New Perceptions

Healing the Fracture - Life in Post-election America

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP161112A

00:26 Crown Him with many crowns
00:29 The Lamb upon His throne
00:34 Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns
00:38 All music but its own!
00:43 Awake, my soul, and sing
00:47 Of Him who died for thee
00:52 And hail Him as thy matchless King
00:56 Through all eternity
01:03 Crown Him the Lord of peace!
01:08 Whose hand a scepter sways
01:12 From pole to pole, that wars may cease
01:17 And all be prayer and praise
01:22 His reign shall know no end
01:27 And round His pierced feet
01:31 Fair flowers of Paradise extend
01:36 Their fragrance ever sweet
02:03 Crown Him the Lord of years
02:07 The Potentate of time
02:12 Creator of the rolling spheres
02:17 Ineffably sublime
02:22 All hail, Redeemer, hail!
02:27 For Thou hast died for me
02:32 Thy praise shall never, never fail
02:38 Throughout eternity
02:52 Great is the Lord, and worthy of glory
02:57 Great is the Lord, and worthy of praise
03:01 Great is the Lord,
03:03 I lift up my voice I lift up my voice
03:08 Great
03:11 Is the Lord
03:16 Great
03:20 Is the Lord
03:25 Great is the Lord, He is holy and just
03:29 By His power we trust in His love
03:33 Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true
03:37 By His mercy He proves He is love
03:42 Great is the Lord and worthy of glory
03:46 Great is the Lord and worthy of praise
03:50 Great is the Lord now lift up your voice
03:54 Now lift up your voice
03:57 Great
04:00 Is the Lord
04:05 Great
04:09 Is the Lord
04:14 Great are you Lord, You are holy and just
04:17 By Your power we trust In Your love
04:22 Great are You Lord, You are faithful and true
04:26 By Your mercy You prove You are love
04:30 Great are you Lord and worthy of glory
04:34 Great are you Lord and worthy of praise
04:39 Great are you Lord, I lift up my voice
04:42 I lift up my voice
04:45 Great
04:48 Are you Lord
04:53 Great
04:57 Are you Lord
04:59 Great is the Lord and worthy of glory
05:04 Great is the Lord and worthy of praise
05:08 Great is the Lord now lift up your voice
05:11 Now lift up your voice
05:14 Great
05:17 Is the Lord
05:22 Great
05:25 Is the Lord
05:31 Thank you for the cross, Lord
05:38 Thank you for the price You paid
05:44 Bearing all my sin and shame, in love You came
05:52 And gave Amazing Grace
05:57 Thank you for this love, Lord
06:04 Thank you for the nail pierced hands
06:10 Wash me in Your cleansing flow, now all I know
06:17 Your forgiveness and embrace
06:24 Worthy is the Lamb
06:31 Seated on the throne
06:37 We crown You now with many crowns
06:43 You reign victorious!
06:50 High and lifted up
06:56 Jesus, Son of God
07:02 The darling of Heaven, crucified
07:12 Worthy is the Lamb
07:18 Worthy is the Lamb
07:25 Worthy is the Lamb
07:31 Worthy is the Lamb
07:38 Worthy is the Lamb
07:44 Seated on the throne
07:51 We crown You now with many crowns
07:56 You reign victorious!
08:03 High and lifted up
08:09 Jesus, Son of God
08:15 The darling of Heaven, crucified
08:24 Worthy is the Lamb
08:31 Worthy is the Lamb
08:37 Worthy is the Lamb
08:44 Worthy is the Lamb
09:47 What can wash away my sin?
09:52 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
09:59 What can make me whole again?
10:05 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
10:12 Oh! Precious is the flow
10:18 That makes me white as snow
10:24 No other fount I know
10:30 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
10:39 This time, if you would like to come forward
10:43 to put your supplications and your requests,
10:46 make them known to God, now is that time.
10:49 You can come forward as we begin to sing this song
10:52 and continue to praise the Lord
10:54 and acknowledge that He is the only way,
10:57 He is our only way, our salvation.
11:01 And so please come forward now
11:05 and join us here at the front as we sing
11:07 the last verse of "Nothing but the Blood."
11:26 This is all my hope and peace
11:32 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
11:39 This is all my righteousness
11:45 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
11:51 Oh! Precious is the flow
11:57 That makes me white as snow
12:03 No other fount I know
12:09 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
12:16 Oh! Precious is the flow
12:22 That makes me white as snow
12:29 No other fount I know
12:35 Nothing but the blood of Jesus
12:45 Amen.
13:14 I vow to you, my country
13:20 All earthly things above
13:25 Entire and whole and perfect
13:31 The service of my love
13:37 The love that asks no questions
13:43 The love that stands the test
13:48 That lays upon the altar
13:54 The dearest and the best
14:00 The love that never falters
14:06 The love that pays the price
14:13 The love that makes undaunted
14:19 The final sacrifice
14:44 Though the road has
14:47 Bends and turns
14:52 And my spirit suffers
15:03 Humans fail
15:08 Systems fail
15:13 Shadows fall
15:23 But the ruts run deep
15:28 Cut by the blood of faces above
15:38 And voices now silent
15:48 But the message loud is heard
15:58 "Homeland!
16:03 Homeland!
16:08 Renew your youth
16:13 Restore your soul!"
16:40 Homeland, the country that I love
16:46 hold out your arms to me
16:53 I strive for you
16:57 And give you the best
17:01 I hope to be
17:06 May your wisdom be your shelter
17:12 May compassion be your sword
17:19 May your strength be forged with mercy
17:25 Your courage lives restore
17:32 Homeland, the country that I love
17:39 Forever reign supreme
17:46 And when time stands still, my homeland
17:53 may Heaven hold
17:56 Your dreams
18:07 My homeland
18:13 Be my dream
18:21 My hope
18:27 Homeland!
18:35 Homeland!
18:43 Ah!
18:56 Amen!
19:02 A land and country that I love.
19:07 My homeland.
19:14 God bless America.
19:20 While there is still time,
19:23 God bless America.
19:28 Oh, God we... that was so moving.
19:34 Every one of us here we're citizens of the world
19:37 but we live in this land.
19:41 This is our homeland.
19:47 We love this land and nation.
19:50 Oh, God, do whatever it takes to save America,
19:56 while there is time.
20:00 We pray in Christ name, amen.
20:05 I hold here in my hands an email
20:07 from a young American woman.
20:14 She is a graduate student not here.
20:19 She wrote this letter to her family
20:22 on Wednesday, November 9,
20:25 the day after the election in this nation.
20:29 Some one showed me, one of her family showed me
20:31 the letter and I said, I need permission to read that.
20:34 She gave permission.
20:37 And so I want to read it to you.
20:40 Subject: Dear family.
20:44 Email begins: Dear family,
20:47 I'm having an incredibly difficult day
20:51 but I'm not alone,
20:53 about half of America grieves with me.
20:57 Over the years I seem to get questions
20:59 as to why I'm still single.
21:02 Today, I have an answer.
21:05 My church and now my country
21:09 have openly declared that
21:11 as a person I'm less valuable due to my gender.
21:16 This becomes increasingly evident and oppressive to me
21:19 as I break gender norms and pursue advanced education,
21:22 to make a difference in this world
21:24 beyond just the lives of children and other women
21:27 as it's acceptable by society and the church.
21:31 I refuse to be viewed in this manner in my own home.
21:36 So if being single is what is the consequence,
21:42 I write to you
21:44 so that when or if you choose to discuss this topic
21:47 or ignore it when talking to me,
21:50 I want you to know that my heart is broken
21:53 as I'm forced to face my minority status today.
21:58 Love always.
22:01 Her name.
22:04 We live in a fractured country.
22:10 Last Tuesday 59.5 million American voters were jubilant.
22:17 And 59.7 million American voters despondent.
22:24 And if you stayed up late
22:26 to experience the emotions of that moment,
22:31 you know they were palpable.
22:36 The wild joy and the broken despondency.
22:42 The morning after the election I said,
22:44 "Okay, I'm going to go social media now,
22:46 see what's trending out there."
22:48 Oh, my.
22:51 A strong cauldron of absolute conflicting emotions,
22:57 brokenness and bitterness
22:59 versus triumph and joy and nonchalance,
23:03 get over it tweets and messages.
23:08 But you know what the dominant emotion was
23:09 and perhaps still is?
23:11 I tell what it is, it's anger.
23:15 Just plain anger.
23:20 That's why over the last few days in the cities
23:22 across this nation we have seen these ruckus protest,
23:27 predominantly young, you're right.
23:29 Young, some of them voting for the first time
23:31 in an election in this nation,
23:34 believing now that somehow democracy, the government,
23:39 the process has let them down.
23:43 Hashtag, not my president is ascending in its trend.
23:52 We live in a fractured country,
23:57 whose fissures are only spreading wider and wider.
24:02 Come on.
24:03 Am I telling you anything?
24:08 Which is why we gathered on Wednesday evening,
24:10 right in these place for a beautiful
24:12 and meaningful prayer season.
24:15 We were obeying God's injunction.
24:19 And so the words you see on the screen clear to us,
24:23 1 Timothy 2, "I urge, then, first of all,
24:26 that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving
24:29 be made for all people,
24:31 for kings and all those in authority,
24:34 that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
24:36 in all godliness and holiness."
24:40 We prayed for him by name then,
24:43 you heard him prayed for name by name today,
24:47 our president elect Trump.
24:52 Russell Moore, brilliant mind that he is
24:56 and I track him wherever he goes.
24:58 Russell Moore is president
25:00 of the Southern Baptist conventions,
25:02 commission on ethics and religious liberty.
25:05 In a blog he wrote Wednesday morning these words.
25:10 "No matter what our differences politically or religiously,
25:14 surely we can all agree that this campaign
25:16 has been demoralizing and even traumatizing
25:20 for most of the country.
25:24 Many of us have deep differences
25:25 with our new president, and would have no matter
25:28 which candidate had been elected,
25:31 but we must pray that he will succeed
25:33 in leading our country with wisdom and justice."
25:39 And so we pray and so we will pray.
25:43 We're inserting this stopping this series
25:45 you and I been on together,
25:47 and inserting this you see it on the screen.
25:49 Our teaching for today,
25:51 "Healing the Fracture - Life in Post-Election America.
25:56 Is there anything else besides prayer
25:59 that we can do to respond?
26:02 Oh, yes, there is.
26:03 I want to tell you just what,
26:04 but before we do let this be clear.
26:08 We need to recognize it in some ways
26:10 we live not only in a fractured and divided country,
26:15 we also live today
26:16 in a fractured and divided church.
26:22 And I don't mean the evangelical community
26:24 that spread across America either.
26:26 I'm thinking of my own faith community
26:28 that I love and that I serve.
26:33 That email I read a moment ago expresses her hurt
26:35 of a young woman in our midst.
26:39 Not only over this election but over church decisions
26:43 that are being perceived and being received
26:45 by the young within this faith community.
26:49 And especially by the young women
26:51 as they're specially targeting them as women.
26:56 How did she put it in her letter to her family,
26:58 let me read that line again.
26:59 My church and now my country have openly declared
27:02 that as a person I'm less valuable
27:04 due to my gender.
27:05 My heart is broken
27:07 as I'm forced to face my minority status today.
27:11 Well, I need to say this right here,
27:12 if she were here and she is not here,
27:15 but if she were here, I would be quick to say to her,
27:18 "Hey, come on, come on, man, hold on, you need to know
27:20 this is not what your church stands for.
27:23 You're not a person of less value
27:25 to this faith community, that's just wrong."
27:29 And if there were political scientists here,
27:30 I'm sure they would jump forward to her,
27:32 to us to assure us that
27:34 the elections results on Tuesday
27:35 were not a national referendum
27:37 or repudiation of the role of women in our society,
27:40 but it can feel that way if you're a woman.
27:44 It can feel that way when public statements
27:50 and public positions of leaders in the country or in the church
27:56 when those public statement
27:58 seem to belie, seem to challenge
28:00 what most Americans and Adventists believe
28:02 that women are just as valuable
28:04 and essential to the life of this country
28:06 and to the mission of this church.
28:10 And it is those perceptions
28:12 because perception is reality I remind you.
28:14 It is those perceptions that the country and the church
28:18 must deal with right away.
28:23 By the way the same is true, this fracture.
28:28 The same is true for the racial and ethnic fracture
28:31 that divides this land today.
28:35 I've read one tweet.
28:36 Scribble it down.
28:39 Young man, his words.
28:43 I didn't quite understand how much white people hated us,
28:46 or could at least live with that hate, now I do.
28:52 It must break the heart of God.
28:55 It breaks my heart, can you believe it?
28:58 Would to God, that's not true in the church,
29:01 you're all right, go figure.
29:05 We're just as fractured
29:07 as the culture and society we live in.
29:13 So what does Jesus have to say?
29:16 This morning I want to leave with you three word from Jesus,
29:19 three red letter words.
29:22 I read them just like that.
29:27 We'd not turn anywhere else in scripture
29:28 but to Jesus right now.
29:30 Mark 3, open your Bible to Mark 3,
29:34 Mark 3, we begin in verse 23.
29:37 And by the way please mark these words well,
29:39 the first, the first this is the number one,
29:41 this is the number one red letter word, mark it well,
29:43 because what has happened to the nation
29:45 must be heard loud and clear by the church.
29:50 Mark 3, so I'm in the NIV.
29:52 Get your phone, whatever.
29:54 I put it on the screen for you as well.
30:00 Good to have those of you who are live streaming
30:02 with us right now.
30:05 I hope this moment,
30:07 this moment where these red letter words
30:09 will address your own heart and life.
30:12 Okay, so this is Mark 3, let's pick it up in verse 23,
30:15 "So Jesus called them over to him
30:18 and he began to speak to them in parables."
30:20 Red letters now, "How can Satan drive out Satan?
30:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself,
30:27 that kingdom cannot stand."
30:29 Verse 25, "If a house is divided against itself,
30:33 that house cannot stand."
30:36 From whence comes the parable
30:37 our house divided against itself cannot stand,
30:39 they got it from Jesus.
30:42 A house divided against itself racially cannot stand
30:48 and neither can the church, and neither can the country.
30:52 A house divided against itself
30:54 in terms of gender cannot stand,
30:56 and neither can the church and neither can the country.
31:00 So what does this mean? What are we supposed to do?
31:03 Maybe we need to pursue the exact antithesis
31:08 of what one candidate was advocating for the nation
31:10 during the campaign.
31:15 To do that consider two other red letter words from Jesus.
31:19 These two are unique and that they're both
31:23 spoken on the same night, spoken by the same Jesus
31:27 and recorded in the same gospel,
31:29 Gospel of John.
31:31 Red letter word number two
31:33 and red letter word number three,
31:34 so turn over to the Gospel of John.
31:37 In less than 24 hours Jesus will be dead.
31:40 This is Thursday night, late Thursday night.
31:44 Jesus speaking, bright red in my Bible.
31:47 John 13...
31:54 we'll pick it up in verse 34.
31:55 "A new commandment I give you:
31:59 Love one another.
32:02 As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
32:05 Verse 35, "By this everyone will know
32:07 that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
32:13 He spoke those words in the upper room.
32:15 He went outside, prayed to His Father
32:17 and we have that the last prayer to His Father
32:19 before all hell breaks loose.
32:23 Early Friday morning, this is now chapter 17.
32:25 This is in the prayer to His Father.
32:28 Drop down to verse 22, just few pages over,
32:32 Jesus praying to the Father,
32:33 "I have given them the glory that you gave me,
32:35 O Father, that they may be one as we are one."
32:41 Verse 23, "I in them and you in me,
32:44 so that they may be brought to complete unity.
32:47 Then the world will know that you sent me
32:50 and have loved them even as you have loved me."
32:53 Did you catch an embedded phrase,
32:55 an embedded word that is identical in both passages?
32:58 Did you hear any similarity?
33:03 You will. Let's put a split screen up.
33:05 I want you to catch what He's saying,
33:07 because what He's saying in both passages
33:10 is critical to third millennials like you and me.
33:13 So you see the split screen there, there is John 13:35,
33:16 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
33:19 if you love one another."
33:21 Okay, now a few hours later John 17,
33:23 "Then the world will know that you sent me
33:27 and have loved them even as you have loved me."
33:30 Isn't that amazing?
33:32 How would the world, how will everybody know
33:34 that God has a people on earth?
33:38 How will everybody know
33:40 that you are a follower of Jesus Christ?
33:42 Number one, they'll know by our love for each other,
33:44 our radically self sacrificing love.
33:47 And number two, they will know it
33:49 by our unity with each other,
33:51 our radical self sacrificing unity.
33:55 Now isn't that crazy?
33:57 I want you to be together, I want you to be together,
33:59 I want you to be bound so tight
34:01 that the world will know that truth about me and you.
34:05 I say, it's crazy because as I recall the rallying Christ
34:07 during this election campaign were dissever,
34:09 were to separate people from each other.
34:11 I heard something about a wall.
34:17 Unless we cluck our tongues too loudly
34:20 as we were just about to do.
34:24 Even a church can debate about severing,
34:27 about separating people from the church
34:28 or from the organization or from each other.
34:32 And here is Jesus
34:33 on the night before He's executed on Calvary
34:35 declaring that there are two powerful indicators
34:37 to everyone, to the whole world
34:39 that you're mine and that I'm yours
34:41 and these two indicators are, what are they again?
34:44 One, our love for one another
34:46 and two, our unity with each other.
34:54 The only evidence that you and I love it, one another.
34:57 The only evidence that we love one another
34:59 is if we're united to one another.
35:01 And the only evidence that we're united to one another
35:03 is if we love one another.
35:05 Those two are inseparable.
35:06 They were born twins.
35:12 They have to go together.
35:15 You can't sever, you can't separate and say,
35:17 okay, that's where you go because we don't agree.
35:21 You can't do that.
35:23 The world doesn't figure anything out,
35:25 that's the way politics is in America.
35:27 That's where you go because we don't agree.
35:29 Yeah.
35:33 No, no, no Jesus said,
35:35 the whole world will know you are my people.
35:36 And will know that I came to this planet
35:38 because you will have love for each other,
35:41 and you will be united with each other.
35:45 It is this, it is as we're together,
35:47 together we are the community of God.
35:54 The unity that shines from radical love,
35:57 self sacrificing love, self sacrificing unity.
36:01 And so we as Americans,
36:04 and so we as Adventists we need to pull together,
36:07 not cut apart, not cut asunder, we need to unite, not sever,
36:11 we must not be known, please.
36:14 We must not be known
36:15 as the people who cut off minorities.
36:19 Be they Mexicans, or Muslims
36:24 or LGBT, or immigrants,
36:28 or Latinos, or Asians or blacks or women...
36:38 of all people in America
36:40 the church must be the community,
36:43 the place where all people, where everybody,
36:45 where the whole world will be shown compassion and love,
36:50 compassion and love.
36:55 By this everybody will know you are my people,
36:58 if you have love for one another.
37:01 I happen to agree with Russell Moore
37:02 again on the screen,
37:04 "No matter what the racial and ethnic divisions
37:06 in America,
37:07 we can be churches that demonstrate and embody
37:09 the reconciliation of the kingdom of God.
37:12 After all, we are not just part of a coalition
37:14 but part of a Body, capital B Body,
37:17 a Body that is white and black and Latino and Asian,
37:20 and male and female, and rich and poor.
37:23 We are part of a Body, get this,
37:24 joined to a Head
37:26 who is an Aramaic-speaking Middle-easterner."
37:28 Go figure.
37:37 "What affects black and Hispanic
37:38 and Asian Christians ought to affect white Christians.
37:41 And the sorts of poverty and social unraveling
37:43 among the white working class ought to affect black
37:45 and Hispanic and Asian Christians.
37:47 We belong to each other because we belong to Christ."
37:56 So you dissolution with your country right now?
38:00 Are you?
38:01 So you dissolution with your church right now?
38:04 Are you?
38:09 But there is something you can do.
38:12 There is something you can do right now
38:14 based on Jesus' radical call to love and unity.
38:18 Here is what you can do.
38:19 There are two responses you can make.
38:20 No study guide today. Just lock this in your mind.
38:23 There are two responses
38:24 to Jesus' radical call you can make.
38:26 Response number one, jot it down in your mind.
38:28 Become engaged with your church.
38:32 The justice causes that you have rightfully embraced.
38:35 After all didn't God say to do, but to do justly,
38:38 and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
38:40 Didn't God say that?
38:41 I mean didn't that come from Him?
38:43 The justice causes you have embraced.
38:48 Have not been repudiated by the election of this country
38:50 or by the debate in the wider church.
38:53 Neither the country nor the church
38:56 are under the dominion of one person,
38:58 one leader or one voice.
39:00 Not my voice, not your voice, not nobody's voice.
39:08 The democratic process in both the nation
39:10 and the church means, you can exercise your calling,
39:14 to affect change within your church
39:16 and within your country
39:18 but you will never change your country
39:22 if you move to Canada.
39:28 Come on, just read social media,
39:30 it's all out there, "I'm going to Canada."
39:31 Turn the lights off, the last one out.
39:36 You will never change your country
39:37 if you move to Canada,
39:39 and you will never influence your church if you leave it.
39:42 Well, I'm leaving the church now.
39:44 I'm sick and tired of this church.
39:45 I'm out of here. You're crazy.
39:48 Don't you dare leave this church?
39:51 You're what we're depending on.
39:54 You leave the church now, you're only punishing yourself.
39:57 The church will go on.
39:58 They won't even know you're gone.
40:02 One little Facebook post
40:03 and that's all the glory you'll get.
40:07 Don't abandon your church, especially now.
40:12 Stay engaged.
40:14 Hey, look, look, look this does not mean
40:16 that you have to agree with everything your church does,
40:19 because even the community of faith can make mistakes
40:22 and get it wrong.
40:23 I mean, look at the church in Acts.
40:25 You want to see a church in conflict?
40:27 I mean, there are hardly days beyond Calvary
40:29 when the widows, the Hellenistic,
40:31 the Greek descendant widows are complaining,
40:35 you're giving more food to them than to us,
40:37 and the church had to invent the deacons.
40:41 They're in conflict.
40:42 You want to read red hot conflict, read Acts 15,
40:45 there is not a meeting of the minds
40:47 when that meeting begins.
40:51 Let's look at the church in Acts,
40:53 great debates, disagreements.
40:56 You know what? You need to do.
40:57 What I need to do is embrace the great American poet
41:00 Robert Frost suggestion.
41:05 I'm going to put the poem,
41:06 this is a tail end of a very long poem.
41:08 Put it on the screen for you Robert Frost.
41:10 And were an epitaph to be my story
41:14 I'd have a short one... You know what an epitaph is.
41:16 That's what goes on your grave, okay.
41:17 And were an epitaph to be my story.
41:19 I'd have a short one ready for my own
41:21 I would have written of me on my stone:
41:25 I had a lover's quarrel with the world.
41:29 Do you know what a lover's quarrel with the world is?
41:31 A lover's quarrel with the world goes like this.
41:33 Listen, I love you,
41:35 though I cannot agree with all you say,
41:36 I cannot agree with all you do, I'm still committed to you.
41:41 We need to have a lover's quarrel with the church,
41:42 that's what you need to do.
41:44 I love you church,
41:45 though I cannot agree with all that you decide
41:48 and with all that you say, I'm still committed to you.
41:52 You got to stay engaged,
41:53 become engaged with your church.
41:55 Response number one,
41:57 have a lover's quarrel with the church, but stay on.
42:02 Response number two,
42:03 become immersed in your country.
42:07 Become engaged with your church.
42:09 Become immersed, response number two, in your country.
42:11 So the election didn't go the way
42:12 you were hoping it'd bring.
42:14 Okay, well as a proverb goes.
42:16 Don't get mad, just get even.
42:21 What's that mean?
42:22 Get even with America and immerse yourself rather
42:25 in the life of this nation.
42:27 I want to tell you something.
42:29 Your life can change America way more than your one vote.
42:34 Your life can make an eternal difference in this country.
42:40 Wow.
42:44 Jesus declares of you, of the church of all of us.
42:48 You are the light of the world.
42:50 No, no, no, you are the salt of the earth.
42:53 No, no, no, you're the yeast,
42:55 you're the leaven of the kingdom.
42:57 What's he's saying?
42:59 He's saying, you got to get out.
43:00 Get out there, be light
43:02 in a darkness of a world without love.
43:04 Be salt, permeate society.
43:08 Be leaven, just a little yeast in the lump and boo,
43:11 it infiltrates everything.
43:14 Yeah, but what can I do Dwight?
43:16 How do I do that?
43:17 Two practical suggestions.
43:19 Don't laugh me off of this platform.
43:21 Do not laugh me off of this platform.
43:22 I'm going to give you two suggestions,
43:24 they're both practical.
43:25 Don't dismiss them too quickly, all right.
43:27 Keeping an eye on you.
43:29 Okay, suggestion number one.
43:31 Move to the southern border
43:33 of the United States and Mexico.
43:37 Come on.
43:40 Move to the southern border and minister to the aliens,
43:43 and the immigrants, legal and illegal
43:45 that will surround you.
43:47 Learn to speak Spanish, espanol,
43:49 so that you can speak the language of their hearts,
43:52 embrace the incarnational mission of Jesus.
43:56 Go down to the border.
43:58 Turns out that's not such a whacky idea.
44:00 I found out.
44:02 Look classic Ministry of Healing
44:03 on the screen for you.
44:05 "Missionary families are needed to settle in the waste places."
44:09 Those of you who are watching from Texas right now,
44:11 we're not thinking of you as waste,
44:13 but you know, what I mean.
44:18 "Missionary families are needed to settle in the waste places,
44:20 along that border.
44:22 Let farmers, let financiers, let builders,
44:24 and those who are skilled in various arts and crafts,
44:26 go to neglected fields, go to improve the land,
44:29 go to establish industries,
44:31 go to prepare humble homes for yourselves,
44:33 and to help your neighbors."
44:35 Here is the point guys.
44:36 Once you get all the education you need here
44:38 at Andrews University, get it all,
44:40 get it all while you're here, just don't come back.
44:44 Once you get all the education you need,
44:46 then you move while the nation is debating,
44:48 cutting off the minorities, cutting off aliens,
44:51 you're ministering to them.
44:54 Wow.
44:56 Move to the border.
44:58 You don't like that one?
45:00 Okay, I got one more.
45:01 Number two. Move to the inner city.
45:05 Become a public schools teacher in the inner city.
45:08 Enough of teaching church schools.
45:11 You can teach in a public school, it's a high honor.
45:14 In the inner city go.
45:16 Become practice medicine in the heart of that city.
45:18 Practice pro bono law with a firmness
45:21 dedicated to ministering to minorities
45:24 and residence of the inner city.
45:29 Become the light, become the salt,
45:30 become the yeast to Jesus, permeate the dark hopelessness
45:33 that grips the hearts of those living in the inner city.
45:37 Immerse yourself in the life of your country,
45:40 don't get mad, get even, just go out.
45:43 Go out. Christ's Object Lessons.
45:46 Oh, this is good.
45:47 It really ends with the best line, okay.
45:50 "Thus in the night of spiritual darkness God's glory..."
45:53 And by the way the context for these words
45:55 clearly, clearly the context is the end of time,
45:58 right before the end, all right.
45:59 "Thus in the night of spiritual darkness
46:01 God's glory is to shine forth through His church
46:04 in lifting up the bowed down
46:07 and comforting those that mourn.
46:08 All around us are heard the wails of a world's sorrow.
46:12 On every hand are the needy and distressed.
46:15 It is ours to aid in relieving
46:17 and softening life's hardships and misery.
46:19 We are to give food to the hungry,
46:21 clothing to the naked, and shelter to the homeless.
46:23 If Christ is abiding in us, here comes now.
46:26 If Christ is abiding in us,
46:27 our hearts will be full of divine sympathy."
46:29 Now watch this.
46:31 "The sealed fountains
46:32 of earnest, Christlike love will be unsealed."
46:37 Because as long as you're living
46:38 in a ghetto like this, they're sealed up,
46:40 you're not doing much with it.
46:42 That's all sealed up,
46:43 but the moment you move out to the marginalized,
46:46 the alienated, the disenfranchised,
46:48 when you move out to them,
46:50 the love in you will be unsealed
46:52 and Christ love flows through you.
46:54 Isn't that great?
46:57 And by the way you don't have to move far
46:58 to find an inner city, just 12 miles off the road.
47:01 Benton Harbor.
47:04 Change your membership, move up to Benton Harbor
47:06 with my blessing.
47:09 Give all your offerings to Benton Harbor
47:11 with my blessing.
47:13 Sabbath afternoons get on, jump in a car,
47:15 go up there for incarnation of ministry with our blessing.
47:20 Pioneer has a campus in that inner city
47:22 and it's called Harbor of Hope.
47:24 And it is a Harbor of Hope.
47:26 It's beautiful campus.
47:29 Go be a part of it. Why are you sitting here?
47:32 Get out. Make a difference.
47:35 Become immersed in a life of this country.
47:37 Become engaged with your church.
47:39 Become immersed in your country, why?
47:41 Because we need you.
47:43 Your country needs you, your church needs you,
47:44 but most of all God needs you.
47:48 By this all the world will know you are my people,
47:50 if you have love for one another,
47:52 radical united love.
47:53 America in the world can have no more compelling witness
47:58 than a generation moving out and saying
48:01 we lived with the comfort
48:05 and all the accoutrements of well being.
48:09 We will go out into the dark
48:13 on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ.
48:15 And by the way and then I'm sitting down,
48:18 the times could...
48:19 Listen carefully now 'cause this is where
48:21 you gonna hear stuff you never heard.
48:23 The times are critical.
48:26 They could hardly be more critical.
48:33 Life as we know it is rather rapidly
48:37 moving towards some sort of showdown,
48:43 sooner by the way rather than later.
48:45 And I'm going to give you three exhibits, okay.
48:47 Exhibit number one, Tuesday night,
48:50 during the election
48:51 the ambassador from France to the United States
48:54 is sitting there watching,
48:55 and he's just saying, "What is happening?"
48:57 And he sends out this tweet.
48:59 I'll put it on the screen for you.
49:01 Sixty-three old, Gerard Araud tweeted
49:05 and I'm quoting him now.
49:06 After Brexit and you know what that is.
49:09 "After Brexit and this election,
49:11 everything is now possible.
49:14 A world is collapsing before our eyes.
49:17 Dizziness."
49:20 He shut that tweet out according to the UK Mirror.
49:25 Before the night was over, he wisely deleted the tweet,
49:30 because he will need to do business
49:32 with the next administration.
49:35 How did he put it?
49:37 A world is collapsing before our eyes
49:39 faster than we may realize.
49:41 By the way August 15,
49:42 there is a little meeting going on in Florida
49:44 between one candidate
49:47 in a roomful of evangelical leaders,
49:49 pastors we call them.
49:51 Time Magazine happen to catch that,
49:55 reported on it, you can Google it.
49:59 Get the right key words and you'll find it.
50:02 "In a startling off-the-cuff speech, just a few lines,
50:05 to a gathering of pastors in Florida last week,
50:08 Trump threw away his prepared remarks
50:10 and promised, over and over, to give evangelical churches
50:13 the power to essentially spend
50:15 unlimited sums of tax-exempt money on politics.
50:20 Nearly 80 percent of evangelicals
50:22 already support Trump.
50:23 It is one of his largest supportive demographics
50:26 and one of the GOP's most reliable voting blocks."
50:30 Now listen to this.
50:33 In the middle of a speech, Trump told the pastors
50:37 that evangelical voters would make the difference
50:39 in key battleground states like Florida, Virginia,
50:42 Ohio and Pennsylvania."
50:44 Who knew?
50:46 Those were the battleground states?
50:51 You have a chance, I'm quoting Trump now.
50:52 "You have a chance to do something
50:54 that will be earth shaking," he said.
50:56 "I literally mean it, earth shaking.
50:59 You got to get your people out to vote."
51:03 And I continue to read now this quote,
51:05 "If white evangelical Christians
51:07 put him in the White House,
51:09 he promised to return the favor."
51:14 Well, they did.
51:17 What was the favor by the way?
51:20 To no longer make it illegal for church.
51:22 Churches has spend tax dollars
51:25 in publishing their points of view.
51:29 Trump told the gathering,
51:30 I know what your attendance has been like
51:32 in evangelical churches.
51:34 Am I right he said. Oh, they said right.
51:36 When I get in office,
51:38 I'm going to turn that graph right around
51:42 and your attendance will go up.
51:45 Vote for me.
51:49 Since when is it the concern
51:50 of the president of the United States
51:52 worship attendance in synagogues,
51:56 mosques or churches,
51:59 legislate to raise the attendance.
52:02 Are you serious?
52:06 Time Magazine, November 14, that's two days away yet.
52:11 Cover picture, I want you to see it.
52:13 We'll pull a camera in on it for you.
52:15 The two candidates,
52:17 you recognize the candidates of course.
52:19 They put a sign in their hands and the sign says,
52:23 "The End is Near."
52:26 Now of course the editors of Time Magazine are saying,
52:28 "Hey, guys good news, this campaign is about over."
52:31 But you know what?
52:33 Whatever the art director was thinking
52:34 when he posted these words "The End is Near",
52:38 from someone who is assigned by the faith community
52:41 to stand on the walls on tippy toe
52:44 and to keep an eye
52:46 on what is developing in the nation
52:48 for someone like that.
52:51 This is more than a coincidental piece of art.
52:57 I remind you that the voting coalition
53:00 had put the president elect in office
53:02 was a coalition to whom he promised the moon
53:04 if they would get out and vote.
53:06 How did he put it to those pastors?
53:07 "You have a chance to do something
53:09 that will be earth shaking."
53:10 I literally mean it.
53:11 Earth shaking, you got to get your people to vote.
53:14 When I read the Apocalypse 13
53:16 as I read again in between services just pondering.
53:21 Revelation 13, it isn't rocket science
53:24 to read the description of a time
53:26 when this nation will be faced with her own survival,
53:29 and for the sake of the nation security,
53:31 it is clear that the majority will choose
53:34 to sacrifice a minority
53:38 in order to stay, to stay.
53:44 Revelation 13,
53:48 all you need is a charismatic leader
53:52 who knows how to touch the buttons of fear
53:59 and the longing for security, it's all you need.
54:05 And you can convince a nation.
54:08 I'm just saying, I'm just saying,
54:12 you can get there from here.
54:16 I want to put a quotation on the screen.
54:20 From an apocalyptic classic called Great Controversy.
54:23 May I read it right here.
54:25 "When the leading churches of the United States,
54:28 uniting upon such points of doctrine
54:30 as are held by them in common,
54:31 shall influence the state..."
54:33 Put me in office.
54:36 I'll look out for you.
54:38 "When they shall influence the state
54:41 to enforce their decrees
54:42 and to sustain their institutions..."
54:44 I'll get the attendance backup.
54:47 "Then Protestant America will have formed
54:49 an image of the Roman hierarchy,
54:51 and the infliction of civil penalties
54:54 upon dissenters will inevitably result."
55:00 You can get there from here,
55:03 which is why and this is my biggest burden.
55:07 Which is why we have got to get out into America now.
55:12 We have no clue.
55:14 We had no clue seven days ago, we have no clue now.
55:17 What's going to happen in two weeks?
55:18 We don't know.
55:20 But if we don't go to America...
55:25 then one day
55:27 someone will slam the door of opportunity
55:32 shut forever.
55:38 We've got to go, get your education, go.
55:43 You're here, move out.
55:46 Don't sell the house, just get involved,
55:48 immersed in a life of nation
55:53 nearing, nearing, nearing the edge of eternity.
56:03 I want to pray with you.
56:04 Oh, God,
56:06 we can't just let this be some moment of inspiration
56:09 and oh, good well, I feel better now.
56:11 No, no, no, God please,
56:14 impress our hearts that we have to do something.
56:17 We have to become engaged in the church again.
56:19 We have to become immersed in this country again.
56:22 We can no longer stand, sit, lie on the sidelines.
56:28 It's critical, the time.
56:32 Heaven is ready to move.
56:35 Those who are bowed before you right now God,
56:37 what an army,
56:41 what ambassadors You have
56:44 that could fan across this great nation.
56:47 One last time do whatever it takes,
56:50 don't let us be the same again
56:52 because of this hour
56:54 of national and global history.
56:59 For Jesus, we will do it for Jesus.
57:06 In his name we pray, amen.
57:11 I want to take a next moment to thank you for joining us
57:13 in worship today.
57:15 It's by the continued support from viewers like you
57:17 that we're able to bring this telecast.
57:20 Today I want to invite you though,
57:21 to share with us how this ministry has blessed you.
57:24 Truth is I get inspiring notes, emails,
57:27 letters from viewers, literally all over the world.
57:30 Sharing with us how God has blessed them
57:32 through this program,
57:33 and I'd love to hear from you as well.
57:35 It's not that hard, simple really.
57:36 Just visit our website
57:39 It's one word.
57:43 and click on the contact link at the top of the page.
57:45 Shoot me that email.
57:47 Once again, thank you for being with us.
57:49 Thank you by the way for your own support,
57:51 that supporters will keep this telecast week after week
57:55 reaching America, reaching North America
57:58 and reaching the planet.
58:00 That kind of generosity that you share
58:02 is a huge boost and blessing to us.
58:05 And I hope you'll join us right here next time
58:07 'cause we'll be here.
58:08 In the mean time,
58:10 God be with you and bless you real good.


Revised 2017-01-12