New Perceptions

Storm: Finding Jesus in the Gathering Dark, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP170128A

00:08 [ "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" plays ]
00:26 >> Please stand with me.
00:41 [ Congregation singing ]
02:39 You may be seated. [ "Blessed be Your Name" plays ]
02:51 Sing along with us. Blessed be Your name, Lord.
03:23 Every blessing.
04:32 Let me hear you.
04:59 [ "I Will Exalt You" plays ]
07:21 Give it all to God.
07:28 Sing with me. "I will exalt You."
07:52 One more time. Sing "I will exalt You."
08:27 >> Well, happy Sabbath, boys and girls. Nice to see all of you here.
08:30 Yep, it's the last Sabbath of January already. But I'm so glad that you're out
08:36 here. Nice to see you. You look great.
08:38 All right. So, one of my favorite story scouts, she found this story.
08:47 Happened Monday. So we're talking pretty fresh. Happened north of Lake Tahoe in
08:51 California. So it's winter there, like it's winter here.
08:55 And two boys -- Let's see -- Dean Ortiz and Neale Shutler, are driving, 12:15 in the
09:03 morning. So that's Monday morning. Very early.
09:05 Pitch black outside, and it's snowing, did I mention? They're on Highway 89 north of
09:10 Lake Tahoe, when all of a sudden, there is what's called a whiteout.
09:15 Do you know what a whiteout is? You're driving down the road, and that snow just kind of
09:20 goes -- Pshew! -- and the headlights are piercing. You can't see.
09:23 You can't see a thing. David is driving. He's slowing the car down
09:26 slower, slower, slower, because you don't know where you're going.
09:29 When all of a sudden, it cleared, and he hit a bump. It was a bump of snow in the
09:34 middle of the road. And before they could adjust to that bump of snow, before they
09:39 could even move and think, up the mountain, 200 feet up, comes a wall of snow 12 feet tall.
09:48 And that wall of snow comes down faster, faster, faster, comes to the road and where that little
09:53 car -- where David and Neale are in, when that little car looks up -- Boom! -- under 12 feet of
10:02 snow. Can you believe that? "Hey, hey.
10:06 What happened? What happened? What happened? Hey, Neale, can you see
10:08 anything?" "No, I can't. Look out the window."
10:10 "I can't see anything. Look out your window." "I can't see anything, either."
10:14 You know why? They're under the snow. "[ Gasps ] What are we gonna do?
10:21 Nobody knows we're here. Do you got your cellphone?" "Yes, I do."
10:23 "Pull it out." "Okay." "Do you have any bars?"
10:26 "Ooh, not very many bars." "Well, we better decide what we should do.
10:34 And let's just do what the right thing would be." So they did.
10:38 And let's see a picture of them. They did a selfie in the snow underneath.
10:44 There are the windows covered with snow, every direction. "Well, we might as well get this
10:49 on Facebook if this is it." Can you believe that? And with the next breath, they
10:54 dialed -- What numbers did they dial? -- 911. They got ahold of
10:58 the North Tahoe Fire Department. Took them less than an hour for the paramedics to come.
11:02 And when the paramedics arrived, here's the picture the paramedics saw before the car
11:07 was dug out. That's with the car dug out. Under that snow.
11:10 And next picture, please. There's the big hole where the car has gone in.
11:16 Ooh, my, my, my. Oh, I tell you what, boys and girls, some days are good days,
11:23 and some aren't so good. Some nights, the same. But listen, listen, listen.
11:29 When Jesus is your Savior and your forever friend, it doesn't matter, good day, bad night --
11:37 It doesn't matter. He is always with us anywhere, any time.
11:43 Jesus says, "Abide in me, and I in you. And I'm with you always."
11:48 What a friend. How many are thankful that Jesus is with us always?
11:52 Even under 12 feet of snow, he is still with us. Life feels like it's crashing in
11:57 sometimes, he is still with us. Would somebody like to thank Jesus for always being with us?
12:06 Sissy, I saw your hand first. You come on up here. All right.
12:11 Let's close our -- Let's close our eyes and fold our hands. And what's your first name?
12:16 >> Jerianna. >> Jerianna is gonna pray. Come on, let's close our eyes
12:22 with Jerianna. And she's gonna thank Jesus for being with us always.
12:26 >> Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for this day. Thank you for being with us
12:31 always. And we thank you for everything you've done for us.
12:35 Help everyone to obey God and you. And help the people to raise
12:42 from the dead. In your name, amen. >> Amen, Jerianna.
12:46 Beautiful prayer. Boys and girls, as you go quietly and reverently -- Thank
12:50 you, Jerianna. As you go quietly and reverently back to your seats, thank you,
12:54 Jesus. You are with us all the time. Amen.
13:02 [ Choir vocalizing ]
13:28 >> ♪ I've been in the storm so long ♪ ♪ I've been in the storm
13:42 so long, children ♪ ♪ I've been in the storm so long ♪
13:55 ♪ Oh, give me a little time to pray ♪ [ Choir vocalizing ]
14:18 >> ♪ Oh, let me tell my mother how I come along ♪ ♪ Give me time to pray ♪
14:35 ♪ With a hung down head and an aching heart ♪ >> ♪ Oh, give me a little time
14:51 to pray ♪ [ Choir vocalizing ]
15:08 >> ♪ I've been in the storm so long ♪ ♪ I've been in the storm
15:23 so long, children ♪ ♪ I've been in the storm so long ♪
15:36 ♪ Oh, give me a little time to pray ♪ ♪ Oh ♪
15:49 ♪ When I get to heaven, I'll walk unabowed ♪ ♪ Give me a little time
16:01 to pray ♪ ♪ There'll be nobody there to turn me out ♪
16:17 ♪ Give me a little time to pray ♪ >> ♪ To pray ♪
16:28 >> ♪ I've been in the storm so long ♪ ♪ I've been in the storm
16:41 so long, children ♪ >> I've been in the storm so long ♪
16:54 >> ♪ Long ♪ ♪ Just give me a little time to pray ♪
17:16 [ Choir vocalizing ] ♪ To pray ♪ [ Choir vocalizing ]
17:34 ♪ To pray ♪ >> ♪ To pray ♪ [ Applause ]
18:06 >> Thank you, choir. That was absolutely beautiful.
18:14 Oh, God, how true... for this Earth, for this congregation.
18:27 Been in the storm so long. Time to pray. As we carve out these last few
18:40 moments, is there good news in the midst of being in the storm? There is. Let us see it.
18:45 Let us sense it. Let us embrace it. In Jesus name, amen.
18:53 ♪♪
19:54 >> So, let's talk about a coin toss.
19:56 You know what a coin toss is, don't you?
20:01 When they play the Super Bowl, the two teams, captains from
20:04 both teams, will gather in the center of the field with a
20:07 referee. He'll have a coin, not unlike
20:11 this. It'll actually be a
20:13 commemorative coin. This is a silver dollar.
20:15 He'll say, "All right, gentlemen, come here, come here,
20:17 come here. This is heads.
20:20 This is tails.
20:23 I want the visiting team to make the call." Well, who's visiting?
20:26 Everybody's visiting. It's the team with the worst record of the two.
20:30 "You make the call." So he'll take that coin, and he will flip it up.
20:34 Only he won't catch it. It goes to the turf. Stoops over, picks it up.
20:39 Voilà. Here's the result. Interestingly enough,
20:44 50 Super Bowl games, 24 of the times, the team that won the coin toss won the game.
20:53 So what's the big deal? The big deal is this, all to make this point -- If you're
20:58 gonna have a coin toss, you have to have a coin with two sides on it.
21:03 If it doesn't have two sides, you're living in a two-dimensional world.
21:08 Three dimensions -- You have to have -- Every coin has two sides.
21:11 It's the two sides together that make the coin valuable. So, once upon a time, God minted
21:19 a pure gold coin. Absolutely, exquisitely expe-- The most expensive in
21:28 the universe. And He called the coin "Salvation."
21:32 And guess what -- It has two sides. Do you know the two sides to
21:39 the coin of salvation? Open your Bible up. Let's go. The words of Jesus.
21:43 John chapter 15. Thank you, Robert, for reading in Portuguese.
21:47 John chapter 15. Take a look at this. The words of Jesus.
21:50 Two sides to the salvation coin. So, I'm in the NIV. I'm gonna find it here.
21:57 You find it in your translation. Didn't bring a bible, grab the pew bible in front of you.
22:02 Page 727. Bright red letters. This is late Thursday night.
22:06 Only 11 disciples now. In less than 24 hours, Jesus will be dead.
22:12 John 15. Let's pick it up in verse five.
22:21 Some of your translations read, "If you abide in me."
22:32 Zero. Nada. Nothing. All right?
22:36 Now, do you see the two sides of the coin? They're right there.
22:39 Did you see them? Let's write it down. Grab your study guide right now,
22:42 and let's just scribble this down because this is absolutely critical to understand the two
22:46 sides. Find the study guide in your worship bulletin.
22:48 You didn't get a worship bulletin? Come on, ushers.
22:50 Here they come. Hold your hand up. They're gonna get a study guide
22:53 to you. Up in the balcony, the same. And those of you watching right
22:57 now, we're glad to have you on live streaming. You're already on our website,
22:59 so go the website and run off, real quick, the study guide. By the way, if you have your
23:04 device with you, you got your smartphone with you, you can do it all on the smartphone.
23:08 What's the website?
23:10 Please put it on the screen. You go to that website, click on
23:15 number three. What is the series?
23:17 "Storm -- Finding Jesus in the Gathering Dark" where it says
23:20 "study guide" under part three. You can do it all on your phone.
23:23 You never have to have paper again.
23:25 It's a paperless-study-guide world.
23:26 You'll carry these with you forever.
23:28 All right, let's go. So let's fill it in, what we
23:31 just read, the words of Jesus. Jot it down.
23:34 Jesus speaking, "If you remain in Me" -- Hit the pause button
23:37 right there. We will call that -- We will
23:39 call that the "We are in Christ" side of the coin.
23:42 Remember, there are two sides. So that's the "We are in Christ"
23:45 side of the coin. Jot that down, please.
23:47 We are in Christ. So, Jesus says, "If you remain
23:53 in Me and I remain in you" -- Oh.
23:57 There's the flip side of the coin.
23:58 We'll call that the "Christ is in us" side of the coin.
24:02 Jot that down. "You remain in me and I remain
24:05 in you, then you will bear much fruit."
24:08 Plain and simple, ladies and gentlemen.
24:10 The coin has two sides. One side is the "We are in
24:13 Christ" side. Turn the coin over --
24:16 "Christ is in us" side. You have to have both sides.
24:19 If you don't have both sides, you don't have the coin, and you
24:21 don't have the value. Now, let's put it up as a
24:24 graphic. Put it up as a graphic, please,
24:26 on the screen. Let's go back to that "We are in
24:29 Christ" side. What's that?
24:30 That is God's gift of forgiveness.
24:33 Forgiveness. You got this in your study
24:35 guide. That's God's gift of
24:37 forgiveness. With the "Christ is in us" side,
24:40 that's God's gift of fruit. Both are gifts.
24:44 The fruit, the forgiveness. Two sides of the coin.
24:46 Two gifts. The first side of the coin, the
24:50 gift of forgiveness, that's the theological term called
24:52 "justification." We don't use this language.
24:54 This generation doesn't even know.
24:56 What are you talking about? We don't use it anymore, but
24:58 that's what that building over there calls it -- justification.
25:02 The other side of the coin, "Christ is in us," that's what
25:04 they call "sanctification." Now, you see what's on there in
25:07 yellow? That's what came to me after we
25:10 printed the study guide, so you're gonna have to scribble
25:12 this down real quick because the contrast goes on.
25:15 On the "We are in Christ" side of the coin, that's what changes
25:20 our external status. Forgiveness, justification.
25:24 It changes our external status. Flip the coin over.
25:27 "Christ is in us" side of the coin -- that's what -- that's
25:31 what changes our internal state. Something changes inside of us.
25:36 One more. Keep writing. The "We are in Christ" side of
25:40 the coin -- that's what declares our righteousness, our right
25:45 being. You flip the coin over.
25:47 What's that side of the coin? "Christ is in us."
25:49 That's what demonstrates our righteousness.
25:52 Now, this is gonna come clear in just a moment.
25:54 But the two sides. You say, "Dwight, but listen.
25:56 Come on. Please. What's the big deal?
25:58 Who cares, two sides?" Ah. Here's the big deal.
26:00 Keep the graphic up, please. Because some people are in
26:04 big trouble. You know why?
26:06 Because they emphasize only one side of the coin.
26:10 They act as if there is no other side. So you can do that with the
26:13 "We are in Christ." You just say, "Hey, hallelujah. I'm saved. Grace, grace, grace.
26:16 Yo! Give me a high five, Jesus." And that's all they talk about. The flip side is just as true.
26:23 Some people jump to the bottom, and they say, "Christ is in us." "Hey, behavior.
26:27 You got to get your behavior together. You got to have fruit in your
26:30 life." And that's all they talk about. You need to be able to spot
26:35 those kind of people, because the moment you see them, they only got half a coin.
26:39 And one-sided coins are of no value. You have to have both sides.
26:44 The coin of salvation. Jesus says there are two sides to it.
26:47 And Paul comes along, and he says, "Amen." Yeah, Paul agrees with Christ.
26:51 Put the words on the screen. Galatians 2:20.
26:53 "I am crucified with Christ" -- Oh, hit the pause button there.
26:58 Scribble it into your study guide.
27:00 That's the "We are in Christ" side.
27:02 You weren't at Calvary. I wasn't in Calvary.
27:05 But He took us to Calvary, and He took our sins there.
27:07 We are in Christ. "I am crucified with Christ --
27:11 nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but --"
27:13 Oh, here it comes. Christ lives where?
27:16 "In me." That's the "Christ in us" side
27:19 of the same coin. Keep reading.
27:29 There they are, ladies and gentlemen -- two sides to the
27:31 salvation coin -- "We are in Christ," "Christ is in us."
27:36 And once you know these two sides, you're gonna spot it all the way through
27:40 the New Testament. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. But with your permission, I'd
27:45 like to concentrate on the second side of the coin. Because, actually, #RxF4Now,
27:52 our little series last fall, we were focusing on the "We are in Christ."
27:56 Now, futile times we have, with the "Storm" series, let's flip the coin over.
28:01 "Christ is in us." "Is that just Jesus's words that bring that to us?
28:05 One little line, and you're making a big case out of it? Are you kidding?"
28:08 Get your pen running. I'm not gonna comment on a single one of these verses.
28:11 I'm gonna run them by you. Here they come. Six in a row. Write them down.
28:19 That's the second side we're gonna concentrate on.
28:24 We just read that as well, but now fresh territory.
28:35 Keep reading. Paul says, "I pray that Christ
28:39 may dwell in your hearts." Christ in, inside.
28:47 This is one of the big ones for "Christ in us."
28:59 One more. And by the way, he's speaking to
29:02 the storm generation, the end-game storm generation.
29:05 It's called Laodicea. He speaks these words to
29:08 Laodicea. Revelations 3:20.
29:19 Christ in you.
29:24 "Yeah, but come on, Dwight. I mean, why are you making such
29:26 a big deal about the second side of the coin?"
29:29 Oh, I'll tell you why. We just read it.
29:31 Write it down. John 15:5. What did we read?
29:34 "I am the Vine --" Jot it down -- "you are the branches.
29:37 If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much --"
29:42 What? What's the next word? You'll "bear much fruit."
29:47 For the God of the universe -- I'm talking about the Father,
29:49 the Son, and the Holy Spirit -- for the God of the Universe,
29:52 "bearing fruit is a huge deal." You know why? Jot this down.
29:56 "Because it is --" Fruit is "the only way to show that the branch
30:03 is truly connected to the Vine. No fruit, there's no connection.
30:08 No connection, there's no fruit. It's a big deal.
30:12 In fact, Jesus tells a parable over here in Luke.
30:15 It's a parable. We never read this one, do we?
30:18 Luke chapter 13. But he's making the point.
30:20 Watch this. Luke chapter 13. Beginning in verse 6.
30:24 And Jesus told this parable. Here comes the parable now.
30:27 "A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard."
30:29 So Jesus was in the vineyard in John 15.
30:31 We're still in the vineyard. But here is this one little fig
30:34 tree growing up out of the vineyard.
30:54 And the gardener jumps up, he says, "Sir, hold it, hold it,
30:57 hold it."
31:10 Would you jot that down, please?
31:18 Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake about it. God very much wants fruit.
31:24 You know why? Because fruit-bearing is proof to anybody who asks -- who asks,
31:34 who wants to know if I'm connected to the Vine. For anybody who observes, who
31:42 wants to ascertain, are you connected to the Vine? It's a big deal for God because
31:48 it's God's character on the line. And if He has people who are
31:52 connected to Him, they'll bear the fruit of who He is. It's a big deal.
31:57 You say, "Well, I suppose it's a big deal, Dwight. But you know what?
32:00 It really depends on what kind of fruit you're talking about." Well, how about this fruit?
32:02 On the screen again.
32:05 "The fruit --" Write that in, please.
32:24 So, what did Jesus say? "If you abide in me and I abide
32:27 in you, you will bear much fruit."
32:29 In other words, it's gonna show. Reminds me of that day when Satan came sauntering into
32:34 the council room in heaven. God spots Satan walking in. He says, "Yo, Satan.
32:39 You see that friend of mine down there? I mean, has anybody gotten
32:43 closer to me than that man named Job? What do you think of Job?"
32:46 And Satan just shoots back, "Yeah, God, I'll tell you what. You turn off your little
32:50 blessing machine, and he'll turn away from you. I promise you."
32:55 God pauses for a moment. He thinks. He said, "Okay."
32:58 I'll turn off the blessing machine. You can have at it with him.
33:03 Only don't you kill him. All right?"
33:08 In the Book of Job, there's this stunning narrative of a man who,
33:12 in the midst of crippling calamities -- I mean, we're
33:14 talking about loss of property, loss of the beloved ones, loss
33:18 of personal health -- relentlessly is hanging on to
33:22 his trust in God. In fact, for me -- Okay, for me,
33:25 the stunning of all stunning lines in Job is this one -- When
33:30 he sobs his confession and he says, "Even though He slays me,
33:38 I'm gonna trust Him."
33:41 Man, if I could borrow language that's gonna come from 2,000 years after Job, I'd say, "Look
33:47 at Job. Obviously here he is abiding in Christ, and Christ is clearly
33:53 abiding in him because just look at the fruit. "Have you seen my friend Job?"
34:00 "Have you seen my friend Tony?" "Have you seen my friend Stanley?"
34:11 Look. What does Job say? Jot it down.
34:25 How did Jesus put it when he was on Earth?
34:26 Hebrews 2:13 says this was his life confession.
34:29 Hebrews 2:13 -- "I will put My trust in Him."
34:34 "I will put My trust in Him."
34:40 Jesus says, "Abide in me and I in you."
34:46 "The faith of Jesus is revealed --" Jot it down one
34:49 more time -- "in the fruit of the Spirit."
34:51 The fruit. Okay, here's "Desire of Ages."
34:54 Oh, this is dynamite. Watch this.
35:08 That's what fruit is. It's just, "Yo, man, look at
35:10 that guy. Reminds me of God." But it gets even better.
35:14 Watch this.
35:25 You know why? Because the fruit of the Spirit
35:27 doesn't come by labor. Doesn't come by grunting and
35:29 straining. "I'm gonna get this."
35:31 It comes by abiding. By abiding in Him.
35:36 "Abide in me and I in you." So, we got four apple trees on
35:40 our little property. And boy, when they're going,
35:45 delicious fruit. But I'll tell you the truth.
35:51 I go out in the middle of the night.
35:53 No kidding. This is true. I go out in the middle of the
35:56 night, and I stand near those trees.
35:58 And I have never, in the middle of the night, ever heard those
36:03 apple trees sobbing, "I am trying so hard to bear fruit,
36:07 but nothing's coming. I'm grunting. I'm panting.
36:11 I'm straining. But no fruit is popping out.
36:14 Poor, pitiful me."
36:20 Never. Never heard it. You know why? Because these four little apple
36:25 trees, they abide in the soil, and the soil abides in them. They abide under the glorious
36:32 sun, and the sun abides in them. They abide in the showers of rain, and the rain abides
36:39 in them. They just stand there, and apparently, they bear fruit from
36:44 that quiet abiding. So maybe that's what's supposed to be with us.
36:51 What did we just read?
36:52 "The Savior does not bid us labor --" work, strain, groan --
36:56 "to bear fruit." Can I put it this way?
36:59 Let's just shift the metaphors here, move from fruit to
37:02 relationships.
37:05 When you fall in love with somebody, and you have. When you fall in love with
37:11 somebody, you really end up abiding in that person. And that person abides in you.
37:18 You don't grunt. You don't growl. You don't grit yourself into
37:21 love. You abide in a very special friendship that deepens the more
37:29 you abide in each other. You talk. You listen. You keep reminding yourself,
37:34 "Two ears, one mouth, two ears, one mouth," to remember the lesson.
37:40 But the more time you spend together, the deeper it grows. No kidding. Really.
37:46 The more time. The more heartache, the more pain, the more tears you go
37:51 through together, the deeper grows your love for her, your love for him.
37:57 You don't take a pill to get this. You don't grunt.
38:05 You just abide in her, in him. Even as she, as he, abides in you.
38:11 And ever so surely, ever so slowly, you begin to change. It's how it works in a
38:18 relationship. Love changes you. The most powerful book I've ever
38:24 read on marriage is written by a Canadian author named Mike Mason.
38:28 Title of the book, "The Mystery of Marriage: As Iron Sharpens Iron."
38:31 In my humble opinion, here is an absolutely brilliant observation.
38:36 Put the words on the screen for you.
38:57 "Yet ironically, it is some of --" I love this.
39:16 So, if you're heading down that pathway, jot it down.
39:27 That's what Jesus is talking about when he says, "Abide in
39:30 me and I in you. You will bear much fruit."
39:33 Be prepared for change. Revolutionary change. Ever so slowly, ever so surely,
39:40 that change just creeps into your relationship. Well, the question that begs
39:45 itself is, "How should we abide, He in us, and us in Him?" As it turns out, this coin -- As
39:55 it turns out, the faith of Jesus is absolutely essential for both sides of the coin.
40:00 The faith of Jesus. The question is, Jesus's faith when he was here, "How did he
40:08 get his faith?" Oh, come on. Remember that moment?
40:12 Satan materializes -- Shoo! -- materializes himself. He's standing in front of the
40:16 emaciated and famished God-made flesh, the Son of God. And with that assault of three
40:24 blinding temptations, Jesus picks up the challenge. And have you noticed, all three
40:33 temptation, when He responds to the temptation, He begins with the identical words.
40:36 What are the words? Do you remember? "It is written." Yeah.
40:44 In fact, that first temptation responds -- Jot it down in your
40:47 study guide.
40:56 Every word. Now, remember, when God speaks a
40:58 word -- When the omnipotent God speaks a word, the word
41:02 instantly creates the reality it describes.
41:04 So when Jesus quotes the word back to the tempter, and he says, "Man shall not live by
41:11 bread alone," in the very speaking of the word, divine power is unleased in him, and he
41:16 can stare at those stones that he could turn into bread, and he can say no to his appetite, just
41:21 like that. Where'd the power come from? It was supernaturally infused in
41:25 him because he believed the word. And he says, "Man shall not live
41:28 by bread alone." Pshew! All three times.
41:34 The Word of God was huge for Jesus. As he abided in the Father, and
41:40 the Father abided in him, the word was the key. In fact, watch this.
41:46 Jesus is obviously saturated with the Psalms, the prayer book of his faith community.
41:52 He has memorized the Psalms. The book of Hebrews chapter 10 says these are actually words
41:58 Jesus quoted. Jot them down. This is from Psalm 40:8.
42:02 Jesus speaking...
42:09 So he quotes the promise, and he says amen to it, and, boom,
42:14 written all over the walls of his heart and his mind.
42:16 And guess what -- you and I say amen to it, all over us, the
42:21 Word, the Law of God in our heart.
42:25 Psalm 119:11.
42:34 The Word of God is the secret to Jesus abiding in Him and He in
42:38 Jesus all through his life, all through his mission.
42:41 And get this. I had never seen this before. But even as he is expiring,
42:47 he's been hanging on the cross for six hours. Darkness is moving in to swallow
42:53 him up. In that moment just before death -- I never knew this
42:58 before. Did you? -- Jesus goes to an embedded promise in the Psalms.
43:06 I'm indebted to Camron Schofield for showing me this in his book "Heralding the Loud Cry."
43:12 Watch this. You remember when Jesus dies. Finally at the end, he cries out
43:18 a rather triumphant exclamation. Do you remember what it was? "It --" What? "is finished."
43:26 And then the seventh word of the cross, right after he says, "It is finished," the final
43:29 word -- "Father --" And how's it go? "Father, into Your hands
43:35 I commit my Spirit." Now, people have come -- and I've taught the cross through
43:40 the years -- people have come and said, "Hey, Dwight. I mean, how do you explain that
43:44 faith?" And you know what I've said? It's kind of a wimpy reply, but
43:49 this is what I've used for years -- "Well, you know, Jesus, before he came to Calvary, he
43:54 was telling everybody, 'I'll be dead for three days, and then I'll come up.
43:56 I'll be dead for three days, and then I'll rise up. I'll be dead for three days, and
43:59 I'll rise up.'" So Jesus remembers the promise. He remembers what he's been
44:03 telling everybody, and he hangs on to that. And how wrong that
44:08 interpretation is. Thank you, Camron. You know what Jesus does?
44:13 As the darkness in overwhelming him, just as it's about to suck him up, Jesus puts his finger on
44:21 an embedded promise in the Psalms. Write it down. It's Psalm 16.
44:25 Unbelievable.
44:26 Look at these words. It's Jesus speaking.
44:29 "I will keep my eyes always on the LORD."
44:32 No matter how dark my life right now, "I will keep my eyes always
44:36 on the LORD." I will put my trust in Him.
44:38 Remember, he lives by that. "I will keep my eyes always on
44:41 the LORD. With him at My right hand --"
44:43 Now watch this -- "I will not be shaken."
44:46 Why will you not be shaken as you're dying?
44:47 Keeping reading. "Because You will not --" Write
44:50 that in -- "You will not abandon Me to the realm of the grave."
44:53 You will not let me stay in there.
44:55 You will not keep me in the grave, in the realm of the
44:58 dead. "You will not abandon Me to the
45:02 realm of the dead, nor --" Write that word in -- "will You let
45:05 Your faithful one see decay." In his mind, as the darkness
45:11 overwhelms him -- In fact, "Desire of Ages" tells us he
45:13 cannot see past the portals of the tomb.
45:15 This is a one-way street into eternal oblivion.
45:20 But in his mind, as he contemplates that ending, the Spirit brings back to him a
45:27 promise -- You will not let me be held captive in the realm of the dead.
45:31 You will not let this body decay. And so, in a cry of sheer faith,
45:40 "Amen to that promise. It is finished. Father, into Your hands, I
45:44 commit My Spirit." Boom, he's dead. But what God spoke with His lips
45:52 is instantly created. And that body locked in the realm of the dead, not a moment
46:01 of decay. Three days later, poof! Isn't that amazing?
46:09 Now, Cameron Schofield -- I want you to get his point. Words on the screen.
46:13 "If you don't get anything else out of this study --" Schofield writing -- "I want you to listen
46:17 carefully and get this."
46:34 The italics are his. "He believed that God would keep
46:39 His Word." He died.
46:44 The faith of Jesus -- "I will put my trust in Him even in death."
46:49 And in that instant before He dies, the promise appears to Him that He had read.
46:55 How many times have I read the Psalms and never thought about Jesus reading this line?
46:58 He read it. He knew it. "You will not leave me in the
47:03 realm of the dead. You will not let my body decay." Amen!
47:08 Dead. And God says, "You quoted my Word back to me.
47:15 You quoted my omnipotent Word back to me.
47:18 And because you believe it, you get it."
47:24 That's the faith of Jesus. "Here are they that keep the
47:27 commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus."
47:29 That would be the storm generation, the end-time
47:31 generation. They're known with two
47:33 characteristics.
47:34 They keep the commandments of God, and then there's nothing else.
47:37 It says, "and the faith of Jesus," meaning the keep the faith of Jesus.
47:42 Your faith won't get you anywhere. You can't get saved by your
47:46 faith. You and I can only be saved by the faith of the Lord Jesus
47:50 Himself. The faith of Jesus. "You abide in me.
47:55 I abide in you." You'll be okay. Where did Jesus get His faith?
48:01 From the Word of God, of course. Where do we get -- Where do we get the faith of Jesus from?
48:05 From the Word of God, of course. Let me end with this -- "Desire of Ages."
48:08 Let me end with this quotation. "It is through the Word --" Write that in.
48:13 "It is through the Word that Christ abides in His followers." That's how He does it -- through
48:20 the Word. Keep reading. "The words of Christ --" that
48:23 would be in the Gospels -- "are sprit and life." That's John 6:63.
48:26 Keep reading. "Receiving Christ's words, you receive the life of the Vine.
48:29 You live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
48:32 The life of Christ in you produces -- " Can you believe this?
48:35 Jot it down. "The life of Christ in you produces the same fruits as in
48:40 Him." That's why when you abide in Jesus and He abides in you,
48:44 people look at you, and you know what they're thinking about? They're not thinking about me.
48:48 They're not thinking about you. They're thinking, "Man, that guy is like this with Jesus."
48:53 "That girl is like this with Jesus." What's showing up?
48:57 The fruits of the Spirit, that's what's showing up. They say, "I recognize that.
49:03 I recognize that. I recognize that boy." They took note that these men
49:07 had been with Jesus. See? It's the fruit -- Acts 4:13.
49:11 It's the fruit. That's it. That's it.
49:19 You know what that means?
49:21 We'll finish the sentence here. "Living in Christ, adhering --"
49:24 or clinging -- "to Christ, supported by Christ, drawing
49:27 nourishment from Christ, you bear fruit after --" the
49:30 likeness. The similitude is the likeness
49:32 of Jesus. I'm telling you what, ladies and
49:34 gentlemen. See the two sides?
49:36 See, here's the salvation coin. Two sides. Every side is Jesus.
49:41 It is Jesus from stem to stern. It is the faith of Jesus -- both sides.
49:45 We are in Christ. He is in us. It's Jesus from beginning to
49:49 end. And that's good news, because if it depends on you and it depends
49:56 on me, curtains. It's not my faith. It's not your faith.
50:02 It's the faith of Jesus that He's offering you and me today. I will put my trust in Him.
50:11 You know what that means? Jot it down. One last fill-in-the-blank.
50:14 "If you want to abide in Christ and you want Him to abide in you, every day ask for the faith
50:20 of Jesus as you read the Word of God." Now, I'm gonna repeat that a
50:26 thousand times right now. Every day ask for the faith of Jesus as you read the Word of
50:33 God. Every day -- In fact, say it out loud with me.
50:37 Every day ask for the faith of Jesus as you read the Word of God.
50:41 Come on, let's do it again. Every day ask for the faith of Jesus as you read the Word of
50:48 God. That's it. That's it.
50:51 Both sides of the coin are now dealt with. You're okay, and I'm okay,
50:57 because we have the faith of Jesus. I'm telling you what.
51:02 I'm just saying. It is through the Word -- What did we just read?
51:09 It is through the Word that Christ abides in us. And, oh, by the way, when Christ
51:13 abides in you and you abide in Him, guess what. You will not only bear much
51:17 fruit. No, no, no, no, no, no. But it will be the beginning of
51:21 a story of a friendship that will last forever and ever. Amen.
51:26 That's it. That's the teaching. Take it home.
51:30 Take it into your heart. I want to pray with you after we sing two stanzas --
51:36 Ralph Carmichael. This is a great piece. Steve, you know this piece well.
51:41 The Savior is waiting to... enter your heart. It's, "I want to come in."
51:47 It's the Laodicean invitation. "I'm knocking. Let me in."
51:51 There are only two stanzas to it, so, ushers, please stand. Please go.
51:54 And let's go. Let's sing. [ "The Savior Is Waiting"
51:57 plays ]
53:37 >> ♪ ...take one step toward the Savior, my friend ♪ ♪ You'll find His arms open
53:50 wide ♪ ♪ Receive Him, and all of your darkness will end ♪
54:05 ♪ Within your heart He'll abide ♪
55:00 >> Oh, God, what an appeal. The Savior is standing waiting, knocking to enter your heart.
55:14 Time and again, He has knocked. Oh, God, if there -- if there is somebody here right now who's
55:28 hearing the knocking and knows who it is, for that man, for that woman, please...
55:41 just a touch of the faith of Jesus in that heart to have the courage to open the door from
55:49 the inside... and invite the Savior in. Oh, God, it's a big deal.
56:00 We abide in You. You abide in us. And the fruit grows.
56:10 So thank You. Thank You that the truth is all wrapped up in Jesus, the faith
56:18 of Jesus. We go today with that faith in our hearts, His faith, His
56:26 promise, His Word. And now may the grace of Jesus and the love of the Father and
56:41 the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.
57:03 >> May I take an extra moment with you and let you know how grateful I am that you joined us
57:07 in worship today? I hear from viewers like you across the nation and literally
57:11 around the world, and I'm thankful. If you'd like to explore further
57:14 what we've just shared, I hope you'll visit us at our website.
57:17 It's an easy one to remember --
57:22 We're the Pioneer Memorial Church here on the campus of
57:25 Andrews University. So that's
57:30 Click onto that website, and you'll be able to listen to a
57:32 podcast of this material.
57:33 You can download the presentation. You can print off the study
57:36 guide. You may have a special prayer need that you wish to share with
57:39 our prayer partners. Or you may wish to partner with us through a personal donation
57:43 to help reach this generation with the everlasting good news of Christ.
57:47 If you'd rather talk with someone, call one of our
57:49 friendly operators. Here's the toll-free number --
57:52 877 and then the two words "HIS WILL."
57:55 877-HIS-WILL. In the meantime, may the grace
57:59 and peace of Jesus be yours every step of this adventurous
58:02 way.
58:06 ♪♪


Revised 2017-02-03