い 00:00:00.66\00:00:03.53 [ "Holy is the Lord" plays ] 00:00:10.91\00:00:13.81 [ Congregation sings ] 00:00:22.78\00:00:25.69 い 00:02:27.64\00:02:30.55 >> How awesome is it to stand in the presence of a God who is so 00:02:40.99\00:02:45.26 mighty that we can't help but fall on our faces and worship 00:02:45.26\00:02:49.20 Him? 00:02:49.20\00:02:50.10 And yet this is the same God that daily calls us to a relationship with Him, whose 00:02:50.27\00:02:56.71 heart jumps for joy when we freely accept His love, allowing it to transform us from the 00:02:56.71\00:03:03.65 inside out. This is a God that is worthy of all of our praise. 00:03:03.65\00:03:09.42 So let us sing to Him. Holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. 00:03:09.42\00:03:15.72 Sing with me. 00:03:15.89\00:03:18.03 Let's sing it again. 00:03:39.65\00:03:41.82 Amen. You all may be seated. [ "I Give You My Heart" plays ] 00:06:07.50\00:06:15.80 [ "How Great is Our God" plays ] [ Congregation sings ] 00:09:02.24\00:09:08.04 [ "I Give You My Heart" plays ] 00:09:53.56\00:09:56.46 As we sing our next song, I invite those of you that have something on your hearts to come 00:10:25.22\00:10:31.43 forward as we begin our prayer appeal. [ Speak, O Lord" plays ] 00:10:31.43\00:10:37.17 [ Congregation sings ] 00:10:41.27\00:10:44.17 Let's sing that again. 00:13:59.83\00:14:01.80 い 00:14:28.23\00:14:31.13 い 00:17:30.65\00:17:33.55 >> Speaking of storm, may I just blurt this out? 00:18:29.24\00:18:32.11 We are living in a crazy and convoluted time. 00:18:32.11\00:18:34.81 Have you noticed? I mean, people don't know what 00:18:34.81\00:18:39.48 to think. People don't know whom to 00:18:39.48\00:18:43.35 believe. We can't trust our politicians. 00:18:43.35\00:18:46.09 We can't trust the news. It may be fake news. 00:18:46.09\00:18:50.13 We can't trust each other for some crazy reason. 00:18:50.13\00:18:55.36 Convoluted confusion. In fact, of late, I've been saying, you 00:18:55.53\00:19:01.67 know, it feels like -- it feels like controlled chaos, that somebody's actually running this 00:19:01.67\00:19:09.88 thing. And all these bloopers are actually designed to keep us off sync to throw us off of our 00:19:09.88\00:19:15.58 game. Confusion. Moral confusion, let alone 00:19:15.58\00:19:21.32 emotional and psychological confusion or all of the above. My friend Gordon Bietz, in his 00:19:21.32\00:19:30.33 last editorial before he retired as president of Southern Adventist University, in the 00:19:30.33\00:19:37.47 Southern Columns, which is a little magazine sent to us Southern grads and alum. 00:19:37.47\00:19:43.11 In the Southern Columns, he quotes James Hunter. This is so dynamite, I have got 00:19:43.11\00:19:47.92 to share it with you. James Hunter, who wrote the book "The Death of Character: Moral 00:19:47.92\00:19:53.49 Education in an Age Without Good or Evil," he provocatively identifies this age in which you 00:19:53.49\00:19:59.66 and I are living. Put the words on the screen. There's a study 00:19:59.66\00:20:03.30 guide not for fill in, but you just get to keep it, and it'll have all these quotes on it. 00:20:03.30\00:20:06.60 Didn't get one, here come our friend, the ushers, your way, 00:20:06.60\00:20:10.01 but I'm going now. So let's put Hunter's words on the screen. 00:20:10.01\00:20:13.27 Now hit the pause button right there. Here's what he's saying. 00:20:32.83\00:20:34.86 I know it's a lot of big words right there, but hold on. In order to find strength of 00:20:34.86\00:20:39.33 character -- here's what he's saying. In order for us to find 00:20:39.33\00:20:42.14 strength of character -- By the way, the very opposite of the food fight we're experiencing 00:20:42.14\00:20:45.71 right now with the news media and presidential politics, all right, the very opposite of 00:20:45.71\00:20:48.78 that. We're talking about news, we're talking about social 00:20:48.78\00:20:51.81 media, we're talking about politicians, we're talking about entertainers, this business of 00:20:51.81\00:20:58.45 trash-mouth trash talk. Everybody's gone crazy. You want moral sanity and moral 00:20:58.45\00:21:05.39 order? This is what Hunter is saying. If you want moral 00:21:05.39\00:21:11.33 character, we're gonna need moral creed, we're gonna need moral codes to -- how did he put 00:21:11.33\00:21:16.44 it here? -- to constrain us, bind us, obligate us, compel us. But we're deciding -- apparently 00:21:16.44\00:21:20.71 as a society, we're deciding that the price is too high to 00:21:20.71\00:21:23.68 pay. No, no, I'm not gonna pay that high a price. Now he goes 00:21:23.68\00:21:26.55 on. Back on the screen. Here's us -- 2017. 00:21:26.55\00:21:30.02 Boy, this is good. 00:21:50.24\00:21:52.21 Don't you tell me what I can't do. I can do anything I want, 00:21:55.58\00:21:58.41 but I also want moral community. You can't have it. 00:21:58.41\00:22:01.48 Hmm. For such a time as this, how then shall we live? 00:22:10.43\00:22:18.80 I want you to open your Bible right now. I want you to see 00:22:18.80\00:22:22.47 this for yourself, one of the most tantalizing lines in all of 00:22:22.47\00:22:26.24 Holy Scripture. I'm telling you the truth. Open your Bible. It's not gonna be hard to find 00:22:26.24\00:22:29.34 this verse because it's in the Book of Beginnings, the Book of 00:22:29.34\00:22:32.35 Genesis. Go back to Genesis Chapter 5, please. Didn't bring 00:22:32.35\00:22:35.52 a Bible, grab the pew Bible in front of you. Easy page to find. Beginning of Genesis. 00:22:35.52\00:22:38.89 Genesis Chapter 5. Take a look at this. Let's pick it up in 00:22:38.89\00:22:47.96 verse 21. Verse 23. 00:23:02.48\00:23:04.38 Verse 24. 00:23:07.75\00:23:09.95 There it is. What a line. Enoch walked with God. 00:23:19.19\00:23:24.30 So tantalizingly simple. So matter of fact. Enoch walked 00:23:24.30\00:23:30.31 with God. I love going on long walks with people I like. Right? 00:23:30.31\00:23:34.64 Why? Because we have time together. I just love it. 00:23:34.64\00:23:37.38 We have time together. What do we do? You just walk and talk 00:23:37.38\00:23:40.92 together. You just walk and talk, walk and talk. Doesn't 00:23:40.92\00:23:45.19 matter how long. You're together. Walk and talk. Walk 00:23:45.19\00:23:48.22 and talk. Sometimes you walk in silence. You don't say a word because it's just being in each 00:23:48.22\00:23:52.53 other's presence. That's all that matters. Walk and talk. 00:23:52.53\00:23:56.73 Enoch walked with God. And you know what? I know your heart. 00:23:56.73\00:24:00.57 There's something deep inside all of us that when we read or hear those words, something just 00:24:00.57\00:24:06.04 kind of leaps and we wonder. Man, could I do that? Could that 00:24:06.04\00:24:14.38 happen to me? Could I walk and talk with the Almighty God of the universe? Why not? 00:24:14.38\00:24:23.19 "Yeah, but, Dwight, I'm just not -- Yeah, but I'm not sure." How 00:24:23.19\00:24:29.90 would you do it? You're not gonna believe this. It is exceedingly simple. The only 00:24:29.90\00:24:35.84 other major passage on Enoch in the Bible is at the end of the Bible, Hebrews. So go to the 00:24:35.84\00:24:39.37 Book of Hebrews now. We were in Genesis. Now we go to Hebrews. 00:24:39.37\00:24:41.54 Let's go the Bible hall of faith, hall of fame chapter. This is the hall of fame. 00:24:41.54\00:24:46.48 These are the people exactly like you and me but became known because of how they lived. 00:24:46.48\00:24:52.99 This is Hebrews 11. Okay, so you found Hebrews 11? Drop down to 00:24:52.99\00:24:59.36 verse 5. Enoch walked with God. How? By faith. Not by sight. No. 00:25:15.21\00:25:20.02 Not by sound. Not by touch. He walked only by faith. "By faith 00:25:20.02\00:25:26.59 Enoch walked with God." Plain and simple. By faith. 00:25:26.59\00:25:30.19 And what makes this all so tantalizing? I mean, come on. 00:25:30.19\00:25:32.79 Let's be honest. What makes this so tantalizing? I mean, you think of the life of 00:25:32.79\00:25:37.83 this man, walking with God from the age of 65 to 365 years. That's 300 years of walking day 00:25:37.83\00:25:45.71 after day after day after year after year after year after 00:25:45.71\00:25:50.48 year. Those of us who despair of walking with God even for one 00:25:50.48\00:25:53.38 day. 300 years? Until one day, Enoch and God are walking and 00:25:53.38\00:26:00.99 talking together, and this is the way I kind of imagine it. God must have said to him, "Yo, 00:26:00.99\00:26:04.89 Enoch, looks like you're closer to my house than your house. You want to come home with Me?" 00:26:04.89\00:26:13.27 And with a smile, God throws wide a door, and Enoch steps into heaven without dying. 00:26:13.27\00:26:21.71 Without dying. Wow. 00:26:21.71\00:26:26.58 And what's making this so tantalizing is a single line written a century ago. 00:26:31.99\00:26:36.99 I got to share this with you. Unbelievable. This is from the 00:26:36.99\00:26:41.43 classic "Christ's Object Lessons." Put the words on the screen. "In every phase of your 00:26:41.43\00:26:46.03 character building" -- I like that, because character building 00:26:46.03\00:26:49.80 is in phases. It's like growing flowers. Mr. Roy knew the trick. You got to just stay through the 00:26:49.80\00:26:53.84 phases. You'll eventually get this beautiful blossom, but stay 00:26:53.84\00:26:57.81 through the phases. "In every phase" -- How does it go here? -- "In every phase of 00:26:57.81\00:27:02.12 your character building" -- Obviously growth is taking place -- "you are to please 00:27:02.12\00:27:05.65 God," just like Enoch. "This you may do; for Enoch pleased Him 00:27:05.65\00:27:11.29 though living in a degenerate age." Yo, Enoch, welcome to 2017. Degenerate age. Come on. 00:27:11.29\00:27:18.50 But here comes the line. The italics are mine. "And there are 00:27:18.50\00:27:25.67 Enochs in this our day." Did you catch that? "There are Enochs in 00:27:25.67\00:27:34.98 this our day." Right now. Maybe right here. 00:27:34.98\00:27:39.99 Don't look around. Don't look around. 00:27:39.99\00:27:43.46 I've known some Enochs in my lifetime. 00:27:47.66\00:27:51.77 I've known some men, I've known some women, I've known some 00:27:51.93\00:27:54.14 young adults on this campus. I've known some teens. 00:27:54.14\00:27:58.84 I have known human beings in my lifetime who were Enoch in our 00:27:58.84\00:28:03.35 midst. You know why? 00:28:03.35\00:28:05.15 Because they have such a walk with God. 00:28:05.15\00:28:07.12 It's written all over their faces. 00:28:07.12\00:28:08.88 I came to the early morning prayer meeting this last week. 00:28:08.88\00:28:11.75 7:00 at night, 7:00 in the morning, 7:00 at night, Wednesday I went to both, and 00:28:11.92\00:28:17.36 there was this co-ed. She's praying. I can hardly hear the 00:28:17.36\00:28:21.86 circle. I'm on the opposite end. But she's praying, and I open my eyes to look at her, and her 00:28:21.86\00:28:27.37 face is just like she's talking to God right now. And I'm like, 00:28:27.37\00:28:37.21 "Whoa." "By faith Enoch walked with God." Question -- Can we 00:28:37.21\00:28:42.68 have that same faith? Answer -- I do believe we can. I do 00:28:42.68\00:28:46.55 believe we can. You want to be one of them? In this morally corrupt and confused and chaotic 00:28:46.55\00:28:51.96 age, would you like to be one of God's Enochs in this our day? I 00:28:51.96\00:28:56.40 know you would. So I want to share with you the secret to Enoch's life. He didn't know it, 00:28:56.40\00:29:01.67 but it's John 15:5. That's the secret. Take a look at this. 00:29:01.67\00:29:04.97 This has been our theme text for this entire "Storm" series. We kept touching base with it, 00:29:04.97\00:29:10.05 touch base with it, go back to John 15:5. We're doing the same. 00:29:10.05\00:29:13.75 I want you to see it in your own Bible, bright red letters. Jesus has left the upper room. 00:29:13.75\00:29:18.55 You'll see at the end of Chapter 14, it says, "Let's get out of 00:29:18.55\00:29:22.09 here." So that's Jesus telling his 11 now that are left. He 00:29:22.09\00:29:25.63 says, "Let's go." And they go, and he stops, and the silver light of the Passover full moon 00:29:25.63\00:29:30.83 -- always full on Passover -- he stops by a trellis, a vineyard vine trellis, and he speaks 00:29:30.83\00:29:38.04 these words while he's holding the fruit. He speaks these 00:29:38.04\00:29:41.91 words. Verse 5. 00:29:41.91\00:29:43.95 Zero. Nada. Nothing. You can't. And what's very interesting to me is that this is precisely how 00:30:01.13\00:30:10.44 Jesus himself lived. No kidding. Let me just run these -- Don't 00:30:10.44\00:30:13.68 even look them up. They're in John, but just put them on the screen, please, for 00:30:13.68\00:30:17.08 us. El presto. John 5:19, Jesus speaking. 00:30:17.08\00:30:19.91 There's this little incident, and he makes this statement. "I can do nothing by myself." 00:30:23.79\00:30:27.42 Yo, timeout, Jesus. Are you saying you could not do any healing by yourself? 00:30:27.42\00:30:30.63 "That's what I'm saying, boy." Are you saying the teachings that you came up with, you could 00:30:30.63\00:30:34.40 not do by -- "I'm just telling you." The people's lives that 00:30:34.40\00:30:38.23 you radically transformed, you didn't do that by -- "No. 00:30:38.23\00:30:41.64 I could do nothing by myself. And by the way, I could do nothing, and neither can you. 00:30:41.64\00:30:46.07 You can do nothing by yourself. As I needed the Father, you need 00:30:46.07\00:30:51.28 me." Wow. In fact, that point is so important that before the 00:30:51.28\00:30:53.88 incident is over in John 5:30 -- put it on the screen -- he repeats it just to make sure we 00:30:53.88\00:30:57.79 got it. "By myself, I can do nothing, for I seek not to 00:30:57.79\00:31:04.16 please" -- Ooh, isn't that something? -- "I seek not to please myself but Him who sent 00:31:04.16\00:31:10.30 me." Looks like Jesus was just like Enoch. He walked with God 00:31:10.30\00:31:14.84 by faith just like Enoch. He pleased God by faith just like 00:31:14.84\00:31:21.14 Enoch. Apparently Jesus did not have some sort of inside track to the omnipotence of heaven. 00:31:21.14\00:31:27.25 Nope. "I couldn't do a thing. I could not do a thing." 00:31:27.25\00:31:31.75 [ Scoffs ] Wow. In fact, he really nails it here in the 00:31:31.75\00:31:35.09 upper room. So they've left the upper room. They're down by the vines now. But look at John 00:31:35.09\00:31:40.20 14:10. Put it on the screen for you. "Don't you believe" -- 00:31:40.36\00:31:42.43 Jesus speaking to this disciples -- "that I am in the Father, and 00:31:42.43\00:31:44.57 that the Father is in me?" "Look, I'm asking you to be in 00:31:44.57\00:31:46.63 me. I want to be in you. 00:31:46.63\00:31:47.67 But I'm in the Father. The Father's in me. 00:31:47.67\00:31:49.27 Don't you believe?" 00:31:49.27\00:31:51.31 Lo and behold, what Jesus asks us to be with him, the Gospel 00:31:58.48\00:32:02.72 truth is, he was that with the Father. 00:32:02.72\00:32:05.55 "Abide in Me and I in you. Abide in Me and I in you." 00:32:05.55\00:32:08.82 It's the same. That's how Jesus walked with 00:32:08.82\00:32:12.63 God. That's how Enoch walked with 00:32:12.63\00:32:14.36 God. That's how you and I will walk 00:32:14.36\00:32:16.60 with God. Same way. 00:32:16.60\00:32:18.10 Because the great credo of Jesus' life was the great credo 00:32:18.10\00:32:23.04 of Enoch's life. 00:32:23.04\00:32:24.44 And it must become the great credo of your life and my life. That's only seven words long. 00:32:24.61\00:32:29.41 Here's the other verse that we've been going back to every part of this series. 00:32:29.41\00:32:32.58 I'll put it on the screen for you, and let's read it out loud 00:32:32.58\00:32:35.45 together. Hebrews 2:13 Jesus said -- Now let's just read the 00:32:35.45\00:32:40.89 words he said. Seven words. I will live by this. I will put my 00:32:46.29\00:32:51.40 trust in Him. You know what? It was during this series that God came to me and said, 00:32:51.40\00:32:55.70 "Dwight, guess what? This one was for you. I'm asking you, 00:32:55.70\00:33:03.61 Dwight, now for the rest of your life till I come to live by 00:33:03.61\00:33:08.15 those seven words. It was my credo when I was here. I give it to you." I've read these words 00:33:08.15\00:33:14.76 throughout my life, my ministry, but never as they have sunk into this tiny, little brain in this 00:33:14.76\00:33:21.86 seven-part series. "I will put my trust in Him." Which means, 00:33:21.86\00:33:32.74 by the way, that when you walk by faith, you will be like Jesus. Because he walked by 00:33:32.74\00:33:39.18 faith, so you'll be like him when you walk by faith. Does 00:33:39.18\00:33:41.85 that make sense? Yeah, in fact, let me show you this. Put it on 00:33:41.85\00:33:44.42 the screen. This is amazing. "By faith Enoch walked with God." 00:33:44.42\00:33:46.69 We just read that in Genesis 5. What did we read in Hebrews 2? "By faith Jesus walked with 00:33:46.69\00:33:50.46 God." Here's another one. "By faith Enoch pleased God." 00:33:50.46\00:33:53.50 Hebrews 11. What did we just read? John 5:30. 00:33:53.50\00:33:56.16 "By faith Jesus pleased God." Enoch was like Jesus. Jesus was 00:33:56.16\00:34:01.40 like Enoch. And we've been called to be like them. In fact, 00:34:01.40\00:34:05.91 2 Corinthians 5:9. Not gonna put it on the screen for you. 2 00:34:05.91\00:34:11.01 Corinthians 5:9. "We make it our aim," Paul writes, "to please Him." That's what we live for. 00:34:11.01\00:34:17.29 We live to please Him. When you walk by faith, you will be like 00:34:17.29\00:34:23.43 Jesus. And guess what? The longer you walk with him, the more you will be like him. 00:34:23.43\00:34:30.27 I love elderly people. I know what you're thinking. "Yeah, you ought to love them. 00:34:30.27\00:34:35.00 You're getting close." [ Laughter ] That was really mean 00:34:35.00\00:34:37.91 of you to say, by the way. You were thinking that. I could see 00:34:37.91\00:34:41.61 that. Just erase that from your mind. I love elderly people. Truly, truly, I just love them. 00:34:41.61\00:34:47.78 So when we came as this kid pastor and a beautiful wife to this parish, when I wanted to 00:34:47.78\00:34:53.89 start getting acquainted with the congregation, in the afternoons, if I was gonna meet 00:34:53.89\00:34:57.03 anybody, I would have to meet people who were already retired. They're living at home. 00:34:57.03\00:35:00.20 They're of age now, and they're living at home. So one afternoon 00:35:00.20\00:35:03.80 -- Oh, this is incredible -- One afternoon, I'm out here on Campus Drive, which is this 00:35:03.80\00:35:08.14 circle -- It's the drive that goes around the campus, okay? There's a little house there. 00:35:08.14\00:35:11.17 I knock at the door. They come to the door. I'm talking about 00:35:11.17\00:35:14.64 the residents of this house. Who are they? They are Alma and 00:35:14.64\00:35:17.91 Victor Campbell. Now, Victor Campbell, for years, was the 00:35:17.91\00:35:22.62 head of the farm. The agriculture department at Andrews University. By the way, 00:35:22.62\00:35:26.72 do you know this? We are one of the rare universities in the United States that still has a 00:35:26.72\00:35:33.66 farm and dairy program, okay? So he was the head of the dairy for 00:35:33.66\00:35:37.43 years. Put their picture on the screen. He was the head of the 00:35:37.43\00:35:41.17 dairy for years. And that's his wife, Alma. She taught at Emmanuel Missionary College -- 00:35:41.17\00:35:45.47 Academy. Used to be called -- It's Andrews Academy now. And then she graduated from 00:35:45.47\00:35:49.94 Academy and she taught English at Emmanuel Missionary College. 00:35:49.94\00:35:55.65 A lovely couple. So we sat down together as pastors do when they make calls. We sat down 00:35:55.65\00:35:59.69 together, and, of course, I started asking questions like who the children in those 00:35:59.69\00:36:03.69 pictures and "oh, my, did you embroider this yourself? Whoa. It's beautiful." That's what 00:36:03.69\00:36:07.30 pastors do. They just ask questions. And so then I say, "Yeah, listen, I need to find 00:36:07.30\00:36:11.37 out about you two. Tell me your story. How long you been here at 00:36:11.37\00:36:14.30 Andrews University?" Yeah, it was Andrews University at that 00:36:14.30\00:36:17.74 time. And something began to happen. I'm noticing an intriguing pattern, and I could 00:36:17.74\00:36:23.75 not help but smiling inside of me. I would not smile out loud. 00:36:23.75\00:36:28.72 I smiled inside. And that was every time I asked her a question, she would start the 00:36:28.72\00:36:35.26 answer, and he'd butt in and finish it. [ Laughter ] So I said, "You're not getting 00:36:35.26\00:36:38.49 this. I'll ask her another one." [ Snaps fingers ] Same thing. 00:36:38.49\00:36:41.30 I said, "I'll reverse it. I'll ask him." So I asked him a 00:36:41.30\00:36:44.30 question. He'd start it, pssh, she'd slip in. She'd slip in and 00:36:44.30\00:36:49.54 answer it. I suddenly realized what was going on. Here are 00:36:49.54\00:36:52.87 these dear saints. Here are these dear lovers who have lived so long together that they 00:36:52.87\00:36:57.21 practically know each other's mind before the words are even spoken. And when the words are 00:36:57.21\00:37:01.08 spoken, they can finish them. That's what we're talking about 00:37:01.08\00:37:06.65 here. Walk and talk and walk and talk. The time will come when the more you share life 00:37:06.65\00:37:15.56 together, the more you will share likeness together. I saw 00:37:15.56\00:37:21.67 it. Which is why when you walk by faith, you'll be like Jesus. Because that's how it works. 00:37:21.67\00:37:27.78 In fact, let me tell you really technically how it works. Great music, Matt, on a lot of 00:37:27.78\00:37:32.81 this on the Trinity, and I'm so glad you did that. I want you to 00:37:32.81\00:37:37.72 see this in John 14. We won't go back there. We'll put it on the 00:37:37.72\00:37:41.16 screen. Jesus makes a very interesting statement. Watch 00:37:41.16\00:37:43.39 this. He's talking to the 11 who are left. 00:37:43.39\00:37:45.46 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another 00:37:45.63\00:37:48.26 advocate" -- or comforter or counselor, depending on your 00:37:48.26\00:37:50.97 translation -- "to help you and" -- look at this -- "be with 00:37:50.97\00:37:53.80 you forever." Keep reading. 00:37:53.80\00:37:55.27 Who is this? Who is this, Lord? Ah, he's the spirit of truth. 00:37:55.27\00:37:58.14 He's talking about the Holy Spirit. 00:37:58.14\00:38:01.31 One more line. 00:38:08.95\00:38:10.95 "He will be me." We're different. You understand? 00:38:15.49\00:38:22.66 "But I got five fingers on each hand now, and I can be in only 00:38:22.66\00:38:27.04 place at one time. But I'm not gonna leave the orphans. I will 00:38:27.04\00:38:31.17 come to you. The Holy Spirit will be the one who is with you. The Holy Spirit will be the one 00:38:31.17\00:38:35.18 you will walk with. The Holy Spirit will be the one you talk 00:38:35.18\00:38:38.58 with. And the Holy Spirit will only talk about me," because he says at the end of Chapter 15, 00:38:38.58\00:38:43.05 "he will testify on me." The Holy Spirit never comes into your life and says, "Yo-ho! 00:38:43.05\00:38:47.66 Whoo-hoo! I'm here!" Never says it at all. When he comes in, you 00:38:47.66\00:38:52.06 know what he says? "Jesus is here. You called. 00:38:52.06\00:38:55.60 You called. I'm here." And it's always a sense of 00:38:55.60\00:38:59.47 Jesus. And when the Holy Spirit speaks, ooh, boy, when the Holy 00:38:59.47\00:39:06.74 Spirit speaks the omnipotent word of the Word made flesh, in half a nanosecond -- you 00:39:06.74\00:39:11.91 remember how this goes? -- in half a nanosecond, the God who says, "Let there be light," in 00:39:11.91\00:39:15.15 half a nanosecond when you read the beatitude "blessed are the pure in heart," and there's 00:39:15.15\00:39:18.65 something inside of you that says, "Amen, God. 00:39:18.65\00:39:20.72 I want to be the pure in heart. Make me like Jesus. 00:39:20.89\00:39:23.56 Let me be pure in heart." When you say amen, and then in 00:39:23.56\00:39:26.43 half a nanosecond, God says, "Let the purity of Christ be in 00:39:26.43\00:39:29.43 her," boom! And you got it. 00:39:29.43\00:39:31.03 "Let the purity of Christ be in him." 00:39:31.03\00:39:32.57 Boom! You got it. Almighty, omnipotent word. 00:39:32.57\00:39:38.37 And when He hears you speak His word back to Him and you say 00:39:38.54\00:39:43.91 "amen," boom! You got it. Man. "Blessed are the meek." 00:39:43.91\00:39:48.78 Oh, God, I want to be meek. I want to be humble like Jesus. 00:39:48.78\00:39:52.39 Please. In less than half a nanosecond, if you say "amen" when you read the word, "amen," 00:39:52.39\00:39:56.86 boom! You've got it. If any woman is in Christ, if any man is in Christ, she, he is 00:39:56.86\00:40:02.83 a new creation just like that. Remember, the spirit hovers over the waters at the beginning of 00:40:02.83\00:40:06.94 creation. Don't kid yourself. All three were there for that 00:40:06.94\00:40:09.27 creation. The spirit was there. Boom! 00:40:09.27\00:40:14.94 Wow. "By faith Enoch walked with God." 00:40:14.94\00:40:22.45 Ellen White back in 1891 described Enoch this way. This 00:40:22.45\00:40:26.79 is just beautiful. You'll take this home in the study guide. Put her words on the screen, 00:40:26.79\00:40:31.39 please. 00:40:31.39\00:40:33.40 Yeah, we just read that. "He made Christ" -- now here you go -- "He made Christ his 00:40:37.57\00:40:42.27 constant" -- what? what? -- "companion." Hit the pause 00:40:42.27\00:40:46.37 button right there. Walk and talk. That's what he's doing. 00:40:46.37\00:40:49.08 Walk and talk. Walk and talk. By faith. 00:40:49.08\00:40:53.25 He didn't see a face. He didn't hear a voice. He didn't feel a 00:40:53.25\00:40:57.12 touch. It was all by faith, exactly as you and me, exactly as our Lord. "By faith Enoch 00:40:57.12\00:41:05.36 walked with God." And this is what gets me. "And there are 00:41:05.36\00:41:10.60 Enochs in this our day." Put the quotation back up. Let's keep 00:41:10.60\00:41:16.00 going. "He" -- Enoch -- "was in the world, and performed his duties to the world." 00:41:16.00\00:41:19.21 So he has a job. Look. He's got to earn a living. He's got a 00:41:19.21\00:41:22.21 job. He's in the world. It's okay. You can still walk with God. "But he was ever under the 00:41:22.21\00:41:26.35 influence" -- talking about driving under the influence. 00:41:26.35\00:41:29.95 There it is. "He was ever under the influence of Jesus. 00:41:30.12\00:41:33.52 He reflected Christ's character," like Mr. Roy. 00:41:33.52\00:41:36.69 "His association with Christ day by day" -- Oh, here it goes -- 00:41:42.30\00:41:46.60 "day by day transformed him into the image of Him with whom he 00:41:46.60\00:41:50.87 was so intimately connected." 00:41:50.87\00:41:53.24 "Abide in Me and I in you." By faith. You don't feel a thing. 00:41:53.41\00:41:57.68 By faith. I'm there. You're here. "Abide in Me. 00:41:57.68\00:42:02.62 Walk with Me. Girl, boy, talk back to Me. Talk to Me. 00:42:02.62\00:42:08.16 I want to hear from you. Are you listening to Me? I'm talking to 00:42:08.16\00:42:14.00 you." Just like Enoch. Wow. Because when you walk by faith, 00:42:14.00\00:42:19.63 you'll be like Jesus. People start seeing it. Well, what's up 00:42:19.63\00:42:25.47 with that? I couldn't tell you what these plants looked like, these flowers looked like 00:42:25.47\00:42:28.58 yesterday, but I can tell you what they look like today. I don't know how much growth 00:42:28.58\00:42:31.28 took place between yesterday and today, but they sure are 00:42:31.28\00:42:33.78 beautiful. And it looks like these petals just continue to open. You can't see it. 00:42:33.78\00:42:38.99 Only the people that see you and then come back and see you later say, "Whoa, something happened 00:42:38.99\00:42:43.93 here." "And there are Enochs in this our day." 00:42:43.93\00:42:49.33 One more line from this quotation. 00:42:49.33\00:42:52.93 Do you remember when we used to wear these little bands that had 00:43:03.01\00:43:05.28 WWJD on it? 00:43:05.28\00:43:06.58 Remember that? WWJD. What'd it stand for? "What Would Jesus 00:43:06.75\00:43:10.49 Do?" You remember that? It was a big craze. That's how Enoch 00:43:10.49\00:43:13.96 lived. He would keep asking this question. Circle it in your 00:43:13.96\00:43:17.63 study guide. Keep it in your mind. Is this the way of the Lord? God, God, God, God. 00:43:17.63\00:43:22.43 I'm getting ready to walk into that boardroom. Is this Your 00:43:22.43\00:43:28.27 mind on this? Am I okay with this? I'm getting ready to ring 00:43:28.27\00:43:33.11 a doorbell. I'm getting ready to make a call. God, do I have Your 00:43:33.11\00:43:36.21 mind on this? Is this the way of the Lord? 00:43:36.21\00:43:38.18 And then the last line. Oh, this is beautiful. 00:43:38.35\00:43:41.12 He walked with God. He walked with the Father and he 00:43:52.03\00:43:54.40 walked with the Son, and he had the Holy Spirit in him. 00:43:54.40\00:43:57.37 The whole Trinity was engaged in Enoch's life. And by the way, 00:43:57.53\00:44:01.24 the whole Trinity is engaged in your life. You may be thinking that you're walking all alone. 00:44:01.24\00:44:05.31 You may be thinking that nobody's caring about me in 00:44:05.31\00:44:08.84 heaven right now. You got 1/3 of the Trinity in your heart. You have the other two are 00:44:08.84\00:44:12.31 connected with you as if there were no other living human being 00:44:12.31\00:44:16.22 on this planet. God is so able to focus His mind that He is only with you, exclusively 00:44:16.22\00:44:22.62 yours. "Talk to Me. Come on. Talk to Me. What do you want? 00:44:22.62\00:44:27.93 What can I do for you? I'm not a genie in a bottle. I'm your 00:44:27.93\00:44:33.77 friend. Abide in Me and I in you." Ladies and gentlemen, it's 00:44:33.77\00:44:43.35 that simple. God is raising up a generation of Enochs who will keep the faith of Jesus. 00:44:43.35\00:44:49.55 The storm generation. And I do believe I can say this with all the integrity of my 00:44:56.16\00:45:01.96 soul. I do believe He's calling you. No kidding. 00:45:01.96\00:45:04.73 I do believe He's calling you. The big question is -- Come on, 00:45:04.73\00:45:08.54 come on. The big question is, do you hear Him calling you? I know 00:45:08.54\00:45:13.88 He's calling you. Do you hear Him calling you? I want to end with a story. It talks about how 00:45:13.88\00:45:22.12 you can hear Him. The story's preceded by a quotation. 00:45:22.12\00:45:26.25 It's from Mark Labberton, who is the president of Fuller Theological Seminary. 00:45:26.25\00:45:30.66 He wrote a piece in the latest Christianity Today magazine in which he describes how when he 00:45:30.66\00:45:35.80 believed in no God at all, he picked up the Bible one day and said, "I'm gonna read this just 00:45:35.80\00:45:41.00 like a plain, old book." So what you're gonna hear now is a first-person testimony, okay? 00:45:41.00\00:45:45.21 Put his words on the screen. "I started to read the New Testament just as I was 00:45:45.21\00:45:48.58 about to enter college," like some of you. 00:45:48.58\00:45:51.88 There's some of you who've walked into church today. You weren't here for parts 1, 2, 00:46:14.37\00:46:17.77 3, 4, 5, and 6. You're not even sure why you're here today, but 00:46:17.77\00:46:20.98 you're here, and there's something happening inside of you right now that's saying, 00:46:20.98\00:46:25.41 "Man, this is more than just a cutesy, little picture. There's something going on with those 00:46:25.41\00:46:31.72 words, 'And he walked with God by faith.'" Some of you who are channel surfing and you just 00:46:31.72\00:46:39.09 happened to land on this moment. Some of you are at our website. You're looking for some archived 00:46:39.09\00:46:43.60 video, and you happen to pick this one, and boom, suddenly the Eternal is speaking to you. 00:46:43.60\00:46:52.07 What would happen if you picked up this book and just started reading it like a book? 00:46:52.07\00:46:56.88 You can start with the Gospels if you want. You can start with 00:46:56.88\00:46:59.78 Genesis. Be my guest. But what would happen if you just picked this up and started 00:46:59.78\00:47:02.82 reading? Could it be that the Eternal of the universe would 00:47:02.82\00:47:11.16 start whispering to you? Mark Labberton did that. He describes 00:47:11.16\00:47:15.60 how his reading expanded. Put his words back up on the screen. 00:47:15.60\00:47:19.97 The kingdom of God is the antidote. 00:47:23.71\00:47:25.21 It's huge. 00:47:25.21\00:47:27.11 Could it be that God has -- Hit the pause button there. Could it be that God is calling 00:47:52.13\00:47:57.64 you out of your smallness right now? Your life feels small. 00:47:57.64\00:48:01.64 It just doesn't feel like it has any nobility and destiny and 00:48:01.64\00:48:06.51 purpose to it. Could it be God is calling you out of your smallness right now? "Come talk 00:48:06.51\00:48:14.82 to Me. Come on. Let Me talk to you. And then talk back to Me." 00:48:14.82\00:48:22.83 Mind -- with capital M -- Mind Intellect -- with capital I -- 00:48:22.83\00:48:30.74 Intellect connect. Labberton... 00:48:30.74\00:48:32.64 "By faith Enoch walked with God." And by the way, he didn't 00:49:01.60\00:49:07.68 have this. All he had was what was passed from father to child, 00:49:07.68\00:49:11.25 father to child. The maker of all things loves and wants you. 00:49:11.25\00:49:13.75 That's what I want you to remember. The father would tell 00:49:13.75\00:49:16.65 his children, "The maker of all things loves and wants you." And one day he reached out to 00:49:16.65\00:49:22.02 this maker and connected. [ Sighs ] 00:49:22.02\00:49:28.40 "However," his words to end here. 00:49:28.56\00:49:32.30 That's what we've been talking about -- a life that begins to 00:49:57.09\00:49:58.96 look like the Word made flesh. 00:49:58.96\00:50:00.86 I like this. 00:50:04.63\00:50:06.60 "This is the perspicuity" -- Yeah, I'd never seen that word, 00:50:12.01\00:50:16.14 either. Had to look it up. 00:50:16.14\00:50:17.45 Means transparency. 00:50:17.45\00:50:20.18 In other words, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. 00:50:28.19\00:50:29.96 Something begins to happen to you when you pick up this book 00:50:29.96\00:50:36.00 and daily you read the narratives, you read the poetry, 00:50:36.00\00:50:38.57 you read the prose every day. 00:50:38.57\00:50:41.07 We walk and talk. We walk and talk. That's it. We walk and 00:50:41.24\00:50:44.87 talk. We walk and talk. Something is happening. There's a conversation that's 00:50:44.87\00:50:48.81 developing. There's a connection that is deepening. 00:50:48.81\00:50:52.88 Labberton's point -- "Can people read our lives and see the life 00:50:53.05\00:50:58.05 of God in us?" And then he ends with this 00:50:58.05\00:50:59.79 sentence. "The clarity of our faithful 00:50:59.79\00:51:02.32 Bible reading is meant to show up in the clarity of our 00:51:02.32\00:51:06.23 faithful lives." And as soon as he writes that 00:51:06.23\00:51:09.73 sentence, he tells a story. And I end with a story right 00:51:09.73\00:51:12.57 here from Christianity Today. 00:51:12.57\00:51:14.40 "I was converted again" -- to this conviction that we just read -- "one night in northern 00:51:14.57\00:51:19.57 Uganda." Okay? So he's in Africa. At that time, the Lord's 00:51:19.57\00:51:23.95 Resistance Army" -- that's some kind of terrorist army -- "was still at its evil games, and 00:51:23.95\00:51:30.82 children slept in night commuter camps to stay alive and to avoid being captured and tortured into 00:51:30.82\00:51:36.62 becoming child soldiers. This particular night, as every night, hundreds of children came 00:51:36.62\00:51:41.93 to sleep together in the rough of an empty school. Only one adult was present, a 00:51:41.93\00:51:47.74 middle-aged woman available to help and comfort any who might 00:51:47.74\00:51:51.54 have need. Her husband and children were at their home just 00:51:51.54\00:51:55.11 a few blocks away. She explained that she came each night as a volunteer to be of help. 00:51:55.11\00:52:00.18 I asked her why she was doing this. She talked about the 00:52:00.18\00:52:04.02 children's need and her desire to do what she could under such difficult circumstances in the 00:52:04.02\00:52:08.92 face of such fears. Still, wanting to know more, I pressed. 00:52:08.92\00:52:11.73 Yeah, but what motivates you to care? Why do you do it? 00:52:11.73\00:52:16.46 She looked me up and down and finally said, 'Well, I am what you call a Christian. 00:52:16.46\00:52:24.34 I read my Bible every day, and every week I go to a church where we eat something called 00:52:24.34\00:52:29.38 The Lord's Supper. I can't imagine doing those things all 00:52:29.38\00:52:34.12 my life and not coming here. Where else would it lead?'" The 00:52:34.12\00:52:40.19 lady got it. She got it. "Abide in Me and I in you, and you will 00:52:40.19\00:52:44.26 bear much fruit." And the world will be a different place because of you. When you walk by 00:52:44.26\00:52:51.80 faith in the Word, you will live by faith in the world. And they will take note that 00:52:51.80\00:53:00.84 these men, that these women, that these children had been 00:53:00.84\00:53:05.51 with Jesus. What do you say? Yeah, no, what do you say? Yeah. 00:53:05.51\00:53:11.25 You know what I wish if I could, just one prayer for you? One 00:53:11.25\00:53:16.26 prayer. One gift from God to you. Here's what I wish. I pray that whoever you are and 00:53:16.26\00:53:26.67 whatever you do and however old you are or aren't, I pray that this gift of a walk with God 00:53:26.67\00:53:38.55 will be yours. It's yours for the asking. You don't have to 00:53:38.55\00:53:45.29 get a letter. It's not air-mailed to you. Walk and talk. Walk and talk. 00:53:45.29\00:53:56.10 You'll bear much fruit. There will be a generation of Enochs at the end, and the world 00:53:56.10\00:54:02.80 will say, "Whoa. Who are these people?" Walk and talk. 00:54:02.80\00:54:09.78 That's what I wish more than anything else for you. In fact, let me pray with you 00:54:09.78\00:54:16.79 right now. Oh, God, please, for these dear sons and daughters of 00:54:16.79\00:54:23.29 Yours, You've loved them from the first day they breathed. You've never given up on them. 00:54:23.29\00:54:28.06 You have always been tugging at their hearts, their minds. And there's somebody here, 00:54:28.06\00:54:32.50 Father, who's saying, "I'm not sure. I never thought about this 00:54:32.50\00:54:35.97 before," but, Father, for that heart, the Holy Spirit who's speaking, assure him, assure her 00:54:35.97\00:54:45.98 it's for real. Mr. Roy reflected somebody special. 00:54:45.98\00:54:53.19 It works. So call us and empower us. Encourage us. 00:54:53.19\00:55:02.73 Take us by the hand and walk and talk, and walk and talk, and walk and talk until that day 00:55:02.73\00:55:09.24 when You look down with a smile and say, "Hey, you know what, 00:55:09.24\00:55:14.31 guys? You're closer to My house than yours. Why don't you come 00:55:14.31\00:55:18.85 home with Me?" And that door flings open. And we walk in. 00:55:18.85\00:55:24.45 Till then, walk and talk. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 00:55:24.45\00:55:32.53 [ "I Would Be Like Jesus" plays ] 00:55:32.53\00:55:36.73 [ Congregation sings ] 00:55:45.04\00:55:47.44 And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of the Father and the fellowship 00:56:35.52\00:56:42.36 of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 00:56:42.36\00:56:47.04 [ Organ plays ] 00:56:47.04\00:56:49.54 >> I want to take an extra moment to thank you for joining us in worship today. 00:56:58.98\00:57:02.35 It's by the continued support from viewers like you that we're able to bring this telecast. 00:57:02.35\00:57:07.46 Today I want to invite you, though, to share with us how this ministry has blessed you. 00:57:07.46\00:57:11.89 Truth is, I get inspiring notes, e-mails, letters from viewers literally all over the world 00:57:11.89\00:57:16.50 sharing with us how God has blessed them through this program, and I'd love to hear 00:57:16.50\00:57:20.77 from you, as well. 00:57:20.77\00:57:22.17 It's not that hard. Simple, really. 00:57:22.34\00:57:24.41 Just visit our website, newperceptions.tv. 00:57:24.41\00:57:26.81 That's one word. Newperceptions.tv. 00:57:26.81\00:57:30.28 And click on the "contact" link at the top of the page. 00:57:30.28\00:57:33.45 Shoot me that e-mail. Once again, thank you for being 00:57:33.45\00:57:36.42 with us. Thank you, by the way, for your 00:57:36.42\00:57:38.65 own support. That support is what keeps this 00:57:38.65\00:57:41.09 telecast week after week reaching America, reaching 00:57:41.09\00:57:44.23 North America, and reaching the planet. 00:57:44.23\00:57:47.03 That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost and 00:57:47.03\00:57:51.37 blessing to us. And I hope you'll join us right 00:57:51.37\00:57:53.74 here next time, 'cause we'll be here. 00:57:53.74\00:57:55.70 In the meantime, God be with you and bless you real good. 00:57:55.70\00:58:02.14 い 00:58:02.14\00:58:05.05