New Perceptions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP171230A

00:00 ♪♪ ♪♪
00:20 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
00:52 >> And now I want to invite you to turn to page 6 of your worship bulletin, as we read
00:57 "The Call to Worship Responsively." And it reads, "Who is a God like
01:05 you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance?
01:13 You do not stay angry forever but delight in mercy. You will again have compassion
01:21 on us. You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl our
01:27 iniquities into the depths of the sea. Come then, let us worship our
01:32 God, who in mercy forgets what He forgives." And, please, stand with me as we
01:38 sing the doxology. ♪♪
02:38 >> Almighty God, it all comes down to this, does it? 36 hours left of this waning,
02:46 vanishing year that began with such promise, such great expectations.
02:51 Nothing left now but a handful of hours and a heart full of regret, perhaps.
02:59 Must be why you sent the snow. A gospel sermon disguised as a weather report.
03:05 "Come now and let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins be as scarlet,
03:10 they shall be as white as snow." The gospel of the old rugged cross and that ancient prayer,
03:18 "Wash me, O, God, and I shall be whiter than snow." Which is why we've come to
03:24 worship you, in the name of Christ Jesus, our savior, for the promise of that snow-white
03:31 cleansing. Amen. >> Amen.
03:35 [ "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" plays ] ♪♪
03:49 ♪♪ ♪♪
06:36 >> Hey, boys and girls, nice to see you on this last Sabbath of December.
06:41 When I saw that weather this morning, I said, "Oh, boy. Well, I'll tell the story, and
06:46 they'll be listening on the radio live, or live streaming," but nice to see you.
06:51 Thanks for getting mom and dad up and getting them here. You had a good Christmas?
06:56 Yes. I can tell just be looking at you.
07:01 Jesus is always good. Thank you, Deacon Jones. All right.
07:05 So, hey, today is a really truly story. Now, all the stories, I think,
07:10 are pretty true, but this one, I saw it happen. This week, in Berrien County --
07:15 Anybody here live in Berrien County? That'd be pretty much all of us.
07:19 Berrien County, Michigan, this week. Was it cold this week?
07:23 Oh, my. What was it, 4 degrees or 5 degrees?
07:26 It was Wednesday morning -- Wednesday morning. Br-br-br-br-br-br-br!
07:31 And our friends, Harold and Jeanie Smith, they said, "Okay. We got to take the dogs out."
07:36 Ooh, dogs out? You got to take dogs out when it's 4 degrees?
07:40 Tell me, please, you don't take dogs out when it's 4 degrees. Well, maybe they're really --
07:44 Maybe these are Alaskan Huskies. Let's see the dogs on the screen.
07:47 Let's just see -- Oh. Oh, those are not Alaskan
07:51 Huskies. Those are standard Poodles. "You're gonna take the Poodles
07:55 out?" "Yep! They're used to it."
07:57 "You sure?" "Yep." "Okay."
08:00 They went out. But those two kids -- that's Trigger, the tall one, and
08:05 Ginger, the shorter one. Those two children of theirs said, "You know what?
08:12 Snow. It's Christmas!" This is two days after
08:15 Christmas. "I say let's go for a walk." And just like that, Trigger's
08:19 gone. G-o-o-one! And just like that, right behind
08:22 Trigger, "Wait for me! Wait for me!" There goes Ginger.
08:25 Gone! It's killer cold. 4 degrees.
08:32 Wind chill. And when you have paws and not shoes -- when you have paws that
08:37 step on the ice, things happen very quickly. And this poor little family,
08:43 they start praying, "Oh, dear Jesus, please -- please, please, please, please, please."
08:47 They got ahold -- Jeanie got ahold of Karen, so we started praying.
08:50 "Dear Jesus, please, please, please, please, please." About halfway through the
08:54 morning, nope! They're gone, they're gone, they're dead.
08:57 They're frozen. That's exactly what's happened. They are frozen.
09:00 So we decided -- We were going -- We were getting in the car, "Let's just swing by
09:04 their house, see if they need any help. Maybe they've covered all the
09:07 roads. I don't know." And as we're going down
09:10 Red Bud Trail, Red Bud Trail, hills and curves, we go around the curve, and then I see two
09:17 creatures walking down the middle of Red Bud Trail. I said, "Karen, it's the dogs!"
09:25 A big pickup truck had stopped on the other side, and he had said the same thing to his two
09:29 little children in the car, "They're dogs!" We all stopped, doors flew open.
09:37 Oh, no. Because as soon as we start calling their names, they start
09:41 running -- the wrong way! [ Gasps ] What are we gonna do?
09:45 But you know what? I do believe dogs have angels -- guardian angels -- because
09:51 finding those dogs, said, "Wait a minute. This is help, and it's very cold
09:56 out here." And one by one, Trigger, then Ginger came to the pickup truck,
10:02 thrown his door wide, "Come on, guys. Come on."
10:05 Shump, shump! He said, "Where do I go with these?"
10:08 We said, "Follow us." And, oh, my, was there rejoicing in the Smith family that morning
10:17 in December. Let me show you a picture of the dogs after they were caught out
10:21 in the snow. Oh. We're talking about frostbite.
10:25 We're talking about frostbite. Oh. Hey, wait a minute.
10:30 Come on. I see we have some guests. Wait a minute.
10:34 No, no, this can't be. Can it be? Is it?
10:38 It's the dogs! They came for the children's story today!
10:42 What's up with that? They must have known it's the last Sabbath of December.
10:45 Look at them. Do you know, these are therapy dogs.
10:49 They hang around people who need love. Oh.
10:54 Hey, hey, can you get a camera in close on him? Because, Trigger, show them you
10:58 have a coat -- you have a shirt and tie on. [ Laughter ]
11:02 Can you see the shirt and tie? Yeah, you can see it. And do you see the little -- you
11:05 see the little tutu that Ginger's wearing? Look at that.
11:11 Hey. Did Jesus answer those prayers? And if --
11:16 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. And if Je-- Shh!
11:20 Stop. If Jesus cares for little doggies, does he care for little
11:25 boys and girls? Oh, so much. Who wants to thank Jesus?
11:28 While the doggies are here -- All right, you come here. Okay?
11:31 Martin, you're gonna pray. We just met Martin last Sabbath in our Christmas service.
11:37 So, Martin, nice to have you. You gonna pray in English or Portuguese?
11:42 >> Portuguese. >> He's gonna pray in Portuguese.
11:44 All right, shh! He's not gonna start until every boy and girl is quiet.
11:48 Shh! Okay. Now he's gonna pray in
11:52 Portuguese. See if you can understand his prayer as he thanks Jesus, who
11:56 goes looking for the lost and will find them if they'll just let him.
12:02 All right. Martin. >> [ Speaking Portuguese ]
12:11 Amen. >> Amen. Thank you, Martin.
12:14 Thank you, boys and girls. If you want to pet the dogs, they'll be here just for a
12:17 second, but you have to go by them very fast.
12:24 >> Dear God, here we are. What can we say? Martin said it in Portuguese.
12:29 We say it in English. Obrigado -- Thank you for sending a savior who knew where
12:35 we were. No matter how cold the night, he kept searching.
12:41 He keeps seeking until we connect. Don't give up on us, Father.
12:46 Don't give up on our friends, don't give up on our children, don't give up on our neighbors,
12:51 don't give up on our nation. Don't give up on us. That's why Jesus came, for which
12:58 we are very, very thankful.
13:01 In Jesus' name, amen. Because this is the next to the
13:06 last day of this year, would it be all right if we begin with a
13:11 question? I hope so.
13:15 So here's the question. Think carefully.
13:19 How many times have you sinned this year?
13:24 [ Laughter ] No, I'm serious. Say, "Dwight, that's none of
13:28 your business." I know that, but I'm curious. [ Laughter ]
13:31 How many times have you sinned this year? Pull your little calculator out.
13:36 Come on. You can figure it out. Just run the numbers.
13:39 If you sin once a day... I'm not gonna ask for a show of hands.
13:46 But if you sin once a day, how many times would you have sinned in a year?
13:49 365. If you had sinned two times a day, how many times would you
13:56 have sinned in the year? 730. If you had sinned three times --
14:01 "Wow! Three times a day?" "Yeah, three times a day." 1,095.
14:08 But that's really not the number I want. You know the number I want?
14:11 I want to know what the number would be if we tallied everybody's sins for this past
14:16 year. What would the number be? And let's throw in all the
14:21 live-streamers who are here, extra, sitting in pajamas. Should have had your suit and
14:26 tie on, but there you are in pajamas. [ Laughter ]
14:28 I should've known. But anyway, we throw them all in.
14:33 Lookit, if you had a thousand people that you threw in, we're
14:35 talking about 1,095,000 sins, just for this little group.
14:43 That's a big number. Which makes what you're about to read so stunning in its offer.
14:49 Want you to open your Bible with me on this last Sabbath of this year.
14:54 Open your Bible to Colossians, the little book of Colossians. Haven't been there in a long
14:58 time, have you? Yeah, me neither. Colossians chapter 2.
15:03 I'll be in the New International version. You could grab a pew Bible if
15:07 you like or track it along with that device of yours. Colossians chapter 2.
15:11 You got to read these words.
15:13 This is Colossians 2:13. "When you were dead in your sins
15:16 and in the uncircumcision of your flesh --" in other words,
15:19 when you were Pagan. Just a Pagan rebel.
15:22 Mm-hmm. "God made you alive with
15:25 Christ." He's just been talking about
15:27 baptism and resurrection. "He made you alive with Christ.
15:29 He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of
15:32 our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned
15:34 us. He has taken it away, nailing it
15:36 to the cross. And having --" verse 15 --
15:39 "disarmed the powers and authorities, Jesus made a public
15:43 spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."
15:48 Now, that sounds just like a little bit of theological/spiritual jargon.
15:52 I mean, what is he saying? So I pull out my little pocket message translation.
15:57 Let me read it to you in "The Message." This will be Eugene Peterson's
16:00 rendition. Same verses. Put them on the screen for you
16:04 so you can follow along. This feels friendly. Let's read it together.
16:08 "When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life," Pagan rebel that
16:15 you were, "you were incapable of responding to God.
16:21 God brought you alive -- right along with Christ!"
16:25 Mm! "Think of it!" Now here he goes.
16:27 "All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest
16:35 warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's cross.
16:38 He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their
16:41 sham authority at the Cross, and he marched them naked through
16:44 the streets."
16:47 Wow. All those demonic powers that actually led us into sin --
16:52 Was it 1,095 we said, three a day? That many times.
16:57 And, by the way, they've been defeated 2,000 years ago. We've been defeated by a
17:02 defeated foe. He knows he's lost. He's just trying to take as many
17:07 with him as he can. Wow. Think of it. What did we just read?
17:13 Think of it. "All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest
17:16 warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's cross. Talking about good news.
17:19 Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't get any better than this. It doesn't get any better.
17:25 Reminds me of Jerry Bridges in his wonderful book, "Transforming Grace: Living
17:31 Confidently in God's Unfailing Love." Look what he's written.
17:35 Put it on the screen, please.
17:36 "Jesus paid the debt of all our sins -- past, present, and
17:44 future. As Paul said in
17:46 Colossians 2:13," which we just read, "'God forgave us all our
17:49 sins.'" He go-- Bridges goes on -- "We
17:52 don't have to start all over again and try to keep the slate
17:54 clean. There is no more slate."
17:58 As Stephen Brown wrote, 'God took our slate, and He broke it
18:03 in pieces and threw it away.'" Isn't that good?
18:08 And NIV renders it, "Having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness," but I like those
18:13 words -- "All sins forgiven." All of them. Wait a minute.
18:21 Isn't that what Jesus prayed on the cross for us? You ever see Mel Gibson's
18:24 "The Passion of the Christ"? It's been a few years now. You seen it?
18:28 There's that one scene. Remember, they've got Jesus prone on the -- atop the cross,
18:34 on the ground. Crossbeam right behind him. Camera moves in on one of his
18:38 hands. They roughly jerk his hand out, extend it far, and then hands
18:44 reach in from out of the picture. We only see the burly Roman
18:49 guard's hands as he reaches in, and he puts a Roman nail and holds it with one hand, and with
18:54 the other, mallet -- he begins to pound, as we watch, through the flesh of Christ Jesus.
19:01 We never see the face of the one driving that nail. But the director, Mel Gibson,
19:07 would later testify that he asked for that part, his only moment in his own movie, when he
19:16 holds the nail and he drives it into the flesh of his savior. Boy, makes a powerful point,
19:25 doesn't he? We were all there. We were all there when Jesus
19:30 prayed. The day they executed him -- You remember the seven last
19:35 words of Christ on the cross? Number one, put them on the screen.
19:38 You know them well. "Jesus said, 'Father...'" Let's read out loud together.
19:42 "'Father...'" >> "'...forgive them, for they do not know what they are
19:47 doing.'" >> Yeah, forgive them, Father. They don't know what they're
19:50 doing. You're kidding me. You don't think they know what
19:53 they're doing? You don't think 1,095 times this year we didn't know what we were
19:56 doing? Give me a break. We know what we're doing.
20:00 They knew what they were doing. And yet -- get this -- "Desire of Ages."
20:04 Oh. Provocative. On the screen again.
20:08 "That prayer of Christ for His enemies embrace the world.
20:12 It took in every sinner that had lived or should live from the
20:15 beginning of the world to the end of time."
20:17 Babies yet to be born. Our next granddaughter's coming
20:19 in February. Her sins have already been
20:23 covered. Upon all rests the guilt of
20:26 crucifying the Son of God. To all, forgiveness is freely
20:30 offered. 'Whosoever will' may have peace
20:33 with God, and inherit eternal life."
20:36 That prayer was for you. That prayer was for me.
20:39 That prayer was for 1,095 times this year that you and I have sinned.
20:44 Surely, the number's too low. That prayer... was for every sin we have sinned
20:55 or yet shall sin. Why don't we just read from Colossians 2:13.
21:00 Put it on the screen again. "All sins forgiven." That's the gospel.
21:06 And by the way, not just forgiven -- mnh-mnh -- but apparently forgotten, as well.
21:11 May I run these by you just as fast as I can? Give you just enough time to
21:14 scribble these verses down, because there's no study guide, and you'll wish you had all four
21:18 of these. Let me just run these by you. Four provocative promises of
21:22 divine amnesia. In chronological order, here they come.
21:24 Write them down.
21:26 Number one, Isaiah 43:25, God speaking."
21:40 "No more." Here comes number two,
21:42 Jeremiah 31:34.
21:48 Here comes Hebrews 8:12.
21:54 Sounds just like Jeremiah. It is.
21:56 Here's Hebrews 10:17.
22:04 There they are, ladies and gentlemen -- four provocative
22:08 promises of merciful and gracious divine amnesia --
22:12 "I will remember your sins no more.
22:16 All sins forgiven." It's apparently met by "All sins forgotten."
22:22 Isn't that something? I mean, am I pulling something over on you here?
22:29 Did we tweak the verses, make them read what they don't say? Yeah, but come on.
22:35 Doesn't God keep a record of sin somewhere? You're right.
22:39 He does. Just in case -- Just in case -- you decide, when this whole
22:43 thing is over, you'd rather be your own savior and you no longer need Jesus to save you.
22:47 If you change your mind -- buyer's remorse -- "I'm not taking it."
22:51 You change your mind, and you can have all 1,095 sins for this year and however many sins it
22:57 takes till you were born, backwards, you may have them all.
23:02 But who would be that stupid to take them all? "I will remember your sins no
23:12 more." But it gets even better. Because to match these four
23:16 provocative divine amnesia promises come these four provocative divine amnesia
23:20 actions. These will be even faster. Jot them down.
23:23 Here they come. Four divine actions. Isaiah 38:17.
23:26 "You," God, "have put all my sins behind your back." And when something goes behind
23:31 your back, it is no longer in your consciousness." It's gone.
23:36 Here comes number two.
23:37 Isaiah 44:22, God speaking.
23:46 Just like, you know, when the sun shines over the
23:48 St. Joseph Valley, and you got that low-hanging cloud and mist,
23:51 and then it just burns it up, gone.
23:52 Where'd it go? It's gone.
23:54 Here's number three, Micah 7:19.
24:04 We were sailing around the world from Japan, missionary kids and
24:08 missionary parents, and one early morning, the ship stopped.
24:11 No sound of engine, and my dad tapped me said...
24:15 "Let Mom and Greg and Kari sleep.
24:17 You follow me." Pch, pch, pch, pch, pch, pch,
24:20 pch, pch, up to the top deck. Dad said, "Look down there."
24:23 There was the captain of the ship in his immaculate naval
24:25 whites, first officer in his whites, a little family, and on
24:29 a platform, leaning out over the sea, a flag-draped coffin.
24:33 A few words were exchanged, a prayer was made, and that
24:36 platform just went like this. This is a kid, just watching.
24:39 Platform went like this, shhhup! Burial at sea.
24:44 God says, "That's what I've done to your sins.
24:47 I buried them in the bottom of the sea."
24:50 One more, New Testament, Acts 3:19.
24:53 "'Repent, then, and turn to God,'" Peter preaching, "'so
24:55 that your sins may be wiped out,'" blotted out, as some
24:58 translations render it, "'that times of refreshing may come
25:02 from the Lord and that the messiah may return.'"
25:03 That's the next line. Four divine amnesia actions to
25:08 match four divine amnesia promises.
25:10 "I will remember your sins no more." What's that mean?
25:14 "All sins forgiven and all sins forgotten." That's it.
25:22 But before I sit down, I must dutifully remind you and me that what God does for us, we must do
25:32 for others, including ourselves. The hardest person in the world to forgive is right here.
25:44 The same Paul who wrote Colossians 2, in prison, also wrote Philippians 3, in prison.
25:48 And everybody knows these words. Put them on the screen, please. "But this one thing I do" -- one
25:52 thing I do -- forgetting what is where? What's behind me.
25:57 I'm turning my back on it. "Forgetting what is behind and straining forward to what is
26:01 ahead." What does he say? "I press on toward the goal to
26:04 win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
26:09 Paul is speaking of himself. He has a sad and tragic record. "But I forget -- I choose to
26:15 forget -- what is behind me." The gift of a good forgetter. It's not only God's gift for us.
26:27 It's our gift for others. It's our gift for ourselves. "Forget it."
26:36 Leave those sins where you bury them. Leave her sins there.
26:39 Leave his sin-- Don't touch -- Don't, don't, don't touch those.
26:43 Because if I don't forgive you -- if I don't forgive you -- "I tell you, I know what he did,
26:47 and I'm not gonna forgive him for that." "I know what she did.
26:50 I know what she said. I know the action they took. I'm not gonna forgive them.
26:53 As long as I live, I'm not gonna forgive them." Ooh.
26:58 Who sins worse? Me against God or you against me?
27:03 Now, what you've done to me is not right, but what I've done to God 1,095 times -- just this
27:11 year -- is wrong. It's a sin. I know how God has treated me in
27:20 spite of the way I've treated Him. Sometimes, you know, it's just
27:24 important to remind ourselves that when Jesus taught us the Lord's prayer, "Our Father who
27:28 art in heaven," he chose to comment -- of the entire prayer of seven petitions, he chooses
27:33 to comment on only one of them in the Sermon on the Mount, and here's the one he comments on.
27:37 Put it on the screen, please. You know the words very well -- "Forgive us our debts as we
27:42 forgive our debtors," but that's wrong. The English has it wrong.
27:48 In the Greek, it reads this way -- "Forgive us our debts as we forgave --" already --
27:55 "forgave our debtors." Aris, past, completed action, before now.
28:01 So God says, "Hey, Dwight, you want me to forgive you?" "I sure do."
28:04 "Good. I'll do it. I want to forgive you like you didn't forgive him."
28:12 No, no, no. Jesus says, "You don't forgive your friend, you don't get
28:16 forgiven." Why? Because you're hanging on to it.
28:19 "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." We pray it, that forgiveness is
28:22 the way of God. Forgiveness is the way of this book.
28:25 Anywhere in this book you turn, it's forgiveness. Forgiveness -- you go to the
28:28 Bible's Who's Who collection, and what's happening with it? You have Joseph throwing wide
28:33 his arms and forgiving his stepbrothers of treachery they have done decades ago.
28:41 Forgiven. It's the way the book operates. With Jesus forgiving
28:46 Mary Magdalene even as Mary forgave Uncle Simon, who sexually abused her when she was
28:50 young and led her into sin. There had to be reciprocal forgiveness for Mary to be set
28:55 free. It's the way the book operates. With the prodigal father racing
29:00 off the porch, throwing his arms around the now-come-home prodigal son.
29:04 That's just the way it operates in the kingdom of God. Jesus forgiving Peter of his
29:10 heinous public denial while Peter spends the rest of his life struggling to forgive
29:15 himself. The apostle Paul forgiving runaway young disciple Mark, and
29:24 in the end, inviting back into his missionary circle -- "Bring my son Mark to me," he
29:29 writes from prison. Forgiveness. Jesus forgiving you and me with
29:35 the words, "Father, forgive them. They didn't know -- they don't
29:38 know what they're doing." With mercy, putting the best face he can on it.
29:43 "Please forgive them."
29:46 Forgetting those things which are behind.
29:49 It's not God -- just God and with you and your past, but it's
29:53 me with you and your past. It's me with me and my past.
29:59 The gift of a good forgetter. But does God really treat us
30:03 that way? I want to end with two stories.
30:06 One of the stories, from the Bible.
30:08 The other, not quite. The one from the Bible -- you
30:12 remember King David? That terrible moral meltdown
30:15 with Bathsheba. [ Scoffs ]
30:16 By the time David is through, he's broken every Commandment.
30:18 Every one of the Ten Commandments, all of them --
30:20 adultery -- coveting first, adultery, lying, killing --
30:23 pssh! All of them.
30:24 Honor your father and mother, gone.
30:26 Broke them all. David dies, as all good people
30:31 do. After he's dead, God's talking
30:35 to another king. He said, "I want to tell you
30:39 about my friend David. You're not gonna believe this,
30:42 but I want you to see it." 1 Kings 14.
30:44 Jot this verse -- If there's nothing else you jot
30:47 down, jot this verse down. 1 Kings 14:8.
30:49 It's just one verse. I'll put it on the screen for
30:51 you. Let's do it together.
30:53 "...but," God says to this evil king, "you have not been like My
30:56 servant David," who is now dead. "You have not been like My
30:59 servant David, who, number one --" I put the numbers in --
31:01 "who, number one, kept My commandments."
31:03 Whoa! Stop! Time-out.
31:06 God, kept your Commandments? [ Scoffs ]
31:10 Broke every single one of them by the time he was through!
31:13 What do you mean? Amnesia.
31:14 Is that your problem? Can't remember, huh?
31:18 You do better. Keep reading.
31:20 "But you have not been like my servant David, who, number one,
31:22 kept my commandments, and, number two, followed Me with all
31:25 his heart." Time-out!
31:28 Followed you with all his heart? You've got to be kidding me!
31:32 He gave -- How many women did he give his
31:34 heart to? What's going on here?
31:41 Let's read that again. "But you have not been like my
31:42 servant David, who, number one, kept my commandments, and,
31:44 number two, followed Me with all his heart, and, number three,
31:47 did only what was right in My eyes."
31:50 Come on. Whoa! It's not amnesia.
31:53 It's Alzheimer's!
31:55 [ Laughter ] "Only what is right in My eyes David did."
32:01 [ Scoffs ] God...have mercy. And that's exactly what he's
32:09 doing. Having mercy. [ Breathes deeply ]
32:17 You see... apparently, when I confess... when I ask for forgiveness, and
32:29 I turn away from that sin, God treats me as if, "He never did it."
32:36 Look at David. He never did it. He never did it.
32:42 No wonder, "Steps of Christ," page 62. Jot that note down for you, for
32:46 your reference. "Steps of Christ," that classic. Page 62 on the screen.
33:07 "Just as if you had not sinned."
33:12 Ladies and gentlemen, it's called the Gospel, and the Gospel means "very good news."
33:26 Let's pray. Oh, God. Wow.
33:36 You said it. We read it. You must mean it.
33:43 We want to believe it. Please, dear Father, just a few hours left.
33:52 But there's some stuff we need to settle, you and me.
34:02 We're gonna take you at your word. I can't live with this guilt.
34:09 I can't live with this mess. We need to be set free. Only a God who can forget...
34:27 is a God we can cast ourselves upon right now. So, thank you.
34:35 Please, don't let us forget that the news really is this good. In Jesus' name, we pray.
34:44 Amen.
34:48 [ "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" plays ] ♪♪
35:02 ♪♪
40:36 >> "There's joy in heaven over one sinner who repents," Jesus taught us.
40:41 Heaven's really big on sinner celebrations like this. And, of course, our Lord himself
40:49 is eager to operationalize the gospel that we just read together.
40:55 All sins forgiven. All sins forgotten. Blood of my covenant, which was
41:04 shed for many for the forgiveness of sins now becomes not just for many but for me.
41:12 So, for these few moments... close your eyes if you need to, visualize that upper room.
41:24 Vida's gonna lead us in the reading of that sacred account. But as she reads, let's picture,
41:31 let's be there together. >> Our scripture for today is taken from Matthew 26:26-29.
41:46 You can also find it on page 7 of your bulletin. Please follow along as I read.
41:52 "While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and
41:59 gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat. This is my body."
42:05 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it,
42:12 all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out
42:17 for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink
42:22 from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it with you in my Father's
42:29 kingdom." Let us kneel as my husband, Phil, adds the blessing.
42:53 >> Father in heaven, we know you're up there, because we can see the results of the sun and
43:04 the sun shining. Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity.
43:12 And as I was thinking about it, is it sympathy, empathy for your sacrifice?
43:22 Those are inadequate concepts. The only thing I have left is, I am thankful for what you have
43:32 done for us and what you are doing for me. Now, Lord, add a special
43:41 blessing to these emblems to help us be concrete in our minds and in our characters that we
43:51 may always follow you, the Son, the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the King of Kings.
43:59 Once again, bless these emblems. In your holy name, we humbly pray.
44:06 Amen.
44:15 [ "There Is a Savior" plays ] >> ♪ There is a Savior ♪ ♪ What joys express ♪
44:33 ♪ His eyes are mercy ♪ ♪ His word is rest ♪ ♪ For each tomorrow ♪
44:51 ♪ For yesterday ♪ ♪ There is a Savior ♪ ♪ Who lights our way ♪
45:13 ♪ Are there burdens in your heart? ♪ ♪ Is your past a memory that
45:21 binds you? ♪ ♪ Is there some pain that you've carried
45:32 far too long? ♪ ♪ Then, strengthen your heart with His good news ♪
45:51 ♪ There is a Savior ♪ ♪ And He's forgiven you ♪ ♪♪
46:08 >> ♪ There is a Savior ♪ ♪ What joys express ♪ ♪ His eyes are mercy ♪
46:28 ♪ His word is rest ♪ ♪ For each tomorrow ♪ ♪ For yesterday ♪
46:50 ♪ There is a Savior ♪ ♪ Who lights our way ♪ ♪ There is a Savior ♪
47:15 ♪ Who lights our way ♪
47:44 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
48:14 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
48:44 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
49:14 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
49:44 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
50:14 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
50:44 ♪♪ >> And so Jesus turns to us. Once all about the table had
51:01 been served, as he did that Thursday night, he so turns to us.
51:09 You're ready now. "Take these emblems of my sacrifice, and eat this.
51:18 My body broken for you. Eat this in remembrance of me."
51:35 [ Organ plays ]
51:52 And then he said the same with a cup. "This is the symbol of my blood,
51:58 which has been poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
52:05 You drink this in remembrance of me." [ Organ plays ]
52:16 ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
52:45 And because you and I accepted his invitation, and we ate the bread and we drank the cup...
52:55 what was for many is now for me. For you and me, in Jesus. The record reads, then they sang
53:09 a hymn, and they left. Well, we're gonna sing a hymn, and we're gonna leave.
53:16 Unless you'd rather stay. They received -- it was customary --
53:22 And they all thought Judas was doing this, you remember. They received an offering for
53:26 the poor, for those in need, financially. We're gonna do the same today.
53:31 Every -- Every door will have one of our friendly ushers. And if God has blessed you these
53:39 last three months, is it? Then out of the abundance of his goodness, thank you for passing
53:46 something on. Families all over this county come to this church 'cause they
53:50 know there's help here. And your sacrificial giving, your generosity makes it
53:55 possible, so they'll be here, our ushers. Thank you for what you give.
54:02 Let's sing that hymn. It's 407. Sent forth by God's blessings,
54:07 we go forth into the snow, into the new year that awaits us, clean, snow-white, and cleansed.
54:15 That's the gospel for us today. Let's stand as we sing. [ "Sent Forth By God's Blessing"
54:21 plays ] ♪♪ ♪♪
54:43 ♪♪
56:39 >> For this last Sabbath of the old year, this last blessing from the Bible.
56:49 "And he who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I'm coming soon.
56:55 Amen.' Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be
57:02 with God's people. Let all the people say amen." Amen.
57:12 >> Think of the last time someone said, "I'm praying for
57:15 you." Didn't it give you a sense of
57:17 peace and reassurance that "somebody cares for me"?
57:20 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail from one of our viewers
57:23 saying, "You know, Dwight, I've been praying for you lately."
57:25 There's nothing like knowing someone is praying for you.
57:27 So I want to offer you an opportunity to partner.
57:30 Let me, let us partner with you in prayer.
57:32 If you have a special prayer request or a praise of
57:35 thanksgiving you'd like to share with us, I'm inviting you to
57:37 contact one of our friendly chaplains.
57:39 It's simple to do. You can call our toll-free
57:42 number, 877-HIS-WILL. 877-HIS-WILL.
57:47 That friendly voice that answers?
57:49 You tell him, you tell her what your prayer need is.
57:51 We'll join with you in that petition.
57:54 And may the God who answers prayer journey with you these
57:57 next few days, until we're right back here together again next
58:00 time.
58:05 ♪♪ ♪♪
58:25 ♪♪


Revised 2018-01-05