¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:05.70 >> As we begin this morning, I want to invite you to stand with 00:00:10.64\00:00:15.11 me. We're gonna sing some songs of 00:00:15.11\00:00:17.81 praise together. Please stand with me. 00:00:17.81\00:00:26.12 Let's bow our heads. 00:00:26.12\00:00:31.53 Dear Father in heaven, we are here to worship You this 00:00:31.69\00:00:36.46 Sabbath. Thank You so much for that opportunity, for friends and family we can worship with, 00:00:36.46\00:00:42.17 and that You are worthy of our praise. Please come into our 00:00:42.17\00:00:45.84 hearts this morning, fill this place with Your Holy Spirit, and may You be lifted up, and may we 00:00:45.84\00:00:50.45 be encouraged, as well. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. 00:00:50.45\00:00:54.88 [ "Praise Him! Praise Him!" begins ] 00:00:57.99\00:01:01.22 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:01:05.26\00:01:20.28 Let's praise Him. 00:01:20.28\00:01:22.14 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:01:25.58\00:01:45.57 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:01:45.57\00:02:05.65 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:05.65\00:02:25.64 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:25.64\00:02:45.66 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:45.66\00:03:05.71 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:05.71\00:03:25.70 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:25.70\00:03:45.72 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:03:45.72\00:04:05.77 ¤¤ [ Song ends ] 00:04:05.77\00:04:12.01 Amen. You can be seated. [ Mid-tempo music begins ] 00:04:12.01\00:04:17.95 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:22.82\00:04:42.81 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:04:42.81\00:05:02.86 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:02.86\00:05:22.88 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:22.88\00:05:42.87 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:05:42.87\00:06:02.96 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:02.96\00:06:22.94 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:22.94\00:06:42.93 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:42.93\00:07:03.02 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:03.02\00:07:23.00 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:23.00\00:07:39.79 [ Song ends ] You know, we have some good 00:07:39.79\00:07:42.12 friends that are also part of this church family that recently 00:07:42.12\00:07:44.96 lost a loved one, a father, to aggressive cancer. 00:07:44.96\00:07:50.20 And we've been singing these really positive, upbeat praise songs, but it seems almost 00:07:50.37\00:07:55.57 counterintuitive to come to worship with these sorts of things on our hearts and praise 00:07:55.57\00:08:00.91 Him in those times, doesn't it? You know, in the midst of his sickness, this next song that 00:08:00.91\00:08:05.75 we're gonna sing, a modern version of "It Is Well With My Soul," became one of his 00:08:05.75\00:08:11.79 favorite songs. And I imagine it must've been difficult for him 00:08:11.79\00:08:17.33 to embrace the words to this song, but God gave him the strength to do it, to recognize 00:08:17.33\00:08:22.56 that he could have peace through the most difficult of circumstances. So, I don't know 00:08:22.56\00:08:26.94 what you're facing this morning, but as you sing this song with us, know that God can give you 00:08:26.94\00:08:31.51 peace and allow you to praise in the midst of difficult times. 00:08:31.51\00:08:34.74 [ "It Is Well With My Soul" begins ] 00:08:37.18\00:08:40.52 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:08:45.05\00:09:05.11 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:05.11\00:09:25.13 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:25.13\00:09:45.11 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:09:45.11\00:10:05.10 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:05.10\00:10:25.12 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:25.12\00:10:45.11 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:45.11\00:11:05.19 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:05.19\00:11:25.18 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:25.18\00:11:45.17 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:45.17\00:12:05.25 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:05.25\00:12:25.24 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:25.24\00:12:45.26 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:45.26\00:13:05.31 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:05.31\00:13:18.46 [ Song ends ] 00:13:18.46\00:13:20.16 Will you stand with me for our last song? Maybe there's 00:13:20.33\00:13:26.74 something that is on your heart today and it's trying to pull you down. If there's something 00:13:26.74\00:13:35.78 like that, I invite you to come forward as we're singing this song, symbolically bringing it 00:13:35.78\00:13:40.25 to God, and we're gonna pray for it and ask that the Lord work in your life and give you peace 00:13:40.25\00:13:44.89 amidst the storm and bring you out of it. 00:13:44.89\00:13:47.86 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:52.39\00:14:12.45 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:12.45\00:14:32.43 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:32.43\00:14:52.45 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:52.45\00:15:12.51 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:15:12.51\00:15:32.53 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:15:32.53\00:15:52.51 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:15:52.51\00:16:12.57 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:16:12.57\00:16:32.59 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:16:32.59\00:16:49.77 [ Song ends ] 00:16:49.77\00:16:51.41 ¤¤ >> ¤ None other Lamb ¤ 00:16:58.51\00:17:14.10 ¤ None other Name ¤ ¤ None other hope ¤ ¤ In heav'n or earth or 00:17:14.23\00:17:31.35 sea ¤ ¤ None other hiding place ¤ ¤ From guilt and shame ¤ 00:17:31.35\00:17:48.30 ¤ None beside Thee ¤ ¤ My faith burns low ¤ ¤ My hope burns low 00:17:50.90\00:18:11.35 ¤ ¤ Only my heart's desire ¤ ¤ Cries out in me ¤ ¤ By the deep 00:18:11.35\00:18:28.77 thunder ¤ ¤ Of its want and woe ¤ ¤ Cries out to Thee ¤ 00:18:28.77\00:18:44.79 ¤¤ ¤ Lord, Thou art life ¤ ¤ Though I be dead ¤ 00:18:48.56\00:19:01.37 ¤ Love's fire Thou art ¤ ¤ However cold I be ¤ 00:19:01.37\00:19:20.69 ¤¤ ¤ Nor heaven have I ¤ ¤ Nor place to lay my head ¤ 00:19:25.59\00:19:54.49 ¤ Nor home ¤ ¤ Nor home ¤ ¤ But Thee ¤ 00:19:54.49\00:20:18.38 ¤¤ [ Song ends ] >> Amen. 00:20:18.38\00:20:25.39 Thank you, Charles Reid, Ken Logan. The compelling text -- I 00:20:30.43\00:20:38.17 wish you had as I had it on the phone, on my knee. Wish you had 00:20:38.17\00:20:44.11 that text. You could've followed the words. You caught them, some of them. I want to read that 00:20:44.11\00:20:50.45 last line, that last stanza. "Lord, Thou art life, though I 00:20:50.45\00:20:56.72 be dead. Love's fire Thou art, however cold I be. Nor heaven have I, nor place to 00:20:56.72\00:21:05.43 lay my head, nor home, but Thee." That's powerful -- 00:21:05.43\00:21:11.87 Christina Rossetti. Music composed by Kenneth Logan, sung 00:21:11.87\00:21:21.14 by Charles Reid. Let's pray that right now. Oh, God, Lord -- as Charles just sang -- "Lord, Thou 00:21:21.14\00:21:30.92 art life, though we are dead. Love's fire Thou art, however 00:21:30.92\00:21:37.99 cold we be. Nor heaven have we, nor place to lay our head, nor 00:21:37.99\00:21:46.84 home, but Thee." Be that home for Laodicea. 00:21:46.84\00:21:50.71 We pray in Jesus' name, amen. Nobody likes to be called a 00:21:50.87\00:21:57.85 name. Aw, I tell you, it sticks with 00:21:57.85\00:22:00.08 you. I remember I was playing 00:22:00.08\00:22:01.55 basketball with a bunch of guys at college. 00:22:01.55\00:22:04.02 One of the guys turned to me in the middle of a play and said, 00:22:04.02\00:22:06.09 "You sissy." [ Chuckles ] Obviously, I've 00:22:06.09\00:22:09.09 never forgotten it. It sticks with you because 00:22:09.09\00:22:12.76 nobody likes to be called names, and I finally figured out why we 00:22:12.76\00:22:16.20 have such a hard time with the last letter, the very last 00:22:16.20\00:22:19.73 letter of the Bible, the last letter of the 00:22:19.73\00:22:21.94 Book of Revelation. It's to a community called 00:22:21.94\00:22:24.31 Laodicea. Seven little churches -- they're 00:22:24.31\00:22:26.74 number seven, the last before the return of Christ. 00:22:26.74\00:22:29.78 I finally figured out this week -- why'd it take me so long? -- why we don't like that 00:22:29.94\00:22:33.62 letter. And that's why we don't read the letter, by the way. 00:22:33.62\00:22:36.32 We don't like it, we don't read it. Because you know what? 00:22:36.32\00:22:38.95 It feels like Jesus is calling us five names, five adjectives, and it makes us mad. 00:22:38.95\00:22:44.19 "I don't have to put up with this stuff. I don't have to read 00:22:44.19\00:22:47.73 a letter like this. You want to call me that? [ Scoffs ] Last 00:22:47.73\00:22:51.27 time I'll read your Word." Nobody likes to be called a 00:22:51.27\00:22:55.70 name. We got to detoxify this thing, or we're gonna have this innate resistance to a letter 00:22:55.70\00:23:02.41 that's critically essential for our survival. We have to 00:23:02.41\00:23:07.65 demystify it. We have to do something with those five names. They are hardly complimentary. 00:23:07.65\00:23:13.09 They feel on the border of derogatory, and when somebody calls you a name that's 00:23:13.09\00:23:18.19 derogatory, you never forget it. Trust me. I'm gonna show you 00:23:18.19\00:23:26.07 these five names and then tell you that, in fact, these five adjectives, these five names 00:23:26.07\00:23:34.41 were embraced by Jesus and became His five adjectives, became His five names on the 00:23:34.41\00:23:41.48 Cross. Watch this. Open your Bible to the last letter, Revelation chapter 3. 00:23:41.48\00:23:46.79 Revelation chapter 3. Drop down to verse 17. Red letters in my 00:23:46.79\00:23:54.73 Bible because Jesus is dictating this letter. 00:23:54.73\00:23:57.13 Revelation 3:17 -- to the endgame church of Christianity. 00:23:57.30\00:24:04.24 Verse 17 -- "You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and 00:24:04.24\00:24:07.74 do not need a thing.' But you do not realize --" you 00:24:07.74\00:24:10.85 do not know -- here it comes now, five names He's gonna call 00:24:10.85\00:24:14.35 that church -- "you do not realize that you are wretched, 00:24:14.35\00:24:17.72 pitiful, poor, blind --" and what's that last word? -- 00:24:17.72\00:24:22.19 "naked." Nobody likes to be called naked. 00:24:22.19\00:24:26.39 And yet all five of those were the names Jesus embraced upon 00:24:26.56\00:24:33.80 the Cross. Wretched? [ Chuckles ] Are you kidding? "Desire of Ages" actually uses 00:24:33.80\00:24:38.57 the word "wretch." Some poor wretch came up with a full-frontal spit, clearing his 00:24:38.57\00:24:48.22 throat into the face of Christ. Jesus said, "You can call me 00:24:48.22\00:24:56.89 wretched. Go ahead. Spit on me." Wretched, pitiful. Some of your translations render 00:24:56.89\00:25:02.46 it "miserable." Miserable. By the way, that's the very word 00:25:02.46\00:25:09.24 that the Bible uses in 1 Corinthians 15:19 to describe how miserable we are if the 00:25:09.24\00:25:16.41 story of the Resurrection is not true. We are miserable. 00:25:16.41\00:25:19.31 We are pitiable. Do you know what? Jesus, when he's hanging 00:25:19.31\00:25:24.39 on the Cross for you and me, when he's hanging on that Cross, he believes that he's on a 00:25:24.39\00:25:29.96 dead-end destiny -- dead end, meaning he's ending his life forever and ever in the grave. 00:25:29.96\00:25:37.10 He's pitiful, he's miserable -- wretched, pitiful, pitiful. 00:25:37.10\00:25:45.94 Poor. Poor. [ Chuckles ] The prisoner, because it is a custom 00:25:45.94\00:25:50.15 of the Roman soldiers, who have to waste their time waiting for this victim to die, it is the 00:25:50.15\00:25:55.72 custom that, whatever he has left, they dice for. But the prisoner has nothing, 00:25:55.72\00:26:03.93 nothing but an outer garment, and it's seamless, and so, rather than ripping it into 00:26:03.93\00:26:08.20 pieces, they throw dice. "Who gets it?" That's how poor he 00:26:08.20\00:26:15.27 was. Wretched, miserable, poor, blind. Do you know what? 00:26:15.27\00:26:23.88 That somewhere it reads, "And the Savior could not see through the portals of the tomb." 00:26:23.88\00:26:30.99 He was blind, can't see. You know what? Every time I think 00:26:30.99\00:26:39.13 about, every time I brood over that reality, it just -- it just 00:26:39.13\00:26:43.93 blows my mind. I mean, can you imagine? He was willing to die forever and ever so that I, 00:26:43.93\00:26:48.17 little old me, can live forever and ever. Go figure -- die forever and ever so that you 00:26:48.17\00:26:53.14 might live forever and ever. He's blind. He couldn't see past 00:26:53.14\00:26:58.71 his nose. Wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. Yeah, 00:26:58.71\00:27:06.72 you got it. There isn't an artist alive that has ever painted the actual picture of 00:27:06.72\00:27:10.06 the Crucifixion. You know why? Because it would be rated X. You can't show a man like that. 00:27:10.06\00:27:17.83 So every artists' rendition of the Cross, there's a loincloth, there's something that's hiding 00:27:17.83\00:27:25.71 his masculinity. That was intentional, barbaric, by the 00:27:25.71\00:27:34.05 Romans. "We'll shame you till your last moment and breath." And all of hell stood there with 00:27:34.05\00:27:41.59 their catcalls and wolf-whistles, trying to shame him back down from that Cross 00:27:41.59\00:27:48.00 before he dies a victor. Wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, 00:27:48.00\00:27:58.57 naked. And here we thought He was calling us names, but, in fact, they're the five names 00:27:58.57\00:28:06.18 that became His at Calvary for you and for me -- detoxified the 00:28:06.18\00:28:14.46 letter. The One who writes this letter is in love with you. He's in love with the human 00:28:14.46\00:28:18.06 race, but He's passionately, desperately in love with the last church on Earth. 00:28:18.06\00:28:26.23 Open your Bible with me, please, to Revelation 3. If you didn't 00:28:26.23\00:28:29.94 open it last time, open it now. 00:28:29.94\00:28:31.34 I want to pick up right at the beginning of the letter. 00:28:31.51\00:28:33.94 Title of this teaching -- "Reading in Between the Lines." 00:28:33.94\00:28:37.15 You see it on the screen there? "The Last Letter: Reading in 00:28:37.15\00:28:40.48 Between the Lines." You see a website there -- 00:28:40.48\00:28:43.12 newperceptions.tv. You go there, there's a study 00:28:43.12\00:28:45.62 guide today. You'll have it. 00:28:45.62\00:28:47.12 It'll be ready and waiting for you. 00:28:47.12\00:28:48.92 You just go to that study guide, get that study guide, and 00:28:48.92\00:28:51.66 download it right now, but we're gonna keep going. 00:28:51.66\00:28:55.10 Pick it up, Revelation 3. Now, the top of the letter... 00:28:55.10\00:28:59.00 "So, because you are lukewarm --" half and half, 00:29:13.95\00:29:16.55 neither cold, neither not -- "I am about to vomit you --" 00:29:16.55\00:29:19.55 New King James -- "out of my mouth. 00:29:19.55\00:29:21.56 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need 00:29:21.56\00:29:25.03 a thing.' You do not know --" that word 00:29:25.03\00:29:27.50 there is "know." NIV tries to soften it up -- 00:29:27.50\00:29:30.23 "You do not realize." No, it's, "You do not know that 00:29:30.23\00:29:34.87 you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 00:29:34.87\00:29:37.81 So --" verse 18... 00:29:37.81\00:29:39.61 There's a bit of tomfoolery going on in between the lines of 00:29:50.99\00:29:55.32 this letter. We don't quite catch it, because embedded in the letter is a dialectic. 00:29:55.32\00:29:59.53 It is a contradiction between two realities. Reality number 00:29:59.53\00:30:06.33 one -- "I know who you are. I know what you are." Reality 00:30:06.33\00:30:09.77 number two about Laodicea -- "You do not know who you are. I 00:30:09.77\00:30:15.01 know." Let's put it on the screen -- "I know" versus "you do not know." Now, look, the 00:30:15.01\00:30:21.35 ancient Greek sages used to declare, "Know thyself." That was a fine -- a fine 00:30:21.35\00:30:27.26 invitation, and Socrates comes along a few centuries later, and he waxes eloquent on that little 00:30:27.26\00:30:32.96 line, "Know thyself," with his line -- "The unexamined life is 00:30:32.96\00:30:36.87 not worth living." So, yes, it's good counsel. It's good counsel to know yourself, to know what's 00:30:36.87\00:30:41.50 going on inside of me, but the tragedy of Laodicea is they have no clue what reality is. 00:30:41.50\00:30:47.21 They do not know themselves. And you know why we can't know 00:30:47.21\00:30:52.05 ourselves? I'll tell you why -- because the biggest liar alive is you. You're the biggest the 00:30:52.05\00:30:56.95 liar alive -- and maybe me. [ Laughter ] The biggest deceiver 00:30:56.95\00:31:06.59 we live with is ourselves. We are hoodwinked by our own 00:31:06.59\00:31:11.57 self-delusion and self-deception. We're hoodwinked, and we believe the 00:31:11.57\00:31:16.04 lie! [ Chuckles ] Mercy. A few weeks ago, I came across this line in Oswald Chamber's 00:31:16.04\00:31:20.58 book, "My Utmost for His Highest." I read a page out of 00:31:20.58\00:31:24.41 that book every day of my life. Been at it for decades. 00:31:24.41\00:31:28.15 Oswald Chambers on the screen... 00:31:28.32\00:31:30.59 "The greatest curse in spiritual life --" write it down -- is 00:31:37.49\00:31:41.76 conceit." Come on, that's verse 17. 00:31:41.76\00:31:47.34 Read it again. "You say, 'I am rich; I have 00:31:47.34\00:31:49.74 acquired wealth, and I don't need a thing.' 00:31:49.74\00:31:52.11 But you do not know that are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind 00:31:52.11\00:31:55.31 and naked." 00:31:55.31\00:31:56.75 The greatest curse in spiritual life is conceit. By the way, may 00:31:56.91\00:32:02.52 I remind you it was the Achilles' heel of Lucifer? Turns out it's the Achilles' 00:32:02.52\00:32:05.89 heel of Laodicea -- both of those L's. "Loser!" 00:32:05.89\00:32:11.66 Achilles' heel. 00:32:11.66\00:32:14.36 Here's a stunner [Chuckles] from -- would you believe it? -- 00:32:14.56\00:32:19.10 Ellen White, "Steps to Christ," that little classic. 00:32:19.10\00:32:22.44 On the screen -- "God does not regard all sins as of equal 00:32:22.44\00:32:25.84 magnitude." "Oh, really? 00:32:25.84\00:32:27.51 Well, tell me what are the greatest sins in God's eyes?" 00:32:27.51\00:32:30.01 Well, keep reading. "The drunkard --" we'd say today 00:32:30.01\00:32:32.78 the alcoholic, all right, or the drug addict. 00:32:32.78\00:32:35.48 "The drunkard is despised and is told that his sin will exclude 00:32:35.48\00:32:39.09 him from heaven; while pride, selfishness, and covetousness 00:32:39.09\00:32:42.49 too often go unrebuked. But these are sins --" what are 00:32:42.49\00:32:46.26 sins? Pride, selfishness, and 00:32:46.26\00:32:47.73 covetousness. "These are are sins that are 00:32:47.73\00:32:51.00 especially offensive to God..." Have mercy -- especially 00:32:51.00\00:32:57.41 offensive. "...for they are contrary to the 00:32:57.41\00:33:02.11 benevolence of God's character, to that unselfish love --" that 00:33:02.11\00:33:05.81 Charles just sang about -- "which is the very atmosphere of 00:33:05.81\00:33:10.19 the unfallen universe. She who falls into some of the 00:33:10.19\00:33:13.52 grosser sins may feel a sense of her shame and poverty and her 00:33:13.52\00:33:16.76 need of the grace of Christ; but pride feels no need, and so it 00:33:16.76\00:33:21.13 closes the heart against Christ and the infinite blessings He 00:33:21.13\00:33:23.10 came to give." 00:33:23.10\00:33:24.50 "I have need of nothing," pride boasts. [ Scoffs ] 00:33:24.67\00:33:29.84 [ Chuckles ] We're living with a liar. It's me. 00:33:29.84\00:33:36.14 Sigve Tonstad, our New Testament scholar friend from Loma Linda, 00:33:36.14\00:33:41.52 in that essay, he wrote a blog on the seven churches. Boy, does 00:33:41.52\00:33:45.95 he nail it for Laodicea. 00:33:45.95\00:33:46.86 I'll put Tonstad on the screen for you... 00:33:47.02\00:33:49.46 Italics are his... 00:33:58.67\00:34:00.44 Now, here's where he nails it... 00:34:10.15\00:34:12.25 Write that down. 00:34:23.39\00:34:24.89 The way I see myself and reality -- Whew! "Laodicea -- here's 00:34:25.06\00:34:31.70 where you are, here's what you think you are. I know you. 00:34:31.70\00:34:38.04 But you, Church, I'm telling you what, you do not know you. 00:34:38.04\00:34:42.84 Verse 17 again... 00:34:43.01\00:34:46.85 He's not calling us names. He said, "I became that. Everything 00:34:55.59\00:35:00.83 that Laodicea is I became so that everything I have Laodicea 00:35:00.83\00:35:08.10 may receive." Mm. [ Raps pulpit ] [ Inhales sharply ] Oh, and verse 18 -- "And so I 00:35:08.10\00:35:12.01 counsel you..." Now I got to go on in verse 18. "So I counsel 00:35:12.01\00:35:16.61 you to buy of me gold..." Now, doesn't that just make you want to interrupt Jesus? 00:35:16.61\00:35:20.48 "I mean, look, please. Time-out. Whoa! Whoa, whoa. 00:35:20.48\00:35:22.85 [ Chuckles ] The anachronism of what You just said -- You just had the temerity to call us 00:35:22.85\00:35:27.06 poor, and, by the way, we're taking it rather personally, these five names, these five 00:35:27.06\00:35:31.09 adjectives You've chosen. You've just called us poor, and then You have the temerity to 00:35:31.09\00:35:35.16 turn to us and say, 'And, by the way, you poor folk, I need you to buy from me gold.' 00:35:35.16\00:35:39.17 Go figure. How are we gonna be able to buy when we're poor?" 00:35:39.17\00:35:43.37 Because you and I in the third millennium, we live with buying 00:35:43.37\00:35:48.18 and selling. We do it online. eBay, Amazon, Craigslist -- you name the site, we go there, 00:35:48.18\00:35:53.11 because we do buyin' best. But in the Oriental/Western mind, that's not what they're 00:35:53.11\00:35:58.55 thinking about when they're thinking about shopping. In fact, God Himself -- 00:35:58.55\00:36:02.06 Isaiah 55 on the screen, please. 00:36:02.06\00:36:04.09 God Himself speaking -- "Come, all you who are thirsty, come 00:36:04.26\00:36:09.86 to the waters; and you who have no..." 00:36:09.86\00:36:12.43 what? You got no money. 00:36:12.43\00:36:14.70 I understand that. "...you have no money, come, 00:36:14.70\00:36:17.07 buy --" wait a minute. You just said we have no money. 00:36:17.07\00:36:20.04 He said, "I did. I want you to come and buy." 00:36:20.04\00:36:22.58 Now keep reading. Come, buy wine and milk without 00:36:22.58\00:36:25.45 money and without cost." You know what's going on here? 00:36:25.45\00:36:28.45 It's just God's way of reminding you and me that what He has to 00:36:28.45\00:36:31.29 give us is priceless. It's beyond anything we could 00:36:31.29\00:36:34.19 possibly purchase ourselves. Jot this down. 00:36:34.19\00:36:37.19 "Without money and without cost" means, "You'll never have enough 00:36:37.19\00:36:41.63 money to buy it, so I'll never charge you a penny to have it." 00:36:41.63\00:36:46.57 Because it's priceless, and priceless means it's free -- no 00:36:46.57\00:36:51.27 price, no cost to you. 00:36:51.27\00:36:54.98 And then He says, "Listen, I'm gonna sell you three things right now that are priceless and 00:36:55.14\00:37:00.68 free." And here they come -- boom, boom, boom. 00:37:00.68\00:37:03.79 Gift number one, two, three -- jot them down. Gift number one, 00:37:03.79\00:37:07.12 here we go. Three infinitely priceless gifts for the endgame church. Gift number one -- "I 00:37:07.12\00:37:13.23 counsel you to buy from me gold." Write that word in -- "gold." Because you know what? 00:37:13.23\00:37:17.97 Laodicea knows all about gold. In fact, they have a reputation in the empire for having the 00:37:17.97\00:37:21.87 largest of hoard of gold available. They have this 00:37:21.87\00:37:26.91 massive banking exchange. They are so proud of their wealth. 00:37:26.91\00:37:30.18 Jesus looks down at them, and He says, "Hey, guys, the gold you have -- let me just let you in. 00:37:30.18\00:37:34.55 The gold you have, it's fool's gold. It'll not buy you a thing. 00:37:34.55\00:37:38.39 I have the real deal. Come to me, and, for free, buy my gold." 00:37:38.39\00:37:43.63 What's the gold, what's the gold? 00:37:43.79\00:37:45.33 1 Peter 1:7 on the screen -- jot it down. 00:37:45.33\00:37:47.73 "...that the genuineness of your faith --" write in the word 00:37:47.73\00:37:51.00 "faith" -- "being much more precious than gold that 00:37:51.00\00:37:53.87 perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, 00:37:53.87\00:37:57.24 honor, and glory at the revelation and return of 00:37:57.24\00:38:00.04 Jesus Christ." 00:38:00.04\00:38:01.44 The pure gold of a humble faith in Christ. In fact, it turns out 00:38:01.61\00:38:10.59 that the faith to have is not my faith -- it's His faith. You remember Hebrews 2:13? 00:38:10.59\00:38:15.89 Couple falls ago, you and I spent a whole season just thinking about, "Wow, Jesus' 00:38:15.89\00:38:20.16 seven-word credo." Let's put Hebrews 2:13 on the screen. 00:38:20.16\00:38:23.23 Let's do this out loud together. These are the seven words Jesus 00:38:23.23\00:38:27.94 lived by... That's it. Jesus lived by that -- radical faith. 00:38:34.01\00:38:38.98 "I will put my trust in Him," His own seven-word credo, the gold of His faith in the Father. 00:38:38.98\00:38:47.72 And guess what. If He had faith in the Father that was perfect 00:38:47.72\00:38:52.09 from stem to stern, what the gold is, we got to get His faith. It's not my faith that 00:38:52.09\00:38:56.70 counts. If I can just get His faith, I got it. And that's the 00:38:56.70\00:39:00.87 point of the endgame Laodicean church. Look at them described in Revelation 14:12... 00:39:00.87\00:39:05.21 There's no missing verb there. There's not intended to be a 00:39:10.45\00:39:14.18 verb there. It really reads, "Here are they who keep the commandments of God and --" keep 00:39:14.18\00:39:19.05 the faith, baby -- they "keep the faith of Jesus." Whose faith is it, Church? Whose faith is 00:39:19.05\00:39:24.79 it? Come on, Church, tell me, whose faith is it? >> Jesus. 00:39:24.79\00:39:27.86 >> It's Jesus' faith. It's not my faith. It's not your faith. 00:39:27.86\00:39:30.93 We're not saved by our faith -- we're saved by His faith. 00:39:30.93\00:39:34.30 We got this whole thing wrong. We've made us the center of the 00:39:34.47\00:39:38.17 universe and the sun revolves around us, like Galileo finally 00:39:38.17\00:39:41.81 discovered is wrong. The Earth is in the middle, 00:39:41.81\00:39:46.21 everybody believed back then, and the sun revolves around the 00:39:46.21\00:39:48.48 Earth. Wrong! 00:39:48.48\00:39:49.32 The truth is the sun is in the middle, and the Earth revolves 00:39:49.32\00:39:52.29 around the sun. It's His faith, not mine, that 00:39:52.29\00:39:55.96 saves me. You understand that? 00:39:55.96\00:39:58.16 It's His faith. That's why it's gold. You can't come up with it. 00:39:58.33\00:40:02.53 You got a few pennies, but not enough. Gold -- "I counsel you, 00:40:02.53\00:40:07.17 buy of me gold," faith. Oh, he's got three gifts. Gift number two 00:40:07.17\00:40:15.94 -- "I counsel you to buy of me white robes." Oh, brilliant, Jesus. You really got Laodicea 00:40:15.94\00:40:20.78 now, because you know what the Laodiceans were proud of? They had a textile that they 00:40:20.78\00:40:25.72 didn't have in the rest of the empire. They had sheep that fed 00:40:25.72\00:40:31.23 on the grass around Laodicea, and those sheep had black wool, and when the black wool was 00:40:31.23\00:40:37.90 woven, it was woven into a beautiful -- with a violet sheen on it -- black textile. 00:40:37.90\00:40:42.97 And the Laodiceans, as a sign of their wealth, proudly put on black, and they said, "Black is 00:40:42.97\00:40:49.94 the color of elegance and wealth." And Jesus said, "Hey, 00:40:49.94\00:40:55.15 hey, hey, hey, hey, time-out, time-out. I'm gonna give you white robes. White robes." 00:40:55.15\00:41:04.13 So when He says "white robes," they get it. What are the white 00:41:04.13\00:41:10.97 robes? The Bible's absolutely clear. Jot it down. 00:41:10.97\00:41:13.84 On the screen for you -- Isaiah 61:10... 00:41:14.00\00:41:17.41 Wait a minute, wait a minute. The faith belongs to Jesus, and now I'm finding out the 00:41:29.35\00:41:32.85 righteousness belongs to Jesus. The robe is His. Salvation is 00:41:32.85\00:41:43.23 His. Jesus says, "Hey, Dwight, I'm looking at your messed-up life. I got a deal for you. 00:41:43.23\00:41:51.64 I came down to this planet, and I lived a perfect life, and I 00:41:51.64\00:41:56.95 did it for you. How about we exchange, huh? How about you let me have your filthy rags, and 00:41:56.95\00:42:03.69 let me give you my white robe -- pure, spotless." "God doesn't 00:42:03.69\00:42:08.92 say anything about Dwight's rags looking like that." Are you 00:42:08.92\00:42:11.19 kidding? Isaiah 64:6 -- put it on the screen... 00:42:11.19\00:42:13.90 "Dwight, your messed-up life, I'm willing every day to exchange the previous 24 hours 00:42:22.07\00:42:28.64 with my spotless robe. Is that a deal?" Are you serious? 00:42:28.64\00:42:34.38 "I give you my gold. I give you my robe." Wow. 00:42:34.38\00:42:39.92 Reminds me of this often-quoted, popular line from "Desire of 00:42:39.92\00:42:43.69 Ages." On the screen... 00:42:43.69\00:42:45.09 The robe's not mine -- it's Yours. 00:42:55.90\00:42:57.87 "I'll give you a robe." Wow. Are you serious? Read it again, 00:43:03.78\00:43:14.16 verse 18... Gift number three -- jot that down, please... 00:43:28.60\00:43:31.41 Now, don't forget, if we miss this, we miss the connect that 00:43:35.41\00:43:41.02 Jesus has. The Laodiceans are rather proud that they've come up with an eye cure in their 00:43:41.02\00:43:47.72 very famous, premier medical school known throughout the empire. They've come up with an 00:43:47.72\00:43:52.16 eye cure through the creation of a medicine called "collyrium." It was made from the ancient 00:43:52.16\00:43:58.33 Phrygian stone which was embedded in one of the temples in Laodicea, and so they 00:43:58.33\00:44:02.94 powdered it up and they called it "Phrygian powder," and they put that powder in their eyes, 00:44:02.94\00:44:07.61 and it had the reputation of healing eye disease. Jesus comes 00:44:07.61\00:44:11.78 along to them and says, "Your eye salve is worthless. You're as blind as the three 00:44:11.78\00:44:16.79 blind mice. Buy from me eye salve, and you will begin to see 00:44:16.79\00:44:24.39 again." [ Exhales sharply ] Ranko Stefanovich -- and I believe he's right -- describes 00:44:24.39\00:44:29.80 this as the gift that Laodicea needs the most -- eyes to open, eyes healed to see. 00:44:29.80\00:44:38.17 "What are you talking about, Dwight? Eye salve?" 00:44:38.17\00:44:40.98 Oh, put it on the screen -- Ephesians 1:18. 00:44:41.14\00:44:44.01 "I pray that the eyes of your heart --" fill that in -- "the 00:44:44.01\00:44:48.15 eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you 00:44:48.15\00:44:50.62 may know the hope to which He has called you." 00:44:50.62\00:44:52.75 Come on, put one more up there. 2 Corinthians 4:6. 00:44:52.75\00:44:57.36 Paul writing, "The god of this age has blinded --" Ooh! There's somebody going around 00:44:57.53\00:45:02.00 here putting everybody's eyes out. "Hey, yo, yo, come over 00:45:02.00\00:45:05.13 here. [ Exhales sharply ] Can't see now, can you? Hey, girl, 00:45:05.13\00:45:07.97 come over here. [ Exhales sharply ] Can't see now, can 00:45:07.97\00:45:10.21 you?" "The god of this age has blinded the minds of 00:45:10.37\00:45:15.54 unbelievers... but --" keep reading -- "God made His light 00:45:15.54\00:45:18.85 shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of 00:45:18.85\00:45:22.32 God's glory displayed in the face of Christ." 00:45:22.32\00:45:25.39 "Hey, Laodicea, time-out, time-out, time-out. Do you 00:45:25.55\00:45:31.69 understand? You have nothing. I give you my gold. Buy from me. 00:45:31.69\00:45:37.63 I give it to you, the gold of my faith. Come here, come here, 00:45:37.63\00:45:43.97 come here. I take these rags. I take these rags, and I cover you with my spotless robe. 00:45:43.97\00:45:49.48 Buy from me for free. Come here. Hey, look, look, you can't find 00:45:49.48\00:45:54.12 me, can you? Come to where you hear my voice. You can't see, 00:45:54.12\00:45:57.52 but come right here. Let me touch your eyes. You will see 00:45:57.52\00:46:03.99 again." Everything we need is from Him, right? It's all from 00:46:03.99\00:46:14.54 Him. "Buy from me eye salve to heal your blind following after the god of this age and the 00:46:14.54\00:46:21.48 fallen culture of this world. Boy, do you know where that path is headed that you're whistlin' 00:46:21.48\00:46:26.15 down? Do you know where the Pied Piper is taking you, girl, where 00:46:26.15\00:46:29.82 you're just a-skippin' down the trail? He's blinded you. 00:46:29.82\00:46:36.59 Let me open, let me heal your eyes." Can I be honest with you? 00:46:36.59\00:46:41.53 It's right here that I fear for my Church, the Laodicea of today, so deadly has become our 00:46:41.53\00:46:50.51 blindness. Now, I'm gonna talk heart-to-heart here, and it 00:46:50.51\00:46:53.01 might feel a bit -- a bit critical. But I guess that's the 00:46:53.01\00:47:02.58 whole point. Jesus is trying to break [Snaps fingers] our 00:47:02.58\00:47:10.43 delusion. Let me talk to you about the Church. I love this 00:47:10.43\00:47:16.43 Church. But the truth of the matter is third-millennial Adventism is pretty much dead in 00:47:16.43\00:47:22.10 the water. You can tell me otherwise. We have become a movement that is no longer 00:47:22.10\00:47:30.91 moving -- at least here in the West. We have fine -- oh, my -- please don't misunderstand me, 00:47:30.91\00:47:37.85 by the way. We have fine, beautiful church edifices. 00:47:37.85\00:47:40.62 "Whoa! Look at this." [ Exhales sharply ] We have sprawling, 00:47:40.62\00:47:44.99 well-heeled university and hospital campuses. [ Laughing ] 00:47:44.99\00:47:48.66 Wow! We have church headquarters bustling with state-of-the-art 00:47:48.66\00:47:52.53 -- all the state-of-the-art we need, but have you noticed we're 00:47:52.53\00:47:56.50 missing something? And it's becoming more painfully obvious by the day. Thomas Aquinas, the 00:47:56.50\00:48:03.78 great mind of the Middle Ages, was once being given a personal tour by Pope Innocent II through 00:48:03.78\00:48:09.55 the Vatican, and the Pope led him down one corridor, and they noticed a table covered with 00:48:09.55\00:48:15.22 gold bullion -- gold. [ Chuckles ] And the Pope stopped, and he 00:48:15.22\00:48:21.56 said, "Thomas, you must see that the Church can no longer say, 'Silver and gold have we not.'" 00:48:21.56\00:48:27.17 To which that bright mind replied, "Oh, yes, Holy Father, but neither can she say, in the 00:48:27.17\00:48:33.38 name of Jesus of Nazareth, 'Get up and walk.'" Has it happened 00:48:33.38\00:48:43.08 to us? Is church, for contemporary Adventism, a glorious facade? There's nothing 00:48:43.08\00:48:50.66 behind it -- no miracles, no power, no transformation, just a church with a fake front. 00:48:50.66\00:49:01.87 "Silver and gold we have, but we cannot say, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, 'Get up and walk.'" 00:49:01.87\00:49:13.78 I love this Church. I've given my life to this Church, a Church 00:49:13.78\00:49:22.19 now that is arguing -- ad nauseam, by the way -- something called "compliance" and who has 00:49:22.19\00:49:29.56 the power to do what with that power and who gets the last word and who takes the last vote and 00:49:29.56\00:49:36.44 which gender is the ruling gender and which race is the 00:49:36.44\00:49:40.44 ruling race. And, by the way, we're very -- we've got this passive-aggressive silence going 00:49:40.44\00:49:44.95 on about race right now in the Adventist Church -- passive-aggressive. 00:49:44.95\00:49:51.45 We're scared to touch it because we're already indicted and we 00:49:51.45\00:49:59.59 know it. What's happened to Adventism in America -- what Jonathan Walton calls in his 00:49:59.59\00:50:06.23 book, "Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive" -- what Jonathan Walton calls "white 00:50:06.23\00:50:14.14 American folk religion," where the white male has ascended to his dominance. Interesting. 00:50:14.14\00:50:24.25 Because the truth is -- come on -- the truth is Adventism was birthed in this nation. 00:50:28.32\00:50:35.53 We cannot help it, but America is in the DNA of Adventism. We can deny it, and we say, "No, 00:50:35.53\00:50:42.84 we're a global Church." [ Chuckles ] We're a global church 00:50:42.84\00:50:46.51 with American DNA, and America is hopelessly embroiled in racial fracture today. 00:50:46.51\00:50:58.79 And the Church cannot break out of the same. Silver and gold we 00:50:58.79\00:51:08.00 have, but, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, we can't do a bloomin' thing! What's happened 00:51:08.00\00:51:17.97 to the Church? Blinded eyes to the deeper systemic breakdown that being birthed when we were, 00:51:17.97\00:51:25.85 where we were... Blinded eyes that our debates can muffle but 00:51:25.85\00:51:34.36 our debates cannot mask. And so, all the while, while we play our little fiddles and our 00:51:34.36\00:51:44.27 silly games, Rome burns and the world is dying. And we're not 00:51:44.27\00:51:52.34 through yet, because we have one more meeting. We're gonna deal 00:51:52.34\00:51:56.04 with it. How many meetings does it take? The world is dying, do you understand that? 00:51:56.04\00:52:05.75 Oh, Laodicea, Laodicea. [ Clicking tongue ] "How often I would have gathered 00:52:05.75\00:52:12.79 you to me, but you would not." Silver and gold we have plenty, but, in the name of 00:52:12.79\00:52:18.33 Jesus of Nazareth, we say so little. So, what's gonna save 00:52:18.33\00:52:28.48 Laodicea? At the risk of sounding terribly simplistic, there is only one hope for 00:52:28.48\00:52:41.32 Laodicea -- J-E-S-U-S. That's it. Without the gold of His faith, without the robe of His 00:52:41.32\00:52:51.37 righteousness, without the healing of His eye salve, we are toast, we are dead, it is finis. 00:52:51.37\00:52:59.91 That's why this letter is so strong. It's trying to get 00:52:59.91\00:53:04.75 somebody's attention while there's still time left. [ Sighs ] You know what we need? 00:53:04.75\00:53:14.16 Who am I? Just a little guy in a big, big Church, but what we 00:53:14.16\00:53:21.16 need is a moratorium on debate. Just cut it out. Stop. 00:53:21.16\00:53:30.44 We need a season where Jesus becomes the sole focus of our corporate talking and our 00:53:30.44\00:53:36.41 private praying. Let our leaders, let our leaders -- they're my leaders, 00:53:36.41\00:53:44.19 as well. Let our leaders lead us for a season. 00:53:44.19\00:53:48.29 And I'm not talking about a day of prayer. A day is nothing. 00:53:48.29\00:53:55.00 Lead us in a season of days, lead us in a season of months, lead us in a season of weeks. 00:53:55.00\00:54:02.87 Take charge of the conversation, recalibrate the blogs. Reverse 00:54:02.87\00:54:14.82 the fracture. Do something, but point us, please, to Jesus. 00:54:14.82\00:54:19.29 We need a season where our collective worship, our administrative communiqués, and 00:54:24.33\00:54:30.43 our church journals collaborate to focus on the charms of Jesus and His righteousness. 00:54:30.43\00:54:37.24 Make that the talk. Make that the talk and the prayer. 00:54:37.24\00:54:42.88 "Behold, Laodicea, I stand at the door. I'm beginning to 00:54:42.88\00:54:48.92 pound. Do you not hear me in there?! 00:54:48.92\00:54:52.05 Or has your raucous debate drowned my voice, blinding your 00:54:52.22\00:54:59.39 eyes, and killing your Church?" [ Sighs ] 00:54:59.39\00:55:11.27 For a season, in this season of the latter rain, what if we 00:55:11.27\00:55:18.68 pause to ask, for a season, to ask for the downpour of Jesus 00:55:18.68\00:55:25.62 upon God's people? 00:55:25.62\00:55:28.32 We have nothing else, folks. We have nothing else. I don't care 00:55:28.49\00:55:35.13 where the meetings take place. I don't care who the meetings are 00:55:35.13\00:55:38.97 led by. I don't care what the agenda for the meetings is. We have no hope outside of 00:55:38.97\00:55:46.21 Jesus. He's the only solution left. When are we gonna try Him? 00:55:46.21\00:55:53.72 That's the letter to Laodicea. "I'm your friend. Wretched, 00:55:53.72\00:56:03.49 miserable, poor, blind, and naked, that was me. I was that on the Cross for you. All that 00:56:03.49\00:56:10.90 you are I became so that all that I have you might have. Buy it from me for free. 00:56:10.90\00:56:16.94 Come to me. Buy it from me. Let me in. 00:56:16.94\00:56:21.91 Let me in, I beg of you. Let me in." 00:56:21.91\00:56:26.98 [ Sighs ] So that's it. That's my little heart-to-heart with 00:56:32.02\00:56:38.06 you. If we don't do something soon... [ Rapping pulpit ] ...the last one out, turn out 00:56:38.06\00:56:47.60 the lights. No power. No power. 00:56:47.60\00:56:56.95 Just the game of church. 00:56:56.95\00:57:00.58 >> We've been really blessed by the financial support that comes 00:57:06.19\00:57:08.22 from our viewers, and we've made a conscious decision not to 00:57:08.22\00:57:11.56 continually appeal to you for that support. 00:57:11.56\00:57:14.60 The fact is, as everyone in the industry will tell you, we're 00:57:14.60\00:57:17.77 needing to make constant upgrades to our technology. 00:57:17.77\00:57:20.50 So if God has blessed you and you'd like to further the work 00:57:20.50\00:57:23.20 of this ministry, we invite you to partner with us. 00:57:23.20\00:57:25.54 Not a single penny of your donation will go to me. 00:57:25.54\00:57:28.54 Every bit of your gift goes to the mission of blessing your 00:57:28.54\00:57:32.01 community and our world. You can donate on our website, 00:57:32.01\00:57:35.05 newperceptions.tv. Or call the number. 00:57:35.05\00:57:38.15 You know the number -- 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:38.15\00:57:40.59 Again, that number is 877 -- the two words "HIS-WILL." 00:57:40.59\00:57:44.93 And may the God who has blessed you continue to pour into your 00:57:44.93\00:57:47.50 life the gifts of His joy and His hope. 00:57:47.50\00:57:50.57 Thank you. And I'm looking forward to 00:57:50.57\00:57:52.73 seeing you, right here, again, next time. 00:57:52.73\00:57:55.74 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.77\00:58:19.86 ¤¤ 00:58:19.86\00:58:26.40