[ "The Glory of the Father" begins ] 00:00:18.51\00:00:19.98 ¤¤ The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. 00:00:19.98\00:00:26.35 We beheld the glory of the Father, of the Father, 00:00:26.35\00:00:34.13 We beheld the glory 00:00:34.13\00:00:40.20 of the Father, Full of grace and truth. 00:00:40.20\00:00:54.05 In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. 00:00:54.05\00:01:11.77 In Him was life; and the life was 00:01:11.77\00:01:20.31 light of men. He came to his own 00:01:20.31\00:01:32.62 and his own and his own received him not. 00:01:32.62\00:01:45.00 The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. 00:01:45.00\00:01:52.71 We beheld the glory of the Father, 00:01:52.71\00:02:00.95 We beheld the glory of the Father, 00:02:00.95\00:02:11.56 Full of grace and truth. ¤¤ 00:02:11.56\00:02:25.37 >> "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, 00:02:30.91\00:02:35.58 and we beheld His glory" -- The glory of the only begotten 00:02:35.58\00:02:41.69 of the Father. 00:02:41.69\00:02:43.76 And is anybody complaining that the sun in all its resplendent 00:02:43.79\00:02:49.86 beauty is shining into these windows? I think last year at this time, Pastor José, we were 00:02:49.86\00:02:55.54 in snow. >> Yes. >> Hard to believe. >> Hard to believe. 00:02:55.54\00:02:59.17 >> The year has flown by. I want to welcome you on this Sabbath just before Christmas. 00:02:59.17\00:03:03.38 Thank you for coming. We enjoyed that delectable Pioneer 00:03:03.38\00:03:10.75 tradition. First service devoted to nothing but breakfast together. Place was packed. 00:03:10.75\00:03:16.36 We got to do that again and again. I want to thank the 00:03:16.36\00:03:20.76 Sinclair family and the Francisco family who made with their team that beautiful spread 00:03:20.76\00:03:28.77 possible. We're gonna shift into a carol now -- a carol we have 00:03:28.77\00:03:32.44 never sung before. I predict you have never sung this carol. In fact, we're not even gonna 00:03:32.44\00:03:35.78 put it to music. The words are there, and we're gonna read this 00:03:35.78\00:03:40.75 as our responsive call to Christmas worship today. So open 00:03:40.75\00:03:45.35 your bulletin. It's there in front of you. Open your bulletin, turn to the worship, 00:03:45.35\00:03:50.53 and you see it listed -- "A Christmas Call." I'm gonna invite you to stand. Once you 00:03:50.53\00:03:57.27 find your bulletin, I want you to stand as we read this 00:03:57.27\00:04:00.67 together. Who is He in yonder stall at Whose feet the 00:04:09.61\00:04:14.28 shepherds fall? >> 'Tis the Lord, oh wondrous 00:04:14.28\00:04:18.05 story. 'Tis the Lord, 00:04:18.05\00:04:20.06 the King of glory. 00:04:20.06\00:04:22.72 >> Who is He on yonder tree, dies in shameful agony? >> 'Tis the Lord, oh wondrous 00:04:22.76\00:04:30.10 story. 'Tis the Lord, the King of glory. 00:04:30.10\00:04:34.47 >> At His feet, we humbly fall. Crown Him, crown Him, Lord of 00:04:34.47\00:04:40.51 all. >> At His feet we humbly fall. Jesus, Jesus, Lord of all. 00:04:40.51\00:04:49.45 >> Let us pray. Jesus, Jesus, Lord of all, can we be honest with You? This countdown to 00:04:49.45\00:04:56.06 Christmas every year, it's wearing us out, and we have no one to blame, we know, but 00:04:56.06\00:05:03.73 ourselves. Cognitively, we get it. Emmanuel, Messiah, born in 00:05:03.73\00:05:09.97 Bethlehem. But truthfully, we're so distracted, we no longer marvel over that sticky, 00:05:09.97\00:05:16.14 glistening, newborn being -- really, truly You, our dear 00:05:16.14\00:05:22.82 Savior. You. And so, this simple prayer right now -- Forgive us our distracted living. 00:05:22.82\00:05:27.29 And right now, please, even as we sing these beloved carols once again, re-invade our 00:05:27.29\00:05:32.69 imaginations, re-ignite the inside of us with divinity's fire of love so that we, too, 00:05:32.69\00:05:39.87 might be convinced that nothing shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ, 00:05:39.87\00:05:45.47 Jesus, our Lord. Amen. 00:05:45.47\00:05:49.91 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:49.94\00:06:09.83 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:09.83\00:06:29.75 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:29.75\00:06:49.60 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:49.60\00:07:09.59 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:09.59\00:07:29.44 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:29.44\00:07:49.33 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:49.33\00:08:09.28 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:09.28\00:08:29.17 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:29.17\00:08:49.06 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:49.06\00:09:09.01 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:09.01\00:09:28.86 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:28.86\00:09:48.78 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:48.78\00:10:08.64 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:08.64\00:10:28.56 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:28.56\00:10:48.41 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:48.41\00:11:08.36 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:08.36\00:11:28.25 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:28.25\00:11:48.10 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:48.10\00:12:08.09 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:08.09\00:12:27.94 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:27.94\00:12:47.86 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:47.86\00:13:07.78 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:07.78\00:13:27.67 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:27.67\00:13:47.56 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:47.56\00:14:07.51 ¤¤ 00:14:07.51\00:14:17.45 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:17.49\00:14:47.28 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:47.28\00:15:17.15 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:15:17.15\00:15:46.98 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:15:46.98\00:16:16.87 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:16:16.87\00:16:46.67 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:16:46.67\00:17:16.50 [ Organ plays ] ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:17:21.84\00:17:45.73 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:17:45.73\00:18:14.09 ¤¤ 00:18:14.09\00:18:23.43 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls. 00:18:24.83\00:18:26.60 This Sabbath before Christmas. Are you looking festive or what? 00:18:26.60\00:18:30.74 Thank you, Deacon Jones. You got red on, a lot of you, 00:18:30.74\00:18:34.61 and green. What is this? 00:18:34.61\00:18:37.21 How beautiful you are. >> Hi, Pastor Dwight. 00:18:37.21\00:18:40.05 >> Hey, nice to see you. Glad you're here. 00:18:40.05\00:18:42.88 Oh, I got a special guest today. I'm gonna introduce him to you 00:18:42.88\00:18:46.19 right now. He graduated from 00:18:46.19\00:18:48.32 Andrews University just a few years ago -- aviation and 00:18:48.32\00:18:51.86 English major, and his name John Irvine. 00:18:51.86\00:18:55.16 I want you to meet my friend John Irvine. 00:18:55.16\00:18:57.30 Come on up, John. We're not gonna call you 00:18:57.30\00:18:59.47 Uncle John. >> [ Chuckles ] 00:18:59.47\00:19:00.67 >> You're just John to all of us, okay? 00:19:00.67\00:19:03.41 Does he look like he's from England? 00:19:03.41\00:19:04.97 >> Yes. >> What a wonderful country 00:19:04.97\00:19:06.47 to be from. 00:19:06.47\00:19:08.24 And living in our area now, working down in... >> Well, 00:19:08.41\00:19:14.15 working in Elkhart actually. >> Working in Elkhart but you're 00:19:14.15\00:19:16.65 living in St. Joe. >> Yes. >> You're living with your aunt. >> 00:19:16.65\00:19:18.52 That's right. >> Oh, that's a nice arrangement. I like that. 00:19:18.52\00:19:20.09 >> It works. >> Okay, so, John, why in the world are you 00:19:20.09\00:19:23.73 standing up in front of these kids on the Sabbath before Christmas? What has happened to 00:19:23.73\00:19:27.96 you? >> Well, I've got a very unusual story about how the best gift I got this year actually 00:19:27.96\00:19:33.40 came before Christmas, which is very strange. >> Wow. 00:19:33.40\00:19:36.00 >> Yeah. >> Tell us about the gift. >> So, I have two dogs, 00:19:36.00\00:19:40.24 one called Mowgli, one called Brody. >> Two dogs?! >> Two 00:19:40.24\00:19:43.78 dogs, yeah, yeah. >> Whoa, okay. >> How many of you have got 00:19:43.78\00:19:46.55 pets? >> Anybody have pets at home? >> Who's got dogs? Who's 00:19:46.55\00:19:49.62 got cats? >> Mm-hmm. Got a lot of pet-lovers here. You're in the right audience. 00:19:49.62\00:19:53.15 >> That's it. So you know. How much do you love your pets? 00:19:53.15\00:19:57.89 Lots, right? Yeah, me, too. So, one Tuesday morning, I was just going about my day, 00:19:57.89\00:20:03.06 working on my house, and I get a phone call. >> Down in Elkhart. 00:20:03.06\00:20:06.70 >> Down in Elkhart. >> Yeah. >> I get a phone call from my 00:20:06.70\00:20:08.87 aunt that one of my dogs, Brody, is missing. >> Missing?! 00:20:08.87\00:20:12.84 >> Disappeared, yeah. He completely disappeared. >> 00:20:12.84\00:20:16.24 Ooh... >> He was nowhere to be found, so I came back to St. Joseph, and we looked everywhere 00:20:16.24\00:20:20.95 for this dog. We looked in the ravines, the neighborhoods -- 00:20:20.95\00:20:25.35 everywhere we could, but we couldn't find him anywhere. He was nowhere to be found. 00:20:25.35\00:20:29.49 >> Has Brody ever done this before? >> Not quite that bad, 00:20:29.49\00:20:34.00 but yeah. [ Chuckling ] >> That was a hedged bet. 00:20:34.00\00:20:37.47 >> Yeah. So this is bad news 'cause Brody's gone. 00:20:37.47\00:20:41.00 So what are your options? If you've lost a dog in St. Joseph, 00:20:41.00\00:20:44.21 Michigan, what do you do? >> Well, first of all, I was thinking, "What can you do to 00:20:44.21\00:20:47.64 get your pet back when it's lost?" So I went to Facebook. 00:20:47.64\00:20:50.01 >> Mm! >> And yeah, I thought I'd make a post for people to 00:20:50.01\00:20:53.38 have a look at with some pictures of Brody being cute with his brother, Mowgli. 00:20:53.38\00:20:57.19 It always helps if you're cute, right? >> Right. 00:20:57.19\00:21:00.59 >> And I put that up there to see if anyone had seen him anywhere, but nobody had seen 00:21:00.59\00:21:06.03 him. >> No response. >> No response. 00:21:06.03\00:21:08.46 Nobody had seen him anywhere at all, so it was very, very sad. 00:21:08.46\00:21:12.23 >> What'd you do at the gas stations? >> Well, I went around 00:21:12.23\00:21:15.04 to the gas stations, and we had fliers, and we said "missing dog" on the front door. 00:21:15.04\00:21:19.47 >> Oh, you're not gonna get that dog back. >> No. 00:21:19.47\00:21:22.38 What was that, a Norwegian Elkhound? >> Yeah, black 00:21:22.38\00:21:25.21 Norwegian. >> Ohh, he was a great dog. >> He was a fantastic dog, yeah. >> So that's day one. 00:21:25.21\00:21:30.35 You had all those options. >> Mm-hmm. >> Oh, you even called 00:21:30.35\00:21:33.05 -- What about the veterinarians? >> Yeah, I called the local vets to make sure that, obviously, 00:21:33.05\00:21:36.73 if somebody had found him, if they brought him to the vets 00:21:36.73\00:21:40.70 just to check. >> Day two, what's happening? >> So day two, we're looking -- We obviously 00:21:40.70\00:21:45.23 looked everywhere... >> Facebook. >> ...to find him, so 00:21:45.23\00:21:47.14 Facebook was going over well. >> Did you get any responses? >> We 00:21:47.14\00:21:50.07 did get responses. We got pictures of other dogs -- not quite Brody, so obviously... [ 00:21:50.07\00:21:53.91 Laughter ] Like, "Is this your dog?" I'm like, "Oh, close. I mean, if he's going in a week, 00:21:53.91\00:21:57.08 maybe I'll take him but right now probably not." >> Ohh boy... 00:21:57.08\00:22:00.68 >> Yeah, so... >> 3,000 responses you got? >> Well, 00:22:00.68\00:22:04.82 yeah. All the people in this church, it was more than double that, and it's a lot of people 00:22:04.82\00:22:08.76 in church today, isn't there, so that's a huge response from the 00:22:08.76\00:22:12.49 community. >> Yeah, people were kind of sad for you. >> Yeah, 00:22:12.49\00:22:15.20 they were. >> Day three, any sign of Brody yet? >> No sign of 00:22:15.20\00:22:18.90 Brody yet. >> Oy yi yi yi yi. >> Not at all. >> [ Tsking ] 00:22:18.90\00:22:22.34 So what are you doing now? >> Well, my neighbors, the Johnstons who were up earlier, 00:22:22.34\00:22:25.97 actually, they helped us. Their daughter helped and her husband 00:22:25.97\00:22:29.61 helped -- looked for Brody. We knocked on everybody's doors in the local neighborhood just 00:22:29.61\00:22:33.82 to see if they'd seen him, but again, he was nowhere to be found, so I was really getting 00:22:33.82\00:22:38.19 sad at this point. >> Is anybody praying about day three? 00:22:38.19\00:22:41.22 >> Yeah, my grandmother, my mother, and so many random people on Facebook. 00:22:41.22\00:22:44.89 >> Where do they live? >> They live in England. >> So they're 00:22:44.89\00:22:47.23 praying in England for lost Brody in St. Joseph, Michigan? 00:22:47.23\00:22:50.67 >> Yes, they are. >> Wow. Okay. Day four. 00:22:50.67\00:22:54.14 >> So, day four, obviously when you've done everything that you can and you still don't find 00:22:54.14\00:22:59.64 something that you're looking for, you get quite sad. So obviously, on day four, 00:22:59.64\00:23:03.71 I was really sad. I was thinking, "Is there anything I haven't already done 00:23:03.71\00:23:07.32 to try and find Brody?" >> Poor Brody. >> Yeah. 00:23:07.32\00:23:10.79 Four days, it was very, very cold. There was snow on the 00:23:10.79\00:23:14.76 ground. It was 10 degrees. >> 10 degrees. He can't survive a 00:23:14.76\00:23:18.63 winter like that. >> No, so we were very worried for him. 00:23:18.63\00:23:23.00 We weren't losing faith completely, but we were starting to imagine what life would be 00:23:23.00\00:23:26.70 like without Brody. >> So this person on Facebook sends you a 00:23:26.70\00:23:31.94 picture from up on Covert area. Tell us about that. >> Yeah, so, Covert, Michigan -- 00:23:31.94\00:23:35.91 How many of you came from St. Joseph or Niles today? Anybody 00:23:35.91\00:23:40.25 here? Nobody here, okay, that's cool. >> No, we're all Berrien 00:23:40.25\00:23:42.92 Springers. >> Berrien Springs? Okay. Well, that's a long way away. It's about 30 miles away, 00:23:42.92\00:23:46.52 so it would take you a while to walk that. >> Alright. 00:23:46.52\00:23:50.09 >> She sent me a picture of the dog -- or a dog -- with his back legs and his tail and said, 00:23:50.09\00:23:54.76 "Hey, I know this is a long shot because we're so far away, but 00:23:54.76\00:24:00.54 is this your dog? He's been running around, and we've seen him for the last few days. 00:24:00.54\00:24:03.37 >> And all you can see if the back and the little tail? >> 00:24:03.37\00:24:05.74 That's right. >> Oh, brother. >> Yeah, so it wasn't much to go off, needless to say. 00:24:05.74\00:24:09.28 >> No, no. >> I didn't have anything else better to do to 00:24:09.28\00:24:12.61 try and find him. >> You drove up to Covert? >> That's right, I 00:24:12.61\00:24:15.65 did. >> Fortunately, you had a good car. >> Well, it was on the 00:24:15.65\00:24:18.32 way to Covert, it started misfiring, as well, so I thought, "Brilliant, this is my 00:24:18.32\00:24:22.02 day. Fantastic. Everything's gonna go as planned." 00:24:22.02\00:24:24.33 >> But you had Mowgli with you. >> I had Mowgli, his brother, yeah, who was obviously very 00:24:24.33\00:24:28.23 sad, too. Really wanted to find him by the fourth day. 00:24:28.23\00:24:31.17 >> That was a bad story for Christmas. Why'd you bring this 00:24:31.17\00:24:33.70 one? >> Well -- Yeah, I know. So, it gets better, actually. >> 00:24:33.70\00:24:38.47 Oh, it does? >> It does. Thankfully, yes, it does. >> 00:24:38.47\00:24:40.11 Okay. Alright. >> There is a happy ending. >> Yeah, what is it? >> I took Mowgli there, and 00:24:40.11\00:24:43.75 we were looking in the woods, we were looking along the road. We were looking everywhere 00:24:43.75\00:24:47.12 and he was nowhere to be seen. We got the other dog, Mowgli -- 00:24:47.12\00:24:52.65 He was barking. All of a sudden, he was looking all excited. >> What's the siren thing? 00:24:52.65\00:24:56.19 >> Oh, okay. They howl at ambulances. >> What? 00:24:56.19\00:25:00.96 >> Yeah, they howl at ambulances, yeah. >> They have 00:25:00.96\00:25:04.77 an ambulance on your phone and you play it? >> I played an ambulance noise, and he howled. 00:25:04.77\00:25:09.27 >> The dogs howl when they hear it? >> All the time. 00:25:09.27\00:25:11.61 >> Oh, that's brilliant, brilliant. Okay, so Mowgli 00:25:11.61\00:25:15.34 starts howling. >> Yeah, so I thought if we can get him to howl -- 'Cause we was so 00:25:15.34\00:25:19.18 excited, I thought maybe Brody was there. So he did, and we walked a bit further down the 00:25:19.18\00:25:23.49 road, and then something happened... >> What? >> ...which 00:25:23.49\00:25:26.32 was amazing. I was on the phone with my aunt, looking up a 00:25:26.32\00:25:29.22 deck... >> Yes. >> ...and there was this black fluffy thing on top of the deck. >> A black 00:25:29.22\00:25:32.63 fluffy thing? >> Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> [ Exhales sharply ] >> So, it starts looking down 00:25:32.63\00:25:36.67 at me. I'm like, "Brody, is that you?" And he wags his tail. 00:25:36.67\00:25:40.67 This is five days later. I thought I was never going to see 00:25:40.67\00:25:44.34 him again. And then he runs down the deck at what seemed to be 100 miles an hour -- so fast. 00:25:44.34\00:25:49.11 And it was him. We found him. >> I can't believe it. 00:25:49.11\00:25:51.95 >> Yeah, yeah. It was absolutely unbelievable, really. 00:25:51.95\00:25:55.95 >> Five days out in the cold. You said it got down to 8 00:25:55.95\00:25:59.85 degrees one night. >> Yes, it did, yeah. >> [ Exhales sharply ] Hey, what do you think about 00:25:59.85\00:26:04.33 that? Was that a great story to have today, the Sabbath before 00:26:04.33\00:26:08.26 Christmas, or what? [ Children answering yeah ] [ Applause ] 00:26:08.26\00:26:10.93 Well, there's three of you that enjoyed it. >> That's a start. 00:26:10.93\00:26:14.30 [ Applause continues ] >> Oh, man. It's too bad you didn't 00:26:14.30\00:26:17.37 bring Brody to church. We don't allow dogs in this church, but 00:26:17.37\00:26:20.11 it's too bad you didn't bring him because it would be so cool to see the dog that got lost and 00:26:20.11\00:26:25.08 found. A lot of prayers going into him. Wait a minute -- Oh, 00:26:25.08\00:26:28.95 your aunt is here! Oh, your aunt is here with Brody? [ Children 00:26:28.95\00:26:32.49 whoa ] Your aunt is the president of Andrews University?! Are you serious?! 00:26:32.49\00:26:36.66 >> [ Laughs ] [ Whoa'ing continues ] >> [ Laughs ] 00:26:36.66\00:26:40.36 Alright, guys, stay -- Don't get up. Stay. Brody's coming your 00:26:40.36\00:26:45.63 way. Oh, Brody is so happy to see you. He said, "I knew if I 00:26:45.63\00:26:49.77 could get found, I'd be in church before Christmas." 00:26:49.77\00:26:55.01 Hallelujah. Oh, isn't he precious? Now, I wish that we could all hug Brody, but we 00:26:55.01\00:27:00.58 can't. [ Laughter ] Alright. Auntie Andrea is gonna hold on 00:27:00.58\00:27:07.16 to him. But you know what -- You know what, John, seriously, you 00:27:07.16\00:27:10.73 and your aunt co-own that beautiful dog. >> Yeah. 00:27:10.73\00:27:14.30 >> This really is not just an answer to prayer. >> No, it was 00:27:14.30\00:27:18.73 -- Sometimes in life, you got to just a little bit more. >> Yeah, and you certainly did. 00:27:18.73\00:27:22.67 The lengths you went to. You know what, boys and girls, 00:27:22.67\00:27:24.74 listen to this. This is like Jesus. Brody reminds me of Jesus. Because when Jesus 00:27:24.74\00:27:29.48 decided to come to this Earth to save every boy and girl that He could, He did everything He 00:27:29.48\00:27:35.45 could think of -- He didn't go on Facebook. He didn't post it in the gas station. 00:27:35.45\00:27:39.72 Jesus came himself to look for lost boys and girls. That's what 00:27:39.72\00:27:46.29 Christmas is all about. It's not about presents. It's about Jesus 00:27:46.29\00:27:49.40 looking for lost children -- >> It's definitely not about 00:27:49.40\00:27:53.03 commercials. >> It's definitely not about commercials. That's 00:27:53.03\00:27:55.64 exactly right. [ Laughter ] Let's stay out of this commercial business. 00:27:55.64\00:28:01.24 You may be going into Communication. [ Laughter ] 00:28:01.24\00:28:04.85 So the deal is, Jesus came all the way down here to save us, and we needed Brody to remind us 00:28:04.85\00:28:11.79 that if you can love a dog like John Irvine and Aunt Andrea love this dog, then you can sure love 00:28:11.79\00:28:19.13 children all over the world. What do you say? Come on, I need 00:28:19.13\00:28:23.90 a boy or a girl that would like to pray on the Sabbath before Christmas and thank Jesus for 00:28:23.90\00:28:30.81 being our Savior. Okay, you've had some good comments this 00:28:30.81\00:28:33.71 morning. What's your first name? >> Jack. >> Jack? 00:28:33.71\00:28:36.81 >> Yeah. >> Oh, Jack, you're perfect for this. 00:28:36.81\00:28:38.41 >> I'm the son of Adam Fanner. >> You're the son of Adam 00:28:38.41\00:28:42.65 Fanner? >> Yes. >> Well, he's proud of you right now. 00:28:42.65\00:28:44.29 [ Laughter ] And Jack, thank you. Good answers. 00:28:44.29\00:28:48.22 Would you thank Jesus for going to all of this to save all of 00:28:48.22\00:28:53.66 us? Thanks, Jack. >> Dear Jesus, thank you for Sabbath. 00:28:53.66\00:28:58.20 Thank you for Christmas. Please help the poor kids to have a person that can give 00:28:58.20\00:29:08.54 money to them so that they can have a little bit. 00:29:08.54\00:29:13.45 Thank you that...he found his dog, whatever his name is. I 00:29:18.85\00:29:24.99 can't remember. >> [ Whispering ] Thank you for saving us. >> Thank you for saving us. 00:29:24.99\00:29:29.20 Thank you that You died on the cross. In Your holy name, amen. 00:29:29.20\00:29:31.93 >> Amen. Thank you, Jack, for that beautiful prayer. 00:29:31.93\00:29:34.54 >> Alright, boys and girls. Don't move! Don't move! Because 00:29:34.54\00:29:37.77 we have a special present for you today because it's the Sabbath before Christmas. 00:29:37.77\00:29:41.24 So we're gonna get our ladies, who are friends of Jesus, to be standing at the aisles where 00:29:41.24\00:29:47.05 you're gonna go back to your seat. We sure love you just like 00:29:47.05\00:29:50.92 Jesus does, and we're glad you're a part of our Pioneer family. A Merry Christmas to all 00:29:50.92\00:29:56.66 of you. >> Well, not all stories end well, and we know that. 00:30:00.93\00:30:05.77 The story I want to share with you right now was written by 00:30:05.77\00:30:08.44 Chris Rice -- the songwriter, the singer, 00:30:08.44\00:30:12.04 well-known. And he put the story to music. 00:30:12.04\00:30:19.15 It's about a girl, but we don't know who she is. 00:30:19.15\00:30:23.75 Is she his wife? Is she his daughter? 00:30:23.75\00:30:27.09 She she a friend? 00:30:27.09\00:30:29.82 All we know about this girl is that she's lost -- just plain 00:30:29.86\00:30:36.16 lost. And this song, which I have listened to again and again, is a haunting prayer at 00:30:36.16\00:30:47.11 night to the God of the universe. And the title of the song is "Can You Spare an Angel 00:30:47.11\00:30:53.08 Tonight?" I wish I could sing it for you, but you'd leave before 00:30:53.08\00:30:59.09 the end...[chuckling] and so I'm not gonna try that. But I have the words right here. 00:30:59.09\00:31:05.23 I want you just to kind of get the picture of this girl who's 00:31:05.23\00:31:09.06 lost. ¤ "Found her staring at the rain ¤ ¤ And asking why it 00:31:09.06\00:31:13.30 has to hurt so bad ¤ ¤ Where's the limit to the pain her heart 00:31:13.30\00:31:18.74 can take before it breaks in half ¤ ¤ I wanted to be strong enough to hold her and show her 00:31:18.74\00:31:25.01 the way ¤ ¤ But she's so far out of reach ¤ 00:31:25.01\00:31:29.12 ¤ And now all I can do is pray And then the chorus. ¤ Can You 00:31:29.12\00:31:36.83 spare an angel tonight ¤ ¤ Send a little help from Your side ¤ 00:31:36.83\00:31:41.13 ¤ 'Cause somebody's lost down here ¤ ¤ Let him wing his way 00:31:41.13\00:31:46.43 through the dark ¤ ¤ Carry some of Your love into her heart ¤ 00:31:46.43\00:31:51.24 ¤ Can You spare an angel ¤ Spare an angel Every time I listen to 00:31:51.24\00:31:58.11 this song, I'm thinking of somebody. It might be a she because the pronoun is feminine. 00:31:58.11\00:32:07.72 Sometimes I think about a he. And I think of that plaintive 00:32:07.72\00:32:14.30 plea. "Can You spare an angel tonight? Send some help from 00:32:14.30\00:32:21.10 Your side 'cause somebody's lost down here." I wonder how many 00:32:21.10\00:32:28.34 angels God would spare for one lost soul. I'm talking about somebody that you love right 00:32:28.34\00:32:33.08 now, somebody that you know right now is lost. How many angels could God spare for her, 00:32:33.08\00:32:39.72 for him? How many angels could God spare for a lost planet in space? "Can You spare an angel 00:32:39.72\00:32:46.59 tonight?" Christmas is all about night and angels, and so let's 00:32:46.59\00:32:51.67 go to the Christmas story and find out if this song has anything to do with what we're 00:32:51.67\00:32:55.40 about to read. Open your Bible. There are only two places in the New Testament where the birth of 00:32:55.40\00:32:58.67 Jesus is discussed. Matthew 1:2 and Luke 1:2. Between the two of 00:32:58.67\00:33:03.24 them, 20 times angels show up. Open your Bible to Luke's version -- familiar words. 00:33:03.24\00:33:08.12 You've been there before. We go again. That's what we do at 00:33:08.12\00:33:10.82 Christmas -- tradition. 00:33:10.82\00:33:12.69 We go back to the story again and again because we never tire 00:33:12.72\00:33:16.39 of hearing it. I'm in the NIV today. 00:33:16.39\00:33:19.06 Luke chapter 2. Drop down to verse 6. 00:33:19.06\00:33:22.00 "While they," Joseph and Mary, "were there," in oh little town 00:33:22.00\00:33:25.97 of Bethlehem, "the time came for the baby to be born, and she 00:33:25.97\00:33:30.71 gave birth to her firstborn, a son. 00:33:30.71\00:33:34.14 She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger," 00:33:34.14\00:33:37.31 a box of cow feed, "because there was no guest room 00:33:37.31\00:33:40.78 available for them." R. Kent Hughes in his inspiring 00:33:40.78\00:33:46.02 short book titled "The Gift" graphically describes the moment 00:33:46.02\00:33:50.46 of Jesus' birth. This is something else, but you 00:33:50.46\00:33:52.49 got to see it on the screen, so I'll put the words up on 00:33:52.49\00:33:54.46 the screen. 00:33:54.46\00:33:54.86 I suppose it's a natural human tendency to want to sanitize God right out of the Christmas 00:34:37.64\00:34:42.11 picture. Wrong. There's only one -- At the time 00:34:42.11\00:34:45.71 that the story took place, there was only one class that would really understand it. 00:34:45.71\00:34:48.85 They were considered just a little better than lepers, and they were called shepherds. 00:34:48.85\00:34:54.56 They understood manure. They understood blood and birth and 00:34:54.56\00:35:04.40 hard places. And yet, into that wrenching moment, the King of angels comes Savior. 00:35:04.40\00:35:12.01 Makes His entrance. Can't believe this. I mean, I'd love 00:35:14.54\00:35:19.28 to have seen the angels' faces when they're standing there. They're everywhere -- but 00:35:19.28\00:35:24.32 they're hovered and they're watching. Can you imagine what's 00:35:24.32\00:35:27.16 going through their minds as that tiny head -- as Hughes put it -- "slippery with blood..." 00:35:27.16\00:35:31.16 The hair, you can see it, sticky and matted. That little head 00:35:31.16\00:35:35.40 pops out of the birth canal of a teenaged mother. All they know 00:35:35.40\00:35:39.73 is that their King is gone. For nine months, He hasn't been around at all in the kingdom. 00:35:39.73\00:35:43.67 They also know this -- that they are direct divine orders to do whatever it takes to save that 00:35:43.67\00:35:49.18 little mother so that the child can be born. Turns out, there's 00:35:49.18\00:35:55.35 a rebel angel loose who with half a blink would've destroyed her and would destroy you and 00:35:55.35\00:36:01.82 would destroy me. But now this. And they're trying to figure it 00:36:01.82\00:36:07.76 out. 00:36:07.76\00:36:09.30 "The Desire of Ages" beautifully depicts how the angels are moved 00:36:09.33\00:36:12.90 by the mystery of love's incarnation. 00:36:12.90\00:36:16.04 "The Desire of Ages." Look at that. 00:36:16.04\00:36:18.01 "Our little world is the lesson book of the universe. 00:36:18.01\00:36:21.14 God's wonderful purpose of grace, the mystery of redeeming 00:36:21.14\00:36:24.75 love, is the them into which the angels..." 00:36:24.75\00:36:27.98 Go to the New Testament. "...the 'angels desire to look, 00:36:27.98\00:36:30.89 and it will be their study throughout the endless ages." 00:36:30.89\00:36:34.02 Now keep reading. "Both the redeemed and the 00:36:34.02\00:36:38.06 unfallen beings," the angels, "will find in the cross of 00:36:38.06\00:36:42.36 Christ their science and their song. 00:36:42.36\00:36:45.00 It will be seen that the glory shining in the face of Jesus 00:36:45.00\00:36:47.70 is the glory of self-sacrificing love," end quote. 00:36:47.70\00:36:50.91 Can You spare an angel tonight? Are you kidding? 00:36:50.91\00:36:55.31 You could've have kept them away! 00:36:55.31\00:36:58.18 Look at verse 8. "And there were shepherds living 00:36:58.18\00:37:00.92 out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks 00:37:00.92\00:37:04.49 at night. An angel of the Lord appeared 00:37:04.49\00:37:08.82 to them," oh, "and the glory of the Lord shone around them, 00:37:08.82\00:37:14.00 and they were terrified." 00:37:14.00\00:37:18.80 Have you ever seen an angel? I know I have. I just didn't know 00:37:18.83\00:37:23.34 it was an angel. I mean, come on, you think about it -- Lookit, if Uncle Abraham 00:37:23.34\00:37:27.78 and nephew Lot can see two poor wayfaring strangers and have no clue initially that these are 00:37:27.78\00:37:34.98 beings from the eternal kingdom -- Lookit, if it can happen to them, it can happen 00:37:34.98\00:37:38.55 to you and to me. In fact, the Bible gives, based on their 00:37:38.55\00:37:42.49 story, a little tidbit of advice. 00:37:42.49\00:37:45.06 Let's consider it this Christmas on the screen, please. 00:37:45.09\00:37:48.10 "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers..." 00:37:48.10\00:37:50.90 By the way, little Jack prayed a beautiful prayer. 00:37:50.90\00:37:54.80 You're listening to these kids' prayers, aren't you. 00:37:54.80\00:37:57.31 And he's thinking of all the kids out there that don't have. 00:37:57.31\00:38:01.04 The rest of us are thinking, "Well, what can I have?" 00:38:01.04\00:38:03.98 Not that little boy. Yeah. 00:38:03.98\00:38:06.35 Wait a minute, come on. I want to ask you a question. Do you suppose the salvation 00:38:16.52\00:38:19.49 bell ringer is really an angel and watches you every time you walk by without putting a penny 00:38:19.49\00:38:24.47 in that basket? Could be an angel. I wouldn't be surprised 00:38:24.47\00:38:29.10 if my angel would show up at our door, I open the door, and here's a homeless woman begging 00:38:29.10\00:38:33.44 for a handout, and the angels are saying, "I wonder if Dwight's ever changed." 00:38:33.44\00:38:38.81 No, it might've been you sitting there at that intersection. It's 00:38:38.81\00:38:44.62 a red light. There's somebody standing on that corner beneath 00:38:44.62\00:38:47.66 the red light. He has a cardboard sign in his hand. And before you can avert your 00:38:47.66\00:38:51.19 gaze to pretend like you don't know he's standing there, he's looking straight at you. 00:38:51.19\00:38:56.40 And the card reads, "Need food. No work." 00:38:56.40\00:39:01.30 Would you put it past our angels to show up a lot more than we 00:39:04.77\00:39:10.51 think they do? Just to see is it making any difference in her life yet. What's that line we 00:39:10.51\00:39:18.59 just read? Do not forget to show generosity to strangers. They may be angels checking to 00:39:18.59\00:39:22.46 see if your belief in Jesus makes any difference in the way 00:39:22.46\00:39:26.36 you live. ¤ Can You spare an angel tonight ¤ 00:39:26.36\00:39:30.83 I can't imagine what it was like for those blue collar, 00:39:33.17\00:39:37.04 low social rung shepherds that starry, starry and chilly night. 00:39:37.04\00:39:43.48 I mean, we just read the words, and they were terrified. 00:39:43.48\00:39:45.18 The Greek reads, "And they feared a great a fear." 00:39:45.18\00:39:47.45 They are paralyzed! 00:39:47.45\00:39:49.12 And I'm not surprised, given who shows up. 00:39:51.19\00:39:54.86 "How do you know, Dwight, who shows up?" 00:39:54.86\00:39:56.32 Because when this being shows up from the eternal throne room, 00:39:56.32\00:40:00.06 every single time his first words are, "Don't be afraid." 00:40:00.06\00:40:04.60 "Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo, you don't have to be afraid 00:40:04.60\00:40:07.34 of me." Gabriel. 00:40:07.34\00:40:13.14 Easy for you to say, Gabriel. "Don't be afraid." 00:40:13.14\00:40:17.75 Verse 10, look at it. 00:40:17.75\00:40:19.21 "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid.'" 00:40:21.22\00:40:25.05 He's already done it twice in the Christmas story. 00:40:25.05\00:40:27.99 "'Do not be afraid.'" He did it at the Garden, too. 00:40:27.99\00:40:31.09 When that one angel shows up, [imitates explosion] they're 00:40:31.09\00:40:33.40 like dead men on the ground. We can't be hard on the 00:40:33.40\00:40:37.23 shepherds. 00:40:37.23\00:40:38.20 They at least held their ground. "'Do not be afraid. 00:40:40.84\00:40:45.24 I bring you good news..." The Greek means "evangelize." 00:40:45.24\00:40:48.88 "'I bring you good news that will cause great joy 00:40:48.88\00:40:51.25 for all people.'" We've just had great fear. 00:40:51.25\00:40:52.78 Now we got great joy for all the people. 00:40:52.78\00:40:54.88 Verse 11. "'Today in the town of David, 00:40:54.88\00:40:57.02 a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. 00:40:57.02\00:41:01.29 And this will be a sign to you -- You will find a baby 00:41:01.29\00:41:04.36 wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.' 00:41:04.36\00:41:11.53 And suddenly, a great company of the heavenly host appeared 00:41:11.53\00:41:16.17 with the angel." Hit the pause button right 00:41:16.17\00:41:18.14 there. The Greek word for "a great 00:41:18.14\00:41:19.87 company of the heavenly host" is stratia. 00:41:19.87\00:41:23.58 It means -- It's a military term for a band of warriors. 00:41:23.58\00:41:28.05 That's why in the Old Testament when God is referred to, He's 00:41:28.05\00:41:30.59 often called "the God of angel armies." 00:41:30.59\00:41:33.15 Angels travel in armies at times. 00:41:33.15\00:41:36.86 [ Shews ] 00:41:36.86\00:41:38.16 The point is this is no Sabbath afternoon sunshine band 00:41:41.03\00:41:46.57 song service going on. This is the real deal. 00:41:46.57\00:41:53.11 Kent Hughes one more time. I happen to agree with him. 00:41:53.11\00:41:56.38 I'd never thought of this before, but I happen to agree 00:41:56.38\00:41:57.95 with him. See what you think. 00:41:57.95\00:41:59.31 His words on the screen. "Note well that it says a 'great 00:41:59.31\00:42:03.05 company,'" here in Luke 2, "beyond count," he thinks. 00:42:03.05\00:42:08.99 I think that every angel was there because this was the most 00:42:08.99\00:42:12.96 amazing and greatest event that had ever happened in the 00:42:12.96\00:42:15.53 universe. I think they stretched from 00:42:15.53\00:42:17.67 horizon to horizon, obscuring the winter constellations," 00:42:17.67\00:42:20.87 and that midnight sky. "I like to imagine that they 00:42:20.87\00:42:23.94 radiated gold and pink and electric blue and hyacinth and 00:42:23.94\00:42:27.54 ultraviolet. And that some of them were 00:42:27.54\00:42:29.51 sparkling. And then, when they lifted their 00:42:29.51\00:42:31.91 voices to God, it was in cosmic stereo!" 00:42:31.91\00:42:35.32 I think it was surround sound. 00:42:35.35\00:42:37.05 Unbelievable. "The Desire of Ages," by the way -- this is a 00:42:40.22\00:42:45.66 direct quote -- describes that scene, quote, as, "the brightest picture ever beheld by human 00:42:45.66\00:42:55.74 eyes." And all of that not for Caesar, not for Caiaphas or whoever the reigning high priest 00:42:55.74\00:43:01.94 Annas was. For a ragtag band of shepherds. Why? 00:43:01.94\00:43:09.08 'Cause God only shows up where He's wanted, that's why. 00:43:09.08\00:43:12.22 You want Him this Christmas? Do you really? If you want Him, 00:43:15.59\00:43:24.27 He'll show up. ¤ Can You spare an angel tonight ¤ 00:43:24.27\00:43:27.90 I'll read verse 13 again. 00:43:27.97\00:43:29.44 And guess what, His favor rests on every man, woman, and child born onto this planet. 00:43:41.58\00:43:45.99 That's the good news. Can You spare an angel tonight? How'd 00:43:45.99\00:43:53.96 that go? "Spare an angel tonight. Send a little help from Your side 'cause somebody's lost 00:43:53.96\00:43:58.90 down here." You know what, it's not such an offbeat idea, this 00:43:58.90\00:44:06.47 asking God for a spare angel. You think about it. I mean, why 00:44:06.47\00:44:12.01 not? After all, angels serve the King of angels Himself, and they 00:44:12.01\00:44:17.19 adore Him. So what's wrong in asking? I mean, why else would they all show up at His birth in 00:44:17.19\00:44:22.46 Bethlehem? He has the entire...angelic... population 00:44:22.46\00:44:34.54 under His command. And lookit, if the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost, which is what 00:44:34.54\00:44:38.37 Jesus announced, by the way, to the gasping -- to the gasping shock of all those crowed around 00:44:38.37\00:44:44.78 Zacchaeus' home -- the worst of the baddest sinners in town, Zacchaeus. If Jesus can say the 00:44:44.78\00:44:51.12 Son of Man came to seek and save the lost, and salvation has come to this house, I don't care how 00:44:51.12\00:44:55.82 bad you are, I don't care how hopeless you may have been, that little baby from Bethlehem has 00:44:55.82\00:45:02.96 chosen your heart and your life for His return address, if you 00:45:02.96\00:45:12.57 wish. ¤ Can You spare an angel tonight ¤ ¤ Somebody's lost down 00:45:12.57\00:45:18.51 here You know, maybe this is the gift that we should be praying for this Christmas. 00:45:18.51\00:45:23.32 A little compilation called "The Truth About Angels." 00:45:23.35\00:45:25.92 Powerful...these words on the screen. 00:45:25.92\00:45:30.13 "Angels are sent from the heavenly courts, not to destroy, 00:45:30.13\00:45:36.10 but to watch over and guard imperiled souls, to save the 00:45:36.10\00:45:39.70 lost..." All of that. 00:45:39.70\00:45:41.67 That emphasis is mine. "...to save the lost, to bring 00:45:41.67\00:45:44.84 the straying ones back to the fold." 00:45:44.84\00:45:47.34 Angels are sent. Why are they sent? 00:45:47.34\00:45:48.98 Because somebody's asking, "Can You spare another angel? 00:45:48.98\00:45:52.01 I've got somebody in my life that is desperate for You, and if You would just send 00:45:52.05\00:45:56.35 to her an extra angel, I think this can be the season You win. Can You spare an angel tonight? 00:45:56.35\00:46:06.13 I beg of You. 00:46:06.13\00:46:07.46 There surely is a mother here -- There surely is a mother here who, in the anguish of her 00:46:10.90\00:46:17.71 night, has already prayed, "Oh, God, can You spare an angel for my little girl, my Lord, 00:46:17.71\00:46:29.48 tonight? Can You spare an angel for my little boy?" 00:46:29.48\00:46:34.99 There is not a father here who, without a catch in his throat and a tear in his eye 00:46:34.99\00:46:44.07 hasn't prayed the prayer, "Dear God, can You spare another angel 00:46:44.07\00:46:54.14 tonight? Por favor? Please." 00:46:54.14\00:46:59.08 What's that line again? Put it on the screen. 00:46:59.11\00:47:00.88 I don't know, maybe this should be the gift that we ought to be wanting this Christmas. 00:47:09.66\00:47:13.70 This is the gift to pray for. Can You spare an angel tonight? I mean, why else would Jesus 00:47:13.70\00:47:21.80 come? Why else did He die? Somebody's lost down here. 00:47:21.80\00:47:26.64 The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost. Look, I got to 00:47:26.64\00:47:32.18 sit down. I don't know who you're praying for. I have no 00:47:32.18\00:47:35.62 idea. You're surely not praying for yourself. I have no idea who 00:47:35.62\00:47:39.82 it is you pray for. You may be at the place with that particular person where it 00:47:39.82\00:47:45.99 just seems this is one unsavable child. This is one unsalvagable 00:47:45.99\00:47:56.47 life. You pray for them for forever and nothing seems to change. You know what our 00:47:56.47\00:48:04.18 problem is? I'll tell you. We forget who the angels are. 00:48:04.18\00:48:07.42 We're talking about the guardians, the interveners, the celestial warriors. 00:48:09.85\00:48:17.76 A New Zealander, a Kiwi named John Dawson -- I'll never forget this sentence from his book and 00:48:17.76\00:48:23.37 I read it two or three times. "Taking Our Cities for God." 00:48:23.37\00:48:26.90 I want to put it on the screen. John Dawson. 00:48:26.94\00:48:29.44 I hope you never forget it, either. 00:48:29.44\00:48:30.87 Do you see it on the screen? "The prayer of a human being 00:48:30.87\00:48:32.91 can alter history by releasing legions of," what? 00:48:32.91\00:48:37.31 "...legions of angels into the earth." 00:48:37.31\00:48:39.21 Now here comes the sentence. 00:48:39.21\00:48:40.48 If we really believed angels made a difference. 00:48:50.79\00:48:54.03 Can You spare a legion of angels tonight? 00:48:54.03\00:48:59.23 Not to be outdone a century earlier, Ellen White -- these 00:48:59.23\00:49:02.44 words on the screen, as well. "Invisible armies of light and 00:49:02.44\00:49:06.61 power attend the meek and lowly ones..." 00:49:06.61\00:49:09.08 That would be you. 00:49:09.08\00:49:11.75 Can You spare an army tonight? Why not? You have not because 00:49:18.19\00:49:27.76 you asked not. ¤ Can You spare an angel tonight? 00:49:27.76\00:49:35.17 That baby born in that... stable -- not only born to live, 00:49:35.20\00:49:41.74 not only born to save, but that baby was born to die so that He 00:49:41.74\00:49:45.71 might save the most deformed, the most lost, and the baddest 00:49:45.71\00:49:53.15 of the bad sinners. Like you and me. 00:49:53.15\00:50:00.10 And He's the King of angels. Can't You spare one more angel 00:50:00.10\00:50:04.57 for that boy? One more angel for that girl? 00:50:04.57\00:50:10.27 Can't You spare an angel tonight? 00:50:10.27\00:50:13.44 Maybe it's your heart crying out, "I'm the one in despair. 00:50:15.61\00:50:21.18 I've lost. I've lost the battle." I tell you what, my 00:50:21.22\00:50:27.82 friend, if you're thinking that thought, you have not lost the battle. That's because the 00:50:27.82\00:50:31.53 battle is still waging for you. It might be this is the prayer 00:50:31.53\00:50:36.53 for you. "God, for me... I have tried so many times and this is 00:50:36.53\00:50:41.80 like a ball and chain on my ankle, and I can't get rid of it. Can You spare one more angel 00:50:41.80\00:50:46.51 tonight for me? For me, one more angel? And of course He can. 00:50:46.51\00:50:54.68 And of course He will. 'Cause that's why He came, to answer 00:50:54.68\00:51:01.59 your prayer. "[ Singsong voice ] I wonder as I wander out under the sky why Jesus the Savior 00:51:01.59\00:51:12.87 did come for to die for poor ornery sinners like you and like 00:51:12.87\00:51:24.35 I. I wonder as I wander out under the sky. 00:51:24.35\00:51:31.79 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:51:40.66\00:51:53.98 >> ¤ I wonder as I wander out under the sky ¤ 00:51:53.98\00:52:02.78 ¤ How Jesus the Savior did come for to die ¤ 00:52:02.78\00:52:11.83 ¤ For poor on'ry people like you and like I ¤ 00:52:11.83\00:52:20.27 ¤ I wonder as I wander out under the sky ¤ 00:52:20.27\00:52:33.65 ¤ When Mary birthed Jesus, 'twas in a cow's stall ¤ 00:52:33.65\00:52:40.36 ¤ With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all ¤ 00:52:40.36\00:52:48.06 ¤ But high from God's heaven, a star's light did fall ¤ 00:52:48.06\00:52:55.54 ¤ And the promise of ages it then did recall ¤ 00:52:55.54\00:53:09.48 ¤ If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing ¤ 00:53:09.48\00:53:16.06 ¤ A star in the sky or a bird on the wing ¤ 00:53:16.06\00:53:23.26 ¤ Or all of God's angels in heav'n to sing ¤ 00:53:23.26\00:53:32.04 ¤ He surely could have had it for He was the King ¤ 00:53:32.04\00:53:45.75 ¤ I wonder as I wander out under the sky ¤ 00:53:45.75\00:53:54.83 ¤ How Jesus the Savior did come for to die ¤ 00:53:54.83\00:54:03.54 ¤ For poor on'ry people like you and like I ¤ 00:54:03.54\00:54:12.81 ¤ I wonder as I wander out under the sky ¤ 00:54:12.81\00:54:29.56 ¤¤ 00:54:29.56\00:54:34.77 >> Amen. Let's stand together. 00:54:36.84\00:54:44.05 Jesus, King of angels, what can we say? Thank you. 00:54:52.95\00:55:00.96 Thank you. Thank you. And please... 00:55:00.96\00:55:09.40 can You spare an angel tonight... 00:55:09.40\00:55:11.87 ...and save them, too? 00:55:14.14\00:55:15.88 Please. And thank you. Amen. 00:55:18.55\00:55:25.19 [ Organ plays ] ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:55:25.19\00:55:39.13 [ "The First Noel" plays ] >> What is it about the holiday season that has given you 00:55:43.14\00:55:48.24 the greatest joy? Is it the time spent cutting down the family 00:55:48.24\00:55:52.78 Christmas tree at the local farm or maybe a special ornament placed on that lighted bough? 00:55:52.78\00:55:57.72 Or do you find joy in contemplating the profound meaning of the carols we sing? 00:55:57.72\00:56:02.46 Maybe Christmas joy is found in the memories you make together with friends and family 00:56:02.46\00:56:06.49 and the spirit of giving that surrounds this season. As we reflect on these joys, 00:56:06.49\00:56:12.30 let's always remember the great light Who guides us, the One who brings and meaning to life -- 00:56:12.30\00:56:17.57 a loving Father who is at the heart of all treasured relationships and the wonderful 00:56:17.57\00:56:22.14 God who gave the ultimate gift in a newborn child. 00:56:22.14\00:56:26.45 Some of my joy this season comes in part from your letters, 00:56:26.48\00:56:29.68 your prayers, and your faithful giving of support to this 00:56:29.68\00:56:32.62 ministry which reaches literally around the world. 00:56:32.62\00:56:35.59 If you've been blessed this year, I'd like to ask you to 00:56:35.59\00:56:38.29 join the many people who financially support this global 00:56:38.29\00:56:41.06 New Perceptions ministry. It's simple to do. 00:56:41.06\00:56:44.73 Just call our toll-free number 877 -- two words -- HIS-WILL. 00:56:44.73\00:56:49.74 One of our friendly operators will be happy to help you. 00:56:49.74\00:56:52.34 You can also click the donate link at the top of our website. 00:56:52.34\00:56:55.18 Trust me, no gift is too small for God to use to spread the 00:56:55.18\00:56:59.28 good news of His love, His sacrifice, and His future 00:56:59.28\00:57:02.85 plans for our happiness. Every gift, by the way, 00:57:02.85\00:57:06.99 is entirely invested in our mission to communicate God's 00:57:06.99\00:57:09.52 good news to a generation who needs a hope found in Jesus, 00:57:09.52\00:57:13.43 which will bring them to joy in life. 00:57:13.43\00:57:15.93 So once again, the number to call is 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:15.93\00:57:20.50 This season, my wish for you is that the mighty God, 00:57:20.50\00:57:23.84 the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace will be at 00:57:23.84\00:57:26.74 the heart of the very best memories made together 00:57:26.74\00:57:30.58 with your family and friends. ¤¤ 00:57:30.58\00:57:40.76 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:40.76\00:57:57.14 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.21\00:58:18.73 ¤¤ 00:58:18.73\00:58:28.30