New Perceptions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP170107A

00:00 ♪♪
00:08 >> We invite you to join your voices with us as we lift up and
00:12 praise our Lord. We're gonna start with
00:14 "He Is Exalted." [ "He Is Exalted" plays ]
00:28 [ Congregation sings ]
02:17 Amen. [ "Shout to the Lord" plays ]
02:31 [ Congregation sings ]
05:38 >> ♪ Nothing compares to the promise I have ♪
05:44 ♪ Oh, nothing compares to the promise I have in You ♪
05:56 >> Amen. And that's the message I think God is trying to give us -- that
06:01 nothing compares to what He gives us. Everything else is counterfeit.
06:07 Everything else is counterfeit. Jesus is the only real thing, and He offers us truth -- truth.
06:15 So, right now I'm gonna invite you to stand with us now as we sing to our amazing God.
06:21 We're going to lift our voice, talking about this great, amazing God.
06:26 And if you have a special prayer request or a special praise for 2017, we invite you to come
06:32 forward as we sing. But please join us and stand now as we sing to our God.
06:38 [ "How Great Is Our God" plays ]
06:47 [ Congregation sings ]
10:08 [ "How Great Thou Art" plays ] [ Congregation sings ]
12:42 >> Well, good morning, boys and girls. A blessed first Sabbath of the
12:49 new year to you. What is this -- 2-0-1-7? Is that it?
12:53 >> Yep. >> 2017, the first Sabbath. You know, when I saw the
12:58 thermometer this morning -- 10 degrees -- I said, "Oh, there won't be a boy or girl in church
13:02 today. I'll be all alone." But thank you for coming out.
13:05 Okay, so, today's story is about Durkee. Durkee received a beautiful pair
13:12 of red shoes from his parents. Anybody here got red shoes on? >> No.
13:19 >> When he opened the -- When he opened the package, here were these red shoes.
13:23 They fit perfectly. And his mother and father said, "Now, Durkee, these are your
13:27 Sabbath red shoes. You only wear these red shoes on Sabbath.
13:34 Do you understand that?" "Well, of course I understand it.
13:37 But, boy, I can hardly wait to go to church with these red shoes."
13:40 And that's what Durkee did that first Sabbath. And then the second Sabbath,
13:44 he wore them again. And then the next week, his little friend Morrie came over.
13:50 "Hey, Morrie, come here. I got to show you something. Take a look at these."
13:52 And Durkee went into the closet, and he said, "Look at those shoes.
13:58 Wow! You want to see them on me?" "Yeah, I do."
14:00 "Okay." He put them on. He put his little red shoes, Sabbath red shoes on.
14:03 He said, "Ta-da! How do you like them? Pretty cool, huh?"
14:08 "Yeah." So, the boys fell into conversation, and about, you
14:11 know, a half-hour later, Morrie said, "You know what? It's great weather.
14:14 Let's go outside and play. Let's do it." And -- boom! -- they're gone.
14:17 They're through the hedge, through the hedge, out to the farm fields.
14:22 Durkee has forgotten all about his red Sabbath shoes. And the farmers had just plowed
14:29 up the field, so as those boys were playing tag -- "You're it!" "No, me!"
14:33 "You, you, you!" As they're racing back and forth, guess what's happening
14:36 to the red shoes. And after an hour or so goes by, Durkee says, "You know what?
14:41 I probably ought to go home, Morrie." And he happened to look down.
14:47 "Uh...uh-oh! Where are my red shoes?! They're all brown and muddy
14:56 and -- Oh, no. Morrie, what am I gonna do? I'll tell you what -- I'm gonna
14:59 sneak through the hedge. I'm gonna sneak through the hedge.
15:01 I'll get back into the house. You go home. Bye-bye. We'll play again."
15:05 And Durkee -- now his heart is just beating. His little palms are turning
15:09 sweaty. He said, "What am I gonna do? I can't let Mother see me.
15:12 I can't let Father see me. So I'll shoot through the hedge. I'll go through the back door."
15:17 So, he came crawling through the hedge, he shot into the yard, and just as he did --
15:21 "Hey, Durkee, there you are." It was his dad. His dad was out front of the
15:27 house with his camera on a tripod, and he was taking pictures of the house.
15:31 He said, "This is perfect," Daddy did. "Durkee, come here.
15:35 I want you and me to be in this picture together." And Durkee gulped, trying to
15:41 hide his covered, muddy shoes as he came over to his daddy. His daddy just smiled.
15:49 He said, "Sit down here, son. Sit down here. I'll get right beside you."
15:53 And his daddy had this big smile on his face. How do you think Durkee's smile
15:58 was? Very weak. The camera went -- [ Imitates
16:03 camera shutter clicking ] And that's all the camera took because what happened next
16:09 should not be on any camera.
16:17 Papa looked down. "Durkee, are those your red Sabbath shoes?!"
16:28 [ Imitating crying ] "Yes, Daddy. I didn't mean to do it.
16:30 I don't know what I was doing. I went out with Morrie. We were playing.
16:34 I just ran out. Oh, Daddy." [ Sighs ]
16:42 Do you think Durkee's mother was happy? Was she sad?
16:50 Yeah, but do you think Durkee's mother forgave him? Why did she forgive him?
16:55 Because she loved him with all her heart. You know, that picture was a
17:03 black-and-white picture. I still look at it. I look at it, and I see my daddy
17:08 there with that big grin on his face and I'm looking at my smile and it is pitiful because I knew
17:15 what was gonna happen next. And it happened. Hey, do you have a mother?
17:22 Oh, you have a mother? Does mother want you to obey her -- yes or no?
17:28 >> Yes! >> Oh. Do you obey mother? Of course.
17:31 Why do you obey mother? Because you love your mother. Do you know why you love your
17:35 mother? Because your mother first loved you.
17:38 She loved you first, and now you love her back. And you love her with all your
17:42 heart, and that's what I want you to do today. I want you to go back to the pew
17:45 if your mother's here in church with you and I want you to put your arms around Mommy's neck
17:49 and I want you to just give her a big hug. And then I want you to whisper
17:52 in her ear, "Mother, I love you." Because Jesus is like a mother,
17:58 the Bible says, and He loves us just like a mother loves us. And Jesus -- one day we'll be
18:03 able to put our arms around his neck and say, "Jesus, I love you."
18:08 You forgave me and loved me through it all. [ Chuckles ]
18:13 Who would like to thank Jesus for our mothers today on the first Sabbath of this new year?
18:19 Young man, I'm gonna call on you. Come on here.
18:22 Nice to have you on the front row. What's your first name?
18:26 >> Kudzanai. >> Kudzanai. We're gonna bow our heads with
18:29 Kudzanai as he prays. And he's gonna thank Jesus for our mothers.
18:34 >> Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful day. And bless us to be good boys and
18:39 girls. In Jesus' -- >> "Thank you for our mothers."
18:42 >> And thank you for our mothers. In Jesus' name. Amen.
18:45 >> Amen. Kudzanai, beautiful prayer. As you go quietly and reverently
18:49 back to your seats, your mother's love is Jesus' love to you.
18:53 You just give her a big hug for me. Will you do that?
18:56 Find your mother right now with a big hug and kiss.
19:05 ♪♪ >> ♪ If with all your hearts
19:14 ye truly seek me ♪
19:18 ♪ Ye shall ever surely find me ♪ ♪ Thus saith our God ♪ ♪ If with all your hearts
19:35 ye truly seek me ♪ ♪ Ye shall ever surely find me ♪ ♪ Thus saith our God ♪
19:48 ♪ Thus saith our God ♪ ♪ Oh, that I knew where I might find Him ♪
20:01 ♪ That I might even come before His presence ♪ ♪ Oh, that I knew where I might
20:12 find Him ♪ ♪ That I might even come before His presence ♪
20:21 ♪ Come before His presence ♪ ♪ Oh, that I knew where I might find Him ♪
20:41 ♪ If with all your hearts ye truly seek me ♪ ♪ Ye shall ever surely find me ♪
20:58 ♪ Thus saith our God ♪ ♪ Ye shall ever surely find me ♪
21:12 ♪ Thus saith our God ♪ ♪♪
21:35 [ Song ends ]
21:41 >> Thank you, Ryan. That was what we needed today, this first Sabbath of a new
21:50 year -- "If with all your hearts, you truly seek me."
21:57 There is no easy way to blurt out that the first woman you
22:09 ever loved in your life, the woman who without question had
22:18 the most formative influence in your life, has died.
22:27 We all knew that Mother would die at some point.
22:33 And when the phone rang on Monday morning and I look at the screen and it's my sister's
22:36 name -- and she's in the Dominican Republic -- and I'm thinking, "This is it."
22:46 And when she starts sobbing... I knew. I just spent three days with Mom
22:58 on her 88th birthday, just before Thanksgiving. And it was just -- Oh, I was
23:04 just thanking God again and again for giving me those three days.
23:09 We talked. Mother's weaker now, and she doesn't -- she's not quite the
23:15 conversationalist she used to be. I finally crawled into bed with
23:20 her so that she wouldn't have to, you know, crank her head, her neck, and just laid there
23:25 right beside her, face to face, pillow to pillow. And I said, "Mom, you remember
23:30 this?" and, "Hey, mom, do you remember this and...?" "Oh, yeah. Yeah."
23:38 I wrote a blog a few days ago as a tribute to my mother -- seven of the great life lessons
23:50 that she taught me. Don't read it now, but I hope you will read it sometime.
23:57 I only wish you could have known her the way I did. I sent a picture in for the
24:04 blog, and Rachelle Offenback, our graphic designer -- she said, "Dwight, I got the
24:09 picture." She said, "It's a beautiful picture of your mother.
24:11 Who's that fat baby she's holding?" [ Laughter ]
24:16 Can you put it on the screen? She said, "Seriously. I don't know who that baby is."
24:21 Well, number one, that's not fat. That's pleasantly plump, okay?
24:24 So let's just get that part straight. [ Laughter ]
24:28 And that is me. Look at that woman. I want you to look at her.
24:34 Do you know what? She was 24 when she gave birth to me -- 24.
24:39 I grew up with a girl as mother. Wow. 88.
24:48 Fell asleep in Jesus. The only reason I'm not out there now -- as I just told you,
24:57 Kari, our littlest sibling, the youngest -- she's a pastor, and her husband is a pastor of the
25:04 beautiful Carmichael Church in Sacramento, California. They took 80 of their church
25:09 members down to the D.R., the Dominican Republic, to build a church out in the jungles, and
25:13 they can't get out until tomorrow. And they're gonna get home
25:16 Monday morning early. And she said, "Dwight, I just -- I can't go Tuesday to have a
25:23 service in Calimesa, California. Nah, we'll wait. So, we'll fly out next week.
25:31 We'll have the service and remember Mother's life." I want to thank you for your
25:39 kind expressions. I guess the word has kind of gotten out, and bless you for
25:43 your kind words and your prayers. You know, the last quote I put
25:49 in the blog -- Let me see. If you look at page five of your worship bulletin, the very last
25:53 quote -- 100 years ago, these words were written. Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
26:00 One day in heaven, speaking of that reunion, "Many will raise their crowns in sight of the
26:07 assembled universe and, pointing to their mother, say, 'She made me all I am through the grace of
26:15 God. Her instruction, her prayers, have been blessed to my eternal
26:21 salvation.'" And I'm gonna be at the front of that line.
26:26 And I'm gonna lay the crown down at Jesus' feet and point at my mother and say, "That's why I'm
26:36 here. You heard her prayers."
26:44 I know -- I know my mother's coming up in the resurrection. I know my dad -- and we'll put
26:51 her ashes right besides Dad's. I know Dad is coming up in the resurrection.
26:56 And you know what else I know? I know that you and I are coming up.
27:01 We're gonna go up to meet the Lord in the air by His grace. We have this hope.
27:06 Jesus says, "Because I live, you live also." "Look, I am the resurrection and
27:10 the light. She, who believed in me, though she dies, yet shall she live."
27:16 We got hope. Man, I tell you what, singing "How Great Thou Art" -- that was
27:21 a -- that was -- I can hear my mother -- beautiful contralto voice.
27:27 I want to sing that last stanza. I want to sing just that last stanza -- "When Christ shall
27:31 come with shout of acclamation." If you don't know it -- well, you'll know it.
27:36 And you know the chorus. "Then sings my soul." "When Christ shall come."
27:44 Let's do it. [ "How Great Thou Art" plays ]
27:54 [ Congregation sings ]
28:46 >> ♪ Then sings my soul ♪ ♪ My Savior God to Thee ♪
28:55 ♪ How great Thou art ♪ ♪ How great Thou art ♪
29:09 [ Song ends ] Oh, God, one day we will -- we will shout out those words to
29:15 you. We can't quite figure out this life.
29:21 Why do people suffer long? What's up with that? We don't know.
29:34 But somehow that confession is a declaration that, no matter what happens, your love triumphs.
29:47 Your mercy reigns. And we will bow at your feet with our mothers.
30:01 And we will cry out, "How great is our God." Thank you.
30:08 Now we shift gears and... Speak to us. We got to go home, Father.
30:17 We got to go home. This planet is shot. There's a storm coming.
30:27 Repair us. In Jesus' name, amen. It's one of the great storm and sailing stories in Scripture.
30:36 I love it, and so do you. It's been a long and wearying day, and I tell you the truth --
30:40 Jesus is dog-tired. I mean, we're talking about weary to the bone.
30:49 In fact, He is so tired -- get this -- it's His idea. He turns to His friends, and He
30:57 says, "Hey, guys, we got to get out of here. I am dead on my feet."
31:05 "Desire of Ages" -- "All day Jesus had been teaching and healing, and as evening came
31:10 on, the crowds still pressed upon Him. Day after day He had ministered
31:13 to them --" get this -- "scarcely pausing for food or rest.
31:17 And now the close of the day found Him so utterly wearied that He determined to seek
31:23 retirement in some solitary place across the lake." "Come on, guys.
31:27 Let's get out of here." Open your Bible to Mark chapter 4, this beloved story.
31:34 While you're finding Mark 4, this is a new series.
31:37 It's called "Storm" -- you see it there on the screen --
31:39 "Finding Jesus in the Gathering Dark," part 1.
31:44 There will be seven parts to this.
31:47 Hope you don't miss a one of them.
31:52 Mark chapter 4.
31:54 There's a study guide, but it's only quotations today. So, those of you watching, if
31:57 you'd like a copy of all the quotations, you can get the study guide right there on our
32:01 livestream. If you're watching on television, you can do the same
32:03 thing. But Mark chapter 4.
32:07 Here comes the story, verse -- Mark chapter 4 -- I'm in the
32:10 NIV -- verse 35.
32:27 And how was He? It says they took Him along as
32:28 He was. How was He?
32:29 He's tired. That's what.
32:31 In fact, no sooner than do they shove off from that rocky -- because that's all it is, the
32:35 beach in Galilee, trust me. As they shove off from that rocky beach, Jesus finds His way
32:42 to the back bench near... the stern. And before you can say
32:50 "Jack Robinson," His head is on that bench, and He's asleep -- not before one of His boys,
32:58 in a gesture of love, shoves across to Him the helmsman's cushion.
33:04 "Sorry, Peter. You don't need it." And with a weary but grateful
33:10 smile on His face, Jesus lays down His head. In deference to their
33:18 slumbering -- shh -- slumbering master, the decibels fall as the men converse into the night.
33:28 Placid Lake Galilee. Just a little poof in the sail, and the skiff sails on...
33:38 when suddenly -- Oh you know this. Verse 37. Suddenly...
33:51 Have you ever -- Seriously. Have you ever been in a storm in which you are absolutely
33:56 convinced you're going down, hmm? Have you ever been through one
33:59 of those humdingers? I was flying with my friend, Melchizedek Ponniah.
34:02 It was our Sabbath School Superintendent Day. We were flying across India one
34:06 night in a very crowded Indian Air flight, so crowded that we had to carry our
34:11 carry-ons on our laps. Yeah. [ Chuckles ] "Wow. We're crowded."
34:18 At 30,000 feet, sheets of white electricity just off either wing tip.
34:27 And every time the lightning explodes in thunder, that plane, in a bubble of turbulence,
34:34 shoots up and drops down to the place. The man beside me's arm is
34:40 turning white because I'm hanging onto him. [ Laughter ]
34:44 You ever done that in a plane, when a plane suddenly -- You just grab instinctively.
34:48 I don't know what there is about it, but you just don't want to
34:50 go down. I can't imagine the adrenaline,
34:54 fear pumping through those hardy, experienced fishermen who
34:57 have done this a thousand times. They know this is different.
35:01 Water is exploding into the boat.
35:03 You've been to the jetty during a storm in St. Joe.
35:07 And you know that when water hits a stationary, flat surface, it explodes.
35:12 And I've seen those waves go over the lighthouse. The water is hitting this skiff
35:16 from -- from the gunwales, and it's just -- [ Imitates water splashing ]
35:19 And the water's all going in. It's all going in. And I remind you, it is
35:23 pitch-black. Above the shrieking gale, it is pitch-black.
35:28 They are drenched like drowned rats, scrambling over each other, everybody desperately
35:34 trying to bail with whatever hand or mechanism they can. This ship is going down, down,
35:40 down. "We're going down!" somebody announces.
35:47 Flash of lightning. And then somebody -- we're not told who.
35:52 Somebody spots Him sound asleep on the back bench. "Desire of Ages."
36:03 Put it on the screen for you. "Absorbed in their efforts to
36:06 save themselves, the disciples had forgotten --"
36:08 Can you believe this? "They had forgotten that Jesus
36:11 was on board."
36:21 Now, there's a New Year's sermon for you, just that one line --
36:23 "In Jesus is our only hope. In Jesus was their only hope.
36:29 In their helplessness --" Now, that's a key word.
36:31 You're gonna run into that one again.
36:32 "In their helplessness and despair, they cried, 'Master,
36:36 Master!'"
36:41 That is some line -- "They had forgotten that Jesus was on board."
36:45 Hey, come on. What is there about us Earthling Christians, us Earthling
36:50 Adventists, that we are so prone to forget so easily that the Lord is with us.
36:57 Have you noticed? Man. Bailing furiously to save
37:04 ourselves, to save our marriage, to save our finances, to save our church, bailing furiously,
37:11 and we forget He's on board. Why does it take a storm to finally get our attention?
37:25 I wonder sometimes if this story isn't a penetrating morality tale about our church today.
37:30 Consider this scenario -- the church makes a major decision that divides the church.
37:38 People seek to formulate a policy to cure the church of disagreement.
37:43 But while every attempt is made, it is met by further disagreement and debate.
37:48 And all the while, the very church we're so concerned about is slowly going down.
37:54 When will it occur to us that there is no nifty little human-devised solution to that
38:01 which divides us? You can't vote a solution. When will somebody on board this
38:08 struggling skiff remember Jesus and cry out to Him, "Yo, Master"?
38:15 Calling upon God to deliver us, calling upon God to save us, calling upon God to mend us,
38:19 calling upon God to take charge in the fury of the storm we now enter.
38:27 "Desire of Ages" -- "Would somebody please call Jesus?"
38:33 "Desire of Ages" on the screen again -- "In their
38:35 helplessness --" there's that word...
39:10 Apparently, God doesn't always jump to -- "Yes, sir" -- when we
39:15 call.
39:18 Apparently, like a dear and loving mother, He hears it all, of course, but He waits for our
39:24 need to deepen. He waits for our prayer to deepen.
39:27 He waits for our longing to deepen.
39:31 Oh, don't make a -- Make no mistake, please.
39:35 The moment that prayer is prayed -- "Lord, save me, I'm
39:38 perishing" -- it is heard and responded to.
39:41 In fact, this is a "Desire of Ages" line -- "Never did a soul utter that cry" --
39:45 'Lord, save us, we perish -- "unheated."
39:51 Verse 38 -- "Jesus got up, rebuked the wind, and said to
39:58 the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" The Greek for "be stilled," by
40:02 the way, is "be muzzled."
40:04 He has said that to demons already in the Gospel of Mark. He now speaks to nature and
40:08 says, "Be muzzled." You ever seen a Doberman pinscher that the owners have
40:12 muzzled because the dog bites everybody? Why do you have a dog like that?
40:15 I just don't understand it, but anyway -- So, he's in -- He's got this muzzle.
40:19 He says, "Be muzzled, storm." And -- boom! -- then the wind died down, and it was completely
40:28 calm. This is like a Hollywood set, and somebody has tripped the
40:33 fuse box and everything -- [ Imitates power fading ] It's gone.
40:40 Placid water, clouds disappear, twinkling stars, and the canopy above just like that.
40:50 [ Exhales sharply ] And Jesus now -- He turns to His closest friends.
41:04 Do you suppose He asked us the same question on this cusp of a
41:06 new year?
41:08 I mean, He stands with you and me and He looks back over 2016 and He -- and He asks of you, He
41:13 asks of me, "Why are you so afraid? Do you not have -- Do you still
41:19 have no faith?" Over the holiday, I read a book by Jim Cymbala, thanks to the
41:25 kindness of some friends. Title of the book -- "Storm: Hearing Jesus for the Times We
41:29 Live In." Jim Cymbala is a pastor, happens to pastor the
41:32 Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in New York City. Listen to him bear his soul now.
41:36 His words on the screen.
42:00 You ever seen that little emoji face that's supposed to display embarrassment?
42:05 It's a full-teeth -- full-teeth smile. [ Laughter ]
42:10 "Were you talking about me?" "Yeah, I was talking about you." Full series on prayer?
42:17 When was the last time? Oh. "If we believed His promises."
42:25 "How else can we explain why prayer isn't paramount in our lives and in our churches?"
42:28 we just read. Cymbala goes on. Keep going.
42:41 I mean, come on, guys. Look, if we really believed in
42:44 the power of prayer -- collective prayer I'm talking
42:46 about now, as it demonstrated in the early church in Acts.
42:50 If we really believe that -- are you serious? We would make no room for
42:54 prayer when we're together? Nothing in the middle of the week for everyone who wishes to,
43:01 to come to? Wow. I think you know the answer.
43:08 Keep reading.
43:27 Thank you. Wow!
43:32 One more line.
43:41 I mean, look. Come on. You got to admit, that's a
43:42 little nervy of Cymbala, isn't it?
43:45 What are you suggesting -- that we love the status quo, that we don't think prayer works?
43:48 "Well," he said, "yeah." "The key to prayer that changes things is deep sense of
43:56 inadequacy and a helplessness among God's people." Reminds me of a strikingly
44:00 similar observation that Paul Miller makes in his powerful book, "A Praying Life:
44:05 Connecting With God In A Distracting World." In this chapter, he's saying,
44:09 "Hey, you know what? You got to admit this -- Children do helplessness well."
44:14 Have you noticed that about kids? "Mommy!
44:19 Would you please help me? Please?! Daddy! Daddy! Yo, Daddy!
44:25 Come here! Come here! I need help! I need help! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"
44:28 Children do helplessness beautifully. But once we grow up, as Miller
44:32 suggests, we become allergic to helplessness. [ Chuckling nervously ] "I'm
44:38 not -- I don't need help. I need another seminar. I need -- I need -- I need -- I
44:42 need -- I need a good friend who will listen to me. That's what I need."
44:48 "I have an idea. Hey, yo, I got a plan." Yeah, we're allergic to
44:53 helplessness.
44:55 Miller writes -- Now I'll put him on the screen.
44:56 "However," he says, "Look, look, God wants us to come to Him
45:00 empty-handed --" No solution.
45:12 Don't we? "Let me just get this all under
45:14 control. Then I'll come.
45:15 We'll have a chat. Oh, boy.
45:19 "If we think we can do life on our own --" Boy, is he right
45:23 here -- "we will not take prayer seriously."
45:27 This next line I think is rather prescient.
45:37 "It's not me failing to pray. No, no, no, no.
45:39 You know what the problem is? I don't know how to pray.
45:41 No, no, no, no, no. The problem is, I don't have
45:43 enough time.
45:44 Collective prayer, group prayer -- Psch! I don't have -- Do you know how
45:46 busy my life is? Do you know how important I am?" Yeah, it's always an excuse.
45:54 Excuses, by the way, are a dime a dozen, but let us not patronize God with them.
45:58 There's not an excuse for noncompliance with prayer that moves Him at all because you
46:05 know the answer. You have the time. And you know how.
46:14 [ Exhales sharply ] Cymbala keeps going here. No, no, no, this isn't Cymbala.
46:23 Sorry. Miller keeps going here.
46:34 A little something extra I purchased for the same price.
46:38 "That is why --" Oh, I wish he hadn't written this.
46:54 Come on, let's just admit this to each other. Nothing creates so profound a
47:00 sense of helplessness as suffering -- because what is suffering?
47:04 Suffering is something I desperately long to be rid of, but I can't get rid of it.
47:10 Isn't that it? Of course. But listen -- why wait till you suffer?
47:19 Why will till we suffer? May I talk to you about America for a moment and the world?
47:25 I have no idea -- I have no idea where America is headed this year.
47:29 In talking with you, you don't, either. We have no idea where the world
47:35 is headed in 2017, not a one of us. But I do know this -- Come on.
47:41 Think with me for a moment. I do know this -- that we as a race, that we as a nation are
47:46 teetering on a very precarious edge. There's no political solution.
47:51 There's no economic solution to what we're in. I mean, are you catching this?
47:57 Are you sens-- Are you seeing -- I mean, live on Facetime? Live on Facetime, you did that
48:04 to who? For what reason? Guys, the beginning of 2017 is
48:12 nothing like the beginning of 2016. We're not raising the bar.
48:15 We're lowering the bar. It's getting worse. My job is to simply remind you
48:22 of that. Your job is to already recognize it, as you do.
48:26 You don't need me saying a word up here, but that's what I do for a living.
48:31 It's getting worse. Jim Cymbala -- back to Cymbala now.
48:40 "If we look at society today, if we look at the challenge of a
48:44 country becoming more godless by the week --"
48:47 [ Chuckling ] Wow -- "If we look at laws being passed
48:51 that mock any form of morality, instead of lamenting and
48:56 protesting --" and I add wringing our hands -- "wouldn't
48:59 it be better for us to plead with God to visit His people?
49:02 We need to move toward God, and it begins with --" two words --
49:06 what are those two words? "Desperate prayer."
49:10 Do you know what a desperate prayer is?
49:13 It's a longing for something that you cannot provide for yourself.
49:17 If God does not provide it, you will not possess it. That's a desperate prayer.
49:21 If God does not provide it, you will not possess it 'cause you can't get it.
49:27 That's a desperate prayer. You ever remember a women named Hannah?
49:31 Mm-hmm? Hannah? Prayed desperately for a child for years, right?
49:41 Nothing. Then one day, she's on the back pew of the church -- no kidding.
49:46 She's on the back pew of the church, and she is pleading with God.
49:49 I want you to see the language that the Bible describes for her prayer.
49:53 1 Samuel 1:10 on the screen.
50:01 She's sobbing. She's rocking. She's swaying.
50:04 Her lips are moving in tandem with her soul's desperate
50:06 prayer, but nothing's coming out of her lips.
50:09 She's just in a state of desperation. And the pastor walks by, sees
50:14 this commotion, and he rebukes her. He says, "You are drunk, lady,"
50:20 which is no -- which is a -- which is no reflection on her. It is a measure of a pastor for
50:27 whom this sort of passionate, desperate praying is totally foreign.
50:33 How many of us pastors -- How many of us pastors have no clue what is a desperate prayer?
50:40 Like Eli, we occupy positions of leadership and influence, but we have no clue what does a
50:46 desperate prayer mean. We forget that when God was here himself -- do you know how He
50:51 prayed? Hebrews 5:7-8 -- with loud cries and tears, he pleaded.
50:57 That's called a prayer of desperation because the father had what Jesus did not have.
51:02 And He was begging for it. Wow.
51:10 She replies to the pastor rebuking her -- on the screen...
51:26 My friends, that is desperation prayer.
51:30 That is a desperate prayer. And by the way, it's the kind of
51:36 prayer God hears. Oh, He can't turn an ear.
51:40 Hey, have you ever been a parent?
51:43 Have you ever been a parent, and have you heard your child
51:45 sobbing for something? Do you turn an ear?
51:48 Do you turn an ear? You do not.
51:52 And in answer that desperate prayer, God sends a radical
51:57 paradigm shift, and the boy born to Hannah will forever change
52:03 the course of that nation.
52:06 God says, "You got to me." So, what might we -- what should we, this new year, be desperate
52:17 for from God? A century ago, Ellen White, in her book
52:21 "Ye Shall Receive Power," wrote these words on the screen -- "We are to pray for the
52:26 impartation --" that would be the gift -- "of the Spirit as the remedy for sin-sick souls."
52:32 Well, good night. We ought to pray 'cause these are sin-sick souls.
52:35 You're talking about the dormitories on this campus. I know that's what you mean.
52:38 Oh, might be talking about Benton Harbor. Sin-sick souls -- you got them
52:42 there. "No," God says. Read the next sentence.
52:47 "The church needs to be converted."
52:50 And that would be you, and that would be me.
52:53 We need to be converted.
53:00 I understand not everybody shows up when collective prayer takes
53:03 place. Then we'll show up as
53:04 representatives of the church.
53:18 That, my friends, is what you call a prayer of desperation.
53:21 That's it right there -- with broken heart, contrite soul,
53:24 earnest supplication. How does Cymbala put it?
53:28 "We need to move toward God, and it begins with desperate
53:31 prayer." Ellen White finishes the
53:32 sentence.
53:47 What would happen if this new year together we banded and we
53:52 said, "We're gonna pray for this gift"?
53:55 There's a storm coming the likes of which this planet has never seen in its history.
54:00 It will not be survived by the casual. It will not be survived by the
54:04 nonchalant. It will not be survived by the sleeping.
54:07 It will not be survived by the lethargic. It can only be survived by
54:11 people who are desperately praying, "God, give me what you have for the storm."
54:18 What would happen if we said, "Dear Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, please, like never
54:25 before." So, I open my quarterly, and I'm so delightfully surprised that
54:29 we're gonna be studying the Holy Spirit these next three months together.
54:32 What a gift. I wonder. God must have some little timing thing going on here 'cause I'm
54:37 looking at 2017, and I'm saying, "If there's no divine intervention here, look out."
54:43 Fort Lauderdale yesterday. Just look out. There's insanity that now is
54:47 sweeping across the land. I mean, what gift could we possibly need more this new
54:56 year? What gift could God possibly want more to give us this year
55:00 than the gift of His spirit? Jesus said, "If you ask for the spirit --" you evil parents, you
55:04 give good gifts to your kids. What do you think your father's gonna do?
55:08 You're gonna get it in abundance. And with this gift, every other
55:11 gift comes with it. Every other gift comes with this gift.
55:14 Ask for this gift, you get all the rest. I mean, it's the one supreme
55:17 gift to give. Then shall we not collectively, earnest ask Him this year.
55:24 Let's ask Him. Come on. You and me. Oh, God, the storm is coming.
55:30 ♪♪ Will we just wait and wait? We hear the call of the Spirit.
55:39 Come to me. Ask me. I'm on the skiff with you right now.
55:47 It's dark. But you're not alone. I have brought Jesus to you.
55:54 Take hope. And so, Father, our hearts long. We got to get home.
56:04 We just got to get home. So, take this longing. Harness it and shape it.
56:13 And well up within us a collective cry for the Holy Spirit this new year.
56:19 It's your gift, but it's our prayers. Receive them now.
56:26 "And now to Him, who is able to do immeasurably more than all that we ask or imagine,
56:31 according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in
56:37 Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever." Let all of God's people on this
56:43 first Sabbath of the New Year say, "Amen. Amen." ♪♪
57:02 >> I want to take an extra moment to thank you for joining us in worship today.
57:05 It's by the continued support from viewers like you that we're able to bring this telecast.
57:10 Today, I want to invite you, though, to share with us how this ministry has blessed you.
57:14 Truth is, I get inspiring notes, e-mails, letters from viewers literally all over the world,
57:19 sharing with us how God has blessed them through this program, and I'd love to hear
57:23 from you, as well.
57:25 It's not that hard -- simple, really.
57:27 Just visit our website,
57:30 That's one word --
57:33 And click on the contact link at the top of the page.
57:35 Shoot me that e-mail. Once again, thank you for
57:38 being with us.
57:39 Thank you, by the way, for your own support. That support is what keeps this
57:43 telecast week after week reaching America, reaching North America, and reaching the
57:48 planet. That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost and
57:54 blessing to us. And I hope you'll join us right here next time 'cause we'll be
57:58 here. In the meantime, God be with you and bless you real good.
58:05 ♪♪


Revised 2017-01-12