¤¤ 00:00:00.70\00:00:03.57 >> Good morning, church family. 00:00:08.30\00:00:10.57 I am so very excited to be here on this particular Sabbath, 00:00:10.74\00:00:15.68 because we're talking I believe as a whole on a topic that, 00:00:15.68\00:00:19.18 until recently, I hadn't really given much thought to, and that 00:00:19.18\00:00:22.88 is the difference between wants and needs a little bit. 00:00:22.88\00:00:27.06 I take so many things for granted, including waking up. So, I wake up and I just kind of 00:00:27.22\00:00:32.06 go throughout the day like, "Oh, this was meant to happen," but in reality, there's so many 00:00:32.06\00:00:36.83 things that are a gift from God. And oftentimes, I think I want God, I think I want the things 00:00:36.83\00:00:43.37 that He can do for me. But to actually get to a place where I recognize the need for 00:00:43.37\00:00:48.88 Him and to have that be the longing of my life and everything that I do, I think 00:00:48.88\00:00:54.15 that is very important. So, I would invite you to bow your heads and close your eyes 00:00:54.15\00:00:59.92 with me as we say our opening prayer, and then we're gonna go right into a song, and I believe 00:00:59.92\00:01:05.13 it should be familiar to you. So, let's bow our heads for 00:01:05.13\00:01:09.06 prayer. Dear heavenly Father, Lord, we thank You so much for this gift of the Sabbath, Lord. 00:01:09.06\00:01:13.80 We thank You so much for all the gifts that You give us and all of the things that You provide 00:01:13.80\00:01:19.01 for us that meet our needs. And so, Lord, today may we recognize that need for You in 00:01:19.01\00:01:24.15 our lives. In Your name, amen. 00:01:24.15\00:01:27.72 ¤¤ 00:01:27.88\00:01:30.79 [ "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" plays ] 00:01:56.44\00:02:02.18 Sing "praise to the Lord." 00:02:02.18\00:02:04.09 ¤¤ 00:03:42.02\00:03:44.92 [ "Enough" plays ] 00:03:51.26\00:03:54.13 ¤¤ 00:05:33.26\00:05:36.13 ¤¤ 00:07:50.07\00:07:52.97 [ "Draw Me Close" plays ] 00:08:01.58\00:08:04.48 ¤¤ 00:09:43.88\00:09:46.78 Amen. 00:12:02.38\00:12:03.75 >> Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you on this -- What is this? -- the first Sabbath of 00:12:06.02\00:12:11.39 June. You look so Juney. So spring/summer. 00:12:11.39\00:12:14.66 Nice to have you. Say, you know what? Here's what happened. 00:12:14.66\00:12:18.47 I got a gift for you. I have a gift for you today. A man came 00:12:18.47\00:12:21.74 in. I do not know the name of the man. Connie, who was working 00:12:21.74\00:12:27.61 the guest welcome station downstairs, told me a gentleman came in and he gave me four 00:12:27.61\00:12:33.45 packs of money and he said, "The pastor is to use this in a children's story, please." 00:12:33.45\00:12:40.22 And he disappeared. Well, now I have four packs of money, and I'm thinking, "What 00:12:40.22\00:12:44.19 kind of a children's story do you get out of four packs of 00:12:44.19\00:12:46.93 money?" "Ohh! Wow!" I said. "I do see this." Can you see this 00:12:46.93\00:12:53.97 from where you are seated? Where am I supposed to show this? 00:12:53.97\00:12:55.94 Right here? Can you see this? This is a silver dollar, pure 00:12:55.94\00:13:00.44 silver, one ounce. Don't know what it's worth. But this is a 00:13:00.44\00:13:05.91 silver dollar that a friend of mine gave me. This is not what 00:13:05.91\00:13:09.28 I'm giving to you. A friend of mine gave this to me. And I'm 00:13:09.28\00:13:13.09 telling you what. Did you know this about American money? Any coin that America mints, any 00:13:13.09\00:13:18.26 currency that America prints has four English words on it. Four 00:13:18.26\00:13:24.20 English words. A special prize to you if you can guess the four 00:13:24.20\00:13:29.94 English words. Okay, because so many hands go up, just call it out. >> In God we trust! 00:13:29.94\00:13:35.08 >> "In God we trust." Isn't that something? All American money 00:13:35.08\00:13:42.85 says "In God we trust." Go figure. In God we trust. 00:13:42.85\00:13:49.52 Hey. Anybody here -- Come on -- Anybody here know what it means 00:13:49.52\00:13:53.19 to trust? This is really a difficult word. What does it 00:13:53.19\00:13:57.30 mean to trust? Anybody here know what it means to trust? See, I told you it was hard. 00:13:57.30\00:14:00.14 You're thinking right now, and you're thinking, "I don't know what kind of answer to give the 00:14:00.14\00:14:03.64 pastor." Yes, sir. >> You know you can trust them. 00:14:03.64\00:14:06.88 >> It means that you know you can trust them. That's exactly 00:14:06.88\00:14:10.45 right. Very good. And how about you to add? >> Also that you 00:14:10.45\00:14:13.75 know that you can believe them. >> You know that you can believe 00:14:13.75\00:14:16.48 them. The two of you have chosen a word. Those two words are what 00:14:16.48\00:14:19.72 we call synonyms. Perfect. "Believe." 00:14:19.72\00:14:21.42 You know that you can trust. So, American money -- Hey, can you 00:14:21.42\00:14:26.39 see this? Who can I show this to so that everybody knows that I'm not making this up? 00:14:26.39\00:14:30.23 Anybody here read? Anybody here read? All right, sissy with the 00:14:30.23\00:14:33.74 glasses. I know you read. Look at this. 00:14:33.74\00:14:36.17 Can you read those words? >> In God we trust. >> In God we 00:14:36.17\00:14:39.97 trust. You want to see that? In God we trust. You want to see 00:14:39.97\00:14:43.24 that? In God we trust. Anybody want to -- Little boy that's 00:14:43.24\00:14:46.92 crying, do you want to hold the silver dollar? >> I want my mom. >> You want your mom? 00:14:46.92\00:14:50.72 You'll be with her very soon. [ Laughter ] Yeah, she's not gonna 00:14:50.72\00:14:56.79 lose you. Yeah. What do you think about that little coin? 00:14:56.79\00:15:00.66 Doesn't it feel heavy? That's a silver dollar. Wow! 00:15:00.66\00:15:04.33 Wouldn't you like to have a silver dollar? Tell your mother. 00:15:04.33\00:15:08.60 All right. [ Laughter ] Thank you. She's gonna find you. 00:15:08.60\00:15:13.68 Let's do it out loud together. In...God...we...trust. Do you know what that means? 00:15:13.68\00:15:21.15 That means no matter what happens, God's gonna take care 00:15:21.15\00:15:24.49 of us. No matter what happens to you, no matter what happens to me, no matter what happens to 00:15:24.49\00:15:29.22 you, God is gonna take care of you, and I think that's just the greatest news I've heard all 00:15:29.22\00:15:33.93 day. How many are thankful that God will take care of us no matter what happens? 00:15:33.93\00:15:40.00 In God we can trust. Now, before I give you your gift -- because 00:15:40.00\00:15:44.77 we're gonna give you the gift. You're gonna go home with money 00:15:44.77\00:15:47.38 today. I need a young prayer, somebody to pray. Somebody to 00:15:47.38\00:15:54.28 pray. Sissy, your hand went up first. You have to come all the way through, but come on down. 00:15:54.28\00:15:57.12 I'll get your microphone ready while you're coming. Okay, let's 00:15:57.12\00:16:00.92 close our eyes. Let's fold our hands. Here comes sissy. Here 00:16:00.92\00:16:04.36 comes sissy. What's your first name, sissy? >> Cassie. >> 00:16:04.36\00:16:07.30 Cassie? All right, let's close our eyes and fold our hands as Cassie thanks Jesus for being 00:16:07.30\00:16:14.10 the God we can trust. >> Dearly Father, thank You for this day. 00:16:14.10\00:16:17.37 Thank You for everything that You gave us. Thank You for 00:16:17.37\00:16:20.94 Sabbath school today. Thank You that You let us came to church 00:16:20.94\00:16:24.51 to worship You. >> Amen. >> Thank You for the surprises that we end with pastor. 00:16:24.51\00:16:29.12 Thank You for everything that we got, dearly father. Amen. >> 00:16:29.12\00:16:32.75 Amen. Cassie, that was a beautiful prayer. Beautiful 00:16:32.75\00:16:35.66 prayer. All right, now, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna 00:16:35.66\00:16:38.96 start with Cassie. Cassie's gonna get to come to the front of the line, and then you have 00:16:38.96\00:16:42.93 to be -- The youngest kids here get to go first, 'cause Pastor Rodney has money that you're 00:16:42.93\00:16:47.60 gonna take home. Pastor Jose has money you're gonna take home. This man gave it to us. 00:16:47.60\00:16:51.07 And Pastor Ben has money you're gonna take home. So you can go 00:16:51.07\00:16:54.91 there, here, or there. Can't go to all three. Just go there, 00:16:54.91\00:16:58.01 here, or there, all right? As you go back to your seats, boys and girls, God go with you. 00:16:58.01\00:17:01.72 And you're saying those four little words in your heart. "In 00:17:01.72\00:17:08.09 God I trust." [ Piano plays ] 00:17:11.03\00:17:13.93 >> ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ 00:17:19.27\00:17:27.48 ¤ That calls me from a world of care ¤ 00:17:27.48\00:17:35.05 ¤ And bids me at my Father's throne ¤ ¤ Make all my wants and 00:17:35.22\00:17:50.33 wishes known ¤ ¤ In seasons of distress and grief ¤ 00:17:50.33\00:17:59.67 ¤ My soul has often found relief ¤ ¤ And oft escaped the 00:17:59.67\00:18:15.39 tempter's snare ¤ ¤ By thy return, sweet hour of prayer ¤ 00:18:15.39\00:18:28.20 ¤¤ 00:18:28.20\00:18:31.11 >> ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ ¤ May I 00:18:35.44\00:18:50.09 thy consolation share ¤ ¤ Till from Mount Pisgah's lofty height 00:18:50.09\00:18:59.27 ¤ ¤ I view my home and take my flight ¤ >> ¤ In my immortal 00:18:59.27\00:19:14.25 flesh I'll rise ¤ ¤ To seize the everlasting prize ¤ 00:19:14.25\00:19:25.53 ¤ And shout while passing through the air ¤ ¤ Farewell, 00:19:25.53\00:19:41.04 farewell, sweet hour of prayer ¤ ¤¤ 00:19:41.04\00:19:49.68 >> ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ ¤ Thy wings shall my petition 00:19:52.02\00:20:07.87 bear ¤ ¤ To Him whose truth and faithfulness ¤ 00:20:07.87\00:20:17.78 ¤ Engage the waiting soul to bless ¤ >> ¤ And since He bids 00:20:17.78\00:20:33.03 me seek His face ¤ ¤ Believe His Word and trust His grace ¤ 00:20:33.03\00:20:45.64 ¤ I'll cast on Him my every care ¤ ¤ And wait for thee ¤ 00:20:45.64\00:21:04.03 ¤ And wait for thee ¤ ¤ Sweet hour of prayer ¤ 00:21:04.03\00:21:26.38 >> Thank you, Jeannie. 00:21:40.33\00:21:42.20 Let's pray. Oh, God, what a poignant reminder that we've 00:21:50.04\00:22:00.55 been designed, created, and bred by the God of the universe for that sweet hour along with You, 00:22:00.55\00:22:12.53 hearts open to each other. Please give us the grace and the courage to insert it into our 00:22:12.53\00:22:25.57 already busy lives. Given the journey of this nation right now, now more than ever, 00:22:25.57\00:22:35.08 dear God. That sweet hour of prayer. Bless us now in the Word 00:22:35.08\00:22:40.12 we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 00:22:40.12\00:22:44.36 History is woven with the lives of brave and influential widows. 00:22:44.53\00:22:53.37 Famous widows. You know them. In fact, I'm gonna put them on the screen for you right now. 00:22:53.54\00:22:58.11 You guess who it is. When you see the face, guess who that 00:22:58.11\00:23:02.01 widow would be. Face number one. Who's that? You have to be a 00:23:02.01\00:23:06.55 history major to get that. That's Mary Todd Lincoln. Mrs. 00:23:06.55\00:23:10.19 Lincoln. Face number two. Now, you have to be from the U.K. to 00:23:10.19\00:23:15.26 get that one. That's Queen Victoria. Come on. That's Queen Victoria. Face number three. 00:23:15.26\00:23:21.43 Yeah, Americans know that face quite well, actually. 00:23:21.43\00:23:24.20 Face number four. Still alive very much and well. 00:23:24.37\00:23:28.97 Coretta Scott King. Face number five. 00:23:28.97\00:23:33.34 Let's see how you do on this one. 00:23:33.34\00:23:35.21 Alive today. Do you recognize that face? 00:23:35.21\00:23:38.11 She is the national hero, Nobel Peace Prize winner of 00:23:38.11\00:23:41.82 Burma, Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi. 00:23:41.82\00:23:47.16 There she is. And well-known newscaster. 00:23:47.16\00:23:49.99 Put the last face up. Do you know who that belongs to? 00:23:49.99\00:23:53.33 Yep, that's Katie Couric. The list of famous widows is a 00:23:53.33\00:23:57.23 long one, but the list of not-so-famous widows is even 00:23:57.23\00:24:01.94 longer. Reading a book review about a 00:24:01.94\00:24:06.81 widow author named Becky Aikman. Her book -- "Saturday Night 00:24:06.81\00:24:11.11 Widow." "Saturday Night Widows." 00:24:11.11\00:24:13.42 From the review -- Put it on the screen for you. 00:24:13.42\00:24:16.79 Some of you listening right now that know. 00:24:30.47\00:24:33.70 Brave widows, young widows, not-so-young widows, elderly widows in this parish. 00:24:57.09\00:25:03.16 We have many of you. You may be sitting near one of these women 00:25:03.16\00:25:14.64 right now. We're talking about human beings to whom I tip our 00:25:14.64\00:25:26.09 collective hat. Let's do a little mini series, "The Widow Factor." We're talking about 00:25:26.09\00:25:30.46 human beings who have to go on living and loving and who have to go on serving and working, 00:25:30.46\00:25:36.56 who have to go on worshipping, who must survive without that young or not-so-young life 00:25:36.56\00:25:45.54 partner. And in the midst of the grief, they go on suffering, because a widow's grief never 00:25:45.54\00:25:51.68 ends. The mourning subsides, but the grieving never fully wanes, even if she remarries. 00:25:51.68\00:25:59.82 And I happen to know, because my mother, God bless her, my mother, no matter how happy her 00:25:59.82\00:26:08.30 remarriage, will never stop missing my father. And so we 00:26:08.30\00:26:17.04 begin "The Widow Factor" -- three widows, three stories, three compelling reasons why we, 00:26:17.04\00:26:22.21 too, like they, can live on the edge with God. Let's go. Story 00:26:22.21\00:26:28.72 number one. This dramatic story begins with the words "The brook dried up." Go with me to 1 Kings 00:26:28.72\00:26:36.69 17 in your Bible. 1 Kings 17. 1 Kings 17. 00:26:36.69\00:26:43.57 I'll be in the New International version. Didn't bring a Bible, 00:26:43.57\00:26:47.54 you got your little device. Find it there. Pull the pew Bible 00:26:47.54\00:26:50.27 out. It's page 247 in your pew Bible. 1 Kings 17:7. "Some time 00:26:50.27\00:26:58.81 later" -- This is from the NIV. 00:26:58.81\00:27:00.78 Now, look, we haven't even gotten to the widow yet, but we run headlong into this 00:27:08.06\00:27:12.49 compelling piece of truth. And I want you to stick this away because you're gonna call 00:27:12.49\00:27:17.13 it back one day. And here's that piece of truth. When the nation 00:27:17.13\00:27:21.60 is under judgment, divine judgment, the good and the bad, the righteous and the 00:27:21.60\00:27:28.94 unrighteous mutually suffer the consequences. That seemingly innocuous point is vital for you 00:27:28.94\00:27:36.32 and me to learn as we face the future in a nation that is rapidly -- and I've got to say 00:27:36.32\00:27:41.72 this up front -- rapidly before our very and stunned eyes, you cannot believe what we're seeing 00:27:41.72\00:27:49.73 now in this nation. You want to talk about the political 00:27:49.73\00:27:52.23 process? Let's not. Let's keep worshipping. 00:27:52.23\00:27:54.90 The nation is moving under judgment from Almighty God. My friend Tim Aka, a chartered 00:27:58.81\00:28:09.45 investment finance analyst, presently investment officer for the General Conference, a member 00:28:09.45\00:28:14.46 of this congregation. He flies back and forth. His wife Sharon 00:28:14.46\00:28:17.53 is here heading up the Distance Learning at the NAD and here on campus. Tim wrote a provocative 00:28:17.53\00:28:21.60 book entitled "End Game Economics," in which are these words -- put them on the screen 00:28:21.60\00:28:26.10 for you. Just track the cycles. Then Tim inserts a rather graphic illustration to buttress 00:29:00.04\00:29:05.71 his point. And this is his line here that the financial world is 00:29:05.71\00:29:08.68 being led by those who are looking out for their own survival. He says let's imagine 00:29:08.68\00:29:11.81 that the global economy is a crowded airplane. You're on the 00:29:11.81\00:29:14.95 plane, I'm on the plane. This plane is running out of fuel. 00:29:14.95\00:29:17.42 It is almost on empty, and it is way too far from a runway to 00:29:17.42\00:29:22.82 possibly land. And so what does the pilot do? He throttles up, he lifts the nose of that plane, 00:29:22.82\00:29:27.96 it's climbing higher and higher and higher until he can reach the right height so that those 00:29:27.96\00:29:33.37 who have the golden parachutes can jump out of the plane while the rest of us are strapped in. 00:29:33.37\00:29:38.74 And you can picture it. 00:29:38.74\00:29:40.14 Now, Aka makes this point. "Sadly, many passengers" -- in 00:29:40.31\00:29:44.18 this imaginary plane -- "are convinced at this ascent" -- in 00:29:44.18\00:29:48.65 the economy... 00:29:48.65\00:29:50.55 The truth is, ladies and gentlemen, in a nation under divine judgment, your golden 00:29:59.53\00:30:03.57 parachute will not save you in the end. Trust me, all 00:30:03.57\00:30:06.87 parachutes collapse. Verse 7. 1 Kings 17. 00:30:06.87\00:30:13.58 In case you haven't noticed, the brooks in our land are already 00:30:20.65\00:30:23.75 drying up. I'm not just talking about physical brooks. I'm talking about financial 00:30:23.75\00:30:26.76 brooks. I'm talking about moral brooks. I'm talking about 00:30:26.76\00:30:29.59 spiritual brooks. They are drying up. Gone! 00:30:29.59\00:30:33.70 Oh, and we can save and hoard all the water we wish. "Oh, I'm gonna save this for a 00:30:33.70\00:30:38.07 rainy day." But when we go back to it, it has evaporated. 00:30:38.07\00:30:43.81 It's all going. And the brooks dried up. Even for the 00:30:43.81\00:30:48.78 righteous, the water is gone, which means that Elijah, a very close friend of God's, as it 00:30:48.78\00:30:53.21 turns out, because one day when God will become flesh and stand on a mount of transfiguration, 00:30:53.21\00:30:57.75 Elijah will show up from heaven and say, "I've come, dear divine friend, to encourage you in your 00:30:57.75\00:31:03.36 mission." Even the closest friend of God in the Book of 00:31:03.36\00:31:11.97 Kings, the water dries up, the brook dries up for him. There's no "get out of jail 00:31:11.97\00:31:16.60 free" card for the righteous, which is not to suggest that God won't take care of you. 00:31:16.60\00:31:22.64 I mean, look at Elijah, enjoying room service with a flock of ravens morning and evening, 00:31:22.64\00:31:27.15 bread and meat, bread and meat, bread and meat. Of course, he is 00:31:27.15\00:31:32.25 on the lam. He's running, he's having to hide for his life because all the king's horses 00:31:32.25\00:31:36.46 and all the king's men have been searching for this bushy-bearded, camel-haired, 00:31:36.46\00:31:42.20 wind-bitten stranger from out of that little village of Tishbe, the gall to come storming into 00:31:42.20\00:31:48.97 the king's inner throne room. Before a guard could lift a finger, the prophet pointed his 00:31:48.97\00:31:54.31 finger at this apostate and wicked king named Ahab, and he thundered, "As the Lord God of 00:31:54.31\00:31:59.28 Israel lives before whom I stand, there will not be a drop of water, not a drop of dew 00:31:59.28\00:32:04.19 until I say so," and then he vanishes to God's hiding place, which turns out to be the brook 00:32:04.19\00:32:09.32 of Cherith. We used to say "Chair-ith," but it's 00:32:09.32\00:32:14.73 "Care-ith." 1 Kings 17:7. 00:32:14.73\00:32:16.60 "Then," verse 8, "the word of the Lord came to Elijah," verse 00:32:20.04\00:32:25.61 9, "go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow" 00:32:25.61\00:32:31.68 -- there she is -- "I have directed a widow there to supply 00:32:31.68\00:32:39.12 you with food." May I point out to you that this widow we are about to meet is Pagan? 00:32:39.12\00:32:44.19 She's from Zarephath. That's in the region of "Side-on" or 00:32:44.19\00:32:50.23 "Si-don," which happens to be the neighborhood, the very land happens to be the neighborhood 00:32:50.23\00:32:56.34 of the very wicked Jezebel, who, through matrimony, has brought a demonic infestation to the 00:32:56.34\00:33:01.51 people of God through the prophets of Baal. This lady's next-door neighbors with 00:33:01.51\00:33:05.71 Jezebel. She works with the same false God. She calls on the same 00:33:05.71\00:33:08.72 "Bi-el" or "Bale." And yet the God of Israel -- Isn't that 00:33:08.72\00:33:13.42 something? The God of Israel knows this woman by name, and he 00:33:13.42\00:33:17.89 knows her address. What's up with that? Pagan, though she is. 00:33:17.89\00:33:22.83 Wow. Clearly God has a heart for Pagans, doesn't He? Chooses her 00:33:22.83\00:33:31.51 to serve His appointed messenger. In fact, Jesus' own words evoked this very point so 00:33:31.51\00:33:40.25 unmistakably that the worshippers in his hometown that day when Jesus spoke these words 00:33:40.25\00:33:43.92 are ready to kill him and attempt to do it as soon as the worship service is over. 00:33:43.92\00:33:46.92 And he's standing at the back shaking hands. They're out to 00:33:46.92\00:33:50.06 kill him now. Let me put Jesus' words on the screen for you. Luke Chapter 4, in that sermon 00:33:50.06\00:33:53.43 in hometown Nazareth... 00:33:53.43\00:33:55.30 He's just one of the boys. 00:34:00.54\00:34:02.44 Go figure. God chooses a Pagan widow over all the saved widows 00:34:20.82\00:34:26.86 in that land. Can you imagine that? What's up with this? 00:34:26.86\00:34:32.37 Apparently God's eye is not only on the sparrow but also on the Pagan who is living up to all 00:34:32.37\00:34:39.44 the light she, little or almost no light, but she's living up to it as best as she knows how. 00:34:39.44\00:34:49.25 And God's eye is on her. Remember the Chinese woman I 00:34:49.25\00:34:56.89 told you about? Remember that, last time we were together? Yeah, just came back from that 00:34:56.89\00:35:01.63 two-week evangelistic mission to China, in the city of Xiamen. You remember? Buddhist temple? 00:35:01.63\00:35:06.90 I see her, crowd whirling around her. She's acting as if she's 00:35:06.90\00:35:10.71 all alone with her God, a golden Buddha. And you remember that 00:35:10.71\00:35:14.51 look of anguish that I describe, this utter desperation. Something is breaking this 00:35:14.51\00:35:18.75 woman's heart, and I'm standing there absolutely frozen. I 00:35:18.75\00:35:22.78 cannot move. I can't take a picture. This is too holy a moment. She is pleading her 00:35:22.78\00:35:28.12 heart out. And by the way, I want to thank those of you, God bless you, who have contacted me 00:35:28.12\00:35:31.53 and said, "You know what, Dwight? I'm praying for that 00:35:31.53\00:35:33.56 woman, too." Good on you. Good on you, 'cause I'm still praying 00:35:33.56\00:35:38.00 for her. Her heart is break-- Something has broken it. She's 00:35:38.00\00:35:44.91 pleading. And I made the point then, and I'm gonna make it all 00:35:44.91\00:35:49.08 over again. Wrong God, but the right God hears the misguided prayer [snaps fingers] and 00:35:49.08\00:36:00.52 answers it. Got a letter from a viewer saying, "Hey, that can't 00:36:00.52\00:36:02.99 be true. You got to come to God in the name of Jesus." Oh, yes, you do, if you're a 00:36:02.99\00:36:06.13 follower and disciple of Jesus, you got to come in the name of 00:36:06.13\00:36:09.43 Jesus. But what about the billions who lived before Jesus was here? Were their prayers all 00:36:09.43\00:36:13.47 not answered? Of course not. I can't imagine the God of this 00:36:13.47\00:36:17.97 universe saying, "Oh, wrong language. Can't hear you. 00:36:17.97\00:36:20.88 Talk to my hand. My face ain't listening." [ Laughter ] 00:36:20.88\00:36:24.98 I can't imagine that at all. Clearly God has a heart for 00:36:24.98\00:36:30.32 Pagans. This widow has been pleading with God to save her life. "Save the life of my 00:36:30.32\00:36:33.42 little boy." And guess what? Praying to the wrong God, but 00:36:33.42\00:36:35.46 the right God hears her prayers and answers her prayer. It's just about to be answered 00:36:35.46\00:36:40.56 while we're watching. One more reason, by the way, why you and I need to have hearts 00:36:40.56\00:36:44.67 for -- We need to have hearts for the Pagans, as well, our Pagan associates, our Pagan 00:36:44.67\00:36:48.84 acquaintances, our Pagan neighbors, our Pagan playmates, 00:36:48.84\00:36:57.61 our Pagan world. We need to have God's heart for them, as well. So, what is this? Verse 10. 00:36:57.61\00:37:03.75 So, Elijah -- God gives the instructions. Elijah went to 00:37:03.75\00:37:07.82 Zarephath -- verse 10 -- And when he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering 00:37:07.82\00:37:11.16 sticks. And so Elijah's thinking, "Man, I wonder if this is the widow. I wonder if this 00:37:11.16\00:37:14.86 is the woman. How do I know? There could be a widow beyond 00:37:14.86\00:37:17.23 the gate. Let me just try this out." And so he calls out to the woman picking up the sticks. 00:37:17.23\00:37:23.20 "Would you bring me a little water in a jar so that I may 00:37:23.20\00:37:28.98 have a drink?" And something in this bushy-bearded, camel-hair-clothed stranger 00:37:28.98\00:37:34.78 obviously not from these parts, probably an Israelite, maybe a 00:37:34.78\00:37:39.69 holy man. Something about him impresses her. She turns to get 00:37:39.69\00:37:45.16 him a few drops of water she'll find somewhere when he says, "Yo, just a minute. 00:37:45.16\00:37:48.63 I thought about something else. I'm really hungry. Sorry to do 00:37:48.63\00:37:52.63 this to you. I'm really hungry. Could you also make me some 00:37:52.63\00:37:55.60 food? Bring me a little bit of bread then you take care of your family, whatever needs you 00:37:55.60\00:38:00.08 have." [ Chuckling ] Wow. The woman turns to him in 00:38:00.08\00:38:04.48 verse 12 and says that "surely as the Lord your God" -- aha, he 00:38:04.48\00:38:08.78 is an Israelite. I know the name of that God -- Yahweh. "And surely as Yahweh, your God 00:38:08.78\00:38:12.62 lives," she replied, "I don't have any bread, only a handful of flour in a jar and a little 00:38:12.62\00:38:17.46 olive oil in a jug. I'm gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for 00:38:17.46\00:38:21.66 myself and my son that we may eat it and die." It'll be the 00:38:21.66\00:38:25.90 last meal on Earth 'cause there's nothing left in that pantry. Zero. Nada. Nothing. 00:38:25.90\00:38:30.51 It's not easy being a widow, is it? Unless your husband left you 00:38:38.01\00:38:43.85 a nest egg of earnings, of savings, of a retirement fund. It's not easy being a widow, 00:38:43.85\00:38:47.89 particularly if you're young. And we have young widows. You're too young, you're too 00:38:47.89\00:38:52.99 poor to retire, if you have children that have to be fed and clothed and educated and need 00:38:52.99\00:38:56.87 health insurance. It's not easy being a widow, period, in any 00:38:56.87\00:39:02.44 period of history. But with all the sincerity I can muster, I need to say if you're 00:39:02.44\00:39:08.18 a widow listening right now or watching right now or here right now, I need to say there is a 00:39:08.18\00:39:13.68 God in this universe who loves you dearly and is committed to 00:39:13.68\00:39:24.43 care for you. I love this picture of God. Oh, if you're a widow, don't ever forget it. 00:39:24.43\00:39:28.80 Psalm 68. The psalm is -- put it on the screen for you, this word 00:39:28.80\00:39:32.03 picture of God. He's a father to the fatherless. He's a defender 00:39:32.03\00:39:40.28 of widows. Is God, this God in his holy dwelling. God, oh, God 00:39:40.28\00:39:46.08 sets the lonely in families. You know a widow? You know a widow, 00:39:46.08\00:39:50.15 do you? God has given you the mission to set that lonely one 00:39:50.32\00:39:55.49 in your family. He sets the lonely in families. 00:39:55.49\00:39:59.96 Wow. Do you know what that means? 00:39:59.96\00:40:06.00 Sister widow woman. 00:40:06.00\00:40:09.47 That means God will take care of you. ¤ Be not dismayed ¤ 00:40:09.64\00:40:21.45 ¤ Whate'er betide ¤ ¤ God will take care of you ¤ ¤ Beneath his 00:40:21.45\00:40:35.66 wings of love abide ¤ ¤ God will take care of you ¤ 00:40:35.66\00:40:41.34 Sing it out. You know the chorus. 00:40:41.50\00:40:44.17 So Elijah says to the woman, verse 13, don't miss this. 00:41:16.67\00:41:20.84 Apparently, ladies and gentlemen, apparently when it 00:42:08.42\00:42:11.56 feels like you're giving away your future, God steps up and 00:42:11.56\00:42:15.03 gives you a brand-new present, and that's present spelled 00:42:15.03\00:42:18.43 N-O-W. Let me repeat that. 00:42:18.43\00:42:21.97 When it feels like you're giving away your future -- and that is 00:42:21.97\00:42:25.37 precisely what the widow is doing. 00:42:25.37\00:42:27.74 She has one meal left in her future, and God has just asked her, "Now, I want you to give 00:42:27.91\00:42:33.11 that meal away. You give it to me." When you're giving away 00:42:33.11\00:42:37.95 your future is when God steps up and gives you a brand-new present, a brand-new now, a new 00:42:37.95\00:42:47.23 paradigm, because you dipped into the future for the sake of 00:42:47.23\00:42:52.93 my present. Wow. What a God. God will take care of you. Through every day or all the 00:42:52.93\00:43:02.51 way, he will take care of you. That's the point. Malachi 3:10 00:43:02.51\00:43:07.45 -- You ever heard this promise? Let me put it on the screen for 00:43:07.45\00:43:09.82 you. Malachi 3:10, God speaking... 00:43:09.82\00:43:11.72 And then I want you to do this. 00:43:16.06\00:43:17.96 "I will take care of you through every day or all the way. Just bring to me my tithe. 00:43:29.54\00:43:36.08 I want you to bring that water, bring me that flour, bring me 00:43:36.08\00:43:40.72 that oil. Return it to me. Give me the security of your future, and I will open the 00:43:40.72\00:43:45.32 floodgates of heaven and give you a present like you have never lived a now before in your 00:43:45.32\00:43:50.79 life." Wow. "I will take care of you." 00:43:50.79\00:43:58.87 The young widow of Zarephath is enduring proof that God will take care of you and God will 00:43:58.87\00:44:05.11 take care of me and God will take care of us. No matter what 00:44:05.11\00:44:10.28 the times are ahead for this nation, He will take care of us. That little widow didn't have 00:44:10.28\00:44:17.19 a -- That little widow didn't have a tithe envelope like this. She went home to the cupboard. 00:44:17.19\00:44:22.32 You know what she did? She just cleared the whole thing, just 00:44:22.32\00:44:26.70 cleared it out. God is not asking that of you and me. Nope. 00:44:26.70\00:44:30.67 All He quietly asks for is His tithe. 10 pennies given out to 00:44:30.67\00:44:37.37 these kids -- "One of those belongs to me," God said. 00:44:37.37\00:44:42.58 "That's my tithe." Oh, and offerings. 10% and offerings -- Well, whatever you can give. 00:44:42.58\00:44:48.02 "Dip into the future. Sure, but I'll give you a new present." 00:44:48.02\00:44:53.46 Could be another 10% for the offerings. There are people here 00:44:58.13\00:45:02.03 that are already doing that, and there are many people here who are able to do that. 00:45:02.03\00:45:06.17 Another 10%. Whatever your tithe was, just spread the rest out. 00:45:06.17\00:45:10.64 It could be another 5% maybe. 5% of your income. Could be another 00:45:10.64\00:45:17.85 2%. I'm gonna share something fascinating with you. If 00:45:17.85\00:45:21.18 everybody in this congregation -- this is a university congregation. Trust me, 00:45:21.18\00:45:26.09 university professors, you know, they're not getting wealthy teaching at Andrews University. 00:45:26.09\00:45:34.93 We're a little university parish, but last year we gave over $5 million -- returned over 00:45:34.93\00:45:39.23 $5 million to God. Put that number on the screen for you. 00:45:39.23\00:45:42.24 $5 million. You multiply that by 10 to know the income of those 00:45:42.24\00:45:47.08 who tithed. The aggregated income is $50 million sitting right here beside you right now. 00:45:47.08\00:45:52.31 It's a little tithes. It's just all put together. Do you know what would happen if 00:45:52.31\00:46:00.26 we said, "Hey, what if we gave 2% of our income?" Okay, 10% 00:46:00.26\00:46:04.66 goes back to God. It belongs to Him. But what if we took 2% from the other 90% that's left and we 00:46:04.66\00:46:08.36 gave it to church operating just to keep this church going? Do you know how much that would 00:46:08.36\00:46:12.30 be? 1% would be -- Come on, just before you put it on the screen. 00:46:12.30\00:46:15.27 What's 1% of that income? 1% would be $500,000, right? 2% would be twice that. 00:46:15.27\00:46:22.78 $1 million. Would you put that on the screen, please? 00:46:22.78\00:46:25.75 $1 million -- 2%. If everyone who's tithing just gave 2%, I 00:46:25.75\00:46:29.95 mean, you gave 10, returned 10 -- just 2 more to church operating. That's line 2 in the 00:46:29.95\00:46:33.96 tithe envelope. It's line 2. Just put 2% there, we'd have 00:46:33.96\00:46:36.93 $1 million every year. Do you know what that funds? That funds 00:46:36.93\00:46:41.16 a basket full of ministries like Sabbath schools and periodicals and office staff and physical 00:46:41.16\00:46:50.21 plant and air and heat and insurance and a bunch of outreach ministries. Just 2%. 00:46:50.21\00:46:57.11 We'd have $1 million at the end of every year. Wow! 00:46:57.11\00:47:01.65 And then if you said, "Oh, no, wait! What about our church 00:47:01.65\00:47:03.92 schools? Dwight, don't forget our church schools." Okay, let's 00:47:03.92\00:47:06.29 throw our church schools in. If we gave only 1% to our church schools -- You know Ruth Murdoch 00:47:06.29\00:47:08.86 Elementary School and Andrews Academy? I mean, Byron's up 00:47:08.86\00:47:11.03 here. He's one of our faculty in both of those schools. If we gave 1% -- Let's put that 00:47:11.03\00:47:14.93 on the screen. $500,000. $500,000 -- half a million going 00:47:14.93\00:47:19.53 to our little church schools. You know what? Our children 00:47:19.53\00:47:23.17 would rise up and call us, bless it. They'd say, "Wow! Thank you." When you break it down, 00:47:23.17\00:47:28.44 it's not a lot of money. It's tapping into your future for a 00:47:28.44\00:47:35.85 new present. And God has a present for you when you step out for him. Just ask that 00:47:35.85\00:47:41.22 widow. He'll take care of you. Yes, He will. And by the way, I 00:47:41.22\00:47:44.69 need to just insert this before I hurry on. Not a single penny will go to any of us pastors 00:47:44.69\00:47:48.53 simply because all of us are paid out of the same -- paid the same way -- By the way, you can 00:47:48.53\00:47:52.13 pastor a 3,000-member church like this or a 30-member church in Michigan, the same in 00:47:52.13\00:47:56.47 California, doesn't matter. Everybody's paid the same. But all of our wages come from 00:47:56.47\00:48:03.24 the world tithe fund of the Seventh Adventist Church. And in our area, it's Lansing 00:48:03.24\00:48:06.61 that administers that. Which means even if you don't give a penny in these offerings, 00:48:06.61\00:48:13.39 even if you don't give a penny, we're still here to love you and 00:48:13.39\00:48:18.69 to bug you. And we'll keep bugging you. Mm-hmm. It just goes with the turf. 00:48:18.69\00:48:24.70 Although the day is coming -- let's get serious -- perhaps more rapidly than we are aware 00:48:24.70\00:48:28.64 when a moral and spiritual famine will sweep this nation into a time of judgment we have 00:48:28.64\00:48:32.51 never experienced before. Just look at the faces. Just look at 00:48:32.51\00:48:35.91 the faces of Americans now. Ask yourself, has something happened 00:48:35.91\00:48:39.38 to this country? Of course something's happened to it. Somebody knows we're running out 00:48:39.38\00:48:42.92 of time. Someone is ratcheting it up. It's happening while 00:48:42.92\00:48:45.99 we're watching. Watch this political process to the end. 00:48:45.99\00:48:48.52 You'll see. Israel, for all the blessings the Lord God had 00:48:48.52\00:48:53.53 poured upon that chosen nation rejected their creator, renounced their savior, and the 00:48:53.53\00:48:58.70 rest is history. The tragic history of a nation, a land, a people who abandoned the God who 00:48:58.70\00:49:04.97 had given them their blessing. Just abandoned. The people who 00:49:04.97\00:49:08.84 printed out all their money "In God we trust" and who eventually forgot that God, whoever He was. 00:49:08.84\00:49:15.98 What's gonna happen? 00:49:15.98\00:49:18.45 I scribbled these words on the page for Revelation 13 in my 00:49:18.62\00:49:21.66 Bible written by a woman who lived about a century ago, and 00:49:21.66\00:49:24.69 the words go like this. "Upon all the nations -- 00:49:24.69\00:49:27.86 Of all the nations upon which the sun shines, none has been 00:49:27.86\00:49:33.60 blessed by God more than the United States." 00:49:33.60\00:49:37.21 None. This nation has been blessed. We are under judgment. 00:49:37.37\00:49:44.61 You will hear that again and again as we stretch into the 00:49:44.61\00:49:50.29 future together. The times we have worried and fretted about -- [ Scoffs ] "Don't worry," God 00:49:50.29\00:50:00.00 says. "I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you." That 00:50:00.00\00:50:05.90 little lady in a compilation called "Last Day Events" -- I'm gonna put this on the screen 00:50:05.90\00:50:09.44 because this is good. There's a sentence that's kind of a throw-in because it's not 00:50:09.44\00:50:12.77 the sentence I'm going to but it comes first, and so I'm gonna put it on the screen. 00:50:12.77\00:50:16.48 You see it there. And here is what dying charity is. 00:50:16.48\00:50:22.52 Dying charity is, "You know what? One of these days, I'm 00:50:22.52\00:50:24.95 gonna die. When I die, I'm giving a big gift to God. 00:50:24.95\00:50:26.89 Boy, just before I die, a big gift will go to God. Not now. 00:50:26.89\00:50:30.66 Don't ask me to invest in the kingdom of heaven now, but when the day comes, just before I 00:50:30.66\00:50:35.06 die"... "Dying -- Dying charity is a poor substitute for living 00:50:35.06\00:50:41.00 benevolence." Why hold the gift off? Why not invest in the 00:50:41.00\00:50:46.44 kingdom while the money is still worth something? The day is 00:50:46.44\00:50:50.18 coming when that money is dust. Dust. Nada. Nothing. Worth zero. 00:50:50.18\00:50:55.95 And then how many of us will look at that now-worthless account and say, "My Lord, what 00:50:55.95\00:51:03.66 did I do?" [ Scoffs ] Living benevolence. 00:51:03.66\00:51:07.66 That's what life is -- living benevolence. Keep reading. 00:51:07.66\00:51:10.30 Now, here's the other sentence I want you to see, the other 00:51:10.30\00:51:14.84 sentence up there. Guess what? The closer we get to the coming of Jesus, we're not gonna be 00:51:20.54\00:51:24.11 doing less. We must be doing more and more and more. 00:51:24.11\00:51:26.82 The wants are gonna go up as the income drops. The grass will be 00:51:26.82\00:51:32.12 going the opposite ways. Wants, needs, income -- down. Well, let's just not give, then. 00:51:32.12\00:51:43.47 We do that at the peril of our souls. Giving does nothing to 00:51:43.47\00:51:47.87 God. Does nothing to God. Does everything to you, everything to 00:51:47.87\00:51:51.84 me. When I give, something is released in me, and my fingers 00:51:51.84\00:51:59.25 let go. And that's what saves a heart for Jesus. Letting go. 00:51:59.25\00:52:06.22 The wants of the cause will continually increase as we near 00:52:06.22\00:52:11.06 the close of time. Those wants go up at a critical time when economic stability and 00:52:11.06\00:52:16.30 prosperity drop. I'm gonna go to Tim Aka again. Put it on the screen for you. So, you heard 00:52:20.40\00:52:26.27 from a little lady from 100 years ago. Listen to this man who's writing right now. 00:52:26.27\00:52:29.24 I don't know where he is today, but this is his book, "Economic 00:52:29.24\00:52:33.68 End Game." Here we go. 00:52:33.68\00:52:35.58 A final line. Here it is. 00:52:50.60\00:52:52.50 Let me read that line one more time, in case you missed it the 00:52:58.47\00:53:03.41 first time. Living on the edge with God, someday we will really know what on the edge is. 00:53:10.22\00:53:18.19 But until that day comes, the little widow of Zarephath models for us a reaching into the 00:53:18.19\00:53:24.80 future, drawing from what is security there, bringing it into the present, giving it to God 00:53:24.80\00:53:33.51 and letting him grant us a brand-new present. N-O-W. Now. 00:53:33.51\00:53:41.88 I end with this line. "Great Controversy," that Apocalyptic 00:53:41.88\00:53:45.29 classic, on the screen. "The people" -- Oh, this is 00:53:45.29\00:53:48.89 beautiful. Do you know why? Because God will take care of 00:54:07.78\00:54:14.52 you. Through every day or all the way, God will take care of 00:54:14.52\00:54:25.63 you. So why shouldn't you, why shouldn't I entrust him with my 00:54:25.63\00:54:40.21 little pennies? Let's pray. Oh, God, it's not rocket science. 00:54:40.21\00:54:47.62 Talking heads. Brooding over what lies ahead for this nation. 00:54:47.62\00:54:58.96 The brook will dry up, and then what? Oh, God, thank you for 00:54:58.96\00:55:05.70 this widow who has modeled for us a heart willing to return to you what is yours and then let 00:55:05.70\00:55:20.95 you bring that brand-new present. In God we trust. Please, dear God, make that true 00:55:20.95\00:55:34.60 of each of us. In the name of Him who emptied heaven's treasury for us, in the 00:55:34.60\00:55:42.24 name of Christ Jesus, amen. [ "God Will Take Care of You" 00:55:42.24\00:55:50.45 plays ] [ Congregation sings ] 00:56:08.60\00:56:11.50 "Now to Him who was able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His 00:57:03.12\00:57:09.72 power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout 00:57:09.72\00:57:17.67 all generations forever and ever." Amen. 00:57:17.67\00:57:23.41 >> I wanted to take an extra moment to let you know how grateful I am you joined us 00:57:25.67\00:57:29.01 today. I hear from viewers and listeners like you all across 00:57:29.01\00:57:32.05 this nation and literally around the world, and I'm thankful, because it's through the 00:57:32.05\00:57:36.69 generosity of the members of this congregation and people like you that we're able to 00:57:36.69\00:57:40.59 bring you this program. So, if what we shared today has touched your heart, I'd like to 00:57:40.59\00:57:44.09 invite you to become a financial partner with us. Just give us a 00:57:44.09\00:57:47.40 call. Toll-free number 877, the two words "his will." 00:57:47.60\00:57:50.73 877-HIS-WILL. Or, if you'd rather, go to our 00:57:50.73\00:57:54.14 website, www.pmchurch.tv. Either way, your generosity will 00:57:54.14\00:57:59.74 bless a new generation in cyberspace all over this planet. 00:57:59.74\00:58:03.61 So thank you. Thank you very much for your 00:58:03.61\00:58:07.15 partnership. 00:58:07.15\00:58:08.48 ¤¤ 00:58:09.55\00:58:12.45