New Perceptions

The Big Bad Fisherman

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP170520A

00:07 [ Instrumental music plays ]
00:20 [ Congregation sings ]
04:16 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls.
04:18 Nice to see you. I thought maybe are they gonna
04:21 be away on vacation? But no.
04:23 You got -- what? -- two more weeks left.
04:25 Glad to have you here today. Good for you.
04:28 Yeah, we got some more soft seats saved for you right there.
04:31 There you go. Okay, so, my story scout, one of
04:37 them, Sharon Dugent.
04:40 She said, "Dwight, I found another one. Here you go."
04:43 Ooh. This is -- This will work. This story happened back April 19.
04:47 That was back in April, so three, four weeks ago. April 19.
04:53 Samuel -- He's in the fourth grade. Anybody here in the fourth
04:56 grade? I need to know. Am I talking to any
04:57 fourth-graders here? Fourth grade, fourth grade, fourth grade, fourth grade,
05:01 fourth grade. Good. So, he is in the fourth grade,
05:03 and his whole class is going to the capital in Salem, Oregon. That's where we were pastoring
05:08 before we came here. Oh, it's a beautiful Capitol building.
05:11 A golden pioneer on top. Ooh, everybody likes to visit the capital.
05:17 So, they're having a wonderful class outing, tour of the capital.
05:21 Governor Kate Brown, yes. Whoa. Can you believe it?
05:27 When he went home, uh-oh. When he went home, Samuel was not feeling very good.
05:38 He thought about it for a day. He thought about it for two days.
05:42 And then he said, "Nope, I'm going to have to write the governor of the state of Oregon
05:48 a personal letter." So that's exactly what he did. I'm gonna put that personal
05:53 letter on the big screen for us, please. There it is, boys and girls.
05:57 Can anybody read fourth-grader penmanship? Oh, I bet you can.
06:01 Let's see if you can read it out loud, if you can tell. "Dear Governor Brown, my class
06:09 visited the Capitol on April 19. While we were there, I took a hazelnut and pen from the
06:18 capitol building. These things were not mine, and it was wrong for me to take
06:27 them. I'm very sorry.
06:32 I hope you and the people of Oregon can forgive me.
06:36 Sincerely, Samuel."
06:38 Oh, Samuel -- I don't know where he was in the Capitol building, but he saw a pen.
06:44 He said, "Ooh, nice little souvenir." He saw a hazelnut.
06:47 Now, where he saw that, I do not know, but he grabbed a hazelnut. And so, when he sent that letter
06:54 to the governor, Governor Brown, he put the pen in the letter, and he couldn't send the
06:59 hazelnut, so he put a dollar bill, a pen and a dollar bill. "I'm very sorry."
07:06 Because you see, his little conscience was bothering him. "You shouldn't have stolen that.
07:11 You shouldn't have stolen that. You shouldn't steal, Samuel." Who speaks to us through our
07:18 consciences, I wonder. Oh, that's Jesus speaking. You're right.
07:21 Through our little consciences. Well, the governor got his letter.
07:26 She hashtagged "cutest male ever" about it, and then she wrote this response.
07:31 This is Governor Brown. See the stationery? Whoa, from Governor Kate Brown.
07:37 "Samuel, thank you for your note of apology.
07:40 On behalf of the people of Oregon, I accept your apology
07:43 and forgive you."
07:46 Hallelujah. And then, to prove it, she stuck a brand-new pen in the envelope
07:51 and sent it to Samuel. Oh, ho. Isn't that something?
07:54 I know somebody in the universe who will forgive us as fast as the governor of Oregon, perhaps
08:00 even faster, I do believe. There's somebody that when we do something naughty, we do
08:05 something wrong and our conscience says, "Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
08:10 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you shouldn't do that." When the conscience says that,
08:16 we know, and when we say "I'm very sorry, Jesus," what do you think he does?
08:21 Gone. Forgot all about it. "I forgot all about it."
08:26 How many are thankful that our savior is that fast and that true to us that he forgives us
08:32 just like that? Oh, thank you, Jesus. Who would like to thank Jesus?
08:37 I'm thinking we had a little girl in first service, so do we have a young man who would like
08:43 to pray? Young man, come right here. You want to pray?
08:47 Come here. All right, let's close our eyes and fold our hands.
08:52 What's your first name? >> Joseph. >> Joseph.
08:55 We're going to pray with Joseph. Close your eyes and fold your hands as Joseph thanks Jesus.
09:01 >> Jesus, we thank you for the world. [ Speaking indistinctly ]
09:14 In Jesus' name, amen. >> Amen. Thank you, Joseph.
09:18 You can say what Joseph just said in your heart as you go back to your pew now and to your
09:23 mommy and daddy. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for being our savior.
09:27 Thank you for your forgiveness of my sins.
09:49 >> All: ♪ Giver of life ♪ ♪ Creator of all that is lovely ♪
10:05 ♪ Teach me to sing the words to your song ♪ ♪ I want to feel the music of
10:24 living ♪ ♪ I want to feel the music of living ♪
10:38 ♪ And not fear the sad songs ♪ ♪ But from them make new songs ♪ ♪ Composed of both laughter and
10:49 tears ♪ ♪ Giver of life ♪ ♪ Creator of all that is
11:12 lovely ♪ ♪ Teach me to dance to the sounds of your world ♪
11:27 ♪ I want to move ♪ ♪ I want to move ♪ ♪ In rhythm with your plan ♪
11:31 ♪ In rhythm with your plan ♪ ♪ Help me to follow your leading ♪
11:43 ♪ To risk even falling ♪ ♪ To rise and keep trying ♪ ♪ For you are leading the
11:54 dance ♪ ♪ For you are leading the dance ♪
12:02 ♪ For you are leading the dance ♪ ♪ Giver of life ♪
12:20 ♪ Creator of all that is lovely ♪ ♪ Teach me to sing the words to
12:38 your soooooooong ♪
12:54 [ Applause ]
12:57 >> Let's pray. Oh, God, You are the maker, You are the giver of all life, the
13:02 life we have. It comes from You. The minds we have, they are
13:10 guided by You. In the few minutes we have, would you seize this moment and
13:15 teach us? We pray through Holy Scripture. In Jesus' name, amen.
13:21 As we storied together this morning, that is compelling
13:25 evidence that some dark and sinister hacker has implanted
13:31 some malware in our very lives. You're familiar with malware?
13:37 Are you following this story that's going on now?
13:40 What are they calling it, WannaCry?
13:42 Is that the ransomware, WannaCry?
13:45 Yeah, thousands globally -- just this last week, thousands of computers hacked by this strange
13:54 and sinister entry. It somehow, as they noted here, it encrypts your files, removing
14:01 your files from access, and then it demands a ransom in bitcoin, which is a currency of the
14:07 Internet. The only place you can get it is the Internet and spend it.
14:12 And the promise is you give us that bitcoin and we'll give you your files back.
14:18 The government of China announced that 40,000 institutions and businesses
14:23 hacked by WannaCry. England, Britain -- we're talking about the national
14:28 health system down because of WannaCry. U.S. FedEx down because of
14:32 WannaCry. Turns out it's the largest computer hacking in the history
14:37 of Earth, period. They're calling it WannaCry because you want to cry when you
14:42 have it. It's just bad. And it makes you wonder.
14:48 It makes you wonder if that's what's going on up here. I'm talking about -- I'm
14:52 touching my temples right now. Is that what is going on up here?
14:57 Has some dark, sinister hacker embedded in our very psyches a malware that takes over the
15:09 operating system, actually holding it for ransom, and refusing any ransom paid anyway?
15:16 It makes you wonder. Could it be we've all been hacked?
15:22 I'm talking about up here. I mean, look. We're not talking rocket science
15:26 here, folks. Are you watching what's happening on this planet?
15:30 I mean, come on. Look at the headlines. There's one after the other
15:33 after the other. Facebook -- Oh, Facebook, this grand place where we love to go.
15:38 Facebook now. Did you see? What was it, over in Chicago,
15:42 the Windy City, Facebook Live, a gang beating up on a mentally handicapped young man, live,
15:48 cutting him up? And then to outdo it just a few weeks ago, Facebook Live again,
15:54 an actual murder taking place on Facebook Live. What's going on with America?
15:59 Not just America. What's going on with the world? A little over a century ago,
16:06 some rather prescient words were written. I'm gonna put these words on the
16:09 screen for you. Suggesting that a generation that's living on the edge of
16:12 eternity might be going through what we're going through right now.
16:16 I'll put the words on the screen for you. You see in there.
16:18 "We are living in the time of the end." A bunch of sentences from that
16:24 single page. "The spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from
16:27 the Earth." Hey, I got some great news for you.
16:29 Friends of Jesus, the spirit of God never leaves. If you're a friend of Jesus, he
16:33 will never leave you. But if you want to just kiss him off, eventually, just gradually
16:38 but he will walk out. Keep reading. "The agencies of evil are
16:44 combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the
16:48 last great crisis." Pooling all their resources together.
16:51 Mercy. "Great changes are soon to take
16:53 place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid
16:55 ones." Now, here comes the line.
16:57 "Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women,
17:01 and little children." Somebody has hacked the very
17:04 thinking processes of the human race.
17:08 "Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil
17:12 prevails. The cries of starving humanity
17:15 are coming up before God, while, by every species of oppression
17:19 and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes."
17:22 Something's happening. The rich are just astronomically
17:26 richer and the poor are just tragically poor.
17:29 What's going on?
17:31 I repeat the question. Could it be we've been hacked? Could it be that some sort of
17:40 supernatural malware has taken over our operating systems and another mind is directing our
17:53 lives? I'm gonna go to that story. Let's go.
17:56 Gospel of Luke. This is a powerful story. Luke chapter 4.
18:00 Whatever Bible you brought. I'm in the New International today.
18:04 Luke chapter 4. Just find it. The story of Jesus.
18:09 Compelling story. Luke chapter 4. If you didn't bring a Bible,
18:15 grab the pew Bible in front of you. It'd be page 692.
18:18 Luke 4:31. "Then Jesus went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee."
18:24 Now, lookit, lookit. It's literally down because you know where he's been?
18:28 If you just go to the verse just before this, you'll find out he's been at his home church.
18:33 No, seriously. He's at his home church in Nazareth.
18:36 The people there just cannot stomach the thought that this boy that's grown up in our midst
18:41 is wildly popular everywhere else, and they are so mad at him, at the end of his talking
18:46 in the synagogue, in church that morning, they rush him to the edge of the cliff.
18:51 They're gonna throw him off, and he just disappears. He said, "Well, that's God for
18:55 you. He can do stuff like that." Nope.
18:57 Happened to John Wesley, in a crowd, ready to lynch him. William Miller in a crowd, ready
19:02 to lynch him, disappeared. Jesus didn't have any inside track to God.
19:07 Whatever he had, you have. And God was looking out for him. "Not your time."
19:11 Hide him. Gone. Now, he's moved to Capernaum. He's changed his home address.
19:17 Different zip code now 'cause they don't want him in Nazareth, and it really is going down.
19:23 It's from 1,144 feet to 685 feet on the shores of the Sea of Galilee below sea level.
19:28 He's dropped down 1,800 feet. He's really going down. So, let's read it again, verse
19:33 31. "Then Jesus went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee,
19:37 and on the Sabbath, he taught the people." If this were consecutive, this
19:41 would be the next Sabbath. "They were amazed at his teaching because his words had
19:46 authority." The authorities of his day, they said, "Well, one rabbi says
19:51 this. Another rabbi says this. Another rabbi says this.
19:55 But however, a fourth rabbi says this." It's just this intellectual
19:59 equivocation. Nobody's ever sure. People are sick and tired of it.
20:03 Here's a guy that says, "I tell you the truth. The truth will set you free.
20:08 You know the son? The son will set you free. It is written."
20:12 And they just thrived on it.
20:14 Now, in the synagogue -- okay, the plot thickens.
20:16 Here we go now. "In the synagogue," verse 33,
20:19 "there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit, and he
20:23 cried out at the top of his voice, 'Go away!
20:26 What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth?
20:29 Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are -- the Holy
20:32 One of God!'" That loud.
20:37 The place -- you could've heard a pin drop.
20:47 Everybody's frozen. Every worshiper except Jesus.
20:53 He knows who this is. Chapter 4 begins, in fact -- "I know who you are."
21:00 Chapter 4 in Luke begins with Jesus 40 days and 40 nights, no food, praying, fasting.
21:07 Weak, emaciated, and haggard at the end of 40 days. Shoo!
21:12 This angel of glory shows up and said, "Yo, you the king? You this guy they been talking
21:18 about? You can't be. Look at you.
21:20 You're a pitiful specimen of humanity. I tell you what.
21:23 You want to prove you're the king. Turn that stone into bread."
21:29 Three raging, grueling temptations. Jesus knows.
21:35 He was waiting for him. He knows who's here. Jesus speaks.
21:45 Next line. Verse 35.
21:50 Jesus says one word in the Greek, just one word -- it'd be
21:53 in the Aramaic. One word.
21:56 "Be quiet!" That's actually the word -- the
21:59 actual, literal translation is "be muzzled."
22:01 It's what you do with a Doberman pincer when you don't want the
22:03 Doberman biting anybody. You put a muzzle on the muzzle.
22:10 Can't do anything. Be muzzled.
22:14 By the way, that's what he said in that little -- that bouncing,
22:17 fishing skiff. He's been sleeping through the
22:20 storm. "We're dying!"
22:21 And he stands up and he turns in to that raging fury of a storm,
22:26 and he says the same word, "Be muzzled.
22:29 Be still." Apparently when the Creator came
22:34 down in human flesh like you and me, the word He spoke still had
22:38 all the omnipotent power so the moment he speaks the word, in
22:42 less than half a nanosecond, that word immediately creates
22:46 the reality it describes, and when Jesus says, "Be muzzled" to
22:50 that demon, boom. Not the man.
22:55 The demon inside of him is muzzled.
22:59 "Get out of him now." And, by the way, Luke's the only
23:05 one that points this out. "Then the demon threw the man
23:08 down before them all and came out without --" this is the
23:11 doctor's edition -- "without injuring him."
23:13 Leave it to a physician to let everybody know, "By the way, he never got hurt.
23:17 He never got hurt. The demon came out but he couldn't hurt him."
23:23 Wow. "Desire of Ages" captures this moment.
23:28 I'll put the words on the screen. By the way, you have a study
23:30 guide today. No fill-in-the-blanks. You'll want these quotations.
23:32 There are a bunch of them. Put "Desire of Ages" on the screen.
23:35 Read it off the screen. "He who had conquered Satan in the wilderness of temptation was
23:39 again brought face to face with his enemy." I know who you are.
23:44 "The demon exerted all his power to retain control of his victim. To lose ground here would be to
23:48 give Jesus a victory. It seemed that the tortured man must lose his life in the
23:53 struggle with the foe that had been the ruin of his manhood." Something he did during his
24:00 young manhood had opened the door to another power beside -- besides God.
24:08 Something he did opened the door and kept opening the door wider, and the longer he did it, the
24:14 wider the door went.
24:18 "But the savior spoke with authority and set the captive
24:21 free. The man who had been possessed
24:23 stood before the wondering people happy in the freedom of
24:26 self-possession. Even the demon had testified to
24:30 the divine power of the savior. The man praised God for his
24:33 deliverance." Like our singing today, praised
24:36 God for his deliverance. "The eye that had so lately
24:40 glared with the fire of insanity now beamed with intelligence and
24:44 overflowed with grateful tears." A miracle.
24:52 Wow. And the people, they finally get
24:55 their voice. The people.
24:56 What is this? Verse 36.
24:58 "And all the people were amazed, and they said to each other,
25:01 'What words are these? What words these are.
25:03 With authority and power, he gives orders to impure spirits,
25:06 and they come out.' And the news about Jesus spread
25:09 throughout the surrounding area."
25:11 The end.
25:13 What do we do with a story like this in this crazy world in which you and I now live?
25:17 There's never been an age like it. You can go back 10 years.
25:21 Not like it. You can go back 50. Not like it.
25:23 You can go back five. Not like it. Something is happening.
25:27 What do we draw out of this story? This nuclear fishin'.
25:30 That's what we're calling these four stories. Nuclear fishin'.
25:33 Why do they call it nuclear fishin'? Because we got some fishing
25:37 going on. We'll get to that in just a second.
25:40 But they're also nuclear. The chemists and the physicists among us know that the word is
25:45 fission -- F-I-S-S-I-O-N. We're calling it fishin'. But the fact of the matter is,
25:51 in these four stories, we encounter a megatonnage of divine explosion that responds
26:00 to human crisis. All four of these stories. This is number two.
26:03 Nuclear fishin'. Let's go back to fishing. You say, "Dwight, thanks a lot
26:07 for the word on fishing. There is no fishing in this story."
26:10 Ah, you'll see quite differently in a moment. Let's go to the ancient prophet
26:14 Habakkuk. Ever heard of Habakkuk? Nobody reads Habakkuk.
26:17 Do you know where it is? It's Old Testament. How do I find it?
26:19 We'll go back to Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, 'cause I want you to see this in
26:24 Habakkuk. You got to see this. So, go back to Matthew, then the
26:26 book before Matthew is Malachi, and the book before Malachi is Zechariah, and the book before
26:31 Zechariah is Haggai, and then there's Zephaniah, and then there's Habakkuk.
26:34 You say, "Dwight, I don't have till lunch to find the book." Okay, well, read it off the
26:38 screen then. Habakkuk. But I wouldn't mind you seeing
26:43 that in your own Bible. Nobody knows who this prophet is.
26:46 There's nothing about him. He just calls himself a prophet. There's only three minor
26:49 prophets that call themselves prophets. He's one of them.
26:52 We guess that he's from Judah. We guess the time period. But we don't know.
27:00 He brings a word. And God speaks to Habakkuk. Look at this. Drop down.
27:03 This is chapter 1, Habakkuk 1:5.
27:05 God says, "Habakkuk, I want you to look at the nations.
27:08 I want you to watch and I want you to be utterly amazed, for I
27:11 am going to do something in your days that you would not believe
27:14 even if you were told." You know what I'm doing,
27:17 Habakkuk? Verse 6.
27:18 "I am raising up the Babylonians, that ruthless and
27:21 impetuous people, who sweep across the whole Earth to seize
27:24 dwellings not their own." I'm sending the Babylonians to
27:27 Judah, Habakkuk. Because I see what you see.
27:33 It's time for judgment. I'm sending the Babylonians. And for eight verses now, God
27:37 describes what the Babylonians are gonna do, and finally Habakkuk jumps up, "Yo, God,
27:42 time-out, stop. This is crazy. You're punishing your chosen
27:48 people with an enemy that is so morally worse and debased. Something is wrong here.
27:56 Wrong punishment." And now Habakkuk is trying to tell God why it's wrong.
28:01 Drop down to verse 14. "You see, you, God --" here comes the metaphor now -- "You
28:06 have made people like the fish in the sea." See, we're all little fishies.
28:11 That's what Habakkuk is saying. "You've made people like the fish in the sea, like the sea
28:15 creatures that have no ruler.
28:17 So the wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks.
28:20 He catches them in his net. He gathers them in his dragnet,
28:23 and so he rejoices and is glad." Verse 16.
28:26 "Therefore he sacrifices to his net.
28:28 He burns incense to his dragnet, for by his net he lives in
28:31 luxury and enjoys the choicest food."
28:34 Verse 17. "Is he to keep on emptying his
28:36 net, destroying nations without mercy?"
28:39 You're gonna let this go on until the whole human race is
28:42 destroyed? What are you thinking, God?
28:46 That's what he's asking.
28:49 Wow. Why would you do it? Babylonians?
28:55 You see, what Habakkuk doesn't know, God knows, and you and I know now, looking in quietly.
29:02 What he doesn't know, not clearly, is that there is a great cosmic war embroiling the
29:10 planet even in his day. A great conflict, and God is just drawing the veil aside and
29:19 said, "Let me tell you something, boy. This war is much bigger than you
29:22 think." In fact, there are two fishermen.
29:27 Now, one of the fishermen we've kind of fallen in love with, with the miniseries we just
29:32 ended called "Gone Fishin.'" We love that fisherman. He said, "Hey, you want to
29:35 follow me? Come on, come on, come on. I'll make you fisher people.
29:39 You'll be a fisherman just like me. We'll catch people together.
29:42 For eternity we'll catch them."
29:44 There's one fisherman we love, but now, for the first time, we
29:49 are introduced to a second fisherman who, with his raking
29:53 dragnet is just dragging through humanity and with his net he's
29:58 pulling up innocent fish and destroying them.
30:02 That's what we got here. We've got the big, bad, fisherman.
30:11 Wow. Somebody's behind Babylon. There's somebody invisible
30:15 behind this. It can't be just the Babylonians, and you're
30:18 absolutely right. I'm gonna take you to another verse.
30:20 You'll have all these verses in your study guide, but just go back -- you know where Isaiah
30:24 is. That's not hard to find. Just keep going backwards.
30:27 You'll run into Isaiah. Isaiah chapter 14. You want to know who's behind
30:30 the Babylonian power? Take a look at this. Isaiah 14.
30:35 These verses I just want you to see them in your own Bible. Go through your Bible later and
30:39 mark all the verses in if you wish. But this is Isaiah 14:3.
30:43 "And on the day the Lord gives you relief, oh Israel, relief
30:46 from your suffering and turmoil and from the harsh labor
30:50 enforced on you, you will take up this taunt against the king
30:53 of Babylon, how the oppressor has come to an end.
30:56 How his fury has ended." Now, is God talking about
30:59 Nebuchadnezzar or is he talking about some Babylonian king?
31:03 No, he is not. Watch this.
31:04 Drop down to verse 12. Verse 12.
31:07 "How are you fallen," speaking of the king now, "How are you
31:10 fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn."
31:13 Uh-oh. We know who that is because in
31:15 the Latin "Vulgate," the Latin translation early on, here's how
31:19 they rendered it -- "How are you fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer,
31:23 son of the morning?" Lucifer.
31:26 You ever heard of him? You ever heard of him?
31:30 The big, bad fisherman. How are you fallen from heaven?
31:36 Keep reading, verse 12. "You have been cast down to the
31:39 earth, you who once laid the nations low.
31:41 You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens.
31:44 I will raise my throne above the stars of God.
31:47 I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost
31:50 heights of Mount Zaphon.'" That is the north.
31:52 That's where the God lives. "I will ascend," verse 14,
31:55 "above the tops of the clouds. I'm gonna be God.
31:58 Do you understand that? Read my lips.
32:00 I will be God of this Earth." That's who he's talking about.
32:05 That's the power behind Babylon. That's the big, bad fisherman.
32:11 And I mean bad fisherman. Who is he?
32:17 Well, can you find Ezekiel? Now you're going forward again.
32:21 Ezekiel. So, you run into Jeremiah, then
32:23 Lamentations, then it'd be Ezekiel.
32:26 Ezekiel chapter 28. Here is a stunning picture of
32:30 how it all ends for Lucifer. Watch this.
32:33 Unbelievable. Ezekiel chapter 28.
32:36 Find it? It doesn't hurt us every now and
32:42 then to just do this and move the pages.
32:45 All right, Ezekiel chapter 28. Drop down, please.
32:48 Talking about the same being we now call the fallen rebel angel
32:52 Lucifer. Here you go, verse 14.
32:54 Ezekiel 28:14. "You," speaking to the being,
32:57 God is, "You were anointed as a guardian cherub."
33:00 You remember Indiana Jones and the "Raiders of the Lost Ark"?
33:02 You remember that? Remember they're looking for
33:05 this golden piece and it has two angels with their wings that
33:08 touch. That actually was the ancient
33:11 Israelite ark. The covering cherubs are the two
33:15 cherubs that stand on either side of the throne of God.
33:18 This being is the highest of the celestial intelligences.
33:22 He has stood right beside God. He's the covering cherub, as
33:27 he's described here. "You --" keep reading, verse
33:31 14 -- "You were on the holy mount of God.
33:33 You walked among the fiery stones."
33:35 Fire always a symbol of God. Burning bush, symbol of God.
33:39 "You were blameless in your ways," so whoever the being is,
33:42 it's created and he was perfect, "from the day that you were
33:46 created till wickedness was found in you."
33:48 What happened? Something snapped inside of his
33:51 heart. Verse 17.
33:53 "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you
33:56 corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.
33:59 So I threw you to the earth." Now, watch this.
34:02 This has not happened yet. This is going to happen.
34:05 Watch this. "I threw you to the earth.
34:08 I made a spectacle of you before kings."
34:10 Verse 18. "By your many sins and dishonest
34:13 trade, you have desecrated your sanctuaries, so I made a fire
34:17 come out from you, and that fire consumed you, and I reduced you
34:21 to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching."
34:25 Final verse, 19. "And all the nations who knew
34:28 you are appalled at you. You have come to a horrible end,
34:32 and you will be no more."
34:36 Ladies and gentlemen, get this, get this. In the midst of all this bad
34:40 news of being hacked, dark, sinister power taking possession, demon possession in
34:45 the human race near the end of time, in the midst of all that bad news, here comes some good
34:50 news, and I need you to hang on to this. This is kind of an oblique bit
34:54 of good news, but you need to know that what the words God has just spoken declare this.
35:02 This guy is cursed one day. I will destroy him. It'll be a fire that comes out
35:10 from the inside -- pshew! Ashes. The dark, sinister power that
35:20 has hacked our operating systems and has tormented and taunted us from day one, one day, he will
35:28 stand before the judgment of almighty God, and the whole universe will say, "God, you're
35:35 gonna do the right thing. We know just and true are your ways, oh, God.
35:41 Shoom! Boom. Gone. But something -- hold on, hold
35:49 on, hold on -- something has happened to him in the passage of years that you're not gonna
35:54 believe. I'm gonna share with you now words I've never shared in a
35:58 public service anywhere, but I want you to see them right now. Today is the right day.
36:04 It's an eyewitness account of his physical appearance today. You'll have it in your study
36:09 guide. I'm gonna put it on the screen. This is Lucifer today.
36:13 Watch this. A word picture now. Verse -- you see it on the
36:16 screen there, right at the top. "I was shown Satan as he once was, a happy, exalted angel."
36:23 The favorite boy of heaven. "Then I was shown him as he now is.
36:29 He still bears a kingly form. His features are still noble, for he is an angel fallen.
36:36 But the expression of his countenance is full of anxiety,
36:40 care, unhappiness, malice, hate, mischief, deceit, and every
36:44 evil. That brow that once was so
36:46 noble, I particularly noticed." Something stuck out, and now the
36:50 writer is commenting on it. "His forehead commenced from his
36:54 eyes to recede." So the forehead, proud and noble
36:57 like this, the forehead goes just like this, from the eyes
37:01 right here, the forehead just goes slant way back.
37:04 The forehead has receded. "I saw that he had so long bent
37:09 himself to evil that every good quality was debased and every
37:13 evil trait was developed. His eyes were cunning, sly, and
37:18 showed great penetration. His frame was large, but the
37:22 flesh hung loosely about his hands and his face.
37:25 As I beheld him, his chin was resting upon his left hand.
37:29 He appeared to be in deep thought.
37:31 A smile was upon his countenance, which made me
37:34 tremble. It was so full of evil and
37:36 satanic slyness. This smile is the one he wears
37:40 just before he makes sure of his victim, and as he fastens the
37:46 victim in his snare, this smile grows horrible."
37:50 End quote.
37:53 I apologize because that is not a pretty picture. You've heard of sadism?
38:04 Finding pleasure in pain. Guess who invented sadism. It is orgasmic pleasure when
38:16 humans suffer at his hands. Guys, guys, guys, here's the point, here's the --
38:21 Come on. Let there be no sympathy for the fallen Lucifer, the big bad
38:26 fisherman. That's the point -- no sympathy. Please, no sympathy.
38:31 He is the incarnation of diabolical evil and exults over a single little sparrow that he
38:38 can crush on its chirping treetop perch. Crrkkk!
38:43 Pwtt! He would spit in your face, as he did with Jesus' face, if he
38:48 thought that would destroy you right now. Pwtt!
38:54 He hates the sparrow. He hates you.
38:58 He hates every creature that has been created by the loving
39:02 creator of the universe. And guess what -- his hatred is
39:05 so -- Satan's hatred is so strong that
39:09 he lives by a two-word credo.
39:10 This is his two-word credo. Now, Jesus had a seven-word credo -- "I will put my trust in
39:17 Him." Seven words. Here's Lucifer, fallen Satan's,
39:22 two-word credo. It goes like this. "Kill them."
39:28 Just "Kill them." "Kill them!" On Facebook?
39:34 "Kill them." Do a drug overdose? "Kill them."
39:39 Do a drunken driver? "Kill them all." To a debilitating disease?
39:44 "Kill them." To a magnitude 7 earthquake? "I'll take the whole land.
39:49 Kill them." Through suicide? "Kill them."
39:52 Through cancer, through Ebola? "Kill them." In their infancy?
39:57 "Kill them." In their teen years? "Kill them."
40:01 In their young adult years? "Kill them." Adults? "Kill them."
40:06 Aged, wrinkled senior citizens? "Kill them. Just kill them."
40:11 Do you understand me? "Kill them." That's what he lives by.
40:16 "Kill them." Yet so strong is his deception with smoke and mirrors -- get
40:24 this -- that brilliant minds have gone to their painful death, as Christopher Hitchens
40:31 did, declaring in his last book, "God is Not Good: How Religion Poisons Everything."
40:38 Atheists have gone to their death believing there is no God, there is no evil, there is no
40:45 devil. So smoke and mirrored his deception, you don't even know
40:53 that the hook is in your mouth and you're getting reeled in. You have no idea.
41:00 "Kill them." The big bad fisherman, who, by the way -- whose insane and
41:07 insufferable pride will not quit -- get this -- until every human being bows at his feet and
41:14 calls him God, and that's where he's -- that's what he's living for.
41:17 Look at this -- 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
41:30 "Worship me!" And according to the prophecy of the apocalypse, Revelation 13,
41:35 they will.
41:36 Watch this. "People worshipped the dragon."
41:40 Who's the dragon? That old serpent called the
41:41 devil and Satan. We know who the dragon is.
41:53 Except a small community... that had a loyalty to the lord Jesus Christ, will refuse, like
42:02 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, to bow down in the face of even death itself.
42:08 Say, "You can't prove that, Dwight." Yes, I can.
42:11 The apocalypse, again, Revelation 12:11. "Then the dragon was --"
42:17 This is describing the people. "Then the dragon --" End-time generation.
42:33 Because, you see, in fury, as he went after Job -- You remember the story of Job?
42:41 As he went after Job, he says, "Give me these people. Just give me these people.
42:45 I will decimate them." Enraged, he goes after the resistors, those loyal to the --
42:53 loyal to this Lord Jesus. Some of you are going through immense suffering right now.
42:57 I was talking with a friend of mine this last week, and he told me about a friend of his, and I
43:01 said, "That's more suffering than a human being can go through."
43:04 I could not believe it when he described it to me. Some of you watching on
43:07 livestreaming right now are the victim. You are.
43:10 Some of you right here, your mask says, "Everything's fine," but you are dying inside.
43:15 You are the victim, not of God. You're not the victim of Christ Jesus and the Spirit.
43:21 You are the victim of the big bad fisherman who lives with two words -- "Kill her.
43:29 Kill him! Kill them! That's all I want.
43:36 Get her now." Wow. Yeah.
43:45 He gets that mad sometimes. [ Laughter ] He gets that mad.
43:55 Ladies and gentlemen, we're safe inside the storm right here. I need you to know that we got
44:01 to get to the good news very fast now. Because we've painted a very --
44:07 a very graphic picture of the big bad killer fisherman. But I don't want to end there.
44:17 I want to go back to the crowd. Want you to go back, last line I'll read from this story.
44:22 Go back to -- what is this? -- verse 36. It's time to follow the crowd.
44:26 I'm talking about the crowd at Capernaum now. This is a crowd you can follow.
44:29 I love this. Verse 36. This is the gospel according to
44:33 the crowd. Here it is. Back in Luke 4:36.
44:37 And "all the people," after commanding you be muzzled and
44:41 stay out of here! After he exerted the power of
44:47 God...
45:01 "With authority and power, he gives orders to impure spirits, and they come out."
45:06 Hey, guess what, folks -- he can speak the omnipotent word, and they will come out.
45:10 Come on. You got any spirits in you? Come on. Let's be honest.
45:13 You know the spirits of whom I'm talking about. Him. I'm talking about him.
45:15 You have any of those spirits in you? Are they tempting you?
45:18 Are they -- Are they taunting you? Are they harassing you?
45:22 Are they torturing you? There's somebody that never flinches...
45:33 in Satan's presence. It's his creator, who tried every trick in the divine book
45:41 to keep his favorite child in the family. But there's somebody, who in the
45:48 speaking of a word, can still today set our lives free. Hey, go mark these verses in
46:01 your Bible later. I got to share two verses, a quotation, then I got to end
46:05 with a story. Here we go.
46:07 Colossians -- jot it down -- Colossians 2:13, 15, words on
46:10 the screen. Mark these in your Bible.
46:12 "Christ forgave us all our sins, and having disarmed the powers
46:16 and authorities of evil, he made" -- I love this in the NIV.
46:19 "...he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by
46:24 the cross." Calvary has forever shifted the
46:29 paradigm in this universe. Oh, my.
46:33 "Great Controversy," this little apocalyptic classic.
46:35 The words on the screen for you.
46:53 The war was won 2,000 years ago. He said, "Why am I going through this suffering?"
46:57 Because the battle for you is still going on. That's why?
47:01 There are two fishermen in this universe. They are both going for you.
47:04 You have the free choice. You cannot be taken against your will by either fishermen.
47:10 They are playing for keeps with everything they have. One woos by his everlasting
47:16 love, the other, with crushing fury, will break your wrist to get you in.
47:23 You choose. You can choose who will rule over you.
47:29 But you can't say, "No, I'm not having anybody, because..." No, no, no, no, no, no.
47:37 There are only two masters, and no man can serve both. You have to choose.
47:44 Ugh. How can I win? How can I win?
47:47 Oh, here it comes. I love this. Revelation 12:11.
47:50 "But they --" the generation living at the end of time.
47:52 "But they have conquered the dragon" -- that would be
47:55 Satan -- "by the --" By the what? By the what?
47:58 "By the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for
48:02 they did not cling to life even in the face of death."
48:04 You go ahead. Like Job, "You throw everything you have at me.
48:08 I'm never letting go of Jesus now. I will not let go of him."
48:13 You don't have to let go of him. He cannot force you to let go of him.
48:17 You hold that nail-scarred hand, and that hand holds you for eternity.
48:21 You have nothing to be afraid of. It's the blood of the lamb.
48:26 Under the blood of the lamb. Two strategies here, and then that story.
48:31 Two strategies. Number one, the blood of the lamb.
48:35 Written a century ago -- this really magnifies this strategy. So there's just two of these --
48:38 jot them down. One is the blood.
48:40 And here's a quotation. "When Satan would fill your mind
48:43 with despondency, gloom, and doubt, resist his suggestions."
48:47 Tell him of the what? Circle that in your study guide.
48:51 "Tell him of the blood of Jesus, that cleanses from all sin.
48:54 You cannot save yourself from the tempter's power, but he
48:58 trembles," and then circle this word, "flees."
49:01 He flees. When?
49:05 "...when the merits of that precious blood are urged."
49:08 So, what does it mean to -- to overcome him by the blood of the lamb?
49:11 Here's what it means. Now listen to me very carefully. It means to do like the
49:15 Israelites did the night they fled Egypt. They put blood on their door
49:18 post. Do you remember that story? Put blood on their door posts.
49:23 Here's how we do it today. We put blood on our laptop. Blood of the lamb on our laptop.
49:31 We put blood on Netflix. We put blood of the lamb on Netflix.
49:38 Why? Because I want everything that's happening here -- on my tablet, blood of the lamb.
49:44 My smartphone, blood of the lamb. My Facebook account, blood of
49:48 the lamb. Why? Because when I'm under the
49:51 blood, I'm safe. You can't touch me under the blood.
49:55 The destroying angel flies -- shoo! -- over. "Pass over."
50:00 You get it? Blood of the lamb. I put blood on my refrigerator.
50:06 Blood of the lamb on the refrigerator. Because I need -- I need the
50:10 lamb to control what I eat from that refrigerator. I put blood of the lamb over my
50:14 drinks, blood of the lamb right over it. Why? Because I need him to have
50:19 everything with me. I put blood of the lamb over my credit card.
50:22 That's what I do. I put it over my credit card, 'cause I don't have to have
50:25 that. I put his blood on my credit card.
50:28 I put blood of the lamb on my checkbook. I put blood of the lamb on my
50:32 stock portfolio. I put the blood of the lamb everywhere I go so that every
50:37 day, I'm under the blood. I'm under the blood. That's what it means to live by
50:42 the blood. You just tell the devil about the blood of the lamb, and he
50:46 will flee the moment you say, "Get behind me, Satan. I recognized you.
50:54 Took me a while. I see you." Click!
50:57 Gone. That's how it works. You have to exert the final
51:01 choice. But you choose, you win. Okay, one more quote, and then
51:05 the story. Here's the other quote. Okay. So, same author.
51:09 On the screen. "Satan cannot endure to have his
51:11 powerful rival appealed to --" that would be Jesus -- "for he
51:15 fears and trembles before Jesus' strength and majesty."
51:19 Now, hold on to your pew. "At the sound of" what kind of
51:23 prayer? What kind of prayer?
51:24 That's a key word there. At the sound of what kind of
51:26 prayer? Fervent prayer.
51:28 That's not, "Thank you, Lord. Now I lay me down to sleep," or
51:32 what do we say when we eat the food?
51:36 "Bless this food, Lord." Yeah.
51:37 Well, whatever it is we used to say.
51:39 That's not that. "Satan cannot endure to have his
51:43 powerful rival appealed to. He fears and trembles before
51:46 Jesus' strength and majesty. At the sound of fervent
51:50 prayer --" here's the deal. Not only does Satan flee.
51:53 What happens to his entire host? Do you see that?
51:56 What happens to his entire host? The entire army begins to shake.
52:01 "Oh, no! She's turned to Him! Oh, no!
52:04 He's calling out for intervention! Here it comes!
52:07 Angels who excel in power!" Shoom! "You called?"
52:13 "Yeah, I did." "Call upon me in the day of trouble" -- Psalm 50:15.
52:18 "Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver you, and you will glorify me.
52:21 You just call upon me. You just call my name." You call his name.
52:27 Ladies and gentlemen, do you see? You're not trapped.
52:32 You're not stuck. There are no chains on you. The blood of the lamb sets you
52:39 free. You are free. You are free.
52:42 Okay. Here's that story. So, I was preaching in Sacramento, California.
52:47 Wonderful church. It's called the Carmichael Church.
52:51 As it turns out, my sister and her husband are the pastors. Now, Kari's on the staff as a
52:54 pastor, and Keith Jacobson, her husband, is the pastor, and they have some other pastors, as
52:58 well. It's a beautiful church. It's a large church.
53:01 So, I'm out there before they were ever pastors, and, uh... They've asked me to speak for a
53:06 weekend. So, Friday night, Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath.
53:09 You know how it goes. So I'm on the front row Friday night -- front row.
53:11 New church, never been in here in my life. I don't know what led me to turn
53:15 around, but I turned around, and I saw from the back, all the way to the back, I saw a young man
53:21 wearing a black T-shirt, walking straight down this aisle, and it's like our eyes locked on.
53:27 And I'm thinking, "What's up with this?" He has this black T-shirt on,
53:31 and then, in giant red letters, "Satan." [ Scoffs ]
53:37 "What is this? Is this the right church?" He had a smile on his face, so I
53:44 said, "Well, he's not intending harm right now." He keeps --
53:47 And he locks eyes. He will not take his eyes off. "Satan."
53:51 Big red letters, black T-shirt. He gets to about the third or fourth row, and I can now see --
53:57 I can now see that there are two little words beneath "Satan" that I would never have seen
54:03 when I saw him. Two little tiny words, and it goes like this -- "SATAN...
54:08 is defeated." [ Laughter ] Guys, guys...
54:20 There's something wrong with this picture. Now listen to me carefully.
54:24 Don't look at the screen now. Listen to me carefully. If you ever --
54:28 If you ever decide to get those three words on a black T-shirt...
54:33 If you ever decide to get those words on a black T-shirt, here's what it needs to look like.
54:39 [ Laughter ] You don't give credit to him! The good news is, because of the
54:47 truth of Calvary, he's already a defeated foe and enemy. He knows he's licked.
54:52 He's just threatening you. He's intimidating you. He's trying to scare you into
54:56 staying with him. Don't believe a word he said. He's a liar from the beginning.
55:01 He will never do you right. You can't depend on him. He hates you.
55:08 Get over trying to defend him. And by the way, anything that has his fingerprints on it, stay
55:16 away. Stay away. I don't understand the logic
55:20 that says, "I know he has fingerprints on this. I'm just going in 'cause it's
55:23 Saturday night, and I need just a little bit of relaxation." I don't understand that.
55:27 Do you know that if you go into anything that has his fingerprints on it, you're going
55:31 into his lair! You are coming -- "Come on, come on!
55:34 Come on. Come on. Come on." Just like a fisherman with a lure -- "Come on. Come on.
55:38 Come on. Come on in." If you know and you have a conscience, like little Samuel
55:44 in that letter to the governor of the state of Oregon, if you have conscience and it's
55:49 whispering to you, "Back off, back off, back off," don't do it!
55:54 Don't do it. Because if Lucifer's fingerprints are on it, if the
56:01 dragon's crawl, crawl marks are on it... his claw is right behind the
56:10 entrance, waiting for you to come -- "I was waiting for you, girl.
56:16 Where you been all my life? I have been fighting for this day for you from the beginning.
56:21 Girl, step in! Kill her!" That's all he wants.
56:26 There's no friendship with you. Can't stand you. Guys, by the blood of the lamb.
56:33 They overcame the dragon. Satan is -- what's the word? Defeated.
56:39 Hallelujah. And that, Jesus says, "When you come fishing for me, boy --
56:42 Girl, when you come fishing for me, that's the word I want to get out everywhere -- Satan is
56:49 defeated." Hallelujah. Amen.
56:55 Amen. [ Applause ] Amen.
56:58 Amen.
57:01 >> I want to take an extra moment to thank you for joining us in worship today.
57:05 It's by the continued support from viewers like you that we're able to bring this telecast.
57:09 Today I want to invite you, though, to share with us how this ministry has blessed you.
57:14 Truth is, I get inspiring notes, e-mails, letters from viewers literally all over the world
57:20 sharing with us how God has blessed them through this program, and I'd love to hear
57:23 from you, as well.
57:25 It's not that hard. Simple, really.
57:26 Just visit our website,
57:29 That's one word,
57:33 And click on the "contact" link at the top of the page.
57:35 Shoot me that e-mail. Once again, thank you for being
57:38 with us. Thank you, by the way, for your
57:40 own support. That support is what keeps this
57:43 telecast week after week reaching America, reaching
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57:49 That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost and
57:54 blessing to us. And I hope you'll join us right
57:56 here next time, 'cause we'll be here.
57:58 In the meantime, God be with you and bless you real good.
58:05 ♪♪


Revised 2017-05-25