New Perceptions

The Artesian Well: How to Live Wholly in a Sun-scorched Land

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP160813A

00:08 Good morning, PMC.
00:10 We're happy to see you this morning
00:12 on the Sabbath morning.
00:14 Let's stand together for prayer.
00:25 Dear Lord, we come to you with humble hearts.
00:30 Thank you for this opportunity that we can come together
00:33 and worship you and praise your name.
00:35 Thank you for loving us so much.
00:37 Thank you for the blessings in our lives,
00:40 and thank you for this opportunity
00:43 of a new school year.
00:45 We love you and please bless us.
00:47 Amen Amen.
00:51 Remain, remain standing, thank you so much.
00:54 Or up and down, if you want to exercise.
00:58 So the first song is a celebration
01:00 that we together will start this year singing
01:05 and we will conclude this song in the New Jerusalem
01:10 when it returns down here on earth.
01:12 Keep that in mind as we sing to a very beautiful hymn tune
01:16 that you all know,
01:18 "The words for the music of creation. "
01:33 For the music of creation
01:39 For the song your Spirit sings
01:44 For Your sound's divine expression
01:50 Burst of joy in living things
01:56 God, our God, the world's composer
02:01 Hear us, echoes of Your voice
02:07 Music is Your art, Your glory
02:13 Let the human heart rejoice
02:25 Psalms and symphonies exalt
02:29 You Drum and trumpet, string and reed
02:36 Simple melodies acclaim
02:41 You Tunes that rise from deepest need
02:47 Hymns of longing and belonging
02:53 Carols from a cheerful throat
02:59 Lilt of lullaby and love song
03:05 Catching heaven in a note
03:17 Saints on earth and angel voices
03:23 In transcendent chorus meet
03:29 Worship lifting up the senses
03:35 Hands that praise and dancing feet
03:41 Over discord and division
03:47 Music speaks Your joy and peace
03:53 Harmony of earth and heaven
03:59 Song of God
04:01 That cannot cease!
04:08 Amen. You may be seated.
04:11 So this Thursday we came back to Andrews,
04:14 all the faculty and we met for the faculty institute
04:18 and we're greeted by Stephen and Susan Zork
04:21 with a wonderful worship.
04:22 And as is customary for Stephen,
04:25 he pulled out many new hymns for us to sing
04:29 to some common tunes.
04:31 And one really struck me in the heart.
04:33 And we're gonna sing it now.
04:34 I asked him if we can sing it again today.
04:36 Make this your testimony.
04:38 Really think on these words.
04:40 And if it resonates with your soul, sing it to God.
04:46 As a fire is meant for burning
04:52 With a bright and warming flame
04:58 So the church is meant for mission
05:05 Giving glory to God's name
05:12 Not to preach our creeds or customs
05:18 But to build a bridge of care
05:24 We join hands across the nations
05:31 Finding neighbors everywhere
05:38 We are learners, we are teachers
05:45 We are pilgrims on the way
05:51 We are seekers, we are givers
05:57 We are vessels made of clay
06:04 By our gentle, loving actions
06:11 We would show that Christ is light
06:18 In a humble, listening spirit
06:24 We would live to God's delight
06:40 As a green bud in the springtime
06:47 Is a sign of life renewed
06:54 So may we be signs of oneness
07:00 'Mid earth's peoples, many hued
07:07 As a rainbow lights the heavens
07:14 When a storm is past and gone
07:20 May our lives reflect a radiance
07:27 Of God's new and glorious dawn
07:56 God, you spin the whirling planets
08:00 Fill the seas and spread the plain
08:04 Mold the mountains, fashion blossoms
08:09 Call forth sunshine, wind, and rain
08:13 We, created in Your image
08:18 Would a true reflection be
08:22 Of Your justice, grace, and mercy
08:27 And the truth that makes us free
08:33 You have called us to be faithful
08:38 In our life and ministry
08:42 We respond in grateful worship
08:47 Joined in one community
08:51 When we blur Your gracious image
08:56 Focus us and make us whole
09:00 Healed and strengthened as Your people
09:05 We move onward toward Your goal
09:12 God, Your word is still creating
09:16 Calling us to life made new
09:21 Now reveal to us fresh vistas
09:25 Where there's work to dare and do
09:30 Keep us clear of all distortion
09:35 Fashion us with loving care
09:39 Thus, new creatures in Your image
09:44 We'll proclaim Christ everywhere
10:22 Open my eyes, that I may see
10:29 Glimpses of truth You have for me
10:35 Place in my hands the wonderful key
10:42 That shall unlock and set me free
10:50 Silently now, I wait for Thee
10:57 Ready my God your will to see
11:04 Open my eyes, illumine me
11:12 Spirit divine
11:23 Open my ears, that I may hear
11:30 Voices of truth you send so clear
11:37 And while the message sounds in my ear
11:44 Everything false
11:47 Will disappear
11:52 Silently now,
11:56 I wait for thee
12:00 Ready my God your will to see
12:07 Open my ears,
12:11 Illumine me
12:15 Spirit divine
12:23 Open my mouth, and let me bear
12:31 Gladly the warm truth everywhere
12:38 Open my heart, and let me prepare
12:46 Love with your children
12:50 Thus to share
12:54 Silently now, on bended knee
13:02 Ready I wait your will to see
13:10 Open my heart,
13:14 Illumine me
13:20 Spirit divine
13:34 Hello, boys and girls, welcome.
13:39 You guys know what I am?
13:40 No.
13:42 A scientist.
13:43 I'm a scientist.
13:44 I'm a special one called a 'Chemist'.
13:47 And my name is Dr. Ryan Harris PHD,
13:51 Department of Chemistry, associate professor
13:53 or you can just call me Doctor Bubbles.
13:59 Bubbles?
14:01 Yeah, I'm not gonna make bubbles today,
14:03 but we're gonna some important lessons
14:05 and some important chemistry.
14:06 You guys like running experiments?
14:08 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
14:09 We're gonna run in one here today.
14:10 We're gonna learn something about how God works right here.
14:15 I gotta ask this question, I think I know the answer
14:17 but I'm gonna ask in anyway.
14:18 Have you done anything bad before?
14:20 Yes. Yes.
14:22 Oh, and some are brave, yes. Yeah.
14:25 So how do we know that we're doing something bad?
14:27 When it tries to explode.
14:29 When it explodes...
14:30 When you get caught.
14:32 When you get caught, yeah, that's how we know.
14:34 No, is there, your parents catch you?
14:38 But how do your parents know when you've done something bad?
14:42 How do they know?
14:44 They have their parents' senses.
14:46 Okay, they have parental senses, super powers.
14:49 I agree.
14:51 This is true.
14:52 True words that never have been spoken,
14:53 but you know I gotta let you on a secret
14:55 the way that we know
14:57 as parents what's right and what's wrong,
14:59 what's bad and what's good is we look to God's word.
15:03 And more specifically we look at the Ten Commandments.
15:06 So I'm always trying to teach my kids the Ten Commandments
15:08 because if you break one of God's laws,
15:11 we call that does any body know?
15:14 Sin!
15:16 And I actually got some in the bottle right here.
15:21 Yeah, we won't run with that one at all.
15:25 But when you do something bad,
15:27 it's like putting a stain into your record,
15:31 into who you are and you're feeling so good.
15:34 But you know every one of you are different.
15:35 Some of you are tall, some of you are short.
15:37 And I'm gonna represent you,
15:39 the kids here with these different glasses that have...
15:42 Well, looks like water in there.
15:44 Some of you are nice and round.
15:48 Some of you have taller necks, they're round at the bottom.
15:50 Okay?
15:52 Some of you have this nice shape here.
15:55 We have another round one.
15:56 Maybe some of you are nice and tall.
15:59 You're all different, right?
16:00 You look different.
16:02 Tall, short, but you know what?
16:04 You are all the same because you are going to start
16:08 maybe doing things that, we hope not,
16:11 but we all do this, we breaks God's law.
16:14 And sin gets into our lives here
16:18 and starts to darken our lives here,
16:21 well, hopefully, eventually.
16:23 Yeah, dark in here.
16:25 Don't worry it will.
16:27 Oh, there it goes.
16:28 And sin gets into your life and starts to stain your life.
16:33 Don't worry there's lot to sin unfortunately.
16:36 And we start to darken,
16:38 and you know may be it was you
16:41 didn't listen to your mom and dad.
16:42 That's a commandment you know.
16:44 Honor your father and your mother.
16:46 And maybe what are some of other,
16:49 does anyone know some of the other commandments?
16:54 Thou shall not kill,
16:57 yeah, and Jesus said something about
16:59 even if you get mad at your brother
17:01 that's like the same thing.
17:02 Yes.
17:04 Do not lie. That ones a hard one.
17:07 Teasing and lying with each other
17:09 and we get stains in our lives.
17:13 You know what, it doesn't matter
17:14 if you are tall and skinny,
17:16 you too can start to get stains in your life here.
17:20 And I should add more stains in there.
17:23 But we'll let that go down there.
17:24 Okay?
17:26 And it doesn't matter who you are,
17:28 what your shape is, what you've done,
17:30 or what sin it is.
17:31 We often say, well, I didn't lie like you did.
17:36 I maybe said a bad word that's not as bad.
17:39 But you know what? To God, it's all the same.
17:41 It's still a stain on who you are.
17:44 And you become color.
17:46 Now wait, some of you would say,
17:47 oh, that looks so pretty, that's so pretty blue.
17:50 That sin is so neat.
17:52 All my friends, you know, are doing.
17:54 They're disobeying their parents.
17:56 And nobody, they don't get in trouble.
17:59 They've lied and they don't really get in trouble.
18:01 And, you know, nothing bothers them.
18:04 So maybe that sin is something we should just,
18:06 it's okay to play with.
18:08 And I'm wondering if it...
18:10 Yeah, we may need to put a bunch in there.
18:13 And I have backup sin if we need it too.
18:18 Yeah, it's going. It's going there.
18:20 We might need a little bit more
18:21 and I'll just keep telling little bit more
18:23 as we put some in here.
18:25 But sin can get in your life.
18:27 Does anybody know though
18:29 how you are to get rid of this sin in your life?
18:32 Yeah!
18:34 Oop! Who want's to answer that?
18:36 I think we got, how do you get rid of sin in your life?
18:40 I heard Jesus. Yeah, what?
18:41 What do you say? I'd dump the water out.
18:43 You dump the water out?
18:47 What's that? By being good.
18:49 By being good.
18:51 Those are really interesting ways to try
18:54 to get sin out of your life.
18:55 What do you think of it, young lady?
18:57 If you dump the water out into somebody else's cup.
19:01 Wow! I don't know if you heard that.
19:03 If you dump the water out into someone else's cup.
19:06 That is profound.
19:10 This is amazing.
19:11 You guys should do this at home.
19:16 Well, I gotta let you on a little secret.
19:18 There is only one way to get rid of the stain,
19:20 the sin, the bad things in your life.
19:23 And we gotta know what that is because some day,
19:24 oh, you think you know?
19:26 I'll give them... We pray.
19:27 We pray, that's okay,
19:28 but you gotta pray something specific.
19:30 You put a chemical in there.
19:31 You put a chemical in there.
19:33 You're getting closer, but what do you think?
19:34 Ask God to forgive.
19:36 You ask God to forgive you.
19:37 That's right.
19:39 And I actually have that forgiveness in the bottle
19:42 right here.
19:43 Look at that little bottle.
19:45 I have in here the power of Jesus.
19:47 In fact it's vitamin C.
19:50 Vitamin Christ.
19:52 And I'm just gonna take a little bit of that
19:55 and let's see if it's powerful enough to get rid of the stain
19:58 in one of these person's life.
20:01 And we mix it around.
20:04 And it's all clear.
20:07 Wow!
20:09 Did it matter what the sin was?
20:10 No. No.
20:12 Magic.
20:13 No, it's not magic.
20:15 It's chemistry.
20:19 Thank you for saying it.
20:22 What about this person,
20:23 they were a little bit bigger did the sin matter?
20:26 No, it's gone there too.
20:28 And this person,
20:30 well, they had a different type of sin,
20:31 did it matter?
20:32 No. See Jesus that's why he came and died.
20:36 Because Jesus is the special magic,
20:39 the chemistry,
20:40 however you want to explain it
20:42 that will come and take away the sin in the world.
20:45 It doesn't matter who you are.
20:47 Sin is sin.
20:48 But that one doesn't have too much color.
20:49 Yeah, that one doesn't have, wow!
20:51 It doesn't have too much blue in it,
20:52 but you know it's still sin.
20:55 And God wants to get rid of that in there too.
20:57 And it's all gone.
21:00 There's little blue on top.
21:01 It will go away.
21:02 Trust me. It will go away.
21:04 Now, hey, here's the big sin problem right here.
21:07 Couldn't I just put that back in
21:09 and the sin can go back
21:10 and these people right here will be sinful again.
21:14 This is why we're all coming to church
21:16 and why we're so excited and why as Adventist here,
21:19 we know that some day Jesus is just gonna
21:21 get rid of the all whole sin problem, okay?
21:24 And the all sin problem is just gonna go away
21:29 and that's why I got a lid on this.
21:31 So we can just rid of the sin problem,
21:34 the source of it.
21:44 Okay.
21:45 Now I heard this is PMC.
21:47 It's a big church, lots of people.
21:49 And I heard that you gotta go bigger and go home
21:52 and so actually I got something bigger here.
21:56 Oh! Oh!
21:59 Oh!
22:04 Wow!
22:05 Do you think this little bottle can take care of all of that?
22:08 Yes.
22:10 You guys are learning to have faith there.
22:13 You bet.
22:14 Oh, I hope so.
22:16 I'm gonna just dump it out.
22:17 Jesus poured out his whole life for you, and for me,
22:20 and for the whole world.
22:22 And let's see,
22:24 it lift with your legs, not with your back.
22:27 This is pretty heavy.
22:28 Let's see if we can get rid of it.
22:31 Is it going away?
22:33 Yeah. Yeah?
22:35 There it goes.
22:37 Don't worry I have some backup Jesus if it's not enough.
22:44 It's gone. That's gone away.
22:46 There will be a little bit in there,
22:48 don't look too closely.
22:50 There will be some scars that might remain.
22:55 Hey, this is really cool.
22:56 We learned something amazing, doesn't matter what the sin is,
22:58 Jesus can get rid of it.
23:00 Yes. You guys can see it.
23:01 It doesn't matter who you are, Jesus can get rid of your sin.
23:03 You have to ask, you have to repent,
23:06 and trust that Jesus can take care of it.
23:08 You guys have been great listeners.
23:09 Let's have a prayer to end our story time.
23:12 Dear God in heaven,
23:13 thank you for making this amazing world.
23:15 The only world that we know of that has water
23:18 everywhere on top of it.
23:20 And we're so much inside of us,
23:21 Lord reminds us
23:22 that you want to do something big in our life
23:25 and in this world,
23:26 you want to get rid of the sin in this world
23:28 so that we can go home with you some day.
23:31 To go big so we can go home with you.
23:34 Lord, bless these children
23:35 so they'll learn about your power, your law,
23:37 and how you can get rid of the sin in their life.
23:39 Bless them now in Jesus name. Amen.
23:44 In your bulletin, on page 6,
23:48 we have our scripture reading.
23:51 Let's read responsibly.
23:54 I'll read the light print and join me in the board print.
23:58 On page 6 of your bulletin.
24:01 John 10,
24:03 John 4:10-15.
24:08 Jesus answered here,
24:11 "If you knew the gift of God
24:14 and who it is that asks you for a drink,
24:18 you would have asked him
24:21 and he would have given you living water."
24:25 "Sir", she answered,
24:28 "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep.
24:33 Where can you get this living water?
24:36 Are you greater than our father Jacob,
24:39 who gave us this well and drank from it,
24:43 as did also his sons and his livestock?"
24:48 Jesus answered,
24:50 "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,
24:55 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.
25:00 Indeed, the water I give them
25:03 will become in them a spring of water
25:06 welling up to eternal life."
25:09 The woman said to him,
25:12 "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty
25:17 and have to keep coming here to draw water."
25:20 Amen.
29:03 Let's pray together.
29:05 Oh, God, here we are in worship.
29:10 Our hearts lifted up to you.
29:13 Those hymns with new words swept us heavenward.
29:20 We've come to experience your presence.
29:24 With the prayer, you drew us near.
29:30 Through reins,
29:33 spot on lesson to all of us,
29:35 thank you.
29:38 And now with Carolynn, Katrina, and Ken
29:41 we pray the prayer they played.
29:46 Be thou our vision,
29:49 O Lord, of our hearts
29:52 naught nothing be all else to us save that thou art.
29:59 Thou our best thought by day or by night
30:05 waking or sleeping,
30:08 thy presence our light.
30:11 Cast the vision for us now, dear God,
30:13 in your word we pray in Christ's name, amen, amen.
30:20 Before I plunge into this story,
30:22 I need to give a shout out to a young friend of mine
30:24 named Joshua Hoslins sophomore, Andrews Academy
30:28 who did that art work.
30:31 Isn't that beautiful?
30:34 If you are new here
30:36 and we have bunch of freshmen parents
30:39 with their students, new students and faculty
30:42 who worship all over this community,
30:44 glad you are here as well.
30:45 But if you are new here you know you don't know
30:49 that 1, 2, 3, there's one spot left.
30:55 This would be the fourth year
30:57 we have come up with a theme device
31:01 for fall fellowship
31:03 and then the first Friday night with their freshmen,
31:06 which should be next Friday night,
31:08 that's what happens to the goal device.
31:10 And they will come here,
31:12 Sabbath after Sabbath or chapel after chapel
31:15 and they will remember when they see their name.
31:18 So thank you, Joshua, for moving us into this theme.
31:24 I wanna tell you a story.
31:25 Get us going.
31:27 Carmine Gallo in his book, the Storyteller's Secret frames
31:30 that late afternoon March 1983,
31:34 two men standing on the terrace of a luxury apartment
31:39 overlooking New York Central Park,
31:43 toe to toe.
31:45 The sun is dipping in the west over the Hudson River.
31:50 And there is energy between these two.
31:52 The older man's 45 years old.
31:54 He's a corporate,
31:56 very successful corporate executive, PepsiCo.
32:00 The young man, 26,
32:02 dressed in blue jeans in a mark turtleneck
32:06 has been pushing the older guy
32:10 to jump ship with his corporation.
32:15 Be born in a new venture.
32:17 But he's lost the young man, absolutely no budging,
32:21 no budging from the executive.
32:25 And so now the young man
32:26 is staring at his running shoes,
32:28 staring at the toes of his running shoes,
32:30 thinking, thinking, thinking, I've lost,
32:32 when suddenly his head jerks up and he blurs out.
32:37 Do you wanna sell sugar water for the rest of your life?
32:41 Or do you wanna come with me and change the world?
32:46 Now, of course, everybody knows the fable story
32:49 that moment when Steve Jobs, 26, John Sculley,
32:52 PepsiCo executive, 45,
32:56 when the ignition of that question,
33:00 as Sculley later described it, it got punch.
33:06 An ignition of that question
33:08 blended these two into a fiery partnership
33:12 that literally has changed the world.
33:15 Hasn't it?
33:19 Do you wanna sell sugar water or do you wanna come with me
33:24 and change the world for the better.
33:28 Two years later, Steve Jobs, March 1982,
33:33 two years later Steve Jobs is fired.
33:36 Twelve years after he's fired Apple takes him back
33:41 in his first staff meeting, now get this,
33:42 in his first staff meeting with the Apple team
33:46 Steve Jobs speaks these words,
33:49 put them on the screen for you.
33:52 "Marketing is about values.
33:54 This is a very complicated world.
33:56 It's a very noisy world
33:57 and we're not going to get a chance
33:58 to get people to remember much about us.
34:00 No company is.
34:01 And so we need to be really clear
34:03 on what we want them to know about us.
34:05 Our customers want to know who Apple is
34:08 and what is that we stand for.
34:10 What we're about isn't making boxes for people
34:13 to get jobs done, although we do that well.
34:15 But Apple is about something more that that.
34:18 Here it comes.
34:19 Apple's core value is that we believe
34:23 that people with passion
34:24 can change the world for the better."
34:28 We believe that people with passion
34:31 can change the world for the better.
34:34 You have to believe God believes that as well.
34:37 I mean, take a look at the theme text
34:38 that was assigned to me and us
34:39 for this fall fellowship weekend.
34:41 Open your Bible to Isaiah 58.
34:46 Isaiah 58.
34:47 Theme for this fall fellowship, live holy.
34:52 I tell you what.
34:54 I found out who actually joined this text to the theme,
34:59 my friend June Price our chaplain here.
35:02 I said, hey, June, did you pick that theme?
35:03 That text?
35:05 It's a perfect fit.
35:06 Watch this.
35:07 Because in Isaiah 58, you know what's happening here.
35:10 We have a soliloquy of God, he's doing all the talking,
35:13 although he very adroitly quotes the people
35:17 and buttressing his point.
35:18 But the fact is you don't get the point
35:21 with just this dynamite text.
35:24 Let's read the text and see
35:26 what this sign high overhead has to do
35:31 with these words of God.
35:32 This is Isaiah 58.
35:33 Open your Bible to Isaiah 58:11,
35:35 I'm in the NIV.
35:36 Any Bible you have is fine.
35:38 If you didn't bring a Bible, track this one please.
35:40 Pull the pew Bible out, it will be page 500.
35:42 Okay, God speaking.
35:44 "The Lord will guide you always,
35:46 he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
35:50 and will strengthen your frame.
35:53 You will be like a well-watered garden,
35:55 like a spring whose waters never fail."
36:00 And what God has launched into
36:03 and we don't get this with just that text,
36:05 is an intense quiproquo conversation.
36:08 You know quiproquo Latin, this for that, God says,
36:11 if you do this, I'll do that.
36:12 If you do this, I'll do that.
36:14 We need to get a feel for that before this promise
36:18 and so I'm gonna ask you do something,
36:19 we don't read usually this much in a passage
36:22 but let's go back to verse 1 Isaiah 58,
36:24 go up to the top of the chapter.
36:25 Let's read this to get sense of the drama,
36:27 the tension mounting as God moves to our theme text
36:31 for fall fellowship 2016.
36:34 All right, verse 1 one God speaking.
36:36 "Shout it aloud, do not hold back.
36:37 Raise your voice like a trumpet and show for.
36:40 Declare to my people their rebellion
36:42 and to the descendants of Jacob their sins.
36:45 For day after day the seek me out,
36:47 they seem eager to know my ways,
36:48 as if they were a nation that does what is right
36:50 and has not forsaken the commandments of its God.
36:53 They ask me for just decisions
36:55 and seem eager for God to come near them.
36:58 'Why have we fasted', they say, 'and you have not seen it?
37:00 Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?'
37:04 'Yet on the day of your fasting,
37:05 you do as you please',
37:07 God says, 'and you exploit all your workers.
37:10 Your fasting ends in quarrelling and strife,
37:12 and in striking each other with wicked fists.
37:14 You cannot fast as you do today
37:16 and expect your voice to be heard on high.
37:18 Is this the kind of fast I have chosen,
37:21 only a day for people to humble themselves?
37:24 Is it only for bowing one's head
37:26 like a reed and for lying in sackcloth and ashes?
37:29 Is that what you call a fast,
37:31 a day acceptable to the Lord?
37:36 'Is not this the kind of fasting
37:38 I have chosen:
37:40 to loose the chains of injustice
37:42 and unite the cords of the yoke,
37:45 to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
37:48 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
37:50 and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter,
37:52 when you see the naked, to clothe them,
37:54 and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
37:56 Then, so he said, if, if, if, if you do this, this, this
37:59 then here comes the quiproquo.
38:01 Then you do that,
38:02 then your light will break forth like the dawn,
38:06 and your healing will quickly appear,
38:08 then your righteousness will go before you
38:11 and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
38:13 Then you will call, and the Lord will answer,
38:15 you will cry for help and he will say, here am I.
38:19 Another quiproquo, here it comes.
38:20 "If you do away with yoke of oppression,
38:23 with the pointing finger and malicious talk,
38:26 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
38:29 and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
38:31 then your light will rise in the darkness,
38:34 and your night will become like the noonday.
38:36 Then it's understood here,
38:37 "Then the Lord will guide you always,"
38:40 our theme text,"
38:42 he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
38:44 and will strengthen your frame.
38:46 You will be like a well-watered garden,
38:49 like a spring whose waters never fail."
38:52 Wow!
38:54 God cuts to the chase.
38:56 And did you notice?
38:58 He makes the very same point that Steve Jobs made.
39:03 Put the Jobs' words on the screen for you.
39:06 "We believe that people with passion
39:09 can change the world for the better."
39:13 You know what?
39:15 That sentence has Andrews University
39:16 written all over.
39:18 People with passion
39:19 would change the world for the better.
39:20 That sentence has
39:22 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
39:23 written all over it.
39:24 People with the passion
39:26 who change the world for the better.
39:27 That even has little old Pioneer Memorial
39:29 written all over it.
39:30 People with the passion
39:31 who change the world for the better,
39:35 that's what I believe about you, God declares.
39:37 I believe my people with my passion
39:40 can change the world for the better.
39:43 And guess what?
39:45 That's what it means,
39:46 that's what it means to live holy.
39:48 That's it.
39:49 To live with passion, to make a difference,
39:53 I mean, come on, do you wanna sell sugar water
39:55 for the rest of your life
39:57 or come with me and change the world.
40:00 That's what God's crying out here in Isaiah 58.
40:02 Do you want to sit around
40:04 and quibble over the sugar water
40:05 of theological niceties and religious debates
40:08 or do you want to come with me and change the world,
40:10 that's clearly
40:13 what live holy means.
40:16 My people with my passion can change the world
40:19 for the better.
40:21 Oh, by the way who in the world gets changed?
40:23 Jesus said,
40:25 the least of these
40:28 my brothers and sisters.
40:29 You do it to them, you do it to me.
40:31 You don't do it to them, you don't do it to me,
40:33 that's we've just talked about in Isaiah 50,
40:36 isn't that right?
40:37 Who gets changed?
40:39 The poor lives matter people that Pastor Torres last Sabbath
40:44 with passion preached about.
40:46 Those are the people that God is talking about here.
40:49 Who gets changed?
40:50 The marginalized, the alienated,
40:52 the disenfranchised up the road from you God says
40:54 and they're also in your midst.
40:57 Concentrate on them.
41:00 To follow God into that world,
41:02 to live with passion and make a difference,
41:04 that's what it means to live holy,
41:09 our theme...
41:12 Because live that way,
41:15 and oh, boy,
41:16 does God come through with the promise.
41:18 Now this is writ large our theme text of verse 11.
41:23 Four divine quid pro quo promises
41:26 that in themselves are stirring portrait to God,
41:28 I want to run these by you, see what do you think.
41:31 Verse 11 read it again,
41:32 "The Lord will guide you always,
41:34 he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
41:36 and will strengthen your frame.
41:38 You will be like a well-watered garden,
41:39 like a spring whose waters never fail."
41:43 Promise number one, four of these.
41:44 Here comes promise number one, God says, I will guide you.
41:48 I will guide you personally.
41:49 I will guide you institutionally,
41:51 and don't you just love that word?
41:53 I will guide you always.
41:56 I want to stay with you always.
41:57 It doesn't matter what you've been through.
41:59 It doesn't matter what you're going through now.
42:00 No matter what I will be there to guide you always.
42:04 You know why?
42:05 Because if
42:07 it's like that old spiritual sayings,
42:11 if we ever needed the Lord before,
42:17 we sure do need him now.
42:20 Oh, we sure do need him now.
42:23 Sing it out.
42:24 Oh, we sure do need him now
42:28 if we ever needed the Lord before.
42:33 We sure do need him now.
42:37 We need him every day
42:40 and all the way, all the way.
42:44 We need...
42:45 Oh, for another time.
42:48 I tried I saw Steve Wohlberg over there,
42:50 I figured he jump up.
42:52 He just said.
42:56 Hey, guys, that's where we are right now.
42:59 We really need the Lord.
43:01 Yes. We need the Lord.
43:04 God says, I got good news for you.
43:06 I will guide you always.
43:10 Live holy form me, live holy with me,
43:12 I'll guide you always.
43:14 But there are four of these, that was number one.
43:15 Here come number two, I will satisfy you.
43:18 In fact I will satisfy your needs.
43:21 In fact I will satisfy your needs
43:24 in a sun-scorched land
43:28 because let's be honest,
43:30 we all everybody, no exception.
43:33 We all experience droughts in our life.
43:37 Some of them are short lived,
43:39 others can be long dry and debilitating.
43:43 Some of you right now perhaps are going
43:47 through the sun-scorched land professionally.
43:53 Everything keeps coming up dry, stale,
43:55 your career is no longer satisfying,
43:57 your job is no longer challenging.
44:01 I'm going to satisfy your needs in that sun-scorched place
44:05 you find yourself today.
44:06 Some of you are going through the sun-scorched land
44:10 in your marriage right now.
44:14 It just what happened?
44:15 This was here and now it's gone,
44:17 it's dry, it's brittle, it's lifeless.
44:21 Some of you are going through the sun-scorched land
44:24 spiritually, morally.
44:26 The values that you once stood for,
44:29 you've shoved to the side,
44:31 and now there is nothing but burning sun and no water.
44:35 God says, I will satisfy your needs.
44:37 You turn to me boy or girl, you turn to me
44:39 and I'll take care of you.
44:43 I will satisfy your needs.
44:45 And oh, boy, I have to slip this in
44:48 because there is... I'll tell you.
44:50 I go through the sun-scorched periods
44:54 in my life and there.
44:56 When I do
44:58 there is a go to text that God has shown me,
45:01 this is boy, you just keep coming back here
45:02 and I go back.
45:04 I beat up beeline to Jeremiah 17,
45:08 because it's very interesting and I want you to look this up
45:10 please Jeremiah 17
45:11 and this promise tag to Isaiah 58:11
45:16 they're just like twins.
45:17 I want you to see this Jeremiah,
45:18 I need you to see it in your own Bible.
45:20 Jeremiah 17 will be right back.
45:22 Jeremiah 17 wow, look what God is saying.
45:26 Sun-scorched land, I'll satisfy your needs.
45:28 Watch this chapter 17 Jeremiah, here it is.
45:33 Yeah, I got the place marked up all over
45:35 because I've been so many times back to this.
45:37 Jeremiah 17:7, "But blessed is the one
45:40 who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
45:44 They will be like a tree planted by the water
45:47 that sends out its roots by the stream.
45:50 It does not fear when heat comes,
45:53 its leaves are always green."
45:58 God do you know how long...
46:04 I've hit the sun-scorched land,
46:08 no big deal to me.
46:11 You be like a tree, planted by the water,
46:13 roots out to the stream.
46:15 Now here comes three negatives. Here they come.
46:16 It does not fear when heat comes,
46:19 because heat comes, sun-scorched land
46:21 comes into every life at some point
46:22 professionally, morally, spiritually,
46:24 merrily, financially
46:25 it will come to you,
46:28 but it does not fear when he comes.
46:30 Its leaves are always green.
46:32 It has no worries, I love that.
46:34 It has no worries in a year of drought
46:37 and never fails to bear fruit.
46:41 I will take care of you.
46:43 I will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land,
46:47 whatever it is you're going through right now,
46:48 I will take care of you.
46:54 Come on.
46:56 And by the way this promise
46:57 for living in a sun-scorched land
46:59 is a promise for America too.
47:03 I don't know if you slept through this summer.
47:08 America is in trouble.
47:10 I'll tell you what America is facing.
47:12 A sun-scorched land that is rapidly approaching
47:15 spiritual drought and moral famine.
47:20 The ancient prophet Amos predicted a day like this
47:22 would come,
47:23 'cause I want you to get this down
47:25 so that when it comes you'll know I saw it coming.
47:27 Amos 8:11, "'The days are coming,'
47:31 declares the Sovereign Lord,
47:32 when I will send a famine through the land
47:34 not a famine of food or a thirst for water,
47:36 but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.
47:39 People will stagger from sea to shining sea
47:44 and wander from north to east,
47:46 searching for the word of the Lord,
47:47 but they will not find it."
47:49 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the perfect hour
47:52 in this civilization's history
47:54 to claim our legacy as a flagship daughter
47:56 of Battle Creek College founded in 1874,
48:00 let's claim it.
48:01 And 3,000 students my Lord,
48:04 3,000 students moving out into a sun-scorched community
48:07 a sun-scorched nation, a sun-scorched planet,
48:10 this is the hour.
48:14 Live holy for me God says.
48:18 You were the holy for me,
48:21 I'll take care of you.
48:23 I will guide you.
48:24 I will satisfy you.
48:27 Here comes number three.
48:29 I will strengthen you.
48:31 The King James reads, I will make fat your bones.
48:37 Anybody here wants that bones?
48:40 God, you could have got our attention
48:42 with something more than that.
48:44 I'll make fat your bones.
48:47 Of course we miss the point.
48:49 God's dealing his promise with the infrastructure,
48:53 our personal infrastructure,
48:54 our institutional infrastructure.
48:56 God is saying I will strengthen you
48:58 from the inside out.
48:59 Good news for those of you and that you are here,
49:02 for those of you who are burning the midnight oil
49:04 to balance your department's budgets.
49:09 I will take care of you.
49:10 I will strengthen that infrastructure.
49:13 Good news for you
49:15 who are trying to balance this congregation's budget.
49:18 I will take care of you, I will strengthen that infrastructure.
49:22 Good news for you who have entasked
49:24 to balance the budget of this university.
49:30 I will take care of you
49:32 and I will strengthen your infrastructure.
49:35 Live holy for me,
49:37 for a profound promise is from God on the eve,
49:41 on the cusp of a new year.
49:42 And here comes final promise.
49:44 Number four, God says, I will flourish you.
49:48 You say, Dwight, I just read it, there is nothing about
49:49 flourishing that, are you kidding?
49:51 The last two lines of verse 11
49:53 if they don't have flourish written all over them,
49:55 then you tell me what they're all about.
49:57 What are the last two lines? Put them on the screen.
49:59 "You shall be like a well-watered garden,
50:04 like a spring whose waters never fail."
50:10 In the eve of this New Year
50:12 God says that's the future I have for you
50:14 Andrews University.
50:16 You live holy for me and I will flourish you.
50:21 I will flourish you like my favorite garden on earth.
50:25 You will be fresh and thick and prudent.
50:28 You will be a vegetable garden of red and yellow and orange
50:30 and green and purple and brown and white in row after row
50:33 of nature's tastiest delicacies,
50:36 you will flourish with moral fruit.
50:39 You will flourish with intellectual fruit.
50:42 You will flourish with spiritual fruit,
50:44 you will flourish
50:45 because you're my garden
50:47 and I have a built in sprinkler system
50:49 that will keep you fresh.
50:53 That's what that's line is all about,
50:55 a built in sprinkler system for this institution.
51:00 Like a well watered garden,
51:02 like an artesian well,
51:05 like a spring that never runs dry.
51:09 And so where do I find a spring like that?
51:14 The pretty woman asks the stranger
51:15 with the dark eyes and a gentle smile.
51:19 He and you sitting on a massive lip
51:21 of this well near Sychar, Samaria.
51:26 Ken Gire in this wonderful book
51:28 "Intimate Moments with the Savior"
51:30 picks up the story with this beautiful word picture,
51:33 cannot be improved upon, so I'm going to read it to you,
51:36 but so that you don't get bored with me reading it,
51:40 I'm going to put a picture you're never seen in your life
51:43 of Jesus and the woman at the well
51:44 on the screen right now.
51:46 So you look at that picture
51:48 and let me read this to you.
51:49 The Palestinian son glares its impartial eye
51:53 upon both this name the Samaritan woman
51:56 and upon the savior of the world
51:58 through shear curtains of undulating heat she comes.
52:02 She too is weary not so much when the water jar
52:05 she carries on her head,
52:07 that's from the emptiness she carries in her heart.
52:09 The torrents of passion once swift in her life
52:12 have now run their course.
52:14 She is weathered and worn,
52:15 her face eroded by the gullies of a spent life.
52:19 That she comes at noon, the hottest hour of the day,
52:22 whispers a rumor of her reputation.
52:25 She's gone from man to man like
52:27 one lost in the desert sun struck and delirious.
52:31 She comes to Jacob's well,
52:34 her empty water jar are telling symbol of her life,
52:39 as her eyes meet the savior's.
52:43 He sees within her a covertness aching.
52:46 A sister in her soul
52:48 that will forever remain empty unless he fills it.
52:54 Get to her an anonymous woman with a feared life,
52:57 he gives the most profound discourse
52:58 in scripture on the subject of worship.
53:00 But equally remarkable it's what Jesus doesn't say,
53:04 His states are past and present marital status
53:06 but makes no reference to her sin.
53:09 He gives no call to repent.
53:11 He presents no structured plan of salvation.
53:14 He offers no prayer
53:17 but with the words
53:19 I who speak to you and he,
53:21 Jesus brings her back to face the giver
53:25 and his remarkable gift living water.
53:30 Not a wage to be earned, not a price to be won,
53:34 but a gift to be received to her.
53:37 This stranger was first simply a Jew,
53:41 then sir,
53:45 then a prophet
53:49 and then she sees him
53:51 for who he really is Messiah.
53:57 And with her heart overflowing with living water,
54:00 she starts to run slowly at first
54:02 then it's faster as her new legs will take her.
54:09 So let's end
54:11 with Jesus' incredible offer to the woman at the well,
54:17 turns out is offer
54:20 his a line drawn right out of Isaiah 58:11.
54:24 Take a look at this.
54:26 Christon Arthur, a new provost just read it a moment ago,
54:28 I want you to end in John 4 please, John 4.
54:32 John 4,
54:34 I'll pick the narrative.
54:36 In John 4:11, "'Sir,'
54:41 the woman said,
54:43 'you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep.
54:46 Where can you get this living water?'
54:49 " And Jesus answered verse 13,
54:51 "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,
54:55 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.
55:00 Indeed, the water I give them will become in them
55:02 a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
55:06 The artesian well, ladies and gentlemen,
55:09 you have just met him, he is the Lord Jesus Christ,
55:12 a spring that never runs dry.
55:15 In fact he is so much the artesian
55:17 well that even when he dies on the cross,
55:20 the water is still flowing.
55:24 He's made every provision
55:26 for you and me to live holy for him.
55:32 The water still flows.
55:35 Desire of Ages on this moment,
55:38 "Jesus did not convey the idea that merely one draft,
55:40 one drink of the water of life would suffice the receiver.
55:44 He who tastes of the love of Christ
55:46 will continually long for more, but he seeks for nothing else.
55:49 The riches, honors, and pleasures of the world
55:51 do not attract her.
55:53 The constant cry of her heart is, More of Thee...
55:56 Every human resource and dependence will fail.
56:00 The cisterns will be emptied, the pools become dry,
56:04 but our Redeemer is an inexhaustible fountain
56:07 and artesian well.
56:09 We may drink, and drink again, and ever find a fresh supply.
56:14 He in whom Christ dwells has within himself
56:16 the fountain of blessing -
56:18 'a well of water springing up into everlasting life.'
56:21 From this source we may draw strength
56:24 and grace sufficient for all our needs."
56:28 Amen.
56:31 And so that Andrews University,
56:35 this is a gospel truth for us.
56:39 This is the gospel truth for you and me
56:43 and that is
56:45 we will only live holy
56:50 when we drink deeply
56:55 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:59 Amen.
57:02 I wanted to take an extra moment to thank you
57:04 for joining us in worship today.
57:06 It's by the continued support from viewers like you
57:08 that we're able to bring this telecast.
57:11 Today I want to invite you, though,
57:12 to share with us how this ministry has blessed you.
57:15 Truth is, I get inspiring notes, e-mails, letters
57:18 from viewers literally all over the world,
57:21 sharing with us how God has blessed them
57:23 through this program,
57:24 and I'd love to hear from you as well.
57:26 It's not that hard, simple, really.
57:27 Just visit our website,
57:31 It's one word,
57:34 And click on the contact link at the top of the page.
57:36 Shoot me that e-mail.
57:38 Once again, thank you for being with us.
57:40 Thank you by the way, for your own support.
57:42 That support is what keeps this telecast,
57:45 week after week, reaching America,
57:47 reaching North America, and reaching the planet.
57:51 That kind of generosity that you share is a huge boost
57:55 and blessing to us.
57:56 And I hope you'll join us right here next time
57:58 'cause we'll be here.
57:59 In the meantime,
58:01 God be with you and bless you real good.


Revised 2017-01-05