New Perceptions

Who Makes The Wind His Messengers: The Christmas C

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP171223A

03:44 Amen and amen.
03:47 Let's join together in responding to God's call
03:50 to meet him here.
03:52 If you open your worship bulletin to page eight
03:55 and stand with me,
03:56 we will read this responsive call to worship
04:00 on this Sabbath before Christmas.
04:03 It's the words of acquaint Christmas carol.
04:12 As it fell upon a night In the winter weather
04:16 Angels bright in starry height Began to sing together
04:22 Shepherd sleeping on the plane Woke to see the glory
04:26 All amazed they stood and gazed
04:29 And heard the angels story
04:31 Unto you a child is born In a manger lowly
04:35 Humble, He, yet born to be The king of love most holy
04:41 Happy angels from afar Cease your singing never
04:46 In excelsis gloria! Forever and forever
04:50 Oh come let us adore Him Amen.
04:53 Amen. Let us pray.
04:58 And so we come, beloved Father,
04:59 in response to the Christmas call
05:01 to come and adore Him, Christ the Lord.
05:05 And given all that we've been tempted to adore this year,
05:09 we wish you to know we come to adore Him
05:12 most of all, and best of all.
05:15 We come to worship Him who was the darling of heaven,
05:18 the word made flesh,
05:20 the only begotten of the Father,
05:21 full of grace and truth.
05:23 We come, dear God, to worship You in Christ,
05:26 the baby of Bethlehem, to rejoice with all our hearts,
05:31 voices, minds, souls.
05:34 Rejoicing for the love that came down to us
05:37 long, long ago in Jesus our Savior we praise you.
05:42 Amen.
05:44 Remain standing, please.
06:23 Good Christians, rejoice With heart and soul and voice
06:30 Give ye heed to what we say
06:34 Jesus Christ is born today
06:38 Ox and ass before Him bow And He is in the manger now
06:46 Christ is born today! Christ is born today!
06:55 Good Christians, now rejoice
06:59 With heart and soul and voice
07:04 Now ye hear of endless bliss
07:08 Jesus Christ was born for this!
07:12 He has opened the heavenly door
07:16 And we are blest forevermore
07:20 Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this!
07:51 [song playing]
10:08 O little town of Bethlehem
10:14 How still we see thee lie
10:20 Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
10:26 The silent stars go by
10:33 Yet in thy dark streets shineth
10:39 The everlasting Light
10:45 The hopes and fears of all the years
10:51 Are met in thee tonight
10:59 How silently, how silently
11:05 The wondrous gift is given
11:11 So God imparts to human hearts
11:17 The blessings of his heaven
11:23 No ear may hear his coming
11:29 But in this world of sin
11:35 Where meek souls will receive him, still
11:41 The dear Christ enters in
12:35 Angels we have heard on high
12:39 Singing sweetly through the night
12:44 And the mountains in reply
12:48 Echoing their brave delight
12:52 Gloria
13:01 In excelsis Deo
13:05 Gloria
13:13 in excelsis Deo
13:21 Shepherds, why this jubilee?
13:25 Why these songs of happy cheer?
13:30 What great brightness did you see?
13:34 What glad tidings did you hear?
13:38 Gloria
13:47 In excelsis Deo
13:51 Gloria
14:00 In excelsis Deo
14:09 See him in a manger laid
14:13 Whom the angels praise above
14:17 See him in a manger laid
14:22 While we raise our hearts in love
14:27 Gloria
14:35 In excelsis Deo
14:39 Gloria
14:48 In excelsis Deo
15:01 Amen.
17:46 Thank you, Oregon and Oboe.
17:49 That was beautiful.
17:51 And, boys and girls, and I... Oh, we still have kids coming.
17:54 Am I getting started just a little early here?
17:56 Looks like I am.
17:59 All right. We'll wait.
18:02 Oh, listen.
18:03 While the others are coming, this,
18:05 I'm holding this in my hand so I won't forget.
18:07 Do you see this beautiful, beautiful worship bulletin?
18:11 This is for tomorrow night.
18:13 Tell your mommies and daddies tomorrow night,
18:15 5 o'clock right here in this church.
18:17 A lovely...
18:19 Oh, look at this, a lovely Christmas eve service
18:22 has been planned for children, and moms and dads,
18:25 and people who might be alone or people who have family here
18:28 tomorrow night, 5 o'clock here in the Pioneer Memorial Church.
18:32 Hey kids, come on up. All right.
18:34 So I'm thankful to my friend and story scout Sharon Dudgeon
18:39 who found this story for me.
18:42 Come on up.
18:44 Good. Grab some seats here.
18:46 Because if you're really, if you're really quiet,
18:49 we have a present, we're gonna give you today.
18:53 Don't tell anybody. Okay. All right.
18:56 So grab a seat there. There you go.
18:58 Nice to have you. Good.
19:00 Can you get in? Now let's...
19:02 You have to sit on the floor.
19:03 Don't worry about finding a stair.
19:05 I don't think there'll be any stairs.
19:08 How about over here? There's some space.
19:11 Nice to have all of you.
19:12 Merry Christmas to you, Amos. Glad to have you.
19:15 Say today's story, Denville, Denville, New Jersey.
19:20 Another one from New Jersey.
19:21 Where all these stories from New Jersey.
19:22 Denville, New Jersey.
19:24 So it's a Friday night. Few weeks ago, Friday night.
19:29 And mother and father know that
19:30 they're going to have to go to the hospital eventually
19:32 because mommy whoo! whoo!
19:34 Mommy is going to have a baby.
19:36 Yes, she is.
19:38 And mother thinks, whoo, this is coming closer.
19:41 This is coming closer.
19:43 So she input, daddy jumped in the car.
19:44 That car races down the road in Denville, New Jersey,
19:47 races down the road but all of a sudden,
19:49 oh, traffic, traffic, move, move,
19:52 it's too late nobody's moving, traffic, traffic.
19:54 Mother says, "It's coming, it's coming, it's coming."
19:56 So the father jumped out of the car. He ran.
19:58 He ran in, he said, "Yo, somebody call,
20:00 call the police and the ambulance.
20:01 My wife's having a baby."
20:04 The police came and the ambulance came
20:07 and the baby was born right there, right there.
20:10 Couldn't get to the hospital in time.
20:11 Oh, well, you hear about these stories all the time.
20:15 But let me tell you about Saturday night.
20:17 So that was Friday night, Saturday night,
20:19 also Denville, New Jersey.
20:21 A mother and father are saying,
20:23 "Oh, I think they're coming,
20:26 those contractions are coming, we got to go to the hospital.
20:29 Honey, honey, jump in, jump in."
20:33 But as they're racing to the hospital,
20:35 the contractions are getting worse, worse, and worse.
20:37 Finally, she says, "Stop, stop,
20:39 I'm going to have a baby right here."
20:40 He pulls over he runs and says,
20:41 "Somebody call the police and the ambulance.
20:44 My wife's having a baby."
20:47 Guess what? The same two police showed up.
20:51 The same two police showed up.
20:52 The ambulance showed up
20:54 and the baby was born right there.
20:57 Both cases, a healthy boy, a healthy boy.
21:00 Right there, same place.
21:03 I want to show you the place
21:04 where these two babies were born
21:05 in Denville, New Jersey.
21:07 Look at your screen right in front of you.
21:11 Can you believe that?
21:12 The two babies were born
21:13 in the parking lot of Burger King
21:15 by the same police.
21:20 Hey. Hey, Junior. Where were you born?
21:22 Burger King?
21:24 Oh, no. Are you serious?
21:25 Well, I was born in Taco Bell.
21:29 No, no, really.
21:31 Two boys now are going to say, where you were born?
21:33 Burger King.
21:34 But listen to this, boys and girls,
21:36 when the King of kings came, the King of kings,
21:39 He didn't have a nice little septic parking lot,
21:42 clean and sterile.
21:43 No, no, no.
21:44 Let's see where the King of kings was born.
21:46 No, Burger King there. That's a barn.
21:49 The King was born in a manger.
21:52 Put in a little manger with animals and smells.
21:56 And why did He do it? Oh.
21:59 Oh, how God loves His children on this planet.
22:02 Oh, how He loves you.
22:03 He loves mommy, He loves daddy, He loves every earth child.
22:08 And that's why we have Christmas
22:09 because God loves us so much.
22:13 It makes you just want to love Him back, doesn't it?
22:16 Oh, it makes you want to love Him back.
22:18 You weren't born in Burger King.
22:20 You were born in a manger to save us.
22:25 Will somebody like to thank Jesus for being...
22:27 You don't need to be a front row person
22:30 to thank Jesus for being born in a manger to save us.
22:36 Would you like to thank, somebody like to thank Jesus?
22:39 Raise your hand. All right, it's the back row.
22:42 Sissy right there with a red on your...
22:45 Well, you too can come together.
22:46 You pray together. Come on forward.
22:47 Yeah. Okay. Now let's close our eyes.
22:50 And let me get that microphone. Here we go.
22:52 Let's close our eyes as the young ladies
22:54 make their way to the front
22:55 and they're going to thank Jesus
22:57 for loving us like that.
22:59 Can you believe it.
23:01 He loves us just like that.
23:03 And, sissy, what's your name?
23:04 Zia. Zia.
23:06 And, sissy, what's your name?
23:07 Lana. Lana.
23:09 So let's fold our hands and close your eyes
23:10 with Zia and Lana as they, as they pray.
23:14 Lana, I saw your hands for us, would you go please.
23:17 Dear Jesus, thank you for this day,
23:19 thank you for another day of life,
23:22 thank you for being born
23:24 and thank you for dying on the cross.
23:27 Thank you for making us
23:30 and all the animals in your name we pray.
23:33 Amen. And Zia?
23:35 Dear Heavenly Father,
23:36 thank you for this wonderful day.
23:38 Please come into our hearts as we're at church
23:41 and who is ever traveling keep them safe,
23:45 who's ever sick heal them in your name we pray.
23:48 Amen. Amen.
23:49 Thank you Zia and Lana.
23:51 And now quietly reverently and Claudia, where is she?
23:55 She's right here.
23:57 And she has some helpers who are going to be right there
23:59 and over here.
24:00 Make sure you get your special Christmas gift
24:03 from Pioneer to our wonderful favorite children.
24:07 Merry Christmas and God bless you.
24:13 Let's pray.
24:15 Oh, God, it is the child that has summoned us here,
24:20 grown up, our Savior forever and ever.
24:25 Amen. We thank you.
24:27 As we continue to brew over this gift,
24:32 connect with our busy lives,
24:34 as we survive in the third millennium.
24:36 We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
24:40 Joseph the husband of Mary
24:45 is a perfect foil for a stunning reality
24:48 you and I need to check out and just examine to get,
24:51 I say the perfect simply because
24:53 whenever Joseph shows up, no kidding.
24:56 Whenever he shows up in the gospels anywhere,
24:58 he never says a word ever, ever, ever.
25:02 Not a peep from him
25:03 that his fiancé turned to wife.
25:06 She speaks often,
25:09 you wonder was it that way in their home?
25:10 We don't know.
25:14 But every time Joseph appears in the gospel narrative,
25:17 somebody else is doing the talking.
25:18 Every time he appears in Matthew's Christmas story,
25:21 an angel does the talking, go figure.
25:24 I want to show you that
25:26 because there's something embedded in this.
25:27 I want you to see it.
25:29 Open your Bible to the Gospel of Matthew,
25:30 the familiar Christmas story, only told in Matthew and Luke,
25:33 nothing in Mark, nothing in John,
25:35 just these two record what we have been reliving
25:38 these moments together in worship.
25:41 So drop down to verse 18.
25:42 This is Matthew Chapter 1,
25:44 I'm in the New International Version.
25:45 "This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about:
25:48 His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph,
25:51 but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant
25:53 through the Holy Spirit.
25:55 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law,
25:58 and yet did not want to expose her
26:00 to public disgrace,
26:01 he had a mind to divorce her quietly.
26:04 But after he had considered this,
26:05 an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said,
26:08 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid
26:11 to take Mary home as your wife,
26:13 because what is conceived in her
26:15 is from the Holy Spirit.
26:16 She will give birth to a son,
26:17 and you were to give him the name Jesus,
26:19 because he will save his people from their sins.'
26:22 All this took place to fulfill
26:24 what the Lord said through the prophet Isaiah,
26:26 'The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son,
26:28 and they will call him Immanuel'
26:30 which means God with us.'"
26:32 The inexplicable mystery is presented.
26:37 Matter of fact in Holy Scripture,
26:40 take it or leave it, this is how it happened.
26:43 That's angel and Joseph scene one.
26:44 Let's go to angel and Joseph scene two
26:46 in this short little narrative.
26:48 Before we get to angel and Joseph scene two,
26:50 we need to just pick up here in verse 1 and 2 of chapter 2.
26:54 "And after Jesus was born in Bethlehem..."
26:56 Old little town of Bethlehem, "In Judea,
26:58 during the time of King Herod, Magi..."
27:00 We just talked about that Latin word,
27:02 "From the east came to Jerusalem and asked,
27:04 'Where is the one who has been born
27:06 king of the Jews?
27:07 We saw his star" Stellar,
27:10 "We saw his star when it rose
27:14 and have come to worship Him.'"
27:20 Desire of Ages pulls the veil aside,
27:23 and for at least for this faith community
27:25 grants us a peek
27:27 that we never would have guessed on our own.
27:29 And that is, that this star is not a planet.
27:36 It's not a sun.
27:37 It's not a star, which stars or suns.
27:38 It's none of the above.
27:40 It's "A distant company of shining angels."
27:48 I tell you what, if you go out walking
27:49 and you have been walking and running this fall,
27:51 the mornings had been absolutely spectacular.
27:54 I've never seen the skies clearer in the dark
27:59 and as I've gone walking, one day, two days in a row
28:02 in the very same spot.
28:04 I looked up into the heavens.
28:08 Just a white little dot circumnavigating the earth.
28:13 Twenty four hours later, there it is again.
28:16 It's a satellite.
28:18 Whatever this distant company of angels looked like,
28:20 it was called a Stellar.
28:22 It was called a star in Latin,
28:25 but it was moving, clearly moving.
28:26 You can look at stars and then there's a little movement
28:29 but now this, this was just like, like a satellite.
28:33 The portent, the mystery these kings from the east,
28:37 we follow the star, this must be He.
28:41 So now here comes in.
28:42 So the wise men go to Herod,
28:44 we know the story about vile Herod,
28:45 "Yo, come back, let me know please,
28:46 I want to go worship Him by myself."
28:48 The wise men then followed the star in verse 10
28:49 because they're so overjoyed, they see it again
28:51 and they go and present their gifts
28:53 and then they're warned in the dream.
28:54 No, no, no, no, no, don't go back to that king.
28:57 Go home another way.
28:58 Now here comes angel and Joseph scene number two.
29:01 "And when they had gone, an angel of the Lord,"
29:03 no doubt the same one,
29:04 "appeared to Joseph in a dream.
29:06 'Get up,' he said,
29:07 'take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.
29:08 Stay there until I tell you,
29:10 for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.'"
29:12 They're gone.
29:14 Herod rides into town, days later,
29:16 every baby under the age of two slaughtered.
29:20 Mist.
29:24 Angel and Joseph, scene number three,
29:25 drop down to verse 19.
29:27 "And after Herod died, an angel of the Lord
29:28 appeared in the dream to Joseph in Egypt,
29:30 and he said,
29:31 'Get up, take the child and his mother,
29:33 you can go back to the land of Israel,
29:34 for those who are trying
29:36 to take the child's life are dead.'"
29:38 And then comes angel and Joseph,
29:39 scene number four.
29:41 Verse 21.
29:42 "And so he got up, took the child and his mother,
29:43 they went back to the land of Israel.
29:45 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea
29:48 in place of his father Herod,
29:50 Oh man, Joseph is afraid to go there."
29:53 Angel number four, scene number four.
29:57 "And having been warned in a dream..."
29:59 obviously, the same angel,
30:01 "Joseph withdrew to the district of Galilee,
30:03 and he went and lived in a little town called Nazareth.
30:05 So it was fulfilled what was said to the prophets,
30:07 that he would be called a Nazarene."
30:09 There they are, four fascinating angel appearances,
30:12 and angels do all the talking, all the talking,
30:14 Joseph never says a word, just radical obedience.
30:17 He obeys every single time.
30:22 But if you consider the shining star angels,
30:27 and if you presume that the four appearances
30:30 that were by angel to Joseph are a templat
30:33 for the appearance of it in a dream to the Magi,
30:36 that would probably an angel as well,
30:37 could be the same angel the whole time,
30:39 you have ladies and gentlemen, count them, six, six,
30:42 six appearances of angels in this story.
30:47 And if you go to the Christmas story in Luke, guess what?
30:49 Angels are everywhere.
30:51 They're everywhere, the whole Bible
30:52 but in the Christmas story in particular,
30:54 I need you to see this
30:55 because you see where it's going.
30:56 Angel number one in Luke.
30:58 We've already been to Luke in this Advent season,
30:59 so let's not go back.
31:01 Angel number one shows up to the father-in-law
31:04 to be of young John the Baptist.
31:06 An angel says, "My name is Gabriel."
31:07 So we know it's Gabriel.
31:09 That same angel shows up to the young virgin teenager Mary
31:12 and we know because Luke says, he was Gabriel.
31:15 Every time Gabriel shows up, he says, "Don't be afraid."
31:21 Angel number three.
31:23 And angel number four, all happen at one time.
31:26 So let's go to Luke.
31:27 We'll just finish out the Christmas story right here,
31:28 Luke, Chapter 2.
31:30 So turn, find Luke 2 in your Bible.
31:32 And let's pick it up in verse 7.
31:39 Every time Gabriel shows up. He says, "Don't be afraid."
31:43 And did you notice that when he showed up with Joseph,
31:46 he said, "Don't be afraid."
31:48 I think we can safely conclude
31:50 that the angel that showed upto the fiancé
31:52 would also show up to the other half of the fiancé.
31:55 Same angel, Gabriel.
31:56 No doubt.
31:58 So we have angel showing up twice.
32:01 But now here comes three and four times.
32:04 Luke Chapter 2, drop down to verse 7.
32:05 "And she gave birth," Mary did,
32:07 "to her firstborn, a son,
32:09 and she wrapped him in cloths..."
32:10 Mother and daughter Joanne and Jessica
32:12 just read this a moment ago,
32:13 "And place him in a manger,
32:15 because there was no guest room available for them.
32:17 And there were shepherds living out
32:18 in the fields near nearby,
32:20 keeping watch over their flocks at night."
32:21 Probably October,
32:23 because that would be the time they'd be in the fields.
32:24 Winter, they're just, they wouldn't be out there.
32:26 So probably October.
32:29 "And the angel..."
32:30 Here comes,
32:32 "An angel of the Lord appeared to them,
32:33 and the glory of the Lord shone around about them,
32:35 and they were terrified.
32:37 But the angel said to them..."
32:38 What he's been saying all through this chapter.
32:39 "Don't be afraid." Must be the same one.
32:43 Does it at the resurrection too.
32:44 Don't be afraid.
32:47 An angel says to them, "Don't be afraid.
32:48 I bring you good news
32:50 that will cause great joy for the people.
32:52 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you,
32:56 he is the Messiah, the Lord.
32:57 This will be a sign to you:
32:59 You will find a baby wrapped in cloths
33:00 and lying in a manger..."
33:01 And suddenly as if they could no longer be held in check.
33:04 Here comes the fourth appearance of angels in Luke.
33:06 "Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host..."
33:08 And the Greek word is army, the heavenly army sings.
33:13 "He appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
33:15 'Glory to God in the highest heaven,
33:18 and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.'"
33:23 One more time we pull the veil aside in Desire of Ages,
33:27 and we are told that these shepherds gaze upon
33:30 and I'm quoting now,
33:31 "They gaze upon witnesses to
33:35 the brightest picture ever be held by human eyes."
33:41 I don't know how they did this.
33:43 I had to get an eye exam this week.
33:44 You were going to get an eye exam,
33:46 all you four eyed people
33:47 and you go to that doc, you go to your,
33:49 you go to the doctor and what does he do?
33:50 Put a little drops in and what's he going to do?
33:52 He's going to dilate it.
33:53 You have no iris now, no color digest,
33:55 big dark circles.
33:57 And they tell you when you leave.
33:58 Oh by the way, it's going to take a while to wear up.
34:00 We got these ugly glasses that you may wear,
34:02 hopefully you brought your own.
34:04 Yeah, you never were the ugly ones.
34:05 You don't want to be seen with those ugly ones.
34:09 I can imagine these shepherds,
34:11 the brightest, the brightest scene
34:12 ever witnessed by human eyes.
34:14 Was it like this? Was it like this?
34:19 No sunglasses.
34:21 Four appearances of angels.
34:25 By the way, they're everywhere.
34:27 Not just in the Christmas story, they're everywhere.
34:28 They're everywhere in the Bible.
34:31 You want to see what angels do it by the way?
34:32 You want to know what angels do for a living?
34:33 You gonna look at this job description here
34:35 and you're going to say, Man, I'm glad
34:36 that's not my job description.
34:38 Let me run, let me run this by you.
34:39 This is the Old Testament. Take a look at Psalm 104.
34:41 Was earnest prayer, I was quoting from Psalm 103.
34:44 Look at the Psalm 104.
34:47 Here's the job description for an angel.
34:48 Now this is going to surprise you,
34:50 you're going to say, 'I don't see any angels."
34:51 If you're in the NIV, you're saying, what?
34:53 Are you serious? In this verse? Take a look.
34:55 Psalm 104, on the screen for you.
34:56 Verse 4.
34:57 "He, God, makes winds his messengers,
34:59 flames of fire his servants."
35:01 Now what do we have here?
35:03 We have winds, we have messengers,
35:04 we have flames of fire, we have His servants.
35:06 Who are they? They're angels.
35:09 Because the Hebrew can also be translated an alternate way.
35:12 In fact, the New King James
35:13 translates it the alternate way.
35:15 And when the writer of Hebrews comes along and says,
35:16 I need that verse,
35:18 he will translate it the alternate way
35:20 which is the Greek way
35:21 and so just look at Hebrews Chapter 1.
35:22 You don't have to take my word for it.
35:24 The very verse you just read looks like this
35:27 in the New Testament.
35:28 Hebrews Chapter 1, drop down to verse 7.
35:32 Look at this. Verse 7.
35:34 "And speaking of the angels, God says..."
35:36 Now this is the identical verse,
35:38 "He makes his angels spirits..."
35:40 It said he makes his messengers wins,
35:43 but the Hebrew can be translated
35:44 just like Greek either way
35:46 breath, wind, spirit,
35:47 saint, messenger, angel, same.
35:50 "He makes his angel spirits,
35:51 and his servants flames of fire.'"
35:53 Now drop down to verse 14
35:55 because here's the job description now.
35:56 "Are not all angels ministering spirits
35:59 sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
36:04 There it is,
36:05 that's the job description of an angel.
36:06 He is a spirit.
36:08 He or she, I don't know they're genderless.
36:10 I couldn't tell you who they are,
36:13 but their spirits,
36:15 they take a corporeal body on when it's essential for them
36:19 and they show up and they eat
36:21 and they touch you
36:22 and they are a body but they are spirits.
36:26 The body is just a front
36:29 in order to communicate with you and me.
36:32 Well, not encumbered by a body,
36:35 one single assignment the angel has one sent to minister
36:38 to those who are heirs of salvation.
36:40 Those who are going to inherit salvation.
36:41 Stay with them, your mission should you choose to accept it,
36:45 rookie angel
36:46 because we need more.
36:48 Your mission should you choose to accept it is this.
36:51 You will stay with this child from the moment she breathes.
36:54 You will stay with her every day and night, 24/7,
36:58 until the earthling dies or Christ returns,
37:00 whichever comes first.
37:01 You will stay with them.
37:03 Do you understand me?
37:05 Yes, Sir.
37:08 And yet Jesus says in Matthew Chapter 18, they're angels.
37:11 Speaking of children,
37:12 their angels always behold the face of the Father.
37:14 So something's going on here in the spirit
37:17 that you and I don't understand.
37:19 We're talking about beings
37:20 that are a lot bigger and mightier
37:22 than you and I will ever be.
37:27 I say, I wish,
37:28 I wish, I could see an angel like they did.
37:30 I wish, I could just see an angel show up somewhere.
37:33 Guess what?
37:35 Maybe you have.
37:37 Maybe you are
37:38 because Hebrews Chapter 13, same book says,
37:40 "Hey, listen, don't forget to entertain strangers
37:43 because some of them have entertained angels unawares."
37:45 Take a look to the person to your right, right now.
37:47 Look at the person on your left nap, nap.
37:49 These two can't be angels, I understand.
37:50 But you can't see who's sitting behind you.
37:52 You don't know who's sitting behind you.
37:54 There could be an angel in this audience right now.
37:57 There may be many angels filling this space right now.
37:59 Of course your angel and my angel are here.
38:01 They've been singing with us,
38:03 they took that music and send it heavenward.
38:06 Angels.
38:10 Desire of Ages on the screen for you.
38:11 By the way, there's a collection of these quotation
38:13 stuck in your worship bulletin, you go home with it.
38:15 "Heaven and Earth," reading now,
38:17 "Heaven and earth are no wider apart today than
38:19 when angels listen,
38:20 that when shepherds rather listened to the angels' song.
38:23 Humanity is still as much the object of heaven's solicitude
38:26 as when common men and women of common occupations,
38:29 long ago met angels at noonday, and they talked with heavenly
38:32 messengers in the vineyards and in the fields."
38:34 Now to us, third millennium,
38:36 "To us in the common walks of life..."
38:38 That would be you and me, "Heaven may be very near.
38:41 Angels from the courts above will attend the steps of those
38:45 who come and go at God's command."
38:48 Angels, they have one solitary mission,
38:51 seek and save every possible earth child that you can
38:55 until I come.
38:57 Do you understand?
38:59 Yes, Your Majesty.
39:04 24/7.
39:08 Bring them home to me.
39:11 But here listen, what is so stunning about this?
39:13 And here comes a profound part
39:16 is what the Christmas story actually reveals namely,
39:18 have you ever noticed.
39:20 I didn't tell just these last few days.
39:22 Have you ever noticed
39:24 that there are two beings that keep showing up together
39:28 in the Christmas story all the way through?
39:31 Let me just show you.
39:32 Let's do a little bit of statistics, all right?
39:34 Let's put it on the screen.
39:35 Angels, do you see Matthew up there?
39:36 Six times angels appear.
39:39 If we grant these just in company
39:41 and showing up to the Magi twice, okay?
39:43 Six times, Luke, angels,
39:45 we just looked at them, four times.
39:49 But there's somebody else
39:50 who keeps showing up in this story with them
39:53 in the Book of Matthew put up the Holy Spirit.
39:57 Two times in the Book of Matthew
40:00 with the Christmas story only.
40:02 In the Book of Luke
40:03 which we went through a few Sabbaths ago,
40:05 eight times.
40:06 Add the two columns, please.
40:07 Ten times in both columns.
40:09 Ten times these two beings,
40:13 these celestial individuals
40:17 appear together a total of 20 times
40:19 which may not be so surprising
40:21 when we just noted that angels are called spirits
40:23 and he's called the Holy Spirit.
40:25 What's not so surprising
40:26 when we saw that angels are called winds
40:27 and Jesus said to John, the spirit is like a wind.
40:32 And Jesus says to the woman at the well,
40:34 "God is a spirit in those who worship him,
40:36 must worship Him in spirit in too.
40:38 It's not a surprise, we should not be surprise
40:40 that there is a very intimate partnership,
40:42 a very intimate camaraderie
40:44 between angels and the Holy Spirit.
40:46 They do what they do together.
40:50 Surprise!
40:52 Douglas Cooper in his book, The Gentle Dove:
40:55 The Holy Spirit, God's Greatest Gift, subtitle.
40:58 These 43 characteristics that describe
41:00 one who lives his life
41:02 and who lives her life in the spirit.
41:03 Beautiful 43 of these.
41:05 Here comes number 15.
41:06 I shared number 10 a few days ago with you.
41:09 But here's number 15 on the screen please.
41:12 So if you live a life in the spirit,
41:13 "The providence and protection and guidance of angels
41:16 will become more evident in your life."
41:20 Hold on, keep reading, Hebrews 114,
41:22 "Are they not all ministering spirits,
41:24 sent a minister for them
41:25 who will be the heirs of salvation?"
41:27 In other words, you and me, hold on!
41:29 This is created now.
41:31 "In a very real sense,
41:32 angels are the 'modems'
41:35 through which we connect with the realms of the Spirit."
41:37 Hit the pause button right there.
41:39 Do you know what a modem is?
41:40 We all have them,
41:41 but do you know what a modem does?
41:43 A modem takes digital information,
41:45 encodes it and decodes it from source to recipient,
41:48 so that everybody's talking the same language
41:51 and you get the signals.
41:53 Cooper is suggesting that
41:54 angels are the modems of the Kingdom of Heaven
41:59 by which we connect with the realms of the Spirit.
42:00 Keep reading.
42:02 "They are not the light," Jesus is the light,
42:04 "but they are the light-bearers,
42:05 they are our personal bond to the heavenly realms,
42:08 to the deeper most progressive truths and insights
42:11 and spiritual experiences for us today."
42:14 They are our connect doors
42:17 to the eternal reality which we cannot see.
42:22 Assigned to you, assigned to me.
42:25 One right here beside me right now,
42:29 his mission,
42:30 stay with that boy,
42:33 save him.
42:36 I want them home.
42:38 You have one.
42:39 So this place is filled if we could see that.
42:43 You know what they're saying right now
42:45 about you, about me.
42:50 It's provocative thought, is it not?
42:52 I had a professor here in the seminary,
42:53 a great teacher named Ralph Edren,
42:55 who made the startling suggestion in class
42:57 when I was a little MDiv student,
42:58 and I have pondered that ever since and that is,
43:01 it is through the angels
43:02 that the Holy Spirit exercises is omnipresent ministry.
43:06 He's the great mainframe.
43:07 Didn't have that language back then.
43:09 He's the great mastermind
43:11 and so He's in connection with every spirit being.
43:17 And by the way, the good news is whether good or bad,
43:21 nobody steals a march on you.
43:23 But that God is not watching very,
43:26 that's as far as you go.
43:27 Stop.
43:29 Look in my eye on, you boy.
43:33 Wow, supernaturally intimately.
43:36 Look, I, we just crossed the line
43:38 for our mortal minds into mystery.
43:40 We cannot understand this.
43:42 I understand that.
43:43 But here's the point.
43:46 This much is clear from the Christmas story.
43:48 All of heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
43:51 all of heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
43:53 and billions of angels.
43:55 All of heaven is on your side right now.
44:00 Right now, all of heaven.
44:04 If you need every angel in heaven,
44:05 you'll get every angel in heaven.
44:07 If they have to leave the rest of us to get to you,
44:09 they'll leave the rest of us to get to you.
44:12 All of heaven is on your side.
44:14 You can take that to the bank, cash it.
44:18 All of heaven 20 times 10, they're there together.
44:22 Ten each the Christmas story.
44:27 And trust me,
44:28 you and I are going to need all of heaven on our side
44:30 because CS Lewis is absolutely right.
44:33 We are in a war, almost desperate war and that's why
44:35 the Christmas story happened in the first place.
44:37 Let me put that classic book of his Mere Christianity
44:42 on the screen for you, some lines from it.
44:45 CS Lewis, CS Lewis, "this universe is at war,
44:49 a civil war, a rebellion,
44:51 and we are living in a part of the universe
44:53 occupied by the rebel.
44:55 Enemy-occupied territory that is what this world is.
44:58 Christianity is a story of
44:59 how the rightful king has landed,
45:01 you might say landed in disguise,
45:03 you might say behind enemy lines he has landed
45:07 and it's calling all of us to take part
45:09 in a great campaign of sabotage."
45:15 I'm here. I'm here.
45:19 I've come to you that you might have life
45:21 and that you might have it abundantly
45:22 so come to me, learn from me,
45:25 follow me, go for me.
45:30 Lo, I'm with you always
45:32 even to the end of the age, gone.
45:37 Sabotage, you belong to me.
45:41 Remember whose side you are on?
45:44 I'm with you, do you see him?
45:46 No, you don't.
45:47 He's with you too.
45:49 She.
45:52 Desire of Ages is making this point powerfully.
45:54 Last quotation on the screen.
45:56 "The Savior shows His followers the conflicts they must meet,
46:00 He reveals the character and the plan of the battle..."
46:03 He says what's going to happen?
46:04 Do what I tell you. Trust me.
46:08 He reveals to His followers
46:10 the character and the battle of the plan,
46:11 they, I'm going to change it to we.
46:13 "We are to contend with supernatural forces,
46:15 evil and dark,
46:16 but we are assured of supernatural help.
46:19 All the intelligences of heaven are in this army.
46:22 And more than just the angels are in the ranks.
46:25 The Holy Spirit, the representative
46:27 of the Captain of the Lord's host..."
46:29 That would be Christ Jesus Himself.
46:31 He's the captain.
46:32 "The representative of the Captain of the Lord's host,
46:34 comes down in the rank,
46:36 comes down to direct the battle."
46:38 In a military lingo of generals,
46:41 he puts boots on the ground where the action is
46:44 to represent the commander of the Lord's host, Captain.
46:48 I'm here for the captain.
46:51 You don't see me
46:53 but I see you and I'm watching you.
46:56 And I'm with you.
46:58 He's with you.
46:59 They are with you.
47:01 All heaven is on your side. Never be afraid.
47:04 I don't know what you're going through today.
47:06 Just two days before Christmas.
47:08 And I'm looking at the live screen lens right now.
47:11 I don't know what you're going through.
47:12 Wherever on this planet you are right now
47:14 it matters not to me what you're going through.
47:15 But I tell you what it meant, what matters.
47:17 What matters is all of heaven is on your side.
47:21 All of heaven.
47:22 All the intelligences, all of heaven.
47:26 Oh, we forgot to finish this.
47:27 "The Holy Spirit,
47:28 the representative of the captain of the Lord's host
47:30 comes down to direct the battle."
47:31 Well, I love this ending.
47:32 "Our infirmities, may be many..."
47:34 Oh God, our weaknesses,
47:35 my weaknesses this year are many.
47:38 God says, you don't have to remind me, Dwight.
47:44 "Our infirmities may be many,
47:46 our sins and mistakes this year have been grievous,
47:50 but the grace of God is for all who seek it with contrition."
47:54 I wipe it clean.
47:55 Oh boy, don't miss next Sabbath,
47:57 one service again, but don't miss the good news.
48:00 We end the year with next Sabbath.
48:01 "Grace of God is for all who seek it with contrition.
48:04 The power of omnipotence is enlisted
48:06 in behalf of those who trust in God."
48:10 I will put my trust in Him.
48:14 You may trust me.
48:17 I'm with you.
48:19 And I will be with you till you die or till I come,
48:23 whichever comes first. Stay with me.
48:28 Stay with me.
48:34 That's it.
48:36 God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son.
48:38 That's it.
48:41 God has given everything He has.
48:43 And now secret campaign of...
48:49 A subterfuge.
48:54 Sabotage.
48:58 Ask me every morning for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
49:01 and I will give you that Holy Spirit every day.
49:03 You ask me every day for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
49:05 and I will give you the Holy Spirit every day.
49:07 You ask me every day for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
49:10 and I will give it to you every day.
49:13 And he will be with you
49:14 and the two of them together have you?
49:17 They have your back, they have your front,
49:20 they have your heart, they have your mind.
49:23 Wow.
49:25 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a good news this Christmas,
49:28 what do you say?
49:29 It's great news. It's great news.
49:33 So is there room in your in?
49:35 Let Him in.
49:37 He said, "I need to come in every day."
49:39 Ask me for that baptism every day.
49:41 Is there room in your in?
49:42 Give me that room, please.
49:43 I need that room.
49:45 Karen now is going to sing the appeal
49:46 that you have room for the Savior
49:48 and do you seek him a new.
49:50 Have you a place for the one who lived and died for you?
49:53 Are you as humble as a shepherd boy
49:55 or as wise as men of old?
49:57 Would you've come that night
49:59 and would you have sought the light,
50:01 do you have a room?
50:18 They journeyed far
50:21 A weary pair
50:23 They sought for shelter From the cold night air
50:29 Someplace where she
50:32 Could lay her head
50:35 Where she could give her babe
50:38 A quiet bed
50:42 Was there no room?
50:45 No shelter there?
50:47 In all the town a spot someone could spare?
50:54 Was there no soul come to their aid?
51:00 A stable bare was where the family stayed
51:09 Do you have room for the savior?
51:14 And do you seek Him anew?
51:19 Have you a place for the one
51:23 Who lived and died for you?
51:30 Are you as humble as a shepherd boy
51:36 Or as wise as men of old?
51:42 Would you have come that night?
51:48 Would you have sought the light?
51:53 Do you have room?
52:04 A star arose, a wondrous light
52:09 A sign from God This was the holy night
52:15 And yet so few would go to see
52:21 The babe who came to rescue you and me
52:27 This child divine is now a king
52:33 The gift of life to all the world He brings
52:40 And all mankind He saves from doom
52:46 But on that night, for Him, there was no room
52:55 Do you have room for the savior?
53:01 And do you seek Him anew?
53:06 Have you a place for the one
53:10 Who lived and died for you?
53:16 Are you as humble as a shepherd boy
53:22 Or as wise as men of old?
53:28 Would you have come that night?
53:34 Would you have sought the light?
53:40 Do you have room?
53:52 Will you come tonight?
53:58 Will you seek the light?
54:05 Do you have room?
54:21 Amen.
54:27 Let's stand as we pray.
54:40 Oh, God, may You find room in all our hearts...
54:48 In all our lives,
54:52 in all our marriages,
54:57 in all our living,
55:01 please find room.
55:05 You can have our room.
55:07 There's room, come in,
55:12 knowing that all of heaven is on our side.
55:16 Dear God and we praise You.
55:18 You give us courage,
55:20 we go forth to the unknown,
55:23 but we will never go forth alone ever.
55:27 Stay with us.
55:29 Hold us close until Jesus comes.
55:39 And now may the grace of the Father...
55:45 The love of the Lord Jesus,
55:48 the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
55:51 be with you all.
55:53 Amen.
56:12 Thank you for joining us in worship today.
56:14 I hope you were blessed.
56:16 As we enter the busy holiday season,
56:18 I trust you're able to snatch some quiet moments
56:20 to reflect on all that you're grateful for.
56:22 Me, I'm thankful for you,
56:24 for your prayers, for your letters,
56:26 which literally come to us from around the world.
56:28 You'll never know the impact your prayers for this ministry
56:31 have on me and our entire team.
56:33 Trust me, you bless me through your prayers.
56:36 So I'm thankful for you.
56:37 I'm thankful for the young creative tech team
56:39 that makes this ministry happen.
56:41 They keep coming up with new innovative ideas
56:43 for sharing the gospel globally through
56:45 electronic media, television, radio, web, mobile, whatever.
56:49 What's more, these young innovators have had the skills
56:52 and the commitment to see our projects through.
56:55 So I'm thankful for you, I'm thankful for them.
56:58 And you'd expect me to say this
56:59 as another year draws to an end.
57:01 I'm also thankful for the financial support of
57:03 viewers like you that makes this ministry possible.
57:06 If you've been blessed this New Year,
57:08 I'd like to ask you to join the hundreds
57:10 who financially support our New Perceptions Ministry.
57:13 It's simple to do, just call our toll free number
57:16 877-HIS-WILL, the two words, HIS-WILL,
57:19 and our friendly operators will be happy to assist you.
57:22 Trust me, no gift is too small for God
57:24 to use to spread His good news.
57:26 And let me remind you, not a single penny
57:28 of your donation will come to me.
57:30 Every gift is entirely invested in our mission
57:32 to communicate God's everlasting gospel
57:35 to what we believe is an end-time generation.
57:38 So once again,
57:39 the number to call is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:42 This Christmas,
57:43 I wish for you God's very best wrapped up in Jesus,
57:46 24/7 all the way through the New Year to come.
57:51 God bless you.


Revised 2019-01-14