¤¤ 00:00:00.20\00:00:06.20 ¤¤ [ Clarinet solo ] 00:00:11.07\00:00:31.09 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:00:31.09\00:00:51.08 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:00:51.08\00:01:11.13 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:01:11.13\00:01:31.15 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:01:31.15\00:01:51.14 ¤¤ 00:01:51.14\00:01:57.21 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:02:02.18\00:02:16.87 >> ¤ You left your throne ¤ ¤ And your kingly crown ¤ 00:02:16.87\00:02:26.24 ¤ When you came to Earth for me ¤ 00:02:26.24\00:02:35.72 ¤ But in Bethlehem ¤ ¤ There was found no room ¤ 00:02:35.72\00:02:48.20 ¤ For your holy nativity ¤ ¤ O, come to my heart ¤ 00:02:48.20\00:03:06.38 ¤ Come to my heart, Lord Jesus ¤ ¤ There is room in my heart ¤ 00:03:06.38\00:03:24.87 ¤ For you ¤ [ Clarinet solo ] 00:03:24.87\00:03:38.61 >> So, this our Christmas call. And I'm gonna invite you to 00:03:45.85\00:03:49.52 stand as we read this call together. 00:03:49.52\00:03:51.13 Sinegugu Katenga. Katenga family, very active in 00:03:51.13\00:03:56.56 our congregation. Sinegugu grew up here, one of 00:03:56.56\00:03:58.80 our young adults, a college student. 00:03:58.80\00:04:00.67 She's gonna read with you. It's a responsive reading. 00:04:00.67\00:04:04.24 Those of you on live stream, by the way, you'll see on the 00:04:04.24\00:04:08.11 bottom-third will be our reading. 00:04:08.11\00:04:11.91 Feel free to join in that reading as we respond to God's 00:04:11.91\00:04:18.25 call to meet him here. 00:04:18.25\00:04:20.16 Let us pray. As the carol sings, yea, Lord, 00:05:10.47\00:05:15.84 we greet thee born this happy morning, but dear God, please, 00:05:15.84\00:05:21.72 this has been such a year of surprises. 00:05:21.72\00:05:26.19 Shock, really. We hardly know what to expect 00:05:26.19\00:05:29.49 next. And so if it's okay to just 00:05:29.49\00:05:33.26 blurt it out, we come to this Christmas Eve Sabbath seeking 00:05:33.26\00:05:37.87 stability and security and some sort of assurance. 00:05:37.87\00:05:42.67 We don't need answers right now. If we could just have the 00:05:42.67\00:05:46.54 assurance that what you taught the angels to sing, peace on 00:05:46.54\00:05:52.18 Earth, good will to men and women and children. 00:05:52.18\00:05:55.55 That that is a prayer that you are still planning to answer, 00:05:55.55\00:05:59.49 which is why we keep singing and praying. 00:05:59.49\00:06:02.46 ¤ O Come ¤ ¤ O Come Immanuel ¤ 00:06:02.46\00:06:05.39 ¤ And ransom captive Israel ¤ Oh, Father, whatever the future 00:06:05.39\00:06:10.80 turns out to be, we come to you with a prayer, Christ will come 00:06:10.80\00:06:16.37 to us sooner rather than later, please. 00:06:16.37\00:06:21.21 And so we worship you now. In His beautiful name, Amen. 00:06:21.21\00:06:27.22 >> Amen. 00:06:27.22\00:06:28.08 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:06:31.52\00:06:51.51 ¤¤ [ Congregation sings ] 00:06:51.51\00:07:08.42 >> Glad to have you. Oh, we got -- 00:12:20.84\00:12:23.64 We've got a congregation right here, that's what we've got. 00:12:23.64\00:12:26.24 We've got the future of the church right here, that's what 00:12:26.24\00:12:28.84 we have. If time lasts long enough. 00:12:28.84\00:12:31.31 Nice to have all of you. All right, guys. Grab a seat. 00:12:31.31\00:12:34.78 Don't forget, something special for you in just a moment. 00:12:34.78\00:12:39.09 But first, a story. I want to make sure everybody 00:12:39.09\00:12:43.69 gets a chance to get up here. Yeah. 00:12:43.69\00:12:45.93 Well, Happy Sabbath, and a Merry Christmas Eve to you. 00:12:45.93\00:12:50.50 Good to have you. Glad you're here. 00:12:50.50\00:12:53.70 Anybody have family or friends visiting? 00:12:53.70\00:12:56.60 Family or friends? Ooh! Anybody here family or friends 00:12:56.60\00:13:00.68 visiting? You're visiting here? 00:13:00.68\00:13:03.38 Any visitors here? Oh, we got some visitors. 00:13:03.38\00:13:05.85 Good. Always nice to have you. All right. 00:13:05.85\00:13:10.95 All right. Good. Now, Dad and Mom, if you're 00:13:10.95\00:13:15.39 bringing your child, just take a place on the floor right where 00:13:15.39\00:13:19.79 you are. Just let me have the center 00:13:19.79\00:13:21.83 aisle here. Let me trade places with you. 00:13:21.83\00:13:25.93 Good to have you, moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas who 00:13:25.93\00:13:29.17 come up for Children's Story when they have their 00:13:29.17\00:13:31.87 grandchildren visiting. Oh! That's wonderful! 00:13:31.87\00:13:34.41 I wish Little Ella were here, but she came in October, 00:13:34.41\00:13:37.35 so we're still happy. All right, nice to have you. 00:13:37.35\00:13:42.22 So, question #1 -- do you like to sit in the back seat of a car 00:13:42.22\00:13:45.92 when nobody knows you're there, and you're just riding along for 00:13:45.92\00:13:49.69 the ride? >> Yeah! 00:13:49.69\00:13:51.19 >> Question #2 -- do you like to ride in a car at 2:00 in the 00:13:51.19\00:13:55.23 morning in the back seat? >> Yes! 00:13:55.23\00:13:57.77 >> Okay. [ Chuckles ] I can tell we got real experience here. 00:13:57.77\00:14:01.40 Question #3 -- Do you like it when the car is going 00:14:01.40\00:14:05.24 100 miles an hour up the interstate? 00:14:05.24\00:14:08.11 >> Yeah! >> Well, dumb questions for this 00:14:08.11\00:14:12.21 group, I understand that. That's what we're gonna do! Shh! 00:14:12.21\00:14:16.18 We're in the back seat! Shh! Shh! Shh! 00:14:16.18\00:14:17.95 We don't want them to know we're here! Shh! 00:14:17.95\00:14:20.59 Because father jumps into the car -- that's father Marshall -- 00:14:20.59\00:14:23.83 jumps in the car, Mother Tenisha jumps in the car. 00:14:23.83\00:14:26.49 She said, "Honey, we're gonna have to go. 00:14:26.49\00:14:28.73 I've done this twice before, but I think this is the third time. 00:14:28.73\00:14:31.77 I think we have time, but let's just start moving. 00:14:31.77\00:14:33.80 Let's start moving. 2:00 in the morning. 00:14:33.80\00:14:35.44 Can you start driving?" Ford Escape -- I hope you like 00:14:35.44\00:14:37.57 being in a Ford Escape because we're in the back seat of a 00:14:37.57\00:14:39.81 Ford Escape, and father Marshall starts -- 00:14:39.81\00:14:41.51 [ Imitates engine revving ] He said, "I got to find the 00:14:41.51\00:14:43.68 Dan Ryan freeway in Chicago!" This is just a few days ago. 00:14:43.68\00:14:46.11 In Chicago! It's 90/94 going north into the 00:14:46.11\00:14:50.02 town. "I got to get on that freeway!" 00:14:50.02\00:14:51.55 As soon as he got on the freeway -- 00:14:51.55\00:14:53.02 [ Imitates engine revving ] "Oh, hold on! 00:14:53.02\00:14:55.22 Do you have your seatbelt on? I hope you have your seatbelt 00:14:55.22\00:14:57.59 on!" "Are we going that fast? Really? 00:14:57.59\00:14:59.63 Oh, don't look! Don't look!" But in the meantime, father is 00:14:59.63\00:15:02.36 just clutching the steering wheel, and mother's like -- 00:15:02.36\00:15:04.47 [ Groaning ] "What's the matter? 00:15:04.47\00:15:05.80 What's the matter?" "I think the baby's coming." 00:15:05.80\00:15:08.20 [ Groans ] He said, "Shh!" 00:15:08.20\00:15:11.07 [ Groaning continues ] They're going to the 00:15:11.07\00:15:15.64 University of Illinois Chicago Medical Center. 00:15:15.64\00:15:19.11 "I don't think we're gonna make it! 00:15:19.11\00:15:21.35 We're only 10 minutes up the highway!" 00:15:21.35\00:15:24.59 Father says, "I'm looking, I'm looking! 00:15:24.59\00:15:26.35 I'm looking for an exit. Here comes an exit! 00:15:26.35\00:15:29.82 West 43rd Street!" Zoom! There he goes off the exit. 00:15:29.82\00:15:32.49 It's 2:00 in the morning. There's nobody out. 00:15:32.49\00:15:34.73 He drives along a little street, there's a street light, and he 00:15:34.73\00:15:37.77 stops. [ Groaning ] "I think the baby's 00:15:37.77\00:15:40.04 coming, I think the baby's coming!" 00:15:40.04\00:15:42.20 He dialed three numbers. What did he dial? 00:15:42.20\00:15:44.54 >> 911. >> He dialed 911. 00:15:44.54\00:15:46.64 But then, fortunately, mother Tenisha -- she had been watching 00:15:46.64\00:15:50.75 birthing videos. So she kind of knew what has to 00:15:50.75\00:15:55.22 happen. So she's giving birth on her 00:15:55.22\00:15:57.95 own. >> What happened? 00:15:57.95\00:16:00.69 >> Father later told the reporter, "She's screaming, 00:16:00.69\00:16:04.66 the baby's screaming, and I'm screaming." 00:16:04.66\00:16:07.86 [ Laughter ] Pretty soon the ambulance has 00:16:07.86\00:16:12.40 come, racing with the police. Let's see a picture of the 00:16:12.40\00:16:16.37 ambulances and let's see the little baby that got born on 00:16:16.37\00:16:20.44 that street side, please. We're looking for that picture. 00:16:20.44\00:16:24.15 There were go. There he is, little 00:16:24.15\00:16:28.95 Miller Rambert. The ambulance attendants, the 00:16:28.95\00:16:33.05 EMTs, they grab mother and baby, put them in that ambulance. 00:16:33.05\00:16:37.36 [ Imitates wailing siren ] To the hospital. 00:16:37.36\00:16:40.73 Father racing behind. And the good news is -- 00:16:40.73\00:16:43.37 Next picture, please. The good news is -- Aww, little 00:16:43.37\00:16:46.90 Miller is doing just fine. He's joining his two older 00:16:46.90\00:16:50.97 brothers. Oh, my -- This is a question 00:16:50.97\00:16:53.48 just for the girls. Just for the girls. 00:16:53.48\00:16:55.74 Girls, would you rather be born in a Ford Escape or in a 00:16:55.74\00:16:59.75 hospital? >> Hospital. 00:16:59.75\00:17:01.48 >> [ Laughs ] You can see why didn't ask the boys. 00:17:01.48\00:17:04.22 All right. This question -- [ Laughter ] 00:17:04.22\00:17:07.89 This question is for God. We're gonna ask God a question. 00:17:07.89\00:17:13.09 He's listening right now. He's listening very carefully. 00:17:13.09\00:17:16.16 Dear God, would you rather be born in a Ford Escape or a 00:17:16.16\00:17:21.37 hospital? Or a box of cow food? 00:17:21.37\00:17:25.97 >> Nasty! >> What would God choose? 00:17:25.97\00:17:29.54 >> A stable! >> We already know. 00:17:29.54\00:17:32.21 He says, "I want to be born in a manger." 00:17:32.21\00:17:35.52 So that no little boy can be born on Earth, no little girl 00:17:35.52\00:17:38.89 and say, "My family's too poor. God must not love us." 00:17:38.89\00:17:42.06 Are you kidding? The poorer you are, the more you 00:17:42.06\00:17:46.46 can know the God who came is as poor -- 00:17:46.46\00:17:50.03 He was poorer than you. Say the verse out loud with me. 00:17:50.03\00:17:54.04 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son 00:17:54.04\00:18:02.21 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have 00:18:02.21\00:18:09.82 everlasting life." Amen. 00:18:09.82\00:18:14.32 That's what we have Christmas. God chose a place where he would 00:18:14.32\00:18:18.53 be born. So that every one of us could 00:18:18.53\00:18:22.70 know he's just the kind of God I've always wanted. 00:18:22.70\00:18:29.14 What a God. So, when you gather with your 00:18:29.14\00:18:32.34 family tonight or tomorrow, it's not about the gifts you get 00:18:32.34\00:18:36.21 there, it's the gift you've already gotten in Jesus. 00:18:36.21\00:18:40.55 Amen. Now, we have a gift for you. 00:18:40.55\00:18:44.15 And as you're going -- We're gonna sing a song. 00:18:44.15\00:18:46.32 We're gonna sing ¤ What Child Is This? ¤ 00:18:46.32\00:18:48.06 ¤ Who laid to rest ¤ So, the moms and dads will be 00:18:48.06\00:18:50.83 singing, you'll be getting your gift, and I wish you a blessed 00:18:50.83\00:18:54.23 and Merry Christmas. Amen. All right. Let's sing. 00:18:54.23\00:19:00.87 ¤¤ [ Congregation sings ] 00:19:00.87\00:19:20.79 ¤¤ >> ¤ Starlight shines ¤ 00:21:54.71\00:22:09.16 ¤ The night is still ¤ ¤ Shepherds watch from a hill ¤ 00:22:09.16\00:22:18.10 ¤ I close my eyes ¤ ¤ To see the night ¤ 00:22:18.10\00:22:25.21 ¤ When love was born ¤ ¤ A perfect child gently waits ¤ 00:22:25.21\00:22:37.65 ¤ A mother bends to kiss God's face ¤ 00:22:37.65\00:22:44.29 ¤ I close my eyes ¤ ¤ To see the night ¤ 00:22:44.29\00:22:49.86 ¤ When love was born ¤ ¤ Angels fill the midnight sky, 00:22:49.86\00:23:04.05 and they sing ¤ ¤ Hallelujah ¤ 00:23:04.05\00:23:11.59 ¤ He is Christ, our King ¤ ¤¤ 00:23:11.59\00:23:28.67 ¤¤ ¤ Emmanuel, Prince of peace ¤ 00:23:28.67\00:23:42.85 ¤ Love come down for you and me ¤ 00:23:42.85\00:23:48.29 ¤ Heaven's gift, the holy spark ¤ 00:23:48.29\00:23:54.03 ¤ To light the way inside our hearts ¤ 00:23:54.03\00:24:00.24 ¤ Bethlehem, through your small door ¤ 00:24:00.24\00:24:06.04 ¤ Came the hope we've waited for ¤ 00:24:06.04\00:24:12.98 ¤ The world was changed forevermore ¤ 00:24:12.98\00:24:20.36 ¤ When love was born ¤ ¤ I close my eyes ¤ 00:24:20.36\00:24:31.60 ¤ To see the night ¤ ¤ When love was born ¤ 00:24:31.60\00:24:44.51 ¤¤ 00:24:44.51\00:24:54.42 >> Thank you. That was beautiful. 00:25:03.30\00:25:09.80 "The world was changed forever the night love was born." 00:25:09.80\00:25:15.41 Let's pray. Oh, God, it's that truth that 00:25:15.41\00:25:19.85 compels us, compelled by the love of Christ. 00:25:19.85\00:25:24.75 Our lives changed forever. Because of the night love was 00:25:24.75\00:25:30.73 born. What's that mean for us now? 00:25:30.73\00:25:35.10 Unpack it, dear God. These moments that we have left, 00:25:35.10\00:25:38.73 let it be clear. We pray in Jesus' name. 00:25:38.73\00:25:43.81 Amen. Have you noticed that we can 00:25:43.81\00:25:49.71 grow up hearing a story and end up never hearing the story? 00:25:49.71\00:26:02.66 I was telling our guests who joined us for our Messiah 00:26:02.66\00:26:06.33 sing-along this last Sunday -- beautiful service, thanks to 00:26:06.33\00:26:10.70 Jeannie Pedersen-Smith and her Sanctuary Choir. 00:26:10.70\00:26:13.77 So, we have the sing-along, and we had guests, and I told them 00:26:13.77\00:26:17.87 a story about a little teacher. On the last day of class before 00:26:17.87\00:26:21.68 Christmas, she said, "All right, boys and girls, we're gonna 00:26:21.68\00:26:24.95 draw. Everybody draw a picture of 00:26:24.95\00:26:26.95 Christmas, okay?" So those little heads bent over, 00:26:26.95\00:26:31.12 with paper and crayons, they began to scribble and color, and 00:26:31.12\00:26:35.26 few moments later, the teacher's walking up and down the rows, 00:26:35.26\00:26:39.46 admiring, "Ooh, Mary, very nice! I recognize the Three Wise Men. 00:26:39.46\00:26:43.73 Good! That's good!" Ooh, Johnny! Snowman! 00:26:43.73\00:26:47.77 Lovely, lovely." "Sue. The manger. 00:26:47.77\00:26:53.61 I can tell it." She stopped by Jimmy's desk 00:26:53.61\00:26:57.58 because she said, "Jimmy, you missed the point. 00:26:57.58\00:27:00.82 It's supposed to be a Christmas picture. 00:27:00.82\00:27:03.89 You've drawn a picture of a jet plane with three people on it, 00:27:03.89\00:27:08.82 and somebody in the front." Jimmy said, "But, teacher, 00:27:08.82\00:27:12.83 this is a Christmas picture. This is Joseph and Mary and the 00:27:12.83\00:27:16.67 Christ Child on their flight to Egypt." 00:27:16.67\00:27:19.87 [ Laughter ] The teacher said, "But who's -- 00:27:19.87\00:27:23.51 Who's the one up front?" And he said, "That's Pontius, 00:27:23.51\00:27:27.01 the pilot." [ Laughter ] 00:27:27.01\00:27:32.05 Have you noticed -- not just kids, but as adults -- we can 00:27:32.05\00:27:35.88 grow up hearing the story, but never end up really hearing the 00:27:35.88\00:27:42.52 story. That's the case, perhaps, with 00:27:42.52\00:27:47.86 today's story from Luke 2. Our Christmas homily's entitled 00:27:47.86\00:27:51.17 "The Christmas Robe: A Meditation on the Swaddling 00:27:51.17\00:27:54.04 Cloths." Open your bible to Luke 2. 00:27:54.04\00:27:58.64 Luke 2. The sisters Angela and Sinegugu 00:27:58.64\00:28:01.98 just read these words with us. We go back to them. Luke 2. 00:28:01.98\00:28:05.65 I want to pick it up Verse 4. I'm in the New Kings James 00:28:05.65\00:28:08.12 version. Verse 4. 00:28:08.12\00:28:10.82 Because Caesar Augustus said it, "Yo, everybody go here." 00:28:10.82\00:28:13.39 They think probably King Herod softened it up for the Jews 00:28:13.39\00:28:16.36 because they're big on genealogy. 00:28:16.36\00:28:18.23 They're gonna get taxed out of this enrollment and census, 00:28:18.23\00:28:21.00 but he's softening it up. So they all got to go to their 00:28:21.00\00:28:25.43 hometown. 00:28:25.43\00:28:28.34 Verse 5. 00:28:34.68\00:28:39.01 A feeding trough. 00:28:50.59\00:28:52.49 The great early 20th Century English poet, 00:28:55.80\00:28:59.33 William Butler Yeats wrote a dark, bitterly self-critiquing 00:28:59.33\00:29:04.11 poem not long before he died. The title of the poem -- 00:29:04.11\00:29:08.48 "The Circus Animals' Desertion." The poem ends with these words. 00:29:08.48\00:29:13.75 No study guide today. You need to follow along, so 00:29:13.75\00:29:15.65 I'll put it on the screen for you. 00:29:15.65\00:29:17.05 It ends with these words -- 00:29:17.05\00:29:19.95 Do you get that? 00:29:30.60\00:29:33.50 It's rather curious, is it not, that the son of God is born in 00:29:40.11\00:29:45.11 the very same place Yeats and you and I were born? 00:29:45.11\00:29:51.75 All of us. It isn't very pretty at the 00:29:51.75\00:29:55.29 beginning. If you can see somehow beneath 00:29:55.29\00:29:58.83 the glistening skin of an infant, what's inside? 00:29:58.83\00:30:04.07 Not so pretty. Yeats describes the content of 00:30:04.07\00:30:08.90 this foul shop with these words. These appear just before the 00:30:08.90\00:30:12.07 words we just read. You see them on the screen. 00:30:12.07\00:30:16.44 "In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." 00:30:27.72\00:30:34.83 It does seem rather curious that the son of God would be born 00:30:34.83\00:30:39.17 where Yeats and you and I have been born, doesn't it? 00:30:39.17\00:30:43.81 Isaiah, the ancient Gospel prophet, he wrote it this way, 00:30:43.81\00:30:47.78 familiar words. Three sentences. 00:30:47.78\00:30:49.94 I'll run them by you. First sentence -- 00:30:49.94\00:30:54.05 Which being interpreted means "God with us." 00:30:57.89\00:31:01.56 Here's the second sentence. 00:31:01.56\00:31:04.46 One more line. 00:31:11.47\00:31:15.37 Her own way. 00:31:19.47\00:31:22.38 "I must lie down where all the ladders start. 00:31:26.88\00:31:31.45 In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." 00:31:31.45\00:31:38.43 There Christ was born. We just read it. Verse 7. 00:31:38.43\00:31:44.77 Foul. 00:31:58.61\00:32:01.58 Where? "In the foul rag and bone shop 00:32:07.49\00:32:10.33 of the heart." That's where he's born. 00:32:10.33\00:32:14.13 Born in our rags. So that one day, we might be 00:32:14.13\00:32:20.84 dressed in His robe. Can you believe that? 00:32:20.84\00:32:24.41 Our rags for His robe. His robe for our rags. 00:32:24.41\00:32:32.05 That would be the greatest gift exchange in all time and 00:32:32.05\00:32:36.12 history. Our rags for His robe. 00:32:36.12\00:32:42.32 Have you noticed we can grow up hearing a story and never quite 00:32:42.32\00:32:47.60 end up hearing the story? "Now that my ladder's gone, 00:32:47.60\00:32:54.20 I must lie down where all ladders start, in the foul rag 00:32:54.20\00:32:57.37 and bone shop of the heart." That's where we all begin. 00:32:57.37\00:33:00.64 Christ and you. And me. Yeats. 00:33:00.64\00:33:09.98 And, tragically, it's where too many of us, like Yeats, end up. 00:33:09.98\00:33:16.46 Still in that shop. On the 75th anniversary of his 00:33:16.46\00:33:22.86 death, The Atlantic magazine ran a critique of Yeats' three 00:33:22.86\00:33:26.53 last poems. Indulge me by letting me put all 00:33:26.53\00:33:30.67 the words. Just a few sentences here, but I 00:33:30.67\00:33:33.27 need you to just get them by seeing as well as hearing, and 00:33:33.27\00:33:36.71 so we'll put the words on the screen. 00:33:36.71\00:33:39.01 There's no other way you can read it. 00:33:39.01\00:33:40.85 Here are some selected sentences. 00:33:40.85\00:33:44.85 Quoting The New York Times -- 00:33:54.56\00:33:57.43 The critique goes on... 00:34:12.95\00:34:14.85 ...which we've been reading... 00:34:31.87\00:34:34.77 The critic goes on... 00:34:56.12\00:34:58.06 Vanity, vanity. Another gifted man. 00:35:16.88\00:35:19.61 Didn't he write somewhere "Vanity, vanity, everything is 00:35:19.61\00:35:23.65 vanity?" [ Clicks tongue ] 00:35:23.65\00:35:26.62 A rather bleak assessment of the human heart, isn't it? 00:35:33.80\00:35:40.47 I mean, your heart and mine. The truth is, you stare long 00:35:40.47\00:35:44.17 enough at any of us... And you will be bitterly 00:35:44.17\00:35:48.64 disappointed, for there is no savior among us. 00:35:48.64\00:35:50.95 There is nobody here who can heal me of my foul rag and bone 00:35:50.95\00:35:55.75 shop of the heart. Which precisely reminds you why 00:35:55.75\00:36:03.83 Christ was born, wasn't He? You remember these? 00:36:03.83\00:36:08.46 Matthew 1:21, the angel to Joseph. 00:36:08.46\00:36:12.13 You remember this from the Gospel prophet, again, Isaiah 1. 00:36:17.14\00:36:21.18 Remember these words from the apocalypse, Revelation 3:18? 00:36:31.65\00:36:35.86 Red-letter words. The risen Christ Child. 00:36:35.86\00:36:39.56 There it is -- 00:36:48.04\00:36:49.94 In a familiar old story we read forever. 00:36:55.78\00:37:01.62 Our rags for His robe. His robe for our rags. 00:37:01.62\00:37:05.52 "In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." 00:37:05.52\00:37:09.39 He was born in swaddling rags. He one day might be clothed in 00:37:09.39\00:37:15.76 a white stainless robe. Our rags for His robe. 00:37:15.76\00:37:24.21 I'll tell you what, I can't imagine the good news get any 00:37:24.21\00:37:27.18 much better than this, can you? You remember that morality tale 00:37:27.18\00:37:30.91 that some obscure prophet scribbled down at God's command? 00:37:30.91\00:37:35.88 About the spiritual leader in that faith community being 00:37:35.88\00:37:39.85 exposed for who he is, dressed in filthy rags? 00:37:39.85\00:37:43.19 You remember that one? Dress in filthy rags, and there 00:37:43.19\00:37:46.90 is a dark accuser standing right beside that leader. 00:37:46.90\00:37:51.27 The Hebrew calls him "The Satan." 00:37:51.27\00:37:55.94 The prosecuting accuser. "The Satan," who hisses at the 00:37:55.94\00:38:01.41 being on the throne, that this man is so foul and miserably 00:38:01.41\00:38:06.41 guilty that there is no hope for him. 00:38:06.41\00:38:11.79 To which the being on the throne, quite contrary to proper 00:38:11.79\00:38:17.59 convention, calls out, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan!" 00:38:17.59\00:38:24.13 Is not this is a brand plucked from the fire? 00:38:24.13\00:38:27.57 And then God turns to those around his throne, and he speaks 00:38:27.57\00:38:31.57 these words, Zechariah 3:4, on the screen. 00:38:31.57\00:38:35.34 The fallen one, he said... 00:38:41.32\00:38:44.22 Our rags for His robes. Our rags for that robe. 00:38:53.03\00:38:59.23 I don't suppose this Christmas there could be a gift exchange 00:38:59.23\00:39:04.21 greater than this. Our rags for His robe. 00:39:04.21\00:39:14.28 So, I want to end -- I want to end with a quotation 00:39:14.28\00:39:18.85 from Camron Scofield. Then "Steps to Christ." 00:39:18.85\00:39:23.19 And then I have a story I want to read to you. 00:39:23.19\00:39:26.66 First, Camron Scofield. His book 00:39:26.66\00:39:28.46 "Heralding the Loud Cry" summarizes this stunning gift 00:39:28.46\00:39:31.47 exchange. Oh, look at this. 00:39:31.47\00:39:33.20 Put it on the screen, please. The human race fell. 00:39:33.20\00:39:38.54 We came to this position where we could not do anything 00:39:40.54\00:39:44.35 right, but God wanted to save the human race. 00:39:44.35\00:39:48.45 Jesus' perfect life. Yours. I tell you what, this notion of 00:40:25.52\00:40:31.46 exchanging my filthy rags for His beautiful robe, it's just -- 00:40:31.46\00:40:34.36 It's a great metaphor, but I can't figure it out. 00:40:34.36\00:40:36.36 I mean, what do you do? How do I get this off, 00:40:36.36\00:40:38.50 and how do I put that on? Camron says, "No, no, no, no. 00:40:38.50\00:40:42.27 It's not that. Think of it another way." 00:40:42.27\00:40:45.94 It's the Christ Child born in that trough who grew up to be a 00:40:45.94\00:40:50.75 young adult. And then under the brutal 00:40:50.75\00:40:54.42 24/7 assault of the Satan... Clung with a radical faith to 00:40:54.42\00:41:05.63 His father. Night and day. 00:41:05.63\00:41:10.67 And hammered out in the forge in the crucible of this Earthly 00:41:10.67\00:41:14.64 existence. Hammered out a spotless and 00:41:14.64\00:41:18.47 perfect life. Here's what it is. 00:41:18.47\00:41:21.68 It's not robes and rags. It's that life. 00:41:21.68\00:41:26.48 That life becomes, if you wish, the life God sees when he looks 00:41:26.48\00:41:32.95 at you. God says, "When I look at you, 00:41:32.95\00:41:37.16 when I think of you, I see His perfect life as your perfect 00:41:37.16\00:41:43.93 life." If you say "Amen" to my offer, 00:41:43.93\00:41:50.21 you got it just like that. If you say "Amen. I want it. 00:41:50.21\00:42:00.15 You can have these rags..." I don't know what kind of 2016 00:42:00.15\00:42:04.59 you are leaving behind, but there isn't a soul here proud of 00:42:04.59\00:42:08.09 what's happened this year. Not a soul. 00:42:08.09\00:42:13.60 I can't think of a better day than today to say in your heart, 00:42:13.60\00:42:17.20 not to anybody seated besides you, but to say to the one who 00:42:17.20\00:42:20.34 is hovering over you right now, to whisper to him, 00:42:20.34\00:42:23.94 "I give you this year. I give you my rags. 00:42:23.94\00:42:28.31 I take your perfect life. I say 'Amen' to Your robe. 00:42:28.31\00:42:33.52 Your Christmas robe. I say 'Amen.' I receive it." 00:42:33.52\00:42:41.46 And just like that, you have it. Buy it from me without money. 00:42:41.46\00:42:49.90 White garments to hide your nakedness. 00:42:49.90\00:42:53.87 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, it doesn't get any 00:42:53.87\00:42:57.01 better than this that I can think of. 00:42:57.01\00:43:01.48 "Steps to Christ," and then the story. 00:43:01.48\00:43:03.95 So, here's this quotation. Oh, I hope you jot the reference 00:43:03.95\00:43:06.31 down. By the way, if you don't have 00:43:06.31\00:43:07.82 the "Steps to Christ" right now and you're watching on live 00:43:07.82\00:43:10.19 streaming or you're watching on television, I got a deal for 00:43:10.19\00:43:12.89 you. You call this number -- 00:43:12.89\00:43:13.96 Nobody knows that I was gonna do this, so there's no number going 00:43:13.96\00:43:16.06 on the screen. Maybe they'll get it by the time 00:43:16.06\00:43:17.66 it's over. You call 1-877 -- That's a 00:43:17.66\00:43:20.56 toll-free number for you. 1-877-HIS-WILL. 00:43:20.56\00:43:23.93 The two words, "HIS WILL." You ask for "Steps to Christ." 00:43:23.93\00:43:27.27 You saw it here, and we'll send it to you, our gift. 00:43:27.27\00:43:30.97 The book is yours. You've got to have the book. 00:43:30.97\00:43:34.98 Turned my life completely upside-down. 00:43:34.98\00:43:40.18 Anyway, this is "Steps to Christ," page 62. 00:43:40.18\00:43:43.05 Put the words on the screen. Talking about filthy rags. 00:43:43.05\00:43:46.76 Are you kidding? We can't obey the law of God. 00:43:53.63\00:43:55.73 We can't even obey the laws of the land! 00:43:55.73\00:44:00.50 Don't look to me, I'm a rebel at heart, and so are you. 00:44:00.50\00:44:03.91 Ever single one of us. Powerless to change our "foul 00:44:03.91\00:44:10.18 rag and bones shop of the heart." 00:44:10.18\00:44:13.08 But God says, "Give me your heart." 00:44:13.08\00:44:16.72 Keep reading. "Steps of Christ" continues. 00:44:16.72\00:44:19.69 I'm telling you what, ladies and gentlemen, there's no greater 00:44:32.87\00:44:35.87 gift exchange in time or history than that exchange. 00:44:35.87\00:44:38.47 "Give me your life, and I will give you my perfect life I lived 00:44:38.47\00:44:41.98 out for you." Right now. 00:44:41.98\00:44:48.85 My filthy rags for His stainless, sinless life. 00:44:48.85\00:44:53.79 One more line. Gets only better. Keeps getting better. 00:44:53.79\00:44:57.96 In 2016. 00:45:15.98\00:45:19.68 I'm telling you, it doesn't get any better than this. 00:45:21.68\00:45:25.35 It can't get any better than this. 00:45:25.35\00:45:28.76 You got it. Say "Amen" in your heart, 00:45:28.76\00:45:32.36 and you have it. You have it. 00:45:32.36\00:45:37.40 Just as if you had not sinned. Oh, my. 00:45:37.40\00:45:42.90 When God looks at us, He sees our perfect and beautiful savior 00:45:42.90\00:45:48.21 instead. Wow. 00:45:48.21\00:45:51.15 My rags for His robe. His robe for my rags. 00:45:51.15\00:45:53.55 The Christmas Robe. For all of who want it. 00:45:53.55\00:45:56.15 No, no, no. For all who want Him. 00:45:56.15\00:45:59.82 That's how it works. Now I end with a story. 00:45:59.82\00:46:05.06 It's a beautiful story. I remember the first time I read 00:46:05.06\00:46:08.83 this story. I have the actual magazine right 00:46:08.83\00:46:11.97 here. My parents subscribe for Karen 00:46:11.97\00:46:15.20 and me, Guideposts Magazine. You have to be an old person to 00:46:15.20\00:46:18.97 remember Guideposts Magazine, but you remember Guideposts. 00:46:18.97\00:46:21.41 Okay. So, this story appeared, I'm 00:46:21.41\00:46:24.38 four months out of the seminary. Four months. Young pastor. 00:46:24.38\00:46:29.12 Published in Guideposts Magazine. 00:46:29.12\00:46:31.85 Written by Dina Donohue. Title of the story -- 00:46:31.85\00:46:35.26 "Trouble at the Inn." Here we go. 00:46:35.26\00:46:38.19 "For years now, whenever Christmas pageants are talked 00:46:38.19\00:46:40.46 about in a certain little town in the Midwest, someone 00:46:40.46\00:46:43.26 is sure to mention the name of Wallace Purling. 00:46:43.26\00:46:46.94 Wally's performance in one annual production of the 00:46:46.94\00:46:49.24 Nativity play has slipped into the realm of legend. 00:46:49.24\00:46:52.81 But the old-timers who were in the audience that night never 00:46:52.81\00:46:55.74 tire of recalling exactly what happened. 00:46:55.74\00:46:58.88 Wally was 9 that year and in the second grade, though he 00:46:58.88\00:47:01.92 should have been in the fourth. Most people in town knew that he 00:47:01.92\00:47:04.99 had difficulty keeping up. He was big and clumsy, 00:47:04.99\00:47:07.79 slow in movement and mind. Still, Wally was well-liked by 00:47:07.79\00:47:11.26 the other children in his class, all of whom were smaller than 00:47:11.26\00:47:14.36 he, though the boys had trouble hiding their irritation when 00:47:14.36\00:47:17.33 Wally would ask to play ball with them or any other game, for 00:47:17.33\00:47:20.27 that matter, in which winning was important. 00:47:20.27\00:47:23.57 Most often, they'd find a way to keep him out, but Wally would 00:47:23.57\00:47:27.24 hang around anyway -- not sulking, just hoping. 00:47:27.24\00:47:30.65 He was always a helpful boy, a willing and smiling one, 00:47:30.65\00:47:33.65 and the natural protector, paradoxically, of the underdog. 00:47:33.65\00:47:37.29 Sometimes, if the older boys chased the younger ones away, 00:47:37.29\00:47:40.59 it would always be Wally who'd say, "Hey, can't they stay? 00:47:40.59\00:47:42.79 Come on, they're no bother!" Wally fancied the idea of being 00:47:42.79\00:47:46.66 a shepherd with a flute in the Christmas pageant that year, 00:47:46.66\00:47:50.23 but the play's director, Miss Lumbard, assigned him a 00:47:50.23\00:47:54.54 more important role. "After all," she reasoned, "The 00:47:54.54\00:47:58.04 innkeeper did not have too many lines, and Wally's size would 00:47:58.04\00:48:01.84 make his refusal of lodging to Joseph more forceful. " 00:48:01.84\00:48:05.35 And so it happened that the usual large, partisan audience 00:48:05.35\00:48:08.58 gathered for the town's yearly extravaganza of crooks and 00:48:08.58\00:48:12.29 creches, of beards and crowns and halos and a whole stageful 00:48:12.29\00:48:16.46 of squeaky voices. No one onstage or off was more 00:48:16.46\00:48:20.00 caught up in the magic of the night than Wallace Purling. 00:48:20.00\00:48:23.00 They said later that he stood in the wings and watched the 00:48:23.00\00:48:25.53 performance with such fascination that from time 00:48:25.53\00:48:27.74 to time, Miss Lumbard had to make sure he didn't wander 00:48:27.74\00:48:30.21 onstage before his cue. Then the time came when Joseph 00:48:30.21\00:48:35.64 and Mary appeared. Slowly, Joseph tenderly guiding 00:48:35.64\00:48:39.61 Mary to the door of the inn. Joseph knocked hard on the 00:48:39.61\00:48:43.35 wooden door set into the painted backdrop. 00:48:43.35\00:48:46.59 Wally the innkeeper was there, waiting. 00:48:46.59\00:48:49.39 "What do you want?" Wally said, swinging the door 00:48:49.39\00:48:52.29 open with a brusque gesture. "We seek lodging." 00:48:52.29\00:48:56.13 "Seek it elsewhere!" Wally looked straight ahead but 00:48:56.13\00:48:58.60 spoke vigorously. "The inn is filled." 00:48:58.60\00:49:02.94 "But, sir, we have asked everywhere in vain. 00:49:02.94\00:49:06.31 We have traveled far and are very weary." 00:49:06.31\00:49:08.48 "There is no room in this inn for you!" 00:49:08.48\00:49:12.15 Wally looked properly stern. "Oh, please, good innkeeper, 00:49:12.15\00:49:18.39 this is my wife, Mary. She is heavy with child. 00:49:18.39\00:49:20.56 She needs a place to rest. Surely you must have some small 00:49:20.56\00:49:23.26 corner for her. She is so tired." 00:49:23.26\00:49:25.59 And now, for the first time, the innkeeper relaxed his stiff 00:49:25.59\00:49:31.77 stance and he looked down at Mary. 00:49:31.77\00:49:36.64 With that, there was a long pause, long enough to make the 00:49:36.64\00:49:40.04 audience a bit tense with embarrassment. 00:49:40.04\00:49:43.21 "No! Begone!" the prompter whispered from the wings. 00:49:43.21\00:49:46.18 "No!" Wally repeated automatically. 00:49:46.18\00:49:48.22 "Begone!" Joseph sadly placed his arm 00:49:48.22\00:49:51.79 around Mary, and Mary laid her head upon her husband's shoulder 00:49:51.79\00:49:55.12 and the two of them started to move away. 00:49:55.12\00:49:58.43 The innkeeper did not return inside his inn, however. 00:49:58.43\00:50:02.83 Wally stood there in the doorway, watching the forlorn 00:50:02.83\00:50:06.30 couple. His mouth was open, his brow 00:50:06.30\00:50:09.70 creased with concern, his eyes filling unmistakably with tears. 00:50:09.70\00:50:15.61 And suddenly this Christmas pageant became different from 00:50:15.61\00:50:18.71 all others. "Don't go, Joseph," Wally called 00:50:18.71\00:50:24.09 out. "Bring Mary back!" 00:50:24.09\00:50:27.49 And Wallace Purling's face brightened with a big smile. 00:50:27.49\00:50:30.19 "You can have my room!" [ Laughter ] 00:50:30.19\00:50:36.26 Some people in town thought that the pageant had been ruined. 00:50:36.26\00:50:40.57 Yet there were others -- many, many others -- who considered it 00:50:40.57\00:50:44.97 the most Christmas of all Christmas pageants they had ever 00:50:44.97\00:50:50.88 seen." "Oh, come to my heart, 00:50:50.88\00:50:56.25 Lord Jesus." "You can have my room." 00:50:56.25\00:51:03.16 Let's sing it. Let's pray it this Christmas. 00:51:03.16\00:51:08.96 This Christmas Eve. Oh, Come To My Heart, 00:51:08.96\00:51:14.34 Lord Jesus." It's Hymn 140 in the hymnal, but 00:51:14.34\00:51:17.81 watch the words on the screen. You'll be able to track it 00:51:17.81\00:51:20.51 there. It's a beautiful, beautiful 00:51:20.51\00:51:21.94 hymn. And I'm gonna ask you to stand 00:51:21.94\00:51:28.02 as we sing together. 00:51:28.02\00:51:31.82 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:51:34.29\00:51:46.17 [ Congregation sings ] 00:51:46.17\00:51:56.08 >> And so, God, we sing to You, our prayer. 00:54:31.10\00:54:34.90 Oh, come to our hearts, please. Lord Jesus, in this waning 00:54:34.90\00:54:40.01 moment of 2016, come in. You can have my room. 00:54:40.01\00:54:46.98 There is room for you. Really. There is room for you. 00:54:46.98\00:54:52.22 Come. And in coming in, Lord Jesus, 00:54:52.22\00:54:57.93 stay. Won't you please? 00:54:57.93\00:55:01.43 Stay here. Every step of the way. 00:55:01.43\00:55:08.74 We humbly pray. And now may the grace of the 00:55:08.74\00:55:15.48 Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the 00:55:15.48\00:55:23.75 Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 00:55:23.75\00:55:31.76 ¤¤ 00:55:31.93\00:55:41.30 >> Karen and I wanted to take this family moment at the end of 00:55:46.84\00:55:49.44 our worship celebration to let you know how grateful we are for 00:55:49.44\00:55:52.11 you. I've often wished that through 00:55:52.11\00:55:53.85 the miracle of technology, there'd be some way to turn this 00:55:53.85\00:55:56.52 screen into a two-way window so that we could see you even as 00:55:56.52\00:55:59.29 you're looking at us. I guess that would be like 00:55:59.29\00:56:01.82 Skyping our little granddaughter Ella. 00:56:01.82\00:56:03.99 But what a conversation we could have together. 00:56:03.99\00:56:05.89 >> One reason we have to be thankful is for your prayers. 00:56:05.89\00:56:09.30 You'll never know the impact your prayers have on this 00:56:09.30\00:56:12.60 ministry, on us, and our entire team. 00:56:12.60\00:56:15.37 We get letters literally from around the world, and nothing 00:56:15.37\00:56:18.37 boosts our confidence more than to hear that you're praying for 00:56:18.37\00:56:21.58 us. Thank you. 00:56:21.58\00:56:23.14 >> Another reason I'm personally grateful to God is the very 00:56:23.14\00:56:26.11 gifted team of young producers and techs who lead our 00:56:26.11\00:56:28.75 television, our live-streaming, and our online ministries. 00:56:28.75\00:56:31.62 And get this number -- Out of the 50 team members, 00:56:31.62\00:56:34.46 47 are volunteers who cheerfully give their time to make 00:56:34.46\00:56:37.63 "New Perceptions" possible. I say -- God bless them all. 00:56:37.63\00:56:41.10 >> And maybe you'd expect us to say this as another year draws 00:56:41.10\00:56:44.63 to an end, but we're also thankful for the financial 00:56:44.63\00:56:47.67 support of viewers like you who make this ministry possible. 00:56:47.67\00:56:51.11 If you've been blessed this year, we'd like to ask you to 00:56:51.11\00:56:54.61 join the hundreds of people who financially support our 00:56:54.61\00:56:58.01 New Perceptions ministry. It's simple to do. 00:56:58.01\00:57:00.52 >> It really is. Just call our toll-free number. 00:57:00.52\00:57:02.62 You'll see it on the screen now. 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:02.62\00:57:07.56 One of our friendly operators will be happy to assist you. 00:57:07.56\00:57:09.99 You can also click on the "DONATE" link at the top of our 00:57:09.99\00:57:12.96 website. Trust me, no gift is too small 00:57:12.96\00:57:15.06 for God to use to spread His good news. 00:57:15.06\00:57:17.23 And let me remind you -- Not a single penny of your 00:57:17.23\00:57:20.00 donation will come to me. Every gift is entirely invested 00:57:20.00\00:57:23.07 in our mission to communicate God's everlasting Gospel to what 00:57:23.07\00:57:26.34 we believe is an end-time generation. 00:57:26.34\00:57:29.41 So, once again, the number to call is 877-HIS-WILL. 00:57:29.41\00:57:34.12 >> And so this Christmas, from our family to yours, we wish for 00:57:34.12\00:57:38.12 you God's best gifts wrapped up in Jesus, day and night, all 00:57:38.12\00:57:41.92 through the new year to come. >> Because, remember, with 00:57:41.92\00:57:45.19 Jesus, the best isn't just behind us. 00:57:45.19\00:57:47.23 The very best is yet to come. So a blessed holiday to all of 00:57:47.23\00:57:51.57 you. 00:57:51.57\00:57:53.47 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:58:00.18\00:58:20.20 ¤¤ 00:58:20.20\00:58:27.90