¤¤ 00:00:00.43\00:00:02.30 ¤¤ >> I invite you to stand for our 00:00:10.71\00:01:23.24 prayer this morning. Creator God, we are blessed 00:01:23.24\00:01:30.32 because You invite us to come meet with You. 00:01:30.32\00:01:35.56 So in this space, we gather. We're glad to see one another, 00:01:35.56\00:01:40.83 but we're more excited because we get to have an encounter with 00:01:40.83\00:01:45.23 You. In Jesus' name, we pray. 00:01:45.23\00:01:47.54 Amen. >> Remain standing as we sing 00:01:47.54\00:01:50.57 "What a Friend in Jesus." The author of these words 00:01:50.57\00:01:53.91 entitled his poem "Pray Without Ceasing." 00:01:53.91\00:01:58.81 ¤¤ 00:01:58.81\00:02:00.82 >> Sing with us. 00:03:48.36\00:03:50.36 >> Amen. 00:05:50.58\00:05:52.51 As we sing the next verse, I want you to think, "What do I have to surrender to Jesus? 00:11:26.98\00:11:33.79 For five years, the person who wrote these words struggled with God about something God was 00:11:33.79\00:11:40.83 asking him to do. For five years, he was struggling with 00:11:40.83\00:11:45.13 that. And when he surrendered, this song came out. These words 00:11:45.13\00:11:50.91 came out of him. Think about that and please stand with us as we sing the last verse of this. 00:11:50.91\00:11:55.98 >> Well, happy Sabbath, girls and boys. I am just so glad 00:14:00.87\00:14:08.14 you're here this morning. And I do have a story for you. But, 00:14:08.14\00:14:13.98 first, a question. How many of you have ever been a passenger on a big ocean-going ship? 00:14:13.98\00:14:21.89 You have. Oh, quite a few of you. 00:14:21.92\00:14:24.29 Wasn't that fun? A few weeks ago, some friends 00:14:24.29\00:14:28.56 and I were on a big ocean-going ship named the Norwegian Sun. 00:14:28.56\00:14:33.90 If you look up there on the screen, there's the Norwegian 00:14:33.94\00:14:37.87 Sun. Isn't she beautiful? Oh, 12 decks high. I tell you -- you 00:14:37.87\00:14:43.58 can see a lot of ocean from 12 decks up. And we were on our way hundreds of miles south, into 00:14:43.58\00:14:51.32 the South Pacific Ocean. We were traveling along the coast of South America, close to 00:14:51.32\00:14:58.99 the country called Chile. And, again, if you look up there on the screen, that long, skinny 00:14:58.99\00:15:05.43 country is Chile. In fact, the nickname is "The Shoestring 00:15:05.43\00:15:12.44 Republic." It does look like a string, doesn't it? Very narrow, 00:15:12.44\00:15:17.28 very long. We were traveling along the coast of Chile and we stopped at an island called 00:15:17.28\00:15:23.45 Magdalena Island. One of the unique features of Magdalena 00:15:23.45\00:15:30.63 Island is that no people live on that island. Not a single human being. Instead, the island is 00:15:30.63\00:15:38.97 full of hundreds and hundreds of birds. It's what they call a 00:15:38.97\00:15:45.51 bird sanctuary. And most of the birds are black and white. And they look like this. 00:15:45.51\00:15:52.71 What is this? It is a penguin. You're right! You older boys and 00:15:52.71\00:15:59.65 girls know there's several varieties of penguins. There's the really big ones down 00:15:59.65\00:16:04.29 there in Antarctica. They're called the emperor penguins. 00:16:04.29\00:16:08.50 And then slightly smaller are the king penguins. And then there's this little 00:16:08.50\00:16:13.64 guy. He's called a Magellanic penguin. 00:16:13.64\00:16:18.21 Magellanic penguin, because he's named after Ferdinand Magellan. Yeah, you can see some of his 00:16:18.21\00:16:26.75 friends up there on the screen. Magellanic penguins. They're 00:16:26.75\00:16:31.75 only about 16 to 18 inches tall. They would come up only to your 00:16:31.75\00:16:36.32 waist, okay? But they are beautiful, beautiful penguins. There were hundreds of them on 00:16:36.32\00:16:42.40 Magellanic Island. All right. Our ship stopped there. 00:16:42.40\00:16:47.54 We got off. We walked around and we saw all those little baby 00:16:47.54\00:16:52.01 penguins and all those mama and papa penguins. You know what? 00:16:52.01\00:16:56.75 These Magellanic penguins mate for life. That means mama and 00:16:56.75\00:17:01.92 papa penguin stay together their whole life, until they die. Typically, they only have one 00:17:01.92\00:17:07.52 baby. Just one. You know what we call a baby 00:17:07.52\00:17:12.23 penguin? >> A chick. >> A chick. You're right. 00:17:12.23\00:17:15.36 A future biology major there. We call it a chick. You're right. 00:17:15.36\00:17:19.47 'Cause it's a bird, right? Only one baby chick is normal. So they really value that little 00:17:19.47\00:17:26.01 baby chick and they dig a hole in the ground called a burrow, where the mama penguin lays the 00:17:26.01\00:17:32.21 egg, and when that egg hatches... [ Gasps ] 00:17:32.21\00:17:34.95 ...ooh, they watch over that baby chick very carefully, because there are other birds on 00:17:34.95\00:17:40.62 the island, primarily sea gulls, that like to eat baby chicks. So the parents watch very 00:17:40.62\00:17:48.03 closely. But, of course, while one parent is guarding the baby 00:17:48.03\00:17:52.97 chick, the other parent penguin has to go out and catch some fish, 'cause that's what baby 00:17:52.97\00:17:58.51 penguins, or chicks, eat is fish. So, one parent penguin will swim out in the ocean, 00:17:58.51\00:18:06.11 sometimes for 3 or 4 days, and try to swallow as many fish, primarily little ones -- you 00:18:06.11\00:18:14.69 know, sardines -- as he can. And then he'll come back to the island and back to the burrow 00:18:14.69\00:18:19.69 and he will regurgitate. All right, what's that word mean, 00:18:19.69\00:18:26.87 regurgitate? Yes? >> He'll throw it up. >> He'll throw it up. 00:18:26.87\00:18:29.90 Yuck! Yuck! He'll vomit, or throw up, his tummyful of fish 00:18:29.90\00:18:37.55 right down the baby chick's throat. Whoa! Pre-digested 00:18:37.55\00:18:46.52 Gerber sardines. Aren't you glad your mommy doesn't feed you that 00:18:46.52\00:18:52.76 way? Oh, yuck! Well, as I mentioned a moment ago, sometimes, the papa or mama 00:18:52.76\00:18:59.83 penguin has to be out there for several days -- 3 or 4 days. And when they're out there, they're 00:18:59.83\00:19:06.61 in great danger, because there's something else out in the ocean that eats penguins. Look at the 00:19:06.61\00:19:11.65 screen. What is that? Oh, yes! It's an orca whale. And the orcas travel in groups 00:19:11.65\00:19:20.39 called pods, and they like to eat penguins. So if every mama 00:19:20.39\00:19:26.06 and daddy penguin went fishing at the same time, many of them wouldn't come back, because the 00:19:26.06\00:19:32.77 orcas would kill them. So, here's what happens. One very 00:19:32.77\00:19:41.04 brave penguin volunteers to swim out into the ocean when there are orcas out there and lead 00:19:41.04\00:19:51.79 those orcas on a merry chase. That little penguin will swim as hard as he can, as fast as he 00:19:51.79\00:20:00.16 can, as far as he can to lead the orcas away from the island and his friends back there on 00:20:00.16\00:20:09.34 Magdalena Island. But -- but -- this penguin knows that the orcas are bigger than 00:20:09.34\00:20:16.14 he. They're stronger than he. They can swim farther than he. 00:20:16.14\00:20:24.32 And so, in the end, he knows he's not coming back home. He 00:20:24.32\00:20:32.09 will die. But in giving up his life, he will save hundreds of baby chicks and their penguin 00:20:32.09\00:20:42.50 parents back on Magdalena Island. You know, girls and boys, when our tour guide on the 00:20:42.50\00:20:49.88 boat told us that story, I immediately thought of somebody else who came to this Earth, 00:20:49.88\00:20:57.09 voluntarily, to die for you and me. Who was that? That was 00:20:57.09\00:21:02.92 Jesus, wasn't it? He didn't have to come, but He volunteered to come down here and die on the 00:21:02.92\00:21:10.90 cross for you and me and your parents. And then, unlike the penguin, He didn't stay dead, 00:21:10.90\00:21:18.31 right? He rose again from the tomb on Easter Sunday morning and He went back to heaven. 00:21:18.31\00:21:24.25 And some day, we hope soon, He's going to come back again and take you and your parents to 00:21:24.25\00:21:31.19 heaven with Him. Isn't that a beautiful thought? I wonder if 00:21:31.19\00:21:35.92 there's a little girl or a little boy here this morning that would like to pray and 00:21:35.92\00:21:41.60 thank Jesus -- Would you? Come on up here. Thank Jesus for coming to this Earth and dying 00:21:41.60\00:21:48.57 for us so that we can have everlasting life. Thank you so much. Let's bow our heads. 00:21:48.57\00:21:56.98 >> Dear Jesus, thank You for this day. Please help us to 00:21:56.98\00:22:01.62 understand why You died on the cross and help us to love You more and help people who don't 00:22:01.62\00:22:07.32 know about You to learn about You. In the name of Jesus, amen. 00:22:07.32\00:22:10.83 >> Amen. That was a beautiful prayer. Thank you so much. You may now go back to your 00:22:10.83\00:22:15.66 seats. Thank you. 00:22:15.66\00:22:18.50 ¤¤ 00:22:21.90\00:22:23.81 >> ¤ Sing the wondrous love of Jesus ¤ 00:22:34.75\00:22:39.52 ¤ Sing His mercy and His grace ¤ In the mansions bright and 00:22:39.55\00:22:49.53 blessed ¤ ¤ He'll prepare for us a place ¤ I am bound for the kingdom, will you go to glory 00:22:49.53\00:22:59.67 with me? ¤ ¤ Hallelujah, praise the Lord! >> ¤ While we walk the 00:22:59.67\00:23:12.05 pilgrim pathway ¤ ¤ Clouds will overspread the sky ¤ >> ¤ But when traveling days are 00:23:12.05\00:23:20.96 over ¤ ¤ Not a shadow, not a sigh ¤ I am bound for the 00:23:20.96\00:23:29.47 kingdom, will you go to glory with me? ¤ ¤ Hallelujah, praise 00:23:29.47\00:23:39.01 the Lord! ¤ Let us then be true and faithful, trusting, serving 00:23:45.62\00:23:54.86 every day ¤ ¤ Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils 00:23:54.86\00:24:04.64 of life repay ¤ ¤ I am bound for the kingdom, will you go to glory with me? ¤ ¤ Hallelujah, 00:24:04.64\00:24:14.52 praise the Lord! ¤ I am bound for the kingdom, will you go to glory with me? ¤ ¤ Hallelujah, 00:24:14.52\00:24:27.36 praise the Lord! ¤ Onward to the prize before us! ¤ ¤ Soon, His 00:24:27.36\00:24:34.64 beauty we'll behold ¤ ¤ Soon, the pearly gates will open ¤ 00:24:34.64\00:24:41.91 ¤ We shall tread the streets of gold ¤ ¤ I am bound for the 00:24:41.91\00:24:52.42 kingdom, will you go to glory with me? ¤ ¤ Hallelujah, praise the Lord! ¤ I am bound for the 00:24:52.42\00:25:04.33 kingdom, will you go to glory with me? ¤ ¤ Hallelujah, praise the Lord! ¤ Hallelujah, praise 00:25:04.33\00:25:23.25 the Lord! >> Amen! [ Applause ] 00:25:23.25\00:25:26.45 >> Thank you, choir, Sanctuary Choir. "Hallelujah, praise the 00:25:31.06\00:25:34.76 Lord. I am bound for the promised land." Let's go there 00:25:34.76\00:25:43.94 together. I want to pray first. We'll plunge into our teaching 00:25:43.94\00:25:49.21 on exiles. Father, we want to go there. Hallelujah. We sing with 00:25:49.21\00:25:55.18 the choir. Praise the Lord. We're still basking in the joy of those three beautiful 00:25:55.18\00:26:02.52 testimonies, three new friends of Jesus. And it occurs to me, 00:26:02.52\00:26:09.03 Father, there may be somebody here who watched those three and is thinking, "You know what? 00:26:09.03\00:26:12.97 I could do that. I could be baptized and follow Christ." 00:26:12.97\00:26:18.91 If that's the case, would the Holy Spirit please take these next few moments, and maybe you 00:26:18.91\00:26:23.78 and he, you and she talk this out. Right now, may this story 00:26:23.78\00:26:33.89 come alive for us -- exiles. In Jesus' name. Amen. 00:26:33.89\00:26:40.63 So, how can I possibly tell you a story you already know? 00:26:40.66\00:26:44.33 Maybe we try this. Tonight, midnight, your place -- 00:26:44.33\00:26:50.61 Could be a house, could be an apartment, could be a mobile 00:26:50.61\00:26:55.81 home. Tonight, at midnight, go into a 00:26:55.81\00:26:58.31 closet, shut the door behind you. 00:26:58.31\00:27:01.35 You've got the closet light on, of course. Take a couple, three 00:27:01.38\00:27:07.02 deep breaths and then turn the light out. Pitch-black darkness, 00:27:07.02\00:27:16.70 right? Yeah. And now imagine that, while you're in that 00:27:16.70\00:27:22.07 position -- dark closet -- the walls, the four walls, begin to push in on you. Mm-hmm. 00:27:22.07\00:27:26.41 Suddenly, you feel the walls touching your shoulders, and you realize that your arms are 00:27:26.41\00:27:30.58 pinned to your side. Suddenly, the wall in front of you, which 00:27:30.58\00:27:35.45 you cannot see, is touching your nose. The wall behind you that you cannot see is touching your 00:27:35.45\00:27:39.82 head. And if that weren't claustrophobic enough, let's 00:27:39.82\00:27:45.99 take all fresh air out of that closet -- that be okay? -- and replace it with this pungent, 00:27:45.99\00:27:52.97 like, pins-in-the-nostrils ammonia. And your gut begins to 00:27:52.97\00:28:02.98 twist in advance of a retch. And while you're there in the dark, if that weren't enough, 00:28:02.98\00:28:08.32 something is touching you, and you don't know what it is. Is it alive? I don't know. 00:28:08.32\00:28:14.72 It's probing your orifices. Slimy to the touch. Ugh! 00:28:14.72\00:28:23.63 "What are you talking about?" 00:28:23.63\00:28:26.43 Take a look at these words on the screen, please. 00:28:26.50\00:28:29.60 Who prayed that prayer? Where did he pray it? In the belly of 00:28:43.55\00:28:49.92 a whale. Of course. You know, they have this saying, "You can run, but you can't..." 00:28:49.92\00:28:56.56 You can't hide. I think for Jonah, the converse is just as 00:28:56.56\00:29:00.34 true. You can hide, but you can't run. Where can you run in 00:29:00.34\00:29:07.01 a whale's belly? Nowhere. Open your Bible with me to this world-loved story of Jonah and 00:29:07.01\00:29:12.41 the whale. We're gonna take five minutes while you find the 00:29:12.41\00:29:15.82 Book of Jonah, all right? Five minutes, but that's it. Five minutes up, we're moving 00:29:15.82\00:29:20.32 on. All right, it's the little, tiny book tucked into the 00:29:20.32\00:29:24.26 Minor Prophets, the 12 last prophets in the Old Testament. All right, Jonah, Jonah, Jonah. 00:29:24.26\00:29:31.97 And, by the way, while you're finding it, 'cause you're still 00:29:32.00\00:29:34.34 looking, let me put the title slide on the screen for you. 00:29:34.34\00:29:37.57 We're in this away-from-our-home-church series 00:29:37.57\00:29:41.21 called "In Exile: Cadences of Home." 00:29:41.21\00:29:44.08 Title today, "Here Am I -- Send Them." 00:29:44.08\00:29:47.42 "Yeah, but, Dwight, come on. Time-out. You can't put Jonah in 00:29:47.45\00:29:51.52 with these exile stories." Oh, yes, you can. I learned that 00:29:51.52\00:29:57.33 scholars, in fact, define what they call diasporic -- Oh, big word. But the Diaspora, you 00:29:57.33\00:30:02.83 know, when the Jews were spread out, scattered all over the Roman Empire, diasporic morality 00:30:02.83\00:30:09.04 tales. And scholars believe that these stories were carefully 00:30:09.04\00:30:13.88 preserved. They were passed on to exile to exile to exile to 00:30:13.88\00:30:18.15 show you how you can maintain the faith in the land that is not your own, to show you how 00:30:18.15\00:30:24.09 your religion can survive exile. And scholars believe Jonah's story was a big teaching story. 00:30:24.09\00:30:32.93 So we're including him. All right, Jonah. Let's go. We're gonna start at the end of 00:30:32.93\00:30:37.10 the story. So, you've got Jonah. We'll go to the end of the story 00:30:37.10\00:30:40.50 first -- Jonah 4:1. 00:30:40.50\00:30:43.44 What seemed wrong? What seemed wrong is that God has just saved 00:30:46.88\00:30:51.41 the entire city of Nineveh. Pff! 00:30:51.41\00:30:54.38 I'm gonna share with you something now that I have never 00:31:01.29\00:31:03.89 seen before. How many times have I read -- How many times have I preached on the Book of Jonah? 00:31:03.89\00:31:07.56 Pff! Have no idea. But I never saw this till this last week, 00:31:07.56\00:31:12.53 and that's why I'm really jazzed about passing it on to you, because watch the next line. 00:31:12.53\00:31:17.57 I'll read it again. Now, listen to this. 00:31:17.57\00:31:24.18 "That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to 00:31:31.62\00:31:38.96 Tarshish." At the end of his story -- 'Cause Jonah wrote his 00:31:38.96\00:31:41.66 own story. At the end of his story, he gives us a hint of his mind-set at the beginning of his 00:31:41.66\00:31:50.44 story. Never saw that before. I mean, what do we know about 00:31:50.44\00:31:54.91 Jonah? Well, we all know how the story begins. The story begins 00:31:54.91\00:31:58.48 -- Let's put the first line of the story up on the screen for you. Jonah -- tiny, little book. 00:31:58.48\00:32:02.92 You can see it right there. Jonah 1:3. But Jonah did what? 00:32:02.92\00:32:06.79 Jonah ran away. From whom? He ran away from the Lord. 00:32:06.79\00:32:10.33 Everybody knows that story. God comes to the prophet. He says, 00:32:10.33\00:32:17.30 "Yo, Jonah. I have something I need you to do. I'm sending you 00:32:17.30\00:32:21.14 to the baddest of the bad, the worst of the worst cities on Earth. I'm sending you to 00:32:21.14\00:32:25.24 Nineveh. And I want you to take to them this little message. Watch me, Jonah. Watch me. 00:32:25.24\00:32:29.61 I want you to tell them that I am this close -- See that? I am this close to nuking them. 00:32:29.61\00:32:36.89 Nuking." And Jonah says, "Yes, Lord. I hear You loud and clear. 00:32:36.89\00:32:43.93 Thank You for those instructions. Hasta la vista." 00:32:43.93\00:32:46.83 And he's gone. He runs. [ Chuckles ] 00:32:46.83\00:32:49.96 You know what I used to think? I used to think that the reason Jonah ran was because he's a 00:32:49.96\00:32:54.77 fraidycat, just didn't have the guts to be able to go into that evil city and proclaim God's 00:32:54.77\00:33:00.14 message. But there hasn't been a reader around that hasn't come 00:33:00.14\00:33:04.91 to that same conclusion, because -- let's just admit it -- heard on the street, the Assyrians are 00:33:04.91\00:33:10.05 the -- Pff! You don't want the Assyrians living in your 00:33:10.05\00:33:17.33 country. Infamous, famous, barbaric cruelty. They invented 00:33:17.33\00:33:21.63 impaling. I don't know if they invented it, but they perfected it. You know what impaling is? 00:33:21.63\00:33:25.33 You take a pole, you sharpen the tip, and then you run the pole straight up the torso this way 00:33:25.33\00:33:31.31 until it comes out somewhere, and you hang there, beneath the sun, writhing and dying, until 00:33:31.31\00:33:38.78 you're gone. Readers read the Book of Jonah and say, "Yeah, I 00:33:38.78\00:33:43.25 know why I would be afraid. I would never go to Nineveh." Wrong. Not what you're just 00:33:43.25\00:33:49.36 about to see. Watch this. Fascinating. Let's read Verse 2 00:33:49.36\00:33:56.60 again. "I was planning on stopping something from 00:34:06.17\00:34:09.34 happening. Keep reading. 00:34:09.34\00:34:11.01 "I know who You are, and You have done a exactly what I was afraid You were gonna do. 00:34:21.12\00:34:30.37 I can't believe this. I know You -- gracious, compassionate, 00:34:30.37\00:34:35.77 abounding in love. But I got to tell You something. I read my contemporary Hosea's 00:34:35.77\00:34:44.08 prediction. And I said, 'That will never happen in Israel.'" 00:34:44.08\00:34:49.22 Jonah was a patriot. He was a loyalist and an isolationist. 00:34:49.22\00:34:52.49 We got people like that all over the planet today. That was 00:34:52.49\00:34:56.66 Jonah. His contemporary put it on. Hosea 9:3. Hosea, the fellow 00:34:56.66\00:35:02.06 prophet wrote, "They --" That's talking about the 10 tribes of Israel. "They will not remain in 00:35:02.06\00:35:08.24 their land." Mnh-mnh. "Ephraim --" That's the code 00:35:08.24\00:35:10.31 name for them. "Ephraim will...eat unclean food," from 00:35:10.31\00:35:14.04 where? Jonah says, "This is a no-brainer. That prediction 00:35:14.04\00:35:17.28 says, "I'm gonna become an exile one day, and I do not want to be -- no, thank you -- an exile." 00:35:17.28\00:35:23.62 So when God comes to him and says, "Come on, Jonah." We got a 00:35:23.62\00:35:26.79 plan." "Nope. Adiós." God says, "Go east." He goes west. 00:35:26.79\00:35:32.49 "You can run, but you can't hide. You can hide, but you 00:35:32.49\00:35:37.47 can't run." Yep. Everybody loves the story of Jonah. 00:35:37.47\00:35:44.04 And the best part is coming up right now. I am grateful for my 00:35:44.04\00:35:48.94 friend Brian Strayer, introducing that word, regurgitate, into our 00:35:48.94\00:35:54.98 consciousness. That's very good, Brian. Yep. Okay, so, we got to get Jonah out of the whale, 00:35:54.98\00:35:59.45 'cause that's where we've left him. He's in the whale. Go to Verse 10 of Chapter 2. 00:35:59.45\00:36:03.02 "And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited --" This is 00:36:03.02\00:36:08.03 the N.I.V. "It vomited Jonah onto dry land." Man, that has 00:36:08.03\00:36:13.13 got to be one loud sound when that took place, 'cause we've had pet dogs, you know, and you 00:36:13.13\00:36:19.17 just know immediately when it's about to happen. Can't imagine 00:36:19.17\00:36:23.41 what a whale would sound like. Okay, go on. Come on. Don't stop 00:36:23.41\00:36:26.25 there. Verse 1, Chapter 3. Boy, is God merciful or what? Has He come to you a second 00:36:26.25\00:36:33.39 time? Has He ever come to you a third time? 00:36:33.39\00:36:36.32 Has He come to you a fourth time, a fifth time, a sixth 00:36:36.32\00:36:40.13 time? Look at him. The word of the Lord came to him a second 00:36:40.13\00:36:44.90 time, because He's still a God of mercy. He says, "All right, Jonah. I want you to go to that 00:36:44.90\00:36:49.77 great city and repeat my commission." 00:36:49.77\00:36:52.64 And this time -- yep, you got it -- Jonah obeys. And he proclaims 00:36:57.61\00:37:04.69 a very short message. In Hebrew... [ Clears throat ] 00:37:04.69\00:37:06.92 Excuse me. In Hebrew, it's only five words long. 00:37:06.92\00:37:10.56 So, he goes to that first city block, because he tells us, in this chapter, that it takes 00:37:10.56\00:37:14.30 three days to walk across -- Three days to cross the city. So it must be a big, big city. 00:37:14.30\00:37:19.20 He goes to the first block and he utters the five words. I tried to get the message down 00:37:19.20\00:37:23.84 to five words in English, and here is how it goes. I need to 00:37:23.84\00:37:31.25 look at it to make sure I know. [ Laughter ] "40 days, you are 00:37:31.25\00:37:41.19 nuked." That's it. Five words long. He goes to the next block, stands on the next street corner 00:37:41.19\00:37:46.36 and says, "Yo! 40 days, you are nuked." He walks to the next 00:37:46.36\00:37:55.14 block. "40 days, you are nuked." Day after day after day. And 00:37:55.14\00:37:59.64 guess what. Finally, the king gets the message. You've got to 00:37:59.64\00:38:05.01 read this. This is something else. Look at Verse 5. "The Ninevites believed God," 00:38:05.01\00:38:10.22 thanks to Jonah. 00:38:10.22\00:38:11.92 Keep reading. So, here comes the royal 00:38:17.26\00:38:32.07 proclamation. 00:38:32.07\00:38:34.21 Sounds like a preacher, doesn't he? 00:38:53.46\00:38:56.20 That came from the highest political office in the land. 00:39:03.41\00:39:12.95 Wow. As it was with the exile Esther, as it was with the exile Daniel, as it was with the 00:39:12.95\00:39:18.89 exiles Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, so it is in the story of Jonah. Have you noticed 00:39:18.89\00:39:22.72 there's a little -- there's a familiar thread running through? The king gets saved. 00:39:22.72\00:39:29.33 All three of these morality tales from exiles -- God saves the highest office, occupier in 00:39:29.33\00:39:39.01 the land. Whoa. "40 days and you are nuked," and Nineveh repents 00:39:39.01\00:39:44.35 before God. By the way, some day not far from now, that very 00:39:44.35\00:39:49.15 message -- Slight alteration in the wording. That very message 00:39:49.15\00:39:52.45 will be proclaimed to the ends of the Earth. In fact, let's put 00:39:52.45\00:39:56.02 it on the screen. Revelation 14:7. 00:39:56.02\00:39:58.59 And I say let's read this out loud together. 00:39:58.63\00:40:01.46 Jesus -- when He was here, how did He preach? He says, "Repent, 00:40:13.24\00:40:17.81 for the kingdom is at hand. Repent. Curtain's coming." We're 00:40:17.81\00:40:27.62 about this far." Wow. So, here's the question for you. Would you 00:40:27.62\00:40:36.77 be upset if this message goes to all the kings and politicians, all the presidents and prime 00:40:36.77\00:40:43.17 ministers, all the cities and all the countries of Earth? Would you be upset if they chose 00:40:43.17\00:40:49.71 to respond positively to that appeal? Would you be upset if 00:40:49.71\00:40:57.45 they respond positively, just like the kings in these exilic tales, and God says, "Okay. 00:40:57.45\00:41:06.73 I'm calling it off. No destruction, no judgment." Now, would you be upset? 00:41:06.73\00:41:17.51 One thing we know about Jonah -- he was ticked off, right? 00:41:17.51\00:41:22.81 And I think of this little faith community that I have had the 00:41:22.84\00:41:25.55 privilege of belonging to all my life, since the day they sang, 00:41:25.55\00:41:28.45 "All to Jesus, I surrender," and my father baptized me and I came 00:41:28.45\00:41:31.62 up looking straight into my dad's face. 00:41:31.62\00:41:33.66 That's what I was thinking about, with tears in my eyes, as 00:41:33.66\00:41:37.26 we sang that hymn a moment ago. So I've hung around, but I know 00:41:37.26\00:41:44.80 this faith community. I know people that call 00:41:44.80\00:41:47.64 themselves Adventists. Ooh! Adventists. 00:41:47.64\00:41:50.67 What's that old word mean? Oh, people that have the 00:41:50.67\00:41:53.34 expectation of the soon coming of Christ. 00:41:53.34\00:41:56.11 I know that, in this Adventist community, there are people who say, "You know what, God? 00:41:56.14\00:42:02.45 What are You thinking of? Do You know what time it is? Hubba-hubba-hubba. Let's go. 00:42:02.45\00:42:09.49 We've been at this thing for decades. I've been at it." 00:42:09.49\00:42:12.63 And the closer you get to your demise or ending, the more urgent becomes that desire. 00:42:12.63\00:42:17.97 "I don't care if -- Listen, nuke the world. Just get me home. 00:42:17.97\00:42:23.00 We are no better than Jonah. Nuke Nineveh. I'll be fine." 00:42:23.00\00:42:33.45 Same. Same way. We fall into that trap and say, "Wrap it up. 00:42:33.45\00:42:38.62 I'm ready." Did it ever occur to you that you are not the only one on this planet right now? 00:42:38.62\00:42:43.83 [ Laughs, sighs ] Carly Simon used to sing that song, "You're 00:42:43.83\00:42:51.17 so vain. You probably think this song is about you." And I know 00:42:51.17\00:42:57.57 people in my faith community that think, "That's what this ending is all about. It's us." 00:42:57.57\00:43:02.31 Are you serious? You can't be serious. There's a world out 00:43:02.31\00:43:10.95 there. So, would it bother you if all the politicians that are in high office that you can 00:43:10.95\00:43:17.26 think of right now converted to Jesus Christ, became true believers, and God says, "I'm 00:43:17.26\00:43:22.10 calling off. I can wait." The only reason He would call it 00:43:22.10\00:43:25.00 off, by the way, is so "I can reach more people. You've given 00:43:25.00\00:43:28.70 me some time now. Perfect." Would that bother you? Hmm. 00:43:28.70\00:43:33.78 Okay, well, that's exactly what God does. 00:43:33.81\00:43:36.34 He calls it off. Verse 10. 00:43:36.34\00:43:38.35 He pulled back. 00:43:43.12\00:43:44.99 Mm-mm. "I told You so. I told You You were gonna do 00:43:50.13\00:43:53.29 that back when You gave me the invitation. You did it." 00:43:53.29\00:43:58.57 Pff! "But to Jonah, this seemed very wrong, and he became 00:43:58.57\00:44:06.11 angry." What's going on here? Lee Beach, in his inspiring little book, "The Church in 00:44:06.11\00:44:11.21 Exile: Living in Hope After Christendom," makes the point 00:44:11.21\00:44:14.65 well. Put the words on the screen for you. "A key theological perspective 00:44:14.65\00:44:19.09 reflected in the call for Jonah to preach in Nineveh is the potential transformation of 00:44:19.09\00:44:24.83 one's" what? Come on. One's what? The story is talking about 00:44:24.83\00:44:29.40 your enemies. "The potential transformation of your enemies." 00:44:29.40\00:44:32.63 You think of the person at the office that you just can't 00:44:32.63\00:44:35.84 stand. You think of the person in your school that you just 00:44:35.84\00:44:39.17 cannot stand. You think of the person in -- the neighbor in 00:44:39.17\00:44:42.74 your neighborhood. You can't stand him. Those enemies of yours are the target of God. 00:44:42.74\00:44:51.42 Yeah, Beach is right. Keep reading. I'll start at the top. 00:44:51.42\00:44:57.06 He knows exactly what God is doing. 00:45:07.94\00:45:11.01 Now, lookit. Here's how Jonah was thinking. God says, "I need 00:45:24.45\00:45:27.16 you to go to Nineveh," and Jonah was thinking to himself, "Man, I got that Hosea prophecy. 00:45:27.16\00:45:30.69 That means we're gonna end up in Assyria in exiles. We're not 00:45:30.69\00:45:34.76 gonna do it." What is Jonah hoping? By not going to Nineveh, God will be forced to nuke 00:45:34.76\00:45:40.07 Nineveh. And if God nukes Nineveh, good riddance to bad rubbish. Gone. One less enemy 00:45:40.07\00:45:47.21 for Israel to have to worry about. That's what Jonah's thinking. He thinks he will 00:45:47.21\00:45:54.18 thwart the divine purpose and plan. Oh! He's ticked. Because Nineveh, to him, is the 00:45:54.18\00:46:07.46 enemy. You know what the irony of this story is? 00:46:07.46\00:46:09.76 Listen. The irony of this story is that Jonah is absolutely right about God and His 00:46:09.76\00:46:17.34 character. We always treat this story as, "Well, Jonah's not -- 00:46:17.34\00:46:20.51 He doesn't have a good picture of God, not a clear theological understanding of God." 00:46:20.51\00:46:23.68 Are you kidding? It is as clear as they come. When Jonah speaks 00:46:23.68\00:46:27.02 those words -- "I know that You're gracious and You're compassionate and I know You're 00:46:27.02\00:46:30.32 abounding in love --" when Jonah speaks those words, he's quoting Exodus 34, God's self-revelation 00:46:30.32\00:46:36.06 to Moses. "Moses, this is who I am." Jonah is quoting that. "I 00:46:36.06\00:46:42.96 know who You are." Jonah knows. He knows that God is gracious. And, by the way, He still is. 00:46:42.96\00:46:47.27 Some of you are not sure about the character of God. You're not sure that this God -- 00:46:47.27\00:46:51.51 you have to let Him get too close to you, 'cause look at the stuff that happens to people who 00:46:51.51\00:46:54.98 get close to Him. That is defective thinking, because He 00:46:54.98\00:47:02.98 still is gracious. He still is compassionate. He still is slow to anger. He still does abound 00:47:02.98\00:47:07.59 in love. In fact, saving Nineveh proves Jonah's picture of God. He's fighting his own stance. 00:47:07.59\00:47:16.20 Ugh. 00:47:16.20\00:47:18.00 Lee Beach one more time on the screen. 00:47:24.47\00:47:27.44 Isaiah 45:22 -- God stretches out His hands and He says, "Come to me, all you ends of the 00:47:35.45\00:47:40.66 Earth. You come to me, and I will save you. 00:47:40.66\00:47:45.89 Just come to me." He says it to the whole planet. 00:47:45.89\00:47:49.96 Sometimes, faith communities get a little parochial, and they draw themselves in and they put 00:48:06.75\00:48:11.99 fences around where they are and they only go out to shop, they only go out to fill their car 00:48:11.99\00:48:15.96 with gas, but then they're back inside again. Hmm. 00:48:15.96\00:48:22.43 Wow. 00:48:22.43\00:48:24.30 God cares for our enemies. And, by the way, that's why He 00:48:28.04\00:48:31.61 invented exiles. You know He's the one who invented the exiles? Yeah, He invented them. 00:48:31.61\00:48:36.14 You know why He did invent exiles? Because God is a 00:48:36.14\00:48:40.58 missionary God. And He has His heart on more than just His chosen people, whether you want 00:48:40.58\00:48:43.95 to call them Israel or whether you want to call them Christians or you want to call them the 00:48:43.95\00:48:48.36 Remnant. He has a much bigger vision of rescuing the human race. Yep. "You probably think 00:48:48.36\00:48:59.17 this song is about you." And that's why God gives a line to the exiles -- Oh, I wish 00:48:59.17\00:49:06.54 Jonah had seen this line. If Jonah had seen this line, we wouldn't have Jonah's kind of 00:49:06.54\00:49:10.58 melting down the way we have it in this story. But this didn't 00:49:10.58\00:49:14.25 get released till the other prophet with a "J," named Jeremiah, quotes God. And, so, I 00:49:14.25\00:49:18.79 need you to go back in your Bible. Just go back to Jeremiah 29. You got to see this in your 00:49:18.79\00:49:22.56 own Bible. I know we're gonna put it on the screen, but do you 00:49:22.56\00:49:25.29 have it there in your Bible? And then mark this verse up in your Bible so that you don't 00:49:25.29\00:49:28.03 forget it really is in our Bibles. Jeremiah 29:7. 00:49:28.03\00:49:33.37 God's speaking. 00:49:33.37\00:49:35.30 Pause button right there. Who carried them into exile? Who carried them into exile? 00:49:41.28\00:49:47.32 God did. He had a plan. That's why you lost a job, by the way. 00:49:47.32\00:49:50.95 You were so happy with that job, you were making it on that job and God says, "You know what? 00:49:50.95\00:49:55.79 You're way too comfortable. I need to move you out. I'm gonna find another job for 00:49:55.79\00:49:59.96 you, but this one's just gone." That's why you lost that friendship, by the way. 00:49:59.96\00:50:03.67 You were so focused on that friend, who was distracting you from God's divine will for your 00:50:03.67\00:50:08.74 life, that God says, "That friendship's over. Adiós. Let's 00:50:08.74\00:50:14.64 talk." That's why you no longer live in the neighborhood, that comfort zone you once lived in. 00:50:14.64\00:50:17.81 God said, "You're out of here. I don't want you in that 00:50:17.81\00:50:20.78 neighborhood. I need you, as an exile, to be where the world interfaces with you." 00:50:20.78\00:50:28.49 Wow. But it gets even better. Oh, I'll read it again. 00:50:28.49\00:50:35.23 "Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile 00:50:35.23\00:50:39.23 and pray to the Lord for it, because --" now, here it comes -- "if it --" What? 00:50:39.23\00:50:45.54 "If it prospers, you too will" what? You will prosper. 00:50:45.54\00:50:50.65 Can you believe that? It's almost -- We have a little reciprocal return going on here. 00:50:50.65\00:50:56.05 It's almost as if in seeking to save others, we end up saving ourselves, because if they 00:50:56.05\00:51:05.73 prosper, you too will prosper. It's almost as if in seeking to save the Church -- And 00:51:05.73\00:51:09.80 everybody's so preoccupied these days with saving the Church. Get 00:51:09.80\00:51:13.80 off. God will save the Church. Jesus is the savior and Lord of 00:51:13.80\00:51:18.64 the Church anyway. But it's almost as if in seeking to save the world, we save the Church. 00:51:18.64\00:51:26.38 Because as they prosper, you too will prosper. That's it. 00:51:26.38\00:51:35.32 Reciprocal return. Testifying of your faith in Jesus, when You 00:51:35.32\00:51:40.96 set out to save someone's life -- And I'm talking about someone 00:51:40.96\00:51:43.97 on the job. I'm talking about someone in the neighborhood. I'm talking about somebody you 00:51:43.97\00:51:47.80 play with, somebody you study with, somebody you work with. Somebody. I don't care who, 00:51:47.80\00:51:53.31 where, when. It doesn't matter. If you set out to save someone 00:51:53.31\00:51:58.21 else's life -- guess what -- your life gets saved. It's the 00:51:58.21\00:52:06.92 reciprocal return. These three testimonies, beautiful testimonies, that we just 00:52:06.92\00:52:11.39 witnessed, I'm so proud of you. They already are penetrating 00:52:11.39\00:52:18.17 hearts. And these three have become missionaries now -- exiles -- to communicate the 00:52:18.17\00:52:24.77 good news of the Gospel. Yep. The reciprocal return of 00:52:24.77\00:52:29.78 witnessing. Jonah thinks, by the way, that if Nineveh repents, 00:52:29.78\00:52:34.72 Israel is doomed. It could very well be, in fact, that had Nineveh not repented, 00:52:34.72\00:52:38.65 the annihilation of Israel would have been much earlier than it 00:52:38.65\00:52:43.19 was. You don't know the mind of God. Don't you try to second-guess. You're in exile. 00:52:43.19\00:52:47.66 You're not home yet, but you're going home. But God says, "I 00:52:47.66\00:52:52.57 have put you where nobody else is. There's nobody but you there. And I'm needing you. 00:52:52.57\00:52:59.94 I'm counting on you. Don't be intimidated, don't be afraid. 00:52:59.94\00:53:04.48 Lo, I'm with you always." Oh, what a God. "Because if they 00:53:04.48\00:53:10.45 prosper, you too will prosper." This last Wednesday evening, I wish you could have been at 00:53:10.45\00:53:13.05 House of Prayer last Wednesday evening. Kathy Iwasa led our 00:53:13.05\00:53:19.53 reflection time. Pastor John has set up a series of narratives 00:53:19.53\00:53:23.63 showing heart transformation. And, so, she was assigned this, and she did such a beautiful 00:53:23.63\00:53:28.27 job. It was so tender. I mean, tears sprang into my 00:53:28.27\00:53:31.11 eyes. And she, with great transparency, applies this 00:53:31.11\00:53:35.04 story. It's the story about the early-morning demoniacs. 00:53:35.04\00:53:38.25 You remember the two demoniacs? Jesus and the Disciples land, and they come running out of the 00:53:38.25\00:53:42.88 cemetery? You remember that? She's taking us through that 00:53:42.88\00:53:45.32 story, and as she unpacks it layer by layer, I'm thinking, 00:53:45.32\00:53:50.79 "Wow." She gets to the end. And you know what the story is at 00:53:50.79\00:53:54.03 the end? Those two healed demoniacs, who are now in their right mind -- do you know what 00:53:54.03\00:53:57.93 they do? They come to Jesus and they say, "Hey, guess what. We're Your two newest disciples 00:53:57.93\00:54:01.67 and we're joining the team. That boat has room for two more, and we're gonna be on it. 00:54:01.67\00:54:06.21 We're going with You. We got nothing else to do but be Your 00:54:06.21\00:54:11.05 disciples." And Jesus, without missing a beat, categorical, "No, no, no. You're not going 00:54:11.05\00:54:19.42 with me. You go back home to your family and to your friends and you tell them what the Lord 00:54:19.42\00:54:25.09 has done for you. You're in exile. God has put you in that 00:54:25.09\00:54:29.46 neighborhood. Now talk. Talk." And when Jesus returns -- It's 00:54:29.46\00:54:37.74 unbelievable, but the Gospels are clear. When He returns, 00:54:37.74\00:54:41.61 thousands greet Him. "You're in exile. You're in exile from me. 00:54:41.61\00:54:49.15 Talk. I know you read the word. I know you pray. 00:54:49.15\00:54:55.32 Just talk. Talk for me. Pff! And then Kathy shared this line from 00:54:55.32\00:55:03.50 "Desire of Ages." I'll put it on the screen for you. This is 00:55:03.50\00:55:06.90 choice. Isn't that good? "It is in working to spread the good news of salvation that we 00:55:13.38\00:55:20.25 are brought near to the Savior." Lookit, is there anybody here that doesn't want to be close to 00:55:20.25\00:55:25.32 Christ? You wouldn't be here today. So, what's gonna take us 00:55:25.32\00:55:31.33 closer? More books? Nope. More time in prayer? Mm, not really. 00:55:31.33\00:55:37.33 That's two-thirds, but we need the third third. Work on 00:55:37.33\00:55:43.14 somebody. And as you're working on that life, something mysterious happens to you. 00:55:43.14\00:55:47.71 It's the reciprocal return. As they prosper, you prosper. 00:55:47.71\00:55:53.15 "It is in working to spread the good news of salvation that we 00:55:53.18\00:55:55.82 are brought near to the Savior." That's it. 00:55:55.82\00:55:57.82 That's the teaching from Jonah. And, by the way, did Jonah get 00:55:57.82\00:56:00.99 near Jesus? Are you kidding? 00:56:00.99\00:56:02.72 Did he get near Jesus? Listen to this. 00:56:02.72\00:56:06.09 Jonah and Jesus track together. Can I run these five by you? 00:56:06.09\00:56:09.70 And then I'll sit down. Five. Count them. 00:56:09.70\00:56:14.24 Like Jesus, Jonah proclaims repentance, right? 00:56:14.24\00:56:20.18 Number two, like Jesus, Jonah finds a way to win pagan hearts. 00:56:20.18\00:56:25.48 Number three, like Jesus, Jonah is willing to sacrifice himself 00:56:25.51\00:56:30.25 to save others. "Throw me over the board. It will save you." Number four, like Jesus, Jonah 00:56:30.25\00:56:35.42 spends three days and three nights in the darkness of death. And, finally, number five, like 00:56:35.42\00:56:42.13 Jesus, Jonah is also delivered from that death. I'm telling you 00:56:42.13\00:56:47.04 what, ladies and gentlemen... in saving others, you save 00:56:47.04\00:56:53.07 yourself. Oh, Jesus is the savior. I know. In saving 00:56:53.07\00:56:57.55 others, you save yourself and you grow closer and closer to the Jesus who decided to take 00:56:57.55\00:57:06.99 Jonah's track for his life. Isn't that great? Just like Jonah, who's just like 00:57:06.99\00:57:12.56 Jesus. 00:57:12.56\00:57:14.46 I want to take an extra moment to thank you for joining us in 00:57:16.36\00:57:18.63 worship today. It's by the continued support 00:57:18.63\00:57:20.40 from viewers like you that we're able to bring you this program. 00:57:20.40\00:57:23.10 Today, I want to invite you, though, to share with us how 00:57:23.10\00:57:25.87 this ministry has blessed you. I get inspiring notes, e-mails 00:57:25.87\00:57:29.04 from viewers literally all over the world telling me, "Look, 00:57:29.04\00:57:31.78 Dwight, God has been blessing me this way. 00:57:31.78\00:57:33.52 He's been doing this." I would love to hear from you, 00:57:33.52\00:57:35.72 as well. Just visit our website -- you 00:57:35.72\00:57:37.92 know it -- newperceptions.tv, and click on the contact link at 00:57:37.92\00:57:42.02 the top of the page. Send me a note, let me know what 00:57:42.02\00:57:44.66 God has been doing right now in your life. 00:57:44.66\00:57:47.50 Once again, thank you for being with us today. 00:57:47.50\00:57:50.07 I hope you'll join us right here next time, and until then, may 00:57:50.07\00:57:53.40 the God of grace journey with you every step of the way. 00:57:53.40\00:57:59.31 ¤¤ 00:57:59.31\00:58:01.31