New Perceptions

Storm: Finding Jesus in the Gathering Dark, Part 5

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP170211A

00:01 ♪♪
00:08 >> Join us as we sing together. [ "This Little Light of Mine" plays ]
00:16 Sing with me. [ Congregation sings ]
00:42 "All through the night."
02:25 ♪ Let it shine, let it shine ♪ ♪ Let it shi-i-ne ♪
02:32 ♪ Let it shine, let it shine ♪ ♪ Let it shi-i-i-ne ♪♪
02:48 I love to hear you guys singing. Lift up your voices to the King. And we're gonna sing about that
02:53 amazing grace that is so sweet to our souls. Can't do without it.
02:59 Can't do a day without it. [ "Amazing Grace" plays ]
03:04 Let's sing together. [ Congregation sings ]
03:50 [ Singing a cappella ]
04:26 [ Piano rejoins song ]
04:41 [ Singing a cappella ]
04:58 [ Piano rejoins song ]
05:27 [ Piano flourish, song ends ]
05:31 >> Amen. [ "Total Praise" plays ]
05:48 [ Congregation sings ]
06:54 >> Sing it out loud now.
07:22 >> ♪ A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪
07:31 ♪ A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪
07:40 >> ♪ A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪
07:50 >> ♪ A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪
08:05 >> I invite you, those of you who would like to bring your
08:09 praises and requests and petitions to the Father, to come
08:12 to the altar and kneel.
08:15 [ Song continues ]
08:29 ♪ Sing it to Jesus ♪
08:32 ♪ Oh, Lord ♪
10:01 Sing it now. >> ♪ A-A-Amen ♪
10:07 ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-Amen ♪
10:16 ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-Amen ♪
10:25 ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪ ♪ A-A-Amen ♪
10:34 ♪ A-A-A-Amen ♪♪
10:51 [ "Day and Night Praise" plays ]
11:36 >> ♪ The Lord be praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪
12:09 ♪ The Lord be pra-a-a-ised ♪ ♪ From the time that the sun comes up ♪
12:37 ♪ Till the going down of the sa-a-me ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪
13:06 ♪ The Lord be-e-e praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be-e-e praised ♪
13:28 ♪ The Lo-o-rd be pra-a-ised ♪ ♪ The Lo-o-ord be
13:50 pra-a-a-a-ised ♪
13:57 ♪ From the time that the sun comes up ♪ ♪ Till the going down of the
14:24 same ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪
14:53 ♪ The Lord be praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be pra-a-a-a-ised ♪
15:30 ♪ From the time that the sun comes up ♪ ♪ Till the going down of the
15:55 same ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪ ♪ The Lord be praised ♪
16:24 ♪ The Lord be [Soprano] pra-a-a-a-ised ♪ [ Song ends ]
16:44 >> Amen! [ Applause ]
16:52 >> Oh, amen and amen. Thank you, Marguerite, Josh, and singers.
16:57 What a -- What a testimony. "The Lord be praised from the sun going up till the same going
17:06 down." I couldn't help but sit in the front pew and just imagine God
17:13 leaning over as Marguerite and her singers sang -- just leaning and saying, "Gabriel, come here,
17:19 come here, come here, come here, come here. Listen to this. Listen to this."
17:24 >> Amen. >> "From all of them, look at that.
17:29 From them." "The Lord be praised." Oh, God, that's why we're here,
17:35 just to lift up our hearts in total praise to You. We've been in worship.
17:44 And we're still in worship. And now the intersection of Your ancient Word with our very
17:54 contemporary living -- make it clear, dear God. Please make it clear.
17:59 Hide me so that the Lord be praised. Amen.
18:07 [ Dramatic piano music plays ]
19:04 [ Music ends ] [ Breathes deeply ]
19:07 So, what does this Black History Sabbath have to do with storm?
19:13 I believe a racial storm is brewing in America, and I fear
19:22 that the church is being entrapped in its angry vortex.
19:30 Two exhibits. Exhibit A.
19:33 This last June, the Pew Research Center released a
19:36 new survey titled "On Views of Race and Inequality, Blacks and
19:40 Whites Are Worlds Apart." The survey opens with these
19:44 words on the screen...
20:33 Let me run some numbers by you. Would that be okay?
20:35 Take a look at the screen. So, they asked -- they surveyed
20:39 both groups and asked the question, "Are blacks treated
20:43 less fairly than whites in America?"
20:46 And you'll see the white and the black response and the
20:50 differentiation between those responses.
20:54 How about in the workplace? Whites said yeah -- 22% of
20:59 whites, "Yep, blacks are treated unfairly."
21:01 Blacks said, "Whoa, whoa." 64% -- a spread of 42 points.
21:06 How about when applying for a loan or a mortgage?
21:09 Whites said yeah -- 25% of them said, "Yeah, they're probably."
21:12 Blacks, 66% -- a spread of 41 points.
21:16 How about in the courts? Whites, 43%, Blacks, 75% -- 32
21:19 points. How about in stores and
21:21 restaurants? Whites, 21% -- "Yeah, unfair."
21:24 Blacks, 49% -- 28 points. How about when voting in
21:28 elections? Whites, 20%, versus blacks,
21:30 43% -- 23 points. In other words, white Americans
21:35 consistently underestimate the impact of unfair treatment on
21:41 their black neighbors.
21:44 "Aw, they're not treated that bad." And then they said that blacks
21:52 are more likely than whites to say blacks have a harder time with whites in getting ahead.
21:58 And here's how the blacks responded -- racial
22:00 discrimination. "You know why I can't get ahead?
22:02 Racial discrimination." 70% of blacks said, "That's why
22:05 I can't get ahead." Whites said, "Well, maybe."
22:07 It's 36% of the whites said, "Maybe they can't get ahead
22:10 because of that." Lower quality schools.
22:13 75% of the blacks said, "That's why we can't get ahead."
22:16 Whites said, "Nah, that's probably only 53% of the reason
22:18 why." Lack of jobs.
22:21 66% of blacks say, "That's why I can't ahead."
22:24 Whites say, "Well, 45%." What did we read a moment ago
22:29 from the Pew Research Center introduction?
22:31 "For many blacks, racial equality remains an elusive goal."
22:38 Well, you say, "You know what? They just need to work harder. That's their problem.
22:41 They need to get a work ethic." Are you serious? Do you even know the meaning of
22:49 uphill climb? Exhibit B. Friend of mine, Calvin Rock,
22:57 African-American -- strong preacher, skilled leader, longtime vice president of the
23:03 General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventists. In this month's issue, February
23:07 2017, the Adventist Review wrote a piece that speaks for itself. I'm gonna read a few lines from
23:15 it to you -- one of our own speaking to us. "It's been asked, even with
23:23 hostility, 'What's the point in chanting that black lives matter when all lives matter?'
23:28 I answered that, in spite of its disagreeable shock to the nation of America's social conscience,
23:34 Black Lives Matter is, in principle and in fact, Gospel truth for at least three
23:38 reasons." And I'll share one of them with you.
23:41 "It is Gospel truth because it reminds us that, while those
23:44 alive today had no part in yesterday's degraded trade in
23:48 humans, in its 246 years of merciless servitude, in its 1787
23:55 decree that Negroes be counted as three-fifths of a human
23:59 being, or in relegating them for more than a half a century, via
24:04 'separate but equal,' to life's most dangerous and undesirable
24:07 places -- that would be the back of the bus, the side of the
24:10 restaurants, the front of the trains, the top of the theaters,
24:12 the bottom of the boats..." I'm putting this on the screen
24:15 for you now...
24:31 Hmm.
24:33 He goes on. "'Black Lives Matter' is still a needed proclamation because, in
24:38 spite of today's welcome laws against injustice spawned by civil rights activities, there
24:43 is much that speaks of a lesser regard for black lives..." Now I raised my eyebrows.
24:47 "Is this -- I didn't know this." "...the denial of updated textbooks in black
24:53 neighborhoods, the limits of option that make black children drink and bathe in polluted
24:59 water, the wrongful arrests, unjust sentences, and more frequent execution of blacks.
25:04 And more -- the grocery stores in black communities that sell inferior produce at higher
25:10 prices, legislation to depress the black vote, absurd district gerrymandering --" politicians
25:16 always refiguring their districts so that they can carve a group out -- "the hostility
25:25 against affirmative action, and the delegitimatizing of the nation's black President by
25:33 angry whites who 'want their country back.'" Their country?
25:40 Are you serious? Their country? "The 'Black Lives' motto is
25:48 truth with the potential at least to shame heartless politicians who resist all
25:52 efforts to provide the poor better healthcare and education and generally remind America
25:56 that, after centuries of the degradation forced upon them, people at least need straps,
26:01 boots denied, in order to pull themselves up by their bootstraps."
26:06 One more line on the screen...
26:19 As he writes, "Awkward truth... is still truth."
26:27 "Yeah, but I'll tell you what, they're always complaining about our failures -- have you noticed
26:31 that? -- our failures as whites, while ignoring their own failures."
26:35 Calvin Rock, African-American, turns the coin over. And in turning the coin over, he
26:42 writes this... "'Black Lives Matter' is the Gospel truth in that it speaks
26:48 relevantly to black Americans, as well. It reminds them that change,
26:52 like charity, begins at home and that they themselves set the patterns their children will
26:57 follow. Apart from religion, education holds their highest hope of
27:01 progress, and blacks don't have to wait on the government to assist their youth in academic
27:06 pursuits. It is hypocritical to decry police brutality but do little
27:10 or nothing about the black-on-black violence that costs between 8,000 and 9,000
27:14 lives each year. And 'Black Lives Matter' speaks to the sad tragedy of our
27:20 failure to overcome self-hatred, the interethnic prejudice regarding so-called good hair
27:26 and bad hair, light skin and dark skin, accent and no accent, all stigmas surviving from the
27:31 racial rules of yesteryear. This, too, is Gospel truth." He goes on,
27:37 "'Black Lives Matter' is a reminder to black American youth that they destroy their
27:42 individual and community's good by bringing into the world children born out of wedlock.
27:47 The 2012 report of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control records that 17% of Asian, 29%
27:54 of white, 53% of Hispanic, and 73% of black babies are born without stable homes.
28:01 Neither that nor the dietary intemperance or lewd and violent mental entertainment established
28:07 in so many black communities is the fault of white America. Neither is the national rate of
28:12 black high-school dropouts -- approximately 50%, as compared to the general rate of 30%."
28:18 I was tempted to leave the following sentence out, but I think I'm gonna go ahead and
28:22 read it.
28:24 "The 'Black Lives Matter' motto is a scathing rebuke to
28:30 professionally successful blacks who function with an 'I got
28:34 mine, now you get yours' attitude, who get lost amid the
28:38 privileges of their education, often aided by some set-aside,
28:42 has brought them, who make no effort to reach back and help
28:45 those climbing up, and who forget --" Isaiah 51:1 -- "'the
28:49 rock from which they were hewn and the hole of the pit from
28:52 which they were dug.'" He doesn't mince words with any
28:58 of us, does he? "Storm."
29:00 Are we trapped in some sort of dark racial cyclone beyond
29:03 rescue? I think not.
29:06 Is Jesus able to infuse anything into our failure as whites and
29:11 blacks?
29:13 I think so. I think He can lift us out of this hole.
29:20 Consider what's been our theme text in this little series called "Storm."
29:24 Open your Bible with me to the red-letter words of Jesus in John chapter 15.
29:28 John 15:5 -- our theme text. Turns out it also speaks to us now.
29:35 John 15:5. I'll be in the New King James Version.
29:38 Whatever version you have is fine by me. Here we go, Jesus speaking --
29:41 bright red.
29:43 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
29:46 He who abides in Me -- she who abides in me, and I in her --
29:51 and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do
29:55 nothing." There they are again,
29:57 [Snaps fingers] the two sides of God's exquisitely expensive
29:59 salvation coin.
30:01 Side one, we are... in Christ. Side two, Christ is...
30:08 in us. Jesus said, "Yo, you, you people -- you in me, and let me
30:15 be in you, and you will bear fruit. You will bear stunning fruit for
30:19 my glory in this nation." What's he talking about? Let me show you.
30:25 The upper-room discourse where these words come from, I remind you, these red-letter words of
30:30 Jesus were spoken 12 hours before his brutal execution on Calvary.
30:40 The upper-room discourse -- familiar, almost totally red -- from chapter 13 to chapter 17 is
30:48 actually bookended -- get this -- two bookends, striking posture of Jesus in both
30:55 bookends. Listen. John 13, we find Jesus on his
31:00 knees before his disciples. And, in John 17, we find Jesus on his knees before his
31:07 Father -- what's called an "inclusio." It's two bookends to keep intact
31:14 what's in between. And isn't it amazing that His posture in John 13 is the huge
31:21 clue to the answer of His prayer in John 17? Let me show you what I mean.
31:27 The backstory to Jesus being on His knees before His disciples is found in one single line.
31:32 If Luke hadn't written it, we wouldn't know it.
31:35 Let me put it on the screen for you -- Luke 22, that upper room,
31:38 verse 24. "Now there was --" in that upper
31:40 room -- "also a dispute among --" Jesus' disciples --
31:42 "as to which of them should be considered the greatest."
31:45 "I mean, which of us is superior to the others?
31:48 Which of us is the leader over the others? Which of us is number one in
31:53 this community?" And so Jesus gets up from the table, strips naked to His
31:59 waist, grabs a towel, and begins to wash their feet. Just turn the page back --
32:05 chapter 13. Pick it up in verse four. Here's the actual record.
32:09 "Jesus," verse four...
32:24 Jesus performs -- Get this.
32:26 Jesus performs the menial task of a slave. Why?
32:31 Because nobody wants to be a slave. Former slaves don't want to be
32:37 slaves. Slavemasters don't want to be slaves.
32:42 So nobody is going to bow down and admit that, "Maybe I have a weakened self-confidence, I have
32:49 an uncertainty of my self-worth, and I would accede to an observation that I am a slave."
32:55 Nobody bows down. Nobody can break the logjam that night in that upper room,
33:02 because nobody wants to be a slave -- not former slaves and not masters.
33:09 Nobody will be a slave. When Jesus is through washing their feet, Jesus the slave
33:17 resumes His place at the table, and He issues -- get this -- He issues the "11th Commandment."
33:28 It's just happened, the washing of the feet, and then He speaks. Drop down -- You're in chapter
33:31 13.
33:32 Drop down to verse 34 -- bright red letters here, Jesus
33:35 speaking. "A new commandment I give to
33:39 you, that you love another; as I have loved you...
33:44 What you just saw me do, what you just saw me do, you, you do
33:49 this. My love for you, your love for
33:52 each other. also love one another."
33:56 Verse 35. "By this -- by the way -- "all
33:59 will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for
34:03 one another."
34:05 This some sort of isolated, warm, fuzzy moment before He gets on with the meat of His
34:11 upper-room discourse? Are you kidding? Go back to our theme text,
34:16 John 15:5. Look what happens right after John 15:5.
34:20 We'll read verse 5 of John 15 again.
34:22 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
34:25 The people who abide in Me, and I in them, they will bear much
34:29 fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
34:31 Verse 12. "This is My commandment, that
34:34 you love one another as I have loved you."
34:38 There it is again -- obviously not just a passing notion.
34:43 Verse 13. "Greater love has no one than
34:46 this, than to lay down one's for his friends.
34:48 And you are My friends if you do whatever I command you.
34:52 No longer do I call you servants -- I'm not calling you
34:55 slaves, for a slave doesn't know what his master is doing; but I
34:58 have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My
35:02 Father I have made known to you."
35:04 And, oh, by the way -- verse 16 -- "You didn't choose Me.
35:09 I chose you. Never forget I chose you to
35:14 reflect Me. I chose you.
35:19 And I appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and
35:22 that your fruit should remain, and that whatever you ask of the
35:25 Father in My name he may give to you."
35:27 One last line, verse 17. "These things I command you,
35:29 that you love one another."
35:33 [ Raps pulpit ] This is much on His heart hours before His execution.
35:41 So, here's the question. How else are we going to reach -- As a church of black
35:47 and white, how else are we going to reach America? I need you to just think this
35:54 through with me for a moment. If the country cannot turn to the church and, in this faith
36:01 community, discover on bold display the self-sacrificing love of Jesus lived out between
36:07 the races, why should the country give a hoot for the message that this church has
36:15 been raised up to proclaim? [ Scoffs ] Let me put it another way.
36:19 If America cannot turn to Adventists to see a community where radical self-sacrificing
36:26 love of Jesus is being lived out among us, why would anybody in their right mind give two bits
36:33 for what this movement stands for? You'd be crazy to.
36:40 If we don't practice what we preach, you might as well quit preaching.
36:45 You might as well quit preaching. Because we're not practicing, so
36:49 why preach? Who cares about your theology? Who cares about your beautiful
36:56 educational system? Who cares about your healthcare system that belts the planet?
37:01 Who cares about your doctrinal beliefs? Because if what you believe
37:05 leaves you as fractured as this nation, you can have it.
37:17 So, what does this mean for my faith community, our faith community?
37:22 I'm gonna surprise you right now by not bringing up the "separate but equal" conferences that
37:29 exist only in the United States and are organized by race rather than geography.
37:35 I'm not gonna bring it up. Although, now that you did, let me just -- No, no, no.
37:39 [ Laughter ] I'm not gonna go there. Nope.
37:43 I've already preached twice on that extremely sensitive subject
37:47 in the past.
37:50 And, apparently, those two sermons created such a firestorm among my African-American
37:55 colleagues and friends in ministry, as well as my non-African-American colleagues
37:59 and friends in ministry, that I said to myself, "I get it. I get it.
38:03 This is the third rail of the American Adventist church." And you do know what the third
38:10 rail is, don't you? It's the rail that has power. You touch it, you're dead.
38:15 So nobody touches ever the third rail. And what's the point of
38:20 continually electrocuting yourself? So I'm not bringing it up.
38:25 [ Laughter ] "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.
38:36 Because the way you love one another, the whole world will know the truth about me."
38:41 You know what, ladies and gentlemen? It's time to quote Moses.
38:45 It's time to, "Let my people go."
38:51 They're not being held captive by forces outside the church. It's time for the church to "let
39:00 my people go." There's a dark and brewing storm that is engulfing and will
39:10 totally engulf America one day -- a broiling, racial storm of anger and subjugation and
39:16 retaliation. Let us not be fooled into naively concluding that somehow
39:22 this storm that explodes will just pass by the church. She will not be exempt.
39:30 We will not be exempt. It will be the ultimate tragedy of this faith community if, when
39:37 that dangerous storm strikes, the country will not be able to turn to this church in order to
39:44 find refuge in the love and equality of Almighty God. It'll be the ultimate tragedy.
39:54 If they can't find racial unity here, I ask you, where do they go?
40:00 Politics? Are you crazy?
40:06 The good news is that all it takes will be one man to stand up and show us the way.
40:12 And the good news is that one man has already stood up and shown us the way.
40:21 Which is why, in the shadow of Calvary, Jesus prays the prayer in the second bookend, on His
40:28 knees before the Father. Just turn the page to John 17. We heard these words in
40:33 Afrikaans -- thank you, Lawrence -- a moment ago, the language of South Africa --
40:37 which has its own struggles.
40:41 This is John 17 -- bright red, Jesus praying to the Father.
40:45 "Father, I do not pray for these alone --" His disciples -- "but
40:47 I pray for those who will believe in Me through their
40:50 word --" that's everybody here 'cause we believe in Him because
40:52 of their word -- verse 21 -- "that they --" my followers --
40:55 "may all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that
40:59 they may also be one in Us, that the world may believe that You
41:02 sent Me." Verse 22...
41:09 "I in them, and You in Me." Whoa.
41:11 This thing works more than we thought.
41:14 I thought it was me in Christ, Christ in me. But Jesus says, "No, no, no.
41:17 It's you in me, and me and the Father in you." Heaven steps in to this
41:28 equation, the Father himself.
41:31 "Oh, Father, I in them..."
41:43 Well, what will it take to answer that prayer?
41:45 I'll tell you what it'll take. It'll take one man. It'll take one woman.
41:51 It will take one young adult. It will take one teenager. It will take one leader.
41:57 It will take one administrator. It will take one school. It will take one congregation,
42:03 one person to stand up and put it all on the table and say to the others and to the
42:08 Lord Jesus, "I put it all there. It's all there. You may have it -- my
42:13 prerogatives, my privilege, my possessions. You have it -- myself, my
42:19 reputation. You have it. You may do whatever you wish
42:22 with me.
42:23 I'm putting it all on the table, all of it for You.
42:33 Use it." It's when a man, it's when a
42:39 woman is willing to give it all up out of unselfish love for the
42:43 other or for the others that social institutions are
42:46 radically changed.
42:49 Just ask Martin Luther King. Just ask Mahatma Gandhi. Just ask Jesus.
42:56 Just ask Paul, who wrote the line that all four of them believed in.
43:01 "When I am weak, then..." Think we're getting that up on the screen.
43:08 "...then I am strong. When I am weak, then I am strong."
43:19 The only way our racial logjam is gonna be broken is if somebody puts it all on the
43:24 table, and, until that somebody does -- Listen carefully now. Until that somebody does, ain't
43:30 nobody going home. Nobody's going home. You know why nobody will be
43:34 going home? Because nobody's coming for you. Nobody's coming for you.
43:40 It'd be like what my principal said. Our academy principal, when he
43:44 caught us boys tinkering with electric bills -- electric bells, rather, in the
43:47 dormitory, setting them off at 4:00 in the morning... he said, "Boys, nobody's leaving
43:52 this room until I found out who did it." Nobody's going home, and that's
43:58 what God's saying. "Ain't nobody going home -- nobody -- until you get this.
44:04 You know enough. You have enough. You are enough.
44:09 What are you waiting for, me to do it? I won't.
44:12 I won't, I won't, I won't. I made you free. You're not a slave.
44:17 You'll have to freely give it all up, put it on the table, and walk away and say, 'You may have
44:24 that and do whatever you wish.' I'm not coming until you kids figure this thing out."
44:33 And you know what? I happen to believe Him. I believe He's not coming.
44:38 There'll just be one storm after another, and they'll all get worse.
44:43 And He keeps waiting. "I give you a new commandment, that you love another as I have
44:49 loved you. By this the whole world will know you are my people, if you
44:57 are one, even as the Father and I are one." So, how does it work?
45:04 Let me introduce you to two new friends of mine, Richard and Betty Moore.
45:08 I want to invite them to come forward. Richard Moore is the associate
45:13 treasurer of the Lake Union Conference. That's the Great Lakes states.
45:16 It's a great part of the world to be living in. And Betty is a nurse
45:22 practitioner, practicing right here in Berrien County. So, Rich, I read your article.
45:28 I read their story in the Lake Union Herald. And I really appreciate you
45:32 being here. Man, this childhood that you grew up with, San Diego -- I
45:37 mean, come on. Explain it to the folks, please. >> I want to give a shout-out to
45:42 Debbie Michel, from the Lake Union, also, who helped craft that article.
45:46 >> Beautiful. >> But growing up as a kid in San Diego, I didn't have a real
45:51 Christian experience. >> Mm-hmm. >> My single mom, who had five
45:55 kids -- just going through life aimlessly. >> Mm-hmm.
46:00 >> And, one day, she met my future-to-be stepdad at a bar, just having a good time.
46:08 And he comes home, and he becomes part of our life. >> Mm-hmm.
46:11 >> He's an African-American man who was an alcoholic. >> Mm.
46:16 >> He -- He would drink a lot. And when he would drink, he was a very unpleasant person, not
46:23 somebody you want to hang around, and that was very bothersome to our family, and I
46:29 began to pray to a God that I did not know. I was not a churchgoer.
46:34 "God, this man is horrible. Get him out of our life." And I would pray that every day.
46:42 I'd pray that every week. I prayed it for over three years, and then God finally did
46:47 answer that prayer. >> And this is the incredible part of your story.
46:51 >> The answer was, "No, I'm not going to get him out of your life, but we're going to change
46:56 him from a roaring lion into a little pussycat." >> [ Chuckles ]
47:01 >> One day, an angel visited his bedside, he told us, and said, "Mitch, get your life together,
47:08 and go back to the Adventist church that you have come from. Be a prodigal son, and go back
47:15 home." And so he gathers us together that one Saturday morning, with
47:21 his five new white children and white wife, to attend the San Diego 31st Street -- a black
47:29 Adventist church. And we are there, and we are welcomed with open arms -- he
47:35 being recognized as who he was before, and now with a new family, bringing a new group to
47:42 this church family. And they welcomed us. They loved us.
47:45 They embraced us. >> They just loved you, and you loved them back.
47:48 You came to love them back. I mean, that's your new home. Your stepdad gets baptized --
47:53 re-baptized for him -- and you get baptized in that journey. >> After having some Bible
47:57 studies and falling in love with the Bible, I wanted to make a commitment to Jesus as my Lord
48:06 and Savior, and I, too, was baptized a little bit later. >> Wow.
48:11 Yeah, so, African-American church, San Diego -- we got the picture.
48:15 So, these colleges, these universities, like to send recruiting teams out.
48:19 Turns out the only college that sent a recruiting team to your church was...
48:24 >> It was not Andrews. >> [ Chuckling ] It was not Andrews.
48:28 Okay. [ Laughs ] >> Only Oakwood College --
48:30 Oakwood University now -- came to recruit at that church. >> And what did your people tell
48:35 you? >> The congregation says, "Richard, we love you so much.
48:38 We want to help you to go to Oakwood to study theology, to study to become a pastor, to
48:44 become a preacher..." >> Ah. >> "...and so much so that we're
48:48 gonna help pay the way there. Hallelujah." >> Isn't that amazing?
48:51 So this little congregation raises the money. You go off to Oakwood, and this
48:54 is one of my favorite moments in your story, as well. So, you're standing in front of
48:58 the dean. He said, "Next. Next." And then he looks up at you.
49:02 >> He looks up at me and asks a rather interesting question. "Are you sure you're at the
49:07 right place?" [ Laughter ] "Shouldn't you be maybe 100
49:11 miles east?" >> That'd be Southern Adventist. >> Southern Adventist.
49:15 And my response was, "Well, this is Oakwood." And he said, "Yes."
49:19 "Then I'm at the right place." >> Yeah. Incredible. So, you -- double major,
49:24 theology and business. Five years -- you're going to school.
49:28 And you go into ministry. You want to be a treasurer, pastor, maybe end up as a
49:34 treasurer someday, and you end up here at Andrews University. And so I'm gonna come over here
49:40 to Betty. Betty, so, you are a girl from -- young woman from
49:44 South Chicago. >> Yes. >> You went to
49:47 Broadview Academy, a rather... homogenous sort of academy there in the farm fields of Illinois.
49:55 >> Yes. >> But you're here, Betty. Now, just tell the story about
49:58 how you met Richard. >> So, I met Richard through my roommate.
50:03 >> Mm-hmm. >> The two of them worked together in the communications
50:07 department here at Andrews University. At the time, they still had a
50:11 switchboard. I don't know if they still have that now, but they worked
50:15 together. And it was located in the administration building, down in
50:19 the basement. >> Gotcha. >> And I was studying nursing,
50:23 and so, every day, I had to make that trek over to the science complex.
50:27 So I would divert off and go say hi to my roommate Nikki whenever she was on duty.
50:32 And that particular day, Richard happened to come into the office when I was visiting Nikki.
50:39 And I'm generally friendly to everybody, so, "Hi. How are you?"
50:43 That was about the extent of that conversation, and then I finished my visit with my
50:48 friend, and I left. Well, it turns out, later, I found out that he expressed
50:52 interest in me. >> Hmm. >> So, "Who is that?"
50:55 [ Laughs ] So my roommate, always trying to fix me up, had [Laughs] decided
51:02 that she would play matchmaker. >> Mm-hmm. >> So she gave him our phone
51:06 number at the dorm -- we didn't have cellphones back then -- and she told me later that, "He will
51:14 be calling you, and you be nice to him." So --
51:17 [ Laughter ] He did call, and we had a wonderful conversation.
51:22 He asked me out on a date, and I said, "Well, not quite sure. I don't know you that well.
51:27 How about we go on a double date with my roommate and her boyfriend?"
51:31 And so he was fine with that, and we got together, had a wonderful time.
51:36 I fell in love with him. He's a wonderful man, God-fearing man, just a
51:41 wonderful person. And the rest is history. >> Praise God.
51:44 >> Mm-hmm. >> Praise God. I wanted to -- One more
51:48 incident, Richard. So, you two get married, and you're working in
51:52 Wisconsin Conference because you're gonna help out with treasury there, and you're going
51:56 around preaching. So, one wintry Sabbath... >> Yes, one wintry Sabbath --
52:04 and maybe it wasn't necessarily just one time. >> Mm.
52:07 >> And I imagine it probably wouldn't have been restricted just to Wisconsin.
52:11 >> Mm. >> Across the nation, probably something similar would've
52:14 happened. >> Mm-hmm. >> On that cold, wintry
52:17 Sabbath, I would be a nice gentleman and drop my wife off at the front door so that she
52:22 could go inside and not be confronted with the misery of going through a snow-packed
52:28 parking lot. She goes there. She's not greeted.
52:33 She's not invited to sit anywhere. She finds her own way.
52:38 >> Mm-hmm. >> I get out of my car after finding a spot, and I walk in
52:43 and say, "Hey, I'm Richard. I'm the guest speaker for today."
52:47 "Oh, hello. How you doing? Let's guide you to the right place to be."
52:50 Treats me quite differently than how they treated my wife. >> Mm.
52:54 >> Later, when I was introduced as speaker and my wife was invited to stand, she was
52:59 treated quite differently at the end of service than what she was at the very beginning.
53:05 >> Mm. >> And that sort of breaks our heart a little bit, that we have
53:09 a tendency to treat people differently because of how they look.
53:13 >> Mm. I think the rapt question, Richard, is -- We're a
53:18 university congregation here, got a lot of people watching from all over.
53:22 What do we do? Do you have any... Do you an appeal or do you have
53:26 some counsel for us? >> Yes. I would like to appeal to all of
53:32 us to treat each other as God's children. >> Mm.
53:38 >> We are all princes and princesses of the King of the universe, and we need to treat
53:43 everybody the same way. If you're uncomfortable with somebody that maybe looks a lot
53:49 different than you, then make a sacrifice and go out of your way and spend time with them, eat
53:54 with them, play with them, hang out with them to get to know them better so that, somehow,
54:00 some way, Jesus can soften your heart. To understand somebody, we need
54:04 to spend time with them, just like our relationship with Jesus.
54:07 If we're not spending time with Him, then we're not knowing Him. >> Yeah.
54:12 >> Let's spend time with different people. >> Amen. Beautifully put.
54:15 Betty and Richard, both of you, thank you for sharing your testimony with us.
54:20 What a beautiful story. Ladies and gentlemen, give them a hand as gratitude for that.
54:24 Bless you. [ Applause ]
54:31 What'd you just see? You saw two people of different races who, through love, are
54:38 brought together, and it is love that makes the two races one. That's it.
54:46 That's what God's waiting for. I'll have a prayer with you in just a moment, but we've got
54:49 this great -- this great -- This is from the 1960s and '70s, kind of an activist song, "They Will
54:54 Know We Are Christians By Our Love." Let's sing that, sing our hearts
54:58 out, as the ushers receive our Connect Cards. [ "They'll Know We Are
55:04 Christians" plays ]
55:16 [ Congregation sings ]
56:34 [ Song ends ] Amen and amen. Amen.
56:38 "And now the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the
56:45 Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen." [ Organ plays "They'll Know We
56:52 Are Christians" ]
57:09 >> May I take an extra moment with you and let you know how grateful I am that you joined us
57:13 in worship today? I hear from viewers like you across the nation and literally
57:17 around the world, and I'm thankful. If you'd like to explore further
57:20 what we've just shared, I hope you'll visit us at our website.
57:23 It's an easy one to remember --
57:28 We're the Pioneer Memorial Church, here on
57:31 the campus of Andrews University.
57:32 So that's Click on to that website, and
57:37 you'll be able to listen to a podcast of this material, you
57:39 can download the presentation, you can print off the study
57:42 guide, you may have a special prayer need that you wish to
57:45 share with our prayer partners, or you may wish to partner with
57:48 us through a personal donation to help reach this generation
57:51 with the everlasting good news of Christ.
57:53 If you'd rather talk with someone, call one of our
57:56 friendly operators. It's the toll-free number 877,
57:59 and then the two words "his will."
58:01 877-HIS-WILL. In the meantime, may the grace
58:05 and peace of Jesus be yours every step of this adventurous
58:09 way.
58:12 ♪♪


Revised 2017-02-16