New Perceptions

Jolly Old St. Nicholas Goes to Bethlehem

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP161203A

00:08 Good morning and happy Sabbath, so glad that you've joined us
00:12 for this worship service
00:14 in the beginning of the Advent season.
00:17 We serve an amazing God
00:19 and we must proclaim to all the world
00:22 that Jesus Christ came.
00:25 He was Emmanuel.
00:26 He died, He rested, resurrected
00:29 and guess what He promised to do?
00:31 Come back and come again.
00:33 So I invite you this morning to stand as we pray
00:37 and also sing out loudly and from our hearts
00:41 and proclaim that the Christ child was born.
00:45 Please stand for prayer.
00:49 Holy Father, from the beginning
00:52 of this earth's creation You purposed,
00:55 as soon as the man felt You purposed a promise
00:59 that said that the Son would come and redeem us all
01:02 and, Father, we are so thankful for that.
01:05 So during this time
01:06 we celebrate you as the Promise Keeper,
01:09 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:21 Hark the herald angels sing
01:26 "Glory to the newborn king
01:30 Peace on earth, and mercy mild
01:34 God and sinners reconciled"
01:38 Joyful, all ye nations, rise
01:43 Join the triumph of the skies
01:47 With th' angelic host proclaim
01:51 "Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
01:56 Hark the herald angels sing
02:00 "Glory to the newborn King"
02:06 Hail! the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
02:10 Hail the Son of Righteousness!
02:15 Life and light to all He brings
02:19 Risen with healing in His wings
02:23 Mild He lays His glory by
02:28 Born that man no more may die
02:32 Born to raise the sons of earth
02:37 Born to give them second birth
02:41 Hark! the herald angels sing
02:46 "Glory to the newborn King"
03:10 O come, all ye faithful
03:16 Joyful and triumphant
03:21 O come ye
03:23 O come ye to Bethlehem
03:31 Come and behold Him
03:36 Born the King of angels
03:40 O come, let us adore Him
03:45 O come, let us adore Him
03:50 O come, let us adore Him
03:55 Christ, the Lord!
04:01 Sing, choirs of angels
04:06 Sing in exultation
04:10 O Sing, all ye citizens
04:15 Of heaven above!
04:20 Glory to God
04:24 All glory in the highest!
04:29 O come, let us adore Him
04:34 O come, let us adore Him
04:39 O come, let us adore Him
04:44 Christ, the Lord!
04:50 Amen.
05:03 Silent night
05:08 Holy night
05:13 All is calm
05:17 All is bright
05:22 Round yon virgin mother
05:28 And Child
05:31 Holy Infant
05:35 So tender and mild
05:40 Sleep in
05:43 Heavenly peace
05:50 Sleep in
05:52 Heavenly peace
05:58 Silent night
06:04 Holy night
06:08 Wondrous star
06:13 Lend thy light
06:18 With the angels
06:23 Let us sing
06:28 Alleluia
06:33 To our King
06:37 Christ the Savior
06:42 Is born
06:48 Christ the Savior
06:53 Is born
07:03 Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
07:08 Let earth receive her King
07:13 Let every heart prepare Him room
07:17 And heaven and nature sing
07:20 And heaven and nature sing
07:22 And heaven and nature sing
07:29 No more let sin and sorrow grow
07:33 Nor thorns infest the ground
07:39 He comes to make His blessings flow
07:44 Far as the curse is found
07:47 Far as the curse is found
07:49 Far as, far as the curse is found
07:56 He rules the world with truth and grace
08:01 And makes the nations prove
08:06 The glories of His righteousness
08:11 And wonders of His love
08:13 And wonders of His love
08:16 And wonders of His love
08:27 Well, good morning, boys and girls, nice to see.
08:29 Ooh!
08:30 We've got people still coming down the aisle,
08:32 nice to have you here on this first Sabbath of December,
08:35 first Sabbath of Advent
08:36 where we think about Jesus coming the first time,
08:40 good to have you.
08:42 All right, now one of my friend Michael Bryson.
08:46 Michael Bryson is a young friend of mine,
08:48 he is an engineering major at Andrews University,
08:51 he's one of my PowerPoint partners.
08:54 And on our media team that Michael got very sick,
09:00 very sick this summer,
09:01 very sick, we were very worried for him,
09:04 and we thank the Lord he's got better.
09:07 But while he was sick...
09:11 Hey, anybody here know what legos look like?
09:14 Everybody who's ever touched a lego, put your hand up.
09:16 Have you ever touched a Lego?
09:17 Okay, this is the right audience.
09:19 Good.
09:20 Bring it in, gentlemen,
09:22 bring it in you have never seen anything like this before.
09:26 Watch the screen right here
09:28 if you're sitting in the distance,
09:29 keep your eye on the screen,
09:31 here come our media team members.
09:34 Bring it.
09:36 There it is, Michael,
09:38 why don't you just stand right over there.
09:40 There it is. Okay, down, down, down, down, down.
09:44 Does anybody know what that is?
09:51 Does anybody know what that is?
09:54 Take a guess, what is it?
09:57 Pioneer Memorial Church, absolutely right.
10:00 Hey, Michael,
10:01 number one we're very glad you're doing better.
10:03 Number two, boy,
10:05 you've really turned some downtime into some profit here.
10:09 Michael, look at these legos.
10:10 How many legos did you use?
10:12 I don't know exactly how many
10:14 'cause, you know, you build it as you go
10:15 but I weighed it, it weighs 6.5 pounds,
10:19 so based on that I estimate at least 2,000 pieces.
10:22 At least 2,000, anybody got 2,000 legos at home?
10:25 No you don't. Okay, all right.
10:29 Now Kate, do we got a camera here.
10:31 Come on, lets get this camera on the big screens too,
10:33 camera on the big screens as well, there we go.
10:35 Oh!
10:36 Look at our minister, go back to our minister music
10:38 that would be your dad, Jonathan, right there.
10:40 Look, doesn't that look like Dr. Logan?
10:42 That is just like him.
10:43 What's that in front of...
10:45 Hey, Michael, what are these things here?
10:47 I've got both cameras up front there,
10:50 ones over here by the organ and by the piano
10:51 which is getting in everything.
10:55 Can you get it vertical? I want to see the stage.
10:58 Jonathan, can you stand up a little bit
10:59 'cause we wanna see the cross, the detail.
11:01 Look it, here's the Bible on the communion table
11:04 but look at the cross.
11:05 Okay, there we go now.
11:08 There we go, the cross embedded
11:11 but that looks like today's praise team, look at that.
11:15 Very nice, Michael.
11:16 So, Michael, look it.
11:20 So you're sick when you're doing this, really sick.
11:23 How did this interface with that battle
11:27 that was going on?
11:28 Well, I was home,
11:30 listening to the church service on the radio
11:32 and it kind of gets boring
11:34 when you're just there home all the time.
11:36 So I was there, you know, I like Legos,
11:37 you know, it'd be fun to build something.
11:39 And so I was thinking,
11:41 you know, what can I build on Sabbath?
11:42 And so I thought, I should try to build the church
11:45 and so I started with the stage
11:47 and it just kind of drew and drew until I had this.
11:51 You know, Mike, I've been over to your house to see this.
11:53 What I'm amazed, boys and girls, watch this,
11:54 we're gonna need a camera on this,
11:56 hold the camera right where we're at Jonathan.
11:57 I want you to see
11:58 where my finger is pointing right now
12:00 that is the rose window right there,
12:03 that's the big circle,
12:04 we call that the rose window
12:06 and Michael actually painted it there, look at that.
12:10 Isn't that's, that was hand done.
12:12 Yeah. Amazing. Used markers on.
12:14 Yeah.
12:16 Michael, Michael, Michael.
12:18 How many people do we have here? Ooh!
12:20 We have...
12:21 Forty six people. Forty six people, good night.
12:25 Here's what I'm gonna do,
12:26 I'm gonna have everybody to go back and sit down
12:28 and I'm gonna have you turn around,
12:29 all the kids on this side turn around and look up there
12:32 and, Jonathan, give them a wide shot of the church,
12:34 where you just pull out just a little.
12:35 There you go.
12:36 Pull it out, pull it out, pull it out, pull it out,
12:40 what a work of art.
12:41 I think we ought to put our hands together
12:42 for Michael Bryson, don't you?
12:48 Oh, my boys and girl.
12:51 Now, boys and girls, I have a question for you.
12:55 Tell me if this is a way you think
12:58 that your older brother Melia
13:00 made this beautiful intricate model.
13:04 He put all the legos, this is what he did,
13:05 he put all the legos in a big brown bag,
13:08 shook it up and then just dumped them on the floor
13:10 and wow.
13:12 Is that how it happened? Oh, no.
13:14 Oh no, he had to take every little lego,
13:17 he said this one can't fit anywhere else
13:18 but right here, this one has to go right here on the wall,
13:22 this one goes right here,
13:23 they had to be in perfect order.
13:26 How do you think God made you as a very beautiful creation?
13:29 Did He put all your parts in a little brown bag
13:33 and then throw it out and say, "Voila, I got it!"
13:36 No, God took every little part when He designed you
13:40 and He put you together piece by piece.
13:42 It is a beautiful work of art that you are.
13:46 And guess what?
13:47 The God who did all that,
13:49 Himself got put together in His mommy's tummy
13:53 piece by piece until He was born,
13:57 the Savior of the world, that's what Christmas is about.
14:01 We're celebrating the Creator,
14:03 the Creator with a beautiful design
14:07 coming to earth.
14:08 How many are thankful that Jesus came?
14:09 The one who made the whole universe came,
14:12 He got created in that little womb
14:16 and was born our Savior.
14:18 Ah! That's what Christmas is about.
14:20 Who would like to thank Jesus for coming to be our Savior?
14:23 Yes, young man, come on up here.
14:24 Michael, can I borrow that here,
14:26 what's your first name?
14:27 John. John is gonna pray.
14:28 Let's close our eyes and fold our hands
14:30 as John thanks Jesus for being our Savior.
14:33 Dear, Heavenly Father,
14:35 thank You for this wonderful day.
14:36 Lord, we are thankful
14:39 for that we were created by pieces and pieces
14:42 by our true Creator in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
14:46 Amen, beautiful prayer, John.
14:48 God bless you, boys and girls,
14:50 as you go quietly and reverently
14:51 back to your seats,
14:53 you can say thank you Jesus for making me so special.
19:59 Oh, that was beautiful, Wind Symphony, thank you.
20:03 Just what we needed today,
20:05 a child is this who laid to rest on Mary's lap,
20:11 He is sleeping.
20:13 Hard to imagine that God of the universe
20:16 in that box of hay, unbelievable.
20:20 How do we understand?
20:23 Say, did you know this
20:25 absolutely true in the Book of Proverbs,
20:27 everybody knows the Book of Proverbs.
20:29 In the Book of Proverbs there is only one prayer recorded.
20:32 And you're thinking in every Bible book
20:34 there would be lots of prayers.
20:35 No, just one prayer and get this
20:37 turns out it's a Christmas prayer,
20:40 no kidding, a Christmas prayer.
20:43 I'm gonna read it to you, right now, all right.
20:46 Proverbs, "Two things I ask of you, Oh Lord..."
20:51 So that's the prayer, "Two things I ask of you,
20:54 oh Lord, do not refuse me when I die".
20:59 One prayer, two petitions.
21:01 Here they come.
21:03 "Do not refuse me when I die,
21:06 keep falsehood and lies far from me."
21:10 And petition number two,
21:13 "Give me neither poverty nor riches,
21:17 but give me only
21:21 my daily bread."
21:26 Wow!
21:27 Merry Christmas to you too.
21:29 Let's pray.
21:31 Oh, God, one prayer, two petitions,
21:36 give us the courage please
21:39 to pray the second petition
21:43 through Jesus, amen.
21:48 Jolly old Saint Nicholas
21:53 Lean your ear this way!
21:57 Don't you tell a single soul
22:02 What I'm about to say
22:05 Christmas Eve is coming soon
22:09 Now, you dear old man
22:14 Whisper what you'll bring to me
22:19 Tell me if you can
22:24 There's not an adult in America
22:27 that believes that what Christmas is all about
22:30 is this red nosed,
22:32 white bearded old man called Santa Claus.
22:38 But I tell you what drive through the malls of America,
22:41 you could have fooled me.
22:44 Do you want to know what Jolly old Saint Nicholas
22:46 brought to America on Cyber Monday
22:48 that would be four days ago?
22:51 Hold on your pew,
22:53 quoting Fortune magazine this week.
22:55 The US hit a record as consumers snapped up deals
23:00 on the busiest day of the year for internet shopping.
23:03 In fact, get this shopping online
23:05 went up 10.2 percent over last year.
23:10 Did your wages go up 10 percent?
23:14 Did the tuition around here go up 10 percent?
23:17 Pretty close.
23:19 Did the economy go up 10 percent?
23:22 Did your offerings go up 10 percent?
23:29 Online shopping on Cyber Monday did
23:32 to the whopping grand total of $3.39 billion of sales
23:38 just last Monday.
23:39 And all by the way, let me just insert this, Black Friday,
23:42 two days earlier,
23:44 we're not talking retail shopping now, folks,
23:46 we're talking online, okay.
23:47 Online on Black Friday, hold on and by the way,
23:53 it went up 21.6 percent over last year
23:57 online shopping on Black Friday,
23:59 a grand total of $3.34 billion.
24:05 So the first two shopping days of the Christmas season,
24:08 let's put it on the screen, please.
24:10 What's the grand total?
24:12 Look at that, $6.73 billion spent.
24:17 Thanks to Jolly old Saint Nicholas.
24:21 Can you believe it?
24:22 I mean, come on, come on, come on, that's you,
24:25 you're in those numbers, don't look at me.
24:28 That's you.
24:32 Jolly old Saint Nicholas Lean you ear this way
24:37 Whisper what you've bring to me
24:39 Tell me if you can
24:42 I want to go to that prayer that I read just a moment ago.
24:44 I want you to see it in your Bible.
24:46 Can you believe a Christmas prayer
24:47 in the Book of Proverbs?
24:48 Open your Bible please to Proverbs 30,
24:50 the only prayer in the entire book,
24:52 the wisest man who ever lived prays
24:54 one prayer and this is it.
24:56 Proverbs 30.
24:58 Pull out your phone, pull out your Bible,
25:00 pull out the pew Bible, if you got the pew Bible,
25:02 it would be page 447, what a prayer for Christmas.
25:07 Here we go.
25:08 This is Proverbs 30,
25:09 we'll begin in verse 7, verse 7, all right.
25:14 "Two things I ask of you, oh Lord..."
25:16 Okay, so that's a prayer.
25:17 "Do not refuse me before I die..."
25:20 One prayer with two petitions. Here we go.
25:22 Number one, "Keep falsehood and lies far from me..."
25:26 Not a bad prayer to be praying at the end of an unforgettable
25:29 or forgettable political season.
25:33 And number two, "Give me neither poverty nor riches,
25:38 but give me only mine daily bread.
25:41 Otherwise..."
25:42 Verse 9, "I may have too much and disown you
25:44 and say, 'Who is the Lord?'
25:46 Or I may become poor and steal,
25:49 and so dishonor the name of my God."
25:53 A prayer for Christmas,
25:55 come on, you've got to jot this down,
25:56 scribble it down while still fresh in your mind.
25:58 Grab that study guide that's inside your worship bulletin.
26:00 Did you get study guides up here?
26:02 All right, pull that study guide out, let's go.
26:04 Thank you, friendly ushers.
26:05 Just hold your hand up, they'll come in this way,
26:07 they're up in the balcony as well
26:08 and while they're doing it here those of you
26:10 who are watching right now on live streaming,
26:11 we're delighted to have you this first Sabbath of December.
26:15 We want you to get the same study guide,
26:17 so let's put it on, you see it right there on the screen
26:19 right now, this is our title of today's teaching,
26:23 "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Goes To Bethlehem."
26:26 We'll do three of these little Jolly old Saint Nicholas's
26:28 in the month of December.
26:30 But he goes to Bethlehem and then you click on there,
26:33 it will say study guide, you click study guide,
26:35 you've got it, okay, so you're ready to go.
26:37 Some fascinating stats in just a moment,
26:39 fascinating numbers, you've got to write them down,
26:42 that's why you'll need this study guide,
26:43 trust me you'll need the study guide.
26:44 Let's go.
26:46 Let's put that prayer down, Proverbs 30:8,
26:49 "O Lord, give me neither poverty nor riches,
26:55 but give me only my daily bread."
27:02 Wow.
27:05 Keep your pen moving,
27:06 "That is a Christmas prayer asking God to keep me in",
27:11 write it down "moderation, keep me in moderation"
27:16 because as he says in verse 9,
27:19 "The great danger in wealth is that it tends
27:21 to make me feel independent of God."
27:24 I'll say, wow, look what I got
27:26 'cause I don't need you anymore.
27:28 So number one, "Great danger for wealth
27:29 but there's a great danger in poverty is that
27:31 it tends to make me feel forgotten by God."
27:35 And so Solomon says, I'll go out and steal
27:36 because nobody's taking care of me,
27:38 I'll forget that you have forgotten me.
27:44 What a prayer. Let's put it on the screen.
27:47 Hey, let's read this one out loud, come on.
27:49 Let's read it out loud together,
27:51 "O God, give me neither poverty nor riches,
27:56 but give me only my daily bread."
28:00 A prayer to pray this Christmas.
28:02 Now a friend of mine and I'm so grateful for this.
28:05 She made known to me a book,
28:09 written by a man named Joshua Becker.
28:11 Ooh, I love the title of the book.
28:14 Title of the book, "The More of Less:
28:16 Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own".
28:21 Now I need to tell you that Joshua Becker
28:22 is the most famous minimalist in the United States.
28:26 A minimalist is one who lives with a minimum of stuff, okay.
28:31 His website, hot traffic to his website,
28:33 I'm gonna give it to you, it's in the study guide
28:35 but I'll give it to those who are watching right now.
28:36 www.becomingminimalist,
28:42 that's it,
28:46 Go to that website, you got his blogs there.
28:48 Now here they come, some stats,
28:50 astounding stats from this book,
28:53 "The More of Less".
28:56 Got your pen ready?
28:57 Let's go, there's six of these, I'm gonna fly them by it.
28:59 Number one, "In the United States
29:00 we now consume two times
29:02 as many material goods as we did 50 years ago."
29:05 Double now, we're all nodding our heads and saying, yeah,
29:08 but of course.
29:09 Okay, keep going, number two, "Over the same period,"
29:12 that'd be 50 years,
29:13 "the size of the average American home
29:15 has nearly tripled and today contains about
29:19 300,000 items per house."
29:24 Now that includes toothbrush, and a knife, and a fork
29:26 and if you have 10 knives,
29:28 and do you have 10 knives and all that,
29:30 300,000 stuff things, things, things.
29:33 Here comes number three,
29:34 "On average our homes contain more televisions than people."
29:39 Go figure.
29:40 Who's watching all this, more TVs than people.
29:44 Number four, oh, this was incredible.
29:46 "The US Department of Energy reports that due to clutter,
29:51 25 percent of people with two car garages
29:55 don't have room to park cars inside."
30:00 You drive down your neighborhood
30:01 all those cars outside,
30:02 don't ask him what's in the garage.
30:07 "And another 32 percent," on top of that,
30:09 "have room for only one vehicle."
30:13 In our house we still can get the two cars in,
30:16 the problem is we can't get out of the car.
30:18 We have to whistle for somebody to come open up the truck
30:20 and pull us out, that's how bad it is.
30:24 Welcome to America, keep going, number five,
30:26 "One out of 10 American households
30:29 rents off-site storage," write in the word storage,
30:33 "the fastest growing segment
30:35 of the commercial real estate industry
30:36 over the past four decades."
30:37 Do you want to make some money?
30:39 Go into storage depots, they're everywhere now,
30:42 the hottest commercial investment.
30:44 Finally, number six,
30:45 "The average household's credit card debt
30:47 stands at over $15,000
30:51 while the average mortgage debt is over $150,000."
30:58 Will Rogers that the folksy American philosopher
31:01 once said, I'll put the words on the screen for you.
31:03 "Too many people spend money they haven't earned
31:06 to buy things they don't want to impress people
31:08 they don't like."
31:10 I mean, why do we do this?
31:12 What's up with this?
31:15 Why are we doing this?
31:19 And how did that prayer go?
31:21 Put it on the screen again for us, please.
31:23 Let's do it one more time out loud,
31:25 "O God, give me neither poverty nor riches,
31:30 but give me only my daily bread."
31:35 Speaking of daily bread once upon a long ago time,
31:39 the God and Creator of this universe
31:43 disappeared into a teenage womb
31:47 and was born in a little village
31:52 that has this name,
31:56 this is the English of the Hebrew, fill it in.
31:58 The name "House of Bread"
32:02 write that down, House of Bread,
32:03 Beth-lehem.
32:07 House of Bread.
32:09 "A fitting birthplace for one
32:10 who one day will teach us how to pray,
32:13 'Our Father, who art in heaven,
32:16 give us this day our daily bread."
32:20 Write that down.
32:22 "A fitting prayer from Him who one day would declare,
32:25 I am the Bread of Life,
32:30 whoever comes to Me will never go hungry."
32:34 What was that prayer again?
32:37 "O God, give me neither poverty nor riches,
32:41 but give me only my daily bread."
32:47 Well, I come to think of it.
32:48 If you would make that prayer,
32:50 your prayer that essentially is praying
32:53 the prayer of a minimalist, not a maximalist, a minimalist.
33:00 What's a minimalist?
33:01 A minimalist is one who asks God for a quiet contentment
33:04 over a minimum of things and a maximum of Jesus.
33:11 Give me Jesus, isn't that a Christmas carol?
33:13 Give me Jesus.
33:15 Give me Jesus
33:19 Give me Jesus
33:24 You can have all of this world
33:30 But give me Jesus
33:35 Wow. Amen.
33:37 What's all this have to do we hashtag RXF4NOW.
33:43 Let me share with you
33:44 one of the most profound verses in all the Bible
33:47 and I found it just four weeks ago,
33:48 I'm dying to share this with you.
33:50 We'll come back to this three times this month.
33:53 I want you to go to the Book of 2 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians,
33:56 so you turn it from Proverbs now 30 to 2 Corinthians 1.
34:02 Oh, look at it, I've known these verses here
34:04 but somehow I never saw it, I just never saw it,
34:07 but I want you to see it too.
34:09 2 Corinthians 1:20.
34:13 2 Corinthians 1:20,
34:15 I'm reading, "For no matter how many promises
34:19 God has made they are 'Yes' in Christ.
34:25 And so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us
34:30 to the glory of God."
34:31 Did you get that Jesus is God's great 'Yes.'
34:35 To every single promise He has ever made,
34:37 God has ever made to the human race,
34:39 Jesus is the 'Yes' and all we have to say,
34:41 I'm telling you all we have to say is 'amen'
34:45 and when you say amen, that promise is yours.
34:50 Now I'm gonna repeat myself
34:51 because we've been coming back to this
34:52 over and over this fall.
34:54 You have got to get this principle
34:56 before we put a wrap on this little series,
34:57 you've got to get the principle and then here's the principle.
35:01 I remind you that when God, God is so omnipotent
35:04 that when God speaks a word and it comes out of His mouth.
35:09 So powerful is that word that the moment He speaks it,
35:12 the word creates the reality it describes.
35:16 So when God steps out into the darkness and says,
35:18 "Let there be yo, light."
35:21 There was in less than half a nanosecond,
35:23 guess what there was, light.
35:26 He speaks the word and it happens.
35:32 Psalm 33:6 and 9,
35:35 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made
35:37 and by the breath of His mouth, the host of them."
35:39 That's verse 6, now here comes verse 9.
35:41 "For He spoke, and it was done.
35:43 He commanded, and it stood fast."
35:46 He speaks the word and it happens,
35:48 that's why I love Isaiah 55:11.
35:50 God says, the word that comes out of My mouth
35:52 will never come back to me empty,
35:53 it will never come back to me empty
35:55 but it will accomplish the purpose
35:56 for which I sent it
35:58 and it will succeed in the mission
35:59 I have given it.
36:00 The word always accomplishes what God speaks
36:03 because when He speaks,
36:04 the word creates the reality that the word has described.
36:08 That's why Jesus can come along in John 6:63 it is
36:11 and he'll say this, "My words",
36:17 "My words, the words I speak to you
36:20 they are spirit and they are life."
36:24 That's why in that very chapter of John 6,
36:26 here's what Jesus does before 15,000 gaping mouths,
36:31 and gawking eyes Jesus takes.
36:34 Can you believe this?
36:36 He takes, He takes five little loaves of bread
36:40 and two fishies and He breaks the loaf,
36:44 here is what He does, they're all starry,
36:46 He breaks the loaf and He lifts up the two halves
36:50 to heaven and He cries out,
36:52 "Oh, Father, with this bread,
36:58 feed the world."
37:01 And 15,000 consumers went home with their tummies full
37:05 because when He speaks a word and He says 'amen'
37:08 as He did on that prayer, He says, 'amen', boom.
37:12 The promise immediately
37:17 is engaged and responded to by God.
37:22 Jesus, here's the point, guys, Jesus is God's great
37:25 'Yes' to every single promise God has ever made.
37:30 Every promise, which means that any promise,
37:34 can you think of promise right now?
37:35 Can you think of a promise from the Bible?
37:36 Something is gonna pop in your mind.
37:38 Any promise that come that you come to,
37:41 if you say amen to it,
37:44 Jesus is the fulfillment, He has already fulfilled
37:49 what that particular promise is promising.
37:53 He's the great 'Yes'.
37:56 That's why the word was made flesh,
37:59 so He can come down here
38:01 and be not Dr. no, not Dr. no, he's God, yes, yes.
38:08 Every promise.
38:10 How about the promise of my salvation?
38:12 Yes.
38:13 How about the promise of me becoming righteous,
38:14 you know, right living, right thinking, yes.
38:18 How about the promise of me
38:19 being forgiven, pardoned, and cleansed?
38:21 Yes. You say amen, you got it.
38:25 How about the promise of a brand new beginning
38:28 for my broken life?
38:30 Yup.
38:32 How about the promise of no more fear? Yes.
38:34 How about the promise of food on my table?
38:37 Yes.
38:39 How about the promise of success in my classes?
38:42 Yes.
38:43 How about the promise of financially stabilizing
38:46 this institution and this congregation?
38:49 Yes.
38:50 How about the promise of becoming
38:52 a mighty witness for Jesus?
38:53 Yes.
38:54 How about the promise of becoming rich?
38:56 No.
39:00 You can't push this too far.
39:04 Right.
39:06 Ah, but I changed my answer, I change it back to a yes
39:09 because you'll become rich in ways
39:12 you never before imagined you could become rich in.
39:15 Amen.
39:16 Wow, when that word became flesh
39:21 that the mighty yes of God
39:23 came down to live next door to us.
39:26 God yes, God yes, and that was Jesus.
39:32 And I promise you, I promise you
39:34 there is nothing God has ever promised in His life
39:38 and He's lived a long time.
39:39 There is nothing God has ever promised
39:42 that is not already fulfilled and made available
39:46 in God's great yes, name Jesus.
39:50 All you and I need to do
39:52 and I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record now,
39:54 but all you and I need to do is say amen to that promise.
40:01 You say, Dwight, but what is the amen mean?
40:03 Well, I will tell you what the amen means.
40:06 We said this before but let me refresh your memory,
40:08 when I say amen to one of God's promises,
40:10 here's what I'm saying.
40:12 I say, "Dear, God, that by faith",
40:14 okay here it is.
40:15 "By faith I choose to believe your promise
40:19 and trust you to deliver to me
40:21 in the most opportune
40:23 and beneficial time for my life."
40:25 You choose, I can't stand here and say you do it now
40:29 or I'm not gonna believe in you, that's called force,
40:32 that's called presumption, there is no faith in that.
40:35 He's just a magician and you think
40:36 God's gonna dance to your music?
40:38 No, you can't do that.
40:40 When you say amen, you choose the time,
40:43 I know you're gonna fulfill this promise.
40:44 You do what's most beneficial for me,
40:48 I believe, amen, that promise.
40:53 And I'm telling you from God's hand to your lips,
40:58 that's how it works, God will deliver.
41:00 Now look it, folks, we're not talking about
41:02 UPS delivery here,
41:04 we're not talking about FedEx delivery here,
41:06 you understand that.
41:07 We're not talking about Amazon Prime delivery,
41:09 we're talking about the God of the universe,
41:10 when you ask and you say amen to that promise
41:16 that you put your finger on.
41:19 Instantly, He begins to move heaven and hell
41:23 to respond to a promise He made.
41:26 Don't give Him a timeline that's not fair,
41:31 just trust Him, trust Him.
41:36 Now, can you think of a promise that God
41:38 that you can't say amen to?
41:40 I don't think you can.
41:41 You want an Amazon Prime,
41:43 you want an Amazon Prime kind of promise,
41:45 I'm gonna give it to you right now.
41:46 These are the words of Jesus.
41:47 Red letters in the Bible, put it on the screen for you,
41:49 Jesus speaking, Luke 6:38,
41:51 "Give and it will be given to you,
41:54 pressed down, shaken together and running over!"
41:59 That is an incredible promise by the way.
42:00 Jesus says, "You give, it will be given back to you."
42:03 I mean, we're talking about really giving it back,
42:06 not that little bit you gave, we're pressing it down
42:08 you got so much.
42:10 Mercy.
42:11 And all you have to say in response to Jesus' promise
42:14 is amen.
42:17 And then you give, you've got to give.
42:19 You gonna say no, no, I want the promise without the action.
42:22 What's up, folk?
42:23 That's craziness. You've got to give.
42:25 He says, give and it will be given to you,
42:27 you've got to give.
42:28 You say amen to that promise, boom!
42:31 His omnipotent word declares to you it will be given to you.
42:38 Exactly as I ask, when I ask, for the reasons I ask,
42:43 nope, nope, nope.
42:45 But it's beneficial,
42:47 the very best you can trust Him,
42:50 you know.
42:51 Joshua Becker, let me go back to this book one more time.
42:54 The title of the book again, "The More of Less:
42:56 Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own".
42:58 He makes what strikes me as a profound observation.
43:02 Look at as far as I know this is not a religious book.
43:06 He may not believe in anybody in the universe
43:08 but Himself and you and me but that's okay,
43:10 he's making a point here, I want you to catch it,
43:12 put it on the screen for you.
43:14 "It's true," Becker writes "that the less we need,
43:18 the more we can give away."
43:21 Yeah, come on,
43:23 if you don't need all that stuff,
43:24 if you don't need all that stuff, you give happily.
43:26 That's why they have garage sales,
43:27 people are giving stuff they don't want anymore.
43:28 Somebody's garbage is somebody else's treasure.
43:33 "The less we need, the more we can give away.
43:36 But oh, what if the inverse is also true?"
43:39 Here it comes now.
43:41 "What if the more we give away, the less we need?
43:45 In other words,
43:47 what if generosity leads to contentment?"
43:53 Wow, give and it shall be given unto you.
43:57 Isn't so much a promise of how when you give,
44:00 you make a million.
44:02 As it is a promise of how when you give,
44:04 you will feel like a millionaire.
44:08 Give.
44:10 How did Joshua put it, what if the more we give away,
44:13 the less we need.
44:15 In other words what if generosity leads to,
44:19 and by the way what every human longs for?
44:23 You know what the materialist is so we have a minimalist
44:26 and we have a maximalist,
44:27 but now we're talking about materialist,
44:28 don't get confused.
44:30 What does a materialist believe?
44:31 A materialist believes this.
44:34 If I can just get enough of this stuff,
44:37 I would be contented.
44:39 Everybody's going for the same prize,
44:44 I want contentment.
44:48 But the materialist believes
44:50 that in the accumulation of stuff,
44:52 the latest technological gadgets got to always be
44:55 the new first kid on the block to have them,
44:58 did an accumulation of stuff I will finally be contented.
45:03 I am telling you, you will never be contented,
45:05 impossible and that's what Becker is saying.
45:09 Generosity, giving it away
45:12 is what will bring contentment to your life.
45:15 My momma, after all Jesus
45:17 is God's great yes.
45:22 That's why Jesus can say,
45:25 put it on the screen, "Give," Jesus speaking,
45:28 "Give and it will be given to you."
45:32 I tell you what, you say amen to God's great yes,
45:34 you give to Him and you see,
45:36 just see what Jesus will give back to you.
45:41 I promise you.
45:44 No, no, He promises you so that's what Jesus says.
45:47 Do you want to see what God says?
45:49 Put God on the screen, please.
45:51 "Bring the whole tithe into My storehouse
45:53 and test Me and see if I will not throw open
45:55 the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing
45:58 that there will not be room enough to store it."
46:02 You say amen to that promise and you tithe,
46:06 tithe it back to God.
46:09 You got it, boy, as my temper said, thank you.
46:14 Now I know you're serious,
46:16 you really want to be partners, don't you?
46:20 You say, amen to it,
46:22 He says bring it say amen
46:23 and I will open the flood gates of heaven.
46:28 After all Jesus is God's great yes.
46:31 Every promise is yes in Him.
46:35 Okay, so early on Black Friday morning
46:38 I'm having worship, okay, so this is just a few days ago.
46:40 Early on Black Friday morning having worship
46:42 and I suddenly remember I forgot,
46:46 you know, I have a little twitter account.
46:47 I forgot to send anything out on Thanksgiving,
46:51 oh, it's too late now.
46:52 It's a little word of grace, a little word of gratitude,
46:54 it's day after thanksgiving, what's a point of it now.
46:57 And while I'm having worship,
46:58 suddenly a thought comes to my mind
47:00 so I grab my phone 'cause that's where
47:01 I do most of my tweeting.
47:02 I grab my phone and I...
47:04 In 140 characters or less I typed up this message.
47:08 Put it on the screen for you, you see it there.
47:11 "The antidote 2 Black Friday
47:15 is 4 words long.
47:18 Memorize them,
47:19 you'll have no problem driving past
47:20 a shopping mall today on Black Friday"
47:23 and what are the four words?
47:24 "I don't need it."
47:30 Now look at I've been tweeting for four years is it, five.
47:33 I have never written a tweet that has been retweeted
47:38 and favored it more times than that single line.
47:42 And do you know why?
47:44 Because everybody knows, it's true.
47:48 "I don't need it."
47:56 Do I?
47:58 Do you?
48:06 Wow.
48:09 "Two things I ask of you oh, Lord,
48:12 do not refuse me before I die,
48:15 keep falsehood and lies far from me
48:18 and give me neither poverty nor riches
48:20 but give me only my daily bread.
48:25 For no matter how many promises
48:27 God has made they are all yes in Christ
48:31 and so through Him
48:33 the amen is spoken by us to the glory of God."
48:38 Promise, I am your daily bread,
48:42 prayer, amen,
48:46 give me Jesus.
48:51 Take out your connect card, please.
48:55 Tucked away where your study guide
48:56 was a moment ago.
48:59 How should we respond to this,
49:02 we got a few guests here, always nice to have you,
49:04 bless you, fill out the front side of the card
49:06 what you're comfortable with.
49:08 Need a card, just hold your hand up,
49:10 here come the ushers.
49:11 Turn the card over, my next step today.
49:16 Some suggested responses, box number one,
49:19 this Christmas what I want more than anything else.
49:24 Give me Jesus.
49:26 Give me Jesus, my daily bread.
49:31 Boy, that's a prayer.
49:35 There's a Christmas prayer for you.
49:38 Box Number two, this Christmas
49:40 I want to give more than I have.
49:43 I want to give more than I have.
49:45 Jesus said, given, it will be given to you.
49:46 I will take them up but I want to give more than I have.
49:49 Here two suggestions of how you might give.
49:51 Number one, I want to return God's tithe,
49:54 His 10 percent of my income.
50:00 There's some of you who are saying right now,
50:02 you know, it's true.
50:03 I'm a kind of haven't spend the tithe this year
50:06 until things turn around,
50:07 you know, they'll turn around eventually.
50:09 Oh, my friend, my friend, they will never turn around.
50:13 The way to turn things around for you is to return to God
50:18 that 10 percent, they'll turn around.
50:21 I promise you,
50:22 I will open up the floodgates of heaven
50:24 and bless you there won't be enough room
50:25 to store my blessing.
50:27 Just show me
50:28 that we're together in this journey,
50:30 just show me underneath your nickels and dimes,
50:33 that's tiddlywinks to me.
50:36 I just want to know do you want me?
50:37 Do you really want me?
50:41 Something substantive
50:42 by which I say to God, yes, please.
50:45 Amen.
50:46 If you haven't tithe this year
50:49 or you kind of phone off thinking, man,
50:50 it's just kind of crunch time.
50:52 I want to challenge you to consider
50:55 that perhaps what you've been waiting for
51:00 will be unleashed
51:02 when you say amen to this promise
51:06 and accept His invitation, tithe it back to Him.
51:10 The other box is I want to give
51:12 a sacrificial year and offering to this congregation.
51:16 We love to have that.
51:21 You know, we have hope training this year,
51:22 was that right or what?
51:25 $62,000, $62,000 this congregation invested
51:28 in Hope Trending, 62,000.
51:30 Now here's the deal.
51:31 This is what so often happens and I know.
51:34 If you need some extra money,
51:35 you reach into this pocket
51:37 and you put it into this pocket,
51:39 you just move money around.
51:41 That's okay, that's understandable
51:43 but because we've done that to get through Hope Trending,
51:46 we're looking at some naives for a very unglamorous fund
51:50 called Church operating, keeps the lights on,
51:52 keeps a little treasures in primary,
51:54 a primary treasures and little friends going,
51:56 you know, those little magazines and...
52:03 I did some arithmetic.
52:04 If a 1000 giving units,
52:07 all right, if a 1000 giving units,
52:10 so you're married so that would be two giving units,
52:12 and we're more than a 1000 giving units.
52:14 But if a 1000 giving units gave $100, $100,
52:20 I just drove by Pizza Hut this week
52:21 and they said, pizza is for $10, okay.
52:24 So that's 10 pizzas, mark down to $10.
52:29 If every one of us gave $100 and by the way
52:34 that's like three gas fill ups may be,
52:37 right, about three.
52:39 We're not talking about a lot of money here.
52:41 But if a 1000 giving units
52:43 all gave a $100 to church operating,
52:47 we are clear to sail into 2017.
52:52 Oh, but you heard Pastor Rodney just a moment ago, and he says,
52:55 "Guys, we've got to go into all the world,
52:56 it's not just about keeping our lights on,
52:57 it's about turning the light of the world on out there."
53:01 So let's throw another $50, come on.
53:04 You're feeling generous this Christmas.
53:06 I mean, 6.73 billion,
53:09 I guess we are feeling generous.
53:11 What if we took another $50.
53:15 How many pizzas is that?
53:16 Well, $10, that's 5.
53:20 Boy, by the time we're through we're gonna be able to
53:22 get pizzas to everybody.
53:24 But anyway, throw another $50.
53:27 If every giving unit just gave another $50,
53:29 that's a $150 now.
53:30 Come on, we're talking about a lot of money here
53:32 not in America.
53:35 And let's do one more,
53:36 we have some precious children over here.
53:38 Ruth Murdoch Elementary School in Andrews Academy,
53:40 let's throw another $50 for them,
53:42 come on, another $50.
53:43 Do you begrudge our children another $50?
53:47 If we each gave $100 to this congregation
53:52 and $100 to evangelism and children
53:55 'cause their evangelism too, $200.
54:01 Every giving unit, this month.
54:05 All I'm saying is you can get there from here.
54:09 To the guy who emptied the treasury of heaven
54:12 every last penny to save you and me
54:15 what is 200 bucks to college students,
54:18 what is two hundred bucks?
54:20 A lot, okay.
54:23 I'm talking to the wrong group apparently.
54:28 But, you know, what I mean,
54:30 we can drop $200 just like that,
54:31 I gotta have that new phone,
54:33 there it goes $300 just like that.
54:35 I got to have an iPhone,
54:37 boom without batting an eye.
54:41 What if we gave the little that we have to Jesus,
54:48 who says give it to me
54:50 and it shall be given back to you.
54:53 What if we said amen and we did,
54:57 that's my invitation to you wherever you live,
55:00 whatever church you attend,
55:01 whatever congregation you support,
55:04 why don't we this year give God a big Christmas gift.
55:10 We need it.
55:12 This church needs it. Let's pray.
55:15 Oh, God, thank you, thank you for these people,
55:17 everybody has been sitting here,
55:19 we have been getting into the word together,
55:20 we're ready go home now.
55:22 But dear God, not before letting you know
55:27 how grateful we are that the treasury
55:28 has been emptied
55:30 and that Jesus is the great yes
55:33 to every promise you have ever made
55:36 or will ever make, it's all wrapped up in Jesus,
55:39 and so to Jesus we say amen to the glory of God.
55:43 Jesus do whatever it takes,
55:45 you want me to give, I will give,
55:47 amen, to give it back to me,
55:49 amen to opening the floodgates of heaven,
55:52 amen
55:56 to your glory and honor.
55:59 Know our hearts, we love you with all our heart.
56:02 Oh God, if you were here we would line up to hug you
56:06 one after another.
56:09 We so love you
56:13 'cause you so loved us
56:16 in Jesus, amen.
56:20 Thank you for joining us in worship today.
56:22 I hope you were blessed.
56:24 As we enter the busy holiday season,
56:25 I trust you're able to snatch some quiet moments
56:27 to reflect on all that you're grateful for.
56:30 Me, I'm thankful for you for your prayers,
56:33 for your letters which literally come to us
56:34 from around the world.
56:36 You'll never know the impact your prayers
56:38 for this ministry have on me and our entire team.
56:41 Trust me, you bless me through your prayers,
56:44 so I'm thankful for you,
56:45 I am thankful for the young creative tech team
56:47 that makes this ministry happen.
56:49 They keep coming up with new innovative ideas
56:51 for sharing the gospel globally
56:52 through electronic media, television,
56:54 radio, web, mobile,
56:56 whatever, what's more these young innovators
56:59 have had the skills and the commitment
57:01 to see our projects through.
57:03 So I'm thankful for you, I'm thankful for them
57:06 and you'd expect me to say
57:07 this as another year draws to an end.
57:08 I'm also thankful
57:10 for the financial support of viewers like you
57:12 that makes this ministry possible.
57:14 If you've been blessed this new year,
57:16 I'd like to ask you to join the hundreds
57:17 who financially support our New Perceptions Ministry.
57:21 It's simple to do,
57:22 just call our toll free number 877-HIS-WILL,
57:25 the two words HIS WILL,
57:27 and one of our friendly operators
57:28 will be happy to assist you.
57:30 Trust me, no gift is too small
57:32 for God to use to spread His good news.
57:34 And let me remind you not a single penny
57:36 of your donation will come to me,
57:37 every gift is entirely invested
57:40 in our mission to communicate
57:41 God's everlasting gospel to what we believe
57:44 is an end time generation.
57:46 So once again the number to call is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:50 This Christmas I wish for you
57:52 God's very best wrapped up in Jesus 24/7 all the way
57:57 through the new year to come.
57:59 God bless you.


Revised 2017-07-31