¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:05.53 >> ¤ Holy, holy, holy ¤ ¤ Let us all adore Thee ¤ 00:00:09.47\00:00:21.38 ¤ Casting down our golden crowns ¤ 00:00:21.38\00:00:26.12 ¤ Around the glassy sea ¤ 00:00:26.12\00:00:32.99 ¤ Cherubim and seraphim ¤ ¤ Falling down before Thee ¤ ¤ Which wert and art ¤ 00:00:33.16\00:00:49.14 ¤ And evermore shall be ¤ [ Song ends ] 00:00:49.14\00:01:00.09 >> Let's stand as we pray. 00:01:03.79\00:01:06.59 Holy Father, is it okay to sing "Happy Birthday" in church? 00:01:12.53\00:01:17.77 The Pioneer Memorial Church -- 60 years old today. 00:01:17.77\00:01:21.08 What else can we sing but "Praise God, From Whom All 00:01:21.08\00:01:24.58 Blessings Flow"? 00:01:24.58\00:01:25.98 For six decades, You've come down to meet with us beneath these towering arches and 00:01:26.15\00:01:30.59 jubilant pipes, and we thank You. For 60 years, You've come 00:01:30.59\00:01:35.06 down for the joy of weddings and graduations, for the grief of death and funerals, for the 00:01:35.06\00:01:39.83 birth of babies and the baptism of sinners, and we thank You. "Crown Him with many crowns, the 00:01:39.83\00:01:46.84 Lamb upon His throne." That's what they sang on that first Sabbath 60 years ago, and 00:01:46.84\00:01:52.87 so we sing it, too, but let it be Your music today, blended with our birthday praises, as we 00:01:52.87\00:01:58.91 worship You now in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 00:01:58.91\00:02:04.75 [ "Crown Him with Many Crowns" begins ] 00:02:08.76\00:02:12.93 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:16.56\00:02:36.58 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:36.58\00:02:56.57 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:56.57\00:03:16.66 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:16.66\00:03:36.64 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:36.64\00:03:56.63 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:56.63\00:04:16.72 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:16.72\00:04:36.71 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:36.71\00:04:56.73 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:56.73\00:05:16.78 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:16.78\00:05:36.77 ¤¤ [ Song ends ] 00:05:36.77\00:05:45.74 >> You may be seated. 00:05:45.74\00:05:47.98 [ "Majesty" begins ] 00:05:53.28\00:05:54.72 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:58.32\00:06:18.37 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:18.37\00:06:38.39 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:38.39\00:06:58.38 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:58.38\00:07:18.43 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:18.43\00:07:31.15 [ Song ends, "Great Is the Lord" begins ] 00:07:31.15\00:07:34.25 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:36.58\00:07:56.57 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:56.57\00:08:16.66 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:16.66\00:08:36.64 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:36.64\00:08:56.63 ¤¤ [ Song ends, 00:08:56.63\00:09:00.94 "Agnus Dei" begins ] 00:09:00.94\00:09:03.37 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:06.31\00:09:26.33 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:26.33\00:09:46.31 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:46.31\00:10:06.30 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:06.30\00:10:26.32 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:26.32\00:10:46.31 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:46.31\00:11:06.39 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:06.39\00:11:26.38 [ Song ends ] In 1 Samuel, it says, "There is 00:11:26.38\00:11:30.72 none holy like our God," and He deserves our worship and our 00:11:30.72\00:11:35.42 total praise. So, at this time, if you want to 00:11:35.42\00:11:38.86 give your praise to Him or you have a burden that you'd like to 00:11:38.86\00:11:42.46 bring to Him, I just invite you to come forward at this time. 00:11:42.46\00:11:46.00 And I invite you to stand as we sing. 00:11:46.00\00:11:49.30 [ "Total Praise" begins ] 00:11:49.30\00:11:51.34 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:55.98\00:12:16.03 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:16.03\00:12:36.05 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:36.05\00:12:56.04 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:56.04\00:13:16.12 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:16.12\00:13:35.61 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:35.61\00:13:55.60 ¤¤ [ Flourish, song ends ] 00:13:55.60\00:14:07.08 >> It was a big day 60 years ago when they opened these doors to 00:14:10.01\00:14:14.48 the world and that crowd -- and we're gonna look at pictures in 00:14:14.48\00:14:17.25 just a moment -- that crowd came flowing in. 00:14:17.25\00:14:19.25 It was a huge deal. In fact, the next day, we ended 00:14:19.25\00:14:21.56 up on the front page of the South Bend Tribune. 00:14:21.56\00:14:26.26 I have the South Bend Tribune here -- Sunday morning. 00:14:26.26\00:14:29.30 So Valentine's Day was a Sabbath in 1959. 00:14:29.30\00:14:32.67 Sunday morning, front page, they had to move the articles around to get two beautiful pictures. 00:14:32.83\00:14:38.24 So here's the picture of the filled, brand-new, for the first time Pioneer Memorial Church 00:14:38.24\00:14:43.41 sanctuary, and underneath it, these words -- "Adventist Church filled for first worship 00:14:43.41\00:14:48.45 service. A capacity audience of 2,000 persons --" they didn't 00:14:48.45\00:14:52.39 have double services back then -- "2,000 persons attended worship services in the new 00:14:52.39\00:15:00.16 $440,000 campus church." [ Laughter ] Man. 00:15:00.16\00:15:02.70 Can you imagine building a church for $440,000? We spent 10 00:15:02.70\00:15:11.14 times that amount just to put these two wings on. Anyway, "The service marked the first time 00:15:11.14\00:15:17.35 the newly completed structure had been used. The inaugural service was led by Pastor J.L. 00:15:17.35\00:15:23.89 Tucker, campus pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church. An house of prayer for all people." 00:15:23.89\00:15:30.13 Not to be outdone -- and I'll put this one on the screen for you because we do have this in 00:15:30.13\00:15:34.03 our archives. "Student Movement, February 23, 1959." 00:15:34.03\00:15:39.27 Can we put that up there? There it is. "Student Movement, Campus 00:15:39.27\00:15:43.91 Edition. Emmanuel Missionary College." Here's how the piece 00:15:43.91\00:15:47.51 opens. "Jesus -- central theme rings in the new church." Quoting J.L. Tucker, the first 00:15:47.51\00:15:52.38 pastor, "'I have no other central theme than Jesus,' as Tucker began the first sermon in 00:15:52.38\00:15:58.79 EMC's new church on February 14. 'It shall ring from the nave, the balcony, the classrooms of 00:15:58.79\00:16:04.93 this church,' he continued. 'With David of old, we say I was glad when they said unto me, let 00:16:04.93\00:16:09.70 us go into the house of the Lord. With gladness, we welcome 00:16:09.70\00:16:13.50 our visitors and members to this first service in our new church 00:16:13.50\00:16:17.91 home. It is to be an house of prayer for all people.'" What did the church look like 00:16:17.91\00:16:22.78 back then? What did it feel like when they began to, brick by 00:16:22.78\00:16:27.18 brick, raise up this place of worship? Let's pull out an old 00:16:27.18\00:16:32.55 family album. We're all black and white back then. Here's 00:16:32.55\00:16:36.76 where they were worshipping before this church was erected. That's the old auditorium. 00:16:36.76\00:16:41.56 Can you see a balcony up in the corner? That balcony wrapped all 00:16:41.56\00:16:45.93 the way around the auditorium. It had a sloping floor, and this is where the students, this is 00:16:45.93\00:16:50.07 where the faculty, this is where the community -- this is where everybody worshipped. 00:16:50.07\00:16:54.24 But then comes a student movement to raise money, and soon the walls begin going up. 00:16:54.24\00:17:00.85 Take a look at this picture. Next pictures, please. Well, this is groundbreaking. 00:17:00.85\00:17:06.19 I don't recognize a soul in that picture, do you? [ Laughter ] 00:17:06.19\00:17:10.03 I don't. By the way, I forgot to do this in second. 00:17:10.03\00:17:13.03 We did this in first. Was there anybody -- Is there anybody here 00:17:13.03\00:17:20.64 who was in Pioneer Memorial Church February 14, 1959? 00:17:20.64\00:17:24.37 Anybody here? Just put your hand up. I was surprised in first church, and you're gonna see 00:17:24.37\00:17:28.11 behind me. Anybody here? I see a hand over there, Ray Phillips. 00:17:28.11\00:17:31.35 All right. Ray Roberts, sorry. I see Ray Roberts. 00:17:31.35\00:17:35.55 I see a hand right -- Rosie, you were here? Good night! 00:17:35.55\00:17:40.39 >> Choir! >> No, don't -- [ Indistinct shouting ] 00:17:40.39\00:17:43.19 What? [ Shouting continues ] Oh, there are people behind me? 00:17:43.19\00:17:46.13 [ Laughter ] Are they standing? >> Yes. 00:17:46.13\00:17:48.56 >> Are they the same ones that stood in first service? [ 00:17:48.56\00:17:52.37 Laughter ] Okay. We've got Judy, Joann, and Rick. 00:17:52.37\00:17:56.30 Can you believe that? Put your hands together for people who 00:17:56.30\00:18:00.84 were here 60 years ago! [ Applause ] All right. 00:18:00.84\00:18:08.02 Let's go back to our family album. So, there comes the 00:18:08.02\00:18:11.09 church on campus. We're gonna get an aerial view in just a 00:18:11.09\00:18:13.82 moment. You're gonna love the aerial view. Okay, so there 00:18:13.82\00:18:16.99 they're going up. These are our walls. Those are our rafters. 00:18:16.99\00:18:20.70 Next, please. Now beginning to extend. Nice. Next, please. That's a picture taken from 00:18:20.70\00:18:27.47 right here, looking out over the campus, and you're gonna see what kind of a campus was out 00:18:27.47\00:18:31.64 that front door in a moment. Next, please. Okay, the mortar. 00:18:31.64\00:18:35.88 Beautiful Indiana limestone going up, as well. Next, please. 00:18:35.88\00:18:40.58 Ah! Pews. The assembling of the first pews. 00:18:40.58\00:18:45.22 You know what? These pews have been putting up with your weight 00:18:45.22\00:18:50.06 for 60 years. [ Laughter ] And this is about the end. We're gonna put in brand-new 00:18:50.06\00:18:54.36 pews come May. May, June, July, and August, we're gonna put in 00:18:54.36\00:18:58.80 brand-new pews. We'll have padding on the back. You're 00:18:58.80\00:19:02.70 gonna love it. Okay, pews. Next, please. Ah, there it is -- 00:19:02.70\00:19:05.51 College Avenue and Westwood Drive. Yeah, we can picture it. 00:19:05.51\00:19:08.98 Next, please. Okay, there's the aerial view. Hold that up. 00:19:08.98\00:19:13.35 Okay, try to guess where the campus is back then as compared to what you know about now. 00:19:13.35\00:19:18.15 So, we see Pioneer, of course, here at the bottom, on the left. There's nothing in front of 00:19:18.15\00:19:23.09 Pioneer. It's just a field. There's no James White Library, 00:19:23.09\00:19:26.59 there's no seminary, there's no "ad" building -- there's 00:19:26.59\00:19:30.27 nothing. There's just a parking lot to the north of Pioneer. We 00:19:30.27\00:19:35.24 see Lamson. You see Lamson beyond Pioneer, and then there's 00:19:35.24\00:19:38.61 a field. There's an old building or two. Let's not worry about trying to guess the names of the 00:19:38.61\00:19:43.41 buildings, but the point is, 60 years ago, when they opened these doors, that was the campus 00:19:43.41\00:19:48.55 of Andrews University. Let's look at the next picture, 00:19:48.55\00:19:52.42 please. That is opening Sabbath. And we know it's Michigan because of the snow on the 00:19:52.42\00:19:57.39 ground, and nothing's changed in 60 years, and here's everybody 00:19:57.39\00:20:02.10 going in. And there in the front -- For you aficionados, there in the front is a Rambler. 00:20:02.10\00:20:07.20 [ Laughter ] Rambler went to church that day, yep. 00:20:07.20\00:20:10.24 Those were the days. Is this the last -- No, we're gonna go to 00:20:10.24\00:20:14.41 Sabbath school. Go downstairs for a moment please. See how big 00:20:14.41\00:20:18.71 the rooms were? We've had to put walls in over the years just to accommodate more and more 00:20:18.71\00:20:23.05 divisions, and for awhile, we were meeting in every classroom on this campus, it felt like, 00:20:23.05\00:20:27.42 until we built these two wings back in '96 and '98, but there is the Sabbath-school room and 00:20:27.42\00:20:33.70 our beloved pastor. Next picture, please. Oh, not quite right yet. This is the church. 00:20:33.70\00:20:37.50 Minnie Iverson Wood led the combined corral -- 250 voices. We used to have, when I came, 00:20:37.50\00:20:43.57 the choir benches that went that way -- permanent benches tiered up to the top near the pipes. 00:20:43.57\00:20:50.01 But there they are on opening Sabbath. Now we have Pastor J.L. 00:20:50.01\00:20:54.95 Tucker, the beloved first pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church. And you know what, folks? 00:20:54.95\00:21:00.32 The student body of Emmanuel Missionary College -- it didn't become Andrews until 00:21:00.32\00:21:04.69 '61. The student body of EMC initiated the fundraising for 00:21:04.69\00:21:09.93 this church. They raised the money. In fact, I want you to 00:21:09.93\00:21:17.34 hear -- this is unbelievable, but the president of the student association was in the class of 00:21:17.34\00:21:23.01 1953 -- he was the president in '52/'53 school year -- he lives right here in Berrien Springs. 00:21:23.01\00:21:31.99 We took our cameras in, sat down in the comfort of his family room -- Fred Stephan, my friend 00:21:31.99\00:21:37.79 Fred Stephan, been a longtime Adventist educator for years across North America. 00:21:37.79\00:21:44.43 He remembers the fundraising, and let's listen to him tell the 00:21:44.43\00:21:47.97 story. Fred Stephan on the big screen. 00:21:47.97\00:21:50.44 >> Well, I graduated from Cedar Lake Academy, and it was 00:21:50.61\00:21:56.41 just a thing for us to do, and I know I was the first one in our 00:21:56.41\00:22:02.22 family to go to college, and I elected to come here -- to EMC 00:22:02.22\00:22:07.76 in those days. 00:22:07.76\00:22:09.16 South Hall or North Hall -- one of those -- but it was this large room that had the balcony 00:22:11.83\00:22:18.37 came all the way around and with a slanting floor. 00:22:18.37\00:22:23.87 And that's where we had our church services. 00:22:24.04\00:22:27.58 We met with the student council and started to lay out some 00:22:33.11\00:22:37.89 plans for the year. We dealt with the picnic and 00:22:37.89\00:22:41.89 various activities, and I suppose that the idea was out 00:22:41.89\00:22:49.46 there that we needed a church, and we certainly did. 00:22:49.46\00:22:54.17 ¤¤ We passed out little honey bears 00:22:58.61\00:23:02.84 that were about 8 inches tall, little pink/yellow bears, and 00:23:02.84\00:23:08.28 encouraged them to save their money -- coins, whatever -- and 00:23:08.28\00:23:15.96 I recall one student, a dorm student, donated a very valuable 00:23:15.96\00:23:23.57 coin collection. 00:23:23.57\00:23:25.13 And we would initiate programs, like we would encourage students to give up their dessert for a 00:23:25.30\00:23:33.34 month or any period of time and contribute the money for their desserts toward the building of 00:23:33.34\00:23:39.61 the church. And there were other activities that we would 00:23:39.61\00:23:45.92 encourage them to donate toward the church, and they were 00:23:45.92\00:23:50.73 active. We had a good response. 00:23:50.89\00:23:53.40 In the early '60s, because I became principal of 00:23:57.87\00:24:02.10 Wisconsin Academy, and we brought students over. 00:24:02.10\00:24:06.31 And I recall going to the church and looking at it and going 00:24:06.31\00:24:13.45 through it at that time. 00:24:13.45\00:24:15.02 Well, I was really happy to see it, and you get that feeling -- 00:24:16.52\00:24:20.72 "I wish we would've had this nice building." 00:24:20.72\00:24:24.56 I would hope that it might continue to focus on its 00:24:28.50\00:24:34.40 mission, that we could hasten the coming of the Lord. 00:24:34.40\00:24:39.61 ¤¤ 00:24:42.34\00:24:43.91 >> Good morning. Good morning. It is so good to see you guys up 00:24:48.68\00:24:53.46 here. There are just a few of -- We're gonna let everybody get 00:24:53.46\00:24:57.26 settled, and then we're gonna do something a little bit 00:24:57.26\00:25:00.70 different. Now, you guys really missed out by coming to second, 00:25:00.86\00:25:04.43 because first service, we did this, and I'm gonna be honest -- 00:25:04.43\00:25:08.24 we had no idea how it was gonna go. It was exciting, to say the 00:25:08.24\00:25:11.94 least, but we're going to try it again, so things could still go 00:25:11.94\00:25:15.78 awry. 00:25:15.78\00:25:16.68 So it's good that you're here still. So, Emmett, come up here 00:25:16.85\00:25:22.52 for a minute. 00:25:22.52\00:25:24.05 We're gonna give Emmett a little quiz. He did pretty well in 00:25:27.79\00:25:33.76 first, but we're gonna see how he does now. Okay, Emmett, come here. Can you tell us when 00:25:33.76\00:25:45.44 Christmas is? 00:25:45.44\00:25:46.54 >> No. [ Laughter ] 00:25:50.68\00:25:52.95 >> Oh. Okay. How about Thanksgiving? 00:25:52.95\00:25:56.45 >> No. >> Okay. We're gonna make this a little 00:25:56.62\00:26:01.56 easier. How about the Fourth of July? >> No. 00:26:01.56\00:26:05.03 [ Laughter ] >> Okay. Maybe something a little bit 00:26:05.03\00:26:09.00 more recent? Can you tell me when Valentine's Day was? 00:26:09.00\00:26:12.67 >> No. [ Laughter ] >> Okay. 00:26:12.67\00:26:15.74 Well, hold on. Hold on. Can you tell me, Emmett, when your 00:26:15.74\00:26:24.65 birthday is? >> October 11. >> Okay, okay. Thank you so much, 00:26:24.65\00:26:31.12 Emmett. You did a fantastic job. Here's the thing. You guys, you 00:26:31.12\00:26:36.32 know when your birthdays are, don't you? >> Yes! >> Yeah. 00:26:36.32\00:26:40.66 Because our birthdays are a very, very special day. >> I 00:26:40.66\00:26:47.94 know my birthday. >> I'm sure you do. And here's the thing. I like my birthday, too. 00:26:47.94\00:26:54.88 I remember it was my eighth birthday, it was getting close, and I was looking forward to it. 00:26:54.88\00:26:59.38 I was starting to get excited. You know how it is. You start counting off the days, 00:26:59.38\00:27:03.55 and when you're in your birthday month, it is getting close. And I was excited, except there 00:27:03.55\00:27:10.96 was a problem. Every time I seemed to bring up my birthday to my parents, they 00:27:10.96\00:27:16.63 kind of changed the subject. It was like they weren't planning anything, and it was 00:27:16.63\00:27:22.77 getting closer and closer and closer, and, pretty soon, my birthday was going to be the 00:27:22.77\00:27:27.41 very next week, and it didn't seem like they had any plans at 00:27:27.41\00:27:32.98 all. This is troubling for a middle child. [ Laughter ] 00:27:32.98\00:27:37.75 And so, finally -- I remember my birthday fell on a Sunday that 00:27:37.75\00:27:44.19 year. And so, finally, Sunday came along, and, all of a sudden, people started showing 00:27:44.19\00:27:49.56 up at the house, and my parents threw a surprise party for me. But there are good surprises, 00:27:49.56\00:27:55.84 and then there are other surprises, aren't there? And the other surprise was none 00:27:55.84\00:28:02.71 of my friends had been invited to the party. It was a party for 00:28:02.71\00:28:08.75 all my parents' friends, and I was so disappointed. But, guys, 00:28:08.75\00:28:14.36 if you think birthdays are a big party, a bigger party is coming. Jesus is coming again, and it's 00:28:14.36\00:28:20.50 gonna be a party like absolutely no other because the entire universe is gonna be celebrating 00:28:20.50\00:28:27.17 this party. There is gonna be nothing like it, and if you want 00:28:27.17\00:28:32.04 to talk about a party you can look forward to, the Second Coming is that party. 00:28:32.04\00:28:35.81 Are you guys excited about the Second Coming? >> Yes! 00:28:35.81\00:28:38.85 >> Are you excited about seeing Jesus? >> Yes! 00:28:38.85\00:28:43.79 >> My question for you then is, "Have you invited your friends 00:28:43.79\00:28:49.76 to the party?" >> Yes. >> Because we can't always rely on our parents to invite our 00:28:49.76\00:28:56.00 friends, can we? [ Laughter ] We need to make sure that we're 00:28:56.00\00:28:59.73 inviting our friends for ourselves, and you guys -- you guys already are old enough to 00:28:59.73\00:29:04.91 know how to invite your friends, aren't you? So how many of you 00:29:04.91\00:29:09.78 guys are willing to commit to you are going to invite your friends to the Second Coming? 00:29:09.78\00:29:16.22 Okay. Thank you so much. And now I need one more volunteer. 00:29:16.22\00:29:19.62 Oh, you guys are really brave. You're raising your hands before I even tell you what this is 00:29:19.62\00:29:24.56 for. This is dangerous. Okay, I need one volunteer for 00:29:24.56\00:29:28.80 prayer, and you right there, come on forward. 00:29:28.80\00:29:33.07 And what is your name? >> German. >> German. 00:29:41.24\00:29:44.35 Okay. So, let us bow our heads and close our eyes while she 00:29:44.35\00:29:48.62 prays and thanks God for the big party He has planned and help us to remember to invite people to 00:29:48.62\00:29:56.26 the party. >> Dear Father, we thank You that You have brought 00:29:56.26\00:30:01.36 us to church. Thank You for that You protect us. 00:30:01.36\00:30:05.20 Please help us to remember to invite our friends to the party. 00:30:05.20\00:30:10.81 Amen. >> Amen. And as you go back to your seat, start thinking about the friends 00:30:10.81\00:30:14.54 you want at that party. 00:30:14.54\00:30:17.08 [ "Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow" begins ] 00:30:21.28\00:30:25.05 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:30:28.22\00:30:48.21 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:30:48.21\00:31:03.86 [ Song ends ] Blessed Father, You have, for 60 00:31:03.86\00:31:07.86 years, rained down upon this piece of terra firma. 00:31:07.86\00:31:13.84 And we have stood before You now and declared our gratitude and our praise for what the 00:31:14.00\00:31:21.24 Lord of hosts, the Lord of angel armies, has done. And You're not 00:31:21.24\00:31:27.85 through yet. We pivot on our heels and now look forward. What 00:31:27.85\00:31:38.66 is yet to come? Renovate heart and house. We've talked about the house for the last few 00:31:38.66\00:31:43.93 moments. Now, Father, renovate heart, renovate all our hearts. As Your family, we pray in 00:31:43.93\00:31:49.20 Jesus' name. 00:31:49.20\00:31:50.27 Let all the people say... >> All: Amen. 00:31:50.44\00:31:53.07 >> And amen. Be seated, please. Want to share a story with you 00:31:53.07\00:31:57.95 that Krish Kandiah wrote in the most recent Christianity Today 00:31:57.95\00:32:02.58 magazine. It's a great story. 00:32:02.58\00:32:05.02 Happened over in England. Here we go. 00:32:05.02\00:32:09.62 There in England, this "little boy was playing in the street, 00:32:09.62\00:32:12.59 kicking the dust, jumping off walls. 00:32:12.59\00:32:14.46 My wife happened to walk past him with our five children, 00:32:14.46\00:32:17.27 which caught the lad's attention. 00:32:17.27\00:32:19.30 He watched from a distance for a while and then plucked up the courage to jog over and ask, 00:32:19.47\00:32:24.27 'Are you going to have a party?' My wife quickly answered, 'Yes, 00:32:24.27\00:32:28.21 we are! We call it church. If you go and check with your mum, 00:32:28.21\00:32:32.11 you can come with us.' That little boy ran home and was back in a couple of minutes with 00:32:32.11\00:32:35.95 a huge smile on his face. That Sunday, he stayed for a cup of hot chocolate and left before 00:32:35.95\00:32:40.76 the services began. But he was back the next week and the week 00:32:40.76\00:32:45.46 after that. And, pretty soon, he had brought his mother, his brother, and a couple of his 00:32:45.46\00:32:49.23 cousins. Eight years later, they are an integral part of our church. One of the most moving 00:32:49.23\00:32:54.77 moments of those years was when the boy's mother was baptized," as we saw just a moment ago. 00:32:54.77\00:32:59.24 "Standing waist-high in the water, she explained a little of her traumatic childhood, her 00:32:59.24\00:33:03.98 years living rough, and something of the struggles of trying to hold her own family 00:33:03.98\00:33:08.38 together. Her face shone, and her voice clearly articulated 00:33:08.38\00:33:12.29 her love for the God who had found her and welcomed her home. The idea that had caught her 00:33:12.29\00:33:17.59 son's imagination was that the church was like a party and that he and his family were invited 00:33:17.59\00:33:23.57 to it. Until then, they had sadly mostly experienced what it 00:33:23.57\00:33:27.87 was like to be excluded, but the discovery that church wasn't so much an event you turn up to as 00:33:27.87\00:33:33.78 a family you belong to was life-changing for them. In fact, it was life-changing 00:33:33.78\00:33:39.01 for the whole church." Isn't that good? Did you catch that 00:33:39.01\00:33:44.32 last line? The church isn't so much an event you turn up to as a family you belong to, and it 00:33:44.32\00:33:50.89 is a life-changing discovery. It'll change you forever and ever, once you realize we are 00:33:50.89\00:33:57.67 family. That's not some new-fangled notion that comes 00:33:57.67\00:34:02.57 with the third millennium. Are you kidding? That's as old as 00:34:02.57\00:34:05.87 Scripture. You take the apostle Paul -- he's scribbling off a letter to his young ministerial 00:34:05.87\00:34:12.18 protégé, young pastor Timothy, and Paul gives this counsel. Put it on the screen for you. 00:34:12.18\00:34:16.35 Look at it there -- 1 Timothy 5:1-2. 00:34:16.35\00:34:19.39 "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but instead exhort him 00:34:19.55\00:34:23.69 as if he were your --" what? "...as if he were your father." 00:34:23.69\00:34:27.76 Keep going. "Treat younger men as your --" 00:34:27.76\00:34:30.67 what? And older women as your what? 00:34:30.67\00:34:33.17 Mm-hmm. And younger women as your 00:34:33.17\00:34:36.94 sisters, "with absolute purity." Just in case there is a young 00:34:36.94\00:34:40.34 seminarian that has wandered into this space for worship 00:34:40.34\00:34:43.45 today on our 60th anniversary, I want to say to you that that 00:34:43.45\00:34:46.78 line, taught to me by my dad and first initiated by the apostle 00:34:46.78\00:34:50.39 Paul, has been the credo that I've sought to live by. 00:34:50.39\00:34:53.92 I'm telling you what, guys, ladies, if you'll treat the older women as your mother and 00:34:54.09\00:35:03.20 the younger women as your sisters, you won't have any 00:35:03.20\00:35:08.94 problem at all. You know why? This isn't just about sexual ethics, by the way, whether 00:35:08.94\00:35:13.04 you're male or female. This is about the metaphor "we are 00:35:13.04\00:35:18.28 family." We're family. That's the whole idea of the Church. 00:35:18.28\00:35:21.45 We are family. Paul goes on -- in the letter to the church in 00:35:21.45\00:35:28.39 Rome, he scribbles a little P.S. at the end. 00:35:28.39\00:35:29.79 "I want you to pass my hugs and kisses on to some in the 00:35:29.96\00:35:32.06 congregation," so here we go. I'll put it on the screen. 00:35:32.06\00:35:34.13 Romans 16:1, 13. "I commend to you our sister --" 00:35:34.13\00:35:38.33 where'd you come up with that? Family metaphor, of course. 00:35:38.33\00:35:41.64 "I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church 00:35:41.64\00:35:44.97 in Cenchrea..." Oh, and by the way, "Greet 00:35:44.97\00:35:47.51 Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a 00:35:47.51\00:35:50.78 mother to me, too. Give her my love and hugs." 00:35:50.78\00:35:54.95 Why? Because the Church is family. We are family. 00:35:55.12\00:36:00.39 That wasn't original with Paul. The Lord Jesus, when He was here, that was His metaphor. 00:36:00.39\00:36:05.49 You remember that day that Jesus is teaching away, and, all of a sudden, his mother and his 00:36:05.49\00:36:09.60 half-brothers show up at the back of the crowd, and they sent a word by somebody, and they 00:36:09.60\00:36:13.67 say, "Your family's here, and they want to talk to you." Jesus 00:36:13.67\00:36:17.67 then speaks. Watch this -- put it on the screen. 00:36:17.84\00:36:19.31 This is Matthew 12:49-50. "Pointing to his disciples, 00:36:19.31\00:36:24.78 Jesus then said --" hey, guys, look -- "'Here are my mother and 00:36:24.78\00:36:28.62 my brothers. For whoever does the will of my 00:36:28.62\00:36:31.15 Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.'" 00:36:31.15\00:36:34.52 Why? Because we...are...family. 00:36:34.52\00:36:37.46 Jesus went on Luke chapter 18. Put that up, please -- 00:36:37.46\00:36:40.20 Luke 18: 29-30. "'I tell you the truth --" he 00:36:40.20\00:36:44.73 said to another crowd -- "'no one who has left home or wife or 00:36:44.73\00:36:48.70 brothers or parents or children for the sake of the 00:36:48.70\00:36:52.01 Kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in 00:36:52.01\00:36:55.61 this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.'" 00:36:55.61\00:36:58.81 In the 60 years that we have watched these baptismal 00:36:58.81\00:37:01.62 curtains open, time and time again, there have been 00:37:01.62\00:37:04.32 occasions -- you haven't known about it -- when men, women, 00:37:04.32\00:37:07.36 young adults, teenagers, and sometimes kids standing in that 00:37:07.36\00:37:10.46 baptistery have done so at great relational cost to 00:37:10.46\00:37:17.13 themselves, and they have subsequently been ostracized by 00:37:17.13\00:37:21.30 their most tender and precious relationships. 00:37:21.30\00:37:24.91 Jesus says, "You may lose those biological relationships when you follow me, but guess what. 00:37:25.07\00:37:31.25 You're gonna get 100 times more in the community I have for you because we are family. 00:37:31.25\00:37:37.09 We are family." Yeah, it's a big deal [Chuckles] for Paul, for 00:37:37.09\00:37:44.53 Jesus, for Scripture. "Church isn't so much an event you turn up to as a family you 00:37:44.53\00:37:50.10 belong to." And it's just the very same way with the last 00:37:50.10\00:37:55.27 letter ever written in the Bible, bar none. It's the last letter to the seven churches. 00:37:55.27\00:38:00.38 It's to the church living at the end of time. It's the letter to 00:38:00.38\00:38:04.11 Laodicea. That's been our little winter theme. Just a few more 00:38:04.11\00:38:07.62 parts left, and we're done, but let's go to Revelation chapter 3, the last letter. 00:38:07.62\00:38:11.02 Jesus dictated it to John there on the isle of Patmos. But what's the letter say? 00:38:11.02\00:38:16.19 Well, may I show you that, if we read between the lines, we see that it's still big on family? 00:38:16.19\00:38:21.66 Watch this. Revelation 3:14... 00:38:21.83\00:38:24.57 You can stop it right there. He calls himself, "I am the 00:38:34.34\00:38:37.61 ruler of God's creation." And guess what. 00:38:37.61\00:38:40.12 The ruler of God's creation is the inventor of the family. 00:38:40.12\00:38:44.39 He's the one who said, "You'll be male, and you'll be female, and, oh, by the way, will you 00:38:44.55\00:38:50.09 please go and multiply?" The creator of the universe, who created us, is the Lord of 00:38:50.09\00:38:56.06 families. He says, "By the way, I'm the one who's sending you 00:38:56.06\00:39:00.30 this letter. I'm big on family." But we know He's even just as 00:39:00.30\00:39:03.97 big on family by another clue tucked away. Let's look at that 00:39:03.97\00:39:07.71 verse 14 we just read a moment ago and just use the opening line. "To the angel of the 00:39:07.71\00:39:12.01 church in Laodicea..." Because you know what? When Laodicea 00:39:12.01\00:39:16.15 existed as a church, they didn't have edifices. They didn't have 00:39:16.15\00:39:20.46 Gothic arches like this. They didn't have cathedrals. They had 00:39:20.46\00:39:24.33 nothing. All they had was somebody's house. Church happened in a home, a 00:39:24.33\00:39:28.50 family circle. That's what happened. The families gathered 00:39:28.50\00:39:32.83 together in a house and worshipped every seventh-day Sabbath. Embedded between the 00:39:32.83\00:39:40.38 lines -- "We are family." That's why Jesus comes along here in verse 20 -- This is 00:39:40.38\00:39:46.45 something else. This is the one line that everybody who knows 00:39:46.45\00:39:50.29 Scripture remembers. 00:39:50.29\00:39:51.19 "Oh, this is the only part of the letter I remember." 00:39:51.35\00:39:53.36 Verse 20. "Here I am!" Jesus speaking... 00:39:53.36\00:39:55.96 The door is a family house. It's the door to a family home. 00:40:04.47\00:40:08.44 "Hey, yo, family, you're having a big party in there, but do you 00:40:08.44\00:40:13.27 know that I'm not in there? 00:40:13.27\00:40:15.18 Anybody open the door for me, I'll come in, and we'll be 00:40:15.34\00:40:19.81 family together. We'll share that meal together." Yeah, why? Because we...are...family. 00:40:19.81\00:40:28.72 "Church isn't so much an event you turn up to as a family you 00:40:28.72\00:40:35.06 belong to." And that's why "Renovate" is not just about house. "Renovate" is about heart 00:40:35.06\00:40:42.00 and house, and right now you and I are thinking "heart." In fact, nothing has brought 00:40:42.00\00:40:48.44 this reality into sharper focus for us here at Pioneer than what has been happening over the last 00:40:48.44\00:40:53.95 few years. I have a friend who told me years ago, "Our 00:40:53.95\00:40:57.15 business, okay --" so he's talking about the Church. "Our business," as a Church, "is 00:40:57.15\00:41:00.69 to find the wave the Holy Spirit is creating and then to surf 00:41:00.69\00:41:06.66 it." Now, you have to to be a surfer to get this, and I have my young friend Michael Von 00:41:06.66\00:41:10.37 Dorpowski here, and he's a top-flight surfer. And, so, Michael, let's put a 00:41:10.37\00:41:14.87 picture of the wave -- let's see a picture of the wave on the 00:41:14.87\00:41:17.77 screen. That's a big wave, isn't it? And Michael will tell you the first thing you got to do is 00:41:17.77\00:41:21.44 you got to have the wave. If you don't have a wave, you're not surfing -- you're paddling, 00:41:21.44\00:41:25.38 right? Once you get the wave, once you see the wave, then 00:41:25.38\00:41:29.22 [Snaps fingers] you ride it, you surf it for all you're worth. The Holy Spirit has been 00:41:29.22\00:41:38.53 creating a wave around here, and we didn't even note it. We didn't even see it till the 00:41:38.53\00:41:44.00 other day. Oh, my, let me show you. You're saying, "Dwight, 00:41:44.00\00:41:47.47 what's that wave?" Let me show you a picture from this morning about eight minutes 00:41:47.47\00:41:51.34 ago. Let's put that picture on the screen, please. 00:41:51.34\00:41:54.11 Recognize those faces? That was taken just eight minutes ago. 00:41:54.11\00:41:58.55 That's not the whole group. That's the only part that we could get into the lens. 00:41:58.55\00:42:04.25 You know who those are? Yeah, those are children. For months 00:42:04.25\00:42:09.22 now, the number of children coming forward for the children's story each Sabbath 00:42:09.22\00:42:13.93 has been unbelievable, and it's still growing. Where did these children come from? 00:42:13.93\00:42:16.67 I'll give you a little hint. They came from their parents, 00:42:16.67\00:42:20.30 all right? [ Laughter ] Where do the parents come from? The parents have come from all 00:42:20.30\00:42:23.10 over campus, they've come from around the community, they've come from around the county. 00:42:23.10\00:42:27.14 They're coming. "Why are they coming here, Dwight?" 00:42:27.14\00:42:30.18 I'll tell you why. Because what Pioneer does for children, 00:42:30.18\00:42:34.12 that's why. In just the one hour allotted for the Sabbath-school time each Saturday morning, what 00:42:34.12\00:42:39.12 Pioneer does is without parallel. You say, "You're just biased." Of course I am, but let 00:42:39.12\00:42:43.89 me tell you something -- the reputation is heard on the street, around the world. 00:42:43.89\00:42:47.46 I travel, and people come up and say, "Yo, I know about your church -- the children's Sabbath 00:42:47.46\00:42:51.90 schools." 00:42:51.90\00:42:53.23 We have the finest, we have the most creative children's Sabbath schools on Earth, bar none, and 00:42:56.54\00:43:02.28 they're known throughout the denomination. And as you can 00:43:02.28\00:43:06.78 see, they enjoy the same reputation here at home. That's why they're showing up. 00:43:06.78\00:43:10.82 You throw in a Pathfinder Club second to none and an Adventurer 00:43:10.82\00:43:15.69 Club that is the largest in North America, and it all adds up -- voilà -- Pioneer's future. 00:43:15.69\00:43:20.23 The Holy Spirit has created a wave, and we've got to surf that wave for all we're worth as long 00:43:20.23\00:43:25.87 as the wave is here. See, that's the deal. And so the confluence 00:43:25.87\00:43:31.34 of two compelling realities has convincingly shown us the wave of the Holy Spirit here that 00:43:31.34\00:43:38.35 He's created in Pioneer. Okay, what are the two realities? 00:43:38.35\00:43:41.05 Well, one I've already given you -- number one, the throngs of children that now occupy this 00:43:41.05\00:43:45.09 space, and number-two reality is the highly motivated, visionary volunteer leadership that the 00:43:45.09\00:43:51.09 Spirit has anointed and appointed. Back in September, I 00:43:51.09\00:43:55.13 sat down in my office here at the church with Laurence Burn, who's children's Sabbath-school 00:43:55.13\00:43:59.30 superintendent from birth through grade 1, and Glynis 00:43:59.30\00:44:03.07 Bradfield, who's children's Sabbath-school superintendent from grade 2 through early 00:44:03.07\00:44:07.34 teens, and they were brimming -- [Chuckles] I'm listening to them -- brimming with ideas about how 00:44:07.34\00:44:11.31 to grow children, and not just the children, but to grow their families, and not just the 00:44:11.31\00:44:14.92 families, but grow the Kingdom in the process, and, this morning, while you were wherever 00:44:14.92\00:44:18.82 you were during Sabbath school, they were packing that youth 00:44:18.82\00:44:22.09 chapel out. We took a picture, and I want to put the picture on the screen for you. 00:44:22.09\00:44:25.29 You know what they did? They had all the Sabbath schools downstairs come upstairs, 00:44:25.29\00:44:29.86 parents and children alike -- 276, head-count right there. And they put on a humdinger of a 00:44:29.86\00:44:36.20 program, and they sent the teams who were having their youth Sabbath school there down into 00:44:36.20\00:44:40.58 those rooms downstairs to teach little classes up and down the 00:44:40.58\00:44:45.05 hallway. That's the kind of creativity that the Spirit is raising up. He's created a 00:44:45.05\00:44:49.65 [Chuckles] wave. We got to surf this wave. And so, after much prayer and planning with our 00:44:49.65\00:44:55.79 team here and with our Conference administration, we are pleased, on this 60th 00:44:55.79\00:45:00.40 birthday Sabbath, to announce a major paradigm shift in the pastoral team at the Pioneer 00:45:00.40\00:45:05.27 Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University, and here it 00:45:05.27\00:45:09.37 is. Jim Collins, in his mega best-seller, "Good to Great," uses the leadership metaphor of 00:45:09.37\00:45:13.91 the bus. He says, "Listen, the deal is, you got to get the 00:45:13.91\00:45:17.78 right people on the bus first, and after you have them on the bus, you've got to get them in 00:45:17.78\00:45:22.85 the right seats." Well, that's exactly what we've realized, and that's what we're about to 00:45:22.85\00:45:27.22 announce. In keeping with that, we're moving two pastors to new seats on the Pioneer bus. 00:45:27.22\00:45:33.76 To respond to this wave that the Holy Spirit has already created with our children, we are asking 00:45:33.76\00:45:38.23 Ben Martin -- you met him just a moment ago, that precious little Emmett, his boy, and Arlo -- 00:45:38.23\00:45:43.71 we're asking Pastor Ben, our present youth pastor, to become our new pastor for children and 00:45:43.71\00:45:49.31 family discipling, giving special leadership and oversight to children from birth through 00:45:49.31\00:45:54.58 early teens. Ben has long had a passion for reaching the 00:45:54.58\00:46:00.79 youngest of the members of God's family, and he's shown a proclivity to that skill, and 00:46:00.79\00:46:06.70 we're very grateful that he has accepted this invitation. It's a perfect shift to surf the 00:46:06.70\00:46:11.33 Spirit's wave. Now, his departure from youth ministry means that our team 00:46:11.33\00:46:16.14 will only be complete when we bring in a new youth pastor on board to join the Pioneer 00:46:16.14\00:46:21.61 team, and our new youth pastor will be a woman. >> Amen! 00:46:21.61\00:46:26.05 >> Amen! >> Well, two of you are happy. [ Laughter, applause ] 00:46:26.05\00:46:31.25 I knew you would. Yeah, amen. Our new youth pastor will be a 00:46:31.25\00:46:37.96 woman. We don't know who it is yet, but we know it'll be a woman. You say, "How do you know 00:46:37.96\00:46:41.50 that, Dwight?" Because those are the only names we've turned in. 00:46:41.50\00:46:43.93 And I just was on the phone with the Conference president, Jim Micheff -- who's a great 00:46:43.93\00:46:49.10 supporter of Pioneer -- yesterday, and we got the date for the interviews. 00:46:49.10\00:46:53.61 They're gonna happen all on the same day, in just a few days. So we know that God will be 00:46:53.61\00:47:00.22 sending a woman to Pioneer to begin to lead, spiritually lead 00:47:00.22\00:47:06.72 our teens. Hmm. But with the recent retirement of Pastor Sharon Terrell, we've 00:47:06.72\00:47:12.86 had to bring two people in. Pastor Sharon has been our finance and stewardship pastor. 00:47:12.86\00:47:21.24 We're making two shifts. We've asked Joann Siagian, our accountant, to become our new 00:47:21.24\00:47:26.17 church treasurer, and she's accepted a new responsibility and is doing great. 00:47:26.17\00:47:30.68 And we're asking José Bourget, our campus chaplain, to become our new executive pastor. 00:47:30.68\00:47:35.28 For the first time in the history of the Pioneer Memorial 00:47:35.28\00:47:38.89 Church, we have now a leadership position called "XP," executive pastor. "Why are you doing that, 00:47:38.89\00:47:43.66 Dwight?" Because I need, because we need someone with a passion 00:47:43.66\00:47:49.60 for administration to oversee the vision mission of Pioneer as we now move into the seventh 00:47:49.60\00:47:55.50 decade as a campus congregation. José's task will be to lead the annual strategic-planning 00:47:55.50\00:48:00.64 process, reviewing the mission vision and core values, developing key objectives and 00:48:00.64\00:48:05.65 tactics, and establishing three- to five-year goals for the Pioneer Memorial Church. 00:48:05.65\00:48:10.65 We need it. Which means now we've got to find a gifted 00:48:10.65\00:48:16.42 campus chaplain to fill Jose's position. And we're now beginning that search process, 00:48:16.42\00:48:22.56 as well. Well, the Spirit will lead us. I'm not worried about it. The Holy Spirit will lead us 00:48:22.56\00:48:25.97 to the right person. By the way, there's one other major change 00:48:25.97\00:48:28.90 that I need to announce to you, and that is our GROW Group pastor, that is vacant when 00:48:28.90\00:48:37.81 Sabine Vatel left to become a hospital chaplain, but we're very grateful already that 00:48:37.81\00:48:43.12 Pastor Rodlie has agreed to step into that leadership position, GROW Group discipleship 00:48:43.12\00:48:47.92 ministry, along with the community-outreach ministry that he already is carrying in his 00:48:47.92\00:48:52.39 portfolio. And Brianna Martin -- we just met her a few moments ago -- will continue to assist 00:48:52.39\00:48:58.40 Pastor Rodlie in this critical ministry of GROW Groups, providing discipleship for this 00:48:58.40\00:49:04.81 congregation. So we have the right people on the bus, and, by 00:49:04.81\00:49:11.15 the grace of God, they're occupying the right seats on the bus. And with the arrival of our 00:49:11.15\00:49:16.35 new youth pastor and our campus chaplain, this team, at last, will be complete again, to which 00:49:16.35\00:49:21.99 I'm gonna say, "Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord." Yeah. 00:49:21.99\00:49:26.13 ¤ We are family ¤ They ought to write a song like that sometime, 00:49:26.13\00:49:32.70 you know? [ Laughter ] I mean, seriously. It just has something 00:49:32.70\00:49:36.04 to it. ¤ We are fa-mily ¤ Little bit of Pauline syncopation 00:49:36.04\00:49:42.48 perhaps. But that's family. By the way, I'm putting it on the 00:49:42.48\00:49:46.01 screen for you. That's "Family" with a capital F. I want to end 00:49:46.01\00:49:49.45 with a quotation. One more time -- the words of Krish Kandiah, from his Christianity Today 00:49:49.45\00:49:53.52 piece. This is profound. On the screen... 00:49:53.52\00:49:55.92 "It can be an antidote to more individualistic --" which is 00:50:01.30\00:50:04.50 society today -- "sadly even consumptive --" Everybody's a 00:50:04.50\00:50:07.64 consumer, consumer. We're always trying to attract 00:50:07.64\00:50:10.41 consumers, something new to get consumers to come to us. 00:50:10.41\00:50:13.48 No. "...sadly even consumptive 00:50:13.48\00:50:15.31 models of church participation that are common today." 00:50:15.31\00:50:18.28 We don't want that, he's writing. 00:50:18.28\00:50:20.25 Now read... 00:50:20.25\00:50:21.85 To which I say amen. So let there be no question that 00:50:37.70\00:50:43.51 the God who for six decades has led this mighty congregation, 00:50:43.51\00:50:48.71 beginning 60 years ago right now, is the God who will guide 00:50:48.71\00:50:53.78 us. "Oh, Thou great Jehovah, 00:50:53.78\00:50:56.22 pilgrims through this barren land, we are weak, but Thou art 00:50:56.22\00:51:00.69 mighty. Hold us with Thy powerful hand." 00:51:00.69\00:51:04.29 And He will, for He is the God of Abraham and Sarah, He is the God of Isaac and Rebecca, He is 00:51:04.46\00:51:10.03 the God of Jacob and Leah and Rachel. He's the God of the 00:51:10.03\00:51:14.20 pioneers, for whom this church is a memorial, and you know what? I have good news for you 00:51:14.20\00:51:19.41 today. He is still the Lord of Pioneer. What do you say? >> 00:51:19.41\00:51:23.38 All: Amen. >> Amen. Amen, because we are family -- all are 00:51:23.38\00:51:32.22 family. Amen. Invite you to turn your worship bulletin over, and 00:51:32.22\00:51:37.66 on the back cover is the Litany of Dedication that we are going 00:51:37.66\00:51:44.80 to read right now. Find your bulletin. Turn it over, back cover. And Karen is gonna join 00:51:44.80\00:51:53.17 me as we invite you to stand. She'll lead the congregation in this Litany of Dedication, after 00:51:53.17\00:52:00.62 which we'll sing the mighty "Lord's Prayer" together, all 00:52:00.62\00:52:08.42 right? "Almighty God, we give You thanks for the work You have done through Christ in this 00:52:08.42\00:52:15.00 place." >> All: "We thank You for adopting us into Your family 00:52:15.00\00:52:20.40 as Your sons and daughters." >> "You have sent Your Holy Spirit to heal and comfort 00:52:20.40\00:52:25.97 our hurts, our sorrows, our infirmities, and our losses." >> All: "You have listened to 00:52:25.97\00:52:31.81 our confessions and forgiven our sins." >> "Lord, thank You for 00:52:31.81\00:52:36.62 drawing us a congregation to become part of Your global Church." >> All: "Thank You for 00:52:36.62\00:52:42.02 our pioneers and founders who obediently listened to Your voice to raise up both our 00:52:42.02\00:52:48.30 church and our congregation for Your sacred purposes." >> "Help us to teach our young 00:52:48.30\00:52:55.77 Your Word and Your ways so they will know who they are and whom You call them to be." 00:52:55.77\00:53:01.88 >> All: "Inspire us with a vision for Your glory, to be a house of prayer for all people, 00:53:01.88\00:53:09.45 and use that vision to direct the path of this congregation." >> "Continue to empower us with 00:53:09.45\00:53:16.73 Your Spirit, that we might connect, grow, serve, and go with the Gospel of Jesus Christ 00:53:16.73\00:53:22.50 as Lord and Savior to all people." >> All: "In our 00:53:22.50\00:53:27.54 families, in our community, and to the ends of the Earth." >> "Help us to witness to the 00:53:27.54\00:53:32.97 good news of Jesus Christ until people of every nation, tribe, tongue, and people worship Your 00:53:32.97\00:53:39.48 holy name." >> All: "May all glory and honor be Yours, in and 00:53:39.48\00:53:46.35 through Your Church, and in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen." 00:53:46.35\00:53:51.13 >> Let us sing together the "Lord's Prayer." 00:53:51.19\00:53:54.60 [ The "Lord's Prayer" begins ] 00:53:54.60\00:53:57.20 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:54:02.10\00:54:22.12 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:54:22.12\00:54:42.11 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:54:42.11\00:55:02.16 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:55:02.16\00:55:22.18 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:55:22.18\00:55:42.17 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:55:42.17\00:56:02.26 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:56:02.26\00:56:22.24 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:56:22.24\00:56:42.23 ¤¤ Amen. 00:56:42.23\00:56:46.90 ¤¤ [ Song ends ] 00:56:46.90\00:56:56.24 >> Before you go, let me take an extra moment to share with you 00:56:58.85\00:57:01.32 an opportunity to get into the Bible in a fresh, new way. 00:57:01.32\00:57:04.29 All across the world, more and more people are hearing the call 00:57:04.29\00:57:07.36 to examine Scriptures for themselves. 00:57:07.36\00:57:09.29 If you felt drawn to learn more about God's Word, but you don't 00:57:09.29\00:57:12.19 know where to start or you're just looking for a more in-depth 00:57:12.19\00:57:15.00 examination of Bible truths, then I have something right here 00:57:15.00\00:57:18.13 that I believe you're going to enjoy. 00:57:18.13\00:57:20.07 I want to send a series of guides to get you started. 00:57:20.07\00:57:22.67 This one's entitled, "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" 00:57:22.67\00:57:25.41 Each guide begins with a story, an introduction of the subject. 00:57:25.41\00:57:28.51 Then, through a series of focus questions, 00:57:28.51\00:57:30.41 you'll be learning portions of the Bible you may never 00:57:30.41\00:57:32.55 have known before, and when you're through, you'll be able 00:57:32.55\00:57:34.78 to share with others some of these inspiring Bible truths. 00:57:34.78\00:57:38.05 So just call our toll-free number. 00:57:38.05\00:57:39.42 It's on the screen -- 877 -- the two words -- 00:57:39.42\00:57:42.02 HIS-WILL. Our friendly operators 00:57:42.02\00:57:44.26 are standing by to send these study guides to you. 00:57:44.26\00:57:46.23 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:46.23\00:57:49.56 Call that number, and then, again, join me next week 00:57:49.56\00:57:54.00 right here at the same time. "New Perceptions." 00:57:54.00\00:57:57.07 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:58:00.51\00:58:17.53 ¤¤ 00:58:17.53\00:58:26.90