¤¤ 00:00:01.23\00:00:09.94 [ "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" begins ] 00:00:12.87\00:00:17.38 [ "The Lord Is My Light" begins ] 00:01:49.17\00:01:53.14 ¤¤ 00:03:33.91\00:03:41.72 >> This year we are especially grateful for health of us and 00:03:41.75\00:03:45.49 our families. >> And we are thankful that we 00:03:45.49\00:03:48.56 could spend far more time together, unexpectedly, and also 00:03:48.56\00:03:52.49 that we have a our little daughter in our life. 00:03:52.49\00:03:55.76 >> I am thankful for my family. In a time like this, when your 00:03:55.76\00:03:59.77 family members are the only people that you can really be 00:03:59.77\00:04:02.84 close to, you definitely can get on each others' very last 00:04:02.84\00:04:05.87 nerves, but I am grateful that they are there to keep me sane 00:04:05.87\00:04:09.04 and to keep me going. >> I am thankful for being able 00:04:09.04\00:04:12.05 to feel God's love and see His mercy even through the tiny 00:04:12.05\00:04:15.42 little things, despite everything that's been going on. 00:04:15.42\00:04:18.65 >> I am thankful for time spent in the presence of God. 00:04:18.65\00:04:22.79 I think it's just incredible that, as Christians, we can 00:04:22.79\00:04:26.16 abide and just find strength no matter what the year looks like. 00:04:26.16\00:04:29.90 So I'm thankful for God's presence. 00:04:29.90\00:04:32.37 >> I'm thankful for my friends because I get to hang out with 00:04:32.37\00:04:34.90 them, and it's really fun. >> I'm thankful for school. 00:04:34.90\00:04:37.67 >> I'm thankful for my family. >> I'm thankful for a place to 00:04:37.67\00:04:41.88 go where I can study theology and learn to become a pastor. 00:04:41.88\00:04:46.08 A place where I can grow in Christ in a place -- in a 00:04:46.08\00:04:48.72 community where people accept me and value the same things that I 00:04:48.72\00:04:51.89 do. I'm thankful for the church, 00:04:51.89\00:04:54.26 PMC, that allows me to attend the service and grow in Christ. 00:04:54.26\00:04:58.59 >> I am thankful for my friends, my family, and my -- yeah. 00:04:58.59\00:05:02.10 [ Laughs ] Everything. I'm thankful for everything. 00:05:02.10\00:05:04.57 >> I'm thankful for life because not everyone gets to be alive, 00:05:04.57\00:05:08.34 and not everyone has the opportunity to live today. 00:05:08.34\00:05:11.47 >> I'm very thankful for the many good things that have 00:05:11.47\00:05:15.18 happened in my life. >> We've been married 66 years. 00:05:15.18\00:05:19.38 We hope to the right kind of example for those who are 00:05:19.38\00:05:22.22 watching us day by day so that they could realize that love can 00:05:22.22\00:05:25.45 be wonderful and great, and we hope it lasts until the Lord 00:05:25.45\00:05:28.52 comes. >> I'm thankful for my 00:05:28.52\00:05:30.26 Andrews Academy friends. >> I am for grateful for growth. 00:05:30.26\00:05:33.90 This year has tested my faith, but it has also renewed it, and 00:05:33.90\00:05:38.33 it has made me see how much more I desperately need my Savior, 00:05:38.33\00:05:42.84 Jesus Christ. >> I'm thankful for God, my 00:05:42.84\00:05:45.44 heavenly Father, and for my Savior, Jesus Christ. 00:05:45.44\00:05:48.11 >> I'm thankful for my religion. >> I'm thankful for H2O. 00:05:48.11\00:05:52.18 >> I am thankful for Jesus Christ, who came into our world 00:05:52.18\00:05:56.28 to save us from our sins. I am also thankful for my 00:05:56.28\00:06:00.32 family, who cares and loves me. >> I am thankful for God being 00:06:00.32\00:06:06.06 in my life. He gives me joy, peace. 00:06:06.06\00:06:10.77 He forgives me, and he gives me a roommate as my spiritual 00:06:10.77\00:06:15.44 companion. God is good. 00:06:15.44\00:06:17.91 >> Thankful for my car and thankful for my racetrack. 00:06:17.91\00:06:21.58 Thankful for my sisters. Thankful for my mommy and daddy. 00:06:21.58\00:06:27.75 I'm thankful for my bed. >> I'm thankful for my family 00:06:27.75\00:06:33.72 and my friends and for my school and the church. 00:06:33.72\00:06:36.96 I'm thankful for God and for Him protecting us from this 00:06:36.96\00:06:41.73 pandemic. ¤¤ 00:06:41.73\00:06:47.47 [ "For the Beauty of the Earth" begins ] 00:06:52.01\00:06:56.61 [ "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" begins ] 00:08:21.46\00:08:25.50 [ "To God Be the Glory" begins ] 00:10:20.48\00:10:22.92 >> Before we plunge into this Thanksgiving -- the Sabbath before -- homily, I want to pray 00:12:30.91\00:12:37.62 with you. Father, now thank we all our God. 00:12:37.62\00:12:40.69 What shall we say except thank you? We're alive, we're here. 00:12:40.69\00:12:43.83 We've got our masks on, we're physically distanced. That's 00:12:43.83\00:12:47.36 okay. You're in this space, and we're here because we want to 00:12:47.36\00:12:52.17 connect with You. We have been all morning long, and now these last few moments in the Word of 00:12:52.17\00:12:56.67 God. Don't let that connection miss us, we pray, in Jesus' 00:12:56.67\00:13:03.35 name. Amen. Somewhere in the Bible, there is a line that goes 00:13:03.38\00:13:08.08 something like this -- "He" -- speaking of God -- "He has 00:13:08.08\00:13:12.42 placed eternity in our hearts." In every human heart. 00:13:12.42\00:13:16.26 I don't care how you were born. I don't care who you are now. 00:13:16.26\00:13:19.86 You may say, "Listen, I'm really and atheist. 00:13:19.86\00:13:21.73 I'm just here because I'm with some friends." 00:13:21.73\00:13:23.67 Okay. Glad you're here. You say, "No, I'm really an 00:13:23.67\00:13:26.20 agnostic. I'm not an atheist. 00:13:26.20\00:13:27.40 I'm just not sure." Okay. Still glad you're here. 00:13:27.40\00:13:30.07 Say, "No, I'm a believer." Glad you're here as well. I don't care how you have come 00:13:30.11\00:13:34.71 to this moment in life, the truth of the matter is embedded in our psyches is this eternity 00:13:34.71\00:13:41.58 thing. What is this eternity thing? I found a book. 00:13:41.58\00:13:46.69 Oh, man, I'm glad for a friend of mine who gave me this book. This is a dynamite book. 00:13:46.69\00:13:51.63 It's written by John Eldredge. Title of the book, "The Journey of Desire: Searching for the 00:13:51.63\00:13:56.56 Life We've Only Dreamed Of." Something he writes in a paragraph just unlocks it for 00:13:56.56\00:14:01.54 me, and I have to share it with you. The big debate I had was, 00:14:01.54\00:14:05.61 okay, do I -- come on. Shall we put it on the screen, okay, so 00:14:05.61\00:14:09.74 that we have the quotation right here? But the more I wrestled with this, I said, "No, no, no. 00:14:09.74\00:14:13.85 If it goes into your eyes, it won't get to your heart." We got to do it so that it'll go 00:14:13.85\00:14:18.59 through your ears, and then your heart will hear what your ears 00:14:18.59\00:14:23.29 are picking up. So I'm gonna read it. It's just a short paragraph. I'm not gonna put it 00:14:23.29\00:14:26.63 on the screen. This is John Eldredge. He begins with the -- 00:14:26.63\00:14:30.30 well, you know him well -- the French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal. 00:14:30.30\00:14:35.67 You've heard of Blaise Pascal, haven't you? This famous line of 00:14:35.67\00:14:39.74 his, he actually opens this paragraph up with Pascal's line, "The heart has its reasons, 00:14:39.74\00:14:45.25 which reason knows not." So the heart knows what can't be known 00:14:45.25\00:14:49.02 up here. "The heart has its reasons, what reason knows not." He's put eternity in our hearts. 00:14:49.02\00:14:56.52 Could that be it? Now, Eldredge goes on. "Something in us longs, 00:14:56.52\00:15:02.60 hopes, maybe even at times believes that this is not the way things were supposed to be." 00:15:02.60\00:15:08.64 This pandemic world that we're surviving in. "Our desire fights 00:15:08.64\00:15:13.34 the assault of death upon life." And so he gives these three 00:15:13.34\00:15:17.78 illustrations. "People with terminal illnesses get married." 00:15:17.78\00:15:22.78 Why get married? You're not gonna live that long. There's something in us. "Prisoners in a 00:15:22.78\00:15:29.76 concentration camp plant flowers." Why are you planting 00:15:29.76\00:15:33.09 those flowers? You'll never see them in your life. And here's 00:15:33.09\00:15:37.70 another one. "Lovers long divorced still reach out in the night to embrace one who is no 00:15:37.70\00:15:44.04 longer there." He says, "It's like the phantom pain experienced by those who 00:15:44.04\00:15:49.68 have lost a limb." You've heard about phantom pain? "Feelings 00:15:49.68\00:15:55.08 still emanate from that region where once was a crucial part of them, and they will sometimes 00:15:55.08\00:16:00.19 find themselves being careful not to bang the corner of a table or slam the car door on a 00:16:00.19\00:16:05.03 leg or an arm long since removed. Our hearts know a 00:16:05.03\00:16:12.13 similar reality. At some deep level" -- this is good -- "at some deep level we refuse to 00:16:12.13\00:16:17.81 accept the fact that this is the way things are, or must be, or always will be." He has placed 00:16:17.81\00:16:24.85 eternity in our hearts. There is this subliminal sense that there 00:16:24.85\00:16:35.42 is something more. And I'm not there yet. I really was blessed by reading G.K. Chesterton, one 00:16:35.42\00:16:42.06 of the bright and witty writers, English writers, of the 20th 00:16:42.06\00:16:46.20 century. His book "Orthodoxy." So I read the book through, and then I came across a line that 00:16:46.20\00:16:50.44 just -- whoa! This is G.K. Chesterton. He was an agnostic. 00:16:50.44\00:16:54.58 And then he discovered that Jesus Christ is a real being and personal Savior, and he became a 00:16:54.58\00:17:01.35 believer in Christ. And then he wrote, later, after becoming a 00:17:01.35\00:17:08.62 Christian, "Now I could understand why I could feel homesick at home." Homesick at 00:17:08.62\00:17:20.60 home. Do you ever feel homesick at home? I mean, why am I 00:17:20.60\00:17:25.27 feeling homesick? This is where I live. Something deep inside of 00:17:25.27\00:17:29.54 you is longing for a place you are not there yet. I'm feeling 00:17:29.54\00:17:39.19 homesick at home. Oh, I got to put this line on the screen. I want to tell you something. 00:17:39.19\00:17:42.86 This is the first time I've ever done this. Do you know that the 00:17:42.86\00:17:48.23 physics major that put this PowerPoint program together that you're about to see, got tested 00:17:48.23\00:17:54.27 the other day -- he's positive. He can't leave campus. Some of you are leaving in a few 00:17:54.27\00:18:00.48 hours. He has to stay in that prayer apartment. 00:18:00.48\00:18:03.88 You know that place. So he's watching right now. So he's not up there switching. 00:18:03.88\00:18:11.69 I'm gonna do it right here. Please pray for me. If nothing happens here, we'll 00:18:11.69\00:18:18.29 just have benediction. We'll go. I mean, that's it. 00:18:18.29\00:18:21.76 Alright, here's that line. "He has placed eternity in our 00:18:21.76\00:18:27.27 hearts." I'm homesick at home. Something is in here that has been embedded in me. 00:18:27.27\00:18:31.11 I don't care what you believe or don't believe. "He has placed 00:18:31.11\00:18:37.18 eternity in our hearts." Could it be that we have been made to live somewhere else? 00:18:37.18\00:18:42.12 Somewhere that is COVID-19-free? Somewhere that is racially 00:18:42.12\00:18:47.49 fractured-free? Somewhere that is politics-free and pain-free and perplexity-free? 00:18:47.49\00:18:52.26 Could it be we're not where we're supposed to be? "He has placed eternity in our 00:18:52.26\00:19:01.47 hearts." Turns out it's been that way from the very beginning 00:19:01.47\00:19:10.75 in this "pandemic of sin" planet. For a moment I want to go with you to the ancients. 00:19:10.75\00:19:16.22 Take your Bible out. They are like we are. Watch this. 00:19:16.22\00:19:19.69 Go to the Bible's Hall of Fame, Hall of Faith chapter, Hebrews 00:19:19.69\00:19:24.16 chapter 11. Come on. This is dynamite. Look at these 00:19:24.16\00:19:27.56 ancients. Hebrews chapter 11. That's the New Testament, near the end of the New Testament. 00:19:27.56\00:19:31.63 Hebrews chapter 11. And let's drop down -- let's drop down to 00:19:31.63\00:19:38.51 verse 13. Hebrews chapter 11. I'll be in the New International 00:19:38.51\00:19:43.58 Version. Come on, how did they live back then? You'll see it. 00:19:43.58\00:19:46.61 You'll immediately recognize this. Verse 13. 00:19:46.61\00:19:49.28 "All these people --" these ancients -- "were still living by faith when they died. 00:19:49.28\00:19:53.79 They did not receive the things promised." Unh-unh. 00:19:53.79\00:19:56.79 "They only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners..." 00:19:56.79\00:20:01.76 if you have the New King James Version, it reads "pilgrims." 00:20:01.76\00:20:05.23 There's a word for Thanksgiving. "...admitting that they were pilgrims, they were foreigners 00:20:05.23\00:20:10.17 and strangers on earth. People who say such things show they are looking for a country 00:20:10.17\00:20:14.94 of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had 00:20:14.94\00:20:19.21 left, they would have had opportunity to return." Nah-unh. 00:20:19.21\00:20:22.15 "Instead, they are longing for a better country -- a heavenly 00:20:22.15\00:20:26.62 one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for 00:20:26.62\00:20:33.63 them." He has imbedded eternity in their hearts. The ancients 00:20:33.63\00:20:38.23 knew it. "I'm homesick, and I'm home. What's wrong with me?" Ah! 00:20:38.23\00:20:44.61 Something deep within your psyche tells you you're not home 00:20:44.61\00:20:50.41 yet. What is up with this? Ted Dekker, in his whimsical book, 00:20:50.41\00:20:55.98 "The Slumber of Christianity: Awakening a Passion for Heaven on Earth," captures the grip of 00:20:55.98\00:21:01.29 hope and hopelessness we all in this COVID-19 moment are experiencing together -- hope 00:21:01.29\00:21:06.29 and hopelessness. Let's go to Dekker... 00:21:06.29\00:21:08.80 When I talk about this pandemic world, this crisis that doesn't seem to want to let go of us, 00:21:25.11\00:21:32.52 there's not a soul here right now, watching online right n-- I don't care where you live on the 00:21:32.52\00:21:37.86 planet right now, there's not a soul wresting between hope and 00:21:37.86\00:21:42.23 hopelessness. Dekker goes on... 00:21:42.23\00:21:43.93 That's talking about Loma Linda or Worthington Foods. That's what they're talking 00:21:55.28\00:21:58.15 about, I'm telling you. That's what he means. He didn't know 00:21:58.15\00:22:00.98 how to say it, so he put it that way. [ Chuckles ] Here -- Speaking of desire, "A new red 00:22:00.98\00:22:06.69 Corvette." You know what? Hit the pause button right there. 00:22:06.69\00:22:09.56 This last week, about four or five days ago -- remember when it was still warm around here? 00:22:09.56\00:22:14.46 I saw a guy, I'm telling you the truth. I don't know -- I think 00:22:14.46\00:22:18.47 it might have been a yellow 'Vette, a yellow Corvette, T-top, the top is off, and this 00:22:18.47\00:22:23.47 guy is just showing off, driving around with his blond hair blowing in the wind, and I say 00:22:23.47\00:22:28.84 "Show-off." [ Laughter ] "Have you see Toyota Camry?" [ 00:22:28.84\00:22:35.68 Laughter ] Aw, man. You could dream. It's okay to dream. This desire you have, this hope. 00:22:35.68\00:22:40.32 "A new red Corvette, a beautiful home." Mm! 00:22:40.32\00:22:43.16 "A long vacation in Europe. The renewed health of an ill 00:22:43.16\00:22:47.20 child..." There's not a parent here that's experienced that that doesn't know the meaning of 00:22:47.20\00:22:52.53 that hope. "...or the renewed health of an aging mother." I've 00:22:52.53\00:22:56.77 been through that. "These are among the many hopes that motivate our daily lives. 00:22:56.77\00:23:02.14 Everything we do is driven by hope or hopelessness in one form or another." Now, get this last 00:23:02.14\00:23:06.48 line... So, listen, we're talking about Generation Z on this campus right now, the most 00:23:14.06\00:23:18.13 self-identified "I have mental health issues" generation in the history of American education. 00:23:18.13\00:23:23.97 And most of them will identify, "I have depression." I'm not challenging that for one 00:23:23.97\00:23:29.84 second. What's depression about? It's about sadness. 00:23:29.84\00:23:33.78 What's sadness about? It's about hopelessness. "I've lost hope. 00:23:33.78\00:23:38.15 I've lost hope." Some of you know exactly what that feels 00:23:38.15\00:23:41.92 like. Your roommate has lost hope. You're still going strong. Your roommate has lost hope, 00:23:41.92\00:23:46.69 that kid across the hall, that kid across the classroom. You know what she's going 00:23:46.69\00:23:51.39 through. Hopelessness. We live with it. This battle between 00:23:51.39\00:23:58.13 hope and hopelessness. Welcome to our world. Man, no more 00:23:58.13\00:24:02.77 face-to-face teaching. No, we're all going remote. Yep. We got a two-month vacation, 00:24:02.77\00:24:07.14 then you got to come back again. Maybe it'll be remote then, too. 00:24:07.14\00:24:11.81 Don't know. Who knows? Hopelessness. Mortuaries running out of space. [ Clicks tongue ] 00:24:11.81\00:24:23.09 Yeah. What's that's line? What is that line? "He has placed 00:24:23.09\00:24:30.00 eternity in our hearts." Something inside of us knows, I am homesick, and I'm home! 00:24:30.00\00:24:34.30 Why am I homesick at home?" There's something been imbedded 00:24:34.30\00:24:38.57 in you. That's why. You were made to live somewhere else. 00:24:38.57\00:24:42.61 It's amazing that, when God liberates that horde of slaves from Egypt, sets them free in 00:24:42.61\00:24:49.18 the mighty Exodus, do you know that what God immediately starts doing is tapping into this 00:24:49.18\00:24:55.89 eternity imbedded in even a slave's heart? I'll show you how 00:24:55.89\00:25:00.76 God did it. Do you remember that roaring green bush that didn't burn? It stayed green. 00:25:00.76\00:25:04.60 Do you remember that? The bush stayed green. Moses is standing 00:25:04.60\00:25:08.44 in front of it, and the voice says, "On your knees in front of me. You're on holy ground now." 00:25:08.44\00:25:12.64 And God booms from that bush. I want you to notice what he says. 00:25:12.64\00:25:16.04 Look at this. This is Exodus 3:17. "And I have promised to 00:25:16.04\00:25:20.25 bring you and the children of Israel up out of your misery in Egypt --" isn't that good? 00:25:20.25\00:25:24.79 This life of misery is not destined to last forever and 00:25:24.79\00:25:28.29 ever. It will not last forever and ever. God is going to pull 00:25:28.29\00:25:32.36 us out of this land of misery one day. "I have promised to do 00:25:32.36\00:25:36.77 that for you. And I'm going to take you into a land flowing with --" what? Come on, milk and 00:25:36.77\00:25:42.44 honey?! Do you know that, for 40 long, dusty, wilderness years, it's that thought of milk and 00:25:42.44\00:25:46.98 honey that just kept Israel going. I'm telling you what, if I'd had have to live those 40 00:25:46.98\00:25:51.58 years, I don't think milk and honey would've done it. I mean, would you be real jazzed 00:25:51.58\00:25:55.52 about milk and honey? What are you talking about, graham 00:25:55.52\00:25:58.99 crackers? [ Laughter ] Milk and honey. 20 times in the Old 00:25:58.99\00:26:03.93 Testament, God is keeps talking about, "Milk and honey, milk and honey. Oh, you can hardly wait. 00:26:03.93\00:26:07.93 Milk and honey, milk and honey." What's milk and honey about? I found one commentator who 00:26:07.93\00:26:12.07 said, "Well, what it's really about is that milk and honey were the simplest and choicest 00:26:12.07\00:26:16.24 productions of a land abounding in grass and flowers --" which the land of Canaan was -- "and 00:26:16.24\00:26:20.58 were found in Palestine in great abundance." That's the big deal. 00:26:20.58\00:26:24.01 It's going to be a land just flowing with milk and honey. In fact, 1,000 years after the 00:26:24.01\00:26:29.18 Exodus, 1,000 years later, God is still dangling that "milk and 00:26:29.18\00:26:33.89 honey" promise. He does it to the young prophet Ezekiel. Watch 00:26:33.89\00:26:37.19 this. They're all in Babylon. They're in exile. This is Ezekiel chapter -- Oh, I 00:26:37.19\00:26:41.60 guess I changed it. This is Ezekiel 20:6. God says, "And on 00:26:41.60\00:26:47.20 that day I swore to the children of Israel that I would bring them out of Egypt into a land I 00:26:47.20\00:26:52.67 had searched out for them." There's a land that God has picked out for you and me, too, 00:26:52.67\00:26:57.08 by the way. He has searched it out. "A land flowing with milk 00:26:57.08\00:27:02.98 and honey." And now I want you to notice -- only Ezekiel will 00:27:02.98\00:27:07.49 you read this line. "The most beautiful of all lands." 00:27:07.49\00:27:10.33 I'm looking behind your masks, and I'm realizing we have people 00:27:10.33\00:27:14.93 from Brazil. We got people of course from the USA. We've got people from Africa. 00:27:14.93\00:27:19.03 We've got people from Asia right now. When God calls Israel the 00:27:19.03\00:27:23.71 most beautiful of all lands, that was true for a Jew. That's 00:27:23.71\00:27:29.24 not true for me. ¤ America, America ¤ God shed his grace on thee ¤ And crown thy good with 00:27:29.24\00:27:35.32 brotherhood ¤ ¤ From sea to shining sea For me, the most 00:27:35.32\00:27:39.52 beautiful of all lands is my homeland. But it's your homeland, too. But the fact of 00:27:39.52\00:27:44.39 the matter is, whether it's your homeland or mine, we can be sitting in the middle of our 00:27:44.39\00:27:49.46 homeland and be homesick for somewhere else. "I have planted eternity in your hearts." 00:27:49.46\00:27:56.10 Wow. He's placed eternity down deep, right now. 00:27:56.10\00:28:06.08 I got to read that again. Come on. Hebrew 11. The ancients. 00:28:06.08\00:28:10.62 This is the deal behind this passage here. "All these people 00:28:10.62\00:28:14.02 were still living by faith when they died." They were homesick, and they were at home, but they 00:28:14.02\00:28:18.16 were homesick for somewhere else. "They did not receive the 00:28:18.16\00:28:21.56 things promised." No, they didn't. "They only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, 00:28:21.56\00:28:25.40 admitting that they were foreigners, pilgrims, strangers on earth. People who say such 00:28:25.40\00:28:29.60 things show that they are looking for a country of their own." That's what they're 00:28:29.60\00:28:33.41 saying. "If they had been thinking of the country they had left," they would have gone 00:28:33.41\00:28:37.48 back. But they didn't go back. Why? "They were looking for a better country -- a heavenly 00:28:37.48\00:28:43.69 one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared --" that's 00:28:43.69\00:28:50.39 the key word right there. "He has prepared a city for them." 00:28:50.39\00:28:54.03 Less than 24 hours from now, He will be dead and buried, but before He dies, He speaks words 00:28:54.03\00:29:02.24 that'll become the favorite words of Christians throughout the generations of two millennia 00:29:02.24\00:29:10.31 who have returned to these words again and again, and I want to return to them with you right 00:29:10.31\00:29:15.28 now. John chapter 14. Let's read it out loud together. 00:29:15.28\00:29:18.05 "Let not your heart be troubled..." Come on, keep 00:29:18.72\00:29:22.26 reading. "In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have 00:29:22.26\00:29:26.90 told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and 00:29:26.90\00:29:31.40 prepare --" There's that word, "Prepare, prepare, prepare." And if I go and prepare a place 00:29:31.40\00:29:36.44 for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself --" come on, out loud -- "that where I 00:29:36.44\00:29:42.58 am, there you may be also." He has placed eternity in our hearts, embedded in our psyches 00:29:42.58\00:29:50.62 even if we never have heard of John 14:1-3 for one second of 00:29:50.62\00:29:57.53 our lives. Something subliminal like phantom pain, a phantom hope that longs for what's not 00:29:57.53\00:30:07.57 there to be there. Wow. There was that old gospel 00:30:07.57\00:30:13.11 song -- Did you ever hear that gospel song, by the way? ¤ I'm homesick for heaven 00:30:13.11\00:30:17.28 Am I the only guy that's heard that? Have you ever heard that? 00:30:17.28\00:30:20.98 ¤ I'm homesick for heaven ¤ Seems I cannot wait ¤ Yearning 00:30:20.98\00:30:27.29 to enter Zion's pearly gate ¤ ¤ There never a heartache, never a 00:30:27.29\00:30:32.03 care ¤ ¤ I long for my home over... there. Homesick. 00:30:32.03\00:30:39.50 Jesus' promise is as good today as the night He made it before 00:30:39.53\00:30:43.61 He died. I guess the question that begs 00:30:43.61\00:30:46.41 to be asked is, listen, if we've got this eternity, this longing 00:30:46.41\00:30:50.65 for another home, subconscious and subliminal, what in the 00:30:50.65\00:30:54.52 world is that home to be? Ohh, I got to share this with 00:30:54.52\00:30:59.69 you. Years ago, I came across this in 00:30:59.69\00:31:01.96 Christianity Today magazine, a piece by Harry Blamires. 00:31:01.96\00:31:06.09 He makes a point I had never seen before, and it just clicked 00:31:06.09\00:31:09.66 with me then, and I got to share it with you. 00:31:09.66\00:31:12.63 I dug it up. Harry Blamires on the screen. "If only we could 00:31:12.67\00:31:17.87 have the positives of earthly life without the negatives." Oh, 00:31:17.87\00:31:23.21 that's a thought. "But that is precisely what heaven has to offer -- the removal of the 00:31:23.21\00:31:29.35 negatives..." Now, watch this... 00:31:29.35\00:31:31.25 "Within the universe ruled by time, the happiest marriage ends 00:31:44.73\00:31:51.24 in death." Bad news. "The loveliest woman becomes a 00:31:51.24\00:31:56.08 skeleton." Bad news. "Fading and aging, losing and failing, being 00:31:56.08\00:32:02.72 deprived and being frustrated -- these are negative aspects of 00:32:02.72\00:32:07.62 life in time." Life in eternity will liberate us from all loss, from all deprivation." 00:32:07.62\00:32:14.93 Man, that clicked with me. The only way that I can picture heaven --" Think about this. 00:32:14.93\00:32:20.40 The only way that I can picture heaven is if I think of the 00:32:20.40\00:32:26.07 negatives. What's not there? What's not there? Eliminate all 00:32:26.07\00:32:34.62 those negatives, I have heaven on earth. My. It's no wonder 00:32:34.62\00:32:42.89 these words are often read at a funeral.] Come on, one last time 00:32:42.89\00:32:47.76 to the Apocalypse. Revelation chapter 20. This is a bonus part to the 10-part series we've 00:32:47.76\00:32:54.20 already finished. Chapter 21, excuse me. Chapter 21. 00:32:54.20\00:32:57.61 This is a bonus part, so now there are 11 parts to it, but we 00:32:57.61\00:33:02.91 needed this. Revelation 21:1. Let's just read this together. I want you to count the 00:33:02.91\00:33:10.32 negatives. I'm gonna tell you that there's seven. 00:33:10.32\00:33:13.69 See if this number bears up, corroborates with your own 00:33:13.69\00:33:18.29 counting here. "Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth --'" quotation marks. This is 00:33:18.29\00:33:22.96 straight from Isaiah 65. This has been a promise from the beginning, the Old Testament 00:33:22.96\00:33:27.04 promise. "Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth --'" This 00:33:27.04\00:33:30.97 is John. This is John boy now, the elderly John. He's incarcerated on this penal 00:33:30.97\00:33:35.01 outcropping in the middle of the azure waters of the Aegean Sea. There's water, water, water 00:33:35.01\00:33:40.05 everywhere. He's writing now. He says, "And then I was shown. 00:33:40.05\00:33:43.69 Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth,' for the first heaven and the first earth had passed 00:33:43.69\00:33:49.02 away, and there was no longer any --" what? Isn't that 00:33:49.02\00:33:54.36 amazing. Negative number one. Write it down in your mind. There's that first negative. 00:33:54.36\00:33:57.93 There is no longer any sea, because water stands between John and those he loves. 00:33:57.93\00:34:01.70 The closest people on earth to him are beyond the horizon, water as far as you can see. 00:34:01.70\00:34:08.41 No more separation in heaven. No more anything coming between you 00:34:08.41\00:34:13.68 and me. There will be no more. There's negative number one. There will be no longer any sea. 00:34:13.68\00:34:17.49 Keep reading. "And I saw the Holy City --" Remember Hebrews 00:34:17.49\00:34:20.96 11 said they're looking for a city? Here it is. "I saw the 00:34:20.96\00:34:24.19 Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride 00:34:24.19\00:34:29.16 beautifully dressed for her husband." Aw, that's just a 00:34:29.16\00:34:32.20 beautiful picture. Wow. "And I heard a megale phone -- I heard a megaphone loud voice 00:34:32.20\00:34:36.10 from the throne saying, "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will 00:34:36.10\00:34:41.31 dwell with them. They will be his people, and God Himself will be with them and be 00:34:41.31\00:34:46.38 their God." How would you like to wake up one morning and 00:34:46.38\00:34:50.95 realize God is living next door? I mean, would that be something 00:34:50.95\00:34:54.86 or what? Living next door to the Almighty. That's what it's gonna 00:34:54.86\00:34:59.76 be. Keep reading. Now here they come. Okay, how many negatives 00:34:59.76\00:35:03.87 do we have so far? We got one, okay. "He will wipe every tear 00:35:03.87\00:35:07.80 from their eyes." Pause button. There's negative number two. 00:35:07.80\00:35:11.34 "No more tears." Okay, we got two now. "He will wipe away 00:35:11.34\00:35:14.54 every tear --" hallelujah -- "from our eyes. There will be no 00:35:14.54\00:35:17.98 more death." That's number three. "There will be no more 00:35:17.98\00:35:20.82 mourning." That's number four. "There will be no more crying." That's number five. 00:35:20.82\00:35:24.39 "There will be no more pain." That's number six. "For the old order of things has 00:35:24.39\00:35:28.36 passed away." The old order, number seven, is gone. 00:35:28.36\00:35:32.46 Seven negatives! "He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am 00:35:32.46\00:35:37.33 making everything new.'" "I've got good news for you 00:35:37.33\00:35:40.47 earthlings. Everything's gonna be new." "And then he said, 'Write this down, for these 00:35:40.47\00:35:45.64 words are trustworthy and true.'" Can I get an amen to that? These words are 00:35:45.64\00:35:51.81 trustworthy and true. This COVID-19 hell that some of us are moving through right now 00:35:51.81\00:35:57.22 will come to an end. You can count on it. "Take this to the 00:35:57.22\00:36:02.76 bank in my name," God says. Wow. He had to do it by negatives. 00:36:02.76\00:36:10.00 Isn't that amazing? Hey, I want you to see if I missed any 00:36:10.00\00:36:13.60 negatives, okay? So I put a little list together. That okay? I'm gonna read my list to you, 00:36:13.60\00:36:17.14 the "no, no, no, no more of this, no more of that." Here's 00:36:17.14\00:36:22.11 my list. There'll be no more hospitals in heaven -- true or 00:36:22.11\00:36:25.81 false? Come on. In between services, I got a text from a friend of mine saying, "Dwight, 00:36:25.81\00:36:29.52 I'm in excruciating pain. They're gonna have to go in. I've got crushed disks." 00:36:29.52\00:36:37.59 No more hospitals. No more divorce courts. No more prisons, 00:36:37.59\00:36:45.80 jails, penitentiaries. No more food stamps. No more sleeping 00:36:45.80\00:36:51.64 bags or garbage bags for the homeless. No more homeless, no 00:36:51.64\00:36:56.85 more friendless. No more chemo, no more COVID. No more abuse. No 00:36:56.85\00:37:02.45 more bankruptcies. No more anger, no more arguments, no more fighting, no more killing, 00:37:02.45\00:37:06.79 no more robbing, no more crime, no more hatred, lying, cheating, losing, and sinning. 00:37:06.79\00:37:10.39 No more. None of that will be in heaven. Did I leave anything 00:37:10.39\00:37:16.33 out? There'll be none of it, whatever you think of. There'll be none of that either. 00:37:16.33\00:37:19.90 It won't be there. How did Blamires put it? Let me look 00:37:19.90\00:37:24.87 back here. How did he describe it? He said it's the removal of 00:37:24.87\00:37:28.34 the negatives. That's what heaven will be, the removal of the negatives. Aw, but come on, 00:37:28.34\00:37:34.72 let's not end with the negatives, what will not be there. I say let's end -- Before 00:37:34.72\00:37:38.85 I sit down, let's end with the positives, alright? We'll end with the positives. 00:37:38.85\00:37:42.89 What will be in heaven? And let's go to our friend Ellen 00:37:42.89\00:37:47.03 White. Hey, Ellen, would you mind helping us out please? We want to know what are the 00:37:47.03\00:37:50.40 positives, okay? So I got these from her. Here are seven of 00:37:50.40\00:37:53.30 them. I'll run them by you. Those of you that are list takers, you Pinterest people, if 00:37:53.30\00:37:58.44 you want lists, here's a list now -- seven positives. We know what the seven negatives 00:37:58.44\00:38:02.28 are. Let's do the positives. Let's go. Alright. 00:38:02.28\00:38:05.68 Positive number one. Jesus Himself will be in heaven. Can I get an amen to that? 00:38:05.68\00:38:10.95 I mean, come on, folks. Here she's writing... 00:38:10.95\00:38:14.16 If Jesus is not gonna be in heaven, do I want to go? No, I 00:38:18.93\00:38:23.20 don't want to go. Jesus bought me. He bought my life by dying 00:38:23.20\00:38:29.80 for me forever. He thought He was dying forever. "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" 00:38:29.80\00:38:36.71 If Jesus isn't there, I'm not going. But of course He's there. 00:38:36.71\00:38:44.72 Wow. In fact, you know what? Speaking of negatives, the only 00:38:44.72\00:38:48.19 negatives that will never be banished from the universe -- watch this -- the only negatives 00:38:48.19\00:38:53.13 will be when you take Jesus' hand and right here you will see an ugly purple scar, and you'll 00:38:53.13\00:38:58.17 see another one that matches it here, and right here, you will see a large scar where a Roman 00:38:58.17\00:39:04.91 lance went through. And right here, you'll see little tiny 00:39:04.91\00:39:10.45 scars all over his forehead, and you ought to see his back, and you ought to see his ankles. 00:39:10.45\00:39:14.45 Those will be the only evidence of the negatives left in the universe, and one day, you and I 00:39:14.45\00:39:19.65 are gonna sit beside Jesus. We'll take turns, and we'll draw 00:39:19.65\00:39:22.86 numbers. And we're gonna have that moment, and we're gonna hold His hand, and you know what 00:39:22.86\00:39:26.39 you're gonna do? You're gonna burst into tears. You'll start 00:39:26.39\00:39:30.67 crying. You say, "I'm a tough man. I don't cry." Oh, yes, you 00:39:30.67\00:39:34.37 will. When you hold the hand of your Savior, when you hold the hand of Jesus, you don't think 00:39:34.37\00:39:39.84 you're gonna be crying? You'll be crying. And I'll be there, 00:39:39.84\00:39:43.95 saying, "See, I told you." [ Laughter ] Nah, Jesus will be 00:39:43.95\00:39:50.32 there, folks. Of course. Positive number one, Jesus Himself will be there, but watch 00:39:50.32\00:39:54.86 this -- positive number two. The Father Himself will be there. 00:39:54.86\00:39:58.43 Ohh, same teenage girl who grew up to write, as she did... 00:39:58.43\00:40:04.50 There are some of you here, listen to me, who have never deeply loved by a father in your 00:40:19.25\00:40:24.72 life, and you know it, and God knows it, and nobody else does. You have never been deeply loved 00:40:24.72\00:40:30.56 by a father in your life. I have some very good news for you. 00:40:30.56\00:40:34.50 One day, you're gonna be in the presence of your Father who has always been your Father, whose 00:40:34.50\00:40:40.47 love is so strong it will nearly suffocate you as He reaches out to embrace you and you know at 00:40:40.47\00:40:46.51 last the meaning of a father's love. I promise you. 00:40:46.51\00:40:54.35 Positive. Positive number one, Jesus is there. 00:40:54.35\00:40:59.19 Positive number two, the Father is there. And, oh, I love this 00:40:59.19\00:41:03.02 one. Positive number three, our guardian angel. This place is 00:41:03.02\00:41:08.76 filled with angels right now. They're kind of smiling. They're enjoying this moment 00:41:08.76\00:41:12.40 with you. Your guardian angel will be there. 00:41:12.40\00:41:15.07 Listen to this, same little teenager growing up to become the most published American 00:41:15.07\00:41:19.67 female author in the history of America. Here are her words. 00:41:19.67\00:41:23.28 "Every redeemed one will understand the ministry of angels in --" I'm just gonna 00:41:23.28\00:41:29.68 turn these all to "you." "Every redeemed one will understand the 00:41:29.68\00:41:33.89 ministry of angels in your own life, the angel who was your guardian from your earliest 00:41:33.89\00:41:39.26 moment, the angel who watched your steps, who covered your head in the day of peril; the 00:41:39.26\00:41:44.93 angel who was with you in the valley of the shadow of death, who marked your resting place, 00:41:44.93\00:41:50.54 who was the first to greet you in the resurrection morning --" that angel -- "what will it be 00:41:50.54\00:41:56.48 to hold conversation with that angel and to learn the history of divine interposition in the 00:41:56.48\00:42:02.22 individual life, of heavenly cooperation in every work for humanity." That angel is gonna 00:42:02.22\00:42:06.45 say, "Hey, girl, do you remember that day, there was -- something just went [Exhales sharply] and 00:42:06.45\00:42:15.23 you said, 'What was that?' You remember that day? I was there. 00:42:15.23\00:42:20.80 That was a cement truck one split second off, and you'd have died a lot younger than you did. 00:42:20.80\00:42:31.05 That was me." "Are you serious?" Yeah. 00:42:31.05\00:42:37.22 Can you imagine having a conversation with your angel? "You remember that day, girl, 00:42:37.22\00:42:43.12 boy, when you were crying your eyes out? You didn't want any 00:42:43.12\00:42:47.03 boy to see you crying, but you were crying your eyes out. You were trying to connect with 00:42:47.03\00:42:51.30 the Father in heaven that you simply could not connect with. You were crying so hard, I was 00:42:51.30\00:42:56.17 crying with you, and I kept you from hurting yourself. That was 00:42:56.17\00:43:04.95 me." When we hear the story through another set of eyes and ears and a friend, oh, man. 00:43:04.95\00:43:13.96 Positive -- What is this, positive number three? Come on, is there another one? 00:43:13.96\00:43:18.93 Yep, positive number four. God's friends through all history are 00:43:18.93\00:43:23.90 gonna be there. Oh, this is good. This is the same writer... 00:43:23.90\00:43:28.40 "...the harmonious social life in heaven with the blessed angels and --" now, keep 00:43:33.94\00:43:38.61 reading -- "and with the faithful ones of all ages who have washed their robes and made 00:43:38.61\00:43:43.72 them white in the blood of the Lamb, the sacred ties that bind together the whole family in 00:43:43.72\00:43:49.12 heaven and earth." What will it be? These help to constitute the 00:43:49.12\00:43:53.93 happiness --" We're not gonna be in heaven all alone. We're gonna 00:43:53.93\00:43:59.00 be together. And with every friend God has ever had in the history of the human race, we're 00:43:59.00\00:44:02.90 gonna be together. So, who do you want to talk to when you get 00:44:02.90\00:44:05.87 to heaven? Come on, tell me. Who do you want to talk to when you 00:44:05.87\00:44:09.01 get to heaven? Ah, you want to see your mother because you didn't get a chance to say 00:44:09.01\00:44:13.15 goodbye to your mother. Of course, of course. Who else? Outside of your immediate 00:44:13.15\00:44:19.89 family, who else? Some of you had to write a term paper on the Book of Romans for that religion 00:44:19.89\00:44:25.19 class you had to take. You have a big question for Paul -- "Why 00:44:25.19\00:44:28.76 were you so confused when you wrote the book?" Please be 00:44:28.76\00:44:32.40 polite to him. He is the author, and he'll explain it. Can you imagine sitting down 00:44:32.40\00:44:36.50 with Paul? Maybe it's Moses. You were always fascinated with 00:44:36.50\00:44:40.21 law, and so you wanted to sit down with a real lawgiver and find out how that mind, that 00:44:40.21\00:44:45.31 brilliant mind worked. Maybe you want to sit down with Martin 00:44:45.31\00:44:48.48 Luther? What's wrong with sitting down with Martin Luther? Will Martin Luther be in heaven? 00:44:48.48\00:44:51.65 Are you kidding? How about William Miller? "Hey, William, 00:44:51.65\00:44:55.19 what was it like preaching the end of the world, 'Jesus is coming soon,' and then have the 00:44:55.19\00:45:00.90 whole community laugh you to shame? What do that feel like? 00:45:00.90\00:45:05.83 Tell me a story. We had to go through something down here after you that I'll tell you 00:45:05.83\00:45:10.47 about after you're through telling me." You'll sit down and talk with somebody. 00:45:10.47\00:45:16.58 Can you imagine? Is that a positive? Are you k-- Of course 00:45:16.58\00:45:20.15 it is. What is this? Number five. Positive number five. Heaven will be there. 00:45:20.15\00:45:23.92 "Come on, Dwight. You're playing games now." No, no, seriously. 00:45:23.92\00:45:27.36 Have you thought about what heaven is? Read this... 00:45:27.36\00:45:31.36 She writes... 00:45:38.77\00:45:40.20 Now, this gets even better. Watch this. One more line. 00:45:55.15\00:45:59.95 "If we could have but one view of the celestial city --" So let's say that I said, "Hey, 00:45:59.95\00:46:03.96 listen. I'm gonna give you five minutes in heaven. 00:46:03.96\00:46:06.43 Five minutes. Just look at everything you can, and then you 00:46:06.43\00:46:09.83 have to leave." Listen, "If we could have but one view of the celestial city, we would never 00:46:09.83\00:46:15.37 wish to dwell on earth again." I might as well tell you that the author of those words, on 00:46:15.37\00:46:23.11 occasion, would say, "I don't want to go back. Let me stay. 00:46:23.11\00:46:28.88 Please, just let me stay." To us, this is a glorious Sabbath. 00:46:28.88\00:46:34.96 The stained glass windows are bright with the light of heaven. Do you know how dim this is in 00:46:34.96\00:46:42.93 the real place? Wow. [ Chuckles ] Positive number 00:46:42.93\00:46:47.00 six. Advanced learning -- Oh, you didn't think a university 00:46:47.00\00:46:50.61 community could get by without this one? Positive number six, 00:46:50.61\00:46:54.71 advanced learning will be in heaven. Is that good news or what? 'Course it is. 00:46:54.71\00:46:58.78 Don't shake your head. It's good news. [ Laughter ] 00:46:58.78\00:47:02.28 "There --" Hey, this is really cool. This is cool. 00:47:02.28\00:47:05.85 "There --" speaking of heaven -- "when the veil that darkens our vision shall be removed, and our 00:47:05.85\00:47:12.13 eyes shall behold the world of beauty of which we now catch glimpses through the 00:47:12.13\00:47:16.83 microscope." Do you know what's gonna happen in heaven? 00:47:16.83\00:47:18.97 You're gonna pick a flower, and you're gonna go like this. [ Exhaling sharply, hissing ] 00:47:18.97\00:47:25.54 You go straight into the heart of that flower. What took a 00:47:25.54\00:47:30.28 microscope before, you'll do it with your own eyes. Do you understand what heaven's gonna 00:47:30.28\00:47:35.12 be like? And let's flip it around, because she does. Here's 00:47:35.12\00:47:38.72 the next line. "When we look on the glories of the heavens --" I went out walking early yesterday 00:47:38.72\00:47:43.53 morning. I mean, Orion, the whole heavens were just ablaze with glory. When we look on the 00:47:43.53\00:47:50.30 glories of the heavens, the stars, now scanned afar through 00:47:50.30\00:47:54.77 a telescope..." Can you imagine that? [ Exhaling sharply, hissing ] I mean, they do it on 00:47:54.77\00:48:00.94 sci-fi. Can't God do it? Probably doesn't have the sound 00:48:00.94\00:48:04.48 effects. [ Laughter ] You say, "I want to see Pleiades." 00:48:04.48\00:48:07.75 [ Exhaling sharply ] "Wow. The Seven Sisters. Come on, guys. 00:48:07.75\00:48:15.36 You know what we've been thinking about heaven? "I'm sitting on this little 00:48:15.36\00:48:19.33 cloud and playing a 10-string harp. I'm so sick and tired of 00:48:19.33\00:48:22.93 sitting on that cloud, playing that harp. I'm ready for 00:48:22.93\00:48:26.17 anything." Heaven is not that. Heaven is a real place. God has imbedded a longing for 00:48:26.17\00:48:30.91 heaven in your heart so that, one day, you're gonna walk through that door and say, "This 00:48:30.91\00:48:36.88 was the home. This was the home I was looking for." 00:48:36.88\00:48:41.88 Oh, my. But there's one more. There were seven negatives. Here's the seventh positive. 00:48:41.88\00:48:48.96 Positive number seven -- Ooh, there's more on six. "When the 00:48:48.96\00:48:54.00 blight of sin is removed, the whole earth shall appear in the beauty of the Lord our God. 00:48:54.00\00:48:57.80 What a field will be open to our study!" Do you understand that, 00:48:57.80\00:49:02.07 when the effects of sin are erased from the biology lab, you have even more wonder? 00:49:02.07\00:49:07.91 Sin has done a number on all of us. One more. 00:49:07.91\00:49:14.12 All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of God's redeemed." 00:49:14.12\00:49:18.42 This is this advanced learning business. "Unfettered by 00:49:18.42\00:49:22.26 mortality --" listen, we can live forever -- we will wing our tireless flights to worlds 00:49:22.26\00:49:28.80 afar." You're gonna explore the whole universe! Don't you tell 00:49:28.80\00:49:34.04 me, "Oh, what a drag. I got to go to heaven now." Never. 00:49:34.04\00:49:37.37 Alright, positive number seven. The people we witness to will be 00:49:37.37\00:49:43.78 there, as well. The way you've been living across the hall from that kid, he's been watching you 00:49:43.78\00:49:49.22 like a hawk. He's picking up a lot about Jesus just by watching 00:49:49.22\00:49:53.25 you. The way you've been working with that girl at the reception desk every time you come into 00:49:53.25\00:49:59.09 your office. 00:49:59.09\00:50:00.66 You're there, you drop a little word of grace into her 00:50:00.70\00:50:06.27 consciousness. One day, God is gonna reap what 00:50:06.27\00:50:11.21 you sowed. Can you imagine what heaven's 00:50:11.21\00:50:14.61 going to be like when you begin to meet these people? 00:50:14.61\00:50:18.35 Watch this, "Great Controversy," the last quote from the 00:50:18.35\00:50:21.55 apocalyptic classic. "The redeemed will be sharers in 00:50:21.55\00:50:24.59 His joy --" Jesus' joy -- "as they behold, among the blessed, 00:50:24.59\00:50:28.02 those who had been won to Christ through their prayers, through 00:50:28.02\00:50:31.13 their labors, and their loving sacrifice..." 00:50:31.13\00:50:33.40 Are you praying for some lost person today? 00:50:33.40\00:50:35.60 Good for you. Don't stop. 00:50:35.60\00:50:38.27 One day, when that lost person says, "Hey, my guardian angel tells me you're the one that you 00:50:38.30\00:50:43.64 prayed me into this place -- I want to tell you how thankful I am that you didn't quit," do 00:50:43.64\00:50:49.54 you know what kind of payoff that will be? You can't buy it. 00:50:49.54\00:50:56.85 Wow. "Gladness unspeakable will fill your heart when you behold 00:50:56.85\00:51:03.96 those whom you have won for Christ and you see that that one has gained others and these 00:51:03.96\00:51:10.57 still others, all brought into the haven of rest, there to lay their crowns at Jesus' feet and 00:51:10.57\00:51:17.11 to praise Him through the endless cycles of eternity." One became two became four. 00:51:17.11\00:51:21.71 You didn't know this. You just did that one. That's all God 00:51:21.71\00:51:26.21 asked of you, but He knew [Exhales deeply] all of them will be there because of you. 00:51:26.21\00:51:32.39 Don't quit praying. Don't quit living out Jesus' love. 00:51:32.39\00:51:36.56 You're getting on a plane to go home? Live it to the people on 00:51:36.56\00:51:41.50 that plane. Don't take for granted that everybody in that 00:51:41.50\00:51:45.80 dormitory is destined for heaven. You keep living Jesus to the neighbors you have. 00:51:45.80\00:51:52.47 Wow. "He has placed eternity in our hearts." 00:51:52.47\00:51:56.24 That's it, ladies and gentlemen. And on the eve of another Thanksgiving, this one darkened 00:51:56.24\00:52:05.55 and gloomier than the Thanksgivings past, we need to still live with hope, hope that 00:52:05.55\00:52:13.43 this, too, shall pass, hope that Christ shall come soon, hope that our destiny and our 00:52:13.43\00:52:19.73 destination one day soon will be heaven. Hope, hope, hope. 00:52:19.73\00:52:24.97 And then the homecoming? Oh, my. Oh, my. I want to end with this. 00:52:24.97\00:52:32.85 Henry Gariepy in his book, "100 Portraits of Christ," tells about Theodore Roosevelt. 00:52:32.85\00:52:38.35 You remember Theodore Roosevelt the former president? He was a 00:52:38.35\00:52:43.22 big hunter. He goes on a safari to the continent of Africa -- big hunting safari. 00:52:43.22\00:52:47.83 It's a great success. When he comes back to his ship, mission 00:52:47.83\00:52:53.87 accomplished. The crowds are there in that African port to cheer him on as he ascends the 00:52:53.87\00:52:59.07 gangplank, cheering on the former president of the United States of America. He steps onto 00:52:59.07\00:53:04.55 that boat. Every preparation has been made for him. There is a 00:53:04.55\00:53:08.78 suite above all suites that he will occupy. He has stewards serving him hand and foot, night 00:53:08.78\00:53:15.69 and day. He is the center of life on that transoceanic voyage. Also boarding that ship 00:53:15.69\00:53:23.77 much later was another passenger. He is an old missionary going home from 00:53:23.77\00:53:35.68 Africa. His wife is dead. His children are gone. There's nobody to welcome him on 00:53:35.68\00:53:44.09 board. He makes that voyage all alone until that sailing vessel 00:53:44.09\00:53:49.99 lands in San Francisco, where the story is repeated again because the former president 00:53:49.99\00:53:56.97 will now descend the gangplank, basking glory as the bells ring and the whistles sound and the 00:53:56.97\00:54:04.74 crowds gather to cheer the former president who has returned. And when all the 00:54:04.74\00:54:12.95 commotion is over, there's a little old man with a duffel bag that descends the now-empty 00:54:12.95\00:54:21.42 gangplank. He finds a hotel in that city, and in that little room that night, he kneels down 00:54:21.42\00:54:29.40 beside his bed, and he prays. "Lord, I'm not complaining. I'm not complaining, but I 00:54:29.40\00:54:40.14 just -- I just don't understand it at all. I gave my life for 00:54:40.14\00:54:48.28 You in Africa. And I just -- I don't understand it." 00:54:48.28\00:54:54.76 And then in the darkness, it was as if God reached down from heaven with His warm hand upon 00:54:54.76\00:55:03.33 the wrinkled shoulder of that missionary, and God whispered, "Missionary, you're not home 00:55:03.33\00:55:12.07 yet. You're not home yet." When you gather with your 00:55:12.07\00:55:20.25 whomever -- maybe it's just you at a little table this Thanksgiving or you will be with 00:55:20.25\00:55:27.69 a few others. Would you remind them for us we are not home yet? 00:55:27.69\00:55:37.17 And, oh, my, there is a homecoming being planned -- I tell you what, there ain't ever 00:55:37.17\00:55:42.94 gonna be a welcome-home party like the one they're gonna throw when you walk through that gate. 00:55:42.94\00:55:50.08 We are not home yet! Pass the word, and pray the prayer, even 00:55:50.08\00:56:01.82 so, "Come, Lord Jesus. Amen." Let's pray. 00:56:01.82\00:56:06.93 Oh, God, You have placed eternity in our hearts, but we're not home yet. 00:56:06.93\00:56:14.14 We get it. So, please, don't let hope be snuffed out. 00:56:14.14\00:56:19.74 Keep eternity flickering brightly in our hearts. And may Jesus, who promised to 00:56:19.74\00:56:28.08 return, come soon, so that where He is, we may be also -- all of us, all of us right here right 00:56:28.08\00:56:38.83 now, all of us going home together with Jesus. Amen. 00:56:38.83\00:56:50.04 >> Thank you for taking the time to join us in worship today, 00:56:52.91\00:56:56.01 I'd like to spend another moment with you here 00:56:56.01\00:56:57.68 at the end of our program to share a word of hope. 00:56:57.68\00:56:59.78 In fact, that's what this little book is all about. 00:56:59.78\00:57:02.02 In these uncertain times -- and let's face it, they're uncertain 00:57:02.02\00:57:04.82 all over this planet -- this book entitled "The Great Hope" 00:57:04.82\00:57:08.22 will help you understand not just what God has planned 00:57:08.22\00:57:10.36 for your future but for the future of the entire 00:57:10.36\00:57:12.76 human race. Light keeps shining 00:57:12.76\00:57:15.06 on this dark old world, and new truths long forgotten 00:57:15.06\00:57:17.93 are being constantly rediscovered. 00:57:17.93\00:57:20.17 If you need a fresh dose of hope for your life these days 00:57:20.17\00:57:22.77 or you know somebody else who could sure use 00:57:22.77\00:57:25.11 that gift of hope, then I'd like to invite you 00:57:25.11\00:57:27.04 to grab your phone. Dial our toll-free number, 00:57:27.04\00:57:29.08 877, the two words "His will" -- 877-HIS-WILL -- 00:57:29.08\00:57:33.85 And at no charge to you, We'll get a copy in the mail 00:57:33.85\00:57:36.58 to you right away. Till the next time we meet, 00:57:36.58\00:57:39.59 may the peace and hope of the Lord Jesus 00:57:39.59\00:57:42.42 be with you 24/7. 00:57:42.42\00:57:44.43 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:47.96\00:58:06.25 ¤¤ 00:58:06.25\00:58:13.99