¤¤ 00:00:00.43\00:00:02.30 >> All: Amen. 00:07:26.68\00:07:30.38 >> At this time, PMC, let's come together and pray at the foot of 00:12:15.20\00:12:21.34 the steps. Let's come together and enter 00:12:21.34\00:12:27.31 into God's courts together through prayer. 00:12:27.31\00:12:31.58 >> So, how close are we to an economic collapse? 00:13:51.39\00:13:55.26 I hold in my hands a paper from thebalance.com website. 00:13:55.26\00:14:02.67 Opens up, "If an economic collapse occurs, it would happen 00:14:02.67\00:14:06.51 quickly. No one would predict it. 00:14:06.51\00:14:08.88 The surprise factor is, itself, one of the causes of a collapse. 00:14:08.88\00:14:12.65 The signs of imminent failure are difficult for most people to 00:14:12.65\00:14:15.95 see." 00:14:15.95\00:14:17.55 Here are seven potential scenarios for the United States. So, let me read them to you. 00:14:17.59\00:14:23.99 Number one...number one... is here, on the back. Number one -- 00:14:23.99\00:14:33.13 "If the U.S. dollar rapidly loses value, it would create hyperinflation." Now, our 00:14:33.13\00:14:38.31 inflation rate, right now, is between 2% and 3%, okay? Hyperinflation -- Our friends in 00:14:38.31\00:14:43.21 Venezuela, right now, are experiencing that. 121% inflation, possibly going up in 00:14:43.21\00:14:50.65 2019 to 10 million percent. Yeah, that's trouble. Okay, so, 00:14:50.65\00:14:53.89 that's number one. Number two -- "A bank run could force banks to close or even go out of 00:14:53.89\00:14:58.09 business." Everybody going into the bank at the same time. "I 00:14:58.09\00:15:01.73 want my money now. I'm just not sure." It could go out of business, cutting off lending 00:15:01.73\00:15:06.37 and even cash withdrawals. Number three -- "The Internet could become paralyzed with a 00:15:06.37\00:15:10.24 super-virus, preventing e-mails and online transactions." And we could not live without 00:15:10.24\00:15:14.28 the Internet. Come on. Be honest. Right? Number four -- 00:15:14.28\00:15:17.65 "Terrorist attacks or a massive oil embargo could halt interstate trucking, and grocery 00:15:17.65\00:15:22.28 stores would soon run out of food." Trucks are what take our groceries across America. 00:15:22.28\00:15:26.09 Number five -- "Widespread violence erupts across the 00:15:26.09\00:15:29.99 nation. That could range from inner-city riots to civil war or a foreign military attack. 00:15:29.99\00:15:33.73 It's possible that a combination of these events could overwhelm the government's ability to 00:15:33.73\00:15:37.87 prevent or respond to a collapse." Number six -- some 00:15:37.87\00:15:41.00 sort of conspiracy. It could be the Federal Reserve. It could be 00:15:41.00\00:15:44.81 something in the executive branch, perhaps even a foreign conspiracy brings the country 00:15:44.81\00:15:49.48 down, because if the government -- As it reads here, "The economy is run on confidence 00:15:49.48\00:15:53.82 that debts will be repaid, food and gas will be available when you need it, and that you'll get 00:15:53.82\00:15:58.35 paid for this week's work. But if a large-enough piece of that stops for even several 00:15:58.35\00:16:01.96 days, it creates a chain reaction that leads to a rapid 00:16:01.96\00:16:05.33 collapse." All right, number seven -- This could cause an economic collapse in the U.S. 00:16:05.33\00:16:10.23 "Natural disasters could cause localized collapse. If Hurricane 00:16:10.23\00:16:16.17 Irma hit Miami not on the East Coast, but hit Florida on the West Coast --" It's actually the 00:16:16.17\00:16:23.14 other way around. If it had gone up the east and not, instead, 00:16:23.14\00:16:28.05 gone up the west, Miami would have -- It would have been worse than Katrina. That would be New 00:16:28.05\00:16:32.35 Orleans. Now, listen to this. If the 2019 polar vortex -- Which we all survived, right? 00:16:32.35\00:16:36.96 If the vortex had lasted weeks, instead of days, cities would 00:16:36.96\00:16:41.66 have shut down. Many of these extreme-weather events are getting worse. So, truth is -- 00:16:41.66\00:16:46.90 whether it's an economic collapse or an economic crisis or no crisis at all, it really 00:16:46.90\00:16:52.44 doesn't matter, because if you're going through, personally, a financial crisis 00:16:52.44\00:16:57.95 right now -- and you know if you are -- that's all that counts. If I'm going through a meltdown, 00:16:57.95\00:17:05.39 financially, right now, who cares what's happening to the nation? I had a college student 00:17:05.39\00:17:08.99 in my office here, bawling his eyes out. You know why? 00:17:08.99\00:17:14.56 Because his parents had loaned them their credit card, and he had driven the balance up 00:17:14.56\00:17:20.50 $10,000-plus and had no way to repay it. That's enough to make 00:17:20.50\00:17:26.01 any grown man cry. So, you may be the one today. I may be the 00:17:26.01\00:17:34.58 one tomorrow. Given that we're living on this razor-thin edge of potential economic crisis or 00:17:34.58\00:17:41.29 collapse, this seems to be the right time to say, "Are there any proven principles to 00:17:41.29\00:17:48.26 survive, financially?" Listen, we did a survey here on the campus about four weeks ago, 00:17:48.26\00:17:53.80 thanks to the university's permission. 318 students 00:17:53.80\00:17:57.24 responded. We have a little group called the Collegiate Council. Where's William sit? 00:17:57.24\00:18:01.94 Collegiate Council. And I've been meeting with them Tuesdays 00:18:01.94\00:18:06.11 at 5:00. So, we put this little survey together. It went to 00:18:06.11\00:18:09.65 every student. 318 sent it back. The number-two-felt need of 00:18:09.65\00:18:13.56 students at Andrews University -- guess what -- financial. 00:18:13.56\00:18:17.63 Financial. This little series is coming out of that. Number one? 00:18:17.63\00:18:21.06 We're gonna get to that the first opening Sabbath of the new 00:18:21.06\00:18:25.97 school year. Collegiate Council putting the entire series together. I want to go to a 00:18:25.97\00:18:31.81 powerful principle embedded in a story that begins like this. Once upon a time, there were two 00:18:31.81\00:18:38.68 brothers. One was named Harley, and the other was named Harry. 00:18:38.68\00:18:42.55 And, by the way, that's not Harley-Davidson, and that's not 00:18:42.55\00:18:46.99 Prince Harry. But they were brothers nonetheless. One day, a man very much admired 00:18:46.99\00:18:50.96 by the brothers was their houseguest. So, Harley, being 00:18:50.96\00:18:54.63 the more culinarily skilled of the two, is whipping up a cyclone of delectable food in 00:18:54.63\00:19:01.10 the kitchen, and Harry, never drawn to kitchens at all, is in the sun-room of their apartment, 00:19:01.10\00:19:05.71 sitting down with the man. And the man has obviously captured 00:19:05.71\00:19:12.45 the attention and enamoring Harry, because Harry's doing less talking, and the man more, 00:19:12.45\00:19:17.79 until, finally, Harley comes exploding out of that kitchen, and he interrupts the 00:19:17.79\00:19:21.89 conversation. And he talks to the guest. "I don't suppose you've noticed that my brother's 00:19:21.89\00:19:26.86 sitting there with you while I'm slaving away in the kitchen. Would it be all right if you put 00:19:26.86\00:19:31.33 a pause on this little chitchat and sent him into the kitchen 00:19:31.33\00:19:37.24 with me?" Now, look, I suppose this story of two brothers, Harley and Harry, could be a 00:19:37.24\00:19:43.55 story of two sisters, Martha and Mary. But I switched it around for a reason, because every time 00:19:43.55\00:19:49.95 we come -- we guys come to the story of Martha and Mary, we say, "Oh, that's a girl's story. 00:19:49.95\00:19:54.36 I'm not even into that." The story has nothing to do with 00:19:54.36\00:19:57.69 gender. It could be boys. It could be brothers. It could be 00:19:57.69\00:20:01.00 sisters. The story has everything to do with generation, and in fact, it has 00:20:01.00\00:20:05.90 our generation written all over it. Now I want to go to that -- I want to go to that story with 00:20:05.90\00:20:08.67 you, so open your Bible up, please, to the Gospel of Luke 00:20:08.67\00:20:11.21 10. Luke 10. I'm in the NIV today. Whatever translation you have is fine with me. 00:20:11.21\00:20:16.61 Didn't bring a Bible, you got it on the phone, don't have it, then grab the pew Bible in front 00:20:16.61\00:20:20.88 of you. What's the page number there? The page number would be 00:20:20.88\00:20:25.52 699. Let's go. Luke 10:38. 00:20:25.52\00:20:28.16 Oh, boy. Put that up. Isolate that one, please, on the 00:20:45.54\00:20:48.54 screen. 00:20:48.54\00:20:50.98 She must have been a Third Millennial. I'll tell you what 00:20:51.01\00:20:54.12 -- you go to Google and you type in the word "distractions," man, there are thousands of sites 00:20:54.12\00:20:58.19 dealing with what plagues us today. In fact, I went through blog after blog, and it seems 00:20:58.19\00:21:02.52 pretty clear to me that there are three top distractions. And I want to share those with 00:21:02.52\00:21:06.76 you right now, so grab your study guide. It's in your 00:21:06.76\00:21:10.13 worship bulletin. Pull it out. And those who are watching right now, let me put a website on the 00:21:10.13\00:21:13.27 screen for you. Those of you that are live-streaming are 00:21:13.27\00:21:15.90 already there, of course, but if you're watching on television -- There, you see it, right there. 00:21:15.90\00:21:19.64 Www.newperceptions.tv. So, this is a brand-new series, beginning 00:21:19.64\00:21:26.01 right now. "How to Survive the Coming Economic Crisis." Part 1 is entitled "How to 00:21:26.01\00:21:29.48 Survive Your Own Financial Crisis." You go there, it says 00:21:29.48\00:21:32.59 "study guide." You'll have the identical study guide. 00:21:32.59\00:21:34.96 But let's go. Come on. What's everybody calling distraction 00:21:34.96\00:21:38.63 out there? Jot it down, please. Distraction number one -- And, by the way, these all start with 00:21:38.63\00:21:42.46 "S." Distraction number one would be what I have in my hip 00:21:42.46\00:21:45.60 pocket. What's that? That's my smartphone. Of course, it's a 00:21:45.60\00:21:48.84 smartphone. Yep, that is a source of distraction for the entire human race, and 00:21:48.84\00:21:53.31 everybody's agreed. Distraction number two -- it starts with an "S" -- social media. 00:21:53.31\00:21:56.88 Social media. Hey, jot this number down, will you? 00:21:56.88\00:22:00.55 Amazing. The average adult in this country spends 5.9 hours 00:22:00.55\00:22:05.22 online per day. We're talking about adults. 5.9. 00:22:05.22\00:22:08.66 Whoa-ho! How about the average teen? Jot it down. 00:22:08.66\00:22:12.63 9 hours online every day. Oh-ho! 9 hours. Where do you get 9 00:22:12.63\00:22:18.83 hours? I don't know. You just get them. All right, talking 00:22:18.83\00:22:22.87 about distractions, both adults and teens, a UC Irvine study found out -- jot this down, will 00:22:22.87\00:22:28.91 you? -- discovered that it takes us 23 minutes and 15 seconds -- jot that down -- 23 minutes, 00:22:28.91\00:22:35.25 15 seconds to get back on track after we've been distracted. Whether we're in a class or 00:22:35.25\00:22:41.22 whether we're at work or whether we're in our dorm room, it 00:22:41.22\00:22:44.73 doesn't matter. When that "ding!" goes, our mind goes immediately to that 00:22:44.73\00:22:49.63 notification, right? Of course. 23 minutes to get back into 00:22:49.63\00:22:52.73 gear. How great. So, there they are. "But Martha was 00:22:52.73\00:22:57.57 distracted." We just read that. No wonder. But there's a huge distraction that has almost 00:22:57.57\00:23:02.84 become a ball and chain for you and me, and this is distraction number -- Distraction number one 00:23:02.84\00:23:07.12 is smartphone. Number two is social media. This one starts 00:23:07.12\00:23:10.65 with an "S." What is it? Put it on the screen, please. Distraction number three -- 00:23:10.65\00:23:14.26 stuff. Stuff. Come on. Isn't that the truth? Stuff. 00:23:14.26\00:23:18.83 We're distracted by stuff. Jot down these wow numbers. USA Today, this month -- wow 00:23:18.83\00:23:23.80 numbers. You're gonna have to keep your hand moving here. 00:23:23.80\00:23:26.74 Here comes stat number one. 430 million credit cards are now in 00:23:26.74\00:23:33.44 circulation in the U.S. of "A." 430 million. Do you understand 00:23:33.44\00:23:37.38 that there are under 330 million of us, from babies to the aged. That means every human being in 00:23:37.38\00:23:42.05 the United States could have a credit card. We'd have 100 00:23:42.05\00:23:46.09 million more left over in case we wanted to do more shopping. You can't believe it. 00:23:46.09\00:23:49.52 430 million. Keep going. Number two -- consumer debt, last year 00:23:49.52\00:23:54.00 -- What are you talking about, Dwight? Well, this would be out of loans, student loans. 00:23:54.00\00:23:57.10 Oh, we got one coming up on student loans, 'cause that's 00:23:57.10\00:24:00.07 huge. Auto debt, student loans, personal loans, and credit cards -- no mortgages, no house 00:24:00.07\00:24:05.04 mortgages, none of that kind of stuff, okay? What's the -- We 00:24:05.04\00:24:09.28 hit a new high this last year. Jot it down. Just over $4 00:24:09.28\00:24:14.52 trillion. That's a 4 with 12 zeroes. You get a little writer's cramp driving those 00:24:14.52\00:24:19.42 zeroes onto that line, but go ahead and jot them down. $4 trillion. Not billion. 00:24:19.42\00:24:24.39 $4 trillion in consumer debt. Anybody here -- Oh, come on. Time-out. Time-out. 00:24:24.39\00:24:30.10 Lookit -- we're so used to hearing "trilling," we don't even know what to do with it. 00:24:30.10\00:24:33.97 Anybody here know how much a trillion dollars is? Here it is. 00:24:33.97\00:24:39.87 A trillion dollars would be if you spent $1 a second -- I just 00:24:39.91\00:24:43.14 wish you'd try me -- do an experiment with me. 00:24:43.14\00:24:45.68 Just let me do that. Give me the dollars, please. 00:24:45.68\00:24:48.35 If you spent $1 a second, you would have, in a day, 00:24:48.35\00:24:52.15 86,400 bucks, all right? If you did that for a year, you 00:24:52.15\00:24:57.43 would have $31.5 million. At the rate of spending, that 00:24:57.43\00:25:01.10 rate, it would take you for -- $1 trillion -- write it down -- 00:25:01.10\00:25:05.00 32,000 years to pay it off. 00:25:05.00\00:25:09.30 32,000 doing this -- a dollar a second. You can't believe it. 00:25:09.34\00:25:14.38 To spend -- And, now, this is not -- This is $4 trillion, so four times that would take you 00:25:14.38\00:25:20.05 128,000 years. That's longer than most of us here are gonna 00:25:20.05\00:25:25.42 live. [ Laughter ] No, I'm serious. Can you believe that? 00:25:25.42\00:25:31.99 $4 trillion, consumer debt. But now here's another one. Thank 00:25:31.99\00:25:36.67 you, USA Today. Here's another one. Let's ask, "What is consumer spending like?" 00:25:36.67\00:25:40.00 So we're talking about food. We're talking about gas. We're 00:25:40.00\00:25:43.61 talking clothing. We're talking about going to Colorado to go snow-skiing. We're talking about 00:25:43.61\00:25:47.71 technology, electronics. And we're talking about gadgets, gadgets, gadgets, gadgets, 00:25:47.71\00:25:51.25 because that's where we spend most of our money, right? All-time high last year. 00:25:51.25\00:25:56.38 Jot it down. $13,032,300,000,000 spent by Americans last year. 00:25:56.38\00:26:06.16 That's just consumer spending in America. [ Laughs ] 00:26:06.16\00:26:10.03 At $1 per second, that would take you 416,000 years to spend. 00:26:10.03\00:26:17.04 Go figure. Turns out that we have a lot of wants, we have a lot of needs, and we've got a 00:26:17.04\00:26:23.98 lot of stuff. Joshua Becker, who considers himself a minimalist -- he has a blog called 00:26:23.98\00:26:27.75 "Becoming Minimalist." And he's run by a whole set of stats, and 00:26:27.75\00:26:31.89 I'm gonna run by you -- There's a website in the study guide. You can go, 'cause there are 21 00:26:31.89\00:26:35.79 of these. I've just cherry-picked a bunch of them. 00:26:35.79\00:26:38.56 Let me run them by you real quick here. According to the 00:26:38.56\00:26:42.30 L.A. Times, there are 300,000 items in the average American home. That's a spoon, a fork. 00:26:42.30\00:26:46.60 You know, 300,000, okay? British research, according to The Telegraph, found that the 00:26:46.60\00:26:52.31 average 10-year-old owns 238 toys but plays with just 12 00:26:52.31\00:26:56.34 daily. Those would be my two granddaughters. So, I'm telling 00:26:56.34\00:27:00.62 you what -- they got hundreds of toys but play with 12 a day. Moreover -- this is UCLA -- 3.1% 00:27:00.62\00:27:08.96 of the world's children live in America, but they own 40% of the 00:27:08.96\00:27:15.06 world's toys. Go figure. Here's a fourth one. Oh, Psychology 00:27:15.06\00:27:20.17 Today. Americans spend more on shoes, jewelry, and watches -- $100 billion -- than on higher 00:27:20.17\00:27:25.14 education. Here's another one. Number five -- shopping malls 00:27:25.14\00:27:30.35 outnumber high schools in America. Yeah, you already knew 00:27:30.35\00:27:35.72 that one. 93% of teenage girls rank shopping as their favorite pastime, according to 00:27:35.72\00:27:39.75 "Affluenza." My. What's this one? Number six -- Americans 00:27:39.75\00:27:44.66 spend $1.2 trillion -- remember how much a trillion is -- annually, according to 00:27:44.66\00:27:48.80 The Wall Street Journal, on non-essential goods, in other words, items they do not need. 00:27:48.80\00:27:53.74 $1.2 trillion. You didn't need that. You didn't need that. 00:27:53.74\00:27:56.54 That's why you got a two-car garage, 'cause you don't need 00:27:56.54\00:27:59.17 it. The cars are outside, by the way. That's America. 00:27:59.17\00:28:06.45 My. One more. 00:28:06.45\00:28:08.05 The $800 billion home-organization industry has 00:28:08.08\00:28:10.89 more than doubled in size since the early 2000s, growing at a 00:28:10.89\00:28:14.42 staggering rate of 10% every year, leading Joshua Becker to 00:28:14.42\00:28:19.16 conclude -- His words on the screen. 00:28:19.16\00:28:21.60 Oh, I love this. 00:28:33.21\00:28:34.61 [ Laughter ] 00:28:39.75\00:28:41.52 We got Neighbor to Neighbor here in town. You got Goodwill all 00:28:41.55\00:28:44.65 over this county. Just get rid of it. You don't have to have 00:28:44.65\00:28:48.52 all of that. Not in Lodi or in Berrien Springs. 00:28:48.52\00:28:55.23 Give it away. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his classic 00:28:55.23\00:28:58.77 commentary on the Sermon on the Mount -- Boy, did he nail -- This is back in the 1930s when 00:28:58.77\00:29:03.47 he wrote that book. Did he nail it on the head or what? Dietrich 00:29:03.47\00:29:06.54 Bonhoeffer. Take a look at this. Jot it down. "Earthly gifts," he 00:29:06.54\00:29:10.78 writes, "are given to be used, not to be collected." You use 00:29:10.78\00:29:14.58 them. You don't collect them. Keep reading. "The disciple --" 00:29:14.58\00:29:17.75 that would be you and me -- "must receive his, her portion from God every day." 00:29:17.75\00:29:21.26 If she stores it up as a permanent possession, she 00:29:21.29\00:29:23.36 spoils not only the gift, but --" write it down -- 00:29:23.36\00:29:25.49 "herself, himself, as well, for we set our hearts on our 00:29:25.49\00:29:29.63 accumulated wealth, and that makes it a barrier between us 00:29:29.63\00:29:34.00 and God." Last line. Oh, this is good. 00:29:34.00\00:29:36.54 "Where our treasure is --" Whatever your treasure is. 00:29:36.54\00:29:40.11 "Where our treasure is, there is our trust, there is our 00:29:40.11\00:29:43.85 security, there is our consolation, and our God." 00:29:43.85\00:29:47.45 Final line. "Hoarding is idolatry." 00:29:47.45\00:29:52.12 And that was before we hoarded. Can you believe it? 00:29:52.12\00:29:57.83 300,000 items. But Martha was distracted. 00:29:57.83\00:30:02.06 Martha, Martha, you are distracted. 00:30:02.06\00:30:05.63 Yep. She must be just like us or we must be just like her. 00:30:05.63\00:30:10.74 Let's read it again. We stopped it in Verse 40, so 00:30:10.74\00:30:13.54 let's pick it up at Verse 40. 00:30:13.54\00:30:15.61 "Please." And Jesus replies... He only says -- He only doubles 00:30:26.12\00:30:33.60 the name when he loves you. Simon Peter -- "Simon, Simon." 00:30:33.60\00:30:38.60 Saul, the persecutor -- "Saul, Saul. Little boy Samuel -- 00:30:38.63\00:30:46.47 "Samuel, Samuel." He doubles your name when he loves you. 00:30:46.47\00:30:49.31 Apparently, you can be a hoarder and be distracted by the Lord knows what, but he still loves 00:30:49.31\00:30:54.98 us. 00:30:54.98\00:30:56.52 Wow. There it is. Ladies and gentlemen, jot it down. 00:31:11.77\00:31:15.40 The number-one life principle. No, don't jot it down yet. The number-one life principle, 00:31:15.40\00:31:23.48 embedded in Jesus' words to Martha, embedded in Mary's 00:31:23.48\00:31:27.85 response to Jesus. And you know what? Jesus takes that principle that he just had spoken to us 00:31:27.85\00:31:32.69 and he makes it the peak, the summit of the Sermon on the 00:31:32.69\00:31:36.39 Mount. Incredible. Look at this. You've learned this since you 00:31:36.39\00:31:39.09 were a kid. Let's read it out loud together. Can you see it on the screen up here, band? 00:31:39.09\00:31:42.63 Let's read Matthew 6:33, right in the heart of the Sermon on 00:31:42.63\00:31:46.00 the Mount. Let's read it out loud together. "But seek first his..." >> All: ...kingdom... 00:31:46.00\00:31:49.97 >> ...and his... >> All: ...righteousness... >> ...and all these things will 00:31:49.97\00:31:55.11 be given to you, as well." Now you jot it down. The number-one 00:31:55.11\00:32:01.38 life principle that Jesus taught is "make God first." That's why 00:32:01.38\00:32:08.32 Jesus pointed to Mary, by the way. 00:32:08.32\00:32:10.06 He's not scolding Martha. But God is a loving provider of 00:32:10.09\00:32:16.03 everything that we need, even of everything that we want. 00:32:16.03\00:32:20.24 It's all from Him. So seek Him. 00:32:20.24\00:32:22.94 Make God numero uno in your life is what Jesus is trying to say 00:32:22.94\00:32:27.21 to Martha. And everything else -- Lookit, 00:32:27.21\00:32:29.81 the distractions -- God will take care of it. 00:32:29.81\00:32:33.08 Oh, come on. Let's do that one more time. 00:32:33.08\00:32:35.78 Matthew 6:33. The number-one life principle, 00:32:35.78\00:32:38.62 on the screen. Out loud together. 00:32:38.62\00:32:41.66 All what things? Jesus has just outlined the basic human needs 00:32:52.40\00:32:56.91 of shelter, clothing, and food. He says, "You'll have it." He doesn't say, "All you want. 00:32:56.91\00:33:00.81 Hey, yo, Dwight, everything you want I'll give you." No, He says, "I'll give you all 00:33:00.81\00:33:04.58 that you need. I'll take care of you." That's what it is. 00:33:04.58\00:33:09.08 "I promise. I put my kingdom on the line. I will never leave you 00:33:09.08\00:33:13.92 or forsake you. I will provide -- My God will provide all your 00:33:13.92\00:33:18.56 needs, according to his riches and glory --" Philippians 4:19. So, what -- "Yo, yo, yo, Dwight, 00:33:18.56\00:33:23.63 please, I mean, what does this have to do with how to survive your own financial crisis?" 00:33:23.63\00:33:29.64 Good question. Everything in the world to do with it. 00:33:29.64\00:33:33.68 You know why? Because if we could cast this story into a financial strategy, 00:33:33.68\00:33:38.98 what Mary is doing here, out of great love and devotion for Jesus, is putting all her money 00:33:38.98\00:33:44.59 at the feet of Jesus. It would be just like Mary took all her possessions, she took 00:33:44.59\00:33:49.06 all of herself, and she took all of her little monies and she put them in a little bag, tied a 00:33:49.06\00:33:53.93 ribbon around the neck and she puts it down and she sits down at the feet of Jesus. 00:33:53.93\00:33:58.50 That's what's happening here. Make God first. And Jesus looks 00:33:58.50\00:34:05.74 at Martha. He says, "Yo, girl, you are distracted by a lot. Mary has chosen what will never 00:34:05.74\00:34:13.48 be taken away from her." Make God -- Nobody can take God away 00:34:13.48\00:34:20.06 from you ever. What did Bonhoeffer say just a moment ago? On the screen one more 00:34:20.06\00:34:25.19 time. Whatever you treasure is your God. No, I'm serious. 00:34:29.46\00:34:32.93 Whatever you treasure is your God. Mary made Him first, and 00:34:32.93\00:34:38.31 then she put it all at Jesus' feet. In fact, do you know what? In order to operationalize this 00:34:38.31\00:34:43.95 great life principle, "make God first," God actually invented 00:34:43.95\00:34:48.25 something. This is really cool. It's as old as the hills. I don't know if you've heard 00:34:48.25\00:34:52.02 this word before. And, sometimes, it's better to spell it just so that you can 00:34:52.02\00:34:55.66 get it, because you're not quite sure how to pronounce it. So let me just spell the word 00:34:55.66\00:34:59.83 out for you. The first letter of the word is "T." 00:34:59.83\00:35:02.53 The second letter of the word is "I." The third letter of the 00:35:02.53\00:35:06.67 word is "T." The fourth letter is "H." And the fifth letter is 00:35:06.67\00:35:11.97 "E." Now, some are saying, "How do you pronounce that? "Tith-ay? 00:35:11.97\00:35:15.31 Tith-ay?" No, that's not pronounced tith-ay. That's 00:35:15.31\00:35:18.65 tithe. [ Laughs ] That's tithe. We don't like that word. 00:35:18.65\00:35:23.62 Come on. Level with me. We don't like that word. It feels like, 00:35:23.62\00:35:29.16 "Eh, somebody's trying to control me." We don't like tith-ay. Someone just ought to 00:35:29.16\00:35:33.06 call it tith-ay, and it wouldn't bother us. Tithe. It's as old as 00:35:33.06\00:35:36.93 the hills. "Father Abraham" -- You remember that song? ¤ Father Abraham had many sons 00:35:36.93\00:35:42.20 ¤ Many sons had Father Abraham Do they sing that down at 00:35:42.20\00:35:46.94 Southern, too? Probably not. We're still singing it up here. 00:35:46.94\00:35:50.75 [ Laughs ] Not. Not. Okay. "Father Abraham" on the screen. Genesis -- What is this? 00:35:50.75\00:35:55.45 Genesis 14. What does it say about Father Abraham. 00:35:55.45\00:36:01.62 And it's called a tithe. Okay, along comes his grandson, who 00:36:01.62\00:36:06.23 was great, Jacob. And Jacob's talking to God right here. "All of that You give me, I 00:36:06.23\00:36:10.07 will -- Of all of it, I will give You," what? What does it 00:36:10.07\00:36:13.60 say? I will give You what? A tenth. Jesus calls it the tithe. 00:36:13.60\00:36:16.64 In fact, the Lord Jesus even spoke about it. Put the Lord Jesus on the screen 00:36:16.64\00:36:20.11 for us, please. "This ought you to have done" -- he's talking 00:36:20.11\00:36:23.38 about tithing -- "without leaving the other undone." He's talking about loving. 00:36:23.38\00:36:26.08 Matthew 23:23. Trust me, folks -- it is a very big deal with 00:36:26.08\00:36:32.15 God. I mean, Jesus ought to have known. He's God in the flesh. 00:36:32.15\00:36:36.66 He got it right. Of course, 'cause he invented it. 00:36:36.66\00:36:41.66 Take a look at this spectacular promise. I'm telling you. 00:36:41.66\00:36:45.53 It's on the last page of the Old Testament, but you got to see 00:36:45.53\00:36:49.74 this. If you've never seen it, you're seeing it today with 00:36:49.74\00:36:53.94 wide-open eyes. Go to the last page of the Old Testament. So that would be the last page 00:36:53.94\00:36:57.41 of Malachi. Yeah, go to Malachi 3. Take a look at this, will 00:36:57.41\00:37:01.35 you? Amazing. Unbelievable promise. Malachi 3:10. God 00:37:01.35\00:37:09.09 speaking. Okay, check it out. Prove me -- You make me prove it 00:37:15.60\00:37:19.93 to You. 00:37:19.93\00:37:21.87 You can't believe it. Who would not want to be standing right 00:37:30.15\00:37:34.28 here, wherever you are, and the floodgates of heaven suddenly open over your meager little 00:37:34.28\00:37:43.76 cash collection -- They open over your, tiny little dorm room or house. They open over your 00:37:43.76\00:37:48.00 little-old-you life. Who wouldn't want the floodgates of heaven to open straight on 00:37:48.00\00:37:56.17 top of you? Wouldn't you want that? But of course. 00:37:56.17\00:37:59.51 That's what he's saying. "I will take care of you. I am going to 00:37:59.51\00:38:04.05 deliver you from financial crisis." You're saying to me, "Dwight, it doesn't say a word 00:38:04.05\00:38:07.75 about being delivered from financial crisis." That's because we always have 00:38:07.75\00:38:10.72 stopped reading -- And I'm guilty of this. We've always 00:38:10.72\00:38:14.12 stopped with Verse 10. We say, "No, don't go to Verse 11." 00:38:14.12\00:38:16.62 No, we're going to Verse 11. Look at Verse 11. God's still 00:38:16.62\00:38:19.89 speaking. He said, "I'm gonna open the windows of heaven for you, the floodgates." 00:38:19.89\00:38:23.67 And, by the way, in Verse 11, He says, "I will prevent pests from 00:38:23.70\00:38:26.57 devouring your crops." Do you know what those crops 00:38:26.57\00:38:28.94 were? This was written to an agrarian 00:38:28.94\00:38:30.74 society. Those crops were cash. 00:38:30.74\00:38:32.41 Got a farmer right here. Those crops were cash. 00:38:32.41\00:38:34.81 Called a cash crop. They live off of that. 00:38:34.81\00:38:37.95 If the crop goes away, I'm dead meat. 00:38:37.95\00:38:40.78 So, God says, "Listen, don't you worry about a financial crisis." 00:38:40.78\00:38:44.72 "'I will prevent pests from devouring your cash crops, and 00:38:44.72\00:38:47.92 the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it 00:38:47.92\00:38:51.33 is ripe,' says the Lord Almighty." 00:38:51.33\00:38:53.46 Keep Reading. Then he says... 00:38:53.46\00:38:56.23 "I'm gonna take care of you. You're not in a crisis now, but I see a crisis coming your way, 00:39:01.84\00:39:06.84 financial, and I'm gonna get you ready. I will prevent a crisis. 00:39:06.84\00:39:10.58 I will deliver you in the midst of a crisis. I'm putting myself 00:39:10.58\00:39:14.85 on the line. You test me." See, we always stop at Verse 10. Why don't we read about the cash 00:39:14.85\00:39:19.32 crops? "I'll take care of your finances." 00:39:19.32\00:39:23.73 My. You serious? Yeah. When we tithe, it's our way of 00:39:23.73\00:39:32.33 saying to God -- Here, here, here. It's our way of saying to 00:39:32.33\00:39:36.00 God, "Okay, God, I make You my C-suite." You ever heard of a 00:39:36.00\00:39:41.14 C-suite? Some of you are shaking your heads, 'cause you say, "Well, what is this? 00:39:41.14\00:39:44.65 Some kind of sweet candy or something?" No. Put it on the 00:39:44.65\00:39:48.12 screen here. Here's the word C-suite right there. C-suite. 00:39:48.12\00:39:50.79 Our son, Kirk, just moved about four weeks ago, along with his lovely wife, Chelsea, and our 00:39:50.79\00:39:57.33 two precious granddaughters, Ella and Isabelle. They just 00:39:57.33\00:40:02.96 moved from Salem, Oregon, to Kettering, Ohio. Kirk just got hired by the Kettering Health 00:40:02.96\00:40:09.04 system. He's gonna be the director of physician recruiting for nine hospitals and 140 00:40:09.04\00:40:14.74 clinics. And he has a team that he's now leading. Oh, I'm gonna 00:40:14.74\00:40:18.28 tell you something -- the big deal for us, of course, is that now -- We were just there 00:40:18.28\00:40:23.28 helping him move last Sunday. Now he's only 4 hours and 15 minutes away, instead of 00:40:23.28\00:40:30.09 2,100 miles away. And that's a huge difference. So, Kirk works 00:40:30.09\00:40:35.10 for this health system. This is the way health systems work. 00:40:35.10\00:40:37.67 They have C-suites. Universities -- some of them -- have 00:40:37.67\00:40:41.17 C-suites. Mm-hmm. Fortune 500 companies -- they have C-suites. 00:40:41.17\00:40:44.04 What's that? Let's run them by. Let's just see if you know what the C-suite is composed of. 00:40:44.04\00:40:49.54 What is a C.O.O.? By the way, every office in a C-suite begins 00:40:49.54\00:40:55.65 with the word "chief." You can only sit in that suite if you're 00:40:55.65\00:40:59.85 chief something. Okay, so, what's a C.O.O.? Come on. What's 00:40:59.85\00:41:03.66 a C.O.O.? Huh? Yeah, chief operating officer. Good. What's a C.I.O.? Chief information 00:41:03.66\00:41:09.26 officer. What's a C.F.O. Chief financial -- Yeah, we got that 00:41:09.26\00:41:13.70 one. What's a C.E.O.? Chief executive. All right? The C-suite gives us an 00:41:13.70\00:41:23.78 opportunity. When we return our little 1/10 of our income to 00:41:23.78\00:41:27.92 God, it gives us the opportunity to invite God to become our C-suite God. "God, I want you to 00:41:27.92\00:41:32.85 be my chief operating officer. I want you to be the chief information officer. 00:41:32.85\00:41:36.59 I want you to be the chief financial officer. I need you to 00:41:36.59\00:41:40.50 be my chief executive officer. God, I'm making you the entire 00:41:40.50\00:41:44.00 C-suite. Everything I have is yours now." Isn't that something? He's our C-suite God, 00:41:44.00\00:41:50.24 and that's pretty sweet, isn't it? Yeah. When we tithe, we 00:41:50.24\00:41:55.51 place all our meager resources into His nail-scarred hands and we declare to the one who died 00:41:55.51\00:42:00.42 for us, "I entrust all that I am. I entrust to you all that I have into Your keeping." 00:42:00.42\00:42:09.06 Yeah. But truth in advertising. I have to do this. It would not 00:42:09.06\00:42:17.20 be right for me to skip two more verses. I owe it to you. They're the two verses that 00:42:17.20\00:42:23.07 precede this beautiful Verse 10 promise. Verse 8. Look at Verse 00:42:23.07\00:42:28.31 8. God is speaking. "'Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob 00:42:28.31\00:42:32.61 me.'" But you ask, "Come on, God. How are we robbing you?" God replies, "In tithes and 00:42:32.61\00:42:37.82 offerings." 00:42:37.82\00:42:39.75 Hey, listen, ladies and gentlemen, God is not a genie in 00:42:46.90\00:42:49.03 a bottle. He's not a Santa Claus with a sleigh. He's the almighty 00:42:49.03\00:42:52.43 king, the Lord of angel armies. That's what Lord of hosts means. He's the Lord of angel armies. 00:42:52.43\00:42:57.07 And guess what. He loves you. He's crazy about you. 00:42:57.07\00:43:00.38 That's why he calls you by your name twice. "Martha, Martha." 00:43:00.38\00:43:05.21 What's your name? He calls you by that name twice. He's crazy 00:43:05.21\00:43:14.89 about you. He emptied his kingdom to win your heart one day. He's just praying, "I hope 00:43:14.89\00:43:20.70 it's soon. I hope it's soon." But you know what? 00:43:20.70\00:43:28.00 We have to love Him back. "Oh, I don't like that. I don't like to 00:43:28.00\00:43:32.47 have to love Him back." Well, don't ever get married then, 00:43:32.47\00:43:34.94 please. Don't ever get married, 'cause you have to love Him back. It's just the way love 00:43:34.94\00:43:40.78 works. It's two-way. So, He invented this little operationalized "make God first" 00:43:40.78\00:43:45.79 strategy so that he could say, "Hey, show me. I hear your lips. 00:43:45.79\00:43:49.66 You sing these wonderful praise songs on the screens and you got the symphony playing with you." 00:43:49.66\00:43:55.16 And "oh, how I love God." He said, "I've heard you sing these 00:43:55.16\00:44:02.87 words a long time. Show me. Show me. This is the most concrete and simple way he has. 00:44:02.87\00:44:09.41 Just show me." Does he need your quarters and nickels and dimes? 00:44:09.41\00:44:13.98 Are you crazy? He owns the whole universe. This has nothing to do 00:44:13.98\00:44:18.69 with him and everything to do with you. And if you say "no" to him -- I don't need C-suite. 00:44:18.69\00:44:23.59 Thank you. No C.F.O., no C.E.O.. You just go ahead. 00:44:23.59\00:44:26.83 I'll call you when I need you." And that's usually when we call. He's saying, "I want you to love 00:44:26.83\00:44:34.17 me. Come on. Love on me. I love you." 00:44:34.17\00:44:37.04 That's what it is, folks. Of course he used a strong word -- 00:44:37.04\00:44:40.74 "curse." He got our attention immediately, didn't he? "I'll 00:44:40.74\00:44:44.78 curse you." You know what it means to curse? It's nothing like we're thinking. 00:44:44.78\00:44:49.15 He says, "Okay, you don't want me, huh? You're waving me off, 00:44:49.15\00:44:52.85 girl? You're waving me off? Okay. I'm gonna take about 10 00:44:52.85\00:44:56.46 steps back. You won't even see me. You won't even know I'm here. I'm gonna get right back 00:44:56.46\00:45:00.86 here so that I'm not in your way." And guess what. The moment there is a vacuum and 00:45:00.86\00:45:08.67 the C-suite leaves, trust me -- slithering in comes the enemy of us all, who says, "Okay, 00:45:08.67\00:45:16.18 financial bondage, here we go. Ball and chain. Got ya." 00:45:16.18\00:45:23.82 And He's 10 paces back. "You told me. 00:45:23.85\00:45:26.35 You waved me off. You told me you didn't want me." 00:45:26.35\00:45:30.69 I honor you. I honor you." What a God. 00:45:30.69\00:45:35.53 This is nothing about cursing. This is about you getting the 00:45:35.53\00:45:39.20 curse of having the other guy your C-suite, because you can 00:45:39.20\00:45:44.74 only have one C-suite. You can't have two C-suites. 00:45:44.74\00:45:48.98 The other guy has a whole horde of demons that he uses with him. 00:45:48.98\00:45:53.85 You get one or the other, so make up your mind. 00:45:53.85\00:45:57.42 Quit playing this dillydally, back-and-forth stuff. 00:45:57.42\00:46:01.02 You're killing yourself and you're breaking God's heart. 00:46:01.02\00:46:05.73 My. That's all it is. So, friend, I know who you are. 00:46:05.73\00:46:12.10 I love your face. But I'm telling you -- don't 00:46:12.10\00:46:16.50 wave Him off. Do not, for the sake of you and 00:46:16.50\00:46:19.77 the sake of God, don't wave Him off. 00:46:19.77\00:46:23.18 We're talking about a meager 1/10. Do you know how much that 00:46:23.21\00:46:27.22 is in your income? It's nothing. But that's okay. I'm saying, "C-suite, all I have 00:46:27.22\00:46:36.59 and all I am is yours." Make God first. That's what Mary did. 00:46:36.59\00:46:40.66 Martha was distracted. She finally learned. She got it. Oh, why wouldn't I, in humble 00:46:40.66\00:46:46.87 gratitude, return to God what is already His? I'd be a fool not 00:46:46.87\00:46:53.51 to have Him my C-suite God, wouldn't I? Yeah. I want to end with this. It's my favorite 00:46:53.51\00:46:58.25 quotation. "The Desire of Ages" is my favorite book in the world on the life of Jesus. 00:46:58.25\00:47:01.02 I end with this. 00:47:01.02\00:47:02.58 Put it on the screen. 00:47:02.62\00:47:04.75 "He will spare --" How much? Nothing, nada, zero. 00:47:20.84\00:47:26.17 And now write it down. "The --" The what? 00:47:33.08\00:47:35.68 >> Whole. >> Say it again. Come on. 00:47:35.68\00:47:37.69 The what? "The whole treasury of heaven is 00:47:37.69\00:47:43.16 open to those He seeks to save." Yeah, wow. Wow. 00:47:43.16\00:47:49.10 Is there a financial crisis coming? 00:48:06.41\00:48:08.48 [ Chuckles ] It's not for me to say, because 00:48:08.48\00:48:10.95 you may be in it right now. And I may be in it tomorrow. 00:48:10.95\00:48:15.96 But this much I know. When you return God's tithe, you 00:48:15.96\00:48:21.46 make him first. And when you make him first, you 00:48:21.46\00:48:26.07 have made the wisest financial decision you will ever make in 00:48:26.07\00:48:30.81 your life, forever. Amen. 00:48:30.81\00:48:33.34 >> All: Amen. 00:48:33.34\00:48:34.41 ¤¤ 00:48:37.01\00:48:38.95 [ Applause ] 00:56:40.40\00:56:57.35 >> Before you go, let me take an extra moment to share with you 00:56:59.45\00:57:01.88 an opportunity to get into the Bible in a fresh, new way. 00:57:01.88\00:57:04.75 All across the world, more and more people are hearing the call 00:57:04.75\00:57:07.82 to examine Scriptures for themselves. 00:57:07.82\00:57:09.76 If you felt drawn to learn more about God's Word, but you don't 00:57:09.76\00:57:12.66 know where to start or you're just looking for a more in-depth 00:57:12.66\00:57:15.46 examination of Bible truths, then I have something right here 00:57:15.46\00:57:18.60 that I believe you're going to enjoy. 00:57:18.60\00:57:20.54 I want to send a series of guides to get you started. 00:57:20.54\00:57:23.14 This one's entitled "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" 00:57:23.14\00:57:25.87 Each guide begins with a story, an introduction of the subject. 00:57:25.87\00:57:28.98 Then, through a series of focus questions, 00:57:28.98\00:57:30.88 you'll be learning portions of the Bible you may never 00:57:30.88\00:57:33.01 have known before, and when you're through, you'll be able 00:57:33.01\00:57:35.25 to share with others some of these inspiring Bible truths. 00:57:35.25\00:57:38.02 So just call our toll-free number. 00:57:38.02\00:57:39.69 It's on the screen -- 877 -- the two words -- 00:57:39.69\00:57:42.49 HIS-WILL. Our friendly operators 00:57:42.49\00:57:44.73 are standing by to send these study guides to you. 00:57:44.73\00:57:46.70 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:46.70\00:57:50.03 Call that number, and then, again, join me next week 00:57:50.03\00:57:54.47 right here at this same time. "New Perceptions." 00:57:54.47\00:57:57.54 ¤¤ 00:57:59.94\00:58:01.94