New Perceptions

2nd Hand Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP161105A

00:39 Open the eyes of my heart
00:42 I want to see You
00:47 I want to see You
00:49 Open the eyes...
00:52 Open the eyes of my heart,
00:54 Lord
00:56 Open the eyes of my heart
00:59 I want to see You
01:03 I want to see You
01:05 To see You high
01:07 To see You high and lifted up
01:12 Shinin' in the light of Your glory
01:17 Pour out Your power and love
01:19 As we sing holy, holy, holy
01:25 Ladies, sing open the eyes...
01:27 Open the eyes of my heart,
01:30 Lord Open the Eyes of my heart
01:35 I want to see You
01:39 I want to see You
01:41 Okay, gentlemen, it's our turn.
01:44 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
01:48 Open the eyes of my heart I want to see You
01:55 I want to see You
01:58 Let's sing it all together.
01:59 To see You high and lifted up
02:05 Shinin' in the light of Your glory
02:09 Pour out Your power and love
02:12 As we sing holy, holy, holy
02:16 To see You high and lifted up
02:21 Shinin' in the light of Your glory
02:25 And sing...
02:26 Pour out Your power and love
02:28 As we sing holy, holy, holy
02:35 Holy, holy...
02:36 Holy, holy, holy
02:40 Holy, holy, holy
02:45 Holy, holy, holy
02:48 I want to see You
02:50 Holy, holy, holy
02:53 Holy, holy, holy
02:58 Holy, holy, holy
03:02 Holy, holy, holy
03:06 I want to see You.
03:13 Amen. Amen.
03:14 We're in the presence of God this morning, amen?
03:17 This morning we're gonna sing a song
03:19 that might not be too familiar to you,
03:21 but we're gonna learn it together.
03:22 As we've seen Jesus as,
03:25 God has opened the eyes of our heart.
03:27 All we can do is stand up and be amazed
03:31 and how marvelous and how wonderful Jesus is.
03:33 So I invite you to stand with us
03:35 this morning as we sing,
03:37 I stand amazed to have Jesus Christ.
03:49 I stand amazed...
03:52 I stand amazed in the presence
03:57 Of Jesus the Nazarene
04:03 And wonder how He could love me
04:08 A sinner condemned, unclean
04:12 Let's sing out again.
04:14 I stand amazed in the presence
04:19 Of Jesus the Nazarene
04:24 And wonder how He could love me
04:30 A sinner condemned, unclean How marvelous
04:35 How marvelous!
04:38 How wonderful!
04:41 And my song shall ever be
04:46 How marvelous! How wonderful!
04:51 Is my Savior's love for me!
04:57 He took my sins and my sorrows.
05:00 He took my sins and my sorrows
05:05 And made them His very own
05:09 He bore the burden.
05:11 He bore the burden to Calvary
05:16 And suffered, and died alone
05:19 How marvelous
05:22 How marvelous!
05:24 How wonderful!
05:27 And my song shall ever be
05:32 How marvelous! How wonderful!
05:38 Is my Savior's love for me!
05:44 When with the ransomed in glory.
05:46 When with the ransomed in glory
05:51 His face I at last shall see
05:57 'Twil be my joy through the ages
06:02 To sing of His love for me How marvelous...
06:07 How marvelous!
06:10 How wonderful!
06:12 And my song shall ever be
06:17 How marvelous! How wonderful!
06:23 Is my Savior's love for me!
06:31 How marvelous!
06:34 How wonderful!
06:37 And my song shall ever be
06:42 How marvelous! How wonderful!
06:49 Is my Savior's...
06:52 Love for me.
06:58 Amen. Amen.
07:00 This morning we're gonna give you
07:02 the opportunity to come before the Lord in prayer.
07:05 And we're gonna sing this song called, Take My Life.
07:08 Talks about taking our heart, taking our soul,
07:11 taking our mind, giving it to Jesus
07:12 and allowing Him to transform us
07:16 through Himself.
07:18 And this morning, we're gonna ask for holiness,
07:20 and faithfulness, and purity, and righteousness.
07:25 So during this song,
07:26 I will invite you forward to the front for parable
07:27 Let's sing together, Holiness.
07:36 Holiness, holiness, is what I long for
07:42 Holiness is what I need
07:48 Holiness, holiness Is what You want from me
07:56 What You want from me
07:59 Take my heart and form it
08:06 Take my mind transform it
08:12 Take my will conform it
08:19 To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord
08:25 Righteousness...
08:27 Righteousness
08:28 Righteousness is what I long for
08:33 Righteousness is what I need
08:40 Righteousness, righteousness s what You want from me
08:51 Take my heart and form it
08:57 Take my mind transform it
09:04 Take my will conform it
09:10 To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord.
09:17 At this point if you haven't come forward,
09:20 the Lord's tugging on your heart saying,
09:21 "There's something you need to give up to Me.
09:23 Pray to Me this morning for holiness and righteousness,
09:25 that the sanctification of Jesus Christ
09:28 will come into your life."
09:29 It's not too late.
09:30 I invite you this time to come forward,
09:32 come forward and lay your burden
09:34 before the Lord cast it out of His feet
09:36 and watch Him wipe it away with the blood of Calvary.
09:40 Join me as we sing Purity.
09:43 Purity, purity is what I long for
09:50 Purity is what I need
09:56 Purity, purity Is what You want from me
10:08 Take my heart and form it
10:14 Take my mind transform it
10:21 Take my will conform it
10:27 To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord...
10:33 Faithfulness.
10:35 Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I long for
10:42 Faithfulness, is what I need
10:48 Faithfulness,
10:50 faithfulness Is what You want from me
10:55 As much you want from me
10:59 Take my heart and form it
11:06 Take my mind transform it
11:12 Take my will conform it
11:19 To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord
11:25 To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord
11:32 To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord.
11:45 Nice to see you on this,
11:47 what is this, the Sabbath of November?
11:49 Glad you're here, I have a perfect story for today.
11:53 Baseball season has just ended, right?
11:55 Yeah. Yeah, okay.
11:57 So this, the young Desmond, eight years old.
12:00 Anybody here eight?
12:01 Let me see the eight-year-olds, come on, be proud of it.
12:03 Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, your age.
12:05 Desmond loved to play baseball.
12:06 One day he's running through the grass,
12:08 he trips and falls, there's a broken piece of glass.
12:11 His hand lands on the glass, it slices his hand open,
12:15 mother rushes him to the doctor, the doctor says,
12:17 "Oh, this is bad, this bad, this is bad"
12:20 as he tried to sew it up.
12:21 He said, "You'll never be able to play sports
12:23 with two hands again.
12:26 I can't believe it.
12:29 One Sabbath, because young Desmond,
12:32 Seventh-day Adventist, eight-year-old,
12:35 one Sabbath he went to church and they said,
12:37 we have a woman in the hospital who is very sick,
12:41 she needs blood, would anybody willing,
12:44 be willing to come, and few hands went up
12:46 and Desmond raised his hand, "I'll go."
12:49 He went, they tested all the blood
12:52 and only his blood was the perfect match
12:54 and he gave his blood and saved that woman's life.
12:57 Something happened in young Desmond's heart.
12:59 Something about saving life.
13:02 Isn't that something, I got wounded,
13:04 but I bet I could help people save their lives,
13:09 and so this is what happened.
13:11 Big war comes to the country where he lives,
13:14 which is America, and now America's in war
13:17 and young Desmond says, he's the loader now,
13:20 he says, "I want to join the army,
13:22 that's what I'm gonna do,
13:23 and I'm not going to carry gun, no sorry,
13:26 I am not going to kill a single human being,
13:28 I will be a medic,
13:30 I will only help heal people who had been hurt."
13:34 He went and signed up for the army,
13:36 they gave him a classification, he said, "Okay."
13:38 But once he got in, sergeant said,
13:40 "All right guys, here it is."
13:41 And he said, "I will not use that gun."
13:44 "What do you mean you will not use this gun,
13:45 this is the army?"
13:46 "I will not use that gun, I will not kill a single soul,
13:48 I'm here to help."
13:50 They went all the way up to the generals,
13:51 the generals listened to it and said,
13:52 "Boy, do you understand what this is,
13:54 do you understand?"
13:55 "I understand, I joined the army to heal not hurt."
13:59 "All right, you're on your own."
14:02 And guess what, he was on his own.
14:04 When he headed over to a little island
14:05 called Okinawa.
14:07 I have been to that island.
14:08 I've seen the place where he is.
14:10 Let's see Desmond on the screen right now please.
14:12 There he is Desmond Doss, Seventh-day Adventist medic,
14:17 77th Infantry Division, there he is in Okinawa.
14:21 And this is a big battle.
14:23 All right guys, you ready?
14:25 Tomorrow morning early,
14:26 we're gonna climb that big cliff.
14:28 I got to see the big cliff right now.
14:29 We're gonna climb that big cliff.
14:32 And the ones that were fighting against are all along the top,
14:37 so this is going to be a bloody moment
14:40 but let's go.
14:42 And early in the next morning, those soldiers climb.
14:44 Can you see him climbing right up, Hacksaw Ridge.
14:47 That's the name of that rocky escarpment.
14:50 Hacksaw Ridge, and when they got to the top.
14:55 They were ducking as low as they could but boom, boom.
14:59 The medic Desmond is up on top now.
15:03 And he's realizing all his fellow soldiers,
15:06 they're getting just cut down.
15:10 He begins to crawl, I can't get in,
15:12 I can't stand up, I had to crawl.
15:13 And he'd be, hit, medic, medic, help.
15:18 He begins to crawl to those
15:19 who are wounded and he grabs them.
15:20 I can't stand up, you can't stand up,
15:22 we're gonna have to crawl.
15:24 I got to drag you,
15:25 I'm gonna drag you all the way to the edge of that cliff
15:29 and now I'm gonna let you down,
15:30 careful, careful, careful, careful.
15:33 Medic, another called back and forth,
15:35 12 hours, 12 hours, no gun,
15:39 only his little healing medic pack.
15:42 12 hours, one by one, drag, drag, don't give up.
15:46 I'm gonna get you down, over the edge.
15:52 Seventy five of his fellow soldiers
15:55 he lowered over that cliff, and then went down himself.
16:01 When the war was over
16:03 the president of the United States,
16:04 Harry Truman says, "Desmond Doss,
16:06 I'm gonna give you the highest honor
16:08 we can give to an American citizen."
16:10 There's the picture right there,
16:12 you have just received a Medal of Honor,
16:15 Mr. Seventh-day Adventist won't hold a gun,
16:17 refused to kill anybody soldier.
16:20 Wow!
16:22 You know what got me though?
16:24 When he was eight years old, it began to grow in his mind,
16:28 Jesus wants me to help people.
16:30 I'm gonna be one who heals people.
16:33 You know what?
16:34 Jesus doesn't wait till you're big old grown up
16:36 to tell you what He hopes you'll do.
16:38 He starts right now.
16:39 Thoughts you're having in your mind
16:40 right now He's saying, "I have plans for you."
16:43 And whenever He calls you to be,
16:45 I promise you this,
16:46 you're gonna help Him save people,
16:48 because that's why we live.
16:52 Jesus Himself saved us.
16:57 Saved us, so that we could help Him save others.
17:01 How many are thankful for a Savior like that?
17:03 Oh, my, my, my,
17:05 who would like to thank Jesus for being that savior?
17:08 Hale, come on up here.
17:10 Had a little girl in first service,
17:11 we'll go with the guy in second service.
17:13 Let's close our eyes and let's pray with Hale
17:15 who is gonna thank Jesus for saving us.
17:19 Dear Jesus, thank you for this day
17:21 and thank you for helping us
17:24 to be obedient and kind to others.
17:29 Thank you for the Thanksgiving that's coming up soon.
17:33 Thank you Jesus for the Sabbath day
17:36 and this story.
17:37 Thank you Jesus in Your name we pray, amen.
17:39 Amen. Thank you, Hale. That was a beautiful prayer.
17:42 As you go quietly now
17:43 and reverently back to your seats.
17:45 You can say that in your heart, thank you, Jesus.
17:48 Thank you for being the one who saved us, thank you.
22:15 Thank you, Byron Graves, that's beautiful.
22:19 Within the darkest nights, a song on Gethsemane.
22:23 Powerfully rendered with a deep,
22:25 even a deep bell and chime.
22:29 Thank you for that.
22:35 Oh, God, You really have paid the deepest,
22:39 the deepest price of all,
22:42 to rescue this race of earth's children
22:48 trapped on the precipice of time.
22:54 For that gift we thank You.
22:56 Open up our minds as we plunge into today's teaching.
22:59 Make it clear we pray in Christ's name.
23:02 Amen.
23:05 Last night I did something,
23:06 I've never done in my life before.
23:09 That is I stood outside a theater,
23:12 Friday night,
23:14 greeting the Americans as they came out.
23:18 I was with 11 Andrews University students,
23:20 two theaters we covered last night
23:22 Niles and Mishawaka.
23:24 And why were we there?
23:25 Because we had for all those coming out of Hacksaw Ridge,
23:29 we had the complimentary book
23:32 that accompanies that production.
23:35 Incredible response by the way, 300 of these books.
23:39 If we've had, if we've had had couple more boxes
23:41 we could have given that many, that much more out.
23:44 This is hero... excuse me.
23:46 Hero of Hacksaw Ridge, the story of Desmond Doss.
23:51 Wow.
23:52 And the response of the public, amazing.
23:58 You know, this is a Mel Gibson film
23:59 and last night was the opening night across the nation.
24:03 Friend of mine Torres Montgomery,
24:04 who pastors our Benton Harbor campus church,
24:07 called Harbor of Hope.
24:09 Torres was telling me yesterday he said,
24:10 "Hey, Dwight, I wanna tell you,
24:12 I have an Adventist friend who's a movie critique."
24:15 He went to a showing of this Hacksaw Ridge
24:19 with fellow movie critiques,
24:20 they filled up a theater in Denver.
24:23 At the end of the film,
24:25 the critique, Adventist told me,
24:27 "At the end of the film
24:29 the entire audience of critiques rose to their feet
24:31 and for five minutes gave an ovation."
24:36 This Adventist critique said to me,
24:37 "Do you understand what this film is?
24:39 It is a 100 million dollars of free marketing
24:45 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in America."
24:48 Unbelievable.
24:50 So the response of people, look at...
24:52 One guy comes to it, Notre Dame,
24:53 so he's got the Notre Dame's sweatshirt on,
24:55 he's on crutches, athletic injury,
24:59 and he says, "Man" I said,
25:01 "Hey, was that inspiring or what?"
25:03 He said, in fact you could see,
25:04 you could see the gospel woven all the way through this."
25:06 He said,
25:07 "Dwight, 'I'm a Catholic, I'm a Christian'."
25:08 I said, "Oh, good."
25:10 He said, "Are you guys Adventist?"
25:11 I said, "Yeah, we're from Andrews University."
25:13 He said that film is gonna
25:18 impact the American society in a way, he said,
25:21 "Well, Mel Gibson, Passion of the Christ."
25:24 Another guy came through he said,
25:27 "Can you tell I've been crying?"
25:29 He said, "I'm not even from this country."
25:30 I said, "What country are you from?"
25:32 He said, "I'm from Saudi Arabia."
25:34 You from Saudi Arabia?
25:35 One of the Andrews students on our team
25:38 there in Mishawaka was from Saudi Arabia,
25:40 I said, "Come here" and these guys
25:42 started yakking together, they got phone numbers.
25:47 We weren't just chilling in the night,
25:49 'cause it was cold last night.
25:52 I tell you what?
25:53 We ran out of these, we would do it again tonight,
25:55 I invite you to come.
25:57 ABC bookstore, you can pick these up,
25:59 any friend you've got, any neighbor you got,
26:01 you just hand it to him.
26:02 I know you're gonna see Hacksaw Ridge.
26:03 This book is the inspiration
26:05 that will keep the inspiration going.
26:07 My friend Doug Bachelor's written
26:09 about the last five chapters.
26:11 What did Desmond Doss believed that made him
26:13 kind of American citizen he was.
26:16 It's a sharing book.
26:18 Pick some up, hand them out where you work, where you play.
26:21 Wow.
26:24 Reporter once asked the great Swiss theologian Karl Barth.
26:27 Mr. Barth, can you summarize the Bible in one sentence?
26:31 Barth stopped, paused for a moment and said,
26:33 "Yeah, I think I can.
26:35 Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."
26:41 To simplistic an answer?
26:43 I don't think so.
26:44 We just spent 10 nights at hope trending,
26:47 telling the world and the nation,
26:49 every single night,
26:50 "The maker of all things loves and wants me."
26:55 I believe that is the most compelling truth,
26:57 the deepest, the most profound truth
26:58 any human mind can possibly grasp.
27:01 So this summer I get a book from my writer
27:03 and pastor named Clinton Meharry,
27:05 he's out in the Northwest.
27:08 Wonderful book, title of the book,
27:09 The Compelling Love of God.
27:11 In the book,
27:14 he points out how this little song
27:16 Jesus loves me this I know
27:18 has five foundational truths about Jesus,
27:23 the giver of security and peace.
27:26 I'm so moved by that list,
27:27 I'm gonna have you write it down right now.
27:29 Pull out your study guide.
27:30 You got a study guide in your worship bulletin today,
27:31 please pull it out.
27:33 Let's jot these five down.
27:34 Amazing, amazing. Didn't get a study guide?
27:36 I've got...
27:37 We've got some great and friendly ushers
27:39 who are going to help you get a study guide.
27:41 Just hold your hand up.
27:43 They're gonna go, there they go.
27:45 Hold your hand up, they're coming your way
27:46 and while you're getting those study guides,
27:48 those of you watching on live streaming
27:50 right now or television,
27:52 you go to our website www.newperceptions.
27:54 You see it on the screen, it's rather small
27:58 Go to that website,
27:59 you're looking for the series #RxF4Now
28:04 and the teaching today 2nd Hand Faith.
28:07 Click on there, you'll have this study guide.
28:09 You have these five profound foundational truths.
28:12 But before we jot them down, we got to sing, come on.
28:14 Jesus loves me this I know
28:19 For the Bible tells me so
28:24 Little ones to him belong
28:29 They are weak but He is strong
28:34 Yes, Jesus loves me
28:39 Yes, Jesus loves me
28:44 Yes, Jesus loves me
28:49 The Bible tells me so.
28:54 So based on what we just sang Clinton Meharry,
28:57 five foundational truths, jot them down.
28:59 Number one: When I know I am loved by Jesus,
29:03 as we just sang, I am drawn to Him.
29:07 Yeah.
29:08 Number two:
29:09 When the conviction that He loves me is based on
29:11 what the Bible says, rather than my feelings,
29:16 I will be able to experience inner peace and security,
29:18 no matter what circumstances I am in.
29:20 It's good.
29:22 Number three:
29:23 When I understand that I belong,
29:25 little ones to him belong, when I belong to Jesus
29:28 because He created me and redeemed me,
29:30 the maker of all things loves and wants me,
29:32 I am free to serve Him out of love and appreciation,
29:35 rather than out of fear of punishment
29:37 or a desire to earn His favor.
29:39 Number four:
29:41 When I remember that I am weak and helpless
29:43 to do anything good on my own,
29:45 I will remain humble and dependent on Him.
29:47 And finally, number five:
29:49 When I remember that He is strong, yes,
29:52 He is strong and has already conquered the enemy,
29:57 I am free to live without fear,
29:59 trusting in His power and providence
30:01 every single day.
30:04 Ain't that beautiful?
30:05 Beautiful little analysis
30:09 of our childhood song.
30:10 It really is true,
30:12 the maker of all things loves and wants me.
30:14 You get that truth, you discover,
30:16 you chance upon that,
30:17 your life will never be the same again.
30:19 You say, yeah, but Dwight, come on,
30:20 what does all this have to do with where we're at?
30:22 Why this reiteration? I'll tell you why.
30:24 Because I am concerned
30:27 that as we plunge deeper into this series #RxF4Now,
30:31 I am concerned that we may be tempted to think that RxF...
30:33 By the way what does RxF stand for?
30:36 Righteousness by faith, you nailed it, good.
30:38 I'm concerned that RxF,
30:41 justification, sanctification, glorification,
30:45 that we may somehow conclude
30:48 that righteousness by faith is some archaic language
30:51 to describe theological, jurisprudence,
30:54 legal niceties to allow God to save us
30:56 and not violate His own character.
30:58 You know what I'm really concerned about.
30:59 I'm concerned about
31:01 that we will turn RxF into 1880ish
31:05 rather than 2016ish.
31:08 So it's RxF for now.
31:11 Let's go back to it,
31:12 could it be the maker of all things
31:14 is the imbedded truth
31:16 in this grand old teaching of scripture.
31:20 We got to remind ourselves of course
31:22 that righteousness by faith is really a story,
31:25 it's a plot, it's a narrative, it's about that moment
31:27 when the creator of the universe
31:28 stepped out into pitch blackness.
31:32 And He spoke a word,
31:33 and because when He speaks the word,
31:34 the word immediately creates what the word describes.
31:38 When He spoke this word, when he Said galaxies plural,
31:43 guess what He got?
31:44 A billion, billion galaxies, just like that.
31:49 This maker of all things who loves and wants me,
31:52 who is in love with all creation,
31:54 every creature precious to Him.
31:56 We were made for His pleasure.
31:59 He says, "I exist for your pleasure.'
32:05 Righteousness by faith is a narrative, it's a story.
32:08 He's a being questing for friends.
32:10 Even by the way
32:11 when the human race crashes and burns,
32:13 explosions and bombs
32:19 bursting in air.
32:21 We're talking about the Garden of Eden.
32:23 What does He do?
32:25 The maker of all things
32:26 hurries through the cool eventide
32:28 in search of these two.
32:30 The two He loves.
32:32 Now incinerated, charred, sinners Adam and Eve.
32:39 First words,
32:42 it's called the Protoevangelium,
32:43 the first hint of the gospel.
32:45 "Yo, I'm gonna come,
32:47 I will come, I will become one with you.
32:49 I'll be born of the woman
32:52 and I will conquer that dastardly enemy.
32:54 He will kill me,
32:56 but I will shatter his kingdom
32:57 and I'll bring you home again."
32:59 It's a gospel, righteousness by faith, why?
33:03 Because the maker of all things loves and wants me.
33:06 So when Abraham comes into the story,
33:08 thank you, Michael for reading it.
33:09 Let's just turn to Romans 4:3,
33:13 when the narrative now switches to a man named Abraham,
33:16 and by the way it's the middle of the night,
33:17 starry, starry night.
33:20 Abraham is sound asleep,
33:21 when God tiptoes into Abraham and Sarah's tent,
33:23 where they're lying, they're beside each other
33:25 and God taps Abraham,
33:26 "Shh, we don't wanna wake, we don't wanna wake Sarah,
33:29 I need to talk to you,
33:31 can you come outside for a moment?
33:33 So Abraham rubbing his sleep out of his eyes
33:35 stumbles out of that tent
33:36 and now he's standing under the panoply of heaven.
33:40 I was up at 5:30 this morning, I was,
33:42 just happen to go outside to look,
33:44 and I'm telling you
33:45 the stars this morning at 5:30 crystal clear,
33:47 not a drop of smog where we live.
33:51 Stunning.
33:53 That's the same way it was that night and God says,
33:56 "Yo" as Abraham is just going wow.
33:58 God says Abraham, "Do me a favor, will you?"
34:00 "Count the stars" he says, "You got to be kidding me."
34:04 "No, I'm serious, count the stars" "Why?"
34:08 "Because that's how many children
34:09 I'm gonna give to you."
34:10 "That's how many children You gonna give to us,
34:12 we don't even have a single child,
34:13 what do you mean?"
34:18 Roman 4:3,
34:22 "What does the Scripture say?"
34:24 Because Genesis 15 describes this
34:25 under the stars moment.
34:27 "What does the Scripture say?
34:28 'Abraham believed God,
34:30 and it was credited to him as righteousness.'
34:34 "Do you know what happens under the stars?
34:35 When Abraham hears that voice,
34:37 count the stars 'cause that's how many I'm gonna give you.
34:39 Abraham looks to where the voice
34:41 is coming from.
34:42 Somewhere under the stars, in the dark,
34:44 he looks toward that voice
34:45 and there is this pregnant pause.
34:48 He's thinking about it,
34:50 I'm gonna have that many descendants?
34:52 And he looks at that spot where he thinks the voice is,
34:56 and he says one word, he says, "I'm in."
35:02 He doesn't know what else to say,
35:05 just amen.
35:07 And in that split second, what happens to Abraham?
35:11 What does he become?
35:12 Ladies and gentlemen, tell me what does Abraham become?
35:14 In that spilt second, he becomes,
35:16 he becomes righteous.
35:18 Universe I want you all to look down on Earth
35:21 because there's a man named Abraham
35:22 and he just became the righteous,
35:25 the righteous one.
35:27 Here's a question.
35:29 What did Abraham do to have to become righteous?
35:31 What did he do? What did he do? Hmm?
35:35 Nothing, zero, nada, nothing, nothing.
35:39 He just said, "Ah, man, wow," that's it.
35:48 I believe oh, maker of all things,
35:51 I believe that when you speak,
35:53 it is as the Psalmist said in Psalm 33,
35:56 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made
35:58 and by the breath of his mouth all the host of them."
36:01 Verse 9, "For He spoke and it was,
36:04 He commanded and it stood fast"
36:06 I believe oh, God that when You speak the word.
36:09 When the word is spoken,
36:10 it creates in that half a nano second
36:13 the reality the word describes, I believe that.
36:16 I believe in what You said in Isaiah 55:11,
36:19 "My word that goes out of my mouth:
36:20 It will not come back to me empty,
36:21 but it will accomplish the purpose
36:23 for which I sent it."
36:24 It will succeed in the vision I have for it.
36:26 I believe that oh, God.
36:28 I believe that when the maker was here
36:31 and stood among us and He said, "So it is with my words,
36:33 they are Spirit and they are life."
36:37 Amen.
36:38 I believe.
36:40 And it was credited to Abraham as righteousness.
36:47 No visible evidence by the way, so I'm driving to church today,
36:51 driving by Apple Valley market.
36:52 I got to drive by Apple Valley market
36:54 every time I come to this place.
36:55 Maybe you do too.
36:57 They have a sign out, not the cost of cantaloupes,
37:02 they got a sign out,
37:03 they put a little saying up for the Sabbath.
37:06 So I saw the sign so while I'm driving,
37:07 I'm finding a pen and finding a piece of paper
37:09 so I can write this down.
37:11 I got here and then scribbled it down.
37:13 Here's the sign Apple Valley,
37:14 when you just see when you go home.
37:15 Faith is daring the soul to go beyond
37:20 what the eyes can't see.
37:23 Boy, I like that. That was a gospel.
37:24 They just preached the gospel on their EVM sign.
37:29 Daring the soul to believe what your eyes cannot see.
37:31 That was Abraham. Amen.
37:34 You got it.
37:40 Look at verse 4, "Now to the one who works,
37:44 wages are not created as a gift but as an obligation."
37:47 Look it, I put in 40 hours for you,
37:48 you don't come to me,
37:50 you don't you dare come to me at the end of the week and say,
37:51 "I got a little gift for you, Dwight?
37:53 You don't have a gift for me I earned that,
37:54 that money belongs to me.
37:55 That's the way it is with wages.
37:57 But go on to verse 5,
37:58 "However, to the one who does not work
38:01 but trusts God who justifies the ungodly,
38:05 their faith is credited as righteousness."
38:08 Do you remember what righteousness means?
38:10 It means right living.
38:11 It means right doing.
38:13 It means right being.
38:14 It means right thinking.
38:15 It means being right just like God is right.
38:18 You become like God when you're righteous.
38:20 That's what it means.
38:22 Amen.
38:24 You're it, just like me, God says.
38:28 Wow.
38:29 God justifies, He equips, He pardons,
38:32 He forgives the ungodly, the wicked.
38:34 I mean, look at, ladies and gentlemen,
38:36 this RxF,
38:38 this righteousness by faith proposition
38:41 that God is offering us
38:42 in this little series is so simple,
38:45 it is so compellingly simple
38:48 that any man, any woman, any child
38:51 no matter how pagan, no matter how lost.
38:53 Any one who chances upon, anyone who happens to overhear,
38:57 anyone who gets just a little peak
38:59 somewhere along the week,
39:02 anyone who overhears the truth,
39:07 the maker of all things loves and wants me.
39:10 If the heart leaps toward that truth...
39:18 All he has to do,
39:19 all she has to do is raise one little pinky,
39:24 one little finger.
39:26 That's all you have to do. Got it.
39:28 You've ever been to an auction?
39:30 You've ever been to an auction,
39:31 come on you remember the auctioneer.
39:33 I tell you what?
39:34 When you got to an auction, you don't wanna,
39:35 you don't want an itchy nose
39:37 and just going up here and scratching nose.
39:38 Just like that. Why?
39:40 Because the auctioneer is paid to have eagle eyes,
39:43 he's looking for an excuse to give,
39:45 sell this product,
39:48 and the moment your finger goes up,
39:50 so to the man in the fourth row,
39:52 three cheers in.
39:54 The divine auctioneer is the same way.
39:57 All you have to raise is one, just one little finger.
40:03 Sold to the woman in the balcony right now.
40:11 I was visiting with a young man a few days ago,
40:14 here at the church
40:16 and he shared with me his shame and his pain
40:19 over his moral meltdown.
40:20 I mean, trashed his life,
40:22 but not beyond the whisper of the maker of all things,
40:25 who loves and wants him.
40:28 And when he came back to God, I tell you what,
40:29 I wish everybody knew this.
40:31 I wish everybody could somehow lock on to this law,
40:35 the truth of God's omnipotent word
40:38 because when God speaks purity over you.
40:40 When He speaks purity over you, you got it, just like that.
40:44 When God speaks honesty over you,
40:46 you have it just like that.
40:49 You just say amen.
40:55 And all you have to do
40:57 is whisper back, wow, amen.
41:03 Though your sins be scarlet, they shall be as white as snow,
41:07 though they be red like crimson,
41:09 they shall be as wool.
41:12 Amen.
41:13 Where did they go? They're gone.
41:15 They're gone.
41:17 Do you understand?
41:19 You have nothing to fear in this life ever again.
41:24 Nothing.
41:28 One word, just one word, one word He speaks.
41:35 You got it.
41:38 Camron Schofield in his book
41:39 Heralding the Loud Cry observes.
41:41 Put Camron's word up there on the screen for you.
41:44 "God says it, I believe it, I assent to it,
41:47 and God counts it as righteousness.
41:49 Can you see how simple it is?
41:51 It takes a bit of sinking in
41:54 because it's almost too simple."
41:56 If some of this is sounding repetitious
41:58 is because it's almost too simple,
42:00 and I'm afraid you're not gonna get it the first time
42:02 or the second but maybe the third or the fourth time
42:05 it will take and you will lock in
42:07 and your life will be changed forever.
42:10 Your life will be changed forever.
42:12 I already told you my story
42:14 in the first part of this series,
42:15 you didn't hear it?
42:17 Go to that website,
42:18 first part's sitting there and that story is true.
42:22 He say, Camron writing he says, "It takes a bit of sinking in
42:25 because it's almost too simple."
42:26 In the Romans 5:1 it says and now he quotes Roman 5:1,
42:28 "Being justified, being declared righteous by faith
42:31 we have peace with God
42:33 through our Lord Jesus Christ."
42:35 That's it.
42:37 Then he goes on, "Hey guys, did you get that?
42:39 We have peace with God."
42:40 Now he says, I thought rather interesting juxtaposition,
42:43 now connect that with Amos 3:3,
42:46 "Can two walk together except they be agreed?"
42:48 Hey listen,
42:50 "If God says a thing and we agree,
42:52 then we have peace with God.
42:53 Peace with God is righteousness by faith."
43:02 "What does the Scripture say, 'Abraham believed God,"
43:05 he said, amen,
43:06 and it was credited to him as righteousness.'"
43:09 And but did you know this? Did you notice this?
43:11 God declares to Abraham that he's gonna be the father,
43:14 he is the father of many nations
43:16 before he has even a single child.
43:18 You got that point?
43:19 I want to show you why God can do that.
43:21 Now this is huge for you.
43:23 This is for you. Watch this and me.
43:26 Drop down to verse 17, same chapter verse 17,
43:31 "As it is written: 'I have made you,"'
43:34 God is speaking, "Abraham a father of many nations."
43:37 He has not a child to his name, okay.
43:39 "I have made you a father of many nations."
43:41 Now Paul says, "He Abraham,
43:43 is our father in the sight of God."
43:44 Father Abraham had many sons
43:47 Many sons have father Abraham.
43:50 That's it, it's too long, way too long to sing that.
43:53 All right, so,
43:54 "He is our father in the sight of God,
43:56 in whom he believed."
43:59 Now notice this, here it comes,
44:00 don't miss the ending here,
44:02 "The God who gives life..." Who is this God?
44:04 "The God who gives life to the dead
44:06 and calls things that are not as though they were"
44:09 what where as if they exist.
44:15 Did you catch that?
44:17 God is a God, who gives life to the dead
44:18 and calls things that are not as though they were.
44:22 God does not call you as you are.
44:26 No, He calls you as you will become
44:30 when He's with you.
44:37 Wow.
44:38 I love the story.
44:40 I love the story of a man
44:41 who's down at the bottom of the pit.
44:43 This guy is, you know
44:44 why this guy is at the bottom of the pit?
44:46 There's enemy in the land and this guy is a...
44:49 just a real chicken.
44:51 He didn't want to be seen by the enemy,
44:52 he doesn't want them to know that he's threshing weeds
44:55 and they might come and steal it
44:56 so he's down at the bottom of the pit and guess what?
44:59 Almighty God, the God of the universe,
45:01 the pre-incarnate Christ, because this being,
45:04 this tall majestic being
45:05 that's standing on the lip of the pit
45:07 is the Angel of the Lord, Capital A,
45:10 so we know it's Christ.
45:11 The pre-incarnate one.
45:13 This tall being looks down at the man
45:15 hurdled at the bottom of this pit
45:17 and he calls out,
45:18 "The Lord is with you, you mighty warrior"
45:24 Gideon looks up,
45:28 is there somebody else in here, who are you talking about?
45:30 Me?
45:32 Unbelievable.
45:33 Jot this down, will you? Unbelievable.
45:36 God calls things that are not yet
45:39 as though they already are.
45:42 I'm talking about you boy, Gideon, Mr. Warrior Man.
45:48 God sees what is going to come to be, to pass.
45:51 And I'm calling you that now,
45:53 I'm treating you that way right now.
45:55 What's that have to do with me?
45:56 Maybe he calls you righteous in advance.
45:58 Hey, there's a thought.
46:00 Here's another one, "Yo, I'm Jesus of Nazareth,
46:03 nice to meet you Simon.
46:05 Hey, Simon, I'm changing your name,
46:06 I don't like Simon, how about Kefas and Petrus,
46:09 that means rock."
46:11 "Time-out, time-out, you call this guy a rock,
46:14 this guy can't even walk on water,
46:15 he sinks like a rock
46:17 and he's gonna trash your friendship."
46:20 What's going on? Amazing, unbelievable.
46:22 God calls things that are not as though they already are.
46:30 "Yo! Abraham,
46:31 father of many nations that you are.
46:36 I don't even have one."
46:39 Unbelievable,
46:41 God calls things that are not yet
46:42 as though they already are.
46:44 They aren't yet,
46:46 but says as if it's already there.
46:48 Desire of Ages on the screen for you,
46:49 "God counts the things
46:51 that are not as though they were.
46:52 He sees the end from the beginning,
46:53 and beholds the result of His work
46:55 as though it were accomplished now."
46:58 You, Dwight, what's this have to do with you and me, however?
47:00 Great question.
47:02 I'll tell you what it has to do with you and me.
47:04 Because you see now listen, listen, listen,
47:08 God has faith in you.
47:13 Everybody thinks righteousness
47:15 by faith is about us having faith in Him.
47:17 No, God has faith in you.
47:22 I mean, why else could God name Gideon, mighty warrior,
47:25 when he was cowering like a chicken
47:26 in the bottom of the pit.
47:29 If God did not have faith,
47:30 that one day Gideon would have faith in Him.
47:32 I have faith, that you'll have faith.
47:35 How can you call Simon a rock, when he is shifting sand?
47:40 Because God knows, I have faith that one day,
47:43 you'll have faith in me.
47:46 God has faith in you.
47:48 Why does He call you the righteous one?
47:50 I'm talking about the way you and I live so unrighteously
47:53 during the week, we're pretty good on Sabbath,
47:55 but during the week?
47:56 How can you call me the righteous one?
47:57 I have faith, that you will have faith
48:01 in my faith in you.
48:03 God has the first faith.
48:07 He obviously sees something,
48:09 that in tandem with Him
48:11 will turn you into a mighty warrior
48:13 for the kingdom.
48:15 It will turn you into a prince, a princess, a righteous one.
48:22 So if God has the first faith, what faith do I have?
48:25 Second hand faith, jot it down, will you?
48:29 Second hand faith is my faith in the God
48:31 who has faith in me.
48:34 I have faith in God, because He has faith in me.
48:36 Hey, by the way it's that way with love.
48:37 1 John 4:19, "We love Him because He first loved us."
48:44 That's the way it works with faith.
48:45 We trust Him because He first trusted us.
48:51 Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
48:57 The Maker of all things loves and wants me.
49:02 Ladies and gentlemen,
49:03 it is a very heart and soul of the everlasting gospel.
49:07 That truth, righteousness by faith,
49:09 it's the very raison d'ĂȘtre of righteousness by faith.
49:14 The maker of all things loves and wants me
49:16 is the essence of the 1888 message,
49:20 once upon a time. Ellen White, the American writer
49:24 described that message this way,
49:25 I put her words on the screen for you.
49:27 "The Lord in His great mercy
49:29 sent a most precious message to His people
49:31 through Waggoner and Jones.
49:34 This message was to bring more prominently
49:36 before the world the uplifted Savior..."
49:38 By the way to the world supposed to be sharing
49:39 this outside theaters, guys,
49:41 this is to the world, you understand?
49:45 To the world, "the uplifted Savior,
49:47 that sacrifice for sins of the whole world,"
49:48 now keep reading,
49:50 "Many had lost sight of Jesus,"
49:51 boy, and America headed for the polls,
49:53 is that true today or what?
49:55 "Many had lost sight of Jesus,
49:56 they needed to have their eyes redirected..."
49:58 Oh, this is beautiful too, "His divine person,
50:01 His merits, and His changeless love for the human family."
50:06 Yes, Jesus loves me.
50:09 The maker of all things loves and wants me.
50:13 Wow.
50:15 Could it be that this very simple message
50:19 is the heart,
50:22 the quintessence of this message
50:26 to make ready a people prepare for the Lord.
50:29 Could it be this is the message we've been waiting for?
50:32 We have overcomplicated everything we touch,
50:37 we debated till we're blue in the face,
50:39 everything now, we got a building that debates.
50:45 Could it be that God has reduced the truth
50:49 to save the human race, to the compelling recognition,
50:52 the maker of all things loves and wants me.
50:56 One last time, Camron Schofield,
50:58 this is very interesting what he's gonna suggest you.
51:01 You're gonna have to kind of like us read this slow.
51:04 You got it in your study guide, later.
51:06 "When," Camron writes, "We're at the point where,
51:09 whatever it is that God says to us, we will say,
51:13 'Lord, it is so!"' In other words, amen.
51:15 "And we will believe it and assent to it,
51:18 assent to it, then..."
51:21 Now this is unusual,
51:22 "Then Jesus can come soon, very soon!"
51:26 Now watch what he does with this,
51:28 "Can you see that?"
51:29 well, we'll reason with him, "Because God says,
51:32 'Righteousness!'
51:34 and even though you don't see righteousness,
51:35 not in you and I can't see it in me,
51:39 "If you believe it, there is righteousness."
51:42 You have it, those italics are his, you got it.
51:46 "And what's He waiting for? He's waiting for righteousness.
51:48 When He sees His righteous character..."
51:50 Now the key word there is His,
51:52 "When he sees His righteous character
51:54 perfectly reflected in His people,
51:56 then He will come and take them home.
51:58 So Camron concludes, we are simply waiting,
52:02 "He is waiting for us to believe,
52:05 because when we believe, then He can say,
52:08 'Yo, there is righteousness,
52:10 and I can come and take them home now."'
52:14 Wow.
52:17 This kernel imbedded in righteousness by faith,
52:22 the truth that the maker of all things
52:23 loves and wants me.
52:24 Wow, that's the truth.
52:28 When it, when it becomes mine,
52:34 I say, amen, it becomes mine.
52:39 Wow.
52:42 And then the nation that will cast
52:44 its ballets in a few hours,
52:47 in a nation that is terribly uncertain about its future,
52:53 in a time when the maker of all things is tugging it,
52:56 every available mind and heart
52:59 to draw the thanking one to Him.
53:05 If somehow,
53:09 we could share the word...
53:14 just believe, say amen to that.
53:18 And every gift He has is yours in Christ.
53:22 If somehow we could get the word out,
53:25 the maker of all things loves and want me.
53:28 Wow.
53:30 Apparently, I'm thinking Camron's on to something.
53:34 Apparently, that's all God needs
53:36 to take His children home.
53:38 Sooner rather than later.
53:43 Sooner rather than later.
53:46 Jesus loves me this I know, evens so come Lord Jesus.
53:52 Amen.
53:54 Oh, that's an all caps AMEN,
53:55 and I got to hear an all caps AMEN from you.
53:57 AMEN. AMEN.
53:59 AMEN, and AMEN.
54:02 You believe it, you got it.
54:05 God is on the throne.
54:07 We can trust Him, with His nation,
54:09 we can trust Him with our hearts.
54:11 I wanna pray with you.
54:12 Oh, God, crazy times to be sure,
54:17 but the rock solid assurance
54:19 that the one who sits on the throne of this universe,
54:22 is the maker of all things.
54:23 And the maker of all things loves and wants us.
54:27 That's righteousness by faith.
54:30 The amen to that.
54:33 Envelops us in your strong love and your desire,
54:38 I love and want you, girl, I love and want you, boy.
54:43 Let's go.
54:45 Oh, Father, we all say, amen to that
54:50 in Jesus' name, amen.
55:04 I know not why God's wondrous grace
55:10 To me He hath made known
55:15 Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love
55:21 Redeemed me for His own
55:27 But "I know whom I have believed
55:33 And am persuaded that He is able
55:39 To keep that which I've committed
55:45 Unto Him against that day"
55:53 I know not when my Lord may come
55:59 At night or noonday fair
56:04 Nor if I walk the vale with Him
56:11 Or meet Him in the air
56:16 But "I know whom I have believed
56:23 And am persuaded that He is able
56:30 To keep that which I've committed
56:37 Unto Him against that day."
56:49 And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
56:53 and the love of God,
56:55 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
56:57 be with you all.
56:59 Amen.
57:13 I wanted to take an extra moment
57:14 to let you know how grateful I am you joined us today.
57:17 I hear from viewers and listeners like you
57:19 all across this nation and literally around the world,
57:22 and I'm thankful,
57:23 because it's through the generosity of the members
57:25 of this congregation and people like you,
57:27 that we're able to bring you this program.
57:29 So if what we shared today has touched your heart,
57:31 I like to invite you to become a financial partner with us.
57:34 Just give us a call.
57:35 Toll free number 877, the two words HIS-WILL,
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57:51 so thank you.
57:53 Thank you very much for your partnership.


Revised 2017-01-12