¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:04.93 [ "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" alternate version begins ] 00:00:08.97\00:00:12.21 ¤¤ >> ¤ Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee ¤ 00:00:16.38\00:00:28.39 ¤ God of glory, Lord of love ¤ ¤ Hearts unfold like flowers 00:00:28.39\00:00:35.70 before Thee ¤ ¤ Hail Thee as the Son above ¤ ¤ Melt the clouds of 00:00:35.70\00:00:43.07 sin and sadness ¤ ¤ Drive the dark of doubt away ¤ ¤ Giver of immortal gladness ¤ ¤ Fill us 00:00:43.07\00:00:53.45 with the light of day ¤ ¤ Fill us with the light of day ¤ 00:00:53.45\00:00:59.69 ¤¤ >> ¤ Now thank we all our God ¤ ¤ With hearts and hands and 00:01:02.62\00:01:10.00 voices ¤ >> ¤ Who wondrous things hath done ¤ 00:01:10.00\00:01:14.54 ¤ In whom His world rejoices ¤ >> ¤ Who from our mother's arms 00:01:14.54\00:01:21.14 ¤ >> ¤ Hath blessed us on our way ¤ ¤ With countless gifts of 00:01:21.14\00:01:27.78 love ¤ ¤ And still is ours today ¤ 00:01:27.78\00:01:31.79 ¤ Ahhhh, ah, ah ¤ ¤ Ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhhh ¤ ¤ Rejoice ¤ 00:01:35.52\00:01:47.47 ¤ Rejoice ¤ ¤ Give thanks ¤ ¤ Give thanks ¤ 00:01:47.47\00:01:58.48 ¤ Jo-o-o-y ¤ ¤ Tha-a-a-nks ¤ [ Crescendo ] 00:01:58.48\00:02:18.70 [ Song ends ] 00:02:18.70\00:02:21.04 >> Amen. Hallelujah. What a wonderful Sabbath, and during this time of our worship, 00:02:25.54\00:02:32.41 we want to invite you to really invite joy into your heart through the gift of gratitude. 00:02:32.41\00:02:39.72 Right now, I invite you to, with your whole body, participate in 00:02:39.72\00:02:44.46 a call to joy. Please stand. Turn in your bulletins to page 00:02:44.46\00:02:49.76 4. Also, take a moment to note that all of our hymns that we're singing are listed in the 00:02:49.76\00:02:55.17 bulletin, and please use your hymns today as we sing joyful melodies to the Lord. 00:02:55.17\00:03:03.08 [ Pages rustling ] "Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all 00:03:07.12\00:03:14.16 you lands." >> Together: "Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His presence with 00:03:14.16\00:03:19.56 singing." >> "Know that the Lord, He is God. 00:03:19.56\00:03:23.26 It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves." >> Together: 00:03:23.26\00:03:29.77 "We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." >> "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and 00:03:29.77\00:03:36.41 into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His 00:03:36.41\00:03:41.15 name." >> Together: "For the Lord is good. His mercy is 00:03:41.15\00:03:46.65 everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations." >> May we rejoice in the Lord 00:03:46.65\00:03:53.19 today. I invite you to remain standing as we sing. 00:03:53.19\00:03:57.97 [ "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" traditional version begins 00:03:57.97\00:04:03.20 ] ¤¤ >> ¤ Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee ¤ 00:04:06.11\00:04:17.85 ¤ God of glory, Lord of love ¤ ¤ Hearts unfold like flowers 00:04:17.85\00:04:25.29 before Thee ¤ ¤ Hail Thee as the Son above ¤ ¤ Melt the clouds of 00:04:25.29\00:04:32.93 sin and sadness ¤ ¤ Drive the dark of doubt away ¤ ¤ Giver of immortal gladness ¤ ¤ Fill us 00:04:32.93\00:04:43.51 with the light of day ¤ ¤ All Thy works with joy surround Thee 00:04:43.51\00:04:49.32 ¤ ¤ Earth and heaven reflect Your rays ¤ ¤ Stars and angels 00:04:49.32\00:04:56.42 sing around Thee ¤ ¤ Center of unbroken praise ¤ ¤ Field and 00:04:56.42\00:05:03.40 forest, vale and mountain ¤ ¤ Blossoming meadow, flashing sea 00:05:03.40\00:05:08.24 ¤ ¤ Chanting bird and flowing fountain ¤ ¤ All has to rejoice 00:05:08.24\00:05:17.31 for Thee ¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤ Always giving and forgiving ¤ 00:05:20.02\00:05:37.60 ¤ Ever blessing, ever blest ¤ ¤ Wellspring of the joy of living 00:05:37.60\00:05:45.94 ¤ ¤ Ocean-depth of happy rest ¤ ¤ Loving Father, Christ our 00:05:45.94\00:05:54.02 brother ¤ ¤ All who live and love the light ¤ ¤ Teach us how 00:05:54.02\00:06:01.59 to love each other ¤ ¤ Lift us to the joy divine ¤ [ Song ends 00:06:01.59\00:06:12.90 ] >> You may be seated. I'll read from Job 38:1, 4-7. 00:06:12.90\00:06:22.51 "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, 'Where were you when I laid the 00:06:22.51\00:06:29.58 foundations of the Earth? Tell me if you have understanding. 00:06:29.58\00:06:34.59 Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon 00:06:34.59\00:06:41.10 it? To what were its foundations fastened, or who laid its 00:06:41.10\00:06:46.10 cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" 00:06:46.10\00:06:53.34 May we rejoice in God the creator today. 00:06:53.34\00:06:57.45 [ "This Is My Father's World" begins ] 00:06:59.68\00:07:02.75 ¤¤ ¤¤ >> ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ 00:07:06.55\00:07:26.27 ¤ And to my listening ears ¤ ¤ All nature sings, and 'round me 00:07:26.27\00:07:36.48 rings ¤ ¤ The music of the spheres ¤ ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ ¤ I rest me in the 00:07:36.48\00:07:52.10 thought ¤ ¤ Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas ¤ ¤ His hand the wonders wrought ¤ 00:07:52.10\00:08:04.05 ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ ¤ The birds their carols raise ¤ ¤ The morning light, the lily 00:08:04.05\00:08:19.23 white ¤ ¤ Declare their Maker's praise ¤ ¤ This is my Father's 00:08:19.23\00:08:30.61 world ¤ ¤ He shines in all that's fair ¤ ¤ In the rustling grass, I hear Him pass ¤ 00:08:30.61\00:08:41.48 ¤ He speaks to me everywhere ¤ ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ ¤ Oh, let me never forget ¤ 00:08:41.48\00:08:58.50 ¤ That though the wrong seems oft so strong ¤ ¤ God is the 00:08:58.50\00:09:09.34 ruler yet ¤ ¤ This is my Father's world ¤ ¤ Why should my heart be sad? ¤ ¤ The Lord is 00:09:09.34\00:09:23.89 King, let the heavens ring ¤ ¤ God reigns, let the earth be 00:09:23.89\00:09:34.10 glad ¤ [ Song ends ] >> Please stand with me as I read from 00:09:34.10\00:09:39.47 Psalm 98. "Oh, sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; His right hand 00:09:48.28\00:09:55.72 and His holy arm have gained Him the victory. The Lord has made 00:09:55.72\00:10:00.90 known His salvation. His righteousness he has revealed in 00:10:00.90\00:10:05.33 the sight of the nations. Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the 00:10:05.33\00:10:10.27 earth. Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises. Sing to the Lord with the harp, 00:10:10.27\00:10:17.48 with the harp and the sound of a psalm, with trumpets and the 00:10:17.48\00:10:24.09 sound of a horn." May we be joyful today for God's marvelous doings. Please remain standing. 00:10:24.09\00:10:30.89 [ "Sing Praise to God" begins ] 00:10:30.89\00:10:33.56 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:10:36.50\00:11:06.43 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:06.43\00:11:33.86 >> ¤ Sing to praise to God who reigns above ¤ ¤ The God of all 00:11:33.86\00:11:42.70 creation ¤ ¤ The God of power, the God of love ¤ ¤ The God of 00:11:42.70\00:11:51.37 our salvation ¤ ¤ With healing balm my soul be filled ¤ ¤ And every faithless murmur 00:11:51.37\00:11:59.21 stilled ¤ ¤ To God, all praise and glory ¤ 00:11:59.21\00:12:06.05 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤ What God's almighty power hath 00:12:09.29\00:12:31.85 made ¤ ¤ His gracious works He keepeth ¤ 00:12:31.85\00:12:36.75 ¤ By morning glow or evening shade ¤ ¤ His watchful eye ne'er 00:12:36.75\00:12:43.96 sleepeth ¤ ¤ Within the kingdom of His might ¤ 00:12:43.96\00:12:49.86 ¤ Lo, all is just and all is right ¤ ¤ To God all praise and 00:12:49.86\00:12:59.67 glory ¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:01.94\00:13:23.57 ¤ The Lord is never far away ¤ ¤ Throughout all grief distressing 00:13:23.57\00:13:44.82 ¤ ¤ An ever-present help and stay ¤ ¤ Our peace and joy ¤ 00:13:44.82\00:14:02.27 ¤ And blessing ¤ ¤ As with a mother's tender hand ¤ 00:14:02.27\00:14:20.72 ¤ He leads his own, His chosen band ¤ 00:14:20.72\00:14:33.00 ¤ To God all praise ¤ ¤ To God all praise and glory ¤ ¤ Glory ¤ 00:14:35.17\00:14:49.15 ¤ Glory ¤ 00:14:49.15\00:14:54.22 ¤ Glory ¤ 00:14:57.16\00:15:04.57 ¤¤ ¤ And all my toilsome way along ¤ 00:15:06.97\00:15:21.88 ¤ I sing aloud Thy praises ¤ ¤ That they may hear the grateful 00:15:21.88\00:15:31.83 song ¤ ¤ My voice unwearied raises ¤ ¤ Be joyful in the 00:15:31.83\00:15:41.80 Lord, my heart! ¤ ¤ Both soul and body, bear your part ¤ ¤ To God all praise and glory ¤ 00:15:41.80\00:15:54.15 ¤ Sing praise to God ¤ ¤ Praise to God ¤ ¤ Amen ¤¤ 00:15:54.15\00:16:10.40 [ "One Faith, One Hope, One Lord" begins ] 00:16:13.50\00:16:16.87 ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:16:19.41\00:16:44.70 ¤ One faith, one hope, one Lord ¤ ¤ One Church for which He died 00:16:44.70\00:16:53.88 ¤ ¤ One voice, one song ¤ ¤ We lift in praise ¤ ¤ To Him who 00:16:53.88\00:17:06.89 was and is and shall be evermore ¤ 00:17:06.89\00:17:16.53 ¤¤ ¤ There is one body, one Spirit ¤ 00:17:19.13\00:17:30.78 ¤ As you were called to one hope ¤ ¤ One Lord, baptism, and faith 00:17:30.78\00:17:47.93 ¤ ¤ One God and Father of all ¤ ¤ One God and Father of all ¤ ¤ One God and Father of all ¤ 00:17:47.93\00:18:03.14 ¤ Who is in you all ¤ 00:18:03.14\00:18:13.05 ¤¤ ¤ One faith, one hope, one Lord ¤ 00:18:15.99\00:18:23.33 ¤ One Church for which He died ¤ ¤ One voice, one song ¤ ¤ We 00:18:23.33\00:18:36.61 lift in praise ¤ ¤ To Him who was and is and shall be evermore ¤ ¤ Though we be many people ¤ 00:18:36.61\00:18:53.63 ¤ Diverse in various gifts ¤ ¤ We are given to each other ¤ ¤ For the unity of faith ¤ 00:18:53.63\00:19:11.41 ¤ That we grow in the knowledge of the Son of God ¤ ¤ In the fullness of Christ ¤ 00:19:11.41\00:19:29.90 ¤¤ ¤ One faith, one hope, one Lord ¤ 00:19:32.90\00:19:39.44 ¤ One Church for which He died ¤ ¤ One voice, one song ¤ ¤ We 00:19:39.44\00:19:51.89 lift in praise ¤ ¤ To Him who was and is and shall be evermore ¤ ¤ One faith, one hope, one 00:19:51.89\00:20:05.50 Lord ¤ ¤ One Lord ¤ ¤ One Lo-o-o-o-o-o-rd ¤ 00:20:05.50\00:20:19.21 ¤¤ [ Song ends ] 00:20:19.21\00:20:22.08 >> So, here's the question this weekend before Thanksgiving. 00:20:25.05\00:20:28.09 Will there be Thanksgiving in Paradise? 00:20:28.09\00:20:33.06 You know, of course, I'm talking about that little California 00:20:33.06\00:20:38.10 town perched along the foothills of the beautiful Sierra Nevada 00:20:38.10\00:20:43.30 mountains -- 26,000 small -- Paradise, California. 00:20:43.30\00:20:50.75 And you and I and the nation have been riveted this week with the images streaming live out of 00:20:50.91\00:20:59.52 the ashes of what used to be Paradise, California. And what's 00:20:59.52\00:21:06.26 so stunning -- it just takes your breath away -- is the mind-numbing speed with which 00:21:06.26\00:21:13.87 this wildfire they named "Camp Fire" -- the mind-numbing speed with which it traveled. You read 00:21:13.87\00:21:19.87 these numbers? At one point, observers reported the inferno was torching the equivalent of 00:21:19.87\00:21:27.62 one football field of ground every second for 90 minutes -- 90 minutes, every second. 00:21:27.62\00:21:34.36 10,000 acres just [Exhales sharply] gone. Everybody in it 00:21:34.36\00:21:39.69 [Exhales sharply] gone. Unbelievable. And, by the way, 00:21:39.69\00:21:48.20 if that fire were traveling in a straight-line velocity, 300 feet a second, that's traveling at 00:21:48.20\00:21:52.97 204 miles an hour. You can't outrun a fire like that. 00:21:52.97\00:21:58.78 And they didn't. It's no wonder the flames were almost 00:21:58.78\00:22:06.09 unassailable. 5,400-plus personnel fighting that fire. 620 fire engines, 24 00:22:06.09\00:22:13.23 helicopters, giant water aircraft dumping their payload 00:22:13.23\00:22:20.34 over the flames. And then they had to bring them in -- 300 search-and-rescue personnel, 50 00:22:20.34\00:22:27.11 National Guard sifting now through the ash, looking for any sign of former human life. 00:22:27.11\00:22:34.28 As of today -- 63 dead. And now the number is going up. 631 00:22:34.28\00:22:43.69 missing. 8,650 houses [Exhales sharply] torched. You know what? 00:22:43.69\00:22:50.03 I went online and said, "Okay, how many houses are in Berrien 00:22:50.03\00:22:52.83 Springs? All right, how many houses are in Oronoko Township?" The Census Bureau, it's all X'ed 00:22:52.83\00:22:56.14 out for that number. They just didn't try to count it. 00:22:56.14\00:23:00.04 They're at least four times the size of us. Go figure. 00:23:00.04\00:23:06.01 The whole town, this valley, gone. You can't imagine it. 00:23:06.01\00:23:11.25 But rather than put pictures up, I saw a fascinating graphic from 00:23:11.25\00:23:17.76 CAL FIRE forestry. It's a map that represents the painstaking process by which rescue 00:23:17.76\00:23:23.30 personnel went from house to house to house and indicated the quality of the house that's 00:23:23.30\00:23:29.00 left, if there's anything there at all. I'm gonna put it on the 00:23:29.00\00:23:31.11 screen for you. I want you to look at this. The red represents "gone." Then you'll see up there 00:23:31.11\00:23:36.68 -- maybe you'll see a little bit of orange, and then you'll see some yellow and green. 00:23:36.68\00:23:41.62 Black means "escaped." You can understand that, with the people unable to return back 00:23:41.62\00:23:47.49 to Paradise, this map is hugely... either discouraging or 00:23:47.49\00:23:52.66 comforting. Because they're gonna find their address, and 00:23:52.66\00:23:56.20 they will go to that spot. "That's where our house is or 00:23:56.20\00:23:58.53 was." Let's zoom in on this so that you can see the differentiation. Look at all 00:23:58.53\00:24:03.81 those houses. The red is "gone." In fact, if you zoom out on this CAL FIRE map, the city limits -- 00:24:03.81\00:24:10.28 just one giant red glob. That's the wildfire. Wow. 00:24:10.28\00:24:17.45 But let's go ahead and do two -- come on -- two actual photographs, a "before" and 00:24:17.45\00:24:22.39 "after" for those of us who are here in worship today -- much closer to home, these 00:24:22.39\00:24:30.30 photographs. Let's put the first photograph up, please. 00:24:30.30\00:24:33.44 That's the Paradise Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Beautiful 00:24:33.44\00:24:37.07 church. A-frame church. I pastored a church that looked just like that in Salem, Oregon. 00:24:37.07\00:24:42.41 The pastor, Steven Hamilton, his first Sabbath -- listen to this -- his first Sabbath, 00:24:42.41\00:24:46.51 October 13, four weeks ago. Just moved to town. And four weeks 00:24:46.51\00:24:51.65 later, they're gone. 00:24:51.65\00:24:53.12 Here's the "after." Here's the "after." 00:24:53.29\00:24:55.29 [ Spectators murmur ] Doesn't it break your heart? 00:24:55.29\00:24:57.73 Because I'm thinking Pioneer. I'm thinking, "What would happen 00:24:57.73\00:25:00.63 here?" God bless them. 00:25:00.63\00:25:04.10 Steve Hamilton wrote a message to his scattered flock and 00:25:04.10\00:25:07.14 ravaged congregation on their website, beneath the new hashtag 00:25:07.14\00:25:10.37 that's circulating through Paradise -- #ParadiseStrong. 00:25:10.37\00:25:15.08 Put it on the screen. That's what everybody's rallying 00:25:15.08\00:25:17.71 around. Now, beneath that, he wrote 00:25:17.71\00:25:19.58 these words. The words are on the screen... 00:25:19.58\00:25:22.18 They're gone. And then, wanting to be gracious 00:25:28.02\00:25:31.49 as a pastor... 00:25:31.49\00:25:32.89 There is no church office. 00:25:40.74\00:25:44.44 The Chico church 17 miles away, by the way, has opened their doors and said, "Listen, you can 00:25:44.61\00:25:48.44 set up mission headquarters right here, and you can worship here until you figure out what's 00:25:48.44\00:25:53.38 gonna happen." Can you believe it? [ Clicks tongue ] 00:25:53.38\00:25:57.15 Oh, but he goes on like a pastor, keeps writing... 00:25:57.32\00:26:00.19 Has no home, but they write those words. Wow. 00:26:16.74\00:26:23.55 Will there be Thanksgiving in Paradise? I don't know. 00:26:23.55\00:26:28.35 I really don't know. But I do know that you and I can respond out of the largesse of 00:26:28.35\00:26:33.56 our own hearts. If you read my blog today, there will be three 00:26:33.56\00:26:39.39 ways that you can donate. 00:26:39.39\00:26:40.30 I'll save you reading the blog. Let me put it on the screen for 00:26:40.46\00:26:42.90 you right now -- three ways that you can donate to the tragedy in 00:26:42.90\00:26:45.43 Paradise, California. Number one, you can donate 00:26:45.43\00:26:49.34 online as I did last night. This is the church website -- 00:26:49.34\00:26:52.64 paradiseadventist.org. You go there, and you click 00:26:52.64\00:26:56.51 "giving" on the giving page, and -- bingo -- you're on 00:26:56.51\00:26:58.98 Adventist giving online, and you got it. 00:26:58.98\00:27:02.52 Listen, I don't want to just talk about their calamity and not do anything about it. 00:27:02.68\00:27:06.65 I'm no hero for making a donation, nor will you be, but why can't we help, we who are 00:27:06.65\00:27:12.79 sitting in this comfort? And we complain about our pews getting 00:27:12.79\00:27:17.63 beat up and a roof that's leaking, but at least we got a 00:27:17.63\00:27:23.47 roof. Mm. So, you can go straight to the Northern California Conference 00:27:23.64\00:27:28.41 SDA, so that's nccsda.com. That's their website. 00:27:28.41\00:27:32.45 You'll find these methods of giving available there. 00:27:32.45\00:27:34.92 And then you can do it right here, right now. 00:27:34.92\00:27:37.09 Text N-double C-S-D-A -- N-C-C-S-D-A. 00:27:37.09\00:27:41.56 You text that to 77977. You can give whatever you want 00:27:41.56\00:27:46.86 to give, and it will go immediately to the recovery 00:27:46.86\00:27:49.36 efforts of this burned-out, bombed-out town. 00:27:49.36\00:27:54.77 It's worse than World War II. Will there be Thanksgiving in 00:27:54.94\00:28:01.81 Paradise? In all candor, the new normal that we are experiencing in this nation now means that 00:28:01.81\00:28:06.05 opportunities to express our compassion and care -- guess what -- are only gonna go now in 00:28:06.05\00:28:10.55 one direction. This is the new normal, folks. And you know what 00:28:10.55\00:28:13.89 the direction is? It's up. It's called "escalation." 00:28:13.89\00:28:19.69 Escalation. Intensification. The twin realities of the new 00:28:19.69\00:28:24.20 normal on this planet. And, trust me, we'll have our turn 00:28:24.20\00:28:29.87 someday. We'll have our turn. You can't have an intuitive heart within you and read the 00:28:29.87\00:28:39.65 Apocalypse and not realize that, in fact, escalation and intensification are the twin 00:28:39.65\00:28:44.19 realities of the endgame that the Apocalypse predicts and 00:28:44.19\00:28:47.99 prophesies. What's the big deal? You think God planned all this? 00:28:47.99\00:28:51.76 Are you kidding? Don't put this on God. Let's give credit to where credit is due. 00:28:51.76\00:28:55.23 We know the wannabe god who longs to control this nation, rule the world, and destroy 00:28:55.23\00:28:59.73 every last one of us. 00:28:59.73\00:29:01.47 The Apocalypse 12:12 -- read it on your screen. 00:29:01.64\00:29:04.94 There's only one way to go on this, and escalation and 00:29:12.88\00:29:15.65 intensification, it's the name of the game, folks. 00:29:15.65\00:29:18.59 Get used to it. We'll be calling on each other to give more and 00:29:18.75\00:29:24.63 more, and maybe that's what God wants, to just break us loose of our own innate selfishness. 00:29:24.63\00:29:32.33 Jesus is absolutely right -- "An enemy has done this." Hey, 00:29:32.33\00:29:35.84 listen, I heard a firefighter -- true. Listening on the radio, I heard a firefighter being 00:29:35.84\00:29:39.67 interviewed, and he was describing the flames, and he said, "You know what? 00:29:39.67\00:29:42.58 I cannot understand it. It was like there was some sort of master intelligence behind 00:29:42.58\00:29:47.02 the flames, the fury. Every move we made, the flames kept 00:29:47.02\00:29:50.95 checking us. We couldn't put it out." Oh, there is a mastermind. 00:29:50.95\00:29:56.49 [ Chuckles ] "An enemy has done this." Jesus was right. So let's 00:29:56.49\00:30:01.90 get used to it. Compassion and care is the way forward. But, by the way, compassion and 00:30:01.90\00:30:06.37 care born out of crisis -- that's a perfect description of the churches in Macedonia. 00:30:06.37\00:30:10.54 Turn to our Thanksgiving homily passage, short little passage here in 2 Corinthians chapter 8. 00:30:10.54\00:30:15.91 Open your Bible. 2 Corinthians chapter 8. Pick it up in verse 00:30:15.91\00:30:19.55 1. I'll be in the New International Version. Oh, boy. 00:30:19.55\00:30:22.52 And given their economic status, I'm not surprised they have 00:30:22.52\00:30:27.16 hearts like this. Watch this. Verse 1... 00:30:27.32\00:30:29.22 Verse 2... 00:30:36.10\00:30:37.50 Wow. You know what's going on, don't 00:30:46.94\00:30:48.48 you? 00:30:48.48\00:30:49.38 The Jewish Christian church in Judaea, in Jerusalem, they're in the grips of a debilitating 00:30:49.54\00:30:55.58 famine. The Macedonians, who are brand-new gentile Christians, 00:30:55.58\00:30:59.22 have heard about their brothers and sisters, and, out of their extreme poverty, they're raising 00:30:59.22\00:31:04.53 money to help the church in Jerusalem. I like the way Eugene 00:31:04.53\00:31:10.20 Peterson in his "Message" renders this line. 00:31:10.20\00:31:12.50 Put it on the screen for you. "Fierce troubles came down on 00:31:12.67\00:31:15.74 the people of those churches, pushing them --" that's the 00:31:15.74\00:31:18.71 Macedonian churches -- "to the very limit. 00:31:18.71\00:31:21.01 The trial exposed their true colors: they were incredibly 00:31:21.01\00:31:24.78 happy, though desperately poor." Apparently, you can be poor and 00:31:24.78\00:31:30.05 still be happy. 00:31:30.05\00:31:31.75 They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. Wow. 00:31:31.92\00:31:37.03 To the place... Them ministering out of their extreme poverty and 00:31:37.03\00:31:42.26 generosity, to the place Paul is bragging on the Macedonian Christians. He said, "Yo, you 00:31:42.26\00:31:46.43 guys in Corinth, you need to be like the Macedonians." That's exactly what he's saying. 00:31:46.43\00:31:50.31 Drop down to verse 7. 00:31:50.31\00:31:51.91 Says, "Hey, Corinthians." Verse 7. 00:31:52.07\00:31:54.04 "Since you excel in everything --" yep -- "in faith, 00:31:54.04\00:31:57.48 in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the 00:31:57.48\00:32:01.35 love we have kindled in you -- see that you also excel 00:32:01.35\00:32:04.89 in this grace of giving." 00:32:04.89\00:32:08.66 "Come on, Andrews University. Since you excel in everything -- don't you? -- then why don't you 00:32:08.82\00:32:16.93 also determine to excel in this grace of giving? Just like the 00:32:16.93\00:32:22.57 church in Corinth, the appeal of the Scripture to our hearts. 00:32:22.57\00:32:27.21 Wow. "Excel in the grace -- see that you also excel --" just like the Macedonians -- "in the 00:32:27.21\00:32:34.65 grace of giving." Came across a blogger. His name is Benjamin P. 00:32:34.65\00:32:39.22 Hardy. He wrote a piece titled "The Secret to Happiness Is 10 Specific Behaviors." 00:32:39.22\00:32:44.59 So you would enjoy reading this piece. Hardy -- H-A-R-D-Y. 00:32:44.59\00:32:50.67 You'll find it through Google. The blog opens up with an interview with Conan O'Brien and 00:32:50.67\00:32:58.54 Louis C.K. He was talking to O'Brien about flying on a plane 00:32:58.54\00:33:03.48 with all this new-fangled equipment, and, of course, a few years ago, they came out with 00:33:03.48\00:33:06.85 Wi-Fi on the plane, and so he said, "Man, this is really something. We're flying with all 00:33:06.85\00:33:09.98 this technology. You can get Wi-Fi in the air! You can do all 00:33:09.98\00:33:12.89 your surfing you want!" So, he's talking to his partner. "Man, 00:33:12.89\00:33:16.69 isn't this great." Halfway through the flight -- I've seen it happen. Halfway through the 00:33:16.69\00:33:19.96 flight, the Wi-Fi goes down -- [Exhales sharply] nothing. And, immediately, the man 00:33:19.96\00:33:24.67 sitting next door to Louis C.K. becomes extremely upset. He's 00:33:24.67\00:33:30.97 just mouthing off. And Louis C.K. commented, "As if the world owes this man something he only 00:33:30.97\00:33:37.78 knew existed 10 seconds ago." [ Laughter ] Just like you and me. 00:33:37.78\00:33:42.95 Focusing on the negative, complaining about life, "how life is treating me." 00:33:42.95\00:33:50.06 As Hardy writes, "Bad stuff happens to everyone, but life isn't about what happens to 00:33:50.06\00:33:54.36 you -- it's about how you proactively respond." Written like a psychologist. 00:33:54.36\00:34:01.74 Hmm. So, Benjamin Hardy proceeds to lay out 10 behaviors that are 00:34:01.74\00:34:07.01 the secret, he says, to happiness. I'm only gonna give 00:34:07.01\00:34:10.35 you number 4. Put it on the screen please... 00:34:10.35\00:34:12.55 Ha! He opens up with a quotation from the well-known writer 00:34:17.09\00:34:20.32 Sarah Ban Breathnach. 00:34:20.32\00:34:22.06 Her words on the screen now, and I love this. 00:34:22.22\00:34:25.13 "Both abundance and lack of abundance exist simultaneously 00:34:25.13\00:34:29.00 in our lives as parallel realities." 00:34:29.00\00:34:31.63 We all have abundance, we all have the lack. 00:34:31.63\00:34:34.74 "It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we 00:34:34.74\00:34:38.57 will tend..." We decide where to spend our 00:34:38.57\00:34:41.54 time, with which garden. Isn't that right? 00:34:41.54\00:34:44.51 Yeah. "When we choose not to focus on 00:34:44.51\00:34:46.45 what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the 00:34:46.45\00:34:48.88 abundance that's present..." What kind of abundance are you 00:34:48.88\00:34:51.49 talking about? Here she goes. 00:34:51.49\00:34:52.92 "...love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of 00:34:52.92\00:34:55.56 nature, and personal pursuits that bring us happiness --" and 00:34:55.56\00:34:58.56 now, oh, this is great -- "the wasteland of illusion falls away 00:34:58.56\00:35:04.00 and we experience heaven on earth." 00:35:04.00\00:35:07.50 That's why Hardy's saying happiness is as simple as 00:35:07.50\00:35:10.11 gratitude. Are you grateful? 00:35:10.11\00:35:12.17 Are you a grateful person? Do your friends think of you as a 00:35:12.34\00:35:16.54 grateful person? [ Thud ] Apparently not. No, they do. 00:35:16.54\00:35:21.42 I'm just talking to the choir behind me. [ Laughter ] 00:35:21.42\00:35:23.95 Somebody dropped something. Are you okay? [ Laughter ] 00:35:23.95\00:35:26.49 Are you still with us, girl? I'm thankful you are. [ Chuckles ] 00:35:26.49\00:35:30.93 Yeah, come on. Happiness is as simple as gratitude. 00:35:30.93\00:35:34.30 You ever read those lists that describe the benefits, physical and psychological, of gratitude? 00:35:34.30\00:35:38.30 Come on. They're all over the Web. What are the physical 00:35:38.30\00:35:41.20 benefits of gratitude? Let me run a few by you. Come on. 00:35:41.20\00:35:43.44 "Stronger immune system, less bothered by aches and pains, lower blood pressure." 00:35:43.44\00:35:47.91 You exercise more, and you take better care of your health. You sleep longer and feel more 00:35:47.91\00:35:52.71 refreshed, more awoken and wakened. Come on. It's called 00:35:52.71\00:35:59.49 gratitude. Be happy. Be thankful. Oh, by the way, the psychological benefits? 00:35:59.49\00:36:04.46 Let me read this list. "Higher levels of positive emotions, more alert and alive 00:36:04.46\00:36:08.23 and awake, more joy and pleasure, more optimism and happiness, more helpful and 00:36:08.23\00:36:12.00 generous and compassionate, more forgiving, more outgoing, feel less lonely and isolated." 00:36:12.00\00:36:17.71 Man, I say let's celebrate gratitude. What do you say? 00:36:17.71\00:36:21.38 Come on! Not just one day a year -- the whole year! 00:36:21.38\00:36:25.98 Gratitude. That's the way it was in the church of Macedonia. 00:36:25.98\00:36:28.98 In fact, how'd that line go? Put them up on the screen again for 00:36:28.98\00:36:32.62 us, please. I love this line... 00:36:32.62\00:36:34.02 You can tell which secret garden they were tending -- what they had, not what they didn't have. 00:36:36.59\00:36:41.80 And put that other line that the NIV renders it... 00:36:41.96\00:36:44.47 Ooh! I like that. You know what? 00:36:48.44\00:36:50.47 It's like the silver circle of thanksgiving, because the more 00:36:50.47\00:36:54.08 grateful you are, the more you give, and the more you give, the 00:36:54.08\00:36:57.48 more you're glad, and the more you're glad, the more grateful 00:36:57.48\00:37:00.52 you are, and the more grateful you are, the more you give. 00:37:00.52\00:37:02.98 It's the silver circle of thanksgiving. 00:37:02.98\00:37:04.75 In fact, let's put it on the screen right now. 00:37:04.75\00:37:07.42 This is how is works -- gratitude, giving, and gladness, 00:37:07.42\00:37:10.59 and it's all the way down. You can't go beneath that 00:37:10.59\00:37:13.56 screen, but it's going all the way down because that's the 00:37:13.56\00:37:16.77 cycle. It's the silver circle of 00:37:16.77\00:37:18.77 thanksgiving. 00:37:18.77\00:37:21.77 The more we give, the gladder we become, and the gladder we become, the more grateful we 00:37:21.94\00:37:27.41 are, and the more grateful we are, the more we give. [ 00:37:27.41\00:37:34.28 Exhaling sharply ] Isn't it Jesus? Isn't it just like Jesus? Jesus is the one, by the way, 00:37:34.28\00:37:37.45 who speaks this line that appears nowhere in the Gospels. Can't find it in the Gospels, 00:37:37.45\00:37:41.19 but it's tucked away in the New Testament. I'll put it on the 00:37:41.19\00:37:44.39 screen for you. Let's say it out loud together. "It is more 00:37:44.39\00:37:49.76 blessed..." Come on, help me out now. >> Together: "It is more blessed to give than to 00:37:49.76\00:37:55.54 receive." >> That's the point. Because when you give, you're glad, and when you're glad, 00:37:55.54\00:38:04.68 you're grateful, and when you're grateful, you give, and it just 00:38:04.68\00:38:09.35 keeps going. Come to think of it, that's the way Jesus Himself 00:38:09.35\00:38:12.99 lived, isn't it? Wasn't He the biggest giver that ever lived? 00:38:12.99\00:38:15.92 Put it on the screen, our last text. 00:38:16.09\00:38:17.76 It's verse 9. Just drop right down there, 00:38:17.76\00:38:19.59 verse 9. "For you know the grace of our 00:38:19.59\00:38:22.26 Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your 00:38:22.26\00:38:25.93 sake --" and my sake -- "he became poor so that you and I 00:38:25.93\00:38:29.67 through his poverty might become --" what? 00:38:29.67\00:38:32.54 We might become rich in what lasts forever and ever. 00:38:32.54\00:38:38.98 The whole gaping universe is staring at that center cross as 00:38:38.98\00:38:43.89 they watch the King of Kings, the darling of heaven, expire in 00:38:43.89\00:38:49.46 agony. And they realize He is emptying 00:38:49.46\00:38:55.56 Himself to the last degree in order to save the likes of you 00:38:55.56\00:39:02.44 and me -- willing to die forever so that we might live forever. 00:39:02.44\00:39:07.11 "He became poor so that we might become rich." 00:39:07.11\00:39:11.98 Folks, it doesn't get any better than that. 00:39:11.98\00:39:14.15 "Desire of Ages." This is the very famous 00:39:14.15\00:39:16.22 quotation, by the way, from "Desire of Ages" on the screen. 00:39:16.22\00:39:19.05 You'll see it there. "To the death of Christ we owe 00:39:19.05\00:39:21.96 even this earthly life." Everything I have, I owe to the 00:39:21.96\00:39:25.99 death of Jesus. "The bread we eat is the 00:39:25.99\00:39:27.96 purchase of His broken body. The water we drink --" You gonna 00:39:27.96\00:39:30.73 have bread today and gonna drink something? 00:39:30.73\00:39:32.80 You will. "And the water we drink is 00:39:32.80\00:39:34.74 bought by His spilled blood." Now, here it goes. 00:39:34.74\00:39:37.21 "Never one, saint or sinner, eats her daily food, but she is 00:39:37.21\00:39:42.01 nourished by the body and the blood of Christ." 00:39:42.01\00:39:45.85 Now the clincher. "The cross of Calvary is stamped 00:39:45.85\00:39:49.85 on every loaf. It is reflected in every water 00:39:49.85\00:39:53.49 spring." Calvary stamped on everything we 00:39:53.49\00:39:59.19 own. 00:39:59.19\00:40:00.40 He bought it for us. Go figure that price tag. Will there be 00:40:00.56\00:40:11.94 Thanksgiving in Paradise? Oh, I've got great news for you. Yes, there will be one day in 00:40:11.94\00:40:16.31 the paradise above, when you and I and the children of Earth bow at the nail-scarred feet of 00:40:16.31\00:40:21.75 Jesus and we pour out our hearts in thanksgiving, which will be a thanksgiving for ever and ever. 00:40:21.75\00:40:28.89 Amen. >> Together: Amen. >> Amen. 00:40:28.89\00:40:31.43 >> There is a psalm that says, "Make a joyful noise." And I 00:40:33.36\00:40:39.53 love this time at Pioneer. I love Feast of Hymns because that's exactly what we're gonna 00:40:39.53\00:40:43.17 do right now, is we're gonna make a joyful noise. Many of you 00:40:43.17\00:40:47.64 have brought some donations of food. Many of you have brought some offering so that we can 00:40:47.64\00:40:52.01 take care of the people in our community who need this, who would be blessed by the meals 00:40:52.01\00:40:56.85 and by the donations that come in. Now will be your opportunity 00:40:56.85\00:41:00.89 to do that. If you also wanted to make sure that you gave like 00:41:00.89\00:41:04.96 you do every Sabbath for children's education, go ahead and mark that on your tithe and 00:41:04.96\00:41:09.50 offering envelope. And, just so you know, the loose offering this morning goes to 00:41:09.50\00:41:13.54 support our staff, our staff that work in the office, that ensure that we take care of 00:41:13.54\00:41:19.47 others when they come to our church for need. Every year, 00:41:19.47\00:41:24.18 we're able to support the needs of people in this community because of your gifts, and our 00:41:24.18\00:41:29.45 staff's helped to curate that process during the week every week. So please give generously 00:41:29.45\00:41:33.99 in taking care of them. Here are the instructions, if you would. 00:41:33.99\00:41:37.63 Our deacons are going to dismiss you row by row. You'll come down 00:41:37.63\00:41:42.03 through the outside aisles. Our pathfinders will be lined up right here in the front. 00:41:42.03\00:41:46.23 The baskets will notate what it is that they're receiving. You can hand your food donation 00:41:46.23\00:41:51.04 to one of them. They'll make sure it's situated. And then we invite you to return 00:41:51.04\00:41:55.01 down the center and go back to your seat that way. If you happen to bump into 00:41:55.01\00:41:58.78 somebody, do so gently. [ Laughter ] Okay? 00:41:58.78\00:42:04.15 Do so gently, and encourage one another while you're doing that. While that's happening, we're 00:42:04.15\00:42:12.29 gonna have lyrics on the screen, and you can sing with your heart 00:42:12.29\00:42:20.40 that entire time. That is going to happen after this song, "What Gift." I was so excited to give 00:42:20.40\00:42:27.54 this morning that I jumped the gun on this announcement, so we're gonna sing the song that's 00:42:27.54\00:42:34.38 on the back of the bulletin. 00:42:34.38\00:42:36.85 [ "What Gift Can We Bring?" begins ] 00:42:43.16\00:42:46.56 ¤¤ >> ¤ What gift can we bring? ¤ ¤ What present, what token? ¤ 00:42:50.67\00:43:02.51 ¤ What words can convey it ¤ ¤ The joy of this day? ¤ ¤ When 00:43:02.51\00:43:14.26 grateful we come ¤ ¤ Remembering, rejoicing ¤ ¤ What song can we offer ¤ ¤ In honor 00:43:14.26\00:43:26.87 and praise? ¤ ¤¤ >> ¤ Give thanks for the past ¤ ¤ For those who had vision ¤ 00:43:29.00\00:43:41.82 ¤ Who planted and watered ¤ ¤ So dreams could come true ¤ ¤ Give thanks for the now ¤ 00:43:41.82\00:43:52.89 ¤ For study, for worship ¤ ¤ For mission that bids us ¤ ¤ Turn 00:43:52.89\00:44:05.54 prayer into deed ¤ ¤¤ ¤ Give thanks for our friends ¤ ¤ For families and strangers ¤ 00:44:07.84\00:44:19.59 ¤ For all those who touch us ¤ ¤ In hope, let us wait ¤ ¤ With 00:44:19.59\00:44:30.90 tokens of love ¤ ¤ Affection and caring ¤ ¤ Be thanking their neighbor ¤ ¤ In deeds large and 00:44:30.90\00:44:44.18 small ¤ ¤¤ ¤ Give thanks for tomorrow ¤ ¤ Full of surprises ¤ 00:44:46.75\00:44:58.19 ¤ For knowing whatever ¤ ¤ Tomorrow may bring ¤ ¤ God gives 00:44:58.19\00:45:09.70 us His Word ¤ ¤ And always forever ¤ ¤ We rest in God's keeping ¤ ¤ And live in God's 00:45:09.70\00:45:23.45 love ¤ ¤¤ ¤ This gift we now bring ¤ ¤ This present, this 00:45:26.42\00:45:37.27 token ¤ ¤ These words can convey it ¤ ¤ The joy of this day ¤ ¤ When grateful we come ¤ 00:45:37.27\00:45:48.98 ¤ Remembering, rejoicing ¤ ¤ This song we now offer ¤ ¤ In 00:45:48.98\00:46:03.76 honor and praise ¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ [ Song ends ] 00:46:06.03\00:46:23.88 >> We're thankful for all the early adopters of the procession of hope, and we now give you 00:46:31.29\00:46:37.39 opportunity to the rest of you to participate in our procession of hope as we sing aloud and 00:46:37.39\00:46:43.53 make a joyful noise to the lord. 00:46:43.53\00:46:46.20 [ "Rejoice, Ye Poor in Heart" begins ] 00:46:49.67\00:46:52.87 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:46:56.95\00:47:16.16 ¤¤ [ Congregation sings ] 00:47:16.16\00:47:20.40 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:47:20.40\00:47:40.09 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:47:40.09\00:48:00.08 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:48:00.08\00:48:19.36 [ "The Lord Is My Light" begins ] 00:48:19.36\00:48:22.50 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:48:25.30\00:48:45.32 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:48:45.32\00:49:05.37 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:49:05.37\00:49:25.36 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:49:25.36\00:49:45.35 ¤¤ [ "For the Beauty of the Earth" 00:49:45.35\00:49:54.86 begins ] 00:49:54.86\00:49:55.79 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:49:58.86\00:50:18.85 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:50:18.85\00:50:38.83 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:50:38.83\00:50:58.85 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:50:58.85\00:51:11.10 [ "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" plays ] 00:51:11.10\00:51:14.84 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:51:16.94\00:51:36.96 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:51:36.96\00:51:56.95 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:51:56.95\00:52:17.00 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:52:17.00\00:52:37.02 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:52:37.02\00:52:57.01 ¤¤ [ "To God Be the Glory" plays ] 00:52:57.01\00:53:06.31 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:53:09.45\00:53:29.44 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:53:29.44\00:53:49.46 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:53:49.46\00:54:09.51 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:54:09.51\00:54:29.50 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:54:29.50\00:54:49.52 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:54:49.52\00:55:09.57 ¤¤ [ "Praise God, From Whom All 00:55:09.57\00:55:15.64 Blessings Flow" plays ] 00:55:15.64\00:55:17.18 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:55:20.85\00:55:40.84 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:55:40.84\00:56:00.46 [ Song ends ] >> And now, for all who brought 00:56:00.46\00:56:04.16 bright joy this day, for all who gave deep thanks today, and all, 00:56:04.16\00:56:10.03 as well, whose joy was dole, who struggled over the word 00:56:10.03\00:56:13.87 "grateful," take joy in all things. See God's grace. 00:56:13.87\00:56:18.17 Live thanks. In all things, hear God's voice. And in the coming 00:56:18.17\00:56:23.91 days of living, let us touch the world with joy and thanksgiving. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, 00:56:23.91\00:56:29.82 we pray. Amen. >> Together: Amen. 00:56:29.82\00:56:33.12 [ "Take Joy! Live Thanks!" plays ] >> ¤ Take joy ¤ 00:56:33.12\00:56:41.40 ¤ Take joy ¤ ¤ Live thanks ¤ ¤ Live thanks ¤ 00:56:41.40\00:56:50.34 ¤ Joy ¤ ¤ Thanks ¤ 00:56:50.34\00:57:02.82 [ Song ends ] 00:57:05.55\00:57:06.59 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying 00:57:09.49\00:57:12.06 for you." Didn't it give you a sense of 00:57:12.06\00:57:14.30 peace and reassurance that somebody cares for me? 00:57:14.30\00:57:16.63 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers 00:57:16.63\00:57:19.33 saying, "Yo, Dwight. I've been praying for you 00:57:19.33\00:57:21.44 lately." There's nothing like knowing 00:57:21.44\00:57:23.04 someone is praying for you. So I want to offer you an 00:57:23.04\00:57:25.07 opportunity to partner -- let me, let us partner with you in 00:57:25.07\00:57:28.68 prayer. If you have a special prayer 00:57:28.68\00:57:30.65 request or a praise of thanksgiving you'd like to share 00:57:30.65\00:57:33.18 with us, I'm inviting you to contact one of our friendly 00:57:33.18\00:57:35.68 chaplains. It's simple to do. 00:57:35.68\00:57:37.49 You can call our toll-free number -- 877 -- the two words, 00:57:37.49\00:57:40.49 HIS WILL. 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:40.49\00:57:43.73 That friendly voice that answers, you tell him, you tell 00:57:43.73\00:57:46.70 her what your prayer need is, we'll join with you in that 00:57:46.70\00:57:49.70 petition. May the God who answers prayer 00:57:49.70\00:57:52.33 journey with you these next few days until we're right back 00:57:52.33\00:57:54.97 here together again next time. 00:57:54.97\00:57:57.24 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.91\00:58:19.56 ¤¤ 00:58:19.56\00:58:26.84