¤¤ 00:00:02.56\00:00:07.64 >> Welcome to Pioneer Memorial Church today. 00:00:12.64\00:00:15.71 I'm delighted to see so many of us here, and I know we have lots 00:00:15.71\00:00:19.95 of others joining us online, so I extend to you a warm, happy 00:00:19.95\00:00:24.05 Sabbath, everyone. >> Together: Happy Sabbath. 00:00:24.05\00:00:27.89 >> Thank you, thank you. It's good to have you this first Sabbath in December. 00:00:27.92\00:00:32.33 For those who are here with us, may I remind you to keep your masks on for the duration of the 00:00:32.33\00:00:37.83 service, that we are inviting you to physically distance from those who are not of your 00:00:37.83\00:00:43.54 immediate family or group, and we're going to ask you to hum along as the music is sung 00:00:43.54\00:00:49.24 today. For our call to worship this morning, I have Chaplain 00:00:49.24\00:00:55.48 José joining me. And it goes like this -- how beautiful is 00:00:55.48\00:01:01.22 the voice of the one who proclaims peace. >> How glorious the voice that announces the 00:01:01.22\00:01:07.60 good news. >> Let us sing together, oh, people, the song of comfort and joy. 00:01:07.60\00:01:12.90 >> Let us sing peace and good news. >> Both: For God, our God, 00:01:12.90\00:01:19.54 has come among us, bringing hope. >> Let us pray. God of hope, we thank You. 00:01:19.54\00:01:28.82 You have been faithful. You have been faithful in providing, in 00:01:28.82\00:01:37.99 protecting, in preserving, in guiding, in leading, and we 00:01:37.99\00:01:44.57 praise You today. We thank You for sending to us the Prince of Peace. In our world today, we 00:01:44.57\00:01:55.51 have experiences of brokenness, of constant war, and we thank You for this pause for peace. 00:01:55.51\00:02:06.09 As we worship You today, please send that flame, that divine flame, the Holy Spirit, so that 00:02:06.09\00:02:16.50 He may penetrate our circumstances, that He may penetrate our spaces, that He 00:02:16.50\00:02:24.27 might transform our experience so that we might worship wholeheartedly, unreservedly, 00:02:24.27\00:02:33.05 undeniably, with body, mind, soul, and spirit. Amen. 00:02:33.05\00:02:39.99 >> Together: Amen. 00:02:39.99\00:02:41.42 [ "Hosanna" begins ] 00:02:45.19\00:02:46.93 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:50.57\00:03:10.62 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:10.62\00:03:30.61 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:30.61\00:03:50.63 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:50.63\00:04:10.68 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:10.68\00:04:30.67 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:30.67\00:04:50.69 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:50.69\00:05:10.74 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:10.74\00:05:30.76 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:30.76\00:05:50.75 [ "He Shall Reign Forevermore" begins ] 00:05:50.75\00:05:53.62 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:56.82\00:06:16.87 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:16.87\00:06:36.89 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:36.89\00:06:56.88 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:56.88\00:07:16.93 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:16.93\00:07:36.95 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:36.95\00:07:56.94 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:56.94\00:08:17.03 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:17.03\00:08:37.01 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:37.01\00:08:57.00 ¤¤ [ Song ends ] 00:08:57.00\00:09:00.27 >> Together: Amen. [ "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" 00:09:00.27\00:09:06.01 begins ] 00:09:06.01\00:09:07.01 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:09.64\00:09:29.63 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:29.63\00:09:49.65 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:49.65\00:10:09.64 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:09.64\00:10:29.66 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:29.66\00:10:49.64 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:49.64\00:11:09.70 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:09.70\00:11:29.72 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:29.72\00:11:49.70 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:49.70\00:12:05.12 [ Song ends ] >> You know, they sang that as a praise, but I 00:12:05.15\00:12:12.16 think it could also be a question we're asking ourselves. 00:12:12.16\00:12:18.27 Is God with us? Which is what Emmanuel means, right, "God with us." Is God with us? 00:12:18.27\00:12:24.17 So, family, why don't we claim that in faith? 00:12:24.17\00:12:28.98 Why don't we claim it in faith that God is going to deliver us 00:12:29.01\00:12:32.45 during these times? And to demonstrate that faith, 00:12:32.45\00:12:35.32 I'm going to ask you to stand up, because that's what God is 00:12:35.32\00:12:38.65 gonna do. He's gonna lift us up. 00:12:38.65\00:12:40.66 We'll have one prayer now of praise, and, in faith, we accept 00:12:40.66\00:12:44.23 that God is going to carry us through. 00:12:44.23\00:12:46.70 Pastor Kyle, share our first prayer of praise. 00:12:46.70\00:12:49.56 >> Let's pray. Father God, we come here today 00:12:49.56\00:12:52.60 because we know that this is the best place to be, whether we're 00:12:52.60\00:12:56.74 in a car listening or at home or here in this building. 00:12:56.74\00:13:00.44 We know that it is through really hiding ourselves under your hand that You lift us up 00:13:00.48\00:13:05.88 and You show us the way forward. So we just want to praise You right now for being a God who is 00:13:05.88\00:13:11.85 the Alpha and the Omega, the end from the beginning. We don't have to live in this 00:13:11.85\00:13:17.09 moment in despair. We don't have to be in sadness. We don't have 00:13:17.09\00:13:22.00 to be people without a joy in our bones, but, rather, we can have a fire within us. 00:13:22.00\00:13:26.57 We can have revival within us, because we know that, despite our present circumstances, the 00:13:26.57\00:13:32.31 best is yet to come. We know that You have a plan for this Earth, that You are 00:13:32.31\00:13:37.68 sovereign on the throne, that we are not orphans, but that we 00:13:37.68\00:13:43.05 have a Father. And so we just rejoice in that, we thank You for that, we praise You for 00:13:43.05\00:13:48.76 that, and we look to You as Your children, and we cry out "Abba," because we know that You are the 00:13:48.76\00:13:55.00 one that we are looking for. You are the one who our souls are 00:13:55.00\00:13:58.90 longing after. And so as I'm in this room with all of my friends and as I'm in this space with 00:13:58.90\00:14:05.44 people listening maybe at home, we want to acknowledge You as Savior. We want to acknowledge 00:14:05.44\00:14:11.08 You as creator. We want to acknowledge You as the one who 00:14:11.08\00:14:15.82 can change every circumstance that is bad for good. And we proclaim this through the 00:14:15.82\00:14:20.56 powerful name of Jesus. >> Holy God, we give You praise this morning, so hear our song, 00:14:20.56\00:14:28.03 "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." [ "From Whom All Blessings Flow" 00:14:28.03\00:14:36.97 begins ] Praise Him, all creatures here below. 00:14:36.97\00:14:43.28 ¤¤ Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. 00:14:43.28\00:14:52.32 ¤¤ Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 00:14:52.32\00:15:03.33 ¤¤ Amen. 00:15:03.33\00:15:12.47 [ Upbeat music plays ] >> Hey, Sis, Dad, Mom! 00:15:15.91\00:15:20.48 Come on! "Children's Story" is on! 00:15:20.48\00:15:24.45 >> "But, Craig, I don't have any marbles to play with." 00:15:24.45\00:15:27.86 No marbles to play with? Those words rang in my head? 00:15:27.86\00:15:34.20 You see, when I was a boy, I collected marbles. 00:15:34.20\00:15:38.50 I loved collecting marbles -- clear ones and blue ones and red 00:15:38.50\00:15:42.47 ones and white ones and swirly ones. 00:15:42.47\00:15:46.74 Actually, this is a bag of marbles when I was a kid. 00:15:46.74\00:15:51.38 These were actually my -- This is actually the same bag, and 00:15:51.38\00:15:53.98 these are actually the same marbles when I was a boy. 00:15:53.98\00:15:57.12 There's a blue swirly one. Look how pretty that blue one is 00:15:57.15\00:16:01.82 there. And I got another blue one. All the blue ones came out. And here's a purple and a yellow 00:16:01.82\00:16:08.56 one. Oh, so much fun. It's got a chip on it because 00:16:08.56\00:16:11.97 evidently I had played marbles with this one. It's got a chip 00:16:11.97\00:16:16.30 in it. Oh, marble collecting is so much fun, and I pulled out a few of my other marbles. 00:16:16.30\00:16:22.84 Here's some of my favorite ones. Here's one that's a cat eye. It looks like a cat's eye. 00:16:22.84\00:16:28.92 That's really a cute one. And here's a purie. Puries are ones 00:16:28.92\00:16:34.16 that are really special. When you see a purie, you hold it up to the light to see 00:16:34.16\00:16:37.99 whether or not there's any bubbles in it. This one has just 00:16:37.99\00:16:41.83 a couple of bubbles, so this one's really close to being pure, right? When you are in a 00:16:41.83\00:16:48.44 store and you walk by marbles, you don't just walk by marbles. You always stop and you look at 00:16:48.44\00:16:53.81 all those beautiful colored marbles there. And if you see 00:16:53.81\00:16:58.78 any clear ones, they're called puries. You hold it up to the light, and you're looking for if 00:16:58.78\00:17:02.88 there's any bubbles. If someone comes by and you're holding it up to the light and 00:17:02.88\00:17:06.45 they say, "What are you doing?" you just say, "I'm just looking for bubbles, see if it's a purie 00:17:06.45\00:17:10.96 or not." And they're gonna go, "Whoa, he really knows his 00:17:10.96\00:17:14.13 stuff!" Right? Back to recess in Jackson Junior Academy. 00:17:14.13\00:17:25.21 I challenged Kelly -- We used to play marbles with -- we'd challenge our friends to 00:17:25.21\00:17:31.51 marbles, and if I hit his marble, I got to keep his 00:17:31.51\00:17:37.12 marble. If he hit mine, he kept my marble. That's how your 00:17:37.12\00:17:40.69 collection would grow or your collection would shrink, based on your expertise in hitting the 00:17:40.69\00:17:46.86 other people's marbles, right? And so I challenged Kelly, and Kelly said, "You know, hey, I 00:17:46.86\00:17:51.73 don't have any marbles." And so I thought, "Hey, I'll give him a couple of my ones I 00:17:51.73\00:17:57.31 don't really like." So I poured out -- I remember pouring out 00:17:57.31\00:18:01.58 the marbles there, and all my good ones were there, and I picked out three of the marbles 00:18:01.58\00:18:06.28 that I really didn't care for, and I said, "You can have these, Kelly." Well, he was thankful. 00:18:06.28\00:18:10.15 And then the thought came into my head, "Give him one of your 00:18:10.15\00:18:14.22 green ones. Give him one of your green purie marbles." Now, I had been collecting those 00:18:14.22\00:18:18.36 green puries, and I wasn't about to give them away, but the thought came into my head, "Give 00:18:18.36\00:18:23.80 him a green purie marble." And so I found myself -- I reached in, and I handed him one 00:18:23.80\00:18:29.94 of the green purie marbles. Actually, I have two. I used to 00:18:29.94\00:18:34.51 have three. These are the same marbles I had, and so these are really special marbles. 00:18:34.51\00:18:38.81 And when I gave Kelly -- "Here, Kelly, you can have this one, as 00:18:38.81\00:18:43.02 well." Kelly's eyes got big. He got so happy. He says, "You're 00:18:43.02\00:18:46.99 giving me a green purie marble?" I go, "Yeah." And I was happy 00:18:46.99\00:18:53.06 because I had given something that was really special to me to Kelly, and I was kind of 00:18:53.06\00:18:59.73 reluctant in doing it. The Bible says here that we... said, "Each one must give as he 00:18:59.73\00:19:06.78 has decided in his heart, not reluctantly --" aw, I wish I'd have been more of a cheerful 00:19:06.78\00:19:11.81 giver -- "or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." I wish I'd have said, "Here, you 00:19:11.81\00:19:18.09 can have this one, this one -- all my best ones." But I did give him one good one. 00:19:18.09\00:19:22.76 And then it says this, "Jesus said himself, 'It is more blessed to give than to 00:19:22.76\00:19:28.73 receive.'" Right? Aw, I wish I would've given more 00:19:28.73\00:19:35.34 to Kelly. That voice that was in my head, that was Jesus talking 00:19:35.34\00:19:41.04 to me. On Earth, it's actually the Holy Spirit talking to me. "Give him of some of your best, 00:19:41.04\00:19:46.95 Craig. Give him some of your best." And Jesus, the Holy 00:19:46.95\00:19:52.42 Spirit will talk to you, too. Listen to Him, which ways that you could be kind to people. 00:19:52.42\00:19:59.53 Give your best. Give of your best to the master. You guys 00:19:59.53\00:20:06.53 have a great day. See you. 00:20:06.53\00:20:08.10 >> Dear Father in heaven, thank You for this day, and thank You 00:20:08.14\00:20:12.71 for the Sabbath. May the Holy Spirit open our 00:20:12.71\00:20:16.18 hearts as we listen to the Word of God. 00:20:16.18\00:20:19.25 In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. [ Upbeat music plays ] 00:20:19.25\00:20:24.59 ¤¤ 00:20:28.02\00:20:29.32 >> Let's pray. Oh, Jesus, You are the joy of 00:20:33.40\00:20:37.90 our desiring, and here's our humble prayer. 00:20:37.90\00:20:42.34 Would you please be front and center right now? 00:20:42.34\00:20:47.11 In Your name, we worship. Amen. In the midst of this dark, 00:20:47.11\00:20:54.35 suffocating pandemic, you want to see a beautiful Jesus moment? 00:20:54.35\00:21:00.86 I'm gonna show you a picture. Well, you've probably already 00:21:00.86\00:21:05.63 seen the picture, this now-gone-viral picture of the 00:21:05.63\00:21:08.50 physician in that COVID-19 ICU ward, COVID patients everywhere, 00:21:08.50\00:21:16.30 and an elderly man -- the doc is holding him tight. 00:21:16.30\00:21:21.84 The man is crying. It's Thanksgiving Day a few days ago, and the whole world has 00:21:21.88\00:21:26.58 seen it now. I'm gonna put it on the screen. Can't wait. 00:21:26.58\00:21:30.09 Here it is. This is right on the website there. 00:21:30.09\00:21:33.62 You see the doctor. This is Dr. Joseph Varon. He is the chief of 00:21:33.62\00:21:44.37 staff at United Medical Center, Houston, Texas, alright? He's holding that elderly 00:21:44.37\00:21:49.50 patient. The man is crying. 00:21:49.50\00:21:52.04 PPE, they call it, this protective equipment, personal protective equipment. 00:21:54.98\00:21:59.55 Doctor is covered from head -- just a little bit of skin there, covered from head to toe. 00:21:59.55\00:22:06.19 The man is sobbing. Wow. Here's the backstory from the website. 00:22:06.19\00:22:11.06 Let me just read it to you, just a line or two. "Joseph Varon, 00:22:11.06\00:22:15.53 doctor treating coronavirus patients at a Texas hospital, was working his 252nd day in a 00:22:15.53\00:22:23.71 row." This doc has not taken a day off since the pandemic began. I want to tell you 00:22:23.71\00:22:30.58 something. We just blow by our frontline medical workers, and say, "Well, of course they're 00:22:30.58\00:22:36.12 getting paid. That's what they're supposed to do." You're not supposed to work 250 00:22:36.12\00:22:39.15 days in a row. Nobody in their right mind works that, unless 00:22:39.15\00:22:42.59 you have a passion that's driving you. So, he walked into the intensive-care unit on 00:22:42.59\00:22:49.23 Thanksgiving Day, and he sees this elderly patient -- he's telling the interviewer now -- 00:22:49.23\00:22:53.87 "'out of his bed and trying to get out of the room, and he's crying,' Varon said. 00:22:53.87\00:22:58.17 'So I get close to him, and I ask him, 'Why are you crying?' And the man says, 'I want to be 00:22:58.17\00:23:03.04 with my wife.'" >> Together: Aww. >> Yeah, really, "aww." 00:23:03.04\00:23:09.28 "'So I just grab him, and I hold him. I was feeling very sorry 00:23:09.28\00:23:15.62 for him. I was feeling very sad, just like him. 00:23:15.62\00:23:18.66 Eventually, he felt better, and he stopped crying. I don't know 00:23:18.66\00:23:23.53 why I haven't broken down,' the doctor said. 'My nurses cry in the middle of the day.'" 00:23:23.53\00:23:28.20 I cry just thinking about them crying, don't you? Varon said that the isolation of 00:23:28.20\00:23:35.48 the COVID-19 unit is difficult for many patients. "When you're 00:23:35.48\00:23:39.11 an elderly individual, it's more difficult because you're alone. Some of them cry, some of them 00:23:39.11\00:23:42.65 try to escape. We actually had somebody trying to crawl through 00:23:42.65\00:23:45.95 the window the other day, and we caught them." And here's some good news. Varon said that the 00:23:45.95\00:23:53.36 elderly man in the picture is doing much better. Hallelujah. 00:23:53.36\00:23:55.90 "We're hoping that, before the end of the week, he'll be able to get out of the hospital." 00:23:55.90\00:24:01.20 I want you to give a good, long, hard look here. Pull that camera 00:24:01.20\00:24:06.27 in as far as you can. I want you to take a good, long gaze at 00:24:06.27\00:24:09.28 this picture. You know what you're looking at? That's a picture of Jesus. That's a 00:24:09.28\00:24:15.92 picture of Jesus coming down to this pandemic, sin-pandemic, darkened, and suffocating 00:24:15.92\00:24:21.36 planet. And, one day, He came across an elderly man, and the elderly man was crying, and you 00:24:21.36\00:24:24.89 know what Jesus did? He just instinctively grabbed the man, 00:24:24.89\00:24:28.33 and He hugged him. Sometimes, when you're God, that's the only 00:24:28.33\00:24:32.27 thing left to do. And that's what this doctor did. Wow, what a metaphor of this crazy world 00:24:32.27\00:24:41.08 we're living in right now. Welcome to Advent season 2020. And we're gonna look at an 00:24:41.08\00:24:52.59 ancient Christmas prophecy, and you're gonna be thinking "now," when it was talking about 2,000 00:24:52.59\00:24:57.79 years ago. Check it out for yourself. Open your Bible to the 00:24:57.79\00:25:01.23 Gospel Prophet of the Old Testament. We're talking about 00:25:01.23\00:25:04.80 Isaiah. Open your Bible to Isaiah chapter 9. Everybody 00:25:04.80\00:25:08.44 knows these words. Come on. Everybody knows these words. In fact, drop down to verse six 00:25:08.44\00:25:12.27 just to nail this as -- this is truly the Christmas prophecy. Take a look at this, Revela-- 00:25:12.27\00:25:17.88 Isaiah 9:6. "For unto us..." Oh, who's changing the screen 00:25:17.88\00:25:24.89 here? Oh, that's me. Okay. [ Laughter ] 00:25:24.89\00:25:28.12 Man, come on. You guys up there, change the screen. 00:25:28.12\00:25:30.83 I'm ready. Oh, that's me. [ Laughter ] 00:25:30.83\00:25:33.56 Alright. "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and 00:25:33.56\00:25:37.20 the government will be on his shoulders." Oh, boy, you 00:25:37.20\00:25:41.04 remember that from Handel's "Messiah," straight out of Handel's "Messiah." No, it's the 00:25:41.04\00:25:45.77 other way around. Handel's "Messiah" is straight out of 00:25:45.77\00:25:49.08 Isaiah 9. Come on. "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will 00:25:49.08\00:25:53.18 be on his shoulders. And he --" this coming one -- "will be 00:25:53.18\00:25:56.05 called Wonderful Counselor..." "You can sob on my shoulder, and I'll weep with you." 00:25:56.05\00:25:59.82 "He'll be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, 00:25:59.82\00:26:03.29 Prince of Peace." You say, "Dwight, that ancient prophecy doesn't feel like today 00:26:03.29\00:26:07.23 at all." That's because we skipped the opening verse. 00:26:07.23\00:26:09.96 Let's go to the opening verse. This is verse two, same chapter. Isaiah writes, speaking of that 00:26:09.96\00:26:14.47 time... 00:26:14.47\00:26:15.74 Boy, those words, "deep darkness," does that feel like today or what -- I mean even 00:26:27.62\00:26:32.29 pushing aside our personal circumstances, and we've got a roomful of personal 00:26:32.29\00:26:36.66 circumstances going on right now. There's enough to weep over 00:26:36.66\00:26:40.23 without the pandemic. But does that not feel like life today on this planet, a people 00:26:40.23\00:26:45.87 walking in darkness? "In a land of deep darkness a light has 00:26:45.87\00:26:53.48 dawned." This sad, sad pandemic season. Such confusion, such heartache. Such chaos. 00:26:53.48\00:27:01.45 What could be more fitting than these words? Let's read them 00:27:01.45\00:27:06.19 again... 700 years later, Matthew comes along, and he says, "I love that verse. 00:27:13.09\00:27:18.10 I'm gonna use it." And that's why we know the words, because 00:27:18.10\00:27:23.47 Matthew uses it in Matthew 4:16. You'll see the words. You could've left your finger in 00:27:23.47\00:27:30.08 Isaiah 9, but here we are at Matthew 4:16. And I need to be 00:27:30.08\00:27:34.32 there myself. Matthew 4. Come on. I want you to look it up in 00:27:34.32\00:27:36.52 your Bible. Don't just take the screen's word for it. Matthew 4. 00:27:36.52\00:27:39.92 Matthew 4. Always takes me awhile to find these. 00:27:39.92\00:27:44.19 Alright, Matthew 4:16. Here we go. "The people living in 00:27:44.19\00:27:49.36 darkness have seen a great light." Well, this sounds like 00:27:49.36\00:27:54.17 what we just read. "And those living in the land of the shadow of death, for them, a light has 00:27:54.17\00:28:00.74 dawned." You see any difference between what we just read in Isaiah and what we now read in 00:28:00.74\00:28:05.48 Matthew? You can't see it by reading them back to back. Let's do a split screen, because 00:28:05.48\00:28:09.65 there is a significant difference, and you're gonna catch it right now. 00:28:09.65\00:28:13.46 Here's the split screen. There's Isaiah 9, and there's Matthew 4. 00:28:13.46\00:28:17.29 Now, I want to show you something. Isaiah uses two 00:28:17.29\00:28:21.83 strong, positive action verbs. Here they are. "The people walking in darkness 00:28:21.83\00:28:26.00 have seen a great light, on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned." 00:28:26.00\00:28:31.87 Matthew drops those strong action words, and he takes another word, another word in 00:28:31.87\00:28:37.11 the Greek. It's a word that describes a sluggish solitude, 00:28:37.11\00:28:44.55 and it means "to sit, to brood," sluggish, all-alone solitude. "Hey, wait a minute. 00:28:44.55\00:28:54.73 Dwight, you said it says 'sitting.' NIV says 'living.'" 00:28:54.73\00:28:58.13 Yeah, that's because they made a mistake, in my humble opinion. They said, "We're gonna 00:28:58.13\00:29:01.70 interpret that. That just means 'living.'" No, no, no, this is a 00:29:01.70\00:29:04.71 significant point. Let's not miss it. "The people sitting in 00:29:04.71\00:29:08.68 darkness have seen a great light." That's how it's supposed to read, the actual Greek reads. 00:29:08.68\00:29:13.28 "And on those sitting in the land of the shadow of death, a 00:29:13.28\00:29:17.42 light has dawned." You say, "Dwight, what in the world are you talking about?" Let's let 00:29:17.42\00:29:22.16 the great commentator on the Book of Matthew, Frederick Dale Bruner, his magisterial 00:29:22.16\00:29:26.09 two-volume commentary -- let's just see why he's making such a 00:29:26.09\00:29:31.50 big deal of this. You'll see it. Okay, we just changed these to "sitting" because "sitting" is 00:29:31.50\00:29:35.70 the actual. And some of you that have New American, you have the 00:29:35.70\00:29:38.97 New King James, they all say "sitting." They got it right. 00:29:38.97\00:29:42.01 But let's go to Bruner now. Here's Bruner. "Isaiah wrote --" 00:29:42.01\00:29:46.05 I'm quoting Frederick Dale Bruner now -- "Isaiah wrote, "The people who walk in 00:29:46.05\00:29:51.42 darkness;' Matthew writes, 'The people who sit in darkness,' because Matthew believes 00:29:51.42\00:29:58.36 spiritual darkness is so thick it immobilizes." Whoa! Are you serious? Keep reading. 00:29:58.36\00:30:03.83 "The verb 'to sit --'" that Matthew has chosen -- "aptly denotes a sluggish solitude. 00:30:03.83\00:30:09.67 ...in Matthew's reading, they are so far in the dark that they 00:30:09.67\00:30:15.21 cannot even move. They sit in the darkness...in a paralysis." Matthew is trying to tell us 00:30:15.21\00:30:20.35 something. He's describing the psycho-social spiritual culture 00:30:20.35\00:30:24.99 into which Christ has come. He's trying to tell us that this is a 00:30:24.99\00:30:29.56 numbing, this is a suffocating darkness, and they're not walking, they're not living -- 00:30:29.56\00:30:33.66 they're just sitting there. Man! Does this begin to feel like 00:30:33.66\00:30:38.23 today? Mercy! Matthew's trying to describe 00:30:38.23\00:30:41.50 Jesus' First Coming, and I'm sitting here thinking of this culture before Jesus' 00:30:41.50\00:30:46.34 Second Coming -- a sluggish, numb suffocation. They're just 00:30:46.34\00:30:52.98 sitting in the darkness. Aw, let's read it again. We've switched out the "living" 00:30:52.98\00:30:57.95 into the right word... 00:30:57.95\00:30:59.59 Oh, boy, that is so graphic, "Sitting in the land of the 00:31:09.03\00:31:15.00 shadow of death." You know why this feels like so today? I'll tell you why -- because we 00:31:15.00\00:31:19.51 are living in a death culture today. That's why. 00:31:19.51\00:31:22.84 Do you understand that? This culture, these Gen Z'ers and everybody else in this 00:31:22.84\00:31:26.82 planet, it's all about death. Everything's about death. We watch death all the time. 00:31:26.82\00:31:30.99 It's in a news clip. The whole world gapes as they watch live 00:31:30.99\00:31:36.29 video of George Floyd suffocating to death, until he dies. The whole world sees it. 00:31:36.29\00:31:44.20 The terrorists behead on camera hostage. [ Exhales sharply ] 00:31:44.20\00:31:50.61 We are now so immersed in this death culture. Our music is 00:31:50.61\00:31:55.74 death culture. Hollywood, our entertainment, is death culture. We are so immersed in this, we 00:31:55.74\00:32:00.78 don't know that there's a culture that doesn't have death 00:32:00.78\00:32:04.22 in it. That's why heaven is going to be so radically mind-blowing. Death is how we 00:32:04.22\00:32:12.06 live. It's death everywhere. So what Matthew describes as the world when Jesus came the first 00:32:12.06\00:32:18.33 time, you and I are instinctively saying, "Guess 00:32:18.33\00:32:21.74 what. That's the world He's coming to the second time, only it's worse today than then." 00:32:21.74\00:32:26.51 And I suppose, when they open up the Colosseum again and they show it live on TV, that we're 00:32:26.51\00:32:32.35 gonna finally reach the depths of debauchery that the culture back then had descended to, when 00:32:32.35\00:32:39.42 it becomes entertainment. My. Suicides are shot on Facebook so 00:32:39.42\00:32:46.16 that the world can see. Murders are committed on Facebook so 00:32:46.16\00:32:51.50 that the world can see. We live in a death culture. And this is 00:32:51.50\00:32:58.01 such a profound line. Let me show you how some other translations render it. 00:32:58.01\00:33:00.41 This is the Holman Christian Standard Bible... 00:33:00.41\00:33:02.98 Ooh, I like that. Here comes the New Living Translation... 00:33:06.61\00:33:09.25 That's where you live. That's your address. One more, the NIV 00:33:12.55\00:33:16.79 that we just read... 00:33:16.79\00:33:18.33 Mercy. Matthew thought he was describing the world when Jesus 00:33:20.36\00:33:23.13 came the first time. We're thinking he's describing the world when Jesus comes the 00:33:23.13\00:33:26.84 second time. Wow. Eugene Peterson, who died this 00:33:26.84\00:33:35.58 year -- brilliant, brilliant writer -- in his rendition of 00:33:35.58\00:33:42.38 the Bible called "The Message," I like the way he puts it 00:33:42.38\00:33:46.76 here... Ladies and gentlemen, in that one single line is the summation of the Gospel story. 00:33:56.03\00:34:01.24 You have it all right here. "Read it again, Dwight." I will. 00:34:01.24\00:34:06.17 How beautiful is that? Can't you just see it? It's pitch dark, 00:34:14.05\00:34:17.29 and all of a sudden, [Exhales sharply] from the east, here it comes. You've watched the 00:34:17.29\00:34:21.32 sunrise. You've seen that little crest just above the eastern horizon, and as it grows, the 00:34:21.32\00:34:26.03 sky gets brighter, brighter. They watch -- [ Exhales sharply 00:34:26.03\00:34:28.76 ] It's a huge light. That's Jesus! That's Jesus! Into our darkness, He rises like 00:34:28.76\00:34:39.54 the sun we've been praying would come after this long, torturous 00:34:39.54\00:34:45.05 midnight. That's Jesus, the Son of righteousness. I scribbled on 00:34:45.05\00:34:49.72 this page years ago, this line -- I love it -- from "Desire of Ages." Let me put this on the 00:34:49.72\00:34:53.12 screen for you... 00:34:53.12\00:34:54.22 Isn't that beautiful? "The whole world is brighter for His 00:34:58.36\00:35:02.30 presence." But isn't it intriguing -- you think about 00:35:02.33\00:35:06.37 this -- why didn't Matthew put Isaiah 9:2 in the Nativity 00:35:06.37\00:35:11.57 story? That would've been the logical place to put it, because 00:35:11.57\00:35:14.08 "unto us a child is born," yada, yada, yada. 00:35:14.08\00:35:15.78 Why didn't you put it here? No, no, no. 00:35:15.78\00:35:17.48 He says, "I want to wait till Jesus begins not his Judean 00:35:17.48\00:35:20.85 ministry. I want to wait till He begins 00:35:20.85\00:35:23.18 his Galilean ministry, where it's half lost, half saved -- 00:35:23.18\00:35:26.35 pagan, Jew, pagan, Jew, pagan, Jew. 00:35:26.35\00:35:29.79 And there Jesus goes for His ministry. 00:35:29.79\00:35:31.93 I want to wait till he starts it there, and then I'm gonna quote 00:35:31.93\00:35:35.20 Isaiah 9:2." My, oh, my. 00:35:35.20\00:35:39.77 It's as if, somehow, the good news of the Gospel -- we have to 00:35:39.77\00:35:45.41 grasp this. 00:35:45.41\00:35:46.81 Jesus didn't go to where light was already there. Jesus went to 00:35:46.84\00:35:50.71 where there was no light. Most of us want to settle where there's plenty of light so we 00:35:50.71\00:35:54.02 never have to worry about darkness. We're the exact 00:35:54.02\00:35:57.15 opposite of Jesus. He said, "Get me where it's dark. 00:35:57.15\00:35:59.32 That's where I want to be." Mercy. Twice in the Gospels, 00:35:59.32\00:36:04.63 Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Yo, you people 00:36:04.63\00:36:09.40 listening to me?" He says, "I am the light of the world." And when they hang Him up on 00:36:09.40\00:36:17.27 that tree at Calvary, in the blackest midnight of human history, never did that light 00:36:17.27\00:36:24.55 shine brighter than on the Cross. That's the Gospel. 00:36:24.55\00:36:29.58 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Come to me, your 00:36:29.58\00:36:34.12 guilt is gone. Come to me, your fears are gone. Come to me, your hopelessness is gone. 00:36:34.12\00:36:38.59 Come to me, you're going to live now. You're not going to end 00:36:38.59\00:36:41.80 your life -- you're gonna live because you want to live and I 00:36:41.80\00:36:45.37 want you to live. Come to me, and I'll give you rest. I am the light of the world." 00:36:45.37\00:36:51.14 "People sitting out their lives in the dark saw a huge light --" oh, I love that -- "sitting in 00:36:51.14\00:36:56.61 that dark, dark country of death --" as we are -- "they watched 00:36:56.61\00:37:02.18 the sun come up." Hallelujah. That sun is going to come up 00:37:02.18\00:37:07.42 again. And Jesus steps up to me and says, "Yo, Dwight, let's talk. I want you to love the 00:37:07.42\00:37:13.03 world for me. Do you mind hugging them for me? Come on, 00:37:13.03\00:37:16.80 just be like Dr. Joseph Varon. Just do it impulsively. We now know that Dr. Varon did 00:37:16.80\00:37:20.70 not know that the photographer was in that room. The 00:37:20.70\00:37:24.34 photographer from Getty Images had been assigned, "Do a photo essay, 'Thanksgiving in America: 00:37:24.34\00:37:32.85 Pandemic-style.'" He was embedded in that ICU. [ Clicking tongue ] Doc didn't know that. 00:37:32.85\00:37:38.52 That isn't some setup shot. That doc was doing what instinctively 00:37:38.52\00:37:44.49 came to him at that moment. "I have an elderly patient here. 00:37:44.49\00:37:47.13 He's sobbing. Come here, let me hug you." "Dwight, why don't you go out and love the world in the 00:37:47.13\00:37:53.37 same way, huh? Come on, you don't need some kind of big 00:37:53.37\00:37:56.10 strategy. What do you think this is, you got to have some kind of PhD to figure out how to love? 00:37:56.10\00:37:59.81 No, no, no. You just love the world for me, Dwight. 00:37:59.81\00:38:03.91 It's a dark world out there. You love the world for me. You be love on the move for me. 00:38:03.91\00:38:10.29 That's what I want you to be. I want you to be love on the move 00:38:10.29\00:38:13.19 for me. Hug anybody that comes into your space that looks like 00:38:13.19\00:38:16.39 they need a hug. Just love the world for me." Love on the move. 00:38:16.39\00:38:21.10 That was Jesus. That was Dr. Joseph Varon. Love on the move, instinctively. "Yeah, but come 00:38:21.10\00:38:27.44 on, Dwight. Time-out, time-out, time-out. Please. Man, you're 00:38:27.44\00:38:31.04 waxing eloquent. You don't even understand. We're in a lockdown right now. This is a pandemic. 00:38:31.04\00:38:35.28 We cannot go out into that world to love it. Too bad." 00:38:35.28\00:38:39.55 Well, you have raised a huge point to which I cannot even 00:38:39.55\00:38:46.09 respond. That point is so significant. I have no answer for it. We sat together, a group 00:38:46.09\00:38:49.72 of pastors and chaplains. We meet every Monday afternoon. 00:38:49.72\00:38:52.86 Don't we, guys? We meet every Monday afternoon to have worship together, and last Monday, we 00:38:52.86\00:38:56.63 were just saying, "What do we do? The pandemic has hit our campus strong again. 00:38:56.63\00:38:59.73 When these kids come back, what are we gonna do?" We had a few 00:38:59.73\00:39:03.20 good ideas, I thought, nothing earth-shaking. What are we supposed to do? We're locked 00:39:03.20\00:39:08.24 down, do you understand? We have no idea how long this pandemic 00:39:08.24\00:39:12.28 is gonna last. When does it lift? I do not know. Although I will tell you that, 00:39:12.28\00:39:15.52 ever since this pandemic, in my reading of "Great Controversy" the first half of this pandemic, 00:39:15.52\00:39:19.65 there's a thought that has been planted in my mind, and I'm gonna get a little brave here 00:39:19.65\00:39:23.56 and share it with you. I could be in trouble. I'm wondering if 00:39:23.56\00:39:29.40 in fact it's gonna be just like it was with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., that 00:39:29.40\00:39:35.97 mysterious military move. Let me tell you what I'm talking about. 00:39:35.97\00:39:43.11 Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, is the one who captured the details that 00:39:43.11\00:39:51.05 allow us to know the reason behind this mysterious military 00:39:51.05\00:39:54.39 move. "What are you talking about, Dwight?" Here we go. 00:39:54.39\00:39:57.03 66 A.D., the Roman general Cestius Gallus marched 66,000 Roman soldiers from Syria 00:39:57.03\00:40:07.97 southwest to Jerusalem. He's gonna take Jerusalem. That is a 00:40:07.97\00:40:14.68 huge army. Do you understand? 66,000? That's how many people 00:40:14.68\00:40:20.08 are in the army. There was some Jewish resistance along the way. They have to fight some 00:40:20.08\00:40:24.22 skirmishes, but eventually Cestius, with those 66,000, is able to penetrate the city -- 00:40:24.22\00:40:29.16 not the whole city. They got up into the northwest corner of 00:40:29.16\00:40:35.23 Jerusalem. But he cannot take the Temple Mount, and anybody that knows anything about 00:40:35.23\00:40:38.57 Middle Eastern history knows, if you want Jerusalem, you have to take the Temple Mount. 00:40:38.57\00:40:42.44 The Dome of the Rock? You got to take that. If you don't take 00:40:42.44\00:40:46.68 that, you don't take it. He cannot take the Temple Mount, and so, with his 66,000, they 00:40:46.68\00:40:51.41 surround Jerusalem. The Roman army surrounds Jerusalem. 00:40:51.41\00:40:55.72 They besiege the city, and get this. Nine days later, Cestius 00:40:55.72\00:41:02.86 pulls the troops off of that siege and marches to the coast. Nobody to this day is quite sure 00:41:02.86\00:41:13.23 what was going on -- a mystery move. Well, the moment the 00:41:13.23\00:41:18.27 Romans leave, the Jewish resisters inside the walled city of Jerusalem, they're out the 00:41:18.27\00:41:22.71 gates. "Charge!" And they pursue the Romans, and 00:41:22.71\00:41:26.98 there is a mighty skirmish. But while the Romans and the Jewish resisters are gone, the 00:41:26.98\00:41:34.49 Christians in the city of Jerusalem remember the words of Jesus -- Luke 21:20. 00:41:34.49\00:41:42.13 And Jesus said, "And when you see this city circled by armies, you know the end is near." 00:41:42.13\00:41:54.68 They remember those words. They said, "Let's go." Their protagonists, their 00:41:54.68\00:41:58.81 antagonists, they're gone. The Jews are gone, the Romans are gone, and the Christians 00:41:58.81\00:42:03.49 slip out of the city. They go east. They cross the Jordan 00:42:03.49\00:42:07.09 River. They move to a little city called Pella, where they establish a new colony of 00:42:07.09\00:42:13.43 Christians. Amazing. And do you know what? 00:42:13.43\00:42:18.97 Listen to this, quoting "Great Controversy." That apocalyptic 00:42:18.97\00:42:24.67 classic tells us not one Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem when 00:42:24.67\00:42:30.85 General Titus returned in 70 A.D. to besiege and sack and slaughter that city. Not one 00:42:30.85\00:42:37.75 Christian perished. Jesus had told them, "You just watch. You'll know your moment." 00:42:37.75\00:42:43.36 And when that siege was lifted, that was their moment. You say, "Dwight, what does this 00:42:43.36\00:42:49.60 have to do with the pandemic? Come on, I'm not into Roman 00:42:49.60\00:42:52.97 history." Ah, but I'm thinking, "Wait a minute, wait a minute." Could it be that this 00:42:52.97\00:42:58.57 pandemic -- it's gonna lift sometime. I mean, we all believe 00:42:58.57\00:43:03.14 that. I don't know if it's soon or later. I have no idea, but 00:43:03.14\00:43:07.28 I'm wondering if that lifting will make possible a small window of opportunity for the 00:43:07.28\00:43:13.46 people of God to be about our Father's business, the remnant community of the Apocalypse to 00:43:13.46\00:43:19.66 suddenly be mobilized -- pinned down, but now the forces that have pinned them down have 00:43:19.66\00:43:25.07 disappeared. They go out as a cue. "Get the world now while the window's open." 00:43:25.07\00:43:35.58 I'm brooding on this. If Jesus equated -- Listen to me. 00:43:35.58\00:43:40.25 If Jesus equated the destruction of Jerusalem with the end of the world, as we know He does in 00:43:40.25\00:43:44.59 Matthew 24. He conflates the two. We're not sure -- is He 00:43:44.59\00:43:47.72 talking about Jerusalem here or the end of the world? We don't 00:43:47.72\00:43:50.66 know. He mixes them up. If Jesus does that intentionally, could 00:43:50.66\00:43:54.30 it be -- and that's a key caveat, by the way -- could it be -- the lifting of this global 00:43:54.30\00:44:02.47 pandemic will be but a brief window for our end-game mission. [ Exhaling softly ] 00:44:02.47\00:44:07.78 Mysteriously, it's gone. Where'd it go? It's gone. I'm just 00:44:07.78\00:44:13.85 wondering. I'm just thinking out loud with you. Aw, one of my 00:44:13.85\00:44:20.52 favorite lines in "Great Controversy" is this line I'm about to read to you, but I see 00:44:20.52\00:44:27.40 that I left a verse out. And that's a thing when you're doing the slide changing. They can 00:44:27.40\00:44:32.20 skip it up there if I miss it -- I can't miss it here. Do you know what? Twice in the Gospels, 00:44:32.20\00:44:37.04 Jesus says, "I am the light, I am the light." Come on, come on, 00:44:37.04\00:44:39.91 come on. Here we are in Matthew 4. Great darkness. If you just 00:44:39.91\00:44:42.91 jump over to the Sermon on the Mount, look at verse 14. Jesus not only says twice in the 00:44:42.91\00:44:45.95 Gospel, "I am the light of the world." Do you know what He also 00:44:45.95\00:44:49.05 says? "You are the light of the world." There's no claim in 00:44:49.05\00:44:53.36 Matthew for Jesus to be the light of the world. He doesn't 00:44:53.36\00:44:56.39 claim it Himself, only in John twice. But He does say that, "You are the light of the 00:44:56.39\00:44:59.86 world." Boy, I'm glad we caught that because we would've gone out of here and said, "Phew, 00:44:59.86\00:45:03.83 this doesn't bother me at all, doesn't concern me. It's not 00:45:03.83\00:45:06.90 about me." No, Jesus says, "It is about you. I am that huge 00:45:06.90\00:45:11.51 light, but you're my light. Like Dr. Joseph Varon, you are my 00:45:11.51\00:45:20.82 light." But this great line in "Great Controversy," "Servants 00:45:20.82\00:45:23.89 of God with their faces lighted up --" don't you love this line, speaking of just before Jesus 00:45:23.89\00:45:27.39 comes? "Servants of God with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, 00:45:27.39\00:45:30.96 will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from 00:45:30.96\00:45:33.76 heaven." Ladies and gentlemen, this global mobilization that this line predicts could not 00:45:33.76\00:45:38.07 possibly happen in a lockdown pandemic. It could not happen. You can't hasten from place to 00:45:38.07\00:45:42.10 place now. I can't even cross the street to say hi to my 00:45:42.10\00:45:45.47 neighbor. "Hey, Dwight, you don't have your mask on. Get out 00:45:45.47\00:45:50.91 of here. Go." Now everybody's tense. Everybody's uptight -- 00:45:50.91\00:45:54.98 rightfully so. We're protecting ourselves. We say that we're protecting you, but we're really 00:45:54.98\00:46:00.76 protecting ourselves. Let's be honest. No, something has to 00:46:00.76\00:46:06.49 lift -- of what we're going through right now, something has to lift. Servants of God will 00:46:06.49\00:46:09.90 hasten from place to place, to place to place to place. Something has to lift. 00:46:09.90\00:46:14.10 For Revelation 18:1 to take place and the whole Earth -- [Exhales sharply] the whole 00:46:14.10\00:46:18.01 Earth is lightened with its glory -- just like the three angels, that fourth angel is 00:46:18.01\00:46:21.44 dependent on human messengers. When the Earth is lightened with His glory, something has to lift 00:46:21.44\00:46:25.31 that has everybody locked down right now. That's all I'm 00:46:25.31\00:46:28.02 saying. That's all I'm saying. "The people sitting in great darkness have seen a great 00:46:28.02\00:46:35.59 light." Boy, that's today. All of which leads me to this 00:46:35.59\00:46:39.23 appeal, alright? The time left in our pandemic lockdown needs 00:46:39.23\00:46:50.91 to be spent in getting ready for this window to open. That's all 00:46:50.91\00:46:58.68 I'm saying. I want you to think about that. I want you to talk it over the dinner table. 00:46:58.68\00:47:03.52 You talk about it anyway. I want you to think about it with 00:47:03.52\00:47:07.82 others. We can't go anywhere right now. But rather than twiddling our thumbs, rather 00:47:07.82\00:47:12.86 than binge-watching our way through the holidays, binge-watching through 00:47:12.86\00:47:16.73 Christmas, binge-watching through the new year, binge-watching till I get back 00:47:16.73\00:47:20.54 to Andrews University -- rather than binge-watching, wherever you are, students right now on 00:47:20.54\00:47:27.24 this planet, what if we took this opportunity, you and I, to somehow go deeper, to go deeper 00:47:27.24\00:47:33.38 with Jesus -- you know, a little book like "Steps to Christ" or just read the Gospel of John, 00:47:33.38\00:47:37.29 please, whatever. But we say, "You know what? I think I'm 00:47:37.29\00:47:40.79 gonna take this opportunity." I'm gonna tell you something. If you don't -- Listen, if you 00:47:40.79\00:47:44.69 don't -- Hey, you remember Jesus' parable of the 10 00:47:44.69\00:47:48.13 girlfriends? Everybody remembers the 10 girlfriends? They're all 00:47:48.13\00:47:51.57 locked down, pandemic midnight. They are locked down. They can 00:47:51.57\00:47:54.90 go nowhere. They're just waiting. Five of them, while they're locked down, are 00:47:54.90\00:47:59.04 replenishing their oil supplies -- five of them. Their oil is 00:47:59.04\00:48:03.88 not running out. When the midnight cry sounds and they fly into the darkness, they are 00:48:03.88\00:48:10.15 thoroughly equipped. They go with gusto for the Kingdom of Heaven. The other five? 00:48:10.15\00:48:14.59 The other five are saying, "Mañana, mañana. [ Chuckles ] I 00:48:14.59\00:48:18.93 don't need to prepare now. Spiritual disciplines? Spiritual 00:48:18.93\00:48:22.03 practices? I don't need any of those. I will someday when it 00:48:22.03\00:48:25.70 really gets tough. When that window opens, then I'm gonna do it." I want to tell you 00:48:25.70\00:48:29.90 something, my friend -- when that window opens, it'll be too late. Now, please listen 00:48:29.90\00:48:34.88 carefully. When that window opens, it will be too late. Why? 00:48:34.88\00:48:38.38 Because you have to be ready now. Those Christians had a 00:48:38.38\00:48:43.28 brief moment. Boom! We have no idea what lies beyond 00:48:43.28\00:48:49.59 this. But could it be that window of opportunity is being 00:48:49.59\00:48:54.60 given to the friends of Jesus, who have been told, "You are the light of the world for me. 00:48:54.60\00:49:01.20 You be the great light. They'll see the way you hug. 00:49:01.24\00:49:03.51 They'll see the way you love. You'll be the great light." 00:49:03.51\00:49:05.97 Could it be this window of opportunity is ours now? 00:49:05.97\00:49:15.75 I don't want to be definitive, but I would like to suggest 00:49:15.75\00:49:19.55 that, when the window opens eventually, the time for 00:49:19.55\00:49:22.99 spiritual preparation... is ending. 00:49:22.99\00:49:31.83 Because what leads you to put it off today will lead you to put 00:49:31.83\00:49:34.30 it off tomorrow, and what leads you to put it off tomorrow will 00:49:34.30\00:49:36.81 lead you to put it off when the window opens, and what leads you 00:49:36.81\00:49:39.31 to put it off when the window opens will lead you to put it 00:49:39.31\00:49:41.68 off until the door closed and five girlfriends are knocking on 00:49:41.68\00:49:44.11 that -- "Let me in!" "I don't know who you are. 00:49:44.11\00:49:46.48 Sorry. Wrong address." 00:49:46.48\00:49:50.69 Hey, listen, folks. We don't do Sabbath together to entertain 00:49:50.72\00:49:55.82 each other, do we? I don't step into this pulpit every Sabbath and say, "How can I entertain 00:49:55.82\00:50:01.23 this little congregation that is diminished in size, with the rest watching online, wherever 00:50:01.23\00:50:06.80 on this planet?" I don't think of worship that we just went through, I don't think 00:50:06.80\00:50:10.34 of that as entertainment. I don't think of our Sabbath schools as entertainment. 00:50:10.34\00:50:14.14 If our Sabbath schools are being planned for entertainment, that's a dead-end street. 00:50:14.14\00:50:18.15 I wake up every single morning with one passion on my mind. I know what my mission is. 00:50:18.15\00:50:22.52 My mission is to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Everything I do from sunup until 00:50:22.52\00:50:27.96 I go to bed is devoted to that. God forgive me if I take my mind 00:50:27.96\00:50:32.63 off of that. I live for that mission. You must live for that mission. It's not just mine. 00:50:32.63\00:50:41.24 It's yours. My mission is to help you seize your mission to make ready a people prepared for 00:50:41.24\00:50:46.94 the Lord. It's not gonna be preachers that reach this planet one last time. Those servants of 00:50:46.94\00:50:52.91 God are you. They're not a bunch of seminary professors. They're 00:50:52.91\00:51:00.56 you and me. Make ready a people prepared for God. That's why we 00:51:00.56\00:51:07.96 can't wait. You cannot put off for tomorrow what the Holy Spirit is telling you you must 00:51:07.96\00:51:14.54 do today. You got something to make right, make it right today. You've got something to learn, 00:51:14.54\00:51:19.74 learn it today. You got a deep depth that you need to go to? 00:51:19.74\00:51:23.65 Go there today. Don't wait. It's too late if you wait. I cannot say it anymore, so I'm 00:51:23.65\00:51:30.69 sitting down, but I believe the light of the world has entrusted enough light to you so that you 00:51:30.69\00:51:37.03 can walk out this door, and when the pandemic does raise, that light will come shining -- like 00:51:37.03\00:51:42.73 Dr. Joseph Varon, it'll come shining out of you. We can't 00:51:42.73\00:51:52.94 wait. See this year's banner? "Get ready." We can't wait. You signed up for this. 00:51:52.94\00:52:01.85 You signed up for this. Get...ready...now. Amen. Amen. 00:52:01.85\00:52:12.23 Give me something Dwight, okay? Connect Card on the screen. 00:52:12.23\00:52:15.56 Connect Card. If you go to this website, pmchurch.org/connect -- you go there right now, you're 00:52:15.56\00:52:20.54 sitting in this space, you go to the Connect Card right now -- because we don't hand these out 00:52:20.54\00:52:23.64 anymore. pmchurch.org./connect. You're going there right now, 00:52:23.64\00:52:28.31 and when you get to "connect," where it takes you, you're gonna then click onto "connect," and 00:52:28.31\00:52:32.18 it will show the Connect Card. It will say, "My next step today 00:52:32.18\00:52:35.18 is..." Let's go to "my next step today," on the screen. Oh, thank 00:52:35.18\00:52:40.79 you. You can go there, Dwight, if you wish. [ Laughs ] Okay. 00:52:40.79\00:52:44.33 "My next step today is I want the light of the world to shine through me into the darkness 00:52:44.33\00:52:48.30 around." Is there a soul here that does not want the light of 00:52:48.30\00:52:51.63 the world to shine through you? Of course not. Box number 2. 00:52:51.63\00:52:54.44 "Dwight, I want to share the light -- please send me an electronic version of 00:52:54.44\00:52:58.84 'Steps to Christ.'" If you put a checkmark there and and an e-mail address anywhere 00:52:58.84\00:53:06.05 on this planet, but right here in this community, we'll send you a beautifully designed 00:53:06.05\00:53:12.12 edition of "Steps to Christ." You can keep it on your phone, and you can read it in your 00:53:12.12\00:53:15.89 spare moments. You want to go deep with Jesus. I know you do, 00:53:15.89\00:53:19.26 but you can pass this on. You can send the link to somebody else, and you can send 00:53:19.26\00:53:22.13 it to somebody else. "Hey, I want you to read this little 00:53:22.13\00:53:25.07 classic. It really blessed me." Come on. We have a holiday in 00:53:25.07\00:53:29.20 front of us. Why not go deeper this time? Box number three, "I 00:53:29.20\00:53:35.44 want to be baptized and follow Jesus into the world." Some of 00:53:35.44\00:53:38.95 you have not been baptized, and you've been thinking about it, and I'm telling you what, the 00:53:38.95\00:53:42.45 Holy Spirit has been speaking to you. It's not me speaking. 00:53:42.45\00:53:45.32 I can't convince anybody. But the Holy Spirit, when He knocks on your door, that's Him 00:53:45.32\00:53:49.29 saying, "Yo, this would be a good time, pandemic lockdown. 00:53:49.29\00:53:55.33 Get baptized now." We have beautifully safe baptisms that we conduct here. It can be for 00:53:55.33\00:54:01.84 you. Why not? Put a little checkmark there, and make sure we have an e-mail address. 00:54:01.84\00:54:05.14 We'll be in touch with you, that's all. You're not 00:54:05.14\00:54:08.21 committing to anything, but you're saying, "I want to be. Help me. Be in touch with me. 00:54:08.21\00:54:11.61 Show me what my next steps need to be." That's it. That's it. 00:54:11.61\00:54:17.55 I want to pray with you. I want to offer to God what you and I are now and pray that He 00:54:17.55\00:54:24.69 will seize it and that the light will come shining through, the light of the Lord we love and 00:54:24.69\00:54:30.97 serve, our Lord Jesus. Amen. Let's pray. 00:54:30.97\00:54:34.10 Oh, God, here we are, masked, locked down -- the nation, the 00:54:34.10\00:54:43.85 world. Please, know our hearts. We can't do this. There's 00:54:43.85\00:54:50.19 nothing in us. But thank you for one lone doctor who showed us that one act of love can go 00:54:50.19\00:55:02.66 viral in a planet hungry to be hugged, hungry to be touched, longing to be loved. 00:55:02.66\00:55:09.24 They're all around us, where we live, where we work, where we go 00:55:09.24\00:55:16.64 to school. Oh, Jesus, light of the world, save us. And through us, save others out 00:55:16.64\00:55:24.09 of that dark, deep night. Save them for eternity. We humbly pray in the name of 00:55:24.09\00:55:35.26 the one who is our light. Amen. Amen. 00:55:35.26\00:55:40.47 [ "The First Noel" plays ] >> What is it about the holiday season that has given you 00:55:43.87\00:55:48.01 the greatest joy? Is it the time spent cutting down the family 00:55:48.01\00:55:52.55 Christmas tree at the local farm or maybe a special ornament placed on that lighted bough? 00:55:52.55\00:55:57.49 Or do you find joy in contemplating the profound meaning of the carols we sing? 00:55:57.49\00:56:02.22 Maybe Christmas joy is found in the memories you make together with friends and family 00:56:02.22\00:56:06.26 and the spirit of giving that surrounds this season. As we reflect on these joys, 00:56:06.26\00:56:12.07 let's always remember the great light who guides us, the One who brings and meaning to life -- 00:56:12.07\00:56:17.34 a loving Father who is at the heart of all treasured relationships and the wonderful 00:56:17.34\00:56:21.91 God who gave the ultimate gift in a newborn child. 00:56:21.91\00:56:26.21 Some of my joy this season comes in part from your letters, 00:56:26.25\00:56:29.45 your prayers, and your faithful giving of support to this 00:56:29.45\00:56:32.39 ministry which reaches literally around the world. 00:56:32.39\00:56:35.36 If you've been blessed this year, I'd like to ask you to 00:56:35.36\00:56:38.06 join the many people who financially support this global 00:56:38.06\00:56:40.86 New Perceptions ministry. It's simple to do. 00:56:40.86\00:56:44.50 Just call our toll-free number 877 -- two words -- HIS-WILL. 00:56:44.50\00:56:49.50 One of our friendly operators will be happy to help you. 00:56:49.50\00:56:52.11 You can also click the donate link at the top of our website. 00:56:52.11\00:56:54.94 Trust me, no gift is too small for God to use to spread the 00:56:54.94\00:56:59.05 good news of His love, His sacrifice, and His future 00:56:59.05\00:57:02.62 plans for our happiness. Every gift, by the way, 00:57:02.62\00:57:06.76 is entirely invested in our mission to communicate God's 00:57:06.76\00:57:09.29 good news to a generation who needs a hope found in Jesus, 00:57:09.29\00:57:13.13 which will bring them true joy in life. 00:57:13.13\00:57:15.70 So once again, the number to call is 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:15.70\00:57:20.27 This season, my wish for you is that the mighty God, 00:57:20.27\00:57:23.61 the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace will be at 00:57:23.61\00:57:26.51 the heart of the very best memories made together 00:57:26.51\00:57:30.35 with your family and friends. ¤¤ 00:57:30.35\00:57:40.52 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:40.52\00:57:56.81 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:58:00.71\00:58:18.49 ¤¤ 00:58:18.49\00:58:26.47