¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:06.23 >> Well, good morning, and welcome to 00:00:10.67\00:00:13.91 Pioneer Memorial Church on this special weekend of fasting and 00:00:13.91\00:00:18.31 prayer, in which our mission has been simple. 00:00:18.31\00:00:22.85 We're praying, we're seeking, for the power and the presence 00:00:22.85\00:00:26.89 of God to demolish spiritual strongholds. 00:00:26.89\00:00:30.36 We actually started last night at 7:00 p.m. We had host here 00:00:30.53\00:00:35.23 throughout the night every hour on the hour praying. We had people gathering, and it 00:00:35.23\00:00:39.93 doesn't finish until 7:00 p.m. tonight. So there's still lots 00:00:39.93\00:00:43.30 of time. And today what we're gonna do is also spend time in prayer and worship, so today is 00:00:43.30\00:00:49.78 a good day. Please stand with me as we sing "Holy, Holy, Holy!" [ "Holy, Holy, Holy!" begins ] 00:00:49.78\00:00:57.29 [ Congregation sings ] 00:01:12.30\00:01:16.07 >> You may be seated. 00:03:16.93\00:03:18.53 >> Let's pray the prayer of confession. 00:03:26.30\00:03:29.77 And I'm gonna invite us to kneel or sit as you're comfortable as 00:03:29.77\00:03:33.94 we begin. 00:03:33.94\00:03:37.11 "Lord, hear each prayer. We ask that you soften our hearts and reveal, impress us, 00:03:50.36\00:03:58.60 with how glorious and majestic You are. Give us the gift of 00:03:58.60\00:04:04.74 repentance. Loving God, gently reveal to us our cherished rights, our resentments, our 00:04:04.74\00:04:14.18 rebellion, illicit relationships, and destructive habits, and the things our eyes 00:04:14.18\00:04:21.99 won't unsee and our guilt. Lord, set us free from the discomfort. 00:04:21.99\00:04:28.36 Break our hearts with your grace. Oh, my Savior, help me. 00:04:28.36\00:04:36.54 I'm slow to learn, prone to forget, and weak to climb. I'm in the foothills when I 00:04:36.54\00:04:44.61 should be on the heights. I'm pained by my graceless heart, my prayerless days, my 00:04:44.61\00:04:53.59 poverty of love, my sullied conscience, my wasted hours, my unspent opportunities. 00:04:53.59\00:05:03.00 I'm blind while the light shines around me. Take the scales from 00:05:03.00\00:05:09.94 my eyes. Grind to dust my heart of unbelief. Make it my highest 00:05:09.94\00:05:16.51 joy to study You, meditate on You, gaze on You. Sit like Mary 00:05:16.51\00:05:24.49 at your feet. Lean like John on your breast. Appeal like Peter to your love. Count like Paul 00:05:24.49\00:05:31.99 all things but rubbish. Believe -- I believe. Help my unbelief. 00:05:31.99\00:05:41.37 Loving God, we have remained silent, but because we have not thought of ourselves worthy of 00:05:41.37\00:05:50.88 speaking for what is right, to pray for what is right. Set us free from chains of shame 00:05:50.88\00:05:59.32 that binds us. Set us free to pray against the strongholds 00:05:59.32\00:06:08.73 today. Loving God, as your people, we pray as once was prayed in Psalm 32:5, 'Then I 00:06:08.73\00:06:20.81 confessed my sins to you, I did not conceal my wrongdoings. I decided to confess them to 00:06:20.81\00:06:27.32 You, and You forgave all my sins.' Amen." 00:06:27.32\00:06:32.49 We pray Psalm 51:10-15. "Create a pure heart in me, O God, and put a new and loyal 00:06:32.49\00:06:40.10 spirit in me. Do not banish me from your presence, do not take 00:06:40.10\00:06:44.57 your Holy Spirit away from me. Give me again the joy that comes from your salvation and make me 00:06:44.57\00:06:50.74 willing to obey you. Then I will teach sinners your commands and they will turn back 00:06:50.74\00:06:55.94 to you. Spare my life, O God, and save me, and I will glady 00:06:55.94\00:07:01.45 proclaim your righteousness. Help me speak, Lord, and I will 00:07:01.45\00:07:06.86 praise you." In Jesus' name, let God's people say "Amen." [ Organ 00:07:06.86\00:07:14.60 plays ] [ "Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)" begins ] 00:07:21.47\00:07:26.31 >> Morning, boys and girls. Oh, there's so many of you. I'm sure you can be louder than 00:11:29.85\00:11:34.19 that. Good morning, boys and girls. >> All: Morning! 00:11:34.19\00:11:37.39 >> That was pretty good. All right, so this morning I'm going to tell you a story about 00:11:37.39\00:11:41.40 a little girl named Julie, and Julie loved -- she loved to run 00:11:41.40\00:11:46.17 and play. How many of you like to run? A lot of you. Nice. And Julie, she loved to run and 00:11:46.17\00:11:50.81 play, and Julie was seven years old. Do I have any 7-year-olds 00:11:50.81\00:11:54.68 in here? Awesome. 00:11:54.68\00:11:56.18 So, Julie was at an age where she loved to run and play, and 00:11:56.34\00:11:59.55 she used to run a lot with her mom, and her mom would play with 00:11:59.55\00:12:02.28 her. They'd play games like 00:12:02.28\00:12:03.62 hide-and-seek and a lot of other fun games. 00:12:03.62\00:12:05.69 But Julie's mom had gotten sick recently, and so because of that, she couldn't really play 00:12:05.85\00:12:11.29 with Julie that much, and so when Julie would ask her mom to come run and play with her, her 00:12:11.29\00:12:16.10 mom would just say, "Oh, I enjoy watching you run and play. That 00:12:16.10\00:12:20.60 makes me happy." And this particular day, Julie was about to go school, and they were 00:12:20.60\00:12:25.24 gonna have a track-and-field day. How many of you guys have had track-and-field days at your 00:12:25.24\00:12:28.51 school? A few of you. Okay. So you know that there's lots of 00:12:28.51\00:12:32.08 running, there's lots of activities, and if you win, you can get awards and stuff, and so 00:12:32.08\00:12:36.22 Julie had it in her mind -- she was determined that she was gonna win a ribbon for her 00:12:36.22\00:12:40.62 mother. She was gonna win a race, and she was gonna bring it 00:12:40.62\00:12:43.49 back to her mom. So, the thing is, though, about Julie is Julie 00:12:43.49\00:12:48.16 was pretty small, and she had pretty short legs, especially compared to the other 00:12:48.16\00:12:52.70 7-year-olds. And so Julie couldn't run that fast, so she decided that if she wanted to 00:12:52.70\00:12:57.54 win this race, she would need some help. So Julie decided to -- Does anyone know what Julie 00:12:57.54\00:13:01.51 decided to do? >> She liked -- She got a friend so she could -- 00:13:01.51\00:13:12.09 the friend could help her. >> She did get a friend that could help her, and the friend 00:13:12.09\00:13:15.19 was Jesus. She decided to pray to her Heavenly Father. 00:13:15.19\00:13:18.36 And so she prayed this prayer. She said, "Dear Heavenly Father, 00:13:18.36\00:13:21.96 we're gonna have track-and-field day today, and I want to win a ribbon for my mother, but I need 00:13:21.96\00:13:26.17 your help, but if I don't win, that's okay, but please help me, too." So after she prayed, you 00:13:26.17\00:13:30.27 know, she kind of felt the Holy Spirit warm her heart, and she decided that she was gonna have 00:13:30.27\00:13:34.28 a great time no matter what. So Julie got to school, and it was track-and-field day, and 00:13:34.28\00:13:37.91 there was lots of activities, and so as she was, you know, trying to think of what activity 00:13:37.91\00:13:41.78 she was gonna do first, she saw her friend Sophie, and her friend Sophie called her over, 00:13:41.78\00:13:45.42 and she said, "Hey, Julie." She said, "How about you come and do this race with me?" 00:13:45.42\00:13:49.76 And so the line that Sophie was in was for the long-line jump, and the goal of this activity is 00:13:49.76\00:13:55.66 to jump as far as you can, and different people try and the kid that jumps the farthest, they 00:13:55.66\00:14:01.07 win and they get the ribbon. And so Julie, she crouched down and she jumped as far as she 00:14:01.07\00:14:06.17 could. And it was pretty far. It's farther than she's ever 00:14:06.17\00:14:09.04 jumped. But it wasn't far enough to get a ribbon. 00:14:09.04\00:14:12.45 But Julie thought, "That's okay," so she decided to try 00:14:12.45\00:14:15.98 another race. So she went and she got in line with her friend Evie for the 50-yard dash. 00:14:15.98\00:14:19.89 And so for this race, there's a set distance, and like four people, four children, they run, 00:14:19.89\00:14:25.76 they start at start line, and they run 50 yards, and whoever finishes first gets first place. 00:14:25.76\00:14:32.20 And so Julie, she got in the line, and she got ready to run, and when they said "start," when 00:14:32.20\00:14:37.84 they said "go," she ran, and Julie got fourth place. So fourth place wasn't high 00:14:37.84\00:14:43.51 enough to get a ribbon. "But that's okay," Julie thought. 00:14:43.51\00:14:46.82 She thought, "I'll at least do one more race." So Julie got in 00:14:46.82\00:14:50.95 line for the relay race, and in the relay race, you have to work with a team, and you guys pass a 00:14:50.95\00:14:56.09 baton between each other, and the team that finishes first wins. So Julie got in line for 00:14:56.09\00:15:01.96 the relay race. And so when it was Julie's turn to get the baton, she got it and 00:15:01.96\00:15:05.63 she ran as fast as she could, and then she passed it to her friend Evie, and Evie ran fast, 00:15:05.63\00:15:09.74 too. But as Julie was watching, she noticed another girl was 00:15:09.74\00:15:13.34 passing Evie, and so Julie got kind of discouraged, and she thought her team probably 00:15:13.34\00:15:18.41 wouldn't win. So Julie just went in her corner and she prayed again, and when Julie was 00:15:18.41\00:15:23.12 finished praying, she was kind of walking around the field not really focusing on anything. 00:15:23.12\00:15:26.12 And then her friend Evie came up to her, and Evie said, "Hey, Julie, guess what," and Evie 00:15:26.12\00:15:30.36 passed her a ribbon. She said, "We got first place." You see, Julie -- She didn't win 00:15:30.36\00:15:35.06 any of the races by herself, but when she did the team race, she won, and it's really important 00:15:35.06\00:15:40.14 that when we look at this story, we realize that the power of prayer makes a difference. 00:15:40.14\00:15:44.77 And you see, all of us, we're in a race, too. But we can't win 00:15:44.77\00:15:49.38 this race by ourself. We have to work together as a team. 00:15:49.38\00:15:52.61 And we're fighting for our lives, but we need God to help us, 'cause we are in God's army. 00:15:52.61\00:15:57.49 So as the praise team comes up, we're gonna sing the song "I'm in the Lord's Army." 00:15:57.49\00:16:02.09 How many of you know that song? A lot of you. Okay. Well, I'm gonna need all of you 00:16:02.09\00:16:06.16 to stand up so we can sing it. 00:16:06.16\00:16:09.46 [ "I'm in the Lord's Army" begins ] >> All: ¤ I may never 00:16:34.29\00:16:42.30 march in the infantry ¤ ¤ Ride in the cavalry ¤ ¤ Shoot the 00:16:42.30\00:16:48.70 artillery ¤ ¤ I may never fly o'er the enemy ¤ ¤ But I'm in 00:16:48.70\00:16:55.81 the Lord's army ¤ ¤ Yes, sir! ¤ ¤ I'm in the Lord's army ¤ ¤ 00:16:55.81\00:17:01.78 Yes, sir! ¤ ¤ I'm in the Lord's army ¤ ¤ Yes, sir! ¤ ¤ I may 00:17:01.78\00:17:08.49 never march in the infantry ¤ ¤ But I'm in the Lord's army ¤ >> That was pretty good. 00:17:08.49\00:17:17.60 However, I think we could use some more help. Do you guys 00:17:17.60\00:17:21.77 think we need some more help? All right, so I'm gonna invite the congregation to stand with 00:17:21.77\00:17:25.21 us and sing it with us for the next one. [ "I'm in the Lord's 00:17:25.21\00:17:34.28 Army" begins ] >> All: ¤ I may never march in the infantry ¤ 00:17:34.28\00:17:40.39 ¤ Ride in the cavalry ¤ ¤ Shoot the artillery ¤ ¤ I may never 00:17:40.39\00:17:46.56 fly o'er the enemy ¤ ¤ But I'm in the Lord's army ¤ ¤ Yes, sir! 00:17:46.56\00:17:52.63 ¤ ¤ I'm in the Lord's army ¤ ¤ Yes, sir! ¤ ¤ I'm in the Lord's 00:17:52.63\00:17:59.21 army ¤ ¤ Yes, sir! ¤ ¤ I may never march in the infantry ¤ 00:17:59.21\00:18:04.85 ¤ But I'm in the Lord's army ¤ ¤ Yes, sir! ¤ >> Amen. 00:18:04.85\00:18:11.62 >> Volunteer to pray. All right, Hasiel. All right, boys and 00:18:11.62\00:18:17.13 girls, we're gonna bow our heads and close our eyes as Hasiel prays. >> Dear Jesus, thank you 00:18:17.13\00:18:22.50 for this beautiful Sabbath, and thank you for all of us going to Sabbath School and learning more 00:18:22.50\00:18:30.57 about You, and we can be like You more. Amen. 00:18:30.57\00:18:35.74 >> All: Amen. 00:18:35.74\00:18:38.08 >> Thank you, all of you, for coming on this day that we have been -- Ooh, we've been 00:18:44.69\00:18:49.82 anticipating -- this day of prayer and fasting, calling upon God, "Take down these 00:18:49.82\00:18:56.03 strongholds." Did you get the little sticker that -- I'm not 00:18:56.03\00:19:01.47 seeing them. Did they not hand it to you at the door? These are 00:19:01.47\00:19:05.54 beautiful, little stickers. "Yes, can do because He can do. 00:19:05.54\00:19:10.51 See, last week was Easter Sabbath. That was "Yes, can do" in the cool shadows of the empty 00:19:10.51\00:19:14.85 tomb. "Yes, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens 00:19:14.85\00:19:18.29 me." Today is "He Can Do." Is that in the Bible? You bet it 00:19:18.29\00:19:22.29 is. Open your Bible to a verse you may have read before, if you've read the book Deuteronomy 00:19:22.29\00:19:27.36 through. But you may never have stopped at this verse. 00:19:27.36\00:19:30.67 It's powerful. Deuteronomy chapter 3. I want to read this, 00:19:30.67\00:19:36.40 and you're hearing, "Scribble the verse down." We got a study 00:19:36.40\00:19:40.58 guide in the worship bulletin. This verse did not get included there, so just scribble it down. 00:19:40.58\00:19:44.88 Deuteronomy 3:24. 00:19:44.88\00:19:46.45 Moses is praying to God, powerful prayer. 00:19:46.61\00:19:49.32 "Sovereign Lord, you have begun to show your servant your 00:19:49.32\00:19:54.39 greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven 00:19:54.39\00:20:01.93 or on earth who can do --" Those are the two words, 00:20:01.93\00:20:06.50 "Can do." "What God --" How's it go again? 00:20:06.50\00:20:09.64 "What god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds 00:20:09.64\00:20:14.24 and the mighty works you do?" "Yes, can do" for you and me, 00:20:14.24\00:20:18.71 because "He can do." 00:20:18.71\00:20:21.15 What god is there in this universe? Oh [scoffs] there are 00:20:21.32\00:20:25.92 gods by the millions on this planet, clamoring for the allegiance of the human race, 00:20:25.92\00:20:31.96 but there's only one living God -- eternal, omnipotent -- and He's the one. He's the one we're 00:20:31.96\00:20:40.20 coming to on this day of prayer and fasting. "Yes, can do because He can do." 00:20:40.20\00:20:48.41 Once upon a time, there were five kings, five armies, five 00:20:48.58\00:20:55.42 strongholds. But they end up -- and emphasis 00:20:55.42\00:21:03.29 on the word "end" -- They end up in a stunning defeat in a story 00:21:03.29\00:21:09.43 you're hardly gonna believe. Some of you have never heard 00:21:09.43\00:21:11.67 this story before in your lives. Open your Bible to Joshua 10. 00:21:11.67\00:21:16.10 Joshua 10. Take a look at this. 00:21:16.10\00:21:19.54 The perfect story for the Andrews University, 00:21:19.54\00:21:23.04 Pioneer Memorial Church on this day of prayer and fasting. 00:21:23.04\00:21:27.75 We'll pick it up in verse 1. I've got the NIV. 00:21:27.75\00:21:29.55 You didn't bring a Bible? Grab the pew Bible in front of 00:21:29.55\00:21:31.65 you. It's page 155, there. 00:21:31.65\00:21:35.12 Little book, but with a dynamite punch. 00:21:35.12\00:21:38.19 Joshua 10:1 -- "Now Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard that 00:21:38.19\00:21:44.47 Joshua had taken Ai --" or "Aye," it's a nearby city -- 00:21:44.47\00:21:48.67 "and totally destroyed it, doing to Ai and its king what he had 00:21:48.67\00:21:53.07 done to Jericho and its king, and that the people of 00:21:53.07\00:21:56.48 Gibeon --" another city -- "had made a treaty of peace with 00:21:56.48\00:22:00.35 Israel --" The children of Israel have come past Jericho. 00:22:00.35\00:22:04.19 They're conquering Canaan. "But the people of Gibeon had a 00:22:04.19\00:22:08.36 peace treaty with Israel and had become their allies." 00:22:08.36\00:22:11.89 We are in big trouble. He sends communication to four other Amorite brothers in the 00:22:21.87\00:22:30.15 kingship. They're kings. He says, "Guys, this is -- 00:22:30.15\00:22:34.52 They're coming against us. If we don't strike first, it's 00:22:34.52\00:22:39.72 curtains." Verse 4. 00:22:39.72\00:22:41.16 I'm talking about a confederated, united, dark, and pagan thrust at the people of 00:23:00.74\00:23:08.28 God. That's what we've got right here. 00:23:08.28\00:23:11.05 But with your permission, I'd like to see -- I'd like to see this stunning tale as a 00:23:11.05\00:23:14.89 metaphor -- as a metaphor for life on this planet today, with a dark occultic confederacy that 00:23:14.89\00:23:23.73 at this moment is a raid against the human race and against the 00:23:23.73\00:23:30.64 people of God. You know these words well, but come on, keep your finger right here in 00:23:30.64\00:23:34.48 Joshua. We'll be back. Ephesians chapter 6. You need to come and 00:23:34.48\00:23:39.25 take a look at these prayer booths in the youth chapel. Slip in after worship at 1:00. 00:23:39.25\00:23:45.45 Take a look. They're based on the pieces of armor here in 00:23:45.45\00:23:51.13 Ephesians chapter 6. So you're finding Ephesians chapter 6. 00:23:51.13\00:23:55.70 Pick it up in Verse 10. Paul writing, "Finally, be strong in 00:23:55.70\00:24:01.00 the Lord --" He's writing to all believers. That'd be you and me. 00:24:01.00\00:24:03.77 What kind of a confederacy is this? Keep reading. 00:24:11.15\00:24:14.85 That's -- That's the host. That's the army -- Every single man, woman, and child in this 00:24:26.09\00:24:35.87 space and outside this space is up against today. That's the 00:24:35.87\00:24:39.74 host. Do you know how many of them there are? I'll tell you. 00:24:39.74\00:24:44.15 One third. No kidding. Revelation 12 -- One third of the angels, the perfect and 00:24:44.15\00:24:50.89 pristine angels of God's kingdom. In a faraway galaxy 00:24:50.89\00:24:57.03 long, long ago, one third of them bought the line of this rebel named Lucifer, whose 00:24:57.03\00:25:07.34 passion is to usurp the throne of the universe. "Follow me, and 00:25:07.34\00:25:12.37 we'll rule one day --" one third out. These are the demons. You've heard of demons? 00:25:12.37\00:25:19.61 Of course you have. You've heard of ghosts? You have. Spirits? 00:25:19.61\00:25:25.12 The spooky stuff we don't like to think about? It's all real. 00:25:25.12\00:25:28.82 Hollywood makes us think it's all a figment of some producer's 00:25:28.82\00:25:33.66 imagination. It's real. One third of the heavenly kingdom 00:25:33.66\00:25:42.57 battled -- battled from the beginning and are now battling against us. By the way, you know 00:25:42.57\00:25:48.84 how Lucifer rules them? I'll tell you -- a little inside 00:25:48.84\00:25:52.61 story. He rules with them with fear and terror. He's not a 00:25:52.61\00:25:57.15 winsome leader. He's not a friendly leader. He is a brutal, terrorizing leader, by sheer 00:25:57.15\00:26:07.76 force and fear. How do we know? You remember the demoniac in 00:26:07.76\00:26:11.57 Mark chapter 5? Remember, he was in the tombs? He comes clawing out, and the disciples run and 00:26:11.57\00:26:16.84 Jesus -- Jesus just, unmoved, just stands right there -- foaming and [growls] at Jesus' 00:26:16.84\00:26:26.05 feet. Jesus doesn't flinch. He knows -- He knows who he's up 00:26:26.05\00:26:31.19 against. "What's your name?" "Legion." 00:26:31.19\00:26:35.52 And do you remember when he raised his hand to begin to cast 00:26:40.13\00:26:45.33 the legion out? They interrupt and the voices within the man speak, "Don't cast us into Hell 00:26:45.33\00:26:55.31 and torment us." They use the word "torment." Where did they 00:26:55.31\00:27:01.48 get that idea that sometime along the way if this Christ wins, you'll be tormented 00:27:01.48\00:27:09.16 forever and ever? Where did they get the idea? The general, who through sheer terror, is 00:27:09.16\00:27:17.60 manipulating his forces. Ladies and gentlemen, these strongholds 00:27:17.60\00:27:20.74 we're gonna be praying about in just a moment -- 'cause you'll be doing the praying -- they're 00:27:20.74\00:27:25.51 not the figment of anybody's imagination. They are real-live 00:27:25.51\00:27:32.95 demons who are holding this planet because the word is out -- the King is about to come. 00:27:32.95\00:27:40.16 Hold your ground. Don't yield an inch. Yeah. 00:27:40.16\00:27:45.93 How's does that go in Verse 12? 00:27:45.93\00:27:47.86 That's the deal. That's who we're up against in this day of prayer and fasting. 00:27:55.67\00:28:01.61 That's why we need the sticker to be the way we pray. "Yes, can do because He can do." 00:28:01.61\00:28:08.98 Stop. What's your name? Go. There's not a stronghold that is 00:28:08.98\00:28:15.02 resistant to Christ himself. Good news, huh? I thought I'd 00:28:15.02\00:28:20.60 get a bigger "amen" than that. Good news, huh? >> All: Amen. 00:28:20.60\00:28:23.40 >> Yeah, Amen. Come on, guys. Absolutely. All right, a little 00:28:23.40\00:28:27.80 lady, about 5'3" tall, over a century ago described behind the scenes this evil confederacy. 00:28:27.80\00:28:33.88 I thought you'd like this. You have these all in the take-home study guide, all these 00:28:33.88\00:28:36.75 quotations. 00:28:36.75\00:28:37.65 Let's put it on the screen, please. 00:28:37.81\00:28:39.38 More than a century ago, Ellen White warned, "Could our 00:28:39.38\00:28:41.82 eyes be opened, and could each of us see the conflict of 00:28:41.82\00:28:45.09 angelic agencies with the Satanic confederacy, who are 00:28:45.09\00:28:49.06 combined with evil human agencies --" 00:28:49.06\00:28:51.89 They have partners on this planet -- "what astonishment 00:28:51.89\00:28:54.76 would come upon the soul." Keep reading. 00:28:54.76\00:28:56.80 "The holy angels are working with terrible intensity --" 00:28:56.80\00:29:00.14 Those are the good guys. "The holy angels are working 00:29:00.14\00:29:02.90 with terrible intensity for the salvation of men, women, and 00:29:02.90\00:29:06.07 children because the destroyer of souls is seeking to make of 00:29:06.07\00:29:09.34 no effect the salvation which has been purchased at Calvary 00:29:09.34\00:29:13.58 by our Lord Jesus at infinite cost." 00:29:13.58\00:29:16.52 They know what has signed their death warrant. They already know 00:29:16.69\00:29:23.02 they've lost. But misery loves company, and they'll take every man, woman, and child that will 00:29:23.02\00:29:26.59 yield to them. Keep reading. "Could our --" Oh, this is some 00:29:26.59\00:29:33.13 line -- "Could our spiritual vision be opened --" In other words, could the veil 00:29:33.13\00:29:37.01 between us and the invisible world drop right now? If we could see, this place 00:29:37.01\00:29:41.51 would be filled with beams. There's a guardian angel for every human being in this space, 00:29:41.51\00:29:47.98 and there is a demon that is just, perhaps, outside this 00:29:47.98\00:29:55.09 space. And we saw what they live with 24/7. 00:29:55.09\00:29:59.96 What does she say here? "Could our spiritual vision be 00:30:00.13\00:30:03.20 opened, we should see that which would never again be effaced 00:30:03.20\00:30:06.67 from the memory as long as life should --" We would never forget 00:30:06.67\00:30:10.17 what we would be able to see. "We should see souls bowed 00:30:10.17\00:30:13.98 down under oppression --" slaves with this dark slave master -- 00:30:13.98\00:30:18.55 "loaded with grief, pressed down as a cart beneath the sheaves -- 00:30:18.55\00:30:21.78 this heavy weight -- "and ready to die in discouragement. 00:30:21.78\00:30:25.22 We should see angels flying swiftly --" 00:30:25.22\00:30:27.99 [ Whooshing ] 00:30:27.99\00:30:30.13 Coming from where? From the celestial courts. "She's under 00:30:30.29\00:30:34.73 attack. I need help." "He's under heavy artillery. Send in 00:30:34.73\00:30:40.07 help!" [ Whooshing ] You think it's funny? You think what we're 00:30:40.07\00:30:45.77 doing down here is some make-up kid stuff? We got it from somewhere else. The first war in 00:30:45.77\00:30:54.22 the universe was in God's house. 00:30:54.22\00:30:57.09 "These tempted souls are unable to help themselves --" Oh, how 00:31:02.92\00:31:06.33 true -- "and avoid the ruin which threatens them; but the 00:31:06.33\00:31:09.70 angels of God are forcing back the evil angels and guiding the 00:31:09.70\00:31:13.94 souls away from the dangerous places --" Don't go there, don't 00:31:13.94\00:31:16.87 go there! Come back, come back, 00:31:16.87\00:31:18.17 come back -- "to plant their feet on a sure foundation. 00:31:18.17\00:31:22.01 "We should see battles going on --" if only our eyes could 00:31:22.01\00:31:25.25 see -- "between the two armies, as real as those fought by 00:31:25.25\00:31:28.48 opposing forces on earth." 00:31:28.48\00:31:29.82 Listen to this -- It's silent right now. We don't hear a 00:31:29.98\00:31:37.13 thing. We can't hear the movement. We can't see in the nether space above us -- the 00:31:37.13\00:31:46.57 hosts, the hosts -- because every army is fighting for keeps. That's Paul's point -- 00:31:46.57\00:31:55.81 every army. And, by the way, they're not three choices you 00:31:55.81\00:31:59.31 have. You have only two. There are only two armies. You're in 00:31:59.31\00:32:04.39 one or the other. There's no middle -- There's no no-man's-ground, not in this 00:32:04.39\00:32:09.59 battle. You're on one side or the other. 00:32:09.59\00:32:11.39 So...here's Joshua. Five kings. Five armies. 00:32:15.73\00:32:24.27 Five pagan dark strongholds. And what will happen? Let's keep 00:32:24.27\00:32:31.81 reading. Verse 6. Go back to Joshua. Joshua 10:6. 00:32:31.81\00:32:36.15 Let me ask you a question. Is there a more powerful prayer than "Help? Help me"? 00:32:49.30\00:32:57.44 Can you think of a more powerful prayer? Let's be honest. Come 00:32:57.44\00:33:02.28 on. It is our natural or our unnatural inclination as human beings to really be slow in 00:33:02.28\00:33:08.18 asking people for help. Do you get a little hesitant about just 00:33:08.18\00:33:11.72 going across the hallway or going across the neighbor's yard and having to ask for help? 00:33:11.72\00:33:14.96 Why? Because I don't want to look like I'm out of control. 00:33:14.96\00:33:17.29 I don't want to look like I'm in a jam that I need somebody to step in and help me. 00:33:17.29\00:33:23.03 And you know what? You're not gonna believe this, but with God, we're even worse. 00:33:23.03\00:33:26.97 Not a word to Him. We're going through hell -- Not a word to 00:33:26.97\00:33:30.91 Him. "I don't want to bother him now." "I can get this. I can do 00:33:30.91\00:33:34.28 it." It's not "Yes, can do." It's "I can do." And we don't 00:33:34.28\00:33:40.55 call the one-word prayer that can unleash angels in your defense. "Help me!" 00:33:40.55\00:33:46.15 Two words. Listen to Anne Lamott in her own unique style of 00:33:46.15\00:33:55.56 writing. Turn the tables for a moment. 00:33:55.56\00:33:56.77 Put Lamott's words on the screen. 00:33:56.93\00:33:59.23 "There's freedom in hitting bottom --" Uh-oh. 00:33:59.23\00:34:02.80 There's freedom in it. Why? "In seeing that you won't be 00:34:02.80\00:34:05.74 able to save or rescue your daughter, her spouse, his 00:34:05.74\00:34:10.31 parents, or your career, relief in admitting you've reached the 00:34:10.31\00:34:13.38 place of great unknowing." 00:34:13.38\00:34:15.08 How much human energy is in the state of trying to fix the unfixable -- as a group, as an 00:34:22.36\00:34:28.90 individual? Keep trying, keep trying, keep trying -- Why don't 00:34:28.90\00:34:34.10 we ask for help? What were we waiting for? Not a word. 00:34:34.10\00:34:39.11 We'll just do it again. [ Sighs ] 00:34:39.11\00:34:44.45 "Relief in admitting you've reached the place of the great 00:34:44.61\00:34:47.78 unknowing." 00:34:47.78\00:34:49.08 Now here it comes. 00:35:04.23\00:35:05.70 She's right. "Help! You got to help us." 00:35:13.98\00:35:20.52 We're in trouble, big trouble. Back to that other woman author. 00:35:20.52\00:35:28.29 I put the words on the screen for you. 00:35:28.29\00:35:29.96 It's outrageous. What a quotation. 00:35:29.96\00:35:34.00 I have this handwritten on my Bibles. 00:35:34.00\00:35:36.93 I don't want to miss this one. 00:35:36.93\00:35:38.73 "The Holy Spirit, the representative of the Captain of the Lord's host --" 00:35:48.64\00:35:52.51 The Holy Spirit, the representative of Christ the 00:35:52.51\00:35:56.38 King. Man, have we been talking about the Holy Spirit around 00:35:56.38\00:36:00.12 here or what? Why? Because of this. Look. 00:36:00.12\00:36:03.06 Here comes this beautiful Gospel of grace. 00:36:08.70\00:36:12.90 Doesn't matter what you've done. That beautiful prayer that Sabine led us through just a 00:36:20.24\00:36:23.95 moment ago... Gods says, "We start now." 00:36:23.95\00:36:29.42 Last line... 00:36:30.92\00:36:33.15 Hallelujah. 00:36:36.99\00:36:38.56 Hallelujah. Omnipotence -- all the power of the universe He can 00:36:38.73\00:36:46.13 do. Look at verse 7. So, the Gibeonites are, "Help!" In fact, 00:36:46.13\00:36:52.64 the two words are "Help us!" Now Verse 7. 00:36:52.64\00:36:54.44 "And the Lord said to Joshua, 'Don't be afraid of them --'" 00:36:59.88\00:37:05.55 Hey, by the way, you know what I'm thinking of? 00:37:05.72\00:37:07.62 There was a little baby once upon a time born in a little 00:37:07.62\00:37:10.29 town called Bethlehem and his mother named him by the 00:37:10.29\00:37:13.06 instruction of the angel. "You'll call him Yehoshua." 00:37:13.06\00:37:16.77 He was named Joshua. In Hebrew, Jesus is Joshua. 00:37:16.77\00:37:20.40 It's Greek that called him Iésous and then we get English, 00:37:20.40\00:37:24.01 Jesus. But he was Yehoshua. 00:37:24.01\00:37:27.44 I can't help but believe that this command from the 00:37:27.44\00:37:29.78 Almighty God to Joshua is really the command of God himself to 00:37:29.78\00:37:33.38 the second person of the guided who comes to this planet. 00:37:33.38\00:37:36.72 Listen to what God says to Joshua. 00:37:36.72\00:37:38.62 What is this, verse 8? "The Lord said to Joshua, 'Do 00:37:38.62\00:37:41.56 not be afraid of them; I have given them into your 00:37:41.56\00:37:44.49 hand. Not one of them --'" Not one of 00:37:44.49\00:37:46.39 these strongholds -- "'will be able to withstand you.'" 00:37:46.39\00:37:50.60 Isn't that something? 00:37:50.60\00:37:52.03 "Listen, Jesus, don't be afraid. You're going down into the 00:37:52.20\00:38:00.58 dragon's lair. It's booby-trapped everywhere you turn. Don't be afraid. 00:38:00.58\00:38:05.71 I've given every stronghold to you. Take them. 00:38:05.71\00:38:10.72 Take the entire planet. Crush that resistance." And he comes -- born, a helpless 00:38:10.72\00:38:18.33 baby in Bethlehem. Wow. You know what? 00:38:18.33\00:38:24.53 Those little seven-word -- That little seven-word credo, remember that -- "I will put 00:38:24.53\00:38:28.77 my --" How's it go? "I will put my trust in Him." Jesus' credo, 00:38:28.77\00:38:35.61 Hebrews 2:13. He lived by these seven words. "I will put my trust in Him." I will put my 00:38:35.61\00:38:39.45 trust in Him, no matter what's happening. Is it Satan himself behind this raving maniac? 00:38:39.45\00:38:44.62 I will put my trust in Him. 2 Corinthians. Boy. Let's put it 00:38:44.62\00:38:52.96 on the screen. 2 Corinthians chapter 10. This our theme text for against the strongholds, 00:38:52.96\00:38:58.67 which is the guiding light for this day of prayer and fasting. "The weapons we fight with --" 00:38:58.67\00:39:02.64 Let's read this out loud together. "The weapons we fight 00:39:02.64\00:39:06.27 with are not the weapons of the world." Now hold on, 'cause we're getting to the good news. 00:39:06.27\00:39:10.41 Read it out loud together. "On the contrary, they have divine 00:39:10.41\00:39:17.29 power to demolish strongholds." Divine power. Omnipotent. You know what the weapon is? 00:39:17.29\00:39:24.53 It's prayer. It's prayer. I've been praying with a different person every hour that 00:39:24.53\00:39:31.20 I've been here at the youth chapel, starting last night at 00:39:31.20\00:39:36.10 7:00. We're all praying for people. Man, I've heard some 00:39:36.10\00:39:40.71 anguished prayers. We're all praying for somebody. 00:39:40.71\00:39:43.78 I carry these words in my Bibles -- connected with 00:39:43.95\00:39:48.72 2 Corinthians 10:4 -- Sidlow Baxter wrote these words. 00:39:48.72\00:39:53.39 Put them on the screen for you. You can keep them. 00:39:53.39\00:39:55.79 "Men may spurn our appeals --" Some of you have been praying 00:39:55.79\00:39:58.96 for somebody for years. Don't give up. Don't give up. 00:39:58.96\00:40:04.47 Hallelujah. "Helpless against our prayers." 00:40:14.58\00:40:18.65 They may hate you. They may spit on you. They may reject you. 00:40:18.81\00:40:22.35 They may never answer that e-mail or ever pick up the 00:40:22.35\00:40:25.62 phone. If it's your number on that phone, don't worry about it. They are helpless against 00:40:25.62\00:40:29.99 your prayers. The weapons we have are not the weapons of this 00:40:29.99\00:40:33.60 world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish 00:40:33.60\00:40:38.63 strongholds. Take them down. Take them down. Wow. 00:40:38.63\00:40:45.64 It's got to -- This is some book, isn't it? It has stuff in 00:40:45.64\00:40:53.58 it...that works. We're gonna go to our little, old lady again -- 00:40:56.38\00:41:01.69 that little lady. Put her words on the screen. 00:41:01.69\00:41:02.96 "Satan knows better than God's people the power that they can 00:41:03.12\00:41:08.36 have over him when their strength is in --" whom? 00:41:08.36\00:41:12.07 "When their strength is in Christ. 00:41:12.07\00:41:13.47 When they humbly entreat the mighty Conqueror for help, the 00:41:13.47\00:41:16.37 weakest believer in the truth --" I'm the weakest in 00:41:16.37\00:41:18.97 this room. You may think of yourself as the 00:41:18.97\00:41:20.91 weakest in this room. Who cares? 00:41:20.91\00:41:22.88 "The weakest believer in the truth, relying firmly upon 00:41:22.88\00:41:26.45 Christ Jesus, can successfully repulse Satan and all -- all --" 00:41:26.45\00:41:31.99 One third of the angels of heaven that now follow Him -- 00:41:31.99\00:41:36.32 one third repulsed just by you saying, "Yes, can do because He 00:41:36.32\00:41:40.86 can do." >> All: Amen. 00:41:40.86\00:41:42.63 >> That's the deal, and that's why we pray, militantly, as this battle cry set of prayers just 00:41:42.80\00:41:50.37 modeled for us. "Yes, can do because He can do." I mean, Jesus was trying to tell 00:41:50.37\00:41:58.11 us that just before he gets executed. Late Thursday night, 00:41:58.11\00:42:04.45 John 15:5, Jesus says, "Hey, guys, I need to tell you something. Without me, you can 00:42:04.45\00:42:11.79 do nothing, nada, zero without me." "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens 00:42:11.79\00:42:20.64 me. Yep, but without me," the same Christ reminds us, "you can 00:42:20.64\00:42:26.41 do nothing." "Yes, can do because He can do." "Yes, can do because He can do." Do you know 00:42:26.41\00:42:31.08 why? Because Jesus is the superhero of the universe. Got a lot of superheroes going 00:42:31.08\00:42:35.32 around these days. He is the número uno superhero. And he won 00:42:35.32\00:42:43.66 this battle at Calvary. 00:42:43.66\00:42:44.59 That's why Revelation 12:11, you know these words. 00:42:44.76\00:42:47.46 Oh, my. Look at that. Revelation 12:11 on the screen. 00:42:47.46\00:42:50.73 "They triumphed --" Who's "They"? 00:42:50.73\00:42:52.67 These are the followers, you, me. 00:42:52.67\00:42:54.60 "They triumphed over him --" Who's that? 00:42:54.60\00:42:56.47 That's the Satan Dragon. "They triumphed over Satan by 00:42:56.47\00:42:59.57 the blood of the Lamb --" there it is -- "and by the word of 00:42:59.57\00:43:03.08 their testimony -- for they did not love their lives so much as 00:43:03.08\00:43:05.88 to shrink from death." 00:43:05.88\00:43:08.75 We're gonna sing a song in just a few moments, and you're gonna notice words embedded in that 00:43:08.92\00:43:14.19 song that you've never sung before. And it'll talk about 00:43:14.19\00:43:20.86 those who pay the ultimate price. Don't worry. God has the 00:43:20.86\00:43:29.14 last word. He overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. 00:43:29.14\00:43:35.01 That little lady again on the screen. 00:43:35.18\00:43:36.78 "Tell him --" That would be Satan -- "of the blood of Jesus, 00:43:36.78\00:43:39.35 that cleanses from all sin. You cannot save yourself from 00:43:39.35\00:43:42.22 the tempter's power, but he trembles and flees when the 00:43:42.22\00:43:45.39 merits of that precious blood are urged." 00:43:45.39\00:43:49.29 Yep, did I tell you that we had a little huddle here before the day of prayer began at 7:00 last 00:43:49.46\00:43:54.56 night? You know what we prayed? That the blood of the Lamb would 00:43:54.56\00:43:57.97 go on every door post, that the blood of the Lamb, symbolically, would go on every door way into 00:43:57.97\00:44:02.24 that -- this sanctuary and that sanctuary, that anybody who comes in during these 24 hours 00:44:02.24\00:44:08.01 is under the blood and that the forces of darkness are expelled 00:44:08.01\00:44:15.65 to the exterior. Colossians 2:15. Oh, I love this one. 00:44:18.29\00:44:20.39 Put it on the screen please. "And having disarmed the powers 00:44:20.39\00:44:23.59 and authorities --" The occultic confederacy, a raid 00:44:23.59\00:44:26.63 against the Kingdom of Heaven and the church of God on 00:44:26.63\00:44:29.93 Earth"... 00:44:29.93\00:44:32.87 All the demonic hosts, Satan himself, bow down. And they knew 00:44:38.57\00:44:45.98 that when he cried "It is writ --" "It is finished," rather. They knew that when he cried "It 00:44:45.98\00:44:49.35 is finished," it's curtains. "We can fight...till the fight is gone out of us, but we'll 00:44:49.35\00:44:55.89 never win this now. We lost. It's over. It's finished. 00:44:55.89\00:45:02.16 Finished." "Yes, can do because He can do." All right, the story has this dramatic ending. 00:45:02.16\00:45:06.60 Look out. Verse 12. 00:45:06.60\00:45:10.61 No, let us pick up at verse 9. God says, "I'm gonna give you 00:45:10.77\00:45:13.84 all those strongholds." 00:45:13.84\00:45:16.68 Somebody once said, "All is fair in love and war." "This hellion 00:45:43.04\00:45:51.68 that has usurped my creation, and is seeking to destroy my people -- I'm taking my creation 00:45:51.68\00:45:59.65 back. I have a little bit of arsenal tucked away there that he doesn't know about." 00:45:59.65\00:46:03.22 He takes the creation back. What's the point he's making? This is the simple point -- 00:46:03.22\00:46:08.43 "You thought you were fighting Joshua and those people. You're 00:46:08.43\00:46:14.44 not fighting them. You are fighting against almighty God, and I just won." There's no 00:46:14.44\00:46:21.44 stronghold in your life or on this planet, on this campus. There is no stronghold that the 00:46:21.44\00:46:26.88 almighty one cannot single-handedly, alone, bring 00:46:26.88\00:46:33.76 down. We have nothing to fear, nothing to fear. But it gets 00:46:33.76\00:46:39.33 even better. Verse 12 -- "And on the day that the Lord gave the 00:46:39.49\00:46:42.36 Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord --" And by the 00:46:42.36\00:46:44.90 way, if you say something to the Lord, do you know what you're 00:46:44.90\00:46:47.07 doing? You're praying. So Joshua's praying, that's the 00:46:47.07\00:46:49.30 key point here. Joshua is praying, and in 00:46:49.30\00:46:51.27 response to his prayers, I want you to get what happens. 00:46:51.27\00:46:53.88 So "Joshua said to the Lord, in the presence of Israel --" So 00:46:53.88\00:46:58.28 everybody hears this public prayer. 00:46:58.28\00:47:00.92 I mean, talking about putting your whole life on the line. 00:47:00.92\00:47:04.69 Look how big his petition is. Joshua prays in the presence of 00:47:04.69\00:47:10.19 Israel... 00:47:10.19\00:47:13.56 "So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation 00:47:16.87\00:47:20.34 avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the 00:47:20.34\00:47:23.30 Book of Jashar. We don't know where that book 00:47:23.30\00:47:25.57 is. Keep reading. 00:47:25.57\00:47:29.78 Verse 14. 00:47:32.08\00:47:35.18 That's what happens in prayer. When you pray, the God of the universe stoops low, and he 00:47:40.16\00:47:46.26 says, "Girl, boy, talk to me. I'm listening." God heard the 00:47:46.26\00:47:54.27 prayer of that valiant believer, and he said, "All right, Gabriel. Can we pull this off?" 00:47:54.27\00:48:02.08 "You're the creator, God." "I think we can." He wants the sun 00:48:02.08\00:48:07.62 to stay up so that he can chase the enemy to the last man, leave the sun up. "I'll tell you when 00:48:07.62\00:48:13.79 to put it down." In our Western, finely tuned sensibilities, we 00:48:13.79\00:48:22.73 chuckle, 'cause we don't believe. It's just too far-fetched for the almighty to 00:48:22.73\00:48:30.31 do. Not apparently, according to holy Scripture. 00:48:30.31\00:48:33.84 "There has never been a day since, like that one, a day when 00:48:35.48\00:48:39.38 the Lord listened to a human being as he listens to you and 00:48:39.38\00:48:42.52 me. Surely --" Oh, boy. 00:48:42.52\00:48:44.52 There's the last line. We go home with that. 00:48:44.52\00:48:46.39 "Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!" 00:48:46.39\00:48:52.79 I have good news, ladies and gentlemen. 00:48:52.79\00:48:54.63 Before you pray, I have good news. 00:48:54.63\00:48:57.87 God is fighting for us. He's fighting for us. 00:48:57.87\00:49:00.90 There's no strength in little, old me. 00:49:00.90\00:49:02.54 There's no strength in little, old you. 00:49:02.54\00:49:04.24 I don't care who you are or where you're from -- 00:49:04.24\00:49:06.24 no strength. But we call up on the one who 00:49:06.24\00:49:09.41 fights for us. And if He has to empty the 00:49:09.41\00:49:13.45 arsenal of the skies, He will step in, and he will finish the 00:49:13.45\00:49:19.39 battle. How many thousand angels do we 00:49:19.39\00:49:23.76 need here at Andrews University? I don't know. 00:49:23.76\00:49:26.73 But if we need more angels here, can God send them? 00:49:26.73\00:49:31.03 But of course. I close with this quotation from 00:49:31.03\00:49:33.23 John Dawson and his marvelous book, 00:49:33.23\00:49:34.77 "Taking Our Cities for God." Put the word on the screen. 00:49:34.77\00:49:39.67 Jesus said, "If I wanted to, I could call a legion of angels 00:49:45.15\00:49:48.68 down right now as you're planning to arrest me." 00:49:48.68\00:49:52.69 That's what happens. 00:49:52.69\00:49:56.26 Because your prayers for somebody release supernatural 00:50:08.27\00:50:13.17 power to their aid. 00:50:13.17\00:50:15.88 We'd be praying all the time, all the time. Well, he's right. 00:50:16.04\00:50:21.75 We just don't think about it. We try to win this little battle with these puny, little 00:50:21.75\00:50:26.99 swords -- cut down every time. "Yes, can do because He can do." You want to pray with an 00:50:26.99\00:50:34.03 attitude? There it is. "Yes, can do because He can do." 00:50:34.03\00:50:37.03 We gonna pray today? "Yes, can do because He can do." [ Organ 00:50:37.03\00:50:44.54 plays ] >> Please join me now in reading responsively Isaiah 00:51:31.09\00:51:37.66 6:8-9. You find that on page nine in your bulletin. 00:51:37.66\00:51:42.70 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' 00:51:42.86\00:51:49.37 And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" He said, "Go and tell this 00:51:49.37\00:51:55.58 people -- 'Be ever hearing, but never understanding -- be ever 00:51:55.58\00:52:02.35 seeing, but never perceiving.'" Please stand for the singing of 00:52:02.35\00:52:08.99 the last hymn. [ "Facing a Task Unfinished" begins ] 00:52:08.99\00:52:14.00 [ Congregation sings ] 00:52:25.94\00:52:29.84 >> Oh, God, that is our song, that is our prayer. "Yes, can do 00:56:23.85\00:56:29.58 because You can do." That's our hope. That's our promise. 00:56:29.58\00:56:35.12 "And now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His 00:56:35.12\00:56:41.66 power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout 00:56:41.66\00:56:47.70 all generations, for ever and ever. Amen." 00:56:47.70\00:56:53.01 >> All: Amen. ¤¤ 00:56:53.01\00:57:02.92 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying 00:57:07.02\00:57:10.39 for you." Didn't it give you a sense of 00:57:10.39\00:57:12.63 peace and reassurance that somebody cares for me? 00:57:12.63\00:57:14.96 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers 00:57:14.96\00:57:17.67 saying, "Yo, Dwight. I've been praying for you 00:57:17.67\00:57:19.77 lately." There's nothing like knowing 00:57:19.77\00:57:21.37 someone is praying for you. So I want to offer you an 00:57:21.37\00:57:23.41 opportunity to partner -- let me, let us partner with you in 00:57:23.41\00:57:27.01 prayer. If you have a special prayer 00:57:27.01\00:57:28.98 request or a praise of thanksgiving you'd like to share 00:57:28.98\00:57:31.51 with us, I'm inviting you to contact one of our friendly 00:57:31.51\00:57:34.02 chaplains. It's simple to do. 00:57:34.02\00:57:35.82 You can call our toll-free number -- 877 -- the two words, 00:57:35.82\00:57:38.82 HIS WILL. 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:38.82\00:57:42.06 That friendly voice that answers, you tell him, you tell 00:57:42.06\00:57:45.03 her what your prayer need is, we'll join with you in that 00:57:45.03\00:57:48.03 petition. May the God who answers prayer 00:57:48.03\00:57:50.67 journey with you these next few days until we're right back 00:57:50.67\00:57:53.30 here together again next time. 00:57:53.30\00:57:55.57 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.51\00:58:17.89 ¤¤ 00:58:17.89\00:58:26.90