5 Words That Should Govern Your Diet

Program transcript

Programs by Request

Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Dr. Clarence Ing, Maurice "Big Moe" Huffman


Series Code: NSN

Program Code: NSN000002

00:23 Welcome to another edition to Newstart Now.
00:27 A program that showcases guests
00:29 attending our 18-day Newstart program
00:32 here at Weimar, California.
00:35 My name is Ron, I'll be your host today.
00:38 We have a special guest with us Maurice Huffman,
00:42 otherwise known as "Big Moe."
00:45 We're gonna hear a little bit of
00:46 moose music here in a moment,
00:48 but first we'd like to show you a clip.
00:52 Yeah, I gained 150 pounds
00:55 since I moved to the States.
00:57 I moved in 1989, I moved to California from Germany
01:01 and change of lifestyle and I also fell victim of a,
01:07 I'll admit the fast food at the time,
01:10 didn't know much about it's traps
01:11 and poisons and I gained 150 pounds.
01:16 I got up to 410 pounds.
01:19 And with that came a lot of pain
01:22 and other illnesses, you know breaks
01:25 thinking that I am felling lighter,
01:27 doing things that should be doing,
01:29 breaking bones here and there
01:30 and then getting sleep apnea.
01:37 And then diabetes set in
01:39 and higher blood pressure.
01:42 So you know there's not many, I'm 48,
01:45 there are not may be 50 year old 410 pounders
01:48 around I think, so it's just,
01:51 I'm just at the end of the road,
01:52 I tried everything myself.
01:54 I tried different exercises, different diets
01:57 and different and just don't seem
02:00 to get a grip on myself.
02:02 I think that I know what I need to do,
02:05 I just can't get convert it,
02:07 my goal is to feel better.
02:10 I felt bad long enough now and I know you're not
02:14 supposed to feel tired like that on daily basis.
02:16 That just can't be right. So, you get used to it
02:21 because it sneaks upon you
02:22 and you forget how it feels good.
02:25 Yeah. And you just put up with it
02:28 and you get power on to the pain
02:29 to the daily things you adjust to it.
02:32 You know you go to a King size catalog.
02:35 I can get off, I could get of with Glucophage
02:38 and the high blood pressure medicine,
02:41 due to what you learn here
02:43 and the diet and the exercise
02:45 and really look forward to that happening.
02:51 So Moe, it seems to me that you're just sick
02:55 and tired of being sick and tired.
02:57 That's exactly right. Why don't you elaborate
03:00 a little bit about our first interview,
03:03 tell us where you've come to from that point.
03:07 From that point very first thing of course
03:11 I've explained was the food here
03:13 and I think it was a great introduction.
03:17 I don't know that's planned that way or not but.
03:19 It's a great thing because
03:21 there's a little bit of fear of course
03:22 you know when you will first hear
03:24 the word vegan or whole plant,
03:28 whole food diet like that
03:29 and but I was taking it away right away
03:32 because it was a tasty lunch.
03:35 So that was a good introduction,
03:37 good, and so that fear kind of went away.
03:41 But what I've learned is that if you concentrate on
03:46 what's good for you and you actually do it
03:49 with the guidance of the people here it's easy.
03:53 It's much easier than I thought,
03:55 to get myself on a bicycle and ride
03:58 and walk in that beautiful area and the lectures
04:04 who really wants to be lectured usually right.
04:06 I mean that's another possible fear oh
04:08 I have to listen to lectures
04:11 but they gravely sank in.
04:13 They really, it's amazing, it took 2 or 3 for me
04:16 to listen and the good thing about the lectures
04:19 are that they are repaired from the
04:21 sense of the message that needs to come through
04:24 and it just sink in.
04:26 And it's just been a greater awakening,
04:29 all the things I've learned about the things
04:32 I've been eating and it's just eye opening.
04:36 Now because you are eating now
04:38 that you're expressed to us,
04:40 what is the change are you.
04:44 Well I've lost 12 pounds already probably on 14
04:49 if you count in today and wait yet tomorrow.
04:52 Which has been great, I got another 400 mark.
04:55 Oh congratulations. It's been about time
04:59 and the cholesterol's down,
05:03 stopped taking the medication the Glucophage
05:05 and the cholesterol
05:06 and the heart medication the last week.
05:08 So you stopped the diabetes medication?
05:10 Yup I went down to one pill on out of four
05:14 and out of five and one,
05:18 and then I've totally stopped heart medication,
05:23 blood pressure and the cholesterol medication
05:25 and my numbers are still lower than
05:27 when I got here without the medication.
05:30 So then you are doing fine basically. I've been great.
05:32 You don't need the medication.
05:34 No, no just need to continue this lifestyle.
05:38 Is there any one particular thing
05:40 that you think is most important?
05:44 Dr. Lukens said something that really stuck with me
05:46 and said if you don't wanna exercise one day
05:49 that's fine, just don't eat.
05:55 And you know it can have that happen.
05:57 No. No. So yeah, what stuck with me is
06:01 it's not hard to prepare the food, it's tasty food.
06:07 The message that comes across
06:09 from the people here, like I tell you
06:12 I am very happy about how
06:15 the genuine care of the people here.
06:18 I've been to doctors where all it seems like
06:20 they want to do is just get you out of their office.
06:22 You're 5 minutes are up take another medication,
06:26 see you soon hopefully. Alright.
06:28 And that's basically I hate to say it like that
06:30 but that's kind of how it's been here,
06:33 the people here genuinely care.
06:35 I have never experienced something like that
06:37 in the medical field or anywhere ever,
06:40 you can just feel everybody in the
06:42 massage area, the doctors, the staff.
06:46 There is some real genuine care
06:48 for the heart and that's just huge. Yeah.
06:50 And that motivates, makes me wanna
06:53 do the program and it makes me
06:56 wanna continue the program.
06:58 And I have some serious goals.
07:00 Tell us what your goals are?
07:02 I wanna get down to 250 pounds in the next year,
07:05 I know it's gonna take that long
07:07 and it's not long you know it took me
07:09 six years to put it on, so a year to take it off
07:12 isn't that bad? And I wanna feel better
07:15 and get healthier and get rid of all the medications
07:19 and be able to do a much better show my music
07:22 and I have also must have been touched
07:25 by the spiritual part of this place.
07:27 Really; tell us about that,
07:28 I am interested in knowing about that.
07:30 You know I haven't had the affiliation much with,
07:33 I haven't been in touch with that side of my life
07:37 too much and my other side away for this
07:39 or the reason and that was a bit of fear too
07:44 about coming to a place where I know
07:46 God plays a big role. And I've been distant
07:50 from that for some unknown reason not for sure
07:53 to tell you the truth, but it's probably
07:54 much closer to that and actually for the first time
07:58 in my life I think so to give it way more thought,
08:01 because I feel the spirit with the people here.
08:04 Amen. That's not man made.
08:07 Right good, good.
08:10 So is there something that you can tell
08:13 our viewing audience that they might start today
08:17 that would help them, I mean you are 410 pounds
08:21 when you get here. Yeah.
08:22 You've lost about 15 pounds,
08:24 those people out there that weigh 250
08:26 that want to lose 20 pounds. Yeah.
08:29 That's not a big deal to you but to them it is.
08:32 It is and it's not easy. You have to stick
08:36 to the program and the most important thing
08:38 is what I learned here is
08:40 two thirds of the program is walking exercise.
08:44 And make it sport that you like you know
08:46 it's whether ride a bicycle or walk
08:48 or walk in area that you like.
08:50 So you can enjoy it and eat as much as you
08:53 want there's no starvation in this program.
08:57 Right. Eat the right foods, they're tasty,
08:59 what ever the dish, no problem about portions.
09:02 And stick with it and it just works,
09:07 it's not a diet. Correct.
09:10 It's a lifestyle program the way it's called
09:12 and it works great. Great.
09:14 Now you mentioned your music and I see that
09:17 you brought your guitar here,
09:20 can you get us just a short gestation on
09:24 what do you do with the guitar?
09:25 I am a blue singer and guitar player song writer
09:29 and I travel around the blue shows
09:32 and wanted to give you a little sample here of
09:35 a song that I wrote about my parents.
09:45 My ma and my daddy
09:47 worked themselves to their bone.
09:54 My ma and my daddy
09:56 worked themselves to their bone,
10:03 when the man from the bank came,
10:06 he wanted to foreclose our home.
10:14 Fantastic, thank you Mo. Folks, you know when
10:18 you're hearing it direct from big Mo
10:22 and Mo came here a couple of weeks ago
10:25 with some serious problems.
10:28 Extremely overweight, but he is doing good now,
10:31 he is on track and this is just one of thousands
10:35 of stories that we hear here
10:37 at the Newstart program. I would like you to call
10:42 right away, come and visit us at Weimar
10:45 if you would like at our Newstart program,
10:48 call and sign up for our next program.
10:51 Thank you once again, I am your host Ron Giannoni
10:55 and I look forward to seeing
10:57 you again. God bless you.
10:59 Well, you have done very well.
11:07 Do you have diabetes, heart disease,
11:10 high blood pressure or do you weight too much.
11:13 Hi my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you
11:16 about our 18-day Newstart Lifestyle program.
11:20 It includes a comprehensive medical evaluations,
11:23 laboratory studies and a exercise stress test,
11:26 physician consultations, culinary school
11:31 and an opportunity to walk on beautiful trials
11:34 on the foot hills of the Sierras.
11:38 Your health is one of the most important things
11:40 that you have, don't wait.
11:41 Give us a call at 800-525-9192
11:46 or visit our website newstart.com.
12:05 Welcome back folks, to my left I have
12:08 Dr. Clarence Ing, Dr. Ing is the
12:11 Newstart Medical Director here at Weimar.
12:15 Dr. Ing, I am hearing the stories especially
12:19 about Mo and the progress that
12:22 he's made, are all these true?
12:24 These stories actually happened?
12:26 These stories actually happened,
12:28 and it's exciting to see what happens in people's
12:32 lives when they change the way that they live.
12:35 It's been really exciting to work here at Weimar
12:39 and other areas where I worked in the area
12:41 of lifestyle medicine, which I have been doing
12:43 since 1978. People come in with their
12:47 various challenges, complaints, illnesses
12:51 whatever you want to call them.
12:52 They are very felling less when they come in
12:55 because they are sick and tired of being sick
12:56 and tiredness. Say, well you came
12:58 to the right place. And so as you work with them,
13:02 as they make changes and they are activity
13:04 levels exercise and their food intake,
13:08 we find that those with diabetes their
13:12 blood sugars come down, their blood pressures
13:15 come down and in our experience 40% of the
13:19 people were type 2 diabetes are able to
13:23 have normal blood sugars, after they've adapted
13:27 the program within 3 months without having
13:29 using any medication. And even those who
13:31 still have to use some medication,
13:33 usually can get by with less medication and have
13:36 better control of their diabetes.
13:38 We have seen this time and time again.
13:40 That's right, you are telling me, you're telling
13:41 the audience here that all one needs to do
13:45 is change their lifestyles and they can get rid of
13:47 diabetes and high blood pressure,
13:49 losing weight itself. Well depending on
13:54 your definition of getting rid of diabetes,
13:57 if your definition means having
13:58 a normal blood sugar, yes then 40% of the
14:02 individuals with type 2 diabetes in our experience
14:05 have been able to have normal blood sugars
14:08 without having to use their medication
14:10 if they follow the guide lines that they
14:12 are given here. It's a matter of adjusting
14:15 their activity levels, adjusting their food
14:17 intake and you know it's changing their lifestyle
14:21 because basically most of the diseases which
14:24 people suffer from here in the United States
14:27 are related to their lifestyles you know.
14:29 Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease,
14:33 high cholesterol, cancer and all of these
14:36 so called chronic diseases like even
14:39 arthritis are related to our lifestyles.
14:42 Do you have any statistics lately of the
14:48 number of, let's just start with diabetics.
14:51 Both pre-diabetic and diabetic people here
14:56 in this country? Well, according to the latest
15:00 information now, there is approximately
15:02 24 million people in the United States with
15:06 diabetes and probably 90% of these individuals
15:11 have type 2 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is very
15:16 closely related with lifestyle and we're finding
15:19 even teenagers are developing type 2
15:23 diabetes and that's related to the problem
15:27 we have with teenagers being obsessed
15:28 and the epidemic of obesity we have in teenagers.
15:31 And the incidence throughout the number
15:35 of cases of diabetes in US is also related to
15:38 if you want to call it, the fattening of America.
15:42 Now there is two thirds of adult Americans
15:45 are overweight and as Americans become
15:49 more and more over weight,
15:51 of course your risk of diabetes goes up,
15:53 your risk for heart disease goes up,
15:55 higher blood pressure. Is there anything
15:57 specifically that as a doctor that you
16:00 do to the guest that come to Weimar,
16:03 the Newstart program, any thing that you do,
16:07 any kind of medication that you give them?
16:10 I think probably the main medication you give them
16:14 is hope. You know as we work with them
16:17 they find that with simple changes
16:20 in their activity, simple changes in their
16:23 food intake. Wonderful things happen as far as
16:27 their pain levels go, as far as their
16:29 cholesterol go, their blood sugar levels go
16:32 and they're just you know really overjoyed.
16:35 And also those who are what most people
16:39 call overweight, I call them too short.
16:41 They find that they are able to lose weight as well
16:45 and it's remarkable how fast this can happen.
16:49 Now is it pretty common as Mo said that after
16:54 just a few days, he was taken off of certain
16:57 medications. Does this happen quite frequently?
16:59 This happens very frequently those who
17:01 come in with diabetes, we start to have to
17:05 decrease their medicines and stop some of them
17:08 because if we don't the blood sugars will
17:10 go too low. So this is very, something that
17:13 we're very aware of and we work for the patients
17:16 and monitor them carefully so that they do well.
17:19 So you monitor them as the Fredder say
17:22 you monitor every day, doing blood test
17:27 and how does that happen? Well, with the patients
17:30 who have diabetes we have them check their
17:32 blood sugar or blood glucose levels at least
17:35 four times a day and as their sugar levels change,
17:39 we adjust their medication as is necessary.
17:42 Oh wonderful, now what about the food,
17:46 you mentioned the certain foods,
17:48 is there a certain type of food that you recommend
17:51 for people with diabetes and cardio vascular
17:54 disease and such? Well, we have 5 words which
17:58 we used to describe the foods that people should
18:02 choose and those five words are whole plant
18:06 foods eaten whole. Very simple, whole plant
18:11 foods eat in whole, five words, five letters
18:15 for each word but if you use those five words
18:19 to govern your food choices, you are going
18:23 to have a lot better health, your cholesterol
18:25 if it is high will usually go down.
18:27 It will help individuals who are too short,
18:30 overweight to lose weight and you know
18:34 it's remarkable how simple food choices
18:37 make a profound difference.
18:38 Not only the food that they eat but how often
18:41 they eat and when they eat makes a
18:43 difference as well. So we found that with those
18:45 who are overweight, one of the things that helps
18:49 them to lose weight very nicely is eliminating
18:53 their evening meal. You can have a breakfast
18:55 in a lunch, we prefer that they get the food
18:58 in before, now their food intake be completed
19:00 by the latest at 3 O'clock in the afternoon
19:04 and that when they make these adjustments.
19:06 It's a lot easier for them to lose weight
19:09 because if we eat later in the day.
19:11 We eat a larger evening meal as is the custom
19:13 here in the United States, I'm not sure you're
19:16 going to go out and exercise and burn up
19:19 or use up those calories it's got to be stored.
19:22 It's either going to be stored in our cells
19:24 or the liver as glycogen and if those areas are
19:29 already filled then it's gonna be stored as fat.
19:32 And fat's a three letter word that most
19:35 people don't like. Now do you work with doctors
19:39 outside of the Newstart program for instance
19:43 Mo's doctor before he got here.
19:46 You need some sort of clearance for anyone to
19:49 come the program here. Well you know if the
19:52 doctor wants to talk us, we're happy to talk
19:54 with the doctor. We request that
19:57 the patients bring as much information about
20:00 their medical history and
20:01 what they have been doing.
20:03 You know any diagnostic test and lab work with in
20:05 when they come but sometimes people
20:08 of a kind, they don't have any of those things.
20:10 But we do a thorough evaluation of the patient
20:13 and advice them what appropriate measures they
20:17 need to implement in their life to get the
20:21 improvement that they desire.
20:23 Well I'm hearing a lot of information from
20:26 various people, almost like there is
20:28 miracles that actually takes place there.
20:31 Is it fair to say that most people who come to
20:33 the program actually get better,
20:36 meaning their energy goes up,
20:39 they lose weight; they might be taken off
20:41 certain medications. Does that work for
20:43 everyone that comes for the program?
20:45 I think well when you say does it work for most
20:47 people I would say unequivocally yes,
20:50 it does work for most people.
20:52 If it works for everyone I would no,
20:54 not everyone, not a 100%. But there again,
20:57 the more carefully the patients follow the
21:00 suggestions and advice the better they do.
21:03 Because we also realize we have some of our
21:05 patients have cancer and other things and
21:08 sometimes when they come with cancer,
21:10 they're really what are preterminal medical,
21:15 you know medical science has given up and they
21:17 say you know there is no hope,
21:18 there is nothing we can do for you,
21:20 go on home, enjoy yourself and do what you can.
21:24 Well Dr. Ing, I really like to thank you this
21:26 time for joining us here our studio and I
21:30 appreciate the work you're doing at the
21:31 Newstart program and we'll look forward in
21:36 the future for another interview perhaps.
21:38 It's great to be here, thank you very much Ron.
21:40 Yes, and thank you folks, thank you for joining
21:44 us once again, we look forward to seeing
21:46 you next week, good night.
22:03 Hi and welcome, my name is Cathy
22:05 and today we have with us Pastor Jim Brackett.
22:08 Pastor Brackett, you taught college nutrition
22:10 for 10 years, there must be a lot of
22:11 exciting things you can share with us
22:13 about nutrition. Well it's so fascinating,
22:16 because the world of the cell and getting
22:19 nutrients from our food, that whole thing is just
22:22 so fascinating. It's just marvelous,
22:25 the mechanics and the transport and the
22:28 of course the digestion and absorption.
22:31 It's just endless, I mean you can get
22:33 PhDs in the most new area and still we're
22:36 scratching the surface. Wow, wow.
22:38 But one of the things that I'm always enjoy
22:42 helping audiences understand is this issue
22:45 of what we call fiber. Okay.
22:47 And I have people do it with me just for fun,
22:51 I have been put their fingers together like
22:53 this and then draw their fingers toward their
22:55 hand like that and I say that's how much
22:58 fiber is in all animal products.
23:03 How much? Nothing. Zero, zero,
23:05 it doesn't matter if it's milk or cheese or eggs
23:10 or fish or foul or any kind,
23:12 there will be zero fiber. Now fiber comes in
23:15 two broad categories, we call it soluble and
23:18 insoluble. And the insoluble fiber,
23:24 when it gets mixed with water, it doesn't,
23:28 I am sorry, the soluble fiber
23:30 when it gets mixed with water it doesn't dissolve
23:32 like sugar would in a glass of lemonade or
23:37 something, but it absorbs the water and makes
23:40 a gelatinous slurry. This is in the
23:44 small intestine and the purpose of that
23:49 gelatinous slurry is to slow the movement of the
23:53 nutrients. It's like if everybody was in a
23:55 swimming pool, playing volleyball
23:58 or something and somebody said everybody out of
24:00 the pool. They could all quickly get over to the
24:02 steps and climb out, but if the pool was full
24:04 of molasses, it will take a while to get out.
24:09 So the analogy is that you have a meal and
24:12 the time it takes for the meal to be digested
24:15 and absorbed is too brief for when there is no
24:19 fiber there. Okay. And however if the
24:22 fiber is there it might take 5 or 6 hours for all
24:26 this and there are many ramifications of that.
24:30 One is that Americans have an unrefined,
24:33 a refined diet and in terms of carbohydrates
24:39 and so these carbohydrates are digested up into
24:43 sugars and the sugars get into the blood
24:45 stream rapidly because there is no fiber there
24:48 and they get these big sugar spikes and then
24:49 they get these big sugar drops.
24:52 And they know exactly what to do when that
24:54 drop occurs, just have a piece of pie or doughnut
24:57 or something and they get another spike and then
24:59 they get another drop and so this is the
25:02 condition known as what people call it
25:04 hypoglycemia, but what we use in the
25:08 clinic is reactive hypoglycemia,
25:12 that is to say the body is reacting the way you
25:14 are treating it. If fiber is present,
25:17 the sugar is delivered slowly to the blood steam
25:20 and the sugar rises slightly after as the
25:22 meal's being digested and it kind of starts to
25:25 fall slightly and the body can completely control
25:27 that very easily. Yeah. This reacting
25:29 hypoglycemia is the forerunner to diabetes,
25:34 it is one of the contributing factors
25:36 we don't exactly know the mechanism but it's
25:39 real common and people come to our classes and
25:45 we feed them plant based diet,
25:46 so they can get well and they look at this
25:48 breakfast and they think, I'm gonna get my M&Ms,
25:51 I am gonna be hungry pretty soon,
25:52 they can't believe it. Yes. It's not that there
25:55 is not enough food there, but they look at it
25:56 but come on you know that breakfast at 7 O'clock
25:59 and then by 1 O'clock. They are hardly hungry,
26:02 they can't believe it. Yes. Because the fibers
26:06 see has made it digest slowly.
26:08 Yes. Which is what the body really needs,
26:11 now the unsoluble fiber, it provides bulk and
26:16 that's a whole another question maybe we can
26:18 get into sometime in terms of the health of the
26:20 colon without that present.
26:22 It's a very interesting topic.
26:25 But this is absent in all animal products and in
26:28 most of what Americans eat from plants from
26:32 the store in a box or a bag is also without it,
26:35 almost completely. Yes. Americans are just,
26:38 it's just insane the way we treat our bodies.
26:41 Create that sad diet, don't we?
26:42 It really is too bad. Right now that most
26:44 people really need the information about
26:45 the fiber. It's really very very important
26:47 you see it on cereal box and every thing.
26:48 Well for those of you who would like more
26:50 information on fiber and the importance of fiber,
26:53 please visit our website at www.newstart.com,
26:56 thank you for joining us and thank you
26:58 pastor Brackett for being here with us
26:59 and sharing that information.
27:09 Hi, I hope you have enjoyed as much as I have
27:11 this edition of Newstart Now.
27:13 I am Jim Brackett, Executive Vice President
27:15 here at the Weimar Center. I'll take just a moment
27:18 to give you an idea of some of the wonderful
27:20 resources we have here at the bookstore,
27:22 such as Dr. Nedley's book called Proof Positive.
27:26 Now in addition to Dr. Nedley's book he has
27:28 a series on depression recovery.
27:29 We have the Newstart lifestyle series on DVD by
27:33 our Newstart physicians, relating to topics and
27:36 diabetes, heart disease, cancer.
27:38 We have a number of authors who have
27:40 cook books here, including some in the raw field.
27:44 Now we'd love to have you stop by and visit us
27:46 for your shopping but you can do it online at
27:48 newstart.com, click the link that says bookstore
27:52 or use our 800 number, 525-9192 and by the way,
27:58 anytime your order is a $100 or more,
28:00 we'll see that you get free the
28:03 Newstart lifestyle cook book.


Revised 2013-06-17