¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:06.23 >> Stand with me, church family, and let us sing. 00:00:10.84\00:00:14.64 "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." 00:00:14.64\00:00:18.05 ¤¤ [ Congregation sings ] 00:00:18.05\00:00:29.52 Aren't you glad? 00:01:51.47\00:01:54.88 Let's keep praising Him. [ Intro to "Higher" plays ] 00:02:34.38\00:02:43.36 Now repeat after me. [ Performers sing ] 00:02:43.36\00:02:48.40 Do you know it? 00:03:29.47\00:03:32.04 Sing out! 00:03:42.98\00:03:44.89 Sing! 00:04:14.98\00:04:16.89 Your turn! 00:04:30.57\00:04:32.47 ¤ Everybody! ¤ 00:05:02.36\00:05:04.27 Amen! Amen. Isn't God amazing and awesome 00:05:50.01\00:05:55.25 and wonderful? He is worthy to be praised. 00:05:55.25\00:05:59.32 And so right now as we are singing praises to the 00:05:59.32\00:06:03.22 Lord, let's also cry out to the Holy Spirit, that He will touch 00:06:03.22\00:06:06.83 us and show us the truth of who Christ is. 00:06:06.83\00:06:10.37 That He will woo us into His presence, into being closer to 00:06:10.37\00:06:14.77 Him, into having that connection with Him. 00:06:14.77\00:06:19.24 Let's ask the Holy Spirit to rain down on us into our lives 00:06:19.24\00:06:22.48 so that He may fill our spirit, and we can fill those 00:06:22.48\00:06:26.28 when we go out of this place. So sing with me. 00:06:26.28\00:06:30.29 [ Intro to "Holy Spirit Rain Down" playing ] 00:06:30.29\00:06:34.29 ¤¤ 00:06:34.29\00:06:44.17 Come forward. Now is that time. Put your burdens down before the 00:09:15.12\00:09:21.62 Lord and give it all to Jesus. The only thing that stops you is 00:09:21.62\00:09:31.07 you. So, now's the time to lay it all out. Surrender. 00:09:31.07\00:09:36.84 And you can't do that partially. So give it all to God. Give it 00:09:36.84\00:09:42.48 to Him now. ¤¤ 00:09:42.48\00:09:52.32 [ Congregation sings ] ¤ Yes, Lord ¤ 00:09:52.49\00:09:59.93 Cry out to Him. 00:10:09.34\00:10:11.24 >> Good morning. Good morning, boys and girls. 00:11:08.50\00:11:13.13 Now, I have a question for you as we begin. 00:11:13.13\00:11:20.74 How many of you -- And pay attention, 'cause I've got a 00:11:20.91\00:11:27.02 feeling it's not all of you. How many of you like presents? 00:11:27.02\00:11:35.59 Okay, that's what I thought. It's not completely all of you. 00:11:35.59\00:11:39.46 Some of you, it's a little bit much. I also like presents. I 00:11:39.46\00:11:47.17 also like gifts. Not just when I was your age. I still do. I'm 00:11:47.17\00:11:50.01 not gonna lie. So just keep that in mind. But I remember one Christmas in particular. 00:11:50.01\00:11:58.35 I had just turned 6 years old, and my parents put out 00:11:58.35\00:12:06.86 three big boxes under the tree. And when I say big, I meanbig. 00:12:06.86\00:12:14.93 And I don't know if they put these out super early just to 00:12:14.93\00:12:21.77 mess with me, but these boxes were out, it seemed like, months 00:12:21.77\00:12:27.98 and months early. And these boxes, there were three of them, and they were huge. 00:12:27.98\00:12:31.51 And they weren't just with my name on it. They also had my two 00:12:31.51\00:12:34.52 older brothers' names on it. And every single day of my life, I would see those three boxes, 00:12:34.52\00:12:42.66 and I would wonder what was in them. But then my parents made a 00:12:42.66\00:12:48.53 rule. They said, "Absolutely no touching the boxes." Well, as soon as they made that 00:12:48.53\00:12:55.34 rule, I knew what was in them. Because, I mean, it's obvious. If you can't touch it, then it's 00:12:55.34\00:13:03.68 clear what it is that's in there, 'cause there's a certain thing that, if you move it just 00:13:03.68\00:13:10.39 a little bit, you can hear what it is. And so I knew -- in fact, 00:13:10.39\00:13:16.99 I would imagine you guys probably -- if you heard this sound, you would know 00:13:16.99\00:13:21.93 what it is. So is everybody listening? [ Plastic clattering 00:13:21.93\00:13:29.74 ] >> Children: Legos! >> Legos. Yeah. You guys know this. Yeah. 00:13:29.74\00:13:35.81 Pastor Dwight looks confused every time I do this, but you guys, you're with it. 00:13:35.81\00:13:40.08 So... Yeah. And so Legos are a dead giveaway. 00:13:40.08\00:13:46.22 If you can just lift that box up and just tilt it slightly, 00:13:46.22\00:13:51.79 you'll know. And so I knew, when my parents said, "Hey, no touching the boxes," I knew it 00:13:51.79\00:13:57.77 was Legos. And so as the days rolled by, I started counting down until me and my brothers 00:13:57.77\00:14:02.77 were gonna get these three huge boxes of Legos, and I was just imagining all the incredible 00:14:02.77\00:14:07.94 things we were gonna build. And finally Christmas Day arrived. 00:14:07.94\00:14:14.22 I'm pretty sure I got up before the sun that day. My parents finally also got up. 00:14:14.22\00:14:23.49 And we start opening gifts. And do you know what my parents did? 00:14:23.49\00:14:28.26 It's almost cruel and unusual. They made us wait until very last for those three boxes. 00:14:28.26\00:14:34.27 Everything else was done. All the sweaters and stuff like that 00:14:34.27\00:14:39.71 that I was gonna grow out of, anyway. And finally, finally it was time for Legos, and I could 00:14:39.71\00:14:45.55 hardly control my excitement. And my parents said, "Okay, you can open this box now." 00:14:45.55\00:14:50.79 And so me and my brothers, we ran over there, and we went to 00:14:50.79\00:14:55.69 lift it... And all of a sudden, I realized I had made a dreadful mistake. This was not Legos at 00:14:55.69\00:15:02.90 all. Because... It took all three of us to lift it. 00:15:02.90\00:15:07.04 It was a heavy box. And it made no sound. And so we opened it. 00:15:07.04\00:15:13.14 And sure enough, it wasn't Legos. My parents had given me 00:15:13.14\00:15:19.01 a great disappointment. [ Laughter ] Because there wasn't 00:15:19.01\00:15:26.15 a single Lego in the entire box. Instead, it was just a computer. [ Congregation murmurs ] 00:15:26.15\00:15:33.83 But... a computer was a much better gift than Legos, wasn't 00:15:33.83\00:15:40.00 it? Yeah. But here's the thing -- God has incredible gifts to 00:15:40.00\00:15:46.21 give us, doesn't He? And sometimes what we ask for isn't half as good as what 00:15:46.21\00:15:51.01 He wants to give us. And so today, as you listen to Pastor Dwight's sermon, he is 00:15:51.01\00:15:56.55 gonna talk about an incredible gift God has for us. A gift that 00:15:56.55\00:16:01.36 He wants to give each and every one of you. And I want you to listen and see if you can figure 00:16:01.36\00:16:07.10 out what the incredible gift God has for us that's even better than Legos. And who would like 00:16:07.10\00:16:13.67 to pray and thank God for the gift He wants to give us? I saw your hand first. Yes. 00:16:13.67\00:16:19.97 And since you're 6, clearly it should be you. Okay. And what is 00:16:19.97\00:16:32.79 your name? >> Zaya. >> Zaya. Can you pray and thank God for the 00:16:32.79\00:16:37.29 incredible gift He wants to give us? >> Mm-hmm. Dear Jesus, thank 00:16:37.29\00:16:42.26 You for this wonderful day, and giving us a great gift. And thank You that You died on 00:16:42.26\00:16:47.64 the cross for us. Amen. >> Amen. 00:16:47.64\00:16:51.44 Okay, boys and girls. Go back to your seat. And pay attention to 00:16:51.44\00:16:54.84 Pastor Dwight's sermon so you can hear about the incredible 00:16:54.84\00:16:59.85 gift. ¤¤ >> ¤ O holy dove of God 00:17:04.55\00:17:17.03 descending ¤ ¤ You are the love 00:17:17.03\00:17:22.44 that knows no ending ¤ ¤ All of our shattered dreams 00:17:22.44\00:17:31.11 You're mending ¤ 00:17:31.11\00:17:33.38 ¤ Spirit, now live in me ¤ ¤ O holy wind of God now blowing, ¤ 00:17:33.55\00:17:47.96 ¤ You are the seed that God is sowing ¤ ¤ You are the life 00:17:47.96\00:17:57.81 that starts us growing ¤ ¤ Spirit, now live in me ¤ >> ¤ 00:17:57.81\00:18:12.32 Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly dove ¤ ¤ Fill us with Your holy light ¤ >> ¤ Pour out your rain 00:18:12.32\00:18:25.30 and cleanse our hearts ¤ ¤ Until all evil departs ¤ >> ¤ O holy 00:18:25.30\00:18:40.75 rain of God now falling ¤ ¤ You make the Word of God enthralling 00:18:40.75\00:18:50.06 ¤ ¤ You are the inner voice now calling ¤ ¤ Spirit, now live in 00:18:50.06\00:19:03.24 me ¤¤ ¤ It's beginning to rain ¤ ¤ Hear the voice of the Father ¤ ¤ Saying, "Whosoever will 00:19:03.24\00:19:22.92 come drink of this water ¤ ¤ I promise to pour my spirit out 00:19:22.92\00:19:35.74 ¤ On your sons and your daughters" ¤ ¤ If you're thirsty 00:19:35.74\00:19:45.51 and dry, look up to the sky ¤ ¤ It's beginning to rain ¤ ¤ It's beginning to rain ¤ 00:19:45.51\00:20:01.26 ¤ Hear the voice of the Father ¤ ¤ Saying, "Whosoever will come drink of this water ¤ 00:20:01.26\00:20:20.35 ¤ I have promised to pour my spirit out ¤ ¤ On your sons 00:20:20.35\00:20:27.89 and your daughters ¤ ¤ If you're thirsty and dry, look up to the 00:20:27.89\00:20:39.23 sky ¤ ¤ It's beginning to rain ¤¤ ¤ O holy flame of God now 00:20:39.23\00:20:54.52 burning ¤ ¤ You are the power of Christ returning ¤ ¤ You are the 00:20:54.52\00:21:05.69 answer to my yearning ¤ ¤ Spirit, now live in me ¤¤ [ 00:21:05.69\00:21:27.88 Applause ] >> Let's pray. Father, I couldn't help but picture you in my mind 00:21:36.46\00:21:45.27 as those 13 girls were singing. Leaning on the edge of your throne, ear turned to Earth, 00:21:45.27\00:21:56.54 hushing the choirs that surround you. That must be a beautiful 00:21:56.54\00:22:02.85 sight to you -- three girls whose hearts sing the prayer we 00:22:02.85\00:22:14.86 long to pray. Rain down on us. Are you really saying "It's beginning to rain, Earth"? 00:22:14.86\00:22:22.77 "Yo, Earth, it's beginning to rain." Let us hear you. 00:22:22.77\00:22:28.68 And may this teaching in Your Word give us all the hope and the courage we need for the 00:22:28.68\00:22:34.72 adventure ahead. We pray in Jesus' name, amen. 00:22:34.72\00:22:40.86 You may be saying, "Yo, Dwight, what do you think about those 00:22:41.02\00:22:43.16 three hurricanes lined up to simultaneously have landfall 00:22:43.16\00:22:48.83 together?" And that earthquake in Mexico, 00:22:48.83\00:22:54.30 and the fires in the Northwest and L.A.?" 00:22:54.30\00:22:57.34 So, what's up? I'll get to that in a moment. 00:22:57.34\00:23:02.78 But first, once upon a time, 500 years ago, God used a young 00:23:02.94\00:23:16.12 German man to ignite a global reformation. 500 years later -- isn't this something? -- 00:23:16.12\00:23:28.50 God uses another German man, older now, to ignite what I am 00:23:28.50\00:23:37.35 praying will be a new global reformation in the faith 00:23:37.35\00:23:43.62 community I love and serve. 00:23:43.62\00:23:45.45 Because this man has written a book, and the book has gone 00:23:45.62\00:23:47.52 viral. Over 600,000 copies, hard 00:23:47.52\00:23:51.36 copies, circulating the planet. 23 languages. 00:23:51.36\00:23:55.63 I've never seen such interest in a book. The phones have been 00:23:55.80\00:23:59.90 ringing, the e-mails coming in, people stopping by, "Yo, I want 00:23:59.90\00:24:03.30 that book. What about that book?" And the book is free, which is, of course, how I 00:24:03.30\00:24:10.05 happened to get ahold of it. And I told you the story last week. 00:24:10.05\00:24:13.78 Written by Helmut Haubeil. Title of the book -- "Steps to Personal Revival -- 00:24:13.78\00:24:19.72 Being Filled with the Holy Spirit." What's all the fuss? 00:24:19.72\00:24:24.73 And guess what I just learned? 1,000 downloads since last 00:24:24.73\00:24:32.73 Sabbath. Hope you got your copy. I'm gonna give you an opportunity in just a moment. 00:24:32.73\00:24:37.17 Free. Just for you. In fact, I'm praying for God 00:24:37.17\00:24:46.41 to raise up 100 people in this campus parish who will join me in praying every single morning 00:24:46.41\00:24:53.72 until Jesus comes now for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 100 men, women, young adults, 00:24:53.72\00:25:00.83 and children praying like these 13 girls. The outpouring every 00:25:00.83\00:25:09.97 day. Because if I understand this correctly, this gift brings every other -- get this. 00:25:09.97\00:25:15.54 ...every other gift in the universe when you get this gift. Daily asking for this one gift. 00:25:15.54\00:25:24.95 We looked at the words of Jesus last week. 00:25:25.12\00:25:26.69 Let me put them on the screen to remind you again. 00:25:26.69\00:25:28.52 Luke 11:13. Jesus says, "If you who are evil know how to 00:25:28.52\00:25:32.13 give good gifts to your children" -- Legos or whatever 00:25:32.13\00:25:34.73 it is. "If you know how to give good 00:25:34.73\00:25:36.63 gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven 00:25:36.63\00:25:39.70 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him," and the Greek 00:25:39.70\00:25:42.50 actually reads "Who ask him continually, day after day after 00:25:42.50\00:25:45.41 day after day!" Never stop asking me. 00:25:45.41\00:25:48.04 That was the life Jesus lived. We read this last week, as well. 00:25:48.04\00:25:51.61 Put it on the screen for you. "Morning by morning, 00:25:51.61\00:25:55.18 our Lord Jesus communicated with His Father in 00:25:55.18\00:26:00.12 heaven, receiving from Him daily a fresh baptism of the 00:26:00.12\00:26:03.86 Holy Spirit. And look, if He needed that 00:26:03.86\00:26:07.03 fresh baptism to triumph over the cosmic battle, the forces of 00:26:07.03\00:26:10.80 evil that surrounded Him, if He needed it, how much more 00:26:10.80\00:26:15.10 you and me? Come on. 00:26:15.10\00:26:20.88 So please prayerfully consider this morning's teaching. 00:26:20.88\00:26:24.61 Put it on the screen for you. 00:26:24.61\00:26:26.35 If you didn't hear Part 1, after Part 2, you go back and 00:26:32.25\00:26:34.86 hear Part 1. This is critical material. 00:26:34.86\00:26:37.29 It's not original with me. There's our website -- 00:26:37.29\00:26:42.26 www.newperceptions.tv. 00:26:42.26\00:26:48.27 Once upon a time, Jesus told a story. And when He was through 00:26:48.44\00:26:51.21 with the story, He dictated a letter. And when you put the story and the dictated letter 00:26:51.21\00:26:58.01 together, my, oh, my, what a stunning truth greets us today. And we got to see it. 00:26:58.01\00:27:03.82 We got to hear it. So, first of all, the story. Once upon a 00:27:03.82\00:27:08.29 time, a boy and a girl fell in love, and they began to plan for their wedding. Oh, I love these 00:27:08.29\00:27:12.99 kind of stories, don't you? And as they were sitting down, the girl said to the boy, 00:27:12.99\00:27:18.50 "We need to put an invitation list together." And the boy, 00:27:18.50\00:27:22.87 being a boy, said, "Yo, girl, that'll be for you to do." So she said, "I will." 00:27:22.87\00:27:27.18 She put an invitation list together and made certain that all her girlfriends were invited 00:27:27.18\00:27:32.78 to the big and happy day. And guess what? All 10 of them 00:27:32.78\00:27:37.22 showed up at the wedding. Small little hitch -- the wedding 00:27:37.22\00:27:41.12 didn't get started on time. It was delayed. And so all 10 of 00:27:41.12\00:27:45.13 those girlfriends went to sleep. When, in the middle of the night, a shout through the 00:27:45.13\00:27:51.30 midnight air, "Yo, the bridegroom is coming! Come on out here and celebrate 00:27:51.30\00:27:56.77 his arrival!" And everybody, all 10 girlfriends, jumped up. 00:27:56.77\00:28:01.68 But, alas, for five of the girlfriends, oops! No oil for 00:28:01.68\00:28:09.38 their lamps to brighten the night to welcome the bridegroom. And so while the five 00:28:09.38\00:28:14.29 girlfriends raced to Walmart to get more oil, the bridegroom showed up with his joyful 00:28:14.29\00:28:20.33 entourage, and swept the wedding party into that jubilant banquet 00:28:20.33\00:28:27.04 hall. The end. Only that's not quite the end. I'm gonna read 00:28:27.04\00:28:32.04 the ending to you. Open your Bible with me to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25. 00:28:32.04\00:28:36.01 Red letters in my Bible. Red letters just before the 00:28:36.01\00:28:40.22 crucifixion. Boy, oh, boy. When you know you're on death row, you don't just tell 00:28:40.22\00:28:42.92 stories. You only will tell a story that matters, because it's 00:28:42.92\00:28:46.89 the passion of your heart. Matthew chapter 25. Find it in 00:28:46.89\00:28:53.73 your Bible, whatever you have. I'm in the NIV. Let's read the 00:28:53.73\00:28:58.40 ending together. Matthew 25. Let's pick it up in verse 10. 00:28:58.40\00:29:01.67 Matthew 25:10. Jesus speaking. "And while they were on their 00:29:01.84\00:29:06.27 way," the five girlfriends that ran out of oil. 00:29:06.27\00:29:08.91 "While they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom 00:29:08.91\00:29:12.15 arrived. The virgins who were ready went 00:29:12.15\00:29:14.45 in with him to the wedding banquet, and the door was" -- 00:29:14.45\00:29:17.52 boom! -- "shut. Later the others came. 00:29:17.52\00:29:22.06 'Lord, Lord,' they said, 'Open the door for us!' 00:29:22.06\00:29:27.23 But he replied, 'Truly I tell -- Amen, I tell 00:29:27.23\00:29:32.37 you, I don't know you.'" And now comes Jesus' punch line. 00:29:32.37\00:29:37.14 Verse 13. Now let me share with you 00:29:37.14\00:29:43.45 a fascinating list that Helmut Haubeil has put 00:29:43.45\00:29:48.42 together describing these 10 girlfriends. 00:29:48.42\00:29:51.12 And what's so amazing about this list is that it reveals that all 10 of them have the entire list 00:29:51.29\00:29:57.69 alike, except for one small but significant detail. Let me run 00:29:57.69\00:30:02.33 the list by you, see what you think. There are 11 parts to this list, so here you go. 00:30:02.33\00:30:06.30 Here comes number one. All 10 were girls. And in the Bible, a 00:30:06.30\00:30:12.34 virgin girl is a symbol of the Church of God. So immediately 00:30:12.34\00:30:16.41 Jesus clues us, "This is really about the church." All 10 were 00:30:16.41\00:30:20.38 girls. All 10 had pure, Biblical beliefs. All 10 had lamps. 00:30:20.38\00:30:23.28 All 10 had the Bible. "Your word is a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet." 00:30:23.28\00:30:27.56 All 10 had the Bible. All 10 of them went to meet the 00:30:27.56\00:30:31.03 bridegroom. All 10 of them looked forward to the Second Coming. Number 7 -- all 10 of 00:30:31.03\00:30:35.33 them went to sleep. Number 8 -- all heard the call and woke up. 00:30:35.33\00:30:39.40 9 -- all prepared their lamps. 10 -- all the lamps were 00:30:39.40\00:30:42.30 burning. But now here comes the one difference. 00:30:42.30\00:30:45.24 Half of them noticed, number 11, that their lamps were going out. So what do we know about the 00:30:45.24\00:30:53.11 difference between the five and the five? Helmut Haubeil 00:30:53.11\00:30:57.59 cuts to the chase. His words on the screen. You need to fill it 00:30:57.59\00:31:00.76 into your study guide. 00:31:00.76\00:31:02.16 "That was the only" -- write it down. 00:31:13.54\00:31:15.67 That is the only difference. They're identical 00:31:15.67\00:31:18.81 in every other way. They didn't have the oil 00:31:18.81\00:31:22.48 Did you catch that? Between the wise girlfriends and the foolish 00:31:22.64\00:31:26.72 girlfriends, the only difference is the foolish had not enough oil. Not enough to carry them 00:31:26.72\00:31:31.42 through to the very end. Not enough oil, not enough Holy Spirit, because oil is the 00:31:31.42\00:31:36.79 universal symbol of the Holy Spirit in the Bible. Oh, no. 00:31:36.79\00:31:39.79 They probably got a huge dose of oil at the beginning, but they've spent it all, and they 00:31:39.79\00:31:45.27 failed to replenish their oil day after day, and they -- just 00:31:45.27\00:31:51.87 when they need it, nothing there. Can't believe it. Haubeil 00:31:51.87\00:31:57.78 goes on. Jot it down. "When the five came asking to be 00:31:57.95\00:32:00.12 let in," isn't this something? "Jesus answered:" Yo, 00:32:00.12\00:32:05.92 "'I do not know you.' They were too late in attending 00:32:05.92\00:32:09.32 to the oil, the Holy Spirit. The door remained closed. 00:32:09.32\00:32:11.99 Jesus' statement shows us that our personal relationship with 00:32:11.99\00:32:15.23 Him" -- jot that in. It's the personal relationship 00:32:15.23\00:32:18.03 with Him, Jesus, "has something to do with the Holy Spirit." 00:32:18.03\00:32:21.27 In fact, may I tell you, it has everything to do with the 00:32:21.27\00:32:24.04 Holy Spirit. Everything. 00:32:24.04\00:32:28.08 And the letter Jesus dictated once upon a time makes that 00:32:28.24\00:32:31.95 absolutely clear. Because once upon a time, the risen and ascended Christ dictated a 00:32:31.95\00:32:36.32 letter. In fact, He dictated seven letters to seven churches. And the last letter is going to 00:32:36.32\00:32:40.82 a little church in a place called Laodicea. He dictates a 00:32:40.82\00:32:45.29 letter to them, because they're the people living at the end of time. And He sends this letter. 00:32:45.29\00:32:49.63 And I want you to catch the letter. Open your Bible with me. 00:32:49.63\00:32:52.27 Never mind. You know where the Bible's last book is. Go to Revelation, please, 00:32:52.27\00:32:56.50 chapter 3. Revelation chapter 3. Oh, my. Chapters 2 and 3. 00:32:56.50\00:33:01.41 Red letters all the way through in my red-letter Bible. Why? Because these are the seven 00:33:01.41\00:33:05.55 dictated letters. It's the last letter, the people living at the 00:33:05.55\00:33:10.79 end, that Jesus sends this letter to. 00:33:10.79\00:33:12.02 Revelation 3, pick it up in verse 14. 00:33:12.19\00:33:15.02 Verse 15. "Oh, I wish that you were either 00:33:24.13\00:33:29.47 one or the other. So," verse 16, "because you are 00:33:29.47\00:33:32.61 lukewarm -- neither hot nor cold -- I am about to spit you 00:33:32.61\00:33:36.78 out of my mouth." If you have the New King James, 00:33:36.78\00:33:38.55 it says, "I'm about to vomit you out of my mouth." 00:33:38.55\00:33:42.42 Verse 17. 00:33:42.42\00:33:44.32 So, verse 18, "I'm counseling you to buy from me gold refined 00:33:52.26\00:33:56.00 in the fire, so that you can become rich; and white clothes 00:33:56.00\00:33:59.17 to wear, so that you can cover your shameful nakedness; and 00:33:59.17\00:34:01.97 salve to put on your eyes, so that you can see," verse 19, 00:34:01.97\00:34:05.41 "because those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. 00:34:05.41\00:34:09.64 So be earnest and repent." Now here it comes. Verse 20. 00:34:09.64\00:34:12.81 Question -- Why did Jesus call the believers in the church of 00:34:26.03\00:34:29.40 Laodicea lukewarm? Write it down. 00:34:29.40\00:34:32.23 Answer -- Because they kept Him outside. 00:34:32.23\00:34:40.41 I don't know how many times I've read Revelation 3, and the 00:34:40.41\00:34:42.54 letter to Laodicea. I never have seen this before, 00:34:42.54\00:34:45.08 but I'm passing it on to you now thanks to 00:34:45.08\00:34:48.62 Helmut Haubeil. 00:34:48.62\00:34:52.39 I mean, I've always known about this very tender invitation. I think it's the most beautiful 00:34:52.55\00:34:56.52 Gospel invitation in all of Scripture. And how many times 00:34:56.52\00:34:59.19 have I quoted it? "Hey, listen, listen. Behold, I stand at the 00:34:59.19\00:35:01.96 door and knock. See, there's no handle out here. You have the 00:35:01.96\00:35:04.43 handle inside." You've seen those pictures? There's no handle. I'm knocking. Knock, 00:35:04.43\00:35:10.01 knock. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Isn't that 00:35:10.01\00:35:14.31 beautiful? No. It's terrible. Nothing beautiful about this letter to Laodicea. 00:35:14.31\00:35:18.11 You know why? Because it's hugely embarrassing. 00:35:18.11\00:35:20.38 Now here's the point. The point is, Jesus is not in the church. 00:35:20.38\00:35:24.89 He's not in the church. Where do they have Him? He's outside. 00:35:24.89\00:35:28.12 They're busy doing everything. Oh, they're scurrying around. Oh, my, they're professing their 00:35:28.12\00:35:32.49 orthodoxy. They are believers. Guess what? 00:35:32.49\00:35:37.47 And the whole time, somebody's outside the church saying, "Yo, 00:35:37.47\00:35:43.00 I'm out -- Can you hear me now?" He's not in. It's sad. 00:35:43.00\00:35:49.34 It's not a beautiful Gospel appeal. His heart is broken. 00:35:49.34\00:35:52.41 "I'm outside of here. I'm outside here, people. [ Knocking 00:35:52.41\00:35:56.65 ] Can you hear me? I really want to come in. Let me in, please. 00:35:56.65\00:36:04.29 Please, let me in. And what does that have to do with the Holy Spirit? Well, I tell you what, 00:36:04.29\00:36:07.13 when you read the 10-girlfriend parable, it's very clear -- the oil's the Holy Spirit. 00:36:07.13\00:36:11.23 "But, Dwight, there's no Holy Spirit mentioned here at all." 00:36:11.23\00:36:13.67 Until we remember -- jot this down, will you? Until we 00:36:13.67\00:36:17.61 remember what the New Testament teaches. Watch this. 00:36:17.61\00:36:20.81 Fascinating. Keep your pen moving. Here we go. 1 John 3:24. 00:36:20.98\00:36:23.81 Note it carefully. You see that? 00:36:33.56\00:36:39.86 You say, "Well, that's just an isolated little blurb 00:36:39.86\00:36:42.00 along the way." Are you kidding? 00:36:42.00\00:36:43.47 Look at the grand tome, the big book, 00:36:43.47\00:36:46.33 Romans chapter 8, Paul. This is verse 9. 00:36:46.33\00:36:50.21 Note it again, very carefully. 00:36:57.35\00:36:58.98 What's up with that? Here's what's up. 00:37:02.85\00:37:04.85 Because the Holy Spirit is all about a very personal -- would 00:37:04.85\00:37:08.09 you write that word in, please? ...a very personal -- it won't 00:37:08.09\00:37:11.09 do for your daddy to have a relationship, and it won't do 00:37:11.09\00:37:13.60 for your mother to have a relationship. 00:37:13.60\00:37:15.36 It has to be your relationship, a very personal relationship 00:37:15.36\00:37:19.50 with Jesus. Which is why the five 00:37:19.50\00:37:21.47 girlfriends without the oil hear the words of Jesus, "Hey, girls, 00:37:21.47\00:37:24.41 I'm awfully sorry. 00:37:24.41\00:37:25.84 I can't open the door, girls. We never got to know each other. I had you on the invitation 00:37:26.01\00:37:31.75 list, but you never connected with me. I'm sorry. I don't know 00:37:31.75\00:37:37.32 you." It's heartbreaking. Which is why Jesus, outside the door, now, in this letter of 00:37:37.32\00:37:43.12 Laodicea, said, "Yo, somebody open the door. This thing is 00:37:43.12\00:37:47.76 about to go up. This thing is about to blow over. Open the 00:37:47.76\00:37:51.70 door, please, and let me in now." So, what is it that keeps us from this personal 00:37:51.70\00:38:00.78 relationship with Jesus? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Put it another way, let me 00:38:00.78\00:38:03.88 ask -- rephrase the question. What is it that would keep me outside Jesus' door -- as with 00:38:03.88\00:38:07.85 the five girlfriends -- or would keep Jesus outside my door, as with the church of Laodicea? 00:38:07.85\00:38:12.35 The answer to that question is absolutely vital to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 00:38:12.35\00:38:17.66 And here it comes. Helmut Haubeil reminds us that the 00:38:17.66\00:38:24.23 Bible describes three basic groups of the human race. The human race can be divided 00:38:24.23\00:38:29.74 into three groups. You've probably heard this once upon a 00:38:29.74\00:38:33.44 time. Maybe this is new for you. 00:38:33.44\00:38:34.58 Let me share it with you. Jot it down. 00:38:34.74\00:38:36.24 There are three groups. The Bible refers 00:38:36.24\00:38:37.85 to these three groups. Group number one is the 00:38:37.85\00:38:39.81 natural person. Would you write that down, 00:38:39.81\00:38:41.78 please? The natural person. Who is that? 00:38:41.78\00:38:43.72 That person has no relationship with God. 00:38:43.72\00:38:45.92 In Laodicea, that person is called cold. 00:38:45.92\00:38:49.49 All right? Cold. I was visiting with a young man 00:38:49.49\00:38:53.16 a few days ago on this campus. 00:38:53.16\00:38:55.83 It was pouring rain. He was walking under my umbrella. 00:38:56.00\00:39:00.17 And he announces to me, "By the way," he says, "I'm an atheist." 00:39:00.17\00:39:03.47 "Oh, you are?" "Yes, I am." He says, "I find that atheists 00:39:03.47\00:39:06.88 have brilliant minds." And he says, "Do you want to talk about Christopher Hitchens? 00:39:06.88\00:39:10.25 You want to talk about Stephen Hawking?" And then he listed 00:39:10.25\00:39:12.98 three or four others. "Yep, no God. Don't need him. No eternity. Never wanted an 00:39:12.98\00:39:18.15 eternity, anyway." Now, that young man fits under the category natural man, 00:39:18.15\00:39:25.89 natural person. Listen, these descriptions are not pejorative. 00:39:25.89\00:39:28.66 They're not, like, being real judgmental. They're just saying, 00:39:28.66\00:39:31.77 "This is the way you are." The natural man. No God. And proud 00:39:31.77\00:39:39.37 of it. Category number two. Jot it down. 00:39:39.37\00:39:41.68 The spiritual person. So you have the natural man, 00:39:41.84\00:39:43.95 now you have spiritual person or the spiritual woman or man. 00:39:43.95\00:39:46.45 What is that? That's full, genuine, real 00:39:46.45\00:39:48.88 relationship with God. In Laodicea, it's called 00:39:48.88\00:39:52.15 hot, hot, hot. And the 10 virgins, 00:39:52.15\00:39:54.32 they're called wise. This is the person who is 00:39:54.32\00:39:57.56 sold-out on God. You can't get into a 00:39:57.56\00:39:59.59 conversation with him, you can't get far in a talk with her 00:39:59.59\00:40:02.60 before it's coming out. You know that this girl 00:40:02.60\00:40:05.60 belongs to Jesus. I mean, it's just there. 00:40:05.60\00:40:07.87 She can't hide it. He can't hide it. All right? 00:40:07.87\00:40:10.97 The Bible describes that person as spiritual. 00:40:10.97\00:40:13.34 So category number one, we have -- what do we have in 00:40:13.34\00:40:16.04 category number one? We have natural. 00:40:16.04\00:40:18.01 Category two, what do we have? There's a third category. 00:40:18.01\00:40:21.08 Jot it down. Because, as the Bible teaches 00:40:21.08\00:40:23.99 it, the third category is the carnal -- write that down. 00:40:23.99\00:40:28.32 The carnal person. That means flesh. 00:40:28.32\00:40:31.66 It's just the person that lives by his own flesh, she lives by 00:40:31.66\00:40:34.23 her own flesh. What's carnal? 00:40:34.23\00:40:35.63 Carnal means divided. A feigned or pretended 00:40:35.63\00:40:38.73 relationship with God. In Laodicea, the carnal is 00:40:38.73\00:40:41.64 called lukewarm. Right? Neither one. 00:40:41.64\00:40:45.64 Lukewarm. And the 10 virgins, foolish. 00:40:45.64\00:40:48.84 The foolish are the carnal. Interestingly enough, back to 00:40:48.84\00:40:53.88 this young atheist for a moment -- and, by the way, 00:40:53.88\00:40:55.82 not a student here. The atheist is not a student 00:40:55.82\00:40:58.09 here on this campus. But back to the conversation 00:40:58.09\00:41:00.99 on this campus. He had just come from an 00:41:00.99\00:41:02.89 assembly. 00:41:02.89\00:41:03.96 And so we're walking together, and he says, "You know what?" He 00:41:04.13\00:41:07.30 says, "I find this fascinating. Here is this school that believes in God, and I'm looking 00:41:07.30\00:41:10.80 around at everybody that's in this auditorium, and I'm noticing they're all -- this is 00:41:10.80\00:41:14.54 supposed to be what you do to worship, and what's everybody 00:41:14.54\00:41:17.47 doing? They're working their phones. Isn't that amazing?" He said, "They don't believe in 00:41:17.47\00:41:20.71 God any more than I do. Because if you believed in God, you'd be 00:41:20.71\00:41:26.25 connected." Ooh, the Gospel according to an atheist. The 00:41:26.25\00:41:33.15 boy's right. Carnal. What's the carnal person do? [ Stomps ] 00:41:33.15\00:41:37.33 "I'm in both worlds." At a moments notice -- Fwt! Fwt! Fwt! 00:41:37.33\00:41:41.23 Like a chameleon. Fwt! Now I'm this. Fwt! Now I'm that. 00:41:41.23\00:41:44.93 Carnal. Divided. People who are trying to live in both worlds, 00:41:44.93\00:41:50.11 the no-God world and the God world, divided, split relationship with God, 00:41:50.11\00:41:55.94 oftentimes pretending that it's a fact in your life when, in fact, you know it ain't the 00:41:55.94\00:42:01.58 truth at all. The carnal man, the carnal woman. Did Haubeil just kind of make up 00:42:01.58\00:42:06.22 those terms? No. Let me show you the passage. This is rather 00:42:06.22\00:42:10.56 stirring. Take a look at 1 Corinthians. I want you to see this in your own Bible. 00:42:10.56\00:42:13.80 1 Corinthians chapter 2. You'll see the three categories right 00:42:13.80\00:42:18.73 here. 1 Corinthians chapter 2. 00:42:18.73\00:42:19.63 Let's pick it up in verse 14. "The person without the 00:42:19.80\00:42:21.80 Spirit" -- now, that's the NIV. NIV doesn't want to say natural, 00:42:21.80\00:42:25.54 because they said the reader won't understand what 00:42:25.54\00:42:28.11 natural is. So we're gonna tell you that the 00:42:28.11\00:42:30.05 natural man has no Holy Spirit. Zero, zero, zero. All right? 00:42:30.05\00:42:32.75 So that's how they translate it. "The person without the Spirit 00:42:32.75\00:42:35.62 does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, 00:42:35.62\00:42:38.82 but considers them foolishness..." 00:42:38.82\00:42:40.36 Ah. Can't believe you believe that. 00:42:40.36\00:42:41.92 "...and cannot understand them because they are discerned only 00:42:41.92\00:42:44.43 through the Spirit." Now here comes the next 00:42:44.43\00:42:45.99 category. Verse 15. 00:42:45.99\00:42:47.46 "But the person with the Spirit," and that would be the 00:42:47.46\00:42:50.53 spiritual person, all right, in the older translations. 00:42:50.53\00:42:53.64 "The person with the Spirit makes judgment about all things, 00:42:53.64\00:42:57.01 but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, 00:42:57.01\00:42:59.51 'Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him?' 00:42:59.51\00:43:02.98 But we," who are spiritual persons, "We have 00:43:02.98\00:43:06.21 the mind of Christ." Hey, come on. 00:43:06.21\00:43:08.32 Where's that third category? Coming up. 00:43:08.32\00:43:09.78 There was no chapter division with Paul wrote it. 00:43:09.78\00:43:11.59 It's chapter 3, verse 1. "Brothers and sisters, 00:43:11.59\00:43:14.89 I could not address you as people who live by the 00:43:14.89\00:43:18.29 Spirit" -- as spiritual persons -- "but as people who 00:43:18.29\00:43:21.90 are still worldly." That's the word carnal or 00:43:21.90\00:43:25.07 fleshly. I have to address you as people 00:43:25.07\00:43:28.04 who are carnal -- "mere infants in Christ." 00:43:28.04\00:43:31.01 Verse 2. "I gave you milk" for that 00:43:31.01\00:43:33.41 reason, "not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. 00:43:33.41\00:43:37.15 Indeed, you are still not ready." 00:43:37.15\00:43:40.28 Verse 3. "You are still carnal," or 00:43:40.28\00:43:42.75 worldly, "for since there is jealousy and quarreling among 00:43:42.75\00:43:45.72 you, are you not worldly?" Or carnal? 00:43:45.72\00:43:48.02 "Are you not acting like mere humans?" 00:43:48.02\00:43:51.29 Now, lookit, guys. I understand. It feels -- lookit. 00:43:51.29\00:43:54.03 It feel like Paul is ganging up on all of us. 00:43:54.03\00:43:56.50 "You carnal Christians. You carnal Adventists." 00:43:56.50\00:43:58.87 I know how it feels. But what Paul's trying to say is, you're desperately trying to 00:43:59.03\00:44:05.71 live in both worlds. You can't do it. It's impossible. 00:44:05.71\00:44:09.21 You have one foot in the world and you have the other foot in 00:44:09.21\00:44:12.35 the Kingdom. You can't survive that way. You're just like this cow. Take a look at this cow. 00:44:12.35\00:44:16.69 That's what you are. That's bad. That is bad. 00:44:16.69\00:44:24.93 I mean, that hurts. Paul says, "You're just like this cow. 00:44:24.93\00:44:29.53 You're half on one side and half on the other." Paul isn't mad at 00:44:29.53\00:44:34.50 them. He's not mad at us. Are you kidding? What he's concerned 00:44:34.50\00:44:38.64 about is fellow brothers and sisters who are carnal. And, by the way, that's good 00:44:38.64\00:44:41.98 news. Fellow brothers and sisters. You're church members. 00:44:41.98\00:44:44.71 He's saying, "Come on. We're together." In fact, Haubeil 00:44:44.71\00:44:48.72 again -- Put his words on the screen. 00:44:48.72\00:44:49.65 "Paul addressed the carnal people as 'dear brothers.'" 00:44:49.82\00:44:52.99 Mm-hmm. 15:58 in the NIV. "My dear brothers and sisters." 00:44:52.99\00:44:57.16 "This shows that he was dealing with church members." 00:44:57.16\00:44:59.66 Now, listen. Hit the pause button right 00:45:12.97\00:45:21.22 there, because this is a university campus, where 00:45:21.22\00:45:24.92 intellectual knowledge and intellectual prowess and the 00:45:24.92\00:45:27.72 accumulation of knowledge are our goal. 00:45:27.72\00:45:30.06 I mean, we want this, right? I want it. I'll be at the front of 00:45:30.23\00:45:34.36 the line. I want to be as sharp intellectually as I can be. But Paul says a little bit 00:45:34.36\00:45:39.37 later, in chapter 13, "And, by the way, even if I understand all mysteries and have all 00:45:39.37\00:45:46.98 knowledge but have not love" -- what's love? Romans 5:5. 00:45:46.98\00:45:50.15 "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy 00:45:50.15\00:45:54.12 Spirit." If I don't have the Holy Spirit, I'm lost. I'm lost. 00:45:54.12\00:45:58.59 You can be teaching the Bible and be lost. You can be preaching the Bible 00:45:58.59\00:46:04.43 and be lost. There's nothing about position here, that once 00:46:04.43\00:46:11.63 you get to this position, now you're safe. No. We're all in 00:46:11.63\00:46:16.91 this together, folks. As Maury Venden used to say -- I like this, from Maury Venden. 00:46:16.91\00:46:24.58 "There is no such thing as partial surrender." Listen. 00:46:24.58\00:46:28.25 Listen. "It's no more possible to be partially surrendered than it is possible to be a little 00:46:28.25\00:46:32.99 bit pregnant." "Hey, girl, are you pregnant?" "Just a little 00:46:32.99\00:46:38.46 bit." [ Laughter ] "Oh, really?" You can't be half-surrendered. 00:46:38.46\00:46:43.00 You can't be half-pregnant. You're either fully pregnant or 00:46:43.00\00:46:46.27 not pregnant. You're either fully surrendered or not surrendered. You can't be 00:46:46.27\00:46:51.77 half-carnal. You can't live like this. You're gonna get the splits, and that's gonna be 00:46:51.77\00:46:56.75 painful one day. You can't live in two worlds. You can't. "My dear brothers and sisters," 00:46:56.75\00:47:07.99 she writes. "Babes in Christ. You're still carnal." 00:47:07.99\00:47:11.03 And, by the way, three times he uses the word "still." And that's great news, 'cause 00:47:11.03\00:47:14.83 the goal is to get you on. You're still here, but that's 00:47:14.83\00:47:18.23 okay. We're gonna get you on. God is gonna move you on. The still is good news. 00:47:18.23\00:47:21.97 It means we're not stuck in carnal. We can move on. 00:47:21.97\00:47:26.94 There's something better ahead. 00:47:26.94\00:47:30.58 Okay, one more line. "Carnal church members" -- 00:47:30.75\00:47:33.35 Oooh. Is this on the screen? 00:47:33.35\00:47:35.95 "Carnal church members can be very active and even have 00:47:35.95\00:47:39.92 leading positions in the local church or even in the church 00:47:39.92\00:47:46.56 administration." In other words, you can go all 00:47:46.56\00:47:51.10 the way up the ladder, all the way to the top, because position 00:47:51.10\00:47:54.14 does not keep you from being carnal. 00:47:54.14\00:47:56.00 And you could be carnal all the way at the top. 00:47:56.00\00:48:04.61 What's his last line here? "They may even do a lot for 00:48:04.61\00:48:08.92 God." Can I talk heart-to-heart with 00:48:08.92\00:48:11.95 you right now? 00:48:11.95\00:48:14.89 I'm concerned for this church I love, all right? I don't know 00:48:15.06\00:48:18.76 what your attitude toward the church is, but I love this church. I'm concerned. 00:48:18.76\00:48:24.07 There's a whole lot of talk these days, and debating going on, about unity and fairness and 00:48:24.07\00:48:28.47 power and who makes the ultimate decision and... And I'm thinking 00:48:28.47\00:48:35.08 to myself, when Haubeil took me to this passage, I'm saying, "My 00:48:35.08\00:48:39.31 Lord. This is us." What is it there in verse 3? "For since there is jealousy and quarreling 00:48:39.31\00:48:44.29 among you, are you not carnal?" Aren't you using carnal strategies to advance what you 00:48:44.29\00:48:50.36 believe is right? Aren't you going to politics and saying, "I'll take a page out of 00:48:50.36\00:48:55.66 their playbook, and that's how I'll get what is surely God's 00:48:55.66\00:49:00.07 will done." But you're jealous of each other. You're jockeying 00:49:00.07\00:49:03.51 for position just like the 12 disciples. Who's gonna be the most powerful in the Kingdom of 00:49:03.51\00:49:08.48 Heaven? "What's up with this?" Paul asks. We have a hot issue 00:49:08.48\00:49:12.71 in the church right now -- and I'm not even gonna name it to 00:49:12.71\00:49:16.92 you. But if you're staking out a position, and you're doing 00:49:17.09\00:49:21.26 everything you can -- "Because I have a right to do this." 00:49:21.26\00:49:24.06 And if you're doing everything you can, according to your 00:49:24.06\00:49:26.29 right, to make sure that everybody understands your 00:49:26.29\00:49:28.26 position, and one day your position will be the position, I 00:49:28.26\00:49:31.27 don't care what your position is, fighting for that right 00:49:31.27\00:49:34.94 is not right. It's carnal. 00:49:34.94\00:49:37.41 You can't fight for your rights and be spiritual. Impossible. 00:49:37.57\00:49:41.94 Because I have pride on the line now, and I've -- "Look at all the stuff I've said about this, 00:49:41.94\00:49:45.75 and now they're gonna think that I'm admitting that I'm wrong, and I'm never gonna admit that 00:49:45.75\00:49:49.72 I'm wrong." Carnal. Dissensions. 00:49:49.72\00:49:54.06 Debates and jealousy. It'll kill the Church. So when Helmut 00:49:54.06\00:50:01.63 Haubeil, at the opening page of his book, says, "I think I've found the secret to the problem 00:50:01.63\00:50:07.87 of the Church today," I'm beginning to think he's absolutely right. Carnal. 00:50:07.87\00:50:16.38 Half and half. Still not sold-out. You remember Jesus' 00:50:16.38\00:50:24.45 Sermon on the Mount? Do you remember how it ended? Sure you 00:50:24.45\00:50:28.59 do. Jesus has active church members coming up to him at the 00:50:28.76\00:50:31.69 end of time, in the Judgment, they're coming up to him, and 00:50:31.69\00:50:34.20 they say to him -- we'll put it on the screen for you. 00:50:34.20\00:50:35.83 Matthew 7:22. "Many will say to Me on that 00:50:35.83\00:50:38.13 Judgment day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name? 00:50:38.13\00:50:44.24 Did we not in Your name drive out demons? 00:50:44.24\00:50:47.31 Did we not in Your name perform many miracles?' 00:50:47.31\00:50:50.01 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you.'" 00:50:50.01\00:50:55.32 It's the 10 girlfriends all over again. 00:50:55.32\00:50:58.59 It's the same point. "We never had a relationship. We never 00:50:58.75\00:51:05.86 really connected. I came back every morning. I was knocking at your door every single day, 00:51:05.86\00:51:11.27 begging you, 'Would you open the door? Please, open the door. 00:51:11.27\00:51:16.27 Just let me in.' And you never had time. You were too smart for 00:51:16.27\00:51:20.44 your own britches. You wouldn't let me in. I don't know you. I wanted to know you. 00:51:20.44\00:51:28.25 I prayed to know you. I prayed you'd say yes, but you never 00:51:28.25\00:51:36.69 did. Wow. 10 virgins, the church in Laodicea, the baptism of the 00:51:36.69\00:51:41.26 Holy Spirit. Do you notice that it all comes down to a deeply 00:51:41.26\00:51:45.67 personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? That's it. 00:51:45.67\00:51:50.54 Last line. Haubeil. 00:51:50.54\00:51:52.34 My friends, that right there is the remedy to crush our 00:52:02.28\00:52:06.52 carnal spirits and to heal our carnal hearts. 00:52:06.52\00:52:11.06 It's the words of Jesus. Let me put them 00:52:11.06\00:52:12.29 on the screen for you. John 15:4. Jesus says... 00:52:12.29\00:52:17.50 "That's all I'm asking. That's all you need. 00:52:17.50\00:52:20.27 Abide in Me as I abide in you." Yo, Lord, what does it mean to 00:52:20.27\00:52:23.84 abide in you? "Desire of Ages." 00:52:23.84\00:52:25.27 Look at this. Next line. "Abiding in Christ means a 00:52:25.27\00:52:27.88 constant" -- write it in. "A constant receiving of 00:52:27.88\00:52:30.85 His Spirit." That's the daily baptism. 00:52:30.85\00:52:33.35 "...of the Holy Spirit, a life of unreserved surrender 00:52:33.35\00:52:36.79 to His service." When that happens -- 00:52:36.79\00:52:39.15 Come on, guys. Here it is. When that happens, gone the 00:52:39.15\00:52:41.66 carnal life, gone the carnal tactics, gone the carnal 00:52:41.66\00:52:45.29 lifestyle, immersed in the world. 00:52:45.29\00:52:47.66 Gone, then, a church and a school with a foot in the world and a foot in the Kingdom. 00:52:47.86\00:52:52.07 Gone, the divided heart. Heart's now healed by a daily asking for 00:52:52.07\00:52:59.71 -- morning by morning, a daily asking for the baptism. What 00:52:59.71\00:53:05.48 these 13 girls just sang about. A daily pleading with God. I want that all over again. 00:53:05.48\00:53:12.52 dose doesn't last forever. One day, one dose. 00:53:12.52\00:53:18.83 One day, one dose. One day, one dose. And so I appeal to you 00:53:18.83\00:53:26.63 again, today, to join me every morning, please, in pleading, "God, I have to have the Spirit 00:53:26.63\00:53:36.31 of Jesus today. Right now." Don't wait to feel something. 00:53:36.31\00:53:39.35 Don't wait to see if you got tingles up your spine. The 00:53:39.35\00:53:45.55 promise is clear. You ask [Snaps] you got it. Just ask me. 00:53:45.55\00:53:51.99 Just ask me. He's the only hope we have left, folks. He's the only hope we have left. 00:53:51.99\00:53:56.16 Now listen to me carefully. 'Cause you asked me about these hurricanes, would I say 00:53:56.16\00:53:59.43 anything about it? I'm gonna say about it right now. 00:53:59.43\00:54:02.50 When they showed this yesterday -- and this is a few hours old 00:54:02.50\00:54:09.48 now. But this is the first time in history -- not that there were three hurricanes. 00:54:09.48\00:54:13.98 We've had that before. But that the three hurricanes are poised 00:54:13.98\00:54:19.09 to simultaneously make landfall in the United States. And you can't see, down in the 00:54:19.09\00:54:23.83 corner, but there's the state of Chiapas, where we took a team, Chris, to Pichucalco, the state 00:54:23.83\00:54:29.53 of Chiapas, right in the south of that -- at the southern part of that state, right on that 00:54:29.53\00:54:33.80 neck there, 8.2 -- 8.2-magnitude earthquake, the largest quake in 00:54:33.80\00:54:39.87 100 years in Mexico. And unbelieve-- I'm watching the forest ranger last night, 00:54:39.87\00:54:44.85 on-camera, in the Pacific Northwest, where I have two kids in Oregon, and she's 00:54:44.85\00:54:49.38 saying, "We've never seen fires like this. They just keep coming 00:54:49.38\00:54:53.92 up when we put them out." L.A. -- the biggest fire in L.A.'s 00:54:53.92\00:54:58.06 history was this last week. What's going on? What's going 00:54:58.06\00:55:03.67 on? Maybe the question is not, "What's going on?" Maybe the question should be, 00:55:03.67\00:55:06.94 "Who's coming back?" Somebody is saying, "Yo! Behold! 00:55:06.94\00:55:12.17 The bridegroom is coming. Wake up! All 10 of you are asleep." 00:55:12.17\00:55:17.55 All 10 of you are asleep. It's not a sin to be asleep, but it will be a sin to sleep 00:55:17.55\00:55:22.85 through the massive wake-up call that God will give to America, North America, and this planet 00:55:22.85\00:55:29.22 in some sort of order. I have no idea. I'm just saying 00:55:29.22\00:55:34.50 that if ever you wished for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, 00:55:34.50\00:55:41.34 this would be a good time to pray every day for that baptism. Then the oil's there. 00:55:41.34\00:55:49.48 Don't worry about a calendar. The oil. It's your heart that matters, not God's calendar. 00:55:49.48\00:55:55.12 Your heart has oil. Every day filled back up. And you are 00:55:55.12\00:56:04.46 secure in Jesus for ever and ever. Oh, Lord, we don't want to 00:56:04.46\00:56:10.70 live divided. What's the point of it? Half-pregnant? We can't 00:56:10.70\00:56:16.71 do it. Only You could do it. So we have to start asking You before we even get out of any 00:56:16.71\00:56:20.81 state that we're in. We just start asking, "Today, Jesus, fill me with your spirit. 00:56:20.81\00:56:24.98 Today." Oh, God, let prayers by the hundreds arise from this 00:56:24.98\00:56:32.72 campus to the universe and do something we've not been able to 00:56:32.72\00:56:39.46 do for ourselves. Hot. Wise. Sold-out followers of Jesus. That's what we want to be. 00:56:39.46\00:56:46.80 Take these decisions, keep them. We pray in Jesus' name, amen. 00:56:46.80\00:56:51.57 >> I want to take an extra moment to thank you for joining us in worship today. 00:56:55.18\00:56:58.38 It's by the continued support from viewers like you that we're able to bring this telecast. 00:56:58.38\00:57:03.32 Today I want to invite you, though, to share with us how this ministry has blessed you. 00:57:03.32\00:57:07.79 Truth is, I get inspiring notes, e-mails, letters from viewers literally all over the world 00:57:07.79\00:57:13.73 sharing with us how God has blessed them through this program, and I'd love to hear 00:57:13.73\00:57:16.97 from you, as well. 00:57:16.97\00:57:18.37 It's not that hard. Simple, really. 00:57:18.53\00:57:20.24 Just visit our website, newperceptions.tv. 00:57:20.24\00:57:22.70 That's one word, newperceptions.tv. 00:57:22.70\00:57:26.47 And click on the "contact" link at the top of the page. 00:57:26.47\00:57:29.01 Shoot me that e-mail. Once again, thank you for being 00:57:29.01\00:57:32.28 with us. Thank you, by the way, for your 00:57:32.28\00:57:34.32 own support. That support is what keeps this 00:57:34.32\00:57:36.52 telecast week after week reaching America, reaching 00:57:36.52\00:57:40.26 North America, and reaching the planet. 00:57:40.26\00:57:43.26 That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost and 00:57:43.26\00:57:47.40 blessing to us. And I hope you'll join us right 00:57:47.40\00:57:49.76 here next time, 'cause we'll be here. 00:57:49.76\00:57:51.73 In the meantime, God be with you and bless you real good. 00:57:51.73\00:57:56.40 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.11\00:58:19.19 ¤¤ 00:58:19.19\00:58:26.57