New Perceptions

You Turned my Mourning into Dancing -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP171118A

00:00 ♪♪
00:09 >> ♪ Oh come, let us sing to the Lord ♪
00:14 >> ♪ Come, let us everyone ♪
00:19 ♪ A joyful noise make to the rock of our salvation ♪ ♪ Let us before his presence
00:33 come with praise and thankful voice ♪ ♪ Let us sing songs of grace to
00:43 him and make a joyful noise ♪ >> Please stand for the responsive reading, which is
00:56 found on page 8 of your bulletins. "The Call to Joy," taken from
01:02 Psalm 100. Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands.
01:11 Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence with singing.
01:17 Know that the Lord -- he is God. It is he who has made us and not we ourselves.
01:24 We are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with
01:30 thanksgiving and enter his courts with praise. Be thankful to him and bless his
01:36 name, for the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endures to all
01:44 generations.
14:30 >> ♪ Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice ♪ ♪ With exultation springing ♪
14:40 ♪ And with united heart and voice ♪ ♪ And holy rapture singing ♪
14:50 ♪ Proclaim the wonders God has done ♪ ♪ How His right arm the victory
15:00 won ♪ ♪ What price the ransom cost Him ♪
15:09 ♪ But God had seen my wretched state ♪ ♪ Before the world's
15:17 foundation ♪ ♪ And mindful of His mercies great ♪
15:25 ♪ He planned for my salvation ♪ ♪ He turned to me our Father's heart ♪
15:36 ♪ He did not choose the easy part ♪ ♪ But gave his dearest
15:44 treasure ♪
15:56 ♪ Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord ♪ ♪ Peace in our time, oh, send
16:10 us ♪ ♪ For there is none on Earth but you ♪
16:24 ♪ None other to defend us ♪
16:38 ♪ You only, Lord, can fight for us ♪ ♪ Amen ♪
17:03 ♪ Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord ♪ ♪ Peace in our time, oh, send
17:18 us ♪ ♪ For there is none on Earth but you ♪
17:33 ♪ None other to defend us ♪
17:50 ♪ You only, Lord, can fight for us ♪ ♪ Amen ♪
18:32 ♪ O Lord, we praise Thee, bless Thee, and adore Thee ♪ ♪ In thanksgiving,
18:40 bow before Thee ♪ ♪ Thou with Thy body and Thy blood didst nourish ♪
18:50 ♪ Our weak souls that they may flourish ♪ ♪ O Lord, have mercy ♪
19:05 ♪ May Thy body, Lord, born of Mary ♪ ♪ That our sins and sorrows did
19:17 carry ♪ ♪ And Thy blood for us plead ♪ ♪ In all trial, fear, and need ♪
19:36 ♪ O Lord, have mercy ♪
19:49 >> Thank you, Choir. Beautiful. We needed that. 500 years old, those hymns.
19:54 500 years old. So, the title of our Thanksgiving homily today, "You
19:59 Turned My Mourning Into Dancing: The Habitude of Gratitude."
20:05 You know what the habitude of gratitude is?
20:07 Let me read to you a first-person account from a
20:12 gentleman named Scott Macaulay. Here it is.
20:16 "When I was 24, my folks decided to get divorced.
20:20 I was taught that, to be a good son, I needed to be supportive
20:23 and loving to each parent and to my siblings, but nobody was
20:26 talking to anybody.
20:28 If you were nice to one parent, the other one would get mad at you.
20:31 And, so, when October came, I thought, 'What's going to happen at Thanksgiving?'
20:36 And I just did not like the thought of being home alone -- or anywhere alone -- on
20:40 Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not about gifts or fireworks or hoopla.
20:43 It's a meal around a table where you give thanks for the blessings you have.
20:47 And you really can't do that by yourself and have much fun. So I decided to put an ad in the
20:51 local paper. If people thought they would find themselves alone, they
20:55 could give me a call, and I would make a Thanksgiving dinner.
20:59 That first year, a few people came, and they had a good time. I was nervous about making a
21:03 mess out of the food and disappointing the people, but the food was okay, and I didn't
21:07 burn anything. I've held the dinner every year since 1985.
21:17 Last Thanksgiving, 84 people showed up. Sometimes, they're new to town.
21:23 Sometimes, they're recently divorced or widowed. I've had people who were new to
21:26 the country and didn't speak any English, but they enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner.
21:30 I've had poor people, people who come from AA, old people. Also not counted within that
21:35 number -- I always feed the police. The firefighters and EMTs are in
21:39 buildings with kitchens and can have their own Thanksgiving dinner among themselves, but the
21:44 police officers are in their cars, driving around town on call.
21:48 Two years ago, a woman with Parkinson's disease came, and she was not good on her feet.
21:53 She had been in a nursing home for seven years and had never been out.
22:01 Somebody told her about the dinner, and she hired an ambulance to bring her, at $200,
22:08 plus mileage. She had a great time and she cried when the ambulance
22:14 returned to get her. She didn't want to go home. Most of the people who come
22:22 don't know who I am. They know there's some skinny guy in the kitchen, but they
22:26 don't know my name. I think the theme of my life and everything I do could be summed
22:30 up with the name of an old hymn called 'Brighten the Corner Where You Are.'
22:37 >> ♪ Brighten the corner where you are ♪ ♪ Brighten the corner
22:44 where you are ♪ >> Beautiful. Beautiful. >> ♪ Someone far from harbor
22:48 You may guide across the bar ♪ ♪ Brighten the corner where you are ♪
22:57 >> Bravo! They got me by surprise. They got me. That's beautiful.
23:02 Yeah, it's just a glorious, glorious hymn. "So, I hope my legacy will be
23:08 that I came into the world, I brightened a corner, and then I quietly left the world
23:15 unnoticed." Isn't that beautiful? That's the habitude of
23:19 gratitude. That word "habitude" -- that's not a new word.
23:22 That goes back to the old Middle English. That would be the mid-1500s.
23:26 And it meant and means "an act or an attitude that becomes a habit."
23:31 So, we have Scott, who takes this attitude of gratitude and says, "1985."
23:37 It's become a habit for him. Question is -- is it a habit for you?
23:42 Is it a habit for me? Let's make it one. Let's go. Come on.
23:47 Blow the dust off of that ancient chapter in your Bible, Jeremiah 31.
23:51 When was the last time you've even been to Jeremiah, let alone Jeremiah 31?
23:55 But let's go. Let's go. The habitude of gratitude. See if you can spot it right
24:01 here. Jeremiah 31. All right? Pick it up from Verse 3.
24:06 "And the Lord appeared to us in the past, saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love.
24:13 I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.'" Ooh, I love that.
24:17 That's the language of the cross. It's beautiful.
24:21 "'I loved you forever.'" Verse 4. "'I will build you up again, and
24:26 you, virgin Israel, will be rebuilt. Again, you will take up your
24:31 timbrels and go out to dance with the joyful.'" Do you know what a timbrel is?
24:38 A timbrel -- This is my surprise to you. [ Laughter ]
24:43 A timbrel is this. This is what? This is a tambourine.
24:49 In fact, I love the way the New Revised Standard renders
24:52 this line. Let's put it on the screen.
24:53 "You shall take your tambourines and go forth in the dance of the
24:58 merrymakers."
25:01 And, by the way, you can't play the tambourine when you're sad. "Oh, I'm so sad."
25:10 Are you kidding? When Miriam and the women on the other side of the Red Sea --
25:14 when they break out into song, what did they pull out? They started dancing. Oops.
25:20 [ Laughter ] And that's just what we read. "The Dance of the Merrymakers."
25:26 Now, it's not over. Go to Verse 13.
25:28 "'Then young women will dance and be glad.
25:33 Young men and old, as well --" NRSV says -- "shall be
25:37 merrymakers. And I --" Here it comes again.
25:41 "I will turn their mourning into gladness."
25:44 But does that sound familiar? We were just on Psalm 30 last
25:47 week. It's almost a verbatim.
25:49 "I will turn their mourning into gladness and I will give them
25:52 comfort and joy, instead of sorrow."
25:56 ♪ You turned my mourning into dancing again ♪ ♪ You lifted my sorr...♪
26:03 I guess I'm the only one that knows that one. All right.
26:06 [ Laughter ] Anyway, could it be, though, that our problem is -- we've
26:13 learned the wrong song? We're singing the wrong song. You say, "What are you talking
26:19 about, Dwight?" Okay. Ever heard of a group called the
26:22 Twenty One Pilots? Yeah. If you're young, you have. They released a song back in
26:30 2015. That year, it climbed up to number 2 in Billboard's Top 100,
26:36 all right? That song is titled "Stressed Out."
26:43 It is a YouTube video. I'm not gonna tell you if I've watched it.
26:46 It is a YouTube music-video hit that has now accumulated 1.134 billion views.
26:57 Apparently, people around the world are identifying with their words.
27:03 It's the story of two brothers who grow up. They're in their 20s, but they
27:07 wish they were kids again. They're riding these big wheels down a suburban street in
27:14 Columbus, Ohio. They're sipping Capri Suns with straws.
27:18 And then they start singing. ♪ We used to play pretend, give each other different names ♪
27:23 ♪ We used to build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away ♪ ♪ Used to dream of outer space,
27:26 but now they're laughin' at our face ♪ ♪ Saying, "Wake up, you need to
27:29 make money!", yeah ♪ ♪ We wish we could turn back time to the good old days ♪
27:35 ♪ When our mama sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out ♪
27:38 ♪ We're stressed out ♪ And that goes on for 5 minutes. [ Laughter ]
27:46 The psychologist and writer Jean Twenge, in her new book, "iGen" -- And we referenced that
27:51 book last week. "iGen" -- a very careful analysis of a new generation now
27:56 being born between 1995 and 2012. You just do the arithmetic.
28:02 It's the average college student, because it starts at 22 and then it goes to 21, then to
28:08 20, 19, and 18. It's the slice called "college students."
28:12 And she's calling them iGenners. And I think the moniker's gonna stick.
28:16 She writes about this song. The words are on the screen.
28:20 "The song 'Stressed Out' captures this possible link
28:23 between growing up slowly and mental-health issues."
28:26 IGenners don't get their driver's licenses as soon as
28:30 Millennials did. They're not leaving the house as
28:32 soon as Millennials. They're not dating as soon as
28:34 Millennials. She's saying, "Is there a
28:35 connection between this slow maturation and mental-health
28:38 issues. Now, she goes on.
28:40 "As Asbury University student Alyssa Driscoll wrote, "The song
28:45 'Stressed Out' has exactly what we're thinking written in it.
28:50 It really GETS US.'" Those are her caps.
28:53 And what is it about iGenners that sets them apart?
28:56 Twenge again on the screen. "IGen is on the verge of the
28:59 most severe mental-health crisis for young people in decades.
29:03 On the surface, though, everything is fine."
29:06 Take Laura. She looked at Laura's
29:09 social-media account photos. Try to guess her age.
29:14 Twenge on the screen again, quoting Laura.
29:17 "In Laura's profile picture, she's a girl with wavy brown
29:20 hair who looks no more than 16." Probably 20, 21.
29:23 "Her site is titled 'A Depressed-Person life.'
29:26 Her pain is starkly evident in her posts, which include --"
29:30 Here's one post. "'That's how depression hits.
29:33 You wake up one morning afraid that you're gonna live."
29:37 Here's another one. "I don't know why I'm so stupid.
29:40 I don't know why I'm so sad." And here comes the third one.
29:44 "They all look so expletive happy to me.
29:46 Why couldn't I look like that?" Twenge goes on.
29:49 "The web page's title appeared as one apt word -- 'broken.'"
29:57 "Wish we could turn back time to the good old days," but, of course, none of us can -- not
30:01 iGenners, not Millennials, not Gen Xers, not Boomers, not senior citizens.
30:07 Nobody can turn time back. "We're stressed out," the Twenty One Pilots sang.
30:14 "We're broken," as Laura recorded in her web page. So, here's the question.
30:21 What's the antidote for this generational darkness that seems to hold us?
30:25 I've got to read those words again. "I have loved you with an
30:31 everlasting love. I've loved you forever. I have drawn you with unfailing
30:35 kindness. I'll build you up again, you, virgin Israel.
30:39 You'll be rebuilt. Again, you will take up your tambourines and go forth in the
30:45 dance of the merrymakers. The young women will dance and be glad.
30:49 The young men and old, as well, shall be merry, for I will turn your mourning into gladness.
30:56 I will give you comfort and joy, instead of sorrow." Wow.
31:02 A friend of mine gave me a book a few weeks ago. I read it.
31:08 One line -- there's only one line that I've memorized. And I have to share this line
31:12 with you. The book is written by the well-known author and pastor and
31:17 theologian Gregory Boyd, up in Minneapolis. The title of the book --
31:21 "Present Perfect: Finding God in the Now." There's a fascinating premise
31:25 that he develops. Kind of like a philosopher, just kind of develops this all the
31:28 way through the book. And here's the premise. I need you to get it.
31:32 The premise is this. "Now -- now -- is the only moment of reality you possess.
31:39 Just now. The past is gone." Right? The past is gone. The future's not here.
31:44 "You only have now." This is the only moment God has to interface with you and
31:51 connect. He only has this moment right now, right now.
31:55 That's why he's called "The Great I Am." He's not "The Great I Was."
31:59 He's not "The Great I Will Be." He's "The Great I Am." "I'm in this moment with you.
32:04 I love you right now. I love you with an everlasting love, a forever kind of love.
32:08 I am drawing you. Forever, I'm drawing you, with unfailing kindness, to me.
32:13 I just want -- This is the only moment you and I have. I just want to connect with you
32:18 right now. I want to hear you talk, and I'll listen.
32:20 And then I want you to hear me talk, and you listen. I don't care where you are.
32:24 I don't care when it is. It doesn't matter to me who you may be.
32:29 I need this moment. This is the only moment we have together.
32:34 Look, look. When your depression hurts so bad, it feels like dying, let me
32:45 have that moment with you. I can turn your mourning into dancing again.
32:49 Let me feel your pain. When it seems your body cannot survive another day because of
32:58 all that nature has inflicted on you, I am with you. Let me have that moment.
33:05 Connect with me. Let me connect with you. Let me feel your fear and let me
33:12 turn your mourning into dancing." And then, to help us understand
33:17 that we can connect with God in the only moment we have, which is right now, Gregory Boyd
33:23 writes a line -- And this is the only line I remember from the book.
33:27 And the line has been so profound for me, I've been saying it again and again and
33:32 again.
33:34 And lookit -- they've already put it on the screen for us.
33:37 That's the line right there. "My life is Christ.
33:42 Nothing else really matters."
33:45 I have one moment to live, and it's right now. You say, "Dwight, how could I
33:50 live this moment right now, and God is talking to me?" I don't know, but it works.
33:54 He's talking to me right now while I'm talking to you. I have to just keep talking.
33:57 I can't stop to think of what he's saying. He's just saying, "Dwight, I'm
34:01 here. I'm here, boy. I'm with you. You're with me."
34:07 You may be driving down the road. He's talking to you.
34:10 You may be taking a final exam. He's talking to you. He won't be giving you the
34:13 answers, but he's talking to you. You may be in the middle of
34:17 performing surgery. He's talking to you. "That's the only moment, Doc.
34:20 That's the only moment you and I have. That's it -- now.
34:25 Let me have this moment with you." "My life is Christ."
34:28 Ooh, I love that. "Nothing else really matters." You say, "Oh, come on, Dwight.
34:33 How will that turn my mourning into dancing? How does that get me out of my
34:38 depression? What's that have to do with the habitude of gratitude?"
34:42 Everything. Watch this. I want to end with three emotional nuggets.
34:45 I'm going to share with you three emotional-health nuggets. Last week, we shared three
34:50 mental-health nuggets. These are three ways for you to connect with God immediately,
34:56 right now, so that Gregory Boyd's line can remain your line, as it is mine.
35:01 "My life is Christ. Nothing else really matters." So, here they are, from that
35:06 little classic, "Ministry of Healing." Boy, to just read the chapter
35:09 "Mind Cure," oh, there is so much that I have left out from that chapter.
35:12 But let's go. Emotional health -- And, by the way, you have a study guide, and
35:16 this is all in your study guide. You will have to fill a few words in, if the quotation means
35:19 anything to you. Here we go. Emotional-health nugget
35:22 number 1.
35:23 "When you open your eyes in the morning, thank God that he has
35:28 kept you through the night." Isn't that beautiful?
35:31 First thing you think of, you thank God.
35:33 "Thank him for his peace in your heart.
35:35 Morning, noon, and night, let gratitude --" There's your
35:39 habitude of gratitude. "Let gratitude, as a sweet
35:42 perfume, ascend to heaven." Hey, listen, guys, when we wake
35:45 up in the morning, if the first thought is, "God, thank you.
35:49 I'm here." That starts "My life is Christ.
35:54 Nothing else really matters. The day starts.
35:58 Here comes emotional-health nugget number 2.
36:00 Also from "Ministry of Healing." "One of the surest --" This is
36:04 vital for some of you. "One of the surest hindrances to
36:07 the recovery of the sick --" And that would be physically sick or
36:10 emotionally sick. "One of the surest hindrances is
36:13 the centering of attention upon themselves," upon yourself.
36:18 "Many invalids feel that everyone should give them
36:21 sympathy and help when what the sick person -- mentally or
36:24 emotionally or physically -- "what that individual needs is
36:28 to have her attention turned away from herself, to thank of
36:33 and care for others." That's a big deal.
36:36 Look at Scott. Remember Scott? His parents divorce, blue funk.
36:40 "What am I gonna do? I'll open my home up."
36:44 He seized the moment and said, "I've got to take the spotlight
36:48 off of me. I want to think of others."
36:52 Habitude of gratitude -- he found it.
36:55 And -- oh, by the way -- when you do that -- whew! -- there's
36:58 a bonus in it for you. Just a few sentences later.
37:01 Put it on the screen for you. "Good deeds --" that you do --
37:04 "are twice a blessing, benefiting both the giver and
37:08 the receiver of the kindness." A double blessing.
37:11 You're blessing them and you're blessing yourself.
37:14 Keep reading. "The consciousness of
37:15 right-doing is one of the best medicines for diseased bodies
37:18 and minds." Keep reading.
37:20 "When the mind is free and happy, from a sense of duty well
37:23 done and the satisfaction of giving happiness --" to whom?
37:27 To whom? To others, not to yourself.
37:29 It's not about me. It's about you.
37:31 "Giving happiness to others, the cheering, uplifting influence
37:36 brings new life to your whole being."
37:40 "My life is Christ. Nothing else really matters." And, Jesus, you just love
37:46 people, 'cause you love me. So I'm gonna love people just like you.
37:51 Yep. You and me. We'll just move through this space, this campus, this
37:55 community, this world. We'll just move through, looking for people to love.
37:59 And I'll love them for you. Wow. You know what you've got to do, don't you?
38:08 Well, you're gonna need emotional-health nugget number 3.
38:14 Here's what you can do.
38:16 "Let praise and thanksgiving be expressed in song.
38:21 When tempted, instead of giving utterance to our feelings, let
38:24 us, by faith, lift up a song of --" What?
38:26 A song of what? A song of thanksgiving.
38:28 It's not a one day of the year. It's not a one week of the year.
38:31 It's not a one month of the year.
38:33 It's 24/7, a song of thanksgiving.
38:39 The habitude of gratitude. Don't let your feelings let you
38:41 down. Don't let your feelings put you
38:43 down. Push those feelings -- Remember
38:45 last week -- feelings have to follow behavior, and singing is
38:48 a behavior. If you start singing, I don't
38:50 care how you sing or whether you can carry a tune in a bucket,
38:53 nobody cares. You just start singing to
38:55 yourself, and that will push those feelings back.
38:57 And now you assert, "My life is Christ.
39:02 Nothing else matters, not even this that I'm going through." It does not ultimately matter,
39:08 because I have Jesus. I have Jesus." So, when we were with our kids
39:13 and our granddaughter Ella this summer, out in Oregon, I did something I didn't tell anybody
39:21 in the family about. One day, when I was alone -- Papa was alone with Ella.
39:24 She just turned 4 a couple weeks ago. I taught her a song that she had
39:29 never learned before. I said, "Elle, Papa's gonna teach you a song."
39:34 ♪ I have decided to follow Jesus ♪ ♪ I have decided ♪
39:41 Yeah, you know the song. It's a beautiful song. And Elle -- she picked it up.
39:46 She just picked -- ♪ No turning back ♪ ♪ No turning back ♪
39:49 She got it down. So, we went to watch Fourth of July fireworks.
39:51 So, we're coming back late at night. Kirk and Chelsea are up front.
39:54 Kirk's driving. And Karen and I are packed in the back with Ella's car seat
39:57 between us. And I thought, "Man, it's dark. I'm just gonna try to --" So, I
40:01 leaned over to Ella and I said, "Ella... ♪ I have decided...♪
40:08 And God bless her little heart. She picked up on that cue at the top of her lungs.
40:13 I tell you the truth. She starts singing out... ♪ I have decided
40:20 to follow Jesus! ♪ That's how she calls Jesus. I hope he doesn't mind.
40:24 "Jeeesus!" Her mother is so startled. Chelsea whirls around.
40:29 "What is happening?" And then she realizes. Ella's just singing away.
40:35 So, stifling a smile, she grabs her cellphone and she's taking a picture of the whole thing.
40:40 By the time little Ella -- No kidding. By the time little Ella was
40:43 through, the whole car is smiling. "I have decided to follow Jesus.
40:49 No turning back. No turning back." You know what?
40:52 I have a feeling that's the way it is with our Father in Heaven. When you and I, in spite of the
40:58 depression we are mourning our way through, in spite of the joy we are dancing our way through,
41:04 when you and I throw back our little shoulders, raise our little heads to him, and, in our
41:10 little voices, we sing out the praise of Jesus, I have a feeling the Father's face just
41:17 beams in a smile. You can't hear that kind of singing and not everybody in the
41:21 car will be smiling. Everybody in Heaven, yeah. "My life is Christ."
41:27 I wish he'd put this one to song. "My life is Christ.
41:32 Nothing else really matters." Ladies and gentlemen, put that to song, just your own little
41:39 song, and it will be this new habitude of gratitude.
41:45 It will make all the difference in this frenetic holiday season
41:51 that begins right now -- "My life is Christ.
41:56 Nothing else really matters." Amen.
42:01 >> All: Amen. >> Amen.
56:25 >> And now may the God of Grace, who has granted you every blessing through the love of
56:29 Christ, his son, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, empower you to live with the
56:35 habitude of gratitude -- not only for a day or for a week, but for a lifetime of
56:41 thanksgiving. Now to Him be the glory, to all generations, world without end.
56:48 Let all God's people say... >> All: Amen. >> Amen.
56:53 ♪♪ >> ♪ Now thank, we all, our God ♪
57:18 >> We've been really blessed by the financial support that comes
57:20 from our viewers, and we've made a conscious decision not to
57:23 continually appeal to you for that support.
57:25 The fact is, as everyone in the industry will tell you, we're
57:29 needing to make constant upgrades to our technology.
57:31 So if God has blessed you and you'd like to further the work
57:34 of this ministry, we invite you to partner with us.
57:37 Not a single penny of your donation will go to me.
57:40 Every bit of your gift goes to the mission, of blessing your
57:43 community and our world. You can donate on our website,
57:46, or call the number.
57:49 You know the number -- 877-HIS-WILL.
57:51 Again, that number is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:56 And may the God who has blessed you continue to pour into your
58:00 life the gifts of his joy and his hope.
58:02 Thank you. And I'm looking forward to
58:04 seeing you right here again next time.
58:09 ♪♪


Revised 2017-11-22