hope that you'd join us again next week
20:54 for an exciting program as well.
20:57 Now I have a scripture
20:59 that I'd like to read with you, 3 John 2.
21:03 Dear friends, I pray that you may enjoy good health.
21:07 And that all may go well with you
21:09 even as your soul is getting along well.
21:12 God bless you.
21:13 Hi and welcome, my name is Cathy.
21:33 Today we have with us Rich Smith.
21:35 Rich is our exercise counselor
21:37 here at Newstart.
21:38 Rich, exercise is important,
21:40 stretch is important, show me a few things
21:42 that you could teach me today,
21:43 we can teach our audience today.
21:45 Well what we're gonna do Cathy
21:46 is that we're gonna go through the routine.
21:48 Okay. I call it the Newstart morning stretch.
21:50 Okay. And this is gonna be the
21:52 abbreviated version. Great.
21:54 And basically the stretch is going to be
21:57 involving every major muscle group,
22:00 starting from the neck and moving down,
22:03 so it's real systematic, it's easy to remember.
22:04 Okay, good.
22:06 The first thing we need to do though is
22:08 we need to get our breathing, nice and deep.
22:12 And the way that we can do that is
22:14 to kind of test as we grow older
22:16 we learn how not to breathe. Yeah.
22:18 This is to teach us how to breathe correctly again.
22:20 Okay. What you do is
22:22 you put your fingertips together
22:23 and you put your fingertips right across
22:25 the bottom of your rib cage.
22:26 And you breathe in through your nose
22:28 and out through your mouth. Okay.
22:30 As you do that, you should feel that your fingertips
22:33 come apart and back together.
22:35 Oh, okay. In other words
22:37 your abdomen will arise and form.
22:38 Okay. Okay, take deep breathe;
22:40 you take several of those deep breaths.
22:43 The next stretch that we are going to do
22:44 is called the Elephant Trunk.
22:46 Okay. And what we do on the
22:48 the Elephant Trunk is we are going to come up
22:50 very high, very high on your tip toes,
22:53 if you can, if you don't have ankle problems,
22:55 big deep breathe again. And your feet are apart,
22:58 you come down and then you just swing
23:01 your arms back and forth just like
23:03 your elephant trunk. While you are down
23:06 there you can take another big deep breathe
23:08 relaxing the lower back, just concentrating on
23:12 relaxing the lower back and the spine,
23:14 okay as we come up we are going to bend
23:17 our knees slightly, suck in our stomach
23:20 and then stand up
23:21 that's to help project the lower back.
23:22 Okay. The second or the third stretch
23:24 actually is going to be with the neck.
23:26 Okay, and we're gonna go ear to shoulder,
23:29 so in this case we'll go ear to shoulder.
23:32 And sometimes people get a little mixed up,
23:34 but if you go right ear to the right shoulder
23:36 then you use your right hand to gently
23:39 rest not pull on the top of your head.
23:43 And then you go to the other side.
23:45 That's true most people pull.
23:47 Now the weight of the arm is plenty for that,
23:50 yes, okay, by the way continue to breathe deeply,
23:54 in through the nose, out through the mouth.
23:56 The next stretch is chin to chest.
23:58 And by the way these are all,
24:00 these three we're gonna have three,
24:01 and they have to do with the neck.
24:03 Chin to chest, down we go,
24:05 we clasp our hands and gently rests
24:07 our hands on the back of our head.
24:09 And once again we go through our count
24:11 and back up again,
24:13 that's the second next stretch.
24:15 Okay. The third next stretch is
24:16 one that doesn't get done very often.
24:19 But we have done this direction
24:20 and we've done this direction.
24:21 And now we're gonna go at a forty five degree angle.
24:24 That is the opposite side of the neck
24:27 so we simply get our hand
24:28 once again we gently rest
24:31 and we will go from that side to this side.
24:37 So again, you're just resting the weights,
24:39 just resting that's right,
24:40 we're not pushing, we're not pulling.
24:41 And can you feel the opposite muscle?
24:43 Yes, just I get. Alright, very good.
24:44 Now we are moving down. Okay.
24:48 We're going to do our hands.
24:49 And many people, many of our guests
24:52 have problems with their fingers and their wrists.
24:54 Yes. So all you do with this,
24:55 you just get every joint in
24:58 your finger nice and supple.
24:59 The next one is wrist circles, wrist circles.
25:03 That's important, people working at desk, computers.
25:05 And then we get our
25:06 fore arm rotators into the action,
25:08 and we do the exact same things
25:10 you just get those fingers moving
25:12 and then preferably the opposite direction
25:14 in your wrist circles. Alright, the next stretch,
25:17 we're gonna work on our chest
25:19 and the back of our shoulders.
25:21 We come up back and back.
25:26 And back and back, you have to be very careful,
25:29 don't pull too much, okay,
25:31 this is where we're working right here,
25:32 so this is the chest muscle, okay.
25:33 We have done this side, now we do this side.
25:36 We come straight across
25:38 and a little bit of snub pull on that, okay.
25:41 And you should feel the back of your shoulder.
25:42 Yes, yes. Very good
25:44 and then we do both sides on that. Okay.
25:47 The next stretch is going to be shoulder rolls
25:50 and it's really more of a
25:51 developmental stretch than anything, okay.
25:54 And you do very large, large circles.
25:57 You go a number of times in that direction
26:00 then you reverse that exactly.
26:03 This is something that you can even do at desk
26:04 if you're sitting at desk at work or something.
26:05 Some of these, that's the upper body,
26:07 you really can do these things on your desk, okay.
26:08 Okay, the next one is going to be,
26:10 we are still working on our shoulders, okay,
26:12 we're gonna be going out with our palms up,
26:14 okay, you can do your, do with these palms down
26:16 but once again you are getting
26:18 your fore arms into the action here. Okay.
26:20 So palms up this is called
26:21 the little circles to big circles. Okay.
26:23 This is exactly what it is, so around we go,
26:26 so as we go, our arms are getting larger
26:30 and larger circles pretty soon it's like this.
26:32 Move forward. And as you can see
26:34 all of our rotators of our shoulders
26:37 are getting worked now, okay.
26:39 And the you go the opposite direction.
26:41 Opposite direction. So this is great,
26:43 so for more information
26:44 about more the rest of these exercises
26:46 and how you can get more stretches.
26:48 And for your body at home, visit our website
26:51 at newstart.com.
26:53 And there will be a whole list of exercises
26:55 and stretches that you could do at home.
26:57 Thank for joining us and thank you Rich
26:58 for being with us and showing this to us.
27:06 Hi, I hope you have enjoyed
27:08 as much as I have this edition of Newstart Now.
27:11 I am Jim Brackett, Executive Vice President
27:13 here at the Weimar Center.
27:15 I'll take just a moment to give you an idea of
27:17 some of the wonderful resources
27:18 we have here at the bookstore,
27:20 such as Dr. Nedley's book called Proof Positive.
27:23 Now in addition to Dr. Nedley's book
27:25 he has a series on depression recovery.
27:27 We have the Newstart lifestyle series
27:30 on DVD by our Newstart physicians,
27:33 relating to topics and diabetes,
27:35 heart disease and cancer.
27:36 We have a number of authors
27:38 who have cook books here,
27:39 including some in the raw field.
27:42 Now we'd love to have you stop by
27:43 and visit us for your shopping
27:45 but you can do it online at newstart.com,
27:48 click the link that says bookstore
27:50 or use our 800 number, 525-9192
27:55 and by the way, anytime your order
27:57 is a $100 or more, we'll see that you get
28:00 free the Newstart lifestyle cook book.


Revised 2013-06-17