New Perceptions


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP160910A

00:25 Let's sing together now.
00:28 Lord, I will lift
00:35 Mine eyes to the hills
00:44 Knowing my help is coming
00:55 From You
00:59 Your peace You give me
01:07 In time of the storm
01:16 You are the source of my strength
01:24 You are the strength of my life
01:32 I lift my hands in total
01:39 Praise to you
01:48 Lord, I will lift
01:54 Mine eyes to the hills
02:03 Knowing my help is coming
02:14 From You
02:19 Your peace You give me
02:26 In time of the storm
02:36 You are the source of my strength
02:44 You are the strength of my life
02:51 I lift my hands in total
02:59 Praise to you
03:04 Amen,
03:08 Amen Amen
03:12 Amen Amen
03:18 Amen Amen
03:20 Amen
03:37 You are the source of my strength
03:45 You are the strength of my life
03:53 I lift my hands in total
04:00 Praise to you
04:05 Amen
04:10 Amen Amen
04:14 Amen Amen
04:18 Amen Amen
04:26 Amen
04:36 Amen, praise the Lord.
04:37 Y'all may be seated.
04:43 They said, God is in the big things
04:45 and He's in the small things
04:46 and I believe He's also in the simple things
04:48 when it's done intentionally.
04:51 This next song is very simple, but it's also very intentional
04:54 because it talks about Christ as the center of it all.
04:57 Christ is the pillar of our faith
04:59 because His sacrifice and His death in resurrection
05:02 mean so much and we unpack that
05:05 each and every day as we get to know Him better.
05:07 So sing with me now, Jesus at the centre.
05:11 Jesus at the center of it all
05:18 Jesus at the center of it all
05:24 From beginning to the end
05:28 It will always be, it's always been You,
05:31 Jesus
05:35 Let's sing it again, Jesus.
05:38 Jesus at the center of it all
05:45 Jesus at the center of it all
05:52 From beginning to the end
05:55 It will always be, it's always been You, Jesus
06:02 Jesus, nothing else matters
06:09 Nothing in this world will do
06:17 'Cause Jesus You're the center
06:22 Everything revolves around You,
06:27 Jesus, You
06:43 Jesus be the center of my life
06:45 Jesus be the center of my life
06:52 Jesus be the center of my life
06:58 From beginning to the end
07:01 It will always be, it's always been You, Jesus
07:08 Jesus, nothing else matters
07:15 Nothing in this world will do
07:22 'Cause Jesus You're the center
07:27 Everything revolves around You
07:32 Jesus, You
07:36 From my heart to the Heavens Jesus be the center
07:44 It's all about You
07:47 Yes it's all about You
07:50 From my heart to the Heavens Jesus be the center
07:58 It's all about You Yes it's all about You
08:04 From my heart to the Heavens Jesus be the center
08:11 It's all about You Yes it's all about You
08:19 Nothing else matters
08:24 Nothing in this world will do
08:32 'Cause Jesus You're the center
08:37 Everything revolves around You
08:42 Jesus, You
08:47 This is the most important one.
08:50 Jesus be the center of Your church
08:57 Jesus be the center of Your church
09:03 And every knee will bow
09:07 And every tongue shall confess You, Jesus
09:14 Jesus
09:28 Great is Thy faithfulness
09:32 O God my Father
09:37 There is no shadow
09:41 Of turning with Thee
09:47 Thou changest not, Thy compassion's,
09:53 They fail not
09:56 As Thou hast been
10:00 Thou forever will be
10:06 Great is Thy faithfulness!
10:11 Great is Thy faithfulness!
10:16 Morning by morning
10:20 New mercies I see
10:26 All I have needed
10:30 Thy hand hath provided
10:35 Great is Thy faithfulness!
10:40 Lord unto me
10:48 Summer and winter
10:52 And springtime and harvest
10:58 Sun, moon, and stars
11:02 In their courses above
11:07 Join with all nature
11:11 In manifold witness
11:17 To Thy great faithfulness
11:22 Mercy, and love
11:27 Great is Thy faithfulness!
11:32 Great is Thy faithfulness!
11:37 Morning by morning
11:41 New mercies I see
11:46 All I have needed
11:51 Thy hand hath provided
11:56 Great is Thy faithfulness!
12:01 Lord unto me
12:04 For those of you that would like to come forward,
12:06 I invite you now for a prayer appeal.
12:08 Pardon for sin
12:12 And a peace that endureth
12:19 Thy own dear presence
12:23 To cheer and to guide
12:28 Strength for today
12:32 And bright hope for tomorrow
12:38 Blessings all mine
12:42 With ten thousand beside
12:48 Great is Thy faithfulness!
12:53 Great is Thy faithfulness!
12:58 Morning by morning
13:02 New mercies I see
13:07 All I have needed
13:11 Thy hand hath provided
13:17 Great is Thy faithfulness!
13:22 Great is Thy faithfulness!
13:27 Great is Thy faithfulness!
13:36 Lord unto me
14:25 My God
14:30 I love Thee
14:47 Not because I hope
14:52 For heaven thereby
14:58 Nor yet because who love thee not
15:11 Must die eternally
15:33 Thou, O my Jesus, thou didst me
15:39 Upon the cross embrace
15:44 Thou, O my Jesus, thou didst me
15:48 Upon the cross embrace
16:05 For me didst bear the nails, the nails and spear
16:11 And manifold disgrace
16:28 And manifold disgrace
17:08 Why, then why,
17:19 O blessed Jesus Christ
17:25 Should I not love thee well?
17:31 Not for the hope of winning heaven
17:43 Or of escaping hell
17:54 Not with the hope of gaining aught
18:00 Not seeking a reward
18:04 But as thyself hast loved me
18:13 O ever-loving Lord
18:29 E'en so I love thee
18:37 And will love
18:40 And in thy praise will sing
18:58 Solely because thou art my God
19:06 And my Eternal King
19:29 Amen.
19:37 Well, thank you choir, that was powerful.
19:40 My Eternal King, I love you, I love you, I love you.
19:44 Wow, we needed that.
19:46 Bless you.
19:50 Oh God, You're our king
19:54 and in worship this morning you,
19:56 you have been drawing from our very souls.
20:02 The praise,
20:04 the total praise that is due you
20:11 and I'm exclaiming like David did.
20:13 I was so glad when they said to me,
20:15 let us go to the house of the Lord.
20:18 We've been here, You're here.
20:22 Don't stop now,
20:24 we're getting to something
20:26 absolutely critical for our journey.
20:30 Make it clear, ignite it.
20:35 And may we get it,
20:37 we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
20:40 I mean what would you do with a 75 pound pearl?
20:43 You just can't imagine.
20:45 Can you put that picture one more time,
20:46 I just want to imagine that
20:47 under my bed I was just thinking.
20:51 By the way we snooped this
20:52 because some of you would think, oh, yeah,
20:54 this is one of those urban legends.
20:55 No, we checked it out.
20:57 Everybody's carried the story, BBC included.
20:59 They still haven't verified if it's the largest pearl,
21:02 but you know what, if you had it,
21:03 if you had a pearl like that, come on, tell me the truth.
21:05 Wouldn't shoot 100 million dollars.
21:07 Wouldn't you be willing to pretty much liquidate
21:09 everything you own to possess that pearl a 100 million.
21:16 Jesus told a story once upon a time,
21:17 didn't He, what was that?
21:18 Matthew 13 there was a businessman
21:20 who when he,
21:21 when he ascertain the veracity of that value,
21:25 he found that pearl of great price,
21:27 he liquidated his entire assets,
21:29 remember that little parable,
21:31 liquidated his entire assets just for the joy at...
21:35 the glory of owning
21:37 and possessing a pearl of great price.
21:40 So Christ Object Lessons,
21:42 this classic on Jesus' parables.
21:44 I love this line, put it on the screen for you.
21:46 "The blessings of redeeming love
21:48 our Savior compared to a precious pearl...
21:51 Christ Himself is the precious, I inserted that,
21:54 Christ Himself is the precious pearl of great price."
21:58 How precious is He?
22:00 Let's find out hashtag RxF4Now,
22:05 have you figured that out yet?
22:06 No, you haven't, keep hanging on to it,
22:07 you'll get it.
22:09 Let's put it on the screen
22:10 those of you are watching right now,
22:12 we're going to cut to a study guide in a moment.
22:13 So I need to put that website up so that you're ready to go
22:15 as we're ready to go.
22:17 The website is
22:19 You go to that website,
22:21 you're looking for the series hashtag
22:22 RxF4Now,
22:27 titled this one, 'Precious'.
22:28 Hit on study guide, let's go.
22:31 You ready?
22:33 All right oh, yeah, oh thank you ushers,
22:34 bless you, thank you.
22:36 If you didn't get a study guide,
22:37 put your hands up because we're plunging into it,
22:39 it's just boom, boom, boom,
22:40 we're not stopping and looking back.
22:41 This teaching is that critical.
22:43 I'm just really pumped about the chance
22:46 that you and I get to share this
22:48 from the Word of God.
22:49 You watch, you see.
22:51 All right so,
22:53 Christmas is still a long ways off.
22:55 But let's pretend like we're Walmart,
22:57 let's have Christmas in September,
22:58 haven't they put the...
22:59 Don't they already have these decorations up
23:01 with little Christmas trees?
23:02 Let's take a page out of Walmart playbook
23:04 and let's go to a Christmas story right now.
23:07 Open your Bible please to the Gospel of Matthew,
23:08 Matthew 1.
23:10 I'm in the New International Version.
23:11 Whatever translation you've brought,
23:13 it's fine by me.
23:14 You didn't bring a Bible, pull the pew Bible out.
23:16 You've got it on your device, that God will use your device,
23:20 it's not a problem.
23:21 Matthew 1, the Christmas story, we pick it up in verse 20.
23:25 We got to move, you and me, let's move.
23:27 Verse 20, but after he, that would be Joseph,
23:30 had considered this,
23:31 that would be divorcing
23:33 his little teenage pregnant fiancé(C)
23:37 because back then when you got betrothed,
23:38 the only way you could break it off was,
23:40 it's that serious, it was a divorce.
23:42 So after, so he now is thinking he's going to divorce her,
23:44 "But after you consider this,
23:45 an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream
23:48 and the angel said,
23:50 Joseph son of David,
23:52 do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife,
23:55 because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
23:58 She will give birth to a son,
24:00 and you are to give him the name Jesus,
24:02 because he will save his people from their sins."
24:07 Matthew goes on,
24:08 "And all this took place to fulfill
24:10 what the Lord had said to the prophet Isaiah."
24:11 Verse 23,
24:13 "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son,
24:16 and they will call him Immanuel,"
24:18 which means what?
24:20 Which means God with us.
24:22 Would you take your study guide and write that down.
24:25 That baby that is going to be born
24:27 full term of a nine month pregnancy,
24:30 when that baby is born,
24:31 that baby will be the eternal God
24:34 incarnated in human flesh.
24:36 We'll call him Immanuel, it means God with us.
24:41 So what was He like, this God man who came to earth?
24:44 What was He really like?
24:46 I mean in terms of His manliness,
24:48 in terms of His humanity.
24:50 The most profound statement
24:51 about Jesus' humanity is found in the Book of Hebrews
24:54 and without apology
24:56 I'm going to have you read the entire passage.
24:58 Hebrews 2, open your Bible towards the end
25:02 Hebrews 2, take a look at this.
25:05 What kind of a man was He?
25:07 Okay, I know God is with us.
25:08 So He's become human
25:10 but how human was the one who came?
25:13 Hebrews 2.
25:15 And by the way this is in your study guide
25:17 and I wanted this entire passage in the study guide,
25:19 so I put it in there.
25:20 So you're going to fill in blanks.
25:22 You can either read this from your study guide
25:24 and fill the blanks in as we go,
25:25 you'll have to kind of take a peek at the screen
25:27 or you can read it and fill it in later
25:29 because you obviously know what goes in the blanks.
25:31 Hebrews 2, we're going to pick it up in verse 9.
25:35 Verse 9,
25:37 "But we do see Jesus," write in the name Jesus.
25:40 That's what we're going to do this.
25:41 We're going to spend the whole morning,
25:42 the few moments you and I have together,
25:44 we're going to look at Jesus,
25:45 we're just going to keep looking at Jesus,
25:47 "We do see Jesus who was made
25:50 lower than the angels for a little while..."
25:53 Now that's code language because from the Old Testament
25:55 we know that the human race was created
25:56 a little lower than the angels
25:58 so that language is simply saying,
26:00 He was made human.
26:01 Okay, so we do see Jesus who was made human,
26:05 keep reading in verse 9,
26:06 now okay, he's back in heaven,
26:08 "Now crowned with glory and honor
26:11 because he suffered death
26:14 so that by the grace of God
26:15 he might taste death for everyone."
26:19 How many of the human race are covered by His coming?
26:21 How many of the human race?
26:23 The entire human race, every man, woman, child,
26:25 who ever occupied any space on terra firma is covered.
26:30 All right, now go on to verse 10,
26:31 "In bringing many sons and daughters to glory,
26:33 it was fitting that God, for whom
26:35 and through whom everything exists,
26:36 should make the pioneer,
26:38 " I like that in the new NIV,
26:40 "The pioneer of their salvation perfect
26:43 through what he suffered."
26:44 Keep filling them in, both now verse 11,
26:47 "Both the one who makes people holy,
26:49 it would be God,
26:51 and those who are made holy are of the same family.
26:54 So, Jesus is not ashamed to call them
26:58 brothers and sisters."
27:00 We are family, that's the point.
27:06 We're family.
27:07 He's one with us.
27:09 He's not ashamed
27:10 that's my bro, that's my sis,
27:12 that's my little sis, that's my little brother.
27:14 Keep going.
27:15 We're going to drop down to verse 14,
27:17 "Since the children have flesh and blood..."
27:19 That would be you and me, flesh and blood, right,
27:20 here we go, we got it,
27:22 "He too shared in their humanity
27:25 so that by his death..."
27:28 So he's sharing our humanity,
27:30 "By his death he might break the power of him
27:34 who holds the power of death."
27:35 Who would that be? That's the devil.
27:37 It's going to be mortal, hand to hand combat, combat,
27:40 mind to mind the entire time he's here,
27:43 he's here for combat.
27:44 Now, keep going.
27:46 Put the next slide up
27:47 "And by that death he's going to free those of us,
27:50 and that will be all of us,
27:51 who all our lives have been held in slavery
27:54 by our fear of death."
27:58 He came to set us free.
28:00 Now verse 16, keep going,
28:01 "For surely it is not angels that Jesus helps,
28:05 but Abraham's descendants."
28:06 Pause button,
28:08 the Greek word for descendants
28:09 sperm, sperma, that's the word sperma.
28:13 We're talking about real life humanity here, okay.
28:17 He's in the midst of it.
28:19 He helps Abraham's descendants,
28:21 "For this reason he had to be made,
28:24 he had to be made like them in...
28:26 " What are the next two words, in what?
28:28 Everyway, in everyway made like us.
28:32 How human was He? In everyway.
28:33 "In order that he might become a merciful
28:35 and faithful high priest in the service of God,
28:37 and that he might make atonement for the sins."
28:40 That's why He's here, He's going to die.
28:42 He has to become human because God can't die.
28:44 He has to become human,
28:45 He's going to pay the eternal penalty
28:50 for the rebellion of this planet.
28:52 Himself He will pay for the sins of the earth.
28:55 Verse 18, one more from chapter 2,
28:57 "Because he himself suffered when he was tempted..."
29:01 We're talking about trivial human,
29:02 He is tempted,
29:04 "Because he suffered when he was tempted,
29:05 he is able to help those who are being tempted."
29:08 He's down here in the mud with us.
29:12 Now we're going to throw in verse Chapter 4:15,
29:15 keep your pen moving,
29:16 "For we do not have a high priest
29:17 who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses..."
29:20 He has all our weaknesses now within him.
29:24 "He is not unable to empathize with our weaknesses,
29:28 but we have one who has been tempted in everyway."
29:31 So, just write that in
29:33 because He's not only made like us in everyway,
29:35 He's been tempted like everyway,
29:37 in everyway.
29:40 "Just as we are, yet he did not sin."
29:44 Huge, write in the word sin, He did not, He did not.
29:49 One last verse Hebrews 5:8, "Son though he was,
29:52 he learned obedience from what he suffered."
29:55 You know why?
29:56 No pain, no gain.
30:00 No pain, no gain.
30:02 It had to be this way.
30:03 It had to be this way.
30:05 So, Dwight, how come I have to go through
30:06 this extended passage, I mean please.
30:08 All right, I'll tell you why?
30:09 Because God's strategic plan.
30:12 This rescue mission of God's
30:14 to save the human race critically necessitated Him
30:18 becoming one with us rebel sinners.
30:21 So that nobody could come up to Him one day and say,
30:23 "Yo, Jesus, I understand You came,
30:25 I understand You have five fingers on each hand,
30:27 but You do not know what it's like,
30:28 You don't know what I've been through,
30:30 You have not felt what I have felt,
30:31 You do not understand me really truly."
30:35 Boom, He says, "Forget that."
30:38 Reminds me of a little playlet, little short play, entitled,
30:42 title of the play, The Long Silence.
30:44 I want to read this to you, see if you get it.
30:47 "At the end of time,
30:48 billions of people were scattered on a great plain
30:50 before God's throne.
30:52 Most shrank back
30:53 from the brilliant light before them.
30:54 But some groups near the front talked heatedly,
30:58 not with cringing shame, but with belligerence.
31:00 'Can God judge us?
31:02 How can he know about suffering?'
31:03 snapped a pert young brunette.
31:05 She ripped open a sleeve and reveal a tattooed number
31:08 from a Nazi concentration camp.
31:10 'We endured terror and beatings,
31:13 torture and death!'
31:14 In another group a black young man lowered his collar.
31:18 'What about this?'
31:19 he demanded, showing an ugly rope burn.
31:20 'Lynched for no crime but being black!'
31:24 In another crowd,
31:26 a pregnant schoolgirl with sullen eyes,
31:28 'Why should I suffer' she murmured,
31:29 'It wasn't my fault.'
31:32 Far out a cross the plain there were hundreds of such groups.
31:35 Each had a complaint against God for the evil
31:37 and suffering he permitted in his world.
31:39 How lucky God was to live in heaven
31:42 where all was sweetness and light,
31:44 where there was no weeping or fear,
31:46 no hunger or hatred.
31:47 What did God know of all that man had been forced to endure
31:51 in this world?
31:52 For God leads a pretty sheltered life, they said.
31:57 So each of these groups sent forth their leader,
31:59 chosen because he had suffered the most.
32:01 A Jew, a black, a person from Hiroshima,
32:04 a horribly deformed arthritic, an autistic child.
32:07 In the centre of the plain they consulted with each other.
32:09 At last they were quite ready to present their case.
32:12 It was rather clever.
32:14 Before God could be qualified to be their judge,
32:17 he must endure what they had endured.
32:20 Their decision was that
32:21 God should be sentenced to live on earth as a man.
32:25 'Let him be born a Jew.
32:27 Let the legitimacy of his birth be doubted.
32:29 Give him a work so difficult
32:31 that even his family will think him
32:32 out of his mind when he tries to do it.
32:34 Let him be betrayed by his closest friends.
32:37 Let him face false charges, be tried by a prejudiced jury,
32:40 convicted by a cowardly judge.
32:42 And then let him be tortured.
32:44 'And at last,
32:45 let him see what it means to be terribly alone.
32:48 Let then let him die.
32:50 Let him die so that there can be no doubt that he died.
32:52 Let there be a great host of witnesses to verify it.'
32:56 As each leader announced his portion of the sentence,
32:59 loud murmurs of approval went up
33:01 from the throng of people assembled.
33:03 And when the last had finished pronouncing sentence,
33:08 there was a long silence.
33:19 No-one uttered another word.
33:23 No-one moved.
33:26 For suddenly all knew
33:29 that God had already
33:32 served his sentence."
33:37 Wow.
33:39 What did we just read?
33:41 For we do not have one who is unable to empathize
33:43 with our weaknesses
33:44 but we have one who has been tempted in every way
33:46 just as we are, God with us.
33:54 So here's the question.
33:56 How would you answer this?
33:58 When God became man,
34:01 how did He relate to God?
34:07 Think about it.
34:08 Did Jesus have some sort of inside track,
34:14 some sort of divine privilege?
34:17 Maybe little, just a little teeny divine advantage.
34:20 You already know the answer to the question,
34:21 the question is no.
34:23 Instead Jesus had a huge human advantage
34:29 and I'm going to give you six texts right now
34:31 in a row that will prove to you
34:32 that you have the same huge human advantage
34:36 as Jesus did.
34:38 Let's go six of them, counting,
34:39 when the sixth one is done, I'm sitting down.
34:41 Number one, it's in your study guide,
34:42 number one Hebrews 2:13 we skip that verse.
34:46 But the verse is by, by the Book of Hebrews,
34:48 it's being attributed to Jesus.
34:50 He says this quote in the Psalms,
34:51 "I will put My trust, " quoting Isaiah,
34:53 "I will put My trust in Him."
34:56 You know how Jesus live when He was down here?
34:58 It was just like that.
35:01 He put His trust in God.
35:02 Was that once a week when He went to church.
35:05 Maybe that was once a day, when He prays in the morning.
35:08 Once an hour?
35:09 Once a minute?
35:11 Are you kidding?
35:12 Jesus lived by faith.
35:17 Now that's not such a radically new strategy.
35:19 In fact, it's a radically old strategy
35:22 which is why in the Book of Hebrews
35:23 you have Chapter 11
35:25 which is called the Hall of faith,
35:26 Hall of Fame chapter of the Bible
35:27 by faith Enoch,
35:29 by faith Nova,
35:31 by faith Abraham, by faith Sara,
35:33 by faith Joseph, by faith Moses,
35:36 by faith Gideon,
35:37 by faith all of them,
35:40 thought Jesus lived by faith,
35:43 by faith.
35:48 Proof text number two,
35:51 here comes number two, jot it down.
35:52 And by the way the next three,
35:54 the next three are all red letters
35:56 because we'll hear from Jesus' own lips
35:58 the huge human reality that He lived through.
36:02 Okay, so this is number two, John Chapter 5.
36:06 You've got it there in the study guide John 5:19,
36:09 "Very truly I tell you,"
36:11 oh, by the way because this is the fourth gospel
36:13 you already know this many of you,
36:15 but this is a double amen,
36:17 whenever you see those words in the NIV,
36:18 "Very truly I tell you,"
36:20 that means there's a double amen.
36:22 Amen, amen.
36:23 Now that's a device,
36:25 a literary device that John uses like a huge red flag.
36:27 "Yo, reader slow down, slow down, slow down,
36:31 something huge is about to be declared by Jesus."
36:35 It's only on his lips that we hear the double amen.
36:37 So here it now, something big is coming,
36:39 "Barely, barely amen, amen,
36:42 I tell you, the Son can do nothing."
36:45 How much?
36:47 How much?
36:48 Nothing by Himself and then to make sure
36:52 we didn't miss that verse 30 of the same conversation
36:55 he is having with these ecclesiastical leaders,
36:57 look it, he puts it there,
36:58 puts it this way, "By myself I can do, how much?
37:03 Nothing, nada, zero,
37:04 nothing, I can do nothing by myself.
37:09 Now this is, this is rather amazing
37:11 because this is coming from the incarnated
37:13 creator of the universe,
37:14 remember the creator of the universe.
37:16 The creator who spoke and when He speaks,
37:18 what He speaks becomes reality.
37:22 So when He says,
37:23 "Let there be light"
37:24 in less than a half a nanosecond,
37:26 boom, there is light
37:28 because the creator's word get this,
37:30 the creator's word describes the reality
37:35 embedded in the word and creates the reality
37:39 when the word is spoken.
37:41 Let there be light, boom, there's light.
37:45 Psalm 33:9,
37:48 remember that from our first part in the series verse 9,
37:51 "For He spoke, and it was done."
37:54 And by the way in the Hebrew, it goes like this,
37:55 "For He spoke and it was."
37:57 There's no done, I inserted the done.
38:00 "For He spoke, and it was,
38:01 He commanded, and it stood fast."
38:04 That's the point.
38:05 That's why I love Isaiah 55:11.
38:07 These are two, boy, I tell you,
38:09 I've latched on to this,
38:11 these verbs these verses
38:13 with their verbs are in my mind kind of every day, every day.
38:17 Why?
38:19 Because I know that when God speaks the word,
38:21 let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.
38:25 When God uses the same language,
38:26 "Let not" when He speaks that word.
38:29 The moment He speaks it, you got it.
38:32 Let your heart be at peace.
38:34 Peace, because the word He speaks
38:37 creates the reality it describes
38:40 So Isaiah 55:11 I love this,
38:41 "So is My word that goes out of My mouth:
38:44 It will not return to Me empty,
38:45 but will accomplish what I desire
38:47 and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
38:50 When I say, when I say,
38:52 "Let not...
38:57 your heart be troubled."
39:01 It's no trouble.
39:04 Neither let it be afraid.
39:08 Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.
39:14 You got it.
39:16 When He speaks it,
39:19 and you receive it, you got it.
39:23 So Jesus says,
39:24 isn't it something that the great creator
39:26 who just says the word
39:27 and the whole universe is shaped.
39:28 He says, "I can do nothing, I can do nothing by Myself,
39:32 nothing."
39:33 Something has happened.
39:35 Something has happened to the Almighty God Creator
39:37 come to earth incarnated into our likeness,
39:39 something has happened.
39:40 He has become us and because He is now us,
39:43 He can do nothing on His own.
39:47 Proof text number three, there are six of these.
39:50 Here comes number three also red letters.
39:52 Then on the eve of His execution,
39:54 this is John 14:10,
39:55 Oh, boy, wait till you see what this one says.
39:58 This is Jesus speaking,
39:59 there're only 11 men in the upper room now,
40:01 one of them is gone.
40:03 "The words I say to you, my friends and disciples,
40:07 I do not speak on My own authority.
40:09 Rather, it is the Father, living in Me.
40:14 The father living in Me, who is doing His work."
40:17 He lives in Me.
40:19 He's doing it through Me.
40:20 It's His work.
40:23 What is going on here?
40:24 Do you mean the healing Jesus did?
40:26 You mean, the loving Jesus did?
40:27 The weeping Jesus did?
40:29 The dying Jesus did? The resurrecting Jesus did?
40:31 Do you mean that was all the work of the Father,
40:32 that's exactly what Jesus means?
40:35 I didn't do this. I can't do anything.
40:37 By Myself I can do nothing.
40:38 You know who's in Me?
40:40 The Father Himself is in Me.
40:42 I am totally dependent
40:45 on the Father of this universe.
40:49 Look at Desire of Ages, you can take this one home.
40:51 You got it in your study guide,
40:52 "So utterly was Christ emptied of self that He made,"
40:55 this, this is astounding,
40:57 "that He made no plans for Himself.
40:59 He accepted God's, God's plans for Him,
41:02 and day by day the Father unfolded His plans."
41:06 Now what gets me is are the next four words,
41:10 "So should we
41:13 depend upon God."
41:18 His modus operandi is to become our modus operandi.
41:21 "So should we depend upon God
41:24 that our lives may be the simple outworking of His will,
41:26 keep reading, "As one with us,
41:28 God with us, a sharer in our needs and weaknesses, "
41:32 weak just like you and me,
41:34 "He was wholly depended upon God,
41:37 and in the secret place of prayer
41:38 He sought divine strength,
41:40 that He might go forth braced for duty and trial."
41:45 Huge advantage, Dwight,
41:47 I'm not seeing the huge advantage.
41:49 Oh, you'll see it, there are only six of these,
41:50 you'll see it, here comes number four.
41:52 Also by the way in the upper room
41:54 just a few breaths later than Chapter 14.
41:57 Jot this down, John 15:5,
42:00 Jesus speaking, "I am the vine,
42:02 you are the what?
42:03 Come one, you are the what?
42:05 You're the branches, I'm the vine.
42:08 What is Jesus saying here.
42:09 "If you remain in Me, your older translation say,
42:12 if you abide in Me as I,
42:13 If you remain in Me and I in you."
42:17 Hit the pause button right there.
42:18 You know what Jesus is saying?
42:20 He's saying, hey, listen, listen, as it was,
42:24 as it is with the Father in Me, I can do nothing by Myself,
42:28 I can do nothing by Myself
42:29 but the Father is in Me, He doeth,
42:31 he does the works.
42:33 As it is between the Father and Me,
42:36 it's going to be between You and Me.
42:38 I'm gonna be in You, boy, and you're gonna be in Me.
42:40 We're gonna be just like this.
42:43 Girl, do you understand me?
42:45 I'm in you, you're in Me,
42:47 just like it was Me and the Father,
42:49 it will be with you.
42:51 Wow, and now notice some very familiar words
42:54 so after he says this in John 15:5,
42:57 "If you remain in Me and I in you,
42:58 you will bear much fruit,"
42:59 and now here comes "for apart from Me..."
43:01 How does it go? Tell me.
43:03 How does it go?
43:04 "For apart from Me you can do nothing."
43:06 Twice He's already told us, I can do nothing,
43:09 I can do nothing, has to be the Father.
43:11 Now He tells us, guess what?
43:12 Ditto for you.
43:14 You can do nothing
43:16 unless I'm in you and you in Me.
43:20 The track that He carves across the face of time
43:24 is the very trail we too are to trot.
43:29 Same-o, same-o, same-o,
43:32 nothing different for me than for you.
43:36 If I win doing it this way, guess what?
43:39 You win doing it this way.
43:41 You'll be fine just like Me and the Father, you and Me.
43:46 Wow.
43:52 Jesus is declaring here in John 15:5 is
43:55 "That just as His life was distinguished
43:57 by His radical and dependent faith in God,
44:00 even so our life is to be distinguished by our radical
44:04 and dependent faith in Christ."
44:08 But now I've got a surprise for you,
44:09 the best comes last.
44:12 There're still number five.
44:14 Now we can know
44:16 why the Bible's last book describes the,
44:18 describes earth final generation in the way
44:23 that feels a bit grammatically crazy
44:26 which has led modern translations
44:28 to miss the point completely as I'll show you.
44:31 Revelation 14:12, take a look at this.
44:33 You can look at in your Bible
44:34 but I have it right here in the study guide.
44:37 If you want to do it right there, you read,
44:38 some of you will remember these words.
44:40 "Here is the patience of the saints..."
44:43 This is at the end of the Three Angels' Messages,
44:45 this is the last line of the Three Angels' Messages,
44:47 "Here is the patience of the saints,
44:50 here are those who keep" two, two things.
44:53 And I've numbered them,
44:55 the numbers aren't in the Bible,
44:56 I've numbered them for you, two things just,
44:58 you keep two things is clear from the grammar.
45:00 They keep two things,
45:01 "Here are those who keep, number one,
45:03 the commandments of God, and number two, the what?
45:09 The faith of whom?
45:12 The faith of Jesus,
45:15 but modern translations come along and say,
45:17 that can't be.
45:18 I mean, how do you keep the faith of Jesus.
45:20 So you know what they do?
45:22 It's like my NIV, it renders it this way.
45:24 "Here are they who remain faithful to Jesus."
45:27 The word remain isn't even in the Greek,
45:28 they inserted to try to make their misinterpretation fit.
45:32 It doesn't fit.
45:34 The Greek reads exactly as it is.
45:35 "Here are they who keep, one, the commandments of God
45:38 and two, keep the faith of Jesus."
45:41 They keep Jesus' faith.
45:43 Do you understand that?
45:44 That's not the faith of me, that's not the faith of you,
45:47 that is the faith of Jesus,
45:48 that's what will get them through,
45:49 the final chapter of earth's history.
45:51 It's not the faith of you, it's not the faith of me,
45:54 it's the faith of Jesus that they hang on to
45:57 and that is what gets them through.
46:01 A final generation which must endure
46:04 what no generation in the history of this planet
46:06 has ever endured.
46:07 They will get through,
46:09 not on their faith, but on His faith.
46:13 You say, oh, Dwight, this is kind of...
46:15 I think you're just a little bit
46:17 pushing the margins here,
46:18 I mean please.
46:20 Oh, really.
46:22 It's one of Paul's favorite phrases
46:24 also mistranslated by modern translations.
46:28 I'll show you why?
46:29 Now I don't want to show you why,
46:30 I'll just show it to you.
46:32 Galatians 2,
46:33 okay, this is the last text I told you, six.
46:35 Here's number six, Galatians 2:20,
46:37 there are a lot of you
46:38 who have been able to sing the song
46:40 and you know, you know how the words go
46:41 and so I must do it out loud with you.
46:42 Let's do it.
46:44 "I am crucified with Christ," come on you know this,
46:46 "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live,
46:50 yet not I, but"
46:53 remember abide in me and I in you,
46:55 that's what Paul said,
46:56 and that's what happened, He's in me.
46:58 He's in me.
46:59 Christ in you the hope of glory,
47:00 He's in me.
47:02 Let's do it again, "I am crucified with Christ,
47:04 nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me.
47:09 And the life I live,
47:12 I live by the faith of the Son of God,
47:16 who loved me, and gave himself for me."
47:17 It reads exactly as Revelation 14:12 does,
47:20 the Greek identical.
47:23 The life I live, I live by the faith of Jesus.
47:28 It's the faith of Jesus that I live every day
47:31 says the greatest Christian who ever lived.
47:33 Did you fill that in?
47:34 I didn't stop to let you fill it in
47:36 because I needed to keep going here,
47:37 what's going on, you gonna say, Dwight,
47:38 something's going on here.
47:40 You bet.
47:41 I want to go to my friend Carl Cosaert,
47:43 one of the bright New Testament
47:44 scholars in our faith Community.
47:46 He teaches at Walla Walla University.
47:48 Carl Cosaert in his punchy little short
47:50 commentary on Galatians.
47:52 I'm quoting him now.
47:55 There's a new wind blowing even in New Testament scholarship.
47:59 N. T. Wright, he believes the same,
48:02 Richard Hayes, Duke University,
48:04 he believes the same,
48:05 Cosaert puts it simply for us.
48:08 Words on a screen, you take it home,
48:09 "In Greek the phrase..."
48:12 And by the way the phrase in modern translations
48:15 is rendered this way,
48:16 "Faith in Jesus, faith in Jesus,
48:19 faith in Jesus."
48:20 Everybody says, those that are thinking deeply
48:23 in the new scholarship are saying no, no, no, no, no
48:25 and that's what Carl is saying,
48:26 read this now.
48:28 In Greek the phrase literally means
48:30 the faith of Jesus or the faithfulness of Jesus.
48:35 "For Paul, Cosaert goes on,
48:37 the primary emphasis is not our faith in Jesus,
48:41 but Jesus' faithfulness.
48:43 Thus the issue is not our works
48:45 versus our faith
48:48 - that would almost make our faith meritorious,
48:50 which it is not."
48:52 My faith cannot save me.
48:55 If you make your faith the key,
48:58 the strategic piece in this jigsaw puzzle,
49:01 you have now made yourself your savior.
49:04 If your faith is what saves you,
49:06 your faith is your savior
49:08 and the New Testament is saying no,
49:09 no, no, no, no
49:12 it's his faith.
49:14 The faith of Jesus, the faithfulness of Jesus.
49:18 Do you see it?
49:20 That's what Cosaert is saying.
49:22 Keep reading where I stopped.
49:24 Rather, okay, see the word rather,
49:26 "Rather, faith is only the conduit
49:29 by which we take hold of Christ.
49:32 We are justified or saved not on the basis of our faith,
49:36 but on the basis of Christ's faithfulness."
49:42 Are you getting any of this?
49:44 Is this getting through?
49:47 And I've had a few weeks to work through this
49:49 since my study this summer.
49:50 It may take a little longer.
49:52 Don't throw your hands up in despair,
49:53 just keep thinking, keep thinking the Holy Spirit
49:55 who is here will impress upon you
49:57 what you need to remember and retain.
50:00 Here's what's happening.
50:02 There lies in this a vital nuance
50:05 that most modern translations now miss.
50:08 Here's what Paul, Paul exclaims,
50:09 here's what he's saying,
50:11 "I live by the faith of, not the faith in,
50:14 I live by the faith of the Son of God."
50:16 In other words, it is his faith,
50:19 his faithfulness that I daily live by."
50:21 Okay, let's put it another way,
50:22 try this one.
50:24 I live by the faith that belongs to Jesus.
50:27 All right.
50:28 The very faith He lived out when He was here,
50:34 that historical faith I'm living by it,
50:37 that's what Paul is saying.
50:40 I am accepted by God on the basis of Jesus' faith,
50:44 Jesus' faithfulness because it is His faith,
50:46 not my faith that matters in the end.
50:51 Wow, the good news,
50:54 ladies and gentlemen, of salvation.
50:56 The good news of salvation
50:59 in Christ is not the good news of our faith,
51:04 but rather the good news of Jesus faithfulness
51:07 when He was here.
51:08 In other words we are accepted by God
51:09 not on the basis of our faith, but it's His faith.
51:12 It's his faith. It's his faith.
51:14 The faith of Jesus.
51:17 There will be a generation at the end of time
51:18 that keeps the faith of Jesus.
51:24 A.T. Jones,
51:27 you've probably heard of that famous duo Wagner and Jones,
51:31 he's one half of that team.
51:33 This team by the way who exploded this truth
51:35 into prominence 120 years ago,
51:37 A.T. Jones in 1895 spoke these words,
51:43 put him on the screen please,
51:44 "When Jesus stood where we are,
51:46 He said, "I will put my trust in Him..."
51:49 That's Hebrews 2:13.
51:51 "And that trust was never disappointed."
51:53 I will put my trust in Him
51:55 and that trust was never disappointed,
51:57 "In response to that trust
51:59 the Father dwelt in Jesus and with Jesus
52:02 and kept Jesus from sinning,
52:04 and thus the Lord Jesus has brought to every man,
52:06 woman and child in this world divine faith.
52:10 That is the faith of the Lord Jesus,
52:12 and that is saving faith.
52:15 Faith is not something that comes from ourselves
52:17 with which we believe upon Him,
52:19 but it is that something He believed,
52:21 the faith He exercised, which He brings to us,
52:25 and which becomes ours
52:26 and works in us -the gift of God."
52:33 Here they who keep the commandments of God
52:37 and who keep the faith of Jesus.
52:43 You know, my generation,
52:45 the Haight Ashbury generation.
52:49 You heard of hippies.
52:51 So those of us growing up in the '60s and '70s,
52:52 there was a hot phrase that was making the rounds.
52:55 It was making the rounds everywhere
52:57 and here's a hot phrase.
52:58 Here's a hot phrase.
53:00 Keep the faith baby.
53:03 Yo, they didn't have fist bumps back then,
53:05 keep the faith baby.
53:07 There will be a people at the end of time
53:08 who'll keep the faith baby.
53:10 They keep the faith of Jesus.
53:13 They keep the faith of Jesus.
53:18 But now hold on to your pew because this gets...
53:21 This is where it blow out of the water,
53:23 this very teaching.
53:25 You've got to see how incredibly good
53:27 the good news is.
53:28 I only wrote one sentence for you to fill in,
53:30 the rest has all been scripture but here's a sentence
53:32 that I needed you to fill in right now,
53:33 you see it's true.
53:35 Fill it in.
53:36 "If it is the faith and faithfulness of Jesus...
53:38 And I hope you know,
53:40 now know that in fact that's what scripture teaches.
53:42 "If it is the faith and faithfulness of Jesus
53:45 that will save you and me in the end,
53:47 then that means God ends up providing everything essential
53:52 for our salvation!"
53:54 Everything essential for our salvation,
53:58 He has provided it all.
54:00 Do you understand that?
54:02 Because we used to think, well, I've got the faith,
54:03 He's got the rest.
54:05 No.
54:06 Now we know, jot this down, jot this down, there's whole,
54:09 there's seven of these.
54:10 Now we know that,
54:12 "He offers us the unshakable faith of Jesus."
54:15 The faith isn't even mine.
54:18 He gives the faith.
54:20 Keep going.
54:22 "He offers us also the perfect obedience of Jesus."
54:25 Last Sabbath we looked at the law giver made flesh
54:28 perfectly obeying God's law.
54:31 The Father says, you may have His perfect obedience.
54:33 Number three,
54:35 "He offers us the spotless righteousness of Jesus."
54:37 That robe in which there is not a stain,
54:39 not a smear, not a single smudge.
54:45 You have that perfectly white robe.
54:49 Number four,
54:50 "He offers us the sinless sacrifice of Jesus"
54:54 I give that to you.
54:56 Number six.
54:57 Number five rather
54:58 "He offers us the intercessory prayer of Jesus."
55:00 Now your high priest is interceding for you 24/7.
55:04 You never have to worry again in your life.
55:07 Number six,
55:09 "He offers us the eternal life of Jesus."
55:12 And number seven,
55:13 "He even offers us the eternal home of Jesus."
55:16 Ladies and gentleman, everything, everything,
55:19 everything has been given to us in Jesus,
55:23 in Jesus.
55:26 Wow.
55:29 Everything is yours.
55:32 When I was going over my notes last night late,
55:36 I said, "Oh God, this is, this,
55:38 I just cannot miss this point."
55:39 And so pardon me for doing this but I wrote it.
55:43 I got a big marker
55:45 and I wrote it at the bottom of my notes
55:48 so that I would not forget
55:49 and I want to make sure that you don't forget.
55:51 So I was just going to show you my notes,
55:54 "God has provided it all
56:00 in Jesus."
56:04 That's the truth.
56:05 If you get this truth,
56:08 you have the goodest news in the universe,
56:14 amen.
56:16 But, Dwight, I don't do it,
56:17 I do something, Dwight, come on, come on, come.
56:19 Yes, you do. Here's what you do.
56:20 You put your little trembling hand out
56:22 and you say, I'll take it,
56:26 that's the little faith you'll exercise,
56:28 you have to believe.
56:29 You just put your little hand out and you say,
56:31 I'll take it, how much do you want, Dwight,
56:33 I'll take the whole thing if you don't mind.
56:35 All of it.
56:37 I'll take it all.
56:39 In Jesus you have it all.
56:42 No wonder I end with this
56:43 speaking of the pearl of great price.
56:45 Put it on the screen for us please.
56:46 All that can see Christ Object Lesson,
56:48 "All they can satisfy the needs and longings of the human soul,
56:51 for this world and for the world to come,
56:53 is found in Christ."
56:55 Oh, oh, one more line, here it is,
56:58 "Our Redeemer is the pearl
57:00 so precious that in comparison all things else
57:04 may be accounted loss."
57:07 Amen and amen.
57:09 What do you say?
57:10 Amen.
57:14 May I take an extra moment with you
57:15 and let you know how grateful I am
57:17 that you joined us in worship today?
57:19 I hear from viewers like you across the nation,
57:21 and literally around the world, and I'm thankful.
57:24 If you'd like to explore further
57:25 what we have just shared,
57:27 I hope you'll visit us at our website.
57:28 It's an easy one to remember,
57:33 We're the Pioneer Memorial Church
57:35 here on the campus of Andrews University.
57:37 So that's
57:41 Click on to that website,
57:42 and you'll be able to listen to a podcast of this material.
57:44 You can download the presentation.
57:46 You can print off the study guide.
57:47 You may have a special prayer need that you wish to share
57:50 with our prayer partners,
57:51 or you may wish to partner with us
57:53 through a personal donation to help reach this generation
57:55 with the everlasting good news of Christ.
57:58 If you'd rather talk with someone,
58:00 call one of our friendly operators.
58:01 Here's the toll free number 877,
58:04 and then the two words HIS-WILL.
58:06 877-HIS-WILL.
58:08 In the meantime,
58:09 may the grace and peace of Jesus be yours
58:11 every step of this adventurous way.


Revised 2017-02-05