¤¤ 00:00:00.86\00:00:03.73 >> Father in heaven, we come before You today. We quiet ourselves in the midst 00:00:09.07\00:00:15.08 of the storm and seek to follow You. Lord, as You encourage us 00:00:15.08\00:00:19.25 today to be more like You as we enter into worship, Lord, inhabit our praise. 00:00:19.25\00:00:23.28 Be present here with us. We thank You for already being 00:00:23.28\00:00:26.86 here. Lord, we love You. We're looking forward to seeing You 00:00:26.86\00:00:30.39 soon. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. 00:00:30.39\00:00:33.13 Good morning, and welcome. I'm glad you're here this 00:00:33.29\00:00:36.77 morning. It's a great, beautiful, 00:00:36.77\00:00:39.17 wonderful, amazing Sabbath day. 00:00:39.17\00:00:41.47 We haven't seen sunshine like this for a while. And being from 00:00:41.64\00:00:45.87 Texas originally, I can tell you the clouds can be grim. But we have reason to praise the 00:00:45.87\00:00:49.71 Lord this morning, so I invite you to stand to your feet as we sing our first song, 00:00:49.71\00:00:54.12 "Lord, I Lift Your Name On High." ¤¤ 00:00:54.12\00:00:59.29 [ Congregation sings ] 00:01:16.17\00:01:18.87 Amen. Amen. You know, the beautiful thing about the Gospel 00:03:09.38\00:03:14.62 is that it transforms you and it transforms me. And when we seek 00:03:14.62\00:03:18.13 to share with others about what Jesus has done for us, it doesn't have to be something 00:03:18.13\00:03:21.93 long. It doesn't have to be something super profound. All we have to do is tell our 00:03:21.93\00:03:27.20 story and tell what Jesus has done for us. I invite you this 00:03:27.20\00:03:34.71 morning to sing with us "Hymn Number 457, I Love To Tell the 00:03:34.71\00:03:42.05 Story." ¤¤ [ Congregation sings ] 00:03:57.20\00:04:00.17 [ "He Leadeth Me" plays ] 00:07:10.86\00:07:13.29 [ Congregation sings ] 00:07:21.30\00:07:23.57 He leadeth me. 00:08:09.92\00:08:11.89 He leadeth me. 00:09:55.86\00:09:58.29 By God's grace, He leads us. And it's our choice always to decide 00:10:52.95\00:11:02.09 to follow Jesus. No one goes with us. Though the world is behind us, the cross be before 00:11:02.09\00:11:08.06 us, it is always our choice to follow Jesus. And this morning, 00:11:08.06\00:11:14.17 I invite you right here, right now in a proclamation of that faith, wherever you are, 00:11:14.17\00:11:21.14 whatever burdens you might have, to come to the front now as we 00:11:21.14\00:11:27.28 prepare to pray. And if it's your choice this morning to follow Jesus, to make that step 00:11:27.28\00:11:32.02 of faith, I invite you now step forward as we sing the song "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus." 00:11:32.02\00:11:41.76 [ Congregation sings ] 00:11:41.93\00:11:44.50 >> Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you on this beautiful first day and first 00:14:29.30\00:14:37.01 Sabbath of April. Wow. What a beautiful spring God is 00:14:37.01\00:14:42.18 sending to us. Nice to have you here. You're looking great. 00:14:42.18\00:14:45.95 You're looking springy. You look well-fed. You look happy. 00:14:45.95\00:14:49.15 I haven't seen you in a couple Sabbaths. We were in Sydney, 00:14:49.15\00:14:53.36 Australia, of all things, on a preaching mission. But I'm glad 00:14:53.36\00:14:57.36 to be back. First I want to ask a question, okay? Anybody here 00:14:57.36\00:15:02.36 -- Anybody here in this group gone fishing? Anybody gone fishing? You put a pole in a 00:15:02.36\00:15:07.70 little -- Okay, we got some fishermen here. Fisher, fisher, 00:15:07.70\00:15:11.21 fisher, fisher, fisher. Whoo! This is a group! I'm gonna tell 00:15:11.21\00:15:15.81 you about a time I went fishing up in the mountains. You couldn't drive there. 00:15:15.81\00:15:19.48 In fact, you had to go in one of these. Let me see a picture of 00:15:19.48\00:15:23.65 what we went in, please. An airplane. We were up in the 00:15:23.65\00:15:29.99 back, backwoods of Alaska. This is a men's retreat. And some of the guys said, "Yo, 00:15:29.99\00:15:34.46 Dwight, you want to go fishing?" I said, "I do. Let's go." Let's put next picture, please. 00:15:34.46\00:15:38.03 Oh, let's go fishing. Come on. Take two planes. Two guys in 00:15:38.03\00:15:41.64 each plane. Let's just keep flying over the tops of the mountains. Our pilot, my pilot, 00:15:41.64\00:15:45.94 Dan Wotley, said, "Hey, I'm gonna tell you something. I know 00:15:45.94\00:15:49.91 a beautiful spot. No people around." Okay, so we're up. [ Imitates airplane engine ] 00:15:49.91\00:15:55.15 Higher and higher. And I'm getting nervous. Ooh, look at 00:15:55.15\00:15:58.49 that. There's no way you could jump out now. It's way up there. 00:15:58.49\00:16:01.66 Oh! Next picture, please. Oh, you can tell I'm nervous. 00:16:01.66\00:16:05.43 Next picture, please. The pilot said, "Okay, Dwight, take a look," and he tips the 00:16:05.43\00:16:09.26 plane over. He says, "You see that river? Not a human being in 00:16:09.26\00:16:12.63 sight. Nobody's -- Look at that. We're gonna -- See those rocks 00:16:12.63\00:16:15.90 beside the river? I'm gonna land this plane right beside that 00:16:15.90\00:16:20.24 river." And I held on for dear life. "Okay, bring it down!" Boom! Next picture. 00:16:20.24\00:16:23.41 He's bringing -- Well, actually, we're already down. These are the guys behind us. 00:16:23.41\00:16:27.02 Look at them coming in right over the trees. They don't have 00:16:27.02\00:16:30.02 long. It's not a runway. It's just a riverbed. >> Wow. 00:16:30.02\00:16:33.05 >> Oh, "wow," is right. Next picture, please. And there's 00:16:33.05\00:16:37.43 Danny Wotley. Now, I want you to look at the tires, boys and girls. Look at the tires of that 00:16:37.43\00:16:41.53 plane. Big, soft, round. That's because they -- That way they can land anywhere with 00:16:41.53\00:16:48.07 these little Alaskan bush pilot planes. All right, let me see 00:16:48.07\00:16:52.44 where -- Oh! Look at that fishing. Look at that. Not another human being anywhere 00:16:52.44\00:16:56.28 in sight. Let's see a picture. Did they really -- 00:16:56.28\00:16:59.08 Oh, they went fishing there. There they are. [ Imitates fishing line, reel ] 00:16:59.08\00:17:07.39 Have you really gone fishing, guys? You put your hands up, you 00:17:07.39\00:17:09.99 done this? [ Imitates fishing line, reel ] "I'll bet you 00:17:09.99\00:17:15.06 didn't catch a thing." You're right! Wrong. 00:17:15.06\00:17:17.37 Next picture, please. Ah! There are fish in the high 00:17:17.37\00:17:21.14 mountains. Ooh, what kind of fish is that? I have no idea. 00:17:21.14\00:17:25.27 I have no idea. But that's what you do when you go fishing. 00:17:25.27\00:17:30.45 You go anywhere. And I thought about these guys, these big 00:17:30.45\00:17:33.78 Alaskans. They'll do anything. They'll pay any price. They'll fly their planes, pay 00:17:33.78\00:17:38.39 for the gasoline, all the trouble of just catching one 00:17:38.39\00:17:44.16 little fish. What's the big deal? Oh, wait a minute. When 00:17:44.16\00:17:49.33 Jesus was here -- Wait a minute. Jesus said, "I will make you 00:17:49.33\00:17:54.84 fishers of..." >> Men! >> Men, women, and children, right? 00:17:54.84\00:17:57.94 "I will make you fishers." Hey, wait a minute. Was that a big 00:17:57.94\00:18:02.91 fishing expedition for Jesus to come down here? Are you kidding? 00:18:02.91\00:18:05.81 It's the biggest fishing expedition in history. He came all the way from up 00:18:05.81\00:18:09.55 there -- shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! And he came to fish, and he 00:18:09.55\00:18:13.02 came to teach us how to fish. First he caught us, and he says, "Follow me, and I'll help you 00:18:13.02\00:18:18.63 catch others." Number one, how many are glad Jesus came down to 00:18:18.63\00:18:22.80 fish for us? Aren't you glad for Jesus? How many want to say, "Hey, you know what? 00:18:22.80\00:18:26.07 I want to help Jesus fish." Anybody want to help -- If you want to help Jesus fish, let me 00:18:26.07\00:18:29.74 just see your hand. I got to see your hand if you want to help 00:18:29.74\00:18:32.84 Jesus fish. You don't have to go to Alaska. You don't even have to cross the street. 00:18:32.84\00:18:36.85 There may be a little boy, there may be a little girl right where you live now that needs 00:18:36.85\00:18:41.65 Jesus. And you can share his love. Oh, my. 00:18:41.65\00:18:45.75 It's not that hard at all. I hope you will. Is there somebody 00:18:45.75\00:18:51.03 here who would like to thank Jesus for being the big, great fishermen that came and caught 00:18:51.03\00:18:55.63 us? Who wants to thank Jesus for fishing for us? Is there anybody 00:18:55.63\00:18:59.67 here? Oh, come here, young man, please. Thank you. 00:18:59.67\00:19:03.84 What's your name? >> Ivan. Ivan. 00:19:03.84\00:19:06.61 >> Ivan, all right. Guys, let's close our eyes and fold our hands, 'cause Ivan is 00:19:06.61\00:19:12.18 gonna thank Jesus for being our fisherman. >> Dear God, thank 00:19:12.18\00:19:16.75 You for bringing all of us together, and thank You for all of the stuff You have done for 00:19:16.75\00:19:21.56 us. We know that You are our one trustful and worthy father. In the name we pray. Amen. 00:19:21.56\00:19:26.29 >> Amen. Thank you, Ivan. Boys and girls, as you go quietly, reverently back to your 00:19:26.29\00:19:30.80 seats, you can say that prayer. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to save us, to fish for us. 00:19:30.80\00:19:38.77 Happy Sabbath to you. [ "People Need the Lord" plays ] 00:19:38.77\00:19:46.45 >> ¤ Every day they pass me by ¤ 00:19:55.62\00:20:01.50 ¤ I can see it in their eye ¤ ¤ Empty people filled with 00:20:01.66\00:20:11.07 care ¤ ¤ Headed who knows where ¤ 00:20:11.07\00:20:19.85 ¤ On they go through private pain ¤ ¤ Living fear to fear ¤ 00:20:20.02\00:20:33.09 ¤ Laughter hides their silent cries ¤ ¤ Only Jesus hears ¤ 00:20:33.09\00:20:46.11 ¤ People need the Lord ¤ ¤ People need the Lord ¤ ¤ At the end of broken dreams ¤ 00:20:46.11\00:21:05.09 ¤ He's the open door ¤ ¤ People need the Lord ¤ ¤ People need 00:21:05.09\00:21:23.21 the Lord ¤ ¤ When will we realize ¤ ¤ People need the Lord 00:21:23.21\00:21:36.83 ¤ ¤ We are called to take His light ¤ ¤ To a world where wrong 00:21:46.13\00:21:56.78 seems right ¤ ¤ What could be too great a cost for sharing life with one who's 00:21:56.78\00:22:08.72 lost ¤ ¤ Through His love our hearts can feel ¤ 00:22:08.72\00:22:17.53 ¤ All the grief they bear ¤ ¤ They must hear the words of life 00:22:17.53\00:22:30.88 ¤ ¤ Only we can share ¤ ¤ People need the Lord ¤ ¤ People need 00:22:30.88\00:22:49.53 the Lord ¤ ¤ At the end of broken dreams ¤ ¤ He's the open door ¤ ¤ People need the Lord ¤ 00:22:49.53\00:23:07.45 ¤ People need the Lord ¤ ¤ When will we realize ¤ ¤ That we must 00:23:07.45\00:23:24.30 give our lives ¤ ¤ For people need the Lord ¤ ¤ People need 00:23:24.30\00:23:51.26 the Lord ¤ 00:23:51.26\00:23:59.77 [ Congregation says "amen" ] >> Amen and amen. Thank you, 00:24:14.65\00:24:20.16 Charles. Thank you, Ken. When will we realize that we must give our lives because 00:24:20.16\00:24:30.50 people need the Lord? Let's pray. Oh, God, big, big God, 00:24:30.50\00:24:41.21 big, fisherman God, look at You. Drawing us into Your heart and Your life and wanting to do on 00:24:41.21\00:24:50.25 this campus what You do in heaven so well. You love each 00:24:50.25\00:24:57.79 other as one. Do it here. Do whatever it takes to do it here, and use all of us, I pray. 00:24:57.79\00:25:03.23 Now, we go to the Word. This fish story, dear God, let it be 00:25:03.23\00:25:08.57 clear. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. If it's okay with you, I'd like to read a very short fish 00:25:08.57\00:25:16.85 story. Very short. This is a story -- Maybe you've 00:25:17.01\00:25:19.81 never heard this story before. Well, you'll hear it today. 00:25:19.81\00:25:23.45 Here it is. "Once upon a time, when he was 00:25:23.45\00:25:26.62 standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret" -- That would 00:25:26.62\00:25:30.19 be the Sea of Galilee -- "the crowd was pushing in on him to 00:25:30.19\00:25:34.13 better hear the Word of God. He noticed two boats tied up. 00:25:34.13\00:25:38.37 The fishermen had just left them, and were out scrubbing 00:25:38.53\00:25:41.97 their nets. He climbed into the boat that was Simon's and asked him to put out a little from the 00:25:41.97\00:25:46.98 shore. Sitting there" -- I love this -- "Sitting there using the boat for a pulpit, he taught the 00:25:46.98\00:25:52.01 crowd. When he was finished teaching, he said to Simon, 'Yo, 00:25:52.01\00:25:57.92 Pete, push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.' And Simon said, 'Master, 00:25:57.92\00:26:07.23 we've been fishing hard all night and haven't caught even in a minnow. But if you say so, 00:26:07.23\00:26:14.97 I'll let out the nets.' It was no sooner said than done, a huge haul of fish straining 00:26:14.97\00:26:19.44 the nets past capacity. They waved to their partners in the other boat to come and help 00:26:19.44\00:26:23.88 them. They filled both boats, nearly swamping them with the 00:26:23.88\00:26:27.42 catch. Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell to his knees before Jesus, "Master, leave me. 00:26:27.42\00:26:31.39 I'm a sinner, and I can't handle this holiness. Leave me to 00:26:31.39\00:26:36.19 myself.' When they pulled in that catch of fish, awe overwhelmed Simon and everyone 00:26:36.19\00:26:40.36 with him. It was the same with James and John, Zebedee's sons, coworkers with Simon, and Jesus 00:26:40.36\00:26:44.87 said to Simon, 'There is nothing to fear. From now on, you'll be 00:26:44.87\00:26:53.11 fishing for men and women.' They pulled their boats up on the beach, left their nets and 00:26:53.11\00:27:03.05 all, and followed him." Want you to watch the brand-new video trailer that introduces 00:27:03.05\00:27:09.82 this brand-new series. Look at the screens. [ Birds chirping ] 00:27:09.82\00:27:16.26 [ Footsteps approach ] 00:27:21.17\00:27:24.51 [ Birds chirping ] 00:27:28.48\00:27:31.18 [ Birds chirping ] 00:27:46.13\00:27:48.10 "Gone Fishin'." You know, I don't mind Jesus having these fish stories in the 00:27:50.13\00:27:55.57 New Testament. I got to tell you, I have a little -- I have a 00:27:55.57\00:27:59.54 little problem with fish. I mean, you know, you think about 00:27:59.54\00:28:04.91 it. Am I the only one, or is this -- Do fish seem a bit 00:28:04.91\00:28:10.85 gullible to you? Huh? Sort of a little naive, easily tricked? 00:28:10.85\00:28:16.59 Sit around the whole day. [ Laughter ] That's all they do. 00:28:16.59\00:28:22.70 That's all they do. I've seen them on BBC. So, Jesus, why did 00:28:22.70\00:28:31.54 you use fish as some kind of big missions metaphor? "Oh, Dwight, 00:28:31.54\00:28:35.98 because you know whenever I see that fish? I'm thinking of you, 'cause you're a lot like that. 00:28:35.98\00:28:41.62 Gullible, naive, follows the crowd." Oh, I get it. 00:28:41.62\00:28:48.52 It's amazing to me that Jesus takes fish and the metaphor of fishing and he says, "This is 00:28:48.52\00:28:52.19 the mission of my kingdom." I'm gonna prove it to you right now. 00:28:52.19\00:28:54.93 Take out your study guide. I'm gonna run them by you. Five 00:28:54.93\00:28:57.83 one-liners. One, two, three, four, five. You write them down in your study guide. 00:28:57.83\00:29:01.07 You didn't get a study guide, hold your hand up. Very friendly 00:29:01.07\00:29:04.21 ushers are coming your way right now. You'll want these. Put your hand up, and they're 00:29:04.21\00:29:06.98 coming your way. I want to say to you who are livestreaming 00:29:06.98\00:29:09.98 right now, we're very glad to have you. 00:29:09.98\00:29:11.38 You're joining us brand-new starting right now a series 00:29:11.55\00:29:15.32 called "Gone Fishin': Part 1." You need the same study guide, 00:29:15.32\00:29:19.05 and so you'll see right there on the website, 'cause you're on 00:29:19.05\00:29:21.76 the website. You see our website. 00:29:21.76\00:29:23.32 Go there and click on "study guide," "part 1 study guide." 00:29:23.32\00:29:26.59 Click on. You say, "Wait a minute, Dwight. 00:29:26.59\00:29:29.10 I'm not livestreaming. I'm watching on television." 00:29:29.10\00:29:31.03 Okay, our website's at the bottom of the picture right 00:29:31.03\00:29:33.07 there. www.newperceptions.tv, okay? 00:29:33.07\00:29:36.24 One word. Newperceptions.tv. 00:29:36.24\00:29:39.17 Go to part 1 of "Gone Fishin'" study guide. You'll have the 00:29:39.34\00:29:42.71 same study guide. It works every time, we hope. Let us know if it 00:29:42.71\00:29:47.35 doesn't. Okay, let's go. Jesus' mission for you and me. Here we 00:29:47.35\00:29:52.72 go. Jot them down. Five one-liners. John 17:18 from the "Message" Bible -- "'In the same 00:29:52.72\00:29:58.09 way that You, Father'" -- Because Jesus is praying to his 00:29:58.09\00:30:01.63 Father... Hey, guess what, guys? You and I were born for mission. We were born, we were made for 00:30:07.44\00:30:11.87 mission. Yep, you join His kingdom, you got a mission. 00:30:11.87\00:30:14.88 Here comes one-liner number two. 2 Corinthians 5:18 from the Today's English Version. 00:30:14.88\00:30:21.15 Paul writing... 00:30:21.15\00:30:23.08 Jesus saves us, then he sends us. He says, "Hey, go. 00:30:32.23\00:30:34.63 Make some more friends for me." That's what he's talking about. That's the mission. 00:30:34.63\00:30:38.27 Here's one-liner number three. John 20:21. This is Sunday 00:30:38.27\00:30:42.04 night. He rose early this morning is unbelieving, just with awe, disciples. 00:30:42.04\00:30:46.78 He's talking to them, and these are Jesus' words to them. 00:30:46.78\00:30:50.85 To do what? Here comes one-liner number four. 00:30:53.95\00:30:56.95 This is the most well-known of his mission statements. This is Matthew 28:19-20 from 00:30:56.95\00:31:02.29 the Contemporary English Version. Jot it down. 00:31:02.29\00:31:06.83 Yeah, but, Lord, how are we supposed to do it? Last one. 00:31:16.00\00:31:18.44 There are five of them. Here comes number five. Mark 1:17. 00:31:18.44\00:31:22.51 Fly these five versions by, and it is absolutely clear that when the God of this universe comes 00:31:30.95\00:31:36.02 down to the human race, he's enfleshed, and they call him 00:31:36.02\00:31:41.96 Jesus of Nazareth. It's very clear. He came to implant the DNA of his kingdom's mission in 00:31:41.96\00:31:52.31 every human heart. The DNA of his mission. I have a mission, 00:31:52.31\00:31:57.25 you have a mission. And by the way, that DNA is not for just people who believe. 00:31:57.25\00:32:01.22 That DNA is for every Earth child right now, which means -- you might as well jot this 00:32:01.22\00:32:05.92 down -- which means... 00:32:05.92\00:32:08.02 Not only the church. No, no, no, no. This DNA is to be embedded 00:32:14.63\00:32:20.04 in every human heart, because not only are you born to get saved. You're born to then help 00:32:20.04\00:32:33.48 save. The two go together. You're born to be saved, born to get saved, born to help save. 00:32:33.48\00:32:40.62 You know, sometimes when I'm standing next to the guy that's pumping gas at the next pump, 00:32:40.62\00:32:45.13 I've never seen him in my life. You haven't, either. Where'd he 00:32:45.13\00:32:48.90 come from? Well, he lives here, I guess. You know, I'm always thinking, "Well, God chose me. 00:32:48.90\00:32:53.60 God wanted me. God willed me into existence. Took my daddy's 00:32:53.60\00:32:58.44 sperm, matched it with my mommy's egg, got me. By the way, don't look so aghast. 00:32:58.44\00:33:04.98 That's exactly how He got you. [ Laughter ] [ Scoffs ] Oh! 00:33:04.98\00:33:08.62 How did Dwight come? Yeah, He got us all the same way. 00:33:08.62\00:33:13.09 Even if your mother and father were not married, He got us all 00:33:13.09\00:33:17.43 the same way. Same way. So we tend to think, well, you know, "'Cause I'm chosen." 00:33:17.43\00:33:22.33 Yeah, you are. You are. "I'm wanted." Yes, you are. 00:33:22.33\00:33:27.17 But the guy in the next pump who I've never met in my life is also chosen 'cause he got born. 00:33:27.17\00:33:32.04 If God didn't want him, he wouldn't have gotten born. He 00:33:32.04\00:33:35.68 got born. God says, "I want that boy. I want that girl." Every man, woman, and child on 00:33:35.68\00:33:41.08 this planet, God says, "You were born to get saved so that you 00:33:41.08\00:33:50.63 might help save. I need you. I want you. I love you. I love 00:33:50.63\00:33:55.00 you. I'm so crazy about you, I have your picture on My 00:33:55.00\00:33:58.87 refrigerator." He says that to every Earth child. Sometimes we 00:33:58.87\00:34:02.34 think, "Well, it's just you and me." No, no, no, no, no. Every 00:34:02.34\00:34:05.07 person. We're on the train, Karen and I, in Sydney. We were just in Sydney a week 00:34:05.07\00:34:08.78 ago, this city-wide thing, met in the Olympic Park, by the way, 00:34:08.78\00:34:13.52 the 2000 Olympics. Whoa, this was dynamite. So we had this weekend rally, but we're riding 00:34:13.52\00:34:19.45 the trains, doing a little sightseeing. Millions of people in Sydney. We're talking 00:34:19.45\00:34:24.16 millions. And every person we saw, never met them before in my life, never see them again, but 00:34:24.16\00:34:28.13 every one of those persons, God says, "I got that girl's picture on My refrigerator, Dwight. 00:34:28.13\00:34:31.97 I love her. I got that man's picture in My heart." 00:34:31.97\00:34:37.64 Every Earth child has been chosen, loved by God into 00:34:37.64\00:34:41.84 existence. If He didn't love you, He wouldn't have loved you 00:34:41.84\00:34:45.38 into existence. You're here's because God has a dream for you, to get saved and then to help 00:34:45.38\00:34:49.68 save. Get saved and then to help save. 7 billion children. 00:34:49.68\00:34:53.19 How many can I get saved and then help save? 00:34:53.36\00:34:58.16 That's it. Oh, yes, of course, you're 00:34:58.16\00:34:59.96 right. God could have done it all by 00:34:59.96\00:35:01.76 Himself. Said, "Hey, guys, stand back. 00:35:01.76\00:35:03.63 Watch this." Boom! He did it. 00:35:03.63\00:35:06.23 No, He could have said, "No, I'm gonna do something a little less 00:35:06.23\00:35:09.00 Me. Angels, I want you to go down to 00:35:09.00\00:35:10.71 this planet, save every man, woman, and child you can find. 00:35:10.71\00:35:13.51 Just save them. I don't care how you do it. Just save them." 00:35:13.68\00:35:16.18 He could have done it that way. But, oh, no. No, no, no. 00:35:16.18\00:35:18.55 Hold on to your pew. Hold on to your pew right now, because I need you to comprehend 00:35:18.55\00:35:22.48 that God, who had all those methods He could have utilized, instead said, "Yo, stop. 00:35:22.48\00:35:28.29 They're my mission delivery system. Messy, messed up. 00:35:28.29\00:35:34.86 It's okay. I need them." You were born to get saved and 00:35:34.86\00:35:41.34 then to help save, help Him save others. Wow. 00:35:41.34\00:35:46.17 It's a big deal. It's a big deal to the Father. You know why it's 00:35:46.17\00:35:50.51 a big deal to the Father? I'll give you two reasons why. Number one, it's a big deal to 00:35:50.51\00:35:53.58 the Father because nobody, and I mean nobody, reaches Earth children like another Earth 00:35:53.58\00:35:57.12 children, like another Earth child. I mean, I look at you and 00:35:57.12\00:36:01.76 I can tell you we got the DNA. We got the DNA. We can talk. 00:36:01.76\00:36:06.56 We can communicate. We know each other, even thought I've never met you before in my 00:36:06.56\00:36:11.83 life. Number one, nobody wins Earth children better than Earth 00:36:11.83\00:36:15.40 children. And number two, because -- Why did He do it? -- 00:36:15.40\00:36:19.31 because every father knows that when you invite your children to join you in the garage to help 00:36:19.31\00:36:24.01 you on that repair project that you're gonna have, it is not because your children have 00:36:24.01\00:36:28.92 skills that you don't have. Nor is it because you need to get this done very quickly. 00:36:28.92\00:36:33.66 I'm gonna tell you something. When a daddy invites his little girl or his little boy to join 00:36:33.66\00:36:37.99 him, he knows it's actually gonna take longer to get it done 00:36:37.99\00:36:41.16 now. Right? Why does Daddy do it, then? Daddy does it because 00:36:41.16\00:36:45.90 he loves that time with that child. And there's something about sharing a project with 00:36:45.90\00:36:50.64 your dad. Whether you're a little girl or a little boy, there's something about sharing 00:36:50.64\00:36:54.31 a project with your dad that just kind of -- ahh -- it just kind of pulls you in. 00:36:54.31\00:36:59.35 God knows that feeling. That's why He says, "Let's do it 00:36:59.35\00:37:04.19 together. We'll have time together. We'll kind of go through stuff together. 00:37:04.19\00:37:07.99 And you get to know Me more. Would you help me, please?" Wow. 00:37:07.99\00:37:16.43 No, it's no big deal for the Father to invite his Earth children to join Him in His 00:37:16.43\00:37:21.27 passionate mission to save every Earth child if you mean He could have done it Himself. 00:37:21.27\00:37:27.64 Of course. But it's a huge deal. I'll tell you why. 00:37:27.64\00:37:31.01 It's a huge deal because you and I cannot conceive of the unimagined, incredible joy that 00:37:31.01\00:37:37.75 comes to you when you are used by Almighty God to reach another same-DNA Earth child with the 00:37:37.75\00:37:46.73 good news about Jesus, and it starts with a smile. And just start to say, "Yo, hey, 00:37:46.73\00:37:51.37 can you believe the weather here as you're pumping gas? Yo." 00:37:51.37\00:37:55.47 Anything can happen in a conversation, so the conversation just opens up. 00:37:55.47\00:38:01.41 But you can't imagine what it's like if God lays that person on your heart, and you say, "Hey, 00:38:01.41\00:38:07.82 dropping by your place, and pfft, you're meeting after lunch 00:38:07.82\00:38:12.95 or whatever. Something begins to happen to you as you begin to pray for this person. 00:38:12.95\00:38:16.96 You've never known them before in your life, but you're gonna 00:38:16.96\00:38:20.10 pray for them now. And the longer you pray for them, the more you start loving them. 00:38:20.10\00:38:22.70 You're not gonna believe this, but something actually changes inside of you, and the joy that 00:38:22.70\00:38:27.44 comes on that day when that person looks at you and says, "I want the Jesus you have." 00:38:27.44\00:38:33.24 'Cause it'll come. "I want the Jesus you have." There is no joy 00:38:33.24\00:38:38.61 like it on this planet. The closest approximation that God can come up with is 00:38:38.61\00:38:42.48 childbirth. Every mother here knows childbirth, the joy of 00:38:42.48\00:38:48.79 bringing life into being. But 50% of the human race has no clue what you're talking about, 00:38:48.79\00:38:54.10 right? So God says, "I have a way for you all to experience 00:38:54.10\00:38:58.73 the greatest joy a human heart can embrace." I want you to help 00:38:58.73\00:39:05.74 me. Look, if we didn't join Him, we wouldn't know His heart. We would never know the 00:39:05.74\00:39:11.25 indescribable joy. 00:39:11.25\00:39:12.65 We would never know the passion that sent the God of the 00:39:12.81\00:39:16.12 universe out of His throne room and down to this dark place to 00:39:16.12\00:39:19.95 spend all those years with us. We'd never know the passion. 00:39:19.95\00:39:23.56 We would never know why God can't sleep at night. You know why He can't sleep at 00:39:23.73\00:39:27.56 night, don't you? Yeah, he's got kids that He's got to reach yet. 00:39:27.56\00:39:31.57 We'd never know that if we weren't partnering with Him. That was a brilliant move on His 00:39:31.57\00:39:36.74 part. What is Jesus' mission? Let's put it on the screen. 00:39:36.74\00:39:40.98 Jesus says, "My mission," "the Son of Man came to seek and save" -- what, what, what? -- 00:39:40.98\00:39:45.28 "The lost." Yeah, I'm talking about fish now. 00:39:45.28\00:39:47.62 Jesus says, "I came to seek and save the lost." There's no 00:39:47.62\00:39:51.02 greater joy. In fact, I told Karen last night at supper. I said, "Love, I'm gonna tell 00:39:51.02\00:39:54.49 you something. I'm gonna share a text tomorrow in church I have 00:39:54.49\00:39:58.06 never in my lifetime of ministry ever quoted from the pulpit." Today's for the first time. 00:39:58.06\00:40:01.70 I want you to see it. You're gonna need to fill it in. Put it on the screen, please. 00:40:01.70\00:40:05.27 The little epistle of 3 John. There's no chapter in it. It's just a bunch of verses. 00:40:05.27\00:40:09.37 3 John 4. 00:40:09.37\00:40:11.34 And the message comes along. It says, "Nothing could make me 00:40:18.11\00:40:22.12 happier." No greater joy. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what 00:40:22.12\00:40:25.79 fishing is. There's no greater joy. There is no -- Nothing will 00:40:25.79\00:40:29.96 make you happier. You don't know it yet. But you're about to discover it. God is preparing 00:40:29.96\00:40:36.26 you to be a fisher for him. You will never be the same again. 00:40:36.26\00:40:39.70 You will never be the same. Okay, so what's it take to go 00:40:39.70\00:40:45.27 fishing? Let's go back to the story, the one I just read. So find it in your Bible. 00:40:45.27\00:40:48.84 Luke Chapter 5. I love the message, so I have my little "Message" pocket Bible 00:40:48.84\00:40:53.88 here. Luke Chapter 5. 00:40:53.88\00:40:56.35 All right, beginning verse 1. "Once upon a time, when Jesus 00:40:56.52\00:41:02.66 was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret" -- Luke's the 00:41:02.66\00:41:06.26 only one that calls it that. It's the Sea of Galilee. 00:41:06.26\00:41:09.53 "And Simon thought" -- Now, it says "Simon said," but Simon 00:41:33.09\00:41:35.69 thought -- this is what he thought. 00:41:35.69\00:41:37.76 He looked at Jesus, and he said, "You, you carpenter, me 00:41:37.93\00:41:46.20 fisherman. Me. You have no clue. You have no clue! 00:41:46.20\00:41:49.20 We fished all night! Do you understand that? Why do we fish 00:41:49.20\00:41:52.51 at night? Because they can't see the net! If we fish in the day, 00:41:52.51\00:41:55.91 they see the net! They won't come anyway!" That's what he's thinking. He never said it, 00:41:55.91\00:42:01.85 fortunately. Peter looks into the face of Jesus and says... 00:42:01.85\00:42:05.29 Write that line down, will you? "Put out into the deep." Hmm. 00:42:17.80\00:42:23.24 "Push out into the deep water." You know why? Because that's 00:42:23.24\00:42:27.84 where the fish are. But that's the problem with you and me. 00:42:27.84\00:42:29.74 Come on. Let's really be honest. Open and vulnerable today. That's the problem with you and 00:42:29.74\00:42:33.18 me. Nobody likes to go into water over her or his head. 00:42:33.18\00:42:36.35 Give me a little stream. Let me hug the shore. No rough waters. 00:42:36.35\00:42:40.02 No crashing breakers. No deep uncertainties. I'll just troll 00:42:40.02\00:42:44.26 the shoreline. That's what I'll do. Nobody wants to be in deep 00:42:44.26\00:42:50.37 water. But the problem is, shallow waters like this, this is where the fish are not. 00:42:50.37\00:42:58.34 You're fishing where the fish are not. There are no fish here! 00:42:58.34\00:43:02.64 They're not here! Fish don't hang around shallow places like 00:43:02.64\00:43:11.15 this, trust me. They're out there in the bars, in the gyms, in the clubs, in the 00:43:11.15\00:43:19.46 neighborhoods, in the shopping malls, in the hospitals. They're 00:43:19.46\00:43:22.33 out there in the workplace. That's where they are. They're out there in the deep. 00:43:22.33\00:43:28.07 Outside these four walls, too shallow in here. Too shallow. 00:43:28.07\00:43:35.51 Outside your comfort zone. Now, that's the truth. Outside yours 00:43:35.51\00:43:42.42 and my comfort zone, the four walls, where the depth is unreliable, where fish are 00:43:42.42\00:43:46.32 unpredictable, where you are uncomfortable. "Push out into the deep." That's what Jesus 00:43:46.32\00:43:49.09 said. "Push out." "Hey, Peter. Push out into the deep." 00:43:49.09\00:43:51.53 Why? Because out in the deep, fish exist in schools of 00:43:51.53\00:43:56.06 hundreds and thousands. That's where you go to fish. Oh. 00:43:56.06\00:44:01.57 "Yeah, but you know what, Dwight? That's the problem. 00:44:01.57\00:44:04.14 I understand that deep part. But the way I see it, the deep-water 00:44:04.14\00:44:09.64 specialists are called pastors and evangelists. That's what you guys are supposed to do." 00:44:09.64\00:44:13.18 Wrong. If you're a disciple, if you're a follower of Jesus, push 00:44:13.18\00:44:20.46 out into the deep. I know it's threatening. But that's where 00:44:20.46\00:44:26.29 the fish are. And by the way, once you hear Jesus' last word in the story, you will not be 00:44:26.29\00:44:30.33 afraid of deep waters ever again. And I'm about to show you that last word, so let's finish 00:44:30.33\00:44:33.94 the story. So, pick it up there. We'll go back to verse 4. 00:44:33.94\00:44:37.87 They waved to their partners frantically. 00:44:56.09\00:44:57.53 Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! 00:44:57.53\00:44:59.33 Come and help! 00:44:59.33\00:45:01.26 But "Desire of Ages" says that when he fell to his knees with 00:45:10.94\00:45:13.51 that prayer, he was hanging on to Jesus' ankles. 00:45:13.51\00:45:15.58 "I'm not letting you go. Leave, Jesus, but I won't let 00:45:15.58\00:45:18.05 you go." That's the way to pray. 00:45:18.05\00:45:20.25 "Leave me, but I'm not letting you go." 00:45:20.25\00:45:23.82 And here comes that line now. 00:45:32.16\00:45:34.56 In our last series, we learned together that the Creator of this universe, when He speaks a 00:45:51.05\00:45:56.38 word -- do you remember this? -- when He speaks a word, the word is so omnipotent, right? 00:45:56.38\00:46:02.96 When the Almighty God speaks a word, no sooner has the word left His lips than in half a 00:46:02.96\00:46:10.80 nanosecond, what happens? 00:46:10.80\00:46:12.57 The word immediately creates the reality it describes. 00:46:12.73\00:46:16.10 So that when God says, "Yo, in this dark corner of space, let 00:46:16.10\00:46:19.81 there be light." Poom! 00:46:19.81\00:46:21.51 He just says it, and it happens, because His word is omnipotent. 00:46:21.51\00:46:26.11 That means that when God speaks His word to you, and you say 00:46:26.11\00:46:29.32 amen to it, you say, "I believe that word. 00:46:29.32\00:46:32.05 Amen." What the word is offering -- poom! -- is immediately 00:46:32.22\00:46:36.69 created in your heart. You say, "Dwight, what are you talking 00:46:36.69\00:46:39.49 about?" Let's put that line on the screen again, please. What did Jesus just say? 00:46:39.49\00:46:42.73 What did he just say? 00:46:42.73\00:46:44.83 If in hearing that word you say, "Wow. I love that. Amen. 00:46:51.27\00:47:00.08 Please." That's all you have to say. That's all they've ever said. That's all Abraham said. 00:47:00.08\00:47:04.42 God said, Boom! "You got it." Amen. Wow. 00:47:04.42\00:47:14.50 The greatest joy a human can experience is yours. You get it. 00:47:14.50\00:47:20.04 See, you put your trust in Him. Did we ever share the seven-word 00:47:20.04\00:47:24.94 credo of Jesus? Have we shared that here? 00:47:24.94\00:47:26.84 Seven words. You trust him. You say amen. 00:47:33.48\00:47:36.89 That fear, gone! Deep waters, you'll be there. Oh, my. 00:47:36.89\00:47:44.89 So ask. Ask. And then are you ready for this? This is amazing. 00:47:44.89\00:47:51.30 I know these three lines were "Desire of Ages." Amazing. 00:47:51.30\00:47:56.50 In this very same -- Commenting on this very same story, 00:47:56.67\00:48:00.38 "Desire of Ages" writes -- put these three sentences on the 00:48:00.38\00:48:02.44 screen. Here comes sentence number one. 00:48:02.44\00:48:04.11 "The deeper lesson" -- This is incredible. 00:48:04.11\00:48:05.98 "The deeper lesson which the miracle conveyed for the 00:48:05.98\00:48:08.22 disciples is a lesson for us also, that He whose word" -- 00:48:08.22\00:48:10.89 Remember, the word is omnipotent. 00:48:10.89\00:48:12.79 He just says the word. "Yo, fishies!" 00:48:12.79\00:48:14.86 Psssh! They're there. "He whose word could gather the 00:48:14.86\00:48:19.16 fishes from the sea could also" -- Now, hold on. 00:48:19.16\00:48:22.63 Hold on. That same word "could also 00:48:22.63\00:48:25.50 impress human hearts and draw them by the cords of His love, 00:48:25.50\00:48:29.60 so that His servants might becomes 'fishers of men.'" 00:48:29.60\00:48:32.41 Can you believe that? I'm telling you, it's just like 00:48:32.41\00:48:35.24 salvation. 00:48:35.24\00:48:36.14 Jesus does it all. He gathers the fish. He impresses the 00:48:36.31\00:48:39.51 heart. He draws them in. And he does it all through you. You're 00:48:39.51\00:48:43.25 doing the fishing. He's doing it all. He's bringing them in. His word, omnipotent word, draws 00:48:43.25\00:48:49.32 them in. Here's the second line, "Desire of Ages." 00:48:49.32\00:48:56.77 What's the end of that hyphenated word? Self-what? 00:49:00.97\00:49:04.34 Distrust. Distrust. "I will put my trust in Him." See? 00:49:04.34\00:49:09.61 The first lesson every fisher of people learns, "I will put my 00:49:09.61\00:49:15.95 trust in Him." I'll trust Him. I'll just go out there. I'll be 00:49:15.95\00:49:18.92 there for Him. I don't know if I should say something or not. I 00:49:18.92\00:49:22.66 just know. Here comes the last sentence. And this is the one. 00:49:22.82\00:49:24.69 This is a classic. This is one that's known all 00:49:24.69\00:49:26.49 over the world. Everyone say, "Oh, yeah, I know 00:49:26.49\00:49:28.23 where that came from." This is that one, and it's in 00:49:28.23\00:49:30.50 the story about Peter and Jesus and the fish. 00:49:30.50\00:49:32.77 Here we go. Final sentence. "There is" -- What are the next 00:49:32.77\00:49:36.20 two words? "No limit." 00:49:36.20\00:49:38.14 Now, lookit. I've done a little fishing here 00:49:38.14\00:49:40.14 in Michigan, and you have to go down and buy -- Do you know 00:49:40.14\00:49:41.94 this? You have to go down and buy a 00:49:41.94\00:49:43.14 fishing license, and they will tell you what the limit is. 00:49:43.14\00:49:44.95 There is a limit. You can only do this, you can 00:49:44.95\00:49:46.45 only do that. 00:49:46.45\00:49:47.68 You got to release, hook and release if you catch this. But I'm reading right now, 00:49:47.85\00:49:52.95 "There is no limit." If you say, "Jesus, whatever this is about, 00:49:52.95\00:49:59.86 I'm willing to become a fisher for you. Let me just help you. If this is why I was born, then 00:49:59.86\00:50:04.47 let me help you." If you say to Jesus, "I'm available to you," 00:50:04.47\00:50:08.90 guess what? He's not gonna limit you to one little minnow. There is no limit to what you 00:50:08.90\00:50:13.54 can do, no reason -- by the tens, hundreds. You laugh. 00:50:13.54\00:50:22.38 There have been people with less education than you who have heard the call and have been 00:50:22.38\00:50:28.56 instrumental in reaching thousands. Don't laugh at him. 00:50:28.56\00:50:33.76 He says, "Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. I'm with you." 00:50:33.76\00:50:39.70 "I will put my trust in you." There is no limit. 00:50:39.70\00:50:42.34 Finish the sentence. 00:50:42.50\00:50:44.51 It's not about me, Jesus. 00:50:46.71\00:50:48.74 "There is no limit." "I will put my trust in Him." 00:50:55.48\00:51:01.52 So, don't you be afraid. "From now on, you will fish for people 00:51:01.69\00:51:10.47 with me." To which I say amen. What do you say? Amen. Amen. 00:51:10.47\00:51:17.31 Take your connect card out, please. Pull it out. 00:51:17.31\00:51:19.57 Stuck the way there in your worship bulletin. Guests, please 00:51:19.57\00:51:25.08 join us. We do this every Sabbath. In front of the card, you fill in what you're 00:51:25.08\00:51:29.58 comfortable with. Turn the card over. So, what do we do with this call to go fishing with 00:51:29.58\00:51:33.62 Jesus? How do we respond? My next step today is before I fish 00:51:33.62\00:51:37.73 -- Here's the first one. "My next step today is before I fish for others, I would like 00:51:37.73\00:51:44.03 Jesus to fish for me." How can I come to him as my savior? 00:51:44.03\00:51:48.24 There's some of you here who you didn't know that God really is 00:51:48.24\00:51:53.27 crazy about you. You had just no idea at all. It may be that today is the day for you to 00:51:53.27\00:52:01.88 decide, "You know what? I'd like his friendship. I'd like to give 00:52:01.88\00:52:05.72 my life. I'd like to know more about what it means to follow him." If you put a checkmark 00:52:05.72\00:52:13.26 there and an e-mail address on the front, we'll send to you a strategic guide how you can 00:52:13.26\00:52:23.41 follow Jesus, just like the disciples. Listen, took several calls for them to finally say, 00:52:23.41\00:52:30.35 "Yes, fully." It's okay. He's ready for you. 00:52:30.35\00:52:33.52 You put a checkmark there, e-mail address, we'll send it to 00:52:33.52\00:52:37.12 you. We'll send it to you. Why not? What are you waiting for? 00:52:37.12\00:52:40.32 Why not? You've been waiting all your life for this. 00:52:40.32\00:52:44.56 Okay, box number two. "Like Peter and the disciples, I want to follow Jesus and become 00:52:44.56\00:52:48.10 an active fisher of people." I'm putting the checkmark there. I'm saying I'm not doing enough 00:52:48.10\00:52:52.50 of it. I'm not doing enough of it. I want to do that. 00:52:52.50\00:52:56.24 Put a checkmark there. You're not promising anybody. You're just saying, "God, by 00:52:56.24\00:53:01.01 Your grace, You do it. And if You say the word and it becomes reality and You make me 00:53:01.01\00:53:05.91 a fisher of people, I'm saying amen. Have at it in my life." 00:53:05.91\00:53:09.32 Box number three. "I'd like to check out the waters by joining 00:53:09.32\00:53:12.95 your fishing expedition this afternoon at 3:30." No kidding. 00:53:12.95\00:53:15.96 Right here. Pioneer Memorial Church. Meet right up here on this side of the church by the 00:53:15.96\00:53:20.20 piano. We're gonna take a little survey out. This is as easy as 00:53:20.20\00:53:23.70 it comes to get into deep water. We're gonna take a survey out and go door to door. 00:53:23.70\00:53:27.37 Not alone. We'll go together. Come on. Come on out and join 00:53:27.37\00:53:30.71 us. 3:30 right here. 3:30. Love to have you. Say, "Well, Dwight, 00:53:30.71\00:53:36.44 I don't want to come." Well, would you mind bringing your 00:53:36.44\00:53:40.45 car? We'd be glad to have it. 'Cause there will be people who say, "I don't have a car." 00:53:40.45\00:53:44.52 Let's go out. 3:30, this afternoon right here. Okay. 00:53:44.52\00:53:47.26 And finally, number four, "I want to join others in praying for those who need Jesus, the 00:53:47.26\00:53:51.33 lost." It's called house of prayer Wednesdays at 7:00 in the 00:53:51.33\00:53:54.23 morning in the youth chapel, 7:00 in the sanctuary. Love to have you come and join 00:53:54.23\00:53:58.00 us. God's doing stuff in our midst. I want to pray with you 00:53:58.00\00:54:03.00 in a minute, but first I got to sing that old Sabbath school 00:54:03.00\00:54:05.77 song. Come on. Let's pretend like we're little kids again. 00:54:05.77\00:54:08.04 [ Congregation sings ] 00:54:11.25\00:54:13.78 All right, deacons, let's go. [ Congregation sings ] 00:54:17.29\00:54:21.79 [ Organ plays ] All right, keep singing. 00:54:45.58\00:54:50.39 Oh, God, we stand before you, the savior of the universe, and this little planet, as well. 00:55:30.69\00:55:39.73 Thank you. Thank you for loving us and not giving up on us. 00:55:39.73\00:55:46.37 You still need us. And so here's the deal. To the best of our 00:55:46.37\00:55:55.78 ability, we're saying if you do the fishing and if you do the making, you make us your 00:55:55.78\00:56:06.29 assistants in fishing, we say amen. We won't be afraid. 00:56:06.29\00:56:10.73 Send us to deep waters. It's okay. Have your way, and use 00:56:10.73\00:56:15.97 this band of disciples right here at Andrews University to fan out over the face of this 00:56:15.97\00:56:23.31 planet into the deepest waters on Earth in search of those men, women, and children you died to 00:56:23.31\00:56:32.15 save, you love so much today. Use us, Father, any way you 00:56:32.15\00:56:37.36 wish. We pray. And now... May the grace of the Father and 00:56:37.36\00:56:43.93 the love of Jesus Christ, His Son, and the koinonia, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, 00:56:43.93\00:56:50.57 be with you all. Amen. ¤¤ 00:56:50.57\00:56:57.25 We've been really blessed by the financial support that comes 00:57:06.02\00:57:08.86 from our viewers, and we've made a conscious decision not to 00:57:08.86\00:57:11.69 continually appeal to you for that support, which I hope 00:57:11.69\00:57:14.86 doesn't convey to you that this national and international 00:57:14.86\00:57:17.33 telecast has no needs. 00:57:17.33\00:57:18.73 The fact is, as anyone in the industry will tell you, we are needing to make constant 00:57:18.90\00:57:23.04 upgrades to the technology that brings "New Perceptions" to you 00:57:23.04\00:57:26.74 every week. So if God has blessed you, and you're in a position to share some of that 00:57:26.74\00:57:31.15 blessing with this ministry, I'd be very grateful. I don't receive a dime from our 00:57:31.15\00:57:36.62 listeners' support, but there's a world that gets blessed by the teachings of this program. So 00:57:36.62\00:57:40.96 thank you in advance. You can go to our website and give there. 00:57:41.12\00:57:42.79 www.newperceptions.tv. Or you can call our operators 00:57:42.79\00:57:47.86 and make a donation. 877 -- toll-free for you -- 00:57:47.86\00:57:50.87 877-HIS-WILL. And here's my prayer -- that the 00:57:50.87\00:57:55.54 God who has blessed you, may He continue to pour into your life 00:57:55.54\00:57:58.87 His gifts of joy and hope. Thank you. 00:57:58.87\00:58:03.28 I'll see you here next time. ¤¤ 00:58:03.28\00:58:09.98