¤¤ 00:00:01.63\00:00:04.53 [ "Christ is Alive!" plays ] 00:00:09.17\00:00:11.57 [ Song ends ] >> Would you bow your heads with me as we pray. 00:02:31.71\00:02:36.02 Father in heaven, Lord, Savior, mighty redeemer... we come this 00:02:36.02\00:02:44.23 morning thanking You for forming the universe after Your own heart and seeing fit to build a 00:02:44.23\00:02:50.27 bridge between heaven and earth named Jesus Christ. This morning, Lord, we come with 00:02:50.27\00:02:56.47 the image of the Cross in our minds, thanking You for the 00:02:56.47\00:03:02.18 sacrifice. And we also come this morning, Lord, with the image of that glorious open tomb, as we 00:03:02.18\00:03:08.08 worship You here this morning. Thank You for loving us and calling us Your own. 00:03:08.08\00:03:14.32 In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Good morning, and welcome. I'm so glad you're here this 00:03:14.32\00:03:21.46 morning. Are you glad to be here? I want to welcome you. 00:03:21.46\00:03:24.97 This is just an amazing, incredible High Sabbath. There's so much energy in the 00:03:24.97\00:03:29.94 room this morning. And you know what's amazing about that energy, is that it's 00:03:29.94\00:03:34.11 founded on the Gospel, and it's founded on Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ is mighty 00:03:34.11\00:03:39.61 to save, and He proved it 2,000 years ago. And today we 00:03:39.61\00:03:46.02 celebrate that and remember that, especially this morning on our Sabbath Resurrection 00:03:46.02\00:03:51.03 service. So I invite you to stand with us this morning as we sing praises to God, first 00:03:51.03\00:03:56.13 starting off with "Mighty to Save." [ "Mighty to Save" plays 00:03:56.13\00:03:59.93 ] [ Song ends, piano continues playing ] >> God is mighty, 00:07:10.69\00:07:15.26 amen? But He's not just mighty. He's mighty for a purpose. And that purpose is salvation. 00:07:15.26\00:07:22.17 And you may come this morning thinking, "Phew, man, how could I ever be worthy of the love of 00:07:22.17\00:07:27.51 the Father?" And the Father this morning responds to you, and He 00:07:27.51\00:07:33.05 says, "My love is deep, and my love is vast. It was so large I 00:07:33.05\00:07:37.99 stretched out my arms for you on the Cross." And so, this morning, no matter where you 00:07:37.99\00:07:43.86 are, the burdens that you're carrying, I invite you to come forward during this song. Come 00:07:43.86\00:07:49.20 lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross and bask in the glory and the warmth of the love of 00:07:49.20\00:07:55.90 the Father because His love was so deep for us. Come forward in our preparation for prayer. 00:07:55.90\00:08:00.91 [ "How Deep the Father's Love For Us" plays ] 00:08:00.91\00:08:04.18 [ Tempo slows ] [ Flourish, song ends ] 00:09:36.97\00:09:42.71 [ Mid-tempo music plays ] 00:09:47.32\00:09:48.88 [ Music intensifies ] 00:13:10.15\00:13:11.55 [ Song ends ] >> Mm! Amen and amen. Yeah. 00:13:21.83\00:13:26.97 [ Applause ] 00:13:26.97\00:13:28.14 Oh, boy, when I grow up, I want to play in the band. Isn't that 00:13:32.21\00:13:36.31 something? That was just beautiful. Thank you, Alan Mitchell and Wind Symphony, 00:13:36.31\00:13:40.15 Andrews University. Hey, happy Easter, boys and girls. 00:13:40.15\00:13:43.35 Nice to see you on this glorious, sunshiny Resurrection 00:13:43.35\00:13:51.99 Sabbath. Oh, you're looking lovely. Oh, you are looking so springtime and lovely today. 00:13:51.99\00:13:55.76 Thank you for looking this way. So, the story's about a dog. And so I want you to look on the 00:13:55.76\00:13:59.80 screens right now. I want you to look on the worship screen, and 00:13:59.80\00:14:03.04 you see a dog. That dog is -- Oh, it's a mutt. That dog is 00:14:03.04\00:14:07.94 part shepherd, German shepherd, but they don't know what the other part is. And this dog has 00:14:07.94\00:14:12.71 been in trouble, mm-hmm. I think this is either the third or the 00:14:12.71\00:14:16.99 fourth owner. I'm not gonna tell you the name of the dog, just because -- look at that. 00:14:16.99\00:14:20.36 And you know where the dog lives? Ozark City, Alabama. 00:14:20.36\00:14:23.76 Anybody here from Alabama? Alabama. That's where the 00:14:23.76\00:14:28.46 doggy's from. Oh, the dog just has a way of getting in trouble. I don't know what happens. 00:14:28.46\00:14:33.07 I mean, it's not his fault. One day, as he's gonna -- [ Panting 00:14:33.07\00:14:38.17 ] And his owner's checking him out. "You know, you don't look 00:14:38.17\00:14:41.28 very healthy. Say, 'Ah.'" "Ahh!" 00:14:41.28\00:14:43.08 "Oh, yeah, you're not healthy." So he took that dog to the 00:14:43.08\00:14:48.25 veterinarian. And the veterinarian checked the dog out and said, "Uh-oh. Bad news. 00:14:48.25\00:14:53.15 This dog has heartworms." [ Gasps ] You don't want 00:14:53.15\00:14:56.79 heartworms if you're a dog. You don't even want them if you're 00:14:56.79\00:14:59.49 ahuman. Just bad. "Nah, I don't think there's anything we can 00:14:59.49\00:15:03.70 do. We're gonna need to put this dog to sleep." You know what 00:15:03.70\00:15:07.64 that means? >> Yes. >> It gets some medicine, and the dog just 00:15:07.64\00:15:11.17 falls asleep and never wakes up. That's what they did. But he 00:15:11.17\00:15:15.68 woke up! [ Laughter ] What's up with that? So he's happy. 00:15:15.68\00:15:19.55 [ Panting ] Oh, he's so happy to be alive. [ Panting ] 00:15:19.55\00:15:24.49 So, the owners left him in the shelter, animal shelter, and another family came along and 00:15:24.49\00:15:30.29 said, "We want that dog. That's a lovely dog. We'll take it. 00:15:30.29\00:15:32.53 Not sure what we're gonna name it, but we'll take that dog. [ Singsong voice ] Oh, here, 00:15:32.53\00:15:35.66 puppy, puppy!" [ Normal voice ] And the doggy ran all over the 00:15:35.66\00:15:38.33 property. But one day -- "We told you not to go out in the street." [ Inhales sharply ] But 00:15:38.33\00:15:41.54 the dog went out in the street. Boom! Here comes a car. Ohh! 00:15:41.54\00:15:45.31 Right on his hip. His leg is mangled. Ohh, everybody's crying 00:15:45.31\00:15:49.11 in the family. Everybody's crying. They have to take it back to the same veterinarian. 00:15:49.11\00:15:53.01 "You're gonna have to put this dog to sleep." "Ohh. We're so 00:15:53.01\00:15:57.19 sad." And so that's what they did. September 10th, the veterinarian put the dog to 00:15:57.19\00:16:01.62 sleep, filled out an official document that said "destroyed" on it. Listened to the heart. 00:16:01.62\00:16:08.00 It's gone. [ Cries ] The family went home. The next morning, 00:16:08.00\00:16:12.77 when the veterinarian came, guess who's sitting up in his cage, eating all the food that 00:16:12.77\00:16:19.27 was left in that cage. It's all gone. They said, "This dog -- 00:16:19.27\00:16:23.68 How many lives dodogshave? I don't know." But when they 00:16:23.68\00:16:27.35 looked -- And so that family left the dog. This family adopted the dog. And do you know 00:16:27.35\00:16:32.05 what this family named that dog? Lazarus. [ Laughter ] 00:16:32.05\00:16:35.19 That -- [ Laughs ] That is Lazarus. I think that's a great 00:16:35.19\00:16:38.89 name for a dog that keeps coming back to life, don't you? Lazarus 00:16:38.89\00:16:43.23 the dog. Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Every eye, every eye, every eye looking up here at the 00:16:43.23\00:16:46.90 big Cross. Looking at the Cross. Because that's where the 00:16:46.90\00:16:50.27 Lord Jesus, who raised Lazarus back to life -- that's where they hung Him, and He did die. 00:16:50.27\00:16:55.81 They buried the Lord of Lazarus. And you know what Satan did? He got the big official document 00:16:55.81\00:17:00.48 out, and he wrote "destroyed." He was the only one clapping, but he was clapping. 00:17:00.48\00:17:05.05 "Destroyed." But three days later, guess what happened. 00:17:05.05\00:17:08.09 Three days -- Does anybody know what happened? Come on, tell me 00:17:08.09\00:17:11.23 what happened. Three days later, who comes marching out of that grave, that hole in the ground? 00:17:11.23\00:17:14.40 Who comes marching out? It's the Lord Jesus Himself. Yay! 00:17:14.40\00:17:22.74 And that's why we're in church today, because Jesus rose -- and that's why all these lilies, and 00:17:22.74\00:17:27.78 that's why this worship's special today. Jesus rose. 00:17:27.78\00:17:30.75 Let me see that picture of Jesus, our Savior. Oh, there's a 00:17:30.75\00:17:35.12 beautiful picture of Jesus, our Sa-- There it is on the big screen, too. Jesus rose again, 00:17:35.12\00:17:41.62 and that's why we're here. Oh, how He loves us. Oh, how He 00:17:41.62\00:17:46.29 loves us. Who would like to thank Jesus today? I need a 00:17:46.29\00:17:49.53 little boy today. I've had a lot of little girls, but is there a little boy who would thank 00:17:49.53\00:17:54.07 Jesus? Are you raising your hand, or is your sister raising 00:17:54.07\00:17:57.21 your hand for you? [ Laughter ] Yeah, hey, nice try, sis. Okay, is there a boy here that 00:17:57.21\00:18:02.28 would pray? Okay, "Mr. Blue Shirt." Come on. Come on, you 00:18:02.28\00:18:07.22 have to make your way through here. And while you're coming, I'm getting the microphone for 00:18:07.22\00:18:10.12 you. Yep. Watch out now. Here comes the young gentleman who's 00:18:10.12\00:18:15.46 gonna thank Jesus. Shh! He's gonna thank Jesus for being our Savior and rising again so 00:18:15.46\00:18:21.73 that we one day will rise again, too. What's your name, junior? 00:18:21.73\00:18:26.13 >> J.J. -- Jaziel. >> Jay? >> Yes. 00:18:26.13\00:18:29.97 >> Jaziel. Jay Jaziel, come on. Let's pray. >> No, J-A-Z-I-E-L. 00:18:29.97\00:18:34.64 >> Oh, J.J. Jaziel? >> No. >> No. 00:18:34.64\00:18:36.68 >> J-A-Z-I-E-L. >> Oh, you're spelling me your name. 00:18:36.68\00:18:39.25 [ Chuckling ] Okay. [ Laughter ] I thought your first name was 00:18:39.25\00:18:43.39 Jay. Okay. Jaziel. Would you mind praying? 00:18:43.39\00:18:47.99 Let's close our eyes and fold our hands as Jaziel thanks Jesus for being our Savior. 00:18:47.99\00:18:53.33 >> Thank You, God. Thank You for this beautiful day. 00:18:53.33\00:18:55.93 Thank You for everybody that's in church. Thank You for 00:18:55.93\00:18:59.37 everybody that's feeling better. Thank You for everybody that's going to -- with Jesus. 00:18:59.37\00:19:04.21 Thank You for everybody that's healthy and eating lots of 00:19:04.21\00:19:09.11 foods. >> Mm-hmm. >> Thank You, and amen. >> Amen, Jaziel. 00:19:09.11\00:19:12.81 That's a beautiful prayer. All right. As you go quietly and 00:19:12.81\00:19:16.48 reverently back to your seats, I got to talk to your mom and dad, the big people, for a moment. 00:19:16.48\00:19:20.76 But a blessed Resurrection weekend to you. God bless you. 00:19:20.76\00:19:27.03 Happy Sabbath. [ Majestic music plays ] 00:19:29.30\00:19:30.70 [ Music intensifies ] 00:23:38.85\00:23:40.35 [ Music softens ] 00:23:47.66\00:23:49.19 [ Song ends ] 00:24:39.34\00:24:40.71 [ "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" plays ] 00:24:44.48\00:24:47.88 [ Song ends ] >> Amen. >> Amen. Amen. 00:28:38.95\00:28:41.85 Oh, God, You have heard our hearts. With all the voice that 00:28:41.85\00:28:48.39 is in us, we sing of our hope. We sing of our trust. We 00:28:48.39\00:28:58.33 believe. "Ours the Cross, the grave, the skies." Alleluia. 00:28:58.33\00:29:05.54 Oh, living Christ, through Your Spirit, engage these last moments we have in worship, in 00:29:05.54\00:29:12.61 Your Word. We pray in Your name. Amen. 00:29:12.61\00:29:16.62 [ Birds singing ] 00:29:18.65\00:29:20.06 [ Footsteps approach ] 00:29:25.59\00:29:27.30 You'd have to believe that if Jesus were resurrected today, 00:29:56.26\00:30:01.70 somebody would have tried to capture the moment with their 00:30:01.70\00:30:09.77 cellphone. [ Click tongue ] 00:30:09.77\00:30:12.17 "Got it!" 00:30:12.17\00:30:13.81 United Airlines... [ Congregation murmurs ] 00:30:17.05\00:30:21.48 That's all I'm saying. [ Laughter ] Come on, this is the 00:30:21.65\00:30:27.26 world of a camera is always recording everything. But you 00:30:27.26\00:30:30.23 know what? If I could go on YouTube today and there be two Resurrection scenes -- the one, 00:30:30.23\00:30:34.83 of course, of the actual Resurrection of my Lord Jesus, or the other scene -- I would 00:30:34.83\00:30:38.97 choose the other scene because, probably, the first scene would be whited out totally. 00:30:38.97\00:30:43.54 You couldn't see a thing. And the second scene -- to me, the mystery is embedded in it as 00:30:43.54\00:30:50.11 the one who was dead and is now alive is squatting around a campfire with His closest 00:30:50.11\00:30:56.28 friends, and they're having breakfast down by the lake. And as the orange shadows dance 00:30:56.28\00:31:04.56 on this resurrected man's face, I can't imagine. I'd replay it 00:31:04.56\00:31:11.83 and replay it and replay it. I want relive that moment with 00:31:11.83\00:31:15.80 you. Because I can assure you, here in John 21, Peter -- Let's see. Peter and Thomas and 00:31:15.80\00:31:21.61 Nathanael and James and John and two other fishing buddies, for the rest of their lives, they 00:31:21.61\00:31:27.58 never forgot that early morning breakfast by the shores of Galilee. So find John 21. 00:31:27.58\00:31:32.02 That's our homily passage for this Easter weekend -- John 21. 00:31:32.02\00:31:40.30 Let's pick it up. I'm in the NIV. Whatever Bible you have -- Pew Bible's in front of you. 00:31:40.30\00:31:43.40 You can find it there, as well. It's page 732 in the pew Bible. Let's start in verse nine. 00:31:43.40\00:31:49.77 "And when they landed --" That would be the disciples, the 00:31:49.94\00:31:53.27 seven I just mentioned. And they'd been out all night. 00:31:53.27\00:31:56.38 "And when they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there 00:31:56.38\00:32:00.25 with fish on it, and some bread. And Jesus said to them --" verse 00:32:00.25\00:32:04.59 12 -- "'Come and have breakfast.' 00:32:04.59\00:32:07.06 None of the disciples dared ask him, 'Who are you?' 00:32:07.06\00:32:11.43 They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came, and took the bread, 00:32:11.43\00:32:15.40 and He gave it to them, and He did the same with the fish. 00:32:15.40\00:32:18.63 This was now --" verse 14 -- "the third time Jesus appeared 00:32:18.63\00:32:21.94 to his disciples after He was raised from the dead." 00:32:21.94\00:32:25.97 You know what? If I had been sitting there, squatting around 00:32:27.74\00:32:31.58 that campfire, I believe the cat would've gotten my tongue, too. I mean, what are you gonna say? 00:32:31.58\00:32:35.92 You know the boys are -- They're all young. They're... 00:32:35.92\00:32:40.46 Nobody's speaking, but, "[Whispering] Look, look, look. 00:32:40.46\00:32:44.86 Look, look, look! [ Normal voice ] He was dead. He's alive, and His hand just brushed mi-- His 00:32:44.86\00:32:50.13 hand just brushed mine as He handed me the bread." 00:32:50.13\00:32:53.54 F.F. Bruce, in his commentary of this moment -- his words on the 00:32:53.70\00:32:57.67 screen. "The disciples, it appears, were 00:32:57.67\00:33:00.31 conscious of a certain uneasiness --" Yeah, cat got my 00:33:00.31\00:33:03.58 tongue -- "an uneasiness in the presence of their risen Lord..." 00:33:03.58\00:33:07.35 Hey, listen, listen. If you've had breakfast with a man who was 00:33:20.13\00:33:26.97 dead and is now resurrected, I'm just thinking there's probably nothing in life that would make 00:33:26.97\00:33:33.14 you afraid again. Don't you suppose? I mean, come on. 00:33:33.14\00:33:37.28 I heard Andy Stanley ask that question once, and I thought to myself, "You are right on." 00:33:37.28\00:33:43.42 I mean, look. So, North Korea this weekend triggers a nuclear 00:33:43.42\00:33:49.59 device -- well, the talking heads out there -- and plunges the world, 100 years exactly 00:33:49.59\00:33:57.17 after World War I, into some sort of global conflagration. But what's there to fear? 00:33:57.17\00:34:04.44 Can't the man beside the breakfast campfire handle it? Isn't He the one who was dead 00:34:04.44\00:34:11.75 but is now alive forevermore? I mean, look. So, the doctor walks 00:34:11.75\00:34:17.29 into your examining room with the X-rays and C.T. scans as evidence and pronounces, "You 00:34:17.29\00:34:23.29 are not gonna make it." [ Scoffs ] But what's there to fear? 00:34:23.29\00:34:28.93 Can't the man beside the breakfast campfire handle it? Isn't He the one who was dead 00:34:28.93\00:34:33.84 once but now is alive forever? I mean, come on. I'm just saying. 00:34:33.84\00:34:39.31 Look. All those high-flying dreams that you have, your daydreams and your night dreams 00:34:39.31\00:34:44.71 about your career that one day is coming, suddenly, like smoke, dissipate when the reality of 00:34:44.71\00:34:52.59 past school, past graduation sinks in, and you're trying to get a job with the grades you 00:34:52.59\00:34:59.53 got. Hey, wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. What's there to be afraid of? 00:34:59.53\00:35:03.43 Can't the man who sat by the campfire -- couldn't He do something about this? 00:35:03.43\00:35:07.90 Isn't He the one who was dead once but is now alive 00:35:07.90\00:35:11.74 forevermore? I'm just saying, ladies and gentlemen. When you've had breakfast with a 00:35:11.74\00:35:16.11 man who was dead and is now resurrected, you pretty much have nothing to be afraid of 00:35:16.11\00:35:21.48 ever again. "Yeah, but Dwight, let me just tell you something, 00:35:21.48\00:35:25.85 boy. He has never sat around my campfire." Well, of course 00:35:25.85\00:35:31.13 you're right. I've never seen Him, either. Maybe that's why, eight days after his 00:35:31.13\00:35:36.77 Resurrection, Jesus shows up again unannounced, uninvited, into the upper room... 00:35:36.77\00:35:43.07 an upper room, eight days ago, that was minus Thomas. I'm talking about the Thomas 00:35:43.07\00:35:50.15 who's been moping all around the house for eight days now, just pouting to himself, "He shows up 00:35:50.15\00:35:54.85 to them. He doesn't show up to me. I tell you what, I refuse to 00:35:54.85\00:35:58.15 believe it. Unless I touch him, all bets are off. 00:35:58.15\00:36:03.86 I'm not gonna believe." Eight days later, Jesus shows up, and He goes straight to 00:36:03.86\00:36:08.06 Thomas. "Yo, Thomas. Come here. 00:36:08.06\00:36:11.70 Come here, come here, come here. Give me your hand. 00:36:11.70\00:36:14.47 You're touching my wounds. You feel that? Mm-hmm. 00:36:16.17\00:36:19.11 Come here. You're touching my broken, open 00:36:19.11\00:36:25.21 chest." 00:36:25.21\00:36:26.55 And Thomas, his face flushed now, but with awe and adoration, drops to his knees, and he cries 00:36:29.22\00:36:38.79 out, "My Lord and my God." And then Jesus says, "Hey, Thomas, 00:36:38.79\00:36:48.07 Thomas." Well, just turn one page back. We'll get His actual words here. One page back. 00:36:48.07\00:36:50.97 So this is John 20:29. 00:36:50.97\00:36:53.31 "Then Jesus told Thomas --" see -- "'Because you have seen 00:36:53.48\00:36:57.41 me, you have believed; but blessed are those who have not 00:36:57.41\00:37:01.35 seen and yet have believed." 00:37:01.35\00:37:06.65 Apparently -- Hey, hey. Apparently, he has sat around 00:37:06.82\00:37:11.26 our own campfires. We just never saw him there. And what he's whispering today is, "Believe, 00:37:11.26\00:37:16.16 believe. Just believe. I'm with you. I was there." [ Laughs ] 00:37:16.16\00:37:23.84 I repeat, when you've had breakfast with a man who's been dead and who is now alive, you 00:37:23.84\00:37:28.01 pretty much have nothing to be afraid of, don't you? So, we have this moment with 00:37:28.01\00:37:34.08 Thomas, and we have the early morning breakfast. But let's go 00:37:34.08\00:37:37.89 to the story. There's a story tucked in right between the two. It's a wonderful story. 00:37:37.89\00:37:42.66 And, by the way, it's a fishing story, and Thomas is a part of 00:37:42.66\00:37:46.46 it. So, John, in his storytelling way, in John 21 -- This is the epilogue to his 00:37:46.46\00:37:51.80 Gospel like chapter one is the prologue to it. John begins this 00:37:51.80\00:37:57.04 way. John 21:1... 00:37:57.21\00:37:58.84 You can hear old John -- There's John boy, but he's an old man 00:38:06.95\00:38:09.32 now. He's saying, "Hey, listen, 00:38:09.32\00:38:10.65 children. Shh! 00:38:10.65\00:38:11.42 I got a story for you. It happened this way. 00:38:11.42\00:38:13.82 Listen to me." Here comes the story now -- 00:38:13.82\00:38:17.23 verse two. "Simon Peter --" we know him -- 00:38:17.23\00:38:19.26 "Thomas --" [Chuckles] we know him, who's also known as 00:38:19.26\00:38:21.80 Didymus, or twin -- "Nathanael from Cana --" we know him -- "in 00:38:21.80\00:38:24.70 Galilee, the sons of Zebedee --" that would be John boy and his 00:38:24.70\00:38:27.60 older brother, James, yep -- "and two other unnamed disciples 00:38:27.60\00:38:31.57 were all together." Verse three. 00:38:31.57\00:38:34.51 "Hey, guys," Peter announces, "I'm going fishing." 00:38:34.51\00:38:40.42 And they all, with one voice, answer, "We're going with you, 00:38:40.42\00:38:44.69 Pete." And that's exactly what 00:38:44.69\00:38:47.36 happened. "So they went out and got into 00:38:47.36\00:38:49.39 the boat, but that night --" aw -- "that night they caught 00:38:49.39\00:38:52.19 nothing." It's a beautiful night. 00:38:52.19\00:38:54.20 The once full Passover orb is now just a sliver. 00:38:54.20\00:38:59.33 This is days later. But it's still picture perfect because 00:38:59.50\00:39:05.21 the beams from the moon -- silver light just rippling on the lapping lake against the 00:39:05.21\00:39:13.42 gunwales of their skiff. Beautiful but depressing. I 00:39:13.42\00:39:19.89 mean, please! No fish all night! 00:39:19.89\00:39:23.89 Now, remember now, these are fishermen. 00:39:24.06\00:39:25.63 They have done this for a living. 00:39:25.63\00:39:27.03 But when Jesus called them, they left their nets, they left the 00:39:27.03\00:39:29.50 boats behind, and they said, "Okay, we're following You." 00:39:29.50\00:39:33.47 But some of them have families to feed. 00:39:33.47\00:39:37.94 Some of them --Allof them are dealing with hunger. 00:39:37.94\00:39:40.94 And there is no money, thanks to Judas' pilfering from the 00:39:41.11\00:39:47.05 collective till. If ever they need a night of successful fishing, it would have to be 00:39:47.05\00:39:51.92 tonight. But they caught nothing. Mm. "Desire of Ages" describes this moment. 00:39:51.92\00:39:57.96 I love it. 00:39:57.96\00:39:59.19 Put it on the screen for you. "All night, they toiled, without 00:39:59.36\00:40:02.36 success. Through the weary hours, they 00:40:02.36\00:40:04.40 talked of their absent Lord, and recalled the wonderful events 00:40:04.40\00:40:07.44 they had witnessed in His ministry --" right here, right 00:40:07.44\00:40:10.24 here -- "beside the sea. They questioned as to their own 00:40:10.24\00:40:12.71 future." Some of you are worried about 00:40:12.71\00:40:14.34 your future right now. "They questioned as to their own 00:40:14.34\00:40:16.54 future. They grew sad at the prospect 00:40:16.54\00:40:18.15 before them..." 00:40:18.15\00:40:19.55 Oh, I love that. "At length, the morning dawned." 00:40:31.49\00:40:35.06 Beyond every midnight of nothing, there will come the morning of promise. 00:40:35.23\00:40:43.14 Amen. Reminds me of Bill and Gloria Gaither's splendid Easter 00:40:43.14\00:40:47.91 gospel song. ¤ Then came the morning ¤ You remember that? 00:40:47.91\00:40:54.12 ¤ Morning ¤ ¤ Night turned into day ¤ ¤ The stone was rolled 00:40:54.12\00:41:00.69 away ¤ ¤ Hope rose with the dawn ¤ ¤ Then came the morning ¤ ¤ Shadows vanish before the 00:41:00.69\00:41:08.83 sun ¤ ¤ Death had lost, and life had won ¤ 00:41:08.83\00:41:13.40 ¤ For morning had come ¤ I'm promising you, if you're in a night right now -- if you're 00:41:13.40\00:41:22.28 in a night right now, I'm promising you, the morning is 00:41:22.28\00:41:27.38 coming. >> Amen! >> Yeah! 00:41:27.38\00:41:29.65 All right, verse four. "Early in the morning --" Here 00:41:29.82\00:41:33.02 it comes.... 00:41:33.02\00:41:34.42 So he calls out to them, "Yo, friends! 00:41:38.66\00:41:41.90 Haven't you any fish?" "No!" they answered. 00:41:41.90\00:41:47.40 "He said, 'Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you 00:41:47.40\00:41:50.84 will find some.'" They still don't get it. 00:41:50.84\00:41:55.41 "And when they did, they were unable to haul the net in 00:41:55.41\00:41:57.78 because of the large number of fish. 00:41:57.78\00:41:59.45 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved --" that would be John 00:41:59.45\00:42:01.98 boy -- "said to Peter, 'It's the Lord!' 00:42:01.98\00:42:03.75 As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, 'It's the Lord,' he wrapped 00:42:03.75\00:42:06.52 his outer garment around him -- for he had taken it off --" and 00:42:06.52\00:42:09.22 he's not gonna show up in front of the Lord in his underwear -- 00:42:09.22\00:42:11.89 plunges into the water -- "jumps into the water. 00:42:11.89\00:42:14.00 And the other disciples followed in the boat --" verse eight -- 00:42:14.00\00:42:16.70 "towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from 00:42:16.70\00:42:19.60 shore, about a hundred yards. And when they landed, they saw a 00:42:19.60\00:42:22.74 file of burning coals --" there's that breakfast -- 00:42:22.74\00:42:26.24 "burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread." 00:42:26.24\00:42:30.31 Where'd that come from? 00:42:30.31\00:42:32.61 Verse 10. "And Jesus said to them, 'Bring some of the fish 00:42:32.78\00:42:36.22 you've caught.'" So Simon Peter is back out into the water, 00:42:36.22\00:42:39.92 climbs back in the boat, drags the net ashore. "It was full of large fish, 153, but even with 00:42:39.92\00:42:45.69 so many the net was not torn." Verse 12. Jesus said to them, 00:42:45.69\00:42:48.86 "Come, come, come. Let's have breakfast." "None of the disciples dared ask 00:42:48.86\00:42:52.47 him, 'Who are you?' They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came, took 00:42:52.47\00:42:56.84 the bread, and gave it to them -- did the same with the fish. This was now the third time 00:42:56.84\00:43:00.88 Jesus appeared to his disciples after He was raised from the 00:43:00.88\00:43:06.82 dead." Thus ends the second-greatest fishing story in 00:43:06.82\00:43:13.79 all the Gospels... which, by the way, was intentionally re-enacted in order for them and 00:43:13.79\00:43:24.00 us not to forget the punch line in the firstgreatest fishing story in all the Gospels... 00:43:24.00\00:43:31.81 which is why the second fishing story happened in the first place, which is why the first 00:43:31.81\00:43:37.58 story's punch line is absolutely essential. Last time we were 00:43:37.58\00:43:42.22 together, we were in that -- Come on, just for old time's sake. Just back to Luke 5. 00:43:42.22\00:43:47.06 We were in -- This is the great opening fish story of the 00:43:47.06\00:43:50.99 Gospels. We just read the closing. Luke chapter 5. Luke 5. All right, we'll pick it up in 00:43:50.99\00:43:57.33 verse four. 00:43:57.33\00:43:58.57 So, Jesus has the crowd here, and, "When he'd finished 00:43:58.73\00:44:00.77 speaking, Jesus said to Simon --" "Hey, Pete --" "'Put 00:44:00.77\00:44:04.97 out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.' 00:44:04.97\00:44:08.98 And Simon answered --" does this sound familiar? -- "'Master, 00:44:08.98\00:44:12.25 we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.'" 00:44:12.25\00:44:16.15 Happening all over again in that second story. 00:44:16.15\00:44:18.72 "'But --'" Peter goes on -- "'because You say so, I'll let 00:44:18.72\00:44:21.82 down the nets.' And when they had done so --" 00:44:21.82\00:44:23.89 [Exhales sharply] -- "they had caught such a large number of 00:44:23.89\00:44:26.19 fish that the nets began to break. 00:44:26.19\00:44:27.66 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat --" 00:44:27.66\00:44:29.80 "Come, come, come, and help us!" And they came and filled both 00:44:29.80\00:44:32.60 boats so full that both boats are going down now. 00:44:32.60\00:44:37.11 And Peter... "When Simon Peter saw this --" 00:44:37.11\00:44:40.18 verse eight -- "he fell at Jesus' knees, and he said, 'Go 00:44:40.18\00:44:43.01 away from me. Go away from me, Lord; I am a 00:44:43.01\00:44:45.21 sinful man!' For he and all his companions 00:44:45.21\00:44:47.22 were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were 00:44:47.22\00:44:49.95 James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners. 00:44:49.95\00:44:52.29 Then --" Here comes the punch line now. 00:44:52.29\00:44:54.22 "Then Jesus said to Simon, 'Don't be afraid. 00:44:54.22\00:44:59.96 Don't be afraid. From now on, you will fish for 00:44:59.96\00:45:06.94 people...'" 00:45:06.94\00:45:08.00 Speaking of fear, there it is again. There it is. 00:45:13.68\00:45:17.15 Because as it turns out, fishing and fear -- I'm talking about fishing for people, that is. 00:45:17.15\00:45:22.75 Fishing and fear very often go together. 00:45:22.75\00:45:27.32 I mean, if I share the good news that Jesus has resurrected and 00:45:27.49\00:45:30.46 that He's coming back to Earth again soon, what will people 00:45:30.46\00:45:33.26 say? What will my friends think? 00:45:33.26\00:45:34.93 How will my colleagues react? What will my neighbors say? 00:45:34.93\00:45:38.07 Do you know -- Listen, listen. Do you know that the number-one reason why people don't fish is 00:45:38.23\00:45:43.77 because of their fear of what people will think of them? [ 00:45:43.77\00:45:52.41 Scoffs ] I have a friend in Las Vegas -- good place, by the way, 00:45:52.41\00:45:58.29 to have friends. His name is "Buck" Weaver. He's been a businessman, been in sales most 00:45:58.29\00:46:04.96 of his life, and has done well. And he's absolutely passionate -- I'm telling you, 00:46:04.96\00:46:07.76 he's absolutely passionate about reaching America for Christ. And he'll call me up every so 00:46:07.76\00:46:13.00 often, and I know exactly what he's gonna say. "Come on, 00:46:13.00\00:46:16.20 Dwight. We got to reach America. We got to reach America. So what are you doing about it?" 00:46:16.20\00:46:21.34 "Me?" "Yeah, what are you doing about it?" 00:46:21.34\00:46:25.38 We'll have the conversation. This year alone -- This year alone, since January, four 00:46:25.38\00:46:30.65 times -- I have four voicemails on my cellphone. Four times. 00:46:30.65\00:46:33.96 Same speech, same passion, same voice, same Buck. Buck's not 00:46:33.96\00:46:40.70 afraid. Jesus said, "Don't be afraid." Buck isn't. I finally called him back this 00:46:40.70\00:46:46.40 week. I said, "Yo, Buck. I been getting your messages." 00:46:46.40\00:46:50.91 [ Chuckling ] And he starts in again, all over again. "I'm just telling you, Dwight. 00:46:50.91\00:46:54.74 We got to reach America while it's time! You got a voice? Use 00:46:54.74\00:47:02.28 it." [ Sighs ] Jesus' words to Peter -- on the screen... 00:47:02.28\00:47:06.09 Erwin Raphael McManus, in his amazing book -- I wish you had it -- "Seizing Your Divine 00:47:10.43\00:47:17.80 Moment," he writes these words. 00:47:17.80\00:47:19.70 Put them on the screen for you. 00:47:19.87\00:47:21.20 "If the only calling you are ever certain of is the one where 00:47:21.20\00:47:25.21 Jesus calls us all to follow Him and He would make us become 00:47:25.21\00:47:31.81 fishers of people --" If that's all you have, it is more than 00:47:31.81\00:47:35.15 enough. "He commissions all of us --" By 00:47:35.15\00:47:37.35 the way, not just Buck Weaver. "He commissionsallof us to go 00:47:37.35\00:47:40.89 and make disciples of all nations. 00:47:40.89\00:47:43.26 Jesus came to seek and save the lost. 00:47:43.26\00:47:45.76 All of us have a calling to give our lives away for His sake..." 00:47:45.76\00:47:49.66 It's all you need. Because what Jesus said to 00:47:53.17\00:47:55.70 Peter, He says to Mary. 00:47:55.70\00:47:57.27 "Don't be afraid, girl. From now on, you will fish for me." 00:47:57.44\00:48:03.01 McManus is right. It's the one calling you have right now that 00:48:03.01\00:48:07.65 you can be absolutely certain of. Doesn't matter whether you've graduated or not. 00:48:07.65\00:48:10.95 Doesn't matter whether you've ever been to school in your life 00:48:10.95\00:48:14.16 or not. You have been called, and you're the one now that God considers the called one. 00:48:14.16\00:48:22.40 "Don't be afraid," Jesus says, "From now on, you will fish for 00:48:22.40\00:48:27.10 people." And God has given you ahuge green light. McManus tells 00:48:27.10\00:48:36.18 a story in his book, and I know this has happened to you, too. He says, "Do you remember the 00:48:36.18\00:48:39.25 time --" And I think everybody here will remember the time. "Do you remember the time where 00:48:39.25\00:48:44.09 you're stuck behind someone in traffic?" All right? 00:48:44.09\00:48:47.46 There's one person between you and the red light. You're obviously in a hurry. 00:48:47.46\00:48:50.89 You have some very important appointment. You got to get 00:48:50.89\00:48:56.20 somewhere fast. And do you remember how you're acting when you're there? Because there's 00:48:56.20\00:48:59.87 one person between you and that light, so you're clutching the 00:48:59.87\00:49:02.94 steering wheel. You're just holding it tight, and you're drumming it, you're drumming it. 00:49:02.94\00:49:06.17 And your eyes -- your eyes are frozen on that red light, and you're staring it down. 00:49:06.17\00:49:11.58 You're just waiting for the moment when -- bam! It feel like 00:49:11.58\00:49:15.48 it takes forever, but every time it changes, your foot goes off the brake and onto -- Oh! 00:49:15.48\00:49:19.35 [ Inhales sharply ] Just before the accelerator, you realize that the person in front of you 00:49:19.35\00:49:24.93 has no idea she has permission to move now. [ Laughter ] 00:49:24.93\00:49:30.63 Remember? McManus writing, "Instead of looking forward, 00:49:30.63\00:49:35.40 she's fixed on her own image in the rearview mirror, and she's always on a cellphone." 00:49:35.40\00:49:39.34 Have you seen that? [ Laughter ] [ Scoffs ] 00:49:39.34\00:49:42.71 [ Chuckling ] And now McManus writes, he said, "I want you to think what you were thinking." 00:49:42.71\00:49:46.95 Notallthose thoughts, but weren't you thinking something 00:49:46.95\00:49:50.25 like this? "Remember what you were thinking." I love this. 00:49:50.25\00:49:52.69 "Remember what you were thinking. Here's what you were 00:49:52.69\00:49:55.79 thinking. 'Move, lady! It doesn't get any greener than 00:49:55.79\00:50:00.66 this! Move! What are you waiting for? This is as green as it gets. This is as 'go' as it 00:50:00.66\00:50:08.07 gets." And I said, "Man, I have parked behind that driver." And then he goes on with the 00:50:08.07\00:50:14.78 next sentence. Oops. [ Gasps ] 00:50:14.78\00:50:17.25 "I wonder if that's what God is thinking about us." "Dwight! 00:50:17.25\00:50:25.59 You! Girl! Boy! What are you waiting for? 00:50:25.59\00:50:31.46 That's as green a go as you will ever get in this lifetime. Move 00:50:31.46\00:50:37.03 it! Move it for me, please. Let's go!" What do you say 00:50:37.03\00:50:42.74 inespaņol? iVamos! Let's go. Listen. 00:50:42.74\00:50:50.65 What did Jesus say? "Don't be afraid. From now on, the light 00:50:50.65\00:50:57.25 is green. And you will fish for people. You got a green light, girl. Boy, you got a green -- 00:50:57.25\00:51:02.62 It's as green as it'll ever get." I love this last word from "Desire of Ages" on the 00:51:02.62\00:51:07.13 second-greatest fishing story. 00:51:07.13\00:51:09.03 Put it on the screen for you. "It was to bring this scene --" 00:51:09.20\00:51:12.13 That would be Luke 5, the story we just read. 00:51:12.13\00:51:14.44 It was to bring the Luke 5 scene to their minds, and to deepen 00:51:14.44\00:51:17.41 its impression, that Jesus had again performed the miracle. 00:51:17.41\00:51:20.28 That's the early morning breakfast miracle in John 21. 00:51:20.28\00:51:23.04 "His act was a renewal of the commission to the disciples. 00:51:23.04\00:51:26.92 Though they were to be deprived of His personal companionship, 00:51:26.92\00:51:31.02 and of the means of support by their former employment, the 00:51:31.02\00:51:34.96 risen Saviour would still have a care for them." 00:51:34.96\00:51:38.26 Hold on. Listen to this. "While..." 00:51:38.26\00:51:41.03 Isn't that something? 00:51:55.54\00:51:56.95 If ever you decide -- and I hope you're not putting this off. If ever you decide to go fishing 00:51:57.11\00:52:03.65 with Him, you will succeed. You won't catch every -- You won't catch every fish in the 00:52:03.65\00:52:09.92 sea. Do you think there's a fisherman alive who says, "Since 00:52:09.92\00:52:13.33 I can't catch them all, I'm not gonna catch any"? That's 00:52:13.33\00:52:16.93 asinine. You just fish. And the promise is, "You will catch 00:52:19.13\00:52:25.57 many." Many. 00:52:25.57\00:52:26.98 Wow. "Do not be afraid; from now on, you will fish for people. 00:52:31.78\00:52:40.12 And, by the way, the light is green. Is it as green as it is 00:52:40.12\00:52:46.03 ever going to get. So please come fishing with me." And what 00:52:46.03\00:52:56.04 do we say? >> Amen. >> That's a pretty weak "amen." Come on! 00:52:56.04\00:53:01.08 What do we say? >> Amen! >> Amen! Amen! I want to pray with 00:53:01.08\00:53:06.85 you, but I want to pray at the end. While you're going through, we're gonna sing a great 00:53:06.85\00:53:10.85 Resurrection promise. 251 -- "I serve a risen Savior. He's in 00:53:10.85\00:53:15.29 the world today." Let's just sing this with all our gusto we have. [ "I Serve a Risen Savior" 00:53:15.29\00:53:23.30 plays ] 00:53:23.30\00:53:24.73 [ Song ends ] >> And now may the God of peace, who through the 00:56:51.94\00:56:55.84 blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd 00:56:55.84\00:57:00.25 of the sheep, may He equip you with everything good for doing 00:57:00.25\00:57:05.29 His will. And may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory 00:57:05.29\00:57:11.39 forever and ever. Amen. 00:57:11.39\00:57:15.20 >> I'd like to take one more moment with you here at the end 00:57:16.97\00:57:19.27 of our program to offer you something I think is really 00:57:19.27\00:57:21.37 special. I want to send to you this 00:57:21.37\00:57:23.04 little book called "Story of Hope." 00:57:23.04\00:57:25.51 In this sweeping look at the story of the Bible, you're gonna journey from the dawn of the 00:57:25.67\00:57:29.21 human race in the Garden of Eden, through the stunning 00:57:29.21\00:57:32.15 narratives of the ancient patriarchs and prophets and kings, straight to the 00:57:32.15\00:57:36.85 breathtaking story of our Lord Jesus and then beyond the New Testament, the prophetic story 00:57:36.85\00:57:41.82 of how life on this planet ends and then begins again. With my team of leaders, we are reading 00:57:41.82\00:57:47.23 through this book every Monday afternoon, and I promise you, you're gonna get blessed. 00:57:47.23\00:57:50.53 I want to make sure you get this book -- no charge to you. 00:57:50.70\00:57:54.17 So grab your phone and dial our toll-free number -- 877, and 00:57:54.17\00:57:57.74 then the two words, "His will." That's 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:57.74\00:58:03.81 Just give one of our friendly operators your name and mailing 00:58:03.81\00:58:06.58 address, and the book will be in the mail. 00:58:06.58\00:58:08.58 So be blessed. And until the next time we meet, 00:58:08.58\00:58:11.82 may the peace of our Lord Jesus go with you. 00:58:11.82\00:58:15.56 ¤¤ 00:58:15.56\00:58:18.46