New Perceptions

B4 U Vote

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP161029A

00:23 We have heard a joyful sound
00:27 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
00:30 Spread the gladness all around
00:34 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
00:38 Bear the news to every land
00:41 Climb the steeps and cross the waves
00:45 Onward, 'tis our Lord's command
00:50 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
00:55 Waft it on the rolling tide
00:59 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
01:03 Tell to sinners, far and wide
01:07 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
01:11 Sing, ye islands of the sea
01:14 Echo back, ye ocean caves
01:18 Earth shall keep her jubilee
01:22 Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
01:28 Sing above the battle's strife
01:32 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
01:36 By His death and endless life
01:40 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
01:44 Sing it softly through the gloom
01:48 When the heart for mercy craves
01:52 Sing in triumph o'er the tomb
01:57 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
02:03 Give the winds a mighty voice
02:07 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
02:11 Let the nations now rejoice
02:15 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
02:19 Shout salvation full and free
02:23 Highest hills and deepest caves
02:27 This our song of victory
02:32 Jesus saves, Jesus saves
02:55 My God is awesome, He can move the mountains
03:02 Keep me in the valley
03:07 Hide me from the rain
03:11 My God is awesome
03:15 Heals me when I'm broken
03:19 Gives strength where I've been weakened
03:24 Forever He will reign
03:29 My God is awesome
03:35 Awesome
03:39 Awesome
03:43 Awesome
03:46 My God is awesome
03:51 Awesome
03:55 Awesome, Awesome
04:02 My God is awesome
04:06 Savior of the whole world
04:10 Giver of salvation
04:14 By His stripes I am healed
04:19 My God is awesome, today I am forgiven
04:26 His grace is why I'm living
04:30 praise His holy name
04:35 My God is awesome
04:38 My God is awesome
04:43 My God is awesome
04:48 Awesome
04:51 My God is awesome
04:53 Sing it out.
04:56 Awesome, my God is awesome,
05:04 Awesome
05:08 He's mighty He's mighty
05:10 He's mighty He's mighty
05:13 He's mighty He's mighty
05:14 He's mighty He's mighty
05:16 Awesome
05:20 Awesome
05:22 He's my help
05:24 My help, my Deliverer
05:28 My God is My God is awesome
05:35 awesome
05:36 My protector
05:39 Protector, protector,
05:43 protector, protector
05:46 Awesome
05:49 My God is awesome
05:54 Awesome
05:56 He can move mountains
06:00 Keep me in the valley
06:04 Hide me from the rain
06:08 My God is awesome, heals me when I'm broken
06:15 Gives strength where I've been weakened
06:20 praise his Holy name
06:24 My God is awesome
06:27 My God is awesome
06:31 My God is awesome
06:38 Awesome
06:42 Is awesome
06:45 Is awesome
06:50 Awesome, awesome
06:57 Our God is an awesome God He reigns
07:03 From heaven above
07:05 With wisdom power and love Our God is an awesome God
07:13 Our God is an awesome God He reigns
07:19 From heaven above
07:21 With wisdom, power and love Our God is an awesome God
07:28 When he rolls up His sleeves
07:30 He ain't just puttin' on the Ritz
07:32 Our God is an awesome God
07:36 There is thunder in His footsteps
07:38 And lightning in His fists
07:40 Our God is an awesome God
07:43 Well the Lord He wasn't jokin'
07:45 When He kicked 'em out of Eden
07:47 And it wasn't for no reason
07:49 That He shed His blood
07:51 His return is very close and so you better be believin'
07:55 That our God is an awesome God
07:58 Our God is an awesome God He reigns
08:03 From heaven above
08:06 With wisdom, power and love Our God is an awesome God
08:12 Sing it out.
08:13 Our God is an awesome God He reigns
08:18 From heaven above
08:20 With wisdom, power and love
08:24 Our God is an awesome God Our God is an awesome God
08:32 Our God is an awesome God
08:35 Our God is an awesome God
08:49 Well, good morning, boys and girls.
08:51 Nice to see you on this last Sabbath of October.
08:55 Hard to believe.
08:57 Oh, you are looking just as fine as ever.
09:00 Nice to have all of you, thank you, thank you,
09:03 that's so kind of you.
09:05 Bless you.
09:06 See I got a little show and tell here
09:08 but I want to thank my story scout.
09:12 I got a couple of story scouts,
09:14 they are always finding good stories,
09:15 so this one is from Sharon Dujon.
09:18 Thank you, Sharon.
09:19 This is story from...
09:21 Well, it actually is from Utah
09:24 that ends up in the Turks
09:29 and Caicos Islands.
09:33 Young man from Utah named Clint Buffington.
09:35 Clint is out walking on the beach.
09:37 Do you like walking on the beach to see that...
09:42 in come the waves, you walking on the beach.
09:44 And while Clint was walking on, oh, look at that shell.
09:48 We don't have those in Utah.
09:49 We don't have those kind of shells in Utah, trust me.
09:52 Oh, wait a minute, what is that?
09:54 He could not believe his eyes.
09:55 He looked, he got a little closer,
09:57 he said, what in the world is that
09:59 because he saw something
10:00 sticking up above about like this,
10:03 but sticking up above the sand about like this.
10:07 Can you see it?
10:08 What is it?
10:10 It's a bottle.
10:11 He said that's a bottle. He got down.
10:14 I wonder, what kind of a bottle it is?
10:17 Looks like it's been here a while
10:18 so he dig in around the sand out,
10:21 out, out and oh,
10:24 wow, still has a cork in it.
10:27 Wow, something is in it.
10:31 It's a piece of paper.
10:32 It has writing.
10:36 Now how am I gonna get this out?
10:40 How am I gonna get this piece of paper out?
10:44 Break the bottle.
10:46 I should have thought of that.
10:47 Break the bottle.
10:48 Well, to save breaking a bottle,
10:50 I have an exact duplicate of the paper in my pocket
10:53 and exact duplicate here.
10:56 Anybody know how to read in this big group here?
10:58 Does anybody read,
10:59 and listen don't just be tricking me.
11:02 I need to know do you know how to read.
11:06 Somebody up close, all right.
11:08 Lilly Rose, I want to ask you to read this.
11:10 Now listen, he broke the bottle,
11:12 he pulled the note out and here is what he read.
11:16 You can start right up here.
11:17 "Return to 419,
11:22 Ocean Boulevard and receive a reward...
11:27 A reward of how much?
11:30 A hundred and...
11:31 Sorry for the handwriting.
11:33 A $150 from...
11:37 Tina, owner of the Beachcomber.
11:43 That's a motel.
11:46 A $150 turn this in and you get a $150.
11:51 Wait a minute, it doesn't say, it just says the beachcomber,
11:54 it doesn't say where?
11:55 So you know what Clint did,
11:56 he put in his pocket
11:58 and when he was to vacationing east of Cuba
12:00 on the Turks and Caicos Islands.
12:03 He flies back to Utah and he gets to Google.
12:08 Well, obviously there is nobody in Turks,
12:11 and he kept trying the address and guess what?
12:13 It finally popped up.
12:17 He found where the bottle had come from.
12:20 I want to put it on the screen.
12:21 First I want to show, okay, here is Clint.
12:23 Yo Clint.
12:25 There is a paper inside.
12:26 Next picture, please.
12:27 Wow, the bottle came from the top of that map,
12:32 all the way down to the Turks and Caicos Islands.
12:35 The bottle came from Hampton beach,
12:39 New Hampshire.
12:41 New Hampshire,
12:42 1,500 miles...
12:48 all the way down.
12:50 Well, you know what I'm going to do?
12:52 I'm going to go find,
12:53 I'm going to find the person that sent this
12:56 and so he got on a bus, he got on the train,
12:58 he finally ended up in Hampton beach,
13:00 New Hampshire.
13:02 And he says anybody know the beachcomber?
13:04 Yeah, that used to be a motel here.
13:08 He's not any more?
13:09 No, the people that owned it they're dead.
13:12 No.
13:13 Yes.
13:15 They owned it in 1960.
13:18 They figured this note was put in a bottle
13:20 in the 1960-1961.
13:24 This note had been in the bottle
13:26 for 53, 54, 55 years
13:31 just bouncing around on the Atlantic currents.
13:34 Well, but they have a daughter.
13:37 Her name is Paula.
13:39 Well, I want to see Paula.
13:41 Let's put Paula on the screen with Clint.
13:43 There they are in Hampton beach,
13:45 New Hampshire.
13:47 Hey Paula, she says, that's my daddy's handwriting.
13:49 Wow.
13:51 Do I get the money?
13:54 She said, because my daddy wrote that,
13:56 you get a 150 bucks.
14:00 Can you believe that?
14:02 This bottle look, look, look,
14:03 this bottle, boing, boing, boing,
14:06 just wherever
14:09 and it ends up 1,500 miles away.
14:14 Sometimes we think our life, look you see this bottle,
14:16 see this bottle, sometimes we think
14:18 our life is just like that,
14:19 we're bouncing around, nobody cares,
14:20 nobody is in control, wrong, wrong, wrong.
14:23 Sometimes we think about America,
14:25 'cause we're talking about America today.
14:26 Sometimes we think America is just bouncing around,
14:29 nobody is in control, not so.
14:32 America is not like a floating bottle.
14:34 You're not like a floating bottle,
14:35 God has His eyes on you.
14:37 He has His eyes on you
14:39 and He's going to lead you every step of the way.
14:43 You're not an accident where you are now,
14:45 Jesus is still leading.
14:47 How many are thankful that Jesus leads us,
14:49 no matter what's going on in our lives
14:51 and who would like to thank Him for leading us.
14:54 And oh, Jesus would you please lead America too?
14:57 Can I have a young man now 'cause I had a girl read.
15:00 So I want a young man, you come here sir.
15:02 Yep, you come on up.
15:05 All right, now let's fold our hands,
15:07 let's close our eyes
15:09 and we're going to pray together.
15:11 What's your first name? Dovey.
15:13 Davey? Dovey.
15:14 Dovey. Yeah.
15:16 Davey, all right.
15:17 Hey, we're going to close our eyes
15:19 and pray with Davey.
15:20 All right, close your eyes and, Davey,
15:21 thank Jesus for leading us please.
15:23 Okay, dear Jesus, thank You for this day,
15:25 thank You for everything You've given to us,
15:27 thank you for buzzing us
15:28 and please lead us to Your home,
15:32 so we could be with You for eternity.
15:34 Amen. Amen.
15:36 Davey. Beautiful prayer.
15:37 As you go quietly, thank you, Davey.
15:39 As you go quietly back to your seats,
15:40 you can say that Jesus I'm not a bottle,
15:43 you're leading me and I thank you very much.
15:48 Happy Sabbath.
16:54 Sing to the Lord Sing a new song
16:58 Sing to the Lord
17:00 Sing, all the earth
17:03 Sing to the Lord Bless His Name
17:08 Sing to the Lord His glory proclaim
17:20 I will sing a new song
17:26 I will sing, yes, I will sing
17:30 To the Lord
17:31 I will sing, yes, I will sing
17:36 Sing a new song I will sing, yes, I will sing
17:39 Sing a joyful song I will sing a joyful song
18:37 Sing to the Lord Sing a new song
18:42 Sing to the Lord Sing, all the earth
18:47 Sing to the Lord Bless His Name
18:51 Sing to the Lord His glory proclaim
19:04 I will sing a new song
19:09 I will sing, yes, I will sing
19:13 To the Lord Sing a new song
19:15 I will sing, yes, I will sing
19:21 Sing a joyful song
19:32 I will sing a joyful song
20:13 Amen.
20:19 Very well done, that was beautiful.
20:22 Thank you very much
20:24 "Sing to the Lord", Hallelujah.
20:26 Oh, God we mean that with all our hearts,
20:29 that was You, You were in our midst,
20:33 same You, same midst right now.
20:37 Take these moments that are left.
20:40 We're at a critical moment
20:43 in the history of this nation and this planet.
20:47 How should we engage society now?
20:51 What should we be doing?
20:53 Make it clear through ancient scripture,
20:56 we pray in Christ name, amen.
21:01 Anybody know where this country is headed?
21:07 The following people listed in alphabetical order,
21:09 please catch that.
21:11 Listed in alphabetical order.
21:13 There are some sensitivities here.
21:14 The following people listed in alphabetical order
21:17 do not know.
21:19 Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson,
21:25 Jill Stein,
21:27 Donald Trump.
21:30 There is only one being alive
21:34 who knows where we were headed.
21:37 Don't you wish you knew the mind of God?
21:39 Oh, my.
21:41 What he knows?
21:42 What he knows at this very second in time?
21:46 I read a very provocative piece this summer
21:48 in Liberty magazine entitled
21:50 " Slouching Toward Democratic Totalitarianism,"
21:52 it's apiece written by Elijah Mvundura.
21:56 Fascinating.
21:58 He looks at the 20s and 30s in Europe,
22:01 The rise of fascism,
22:02 the rise of Nazism,
22:04 these would be totalitarian, tyrannical regimes.
22:07 And he suggests we're at the time again,
22:11 astounding.
22:13 His words on the screen.
22:14 "Primal passions: fear, egoism,
22:17 anger, and hatred,
22:18 the kind that Mussolini
22:20 and Hitler exploited and mobilized,
22:22 are once again potent factors
22:25 in the politics of Western democracies.
22:28 Driving these passions is the same disillusionment
22:31 with liberal democracy..."
22:33 I know this feels like a civics class,
22:34 but it better be,
22:36 you better be awake to what's happening.
22:39 Let me repeat that,
22:40 "Driving these passions is the same disillusionment
22:42 with liberal democracy,
22:43 the same gnawing sense of overwhelming crisis
22:46 that things are falling apart and the center cannot hold.
22:50 The parallels with Europe
22:51 in the 1920s are ominously striking."
22:54 And then he notes
22:55 some of the brightest thinkers
22:57 and intellectuals of the time who were totally caught,
23:00 flatfooted, had no clue.
23:03 And it makes me wonder,
23:04 how many of our leaders today on this planet have no clue.
23:08 What's next?
23:10 Elijah's words back on the screen.
23:13 Now with much greater detail.
23:15 This is rather apprehension in my humble opinion.
23:17 "Not only do we today have a thoroughly interconnected
23:20 and interdependent global economy..."
23:22 Check, check, check, we know that's true.
23:24 "Not only do we have social media
23:27 that connects people globally,
23:28 that allows them to speak with one voice."
23:30 Let me just tell you this about Hope Trending,
23:32 there are two reports in today's bulletin,
23:33 they'll still be in the bulletin
23:35 when the service is over so hold it.
23:36 There are two reports, read them both,
23:38 870 plus thousand and it's rising as we speak
23:43 this is to Facebook Live and Hope Trending,
23:46 870, 000 plus we're going to hit a million,
23:51 in social media today,
23:52 first time in history.
23:54 The churches see social media and did what you did.
24:00 Elijah is right,
24:01 "Social media connects people globally
24:03 which allows them to speak with one voice.
24:04 Now imagine a catastrophic global economic collapse...
24:09 Lot of doom and gloom talking heads out there
24:11 speaking of that, against a background,
24:13 oh here is the key.
24:14 "Against a background of social unrest,
24:16 radical jihadist..."
24:18 Think of the Orlando nightclub
24:20 that was shot up in the name of a religion.
24:23 Jihadist and anarchist violence,
24:25 think also of hordes of extremists
24:27 inflaming passions and speeches,
24:30 think also of blogs or tweets of demagogues going viral,
24:34 and new totalitarianisms become conceivable.
24:39 As a matter of fact,
24:40 democracy has been in retreat worldwide.
24:43 This drift toward authoritarianism brings to mind
24:47 Christ's words,
24:48 'If people do these things when the tree is green,
24:50 what will happen when it is dry?"'
24:56 For a few moments
24:57 I invite you please to reflect with me
25:01 on three critical divine biblical premises
25:03 that must guide our thinking,
25:05 as believers within the community
25:08 of the Unites States.
25:10 And by the way
25:11 let me disabuse you of the notion
25:12 that this sermon is only
25:14 for those who live in America, of course that's all of us,
25:16 but only those who belong to America.
25:17 No, no, no, this is for every nation on earth.
25:20 Andrews University,
25:22 you saw the flags flying over our president's inauguration
25:24 this last week beautiful scene,
25:26 beautiful service.
25:27 And we're almost a hundred nations
25:29 here at Andrews University,
25:30 so let's keep that in mind.
25:33 There will be some specific, you'll see it as we come to it.
25:36 There will be some specific realities
25:39 that only America understands.
25:41 We'll get to that.
25:45 I want you to take your study guide and let's go.
25:46 Three premises,
25:48 put your study guide out, let's go,
25:49 jot them down.
25:51 Ushers, thank you for making sure
25:52 everybody here has a study guide.
25:53 Thank you friendly ushers, there you are.
25:55 Put your hand up,
25:56 if you didn't get the study guide,
25:58 you will want the study guide, trust me,
25:59 you will want the study guide.
26:01 In the back, okay, and then in balcony,
26:03 we'll make sure you get it.
26:05 Those of you who are watching right now,
26:06 we're delighted to have you.
26:07 This is a significant time, in just a few days
26:09 this nation goes to the ballot box,
26:12 what will happen in America.
26:13 Before you vote,
26:15 we're having this quiet moments together.
26:17 This is continuing our little series #RxF4Now
26:22 tangentially but it will deal with part of it
26:24 as you'll see in a moment.
26:26 You go to our website,
26:28 you'll see the title of this teaching,
26:29 "If Righteousness Exalts a Nation,
26:31 " Pastor Jose just led us in that.
26:33 "If righteousness exalts a nation,
26:34 what's going to happen to the USA?"
26:36 Well, let's find out.
26:38 Take your study guide please.
26:40 Three premises, jot them down.
26:41 Here comes premise number one.
26:44 Premise number one, God is in control.
26:47 He rules.
26:49 Our God is an awesome God,
26:50 as we just sang a moment ago.
26:52 He rules heaven and earth, amen.
26:55 God rules.
26:57 Go to the Book of Daniel 2.
26:59 Daniel 2, let's go.
27:01 Daniel 2:1,
27:04 I'm in the New International Version.
27:05 You didn't bring your Bible,
27:06 pull the pew Bible out in front of you.
27:08 It's page 596, Daniel 2:1,
27:11 "In the second year of his reign,
27:12 Nebuchadnezzar..."
27:14 By the way hit the pause button.
27:15 We're talking rank pagan, all right,
27:17 rank pagan monarch.
27:20 "In the second year of his reign
27:22 Nebuchadnezzar had dreams,
27:23 his mind was troubled and he could not sleep."
27:25 You know the story,
27:27 the king calls his wise men and astrologers in,
27:29 "Hey, guys, I had a dream.
27:31 Tell me it.
27:32 We can't king, too bad, you're dead."
27:34 Why because he knew them,
27:35 they've been playing a charade this whole time,
27:37 this is just a...
27:38 Daniel and his young companions are also counselors
27:40 to the king but they were not there
27:41 when he summoned them in.
27:43 Daniel hears about it,
27:44 and he rushes into the king's attendant.
27:46 Time out, please give me time.
27:49 We got to pray.
27:50 Daniel and his three buddies, Hebrew buddies,
27:53 they pray all night, all night they pray.
27:56 By the way we're having a prayer meeting
27:58 this Wednesday night,
27:59 I'll say more about it in a moment.
28:01 A prayer meeting for the United States
28:02 and every nation on this planet.
28:05 It's time to pray, trust me.
28:09 They had a prayer meeting all night.
28:10 And what's so astounding,
28:12 God not only answered their prayers,
28:13 he gave Daniel the very dream
28:15 and the interpretation that goes with the dream
28:17 that the king had.
28:19 Daniel embrace into song,
28:20 when he gets that word from God.
28:22 Pick it up in verse 19, Daniel 2:19,
28:25 "During the night the mystery was revealed
28:26 to Daniel in a vision.
28:28 Then Daniel praised the God of heaven
28:29 and he said", verse 20,
28:30 "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever,
28:32 wisdom and power are his.
28:34 He changes times and seasons,
28:36 he deposes kings and raises up others.
28:39 He gives wisdom to the wise
28:40 and knowledge to the discerning."
28:41 Verse 22,
28:43 "He reveals deep and hidden things,
28:44 he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him."
28:50 That is a power packed word of praise
28:55 because of what it reveals about God.
28:57 You want to know why?
28:58 Premise number one is true,
29:00 God is in control and He reigns.
29:01 There are four portraits,
29:02 I want you to jot them down here.
29:04 There are four portrayals of God
29:05 that in the verses we just read.
29:07 Jot them down portrayal of God number one,
29:08 "He is the ultimate time keeper."
29:13 What did he just say?
29:15 He changes times and seasons, I love the New Living.
29:16 He determines a course of world events.
29:18 In other words,
29:19 God is not an absentee landlord.
29:21 God is writing earth's history in advance,
29:25 not making the decisions,
29:27 but He's making the observations.
29:29 He's writing our calendar in advance.
29:31 Desire of Ages, I like this line.
29:33 "But like the stars
29:34 in the vast circuit of their appointed path,
29:37 God's purposes know no haste and no delay."
29:42 Listen to me, my friend,
29:43 your life right now feels like a twisted pretzel,
29:46 you are torn with anxiety,
29:49 you're twisted with fear,
29:50 you have no idea what's coming ahead.
29:53 I need you to take a deep breath right now.
29:56 Take a deep breath and remind yourself,
29:59 there is a God who is in control and He rules.
30:04 He rules.
30:06 You can trust Him.
30:08 He's not too early, I love that.
30:11 He's not too late, no haste, no delay.
30:13 He's always on time for you, He rules.
30:17 You may trust Him,
30:18 even in the US of A He rules by the way.
30:21 All right, portrayal number two,
30:22 portrayal number one was this God
30:24 who is the ultimate time keeper.
30:25 Here comes the God who is the ultimate king maker.
30:28 We just read that, didn't we?
30:29 He takes down kings,
30:30 deposes kings and raises others up.
30:32 He is the ultimate king maker.
30:36 We have nothing to fear for the upcoming election.
30:38 Nothing to fear.
30:40 God gets the last word.
30:41 You may vote the way you wish, He gets the last word.
30:44 Vote anyway you wish, He will get the last word.
30:47 It won't be you, it will be He.
30:50 Is that clear?
30:51 You have nothing to fear for the impending election.
30:57 And by the way, may I just remind you,
31:00 God hangs around some
31:02 very surprising kinds of people.
31:05 Not the kind of people you and I would hang with.
31:08 I mean, you won't talk about Nebuchadnezzar, let's not.
31:12 Four portrayals,
31:14 we get to Nebuchadnezzar in just a moment.
31:17 Portrayal number one, the ultimate time keeper.
31:19 Portrayal number two, the ultimate king maker.
31:21 Here comes the portrayal number three,
31:22 he is the ultimate mystery solver.
31:24 I love that in verse 22,
31:25 He reveals deep and hidden things.
31:29 That's why I love this promise,
31:30 I've been claiming this promise since this summer,
31:32 Jeremiah 33:3,
31:33 I claimed it for a long time,
31:35 but I particularly hang on to these words of God.
31:38 "Call on Me, and I will show you great
31:42 and unsearchable things you do not know."
31:48 I can tell you.
31:51 I'm not going to show you everything you want to know,
31:53 but I promise to show you what you need to know,
31:56 you call on Me, you ask Me, you trust Me.
32:00 Four portrayals of God in this power packed
32:03 bit of praise from Daniel.
32:05 Number one, He's the ultimate time keeper.
32:07 Number two, He's the ultimate king maker.
32:09 Number three,
32:10 He's the ultimate mystery solver.
32:11 Number four, jot it down,
32:13 He's the ultimate light shiner.
32:16 I find great comfort in verse 22,
32:18 He knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with Him.
32:23 You know who they're speaking about,
32:25 when they're singing that praise?
32:26 They're speaking about the one who will come to earth
32:28 and eventually say, I'm the light of the world.
32:30 They're speaking of Jesus.
32:32 He is the ultimate light shiner.
32:36 We have nothing to fear.
32:38 What's happening with these confederacies?
32:40 What's happening with the cabals?
32:41 What's happening in secret chambers?
32:44 We have no idea,
32:46 but there is somebody who is there with him,
32:52 writing it all down.
32:53 Check, checkmate.
33:00 He never loses.
33:01 He can't lose.
33:03 It can look like losing to you and me.
33:05 Look what just happened to America?
33:07 And God is saying are you kidding,
33:09 do you understand what I'm about to do?
33:11 Calvary is the greatest defeat in the history of the universe
33:14 we thought.
33:17 Seventy-two hours later
33:18 turns out to be the most spectacular triumph
33:21 in the history of time.
33:22 Amen. Come on.
33:24 He never loses, He can't lose.
33:27 How can He lose when you win?
33:29 He can't lose.
33:31 Wow, the ultimate light shiner.
33:34 Reminds me of these words of Ellen White,
33:36 put them on the screen for you.
33:37 "Those who place themselves under God's control,
33:38 to be led and guided by him,
33:40 will catch the steady trend of events
33:42 ordained by him to take place."
33:45 I know what lies in the darkness,
33:47 you can trust me.
33:49 Isn't this something,
33:51 all that in that little bit of praise
33:52 that Daniel lifts up in gratitude to God.
33:57 Four portrayals of God that prove true the premise,
33:59 God is in control, He rules.
34:02 Yeah, but Dwight, come on, time out, please.
34:04 How does this possibly inform the upcoming election
34:08 in just a few days?
34:09 Wow, you need to ask God that.
34:13 But here is what I can tell you.
34:16 God will put the individual in office
34:19 who will advance
34:20 His ultimate plan and will, trust me.
34:23 He will.
34:26 And quite frankly
34:28 which one of the major candidates
34:30 would fit most neatly and nicely
34:31 into God's strategic master plan
34:32 is beyond our ability to discern.
34:37 It is reported that one candidate consoles
34:41 for the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt.
34:44 I heard the candidate's spouse say so himself.
34:48 It is reported that both candidates play fast
34:51 and lose for the truth and integrity
34:52 and money personal and public.
34:55 It is reported that one candidate is embraced
34:58 at particularly in moral lifestyle
35:01 to the place Christianity today
35:02 and a scathing editorial has already rendered judgment,
35:05 and what it calls one candidate's idolatry
35:07 that defines that candidate's life.
35:11 Both candidates are significantly flawed enough.
35:14 It is reported that the public has already rendered
35:17 unusually high unfavorable ratings for them both.
35:23 Are we surprised?
35:26 Apparently God is not surprised.
35:29 He has on His hands with Nebuchadnezzar,
35:31 the worlds' greatest narcissist,
35:33 egoist and abuser,
35:39 and political hack.
35:42 And God looks at that pagan king,
35:44 He says you know what,
35:45 Gabriel, I think I can do business with this guy.
35:50 And spends a rest of Nebuchadnezzar's life
35:52 trying to save Nebuchadnezzar.
35:55 Don't you ever write anybody off.
35:58 Our little sensibilities that are offended,
36:02 God says, not a problem for me.
36:06 And by the way not just Nebuchadnezzar,
36:07 the king of Nineveh nameless as he is
36:10 with a bloody reputation.
36:14 God says, let me get a hold of that king, Jonah.
36:17 Vagabond preacher boy, go preach in that city.
36:19 I'm going for the king.
36:21 He gets the king and everybody down from the king
36:22 to the slave in the stall repents
36:26 and we have city wide revival.
36:28 God can revive any nation when He wants
36:30 if there is a willing heart and He found it at the top.
36:32 You never would have picked the king of Nineveh,
36:34 nor would I.
36:35 You know what?
36:36 Perhaps you and I are a bit to quick
36:38 for God's liking when it comes to judging the moral worth
36:41 of those he has to deal with.
36:42 Since you don't have to deal with him,
36:44 why don't you just lay off?
36:45 Judge not that you be not judged.
36:51 Four candidates, two candidates,
36:54 judge not that you be not judged.
36:57 Pharaoh one,
36:58 I can do business with him with Joseph.
37:00 Pharaoh two, bad,
37:03 can't do business with him.
37:05 Pharaoh three, with Josiah, Pharaoh Neco,
37:07 I can do business with him.
37:08 Two out of three is not bad for pharaohs.
37:11 And then there is Cyrus, and then there is Darius,
37:13 and then there is Xerxes and then there is Artaxerxes
37:15 and then along comes Tiberius, I can do business with him.
37:21 God will do the ultimate choosing in the end.
37:23 Will He not?
37:25 Tell me, will He not?
37:27 Come on. I didn't know you were here.
37:30 Can He not do the ultimate choosing in the end?
37:32 Yes or no? Yes.
37:33 Come on, He can.
37:35 Wake up, we got election coming.
37:39 Premise number two,
37:42 "God's purpose in Earth politics is always
37:44 to display His character
37:45 as revealed in His people who carry out His mission."
37:51 There's a mouthful right there, but there is a lot in that.
37:54 In other words,
37:55 God longs for the rulers of the world to know Him.
38:00 Don't you think He loves them?
38:02 Are you the only privileged one?
38:04 Come on,
38:05 He loves us as if there were nobody else on the planet
38:07 except that one candidate.
38:11 That explains by the way the life,
38:13 the life stories of Daniel and Esther,
38:15 the three friends of Daniel by the way,
38:16 Joseph and Paul all friends of God
38:19 that God maneuvered to get them in front of a leader
38:23 He wanted to save.
38:27 That's what He does for His living,
38:28 saving people,
38:30 that's all He does for living, saving people.
38:34 There is no more effective ambassador for God by the way,
38:36 no more effective ambassador for God
38:38 than a personal friend of his.
38:40 I mean, if we just living ourselves to the story
38:42 in Daniel it's all there.
38:43 Daniel 2,
38:44 what does Nebuchadnezzar do at the end of that?
38:46 Wow, there is a God in this universe
38:48 who knows a future.
38:49 Hallelujah, it's Daniel's God.
38:51 What's happening in Daniel 3?
38:52 Nebuchadnezzar wow,
38:54 there is a God in this universe who stand by his men
38:56 and they're in the fire and He delivers them.
38:58 All world, take a look at that God.
39:01 What's happening in Daniel 4?
39:03 Wow, there is no God in the universe
39:05 and I'm the greatest.
39:07 God says fine.
39:08 I'll give you seven years of insanity boy.
39:10 I'll take you out of office
39:13 'cause I'm going to get you.
39:15 And when it's over the end of Daniel 4,
39:17 all the verses are all in your study guide.
39:19 And when it's over the end of Daniel 4,
39:21 there is a God in the universe and He is my God.
39:24 Amen.
39:25 Wow, took all of that
39:28 to just get one narcissist on his side.
39:35 Oh, and by the way Daniel in the lions' den,
39:38 I'm dealing with the new empire, am I?
39:40 I want Darius as well, got him.
39:43 There is a God that Daniel serves,
39:46 let all the empire worship Him.
39:48 Come on, God knows what He's doing.
39:52 He isn't caught by surprise, He wasn't sleeping.
39:55 Something is happening
39:56 we're watching history in advance,
39:59 that's what's happening.
40:01 So whatever the outcome of this rough
40:03 and tumble election,
40:04 the good news is God will be maneuvering behind the scenes,
40:06 and one day He may get you in front of that leader.
40:11 You say not me, not my homeland,
40:13 Yes, you in your homeland or this land.
40:18 Premise number three, the last one.
40:19 Premise number three,
40:20 "God expects political leaders
40:22 no matter their religious persuasion,
40:23 or lack thereof,
40:26 to abide by the principles of righteousness."
40:29 Write that down, righteousness.
40:31 What's righteousness mean?
40:32 It means right doing, this little #RxF4Now,
40:37 I'll just tell you the secret,
40:38 the R certainly stands for righteousness.
40:40 In case you haven't been able to figure out the rest,
40:41 we'll get back to it next week.
40:44 Righteousness.
40:45 Proverbs 14:34,
40:47 Jose read it just a moment ago.
40:48 "Righteousness, right doing, exalts a nation,
40:50 but sin that would be wrong doing
40:53 condemns any people."
40:54 That's true for America by the way.
40:58 Proverbs 16:12,
40:59 "Kings detest wrongdoing, for a throne,
41:01 and administration is established
41:03 through righteousness, through right-doing."
41:06 You want a good administration, it will do right.
41:10 Proverbs 20:28,
41:12 Love Chesed, that's a covenant love,
41:14 the deepest love in the Hebrew, Chesed,
41:17 "Love and faithfulness keep a ruler, a king,
41:22 a president safe,
41:24 through love his administration is made secure."
41:28 Ladies and gentlemen,
41:29 just mark this down before you leave today.
41:30 There is a moral character
41:32 that God expects of an elected leader
41:34 in any land at any time.
41:37 There is a moral character God expects of a nation,
41:41 in any land at any time.
41:44 You don't live up to this, you're gone,
41:47 do you understand me.
41:48 Read my lips.
41:49 You're gone.
41:52 Tapping again and again.
41:55 In the United States,
41:56 now here is where we're going to get very specific
41:58 and so the rest of you listen in.
41:59 In the United States the two major political parties
42:03 each champion a particular moral issue.
42:06 See if this doesn't make sense, all right.
42:08 The champion each of the two major
42:10 a particular moral issue.
42:11 Party number one,
42:13 prides itself and championing
42:15 the rights and equalities of minorities.
42:17 Racial minorities, gender minorities,
42:19 sexual minorities, economic minorities, all right.
42:22 We stick up for the little guy, and they're proud of it.
42:27 Party number two, also champions.
42:31 It champions is quite proud of it,
42:32 it champions the rights of the unborn.
42:38 Before you even born were defending you.
42:41 Two different parties.
42:43 What's sad is it both are right in what they affirm
42:47 and both are wrong in what they deny.
42:49 You see this party says, we're not that.
42:52 And this party says, we're not that.
42:54 Two truly moral issues facing the human race
42:59 in the United States today and they're divided,
43:02 we'll take one but not two.
43:03 And God is saying, what are you thinking?
43:06 Are you saying the racial divide in this country
43:08 is of no concern to you,
43:09 just 'cause you're concerned for the unborn?
43:12 What are you thinking God asks?
43:14 Your concerned for the racial divide
43:19 and you're saying nothing for the unborn.
43:23 How can you just sit here?
43:25 You know, what you're doing?
43:27 You're voting your wallet, that's what you're doing.
43:29 You're voting what will bless you,
43:31 not me, God says.
43:35 I want that economic hedging.
43:37 Always looking out for numero uno.
43:40 Who's looking out for these?
43:41 Both issues are valuable to me,
43:45 righteousness is revealed in both.
43:49 A care of the minority, I'll tell you what.
43:52 If you don't want the care of the minority,
43:54 your days are limited on this planet.
43:56 I'll just tell you this, it's between you and me.
44:02 Proverbs 24,
44:03 God is speaking to both issues
44:05 when He speaks these words.
44:07 "Rescue those being led away to death,
44:08 hold back those staggering toward slaughter,
44:10 the unborn, the minorities.
44:13 If you say, 'But we knew nothing about this,
44:14 ' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
44:17 It does not he who guards your life know it?
44:20 Will he not repay everyone
44:21 according to what they have done?"
44:23 I know what you know and I know what you're doing.
44:26 Zero, not or nothing.
44:32 I like the way Eugene Peterson renders this, is good.
44:35 "Rescue the perishing,
44:37 don't hesitate to step in and help.
44:38 If you say, 'Hey, that's none of my business,'
44:41 will that get you off the hook?
44:43 No.
44:44 Someone is watching you closely, you know,
44:45 someone not impressed with weak excuses."
44:51 The fact is Proverbs 24 hits the bull's-eye
44:56 with the two major moral issues
44:58 that the two major political parties are championing.
45:02 And it has Proverbs 24,
45:04 everything to do
45:06 with how we respond to the rights of the minority
45:08 and how we respond to the rights of the unborn.
45:12 You can't half see, half see.
45:15 I'll take this half, you take that out.
45:16 No.
45:17 Righteousness exalts a nation.
45:19 Sin brings it to an end.
45:24 Wow.
45:26 What did Jesus say? Put His words on the screen.
45:28 "Inasmuch as you did this or did not do this,
45:30 to the least of these,
45:32 you did or did not do it to me."
45:34 Jesus has injected Himself into this political campaign.
45:37 It's about me.
45:38 Righteousness is my domain, not your political platform.
45:47 We are culpable whether we vote or not,
45:51 that's the point for us.
45:54 America clearly is at a critical moral crossroads.
45:59 This land of the free, this land of the persecuted,
46:01 this land, this home of the brave is now
46:04 erected upon a moral foundation that is crumbling before us.
46:08 I tweeted last night,
46:11 we are watching in this election
46:13 and beyond it,
46:14 we are watching a slow...
46:15 We're watching a train wreck in slow motion.
46:19 We know what's going to happen.
46:22 November 9 we will be more divided
46:26 than we were on November 8.
46:28 You think the country is rallying around some...
46:32 Doesn't matter who.
46:34 The American writer Ellen White...
46:36 Oh, she had a heart for this nation,
46:38 because this was the birthing place
46:41 for an apocalyptic movement
46:42 that would last till the return of Christ.
46:45 She wrote describing this nation,
46:46 the words on the screen,
46:48 you have them all in your study guide.
46:49 "The Lord has done more for the United States
46:51 than for any other country upon which the sun shines.
46:55 No country more blessed.
46:57 Why?
46:58 Here He provided an asylum for His people,
47:00 where they could worship Him
47:02 according to the dictates of conscience.
47:03 Here Christianity has progressed in its purity."
47:06 In the beginning,
47:09 something has happened to America.
47:13 Something has changed.
47:15 In fact Ellen White identifies
47:16 the secret to national greatness in the beginning.
47:19 This is the apocalyptic classic Great controversy.
47:21 She's speaking about the time of the pilgrims,
47:23 they are colonies.
47:24 Put the words on the screen.
47:25 Back then, "The Bible was held as the foundation of faith,
47:28 the source of wisdom, and the charter of liberty.
47:32 Its principles were diligently taught in the home,
47:34 in the school, and in the church..."
47:35 Please note it.
47:37 It does not say,
47:38 its principles were diligently taught by the government.
47:40 No, no, no, Roger Williams, Rhode Island,
47:43 we're all very clear,
47:45 we're standing with that Baptist preacher,
47:47 keep church and state apart.
47:48 We're all agreed on it.
47:50 She knew that was the secret for America is the separation.
47:53 Tragically it will collapse one day.
47:57 "Its principles were diligently taught in the home,
47:59 in the school, and in the church
48:00 and its fruits were manifest in thrift,
48:03 intelligence, purity, and temperance..."
48:05 Last line, "It was demonstrated
48:07 that the principles of the Bible
48:09 are the surest safeguards of national greatness."
48:13 The principles, righteousness, morality,
48:16 that's what determines national greatness.
48:20 Something has happened to America.
48:23 The safeguards of the Bible have been long ago abandoned.
48:29 Nowhere to be found.
48:32 Our house is divided, and it cannot stand.
48:38 Our morality is compromised,
48:41 and we're falling.
48:44 We have abandoned God
48:47 and now we reap the whirlwind.
48:53 Ellen White again, she see this progression,
48:56 she's worried now.
48:58 "As nations forget God,
49:00 in like proportion they become weak morally.
49:04 It is sin that is ruining nations today.
49:08 A disregard for God's law has brought the sure result."
49:13 She will later scribble this line.
49:15 National apostasy will lead to national ruin.
49:20 Curtains finish, it's over.
49:27 Is it too late now for America?
49:30 Time magazine just a few days ago,
49:31 on the screen.
49:33 "Whatever the outcome in November,
49:35 none of this division in America will end.
49:37 A Clinton victory will not usher in a return to truth
49:40 and accuracy or restore American faith in institutions.
49:43 If anything, a Trump loss could convince his supporters
49:46 that the system is just as rigged
49:48 as they've been led to believe it is.
49:49 Pandora's box has, and I'm adding the word,
49:52 already been opened,
49:54 and once enough people believe something is false,
49:59 it begins to sound almost true."
50:03 The day is coming,
50:05 when a rumor will start, it will be false.
50:08 But by the time it crosses the nation,
50:12 the public will believe that lie is true.
50:17 They will believe a delusion, 2 Thessalonians,
50:21 they will believe a lie.
50:24 The day is coming and Time Magazine says
50:26 where Pandora is opened.
50:29 Is it too late for America?
50:31 It is not.
50:33 It is time to pray for America
50:36 as we have never prayed before.
50:40 My friend Daniel Augsburger Jr. sent me
50:43 and a few of us a quotation in September that he found.
50:48 They are right here.
50:51 Taking notes all around it.
50:55 I'm not going to read the quotation to you,
50:57 it's too sensitive.
50:59 I gave you the reference, you look it up for yourself.
51:03 Wednesday night,
51:05 I want to unpack this in the choir,
51:07 no live streaming, no radio, nothing.
51:11 Just a few people who want to pray together.
51:14 Wednesday night, I want to unpack this.
51:18 You better wake up.
51:19 We had better suck in fresh air
51:24 and get ready.
51:27 You thought it would never happen.
51:29 It's happening.
51:31 We laughed it off.
51:32 I've been hearing that since I was a kid,
51:34 nothing to it Dwight, nothing to it.
51:38 My friend, something to it.
51:43 We must pray, this is a time to pray.
51:46 America can still be reached.
51:48 Her heart and soul can yet be healed
51:51 but we must pray as we have never prayed before.
51:53 Look at the back cover of your bulletin,
51:54 just put that on your dormitory bulletin board.
51:57 Put it on your refrigerator.
51:59 Wednesday night, 7 o'clock in this place
52:01 right here in the sanctuary.
52:03 Let's pray, if it's just you and me there,
52:04 we'll pray.
52:06 We'll have a great season of prayer.
52:07 I'm going to keep it long, but we got to pray.
52:10 How can we go to this election and just wring your hands oh,
52:12 I don't know what's going to happen.
52:14 Who cares, God knows.
52:17 And we need to call upon the almighty.
52:19 We need to call upon Him. Take out.
52:22 Listen, listen,
52:24 look if the maker of all things loves and wants me
52:27 and that was a one line for ten times
52:30 Hope Trending took to the world.
52:31 The maker of all things loves and wants me,
52:33 ten times we took that to the world.
52:35 If that line is true,
52:37 the maker of all things loves and wants me,
52:39 then we can trust Him to the max right now.
52:43 Call upon me in the day of trouble,
52:45 Psalm 50:15,
52:46 "Call upon me in the day of trouble,
52:47 and I will deliver you.
52:49 And you will glorify me, you call on me."
52:51 I'm not going to do your work for you.
52:53 How serious are you with this?
52:55 Call on me, ask me.
52:59 I'm going to pray with you
53:00 and then I'm going to sing, listen,
53:04 and bring him together.
53:06 Let's pray, oh God, here we are
53:10 before the God of the universe,
53:15 whom we can implicitly and utterly trust
53:19 with our private lives and our very public nation,
53:26 the nations of the world, oh, God we give to you.
53:29 Do whatever it takes.
53:32 We're running out of time, please.
53:40 You do whatever it takes and we will trust You,
53:46 and we will tell the truth about You
53:49 through every open door You provide.
53:53 Have had it dear God, have had it now,
53:56 we pray in Christ name, amen.
54:23 Once to every man and nation
54:28 Comes the moment to decide
54:35 In the strife of truth with falsehood
54:41 For the good or evil side
54:47 Some great cause, God's new Messiah
54:53 Offering each the bloom or blight
55:00 And the choice goes by forever
55:06 Twixt that darkness and that light
55:13 Though the cause of evil prosper
55:20 Yet 'tis truth alone is strong
55:26 Though her portion be the scaffold
55:32 And upon the throne be wrong
55:39 Yet that scaffold sways the future
55:45 And behind the dim unknown
55:51 Standeth God within the shadow
55:58 Keeping watch above His own
56:10 Oh, God, that standeth within the shadow
56:12 keeping watch above His own.
56:15 Praise be to Your name forever and ever
56:18 for wisdom and power Yours.
56:20 You change times and seasons,
56:23 You depose kings and raise up others,
56:25 You give wisdom to the wise
56:27 and knowledge to the discerning.
56:29 You reveal deep and hidden things,
56:31 you know what lies in darkness and light dwells with You.
56:36 All light of the world shine upon these,
56:39 who go force into the world that awaits him.
56:42 May the light of Christ,
56:47 illumine their pathway and shine upon this nation,
56:53 You are yet longing to save, amen.
57:00 May I take an extra moment with you
57:02 and let you know how grateful I am
57:03 that you joined us in worship today?
57:05 I hear from viewers like you across the nation,
57:07 and literally around the world,
57:09 and I'm thankful.
57:10 If you'd like to explore further
57:12 what we have just shared,
57:13 I hope you'll visit us at our website.
57:15 It's an easy one to remember,
57:20 We're the Pioneer Memorial Church
57:22 here on the campus of Andrews University.
57:23 So that's
57:27 Click on to that website,
57:29 and you'll be able to listen to a podcast of this material.
57:31 You can download the presentation.
57:32 You can print off the study guide.
57:34 You may have a special prayer need that you wish to share
57:36 with our prayer partners,
57:38 or you may wish to partner with us
57:39 through a personal donation
57:40 to help reach this generation
57:42 with the everlasting good news of Christ.
57:44 If you'd rather talk with someone,
57:46 call one of our friendly operators.
57:48 Here's the toll free number 877,
57:50 and then the two words HIS-WILL.
57:52 877-HIS-WILL.
57:54 In the meantime,
57:56 may the grace and peace of Jesus be yours
57:58 every step of this adventurous way.


Revised 2017-01-12