New Perceptions

Storm: Finding Jesus in the Gathering Dark, Part 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP170225A

00:29 Image of the unseen God
00:37 First before the whole creation
00:45 May the love of all space and matter
00:51 Far beyond
00:53 All across
00:55 The nations
01:01 All through
01:03 Our times and then
01:09 Your mighty
01:13 Your mighty love
01:28 Let's bow our heads to pray.
01:30 Father in heaven, we love You so much.
01:33 We're so thankful
01:34 that we can be here this morning
01:36 to worship and praise Your name.
01:39 Lord, we give You all the honor,
01:41 and glory, and praise this morning,
01:44 and thank You for already being here with us.
01:47 I pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.
01:50 I invite you this morning to stand
01:52 as we sing our opening hymn
01:54 "All hail the power of Jesus name,"
01:57 hymn number 2:29. Please stand?
02:22 All hail the power of Jesus' Name
02:27 Let angels prostrate fall
02:31 Bring forth the royal diadem
02:35 And crown Him Lord of all
02:42 Bring forth the royal diadem
02:46 And crown Him Lord of all
02:55 Let every kindred, every tribe
03:00 On this terrestrial ball
03:04 To Him all majesty ascribe
03:08 And crown Him Lord of all
03:16 To Him all majesty ascribe
03:21 And crown Him Lord of all
03:29 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng
03:34 We at His feet may fall
03:39 Join in the everlasting song
03:43 And crown Him Lord of all Join
03:51 In the everlasting song
03:56 And crown Him Lord of all
04:08 Amen. Amen.
04:09 I invite you to join with us
04:11 as we continue to sing this morning
04:14 about the power of Jesus' blood.
04:17 It's powerful, right?
04:18 There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ
04:21 that was shed for us,
04:22 so sing about that power in the blood.
04:33 Would you be free from the burden of sin?
04:37 There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood
04:42 Would you o'er evil a victory win?
04:46 There's wonderful pow'r in the blood
04:50 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
04:55 In the blood of the Lamb
04:59 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
05:04 In the precious blood of the Lamb
05:09 Would you be free from your passion and pride?
05:14 There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood
05:19 Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide?
05:23 There's wonderful power in the blood
05:27 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
05:32 In the blood of the Lamb
05:37 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
05:42 In the precious blood of the Lamb
05:47 Would you do service for Jesus your King?
05:52 There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood
05:57 Would you live daily His praises to sing?
06:01 There's wonderful power in the blood
06:06 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
06:11 In the blood of the Lamb
06:16 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
06:21 In the precious blood of the Lamb
06:25 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
06:30 In the blood of the Lamb
06:35 There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
06:40 In the precious blood of the Lamb
06:45 In the precious blood of the Lamb
06:50 In the precious blood
06:55 Of the Lamb
07:03 There is power in the blood.
07:05 And that blood is so powerful that it saves me, it saves you,
07:10 it can save the entire world.
07:15 That power, that blood
07:16 is mighty to save each and every one of you.
07:19 And I invite you to make that the prayer
07:21 of your heart this morning
07:23 because Jesus is mighty to save.
07:34 Everyone needs compassion
07:37 A love that's never failing
07:42 Let mercy fall on me
07:48 Everyone needs forgiveness
07:51 The kindness of a Savior
07:56 The hope of nations
08:02 The hope of nations
08:07 Savior, He can move the mountains
08:13 My God is mighty to save
08:17 He is Mighty to save
08:21 Forever, Author of salvation
08:27 He rose and conquered the grave
08:31 Jesus conquered the grave
08:37 So take me as you find me
08:40 All my fears and failures
08:45 Fill my life again
08:51 I give my life to follow
08:54 Everything I believe in
08:59 Now I surrender
09:05 I surrender
09:10 Savior, He can move the mountains
09:15 My God is mighty to save
09:19 He is mighty to save
09:23 Forever, Author of salvation
09:29 He rose and conquered the grave
09:33 Jesus conquered the grave
09:38 Shine your light and let the whole world see
09:43 We're singing for the glory of the risen King
09:50 Jesus Shine your light and let the whole world see
09:57 We're singing for the glory of the risen King
10:05 Savior, He can move the mountains
10:11 My God is mighty to save
10:15 He is mighty to save
10:19 Forever, Author of salvation
10:25 He rose and conquered the grave
10:29 Jesus conquered the grave
10:33 Savior, He can move the mountains
10:39 My God is mighty to save
10:43 He is mighty to save
10:47 Forever, Author of salvation
10:54 He rose and conquered the grave
10:58 Jesus conquered the grave
11:05 Amen.
11:16 We are a moment.
11:18 We are a moment, You are forever
11:23 Lord of the Ages, God before time
11:28 We are a vapor, You are eternal
11:34 Love everlasting, reigning on high
11:41 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
11:46 Worthy is the lamb who was slain
11:51 Highest praises, honor and glory
11:57 Be unto Your name
12:03 Be unto Your name
12:08 We are the broken, You are the healer
12:13 Jesus, Redeemer, mighty to save
12:18 You are the love song we'll sing forever
12:24 Bowing before You, blessing Your name
12:30 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
12:36 Worthy is the lamb who was slain
12:41 Highest praises, honor and glory
12:47 Be unto Your name
12:52 Be unto Your name
13:00 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
13:05 Worthy is the lamb who was slain
13:10 Highest praises, honor and glory
13:16 Be unto Your name
13:21 Be unto Your name
13:35 Sing that again.
13:37 Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
13:43 Worthy is the lamb who was slain
13:50 Highest praises, honor and glory
13:57 Be unto Your name
14:03 Be unto Your name
14:09 Be unto Your name
14:15 Be unto Your name
14:27 Well, good morning, boys and girls,
14:28 nice to see you all.
14:29 Oh, we got some more coming.
14:31 Come on up,
14:33 nice to have you
14:35 on this last Sabbath of February.
14:38 February 25,
14:40 only 10 more months to Christmas.
14:45 And one of you...
14:47 Was one of you praying for snow?
14:49 Anybody here been praying for snow?
14:51 You're the one, I wondered who that was.
14:54 Oh, I wish we had a little more snow
14:56 actually to be honest with you,
14:57 not much here but reminds us we're in winter.
15:00 Nice to have you, thank you deacon Kim Moore, bless you.
15:04 All right.
15:06 So thank you, my friend Don Wilson
15:07 who sent me this story.
15:09 I just need a boy and a girl.
15:11 So I got little something right here, if I get...
15:14 The red vest, sir, come on forward,
15:16 don't step on any of those kid's hands
15:18 while you're coming.
15:19 I need a front row girl.
15:20 Okay, I got a front row girl right here.
15:22 Perfect.
15:23 So, hey, boys and girls,
15:25 what if your mother did this to you?
15:26 I want you to watch this now,
15:27 tell me if your mother has ever done this to you.
15:31 So let's see here, okay, kids
15:33 I've been thinking it would be really nice for you
15:37 to go visit grandma...
15:39 So I'm putting a little this on you
15:42 and I want you to visit grandpa.
15:44 Where is your grandpa live?
15:45 Wisconsin.
15:47 Wisconsin, that will get you Wisconsin.
15:49 Where is your... She lives here.
15:50 She lives here.
15:51 Well, let me get that stamp back.
15:53 Okay, put you two stamps.
15:55 All right, now what if your mother did this,
15:57 she put the stamps on you,
15:59 and then she said, "Okay, now come with me,
16:01 come with me kids."
16:02 And she drive down to the post office
16:04 and she walks you into the post office
16:06 and she says, "Hey, I got stamps on my kids,
16:08 would you please mail them?"
16:11 What would you say if your mother did that?
16:14 Let me tell you something.
16:17 In the United States of America that's what they used to do.
16:21 I'm telling you the truth.
16:23 Back in 1900 they made a provision
16:27 for what was called rail delivery,
16:29 meaning, we'll take packages up to 50 pounds.
16:33 They started first with 10, then they raised it up to 50.
16:36 You're okay with 50? Okay.
16:38 You're okay with 50?
16:39 Yeah. Good.
16:40 So 50 pounds or under
16:43 and you could mail your child, anywhere in America.
16:48 That was back when they trust the mailman.
16:50 All right, and they say,
16:51 you would take the big mail babies in the mail.
16:54 No, I'm telling you the truth.
16:55 Look, you got the stamps
16:57 and if you show up at the post office,
16:59 they will take you to your loved one.
17:03 Wherever your mother wants to see you, send you,
17:05 wherever your daddy wants to send you.
17:06 In fact, listen to this, a 103 years ago right now
17:09 according to the Wall Street Journal...
17:11 I got it right here.
17:12 A 103 years ago February 1914
17:15 they had a little girl named May,
17:17 her name was May Pierstorff just shy of six,
17:22 mother said, I wanna mail you
17:23 from Grangeville, Idaho to Lewiston.
17:26 It was a distance of 73 miles
17:29 she was 48.5 pounds
17:31 so she's under the limit just barely.
17:33 And guess how much mama had to pay to mailman,
17:37 53 cents.
17:39 What? Yeah.
17:40 What? What?
17:42 What?
17:43 How will you? What?
17:46 Can you believe that, 53 cents.
17:48 And then get this...
17:50 So that was fare. But here is another one.
17:51 Oh, he was a little...
17:54 I guess this is a girl Edna.
17:56 Edna Neff also six years old
17:59 under the weight limit she can go...
18:02 This turns out to be the longest mailing
18:04 ever in U.S. history,
18:05 mailing a child from Pensacola, Florida
18:08 to Christiansburg, Virginia 727 miles.
18:12 And guess how much it cost?
18:14 15 cents.
18:17 What?
18:20 Can you believe it?
18:21 No plane...
18:23 No plane ticket...
18:24 Actually the kids ended upon trains
18:26 and the conductors had to look after the kids
18:28 and make sure they were fed
18:30 till they got to where they were going.
18:31 Oh, thank you, kids, sit down.
18:34 I can't believe it.
18:36 In 1930 then they said enough no more,
18:39 so it's all over.
18:40 Don't tell your mother to do it now,
18:42 they won't do it.
18:43 But what would happen if Jesus came to you
18:46 and Jesus said, "Hey, yo,
18:48 I'm putting a stamp on your shoulder.
18:50 Sissy, I'm putting a stamp on your shoulder.
18:52 Junior, I'm putting a stamp on your shoulder.
18:54 I'm putting a stamp on your shoulder
18:56 and I'm sending you, it's a stamp of my love
18:58 and I'm sending you to a lonely boy
19:01 in your classroom..."
19:02 Are you going to school?
19:04 A lonely boy, the kids never play with him,
19:06 at recess time he's...
19:08 At lunch time he is all by himself.
19:10 Jesus puts a stamp on your shoulder
19:12 and He says,
19:13 "Girl, I'm sending you to that boy right over there,
19:15 I want you to have lunch with him today,
19:18 and let him know that you wanna be his friend."
19:23 What if Jesus put a stamp on us
19:26 and sent us somewhere,
19:27 somebody that needs His love through you.
19:32 That's what God did with Jesus, put a stamp on Him and said,
19:34 "You're a baby, you go,"
19:35 and Jesus was mailed to earth, and He lived among us.
19:40 So we could learn how to love just like Jesus.
19:44 Aren't you glad that God sends us...
19:46 You know, somebody who is all alone,
19:49 find that somebody this next week,
19:51 put your arm around her and say,
19:53 "I'm bringing you Jesus' love, let's be friends."
19:58 How many of you are glad that Jesus was mailed to us?
20:01 And how many wanna say,
20:02 "I wanna be sent by Jesus
20:03 wherever He needs across the street.
20:05 I don't need a stamp, all I need is His love."
20:09 Who would like to pray today and thank Jesus for sending us?
20:13 Sissy, you come, you held your hand up.
20:15 You come here...
20:16 Can I get that mike, guys?
20:18 Bless you.
20:20 And, Sissy, what's your name.
20:22 Camille. Camille.
20:23 Let's fold our hands, close your eyes
20:27 and, Camille, thank Jesus for sending us.
20:30 Thank you, Jesus, for sending us to this world.
20:35 And thank You for putting a stamp on us,
20:39 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
20:41 Amen.
20:43 Beautiful prayer, Camille, thank you.
20:45 And as you go quietly
20:46 and reverently back to your seats,
20:47 you say, "Thank you, Jesus, put that stamp on me,
20:49 I will go for you."
21:04 The stone that the builders rejected
21:08 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
21:13 The stone that the builders rejected
21:17 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
21:22 The stone that the builders rejected
21:27 The stone that the builders rejected
21:32 The stone that the builders rejected
21:36 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
21:42 A grain of weed may be knocked to the ground
21:46 And suffer through the winter storm
21:51 Only to rise, rise up again
21:55 And bear its seed a thousand fold
22:00 The stone that the builders rejected
22:04 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
22:10 The stone that the builders rejected
22:14 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
22:19 The stone that the builders rejected
22:24 The stone that the builders rejected
22:28 The stone that the builders rejected
22:32 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
22:38 Never can our journey fail
22:43 A little child will lead the way!
22:47 Whose eyes are filled with a shining light
22:51 To whom the night is bright as day!
22:56 The stone that the builders rejected
23:00 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
23:05 The stone that the builders rejected
23:09 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
23:15 The stone that the builders rejected
23:19 The stone that the builders rejected
23:24 The stone that the builders rejected
23:28 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
23:34 The love that rolls the stone away
23:40 Gives us life that we may sing!
23:44 Grave, where is thy victory?
23:48 Death, oh, death, where is thy sting?
23:56 The stone that the builders rejected
24:00 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
24:05 The stone that the builders rejected
24:09 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
24:14 The stone that the builders rejected
24:19 The stone that the builders rejected
24:23 The stone that the builders rejected
24:27 Became the cornerstone of a whole new world
24:33 The cornerstone of a whole new world
24:53 Thank you, Chelsea and singers.
24:55 A cornerstone that the world rejected
24:59 became a whole new world.
25:03 So we need as old world broken down...
25:07 Jesus a cornerstone could...
25:11 be a foundation for a brand new creation
25:17 in the little time we have left.
25:19 Let's pray.
25:20 Dear, God, thank You for the singers,
25:24 thank You for that song,
25:26 A cornerstone the a builders rejected...
25:33 of a whole new world, oh, we need...
25:36 Given what's been happening,
25:38 Father, we need that cornerstone right now.
25:42 So Jesus had at it,
25:44 please just gonna keep me out of the way,
25:47 maybe clear enough what we're about to share
25:52 so that we know what we must do.
25:55 You speak, we listen,
25:59 in the name of our Savior we pray, amen.
27:04 Something happened in this sanctuary on Thursday.
27:10 And it had God's fingerprints all over it.
27:14 I've never seen anything like it.
27:16 I've been attending chapels for over 30 years,
27:20 never, never one like this one.
27:24 And strangely enough,
27:26 it all began the weekend before,
27:29 last weekend.
27:31 A little video clip
27:32 produced and released by some black students
27:35 here at the University along with their campus pastor.
27:39 Hashtag it is time AU.
27:43 I saw the clip on Sunday,
27:46 100,000 others saw by the end of the week.
27:52 And I can summarize I think the message of that clip,
27:59 simple message really, something like this.
28:03 It's time for the faith community
28:04 that is on this campus that owns this university
28:10 to own up to the racial injustices
28:14 against black students in the past,
28:18 as well as to a lack of sensitivity
28:19 to in representation of black students in the present.
28:24 It's time to respond with an apology.
28:30 And so when the word went out
28:32 at the speed of light by the way
28:35 through social media,
28:38 the word, the news at the university,
28:40 and its administration had not only heard
28:42 these black students' message,
28:44 but would present a formal response
28:48 to their appeal at Thursday chapel.
28:54 I felt like whole world was here,
28:55 I've never seen a chapel so packed in my life.
29:01 And by the way the faculty staff forum
29:04 the Tuesday before this Thursday.
29:07 Somebody near the end of the forum got up
29:09 and said, "Yo, I think we need to have...
29:11 We need to call for a day of fasting and prayer
29:14 on the campus of Andrews University."
29:16 And so lead chaplain June Price and I were tasked
29:19 with spending Tuesday evening
29:21 crafting a call to prayer and fasting.
29:26 Went out Wednesday morning to every student,
29:28 every faculty member, every staff member
29:31 in this institution of higher learning.
29:34 And the suggested day of prayer was, okay,
29:36 Wednesday 7 pm to Thursday 7 pm.
29:40 Well, the beauty of that is Wednesday 7 pm we're here,
29:43 house of prayer,
29:46 on the beginning of that day of fasting and prayer.
29:49 And so we could not,
29:50 not come from out of the pews on to this platform,
29:56 and pray for the woman
29:58 who would stand in less than
30:01 24 hours at this spot,
30:05 and who would address this institution,
30:07 and through live streaming a whole lot more.
30:12 And so we prayed for three categories
30:16 one, the president, two, the students,
30:20 three, the faculty and staff.
30:22 Three volunteers, two of whom I've never met...
30:24 I could not tell you their names
30:26 but I wanna to tell you, I wanna testify to the passion,
30:30 and the earnestness of those three prayers
30:33 and everybody on this platform is swept
30:35 into those prayers
30:36 as they ascended the throne of God.
30:38 And so because it was a day of fasting and prayer,
30:41 when I walked into this chapel space
30:43 on Thursday morning,
30:45 I'm coming with a sense of expectancy as well,
30:49 turns out everybody else was too.
30:52 I'm not gonna rehearse what took place
30:53 during those 50 minutes in this space.
30:56 You can watch the entire service
30:58 on YouTube now.
31:01 But I can only tell you
31:02 that in the context of a day of fasting and prayer,
31:07 my spirit immediately recognized
31:09 there's something going on here.
31:12 From the opening prayer to the final prayer of appeal
31:16 both delivered by two of our chaplains.
31:20 For me it was absolutely crystal clear
31:25 that the spirit was in our midst
31:27 moving the details.
31:30 I sat in a group of black students,
31:34 listening keenly every one of them, me too.
31:39 And I'm starting to get moved by what's happening here
31:41 from the prayer at the beginning to the end
31:43 and in between the president in her own gracious humble way
31:47 begins to speak from her heart,
31:49 she goes to Mark 2...
31:51 I've never heard anybody interpret the story in Mark 2,
31:54 the way she did and I said to myself
31:56 Holy Spirit way to go.
32:00 You got it... Just go, you watch it on YouTube.
32:06 And I'm beginning to resort
32:08 to the universal motion for emotion.
32:11 You know, what that universal motion
32:12 for emotion is.
32:16 And I'm seeing the students around me going like this.
32:21 God was here.
32:24 He was moving on us all.
32:27 But for worship this morning, in the same space here we are,
32:31 exactly two days later
32:33 we have not come to rehearse but it's already happened.
32:38 Rather we must seriously ponder now... come on.
32:40 We got to ponder now, what needs to happen next,
32:42 right here in this campus church.
32:45 It's a only space I can talk to.
32:47 But in the space of faith community churches
32:52 all across this nation
32:54 and I'm thinking of America right now.
32:57 What is it to God would have us
32:58 as Seventh-day Adventist do next.
33:01 I'm talking about racial reconciliation,
33:04 I'm talking about the unspoken, unhidden agenda
33:06 that like the proverbial elephant
33:08 is sitting on top of us
33:09 whenever we gather as blacks, and reds, and yellows,
33:11 and whites, and browns in one space,
33:13 that elephant is sitting on all of us,
33:15 and we know exactly what it is, it's racism.
33:20 It may not look like the 1950s and the 1960s,
33:23 it is very suddenly different perhaps
33:26 but it's still racism.
33:30 And the truth is,
33:32 racism did not disappear on Thursday.
33:36 Today is Sabbath.
33:38 A new day and a new week are about to begin.
33:42 We need to confront the truth.
33:48 I wrote my weekly blog on Wednesday.
33:53 And with your permission
33:54 I'm gonna read that blog right now.
33:57 But I wanna read it without your permission.
34:02 You can get the blog by the way online.
34:04 And if you go to my blog online,
34:06 at the bottom of the blog
34:08 will be a link to everything that happened Thursday,
34:11 Andrews University, everything.
34:13 So as title of the blog is, "How can you heal the pain,
34:17 when you can't feel the pain?"
34:22 those of you watching right now live streaming
34:24 from somewhere on earth
34:26 or you watching it later on a television program.
34:28 The blog begins this way,
34:30 how can you heal someone's pain,
34:31 when you can't feel someone's pain?
34:33 There is a pain deep within our faith community
34:35 and our university campus.
34:37 And the truth is most of us can't feel it.
34:39 How could we possibly feel it, we're white?
34:45 Years ago a friend gave me a book
34:47 that I never got around to reading
34:48 until a few days ago.
34:50 It's Paul Kivel's exploration, titled Upending Racism:
34:53 How White People Can Work for Racial Justice.
34:56 One glance at the title back then
34:58 and I knew this wouldn't be book for me,
34:59 since I'm not a racist,
35:01 since I see very little of any racism around me,
35:03 so why should I worry?
35:04 That was 20 years ago.
35:06 Now the book speaks volumes to me.
35:09 I put a few words from the book on the screen for you.
35:12 This is Kivel writing.
35:14 "It is not necessarily a privilege to be white,
35:17 but it certainly has its benefits...
35:21 Privileges are economic 'extras'
35:23 that those of us who are middle class
35:25 and wealthy gain at the expense of poor
35:27 and working class people of all races.
35:29 Now hold on.
35:30 Benefits, on the other hand,
35:32 are the advantages that all white people gain
35:35 at the expense of people of color
35:37 regardless of economic position...
35:39 Just because we don't have the economic privileges
35:41 of those with more money doesn't mean we haven't enjoyed
35:44 some of the benefits of being white."
35:48 And then Kivel runs through for me
35:50 an eye opening checklist of such privileges.
35:53 And this is just six of them,
35:55 they're two pages worth in his book.
35:58 Let me run six of them by.
35:59 One, "We whites are able to count on
36:02 police protection rather than harassment.
36:04 Two, we're able to choose where we want to live
36:06 with safe neighborhoods and decent schools.
36:08 Three, we're given more attention,
36:10 respect and status in conversations
36:12 than people of color.
36:13 Four, in news, music, history books, and the media
36:16 we see people who look like us in a positive light.
36:19 Five, we have more access,
36:21 credibility, and recourse with lawyers and courts.
36:24 Six, nothing that we do is qualified, limited,
36:26 discredited, or acclaimed simply
36:28 because of our racial background."
36:32 And then he says by the way that's not when you're adult
36:34 and white privilege actually starts
36:36 when you're a child.
36:37 And he runs by five, one,
36:40 "People around us will have higher expectations
36:42 for us as children.
36:44 Two, more money will be spent on our schools.
36:47 Three, we'll get called on more times in class.
36:49 Four, we will see people
36:50 who look like us in our textbooks.
36:52 Five, and if we get into trouble
36:54 adults will expect us
36:55 to be able to change and improve,
36:57 and therefore will discipline or penalize us less
36:59 or differently than children of color."
37:04 Kivel concludes his words on the screen.
37:07 "All else being equal, it pays to be white.
37:12 We will be accepted, acknowledged,
37:13 and given the benefit of the doubt.
37:15 Since all else is not equal
37:16 we each receive different benefits
37:18 or different levels of the same benefits
37:20 from being white."
37:23 So the question repeats itself,
37:25 "How can you possibly heal someone's pain,
37:27 when you can't feel someone's pain?"
37:31 The blog moving to its wrap.
37:33 Ask the Good Samaritan.
37:35 The crime victim was a Jew, and Jews hated Samaritans.
37:38 So why should the Samaritan bother at all?
37:40 He couldn't feel the victim's pain.
37:42 But as Martin Luther King,
37:44 Jr. observed about Jesus' parable.
37:46 Whereas the priest and the Levite fretted,
37:48 "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?"
37:51 The Samaritan asked,
37:53 "If I do not stop to help this man,
37:55 what will happen to him?"
37:58 And there is a universe of difference.
38:00 Got that from a biography of Martin Luther
38:02 that I have in my library, "Let the trumpet sound."
38:06 What will happen to him? What will happen to her?
38:08 What will happen to them if I don't stop
38:09 and pour myself into their pain?
38:11 It's the golden rule hammered out
38:14 in the crucible of another's pain.
38:16 The Samaritan knelt beside the victim
38:18 and administered to him
38:20 the emotional and physical intervention
38:22 the brutalized man desperately needed.
38:26 And in his self-sacrificial love
38:27 for his neighbor,
38:29 we see not only the truth about Christ
38:31 who knelt beside us at Calvary
38:33 because that's exactly what Jesus did at the cross,
38:35 He knelt beside us.
38:37 But we also see the truth
38:38 Christ calls His radical followers to embrace
38:41 as you would have others treat you,
38:44 you treat them.
38:47 Final line, there is a pain deep
38:49 within our faith community and our university campus.
38:53 It may not be your pain
38:54 but until it becomes your business,
38:57 the pain, plain and simple cannot
39:00 and will not be healed in the school,
39:03 in the church, in our own hearts.
39:06 The end.
39:11 Young friend of mine
39:13 an African-American attorney wrote me
39:17 after reading the blog.
39:21 "Pastor Dwight, how is everything going?
39:24 I pray and hope that you are doing well.
39:26 First of all, I wanna let you know
39:29 that I was deeply moved by your blog yesterday.
39:32 What I connected with most was the genuine Spirit,
39:34 capital S, Spirit behind it.
39:37 As you prepared to minister this coming Sabbath,
39:39 I feel impressed to simply say don't hold back.
39:42 I don't know what God is impressing upon you to say
39:45 but I implore you to let the Spirit lead you
39:47 as you help ShepherdPMC, AU campus,
39:50 and the surrounding community
39:51 through this process of transparency and healing."
39:54 And then he observes,
39:56 "We are at a critical point in our church's history
39:58 and I believe that we are at a time
40:00 in which we will no longer be able to hide
40:02 from these questions, and sweep things under the rug,
40:05 regardless of how folks may feel
40:07 about the method chosen by, it is time AU team.
40:10 It has brought us to this critical moment
40:12 and there is no turning back.
40:16 No going back to the old passive
40:18 non-confrontational fairytale of post racial harmony
40:22 that we have tried to convince ourselves
40:24 is true knowing all along it was a lie,
40:26 it is time for us, all of us to take a look in the mirror,
40:30 and start getting unapologetically real
40:33 with ourselves and with each other.
40:35 I wanted you to know that I'm praying for you.
40:37 We're stronger together and we will make it
40:39 through these difficult days
40:40 with our eyes fixed on the promise
40:42 that He will be with us, guide us, hold us, carry us,
40:44 and empower us until our faith is made site.
40:48 Let me know if there's any way I can be of assistance to you
40:51 with love and respect."
40:52 He signs his name.
40:55 Now he does not know this Andrews University alum.
40:58 He does not know
40:59 that when he sent me that email.
41:01 Before I read it I was on my knees
41:05 because I'm writing a sermon for Sabbath,
41:07 it's the next in this series.
41:09 But all the while that I'm writing,
41:10 it is now getting late in the afternoon,
41:12 there's just a sense
41:13 that maybe I should not be writing the sermon.
41:16 Maybe I should be writing another sermon right now.
41:19 And finally I went to...
41:21 I was so bothered by it, I went to my knees,
41:22 and I said, "God, what's going on here?"
41:25 I said, "God, its' 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
41:29 I need to know very clearly whether You want this or not,
41:33 and so here's the deal I'm giving you 30 minutes.
41:36 Thirty minutes you send me a text,
41:39 you send me a phone call, somebody walk into my room,
41:42 somebody sends me an e-mail, I don't care.
41:43 You send in 30 minutes you get word to me."
41:47 And then I went back to my knees,
41:48 prayed for bit, got up,
41:50 and said, "Man, I can't sit around here,
41:51 I got to keep working on the sermon."
41:52 So I kept writing
41:54 and I finally look down at my watch,
41:55 it was 34 minutes past 3.
41:59 I went to my phone, I said no text messages,
42:02 no phone messages, well, I'm gonna try email
42:04 so I go email and I see his name,
42:06 and see the email and I opened it up
42:07 what I just read to you.
42:09 And God said to me, "Boy, that's your answer."
42:14 That was my answer, so I pushed everything aside,
42:16 I said, "Okay, it's 4 o' clock now,
42:18 let's start over."
42:25 So here we are
42:27 you and I in a predominantly white congregation.
42:30 Just look around.
42:34 Pretty much unaware at least I was that we have grown up
42:37 all of us whites
42:38 with a legacy of white privilege.
42:41 And if I might be honest with you
42:43 because I recognize this in my own heart,
42:46 we have unconsciously...
42:47 And by the way that's a key word,
42:49 that's a key word,
42:50 we have unconsciously because nobody sets out
42:52 to embrace racial bias.
42:55 We have unconsciously grown up
42:57 with a modified Jewish male prayer God.
43:00 I thank you, I was not born a pagan,
43:02 I was not born a woman, and I was not born black.
43:09 Why?
43:11 Because you don't have to be a genius to know
43:14 that if you're a white and particularly
43:15 if you're a white male in this country,
43:17 you live with a package of privileges,
43:19 and prerogatives of advantages,
43:21 and accoutrements that your black neighbors,
43:22 and your black colleagues, and your black friends
43:24 never get to live with never, never, never.
43:29 And you know by the way...
43:31 Listen to me carefully now, you know, they know,
43:36 but you pretend you don't know.
43:40 We pretend we don't know
43:42 that all this fuss about justice
43:43 and equality is a carry over,
43:45 it's a vestige from a generation long ago.
43:47 But when I read Kivel's book,
43:49 I suddenly realized how much white privilege
43:52 it has been my privilege to enjoy.
43:57 And that my white, friends, is what those black students
44:01 were reacting to when they said,
44:03 "Enough is enough,
44:06 it is time to fish, or cut bait."
44:08 Take a week to decide how to respond
44:10 but respond you must.
44:12 It was not an ultimatum.
44:15 Now looking at it
44:16 through our white privilege glasses,
44:18 it may have felt like a ultimatum.
44:20 It was not, it was a plea.
44:23 We know, that you know, that we know,
44:26 you live with white privilege so what we're asking,
44:29 will you do for us?
44:32 Don't tell us manana, we need to know now,
44:37 that was the plea.
44:40 And they're right.
44:42 We must respond.
44:47 And I wanna say on behalf of nobody
44:51 and that's generally the best person
44:53 to be talking for.
44:55 I wanna say on behalf of nobody that I must respond.
44:58 Our president with humility and clarity
45:01 announced the beginning
45:02 of Andrews University's response,
45:06 and I will do all I can to help in any way
45:08 to assist her in this university
45:10 in a continuing response.
45:12 You know, why, because I happen to believe God's promise
45:14 and I know that you do too.
45:15 And I put the promise on the screen
45:16 for you Philippians 1:6.
45:18 I love this promise.
45:19 "I am confident of this,
45:21 that the One who began a good work
45:23 among you will bring it to completion
45:24 by the day of Jesus Christ."
45:27 God never start something that He doesn't finish.
45:29 And I'm telling you
45:31 He started something on Thursday,
45:32 His fingerprints were all over this place.
45:36 And so we can't just twiddle our thumbs down
45:37 and sit back well,
45:39 by the day of Jesus Christ come on,
45:40 even so come, Lord Jesus, get it done, get it done.
45:42 No, Jesus says, "I'm not coming."
45:45 You got work to do,
45:46 don't you keep praying that prayer even so come,
45:48 Lord Jesus, until you do
45:51 what the Lord Jesus has commanded you to do.
45:54 "You obey me.
45:55 When you obey me,
45:57 you will do what I'm asking you to do,
46:01 and then you'll heal
46:03 this gaping wound in yourself."
46:08 What wound? What command? The 11th commandment, come on.
46:13 I want you to look it up. Come on in your Bible.
46:15 John 13, you got a Bible, pull your Bible out to John 13,
46:20 red letter words,
46:21 this is less than 12 hours and Jesus would be...
46:24 About 12 hours He'll be hanging on the cross,
46:27 He will die, He knows He's gonna die.
46:31 He's on death row but before He dies
46:34 something is passionately important to Him,
46:38 and He gets it out 31 times in this passage,
46:40 He will use the word love.
46:41 Thirty one times, I've counted them.
46:44 This is not a little passing fancy.
46:46 Verse 34 red letters.
46:48 "A new commandment I give you..."
46:50 John 13:34 and 35,
46:51 "Love one another, as I have loved you,
46:54 so you must love one another.
46:55 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples,
46:57 if you love one another."
46:59 Ladies and gentlemen,
47:00 you have to admit that the 11th commandment
47:02 is all about racial reconciliation.
47:05 If it's about anything,
47:06 it's about racial reconciliation,
47:08 it has to be.
47:10 Within the faith community,
47:13 which means to experience racial reconciliation
47:16 we must take two steps.
47:17 Let me share with you these two steps,
47:19 and then one story, and I'm done.
47:21 All right.
47:22 Two steps, no study guide, you just gonna get it.
47:26 Two steps.
47:27 Step number one,
47:29 we must admit our white privilege.
47:33 Read it on the screen so that sticks in your mind,
47:35 don't just listen to my voice.
47:36 We must admit our white privilege.
47:41 I'm not saying we must confess it.
47:43 No, no, no, we were born into it,
47:44 never chosen,
47:46 never thought about it even, not enough to care.
47:49 But racial reconciliation must begin
47:51 with us admitting that we have lived,
47:54 we have profited, we have flourished
47:55 because of white privilege, and by not knowing that,
47:59 or by at least ignoring it,
48:00 we have inadvertently forced others
48:02 who are not quite like us to live
48:05 without those privileges,
48:06 without those benefits even in the church.
48:12 The church has someone doing to do at the national level.
48:14 I'm absolutely convinced of it, but that's not my business,
48:19 that's for somebody with a higher pay grade
48:21 to deal with.
48:24 All we can deal with this at the local church
48:25 and that's where we ought to keep our attention.
48:28 When I talk about this local church,
48:29 one of the privileges we enjoy
48:31 it's a house of prayer for all people
48:32 is this spacious sanctuary.
48:36 My favorite place on earth.
48:37 Middle of the night when there's nobody here
48:39 but me and God,
48:40 middle of the day on a Sabbath it's just a beautiful place.
48:45 We are here in this space while our friends at new life,
48:50 a predominately African-American
48:51 worship community on campus are packed
48:53 into the seminary chapel
48:55 and they're given one shot at that space.
48:57 One shot.
48:58 Spilling out into the atrium, wherever they can find space,
49:01 and here we are a 100 yards away,
49:03 and we have space to spare.
49:06 White privilege, could it be that
49:10 there is some way to share space.
49:19 Step number one,
49:22 we must admit our white privilege,
49:24 until we do
49:25 we will never take step number two,
49:27 I promise you will never take it.
49:29 What step number two, on the screen.
49:30 We must relinquish, we must relinquish
49:34 our white privilege, how?
49:38 Hey, folks this is not complicated at all,
49:39 you're gonna be surprised at this.
49:42 Listen, the best and most effective way
49:45 to relinquish your privilege is to simply make sure
49:48 everyone enjoys the same privilege,
49:50 then it's no longer a privilege,
49:51 it's a blessing shared.
49:54 The moment we release it as mine,
49:57 it's over, it's no longer a privilege
49:58 because everybody gets it.
50:02 That didn't hurt, did it? No.
50:07 Red and yellow, black and white,
50:09 all are precious in His sight,
50:10 we've been taught since knee-high to a grasshopper
50:12 to sing those words and we have.
50:16 And if it take somebody to come up to me and say,
50:18 "Hey, by the way, Dwight,
50:19 I see that you enjoy a privilege,
50:21 I've never been granted."
50:22 Do you know what my response needs to be?
50:24 It needs to be, "You know, what I didn't realize it.
50:26 Let me go to work to make sure this privilege is also yours
50:29 and that will be a shared blessing."
50:32 Right?
50:34 We have work to do. We've got to go to work.
50:38 Well, I let them do it.
50:39 Well, I'll let the university do it.
50:41 We're a campus church so we don't have to do it
50:43 because we're part community and part campus anyway.
50:46 Good luck, Andrews University, we're cheering you on,
50:48 we're praying for you.
50:50 No, no, no, you can't do that.
50:51 You can't, we can't get, that be arsenide.
50:56 We have to respond.
51:01 Relinquish white privilege.
51:05 Because until we're sitting together
51:06 at the same table and transparently,
51:08 authentically listening
51:10 to our black brothers and sisters,
51:11 we will never spot the privileges
51:13 we've taken for granted all our lives as whites.
51:16 I repeat the best way for us to step away
51:19 from our white privilege is to devote our lives
51:21 to making certain everyone enjoys
51:23 the same privilege we benefit from.
51:25 And since privileges are never skin color based.
51:31 And since God's blessings and benefits
51:33 are never skin color based,
51:38 we've had to find a way.
51:41 We have to do something.
51:45 What did Jesus say, "A new commandment I give you
51:48 that you love one another as I have loved you.
51:51 By this the whole world..."
51:53 I love that.
51:54 "By this the whole world will know you are My people,
52:00 if you have love for one another."
52:03 Our journey towards obedience of the 11th commandment
52:05 began on Thursday, it is now Sabbath,
52:09 tomorrow a new week and a new chapter begins.
52:18 But it must begin with you and me,
52:19 and all of us sitting at the same table.
52:22 I need to hear your story.
52:24 I need you to be honest about the pain that you suffer
52:29 because until we share our stories,
52:32 we will never share our pain, and until we share our pain
52:37 we will never find the healing that we desperately need.
52:40 We can't, we can't.
52:44 And by the way, until we share our pain,
52:47 and find that healing, a nation that is fractured,
52:51 and broken, and bleeding to the core racially
52:55 will never think to look
52:58 at this faith community for help,
53:02 their shadows will never darken our doors
53:06 because they say,
53:07 "You got the same problem we do.
53:10 What good is your belief."
53:17 The great Christian apologist of 20th century C.S. Lewis.
53:22 Got a letter one day from an American woman.
53:26 She might have read something that he had written
53:29 or she had a questions
53:31 that I write to this bright mind in England
53:33 across the pond so she sent the letter,
53:36 Lewis read the letter.
53:39 He was a gracious man
53:40 and he answered much of his correspondence
53:42 so something prompted him, he said, "I'll answer her."
53:44 So he answers her.
53:46 I don't know how much time goes by,
53:47 mail travel a little slower back in the 60s before he died.
53:52 But another letter comes from the woman,
53:55 another question, another comment,
53:57 he picks his pen up, shoots an answer back.
54:00 Soon letters are going like this,
54:02 they never met face to face.
54:05 These are not love letters.
54:07 She was just writing the great mind, the great man,
54:10 and asking him.
54:12 He died the day JFK was assassinated, he died.
54:17 In the world his death is totally obscured
54:19 by the tragedy here.
54:22 She eventually died and her family get this,
54:25 her family took the letters
54:27 that she had received from C.S. Lewis
54:30 went to a publisher, they didn't have her letters,
54:33 those are gone.
54:34 All they had were his answers,
54:37 they gave them to a publisher and the publisher says,
54:38 "We can do this
54:39 and publish the letters under the title Letters
54:42 from an American Lady."
54:43 And friend of mine gave me the book,
54:45 I read the book,
54:46 and near the end of the book, guess what?
54:48 C.S. Lewis talks about Seventh-day Adventists.
54:52 I'm telling you the truth,
54:53 this woman apparently has had an experience
54:56 with a Seventh-day Adventist,
54:58 fortunately it was a positive one.
55:03 I'm just saying.
55:06 She writes to him about it and says,
55:08 "Tell me what do you know about these people?"
55:11 Verbatim now he writes back
55:14 these words on the screen for you.
55:17 "What you say about the seven..."
55:20 Oh, I like that. "The Seven-day Adventists."
55:23 That's what we are to call ourselves really, come on,
55:25 we're not Adventists one day at a week.
55:26 We are Adventists seven days at a week.
55:29 "What you say about..."
55:30 And he uses a Roman numeral here.
55:31 "What you say about the Seventh-day Adventists
55:33 interest me extremely.
55:35 If they have so much charity,
55:39 there must be something very right about them."
55:49 Bright mind across the pond.
55:53 I don't know anything about these Adventists,
55:56 but if they have that kind of love,
55:58 there must be something very right about them.
56:03 By this all people will know,
56:05 they will know beyond the shadow of a doubt,
56:06 you are My people because you love each other.
56:12 Let the word go forth that in this church blacks,
56:17 and whites, and all.
56:21 There is something very right about us
56:23 and that something is a someone
56:25 and His name is Jesus and that's the truth.
56:29 Let's pray.
56:31 Oh, God,
56:33 please do whatever it takes,
56:37 Thursday is gone, Sabbath will end,
56:41 the next chapter
56:44 please lead us to do
56:48 what our hearts compel us to do.
56:53 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
56:59 I want to take an extra moment to thank you
57:00 for joining us in worship today.
57:02 It's by the continued support from viewers like you
57:04 that we're able to bring this telecast.
57:07 Today I want to invite you though,
57:08 to share with us
57:10 how this ministry has blessed you.
57:11 Truth is, I get inspiring notes,
57:13 e-mails, letters from viewers literally all over the world,
57:17 sharing with us how God has blessed them
57:19 through this program,
57:21 and I'd love to hear from you as well.
57:22 It's not that hard, simple, really.
57:24 Just visit our website,
57:27 It's one word,
57:30 And click on the contact link at the top of the page.
57:33 Shoot me that e-mail.
57:34 Once again, thank you for being with us.
57:36 Thank you by the way, for your own support.
57:39 That support is what keeps this telecast,
57:41 week after week, reaching America,
57:43 reaching North America, and reaching the planet.
57:47 That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost
57:51 and blessing to us.
57:52 And I hope you'll join us right here next time
57:54 'cause we'll be here.
57:56 In the meantime,
57:57 God be with you and bless you real good.


Revised 2017-05-25