New Perceptions

The Most Righteous Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP160305A

00:08 Welcome, welcome family, welcome guests.
00:13 We also want to shout out to the students
00:15 who have joined us today for music fest.
00:18 But at this moment, I want you to turn to your neighbor
00:20 to your left or to your right and embrace them.
00:22 Give them a handshake, give them a hug
00:24 and tell them I love you.
00:26 Tell them I love you.
00:28 I love you.
00:43 Now that our hearts are warmed with the Holy Spirit,
00:46 please join us for our opening hymns,
00:49 "The Lord is my Light".
01:03 The Lord is my light, then why should I fear?
01:08 By day and by night His presence is near
01:14 He is my salvation from sorrow and sin
01:19 This blessed persuasion the Spirit brings in
01:24 The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song
01:30 By day and by night He leads me along
01:35 The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song
01:40 By day and by night He leads me along
02:07 All hail the power of Jesus' Name
02:12 Let angels prostrate fall
02:16 Bring forth the royal diadem
02:21 And crown Him Lord of all
02:28 Bring forth the royal diadem
02:32 And crown Him Lord of all
02:42 Let every kindred, every tribe
02:47 On this terrestrial ball
02:51 To Him all majesty ascribe
02:56 And crown Him Lord of all
03:04 To Him all majesty ascribe
03:08 And crown Him Lord of all
03:31 Oh, that with yonder scared throng
03:36 We at His feet may fall
03:41 Join in the everlasting song
03:46 And crown Him Lord of all
03:54 Join in the everlasting song
03:59 And crown Him Lord of all
04:12 Amen.
04:33 Let us open up our hearts.
04:35 I stand before You now
04:43 The greatness of your renown
04:49 I have heard of the majesty and wonder of you
04:56 King of Heaven, in humility, I bow
05:04 As Your love, in wave after wave
05:10 Crashes over me
05:14 Crashes over me For You are for us
05:21 You are not against us
05:24 Champion of Heaven
05:27 You made a way for all to enter in
05:35 You make me brave
05:38 You make me brave
05:42 You call me out beyond the shore Into the waves
05:49 You make me brave
05:52 You make me brave
05:56 No fear can hinder now The promises you made
06:03 You make me brave
06:06 You make me brave
06:10 No fear can hinder now The promises you made
06:17 Because Your love, in wave after wave
06:25 Crashes over me
06:29 Crashes over me For You are for us
06:35 You are not against us Champion of Heaven
06:42 You made a way
06:46 Because Your love, in wave after wave
06:53 Crashes over me
06:57 Crashes over me For You are for us
07:03 You are not against us Champion of Heaven
07:10 You made a way
07:13 Champion of Heaven
07:17 You made a way for all to enter in
07:38 As morning dawns and evening fades
07:45 You inspire songs of praise
07:51 That rise from earth to touch Your heart
07:57 And glorify Your Name
08:03 Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
08:10 Your Name is a shelter like no other
08:16 Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
08:22 'Cause nothing has the power to save
08:28 Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
08:34 Your Name is a shelter like no other
08:40 Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
08:46 'Cause nothing has the power to save
08:51 But Your Name
08:58 Your Name
09:54 This is my Father's world
10:02 And to my listening ears
10:09 All nature sings, and round me rings
10:17 The music of the spheres
10:24 This is my Father's world
10:32 I rest me in the thought
10:39 Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas
10:47 His hand the wonders wrought
10:58 This is my Father's world
11:05 The birds their carols raise
11:12 The morning light, the lily white
11:20 Declare their Maker's praise
11:27 This is my Father's world
11:34 He shines in all that's fair
11:41 In the rustling grass I hear Him pass
11:49 He speaks to me everywhere
12:09 This is my Father's world
12:16 O let me ne'er forget
12:24 That though the wrong seems of so strong
12:31 God is the Ruler yet
12:39 This is my Father's world
12:46 Why should my heart be sad?
12:53 The Lord is King
12:57 Let the heavens ring!
13:02 Let the heavens ring!
13:10 God reigns, let the earth
13:17 Be glad!
13:33 The Lord is in this place
13:53 Amen.
14:58 Let's pray.
15:01 Oh God, what this choir just sang set us up.
15:07 You knew it would.
15:13 Dear Father, You also know this
15:18 is the most important message
15:20 some here will ever hear.
15:25 You know who is here to distract us.
15:29 But we know who is here through His Spirit to make sure
15:33 that we get the truth.
15:37 Have Your way,
15:39 I humbly pray
15:41 in Jesus' name, amen.
15:46 Have you ever seen the picture
15:48 of what they're calling the dirtiest man in the world?
15:53 Put it on the screen for you.
15:55 You see him there 80 years of age
15:57 that's Amou Haji, a hermit in South Iran,
16:00 who has gone 60 years without a bath
16:04 and never got married.
16:05 There may be a correlation between the two,
16:08 leading the London Daily News to call him
16:11 the world's most ineligible bachelor.
16:17 But hold on, hold on to that picture in your mind
16:19 because you're about to see.
16:23 Hands down, the dirtiest of all.
16:27 Open your Bible with me please
16:29 to the little Old Testament Book of Zachariah,
16:32 next to the last book in the Old Testament
16:33 just before Malachi which is just before Matthew.
16:36 I need you to see it in your Bible, Zachariah 3,
16:40 Zechariah 3.
16:42 You didn't...
16:45 bring a Bible.
16:47 Grab the pew Bible in front of you,
16:48 it will be page 637,
16:49 while the ushers are coming your way
16:51 because this study guide is a keeper.
16:53 Don't be intimidated by this study guide.
16:55 We fly through it but I want you to have it,
16:57 I want you to study way beyond today.
16:59 What you're about to hear,
17:01 may be the first time you heard it.
17:02 You need to get it. Hang on to the study guide.
17:05 You think, did you get up, get him up here in the choir
17:07 and the orchestra, good.
17:10 All right. So ushers are coming.
17:12 Those are you watching right now live streaming,
17:14 glad to have you, you already at the website,
17:15 get the study guide, most of you are used
17:17 to getting that study guide
17:18 if you're watching now on television.
17:20 Go to our website, it's on the screen for you
17:26 You're looking for a little series
17:27 that ends right now,
17:28 "Charmed into Righteousness", title of this final teaching,
17:31 "The Most Righteous Lord".
17:34 Click on to that, you'll have the study guide.
17:38 And I believe, it's a keeper.
17:41 So let's go, Zachariah 3.
17:44 I'm in the New International Version.
17:48 We begin in verse 1, "Then he..."
17:50 So Zachariah's envision, "Then he, the angel,
17:54 showed me Joshua the high priest
17:57 standing before the angel of the Lord..."
17:59 Now, angel of the Lord is code language
18:00 in the Old Testament for the pre-incarnate Christ,
18:03 all right, so that's just a hidden clue
18:08 within the story.
18:10 So "He showed me Joshua the high priest
18:12 standing before the angel of the Lord,
18:13 and Satan..."
18:14 Okay, we know him.
18:16 But in the Hebrew it reads "The Satan".
18:18 The article is there, Satan means adversary.
18:21 We've just taken a noun
18:22 and given that made it a proper noun
18:24 but The Satan, "Satan,
18:27 He sees standing at his right side."
18:30 Oh, the side of favor,
18:31 this is where our friend stands,
18:33 always on the right side.
18:34 So now we know we've got an imposter here,
18:36 who is trying to make you feel bad, all right.
18:38 So he's standing at the right side of Joshua
18:40 to accuse him.
18:41 Now verse 2.
18:43 The Lord said to Satan, the Satan,
18:45 the Lord said to Satan, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan!
18:49 The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you!
18:52 Is this man not a burning stick snatched from the fire?"
18:56 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes
18:59 as he stood before the angel."
19:03 What's going on here?
19:05 We need a line from Isaiah.
19:07 So grab your study guide now,
19:08 because here's where you gonna have writer's cramp
19:09 by the time you're through but that's okay, Isaiah 64:6.
19:13 Put it on the screen for you.
19:15 "All of us have become like one who is unclean,
19:18 and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags..."
19:22 Write in the word filthy.
19:25 "We all shrivel up like a leaf,
19:26 and like the wind our sins sweep us away."
19:29 All of our righteousness, all of our right doing,
19:32 our right behaving, our right believing,
19:35 our right thinking, put it all together,
19:38 it's like filthy rags.
19:39 And the Prophet Isaiah chooses a rather graphic word.
19:42 He says, "It's like a menstrual rag."
19:47 Actual Hebrew, that's the word.
19:50 When I was young, I came to this parish.
19:53 In the first season of preaching,
19:55 I happened to quote this very text.
19:58 I was naive at the time.
20:01 I got a postcard,
20:03 an anonymous postcard the next week from a woman.
20:07 It was written on a typewriter.
20:10 You know what typewriter? Okay.
20:11 It was written on it.
20:13 It was written on a typewriter in all caps
20:15 and it said something like this.
20:19 "May I remind you,
20:21 that the male issue is not so septic either."
20:28 Say I didn't realize how politically correct
20:30 you have to be when you're on a campus.
20:33 But that is precisely the prophet's point.
20:35 Whether it's the male issue of semen
20:37 or the woman's issue of blood,
20:39 you're un-cleaning them and a Levitical code says,
20:41 "It will take a sacrifice to get you clean again.
20:44 Some sacrifice will have to deliver you
20:46 from that un-cleanliness."
20:49 That the old prophet says is what
20:52 all of our righteousness put together amounts to
20:55 filthy, filthy rags.
21:00 We're not any better than Joshua,
21:01 the high priest, let's go.
21:02 Verse 3, read it again, "Now Joshua was dressed
21:05 in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel.
21:09 And the angel said to those who were standing before him,
21:11 'Take off his filthy clothes.'
21:13 Then he said to Joshua, 'See, I have taken away your sin,
21:17 and I will put fine garments on you.'
21:19 Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head.'
21:22 So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him,
21:26 while the angel of the Lord stood by."
21:28 Approving of what has just transpired.
21:31 Now what's happening?
21:32 Let's go back to the same Isaiah
21:34 who got us in trouble with filthy rags.
21:36 And notice another verse, Isaiah 61:10, jot it down.
21:39 "I delight greatly in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God.
21:44 For he has clothed me
21:46 with the garments of salvation..."
21:48 Write that down.
21:49 "He has clothed me with the garments of salvation
21:51 and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness,
21:57 as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
21:59 and as a bride adorns herself with jewels."
22:01 Joshua the high priest,
22:03 the representative of Jerusalem,
22:04 the representative of Israel,
22:06 the representative of the whole world you and me.
22:08 Joshua, the high priest stands condemned before God
22:10 in filthy rags but the command goes for,
22:13 stop, time out, rip off those rags,
22:16 put on this glorious robe instead.
22:21 What's happening here?
22:23 Ellen White in that little classic Thoughts
22:25 from the Mount of Blessing.
22:26 Put it on the screen for you, fill it in,
22:28 "Whatever may have been your past experience,
22:31 however discouraging your present circumstances,
22:34 if you will come to Jesus just as you are" right now
22:38 in this worship service watching him live streaming,
22:41 "If you will come to Jesus just as you are, weak,
22:44 helpless, and despairing,
22:45 our compassionate Savior will meet you
22:48 a great way off..."
22:50 Now, that's a line pulled right out of
22:51 the Prodigal Son story, "A great way off,
22:53 he will meet you, and he will throw about you
22:56 His arms of love and His robe..."
23:00 Write that in and "His robe of righteousness."
23:03 What is that robe like?
23:05 Keep reading, "He presents us to the Father clothed
23:07 in the white raiment of His own character."
23:11 That's the robe, it's his character.
23:13 He wraps it around us.
23:15 "He pleads before God in our behalf saying:
23:17 I have taken the sinner's place.
23:20 Look not upon this wayward child,
23:22 but look on Me.
23:23 Does Satan plead loudly against our souls,
23:26 accusing of sin, and claiming us as his prey,
23:29 the blood of Christ pleads with greater power.
23:33 Hallelujah."
23:36 It's no wonder, Christ is called
23:37 but He's called in this book.
23:39 Jot them down now.
23:40 Here they come 1 John 2:1 "My little children,
23:44 these things I write to you, so that you may not sin.
23:47 And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father,
23:50 Jesus Christ the righteous."
23:53 The righteous, so they call him.
23:55 He's the righteous one. Keep writing.
23:57 Jeremiah 23:6, "Now this is His name."
24:01 This descendant from David.
24:03 "This is his name by which He will be called:
24:06 The Lord Our..."
24:08 All caps in most translations, the Lord our,
24:10 what's that next word?
24:13 Paul says, "That's what I'm trying to tell you,"
24:15 1 Corinthians 1:30.
24:17 "It is because of God that you are in Christ,
24:19 who has become for us wisdom from God."
24:21 What do you mean Paul?
24:23 That is, "He has become our righteousness,
24:27 our holiness and our redemption."
24:32 Ladies and gentlemen, it is inescapably clear
24:34 that for John and Jeremiah and Paul,
24:38 the driving point they make inescapable.
24:44 Is it Christ is our righteousness?
24:48 Write that down. He is our righteousness.
24:52 Whatever righteousness means, we haven't even defined it yet,
24:54 but whatever it means, it's Jesus.
24:56 Whatever it is, it's Jesus.
24:58 So what is this rather archaic word righteousness, righteous?
25:02 What does it mean for us third millennials?
25:04 Come on, nobody uses it in language today.
25:06 So what's it mean?
25:08 Let's turn to one of the renowned
25:10 New Testament scholars
25:11 who happens to teach at a place called St. Andrews University.
25:15 Not to be confused with Andrews University,
25:18 St. Andrews is in Scotland.
25:20 Karen and I walked over that beautiful village campus
25:22 right by the sea.
25:24 His name is N. T. Wright.
25:26 He's written a book, Justification:
25:28 God's Plan and Paul's Vision.
25:30 Now, listen, Wright defines God's righteousness this way.
25:33 Get it down.
25:34 Jot it down in your study guide.
25:36 "God's righteousness
25:37 is an outward looking characteristic of God,
25:40 linked of course to the concern for God's own glory
25:43 but essentially going, as it were,
25:45 in the opposite direction,
25:48 that of God's creative, healing, restorative love."
25:55 Keep reading, "God's concern for God's glory
25:58 is precisely rescued from the appearance of
26:00 divine narcissism because God, not least God in Trinity,
26:05 is always giving out, he's always pouring out,
26:08 lavishing generous love on undeserving people,
26:11 undeserving Israel and an undeserving world.
26:15 That is a sort of God he is,
26:17 and 'God's righteousness' is a way of saying, 'Yes,
26:20 and God will be true to that character."
26:22 That's what God is, you got it there, boy.
26:24 That's it right there what you've described.
26:26 That's God's righteousness.
26:29 In other words, God will be faithful to who he is.
26:32 He'll be a righteous God,
26:33 who loves an undeserving world of sinners like you and me.
26:36 He said, you can count on me undergirding every promise
26:39 I made, I'm staying with you.
26:41 Every promise I made, I have founded on my righteousness,
26:45 you're okay.
26:46 Wright continues, jot it down,
26:49 "God's righteousness is that quality or attribute
26:52 because of which he saves."
26:55 Is who he is, and it's because I am who I am
26:57 that I can save you.
26:58 He saves his people, "His 'acts of righteousness'
27:00 are thus the acts he performs as outworkings
27:03 or demonstrations of his covenant faithfulness."
27:08 It is who, I am who I am.
27:11 Righteousness is who I am.
27:16 But it's a wonderful, it's a wonderful characteristic,
27:19 an attribute to God.
27:20 Oh, by the way though, don't be fooled.
27:23 Don't think there is another side to this
27:25 come on, come on.
27:27 God, what's God going to do with evil?
27:29 Oh, He's going to curse it, watch this.
27:31 Wright keeps going, jot it down.
27:34 "Indeed, it's because God will be true
27:36 to that outward facing generous, creative love."
27:39 Now here comes, it's kind of a down and out but watch this,
27:43 "That he must also curse those ways of life,
27:47 particularly those ways of life within his covenant people,
27:51 which embody and express the opposite
27:53 of his creative love and therefore
27:56 he must curse everything that thwarts and destroys
27:59 the blessing of his world and his people."
28:03 So listen, guys, here's the deal.
28:04 While it's true, there is a soft side
28:07 to divine righteousness.
28:08 Both the Old Testament and the New Testament
28:11 depict a very fiery side to God's righteousness.
28:14 It's called his righteous indignation,
28:17 you heard that?
28:18 His wrath. What's the wrath about?
28:20 It is His, it is His hot passion against sin,
28:23 against evil, against darkness.
28:25 And if I choose to hang on to that sin.
28:30 If I choose to hang on to that darkness,
28:33 if I embrace that evil, what I've done is
28:37 I have essentially erected this massive wall
28:40 between me and my darkness.
28:43 And this God who says, "My righteousness is holy,
28:45 it's pure, it's loving, I'm everything,
28:47 I'm everything you want."
28:49 But this wall, how can I get through?
28:51 What's a good God to do?
28:53 I want to bless her, I want to bless him
28:56 but the wall, they're hanging on,
28:58 Dwight's hanging on to this thing.
29:01 What he has to do? What he has to do?
29:04 He's got to find a way to woo you and me
29:06 away from our self-destruction.
29:10 It eventually kill me.
29:12 If I embrace this, what I'm doing,
29:14 it will eventually kill me.
29:16 John 3:16 come on, you know this,
29:18 "For God so loved the world
29:20 that He gave His one and only Son,
29:23 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
29:24 but have everlasting life."
29:26 Brothers and sisters, come on this,
29:28 this is what's called the good news,
29:29 this is the good news of the gospel.
29:33 It's what we just talked about.
29:34 It's about God
29:37 with His righteousness loving run away
29:40 and rebel children like you and me.
29:43 In fact, it says, God is the one who create
29:44 the entire universe who step forward one day
29:46 and said, I'll be the one.
29:47 I will go.
29:49 Let me infiltrate their world.
29:50 Let me become one with them.
29:52 And so, Christ the Creator, He comes down.
29:55 Jot this down, 1 Timothy 1:15 he came down here
29:58 and "Here is a trustworthy saying
30:00 that deserves full acceptance:
30:03 Christ Jesus came into the world
30:05 to save sinners of whom I am the worst."
30:10 Sow gospel, that's why He came to save us,
30:12 in spite of the wall that we've erected.
30:14 Keep reading.
30:15 Romans 3:25 and 26,
30:18 "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement..."
30:21 There's Calvary for you.
30:22 There's the cross, "Through the shedding of his blood,
30:25 to be received by faith.
30:27 He did this to demonstrate His righteousness."
30:29 Oh-oh, here comes.
30:31 "His righteousness so as to be just..."
30:33 He has to be true to Himself and His law.
30:35 "And yet the one who justifies,
30:37 the one who saves those who have faith in Jesus."
30:42 So how does this righteous God pull it off?
30:43 Jot it down, 2 Corinthians 5:14 and then verse 21.
30:48 "For Christ's love compels us..."
30:51 The persuasive force of divine love.
30:53 "For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that
30:57 one died for all, and therefore all died.
31:03 God made him, Christ,
31:04 who had no sin to be sin for us,
31:06 so that in Christ we might become..."
31:09 Here it is, "The righteousness of God."
31:14 You get what's happened in here.
31:16 God has set up this
31:17 massive intergalactic celestial exchange.
31:22 Captured by these well-known words
31:23 in Desire of Ages.
31:26 Desire of Ages on the screen for you,
31:27 "Christ was treated as we deserve,
31:30 that we might be treated as He deserves.
31:33 He was condemned for our sins,
31:38 in which He had no share,
31:43 that we might be justified by His righteousness,
31:46 in which we had no share.
31:49 He suffered the death which was ours,
31:51 that we might receive the life which was His.
31:54 'With His stripes we are healed."
31:57 Isaiah, Isaiah 53.
32:00 So that's a righteousness of God.
32:01 But here's a question that begs to be asked.
32:02 Okay, so I understand it's about God.
32:04 But what does this righteousness
32:06 have to do with me?
32:08 What happens in me with this righteousness?
32:10 Critical question. We've got to answer it.
32:12 Romans 5:19,
32:14 I want you to read it on the screen.
32:16 I want you to find it first in your Bible,
32:17 Romans 5, the great,
32:21 the great pinnacle of salvation and righteousness
32:27 by faith in scripture, Romans 5.
32:31 I want you...
32:33 Let's read the verse 19,
32:35 find it on your tablet or cell, that's fine, Romans 5:19,
32:41 "For just as through the disobedience of the one man
32:44 the many were made sinners,
32:45 so also through the obedience of the one man
32:49 the many will be made righteous."
32:51 Now, what's going on here?
32:52 Jot it down in your study guide please.
32:55 It repeats, "For justice
32:57 through the disobedience of the one man..."
32:58 That would be Adam, okay.
33:01 "The many were made sinners,
33:03 so also through the obedience of the one man..."
33:05 That would be Christ.
33:07 "The many will be made righteous."
33:10 So something starts happening to us,
33:12 that will concern this righteousness as well.
33:15 To illustrate it, N.T Wright says,
33:17 I want to tell you a story.
33:18 It's a fictitious story but it helps.
33:21 Here's a story, put it on the screen.
33:23 "The language of 'righteousness'
33:24 in the Old Testament regularly refused,
33:26 refers rather to the lawcourt,
33:29 or the quasi lawcourt situation."
33:31 So here comes a story,
33:32 "Let's imagine a fictitious scenario
33:34 in ancient Israel.
33:35 Azariah..." Okay, two, two Hebrews.
33:38 "Two men, man named Azariah, man named, Bildad,
33:41 go to the law before Gamaliel, who is acting as a judge.
33:44 Now Azariah is accusing Bildad
33:46 of having stolen one of his sheep."
33:47 This guy stole one of my sheep. To bring justice out of this.
33:50 So, "Gamaliel hears the case
33:54 and he finds in favor of Bildad: he didn't steal.
33:58 The court declares that the accusation is unfounded
34:01 and that Bildad is innocent."
34:03 Now hold on, this is really,
34:05 this is a piece you've got to get,
34:07 "That 'finding in favor,' that declaration,
34:11 is called 'justification'..."
34:13 Now that's a long word but write it down,
34:14 justification.
34:16 That's what the Bible says,
34:18 it's a court term justification.
34:21 Well, what does justification mean?
34:22 Keep reading, "Its result is that
34:24 Bildad is now 'righteous'...
34:26 He's considered righteous. That is 'in the right'.
34:31 Oh, that helps 'in the right'.
34:34 "He is in other words the vindicated defendant."
34:38 And that's what Romans 5 is describing
34:43 has happened to you and me, justification.
34:46 In fact, I want you to see this, this is we,
34:49 we left out verse 18 on purpose,
34:51 go back to verse 18.
34:53 "Consequently, just as one trespass
34:56 resulted in condemnation for all people..."
34:58 That would be Adam sin.
34:59 "So also one righteous act resulted in justification
35:03 and life for all people."
35:04 Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.
35:06 Come on, you know this, because of Adam's sin,
35:08 the entire human race is declared fallen.
35:11 And every human being including you and me
35:13 born into this race, tragically,
35:15 we participate in that fallenness.
35:17 Not because of Adam but because of us,
35:20 we go the same path.
35:22 Our only hope is that somewhere in the universe,
35:25 somebody might find a second Adam.
35:28 Another Adam to come down here,
35:30 go over the very ground where we keep falling.
35:33 But now, do it without falling with radical faith in God,
35:39 and a spotless righteousness
35:42 and that,
35:45 that is what Romans 5:18 is declaring.
35:47 Somebody was found, obviously this is the good news.
35:51 Christ, the righteous one has come.
35:53 And in our humanity, and by the way in our humanity,
35:59 holding on to his father for dear life.
36:02 He whooped the devil on his own ground.
36:05 He won,
36:07 burying our sins to His death.
36:11 Should have been our death.
36:13 He dies in our place.
36:16 Jot it down.
36:17 Oh, you've got to get this, Romans 5:18, don't miss this,
36:19 "One righteous act resulted..."
36:21 We just read this.
36:23 "One righteous act resulted in justification
36:26 and life for all people."
36:29 You know what that means?
36:31 Oh, is it, by the way how many people,
36:32 how many people?
36:33 Half the people? Three quarters of people?
36:35 How many of the human race, how many?
36:37 What does this say?
36:38 All the human race has stepped
36:40 into the courtroom of the eternal as it were
36:43 and God has brought that gavel down
36:45 and he's declared, because of that death.
36:48 Because of His death,
36:50 I declare the entire human race acquitted.
36:53 Everybody's pardoned.
36:54 Everybody is forgiven right now
36:58 because of the second Adam, who came in our place.
37:03 Oh...
37:06 Through the death of Jesus,
37:08 God has justified the entire human race.
37:12 Now, that concept comes as a bit of a,
37:14 bit of a surprise to some, but I need you to see,
37:16 it's exactly what you just read.
37:17 And by the way, a little lady,
37:19 an American writer named Ellen White Jones
37:21 right on this bandwagon and she says,
37:22 long before N.T Wright, this is what's happened.
37:25 Look at this, Ministry of Healing, jot it down.
37:26 "With his own blood Jesus has signed
37:29 the emancipation papers of the race."
37:33 Remember 1869, January 1,
37:36 Abraham Lincoln signs the emancipation proclamation
37:38 every slave in the United States
37:40 is hereby declared what?
37:42 Free. You are free to go.
37:44 And everybody didn't go, didn't go free, you know why?
37:46 Because they didn't know.
37:48 Somebody has to come and tell you.
37:49 You've been freed. All this time you didn't know.
37:52 I have good news for you. You are free.
37:58 Jesus signed the papers for the entire human race.
38:01 We just got to get to Him fast before He comes.
38:04 In another book of her, she writes.
38:06 She even more graphic here on the screen.
38:08 "Christ took in His grasp
38:11 the world over which Satan claimed to preside
38:14 as his lawful territory,
38:15 and by Jesus' wonderful work in giving His life,
38:18 He restored the whole race of men and women
38:23 to favor with God."
38:24 Can you believe that?
38:26 The entire human race has already been pardoned,
38:30 already been acquitted.
38:32 Your mission and mine is first of all to discover that
38:34 for ourselves that we get set free
38:36 and then find everybody we know.
38:37 "Hey, by the way do you know that you're not bound.
38:39 You are not, you are not a slave any longer.
38:41 Has anybody told you.
38:43 I'm telling you right now, that's the deal."
38:46 What a God?
38:49 Two thousand years ago, are you getting this?
38:52 It was all done 2000 years ago.
38:55 What did Jesus said on the cross as He expired?
38:58 It is continuing?
39:01 Come on, it is almost over?
39:05 What did he say?
39:06 It is finished.
39:08 It was done 2000 years ago.
39:11 Do you know what that means?
39:12 Common, let just soak this in for a moment.
39:14 You don't have to persuade God to love you ever, ever, ever.
39:18 I loved you 2000 years ago.
39:20 You don't have to persuade God
39:21 to forgive you ever, ever, ever.
39:23 He said, "I forgave you 2000 years ago."
39:25 You don't have to persuade God to accept you.
39:27 He said, "I accepted you 2000 years ago,
39:29 it's a done deal."
39:31 The only way it can't be done for you
39:34 is if you refus to have it done for you.
39:38 Let me do it.
39:40 Let me whisper to you the truth.
39:44 And I'll snatch you like that burning stick out of the fire
39:48 and you're mine forever girl, boy.
39:50 You're mine forever.
39:55 And when two young men, 130 years ago
39:58 almost began to preach this very teaching,
40:01 Ellen White was absolutely jubilant.
40:04 Write it down, put her words on the screen.
40:07 "The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious..."
40:12 Circle that, will you?
40:14 "Most precious message to His people
40:19 through Pastors Waggoner and Jones.
40:22 This message was to bring more prominently
40:24 before the world."
40:26 We think that we have this little internal,
40:28 internal teaching that has to get out
40:29 to everybody that thinks like me.
40:31 No, it's the whole planet that needs to hear this.
40:32 Write it down.
40:34 It needed to... it must be brought more prominently
40:36 before the world.
40:37 What?
40:39 "The uplifted Savior, the sacrifice for the sins
40:41 of the whole world.
40:42 It presented justification..."
40:44 Oh, that law court term that we just learned.
40:46 "It presented justification through faith
40:48 in the Surety..."
40:49 That would be Jesus.
40:51 "It invited the people this message to receive
40:52 the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest
40:55 in obedience to all the commandments of God.
40:57 Many had lost sight of Jesus."
41:00 Jot that down.
41:05 "They needed to have their eyes directed to His divine person,
41:08 His merits, His changeless love for the human family."
41:12 I love this, "All power is given into Christ's hands,
41:16 that He may dispense rich gifts unto men and women,
41:19 imparting the priceless gift of His own righteousness."
41:22 Do yourself a favor.
41:24 In that quotation, right now circle those words,
41:25 "The priceless gift of His own righteousness,"
41:29 that's what He gives to the helpless human agent.
41:31 That would be you and me.
41:33 "This is the message of God commanded
41:34 to be given to the world.
41:36 It is the third angel's message,
41:37 which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice,
41:40 and attended with the outpouring of His spirit
41:42 in a large measure."
41:46 Wow.
41:48 Some kind soul, a lady
41:52 on the West Coast,
41:54 unsolicited, I didn't know her, still don't.
41:59 She sent me a book through the mail.
42:01 I found it on the desk when I came to church one day.
42:05 Title of the book, Living by Faith,
42:10 a collection of editorials by E.J. Waggoner,
42:13 the physician turned preacher that with his partner Jones
42:18 brought this most precious message.
42:20 As I read the 49 editorials in that book.
42:23 I came across something I had never seen,
42:25 not from any writer, not from any book.
42:27 A string of verses with a stunning understanding
42:34 they provide of how God's righteousness
42:37 can be operationalized.
42:38 How this, this theory that we're talking about,
42:40 how it can become an operation in your life.
42:42 And I've got to share this with you before I sit down,
42:44 because you've never heard of this before, I promise you.
42:47 Okay.
42:48 You gonna have to jot these verses down.
42:49 Stunning string of verses, here they come,
42:52 Romans 1:16, jot it down.
42:54 Paul says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel,
42:56 because it is the power of God that brings salvation
42:59 to everyone who believes power.
43:02 For in the gospel
43:03 the righteousness of God is revealed."
43:05 So the power of God and His righteousness
43:07 are all bound together.
43:08 All right here's a...
43:10 Here we go now, here comes something,
43:11 Psalm 33, the great Psalm you know it,
43:13 verses 6 and 9, jot it down,
43:16 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made..."
43:20 The word, did you get that?
43:22 The word, that's what comes out of his mouth, the word.
43:24 "By the word of the Lord where the heavens made..."
43:26 Let there be light, let there be air,
43:27 let there be birds, okay, the word.
43:29 "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,
43:32 their starry host by the, by the breath of his mouth.
43:37 For he spoke, and it came to be,
43:39 he commanded, and it stood firm."
43:42 The power of God unleashed in the gospel
43:44 is unleashed to His word, it's His very breathing.
43:47 When He speaks and breathes the word,
43:49 something immediately happens.
43:52 One more text, now two more.
43:53 John 6, Jesus speaking here,
43:55 the actual divine agent of creation, John 6:63.
43:59 "The words I have spoken to you...
44:02 they are full of Spirit and life."
44:06 My words will infuse life,
44:08 and spirit into you I speak them.
44:11 One more text, 2 Timothy 3:16.
44:14 Oh, this is something. "All scripture..."
44:16 How much of scripture? How much of scripture?
44:18 "All scripture is God-breathed."
44:22 I should let you to savor that thought for a moment?
44:25 "All scripture is God-breathed."
44:27 The N.I.V. renders it, God breathed.
44:33 All scripture, all God's word, God breathed,
44:37 by the breath of his mouth universe is created.
44:41 Everything happens through the word.
44:43 Everything happens with what he breathes and speaks.
44:47 Notice how E.J. Waggoner applies a string of verses.
44:50 Will put it on the screen for you.
44:51 "When the word of God names something,
44:54 then the thing that is named is formed.
44:56 Whatever is described by the word,
44:58 exists in that word.
45:00 And this is a very unique,
45:02 I'd never thought of this before,
45:03 "Thus it is impossible for God to lie,
45:06 for His word makes the thing so."
45:09 So if we all got up, come on, come on.
45:10 We all got up and we went outside
45:12 and God was with us, and He says,
45:13 "Hey, guys, I want you to see the chartreuse colored sky."
45:15 Guess what... guess what color the sky would be?
45:18 Chartreuse because he said it, He's not gonna lie.
45:21 So if it's chartreuse, it's chartreuse.
45:23 What he speaks is.
45:26 So God looks at you and He says, "You know what?
45:28 You are now righteous."
45:30 Guess what? You are now righteous.
45:34 God looks at you, He looks in your heart,
45:35 He looks at what you did last week.
45:37 And you've come to him. He says, "You know what girl?
45:39 You are cleansed and pure. Guess what?
45:42 You are now cleansed and pure, He speaks it, you become it.
45:49 He speaks it, you become it.
45:52 So Jesus looks at this paralytic,
45:54 lower down through the hole in the roof and He says,
45:56 "Son, your sins are forgiven."
45:59 Boom, they're forgiven,
46:00 and a glow spreads across his face why?
46:03 Because when you speak the word,
46:04 when the divine speaks the word,
46:05 what's in the word happens.
46:07 And then Jesus says, "I know
46:09 you don't believe I can do this.
46:10 I know you don't believe I can do this, but watch this.
46:11 Take up your bed and walk."
46:13 And the boy takes up his bed and walk.
46:14 He says, "See, I can do it."
46:15 One word, one word makes
46:18 all the difference in the world.
46:20 His word, His word is what makes a difference.
46:25 And when He speaks it to you, you got it.
46:29 Oh, I suppose you could say, "No, I don't want that word.
46:31 No, don't touch me with that word."
46:33 Well, he won't.
46:35 But if you receive that word just like that,
46:38 what the word represents
46:40 happens as reality in your heart.
46:42 Oh, my "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,
46:46 and their starry host by the breath of his mouth."
46:49 Which means that when the judge of the universe
46:51 convenes his courtroom, and He looks at you,
46:53 and He says, "You are justified.
46:55 You are acquitted, pardoned, all charges drop.
46:58 Guess what?
47:00 You are justified, acquitted, pardoned.
47:01 All charges drop."
47:03 When He says it, it is for the Lord spake
47:08 and it was so.
47:10 Jesus says, "For the words I speak,
47:12 they are spirit and life."
47:16 You don't believe that about Jesus, one more text.
47:18 Hebrews 1:3.
47:19 "The Son is the radiance of God's glory
47:22 and the exact representation..."
47:24 That means the Son and the Father,
47:25 eternal as they are.
47:27 They share that same character.
47:29 Exact representation of his being.
47:30 What does the son do?
47:32 He sustains all things by his powerful word.
47:35 Write that down.
47:36 That's how powerful is righteousness of God.
47:39 Because when you ask him for it, He speaks it.
47:42 You have it.
47:45 Waggoner is absolutely right, "The breath of God,
47:48 which has creative energy in it,
47:50 is that which gives us the precepts
47:51 and promises of the Bible.
47:53 That creative word is the power of the Gospel.
47:56 That word is the power of the Gospel.
47:58 The power of redemption is the power of creation,
48:02 for redemption is creation."
48:05 Come on, if any woman is in Christ,
48:07 if any man is in Christ, he is a new what?
48:10 He is a new creation. Old things have passed away.
48:12 With the word old things have passed away,
48:15 behold, all things become new.
48:16 It's in the word.
48:18 When He speaks the word, and you receive the word.
48:22 You got what he just spoke.
48:27 What He spake and it was done.
48:30 He commanded and it stood fast.
48:32 You know what that means.
48:34 We just got to believe.
48:36 We have to believe His word.
48:41 In that mustard seed of faith,
48:44 what his word has promised, you got it, you got it.
48:48 Now watch where Waggoner, now, now watch, watch this,
48:51 it's very, this is, this is crucial.
48:54 Watch where Waggoner goes with this line of reasoning.
48:56 On the screen again.
48:58 "To declare is to speak, so when God declares
49:01 His righteousness in Christ for the remission of sins."
49:04 We just read that Romans 3:25.
49:05 "Righteousness is spoken into and on you,
49:08 to take the place of your sins, which are taken away.
49:10 And now, here, here comes.
49:11 "It is not simply a passive righteousness
49:14 that is declared on you,
49:16 but the real, active righteousness,
49:19 for the word of the Lord is alive,
49:20 and God's righteousness is real and active."
49:23 Dwight, what in the world did he just say.
49:25 I need you to catch this,
49:26 because what he just said is this.
49:28 Quietly Jones and Waggoner was what God asked them to teach.
49:32 Quietly they have veered away
49:35 from the traditional understanding
49:38 that N. T. Wright represents.
49:40 Because here's what N. T. Wright says,
49:41 what justification is about?
49:43 Change of status, no change inside,
49:45 but a change of status.
49:46 But God raised up two young preachers
49:50 to begin to teach.
49:51 No, no, no, no, that's not what's there.
49:54 That along with the change of status
49:59 is the unleashing of power.
50:03 Now, hold on, hold on.
50:06 Hans LaRondelle, one of my revered professors
50:09 when I was in the seminary here,
50:11 sleeps in Jesus now.
50:13 That man's teaching
50:15 brought a crisis in my own faith,
50:16 and that's how I found Christ as a young adult.
50:19 Hans LaRondelle in his book,
50:22 Christ Our Salvation what God does for us, and in us
50:25 supports this very point.
50:27 Put his words on a screen.
50:28 "However, justification implies
50:31 more than a mere legal transaction.
50:35 The righteousness of Christ is a transforming power."
50:38 Jot that down, transforming.
50:40 It is a principle, according to Desire of Ages now.
50:42 "It is a principle of life that transforms
50:44 the character and controls the conduct."
50:47 Now LaRondelle, goes on.
50:49 "Many have too abstract
50:51 and narrow a view of forgiveness
50:53 and justification.
50:54 This led E.G. White to state: Quoting now Mount of Blessing.
50:58 "God's forgiveness is not merely a judicial act
51:01 by which He sets us free from condemnation.
51:03 It is not only forgiveness for sin,
51:06 but reclaiming from sin.
51:08 It is the outflow of redeeming love
51:10 that transforms the heart."
51:16 This most precious message unleashed
51:20 in the midst of this tiny little faith community
51:22 but to go to the world.
51:23 What is this message, the message that.
51:25 You know what the righteousness of God
51:28 is not only, it is not only a change in your status
51:30 when God justified you.
51:32 It doesn't say, not only does he say,
51:34 "Charges drop, you're acquitted,
51:35 you're forgiven."
51:37 But with the word that he speaks.
51:39 Just as he did with a paralytic.
51:40 He not only spoke the word of forgiveness.
51:42 But the word right behind it is a word be healed,
51:47 be changed.
51:48 Let my righteousness come in. Let me transform you.
51:52 That's what he's saying.
51:54 How did Jesus put it.
51:56 The words that I speak to you
51:57 are full of the Spirit...
52:02 in life.
52:04 With one word, He pardons us.
52:06 And with the next word He empowers us.
52:09 The forgiven and healed paralytic
52:11 just like that man when we receive that gift.
52:17 Both the power and the pardon are bestowed
52:21 in the gift of that righteousness.
52:23 By the way, David in that great prayer of his,
52:25 put it on the screen for you, Psalm 103.
52:27 David is absolutely clear that
52:29 the two go together, watch this.
52:30 Bless the Lord, let's read this out loud together.
52:32 "Bless the Lord, O my soul,
52:35 and forget not all his benefits,
52:37 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."
52:42 You see the word that speaks of pardon
52:45 is a word that speaks power
52:47 and with the forgiveness comes the healing.
52:50 All happens.
52:51 One God, one gift,
52:55 His righteousness, Christ, our righteousness.
53:00 Oh my, oh my...
53:04 My hope is built on nothing
53:08 less than Jesus' blood
53:13 and righteousness.
53:16 "I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
53:20 But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
53:26 On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand,
53:29 All other ground is sinking sand."
53:32 All other ground,
53:34 all other ground is sinking sand.
53:38 And to that I say, hallelujah and amen.
53:42 What do you say?
53:43 Amen. Amen.
53:45 Pull out your connect card please.
53:47 It's in your worship bulletin.
53:48 Guests from around the Great Lakes States
53:51 delighted that you're here.
53:52 Pull out your connect card.
53:55 We must respond to this. We do this every week.
53:57 Put your name, e-mail address on a front.
54:00 Let's go. Go to the back.
54:01 My next step, I confess, here it is box number one,
54:04 I confess that I am a sinner.
54:06 And I choose daily to receive God's offer
54:09 to exchange my filthy rags
54:11 for Christ's spotless robe of righteousness.
54:16 Do you want that to borrow? I want that every day.
54:19 You guys every day when I wake up,
54:20 that's what I want.
54:22 I want to get the filthy rags from yesterday off of me,
54:24 get them off of me.
54:25 Put that robe back on me, I want that robe.
54:28 Every day, I hope we all can put that check mark there.
54:30 Now, look at box number two.
54:32 I would like to be baptized into Jesus Christ,
54:35 my Savior and my righteousness.
54:37 You may be older than Davey.
54:40 And by the way, was that a beautiful testimony or what?
54:42 Amen.
54:43 Man a little child shall lead them,
54:45 that's what was happening right there.
54:47 I want to share this he said, when I, when I go into Jesus.
54:50 And I'm baptizing him I want to share with the world.
54:52 Did he say, seven billion he's going to reach.
54:56 You go Davey, dream big for God.
54:59 He's sending you to the world, boy.
55:01 He's already got a plan for you.
55:02 Like Davey, you may never been baptized before,
55:04 you maybe older than him, who cares.
55:06 It's time for you to get baptized into Jesus Christ,
55:10 your Savior and your righteousness.
55:12 Nothing will do it like baptism,
55:14 nothing will do it like baptism.
55:15 That's why right after Romans 5,
55:18 Romans 6 is all about baptism.
55:19 Right after Romans 5, Paul says let's talk about,
55:21 let's talk about getting baptized.
55:23 If you have not been baptized,
55:25 would you take this moment right now,
55:26 and put a check mark there.
55:29 We were just praising God
55:30 with how many made the decision last Sabbath,
55:33 to put a check mark for baptism.
55:36 I wonder how many here today.
55:38 You're up here and you're not even a member here,
55:40 you put a check mark there, just turn that card
55:42 in just one second.
55:43 And we'll get to whoever needs to know that information.
55:49 If you have not been baptized
55:51 today's the day to make the decision.
55:54 It's your timetable. Put a check mark there.
55:56 Oh, by the way box number three.
55:58 I will pray for the mission to Cuba.
55:59 You see the dates there, this Friday night
56:01 30 seminarians will be preaching in Santiago,
56:04 the second biggest city in Cuba.
56:05 Pray for us please for ten days,
56:09 as we preach the third angel's message.
56:12 Let's pray. Oh, God.
56:16 Went into little overtime here, but because father this,
56:19 this can't be cut up, this is a standalone truth
56:22 and we needed to hear it.
56:23 Some of us are desperate to know this good news.
56:27 Assure every man, woman, young, adult,
56:29 teenager and child here are watching live streaming,
56:33 or anywhere on the planet through television
56:35 assure all of us that the news really is this good.
56:40 Two thousand years ago,
56:41 You dropped charges on the entire human race.
56:44 We've all been forgiven, we've been acquitted.
56:47 We have been declared free.
56:50 Why would we go on living
56:52 as if we're in bondage when you declared us free?
56:55 And so, Father, we must first experience it
56:58 or it's not good news.
56:59 But once we know it, send us into the world
57:02 to people who need to know this life liberating truth
57:08 in Christ Jesus,
57:10 that's where our hope is built on.
57:12 Yes, in Christ we pray, amen.
57:18 I want to take an extra movement
57:19 and let you know, how grateful I am,
57:20 you joined us today.
57:22 I hear from viewers and listeners like you,
57:24 all across this nation, and literally around the world,
57:27 and I'm thankful,
57:28 because it's through the generosity of the members
57:30 of this congregation and people like you
57:32 that we're able to bring you this program.
57:34 So what we've shared today has touched your heart.
57:36 I'd like to invite you to become
57:37 our financial partner with us.
57:39 Just give us a call, toll free number 877,
57:41 the two words HIS-WILL.
57:43 877-HIS-WILL.
57:45 Or if you'd rather, go to our website
57:50 Either way, your generosity will bless
57:52 a new generation in cyberspace all over this planet.
57:56 So thank you.
57:57 Thank you very much for your partnership.


Revised 2017-09-18