¤¤ [ "Mighty to Save" begins ] 00:00:00.20\00:00:12.44 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:00:12.44\00:00:28.89 ¤¤ 00:00:28.89\00:00:34.73 ¤¤ >> I invite everybody to stand 00:03:18.33\00:03:23.93 up for our next song. [ "My Hope is Built 00:03:23.93\00:03:26.10 on Nothing Less" begins ] ¤¤ 00:03:26.10\00:03:35.14 ¤¤ 00:03:35.14\00:03:40.92 ¤¤ [ "In Christ Alone" begins ] 00:06:57.88\00:07:09.09 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:07:09.09\00:07:24.44 ¤¤ 00:08:50.53\00:08:58.90 ¤¤ 00:09:40.41\00:09:46.25 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you on this 00:09:49.18\00:09:51.89 -- the sun's coming out -- Sabbath. Thank you, Deacon Milan. What a beautiful first -- 00:09:51.89\00:09:56.66 Is this the first Sabbath in November? Whew. Tsk-tsk-tsk. 00:09:56.66\00:10:00.30 Next thing you know, it'll be Christmas. 00:10:00.46\00:10:03.06 [ Chuckles ] Nice to have you. 00:10:03.06\00:10:05.07 Everybody, have a seat. Good, good, good. 00:10:05.07\00:10:07.40 Today's story comes from a young preacher/writer named Nelson 00:10:07.57\00:10:12.51 Searcy. He's over in New York. He's telling a story about going to a baseball game with his 00:10:12.51\00:10:17.75 8-year-old nephew. Anybody here 8 years old? I just have to be 00:10:17.75\00:10:21.62 able to picture this 8-year-old. Okay, your age, your age, your age, your age, your age. 00:10:21.62\00:10:26.22 His name is Timmy. So, Uncle Nelson is taking Timmy to the ballgame -- the baseball 00:10:26.22\00:10:32.16 game. And, oh, they're having a good time, and Timmy's standing 00:10:32.16\00:10:35.00 up and cheering. And about the fourth inning -- all right? -- 00:10:35.00\00:10:38.30 the fourth inning -- Timmy stops and he looks up into Uncle Nelson's face and he says, 00:10:38.30\00:10:44.27 "Uncle Nelson, can I have some Skittles?" Do you know what Skittles are? >> Yes! 00:10:44.27\00:10:50.15 >> Okay. "Can I have some Skittles?" And, oh, Uncle 00:10:50.15\00:10:54.95 Nelson's heart was just moved. How could you say no to a smiling face like that? 00:10:54.95\00:10:59.05 He said, "Of course, Timmy, you may. Lookit, lookit. 00:10:59.05\00:11:02.36 Here are a couple dollars. I want you to take that over to the concession stand over there, 00:11:02.36\00:11:05.99 give this to the man, ask for a Skittles, and you'll get them." And Timmy's eager hands grabbed 00:11:05.99\00:11:10.30 Uncle Nelson's $2, and he said, "I'm going straight over here to get that -- those Skittles." 00:11:10.30\00:11:15.57 And he hands the $2 up to the concession stand, and the man reaches out and he says, "Okay, 00:11:15.57\00:11:20.54 son, here you go." And Timmy had his own Skittles. In fact, before he even gets 00:11:20.54\00:11:27.28 back -- wshooh. [ Inhales raspily ] [ Munching ] 00:11:27.28\00:11:32.49 [ Coughs ] [ Munching ] He had eaten them all the way 00:11:32.49\00:11:36.39 back. He sits right down beside Uncle Nelson. 00:11:36.39\00:11:38.86 [ Inhales raspily ] [ Munching ] Wiping red and green and blue 00:11:38.86\00:11:42.70 all over his sleeve. "Oh! These are good. Oh!" [ Munching ] 00:11:42.70\00:11:47.10 And Uncle Nelson, watching Timmy eat the Skittles, begins to develop a little hunger pain in 00:11:47.10\00:11:53.84 his own stomach. And he says, "Hey, Timmy, may I have a few 00:11:53.84\00:12:00.35 Skittles?" [ Inhales raspily ] [ Munching ] "Uncle Nelson, no." 00:12:00.35\00:12:04.99 [ Laughter ] "There are not many left." "What?!" 00:12:04.99\00:12:13.06 And Uncle Nelson's looking at him, and you can just see the steam rising in his body. 00:12:13.06\00:12:19.13 He wants to say to him, "You brat. Who do you think gave you 00:12:19.13\00:12:25.81 that money to buy those Skittles in the first place, huh?! You want to take this outside 00:12:25.81\00:12:30.41 and figure it out?!" [ Light laughter ] But he didn't say it. 00:12:30.41\00:12:34.95 No, he just sat there, stewing. "Oh, I'm hungry for Skittles. 00:12:34.95\00:12:41.72 Ohh." And then, all of a sudden, it came to Uncle Nelson's mind, 00:12:41.72\00:12:44.96 "Wait a minute. That's exactly what I do to God. God gives me some money, I go out and buy 00:12:44.96\00:12:51.07 something and I bring it back, and God says, 'Yo, Nelson, could I have a little bit, please?' 00:12:51.07\00:12:55.40 And I say, 'No, there aren't many left now.'" [Sighing] Ohh. 00:12:55.40\00:13:03.41 Now, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a 00:13:03.41\00:13:07.05 minute. Did -- Hey, hey, hey -- Did Jesus die to give us 00:13:07.05\00:13:13.02 Skittles? >> No. >> No? No, Jesus died to give us all of 00:13:13.02\00:13:20.50 Heaven. He gave us all these little moneys -- Where is it? He gave us all these little 00:13:20.50\00:13:25.77 moneys so that when the time comes, He's say, "Could I -- Could I have just a little bit 00:13:25.77\00:13:30.67 of that for My work?" [ Inhaling raspily ] "No, Jesus, I don't 00:13:30.67\00:13:35.41 have much left. Thank you." What?! 00:13:35.41\00:13:39.41 Hey, how does that Bible -- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, you just 00:13:39.41\00:13:43.49 about got those Skittles. [ Laughter ] How did -- How did 00:13:43.49\00:13:48.22 that Bible verse go -- John 3:16? Can anybody here -- I'm looking at a bright bunch -- Can 00:13:48.22\00:13:54.36 anybody here repeat John 3:16? Let me see the hand of somebody who can repeat John 3:16. 00:13:54.36\00:13:58.70 Sissy, can you do that? >> "For God so loved the world, that He 00:13:58.70\00:14:03.87 gave His only Son, Jesus, for whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish, but have 00:14:03.87\00:14:09.88 everlasting life." >> Amen! Sissy, come right here and stand 00:14:09.88\00:14:12.31 with me. Come right here and stand with me. What's your name? 00:14:12.31\00:14:13.98 >> My name is Ava. >> Ava. That was so well done, Ava. 00:14:13.98\00:14:17.12 Stay right here. Okay, "God so loved the world." That's why the 00:14:17.12\00:14:21.89 Cross. That's why He came. Not just to give us Skittles but to give us all of eternity. 00:14:21.89\00:14:26.16 "Can I have a little of that to help Me with My work?" Jesus, you can have it all. 00:14:26.16\00:14:32.40 Oh. Who would like to thank Jesus for being the one who has 00:14:32.40\00:14:39.67 given His all to us? Jonathan, your hand up? Come on up here. 00:14:39.67\00:14:48.48 Come on up here. Ava and Jonathan. Hey, let me get a 00:14:48.48\00:14:52.45 microphone. Here we go. All right, Jonathan. Would you please pray for us? Bless your 00:14:52.45\00:14:56.52 heart. Let's pray. Let's close our eyes and fold our hands. 00:14:56.52\00:15:00.23 >> "Dear Jesus, please help us to -- hmm -- give Your -- Your work -- give all our hearts back 00:15:00.23\00:15:12.77 to You... >> Mm-hmm. >> ...so we can follow You. 00:15:12.77\00:15:16.01 >> Mm-hmm. >> And, um... Amen. 00:15:16.01\00:15:23.28 We love you, Jesus. Amen. >> Amen. 00:15:23.28\00:15:27.69 Beautiful prayer, Jonathan. Hey, hey, Ava, Jonathan, stay right 00:15:27.69\00:15:30.73 here. Jonathan, thank you, because anybody that gets up, you deserve a bag of Skittles. 00:15:30.73\00:15:34.60 And, Ava, because you did so well with John 3:16, you get 00:15:34.60\00:15:37.63 one, too. All right, the rest of you, go on back, and thank 00:15:37.63\00:15:40.74 Jesus. ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:15:44.01\00:15:58.52 >> ¤ And can it be ¤ ¤ And can it be ¤ >> ¤ Amazing love, 00:15:58.69\00:16:08.66 how can it be? ¤ >> ¤ And can it be that I should gain ¤ 00:16:08.66\00:16:19.51 ¤ An interest in the Savior's blood? ¤ ¤ Died He for me, 00:16:19.51\00:16:28.02 who caused His pain ¤ ¤ For me, who Him to death pursued? ¤ 00:16:28.02\00:16:38.49 >> ¤ Amazing love ¤ ¤ How can it be ¤ ¤ That Thou, my God ¤ 00:16:38.49\00:16:58.08 >> ¤ Shouldst die for me? ¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:16:58.08\00:17:17.10 >> ¤ He left His Father's throne above ¤ ¤ So free, so infinite 00:17:17.10\00:17:26.91 His grace ¤ ¤ Emptied Himself of all but love ¤ 00:17:26.91\00:17:36.52 ¤ And bled for Adam's helpless race ¤ ¤ 'Tis mercy all ¤ 00:17:36.52\00:17:48.23 ¤ Immense and free ¤ ¤ For O my God, it found out me ¤ 00:17:48.23\00:18:06.48 >> ¤ And can it be? ¤ >> ¤ And can it be? ¤ ¤ Amazing love ¤ 00:18:06.48\00:18:15.32 ¤ How can it be ¤ ¤ No condemnation now I dread ¤ ¤ Jesus, and all in Him, 00:18:15.32\00:18:29.14 is mine ¤ ¤ Alive in Him, my living Head ¤ ¤ And clothed in 00:18:29.14\00:18:41.92 righteousness divine ¤ ¤ Bold I approach the eternal throne ¤ 00:18:41.92\00:18:59.30 ¤ And claim the crown, through Christ my own ¤ ¤ Amazing love ¤ 00:18:59.30\00:19:17.89 ¤ How can it be ¤ ¤ That Thou, my God ¤ ¤¤ 00:19:17.89\00:19:35.87 ¤ Shouldst die for me? ¤ >> ¤ Amazing love ¤ ¤ How can it be? 00:19:35.87\00:19:53.36 ¤ >> ¤ A-maz-ing ¤ ¤ Lo-o-ve ¤ >> Amen. 00:19:53.36\00:20:13.71 >> Well, God, we're here, in the midst of worship. A few minutes 00:20:13.71\00:20:20.68 left for Holy Scripture. Speak to us. Don't let us be the same, 00:20:20.68\00:20:26.82 for what you say, deep within us. In Christ's name, we pray. 00:20:26.82\00:20:32.26 Amen. Once upon a time, there was a Jew. 00:20:32.43\00:20:36.90 And when his eager parents gazed into that tiny little 00:20:36.90\00:20:43.27 face, they named him "the Lord comforts." 00:20:43.27\00:20:50.85 A rather appropriate name to give to a little Jewish boy 00:20:50.85\00:20:58.45 born in exile -- "God comforts." 00:20:58.45\00:21:05.16 And God surely knows that Jews, young and aged, then and today, 00:21:05.33\00:21:12.93 have needed his comfort again and again and again. [ Clicks 00:21:12.93\00:21:21.71 tongue ] The massacre on Sabbath day, seven days -- who could forget? The whole nation is 00:21:21.71\00:21:27.28 still remembering. At this very time when we were in worship, a 00:21:27.28\00:21:33.89 week ago, on the Sabbath day, a massacre in the Temple of Life -- Tree of Life temple -- 00:21:33.89\00:21:44.40 that was it... The name is such an irony, by the way. 00:21:44.40\00:21:48.17 11 worshipers go to their refuge in the Tree of Life, and it becomes a place of death. 00:21:48.17\00:21:53.61 They're gone. Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, America. 00:21:53.61\00:22:01.28 America. 00:22:01.28\00:22:03.42 That tragedy is a painful reminder that the Jews, as a people, have suffered at the 00:22:08.96\00:22:15.50 hands of dark and cruel hatred for millennia. Comfort? Are you 00:22:15.50\00:22:23.14 kidding? How do you comfort a people who were maligned and murdered simply for their 00:22:23.14\00:22:30.05 biological, spiritual heritage? Go figure. In fact, Pastor 00:22:30.05\00:22:39.65 Rodlie crafted a letter. We sent it to the leaders of that synagogue in St. Joseph, 00:22:39.65\00:22:46.63 in Benton Harbor. And just yesterday, I got a letter back 00:22:46.63\00:22:50.67 from an attorney in St. Joseph. "Dear Pastor Nelson, It was good to receive and read 00:22:50.67\00:22:57.17 your thoughts in the letter sent earlier this week to Temple 00:22:57.17\00:23:01.78 B'Nai Shalom. You're absolutely right when you point out that an attack on one faith is an attack 00:23:01.78\00:23:07.42 on all faiths." And he signs it. [ Chuckles ] 00:23:07.42\00:23:14.49 That we, as Seventh-Day Adventists, are fellow 00:23:14.49\00:23:19.93 Sabbatarians with our Jewish friends and neighbors, has created a most unusual bond 00:23:19.93\00:23:25.93 between two people groups. I mean, here we are, all of us, Adventists and Jew alike, 00:23:25.93\00:23:34.28 knowing that the countercultural contradistinction that we have to live with, in a society that 00:23:34.28\00:23:40.15 values conformity to the majority, which in this case, is 00:23:40.15\00:23:46.02 worship on Sunday. Worship on Saturday? Who would possibly worship on the Bible Sabbath? 00:23:46.02\00:23:54.36 Nobody does that anymore... except the Jews and the Seventh-Day Adventists. 00:23:54.36\00:24:03.44 There is a bond that we must nurture as a faith community. 00:24:03.44\00:24:09.84 And so I hope you'll be able to go a little later in the evening than we had thought. 00:24:09.84\00:24:13.52 It's moved back to 8:00, Monday evening. It's to be a part of 00:24:13.52\00:24:18.45 that interfaith worshiping together. Why not? "By the rivers of Babylon," 00:24:18.45\00:24:29.26 the Psalm laments, "there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we 00:24:29.26\00:24:36.44 remembered Zion." He was born in Babylon as an exile. 00:24:36.44\00:24:43.61 And for -- for a Sabbatarian today, guess what? The truth is, 00:24:43.61\00:24:50.55 Babylon will rise one more time for Sabbatarians. One more time. The bond will deepen. 00:24:50.55\00:25:04.40 So, this Jewish Sabbatarian stands in front of his king, his employer, as the story picks up. 00:25:04.40\00:25:11.01 Open your Bible, please, to the little Book of Nehemiah. You got to go back past the 00:25:11.01\00:25:15.21 Psalms, going back to Genesis. A little past the Psalms. 00:25:15.21\00:25:18.75 Nehemiah. You didn't bring a Bible, grab the pew Bible in front of you. It's page 330 in 00:25:18.75\00:25:23.32 the pew Bible. Nehemiah 2. Nehemiah. His name means, "the 00:25:23.32\00:25:32.29 Lord Yahweh comforts." And, oh, my, is comfort the order of the 00:25:32.29\00:25:37.57 day today here in chapter 2. 00:25:37.57\00:25:38.73 Nehemiah 2:1 -- and, "In the month of Nisan, in the 20th year 00:25:38.90\00:25:43.10 of King Artaxerxes, when wine was brought for him, I took the 00:25:43.10\00:25:47.48 wine --" The last line of chapter 1 says, "I was cupbearer 00:25:47.48\00:25:50.15 to the king" -- about the third highest position in the 00:25:50.15\00:25:52.71 government. It's a sacred position. 00:25:52.71\00:25:55.62 "I took the wine and I gave it to the king. 00:25:55.62\00:25:58.49 I had not been sad in his presence before, so the king 00:25:58.49\00:26:01.99 asked me, 'Why does your face look so sad when you are not 00:26:01.99\00:26:05.69 ill? This must be nothing but sadness 00:26:05.69\00:26:08.60 of the heart.' And I was very much afraid, but 00:26:08.60\00:26:10.93 I said to the king, 'May the king live forever! 00:26:10.93\00:26:13.44 Why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors 00:26:13.44\00:26:16.30 are buried lies in ruins, and its gate have been destroyed by 00:26:16.30\00:26:19.04 fire?'" 00:26:19.04\00:26:20.28 How could his heart not weep? He's never lived in that city in his life, but he was told, 00:26:20.44\00:26:26.58 from father to son, to father to son, to father to son, that that 00:26:26.58\00:26:31.79 city is his city. And it lies crumbled. 90 years older, a little intrepid band led by 00:26:31.79\00:26:37.76 Haggai -- we were with Haggai last week, weren't we? -- they 00:26:37.76\00:26:42.36 went to that city. They started to erect the temple, as the Jews call their worship places. 00:26:42.36\00:26:48.34 But for some inexplicable reason, nobody has touched the walls, much to the delight of 00:26:48.34\00:26:55.51 the enemies who live around them. Everybody knows that more 00:26:55.51\00:27:03.55 than an army -- more than a strong army -- what a city needs 00:27:03.55\00:27:09.92 are strong walls. You have to have the walls. Why wouldn't his heart break? Ah, verse 3 again. 00:27:09.92\00:27:17.37 "But I said to the king, 'May the king live forever! 00:27:17.53\00:27:19.70 Why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors 00:27:19.70\00:27:22.27 are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by 00:27:22.27\00:27:24.81 fire?' 00:27:24.81\00:27:25.74 And the king said to me, 'Yo, what is it you want?' Then I prayed to the God of 00:27:25.91\00:27:32.15 Heaven." Wshooh. Talking about split second. 00:27:32.15\00:27:36.08 That's it. You know, I never realized this before. 00:27:36.08\00:27:40.69 You know, two months ago, one of the fathers of our students here at Andrews University gave me a 00:27:40.69\00:27:44.49 book. He said, "Hey, listen. I wrote this book. 00:27:44.49\00:27:46.46 It's on Nehemiah. It's on the leadership principles of 00:27:46.46\00:27:48.86 Nehemiah." So, he gave the book to me two months ago. I read the 00:27:48.86\00:27:52.60 book. You know what? I never knew this. I never knew that 00:27:52.60\00:27:56.10 prayer is such a book deal in the Book of Nehemiah. It opens with Nehemiah praying, 00:27:56.10\00:28:00.04 the book closes with Nehemiah praying, and in between, he's praying all the time. 00:28:00.04\00:28:04.45 In fact, in chapter 1, you know what's happening in 1? He's fasting and praying. 00:28:04.45\00:28:08.48 The entire chapter long, he's fasting and praying, which reminds me to remind you 00:28:08.48\00:28:13.02 about your Board of Elders and Bryan and Becky von Dorpowski's decision to designate the first 00:28:13.02\00:28:18.33 Tuesday of every month, beginning in three days, as a day of prayer and fasting in the 00:28:18.33\00:28:23.20 Pioneer Memorial Church. [ Chuckles ] You can't believe 00:28:23.20\00:28:26.80 this, but at the same time the Board of Elders was making that decision, unbeknownst to 00:28:26.80\00:28:30.54 her, the president of our university, Andrea Luxton, is thinking to herself, "We need a 00:28:30.54\00:28:34.84 day of fasting and prayer around here." Talking about the 00:28:34.84\00:28:39.78 synchronicity of the Holy Spirit. Boom. And so she just 00:28:39.78\00:28:43.99 sent a letter out, on Thursday, to all faculty, all staff, and all the student body, saying, 00:28:43.99\00:28:48.92 "Starting this Tuesday, for a year, the first Tuesdays will be days of prayer and fasting." 00:28:48.92\00:28:55.06 The Board of Elders has sent out a memo to all the elders, "Hey, guys, don't forget, it's this 00:28:55.06\00:28:59.17 Tuesday." Wow. Nehemiah was a man of prayer. 00:28:59.17\00:29:06.34 By the way, there are 406 verses in his little book. 46 of those 00:29:06.34\00:29:10.98 verses are dealing with him praying. 11% of the history this leader recounts is about him 00:29:10.98\00:29:15.98 praying. He was always praying. I'm quoting Gladwin Matthews 00:29:15.98\00:29:18.82 now. "This is the strongest characteristic of Nehemiah, evident in the book that bears 00:29:18.82\00:29:23.06 his name." And Artaxerxes, whose temper could be volatile, hears 00:29:23.06\00:29:28.00 this sad-faced Jew telling him, "Why shouldn't I be weeping?" And instinctively, apparently, 00:29:28.00\00:29:36.84 when you fast and pray, the seriousness of your intent is taken by Heaven, and Heaven 00:29:36.84\00:29:46.21 responds in the most appropriate way to your passion, revealed in 00:29:46.21\00:29:52.52 prayer. Why would the king -- The first words out of the king's mouth, "So, what do you 00:29:52.52\00:29:57.46 want me to do about it? What do you need?" A shout put in. 00:29:57.46\00:30:01.76 Wshooh-chooh. Open mouth. And he starts speaking. Where is this? 00:30:01.76\00:30:06.94 Let me read verse 4 again. 00:30:06.94\00:30:08.70 "And the king said to me, 'What is it you want?' 00:30:08.87\00:30:10.41 Then I prayed to the God of Heaven, and --" here it comes 00:30:10.41\00:30:12.74 now -- "and I answered the king, 'If it pleases the king and if 00:30:12.74\00:30:15.91 your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to 00:30:15.91\00:30:18.95 the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I 00:30:18.95\00:30:21.55 can rebuild it.'" The rest of the book is the 00:30:21.55\00:30:24.62 supernatural answer to the day of fasting and prayer of a 00:30:24.62\00:30:29.86 little Jew in a faraway kingdom called Medo-Persia at the time. 00:30:29.86\00:30:35.93 And, oh, by the way, [Chuckles] not only -- not only does Nehemiah receive permission to 00:30:36.10\00:30:47.81 leave, he goes on to say, "Okay, but I also need money, I need soldiers, I need access to the 00:30:47.81\00:30:52.81 royal forest for lumber, and of course, your permission to leave your employ here for a while." 00:30:52.81\00:30:56.85 Not only does Nehemiah get all he asks for, but the king says, 00:30:56.85\00:31:00.12 "Guess what? You're the new governor of that province. And I'm gonna send a cavalry of 00:31:00.12\00:31:04.53 officers with you to protect you the whole time." Wow. 00:31:04.53\00:31:09.30 God says, "Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me for help?" 00:31:09.30\00:31:15.74 [ Snaps fingers ] He gets it. On the heels of a Tuesday, maybe. 00:31:15.74\00:31:18.67 Maybe he was praying on a Tuesday. I don't know. 00:31:18.67\00:31:22.61 Nehemiah arrives Doesn't tell anybody what he's doing. 00:31:27.05\00:31:31.79 The middle of the night, gets a reconnoitering team together, 00:31:31.79\00:31:35.99 and they begin to examine, inspect the collapsed walls. "I can't believe it, I can't 00:31:35.99\00:31:39.23 believe it, I can't believe it." Next morning, he summons the entire band of remnant exiles. 00:31:39.23\00:31:45.63 And I want you to read this. Just turn the page to -- this is chapter 2 -- Drop down to 00:31:45.63\00:31:50.77 verse 17. He gathers the group together. "Then I said to them 00:31:50.77\00:31:54.71 --" verse 17 -- "'You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates 00:31:54.71\00:31:58.61 have been burned with fire. Come, let's rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, that we will 00:31:58.61\00:32:03.62 no longer be in disgrace.' 00:32:03.62\00:32:05.52 And then I also told them --" verse 18 -- "about the gracious 00:32:05.69\00:32:08.92 hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me." 00:32:08.92\00:32:13.23 And I love the way the people respond. 00:32:13.23\00:32:15.03 "They replied, 'Let us start rebuilding.'" 00:32:15.03\00:32:17.33 The New King James reads, "'Let's rise up right now and 00:32:17.33\00:32:21.57 do the work.' And so they began this good 00:32:21.57\00:32:25.74 work." 00:32:25.74\00:32:27.08 Isn't that something? [ Chuckles ] "We're with you. 00:32:27.24\00:32:30.91 Come on, come on, let's go." But you know what? Pull off a 00:32:30.91\00:32:38.92 renovation project like that, you're bound to get somebody ticked. Just somebody's gonna be 00:32:38.92\00:32:43.89 ticked. And they were. Watch this. 00:32:43.89\00:32:45.93 The enemy -- verse 19. "But when Sanballat the 00:32:46.09\00:32:49.20 Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official and Geshem the Arab, 00:32:49.20\00:32:53.07 when they heard about it, they mocked and ridiculed us. 00:32:53.07\00:32:56.00 'What is this you are doing?' they asked. 00:32:56.00\00:32:57.74 'Are you rebelling against the king?' 00:32:57.74\00:32:59.31 And I answered them --" verse 20 -- "I answered them by 00:32:59.31\00:33:02.14 saying, 'The God of Heaven will give us success.'" 00:33:02.14\00:33:05.01 Can I hear an "amen" to that? >> Amen. 00:33:05.01\00:33:06.95 >> The God of Heaven, in this renovation project, "will give 00:33:06.95\00:33:10.49 us success." >> Amen. 00:33:10.49\00:33:12.69 >> "'The God of Heaven will give us success, and we His servants 00:33:12.69\00:33:15.66 will start rebuilding, but as for you, enemies, you have no 00:33:15.66\00:33:18.39 share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it.'" 00:33:18.39\00:33:21.56 My, my, my, my, my. "The God of Heaven." Yes, can do because He 00:33:21.73\00:33:27.40 can do. He'll give us success -- all the success we need. And so here's what Nehemiah 00:33:27.40\00:33:31.01 does. He institutes the buddy system -- two by two by two by 00:33:31.01\00:33:34.54 two by two. "Okay, you're holding the sword, you're holding the shovel. 00:33:34.54\00:33:37.81 Let's go! Start digging." Why? Because of the threat of the 00:33:37.81\00:33:41.72 enemy to attack. One guy standing there with a sword, just in case. The other has the 00:33:41.72\00:33:45.09 shovel. Half a day goes by, they switch. Now I have the sword and you have the shovel. 00:33:45.09\00:33:49.29 Night and day. And get this. In 52 days, they rebuilt the entire walls of Jerusalem. 00:33:49.29\00:33:57.23 I mean, can you believe that? Wow. Well, just turn a few 00:33:57.23\00:34:07.24 pages. You got to see this for yourself. This is chapter 6 now. 00:34:07.24\00:34:10.05 Drop down to verse 15. Chapter 6, verse 15 -- "So the wall was 00:34:10.05\00:34:14.82 completed on the 25th of Elul, in 52 days." Unheard-of. We're gonna take 12 weeks. 00:34:14.82\00:34:21.76 A little more than 52 days. But they worked night and day. Oh, but keep reading, verse 16. 00:34:21.76\00:34:27.83 "And when all of our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid 00:34:27.83\00:34:32.27 and they lost their self-confidence because they realized that this work had been 00:34:32.27\00:34:35.57 done with the help of our God." 00:34:35.57\00:34:37.47 Would you put those two lines on the screen, please? 00:34:37.64\00:34:39.84 Can you believe that? Here's out takeaway from the 00:34:39.84\00:34:41.91 Book of Nehemiah. "The God of Heaven will give us 00:34:41.91\00:34:44.48 success!" "And they realized that this 00:34:44.48\00:34:46.92 work had been done with the help of our God." 00:34:46.92\00:34:50.15 "God, you got to help us. We cannot do this alone." 00:34:50.15\00:34:56.49 And last week, God, in response to that, through Haggai -- you 00:34:56.49\00:34:59.09 remember? -- he said, "Hey, by the way, yo, the silver is mine 00:34:59.09\00:35:01.76 and the gold is mine." In other words, don't you worry 00:35:01.76\00:35:04.07 about resources. 00:35:04.07\00:35:05.17 I have you covered. I'll make sure this renovate project is 00:35:05.33\00:35:09.60 completed to my glory." 00:35:09.60\00:35:10.64 And then, today, through Nehemiah, what does he say 00:35:10.81\00:35:12.71 to us? "Hey, I'm gonna give you the 00:35:12.71\00:35:14.74 success. You will do it with the help of 00:35:14.74\00:35:17.21 God," which simply means, "Don't worry about the resources. 00:35:17.21\00:35:20.95 I have everything you need to finish this project for My 00:35:20.95\00:35:25.69 house. 00:35:25.69\00:35:26.65 You're not doing this for you. You're doing this for Me." My, so, seize the moment. 00:35:26.82\00:35:31.86 That's what Nehemiah did. Wshooh. Prayer to Heaven. "We're going," and he went. 00:35:31.86\00:35:36.53 And the rest is history. Wow. Now, I realize -- come on -- 00:35:36.53\00:35:44.11 I'm not reading your mind, but there are some people here who are saying this -- "Yeah, 00:35:44.11\00:35:49.94 do I... Cool. $2 million. Do you know what, boy? 00:35:49.94\00:35:54.32 That is an awful lot of money. Jesus is coming soon. We should be spending the money 00:35:54.32\00:36:01.06 to evangelize the world." To which I reply, "Amen and amen." 00:36:01.06\00:36:06.80 I totally agree with you. I'm -- I'm with you. Take a look at 00:36:06.80\00:36:15.10 this little brochure. Did you see this brochure? They gave it -- This is the last 00:36:15.10\00:36:17.74 time you get this at the door again. Take a look at this 00:36:17.74\00:36:20.51 beautiful brochure. This is the architect's vision of the Building Committee's 00:36:20.51\00:36:25.71 planning that will result in a extreme makeover for the house of God on the campus of 00:36:25.71\00:36:31.05 Andrews University. Take a look at this brochure for a moment. 00:36:31.05\00:36:33.79 It's okay. You can look at this in church. Just thumb through 00:36:33.79\00:36:36.06 it. Maybe you've already thumbed through it. You know what this 00:36:36.06\00:36:38.39 brochure is all about? This brochure is about Jesus coming soon and our mission to 00:36:38.39\00:36:44.03 reach the world for Him now. That's what this brochure is 00:36:44.03\00:36:49.10 about. In fact, I'm gonna give you right now -- and then I'll sit down -- I'm gonna give you 00:36:49.10\00:36:53.01 four reasons why I agree with you. Four reasons why "Renovate 00:36:53.01\00:36:56.98 Heart & House" is all about reaching our world for Jesus. Reason number 1 -- I'll put them 00:36:56.98\00:37:01.08 on the screen for you. Reason number 1 -- we need a dry home 00:37:01.08\00:37:06.05 base from which to reach this world. >> Amen. >> Huh? I mean, 00:37:06.05\00:37:10.76 you can't have a leaking roof on your home base. The only water we want to see spilling on 00:37:10.76\00:37:16.53 people in our Pioneer Memorial Church is the water of our baptistery. That's it. 00:37:16.53\00:37:20.67 Or maybe the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. It's like 00:37:20.67\00:37:24.64 water. Somebody came to Dwight L. Moody, the great American evangelist, and they 00:37:24.64\00:37:27.84 said, "Yo, Moody, are you filled with the Holy Spirit?" And he said, "Yep, but I leak." 00:37:27.84\00:37:34.42 [ Light laughter ] That's the only kind of leaking allowed 00:37:34.42\00:37:38.52 around here. We're all agreed. [ Chuckling ] Come on. This is a 00:37:38.52\00:37:42.69 no-brainer. We have to fix this roof to go to the world. That's 00:37:42.69\00:37:46.80 reason number 1. "Come on, give me number 2, Dwight." Okay, reason number 2 -- we need 00:37:46.80\00:37:49.73 a dressed-up home base from which to reach the world. "What are you talking about 00:37:49.73\00:37:54.00 there?" Let me explain. Pioneer -- you didn't know 00:37:54.00\00:37:57.27 this -- many of you don't know this -- but Pioneer was raised 00:37:57.27\00:38:02.81 up by God, in the beginning, to go to the world electronically. It was the first -- It was the 00:38:02.81\00:38:08.95 first church around, through radio, going to the community 00:38:08.95\00:38:12.99 every single week. And then -- can you believe this? -- you're not gonna believe this -- we, of 00:38:12.99\00:38:17.43 all congregations, we get chosen. ABC television says, "Would you take our Christmas 00:38:17.43\00:38:24.67 Eve service to the entire nation?" 24 years ago. And from this very place, with 00:38:24.67\00:38:31.24 the most majestic music, that Andrews University is known to have, we went to the entire 00:38:31.24\00:38:38.95 50 states of America through ABC television. "A New Noel." 00:38:38.95\00:38:42.75 Some of you might be old enough to even remember that. And then, 00:38:42.75\00:38:48.12 four years later, 20 years ago, the denomination came and said, "Hey, Pioneer Memorial Church, 00:38:48.12\00:38:51.89 would you mind taking the everlasting Gospel of Jesus to the entire world, to 00:38:51.89\00:38:56.03 100 nations, in 40 languages? Would you be willing to do it?" And we said, "Well, we did this 00:38:56.03\00:39:01.67 with ABC. Maybe God could help us do this." 00:39:01.67\00:39:04.67 And we said yes, and we did it. It was called "NET '98." You go to the North American 00:39:04.67\00:39:10.11 website, and you'll see a story reporting on the 20th 00:39:10.11\00:39:14.05 anniversary of the Pioneer Memorial Church and "NET '98." And since that time, by the 00:39:14.05\00:39:18.15 way -- it's not over -- since that time, "New Perceptions" telecast now has been going and 00:39:18.15\00:39:22.82 now goes weekly from this sanctuary to the nation, to this continent, and to the 00:39:22.82\00:39:27.76 entire world, every single week. Every single week. That's what 00:39:27.76\00:39:35.14 all... We got the greatest media volunteer team in the world. You know, we have 40 volunteers 00:39:35.14\00:39:39.31 here. They're not getting paid to do any of this. 00:39:39.31\00:39:41.34 They're just giving their time. Why? Because God called Pioneer to do it, and we believe it, and 00:39:41.34\00:39:46.08 so we're obeying. That's all. Isn't that something? 00:39:46.08\00:39:50.45 By the way, I didn't pull that off. And by the way, you didn't, 00:39:50.45\00:39:53.32 either. God pulled that off. God had a calling in His heart 00:39:53.32\00:39:56.89 before Pioneer was every built, 60 years ago. He had a calling 00:39:56.89\00:40:00.63 in His heart. "That congregation is going to be My congregation 00:40:00.63\00:40:04.47 live-streaming, to go to go the world in to the world on the Web, to go to the world in 00:40:04.47\00:40:08.57 television and satellite." And because it's His vision, what are we supposed to say, "No, 00:40:08.57\00:40:14.21 we're not going to go?" I meet people all over this globe who tell me, "Yo, do you know what? 00:40:14.21\00:40:17.51 Pioneer is my home church." I said, "You're kidding me. You're 00:40:17.51\00:40:21.12 living here." "Yeah, I know, but different time zones. We go to Pioneer every single 00:40:21.12\00:40:24.79 week." The organ -- the whole world knows the organ. 00:40:24.79\00:40:28.76 The musicians. Why? Because it's the home church 00:40:28.76\00:40:34.30 of our faith community. That's nothing great about you. Certainly nothing great 00:40:34.30\00:40:38.77 about me. It's a great God who says, "I think you kids could do 00:40:38.77\00:40:41.87 this with a little help." 00:40:41.87\00:40:43.94 "So, Dwight, why are you telling us all about this?" Well, I'll 00:40:47.34\00:40:51.41 tell you why. Because we have people coming to our house every single week -- God's house -- 00:40:51.41\00:40:55.78 and it's really embarrassing to have a leaking roof and buckets behind. It's really embarrassing 00:40:55.78\00:41:02.52 when the camera zooms in. "Oh, don't show that shag carpet that was never intended to be 00:41:02.52\00:41:06.33 a shag carpet, but it's now a shag. Don't show that part. 00:41:06.33\00:41:10.40 Don't show these beat-up pews that have been here for 60 years -- hard wooden pews. 00:41:10.40\00:41:14.87 Can't you do something? Can't you put padding on it?" Yeah, 00:41:14.87\00:41:19.87 we're going to. And what about this house -- this sound system? This is a reverb chamber that 00:41:19.87\00:41:24.11 just bounces around. It's one second too long. The audio engineers who we hired 00:41:24.11\00:41:28.18 said, "Man, this is way too much. No wonder your people 00:41:28.18\00:41:31.12 can't hear." Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. So, we're gonna put 00:41:31.12\00:41:35.99 up panels that go, "Ehhhn." They'll go up for music. Ehhhn. 00:41:35.99\00:41:39.16 They come down for talking. They go -- ehhhn -- up. And they'll 00:41:39.16\00:41:42.86 be quiet, by the way. [ Laughter ] Not like the Howard. 00:41:42.86\00:41:46.67 Kkkkkkkkkkh. No, it's quiet. Put them up, all these blank 00:41:46.67\00:41:52.61 spots here. Why? Because this is the world's -- 00:41:52.61\00:41:56.04 this is the -- this is their church, out there. And we want God's church to look 00:41:56.04\00:42:01.15 as beautiful as it humanly can for them and for God. Wow. 00:42:01.15\00:42:09.06 So, I totally agree with you. [ Chuckles ] There's too many 00:42:09.06\00:42:12.56 analogies. It's all about reaching the world for Jesus' soon coming. You got that 00:42:12.56\00:42:16.23 absolutely right. Reason number 3. Let's see, reason number 1 was, "We need a dry home base." 00:42:16.23\00:42:19.40 Reason number 2 is, "We need a dressed-up home base." And now reason number 3 -- We 00:42:19.40\00:42:24.34 need a discipled home base through whom to reach the world. Listen, you need to know this. 00:42:24.34\00:42:29.64 Pioneer's discipling strategy is now moving to the next level with special focus on our 00:42:29.64\00:42:35.25 children. Listen. Do you look at the children's 00:42:35.25\00:42:38.85 stories here in second service? Do you look at them? We have more children now with 00:42:38.85\00:42:43.56 us than we've ever had in our history. What's going on? 00:42:43.56\00:42:47.20 I'll tell you what's going on. There are a lot of young moms and dads coming to this campus, 00:42:47.20\00:42:50.90 because the newest growing demographic at Andrews University -- I'll just 00:42:50.90\00:42:54.27 plain tell you -- it's the graduate students. That's the 00:42:54.27\00:42:57.94 demographic that's growing. And they're coming -- young parents with their little kids. 00:42:57.94\00:43:01.94 They want the best Sabbath schools they can find, and I'm telling you, the world over, 00:43:01.94\00:43:07.15 you won't find more dedicated Sabbath school teachers and programs designed, crafted with 00:43:07.15\00:43:11.72 skill, to reach these tiny little minds for Jesus. We got a couple leaders now that 00:43:11.72\00:43:14.69 have come aboard and said, "Listen, we need to be doing something not just for the 00:43:14.69\00:43:17.63 children but for their parents." Laurence Burn, Glynis Bradfield, the two superintendents for the 00:43:17.63\00:43:23.03 entire children's Sabbath schools -- they said, "Listen, 00:43:23.03\00:43:27.70 what we need is a family-targeted discipling ministry that will equip the 00:43:27.70\00:43:32.21 youngest children and families among us with lifelong discipling gifts and skills." 00:43:32.21\00:43:37.31 So, Laurence and Glynis are helping us move toward a vision -- a full-orbed vision. We're 00:43:37.31\00:43:44.02 changing the pastoral staff. I'll give you more information in a few days, but we're 00:43:44.02\00:43:47.76 rearranging the staff to reflect this shift in focus. And I'm gonna be introducing to 00:43:47.76\00:43:52.43 you a new pastoral position to help Pioneer children, Sabbath-school leaders, and 00:43:52.43\00:43:56.67 families in shaping young spiritual champions by the age 00:43:56.67\00:44:00.94 of 12. That's what researchers tell us. That's the last time you're gonna get an easy choice 00:44:00.94\00:44:04.41 for Jesus. After that, you're fighting the whole way. 00:44:04.41\00:44:08.71 We need to get them now. Moms and dads and boys and girls. 00:44:08.71\00:44:13.85 [ Chuckles ] Wow. So, we need to -- We need -- We 00:44:13.85\00:44:18.42 need a discipled home base. That's the point -- we need a discipled home base. 00:44:18.42\00:44:25.59 Renovate's $2 million campaign is all about reaching this world for the soon-coming Christ. 00:44:25.59\00:44:33.74 That's the point. It's not only -- It's not only the roof, it's 00:44:33.74\00:44:38.61 what happens under the roof. Pastor José is in charge of a new series of articles that 00:44:38.61\00:44:41.98 start next week, entitled, "Under the Roof: What's Happening in Pioneer?" 00:44:41.98\00:44:45.38 Do you notice, the motto is "Renovate heart and house." You can get the house looking 00:44:45.38\00:44:53.52 glorious, but if the heart isn't ready for a house that's been prepared, God says, "I need the 00:44:53.52\00:44:58.66 hearts. I need -- I need your hearts." Discipleship. 00:44:58.66\00:45:03.77 All right, put them on the screen. Reason number 1 -- we 00:45:03.77\00:45:06.37 need a dry home base. Reason number 2 -- we need a dressed-up 00:45:06.37\00:45:08.90 home base. Reason number 3 -- we need a discipled home base. 00:45:08.90\00:45:11.07 And reason number 4 -- we need a dedicated home base. 00:45:11.24\00:45:14.14 "What are you talking about?" I'm gonna be really 00:45:14.14\00:45:17.01 honest with you now. 00:45:17.01\00:45:21.38 When I found out what this building committee was -- [Imitating adding machine] -- 00:45:21.55\00:45:27.32 tallying up, I could not believe my ears. "A million dollars to 00:45:27.32\00:45:33.23 replace a roof?" "Yeah, Dwight, there's no venting in it. 00:45:33.23\00:45:35.76 That's why your shingles keep giving up 10 years at a time. 00:45:35.76\00:45:39.90 That's wrong." [ Sighs ] And then another million dollars to 00:45:39.90\00:45:44.54 do the extreme makeover in here so that at least it looks nice, it's a home that you're happy to 00:45:44.54\00:45:49.61 invite people to come to. When I heard the bottom line, you know 00:45:49.61\00:45:53.31 what I did? I went to God and I said, "You must be kidding. You got to be kidding me. 00:45:53.31\00:45:59.25 $2 million? We're living on the cusp of a nation and a globe 00:45:59.25\00:46:04.13 right now that are in tremendous flux and change, potential upheaval. If there ever were an 00:46:04.13\00:46:10.40 hour we need to be getting out there, God, this is it. $2 00:46:10.40\00:46:14.40 million in here? I cannot figure you out." And I'm being honest with you. And you know what God 00:46:14.40\00:46:21.08 said to me in the dark, in my little study, at home? He said, 00:46:21.08\00:46:27.88 "Dwight, yo, yeah, you got good ears. That's exactly what I'm 00:46:27.88\00:46:30.32 calling for. I'm calling for your people to give $2 million out of their pockets, for my 00:46:30.32\00:46:36.66 house and my mission. Hey, Dwight, Dwight, Dwight, Dwight, come on, it's dark. 00:46:36.66\00:46:40.60 But you know what you taped to the wall? You know that little 00:46:40.60\00:46:44.03 verse that you taped to the wall, and I keep reminding you that's the mission of your life, 00:46:44.03\00:46:48.04 this is what you're supposed to do? Think of what it says." Let me put the little mission 00:46:48.04\00:46:52.14 on the wall of the screen right here. "Luke 1:17 -- Your mission 00:46:52.14\00:46:57.31 is, should you choose to accept it, is 'to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.' 00:46:57.31\00:47:02.75 That's it. Dwight, how am I gonna get through to your 00:47:02.75\00:47:08.49 selfish heart? You got a selfish heart. Your wife is the unselfish one. How am I gonna 00:47:08.49\00:47:13.70 get through to your unselfish heart if I don't get you to reach into what you have begun 00:47:13.70\00:47:19.70 to collect, and take from it and return it to Me?" 00:47:19.70\00:47:22.00 "This isn't about repairing a roof. This is about repairing a 00:47:24.84\00:47:33.62 heart. Your heart, boy. Your heart." And, oh, by the way, 00:47:33.62\00:47:38.92 everybody's nodding their head, saying, "Yeah, Dwight, you are a 00:47:38.92\00:47:41.36 selfish one. We've noticed that before. Don't you just be nodding your head at me. 00:47:41.36\00:47:44.69 You're just as selfish as I am. You know what? Somewhere I read 00:47:44.69\00:47:51.17 that the apostle Paul battled self until his last breath. That's the last frontier, folks. 00:47:51.17\00:47:57.14 It's where the ultimate battle will be fought -- selfishness. "Don't you talk about repairing 00:47:57.14\00:48:04.71 My house, Dwight, until you get your heart repaired." 00:48:04.71\00:48:07.85 Ellen White, a century ago, on the screen -- take a look 00:48:08.02\00:48:11.22 at this. "Constant, self-denying 00:48:11.22\00:48:13.25 benevolence is God's remedy for the cankering cancerous sins of 00:48:13.25\00:48:16.83 selfishness and covetousness." That's the only thing we can do. 00:48:16.83\00:48:20.16 We're going to give it out of you. 00:48:20.16\00:48:21.93 Read that last line. "Continual giving starves 00:48:21.93\00:48:25.53 covetousness to death." 00:48:25.53\00:48:29.50 "I need to break your heart, Dwight. 00:48:29.67\00:48:31.87 I need you to let go. You don't need the security. 00:48:31.87\00:48:38.51 Oh, you need some. I'm not asking you to give 00:48:38.51\00:48:41.38 everything you have. I understand," God says, "about 00:48:41.38\00:48:44.35 not equal giving but equal sacrifice. 00:48:44.35\00:48:46.65 That's all I'm asking of you, Dwight. 00:48:46.65\00:48:48.42 Doesn't mean everybody's gifts are the same amount. 00:48:48.42\00:48:51.33 That's impossible. It's everybody's sacrifice is 00:48:51.33\00:48:54.13 the same amount." You say, "Dwight, how do you 00:48:54.13\00:48:56.73 define 'sacrifice'?" Sacrifice is what you have left 00:48:56.73\00:49:00.07 over after you've given. The little widow had nothing 00:49:00.07\00:49:03.51 left over, and Jesus says, "Guys, she was the biggest give 00:49:03.51\00:49:06.94 today," because everybody had all kinds of stuff left over, 00:49:06.94\00:49:10.45 and it was no big deal what they dropped, with great fanfare, 00:49:10.45\00:49:14.28 into that offering container. Sacrifice means you have less 00:49:14.28\00:49:19.02 left over, and you know it. And it may push and pinch, 00:49:19.02\00:49:26.70 but you make it anyway. That's sacrifice. 00:49:26.70\00:49:33.40 ¤ All to Jesus I surrender ¤ ¤ All to him I freely give ¤ 00:49:33.40\00:49:38.74 Man, how many times have I -- They sang that in Japan, in 00:49:38.74\00:49:41.14 Tokyo, when I was baptized. That was the song they sang. 00:49:41.14\00:49:43.88 ¤ All to Jesus I surrender ¤ We sing it all the time. 00:49:43.88\00:49:49.75 "Yo, boy, you got any of those Skittles left? 00:49:49.75\00:49:52.65 I'd sure like some." [ Munching ] 00:49:52.65\00:49:56.26 "No, I don't have much left. Sorry." 00:49:56.26\00:49:59.79 "I got to work on your heart, Dwight. 00:50:04.10\00:50:05.93 That's the point." Four reasons. 00:50:05.93\00:50:09.54 Because He needs a dedicated people, 'cause somebody's gonna 00:50:09.54\00:50:12.61 have to go to this Earth, and it'll be you and it'll be me. 00:50:12.61\00:50:16.78 It's why Jesus came, by the way -- to renovate the heart 00:50:16.78\00:50:22.65 so that we could renovate the house. 00:50:22.65\00:50:25.22 Calvary. What is Calvary? 00:50:25.22\00:50:27.36 "And Can It Be?" -- ah, that was a song 00:50:27.52\00:50:31.46 to sing today. "That Thou, my God, 00:50:31.46\00:50:34.23 shouldst die for me?" 00:50:34.23\00:50:37.20 Wow. You couldn't have picked one. "And Can It Be?" 00:50:37.37\00:50:43.27 "Amazing love." You know, I was sitting here watching the camera 00:50:43.27\00:50:49.78 pan that little choir, the silhouettes as they were 00:50:49.78\00:50:52.38 singing. I'll tell you, tears just sprang into my eyes. 00:50:52.55\00:50:54.58 I saw that camera pull in on these young faces, and I said to 00:50:54.58\00:50:57.92 myself, "God, I pray you will save every boy and girl and 00:50:57.92\00:51:04.36 teen on that screen. Don't lose one of them. 00:51:04.36\00:51:08.60 That's what this church is for. Don't lose one of them." 00:51:08.76\00:51:13.30 John 3:16 -- let's repeat it out loud together. Come on. 00:51:18.14\00:51:21.51 The little girl -- she nailed it. 00:51:21.51\00:51:23.81 Is it on the screen for us? Yeah. 00:51:23.98\00:51:26.68 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten 00:51:26.68\00:51:30.99 Son, that whosoever... >> "...believeth in Him..." 00:51:30.99\00:51:34.66 >> "...should not perish, but have everlasting life." 00:51:34.66\00:51:38.69 Amen. "All to Jesus I surrender. 00:51:38.69\00:51:43.00 All to him." 00:51:43.00\00:51:44.50 Boy, Lord, I can't believe You let us do this. "All to Him I 00:51:44.67\00:51:51.51 freely give." God will bless you to the max for your unselfishness with Him. He will 00:51:51.51\00:51:59.01 bless you. Trust me, He will take care of you. Thank you in 00:51:59.01\00:52:05.65 advance for this little pledge card. Where is it? Is it at the 00:52:05.65\00:52:08.49 back of my Bible? Here it is. Thank you for this little pledge 00:52:08.49\00:52:10.79 card that... A bunch of you have come today because we talked about this last week, and you're 00:52:10.79\00:52:14.20 ready to put this in the offering plate today, God bless 00:52:14.20\00:52:17.03 you. Pull it out. Some of you said, "Dwight, I wasn't even here last Sabbath, so I'm just 00:52:17.03\00:52:19.97 kind of catching up on all this." That's okay. Pull out... It's in the worship bulletin. 00:52:19.97\00:52:23.27 Just pull it out. It's a little pledge card. It's simple. 00:52:23.27\00:52:27.08 In fact, we'll put it on the screen. 00:52:27.08\00:52:28.84 We'll put it on the screen. "By the grace of God, I/we want 00:52:29.01\00:52:33.48 to participate in making a sacrificial offering to 00:52:33.48\00:52:36.25 Pioneer's 'Renovate: Heart and House' campaign." 00:52:36.25\00:52:38.69 And by the way, the key words on that pledge statement 00:52:38.69\00:52:42.96 are the first five words, "By the grace of God." 00:52:42.96\00:52:47.96 This is not a vow. Somebody e-mailed me and said, 00:52:48.10\00:52:50.00 "Hey, Dwight, I don't believe in vows." 00:52:50.00\00:52:51.57 This is not a vow. This is a covenant. 00:52:51.57\00:52:54.27 This is, "Look, God, if you keep blessing me the way you're 00:52:54.27\00:52:57.01 blessing me right now, there is no problem. 00:52:57.01\00:52:59.11 I will be able to be generous with you." 00:52:59.11\00:53:01.08 That's what it's saying. If you should be in a terrible 00:53:01.08\00:53:04.08 car accident and your income is gone, you think he's gonna say, 00:53:04.08\00:53:07.08 "Well, I'm holding you -- Lookit, you put it down here"? 00:53:07.08\00:53:08.78 This is not a vow. This is a pledge -- "By the 00:53:08.78\00:53:11.95 grace of God, I'll do my best. And here's the amount I want to 00:53:11.95\00:53:16.02 put down." And you write that amount down. 00:53:16.02\00:53:17.89 It's over three years. Did you notice that? 00:53:17.89\00:53:19.56 It's over three years. So nobody's having to write a 00:53:19.56\00:53:21.23 check tomorrow. "By the grace of God." 00:53:21.23\00:53:28.57 Equal giving? No. Equal sacrifice? But of course. 00:53:28.57\00:53:32.51 Before I sit down, let me just remind you that we have the 00:53:32.67\00:53:35.41 brand-new -- it just came out -- the Adventist Giving online app. 00:53:35.41\00:53:38.85 If you'll download that from your app store, that baby 00:53:38.85\00:53:41.95 is on your phone. You go to it and click 00:53:41.95\00:53:43.82 "Pioneer," because it'll know where you are, and it will 00:53:43.82\00:53:46.32 give you Pioneer as a choice. 00:53:46.32\00:53:47.99 You click "Pioneer," and "Renovate" is the third line 00:53:48.16\00:53:51.13 down. If you want to do recurring giving -- you say, "Dwight, I don't have much, but 00:53:51.13\00:53:54.56 I can give $10 a month" -- if you gave $10 a month, that would be $480 -- that would be... 00:53:54.56\00:53:58.83 No, no, $10 a month would be -- I meant $10 a week -- sorry. [ 00:53:58.83\00:54:04.41 Laughter ] I did not major in math. If you give $10 a week, that's $40 a month, $480. 00:54:04.41\00:54:08.94 In the end of three years, $1,440. "Wow. How'd you do 00:54:08.94\00:54:13.92 that?" $10 recurring gift. You can sign up. You got a little 00:54:13.92\00:54:17.05 debit card that your parents gave you? 00:54:17.05\00:54:19.12 That's -- There's a website. Can you go to the website, please? 00:54:22.36\00:54:26.16 Yeah, pmchurch.org/renovate. You just go to the website. You want 00:54:26.16\00:54:30.37 to do it online? Okay, on your laptop, there it is. Those of 00:54:30.37\00:54:32.53 you who are live-streaming right now, everything you need, including this brochure, is all 00:54:32.53\00:54:35.70 there. You get it all. All right, let's go to the website. 00:54:35.70\00:54:38.67 As of today -- on the screen, please -- there it is. 00:54:38.67\00:54:42.28 We got a $2 million goal. And look at this. 00:54:42.28\00:54:45.31 Cash on hand -- $342,111. Plus, last week, the last seven 00:54:45.31\00:54:50.35 days, $206,616 have been pledged. I mean, I thought I'd 00:54:50.35\00:54:59.49 get a loud amen to that... >> Amen! >> Amen! 00:54:59.49\00:55:01.33 >> ...because we were -- a bunch of you stuck your card in last week, and we're waiting for this 00:55:01.33\00:55:04.90 week. But praise God. $206,616. 00:55:04.90\00:55:11.01 Oh, the God of Heaven will give us success. Just shut out that 00:55:13.78\00:55:19.11 naysayer named the Enemy, who's saying, "You don't want to do 00:55:19.11\00:55:22.35 this, buddy. You don't want to do... Make them all think you're 00:55:22.35\00:55:25.29 doing it." That's like Ananias and Sapphira. "Make them all 00:55:25.29\00:55:28.79 think you're doing it." No, do it... for the glory of God. 00:55:28.79\00:55:34.56 "All to Jesus I surrender. All to him I freely give." You want 00:55:34.56\00:55:39.10 to use a tithe envelope? Of course, you pull the tithe envelope now, you'll see at the 00:55:39.10\00:55:41.97 bottom in red "Renovate." I want to pray with you. Here's what I 00:55:41.97\00:55:48.54 want to do. I want to pray. Enough talking. Let's just pray. 00:55:48.54\00:55:53.65 Let's talk to God. Oh, Father, thank you for the example of Nehemiah. We want to be men and 00:55:53.65\00:56:02.79 women of prayer. We want to believe, just as Nehemiah 00:56:02.79\00:56:07.86 declared, "Yes, can do because he can do. God will give us success." We want to believe the 00:56:07.86\00:56:14.94 words last week that all the silver and all the gold is yours, including what's in our 00:56:14.94\00:56:22.14 pockets. Father, you have all the money you need. $2 million? 00:56:22.14\00:56:24.75 This is nothing to you. But it's a big deal to us. So I humbly 00:56:24.75\00:56:30.32 pray that you will take the pledges that are turned in today and that were turned in last 00:56:30.32\00:56:34.52 week and that will come along the way -- take the pledges, o God. We put or hands on them, 00:56:34.52\00:56:40.93 as it were, and we give them to you. Seed money... 00:56:40.93\00:56:46.90 blessed for Your glory so that not only Your house gets repaired, our hearts 00:56:46.90\00:56:55.44 get repaired. And that would be the greatest gift of all. 00:56:55.44\00:57:00.18 In Jesus' name, let all the people say "Amen and amen." 00:57:00.18\00:57:04.42 >> We've been really blessed by the financial support that comes 00:57:07.52\00:57:09.56 from our viewers, and we've made a conscious decision not to 00:57:09.56\00:57:12.89 continually appeal to you for that support. 00:57:12.89\00:57:15.93 The fact is, as everyone in the industry will tell you, we're 00:57:15.93\00:57:19.10 needing to make constant upgrades to our technology. 00:57:19.10\00:57:21.84 So if God has blessed you and you'd like to further the work 00:57:21.84\00:57:24.54 of this ministry, we invite you to partner with us. 00:57:24.54\00:57:26.88 Not a single penny of your donation will go to me. 00:57:26.88\00:57:29.88 Every bit of your gift goes to the mission of blessing your 00:57:29.88\00:57:33.35 community and our world. You can donate on our website, 00:57:33.35\00:57:36.38 newperceptions.tv. Or call the number. 00:57:36.38\00:57:39.49 You know the number -- 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:39.49\00:57:41.92 Again, that number is 877 -- the two words "HIS-WILL." 00:57:41.92\00:57:46.26 And may the God who has blessed you continue to pour into your 00:57:46.26\00:57:48.83 life the gifts of His joy and His hope. 00:57:48.83\00:57:51.90 Thank you. And I'm looking forward to 00:57:51.90\00:57:54.07 seeing you, right here, again, next time. 00:57:54.07\00:57:57.07 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:58:00.51\00:58:19.19 ¤¤ 00:58:19.19\00:58:27.40