¤¤ 00:00:00.23\00:00:09.24 [ Organ begins "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" ] 00:00:09.40\00:00:16.44 >> Amen. You may be seated. 00:03:08.02\00:03:13.92 [ "Lord of All Creation" begins ] 00:03:13.92\00:03:17.33 [ "All Who Are Thirsty" begins ] 00:06:18.44\00:06:21.38 >> Amen. In a world that is constantly 00:08:39.48\00:08:43.49 changing from peaceful to turbulent, sometimes the same 00:08:43.49\00:08:47.26 thing is reflected in our lives, where we're going through many, many different changes. 00:08:47.42\00:08:52.36 And it's hard to grasp on to something that remains constant, but there is a God who is there, 00:08:52.36\00:08:58.57 who is always constant. From age to age, He has given us His promises, and He calls us to 00:08:58.57\00:09:04.77 come to Him, to rely on Him. So at this time, I just invite you to stand, and if you feel 00:09:04.77\00:09:11.01 like He is calling you, I just invite you to also come forward and give those burdens or those 00:09:11.01\00:09:17.09 praises to Him. So, join us as we sing "El Shaddai." 00:09:17.09\00:09:21.32 [ "El Shaddai" begins ] 00:09:21.49\00:09:23.29 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you. 00:12:51.37\00:12:53.13 I can't believe this. What month is this already? 00:12:53.30\00:12:55.70 >> March. >> [ Laughs ] March. 00:12:55.70\00:12:57.71 Is this the first Sabbath of March already? 00:12:57.71\00:13:00.38 Oh, my. Where is this year going? And just a few more days, 00:13:00.54\00:13:04.61 and spring will be here. Yay! I got a story about winter, 00:13:04.61\00:13:08.28 though. And I don't remember which one of my story scouts 00:13:08.28\00:13:11.29 sent it to me. I just know it's the right story. 00:13:11.29\00:13:13.12 I've been saving it. Happened just five weeks ago. In North 00:13:13.12\00:13:15.96 Carolina... Anybody here from North Carolina? Happened in 00:13:15.96\00:13:19.56 North Carolina. Casey Hathaway, 3 years old. Look at -- who's 3 here? Anybody here 3? 00:13:19.56\00:13:24.43 >> Me! >> Okay, so he's just your height right there. 00:13:24.43\00:13:28.34 Casey -- you're 3. I got that. Casey Ha-- 00:13:28.34\00:13:31.31 Another 3-year-old. Hey, let's just put a picture of Casey Hathaway on the screen 00:13:31.31\00:13:35.61 just so that we can picture him. There. There he is. 00:13:35.61\00:13:38.31 That's Casey Hathaway. He's with a couple friends of his. 00:13:38.31\00:13:42.35 Ooh, it's cold in North Carolina. But he's over at his 00:13:42.35\00:13:46.09 grandma's place, and things are warmer at Grandma's place, but they're playing outside. 00:13:46.09\00:13:49.26 He's just playing in his shirt, you know, because he's going to 00:13:49.26\00:13:52.36 go in the house. But when their playing came to an end, guess what! The two friends of his 00:13:52.36\00:13:58.93 went into Grandma's house. But Casey didn't go in. The friends were in there for a 00:13:58.93\00:14:02.97 while, and Grandma says, "Yo, kids, where's Casey?" "Well, I thought he had already 00:14:02.97\00:14:06.94 come in." "No. Where... Did you leave... 00:14:06.94\00:14:09.14 Is Casey still outside?" "Well, I guess he must not have come in 00:14:09.14\00:14:13.35 with us." Grandma said, "What is that?" She's drying her hands off on her kitchen apron. 00:14:13.35\00:14:16.75 She sticks her head out the door. "Yo, Casey! 00:14:16.75\00:14:18.85 Ca-sey! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!" No answer. 00:14:18.85\00:14:23.63 Come on! Where would Casey go? There's just some woods in the 00:14:23.63\00:14:26.76 back. Ahh. "I hope he didn't go exploring again." 00:14:26.76\00:14:30.57 After an hour, Grandma's getting worried. After two hours, she's 00:14:30.57\00:14:34.90 really worried, and when it's two hours and somebody's missing, who do you call? 00:14:34.90\00:14:38.71 What three numbers do you dial? >> 9-1-1. >> 9-1-1. 00:14:38.71\00:14:41.58 You call the police. So that's what Grandma did. She says, 00:14:41.58\00:14:44.88 "Listen. I have a little 3-year-old boy. He's 2 feet 2 inches tall. His name is Casey. 00:14:44.88\00:14:48.92 And he hasn't come home. He was just playing in my backyard. 00:14:48.92\00:14:51.49 I feel terrible." Soon the police are joining in the 00:14:51.49\00:14:53.99 search. Grandma calls some friends. "Hey, listen. We can't 00:14:53.99\00:14:56.49 find Casey. Can you come over here?" So her friends come over, and soon the neighborhood is 00:14:56.49\00:14:59.03 over. They're going everywhere looking for Casey. Nobody can 00:14:59.03\00:15:02.10 find him. Then they get a helicopter... [ Imitates rotors ] ...shining a light down. 00:15:02.10\00:15:06.47 No Casey. Then they send up some drones. [ Imitates drones ] 00:15:06.47\00:15:08.67 No Casey. They have K-9... their K-9 unit. 00:15:08.67\00:15:12.64 Those are special German shepherds. [ Imitates dogs 00:15:12.64\00:15:16.41 sniffing ] And they can't find Casey. Wednesday morning, no Casey. Wednesday afternoon, no 00:15:16.41\00:15:20.52 Casey. Wednesday night, no Casey. He's gone! Thursday 00:15:20.52\00:15:24.89 morning, oh, no! Thursday morning, the temperature has dropped down to the low 20s, and 00:15:24.89\00:15:29.39 in North Carolina, that's a state of emergency. And so they call the rescue off. 00:15:29.39\00:15:33.96 They say, "We can't... It's too cold for you to be out, guys. 00:15:33.96\00:15:37.63 Go home." Everybody's given up. They even hired some divers to 00:15:37.63\00:15:41.54 go into the river. Can they find Casey there? And then it was 00:15:41.54\00:15:45.94 late Thursday night. The divers are in the river. They're up to 00:15:45.94\00:15:49.61 their waist. If Casey's in this river, he's over his head. They're up to their waist, and 00:15:49.61\00:15:52.95 they stop. Shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. 00:15:52.95\00:15:55.75 They thought they heard the sound of a little baby crying. Baby crying out here? 00:15:55.75\00:16:00.59 They follow the sound. They get to a clump of thorn bushes, and 00:16:00.59\00:16:06.70 inside the thorn bushes, guess who was there. Casey! Oh, his face just broke into 00:16:06.70\00:16:11.70 this glorious smile! He said, "I want to see my mommy! 00:16:11.70\00:16:14.67 I want some water!" And they rushed him, and the whole neighborhood cheered! 00:16:14.67\00:16:18.81 And everybody's whistling! Exactly like that. Then Casey 00:16:18.81\00:16:25.18 told a story. He says, "Listen. While I was out there"... little 00:16:25.18\00:16:28.98 3-year-old... "While I was out there, I had a friend the whole 00:16:28.98\00:16:33.62 time." "What?! You had a friend? But if you had a friend, that friend should have brought you 00:16:33.62\00:16:36.66 home!" "No, I had a friend the whole time. 00:16:36.66\00:16:38.96 He stayed with me night and day." "No, you didn't have a 00:16:38.96\00:16:42.66 friend." "I had a friend." And here's the friend that Casey was 00:16:42.66\00:16:46.70 describing. Put it on the screen, please. >> Oh! >> Yep. 00:16:46.70\00:16:53.78 North Carolina. Lot of black bears in North Carolina. Casey said, "That friend stayed 00:16:53.78\00:17:00.05 with me the whole time." Oh, my. Isn't there a verse in the Bible 00:17:00.05\00:17:05.19 that says, "And the bear of the Lord will encamp around those who fear him and deliver them"? 00:17:05.19\00:17:10.73 [ Laughter ] No, it says "angel," doesn't it? But could it be that an angel 00:17:10.73\00:17:14.93 showed up as a bear and the angel just said, "Yo, Casey. 00:17:14.93\00:17:19.13 Stay with me. Come on, boy. I'll keep you warm at night. Come on. 00:17:19.13\00:17:21.90 Cuddle up right here. I'll stay with you till they find you." 00:17:21.90\00:17:27.01 Oh, my. You know what that bear said to Casey? 00:17:27.01\00:17:29.94 That bear said to Casey, "Let's be friends. Let's be friends. 00:17:29.94\00:17:33.72 Let me be your friend." Why, that bear reminds me of Jesus. 00:17:33.72\00:17:37.42 Jesus looks at you and me, and He says, "Let me be your friend. Let me take care of you. 00:17:37.42\00:17:41.79 I'll keep you warm at night. I'll be the best friend you have 00:17:41.79\00:17:45.56 ever had. Let me be your friend." Oh, my. A bear or 00:17:45.56\00:17:51.90 Jesus? I'll take Jesus every time, although I thank Jesus for sending the bear to save Casey. 00:17:51.90\00:17:57.64 What do you say? Oh, my, Who wants to thank Jesus for 00:17:57.64\00:18:00.78 being that kind of a friend? Sister, come on down. I saw your 00:18:00.78\00:18:03.98 hand. Who wants to thank Jesus for being that kind of a friend? 00:18:03.98\00:18:07.18 You go, girl. Come on. Okay, ladies, if you can watch out -- somebody's coming right 00:18:07.18\00:18:10.42 behind you. There she comes. We'll get a microphone over 00:18:10.42\00:18:13.56 here. Let's thank Jesus. What's your name, honey? 00:18:13.56\00:18:15.79 >> Gaby. >> Gaby. Let's close our eyes and fold 00:18:15.79\00:18:19.43 our hands as Gaby thanks Jesus for being our saving friend. >> 00:18:19.43\00:18:26.30 Thank You, Lord. Thank You what you've given. Bless all of the people that come to praise 00:18:26.30\00:18:34.58 Jesus. Let the ones that doesn't know Jesus. In Jesus' name. 00:18:34.58\00:18:40.32 Amen. >> Amen. That was a beautiful prayer, Gaby. 00:18:40.32\00:18:42.95 You can say that in your heart as you go back to your seats. 00:18:42.95\00:18:46.59 Thank you, Jesus. Bless those who don't know You yet. Beautiful prayer, Gaby. 00:18:46.59\00:18:50.89 Happy Sabbath, everybody. 00:18:50.89\00:18:52.26 [ Applause ] >> Oh, that was beautiful. Thank you, Andrews 00:22:31.85\00:22:39.85 University Festival Band. Byron Graves. Beautiful, beautiful. 00:22:39.85\00:22:44.36 These are teenagers from all over the Great Lakes states and 00:22:44.36\00:22:49.50 Canada. We've got Kingsway and Crawford here. Nice to have all 00:22:49.50\00:22:54.04 of you. Thanks for coming. Come again when you can stay longer. 00:22:54.04\00:22:59.74 "Simple Gifts." That's what they played for us, and that's what 00:22:59.74\00:23:05.55 we need. Let's pray. O God, the simplest gift of all -- turns 00:23:05.55\00:23:10.55 out, it's the greatest gift of all. And for it we humbly pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 00:23:10.55\00:23:19.26 So, is it okay with you if we kind of cut to the chase right 00:23:19.43\00:23:22.86 now? Come on. 00:23:22.86\00:23:23.90 Let's go. When you're talking about the 00:23:23.90\00:23:25.53 entity called the church, 00:23:25.53\00:23:26.63 there are three options. Option number one -- "I wouldn't take 00:23:26.80\00:23:29.90 it." Option number two -- "It's a mistake." 00:23:29.90\00:23:33.01 Option number three -- "I'm putting my money on that 00:23:33.17\00:23:35.91 one." Let me share what these three 00:23:35.91\00:23:37.45 options are. Option number one goes like 00:23:37.45\00:23:39.25 this. "You know what? 00:23:39.25\00:23:40.45 The church is in such a mess these days, I'm quitting. 00:23:40.45\00:23:43.02 I'm out of here Adiós. 00:23:43.02\00:23:44.85 Arrivederci. 00:23:44.85\00:23:46.55 Sayonara. Gone." That is an option. 00:23:46.72\00:23:51.59 But in my humble opinion, it is both illogical and misguided. Let me tell you why. 00:23:51.59\00:23:57.67 Because anybody going to church believes in this Book, and this Book says that God -- this is a 00:23:57.67\00:24:01.57 direct quote, Acts 20:28 -- that God purchased the church with 00:24:01.57\00:24:05.34 His own blood. Come on! He's huge on the church. You want to 00:24:05.34\00:24:11.58 bail out on it? You want to walk away? Of course, you may. That's 00:24:11.58\00:24:15.45 your option. One of the most touching moments, in my humble opinion, again, in the life of 00:24:15.45\00:24:22.22 Jesus, bar none, four Gospels, is that day -- maybe it was an afternoon -- when Jesus, who, 00:24:22.22\00:24:28.00 by the way, knows how to count, and He can tell that the crowd count is getting lower and lower 00:24:28.00\00:24:36.04 and lower as His teaching grows stronger and stronger and 00:24:36.04\00:24:43.68 stronger. He knows what's up. And in a poignant moment, He turns to His closest friends, 00:24:43.68\00:24:51.32 and He says, "Hey, guys. Are you wanting to leave, too?" Silence. 00:24:51.32\00:25:00.46 Nobody speaks. And then Peter -- God bless Peter -- Peter speaks 00:25:00.46\00:25:08.00 up. "Lord, to whom shall we go? Who has the words of eternal 00:25:08.00\00:25:15.11 life? We have nowhere else to go. Why would we leave You? You're our last great hope." 00:25:15.11\00:25:24.99 There are hearts today who say the same. "I know we're in a 00:25:24.99\00:25:31.43 storm right now, and I know that this is choppy weather, but I'm 00:25:31.43\00:25:37.77 not jumping ship. That's option number one, jump ship. Option number two goes like 00:25:37.77\00:25:42.04 this. "When it comes to the church, rather than leaving it, 00:25:42.04\00:25:45.64 we settle into it -- oh, but with a cultural tie, so to 00:25:45.64\00:25:50.88 speak. We stay in the church. I mean, this is the church our parents grew up in. 00:25:50.88\00:25:55.48 This is the church our grandparents grew up in. We grew 00:25:55.48\00:25:58.02 up in it. Why would I leave this church? I mean, please, what would people think if I left the 00:25:58.02\00:26:01.79 church? This is where all my friends are." 00:26:01.79\00:26:04.46 Do you know what? There are millions of Jews, Protestants, 00:26:04.46\00:26:09.13 and Catholics who have used that flimsy argument for remaining with their religion. 00:26:09.13\00:26:13.27 You can make that option. It's your choice. "No intellectual 00:26:13.27\00:26:18.37 commitment, no financial support, not even an existential bond with the church, some 00:26:18.37\00:26:23.85 little mystical tie that binds me to its tenets and its practices. No, we stay, but we 00:26:23.85\00:26:28.35 stay physically. We do not stay mentally. We do not stay 00:26:28.35\00:26:33.82 spiritually." But how honest is that sort of two-timing business? I mean, come on. 00:26:33.82\00:26:39.93 Why don't you just go for option number one and drop the 00:26:39.93\00:26:42.93 charades? Now, I'm not recommending option number one or option number two. I'd like 00:26:42.93\00:26:48.64 to challenge you with option number three. You say, "Come on, Dwight. What's option three?" 00:26:48.64\00:26:52.11 What if we opted to engage in brutally honest soul searching and submit ourselves to the 00:26:52.11\00:27:00.68 possibility that the problem isn't with the church -- the problem is with me and you? 00:27:00.68\00:27:09.46 What if we said, "All right, I'm going to be honest, playing no games with my mind. 00:27:09.46\00:27:16.83 Could it be that the church I belong to... Could it be it 00:27:16.83\00:27:21.97 turns out I'm the one needing spiritual reformation, spiritual 00:27:21.97\00:27:26.41 transformation?" Option number three. I'd like to challenge you to embrace it with me. 00:27:26.41\00:27:29.74 Right? What do you say we go for it? Let's just try it. 00:27:29.74\00:27:32.51 Let's see how it works. Here's how it works. The moment you say 00:27:32.51\00:27:36.65 yes to option number three, brutal soul searching, in that very instant, an ancient letter 00:27:36.65\00:27:43.16 long, long ago will suddenly be in our faces [ Chuckles ] because you can't duck this 00:27:43.16\00:27:49.26 letter. You can't get away from it. And besides, why would you 00:27:49.26\00:27:53.40 even try? It's the last letter. It's the last letter of the 00:27:53.40\00:27:56.07 Bible. It's the last letter of the Apocalypse. 00:27:56.07\00:27:58.31 It's the last word. As scholars say, seven generations of 00:27:58.31\00:28:04.01 history, seven epochs of history, seven chapters from the Cross of Christ to the coming of 00:28:04.01\00:28:09.12 Christ. The last letter is directed to those living just before the coming of Christ. 00:28:09.12\00:28:14.76 I want to go to that last letter with you today once again. Five times we've read that 00:28:14.76\00:28:20.03 letter. It's a short letter. I wish people who wrote their 00:28:20.03\00:28:23.00 e-mails would keep it this short. It's a short letter. Come 00:28:23.00\00:28:26.74 on. Take a look at it. Revelation chapter 3, the last 00:28:26.74\00:28:30.47 letter, come on. You got your Bible here? You got a phone here. It's in your phone. 00:28:30.47\00:28:33.71 Pull it out. Take a look at this with me. Revelation 3:14. 00:28:33.71\00:28:37.48 Red letters -- that means Jesus speaking. He dictated the 00:28:37.48\00:28:41.15 letter. Here it is. 00:28:41.15\00:28:43.39 "I was in the beginning, and I'm the Amen at the end, and I'm everything in between. 00:28:51.59\00:28:56.30 Listen up. I'm writing to you." 00:28:56.30\00:28:58.63 Thanks a lot! 00:29:16.92\00:29:17.85 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. 00:29:37.57\00:29:40.31 If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in" 00:29:40.31\00:29:42.78 to her, I will come in to him, I will come in to them, "and I 00:29:42.78\00:29:45.71 will eat with them, and they with me." 00:29:45.71\00:29:48.35 The end. And by the way, did you catch verse 19? 00:29:59.06\00:30:01.93 Let me put verse 19 on the screen. Look at 19 again, 00:30:01.93\00:30:04.77 please. Does that feel like a little bit of cognitive dissonance going on? 00:30:10.21\00:30:13.58 I mean, you're talking about love and discipline at the same 00:30:13.58\00:30:16.98 time. Did you ever get spanked? You probably never got spanked 00:30:16.98\00:30:20.65 in your life. Come on. I'm looking at you, and I can tell you've never been spanked. 00:30:20.65\00:30:24.72 I got whupped all the time. You know, my folks would say before 00:30:24.72\00:30:30.53 the whipping, "Now, Dwight, we want you to know, boy, that we 00:30:30.53\00:30:37.80 love you." This doesn't feel like love at all. "And by the 00:30:37.80\00:30:42.94 way," and did your folks ever say this? Did your folks ever say, "And by the way, this is 00:30:42.94\00:30:46.44 going to hurt me more than it hurts you"? [ Laughter ] Did your folks say that? 00:30:46.44\00:30:52.71 Oh, you heard it from your folks, too, huh? Man, you can be 00:30:52.71\00:30:57.45 young and hear that stuff. Must be in some parenting book 00:30:57.45\00:31:01.59 somewhere... You..."This hurts you more than me? Ah. 00:31:01.59\00:31:05.56 Let's trade places, then, so you won't be hurt as much." [ 00:31:05.56\00:31:10.53 Laughter ] Verse 19 again, come on. Cognitive dissonance. "Those whom I love" -- Jesus 00:31:10.53\00:31:15.24 speaking -- "I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and 00:31:15.24\00:31:18.54 repent." Now, the problem is we're reading this in the English because if we could read 00:31:18.54\00:31:21.44 it in the Greek, it goes like this. "Those whom I feel an affection for, those whom I feel 00:31:21.44\00:31:27.75 close to, those whom I love," phileo, Philadelphia, city of 00:31:27.75\00:31:32.29 brotherly love. This is the only church in the seven that gets this warmth expressed to it. 00:31:32.29\00:31:39.29 "I have the warmth of friendship for you. I love you." 00:31:39.29\00:31:43.47 This is the only church, the one at the end. And by the way, did 00:31:43.47\00:31:49.44 you notice this? He's not declaring His love before the 00:31:49.44\00:31:52.77 discipline as your parent did. He's affirming his love after the discipline, and that's 00:31:52.77\00:31:57.41 the only time when your mind is open to comprehend love. Pretty 00:31:57.41\00:32:02.85 smart move. What kind of discipline you talking about? Well, what did He just call you? 00:32:02.85\00:32:07.59 Miserable. Naked. What was this? Wretched. 00:32:07.59\00:32:13.46 Poor. Blind. Mm! 00:32:13.46\00:32:15.76 Not -- the last letter is not about name calling, folks. By the way, you remember. 00:32:15.76\00:32:19.67 We've already found this out. Those five epithets -- Jesus embraced them all at the 00:32:19.67\00:32:24.61 Cross. He became all five. No, this isn't about name 00:32:24.61\00:32:27.21 calling. This is about life changing. This is about soul 00:32:27.21\00:32:30.81 saving. "And by the way, I'm standing at the door, and I'm knocking. I'm the only friend 00:32:30.81\00:32:34.58 you have that loves you this deeply. Do you understand that? I am your very best friend, and 00:32:34.58\00:32:38.09 I'm the only one who can save you, and I'm standing at your door, and I'm knocking right 00:32:38.09\00:32:41.52 now, girl. I'm knocking right now, boy." That's what he's 00:32:41.52\00:32:47.96 saying here, verse 20. Read it again. 00:32:47.96\00:32:49.73 It's an amazing, amazing line. "Behold, I stand at the door and 00:32:59.27\00:33:05.48 knock." And wouldn't you know it? That one line can be understood in three very 00:33:05.48\00:33:11.52 different ways. And all three very different ways are correct. They're three invitations. 00:33:11.52\00:33:19.26 And you gotta get this. There's a study guide tucked away in your worship bulletin. 00:33:19.26\00:33:23.40 Will you pull that study guide out right now, please? I want you to jot these three 00:33:23.40\00:33:26.30 invitations down. Yeah. We got ushers who will come your 00:33:26.30\00:33:28.74 way. You didn't get a study guide? Put your hand up. 00:33:28.74\00:33:30.94 In the balcony, here, in the band as well. We'll get a study 00:33:30.94\00:33:37.15 guide to you. You know, we're putting it on the screen here. 00:33:37.31\00:33:40.45 This is the series, "The Last Letter." 00:33:40.45\00:33:42.05 "Home Alone" 19. You know, this "Home Alone" 00:33:42.05\00:33:44.42 franchise -- these are the Christmas children videos that 00:33:44.42\00:33:47.39 come out. I went on... 00:33:47.39\00:33:48.89 The whole world knows "Home Alone," by the way, 00:33:48.89\00:33:51.56 so I go on Google to find out how many have you had. I get up 00:33:51.73\00:33:55.90 to five -- "Home Alone 5." I went ahead, just to be safe, put 19 there so that we're not 00:33:55.90\00:33:59.80 stepping on anybody's toes. Home Alone. Okay, so you click on 00:33:59.80\00:34:04.57 "Home Alone," and you'll get this study guide. All right? 00:34:04.57\00:34:07.08 Okay, let's go. Invitation number one, jot it down, please. 00:34:07.08\00:34:09.38 Invitation number one, Jesus' gospel invitation. Yeah, this is 00:34:09.38\00:34:14.22 a gospel invitation. This is the invitation, by the way, that was 00:34:14.22\00:34:17.72 captured for an entire generation by the composer Ralph Carmichael. You ever heard this 00:34:17.72\00:34:21.09 song? ¤ The Savior is waiting to enter your heart ¤ ¤ Why don't 00:34:21.09\00:34:29.63 you let Him come in? ¤ ¤ There's nothing in this world to keep 00:34:29.63\00:34:38.51 you apart ¤ ¤ What is your answer to Him? ¤ 00:34:38.51\00:34:42.61 Let's do the chorus together, on the screen. 00:34:42.78\00:34:44.51 [ Congregation sings ] 00:34:44.51\00:34:48.52 There's the word door, door, door. 00:35:04.80\00:35:06.97 ¤¤ 00:35:06.97\00:35:14.34 "Here I am. I stand at the door and knock." It's Jesus' gospel 00:35:14.51\00:35:21.05 invitation. By the way, it's not just here in Revelation. It's all the way through the 00:35:21.05\00:35:23.35 Bible. Grab your pen now. Jot this down. 00:35:23.35\00:35:25.99 Proverbs 23:26, God speaking. "My child, give Me your" what? "Give Me your heart." 00:35:25.99\00:35:30.99 "I'm standing at the door. Give Me your heart." Or go to the New 00:35:30.99\00:35:35.00 Testament. Jesus, on the eve of His execution, John 14:23 -- jot 00:35:35.00\00:35:39.20 this down. 00:35:39.20\00:35:40.20 "My Father will love them, and We will come to them and make 00:35:42.50\00:35:44.81 Our" -- what's the word there? "We'll make our home. 00:35:44.81\00:35:47.11 We'll make our home with you." So it's not just Jesus who 00:35:47.11\00:35:50.48 comes. Jesus says, "The Father will come with Me." And a little 00:35:50.48\00:35:54.22 bit earlier in the same upper room, in verse 17 of chapter 14, Jesus has already spoken these 00:35:54.22\00:35:57.92 words. Jot this down. 00:35:57.92\00:35:58.85 The gospel invitation is the whole Trinity saying, "Hey, 00:36:04.23\00:36:09.20 We're knocking together. Can We come into your life?" Oh, what a profound invitation. 00:36:09.20\00:36:14.50 It's no wonder Ellen White has claimed -- I love this 00:36:14.50\00:36:16.44 one-liner. How come I've never seen this 00:36:16.44\00:36:17.91 before? On the screen... 00:36:17.91\00:36:19.41 "That heart is the happiest that has Christ as an abiding guest." 00:36:19.57\00:36:24.55 You see, He's not a member of the family. 00:36:24.55\00:36:26.48 He's a guest. You invite Him in. 00:36:26.48\00:36:28.98 He only comes by invitation. "Let us," she goes on, 00:36:28.98\00:36:32.19 "acknowledge Him as our Friend and Saviour." 00:36:32.19\00:36:35.52 "Behold, I stand..." [ Knocking ] "...at the door and knock." 00:36:35.69\00:36:40.20 Three invitations. Invitation number one -- Jesus' gospel 00:36:40.20\00:36:43.30 invitation. Jot it down. Invitation number two -- Jesus' endtime invitation. 00:36:43.30\00:36:48.27 Because as it turns out, Jesus has already used this metaphor about the door when He 00:36:48.27\00:36:52.74 was here with us. In fact, put it on the screen. 00:36:52.74\00:36:55.51 He's giving a recital of what it's going to be like on the planet before He returns. 00:36:58.38\00:37:03.05 The words on the screen. "Then they" -- that's the world -- "will see the Son of 00:37:03.05\00:37:07.02 Man" -- that would be Me, He says -- "coming in the clouds with great power and glory." 00:37:07.02\00:37:11.39 Even so, you too, when you see these things happening, recognize that He is near, right 00:37:11.39\00:37:17.87 at the" -- What's the word? He's at the door! "Behold, I stand at 00:37:17.87\00:37:23.77 the door and knock" means "I'm almost here! I'm almost here. Anybody waiting for Me?" 00:37:23.77\00:37:31.75 Revelation is replete with this idea of imminence, you know, this almost, this soon business. 00:37:31.75\00:37:37.42 On the screen, jot this down. Quoting Jesus, "'Look! I am coming...'" what's the 00:37:37.42\00:37:41.06 word? "'...soon!'...He who testifies to these things says, 00:37:41.06\00:37:45.69 'Yes, I am coming soon.'" "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" means "I'm almost here!" 00:37:45.69\00:37:50.33 Do you understand that? "I am almost here for you." Yeah. 00:37:50.33\00:37:58.21 Yeah. "I think I'm on... Come on, Dwight. Give me a break. 00:37:58.21\00:38:00.21 Don't you think I can figure this out? That was 1,900 years 00:38:00.21\00:38:04.88 ago!" So your point is? What's your point? Go ahead and make 00:38:04.88\00:38:10.72 it. You have a problem with this imminence business? 00:38:10.72\00:38:14.59 The New Testament is replete with it. 00:38:14.76\00:38:16.59 You know why? I'll tell you why. 00:38:16.59\00:38:19.89 I have a friend who has a... had a friend. 00:38:19.89\00:38:22.66 37 years old, fit as a fiddle. One young wife and two young 00:38:22.83\00:38:28.50 children. And in one instance a few weeks ago, [ Snaps ] gone! Nothing wrong with him. 00:38:28.50\00:38:33.94 [ Snaps ] Gone! 00:38:33.94\00:38:36.85 That's why the Bible never backs off of imminence. 00:38:37.01\00:38:41.52 It never backs off "soon." Because it might not be "I'm at 00:38:41.52\00:38:45.62 the door for all of you," but, "Sir, I am at the door for 00:38:45.62\00:38:49.52 you. 00:38:49.52\00:38:50.89 I'm coming for you." Knock-knock. [ Snaps ] 00:38:51.06\00:38:55.63 Over. Yeah, it's somber. That's why it's there -- 00:38:55.63\00:39:02.90 to shake us up, to wake us up and say, "Can't play this 00:39:02.90\00:39:07.18 waiting game. What are you waiting for?" And by the way, it's going to happen the same 00:39:07.18\00:39:15.85 way for the entire civilization. [ Snaps ] That's it. 00:39:15.85\00:39:20.46 "Are you serious?" That's it. Look at this. 00:39:20.46\00:39:23.69 Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3. Jot this down. 00:39:23.69\00:39:29.56 Look at -- have you ever heard of a thief who sends you a postcard and says, "I'm going to 00:39:32.93\00:39:35.60 be in your neighborhood next week. Hope to see you then"? 00:39:35.60\00:39:37.87 What? There's no thief in the world that does that. 00:39:37.87\00:39:39.77 Why doesn't he do that? Because it's the element of surprise. 00:39:39.77\00:39:43.21 If you know that the thief is coming tonight to your dorm room or to your house, you're going 00:39:43.21\00:39:47.32 to be sitting there with a 40-gauge shotgun, right? "I got a surprise for you!" 00:39:47.32\00:39:53.22 No, you never know. That's the whole metaphor of a thief. 00:39:53.22\00:39:56.32 That's what it'll be with the human race. "The day of the Lord 00:39:56.32\00:39:59.19 will come like a thief in the night. 00:39:59.19\00:40:00.13 While people are saying, 'Peace,'"...High-five, man, 00:40:00.30\00:40:03.06 "'Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly..." 00:40:03.06\00:40:06.20 Write that word down. "...suddenly, as labor pains on 00:40:06.20\00:40:08.80 a pregnant woman, and they will not..." 00:40:08.80\00:40:10.67 And in the Greek, it's a double negative. 00:40:10.67\00:40:12.61 "...they will will no not escape." 00:40:12.61\00:40:14.81 Impossible. [ Snaps ] 00:40:14.81\00:40:16.38 Finished! That was it. 00:40:16.38\00:40:18.38 That was it! "I thought there was more 00:40:18.38\00:40:20.45 supposed to happen." Nope, that was it. 00:40:20.45\00:40:21.82 It's over. 00:40:21.82\00:40:22.88 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" therefore must not only mean "I am returning to you 00:40:23.05\00:40:29.69 soon." It means "I am returning to this civilization soon." 00:40:29.69\00:40:37.20 Look at -- we're not dealing with rocket science. Now, I talk with bright people. 00:40:37.20\00:40:39.70 When I fly, I get to sit by bright people. I talk with 00:40:39.70\00:40:43.30 bright people on this campus, where I live. Guess what. There's this numinous uneasiness 00:40:43.30\00:40:48.64 among thinking human beings today that senses there's some approaching dread that we do not 00:40:48.64\00:40:56.82 know of. There's some shoe that's going to fall next, and 00:40:56.82\00:41:00.69 we have no clue what this shoe is. We just know it's coming. That's what the Bible is saying. 00:41:00.69\00:41:09.23 "Hey, Earth. Hey, America. Hey, Andrews. 00:41:09.23\00:41:16.24 Hey, Laodicea. Guess what. I'm almost there." 00:41:16.24\00:41:23.71 Ooh. Three invitations. Invitation number one -- Jesus' 00:41:23.71\00:41:27.25 gospel invitation. Invitation number two -- Jesus' endtime or end game invitation. 00:41:27.25\00:41:33.79 That little American lady writer that we quoted a moment ago -- 00:41:33.79\00:41:37.43 let me put her on the screen again. 00:41:37.43\00:41:38.33 "Remember" -- there's an enemy in this game. 00:41:48.77\00:41:51.47 The enemy..."Satan has come down with great power, to work with 00:41:51.47\00:41:54.84 all deceivableness," all craftiness, all trickery -- why? 00:41:54.84\00:42:00.62 Because he knows he's lost, but he's taking every soul with him 00:42:00.62\00:42:06.59 that he can. 00:42:06.59\00:42:07.82 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My 00:42:07.99\00:42:13.26 voice..." Oh, by the way, yeah, it's not just this. [ Knocking ] There's a voice going along with 00:42:13.26\00:42:17.63 this. I don't know if it's a plea. I don't know if it's 00:42:17.63\00:42:20.60 begging. I don't know if He's shouting. "Anybody in there? 00:42:20.60\00:42:26.24 Anybody in there, would you open the door?" The voice accompanies 00:42:26.24\00:42:31.41 the knocking. Three invitations. Here's invitation number three, 00:42:31.41\00:42:33.68 the last one. Jot that down, please. Jesus' embarrassing 00:42:38.75\00:42:41.92 invitation. And it took a retired German businessman turned pastor, who taught me 00:42:42.09\00:42:48.63 this. And it is embarrassing, but it's true. And I said, "Why 00:42:48.63\00:42:52.40 have I never seen this before?" But I'm passing it on to you. 00:42:52.40\00:42:56.60 Check it out. It's embarrassing because what's going on in that Laodicean church of Christ in 00:42:56.60\00:43:01.91 the seventh and final period before He returns is that it's conducting its business as if 00:43:01.91\00:43:07.08 the Lord is not in their midst. Or could it be the other way 00:43:07.08\00:43:10.75 around? As if the Lord is in their midst. But surprise, 00:43:10.75\00:43:15.52 surprise, surprise. He's not in their midst. He's outside. 00:43:15.52\00:43:19.06 Will you jot that down? It appears that Jesus is not even 00:43:19.06\00:43:24.40 in the church. He's standing on the outside. Here's this church -- can you believe it? 00:43:24.40\00:43:29.50 This church going through their great debates, this church going through their grand feats. 00:43:29.50\00:43:34.41 Here's Laodicea through its glorious "We have need of nothing" motions and 00:43:34.41\00:43:38.65 countermotions, and all the while, the Lord of Laodicea is outside the church. 00:43:38.65\00:43:43.22 Go figure! And by the way, what's interesting about this 00:43:43.22\00:43:46.65 Laodicean church -- they're the ones that the Apocalypse calls 00:43:46.65\00:43:49.62 the remnant. The remnant. This is the final generation, and what are they thinking? 00:43:49.62\00:43:53.76 And I ask myself, "Dwight, what are you thinking? What are we 00:43:53.76\00:43:57.83 thinking?" Apparently, we can't hear Him. Maybe that's it. We just can't hear Him. 00:43:57.83\00:44:01.97 I can't imagine you and I... in our great deliberations and our mighty discussions, I can't 00:44:01.97\00:44:07.34 imagine that if we were hearing... if we could hear the 00:44:07.34\00:44:10.15 knocking, we wouldn't all join together and run to the front door of the Pioneer Memorial 00:44:10.15\00:44:13.85 Church and throw the door open. "Jesus, come on in!" I can't 00:44:13.85\00:44:16.89 imagine one person intentionally turning Him away and saying, "Nah, I don't want to hear that. 00:44:16.89\00:44:19.45 I don't want to hear it. I can't hear it. I can't hear it." 00:44:19.45\00:44:21.56 No. We... Apparently, it's so noisy in the Laodicean church 00:44:21.56\00:44:28.23 before the end, there's so much distraction, that nobody hears the knocking. So the knocking 00:44:28.23\00:44:35.50 now has to be accompanied with a voice. Wow. Makes you wonder, 00:44:35.50\00:44:43.95 doesn't it? How long have we been home alone as a church? How long have we been home 00:44:43.95\00:44:54.39 alone? Hmm. How embarrassing. 00:44:54.39\00:44:58.36 Or as this writer puts it, what a loss. 00:44:58.53\00:45:00.53 Put this on the screen, please. 00:45:00.53\00:45:01.70 "What a terrible thing it is to exclude Christ from His own 00:45:17.98\00:45:20.48 temple," His own church! "What a loss" -- write that 00:45:20.48\00:45:23.22 down -- "What a loss for the church!" 00:45:23.22\00:45:26.12 So here's the question. 00:45:26.12\00:45:27.39 What are we supposed to do now? As humbling as it's going to feel -- and trust me, 00:45:27.56\00:45:32.56 it will feel that way -- we need to cry what the people cried out when they were listening to 00:45:32.56\00:45:37.50 Peter on the day of Pentecost. You remember the story, don't 00:45:37.50\00:45:40.87 you, of Pentecost? I mean, it went like wildfire, electricity, through the city. There are a 00:45:40.87\00:45:45.47 bunch of fishermen who were speaking the languages of the empire, and all of the 00:45:45.47\00:45:50.11 representative strangers are hearing it in their own mother tongue. What's going on? 00:45:50.11\00:45:53.21 And Peter stands up and says, "Yo! Stop! Shh. Quiet. Time out. 00:45:53.21\00:45:56.79 Hey, listen, guys. These men are not drunk. This is the 00:45:56.79\00:46:03.53 outpouring of the mighty Spirit of God." And Peter pivots on that point, and he begins to 00:46:03.53\00:46:08.36 unfold the life and the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. 00:46:08.36\00:46:12.17 When he's through, the crowd is so moved, do you know what they 00:46:12.17\00:46:15.40 cry out? "What are we supposed to do?" And Peter answers, and I want you to see his answer. 00:46:15.40\00:46:21.28 Put it on the screen. Acts 2:38. 00:46:21.28\00:46:23.81 Do you know what we just read? That's the identical word in the letter to the Laodiceans. 00:46:36.89\00:46:42.60 Didn't Jesus just use this word "repent" in verse 19? Yeah, "Repent," He says in verse 00:46:42.60\00:46:47.97 19. "Be baptized." That means hit the reset button. 00:46:47.97\00:46:51.54 Start over again. And open the door. Because if you open the 00:46:51.54\00:46:56.14 door, you'll receive, Peter says, the gift of the Holy Spirit. "I will come into you." 00:46:56.14\00:47:00.82 "Yeah, but, Dwight, that's Jesus coming in, not the Holy Spirit 00:47:00.82\00:47:04.65 coming in." Wrong. Look at the last line of this letter. 00:47:04.65\00:47:08.42 "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the" -- what the what? -- "what the Spirit says to the 00:47:09.19\00:47:15.73 churches." It's the Spirit who's been talking this whole time. 00:47:15.73\00:47:19.87 Jesus said, "I'm knocking, but when I come in, boom, you have what the Spirit has 00:47:19.87\00:47:25.04 promised." And what is the Spirit saying to the Seventh-Day 00:47:25.04\00:47:29.78 Adventist Church today? "I know you think you don't have need of anything, Laodicea, 00:47:29.78\00:47:37.29 I know you think you can pull off the healing of this church, but there aren't enough 00:47:37.29\00:47:44.39 parliamentary rules and procedures to vote yourselves into healing the fracture and 00:47:44.39\00:47:49.93 reviving the church. You just can't take action. You can't 00:47:49.93\00:47:55.24 vote Me in. You can't vote Me out. I stand at the door and knock if you'll repent. 00:47:55.24\00:48:04.75 Admit to Me and to each other that I'm the only hope, the only solution left for your Church. 00:48:04.75\00:48:10.05 Ask Me to come into your midst. Call upon Me. Cry out for Me. 00:48:10.05\00:48:14.36 I will come in. And I will deliver the Church. I will heal 00:48:14.36\00:48:24.83 the Church. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. And 00:48:24.83\00:48:33.14 you'll be healed." That's a hard Word for Laodicea to swallow because we're so used to 00:48:33.14\00:48:38.75 quid pro quo. I mean, you go through these steps, you're 00:48:38.75\00:48:42.35 going to get this result. We've been going through all kinds of 00:48:42.35\00:48:46.05 revised and re-- steps and procedures, and we're still not getting the result. What's up 00:48:46.05\00:48:51.76 with that? Because we can't program Him into our midst. We have to actually invite Him, 00:48:51.76\00:48:57.20 and He says, "When I come in, would you repent? Would you turn 00:48:57.20\00:49:01.77 your back on what you've tried? Would you come to Me just as you 00:49:01.77\00:49:06.71 are?" I'm going to have to put my arm around you. You put your 00:49:06.71\00:49:09.68 arm around me. That's what repent means. We reject what we've tried. We now turn to the 00:49:09.68\00:49:15.15 only supernatural solution left to us, and O God, that would be 00:49:15.15\00:49:20.06 You. That would be You. Come into our midst. We've done it 00:49:20.06\00:49:26.90 all, and we're still hurting and fractured. And we're getting absolutely nowhere. 00:49:26.90\00:49:34.60 That's what's going on. And that's why it's so embarrassing. 00:49:34.60\00:49:38.44 Because He's in the Church -- not. He's out there. 00:49:38.44\00:49:48.72 "Let me in. Open that door. Repent. Hit the reset button. 00:49:48.72\00:49:54.59 I'll give you the Holy Spirit." The one gift, by the way, that brings every other gift with it. 00:49:54.59\00:50:02.46 Can you imagine that? I mean, just try to picture what God is 00:50:02.46\00:50:08.10 offering us here. He says, "Look, I'll start with one person at a time. That one 00:50:08.10\00:50:11.94 person -- he, she will ask Me for the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I will come in 00:50:11.94\00:50:16.31 every day," because the Holy Spirit is speaking -- Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both there 00:50:16.31\00:50:20.78 -- "I will come into her today, I will come into him today, with just one person. That's all I 00:50:20.78\00:50:25.12 need is one person." Because in the divine mathematics of God, 00:50:25.12\00:50:30.19 it takes only one until suddenly two. Ooh, two are there. Two people prayed for the daily 00:50:30.19\00:50:37.97 baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then before you know it, boom, 00:50:37.97\00:50:41.50 four. Let's put the Holy Spirit's geometric progression 00:50:41.50\00:50:44.84 on the screen. Read these numbers for me. This is how fast it can happen. Watch this. 00:50:44.84\00:50:48.14 Let's start out with... Let's read one. Okay, one, you're the 00:50:48.14\00:50:51.25 one, so He starts with you. One, okay, read it out loud with me. 00:50:51.25\00:50:54.82 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 00:50:54.82\00:51:02.72 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048, 00:51:02.72\00:51:08.33 4,096, and up. Mathematicians call it geometric progression. 00:51:08.33\00:51:13.34 It just takes the one to start, and somewhere on the planet, oh, 00:51:13.34\00:51:18.67 I wish it would be here, but it may not be. It may be far across the seas in Africa, in Asia, 00:51:18.67\00:51:24.85 somewhere, poof, there is an explosion. Somewhere 500 miles away, poof, there's another 00:51:24.85\00:51:30.69 explosion. And suddenly from east to west, north to south, the Earth is literally being set 00:51:30.69\00:51:35.76 ablaze. Revelation 18:1, just before the return of Jesus, a mighty angel comes down and sets 00:51:35.76\00:51:41.96 the entire planet on fire with the glory of God. And it started 00:51:41.96\00:51:46.47 with just one. One teenager says, "I'm not quitting. I'll keep praying that prayer 00:51:46.47\00:51:52.31 every day." Just one. That's all it takes. 00:51:52.31\00:51:56.24 Geometric progression. 00:51:56.24\00:51:58.51 Just one. And then this thing that we've 00:51:58.68\00:52:02.58 called the latter rain... What is the latter rain? 00:52:02.58\00:52:05.52 It's just a whole lot of people in the same space experiencing the daily baptism of the 00:52:05.69\00:52:09.89 Holy Spirit. That's all it is. 00:52:09.89\00:52:11.36 It's not like... [ Imitates explosion ] 00:52:11.53\00:52:13.13 ...the roof's off the church. Just one. 00:52:13.13\00:52:18.33 And I do believe you are that one. 00:52:18.33\00:52:22.44 I believe it. I believe it. 00:52:22.44\00:52:24.61 Wow. All because the leaders and the people of the church cried 00:52:24.77\00:52:31.75 out to God to do what is more than clear we are not able to do ourselves, pour out Your 00:52:31.75\00:52:36.08 Holy Spirit upon a... How does she put it? A languishing 00:52:36.08\00:52:41.12 church. It must...but it can only begin by obeying the Lord of Laodicea's command, His plea, 00:52:41.12\00:52:48.50 "I want you to repent." It's never comfortable to repent because I have to repent 00:52:48.50\00:52:53.77 to you, and you hear me, and it's very humbling. But that's 00:52:53.77\00:52:58.94 the only way. You talk to me. But the only way we can break the logjam is you repenting to 00:52:58.94\00:53:05.91 your husband, you repenting to your wife. Repentance starts 00:53:05.91\00:53:14.69 with one. Repent. For unless there is repentance, there'll be 00:53:14.69\00:53:23.16 no healing. There'll be no revival. There'll be no Holy Spirit until a new generation of 00:53:23.16\00:53:27.00 leaders and members is raised up. And I may be the first pastor... [ Snaps ] He's out. 00:53:27.00\00:53:34.11 "We're going to have to move. Get him out." The point is "I'm 00:53:34.11\00:53:40.92 standing at the door knocking. If you hear My voice," there'll be a band of men, there'll be a 00:53:40.92\00:53:48.56 band of women, there'll be a band of young adults at Andrews University and in the 00:53:48.56\00:53:52.39 Seventh-Day Adventist Church, who will cry out every day... 00:53:52.39\00:53:55.23 Let's put that prayer on the screen, please. 00:53:55.23\00:53:57.87 ...who will cry out every day... 00:53:57.87\00:54:00.10 Is that a hard prayer to pray? Doesn't look too hard. 00:54:05.87\00:54:09.71 Let's try reading it out loud together. 00:54:09.71\00:54:11.58 "O Jesus, please come in and pour Your Spirit upon us 00:54:11.58\00:54:17.59 now!" You know what I want to do? I want to kneel down right 00:54:17.59\00:54:21.19 here. I want to pray with you. Come on. Let's kneel down. Let's 00:54:21.19\00:54:23.56 pray. It's one thing to put it on the screen. It's another 00:54:23.56\00:54:27.50 thing to pray the words, you and I together. O God, O Lord of Laodicea, three invitations. 00:54:27.50\00:54:39.07 The gospel invitation -- we get it. The endgame invitation -- 00:54:39.07\00:54:44.25 we understand that. The embarrassing one -- O Jesus, it 00:54:44.25\00:54:50.89 is embarrassing. Have You been out... Have we left You out there? Have we been home alone 00:54:50.89\00:54:56.19 all these years? It cannot be! It just cannot be. 00:54:56.19\00:55:02.73 So, we are in a position of abject humility before You. Our 00:55:02.73\00:55:10.04 heads are down. We're on our knees. And we're asking You, please, do whatever it takes to 00:55:10.04\00:55:17.98 awaken the repentance that needs to be in my heart. O God, forgive me for the times 00:55:17.98\00:55:25.89 too many when I have stepped in between You and others and I have eclipsed Your glory, I've 00:55:25.89\00:55:33.63 blocked the light from shining, trying to insert myself into the 00:55:33.63\00:55:40.70 moment. Forgive me. I have sinned. Forgive us, this church 00:55:40.70\00:55:49.31 we all love. We've opted to stay in. But we need You to do 00:55:49.31\00:55:56.15 whatever it takes to lead us into a deep repentance that turns us from ourselves to our 00:55:56.15\00:56:03.06 Savior. Oh, Jesus. Come in. We didn't... 00:56:03.06\00:56:11.37 We didn't know that was You knocking. We thought it was 00:56:18.34\00:56:23.68 just... some interference. We've blocked Your knocking and Your 00:56:23.68\00:56:31.05 voice out. Jesus, we hear You now. Please come in for all of 00:56:31.05\00:56:38.19 us, and save Laodicea. You're not going to lose the Church. 00:56:38.19\00:56:41.53 Save the people of Laodicea. I humbly pray. Do whatever it 00:56:41.53\00:56:48.67 takes. But may we never be the same again for having read Your 00:56:48.67\00:56:55.48 letter to us. In Your mighty name, let all the people say, "Amen." And Amen. Amen. 00:56:55.48\00:57:06.92 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying 00:57:09.02\00:57:12.39 for you." Didn't it give you a sense of 00:57:12.39\00:57:14.30 peace and reassurance that somebody cares for me? 00:57:14.30\00:57:16.80 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers saying, "Yo, Dwight. 00:57:16.97\00:57:20.64 I've been praying for you lately." There's nothing like 00:57:20.64\00:57:23.37 knowing someone is praying for you. So I want to offer you an opportunity to partner -- let 00:57:23.37\00:57:27.18 me, let us partner with you in prayer. 00:57:27.18\00:57:29.68 If you have a special prayer request or a praise of 00:57:29.84\00:57:31.75 thanksgiving you'd like to share with us, I'm inviting you 00:57:31.75\00:57:34.68 to contact one of our friendly chaplains. 00:57:34.68\00:57:36.58 It's simple to do. You can call our toll-free 00:57:36.58\00:57:38.55 number -- 877 -- the two words "HIS WILL," 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:38.55\00:57:43.69 That friendly voice that answers, you tell him, you tell 00:57:43.69\00:57:46.83 her what your prayer need is, we'll join with you in that 00:57:46.83\00:57:49.86 petition. 00:57:49.86\00:57:51.40 May the God who answers prayer journey with you these next few days until we're right back 00:57:51.57\00:57:55.47 here together again next time. 00:57:55.47\00:57:59.27 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.44\00:58:19.23 ¤¤ 00:58:19.23\00:58:28.90