Participants: Ron Giannoni (Host), Dr. Richard Lukens, Joe Westbury
Series Code: NSN
Program Code: NSN000001
00:24 Welcome to another edition of Newstart Now,
00:27 a program that showcases guests while 00:30 attending our 18 day lifestyle session here at 00:33 Weimar. My name is Ron Giannoni and I'll be 00:37 your host today. We have a special guest 00:40 today, his name is Joe Westbury. 00:44 Joe is the Managing Editor of our nation's 00:48 oldest Christian newspaper. 00:51 Can we run a clip right now? 00:53 I am only on two units a day. 00:56 A doctor back in Atlanta told me that I 00:59 didn't have to get on insulin but it'd be good 01:00 if I did just to sort of top off my tank. 01:03 And so I am on that, to just sort of help me 01:05 keep me going being very aggressive. 01:07 And, but he thinks that if I could get my 01:11 exercise regime and stay on the diet, 01:14 I'd be able to get off of it. 01:15 That's what Dr. Amy told me here also. 01:18 What I like to do, my long term goal is to 01:20 live a very healthy long life. 01:23 The way stock markets are going, 01:26 I thought I'd retire at 65, now it's, 01:28 until 2 months ago at 67 and now the way 01:32 the retirement you got 401 is now 201. 01:35 I'm pretty much guarantee I have to go 01:36 to 70 and I've got a wife, got two young girls 01:39 and so I want to be there for them as long 01:42 as possible and then at 70 when I retire, 01:46 I want to be there for my wife in retirement. 01:49 So they'll be going to school, 01:50 I don't want to be an univalent or cripple, 01:52 her push me around in a wheelchair, 01:53 because I live reckless and I want us to have 01:56 many more years together with a 01:57 very good healthy lifestyle. 02:00 Joe, tell us, how did you hear about the 02:03 Newstart program. About five years ago, 02:08 Weimar brought the reversing diabetics similar 02:10 to Georgia and I was very skeptical of it and 02:12 checked into it and thought it was basically 02:14 snake whirling and really believe it same 02:16 reversing diabetes, I've always been told you 02:19 got diabetes you die with diabetes, 02:20 it doesn't go away. As I checked into it, 02:23 attended the four day seminar, 02:25 I was very impressed by what I learned, 02:27 put some of those principles to work in my 02:29 life and I hadn't been diagnosed too many years 02:33 before I am struggling to getting the weight 02:34 off, the doctor said I had to get my weight off 02:36 and said after what I learned there at 02:38 reversing diabetes seminar, 02:40 I dropped 55 pounds, I went from 205 to 150, 02:44 which is about where I am now and it's 02:47 basically from a discipline of eating a 02:49 healthy meal, living a good lifestyle and 02:52 exercising daily, diet and exercise. 02:56 Yes, you share with me sometime during 03:00 the session that your sugar level just had 03:03 pretty much gotten down to normal, 03:06 could you tell me a little bit about that. 03:08 Before I came here I was just tired and I 03:11 wouldn't say depressed but struggling, 03:13 with just the maintenance and so they 03:15 had gotten high, wake you up in the morning, 03:16 that would be 150, 160 which that should be 03:20 around 110 or 100 and I've been here for 03:23 16 days and in the mornings they are running 03:25 between 90 and 110. Fantastic. 03:28 And that's just not by look that's by applying 03:30 the principles that I learned here at Newstart. 03:33 And what are some of the principles you 03:35 learned here at Newstart and what maybe the 03:37 first day you got here. Tell us a little bit 03:39 about your experience. One of the shocks 03:41 is early to bed and early to rise. 03:43 In bed by 9 O'clock not forced on you but the 03:46 idea of getting a good night sleep. 03:49 I had not been getting a good night sleep 03:51 and not eating a full dinner before you go to 03:52 bed. Something adequate but not full, 03:54 good night sleep, getting up early and 03:56 getting some exercise at home. 03:58 I would walk but just the idea of there's a 04:02 time and place for everything in your life, 04:04 there's a time for rest. I was going to bed 04:06 at 11, 12 O'clock at night, getting up at 5:30, 04:10 working hard and just not taking the time 04:13 to slow down. So that's one of the important 04:15 things about being in a environment like this 04:17 is learning the importance of reprioritizing 04:21 what you're doing and learning some new 04:22 habits. I gotcha, so did you have your own 04:27 private room here? Had a private room, 04:29 very nice, private bath, very well appointed, 04:34 have no problems with that, great staff, 04:37 very friendly people. What did you do all day, 04:40 tell us about that. There are a few hours 04:43 of instruction, you get a syllabus that you 04:46 go through with each professor. 04:47 He has a PowerPoint on the screen, 04:48 you go to that follow through, 04:50 you take notes. You start the morning to get 04:53 exercise, you go to breakfast. 04:55 You have a devotional period if you want to 04:56 attend it, this is good spiritual environment, 04:59 nothing is forced on anybody. 05:01 There are people here of all faiths, 05:03 people of no faiths. So you bring to the 05:05 table what you're in your life and you can 05:07 explore that more if you want to, 05:09 the professors begin, instructors begin every 05:13 class with prayer. I was impressed with that, 05:15 during the day you'll have a doctor's visit 05:18 and doctor will be to begin that and end it 05:20 with prayer. Again I was very impressed with 05:22 that, you learned how to eat good, 05:25 to making good menu choices. 05:27 You go to cooking class, I used to be a decent 05:31 cook before I got married, when I got 05:32 married what you need for that anymore, 05:34 I can't even boil water now, 05:36 but I have learned some pretty good ways to 05:38 mix tofu with other ingredients and I think 05:40 I'm a fairly proficient cook and my wife's gonna 05:43 be very impressed when I get back and put some 05:45 of these recipes into play. 05:49 Tell us what the food, how do, do you like the 05:51 food here, was it? I do like the food, 05:54 when you're thinking about going vegan, 05:56 you're thinking about hippies living in trees 05:58 back in the 60s and 70s and you know Euell 06:01 Gibbons and that whole thing, but the food 06:03 is tasty and I was eating with one of the staff 06:07 one time and I said wow, this is really nice. 06:09 This is surprisingly tasty, he says why do 06:11 you keep saying that, surprisingly tasty I just, 06:14 I'm not used to it. Right. But we had some 06:17 really nice meat substitutes that with the 06:19 gravy and everything, it was very good. 06:22 That I'm thinking about taking and making one 06:23 of the chicken enchilada, not chicken but some 06:29 of the soy, soy curls they use which is just 06:32 like chicken to a friend's house, 06:34 when we go out for Christmas dinner in a 06:35 couple of weeks. Fantastic. And I'm gonna 06:37 cook it. Well now other than the lectures and 06:42 such, I understand you had hydro therapy 06:46 and massage therapy. Never had, 06:49 had 5 treatments over 16 to 18 days, 06:51 I'd never had a massage in my life, 06:53 never had hydro therapy. 06:55 We have sauna treatment, the steam 06:58 bath, you get Epsom salt bath, 07:01 you get excellent massages, massages with 07:03 stones which, and you really leave completely 07:08 refreshed and rejuvenated. It does 07:10 wonders for your immune system and for 07:12 your circulation. Fantastic. It's just been, 07:14 that's just been education itself for me, 07:16 it was I've paid for many massages for my 07:19 wife but I never had the benefit of one 07:21 myself. So, they're wonderful. So you kind 07:24 of eluted to how you arrived here at the 07:28 Newstart program at Weimar. 07:30 But why did you choose Weimar specifically or 07:33 I should say the Newstart program, 07:35 when you had so many other close to you? 07:38 I've been very impressed with what I've read 07:40 about Weimar being endorsed by several 07:43 of the nation's leading nutritionists and Tico and 07:45 Cambo and others. And so I've been very 07:48 impressed with their credibility. 07:50 And so, when you get endorsed with some 07:52 of the top names in the profession, 07:55 you shut up and take notice of it. 07:57 Absolutely. Okay, now was there anything else 08:01 you would like to share with us about the 08:02 program that maybe surprised you or that 08:06 you're quite ready for? What I can looking for, 08:10 2008 was a tough year for me, because a lot 08:13 of stress at the job, being a father, 08:17 being a husband and I've gotten tired of 08:19 diabetes. I wanted to just throw it away but 08:21 you can't do that and I just needed to learn 08:25 some new discipline. And I wanted to come 08:29 here, I love the idea of a two week programs, 08:31 you can take that time out of your life and 08:33 get somewhere to learn. So break some old 08:36 habits and learn some new habits and that's 08:38 what I came looking for and that's what I 08:39 received. Great. I think now when I go back 08:43 home, fly back to Atlanta tomorrow, 08:46 when it comes time to have a church meeting. 08:49 I would have been able to stand up and say, 08:50 get behind me fried chicken. 08:54 Okay, so you're a total vegan at this point? 08:57 I am and I really would like to stay that way. 09:00 Okay. And it's a progression but I see the 09:03 many benefits of it and I've been reading 09:05 before I came here and not just the Newstart 09:07 materials and other materials in the book 09:08 stores and some self educated and I felt like 09:12 that's the direction the nation needs to go. 09:15 Yes, why do you say that? We're heading 09:17 toward a major lifestyle crisis, 09:20 health crisis in our nation and it's something 09:22 I was reading about the other day that the 09:25 new present is coming, it's going to have to 09:26 deal with is the threat to the nation's 09:31 economy in the next 10 to 20 years of people 09:33 who are not taking care of themselves and 09:35 we don't have the money in the national budget. 09:37 What we need is money for preventive 09:40 medicine and I am trying to prevent my 09:43 illnesses that I could, I want to dodge illnesses 09:47 that I could get otherwise by having an 09:49 unhealthy lifestyle. So I think it's important 09:52 for people to take better care of the bodies, 09:55 take better care of themselves. 09:57 Well Joe, we'd like to thank you for coming 09:59 here and sharing with our listening and 10:02 viewing audience. We hope you will come back 10:05 and visit us again sometime and thank you 10:09 folks for joining us. We're gonna take a short 10:11 break and when we come back, 10:13 we're gonna be interviewing with 10:14 Dr. Lukings right here on the show. 10:22 Well, you have done very well. 10:30 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, 10:33 high blood pressure or do you weight too much. 10:36 Hi my name is Dr. Ing, and I'd like to tell you 10:39 about our 18-day Newstart Lifestyle program. 10:43 It includes a comprehensive medical 10:45 evaluations, laboratory studies and a exercise 10:48 stress test, physician consultations, 10:52 culinary school and an opportunity to walk on 10:56 beautiful trials on the foot hills of the Sierras. 11:01 Your health is one of the most important 11:02 things that you have, don't wait. 11:05 Give us a call at 800-525-9192 11:09 or visit our website 11:28 Welcome back friends, to my left is Dr Richard 11:31 Lukens, Dr. Lukens received his medical 11:35 training at the Loma Linda University in 11:38 California, and went to Africa for a short trip 11:44 there, ended up being there 12 years. 11:47 And now Dr. Lukens is with us. 11:50 What took you to Africa Doc? Well a couple 11:53 of classmates and I, husband and wife they 11:58 had such a stressful internship that was at 12:01 the County hospital and they said let's take 12:03 a year off and I said, what do you have in mind, 12:06 they said let's got to Africa and I said, 12:07 Africa? What's in the Africa? You know they 12:11 said, well we thought if we went over there, 12:14 we could help out at a mission hospital and then 12:17 we can you know make our way back up to 12:19 the game parts and have a nice time. 12:22 So 12 years later. Actually it was 15. 12:25 Oh 15. Three years at a little hospital in 12:29 Western Zambia, which was really really isolated, 12:34 no electricity, lot of time no running water. 12:37 Four hundred miles to the grocery store and 12:40 that's all the part of the reason why these 12:42 people are so healthy, they have to grow their 12:44 own food and then after three years we went 12:48 down to a little country called Lesotho and we 12:51 worked in one of our really nice mission 12:54 hospitals where we had nurses training. 12:56 And one of the things that we were there for 12:58 12 years, six years in the hospital and then 13:01 doing public health work, which is really, 13:04 really important because that's what the 13:05 people need over there. But anyway the 13:08 recurrent thing was I kept looking back and 13:11 seeing the people in the university hospital 13:14 and the diseases that they had. Our member 13:17 had a really good experience on cardiology, 13:19 we had people just come in and they would just 13:21 die right there you know. Right in front of us, 13:24 and I thought you know I don't see any heart 13:27 attacks over here and or in the 15 years 13:30 we were there. There were two people that had 13:32 bonafide heart attacks and they just don't 13:35 have it. Dr. Castelli says the reason why is 13:39 that their cholesterol is below 150 and 13:41 Dr. T Colin Campbell in the China study, 13:44 same thing there low cholesterol, 13:47 no plugged up arteries, no coronary artery 13:49 disease. By in large, and so and also in the 13:54 two hospitals I was in, there was nobody had 13:56 ever found a gal stone and diabetes was almost 13:59 unheard of in Zambia. And down in the, 14:04 and Lesotho where other hospital was, 14:08 they could get more of the foods from across 14:10 the borders, so they had more oil and had 14:13 more sugar and refined products in their 14:15 diet, but not a lot, so we didn't see a lot. 14:17 The thing when I got back here you know, 14:19 I started looking at the patients and they 14:21 came in with obvious heart disease. 14:24 I mean you could see somebody walking along 14:28 and they were, they couldn't breathe and 14:30 you look down at their ankles and they were 14:32 swollen and a lot of them had diabetes. 14:36 That's one of their biggest causes of 14:38 coronary artery disease and I kept thinking 14:41 you know, I've got to tell these people what 14:44 the Africans are doing, so that they could do 14:46 the same thing. And I've been here almost 20 14:51 years now and the more I see lifestyle, 14:54 the more I see what exercise is huge. 14:57 That's the biggest thing that you can possibly 14:59 do, that will give you courage to do everything 15:01 else, you'll start feeling good. 15:03 And you have got to have the diet and 15:05 that's so the two main things that the Africans 15:08 had that were different. They didn't have 15:10 any transportation, they had to walk and 15:13 sometimes the old who would put on wares, 15:16 you know fruits and vegetables, 15:18 and she had walked 10 kilometers to the put it 15:21 in this tangent and walked 10 kilometers 15:24 to the market and then 10 kilometers back. 15:26 That's, you know that's 12 plus miles in one 15:31 day and then all the greens that they ate. 15:34 They just didn't have any osteoporosis either. 15:36 So I am thinking how can I help the people 15:39 here to do this. And it turns out that we can, 15:44 when they, I saw people come 15:46 in a wheelchair or on oxygen. 15:49 Five different medications for their 15:52 blood pressure and literally from Monday 15:57 when we first see them until Thursday when we 16:02 see them the second time, we may have to 16:04 take them off of 2, 3, 4. Sometimes even all of 16:07 their hypertensive medications as they 16:10 can't stand up. Why is this happening? 16:13 While one of the biggest and best things 16:15 that I ever found about was from Dr. Crainer, 16:18 a researcher here. The tiny little 16:20 blood vessels that are only a diameter, 16:23 three red blood cells and that's tiny, 16:26 tiny there is. It's only 18 microns per red blood 16:29 cell, they dilate up to the diameter of 4 red 16:33 blood cells and that's like taking out a 16:36 plugged up filter. So when you do that 16:40 the pressure drops dramatically and the 16:43 flow increases, so where does that flow go? 16:46 It goes into the brain, goes into the heart, 16:49 it goes into the kidneys. I can't remember, 16:52 I think Gloria was the first one that came and 16:56 she had everything wrong with her, 16:58 she came in an RV. She was too sick to sit up 17:02 and her blood urea nitrogen was in the high 17:06 90s and I said Gloria, why aren't you on dialysis. 17:09 She said because I have congestive heart failure, 17:11 I didn't think that I could do it. 17:13 She was ready for dialysis and we 17:16 followed her for 7 years she never 17:18 had to have dialysis. And some people the 17:22 most dramatic one, even was this year, 17:25 I saw somebody with such terrible congestive 17:30 heart failure and it had only been 17:32 since last November. November of '07, 17:35 didn't even know he had a heart disease. 17:37 He had put on 40 pounds of water 17:42 congested in his lungs, you can push your 17:45 fingers into his abdomen leaves, 17:47 leaves dense in his abdomen. 17:49 In fact he went to wearing bib overalls, 17:52 because he couldn't put his pants on anymore. 17:54 And while he was here we weighed him on a 17:56 very accurate scale, he lost 40 pounds of water. 18:01 That's, I've never seen it, couldn't even 18:02 imagine something like that and he got his life back. 18:06 Before he left and walking from the clinic 18:08 which is just a short distance up to the lodge, 18:11 took him 20 minutes when they decided to do it. 18:14 And at the end of the time he was off of most 18:17 of his medications and he was able to walk 18:19 slowly for a mile. I mean that's a miracle 18:23 and people see that happen and they start 18:25 praising God because they know 18:28 that it is his program. They know that they are 18:31 doing the right thing, they know that this is 18:33 the truth and they know that his policies. 18:36 He said if you will give you to my 18:38 commandments, if you will keep my statues, 18:42 none of these diseases be upon you because 18:46 I am the Lord your God who healeth thee. 18:50 And you know what we do here is not doctor, 18:53 doctor stuff, we're primarily cheerleaders 18:57 and we see these people and they're rejoicing 18:59 and we're encouraging them on. 19:01 Doc, would you say there was a common 19:04 denominator with all these diseases that 19:09 that you're looking at here at the Newstart program? 19:11 Well, you know there's only one diet that the 19:14 Lord ever said was the perfect and that was the 19:16 eating diet and that's whole plant foods. 19:21 Eating whole simply and naturally prepared 19:23 and then the exercise, I mean that's what we 19:25 were supposed to do you know. 19:27 We're suppose to be gardeners, 19:28 we're supposed to do all kinds of wonderful 19:32 activities and we see it very, very quickly, 19:37 I know we're almost out of time, but I have a 19:39 classmate in Southern California and she is 19:43 pediatrician, that means she doesn't have any 18 19:46 year olds, everybody is younger than that and 19:48 she says she has 200 people in her clinic that 19:52 have type two diabetes. That's the one we used 19:55 to say for older people maturity-onset, 19:58 overweight, lack of exercise and she says 20:01 we can control their diabetes but we can't 20:04 stop their heart attacks when 20:06 they're 30 years of age. She said they're gonna 20:08 start having heart attacks and we're gonna 20:09 lose them, that's how bad it 20:12 is we got to do something. 20:14 We've got to change and people don't 20:16 know about it, medicine and insulin, 20:20 the pills in the insulin. As far as diabetes is 20:24 concerned, hands down lifestyle wins over it. 20:28 Is there something that the folks, the viewers 20:30 can do on their own right now, today? 20:33 Right now, get up every day and walk for 10 20:37 minutes and do that twice a day, doesn't 20:42 matter when you do it, if you go from very low 20:46 physical fitness and you will walk 15 minutes 20:50 twice a day or do 30 minutes, 20:55 several days of the week. 20:56 Most days of the week, your level of 20:58 fitness like this very low, 21:00 it'll just go up just like that. 21:02 Wow. Tremendous, start with the exercise 21:05 and you're gonna start feeling better and you're 21:07 gonna have courage to you know leave that 21:10 junk food behind and eat more of those fruits 21:13 and veggies and God is there to help you and he 21:17 is gonna do it, he is gonna help you. 21:20 Well Dr. Lukens, I wanna thank you for 21:23 joining us today. That's really my privilege to 21:25 talk about this. Yes. I love it. 21:27 And I wanna thank our viewing audience for 21:29 joining us with our Newstart Now program; 21:33 we'll look forward to seeing you next week. 21:36 Thank you very much, remember keep 21:39 walking, drink plenty of water and God bless you. 21:57 Hello, welcome to Newstart Now, 21:59 I am Don Mackintosh. We're glad you're with 22:00 us and we're gonna be talking about the heart 22:02 today and heart disease and joining me is 22:05 Dr. Brian Schwartz, currently in Ohio. 22:07 We're glad you are with us and you are a 22:09 cardiologist which means you look at the 22:10 heart everyday. That's right. 22:12 Thanks for joining us first of all. 22:14 You're welcome. And we're gonna talk today 22:16 about heart disease but you know people out 22:18 there; there's a lot of people that have heart 22:20 disease in America. How many would you 22:21 say there are? More than 100 million 22:24 have some form of heart disease, 1 out of 5 adults. 22:28 So another word for those 1 out of 5 there 22:29 are watching today or know someone has 22:31 heart disease, is it possible to stop or 22:34 reverse it? Now that's a good question, 22:36 so much of modern American medicine is 22:38 focused on just treating the signs and the 22:39 symptoms and in fact when I went through 22:43 my training it wasn't thought to be possible 22:45 to reverse the process, it takes 40, 50, 60 years to 22:49 develop the plaque that leads to heart attacks 22:51 and to heart disease but recently some studies 22:54 have shown great promise, that the ability 22:57 to actually start reversing the plaque 22:58 that's in the arteries. So it could be stopped 23:00 and it could be reversed, well give us 23:02 some more good news doctor, what can we do 23:03 to see that happen? Absolutely, so first of 23:07 all because it is a very slow process to develop 23:09 plaque in the arteries it's not going to go away 23:11 with overnight. But the good news is if you can 23:13 reverse the plaque it's in there by even 5 or 10 % 23:16 that can dramatically improve the amount of 23:18 blood flow that goes through the heart. 23:20 And so studies have shown that by being on 23:23 a very low fat diet, by exercising and 23:27 reversing the risk factors such as control 23:29 diabetes, obesity and lack of exercise. 23:33 By getting the LDL cholesterol down to 23:35 extremely low levels, levels that used to be 23:37 considered unhealthy. So, LDL's the lousy 23:40 density proteins that's the bad stuff. 23:42 That's right. Right. LDL yes is the bad 23:45 cholesterol that leads to plaque in the arteries. 23:47 So by getting that down, then what happens? 23:51 It can actually start to absorb the cholesterol 23:53 plaque that's in the arteries and gradually 23:55 those arteries can open back up and expand. 23:58 Now someone told me that the real issue with 24:00 heart disease is the nitric oxide at the tissue 24:03 level right there, right next to the, you know 24:06 the, what you call the surface. 24:09 The Endothelium, the lining of the heart. 24:10 The lining of those vessels is that true? 24:12 That nitric oxide plays a very important role in 24:15 the regulation of normal capillary and blood 24:18 vessel flow but as plaque develops 24:22 that impairs the ability to release nitric oxide 24:25 and so the more plaque in an artery, the more 24:28 impaired that is and it doesn't 24:29 have as much effect. And but if you reverse 24:31 it, can it start coming back, 24:33 you get more nitric oxide? 24:35 Studies are just beginning to look 24:37 on that level to show that but I would expect 24:40 that as the plaque reverses that the 24:43 capillary flow is gonna improve, the overall 24:44 flow to the heart tissue itself is gonna improve 24:47 and even a very slight change in the amount of 24:49 blood that gets through, that can be a big 24:51 improvement to the symptoms that 24:53 a patient may have. So, you can stop it and 24:57 you can reverse it through you've said diet 24:59 and some of the lifestyle things anything else 25:01 that can help us? Yeah, a big trial 25:03 in the cardiology literature about 2 years 25:06 ago was the Asteroid trial. 25:08 Asteroid sounds out of this world, 25:09 what was that one? It did, we actually 25:11 took a little ultrasound probes that could study 25:13 the lining of the heart to see where those plaques 25:16 were, it measured a group of patients that 25:18 were on a heart healthy diet as well as the 25:21 potent cholesterol lowering in medications 25:22 and that was the first large scale study that 25:25 could, that proved that you can reverse as 25:29 much as 7% in the two year period the volume 25:32 of plaque in those arteries. Just by diet? 25:35 By diet in a potent cholesterol medication 25:38 in that study. So you get that done 25:39 rapidly and then you change your diet and it 25:42 just have amazing result. It can have very 25:44 amazing effects. Can someone become 25:46 heart attack proof? You can do absolutely 25:51 everything right and still possibly have a 25:53 heart attack there is no guarantee, it's dealing 25:56 with probabilities but the more you put these 25:58 lifestyle factors in the practice, know your 26:01 cholesterol, make sure your blood pressure is 26:02 controlled, control obesity, exercise, be on 26:05 a good diet. It becomes a much less likely to 26:09 have a heart attack. Any final word on terms 26:12 of stopping or reversing that you'd like to add. 26:15 Basically the, you should get your 26:18 cholesterol checked at least once a year and 26:20 know your blood pressure, know your 26:21 cholesterol numbers and do what's necessary 26:25 to get that LDL, less than 70, the HTL up 26:28 about 45 all though ideally it should be the 26:30 higher the better, up above 60. 26:32 With exercise you can do that. 26:33 With exercise it will go up, certain foods, 26:35 particularly a plant based diet and if 26:37 necessary a cholesterol lowing medication can 26:40 have a big affect. So, good news you can 26:42 stop and even reverse heart disease, 26:46 the evidence is coming in. We're glad that you 26:48 had join us, there's more information on 26:50 our website, 26:52 thank you Dr. Schwartz for being with us and 26:53 taking time out of your practice and we hope 26:56 that as a result of today's program 26:57 you can have a Newstart Now. 27:08 Hi, I hope you've enjoy this much as I have this 27:10 edition of Newstart now. I'm Jim Brackett, 27:13 Executive Vice President here at the Weimar Center. 27:16 I'm gonna take just a moment to give you an 27:18 idea of some of the wonderful resources we 27:20 have here at the book store such as 27:22 Dr. Nedley's book called Proof Positive. 27:25 Now, in addition to Dr. Nedley's book he has 27:27 a series on Depression Recovery, we have the 27:29 Newstart Lifestyle series on DVD by our 27:32 Newstart physicians relating to topics in 27:35 diabetes, heart diseases, cancer. 27:37 We have a number of authors who have 27:39 cookbooks here including some in the raw field. 27:43 Now we'd loved to have you start buying visitors 27:45 for your shopping, but you can do it online 27:47 at Click the link that says book 27:50 store or use our (800) number 525-9192. 27:56 And by the way, anytime you order is a 27:58 $100 or more we'll see that you get free the 28:02 Newstart Lifestyle Cookbook. |
Revised 2013-06-17