New Perceptions

Gone Fishin' Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP170429A

00:01 ♪♪
00:16 >> ♪ Oh, come, and let us worship the King ♪
00:24 ♪ Our joyful praises now we sing ♪ ♪ Alleluia, Alleluia ♪
00:41 ♪ Alleluia, Alleluia ♪ ♪ Alleluia ♪ [ Song ends ]
00:59 >> Oh, God, with the psalmist, we exclaim, "This is the day the Lord has made.
01:04 Let us rejoice and be glad in it." For this is the day we have
01:09 prayed over and waited for. And forgive our curiosity, God, but what is this day to You?
01:15 On this last Sabbath of this semester, we wish to extend a very special invitation to you,
01:22 dear Father. Do You see the open door to our hearts?
01:26 We humbly ask that You might enter in and inside of us all at Pioneer Memorial Church, at
01:34 New Life Fellowship. Enter in and do a new thing, a reconciliation thing, a "Jesus
01:41 on the inside" thing, a "my God, who has begun a new work in you, will bring it to completion by
01:46 the day of Christ Jesus" thing. Oh, God, in Christ Jesus, our Lord, let this day be all it can
01:53 possibly be, as a shining tribute to Your unifying love both here and up there, both now
01:59 and forever. Amen. >> Amen.
02:04 [ "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less" plays ]
03:31 [ "Oh, How I Love Jesus" plays ]
05:52 [ "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" plays ]
06:10 ♪ All hail the power of Jesus'
08:51 >> ♪ My hope is built on nothing less ♪ ♪ Than Jesus' blood and
08:58 righteousness ♪ ♪ I dare not trust the sweetest frame ♪
09:05 ♪ But wholly lean on Jesus' name ♪
09:14 ♪ When darkness veils His lovely face ♪ ♪ I rest on His unchanging
09:21 grace ♪ ♪ In every high and stormy gale ♪
09:27 ♪ My anchor holds within the veil ♪ ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I
09:35 stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
09:41 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
09:49 sand ♪
10:01 ♪ His oath, His covenant, His blood ♪ ♪ Support me in the whelming
10:09 flood ♪ ♪ When all around my soul gives way ♪
10:15 ♪ He then is all my hope and stay ♪ ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I
10:23 stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
10:29 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
10:36 sand ♪
10:46 ♪ When He shall come with trumpet sound ♪ ♪ Oh, may I then in Him be
10:54 found ♪ ♪ Dressed in His righteousness alone ♪
11:00 ♪ Faultless to stand before the throne ♪ ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I
11:08 stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
11:13 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
11:21 sand ♪ ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪
11:27 ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪ ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I
11:34 stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
11:43 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
11:53 sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
12:03 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
12:14 sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
12:24 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
12:36 sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
12:47 ♪ On Christ, the solid rock, I stand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking
13:00 sand ♪ ♪ All other ground is sinking sand ♪
13:10 ♪ On Christ, we stand ♪ [ Song ends ] >> Amen.
13:25 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you on this last
13:30 Sabbath of April, last Sabbath of the semester, last Sabbath of the year.
13:38 And you're looking just great. All right, so, let's think about this.
13:44 Thank you, Sharon Dugan, who sent me this story. This comes from Darwin.
13:51 This comes from Darwin. You want to have a seat right there, Corey?
13:55 This comes from Darwin, Australia, so this is in Northern Australia.
13:59 And in Australia, the farther north you go, the hotter it gets.
14:03 So it's tropical weather up in Darwin. [ Imitates radio static ]
14:09 "We have an emergency. We have an emergency. We need fire trucks.
14:15 We need fire trucks on the south of town. Please, fire trucks.
14:18 We have a two-story building that's on fire. Would you please send fire
14:22 trucks?" [ Imitates radio static ] "We'll be on our way.
14:25 We're coming on our way right now, mate. Good day. Bye."
14:27 [ Imitates radio static ] A house is on fire, two stories tall, going up in smoke.
14:34 Ohh! It's a sad picture whenever a house catches on fire.
14:37 So, the firemen all come. [ Imitating siren ] And they come, they drive up.
14:42 They jump out of their fire trucks. They grab those big, heavy
14:45 hoses. They're dragging the hoses around.
14:47 "All right, turn the water up." [ Exhaling sharply ] They're just getting ready to go
14:53 around the back of the yard. One of the big, brave volunteer firemen has the hose, and he's
14:57 getting ready to go. Oh, he stops. "Chief! Chief!
15:01 Come here, come here, come here! There's no way I'm going in that backyard!
15:05 I don't care what house is burning!" "What's the problem, mate?
15:09 Let me see what --" [ Gasps ] The backyard...
15:15 do you know what was in the backyard? May I show you a picture of what
15:20 was in the backyard? Look at the screens. Let's look at the screens.
15:23 In the backyard -- a saltwater crocodile!? 13 feet long?
15:32 More teeth than 13? [ Laughter ] Saltwater crocodile?!
15:37 "I'm not going, Chief!" [ Exhales sharply ] "Well, get the fire from here.
15:41 "No, but we have to get to the back!" [ Panting ]
15:45 The men all stood there looking.
15:51 What would you do? [ Laughing ] What would you do? "Just let the building burn
15:59 down. We don't need the -- Just let the crocodile go."
16:01 [ Chuckles ] No! You volunteered to put fires
16:04 out! You've got to rescue! That rescue includes saltwater
16:08 crocodiles. And then somebody noticed -- "Wait a minute.
16:12 It looks like there's a little fence around it." "You sure?
16:15 Okay, bring the hoses, guys." [ Exhaling sharply ] And they dragged the hoses in.
16:23 [ Exhaling sharply ] [ Laughter ] [ Laughs ]
16:28 Ohh, my. "Shall we save the house, or save the crocodile?"
16:32 Well, they lost the house, but they saved the crocodile. That's a female crocodile.
16:37 Her name is Albert. Go figure. That's the pet. She's a pet. She's been a pet before the
16:44 1970s. These crocodiles in Australia will live up to 70 years old.
16:51 Ohh! I'm so glad, when Jesus said, "I want you to work for me; go
16:55 fishing for fish," I'm glad he didn't mean saltwater crocodiles, aren't you?
17:00 Although, I wonder if Jesus loves even crocodiles. Do you think He does?
17:08 Oh, yes, He made them. And because the fish and crocodiles represent people, He
17:13 loves all people. And so, when He says, "Go fishing," He says, "Just help me
17:18 get everybody you can because I died for them all." That's what this cross is all
17:24 about right here on the stage. That's what that cross is all about on the floor.
17:29 You can just barely see it. "I died for everyone. Now help me reach them, please."
17:38 How many want to say, "Jesus, if You died for me and all of them, I'm willing to help You"?
17:43 Anybody want to put a hand up and say, "I'm willing to help You, Jesus"?
17:46 Not -- No, no, not saltwater crocodiles. I'm willing to help You reach
17:51 people. I want to love them just like You.
17:55 Who would like to pray and thank Jesus -- Sissy, come here, please.
17:59 Yeah, you, please. What's your name? >> Joanna.
18:02 >> Joanna? Perfect. Joanna -- Can we get a microphone for Joanna, please?
18:07 Bless you. Joanna, let's pray together, and let's thank Jesus -- Come here,
18:11 Joanna. Let's thank Jesus for loving us and asking us to help Him love
18:18 everybody. Thank you, Joanna. >> [ Clears throat ]
18:22 Let's close our eyes and pray. Our Father, thank You for making us.
18:30 Thank You for giving us the Sabbath. >> Amen.
18:35 >> We want You to forgive our sins. And everywhere we go, will You
18:45 be with us? In Jesus' name, we pray. >> Both: Amen.
18:49 >> Thank you, Joanna. Beautiful prayer. As you quietly and reverently
18:52 back to your seats, just like Joanna said -- thank You, Jesus. Thank You, thank You, thank You.
18:57 Happy Sabbath, everybody. [ "Christ for the World" plays ]
21:08 [ Song ends ] >> Let's pray. Dear God...
21:12 oh, at the foot of the Cross, we all stand. Here is where broken hearts can
21:21 be mended -- not fully healed, but mended. Eternity is where there will be
21:27 no more tears and no more death. So at the foot of the Cross, we receive Your divine Word, that
21:37 this day is Your day. And we, Your children, eagerly follow where You lead.
21:45 Make this day all You dreamed it to be for the glory of our Lord Jesus, in whose name we
21:51 pray. Amen.
21:54 [ Birds singing ]
22:01 [ Footsteps approach ]
22:31 Christon Arthur, the university provost, came into cabinet the
22:34 other day, and he said, "Guys, I have a story you need to hear,"
22:37 and you need to hear it, as well.
22:39 Hurricane Katrina, you remember that?
22:41 '05. New Orleans is underwater.
22:44 People are dying. Master Sergeant Mike Maroney of
22:48 the U.S. Air Force is on board an Air Force chopper, rescue
22:51 chopper. They're looking.
22:53 They're looking. Any survivors?
22:56 Maroney spots a family on top of the roof. He's a pararescuer. Pararescuer.
23:04 Down the rope he goes. One by one, the family plucked away from certain death.
23:13 [ Exhaling sharply ] They are flown to safety, and, as the family is getting off, a
23:19 little 4-year-old girl, a part of that family, in an act of spontaneous joy, throws her arm
23:27 around Maroney, cheek to cheek, and hugs him in gratitude. The little girl didn't know that
23:36 Maroney was suffering from PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. He would soon be redeployed to
23:43 Iraq and then to Afghanistan, and, during those dark days of his life, when he suffered on
23:50 the inside, he kept pulling out the little picture of this girl -- her name he does not
23:56 know -- but this little girl who hugged him. Because when he looks at the
24:00 picture, it's like he sees the purpose of his life. "Somebody has gotten rescued by
24:05 my life." I want you to see the picture that he carried in his pocket
24:09 all those dark days. There he is. He'd stare at it.
24:14 "Wow! I did something." Eventually, he returned to the United States, set out to find
24:20 that little girl. Doesn't know her name. Starts a social-media
24:24 campaign -- #FindKatrinaGirl. All to no avail. Then, 10 years later,
24:31 Master Sergeant Mike Maroney gets the surprise of his life when, on a television set, that
24:40 little girl comes walking into the room. The place goes bonkers.
24:44 You can check it out on YouTube sometime. And as he is holding her in his
24:51 arms -- I want you to see the "before" and "after" picture. [ Laughter ]
24:56 As he is holding her in his arms, he says to LeShay Brown -- that's her name.
25:02 He spoke a line we, too, need to hear today. He says to her, "You rescued me
25:09 more than I rescued you." She gave him a reason for living.
25:14 She kept him going. Because that's what rescue does to the rescuer.
25:24 "You rescued me more than I rescued you." Because, you see, it's true --
25:29 when you rescue others, you yourself are the one that gets rescued.
25:33 Unbelievable. You pluck them out of the waters where they're stranded.
25:38 You rescue them, but, by that very act, they end up rescuing you.
25:44 It's the great law of reciprocal giving. Let me just run this law by you
25:49 in case you're not sure it really exists. Let me put it on the screen for
25:52 you. No study guides today. As Jesus once promised -- this
25:55 is in the Sermon on the Mount -- "Give, and it will be given to you."
25:58 Rescue another, and you will be rescued. James, his stepbrother, goes
26:01 even further.
26:02 His words on the screen -- James 5:20...
26:10 Even your own sins as the rescuer.
26:12 Rescue another, and you will be rescued.
26:14 It's no wonder that wise King Solomon exclaimed in the
26:17 Book of Proverbs -- on the screen, Proverbs 11:25 and 30...
26:27 Rescue another, and you will rescue yourself.
26:31 The great prophet Daniel exclaims, at the end of his
26:34 book -- Daniel 12:3, on the screen...
26:41 Rescue another, and you yourself will be rescued.
26:45 It's a reciprocal act of fishing for people. It is absolutely stunning what
26:49 God brings back to the fishers. Unbelievable. And as Mike Maroney said to
26:57 LeShay Brown, "You rescued me more than I rescued you." It's no wonder that Jesus was so
27:05 big about fishing for people. I want to go back to a line we have never actually examined
27:11 together in this four-part series. Oh, we touched it as a Scripture
27:14 reading. Never went here, Matthew chapter 4.
27:17 Open your Bible, please, to Matthew chapter 4. Thank you, Terri and Yolanda,
27:20 for reading that for us and with us. Matthew chapter 4.
27:25 I'm in the New International. Matthew chapter 4, just before the Sermon on the Mount in
27:30 Matthew's rendition. Matthew chapter 4. Let's pick it up in verse 18...
27:43 [ Chuckles ] Red letters. Verse 19...
27:50 "At once --" verse 20 -- "they left their nets and followed
27:52 him. Going on from there, Jesus saw
27:55 two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John."
27:58 That would be John boy. "They were in a boat with their
28:00 father Zebedee, preparing their nets.
28:02 Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat
28:05 and their father and followed him."
28:07 Because, you see, there comes a time when you no longer follow your parents, but, instead, you
28:14 follow Jesus. Now, if your parents also follow Jesus, [Chuckles] that makes it
28:20 all the easier for you, trust me. But whether they follow Jesus or
28:24 not, there comes a time when they no longer serve. They no longer become the
28:28 impetus for your decision-making. They no longer serve as the
28:31 reason for your living and serving. They had career dreams for you,
28:34 but let them have their dreams. God has a dream for you, and that's the one you pursue.
28:40 You shift your purpose, you shift your motivation from them to Him.
28:44 And it's okay because you will still love and honor them for the rest of your days, but you
28:49 follow Jesus. And that's exactly what you saw happen just a split second ago.
28:55 But I want you to notice verse 19. Red letters...
29:04 Ah. [ Tsk-tsking ] God bless the NIV.
29:07 They tried their hardest to make that sentence feel comfortable, but, in doing so, they totally
29:13 sidestepped the actual Greek Matthew uses. I'm gonna put the Greek on the
29:20 screen for you right now. This is the Greek rendition. "Follow --" It literally reads,
29:25 "Come behind." It's two words. "Follow Me, and I will make all
29:31 of you --" 'cause it's plural -- "I will make all of you fishers of people."
29:36 You see, the NIV turns the "I will make you" into "I will send you out."
29:41 But that robs us of the very good news that Jesus offers to make us what He calls us to be.
29:48 It reads, "I will make you." That little chorus, "I will make you," we'll sing it for the last
29:53 time in a moment. The chorus is right. It got the Greek right.
29:57 "I will make you fishers of men. You don't have to fret," Jesus
30:02 is saying to you and me. "You don't have to fuss. All you need to do is trust me."
30:06 "I will put my trust in Him." Seven-word Credo. Works here beautifully.
30:11 "You just trust me, and I will make you a successful fisher of people.
30:15 I'll do it for you." Isn't that great? Let me repeat 'cause you might
30:23 not be getting it. It's too early in the morning. Jesus doesn't just command us to
30:28 be fishers of people. He offers us an extreme makeover -- maybe change the
30:34 word to a "joyful" makeover -- that will actually make us fishers of people.
30:40 "I will do it for you. I'll do it." What's not to like about that?
30:51 I love that line from "Christ's Object Lessons." 333 -- on the screen.
30:54 This is so true...
30:59 "What I ask you to do, [Snaps fingers] I do.
31:03 I will equip you. I will empower you.
31:08 I will energize you. You will be a fisher for people
31:13 because I will do it. I will make you into what I need
31:16 you to be." Isn't that great?
31:19 "I'll do it."
31:21 Whatever Jesus asks us to do, He enables us to do. So if He says, "Become fishers
31:25 of people --" "Yo, Lord, I will be a fisher of people." No sooner does the word leave
31:29 Your lips, then that omnipotent word immediately creates the reality it describes.
31:33 "I am now a fisher of people. I am now a fisher of people." Yes, sir. Yes, Lord.
31:39 And by the way... the reason this is so is because [Chuckles] the truth is fishing
31:47 does not come natural to nobody -- to nobody. You're not born a fisherman.
31:54 There's no woman who wakes up and says, "Aw," and starts sobbing, "I'm just not a
31:58 fisherwoman." You're not born -- no fisherman is born.
32:01 You got to hang around somebody whose done it before. And you learn the little tricks
32:04 of the trade. You learn the little -- "This is this, and then this is what you
32:08 do next." And that's how you learn, by observing.
32:10 The deal is, the more times you go fishing, the more successful you are at fishing.
32:14 But if you never go, guess how many fish you're gonna catch. Zero. Not a nothing.
32:19 You have to go.
32:20 "I will make you." Some of you have put off fishing
32:25 for people, for one reason or another, for most of your life.
32:30 You know who you are. You just have not done it. You've said, "Aw, it's not my
32:35 gift. No, it's not my responsibility nor my mission in this life.
32:38 Mnh-mnh. I know what I'm gifted to do, and it's not fishing.
32:41 So thank you." Doesn't cut it. Jesus gave this call and command
32:49 to all 12 of his followers. And you want to talk about a very diverse group?
32:54 Some were gifted in some ways. Very diverse. None of them is alike.
33:00 All 12 of them, recipients of His command -- I'll put that on the screen for you.
33:05 "Follow Me --" All 12 of them. "All 12 of you, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of
33:10 people." All 12 of them. "Go therefore unto all the world
33:13 and make disciples of all nations." All 12 of them.
33:15 "Don't be afraid. From now on, you will fish for people."
33:20 All 12 of them. It's the Great Commission, not the "Great Suggestion."
33:31 It's a commission. "You follow me? You fish. Do you hear me?
33:35 You fish, girl. You fish. I teach you. I'll make you a fisherman.
33:39 You can count on me. I'm not gonna let you down. I want you to succeed more than
33:46 you'll ever know. Come on. Let's go. Follow Me." So, to protest, "Oh, it's not my
33:54 gift; I just have other things I can do in my life --" wrong! "I know it's not your gift,"
34:00 He's saying, but that's precisely the point. "I will make it your gift.
34:06 I will make you a fisher of people. Follow Me. Follow Me.
34:11 I'll make you a fisher of people." By the way, Mark's rendition of
34:16 this story -- Mark adds a second word that's not in Matthew. We'll put Mark -- The
34:20 New American Standard Bible catches it, so it's on the screen now.
34:24 "And Jesus said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you
34:27 become --'" See that extra word?
34:28 It's in the Greek. It's an extra word.
34:30 Become -- "I will make you become fishers of men."
34:35 Mark adds that word "become."
34:38 You know why? Because it's a process, that's why.
34:40 [ Chuckles ] It's a process. It's a life journey based on a heart, love for the Savior who
34:45 saved you when you yourself were lost. And you carry Jesus' picture in
34:49 your wallet, and you look at it every day, and you say, "This is the God who saved me."
34:55 And it's looking at that picture every day that makes you realize, "I have to do it for
35:00 others. What He did for me, I must do for others."
35:05 For those who are still protesting -- "Aw, but come on, Dwight.
35:08 I'm just not sure this is me. I'm not there, and I don't think I'm ever gonna be there."
35:11 For you, I want to read some words. These are rather provocative.
35:15 These are from Erwin Raphael McManus' book, "Seize Your Divine Moment."
35:20 Wow. What a powerful book. I'll put the words on the screen for you.
35:25 "This relationship between faith and uncertainty is inescapable.
35:31 What required faith for you yesterday --" Hold on now.
35:34 Read it. "[ Singsong voice ] What
35:36 required faith for you yesterday may become commonplace for you
35:40 tomorrow." [ Normal voice ] Pause button.
35:44 In other words, this life that you're living, that you and I
35:48 are living right now, this life...
35:51 you know, living without the need or desire to do any fishing
35:55 at all for people -- the life that you're living right now, in
35:58 the beginning, it may have been sufficient for you, in the days
36:02 and the years that are passed.
36:04 But guess what. You've gone on. You have gone on.
36:06 You're at a different place now in your walk with God. This is not beginner's faith
36:10 anymore. Look at you. Look how mature you are, not
36:13 just by looks, but by your life experience. And no fishing? No fishing?
36:22 Listen to McManus' point. This is good.
36:25 Back on the screen here...
36:33 "Although --" Now, listen, listen.
36:35 Read. "Although they are still
36:37 expressions of your faith, they --" And we're talking about
36:40 your everyday ways of living, living out your faith, "But I
36:42 don't want to fish." Living out your faith, but no
36:44 fishing. "Faith, but no fishing.
36:46 That's what I want, God." Those thoughts, that way, is no
36:50 longer -- This way of living is no longer the challenge that
36:54 launched you to a new-faith experience.
36:57 Once upon a time, when you stepped out for Jesus, that was
36:59 a huge challenge.
37:01 But guess what. Guess what's happening. You're flatlining right now.
37:06 I'm flatlining. You cannot hold this flatline, no-growth, no-challenge,
37:10 no-fishing choice without significant spiritual repercussions in your own walk
37:15 with God. It will impact you. You will suffer...
37:21 lack because of it. "Wow, Dwight. You're getting kind of punchy
37:27 here." No. No, no, no, no, no. You think about it.
37:29 If your faith is no longer growing, because there's nothing challenging you -- "I don't need
37:32 to pray God-sized prayers. I can do this all pretty much myself these days."
37:37 If your faith is no longer challenging you, you are no longer growing.
37:41 You are maintaining the status quo, and, in the Christian life, status quo always means no
37:46 growth -- no growth. That's McManus' point. Now, I want you to catch this
37:51 last sentence.
37:53 "While at first simply trusting God to take you outside your
37:56 experience is a huge leap of faith --" oh, it was when you
38:00 and I came to Jesus -- "eventually, God will expect
38:05 more from you." Hmm.
38:11 "Remember, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain
38:15 of what we do not see." McManus writing -- "Once
38:18 something is a certainty, it no longer requires faith.
38:21 "Don't be surprised..."
38:29 It doesn't cut it anymore. You've already reached that
38:31 level.
38:32 You got to go higher. "Lord, lift me up --" we sang it a moment ago -- "on higher
38:39 ground." You got to keep going higher and higher and higher.
38:42 You can't stay back there. There's no growth. Jesus' appeal to you and me --
38:49 and I'm listening to this just as carefully as you are -- is to become fishers of people.
38:53 It is tactically and tacitly the divine offer to raise the bar in our spiritual walk with God.
38:59 "I want to raise the bar. I want to raise the bar." We've become too comfortable.
39:05 We have become too secure. And what's true for individuals is true for congregations.
39:10 Too comfortable, too secure, too "same old, same old," too status quo -- too "no growth"!
39:19 No growth. It no longer takes great measures of faith for us to live
39:25 out our spirituality. It is precisely to counteract that dangerous plateauing in our
39:31 spiritual experience that fishing for people will push us to new, exhilarating faith
39:36 experiences with Christ because now I really need God to intervene.
39:40 Now I really need Jesus to step in. Now we're praying God-sized
39:45 prayers. Why? Because now I'm concerned about
39:47 saving lost people, which is what's driven God from the beginning -- only now I'm
39:51 catching it. You're not too old. Some of you are in your 70s.
39:55 Some of you are in your 80s. You are not too old to start fishing.
40:00 Ask any fisherman on this planet, and he'll tell you you're never too old to fish.
40:09 So, let Him raise you. Let Him lift me, like that rescue helicopter, out of our
40:15 comfort zone, into a world of radical faith and unpredictable but deeply fulfilling and
40:20 exhilarating fishing. "I will make you. I'll do it. You follow me.
40:25 I'll do it, but I need your permission. Grab ahold of that net with me.
40:31 It won't hurt you. Grab ahold of that with me. Let's do it together."
40:38 Wow. "In the very act of rescuing others, could it be you rescued
40:45 me more than I rescued you?" Hmm. Jesus promises great news.
40:54 "I will make you." You don't even have to go to school.
40:58 You don't even need a -- There's no degree on this you get. Anybody, anywhere, anytime on
41:04 this planet... can be made into a fisher of people.
41:12 It's that simple. No kidding. It's that simple. Let me end with a quotation and
41:19 a story. First, the quotation. "Desire of Ages" makes this
41:21 point powerfully, this reciprocal-giving point. Wow. Look at this.
41:25 On the screen -- "Desire of Ages."
41:27 "And he who seeks to give light to other will himself be
41:31 blessed." Let me repeat that.
41:34 And she who seeks to give light to others will herself be
41:39 blessed. "There shall be showers of
41:41 blessing," quoting Proverbs 11:25.
41:44 "He that watereth shall be watered also himself."
41:47 She who waters will herself be watered.
41:50 It's reciprocal, remember? Reciprocal.
41:53 You rescue, but you're actually getting rescued in the process.
41:57 "God could have --" Now continuing on here.
41:59 "God could have reached His object in saving sinners without
42:02 our aid --" Could've done it. Of course he could've.
42:05 "But in order for us to develop a character like Christ's, we
42:09 must share in His work. In order..."
42:18 And I have very good news for you.
42:20 Jesus assures us, on this last day of the semester... "I have very good news for you.
42:31 I will make you fish for people. I'll be your Maker. I'll be your mentor."
42:42 Hey, wait a minute. Is Jesus is your Maker and mentor, does it get any better
42:45 than that? Come on, does it get any better? "I'll be your Maker, I'll be
42:48 your mentor. I will do this with you." [ Exhales deeply ]
42:55 How could you go wrong? Want to end with a story.
43:02 This is from Donald Miller's book, "Blue Like Jazz." This book is whimsically
43:07 powerful -- or maybe I should say powerfully whimsical, but it's a great book.
43:12 Found it for a dollar on a used-book tray.
43:21 Donald Miller. Goes like this. This is the story.
43:26 "The first day of school was exhilarating. It was better than high school."
43:30 He's going to Reed College. Now, you need to know that Reed College is one of the top
43:37 Ivy League, liberal-arts colleges in the nation. I went online.
43:42 They have an admission waiting list a mile long. It's expensive.
43:50 And it's not Christian. It's just an Ivy League, liberal-arts school.
43:55 "The first day of school was exhilarating." So he's a freshman.
43:58 "It was better than high school. There were 400 freshmen in my humanities class.
44:06 Dr. Peter Steinberger, the acting president, delivered a lecture of which I understood
44:09 about 10%, but the 10% I understood was brilliant. I loved it.
44:12 I made noises while he was teaching --" hmm -- "humming noises, noises --" mm-hmm,
44:16 mm-hmm -- "noises in agreement with his passionate decrees." Rather heady for a freshman
44:22 accepted into such a top school. "After class, I would usually go to the commons and organize my
44:28 notes. It was in the commons where I met Laura, who, although she was
44:31 an atheist, would teach me a great deal about God." Hmm.
44:36 "Her father, whom she loved and admired deeply, was a Methodist minister in Atlanta, yet she was
44:40 the only one in her family who could not embrace the idea of God.
44:43 She explained that her family loved her all the same and that there was no tension because of
44:47 her resistance to faith. Laura and I started meeting every day after lecture,
44:50 rehashing the day's themes. I don't believe I ever met anybody as brilliant as Laura.
44:56 She seemed to drink in the complicated themes of Greek literature as though they were
45:00 cartoons. 'What did you think of the lecture?' I once asked her.
45:03 'I thought it was okay.' 'Just okay?' I asked. 'Yeah, I mean, you know, this is
45:07 supposed to be a pretty challenging school, and I wasn't that challenged.
45:11 Not that good of an introduction, if you ask me. I hope they don't put the
45:14 cookies on the lower shelf all year.' 'Cookies?' I asked.
45:17 I thought she had cookies." [ Laughter ]
45:21 "Laura would go on to explain the ideas I didn't understand.
45:24 In time, she figured out that I was a Christian, but we didn't
45:26 talk much about it.
45:31 The goofy thing about Christian faith is that you believe it and don't believe it at the same
45:36 time. It isn't unlike having an imaginary friend.
45:39 I believe in Jesus. I believe he is the Son of God. But every time I sit down to
45:43 explain this to somebody, I feel like a palm reader, like somebody who works at a circus,
45:46 or a kid who's always making things up or somebody at a "Star Trek" convention who
45:50 hasn't figured out the show isn't real." [ Laughter ]
45:54 "Until..." One-word paragraph. "Until...
45:58 When one of my friends becomes a Christian -- which happens about every 10 years because I am such
46:03 a sheep about sharing my faith -- the experience is euphoric.
46:08 I see in their eyes the trueness of the story. Everybody at Reed was telling me
46:12 something was wrong with Laura. They said she was depressed or something.
46:15 I ran into her at a lecture at the Vollum lounge, which is beautiful like a museum with its
46:19 tall white walls. Laura sat in front of me, and, when the lecture was over, she
46:23 didn't leave. Neither did I. I didn't want to bother her, but
46:26 I could tell she was sad about something. 'How are you?' I asked.
46:30 'I'm not good.' She turned to face me. I could see in her eyes she'd
46:34 spent the morning crying. 'What's wrong?' 'Everything.'
46:37 'Boy stuff?' I asked. 'No.' 'School stuff?' I asked.
46:40 'No.' 'God stuff?' Laura just looked at me.
46:44 Her eyes were sore and moist. 'I guess so, Don. I don't know.' 'Can you explain any of it -- I
46:50 mean, the way you feel?' 'I feel like my life is a mess. I can't explain it.
46:54 It's just a mess.' 'I see,' I said. 'Don, I just want to confess, I
46:58 have done terrible things. Can I confess to you?' 'Ooh, I don't think confessing
47:03 to me is gonna do you any good.' As I said it, Laura wiped her eyes with her fingers.
47:09 'I feel like He's after me, Don.' 'Who's after you?' I asked.
47:12 'God.' 'Well, I think that's very beautiful, Laura.
47:14 I believe you. I believe God wants you.' 'I feel like he's after me,' she
47:18 repeated. 'Well, what do you think he wants?'
47:20 'I don't know. I can't do this, Don. You don't understand.
47:23 I can't do this!' 'Can't do what, Laura?' 'Be a Christian.'
47:27 'Well, why can't you be a Christian?' Laura didn't say anything.
47:30 She just looked at me and rolled her tired eyes. She dropped her hands into her
47:34 lap with a sigh. 'I wish I could read you my journal,' she said, looking
47:38 blankly at the wall. 'There is this part of me that wants to believe.
47:41 I wrote about it in my journal. My family believes, Don. I feel as though I need to
47:45 believe, like I'm gonna die if I don't believe, but it is all so stupid, so completely stupid.'
47:51 'Laura, why is it that you hang out with the Christians on campus?'
47:54 'I don't know. I guess I'm just curious.' She wiped her eye again.
47:58 'You're not dumb, I don't think. I just don't understand, Don, how you can believe this stuff.'
48:03 'I don't either, really' I told her, 'but I believe in God, Laura.
48:07 There is something inside me that causes me to believe, and I now believe that God is after
48:12 you, that God wants you to believe, too.' 'What do you mean?' she asked,
48:18 dropping her hands in her lap and sighing once again. 'I mean the idea that you want
48:21 to confess. I think that God is wanting a relationship with you, and that
48:25 starts by confessing directly to him. He is offering forgiveness.'
48:29 'You're not making this easy, Don. I don't exactly believe I need a
48:32 God to forgive me of anything.' 'I know, but that's what I believe is happening.
48:36 Perhaps you can see it as an act of social justice. The entire world is falling
48:40 apart because nobody will admit they're wrong, but, by asking God to forgive you, you are
48:45 willing to own your own mess.' Laura sat silent for awhile. She sort of mumbled under her
48:53 breath. 'I can't, Don. It isn't a decision.
48:56 It isn't something you decide.' 'What do you mean?' 'Well, I can't get there.
49:00 I just can't say it without meaning it.' She was getting very frustrated.
49:03 'I can't do it. It would be like trying to fall in love with somebody or trying
49:08 to convince yourself your favorite food is pancakes. You don't decide those things.
49:11 They just happen to you. If God is real, He needs to happen to me.'
49:17 'That's true, but don't panic. It's okay. God brought you this far, Laura.
49:21 He will bring you the rest of the way. It may take time.'
49:25 'But this hurts,' she said. 'I want to believe, but I can't. I hate this.'
49:33 Laura went back to her room. The next day, I got an e-mail from Penny, saying she, too, had
49:41 talked with Laura. Penny asked me to pray for her, as Laura felt trapped.
49:45 Penny said she was going to spend a great deal of time with her, really walking her through
49:48 her emotions. I had no explanation for Laura. I don't think there is an
49:53 explanation. My belief in Jesus did not seem rational or scientific, and yet
49:57 there was nothing I could do to separate myself from this belief.
50:00 I think Laura was looking for something rational because she believed that all things that
50:04 were true were rational, but that isn't the case. Love, for example, is a true
50:08 emotion, but it's not rational. What I mean is people actually feel it.
50:11 I've been in love. Plenty of people have been in love, yet love cannot be proved
50:15 scientifically. Neither can beauty. Light can't be proved
50:18 scientifically, and yet we all believe in light and, by light, see all things.
50:21 There are plenty of things that are true that don't make any sense.
50:25 I think one of the problems Laura was having was that she wanted God to make sense.
50:32 He doesn't. He'll make no more sense to me than I will make to an ant."
50:42 In his book, "Orthodoxy," G.K. Chesterton says, "Chess players go crazy, not poets."
50:47 [ Chuckling ] I like that. [ Laughter ] Donald Miller goes on.
50:53 I think he's right. "You'd go crazy trying to explain penguins.
50:56 It's best just to watch them and be entertained. I don't think you can explain
51:01 how Christian faith works, either. It's a mystery.
51:03 And I love this about Christian spirituality -- it cannot be explained, and yet it is
51:07 beautiful and true. It is something you feel, and it comes from the soul.
51:12 I crawled out of bed a few days later and cracked open the Bible on my desk.
51:16 I didn't feel like reading, honestly, so I turned on my computer and fidgeted with the
51:20 'Sim City' town I'd been working on. I checked my e-mail and noticed
51:25 one from Laura. She had sent it in the early hours of the morning.
51:29 The subject read, 'So, anyway, about all that stuff.' 'Dearest friend Don, I read
51:37 through the Book of Matthew this evening. I was up all night.
51:44 I couldn't stop reading, so I read through Mark. This Jesus of yours is either a
51:48 madman or the Son of God. Somewhere in the middle of Mark, I realized He was the
51:53 Son of God. I suppose this makes me a Christian.
51:59 I feel much better now. Come to campus tonight, and we'll get a bite to eat.
52:04 Much love, Laura.'"
52:09 I'm telling you... [ Taps book ] ...this is fishing.
52:14 It's not contrived. It's not forced. It's in the course of everyday
52:23 relationships. It just happens. And if you'll be there when it
52:30 happens, you get to pull the net in. "Don't be afraid.
52:36 Don't be afraid. From now on, you will fish for people."
52:44 And as Donald Miller wrote, catching one is euphoric. Let's pray.
52:54 Oh, God... I'm sure there is someone in this universe who's trying to
52:59 over-complicate all of this so that we will never put hand to net, never place heart in Jesus'
53:07 command -- never. But, oh, we have only robbed ourselves and you, those we
53:15 could've reached, if we just had said yes. You make me, Jesus.
53:21 You make me what You need me to be. And by Your grace, I will fish
53:27 with You for people. [ "I Will Make You Fishers of Men" plays ]
56:29 [ Song ends ] >> And now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we
56:34 ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church
56:40 and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.
56:46 Amen. >> Amen. [ Organ plays hymn ]
57:01 >> I want to take an extra moment to thank you for joining us in worship today.
57:05 It's by the continued support from viewers like you that we're able to bring this telecast.
57:09 Today I want to invite you, though, to share with us how this ministry has blessed you.
57:14 Truth is I get inspiring notes, e-mails, letters from viewers literally all over the world,
57:20 sharing with us how God has blessed them through this program, and I'd love to hear
57:23 from you, as well.
57:25 It's not that hard -- simple, really.
57:27 Just visit our website,
57:29 That's one word,
57:33 And click on the contact link at the top of the page.
57:35 Shoot me that e-mail. Once again, thank you for being
57:38 with us.
57:39 Thank you, by the way, for your own support. That support is what keeps this
57:43 telecast, week after week, reaching America, reaching North America, and reaching the
57:49 planet. That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost and
57:53 blessing to us. And I hope you'll join us right here next time 'cause we'll be
57:58 here. In the meantime, God be with you and bless you real good.
58:05 ♪♪


Revised 2017-06-07