[ "How Lovely, Lord, How Lovely" 00:00:13.81\00:00:14.61 begins ] 00:00:15.01\00:00:17.05 >> Let's pray. Dear Heavenly Father, we just want to thank 00:01:19.57\00:01:25.21 you for the Sabbath, and thank you for being here with us, for You have said where two or three 00:01:25.21\00:01:30.45 are gathered, there You are also, and we just want to thank You for being here with us. 00:01:30.45\00:01:34.56 So bless us during this hour. In Jesus' name, amen. 00:01:34.56\00:01:38.73 Good morning, and happy Sabbath, church. 00:01:38.76\00:01:41.46 Good morning. As we begin our worship and 00:01:41.46\00:01:44.27 praise, we just invite you to sing the song, this prayer that 00:01:44.27\00:01:48.20 is asking God to open the eyes of our hearts so that we may see 00:01:48.20\00:01:52.27 Him, so that we may hear His voice. 00:01:52.27\00:01:54.74 So stand with us as we sing "Open the Eyes of My Heart." 00:01:54.74\00:02:06.42 [ "Open the Eyes of My Heart" begins ] 00:02:06.42\00:02:09.16 Amen. You may be seated. 00:04:54.36\00:04:58.69 ¤¤ 00:04:58.69\00:05:01.66 ¤¤ 00:07:53.50\00:07:56.44 Amen. Faithful He is and faithful forever He will be, 00:12:10.09\00:12:14.13 never leaving us unequipped for life's challenges. So with that, 00:12:14.13\00:12:19.10 we have to give Him thanks, give Him praise, so at this time, I invite you to come forward if 00:12:19.10\00:12:25.21 you want to give thanks to Him for all that He has done. I just invite you now is the 00:12:25.21\00:12:29.84 time. 00:12:29.84\00:12:31.31 ¤¤ 00:12:31.35\00:12:34.25 >> Amen. Good morning, boys and girls. 00:15:42.54\00:15:46.34 Can you believe this? This is the first Sabbath this 00:15:46.34\00:15:49.24 spring break. And I am so glad you are here. 00:15:49.24\00:15:53.88 You know what I have inside this bag for show and tell today? 00:15:53.88\00:15:56.99 What do I have inside this bag? 00:15:56.99\00:16:03.39 Money? No. No. Coins, no. Seeds, no. 00:16:03.43\00:16:09.40 Okay, you're all off. Okay, no, no rocks. Watch this. 00:16:09.40\00:16:14.30 Inside this bag is a lovely tin, cookie tin, and inside the cookie tin are marbles! 00:16:14.30\00:16:28.02 You said that? Well, you won. That was it. 00:16:28.02\00:16:31.09 Marbles. You know what? When I was a boy growing up in 00:16:31.09\00:16:34.82 Japan, oh, we would play marbles. And we were talking 00:16:34.82\00:16:39.16 about it in the production room before we began. I found out 00:16:39.16\00:16:43.53 even kids in this generation have played marbles. Have you ever played marbles? Ooh, I want 00:16:43.53\00:16:49.14 to show you about marbles because we boys in the little village, oh, we would play 00:16:49.14\00:16:54.48 marbles, and I began to fill my big cookie tin can with marbles. 'Cause here's how you play. 00:16:54.48\00:16:58.78 Now, this is in Japan. I don't know how you play elsewhere. 00:16:58.78\00:17:02.68 But in Japan, you have to have -- first of all, you have to have what they call an 00:17:02.68\00:17:07.72 oidama. You can just look -- oidama. This is the shooter, 00:17:07.72\00:17:13.13 okay? You have to have a shooter. Oh, and I had one, and I kept it in my pocket. 00:17:13.13\00:17:16.73 It was my favorite marble. It would enable -- It was a lucky 00:17:16.73\00:17:20.10 marble. It would do what I needed it to do. Now, here's 00:17:20.10\00:17:23.41 what you needed to do. First, all the boys -- if you sit down -- I think we'll get a 00:17:23.41\00:17:26.68 camera on it. You'll see it. Okay, so, first, the boys say, 00:17:26.68\00:17:29.44 "Okay, you gonna play? You gonna play? You gonna play? 00:17:29.44\00:17:31.81 Yep, yep, yep, all right. Okay, guys, here's a little circle." 00:17:31.81\00:17:34.72 So, there was a little circle in the middle. Okay, if you're 00:17:34.72\00:17:38.39 gonna play, you have to put two marbles in. Okay. There's two. 00:17:38.39\00:17:40.82 Okay, you're gonna play. Good, okay, you too. And everybody has 00:17:40.82\00:17:44.53 to put in two to play, okay? So there are all the marbles. Sometimes there'd be 10 boys. 00:17:44.53\00:17:49.76 How many marbles would that be if there were 10 boys? 20 marbles in the circle. 00:17:49.76\00:17:55.10 I see everybody's coming. Okay. Now, then they do a big circle 00:17:55.10\00:17:59.11 farther back, and you had to get behind the line in that circle and you had to take your oidama, 00:17:59.11\00:18:04.98 and you had to -- this is your shooter -- and you wanted to throw it as close to the -- 00:18:04.98\00:18:10.32 everybody gets one throw. You get one throw to get as close to the circle as you can. 00:18:10.32\00:18:14.72 If it goes inside, oop, you have to put an extra marble in to get your shooter back out. 00:18:14.72\00:18:19.63 And then, wherever your shooter landed, you'd stand there, and you would have to, with the 00:18:19.63\00:18:24.60 shooter, see if you could knock a marble out of the circle. As long as you could knock 00:18:24.60\00:18:29.44 marble out of the circle -- oh, I missed. So you'd stop right 00:18:29.44\00:18:33.38 there. Next guy would get up and say, "Oh, I can do better than 00:18:33.38\00:18:37.65 that." Oh, he did. He knocked it out of the circle. And you get another turn if you knock one 00:18:37.65\00:18:42.62 out. Oh, you missed. And we'd go around and around, and you know 00:18:42.62\00:18:46.19 what? You could end up with more marbles than you started. It's 00:18:46.19\00:18:49.92 incredible. That's what you do. And that's how you win. You just keep knocking these 00:18:49.92\00:18:53.80 out. And I would put the marbles in. I'd knock some more out. 00:18:53.80\00:18:57.13 That American boy, what's he doing? I'd knock some more out. 00:18:57.13\00:19:00.54 Put the marbles in. By the end of the year, I had a big square 00:19:00.54\00:19:07.01 cookie tin, bigger than this, filled to the full with the marbles I had won, and every day 00:19:07.01\00:19:13.42 I would just let the marbles fall through my fingers. It felt so good to win. Oh, it felt so 00:19:13.42\00:19:18.92 good. But you know what? We went back to America. You know what 00:19:18.92\00:19:24.36 my parents made me do? Give my marbles to one of the boys in 00:19:24.36\00:19:28.43 the village. And I had to leave them, and it was so hard to put the lid back on for the last 00:19:28.43\00:19:34.67 time because I won all these. I didn't know it was gambling. I didn't know it was gambling. 00:19:34.67\00:19:39.84 And then I had to give the tin to my Japanese friend, and he had all the marbles. 00:19:39.84\00:19:45.31 You know what? When you win, it's a very wonderful feeling. 00:19:45.31\00:19:49.12 And guess what. Jesus says we should win. I didn't make that 00:19:49.12\00:19:53.05 up. In a verse I'm gonna share with your mom and dad in just a moment, Jesus says, "Now, to 00:19:53.05\00:19:58.16 those who win like I won, you get to sit with me on my throne 00:19:58.16\00:20:04.20 one day." Whoa! You win! We don't win against each other. 00:20:04.20\00:20:08.87 We win against the enemy. And who's the enemy? Who's the 00:20:08.87\00:20:13.61 enemy? Oh, we -- Jesus says, "I want to win through you against Satan." So here's our prayer 00:20:13.61\00:20:20.78 every day. Jesus, would you please win today through me? Can you say that prayer? 00:20:20.78\00:20:24.59 Let's try. Let's try that together. Jesus, would you 00:20:24.59\00:20:29.22 please win today through me? Let's do it one more time. Jesus, will you please win today 00:20:29.22\00:20:36.06 through me? And He says, "But of course, because you and I are 00:20:36.06\00:20:42.40 friends." Aren't you glad, number one, Jesus won the big battle when he died on the 00:20:42.40\00:20:46.34 cross? Yep. And with the other hand, how many want to say, 00:20:46.34\00:20:49.51 "I'll pray that prayer. I want to pray that prayer." Jesus, would you win through me 00:20:49.51\00:20:53.38 today? Amen. Who would like to thank Jesus 00:20:53.38\00:20:56.12 for being the winner who wins through us? All right, I saw 00:20:56.12\00:21:00.22 your hand. Here comes a microphone. Come on over here. Can you get through there? 00:21:00.22\00:21:04.33 What's your first name? >> Marin. >> Marin? 00:21:04.33\00:21:07.60 Come a little closer. Mary? >> Marin. 00:21:07.60\00:21:11.00 >> Marin. Let's close our eyes with Marin. She's gonna thank 00:21:11.00\00:21:16.44 Jesus. >> Thank you, Jesus, for this day, and thank you that all of us are here, and please help 00:21:16.44\00:21:23.41 us to be good in all this church. We love you in Jesus' 00:21:23.41\00:21:28.52 name. Amen. >> Amen. Beautiful prayer, Marin. Amen, boys and 00:21:28.52\00:21:33.69 girls, as you go quietly back to your seats. Yes, Jesus, thank you for being the winner in my 00:21:33.69\00:21:40.00 life. Amen. 00:21:40.00\00:21:41.13 >> I'm going to pray with you. Then we're going to plunge into 00:21:45.37\00:21:49.94 this teaching. This is -- This is a teaching that needs a lot of prayer. Just like we prayed 00:21:49.94\00:21:58.65 over little Abigail a moment ago. You guys are so lucky, Seth 00:21:58.65\00:22:03.05 and Cara. Yeah. So we need God to hold us close. Want to hear. 00:22:03.05\00:22:06.96 So let's pray together. Father, we've been much in worship. 00:22:06.96\00:22:11.16 It's not like we're just kicking into gear now. This is what we 00:22:11.16\00:22:16.46 do for the final moments. The sun is streaming through these stained-glass windows. 00:22:16.46\00:22:21.00 We believe that spring is coming, and there's a joy in the air, as the choir just sang. 00:22:21.00\00:22:28.04 This teaching make it clear. Don't -- Let it be Your voice. There are a lot of other voices 00:22:28.04\00:22:34.22 in us, but let it be Your voice, not the preacher's voice that finally gets through. 00:22:34.22\00:22:39.02 We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 00:22:39.02\00:22:43.16 Once upon a time, Jesus had a hometown. 00:22:45.16\00:22:51.93 But they didn't believe in Him. And so He performed no miracles 00:22:51.93\00:22:56.37 there. Once upon another time, Jesus 00:22:56.37\00:22:59.47 had a home church. But they didn't believe in Him. 00:22:59.47\00:23:04.78 And so he performed no miracles there. 00:23:04.78\00:23:07.62 Hometown Nazareth, home church Laodicea, two very sad stories. 00:23:07.62\00:23:14.42 What's up with that? No faith. Both the hometown and the home 00:23:14.46\00:23:21.40 church kept him out. "You stay out there. We'll call you when 00:23:21.40\00:23:26.23 we need you." And they never needed Him. But don't be sad 00:23:26.23\00:23:30.61 because the good news is one of the two stories is still being written as we speak. 00:23:30.61\00:23:35.54 It has a letter, and at the very end of that letter is a promise 00:23:35.54\00:23:44.12 that is dynamite. I want to share that ending. It's the last letter of the Bible. 00:23:44.12\00:23:49.06 To the last faith community on Earth. Don't make the same 00:23:49.06\00:23:54.20 mistake. Believe. Go ahead and believe in Him. And look at the 00:23:54.20\00:23:58.83 gift. Open your Bible with me, please, to Revelation chapter 3. As we move to the end, this is 00:23:58.83\00:24:04.81 the first time I preached in spring break ever. Usually take 00:24:04.81\00:24:08.98 these two Sabbaths off, but you know what? We started a journey, and we got to finish it. 00:24:08.98\00:24:12.75 The last letter, the last letter in the Apocalypse, the last letter in the whole Bible. 00:24:12.75\00:24:17.29 Revelation chapter 3. Seven churches, seven letters, the last faith community on 00:24:17.29\00:24:21.49 Earth gets the last letter, and look at this dynamite promise that the one who dictated the 00:24:21.49\00:24:28.70 letter, that would be the Lord Jesus, the risen Christ. Look at this promise right near 00:24:28.70\00:24:33.74 the end. What is this -- verse 21. Revelation 3:21. 00:24:33.74\00:24:37.77 To him, to her who overcomes. We just talked about winning, 00:24:37.77\00:24:43.75 didn't we? To him, to her who wins, to him, to her who triumphs. Jesus says, "I will 00:24:43.75\00:24:51.65 grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on His 00:24:51.65\00:24:59.23 throne." That's a promise with one condition. Come on, scribble 00:24:59.23\00:25:02.60 it down. There should be in your worship bulletin a study guide 00:25:02.60\00:25:06.03 for today. Pull that out and scribble it down. 00:25:06.03\00:25:09.47 Put that -- the title slide on the screen for those of you 00:25:09.50\00:25:12.64 watching somewhere. You see our website, 00:25:12.64\00:25:16.71 www.newperceptions.tv. Go to that website. 00:25:16.71\00:25:21.28 You're looking for a series that is about to end. 00:25:21.28\00:25:23.92 It ends next Sabbath with the biggest secret of all, next 00:25:23.92\00:25:26.92 Sabbath. But this one's entitled "Game of 00:25:26.92\00:25:29.19 Thrones, Crown of Thorns part 1," okay? 00:25:29.19\00:25:31.39 Let's go. We just read a promise. 00:25:31.39\00:25:34.56 What's the promise? Scribble it down. 00:25:34.56\00:25:37.40 You will sit with Me on My throne one day. 00:25:37.40\00:25:43.10 This is no mythical game of thrones here. 00:25:43.10\00:25:44.94 This is the real deal. We're talking about the real 00:25:44.94\00:25:47.14 deal throne, all right? So what's the promise? 00:25:47.14\00:25:49.18 You will sit with Me on My throne one day. 00:25:49.18\00:25:51.05 What's the condition? Jot it down. 00:25:51.05\00:25:52.61 You must first overcome today. Not one day, but today. 00:25:52.61\00:25:56.48 You must first overcome. Seven letters. 00:25:56.48\00:25:59.45 Every single one of the seven ends with that promise that 00:25:59.45\00:26:03.56 begins with the condition to the one who overcomes, to him, to 00:26:03.56\00:26:07.93 her, to them. 00:26:07.93\00:26:09.40 actually, the Greek reads "to the one who keeps on 00:26:09.43\00:26:14.00 overcoming." To the one who keeps on winning, to the one who goes on from victory to victory 00:26:14.00\00:26:20.18 day after day. In the Greek, the tense is continuous action. 00:26:20.18\00:26:26.25 By the way, a rather dramatic action because this is the word straight off the battlefield. 00:26:26.25\00:26:30.92 You want to talk about battle? This is battlefield language. When you win a war, this is the 00:26:30.92\00:26:35.66 language of winning a battle as you move on to win a war. Same 00:26:35.66\00:26:42.16 word. It's hardly a game of thrones. This is mortal combat. 00:26:42.16\00:26:45.53 Listen to Sigve Tonstad. Put it on the screen, please. 00:26:45.57\00:26:49.74 Let him help us to that metaphor. 00:26:49.74\00:26:52.54 On the screen, you see it. "Awareness of conflict changes 00:26:52.54\00:26:55.44 the way we construe victory and defeat. 00:26:55.44\00:26:57.58 While Jesus makes promises to everyone who conquers with no 00:26:57.58\00:27:00.65 object in the sentence --" it just says conquers. 00:27:00.65\00:27:03.22 Conquers what? Conquers who? 00:27:03.22\00:27:04.85 Conquers where? It doesn't say. 00:27:04.85\00:27:06.62 While He makes that promise to everyone, the tenor of conflict 00:27:06.62\00:27:10.29 is better preserved if we translate it "to everyone who 00:27:10.29\00:27:13.63 overcomes in the war." Write that down. 00:27:13.63\00:27:16.10 In the war. "It is not wrong to say that the 00:27:16.10\00:27:18.83 believers overcome or conquer," of course, "but it is implied 00:27:18.83\00:27:22.47 throughout that they are engaged in a war." 00:27:22.47\00:27:26.74 What war are you talking about? We're talking about the greatest cosmic, the bloodiest 00:27:26.78\00:27:30.25 intergalactic battle in the collective history of the universe, bar none. 00:27:30.25\00:27:33.31 The Book of Revelation is all about it. We'll go to just one 00:27:33.31\00:27:36.28 chapter in Revelation. Let me run these by you. Speaking of the war, Revelation 00:27:36.28\00:27:39.15 chapter 12, on the screen. 00:27:39.15\00:27:40.76 Beginning with verse 7. "And war broke out in heaven. 00:27:40.79\00:27:43.09 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his 00:27:43.09\00:27:45.53 angles, and the dragon and his angels fought back." 00:27:45.53\00:27:47.76 It's obviously a war. "But he was not strong enough, 00:27:47.76\00:27:50.03 and they lost their place in heaven. 00:27:50.03\00:27:51.73 He," the dragon, "was hurled to earth, and his angels with him." 00:27:51.73\00:27:55.70 Who's the dragon? It's the devil. 00:27:55.70\00:27:58.01 Go down to verse 12. "But woe to the inhabitants of 00:27:58.01\00:28:01.34 the earth and the sea, for the devil has gone down to you 00:28:01.34\00:28:04.95 having great wrath." The NIV reads he's filled with 00:28:04.95\00:28:08.22 fury. He was hurled because he knows. 00:28:08.22\00:28:10.72 Don't let that misreading catch you by surprise. 00:28:10.72\00:28:13.82 Let me come back to that. For the devil has gone down to 00:28:13.82\00:28:17.26 you having great wrath because he knows that his time is short. 00:28:17.26\00:28:22.13 And wouldn't you know it, as his fury intensifies, the end of 00:28:22.13\00:28:26.37 time accelerates. So this thing is just shoop! 00:28:26.37\00:28:29.67 One more line at the end of the chapter, verse 17. 00:28:29.67\00:28:32.27 "And the dragon was enraged now." 00:28:32.27\00:28:34.14 This is at the end. "And the dragon was enraged with 00:28:34.14\00:28:36.81 the woman." She's the symbol of the seven 00:28:36.81\00:28:39.01 churches of Christianity, 2,000 years. 00:28:39.01\00:28:41.08 "He was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the 00:28:41.08\00:28:44.29 rest of her offspring," the remnant. 00:28:44.29\00:28:46.25 These would be the people in the last church, the last faith 00:28:46.25\00:28:49.29 community, and who are they? Who keep the commandments of God 00:28:49.29\00:28:52.39 and have the testimony of Jesus. 00:28:52.39\00:28:55.13 The people who keep the commandments. What commandments? 00:28:55.16\00:28:57.37 The Ten Commandments, obviously. I suppose. Fourth Commandment, 00:28:57.37\00:29:02.04 yep. Seventh Day Sabbath, remember it and keep it holy. I 00:29:02.04\00:29:05.71 suppose. Who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. The last 00:29:05.71\00:29:10.28 war. Some call it the great controversy between Christ and 00:29:10.28\00:29:13.88 Satan. This is no mythical struggle. This is the real deal thing. I want to share a 00:29:13.88\00:29:20.02 quotation with you. Just came across this stunning depiction 00:29:20.02\00:29:26.56 last week. Put it on the screen. "If the curtain could be rolled 00:29:26.59\00:29:28.53 back, and each one of us could discern the constant activities 00:29:28.53\00:29:34.17 of the heavenly family to preserve the inhabitants of the 00:29:34.17\00:29:37.61 Earth from Satan's seductive wiles, they -- we -- would see 00:29:37.61\00:29:41.18 that the armies of heaven are in continual warfare with satanic 00:29:41.18\00:29:44.91 agencies to obtain victories in behalf of those who do not sense 00:29:44.91\00:29:48.72 their danger and who are passing on in unconscious indifference." 00:29:48.72\00:29:52.59 I mean, look. You and I are sitting here. 00:29:52.59\00:29:55.19 We just had great music. 00:29:55.19\00:29:57.43 But there's this war going on at this very moment. Man, the sun 00:29:57.46\00:30:03.10 is out. The music was great. I'm glad to be alive. Having no clue 00:30:03.10\00:30:09.94 that if our ears would open and this curtain would be drawn aside, there is this massive 00:30:09.94\00:30:17.75 struggle for every human being, baby, boy, man, woman, all the way through life right now. 00:30:17.75\00:30:26.09 We don't take the war seriously. Come on, let's be honest. We 00:30:26.09\00:30:31.06 just don't. We're so used to being here and we love it here, and why not? Right now, for us, 00:30:31.06\00:30:37.20 everything's coming up roses. Wait a day or two, and life changes, of course. 00:30:37.20\00:30:43.17 Yeah. 00:30:43.17\00:30:46.07 So, keep going. "Angels are belting the world." 00:30:46.11\00:30:48.81 Ooh, angels are belting the world, refusing Satan his claims 00:30:48.81\00:30:52.21 to supremacy. You remember that little village 00:30:52.21\00:30:54.88 called Dothan and the boy who's a sidekick to the prophet 00:30:54.88\00:30:58.12 Elisha. Went out one early morning and 00:30:58.12\00:31:00.52 he looked and said, "Oh, no, the enemy, the Assyrians have 00:31:00.52\00:31:03.79 surrounded that village." They're gunning for Elisha. 00:31:03.79\00:31:06.49 He goes racing back and, "Master, Master, get up, wake 00:31:06.49\00:31:09.23 up! You're not gonna believe." 00:31:09.23\00:31:10.97 Elisha goes, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he stands and 00:31:10.97\00:31:14.04 he looks and he says, "This poor boy." 00:31:14.04\00:31:16.07 He said, "Oh, God, open the boy's eyes." 00:31:16.07\00:31:18.24 You remember that? And the boy looks when his eyes 00:31:18.24\00:31:21.88 are open. And he sees the hills covered 00:31:21.88\00:31:25.38 with these -- what was it? Chariots of fire. 00:31:25.38\00:31:29.25 Covered, surrounded. You're always a majority, even 00:31:29.25\00:31:34.06 when you're standing alone. You are always a majority, even 00:31:34.06\00:31:38.26 when you're standing alone. So don't be afraid to stand up 00:31:38.26\00:31:42.40 all by yourself. Angels belt the world, refusing 00:31:42.40\00:31:46.43 Satan his claims to supremacy. Keep reading. 00:31:46.43\00:31:48.94 "We hear not the voices. We see not with natural sight 00:31:48.94\00:31:51.91 the work of these angels, but their hands are linked about the 00:31:51.91\00:31:55.24 world, and with sleepless vigilance, they are keeping the 00:31:55.24\00:31:58.35 armies of Satan at bay." Ladies and gentlemen, we are in 00:31:58.35\00:32:01.18 a war and the battle is intensifying. 00:32:01.18\00:32:04.29 Read it again. Verse 21, Revelation 3. 00:32:04.29\00:32:09.02 To him, to her, to them who overcome, I will grant to sit 00:32:09.02\00:32:12.73 with Me on My throne as I also overcame and sat down with My 00:32:12.73\00:32:16.53 Father on His throne. Unbelievable promise. 00:32:16.53\00:32:21.54 But it's that condition. To him who overcomes, to her who 00:32:21.57\00:32:31.18 overcomes. Would you jot that down, please? Because what Jesus is really saying is "to the one 00:32:31.18\00:32:35.15 who overcomes as I overcame." This is nothing new. This is no 00:32:35.15\00:32:40.76 new territory. Somebody's already been over this ground. "To the one who overcomes as I 00:32:40.76\00:32:44.46 overcome." And, by the way, as promises, we will overcome in 00:32:44.46\00:32:48.20 the very same way. Could it be any clearer? John 16:33 -- What 00:32:48.20\00:32:54.37 did Jesus say? "In this world --" this is just before his 00:32:54.37\00:32:57.04 execution. This is late Thursday night. "In this world, you're 00:32:57.04\00:33:00.74 gonna suffer. You're gonna suffer trouble. You're gonna have tribulation, but take 00:33:00.74\00:33:05.48 heart." I like it in the NIV. But cheer up. I have what? 00:33:05.48\00:33:09.08 I have overcome the what? I've overcome the entire world. I've 00:33:09.08\00:33:14.49 overcome. Yeah, yeah. We needed that amen, Pastor José, right at 00:33:14.49\00:33:19.06 that moment. Couldn't be any clearer. Hey, look. 00:33:19.06\00:33:23.90 Look, folks. The issue here is an end game. War, all right? 00:33:23.90\00:33:30.11 And at the heart of the issue is faith. There's no faith in a 00:33:30.11\00:33:35.48 hometown called Nazareth. Is there any faith in a home church this end faith community, 00:33:35.48\00:33:39.85 is there any faith in a home church called Laodicea? No lepers were healed in 00:33:39.85\00:33:46.96 Nazareth. How many sinners are getting healed in Laodicea? 00:33:46.96\00:33:54.10 You say no sinners healed, Dwight? I'm not suggesting that. 00:33:54.10\00:33:57.87 But the reality is Laodicea doesn't believe -- It doesn't believe that it can actually be 00:33:57.87\00:34:03.34 healed of sin. No. Either because they keep trying 00:34:03.34\00:34:09.38 to heal themselves on their own power or because they really don't think it's possible to be 00:34:09.38\00:34:13.15 healed from sinning in this life. But what if -- here's the 00:34:13.15\00:34:15.72 question. What if Jesus could heal us from sinning? 00:34:15.72\00:34:21.06 What if he could help us from sinning? I have a book given to 00:34:21.06\00:34:28.66 me by a friend years ago. The author of the book wrote it under the pseudonym -- here's 00:34:28.66\00:34:33.34 the pseudonym -- Vaughn Allen. I understand, having read through the book, I understand 00:34:33.34\00:34:38.37 why he didn't want his name on the cover. But in the book, 00:34:38.37\00:34:44.65 amazing. He -- Let me give the title of the book first. "The War Is Real: And So Is the 00:34:44.65\00:34:49.88 Victory." Now, I want to share a line or two. 00:34:49.88\00:34:52.69 Now, he's speaking of overcoming and why more Christians don't live victorious lives today, and 00:34:52.69\00:34:57.89 he suggests two reasons. Jot these down. See what you think, 00:34:57.89\00:35:01.73 okay? Reason number one why there isn't more victory in my life. Reason number one -- we 00:35:01.73\00:35:06.70 don't fully appreciate the sinfulness of sin. Could that be 00:35:06.70\00:35:12.61 it? Vaughn Allen writing. "We do not realize how utterly 00:35:12.64\00:35:16.18 detestable sin is. We do not comprehend how 00:35:16.18\00:35:19.25 contrary sin is to God's character and how terribly 00:35:19.25\00:35:22.78 offensive it is to Him. We have lived with sin and its 00:35:22.78\00:35:26.45 results so long and have toyed with sin so much" that it's no 00:35:26.45\00:35:32.29 big deal to us. True or false? 00:35:32.29\00:35:36.23 It's true. I mean, what's that? 00:35:36.23\00:35:39.53 Look, once in a while, it's not that big a deal. 00:35:39.53\00:35:45.24 "Steps to Christ," that little classic, that Christian classic 00:35:45.24\00:35:48.81 on the screen. "We shall not renounce sin 00:35:48.81\00:35:51.31 unless we see its sinfulness." Vaughn Allen again. 00:35:51.31\00:35:57.59 Oh, this is good. In fact, I wish you'd just 00:35:57.59\00:36:00.26 circle this whole quotation. You have it in your study guide. 00:36:00.26\00:36:03.66 "The absolute horror of sin can be seen only when we look at the 00:36:03.66\00:36:07.23 cross. It would be well for us each day 00:36:07.23\00:36:11.63 to pray --" two prayers. Here are the two prayers he 00:36:11.63\00:36:14.44 suggests. Prayer number one that God would 00:36:14.44\00:36:16.77 give us a genuine abhorrence of sin, and prayer number two that 00:36:16.77\00:36:20.11 God would give us a hatred for it because of what it did to the 00:36:20.11\00:36:23.41 Son of God and because of what it does to us. 00:36:23.41\00:36:27.28 End quote. 00:36:27.28\00:36:28.42 Hey, listen, guys. I know this is not a comfortable subject. 00:36:28.45\00:36:32.15 I mean, who talks about sin anymore? Who wants to talk about 00:36:32.15\00:36:36.19 sin? Please. Jesus is our savior, and that's all you need 00:36:36.19\00:36:40.13 to tell us. Except that Jesus Himself, in the very last letter to the last faith community on 00:36:40.13\00:36:45.60 this planet, says, "No, there's more I need to tell you. You 00:36:45.60\00:36:50.71 overcome." To him, to her, to you who win. I give you the right to sit on My throne with 00:36:50.71\00:36:59.15 Me forever and ever. It's got to be a big deal. Two reasons why 00:36:59.15\00:37:03.59 the Laodiceans are not gaining the victory over temptation and sin. Reason number one -- we do 00:37:03.59\00:37:07.42 not fully appreciate the sinfulness of sin. And write it 00:37:07.42\00:37:10.23 down. Here's the other one. We are not convinced that victory over sin is possible in 00:37:10.23\00:37:14.86 this life. In fact, Vaughn Allen writes, "Many are convinced that 00:37:14.86\00:37:19.40 such victory is impossible." No posible. You cannot do it. 00:37:19.40\00:37:26.98 Ah. Here's -- Let me go for a moment to that apocalyptic 00:37:26.98\00:37:31.28 classic "Great Controversy." 00:37:31.28\00:37:32.95 Look at this. You have to fill it in. 00:37:32.98\00:37:35.02 "If those who hide and excuse their faults --" Look, you're 00:37:35.02\00:37:41.12 talking about me. I'm not talking about you. 00:37:41.12\00:37:44.56 I'm talking about me. God, it's not that big a deal. 00:37:44.56\00:37:48.46 Do you understand that? I know, I know. 00:37:48.46\00:37:51.57 But it's just -- It's not that big an issue. 00:37:51.57\00:37:56.34 Don't worry about it. I'll get over it. 00:37:56.34\00:37:58.17 By the end of my life, I'll have it all dealt with. 00:37:58.17\00:38:02.54 "If those who hide and excuse their faults could see how Satan 00:38:02.54\00:38:06.38 exults over them, how he taunts Christ and holy angels with 00:38:06.38\00:38:10.05 their course." Yo, God, have you seen Dwight 00:38:10.05\00:38:12.92 lately? Talk about a piece of work. 00:38:12.92\00:38:15.29 Look at him. Big with the lips, but look at 00:38:15.29\00:38:18.09 his life. How he taunts Christ and the 00:38:18.09\00:38:21.83 holy angels with our course. We would make haste if we knew. 00:38:21.83\00:38:24.70 We would make haste to confess our sins and to put them away. 00:38:24.70\00:38:27.60 I don't want it anymore, anymore. 00:38:27.60\00:38:29.34 Don't need it. I don't have to live with this. 00:38:29.34\00:38:31.61 Through defects in the character, my character, Satan 00:38:31.61\00:38:34.08 works to gain control of the whole mind, and he knows that if 00:38:34.08\00:38:36.85 these defects are cherished, he'll succeed. 00:38:36.85\00:38:38.91 Therefore he's constantly seeking to deceive the followers 00:38:38.91\00:38:41.58 of Christ -- now, here it comes, the punch line -- with his 00:38:41.58\00:38:44.29 fatal -- right in the word "fatal" because you know what 00:38:44.29\00:38:46.86 fatal means? It's deadly. 00:38:46.86\00:38:48.19 It'll kill you. His fatal sophistry. 00:38:48.19\00:38:49.99 Boy, that's an old word. What's that mean? 00:38:49.99\00:38:51.86 It means deception. His fatal deception. 00:38:51.86\00:38:54.56 He's constantly seeking to deceive the followers of Christ 00:38:54.56\00:38:57.57 with his fatal deception that it is impossible for them to 00:38:57.57\00:39:00.64 overcome. You can't do it. 00:39:00.64\00:39:02.20 I'm telling you. There are people that even teach 00:39:02.20\00:39:05.61 that. I mean, there are people that 00:39:05.61\00:39:07.64 even preach that. You don't get over it. 00:39:07.64\00:39:09.88 You don't get over in this life. Maybe something -- boom -- for 00:39:09.88\00:39:13.21 the final generation at the end -- shoop -- something 00:39:13.21\00:39:16.05 disappears, but you never get over it. 00:39:16.05\00:39:19.12 I'm just wondering. Did Jesus miss something here? 00:39:19.12\00:39:26.13 He said to the ones who win. Continuous action, day after day 00:39:26.13\00:39:29.93 after day. He could've just said "to the 00:39:29.93\00:39:32.23 ones who win at the very end." No, day after day, if you win, 00:39:32.23\00:39:37.01 I'm gonna let you sit with Me on My throne. 00:39:37.01\00:39:41.88 Stupendous promise. But could it be we have failed 00:39:41.88\00:39:46.61 so many times we have concluded it cannot be done? 00:39:46.61\00:39:51.55 In my power. Can't be done. 00:39:51.55\00:39:53.62 Listen to this -- another line on the screen. 00:39:53.62\00:39:56.73 "Without Christ, we cannot subdue a single sin or overcome 00:39:56.73\00:39:59.86 the smallest temptation." Jesus himself declared -- come 00:39:59.86\00:40:02.86 on, let's read it out loud together, John 15:5 -- "Without 00:40:02.86\00:40:07.00 Me, you can do" how much? Come on, let's do that again. 00:40:07.00\00:40:11.91 "Without me, you can do nothing." 00:40:11.91\00:40:14.81 Zero, nada. You cannot do a thing without 00:40:14.81\00:40:18.28 Me. Mm. 00:40:18.28\00:40:21.05 The reasons why we Laodicean Christians don't live with 00:40:21.08\00:40:24.82 overcoming. Number one, we don't fully appreciate the sinfulness 00:40:24.82\00:40:28.32 of sin. Number two, we're not convinced that victory over sin is even possible in this life. 00:40:28.32\00:40:32.93 But you know what? Come on. Given Jesus' clear command to 00:40:32.93\00:40:37.33 the one who overcomes day after day after day, I'll give you the 00:40:37.33\00:40:43.81 throne. Given that it's apparent that Jesus believes you can win with Him, that means this 00:40:43.81\00:40:54.52 sophistry, this deception about it's impossible, it's impossible not to sin is what it is -- a 00:40:54.52\00:41:02.06 bald-faced lie whispered by the deceiver of the human race. Yeah, you're not gonna win this. 00:41:02.06\00:41:09.26 Don't even try. You know how long you have struggled with 00:41:09.26\00:41:13.30 this thing? Make peace with it. Just, you know, there's some things you just shake hands and 00:41:13.30\00:41:17.91 say, "All right, we'll go together." It's a lie. 00:41:17.91\00:41:25.85 How do I know? Look at this. Philippians 4:13, come on. 00:41:25.85\00:41:30.69 Let's read this out loud. This is too good. We can't just keep 00:41:30.69\00:41:33.42 this to ourselves. Read it out loud with me. "For I can do all 00:41:33.42\00:41:38.29 things through Christ who strengthens me." Ladies and gentlemen, how many things can I 00:41:38.29\00:41:42.40 do through Christ? How many things? I suppose that could also mean I can overcome through 00:41:42.40\00:41:46.17 Christ who strengthens me. True or false? It's got to be true. 00:41:46.17\00:41:48.70 If I can do all things through Christ and that surely includes winning day after day after day, 00:41:48.70\00:41:53.04 you're saying, "Dwight, you're never gonna sin?" I'm not saying 00:41:53.04\00:41:56.61 you're never gonna sin. I'm talking about winning. I'm tired 00:41:56.61\00:41:59.61 of focusing on sinning. He doesn't say -- He doesn't end the letter to Laodicea "and all 00:41:59.61\00:42:05.12 those who quit sinning will sit with Me on the throne." No, He doesn't put it in the 00:42:05.12\00:42:08.56 negative. He says, "Let me give it to you in the positive. 00:42:08.56\00:42:11.06 All those who win day after day, you'll sit with Me on the 00:42:11.06\00:42:16.13 throne." I'm not talking about wimping out. I'm talking about 00:42:16.13\00:42:20.14 winning out until the very end. You say, "Dwight, you're still talking about an impossibility." 00:42:20.14\00:42:24.87 Well, take that up with Paul in Philippians 4:13. And, by the 00:42:24.87\00:42:28.41 way, here's one more. Just in case you had a question about Philippians 4:13, look at 00:42:28.41\00:42:31.65 Jude 24, next to the last book of the Bible on the screen. "Now to Him who is able to keep 00:42:31.65\00:42:35.72 you from" what? From what? From falling, and to present you 00:42:35.72\00:42:39.69 faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. He can keep you and me from 00:42:39.69\00:42:45.06 losing. That falling isn't just stumbling around. 00:42:45.06\00:42:48.56 Come on, Dwight. It doesn't mean keep you from sinning. 00:42:48.56\00:42:51.27 It means exactly what you said, stumbling around. Oh, really? 00:42:51.27\00:42:56.07 I keep with all my Bibles on the page for Jude 24 this one-liner. 00:42:56.07\00:43:01.31 Put it on the screen as well. "He who has not sufficient faith 00:43:01.34\00:43:04.21 in Christ --" you see, this whole thing is about faith. 00:43:04.21\00:43:06.82 Do you believe it or not? Nazareth didn't believe it. 00:43:06.82\00:43:09.32 Laodicea didn't believe it. That's why He's outside. 00:43:09.32\00:43:11.82 They kept Him out. Are you keeping Him out now? 00:43:11.82\00:43:16.16 Are you keeping Him out now? Sophisticated mind and life that 00:43:16.16\00:43:21.13 you are, are you keeping Him out when He wants to come in? 00:43:21.13\00:43:27.90 Okay, how's this go here? "He who has not sufficient faith 00:43:27.90\00:43:32.87 in Christ to believe that He can keep him from sinning" -- write 00:43:32.87\00:43:36.41 that in -- "He can keep you from sinning has not the faith that 00:43:36.41\00:43:39.88 will give him an entrance into the kingdom of God." 00:43:39.88\00:43:43.05 Hey, listen, that's a no-brainer because if you don't believe that Jesus can keep you from 00:43:43.08\00:43:47.99 sinning today, why would you -- How would you have enough faith to say "I believe He can take me 00:43:47.99\00:43:53.40 to heaven"? If you believe that He can take you to a place you 00:43:53.40\00:43:56.83 have never seen but do not believe that He can help you with a problem you can see, why 00:43:56.83\00:44:01.10 would you go there when you can't deal with it here? Without 00:44:01.10\00:44:08.51 that faith. We don't have faith enough to enter heaven. We're no better than the people 00:44:08.51\00:44:12.75 of Nazareth, and there would be no miracles among us because there's no overcoming within us. 00:44:12.75\00:44:20.72 To the one who overcomes, as I overcame. Declares the Lord of 00:44:20.72\00:44:31.63 Laodicea. I want to go to 1 John 2 because the writer of Revelation wrote a letter just 00:44:31.63\00:44:36.50 near the end of the Bible. I wish you could've been here during Sabbath school. 00:44:36.50\00:44:39.67 This place was full, from the center aisle forward, filled with our kids, and our Sabbath 00:44:39.67\00:44:44.21 school leaders, God bless our Sabbath school leaders. I'm so 00:44:44.21\00:44:48.18 proud of them -- Glynis Bradfield and her team. I think it was from zero up to fourth or 00:44:48.18\00:44:52.49 fifth grade. And they brought a chemistry professor in who said, "I'm gonna talk about 1 John." 00:44:52.49\00:44:56.69 Well, my ears perked up because that's exactly what we were gonna talk about this morning. 00:44:56.69\00:45:01.03 So, we snapped some pictures -- a little fuzzy, but this happened about 60 minutes ago 00:45:01.03\00:45:06.63 in this space. When he -- David Randall -- This is David 00:45:06.63\00:45:10.57 Randall, one of our chemistry professors on campus. He said, "Hey, I want to show 00:45:10.57\00:45:13.17 you something." Let me see that picture of David Randall. 00:45:13.17\00:45:16.41 All right, but I need to see -- did you get a picture of the 00:45:16.41\00:45:19.95 flask? We haven't even had a chance to look at these. Apparently, they're not changing 00:45:19.95\00:45:23.39 it. But he stood up here -- Oh, yeah, the flask is in his 00:45:23.39\00:45:25.49 other hand. I'm sorry. You see that dark thing in his 00:45:25.49\00:45:27.39 other hand? That's a glass cannister. You see that? 00:45:27.39\00:45:30.49 And he put iodine in it. He says, "This is sin. This is sin. 00:45:30.49\00:45:33.70 Hey, kids, this is sin." And so he put -- it looks like this, and he took -- I don't 00:45:33.70\00:45:37.47 know what it was, but he poured it in, and voilà -- there's not a shred of that darkness left. 00:45:37.47\00:45:44.17 And he says, "That's what God does with your sins." [ Chuckles 00:45:44.17\00:45:48.14 ] You go. You go, Professor. That's precisely the Gospel. If we confess our sins, He's 00:45:48.14\00:45:53.21 faithful and just to what...? Forgive us our sins and... 00:45:53.21\00:45:57.42 cleanse us of all unrighteousness. That's just been written, and now we go to 00:45:57.42\00:46:00.82 -- Let's put 1 John 2:1 on the screen. 00:46:00.82\00:46:02.82 So, John says, "Hey, I want to -- I want to write to you 00:46:02.86\00:46:07.76 followers of Christ." "My little children, these 00:46:07.76\00:46:10.93 things I write to you, so that you may not --" what? -- 00:46:10.93\00:46:15.54 "so that you may not sin." We know this verse. 00:46:15.54\00:46:17.61 You've seen this verse all your life. 00:46:17.61\00:46:19.04 "...these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. 00:46:19.04\00:46:22.98 And if anyone sins --" how's it go? -- "we have an 00:46:22.98\00:46:27.82 Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." 00:46:27.82\00:46:31.42 You know what? We're so excited about the second half of that -- 00:46:31.45\00:46:35.42 the second half of that verse that we totally miss the first half. Well, we do a little 00:46:35.42\00:46:40.83 something about the Greek tenses in 1 John, and we say, "Well, this is continuous sinning, and 00:46:40.83\00:46:45.47 that's what you stop doing, but you go on sinning, you know, every now and then." 00:46:45.47\00:46:49.67 And I know what we're doing -- we're wanting to preserve. We're wanting to preserve the 00:46:49.67\00:46:56.41 focus on our Lord Jesus Christ. But Jesus, at the ending to the letter at Laodicea says, 00:46:56.41\00:47:02.98 "Oh, by the way, when you win day after day after day, as I won, you'll sit with Me one 00:47:02.98\00:47:11.66 day on the throne of the universe." Now, John, in fact, 00:47:11.66\00:47:15.63 talks about this a little further. Go down to -- Drop down 00:47:15.63\00:47:19.17 to 1 John 5. Put it on the screen. "For this is the love of 00:47:19.20\00:47:21.00 God --" verses 3 and 4 -- "that we keep His commandments. 00:47:21.00\00:47:23.77 And His commandments are not burdensome. 00:47:23.77\00:47:26.14 For whoever is born of God overcomes the world. 00:47:26.14\00:47:29.88 And this is the victory that has overcome the world -- our faith. 00:47:29.88\00:47:32.38 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that 00:47:32.38\00:47:35.22 Jesus is the Son of God." Jesus says, "Listen, guys, I 00:47:35.22\00:47:37.72 know -- in this life, you'll have trouble. 00:47:37.72\00:47:39.95 It's gonna be hard. 00:47:39.95\00:47:41.52 I wish I could tell you that you're just gonna skate through 00:47:41.56\00:47:45.13 this. You're not gonna skate through it. It's gonna be hard. 00:47:45.13\00:47:48.56 But take heart, be of good cheer -- I have overcome the world." 00:47:48.56\00:47:54.27 So, the question that begs asking is, how do we Laodiceans 00:47:54.27\00:47:58.97 overcome? How are we to overcome as Jesus overcame? In the last letter, He tells us, 00:47:58.97\00:48:03.45 plain as the nose on your face -- "Why haven't I seen this 00:48:03.45\00:48:06.72 before?" I'm gonna show you something. Watch this. Now, the verse we've just read 00:48:06.72\00:48:10.52 is verse 21. Let's read it again. 00:48:10.52\00:48:12.52 "To him/To her who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on 00:48:12.52\00:48:15.49 My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on 00:48:15.49\00:48:19.43 His throne." I never saw this before, but do you realize that 00:48:19.43\00:48:23.33 just before Jesus had -- Jesus speaks these words that we've been focusing on this morning -- 00:48:23.33\00:48:29.70 just before He speaks it, before He breathes a word about overcoming, about winning, about 00:48:29.70\00:48:35.68 victorious living, He speaks a very clear word about Himself. I want you to catch verse 20. 00:48:35.68\00:48:41.75 We've read verse 20 before. But here it is again. 00:48:41.75\00:48:44.59 Just before He calls us to win day after day after day, He 00:48:44.62\00:48:48.06 says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. 00:48:48.06\00:48:50.13 I'm outside. Lookit -- I'm outside. 00:48:50.13\00:48:51.53 I need to come in. Just if -- I'm knocking at the 00:48:51.53\00:48:53.83 door. Before I stand at the door and 00:48:53.83\00:48:55.36 knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come 00:48:55.36\00:48:58.53 in to him/to her and dine with them, and they will dine 00:48:58.53\00:49:03.71 with Me." 00:49:03.71\00:49:04.77 Would you jot this down, please? Before Jesus ever commands Laodicea to overcome the devil, 00:49:04.81\00:49:13.82 He invites us first to open up the door. Not a word -- 00:49:13.82\00:49:20.42 [Chuckling] Not a word about overcoming until first, He says, 00:49:20.42\00:49:25.86 "Hey." [ Tapping ] "Hey. Psst, psst, psst, psst! I'm trying to get your attention. 00:49:25.86\00:49:28.50 Anybody in there? Yo! If you can hear me, if you would just open 00:49:28.50\00:49:33.17 this door, I will come in to you, and then you and I together -- We overcome day after day 00:49:33.17\00:49:40.64 after day." Ladies and gentlemen, verse 20 precedes 00:49:40.64\00:49:46.41 verse 21. The promise is in 21, but the power is in verse 20. 00:49:46.41\00:49:53.62 You see that? Am I making something up? Before the overcoming -- before a word, the 00:49:53.62\00:50:01.40 promise. "Open up the door, and I will come in to you. I stand at the door and knock." 00:50:01.40\00:50:07.64 That's faith. I mean, anybody that would hear His voice -- 00:50:07.64\00:50:11.14 that's faith. Anybody that opens the door -- that's an act of faith. Faith invites Him in. 00:50:11.14\00:50:16.68 And faith says, "All right, You start winning in my life." The 00:50:16.68\00:50:30.33 issue is faith. The issue is believing. It's trusting. And by the way, Jesus said, "You 00:50:30.33\00:50:36.03 will overcome as I overcame." How did Jesus overcome? You scan 00:50:36.03\00:50:41.40 the Gospels -- four Gospels. It's not rocket science. Scan the Gospels, and you will 00:50:41.40\00:50:45.07 see two predominant practices in the life of Jesus, and, particularly, they intensify 00:50:45.07\00:50:50.78 when He goes hand-to-hand and face-to-face with the enemy. Now, you and I never go 00:50:50.78\00:50:55.72 face-to-face with the enemy, but we go hand-to-hand every single day -- we just don't see 00:50:55.72\00:50:59.69 him, right? Two practices of Jesus -- you want to know what 00:50:59.69\00:51:07.03 they are? This is so simple, I'm embarrassed, but they're these. 00:51:07.03\00:51:10.47 Number one -- Jesus spent much time in prayer with His Father. He'd get up early in the 00:51:10.47\00:51:18.37 morning, late at night -- sometimes, He'd pray all night. 00:51:18.37\00:51:24.75 Why? Because overcome -- overcoming necessitates these 00:51:24.75\00:51:28.82 two practices. Much time in prayer -- in practice number two -- Jesus consumed the Word as if 00:51:28.82\00:51:33.02 it were bread. He feasted on it. He ate that Word. 00:51:33.02\00:51:37.73 He prayed. He read. He prayed. He read. "As I overcame him, 00:51:37.73\00:51:45.93 you'll overcome him." Does that seem too simplistic? Not a huge 00:51:45.93\00:52:02.25 solution. Complicated? Not at all. But what if it were 00:52:02.25\00:52:06.65 possible? What if it were possible that Jesus is right, that we really can overcome, 00:52:06.65\00:52:15.73 that we can win this thing with Him inside, of course -- we could win this thing day 00:52:15.73\00:52:23.04 after day after day? What if He were right? And maybe there'll 00:52:23.04\00:52:28.61 be a faith community like Laodicea at the very end of the line that, one day, wakes up and 00:52:28.61\00:52:36.55 says, "Man. [ Chuckling ] I've been saying it's impossible. I've been telling others it's 00:52:36.55\00:52:41.39 impossible -- you can't do this." And Jesus comes along and 00:52:41.39\00:52:45.03 says, "It's not impossible. I did it. I want you to do it 00:52:45.03\00:52:50.37 through Me." She who overcomes day after day. He who overcomes day after day. Now, let me end 00:52:50.37\00:52:57.44 with this, and then I'll tell you a short story. 00:52:57.44\00:52:59.47 Quotation on the screen -- "John pointed the people --" 00:52:59.51\00:53:02.14 that's John the Baptist -- "pointed the people to 00:53:02.14\00:53:04.01 the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. 00:53:04.01\00:53:07.72 He said, 'Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away 00:53:07.72\00:53:09.62 the sin of the world.' There is a great deal in that 00:53:09.62\00:53:12.25 'taketh away.'" He takes it away. 00:53:12.25\00:53:15.52 If you've been carrying something around your ankle like a ball and chain, something that 00:53:15.56\00:53:20.10 you've dragged through your life to this very day, behold the Lamb of God who takes away 00:53:20.10\00:53:29.50 the sin of the world. Oh, there's a great deal in those words -- "takes away." 00:53:29.50\00:53:33.14 "The question is --" keep reading -- 00:53:33.17\00:53:34.48 "The question is, Shall we keep on sinning as 00:53:34.48\00:53:36.58 though it were an impossibility for us to overcome?" 00:53:36.58\00:53:39.11 That's a rhetorical question. No. 00:53:39.11\00:53:40.92 Well, then, the next question -- "How are we to overcome?" 00:53:40.92\00:53:42.78 Answer -- "As Christ overcame, and that is the only way. 00:53:42.78\00:53:46.86 He prayed to His heavenly Father." 00:53:46.86\00:53:48.36 That was the practice -- He just prayed. 00:53:48.36\00:53:50.66 "He prayed to His heavenly Father. 00:53:50.66\00:53:52.23 We can do the same... When tempted to speak wrong or 00:53:52.23\00:53:54.23 do wrong, resist Satan and say, I will not surrender my will to 00:53:54.23\00:53:56.87 your control. I will cooperate with divine 00:53:56.87\00:53:59.07 power and through grace be a conqueror." 00:53:59.07\00:54:02.00 End quote. 00:54:02.00\00:54:04.01 That's it. Just like Jesus. He prayed to His Father... 00:54:04.04\00:54:10.65 and was given the power to overcome, to win. "I want you to 00:54:10.65\00:54:17.79 overcome as I overcame, then come and sit on the throne with Me." The question is, 00:54:17.79\00:54:23.73 is, can't you make this any more practical? I can. 00:54:23.73\00:54:27.50 Let me end with this story. 00:54:27.50\00:54:30.70 There was a little girl who invited Jesus into her heart. 00:54:30.73\00:54:33.64 She was so excited that Jesus had come into her heart that she 00:54:33.64\00:54:36.81 was just telling everybody. Well, one day, a grumpy grown-up 00:54:36.81\00:54:39.57 came along, and grown-ups tend to be grumpy with children. 00:54:39.57\00:54:42.54 And the grown-up looked down at this little girl, and he said, 00:54:42.54\00:54:44.58 "Yeah, but how do you deal with temptation?" 00:54:44.58\00:54:46.48 She didn't -- She didn't miss a beat. 00:54:46.48\00:54:48.22 A smile still on her face, and she cheerily replied, "Well, 00:54:48.22\00:54:51.95 now that I've invited Jesus into my heart, when Satan comes 00:54:51.95\00:54:55.29 knocking, I send Jesus to the door." 00:54:55.29\00:54:58.19 [ Laughter ] Brilliant little girl. She got it. 00:54:58.23\00:55:03.80 That's it. That's all you have to know. Today's message -- 00:55:03.80\00:55:07.47 the teaching ends with this -- you invite Jesus in, and when the devil comes back, 'cause 00:55:07.47\00:55:12.94 he'll be back -- when the devil comes back and you hear that knocking, just send Jesus to the 00:55:12.94\00:55:17.61 door. Works every time. She got it. 00:55:17.61\00:55:23.42 And you know what, Laodicea? It is time for us to get it, too. 00:55:23.42\00:55:29.66 We can't keep blowing off this sin thing and saying, "I'll get 00:55:29.66\00:55:36.06 over it someday." You don't have someday -- you have today. You have today, and that's all 00:55:36.06\00:55:41.34 you have. So why would you put it off? He says, "If you 00:55:41.34\00:55:48.84 overcome as I overcome, you win! Get Me inside, and when the devil comes back -- remember, 00:55:48.84\00:55:56.45 now, our little secret -- you have Me to answer the door." 00:55:56.45\00:56:05.99 Works every time. Overcome. [ Chuckles ] Win -- you can 00:56:05.99\00:56:12.90 because He can. Yes, you can because he can. Don't you let nobody tell you you can't stop 00:56:12.90\00:56:22.24 that sinning. Whatever that sinning is, you can stop it through Christ. Amen. What do 00:56:22.24\00:56:30.72 you say? >> Amen. >> Amen. Come on, guys. This is a tough 00:56:30.72\00:56:34.29 subject, but we had to deal with it -- we couldn't skip it because God's waiting. 00:56:34.29\00:56:38.96 [ Chuckles ] The planet is a mess. Jesus is coming soon. 00:56:38.96\00:56:43.10 There is going to be a faith community on this planet symbolized by this Laodicea, 00:56:43.10\00:56:49.27 and this faith community is going to rise up and say, "You 00:56:49.27\00:56:53.84 know what? Count me in. You come in, and then count me in. 00:56:53.84\00:56:57.55 We'll do this battle thing together." And you'll win. 00:56:57.55\00:57:01.28 I promise you -- you'll win. 00:57:01.28\00:57:03.15 >> We've been really blessed by the financial support that comes 00:57:07.26\00:57:09.26 from our viewers, and we've made a conscious decision not to 00:57:09.26\00:57:12.59 continually appeal to you for that support. 00:57:12.59\00:57:15.63 The fact is, as everyone in the industry will tell you, we're 00:57:15.63\00:57:18.80 needing to make constant upgrades to our technology. 00:57:18.80\00:57:21.54 So if God has blessed you and you'd like to further the work 00:57:21.54\00:57:24.24 of this ministry, we invite you to partner with us. 00:57:24.24\00:57:26.57 Not a single penny of your donation will go to me. 00:57:26.57\00:57:29.58 Every bit of your gift goes to the mission of blessing your 00:57:29.58\00:57:33.05 community and our world. You can donate on our website, 00:57:33.05\00:57:36.08 newperceptions.tv. Or call the number. 00:57:36.08\00:57:39.19 You know the number -- 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:39.19\00:57:41.62 Again, that number is 877 -- the two words "HIS-WILL." 00:57:41.62\00:57:45.96 And may the God who has blessed you continue to pour into your 00:57:45.96\00:57:48.53 life the gifts of His joy and His hope. 00:57:48.53\00:57:51.60 Thank you. And I'm looking forward to 00:57:51.60\00:57:53.77 seeing you, right here, again, next time. 00:57:53.77\00:57:56.81 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:58:01.21\00:58:21.20 ¤¤ 00:58:21.20\00:58:28.47