¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:06.50 >> Would you stand with me as we sing "Come Thou Almighty King"? 00:00:10.74\00:00:16.44 [ "Come Thou Almighty King" begins ] 00:00:16.44\00:00:22.35 [ Congregation sings ] 00:00:53.35\00:00:56.95 >> Amen. >> Continue singing with me now 00:03:26.97\00:03:30.91 as we sing "Shout to the Lord." [ "Shout to the Lord" begins ] 00:03:30.91\00:03:35.48 My Jesus. [ Congregation sings ] 00:03:43.69\00:03:52.96 Let's sing it again. My Jesus. 00:05:13.81\00:05:17.78 [ Congregation sings ] 00:05:17.78\00:05:21.18 Amen. Isn't it a blessing to be able 00:06:52.51\00:06:55.38 to sing with the rest of God's creation the praises to Him? 00:06:55.38\00:06:58.98 He deserves it. He deserves it. 00:06:58.98\00:07:01.18 And one of the things that in recognizing and praising 00:07:01.18\00:07:05.29 the Lord that we realize is we need Jesus. 00:07:05.29\00:07:09.12 We need him. There's no getting around it. 00:07:09.12\00:07:12.86 We need Jesus. So sing with me this song, 00:07:12.86\00:07:16.23 "Jesus, I Need You." You may have heard it before, 00:07:16.23\00:07:18.50 but it's very simple. Follow along with us. 00:07:18.50\00:07:22.17 [ "Jesus, I Need You" begins ] Here we go. 00:07:22.17\00:07:29.34 [ Congregation sings ] 00:07:29.34\00:07:33.08 And Jesus. 00:07:50.93\00:07:52.33 Beauty for ashes. 00:08:14.26\00:08:16.02 Sing to your God. 00:08:19.86\00:08:21.60 Jesus. 00:08:36.75\00:08:38.08 And Jesus. 00:08:58.47\00:08:59.80 One more time. Jesus, I need you. 00:10:22.85\00:10:25.65 Amen. This one I know you all know. 00:10:48.28\00:10:53.35 This is "The Air I Breathe." Isn't that -- should be the 00:10:53.35\00:10:58.45 anthem of our lives is, "Lord, you are the very air that I 00:10:58.45\00:11:02.06 breathe"? So sing along with me. 00:11:02.06\00:11:06.59 This is "The Air I Breathe." And in the middle of this song, 00:11:06.59\00:11:09.86 there's another part that says, "Falling on my knees." 00:11:09.86\00:11:14.17 So we will be coming forward at that time, but just kind of 00:11:14.17\00:11:18.07 follow along with us and say the words not to us, not to this 00:11:18.07\00:11:21.34 crowd, but to your Heavenly Father. 00:11:21.34\00:11:23.38 Be ready to give Him your all. This is "The Air I Breathe." 00:11:23.38\00:11:30.95 [ "The Air I Breathe" begins ] [ Congregation sings ] 00:11:30.95\00:11:37.49 Yes. 00:11:37.49\00:11:39.53 This is my daily bread. 00:11:57.18\00:11:59.21 This is the air I breathe. 00:12:43.89\00:12:45.93 This is the air I breathe. 00:12:51.27\00:12:53.27 This is the air. One more time. 00:12:57.01\00:13:03.68 This is the air. 00:13:03.68\00:13:05.48 Falling on my knees. 00:13:21.03\00:13:22.70 One more time. Falling. 00:13:31.41\00:13:33.58 Falling on my knees. 00:13:43.22\00:13:45.39 Some things I can't see. 00:13:54.13\00:13:56.60 Some things I can't see. 00:14:06.04\00:14:08.21 And this is your opportunity to come forward and to lay your 00:14:19.55\00:14:23.29 burdens down at the foot of the throne. 00:14:23.29\00:14:26.43 It's where we bow our knees. It's where we give our all 00:14:26.43\00:14:28.80 to the Lord. So start coming forward now. 00:14:28.80\00:14:31.00 And allow the Holy Spirit to enter your heart. 00:14:31.00\00:14:36.10 Let's sing, "Falling on our knees." 00:14:36.10\00:14:41.98 [ Congregation sings ] 00:14:41.98\00:14:44.51 Some things I cannot see. 00:15:01.60\00:15:04.07 Some things. 00:15:12.94\00:15:14.98 Sing it with me. 00:15:36.67\00:15:38.40 I understand better. 00:15:48.04\00:15:50.05 I understand. 00:15:59.69\00:16:02.19 This is the air. 00:16:27.75\00:16:29.38 >> Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you on this kind of gray first official Sabbath 00:16:51.77\00:17:00.52 of summer. Nice to have you. Ooh, we got a great group here. 00:17:00.52\00:17:05.42 And you know what? Pastor John was absolutely right. 00:17:05.42\00:17:08.82 I have a quiz today. 00:17:08.82\00:17:12.23 School's out, but today we're gonna have school again. 00:17:12.39\00:17:15.76 And I want to see how well you do on this quiz, so listen very 00:17:15.76\00:17:19.57 carefully. 00:17:19.57\00:17:20.47 Don't let anybody around you talk right now. Shh. 00:17:20.64\00:17:24.64 Listen very carefully. Because here's what we're gonna do, 00:17:24.64\00:17:28.94 okay? We're gonna play a sound. You're gonna hear a sound. You 00:17:28.94\00:17:35.35 won't see a thing. You'll hear a sound. It's the sound of a bird. The bird you need to guess. 00:17:35.35\00:17:41.62 Okay? We're gonna play a sound. It's the sound of a bird. 00:17:41.62\00:17:44.99 Tell me who it is. First hand up, I'll acknowledge you, okay? 00:17:44.99\00:17:48.66 Shh. We got to hear this now. These birds are hard to hear. Shh. Okay. Sound number one. 00:17:48.66\00:17:56.71 [ Duck quacking ] >> What? [ Children shouting "duck" ] 00:17:56.71\00:18:01.78 Ah! You're right. You're absolutely right. 00:18:01.78\00:18:07.58 Boy, you are a bright bunch. I'm gonna make this harder. I'm gonna make this harder. 00:18:07.58\00:18:14.16 We're gonna hear another sound right -- Oh, wait a minute. We didn't put the picture of the 00:18:14.16\00:18:17.96 duck up. Quack, quack, quack, quack. That's a mallard, yup. 00:18:17.96\00:18:22.26 That is. Okay. Sound number two. Here it comes. Shh. [ Bird 00:18:22.26\00:18:29.64 chirping ] [ Children shouting "bird" ] What was it? Robin is 00:18:29.64\00:18:35.98 right. Let's see a robin. Oh! Hey, and by the way, don't miss 00:18:35.98\00:18:40.98 next Sabbath. Shh. Next Sabbath I got a real first-person account story about 00:18:40.98\00:18:45.79 a robin that happened just this week. But we'll show you the 00:18:45.79\00:18:50.39 pictures next Sabbath. Okay. So far, you're doing very well, but here comes one that's gonna 00:18:50.39\00:18:54.73 stump you. Here it comes right -- Now let's hear the sound, 00:18:54.73\00:18:57.90 please. Shh. [ Bird singing ] 00:18:57.90\00:19:01.77 [ Indistinct shouting ] I'm sorry. You all lost. Let's put 00:19:01.77\00:19:12.21 him on the screen, please. That's a Baltimore oriole. And they have been all over our 00:19:12.21\00:19:16.65 community this week -- this spring. Thank you, Jesus, for 00:19:16.65\00:19:21.96 Baltimore orioles. Okay, teacher needs it quiet for the quiz to 00:19:21.96\00:19:26.43 continue. Shh. I think you might get this one. I don't know. 00:19:26.43\00:19:33.64 Let's play it. [ Birds squawking ] [ Indistinct shouting ] 00:19:33.64\00:19:39.07 Sea gull. Let's see a sea gull on the screen right behind you, 00:19:39.07\00:19:42.78 Mom and Dad. Let's see a sea gull on the screen. 00:19:42.78\00:19:45.95 There we go. Very good. Okay, this one is quiet. Shh. 00:19:45.95\00:19:50.65 This one is harder, harder, harder, but you have to listen 'cause it's kind of quiet. 00:19:50.65\00:19:57.83 Listen. [ Bird cooing ] [ Indistinct shouting ] 00:19:57.83\00:20:02.90 Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Do it 00:20:02.90\00:20:07.97 again. Hey. [ Bird cooing ] [ Children shouting "owl" ] Wrong, 00:20:07.97\00:20:16.78 wrong, wrong. I'm sorry, boys and girls, but let's see the picture of this one, please. 00:20:16.78\00:20:21.28 It's a dove. Okay. Final one. Okay, this is it. 00:20:21.28\00:20:28.06 If you get this one right, you've passed the entire quiz. If you get this one. 00:20:28.06\00:20:35.20 Don't tell anybody what it is till you're really sure. Okay, 00:20:35.20\00:20:39.37 final sound. Let us hear it now. [ Rooster crowing ] [ Children shouting "rooster" ] 00:20:39.37\00:20:46.74 Okay. Everybody passes the quiz because that was a cock-a-doodle-doo rooster. 00:20:52.31\00:20:58.19 Hey, listen, listen. Shh. When you get to know a bird's voice, you know who the bird is. 00:20:58.19\00:21:07.76 When you get to know Jesus' voice, you know who is speaking 00:21:07.76\00:21:13.97 to you. That's why we have children's stories at Sabbath 00:21:13.97\00:21:17.37 school and school. And you have family worship at home so that you get to learn Jesus' voice, 00:21:17.37\00:21:23.78 and you'll know who's speaking to you. Aren't you glad that Jesus wants us to recognize Him? 00:21:23.78\00:21:30.02 Who wants to thank Jesus for us? Thank Jesus for all these birds 00:21:30.02\00:21:34.76 and for helping us learn His voice. Okay, I need a young man 00:21:34.76\00:21:41.10 because I had ladies last time. Do I have a young man here? 00:21:41.10\00:21:46.13 Right here? Come on up. What's your first name? >> Martin. 00:21:46.13\00:21:50.91 >> Which one? >> Martin. >> Martin. I like that name, 00:21:50.91\00:21:54.31 Martin. All right, we're gonna close our eyes with Martin and 00:21:54.31\00:21:59.58 fold our hands as Martin prays. >> Dear Jesus, thank you for knowing us and thank you for 00:21:59.58\00:22:06.22 today is Saturday and for loving us. In Jesus' name, amen. 00:22:06.22\00:22:10.86 >> Amen. Thank you, Martin. Beautiful prayer. As you go quietly and reverently 00:22:10.86\00:22:14.83 back to your seats, thank you, Jesus. We hear your voice. 00:22:14.83\00:22:20.04 Happy Sabbath. 00:22:20.04\00:22:21.07 >> Come, Holy Spirit, dove divine. Hover over me, Holy 00:22:24.84\00:22:35.32 Spirit. Oh, I like the rain, Father, torrential. That's what 00:22:35.32\00:22:39.19 we need. We need a massive global outpouring of the Holy 00:22:39.19\00:22:44.66 Spirit's rain. We need it in our hearts. So bless this moment in teaching, make it clear. 00:22:44.66\00:22:50.20 We humbly pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 00:22:50.20\00:22:53.50 Speaking of birds, did you know that there is a bird at the 00:22:53.67\00:23:01.81 beginning and at the ending of the Gospel of Mark. 00:23:01.81\00:23:09.05 Did you know that? There is also a bird at the 00:23:09.05\00:23:13.29 beginning, at the ending of the Gospel of Matthew. 00:23:13.29\00:23:16.62 There's also a bird at the beginning and the ending of the 00:23:16.62\00:23:19.19 Gospel of Luke. And not to be left out, the 00:23:19.19\00:23:23.13 fourth Gospel of John -- a bird at the beginning and a bird at 00:23:23.13\00:23:26.87 the ending. Amazing. 00:23:26.87\00:23:29.37 Bookends for all four Gospels. And guess what -- it's not the 00:23:29.54\00:23:33.64 same bird. It's a different bird. But it occurs to me that if we can bring these two birds 00:23:33.64\00:23:39.65 together, hopefully there might emerge, in your mind and mine, an unescapable truth. 00:23:39.65\00:23:47.19 Let's start with the bird at the end. It's a story the whole 00:23:47.19\00:23:51.69 world knows. It's one of the classic stories on what we call 00:23:51.69\00:23:59.33 conscience. Ever hear of the conscience? It's the one metaphysical bond that every 00:23:59.33\00:24:07.58 human being possesses. It's what unites us as a human race. 00:24:07.58\00:24:10.91 We all have a conscience. Peter had a conscience. Let's go to 00:24:10.91\00:24:16.69 that story. Open your Bible with me, please, to the Gospel of 00:24:16.69\00:24:19.65 Mark chapter 14. We'll start at the end. We'll get to the beginning, but let's start at 00:24:19.65\00:24:23.79 the end. Mark chapter 14. I'm in the New International version. 00:24:23.79\00:24:27.23 Whatever translation you have is fine by me. Grab the pew Bible 00:24:27.23\00:24:30.70 if you didn't bring one and follow along. It's page 686 in your pew Bible. Mark chapter 14. 00:24:30.70\00:24:37.24 Familiar story. It's early Friday morning. Jesus is gagged 00:24:37.24\00:24:44.65 and bound in Caiaphas' mansion upstairs. And your friend and mine Peter is out in the 00:24:44.65\00:24:51.69 courtyard. Let's go. 00:24:51.69\00:24:52.72 Mark 14:66. "And while Peter was below in 00:24:52.89\00:24:56.36 the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high 00:24:56.36\00:24:59.83 priest came by. And when she saw Peter warming 00:24:59.83\00:25:03.06 himself," obviously by the fire, "she looked closely at him. 00:25:03.06\00:25:07.07 'Yo, you, you also were with that Nazarene, Jesus,' she said. 00:25:07.07\00:25:13.27 But he denied it. 'I don't know or understand what you're 00:25:13.27\00:25:17.01 talking about,' he said, and he went out through the entryway." 00:25:17.01\00:25:20.58 I have a collection of sermons written by the great Scottish preacher Peter Marshall. 00:25:20.75\00:25:25.79 Title of the collection of sermons, "Mr. Jones, Meet the 00:25:25.79\00:25:30.19 Master." In one of his sermons, he zeroes in to this very moment when the young maiden and Peter 00:25:30.19\00:25:38.57 are talking. And he suggests a thought I, in all my life, have 00:25:38.57\00:25:43.51 read nowhere else, and I'd like you to ponder it for a moment. He says, "What if -- What if 00:25:43.51\00:25:49.24 this little maid girl has heard about this famous Jesus? The crowds have been thronging 00:25:49.24\00:25:56.79 his name. What if she has heard -- not only heard of him, but 00:25:56.79\00:26:02.22 maybe, at a distance, saw him? What if she senses there's something unusual about this 00:26:02.22\00:26:07.76 Jesus who's upstairs with the high priest? And what if she's 00:26:07.76\00:26:11.63 saying to herself, 'If I could only find somebody that knows this man, I need to ask about, 00:26:11.63\00:26:19.47 'Who is he?' And she spots somebody, 'Yo, you're a Nazarene, aren't you?'" Hoping 00:26:19.47\00:26:27.22 that he would pause and say, "I am. What do you want to know 00:26:27.22\00:26:32.89 about Jesus?" But Peter, so consumed with his self-preoccupation, his 00:26:32.89\00:26:41.56 knee-jerk fear thinks that she wants to turn him in. And so -- boom -- without thinking, he 00:26:41.56\00:26:46.84 says, "I don't know what you're talking about." And just like me, how many times have I done 00:26:46.84\00:26:53.91 it, to save myself embarrassment or to be preoccupied with my own self-focus, I miss a golden 00:26:53.91\00:27:01.32 opportunity to give a testimony for Jesus. That's all they 00:27:01.32\00:27:08.69 wanted to know. The little girl doesn't let up. Go back to the account here. Verse 68. 00:27:08.69\00:27:14.63 "But Peter denied it. 'I don't know or understand what you're talking about, girl,' 00:27:14.63\00:27:17.60 he said, and he went out into the entryway." But verse 69, 00:27:17.60\00:27:21.04 "When the servant girl saw him there, she said again to those standing around, 'I'm telling 00:27:21.04\00:27:26.68 you, guys, this fellow is one of them.' And again he denied it," 00:27:26.68\00:27:31.71 verse 70. And "After after a little while, those standing near," obviously by the fire, 00:27:31.71\00:27:36.12 "said to Peter, 'Come on, come on, man. I know that accent. You're from the North. 00:27:36.12\00:27:40.82 Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.'" And now 00:27:40.82\00:27:45.53 notice verse 71, "And he," Peter, "began to call down curses, and he swore to them, 'I 00:27:45.53\00:27:52.77 never knew this blankety, blank, blank, blank man in my life.'" The air is blue with fisherman 00:27:52.77\00:27:58.24 obscenities. "I don't know this man you're talking about." 00:27:58.24\00:28:04.91 And "Immediately" -- verse 72 -- "Immediately" -- Mark's favorite word -- "the rooster crowed" -- 00:28:04.91\00:28:11.52 cock-a-doodle-doo -- "the second time. Then Peter remembered the 00:28:11.52\00:28:16.06 word that Jesus had spoken to him. 'Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three 00:28:16.06\00:28:20.53 times.' And Peter broke down and wept." The translation reads, 00:28:20.53\00:28:27.57 "Wept bitterly." Now, Dr. Luke, God bless him, captures a split second that no other Gospel 00:28:27.57\00:28:35.48 records. And that is between Peter's obscenity-laden denial and the cock-a-doodle-doo of the 00:28:35.48\00:28:42.55 rooster. In that split second, Jesus is being led across the 00:28:42.55\00:28:47.22 portico. Jesus hears what Peter has just said. Jesus' hurt eyes 00:28:47.22\00:28:53.46 turn to the big fisherman and when the cock crows, Peter instinctiv-- of course, 00:28:53.46\00:29:00.64 instinctively -- You know, sometimes somebody is staring at you and you know they're staring 00:29:00.64\00:29:05.27 at you and -- but you don't know who it -- and you turn. And their eyes meet, and Peter's 00:29:05.27\00:29:12.65 conscience and heart broke. "Desire of Ages" describes this 00:29:12.65\00:29:19.15 moment. You have it in your take-home study guide today. Let me put it on the screen for 00:29:19.15\00:29:23.02 you -- "In that gentle countenance, Peter read deep pity and sorrow, but there's no 00:29:23.02\00:29:27.23 anger there in Jesus' face. 00:29:27.23\00:29:29.03 There's that word. "Conscience was aroused. 00:29:37.54\00:29:40.01 Memory was active...Once more he looked at his Master, and saw a 00:29:40.01\00:29:43.48 sacrilegious hand raised to slap him across the face. 00:29:43.48\00:29:46.31 Unable longer to endure the scene, he rushes out, heartbroken, from the hall." 00:29:46.48\00:29:52.02 Conscience, a broken heart, but it was not the rooster that broke Peter's heart. 00:29:52.02\00:30:01.90 It was the dove. And therein lies the difference between the rooster and the dove 00:30:01.90\00:30:13.64 when it comes to the conscience. So we turn to the dove now at the beginning of the book. 00:30:13.64\00:30:19.18 Go back just a few pages to Mark chapter 1. All four Gospels 00:30:19.18\00:30:26.09 bookended with these two birds. Mark chapter 1. Drop down to 00:30:26.09\00:30:32.63 verse 9 and, "At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the 00:30:32.63\00:30:37.10 Jordan. Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open." 00:30:37.10\00:30:42.27 The Greek word is "schizo," which is from the word "schism" or "scism," where it's just 00:30:42.27\00:30:46.84 ripped. "He saw heaven being ripped open and the Spirit 00:30:46.84\00:30:53.45 descending on him like a dove." 00:30:53.45\00:30:54.48 Look, if the rooster represents an awakened conscience and the dove represents the Holy Spirit, 00:31:11.53\00:31:17.87 as all four Gospels attest to, that means there is some sort of profound linkage going on here 00:31:17.87\00:31:25.85 between the birds that begin and end all four Gospels. Some kind 00:31:25.85\00:31:33.15 of linkage here. In fact, in a cryptic line that Jesus once spoke to His disciples, sage 00:31:33.15\00:31:38.49 counsel, by the way. Don't even look it up. We'll put it on the 00:31:38.49\00:31:40.96 screen. Matthew 10:16. On the screen, please. You see it 00:31:40.96\00:31:45.83 there? Jesus says, "Hey, guys, ladies, I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves." 00:31:45.83\00:31:51.37 This is no picnic. This isn't a garden party. I'm sending you 00:31:51.37\00:31:57.31 into war like sheep among wolves. "Therefore" -- Now here comes the sage counsel -- "be as 00:31:57.31\00:32:01.32 shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Hmm. 00:32:01.32\00:32:11.46 Be as shrewd as snakes. Now, let me ask you a question. Who's the 00:32:11.46\00:32:17.80 shrewdest snake, serpent you have ever heard of in the entire world? Who would it be? 00:32:17.80\00:32:23.20 Of course, of course. Revelation 12:9. How does it put it? 00:32:23.20\00:32:25.87 "That ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray." 00:32:25.87\00:32:30.01 And so, hold on, hold on. The only way we who follow Jesus can be as shrewd and as wise as 00:32:30.01\00:32:36.18 our mortal enemy is if we are somehow tipped off in advance and prepared for his diabolical 00:32:36.18\00:32:42.59 assaults. That's the only way we get out of this place. 00:32:42.59\00:32:48.70 Otherwise we're dead meat. Here's a verse you grew up with 00:32:48.70\00:32:52.33 as a kid. Let me put it on the screen for you. I hope you'll go 00:32:52.33\00:32:56.10 home and mark all these in your Bible. Come on, there's a chain here of a Bible study that you 00:32:56.10\00:33:00.48 can brood over for a long time. Put it on the screen, please. 00:33:00.48\00:33:02.68 1 Corinthians 10:13. Paul writing, "No temptation has 00:33:02.84\00:33:07.35 overtaken you except what is common to mankind. 00:33:07.35\00:33:10.59 And God is faithful." Oh, yes, He is. 00:33:10.59\00:33:13.62 "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear." 00:33:13.62\00:33:18.59 Keep reading. 00:33:18.59\00:33:19.49 I'm gonna tell you something. I don't know if you got it, but there is some powerful good news 00:33:28.04\00:33:32.11 wrapped up in that line we just shared. Powerful good news. 00:33:32.11\00:33:34.84 You said, "What's the good news there, Dwight?" Well, I'll tell 00:33:34.84\00:33:38.15 you what. Do you realize that every temptation you face -- any temptation, every temptation you 00:33:38.15\00:33:44.95 face has been pre-tested? Get this -- It has been pre-tested 00:33:44.95\00:33:51.89 before it comes to you. God pre-tests every one of our 00:33:51.89\00:33:56.80 temptations. Now, we just had Kirk and Chelsea with us, and we've had a wonderful time with 00:33:56.80\00:34:01.34 our little Ella and her younger sister. Ella's 4 and Isabel is 4 months. But you know when mother 00:34:01.34\00:34:07.24 Chelsea bathes Isabel, the baby, you know what she does? She puts some hot water in the 00:34:07.24\00:34:11.38 sink or hot water in the bathtub or the little tiny tub -- she'll put hot water in and you know 00:34:11.38\00:34:15.82 the next thing she does? She puts her hand in. You know why 00:34:15.82\00:34:21.19 she's doing that? She wants to make sure that this water's not too hot. Once she determines 00:34:21.19\00:34:25.36 it's not too hot, then she'll lower the little baby into that water. That's exactly what God 00:34:25.36\00:34:29.46 does with you and me. He puts His hand into that temptation. 00:34:29.46\00:34:33.64 I see what's coming. And he pre-- he pre-tests. He pre-checks the temptation. 00:34:33.64\00:34:42.24 Because as the way God has it figured, if He doesn't do it in advance, if He doesn't learn in 00:34:42.24\00:34:49.15 advance, we're all gone. How you do that, God? That's a great 00:34:49.15\00:34:54.96 question to ask. I'll tell you how He does it. I love this story in the Old Testament. 00:34:54.96\00:34:58.03 It's one of my favorites. It's in the time of Elijah and the mortal enemy king of Israel. 00:34:58.03\00:35:03.83 Okay, the Nation of Israel. The mortal enemy king has begun to 00:35:03.83\00:35:08.30 notice a pattern. Every time he plans a strategic, secret assault, when he brings his army 00:35:08.30\00:35:14.98 there, guess what -- either Israel is prepared and fully armed or they're gone. This 00:35:14.98\00:35:21.95 happens time after time after time, and finally, one day, you can just hear this king in his 00:35:21.95\00:35:26.89 war counsel room, he says, "Guys, I have had it. There is a snitch in this circle. 00:35:26.89\00:35:30.59 Which one of you is the mole? Who is leaking our strategies?" 00:35:30.59\00:35:38.00 "Not me. Not me. Not me. Not me." And then, God bless this little officer, he said, 00:35:38.00\00:35:41.94 "[ Clears throat ] Excuse me, royal highness." And I love his 00:35:41.94\00:35:45.61 words. Put it on the screen, please. This is 2 Kings 6:12. 00:35:45.61\00:35:48.18 On the screen. "'None of us, my lord the king,' 00:35:48.34\00:35:52.11 says this officer, 'but I'll tell you who it is. 00:35:52.11\00:35:55.65 It's Elisha the prophet who is in Israel, he tells the king of 00:35:55.65\00:35:58.85 Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.'" 00:35:58.85\00:36:03.12 Embarrassing. 00:36:03.12\00:36:07.13 What's going on here? That little dove, that little dove apparently can fly up into 00:36:07.30\00:36:14.34 the tiniest corner of the room and, in that corner, overhear every conversation and monitor 00:36:14.34\00:36:22.74 every thought in that space. Unrecognized, unnoticed, but there he is in the war room of 00:36:22.74\00:36:32.65 the dastardly, the dark, the dark, despicable enemy of you and me, in the war room of Satan 00:36:32.65\00:36:41.10 himself. There's a third person that got it, unseen, recording 00:36:41.10\00:36:47.30 it all. Oh, you're going after Dwight today. Hmm, they're going 00:36:47.30\00:36:52.01 after Dwight today. To my guardian angel comes the word, 00:36:52.01\00:36:58.75 "Look out." I just heard it. They're going for your human 00:36:58.75\00:37:03.25 charge. When he walks around that corner, when she steps into that room, she will be hit in 00:37:03.25\00:37:10.69 the face with a blitz. God has two choices -- don't let her in 00:37:10.69\00:37:16.60 there. They'll kill her. They will destroy her. Keep her out 00:37:16.60\00:37:22.04 of that room. Don't let her go. Or he can handle this. He can 00:37:22.04\00:37:27.81 handle this. If he's relying on me, stay with him, be prepared. It will be an assault like no 00:37:27.81\00:37:33.88 other assault he's experienced. That's how he does it. How's he 00:37:33.88\00:37:39.82 do this? He did it just like that. He's there in the war counsels, and he's listening, 00:37:39.82\00:37:45.99 and he's reading every thought. Wow. Oh, no wonder God says, 00:37:45.99\00:37:52.97 Psalm 50:15. Here's your text. Put it on the screen. 00:37:52.97\00:37:55.80 God says... You know why? Because I've already made 00:37:55.80\00:38:00.91 provision for that moment. Now, if you don't call on me, I'm not 00:38:00.91\00:38:04.15 intervening. Free choice, your choice. But if you want me, ask me for help and I will deliver 00:38:04.15\00:38:11.39 you. I'll save you if you want it. If you don't want it, okay. No temptation comes to you 00:38:11.39\00:38:18.23 without a way of escape and a path to certain victory. Ahh, then what's the moral 00:38:18.23\00:38:22.46 mechanism by which God orchestrates your deliverance? Go back to that line, 00:38:22.46\00:38:26.13 Matthew 10:16, on the screen. 00:38:26.13\00:38:28.27 The serpent we know, the dove we know, and it is the dove, the Holy Spirit who preserves our 00:38:32.01\00:38:37.68 innocence. In fact, do you know that Jesus once told us, "A 00:38:37.68\00:38:42.65 vital function of the Holy Spirit is to know what's coming before it comes." I've always 00:38:42.65\00:38:48.76 looked at this text. I'm gonna put it on the screen for you 00:38:48.92\00:38:50.89 right now. John 16:13. I've always looked at this text, 00:38:50.89\00:38:52.96 just on the eve of his execution, as the Holy Spirit 00:38:52.96\00:38:55.43 one day will be able to tell us what's coming down the pike. 00:38:55.43\00:38:58.27 I now see this in a fresh new way. 00:38:58.27\00:39:01.04 Watch this. But Jesus speaking... 00:39:01.04\00:39:04.41 God wants to help you. He speaks what He hears. He's in the war 00:39:16.25\00:39:22.16 room chambers of the enemy and then He will tell you, He will alert you what is yet to come 00:39:22.16\00:39:27.30 just like he did with Israel against the enemy king. You're about to be attacked. 00:39:27.30\00:39:31.07 Hey, listen to me. You're about to be attacked today. 00:39:31.07\00:39:35.20 You have no idea. I see that you're planning on a little time 00:39:35.20\00:39:38.67 with me. I'm telling you what, I wouldn't go out there half dressed. I wouldn't go out there 00:39:38.67\00:39:42.24 half naked. I would not go out there without armor on. 00:39:42.24\00:39:45.51 Boy, stay here a little longer. I have to get you prepared. They're gonna kill you. 00:39:45.51\00:39:51.25 He has a battalion that will slaughter you unless you and me are together on this one -- 00:39:51.25\00:40:01.63 on any one. Yeah. What's going on here? 00:40:01.63\00:40:06.20 It's this -- It's this -- It's this...moral command center. You say, "Dwight, you're making 00:40:06.20\00:40:13.78 this up." I am not. In fact, I want you to check a 00:40:13.78\00:40:16.54 text. I don't want you to read it off the screen. 00:40:16.54\00:40:18.75 You just go back to the Book of Isaiah. I'm gonna show you 00:40:18.75\00:40:21.65 something that you'll never forget this text. I hope it gets 00:40:21.65\00:40:24.55 marked in your Bible eventually. Isaiah 30. Go to Isaiah 30, 00:40:24.55\00:40:26.99 okay? So you have your Bible. Go back to the Old Testament. 00:40:26.99\00:40:30.19 Isaiah 30. One line. Take a look at this. Isaiah 30. Drop down to 00:40:30.19\00:40:39.13 verse 21. God's speaking, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will 00:40:39.13\00:40:47.04 hear a voice behind you, saying, 'Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh. This -- This is the way; walk in 00:40:47.04\00:40:58.09 it.'" It's called the conscience. Put it on the 00:40:58.09\00:41:01.32 screen. Let's just look at that word for a moment. It's called 00:41:01.32\00:41:04.63 the conscience. Every human being has a conscience. 00:41:04.63\00:41:12.03 It's that inner voice that belongs to the dove, the 00:41:12.20\00:41:15.64 Holy Spirit who engages your moral control center through his 00:41:15.64\00:41:20.34 voice that instructs you your next moves. 00:41:20.34\00:41:24.31 It's called the conscience. Jesus said when he was 00:41:24.31\00:41:27.28 describing the Holy Spirit a little earlier in the upper 00:41:27.28\00:41:29.42 room, he says, "He will be in you." 00:41:29.42\00:41:31.55 This says you'll hear a voice behind you. 00:41:31.55\00:41:33.52 Guess what -- it's actually in you. 00:41:33.52\00:41:35.16 It'll come from inside of you. It'll be inside your mind. 00:41:35.16\00:41:37.69 And if you've been listening to that voice, you'll recognize it. 00:41:37.69\00:41:40.43 You'll recognize it immediately and you'll know who's speaking 00:41:40.43\00:41:42.36 to you. That's how you learn a voice. 00:41:42.36\00:41:46.10 You have to just keep hearing it and heeding it, and it will keep 00:41:46.10\00:41:49.37 coming back to you. 00:41:49.37\00:41:50.41 You'll have it memorized. You know the sound of His voice. I 00:41:50.57\00:41:55.98 do. And guess what -- you can be a Fuzzy Wuzzy in the heart of the Eastern Highlands of 00:41:55.98\00:42:00.15 Papua New Guinea. You can be a business-suited millennial on 00:42:00.15\00:42:04.89 the streets of the windy city of Chicago. You can be a retiree in 00:42:04.89\00:42:08.46 Berrien County. It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter where you live. 00:42:08.46\00:42:11.36 It doesn't matter what you do. You have a conscience unless you are totally insane. 00:42:11.36\00:42:16.63 You have a conscience. You were born with this internal direct-connect from God 00:42:16.63\00:42:25.01 to your conscience. It is the moral authority of your life 00:42:25.01\00:42:28.74 night and day. And some of you are saying, "Yeah, but, Dwight, can the conscience be wrong?" 00:42:28.74\00:42:34.78 Great question. Of course it can. Let me give you an 00:42:34.78\00:42:39.79 illustration. A little boy grows up in a home where, let's say, drinking soy milk is the gospel 00:42:39.79\00:42:48.33 truth. One day he visits his little friend's house and his friend's mother comes out 00:42:48.33\00:42:52.90 eventually with a plate of steaming chocolate chip cookies and two filled-to-the-rim 00:42:52.90\00:42:58.17 glasses of whole milk -- white. He eats a few cookies and gulps down that glass of milk. 00:42:58.17\00:43:07.78 And moments later -- bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. You just violated your 00:43:07.78\00:43:17.06 conscience. His parents told him to drink only soy milk. 00:43:17.06\00:43:22.43 Question -- is that boy's conscience right or wrong? 00:43:22.43\00:43:31.57 Answer -- yes. [ Laughter ] That's it. Yes. Come on. 00:43:31.57\00:43:39.25 Yes, we are to obey our consciences, and, yes, our consciences can be wrong. 00:43:39.25\00:43:44.32 What is this, a little bit of double-talk from Paul? No, it's 00:43:44.32\00:43:47.52 not. I want to show you this. Put it on the screen, please. Two verses that you've probably 00:43:47.52\00:43:52.36 labored through before and couldn't make much sense out of them, and I'm gonna show you 00:43:52.36\00:43:56.26 what, they're telling you something big deal right now. On 00:43:56.26\00:43:59.93 the screen -- 1 Corinthians 8:4,7. Let's start with verse 4. "So then" -- So, Paul's writing 00:43:59.93\00:44:05.41 to a bunch of pagans who have just been baptized into Christ 00:44:05.41\00:44:08.68 Jesus. They're brand-new baby Christians. So he's writing to 00:44:08.68\00:44:11.91 them. "So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols" -- Hit the pause button right 00:44:11.91\00:44:15.58 there. You see, there's a debate going on in this church that's 00:44:15.58\00:44:18.85 just been planted. The debate is, we all grew up eating the meat sold in the meat 00:44:18.85\00:44:22.62 market. Nothing wrong with that. But we remember now that all of 00:44:22.62\00:44:27.00 this meat was first placed before the idols, it was dedicated to the god that the 00:44:27.00\00:44:31.53 idol represents, and then it's brought down. Therefore, we can 00:44:31.53\00:44:35.90 no longer eat that meat. Now, watch what Paul does here. "So then, about eating food 00:44:35.90\00:44:41.44 sacrificed to idols" -- Here he goes now -- "We know that an idol is nothing at all in the 00:44:41.44\00:44:47.78 world." It's just a hunk of rock. It's a slab of stone. 00:44:47.78\00:44:51.15 It's a piece of wood. It's an overlaid bit of fake gold. 00:44:51.15\00:44:54.62 That's all it is. "We know that an idol is nothing at all in the 00:44:54.62\00:44:59.16 world and that there is no God but one." There's only one God 00:44:59.16\00:45:02.76 in this universe. Hallelujah. That's what Paul's writing. 00:45:02.76\00:45:05.03 "But" -- Now drop down to verse 7 -- "not everyone knows this." 00:45:05.20\00:45:11.34 When they eat the food offered to a no nothing, worthless, piece of wood, they're 00:45:21.12\00:45:29.06 condemned. Poof. Apparently, a conscience can be 00:45:29.06\00:45:37.10 weak or even wrong, but when we violate that weak or wrong conscience, we defile 00:45:37.10\00:45:43.91 ourselves. He says, "You're defiled now." We defile ourselves, and guess 00:45:43.91\00:45:48.98 what -- that is a sin. Paul -- Romans 14:23. You have all of 00:45:48.98\00:45:55.72 these verses in your study guide. 00:45:55.72\00:45:56.62 Notice Paul writing. Speaking of eating, "Whoever 00:45:56.79\00:46:00.99 has doubts is condemned if they eat." 00:46:00.99\00:46:04.29 So, you've got questions, you're not sure? 00:46:04.29\00:46:06.39 You go ahead and eat it. "You are condemned if you eat 00:46:06.39\00:46:09.60 because your eating is not from faith, and everything that does 00:46:09.60\00:46:13.94 not come from faith is sin." 00:46:13.94\00:46:16.64 That's one of the most comprehensive definiti-- It is the most comprehensive 00:46:16.81\00:46:19.74 definition in all of scripture for sin. What is sin? 00:46:19.74\00:46:22.54 It's what you know is wrong. You can be wrong about the wrong, but it's still a sin 00:46:22.54\00:46:28.12 to you. Isn't that something? To violate your conscience. 00:46:28.12\00:46:34.52 When this moral command center inside of you is flashing red -- beep, beep, beep, beep, beep -- 00:46:34.52\00:46:40.50 whatever it is, it's warning you about, do not do it. Don't! 00:46:40.50\00:46:52.84 If it's going off, stop. Because when you disobey your conscience, no matter how weak 00:46:52.84\00:47:01.48 or how wrong it may be, like the little boy drinking soy milk, 00:47:01.48\00:47:06.25 you deaden it. And a deadened conscience can eventually become a dead conscience, and you are 00:47:06.25\00:47:15.93 lost. It's shut down. It's gone. Paul describes these dead 00:47:15.93\00:47:22.37 consciences. He uses the word in 1 Timothy 4, "sear." 00:47:22.37\00:47:25.94 So you take a hot iron on my skin, and I have all these little holes here, my pores. 00:47:25.94\00:47:30.08 [ Imitating sizzling ] No more holes, no more anything. It's 00:47:30.08\00:47:35.42 just scar tissue. Seared consciences. Wow. Listen, even 00:47:35.42\00:47:47.96 if your conscience is wrong -- Now, listen very carefully to this. Even if your conscience is 00:47:47.96\00:47:53.90 wrong and all your family and friends are telling you it is wrong, do not violate your moral 00:47:53.90\00:48:02.11 command center's communication to you. Do not violate that conscience. The clearest -- I've 00:48:02.11\00:48:09.18 never preached on the conscience before. The clearest statement 00:48:09.18\00:48:12.25 I've ever read is this that's gonna appear on the screen now. I've never seen a clearer 00:48:12.25\00:48:18.26 statement. Put it on the screen for you. 00:48:18.26\00:48:20.20 "The Christian" -- This is from a commentary -- "The Christian 00:48:20.36\00:48:25.43 should never violate his conscience. 00:48:25.43\00:48:28.67 Oh, yes, it may require educating. 00:48:28.67\00:48:31.34 It may tell him that certain things are wrong that in 00:48:31.34\00:48:34.08 themselves turns out may not be wrong, but" -- Hold on -- "until 00:48:34.08\00:48:38.35 convinced by the Word of God and the Spirit of God that a certain 00:48:38.35\00:48:42.88 course is proper for her, she ought not to -- he ought not to 00:48:42.88\00:48:47.16 pursue that course. He must not make others the 00:48:47.16\00:48:50.53 criterion for his conduct; he must go -- we must go to the 00:48:50.53\00:48:54.46 Scriptures and learn for ourselves our duty in the 00:48:54.46\00:48:57.83 matter." 00:48:57.83\00:48:58.87 If the conscience is going off, obey it. Obey it. 00:48:59.03\00:49:06.51 Or, for you, it's a sin. Even though it's wrong, it's a sin. 00:49:06.51\00:49:11.35 Ooh. Yeah, but come on, Dwight. This isn't right of God to hold 00:49:11.35\00:49:17.02 me accountable to something that's weak or wrong. Why doesn't he just wink 00:49:17.02\00:49:21.76 at my ignorance? The Bible says he does that. Ah! But think a 00:49:21.76\00:49:26.26 minute. Think, think. Unfortunately, the conscience is too extremely fine-tuned 00:49:26.26\00:49:32.00 an instrument. So fine-tuned that it is seriously damaged 00:49:32.00\00:49:40.78 when it is ignored or when it is disobeyed. If we keep saying, "No, I'm not gonna listen to 00:49:40.78\00:49:49.68 you." Whenever it flashes red, we dim the subsequent flashings. We muffle the voice of 00:49:49.68\00:49:54.32 the Holy Spirit to the place Jesus once warned, "You keep this up, you have committed 00:49:54.32\00:49:58.66 the unpardonable sin." Yup, you have. You keep this up. 00:49:58.66\00:50:06.60 Wow. It's like Chrissy, our little girl, she came home from 00:50:06.60\00:50:12.34 school one day, Ruth Murdoch, and I asked her to do something. And I'd never heard this before. 00:50:12.34\00:50:17.35 I asked her to do something and she goes like this, "Talk to my 00:50:17.35\00:50:21.88 hand. My face ain't listening." [ Laughter ] Did you learn that 00:50:21.88\00:50:27.59 in church school? Where'd you get -- Some kid on the 00:50:27.59\00:50:31.66 playground. "Talk to my hand. My face ain't listening." It's like 00:50:31.66\00:50:34.86 a little boy whose mother's admonishing, "I can't hear you, Mommy. I can't hear you. 00:50:34.86\00:50:37.60 I really can't. I really can't hear you, Mom. Sorry." 00:50:37.60\00:50:41.57 Eventually the voice grows silent. Not because God is mad 00:50:41.57\00:50:49.98 at you. Are you kidding? But because you can no longer hear 00:50:49.98\00:50:53.35 His voice. You have switched frequencies. Your conscience is no longer tuned to the frequency 00:50:53.35\00:50:57.65 of His voice. Jesus called it the unpardonable sin, which in 00:50:57.65\00:51:01.96 essence is the one sin that you don't want to have pardoned. You 00:51:01.96\00:51:04.46 know why? Because you don't want to let it go. That's the 00:51:04.46\00:51:07.13 unpardonable sin. Whatever it is, you keep saying no to him and finally he says, "I got it. 00:51:07.13\00:51:15.90 N-O." Adios. Talk to my hand. My face ain't listening. 00:51:15.90\00:51:22.21 I can't hear you, Jesus. I can't hear you at all. Isn't this 00:51:22.21\00:51:25.61 weird? I can't hear you. The dove of the Holy Spirit and the rooster of your conscience, 00:51:25.61\00:51:33.15 two gifts from God. Two birds, two gifts, one voice to save you, and that's the 00:51:33.15\00:51:40.00 truth. Two birds, two gifts, one voice to save you. 00:51:40.00\00:51:45.90 From a century ago, listen to this. Put it up on the screen. 00:51:45.90\00:51:49.00 Wow. "As we yield to the influence of the Spirit of God" 00:51:49.00\00:51:52.67 -- That would be the dove -- "our conscience" -- That's the rooster -- "becomes tender" -- 00:51:52.67\00:51:56.61 See what happens? "The conscience becomes tender and 00:51:56.61\00:52:01.18 sensitive and sin that we would have passed by with little thought, becomes exceeding 00:52:01.18\00:52:08.86 sinful." The more you open up yourself to the Holy Spirit, the more perceptive you become and 00:52:08.86\00:52:13.26 more sensitive your conscience becomes to the poison of the serpent called sin. 00:52:13.26\00:52:21.47 And when you daily seek the baptism, when you daily seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit, 00:52:21.47\00:52:26.31 guess what. Now, I want you to just hold on to your pew right 00:52:26.31\00:52:29.28 now. Guess what -- stuff you used to laugh off suddenly matters. Stuff you used to shrug 00:52:29.28\00:52:40.59 off suddenly matters. Stuff you used to wave off suddenly 00:52:40.59\00:52:46.26 matters. You know why? Because it matters what you watch. 00:52:46.26\00:52:49.36 How long have you been watching that stuff? How long are you 00:52:49.36\00:52:54.70 gonna keep watching that stuff? There's a point where the bar gets raised and you go up with 00:52:54.70\00:53:01.84 the dove. You don't go down with the serpent. 00:53:01.84\00:53:05.68 How long you gonna keep listening to that stuff? You 00:53:05.68\00:53:08.78 know what it does. You know the red alert in your mind. Every time there's something 00:53:08.78\00:53:12.02 down, you push it down. Turn the music louder. How long will you 00:53:12.02\00:53:18.66 say no to that flashing red light? How long you gonna keep drinking that stuff? 00:53:18.66\00:53:23.73 Oh, I know all your friends drink it. I know it's kind of 00:53:23.73\00:53:28.37 socially -- You know, you're nothing if you don't. How long 00:53:28.37\00:53:33.38 are you gonna keep drinking that? There comes a point where the bar gets raised because we 00:53:33.38\00:53:38.61 got to make ready a people, prepare for the Lord, Jesus is coming. How long you gonna keep 00:53:38.61\00:53:44.19 eating that? You've known all your life. You've had a little 00:53:44.19\00:53:48.29 -- You've had a little gnawing inside of that conscience. You've seen that little flashing 00:53:48.29\00:53:52.39 red light. How long are you gonna keep eating this and 00:53:52.39\00:53:55.93 expect to grow in me? How long you gonna keep wearing that? 00:53:55.93\00:53:59.13 Hmm? Would you wear that with an audience with God? 00:53:59.13\00:54:05.67 How long are you gonna keep thinking those thoughts? I know what you're thinking. 00:54:05.67\00:54:09.18 I know what you're thinking. Why do you keep thinking that way? 00:54:09.18\00:54:13.75 Ladies and gentlemen, it's the moral command center of the human mind and life. 00:54:13.75\00:54:19.59 The dove coos and woos through that command center, and in a silent voice, let it go. 00:54:19.59\00:54:28.63 You're growing up. You can't quit being a teenager. Act like 00:54:28.63\00:54:37.14 we've been walking together for a while. The dove and the rooster -- two birds, two gifts, 00:54:37.14\00:54:46.85 but they combine into one voice that is always right. One voice, 00:54:46.85\00:54:57.59 always right. Which is why we need to ask for both gifts every 00:54:57.76\00:55:01.46 day. I'm serious. I'm gonna be doing this. 00:55:01.46\00:55:04.10 We've got to ask every day, "God, I need a clean conscience 00:55:04.10\00:55:07.00 today, and I need the baptism of the Holy Spirit today. 00:55:07.00\00:55:10.01 I have to have both gifts. I want the rooster and the dove 00:55:10.01\00:55:12.14 today. I have to have it today. 00:55:12.14\00:55:14.31 I'm telling you, God, I don't want to drink the Kool-Aid. 00:55:14.31\00:55:18.08 I don't want to suck that poison. 00:55:18.08\00:55:20.35 Every time I suck it, there's a red light that goes off, 00:55:20.35\00:55:23.42 flashing, I know it's happening. I'm tired of living with that 00:55:23.42\00:55:26.55 flashing red light. I'm gonna cut it out. 00:55:26.55\00:55:29.02 I'm gonna quit. 00:55:29.02\00:55:30.39 I'm asking you, Jesus, even as you were baptized in that water and you came up and 00:55:30.56\00:55:34.50 the Holy Spirit came down on you, I'm begging you, Lord 00:55:34.50\00:55:38.07 Jesus, I want the Holy Spirit to come into me not just when I'm baptized. I need to have it 00:55:38.07\00:55:42.37 every morning of my life. Fill me anew. Please send the dove. 00:55:42.37\00:55:46.27 Don't withhold your Spirit from me." David says in Psalms 51, "I 00:55:46.27\00:55:49.38 don't care what you take, but do not take your Spirit from me. I can't live without His 00:55:49.38\00:55:54.42 friendship. I can't live without His Lordship. 00:55:54.42\00:55:57.79 I need Him in me." You have to ask. I don't care how you ask 00:55:57.79\00:56:03.12 it, but you've got to ask. You don't want to keep going. You don't want to keep going at 00:56:03.12\00:56:09.70 the pace you're going. Stuff is ratcheting up. Just ask. 00:56:09.70\00:56:19.21 The dove and the rooster -- two birds, two gifts, one voice. And thank God it's the loving 00:56:19.21\00:56:26.58 voice of our Savior. Hmm? Thank God it's the loving voice 00:56:26.58\00:56:30.75 of our Savior. There's an ancient tradition that asserts 00:56:30.75\00:56:34.76 that for the rest of his life, Peter -- After that fateful night of denial, Peter could 00:56:34.76\00:56:41.30 never hear a rooster crowing without falling to his knees and weeping. Two birds, two gifts, 00:56:41.30\00:56:53.17 one voice. Thank God it's the loving voice of our Savior. 00:56:53.17\00:57:01.25 Amen. Amen. >> Thank you for taking the time to join us in worship today. I'd like to spend 00:57:04.52\00:57:08.19 another moment with you here at the end of our program to share a word of hope. In fact, that's 00:57:08.19\00:57:11.96 what this little book is all about. In these uncertain times, and let's face it, they're 00:57:11.96\00:57:15.76 uncertain all over this planet. This book entitled, "The Great Hope," will help you 00:57:15.76\00:57:19.40 understand not just what God has planned for your future, but for the future of the entire human 00:57:19.40\00:57:23.97 race. Light keeps shining on this dark old world and new 00:57:23.97\00:57:28.14 truths long forgotten are being constantly rediscovered. 00:57:28.14\00:57:30.85 If you need a fresh dose of hope for your life these days or you 00:57:31.01\00:57:33.88 know somebody else who could sure use that gift of hope, then 00:57:33.88\00:57:36.72 I'd like to invite you to grab your phone, dial our toll-free 00:57:36.72\00:57:39.62 number, 877, the two words HIS WILL -- 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:39.62\00:57:44.83 And at no charge to you, we'll get a copy in the mail to you 00:57:44.83\00:57:47.86 right way. Till the next time we meet, may 00:57:47.86\00:57:50.87 the peace and hope of the Lord Jesus be with you 24/7. 00:57:50.87\00:57:55.07 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:58.84\00:58:17.83 ¤¤ 00:58:17.83\00:58:27.24